#{cl}MAGNOLIOPSIDA 1~Carnivorous plants: either with glandular hairs on the leaves, or with bladders 1–2 mm long borne on submerged or subterranean leaves (If carnivorous leaves are tubular 'pitchers', as in pitcher plants, see SARRACENIACEAE)~2 1*~Plants not carnivorous~4 2~Leaves with glandular hairs, leaves either borne in a rosette, or erect and divided into 2 branches, or on aerial stems; flowers actinomorphic~(DROSERACEAE) Drosera 2*~Leaves modified into insect-trapping bladders, borne in water in aquatic species, or on underground leaves; flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic~3 3~Leaves alternate; flowers actinomorphic~(DROSERACEAE) Aldrovanda 3*~Leaves whorled; flowers zygomorphic~(LENTIBULARIACEAE) Utricularia 4~Waterplants: either plants floating on or in water, or plants totally submerged in water or plants rooted in saline mud or in ± permanent water with the upper leaves and flowers in the air~5 4*~Plants neither floating on nor growing in water~104 5~Woody plants – trees or shrubs growing in saline mud (mangroves) or ± permanent water~6 5*~Plants not woody~18 6~Mangroves – woody plants growing in saline mud or estuaries~7 6*~Woody plants growing in ± permanent water, either fresh or brackish but rarely saline~12 7~Leaves opposite~8 7*~Leaves alternate~10 8~Interpetiolar stipules present on the youngest stems, falling as the leaves mature; leaves crowded, internodes mostly <1 cm long; ovary inferior~(RHIZOPHORACEAE) Rhizophora Bruguiera 8*~Stipules absent; leaves not crowded, internodes >2 cm long; ovary superior~9 9~Pneumatophores present; leaves white-hairy below; a common mangrove~(AVICENNIACEAE) Avicennia 9*~Pneumatophores absent; leaves glabrous; not common, shrubs on the inland side of mangrove communities~(VERBENACEAE) Clerodendrum 10~Shoots with stipules 20–30 mm long; leaves palmately veined, densely white-hairy on lower surface~(MALVACEAE) Hibiscus 10*~Stipules absent or very small; leaves pinnately veined, glabrous~11 11~Milky latex present in broken twigs and petioles; 2 or 3 small glands present at base of lamina~(EUPHORBIACEAE) Excoecaria 11*~Milky latex absent; glands not present on lamina~(PRIMULACEAE) Aegiceras 12~Branchlets photosynthetic; leaves apparently absent – leaves either scale-like, or present only on new growth~13 12*~Branchlets not photosynthetic; leaves normally developed, persistent or sometimes seasonally deciduous~14 13~Trees or shrubs, branchlets often drooping; leaves scale-like, whorled~(CASUARINACEAE) Casuarina Allocasuarina 13*~Shrubs with stiff, intertwining branches; leaves absent or present only on new growth, alternate~(POLYGONACEAE) Muehlenbeckia 14~Leaves >1 m long, compound~(ARECACEAE) Livistona 14*~Leaves <20 cm long, simple~15 15~Trees with papery bark; leaves with several longitudinal veins~(MYRTACEAE) Melaleuca 15*~Trees or shrubs, bark not papery; leaves with only one longitudinal vein~16 16~Trees~(SALICACEAE) Salix 16*~Shrubs~17 17~Plants hairy; leaves >5 mm wide~(ONAGRACEAE) Ludwigia 17*~Plants glabrous; leaves <5 mm wide~(POLYGONACEAE) Muehlenbeckia 18~Either herbs free-floating and not attached to the substrate, or herbs attached at edge of water with stems floating over the water surface~19 18*~Herbs rooted in substrate but not attached at edge of water with stems floating over the water surface~37 19~Plants free-floating, not attached to substrate or margin~20 19*~Plants attached to substrate near margin of water and stems extending out over surface of water~30 20~All or most of the vegetative parts of the plant (except for roots or root-like structures) floating on the surface of the water~21 20*~All or most of the vegetative parts of the plant floating below the surface of the water~25 21~Plant-body usually <10 mm long, often <5 mm long; roots absent or hair-like; inflorescence minute, flowers unisexual (former Lemnaceae taxa)~(ARACEAE) Wolffia Lemna Spirodela 21*~Plants always >5 cm long in at least one dimension; roots present, not hair-like; flowers bisexual or unisexual or absent~22 22~Petioles usually >5 cm long and inflated~(PONTEDERIACEAE) Eichhornia 22*~Petioles absent or not inflated~23 23~Flowering plants (sometimes reproducing vegetatively); leaves simple~24 23*~Flowers never produced, reproduction by spores or vegetatively; leaves simple or divided~(FILICOPSIDA) Azolla Ceratopteris Salvinia 24~Leaves 6–15 cm long, 4–8 cm wide with 7–15 ridges, closely overlapping~(ARACEAE) Pistia 24*~Leaves generally <6 cm long, without conspicuous ridges~(AMARANTHACEAE) Alternanthera 25~Leaves opposite or whorled~26 25*~Leaves alternate and either leaves 2-lobed from base, or plant body very small~29 26~Leaves modified into animal traps with basal sensitive bristles~(DROSERACEAE) Aldrovanda 26*~Animal traps and sensitive bristles absent~27 27~Leaves simple and unbranched~(HYDROCHARITACEAE) Lagarosiphon *Egeria *Elodea Hydrilla 27*~Leaves much branched~28 28~All divisions of leaves dichotomous, ultimate segments toothed~(CERATOPHYLLACEAE) Ceratophyllum 28*~Initial division of leaves trichotomous or more, subsequent divisions dichotomous, ultimate segments not toothed~(CABOMBACEAE) Cabomba 29~Animal traps present and obvious; plants >2 cm long~(LENTIBULARIACEAE) Utricularia 29*~Animal traps absent; plant body usually <1 cm long (former Lemnaceae taxa)~(ARACEAE) Spirodela 30~Leaves peltate~31 30*~Leaves not peltate~32 31~Flowers yellow; no mucilage on leaves~(APIACEAE) Hydrocotyle 31*~Flowers maroon; mucilage on leaves~(CABOMBACEAE) Brasenia 32~Leaves opposite~33 32*~Leaves alternate~34 33~Leaves 10–20 mm wide, ± sessile~(AMARANTHACEAE) Alternanthera 33*~Leaves >20 mm wide, petiole >10 mm long~(ASTERACEAE) Gymnocoronis 34~Ocreae (sheaths of fused stipules) present around the petioles and stems~(POLYGONACEAE) Persicaria Polygonum 34*~Ocreae absent~35 35~Leaves with numerous longitudinal veins; base of lamina cordate; flowers blue~(PONTEDERIACEAE) Monochoria 35*~Leaves pinnately veined; base of lamina sagittate, hastate or attenuate; flowers yellow, pink or white~36 36~Leaves with lamina ± triangular, base hastate or sagittate, apex acute; flowers pink to ± white~(CONVOLVULACEAE) Ipomoea 36*~Leaves with lamina ± elliptic, base attenuate, apex rounded; flowers yellow~(ONAGRACEAE) Ludwigia 37~Leaves emergent, flowers emergent; sometimes plant ± completely emergent~38 37*~Leaves submerged or floating on the surface, flowers submerged or emergent~74 38~Plants with long, narrow leaves, many times longer than wide, often grass-like~39 38*~Plants with leaves only, at most, a few to several times longer than wide; plants not grass-like~51 39~Plants ± grass-like and flowers without true perianth and subtended by one or more bracts (glumes, lemmas or paleas) and organized into characteristic spikelets; leaves flat or terete~40 39*~Plants not grass-like or if grass-like then flowers with true perianth (hard and scarious or petaloid) or flowers arranged in spikelets; leaves various, sometimes reduced to open sheaths on stems~43 40~Flowers unisexual, in a group surrounded by 4 spreading bracts~(HYDATELLACEAE) Trithuria 40*~Flowers bisexual or unisexual, each flower or group of fused unisexual flowers subtended and often enclosed by a bract~41 41~Fruit dehiscent, splitting on one side to release a smooth translucent seed~(CENTROLEPIDACEAE) Aphelia Centrolepis 41*~Fruit indehiscent~42 42~Flowers subtended by a single bract (glume) and variously arranged into spikelets; leaves mostly with closed sheath and mostly without ligules~(CYPERACEAE) Abildgaardia Baumea Bolboschoenus Bulbostylis Carex Carpha Caustis Chorizandra Cladium Cyathochaeta Cyperus Eleocharis Exocarya Fimbristylis Fuirena Gahnia Gymnoschoenus Isolepis Lepidosperma Lepironia Lipocarpha Oreobolus Ptilanthelium Rhynchospora Schoenoplectus Schoenus Scirpus Scleria Tetraria Trachystylis Tricostularia Uncinia 42*~Flowers enclosed by a lemma and palea and these variously arranged in characteristic spikelets and mostly subtended by sterile glumes; leaves usually with open sheaths and ligules present although these often much reduced~(POACEAE) Isachne Leersia Oryza Panicum Arundo Phragmites Potamophila 43~Perianth dry and scarious, flowers or flower clusters in open paniculate inflorescences; leaves flat, terete or reduced to sheaths; flowers usually bisexual~(JUNCACEAE) Juncus Luzula 43*~Perianth of various forms but not dry and scarious, flowers rarely arranged in open paniculate inflorescences and then flowers unisexual~44 44~Leaves on adult plants reduced to open sheaths which sometimes bear a small ± linear lamina; flowers usually unisexual and plants mostly dioecious~(RESTIONACEAE) Sporadanthus Lepyrodia Baloskion Restio Coleocarya Empodisma Leptocarpus Hypolaena 44*~Leaves not reduced to open sheaths; flowers bisexual or unisexual and plants monoecious~45 45~Flowers unisexual with both sexes aggregated into small dense heads surrounded by 2 awned bracts; leaves all basal, linear, <8 cm long~(ERIOCAULACEAE) Eriocaulon 45*~Flowers bisexual or unisexual and male and female flowers separated in same inflorescence; leaves >8 cm long, not all basal, linear~46 46~Stems and often margins of leaf bases hairy; flowers yellow, conspicuous~(PHILYDRACEAE) Helmholtzia Philydrum 46*~Neither stems nor leaf bases obviously hairy; flowers white, greenish or brown, often inconspicuous~47 47~Leaves septate-cylindric, constricted slightly at each septum~(APIACEAE) Lilaeopsis 47*~Leaves not septate-cylindric~48 48~Leaves inflated and spongy when fresh; flowers bisexual~(JUNCAGINACEAE) Maundia Triglochin 48*~Leaves neither inflated nor spongy; flowers unisexual, plants monoecious~49 49~Inflorescence open, flowers on clearly visible pedicels, inflorescence axis visible between flowers; flowers >10 mm diam~(ALISMATACEAE) Sagittaria 49*~Flowers arranged in dense elongated or globose heads; individual flower pedicels not visible; inflorescence axis visible between clusters but not between individual flowers; individual flowers <5 mm diam~50 50~Inflorescence dense, spike-like; male flowers above, female flowers below, ± separated by a portion of stem~(TYPHACEAE) Typha 50*~Inflorescence of dense globose clusters arranged along the axis; upper clusters male, lower clusters female~(SPARGANIACEAE) Sparganium 51~Leaves compound and/or lobed~52 51*~Leaves simple, reduced or absent~55 52~Leaves palmately lobed or divided, rarely pinnate and then usually with only 2 pairs of pinnae; flowers yellow, solitary, distinctly stalked~(RANUNCULACEAE) Ranunculus 52*~Leaves pinnately lobed or divided; flowers white, reddish or greenish, in umbels or racemes or ± solitary and sessile in spike-like inflorescences~53 53~Flowers in umbels; crushed leaves smelling like carrot leaves; plants only rarely growing in water~(APIACEAE) Berula 53*~Flowers not in umbels; crushed leaves not smelling like carrot leaves; plants mostly growing in water~54 54~Widest leaves or leaf segments >5 mm wide; flowers white, pedicellate, in racemes~(BRASSICACEAE) Rorippa 54*~Leaves and leaf segments <3 mm wide; flowers red, white or greenish, ± sessile in axils of leaves forming a spike-like inflorescence~(HALORAGACEAE) Myriophyllum 55~Leaves reduced to sheaths on aerial stems~56 55*~Leaves not reduced to sheaths on stems~58 56~Sheaths open~57 56*~Sheaths closed~(CYPERACEAE) Abildgaardia Baumea Bolboschoenus Bulbostylis Carex Carpha Caustis Chorizandra Cladium Cyathochaeta Cyperus Eleocharis Exocarya Fimbristylis Fuirena Gahnia Gymnoschoenus Isolepis Lepidosperma Lepironia Lipocarpha Oreobolus Ptilanthelium Rhynchospora Schoenoplectus Schoenus Scirpus Scleria Tetraria Trachystylis Tricostularia Uncinia 57~Perianth dry and scarious, flowers or flower clusters in open paniculate inflorescences; flowers usually bisexual~(JUNCACEAE) Juncus Luzula 57*~Perianth of various forms but not dry and scarious, flowers usually unisexual and plants mostly dioecious~(RESTIONACEAE) Sporadanthus Lepyrodia Baloskion Restio Coleocarya Empodisma Leptocarpus Hypolaena 58~Leaves all basal~59 58*~Leaves spread along the stem, basal leaves sometimes also present, or leaves absent~63 59~Lamina ± circular with a radial slit, petiole attached near centre of lamina~(NYMPHAEACEAE) Nymphaea 59*~Lamina not ± circular and/or petiole attached towards margin~60 60~Plants without horizontal rhizomes or stolons~(ALISMATACEAE) Sagittaria Damasonium Alisma 60*~Plants with horizontal rhizomes or stolons~61 61~Lamina <10 cm long; mature plants <30 cm high; flowers white~(HYDROCHARITACEAE) Hydrocharis 61*~Lamina >10 cm long; mature plants >50 cm high; flowers white or blue~62 62~Longitudinal veins usually <10 (always <20) and midrib well defined, cross veins obvious; flowers white~(ALISMATACEAE) Sagittaria 62*~Longitudinal veins numerous, usually >20, midrib not well defined, cross veins obscure; flowers blue~(PONTEDERIACEAE) Pontederia 63~Leaves with an ocrea (sheathing stipule); leaves alternate or absent~(POLYGONACEAE) Persicaria Polygonum 63*~Leaves without an ocrea but leaf bases sometimes winged and half encircling stem; leaves opposite, whorled or alternate~64 64~Leaves opposite or whorled~65 64*~Leaves alternate~70 65~Flowers in heads; leaves >20 mm wide, petiole mostly >10 mm long~(ASTERACEAE) Gymnocoronis 65*~Flowers solitary or in cymes, spikes or racemes; leaves <20 mm wide, sessile or petiole <10 mm long (sometimes to 15 cm long in Limosella)~66 66~Flowers in terminal spikes, pink to purple~(LYTHRACEAE) Ammannia Cuphea Lythrum 66*~Flowers solitary or in cymes or racemes, white, blue, red-brown or petals translucent~67 67~Leaves united at base, sessile and <3 mm wide, lamina linear to oblong; corolla white or red-brown, 4-lobed, lobes ± equal~68 67*~Leaves not united at base, either petiolate, or lamina >3 mm wide, oblanceolate to ± obovate; corolla white to blue, 5-lobed, or 4-lobed and then lobes unequal~(SCROPHULARIACEAE) Bacopa Glossostigma Limosella Veronica 68~Flowers unisexual, plants dioecious; corolla red-brown or translucent; aerial stems to 1 m high~(RUBIACEAE) Durringtonia 68*~Flowers bisexual; corolla white; aerial stems <20 cm high~69 69~Flowers in few-flowered cymes; corolla tube split to base on one side~(PORTULACACEAE) Montia 69*~Flowers solitary; corolla tube not split on one side~(CRASSULACEAE) Crassula 70~Leaves without obvious petioles, leaves either sessile or linear to spathulate; flowers pink, blue, purple or white~71 70*~Leaves with obvious petioles, neither linear nor spathulate; flowers yellow~73 71~Leaves sessile, without a winged base; flowers solitary in axils, blue, pink or purple~(LYTHRACEAE) Ammannia Cuphea Lythrum 71*~Leaves linear or spathulate with a winged base half encircling the stem; flowers solitary and/or in heads, blue, pink or white~72 72~Plants <20 cm high; flowers in 1–few-flowered cymes, white~(PORTULACACEAE) Neopaxia 72*~Plants 40–200 cm high; flowers in heads, white, blue or pink~(ASTERACEAE) Aster 73~Flowers in large panicles; leaves glabrous, without stipules~(MENYANTHACEAE) Villarsia 73*~Flowers solitary, axillary; leaves either with small stipules and/or stems and leaves hairy~(ONAGRACEAE) Ludwigia 74~At least some leaves always floating on surface of water, flowers (if present) emergent, often some leaves submerged~75 74*~Most leaves completely submerged, some leaves may be emergent or floating when plant flowering~82 75~Leaves simple, peltate with petiole attached near centre of lamina; lamina ± circular, often with a radial slit~76 75*~Leaves compound or simple and not peltate or rarely petiole attached near the margin of the lamina; lamina broad-lanceolate, elliptic, ovate or obovate~78 76~Leaves without a radial slit, margin entire~(CABOMBACEAE) Brasenia 76*~Leaves with a radial slit, margin entire to toothed~77 77~Leaves all basal arising from a corm or buried horizontal rhizome; petals numerous~(NYMPHAEACEAE) Nymphaea 77*~Leaves arising along a floating horizontal stolon; petals 5~(MENYANTHACEAE) Nymphoides Villarsia 78~Leaves compound, pinnae 4, sessile, at apex of long petiole, floating on surface of water~(FILICOPSIDA) Marsilea 78*~Leaves simple~79 79~Leaves attached along trailing stem; submerged leaves different from floating leaves (that is, leaves dimorphic)~(POTAMOGETONACEAE) Potamogeton Ruppia 79*~Leaves all basal; leaves either all similar or dimorphic~80 80~Plants forming deeply buried tubers; inflorescence many-flowered~(APONOGETONACEAE) Aponogeton 80*~Plants not forming deeply buried tubers; flowers solitary~81 81~Leaves with base ± cordate; lamina >20 mm wide and with 5–7 longitudinal veins~(HYDROCHARITACEAE) Ottelia 81*~Leaves with base tapering into petiole; lamina <20 mm wide, venation obscure or only midvein visible~(SCROPHULARIACEAE) Limosella 82~Submerged leaves compound or deeply lobed~83 82*~Submerged leaves simple and entire~85 83~Submerged leaves pinnately divided; emergent leaves pinnately divided or entire~(HALORAGACEAE) Myriophyllum 83*~Submerged leaves dichotomously or trichotomously divided~84 84~Submerged leaves opposite or whorled; floating leaves if present peltate~(CABOMBACEAE) Cabomba 84*~Submerged leaves alternate; all leaves divided into linear segments~(RANUNCULACEAE) Batrachium 85~Plants of marine, estuarine or brackish habitats~86 85*~Plants of freshwater habitats~91 86~Leaves elliptic to ± oblong~(HYDROCHARITACEAE) Halophila 86*~Leaves elongated, filiform to linear, grass-like~87 87~Leaves >8 mm wide, linear~(POSIDONIACEAE) Posidonia 87*~Leaves <8 mm wide, filiform to linear~88 88~Flowers bisexual; flowers in pairs, flowering peduncle >4 cm long~(POTAMOGETONACEAE) Ruppia 88*~Flowers unisexual; flowers mostly sessile and solitary or in elongated inflorescences ± sessile in axils of leaves~89 89~Plants marine; pollen grains thread-like~90 89*~Plants of brackish or ephemeral saline pools (not marine); pollen grains ± globose~(ZANNICHELLIACEAE) Zannichellia Lepilaena 90~Flowers solitary; plants dioecious~(CYMODOCEACEAE) Halodule 90*~Flowers in rows in a flattened spadix enclosed in a spathe; plants monoecious~(ZOSTERACEAE) Heterozostera Zostera 91~Leaves all basal~92 91*~Leaves arising along stems~95 92~Leaves with lamina stiff, ± cylindrical; plants reproducing by spores, flowers never produced~(ISOETACEAE) Isoetes 92*~Leaves with lamina soft, flattened, grass-like; plants flowering when mature but flowers usually not present in submerged immature growth~93 93~Stolons present~(HYDROCHARITACEAE) Vallisneria 93*~Stolons never formed~94 94~Plants producing a well-buried corm, leaves arising from the apex of the corm~(APONOGETONACEAE) Aponogeton 94*~Plants not producing a corm, roots superficial, arising from near leaf bases~(HYDROCHARITACEAE) Ottelia 95~Plants not producing flattened leaves; branches in whorls, secondary branches ± whorled and ± leaf-like; often encrusted with lime; plants not flowering, reproducing by spores (Chara & Nitella - algae not in this Flora)~(CHARACEAE) Chara Nitella 95*~Plants producing leaves with flattened lamina, leaves often flat, narrow, linear and grass-like; rarely lime-encrusted; mature plants producing flowers~96 96~Leaves alternate~97 96*~Leaves opposite or whorled~100 97~Leaves with stipular sheath (or ligule) extending above junction of lamina and basal sheath~98 97*~Leaves with basal sheath not extending above junction of sheath with lamina, no stipular sheath or ligule above but auricles sometimes present~99 98~Leaves with lamina mostly >1 mm wide; perennials with rhizomes, often with tough stems; leaves with a stipular sheath or base of lamina stem-clasping~(POTAMOGETONACEAE) Potamogeton Ruppia 98*~Leaves with lamina mostly <1 mm wide; usually delicate annuals, stems weak; leaves with a stipular sheath~(ZANNICHELLIACEAE) Zannichellia Lepilaena 99~Leaves with 2 short auricles at base~(POTAMOGETONACEAE) Ruppia 99*~Leaves without auricles~(CYPERACEAE) Isolepis Schoenus 100~Leaves opposite and lamina expanded~101 100*~Leaves usually whorled, lamina filiform or linear~103 101~Leaves with 3 or more longitudinal veins arising from near the base of lamina and re-uniting below apex; flowers unisexual~(CALLITRICHACEAE) Callitriche 101*~Leaves with only 1 longitudinal vein visible or venation obscure; flowers bisexual~102 102~Leaves entire, shortly petiolate with 2 stipules at base, lateral veins ending in minute glands~(ELATINACEAE) Elatine 102*~Leaves toothed and stem-clasping or entire with relatively long petioles, stipules absent~(SCROPHULARIACEAE) Bacopa Glossostigma Limosella Mimulus 103~Leaves opposite or ± whorled, lamina with a short, expanded sheath-like base~(NAJADACEAE) Najas 103*~Leaves whorled, sessile, without an expanded sheath-like base~(HYDROCHARITACEAE) Lagarosiphon *Egeria *Elodea Hydrilla 104~Plants either climbing, or epiphytic on other plants, or ± parasitic on the aerial parts of other plants~105 104*~Plants neither climbing nor epiphytic nor parasitic on aerial parts of other plants~206 105~Epiphytes, parasites, or hemiparasites, plants not rooted in the soil~106 105*~Climbing or twining plants with roots in the soil~118 106~Rootless parasites or hemiparasites on the aerial parts of other plants~107 106*~Plants epiphytic but not parasitic on other plants~110 107~Stems thread-like, leafless or almost so, forming Rtangled masses over the host and attached to the host by haustoria~108 107*~Stems robust, parasitic on the branches of shrubs and trees, or parasitic on another parasite~109 108~Stems yellowish or reddish; usually parasitic on herbs; calyx and corolla distinct, with 5 segments in each whorl~(CONVOLVULACEAE) Cuscuta 108*~Stems green, green-red, or blackish, sometimes with brown scale leaves; usually parasitic on shrubs and trees; perianth of 6 similar segments in 2 whorls of 3~(LAURACEAE) Cassytha 109~Flowers bisexual, >20 mm long; stems ± terete and leaves either terete to linear, or broad and glabrous to tomentose but hairs not stellate~(LORANTHACEAE) Muellerina Diplatia Amyema Dendrophthoe Benthamina Amylotheca Lysiana 109*~Flowers unisexual, <2 mm long; either stems angular, or flattened and ± leafless, or stems terete and leaves broad and stellate-tomentose~(VISCACEAE) Notothixos Viscum Korthalsella 110~Leaves opposite or whorled~111 110*~Leaves alternate, sometimes crowded and appearing whorled~113 111~Leaves toothed; one leaf at each node generally much smaller than the other; flowers solitary~(GESNERIACEAE) Fieldia Negria 111*~Leaves entire; leaves at each node of similar size; inflorescence many-flowered~112 112~Epiphytic herbs; leaves ± fleshy; inflorescence spicate; flowers <2 mm diam. (formerly Peperomiaceae)~(PIPERACEAE) Peperomia 112*~Climbers; leaves thick and leathery; inflorescence umbellate; flowers >5 mm diam. (formerly Asclepiadaceae)~(APOCYNACEAE) Hoya 113~Leaves compound, palmate or pinnate~(ARALIACEAE) Schefflera 113*~Leaves simple~114 114~Either leaves with several longitudinal veins, or venation obscure, or leaves terete~115 114*~Leaves not terete, venation apparent but with only 1 longitudinal vein (lateral veins often present also)~116 115~Leaves terete or without a constriction above middle of leaf; pseudobulbs with velamen often present~(ORCHIDACEAE) Bulbophyllum Taeniophyllum Oberonia Cymbidium Liparis Dendrobium Rhinerrhiza Sarcochilus Peristeranthus Papillilabium Schistotylus Plectorrhiza 115*~Leaves flat and with a constriction above the middle; pseudobulbs absent~(ARACEAE) Pothos 116~Leaves with midvein and several prominent secondary veins; lamina >10 mm wide and >30 mm long~117 116*~Leaves with only midvein apparent; lamina <10 mm wide and <30 mm long~(PSILOPSIDA) Psilotum Tmesipteris 117~Milky latex exudes from broken stems; stipules present; usually epiphytic on rainforest trees~(MORACEAE) Ficus 117*~Milky latex absent; stipules absent; generally epiphytic on treeferns (formerly Quintiniaceae)~(PARACRYPHIACEAE) Quintinia 118~Tendrils present~119 118*~Tendrils absent~130 119~Leaves with 3 or more longitudinal veins, the main veins sometimes joined by a fine reticulum~120 119*~Leaves with only one longitudinal vein or venation palmate, the fine venation reticulate~123 120~Apex of leaves prolonged into a coil~121 120*~Apex of leaves not prolonged into a coil~122 121~Leaves with a closed basal sheath; flowers small, inflorescence paniculate~(FLAGELLARIACEAE) Flagellaria 121*~Leaves with a short petiole, sheath absent; flowers large, solitary~(COLCHICACEAE) Gloriosa 122~Tendrils borne on petiole, paired; 3 or 5 longitudinal veins joined by obvious fine reticulum; inflorescence umbel-like; fruit black~(SMILACACEAE) Smilax 122*~Tendrils on stem opposite the leaves, solitary; longitudinal veins not conspicuously joined by fine reticulum; inflorescence paniculate; fruit red~(PETERMANNIACEAE) Petermannia 123~Leaves compound~124 123*~Leaves simple, often deeply lobed~128 124~Leaves pinnately compound with an even number of pinnae (2–20)~125 124*~Leaves compound with an odd number of pinnae (3–9), leaves palmate, biternate, pedate or palmately 3-foliolate~127 125~Leaves with 4–20 pinnae; stamens 10 or 5; fruit a legume or capsule, seeds not winged~126 125*~Leaves with 2 pinnae; stamens 4; fruit a 2-valved follicle, seeds winged~(BIGNONIACEAE) Macfadyena Pyrostegia 126~Stipules present; flowers in racemes or solitary and <3 cm long; stamens 10; fruit a legume~(FABACEAE - FABOIDEAE) Lathyrus Vicia Pisum 126*~Stipules absent; flowers solitary and >5 cm long; stamens 5; fruit a capsule~(POLEMONIACEAE) Cobaea 127~Tendrils opposite leaves; palmate, pedate or 3-foliolate, pinnae usually 3–7; fruit a berry~(VITACEAE) Cissus Parthenocissus Tetrastigma Cayratia 127*~Tendrils associated with inflorescence; leaves biternate with 9 pinnae; fruit an inflated capsule~(SAPINDACEAE) Cardiospermum 128~Tendrils opposite leaves; leaves pinnately veined; domatia regularly present~(VITACEAE) Cissus Parthenocissus 128*~Tendrils in leaf axils or beside or below the petiole base; leaves palmately veined; domatia usually absent~129 129~Tendrils strictly axillary, unbranched; petioles usually with raised glands; flowers bisexual, ovary superior~(PASSIFLORACEAE) Passiflora 129*~Tendrils beside or below the base of the petiole, often branched; petioles without glands; flowers unisexual, ovary inferior~(CUCURBITACEAE) Citrullus Momordica Cucumis Ecballium Zehneria Cucumis Trichosanthes Diplocyclos Sicyos Lagenaria Sechium Cucurbita 130~Leaves compound with 2 or more pinnae~131 130*~Leaves simple or 1-foliolate (sometimes apparently absent)~142 131~Leaves 2- or 3-pinnate or leaves ternately divided~132 131*~Leaves pinnate or palmate~135 132~Prickles present on stems and on rachises of leaves~(FABACEAE - CAESALPINIOIDEAE) Caesalpinia 132*~Prickles absent~133 133~Rachis of leaves twining; leaves trailing and to several metres long; pinnae very numerous~(FILICOPSIDA) Lygodium 133*~Petioles and petiolules often twining; leaves <30 cm long; pinnae usually 9–45~134 134~Leaves opposite, ternately divided~(RANUNCULACEAE) Clematis 134*~Leaves alternate, pinnately divided~(PAPAVERACEAE) Fumaria Pseudofumaria 135~Leaves opposite or rarely whorled~136 135*~Leaves alternate~138 136~Leaves with 2 or 5–17 pinnae, rarely 3 or more than 13~(BIGNONIACEAE) Pandorea 136*~Leaves with 3 pinnae~137 137~Petioles and petiolules elongated and often twining around supports; domatia absent~(RANUNCULACEAE) Clematis 137*~Petioles and petiolules short and not twining; domatia often present~(OLEACEAE) Jasminum 138~Prickles present on stems and leaves~139 138*~Prickles absent~140 139~Pinnae with longitudinal veins; prickles ± straight, fine; leaves pinnate, often >50 cm long~(ARECACEAE) Calamus 139*~Pinnae pinnately veined; prickles hooked, coarse; leaves palmate or pinnate, <20 cm long~(ROSACEAE) Rubus 140~Stipules and stipels usually present, at least visible on young shoots; fruit a legume; pinnae 1–19~(FABACEAE - FABOIDEAE) Dipogon Macroptilium Pueraria Austrosteenisia Canavalia Derris Galactia Glycine Hardenbergia Kennedia Callerya Mucuna Oxylobium Rhynchosia Vigna 140*~Stipules and stipels absent; fruit a berry or drupe; pinnae 3–9~141 141~Leaves with pinnae all similar, usually 3, rarely 4 or 5; petiole scabrous with bristly hairs~(ARALIACEAE) Cephalaralia 141*~Leaves pinnatifid or pinnate with distinct pinnae on lower rachis and a terminal segment often deeply lobed; petiole smooth~(SOLANACEAE) Solanum 142~Leaves alternate~143 142*~Leaves opposite or occasionally whorled~186 143~Prickles or spines present~144 143*~Prickles and spines absent~149 144~Plants apparently leafless or leaves ± succulent and falling relatively early~145 144*~Leaves normally developed and ± persistent, not ± succulent~146 145~Stems either succulent and with groups of small spines at regular intervals over surface of swollen stems or numerous spines clustered on older stems; flowers ± solitary, >3 cm long~(CACTACEAE) Pereskia Eriocereus Hylocereus 145*~Spines not clustered, stems not succulent but often ending in spines; flowers in globose heads, <1 cm long~(FABACEAE - CAESALPINIOIDEAE) Caesalpinia 146~Leaves with 3 or 5 longitudinal veins~(RIPOGONACEAE) Ripogonum 146*~Main veins pinnate~147 147~Axillary spines present~(MORACEAE) Maclura 147*~Prickles present on stem or at base of petiole~148 148~Leaves 3–5-lobed; stipules present, linear, not spinescent~(ROSACEAE) Rubus 148*~Leaves entire; stipules spinescent~(CAPPARACEAE) Capparis 149~Either leaves apparently absent (reduced to scales, falling early or very sparse) or plants climbing by adventitious roots~150 149*~Plants with normally developed ± persistent leaves, not climbing by adventitious roots~157 150~Leaves scale-like; adventitious roots sometimes present~151 150*~Leaves not scale-like, either normally-developed, or apparently absent; adventitious roots usually present~154 151~Stems thread-like, leafless or almost so, forming tangled masses over the host and attached to the host by haustoria (only seedlings rooted in soil)~152 151*~Stems not thread-like, not forming tangled masses over the host, leaves scale-like or falling early, haustoria absent~153 152~Stems yellowish or reddish; usually parasitic on herbs; calyx and corolla distinct, with 5 segments in each whorl~(CONVOLVULACEAE) Cuscuta 152*~Stems green, green-red, or blackish, sometimes with brown scale leaves; usually parasitic on shrubs and trees; perianth of 6 similar segments in 2 whorls~(LAURACEAE) Cassytha 153~Milky latex exudes from broken stems; adventitious roots absent~(EUPHORBIACEAE) Euphorbia 153*~Milky latex absent; adventitious roots present~(ORCHIDACEAE) Galeola 154~Aerial roots absent, stems twining; leaves either apparently absent, or if present then sparse and lamina linear to elliptic or oblanceolate and margins entire~(POLYGALACEAE) Comesperma 154*~Aerial roots present, stems sometimes twining; leaves abundant, not lamina linear to elliptic or oblanceolate and margins entire~155 155~Leaves with a constriction above the middle; leaf base sheathing~(ARACEAE) Pothos 155*~Leaves without a constriction above the middle; leaf base not sheathing, petiole present~156 156~Leaves entire; stipules present on young stems and leaving a scar encircling the stem at each node~(PIPERACEAE) Piper 156*~Leaves palmately 3–5-lobed; stipules absent~(ARALIACEAE) Hedera 157~Leaves with 3–many longitudinal veins~158 157*~Leaves pinnately or palmately veined~161 158~Leaves with base sheathing stem; margins with small spinescent teeth near base of leaves~(PANDANACEAE) Freycinetia 158*~Leaves without base sheathing stem; margins entire~159 159~Leaves with many closely spaced ± parallel veins~(LUZURIAGACEAE) Eustrephus Geitonoplesium 159*~Leaves with 3–7 widely spaced longitudinal veins~160 160~Petioles stout and rather short; leaves with base of lamina rounded or tapering into petiole; most leaves usually regularly whorled or opposite~(RIPOGONACEAE) Ripogonum 160*~Petioles slender and relatively long; leaves with base of lamina hastate or cordate; leaves always alternate~(DIOSCOREACEAE) Dioscorea 161~Leaves ± triangular and margins regularly toothed to finely crenate, base generally cordate~162 161*~Leaves not ± triangular, if leaves toothed then base not cordate~164 162~At least young stems, petioles and lower surface of leaves hairy; ocreae (sheaths of fused stipules) absent~163 162*~Leaves and stems ± glabrous; ocreae present at nodes~(POLYGONACEAE) Reynoutria Muehlenbeckia *Fagopyrum *Fallopia Persicaria Polygonum *Emex *Acetosella *Acetosa Rumex 163~Stems and leaves softly and densely hairy; petioles of many leaves twining~(SCROPHULARIACEAE) Lophospermum 163*~Stems and petioles with scattered, bristly, stinging hairs; petioles not twining~(EUPHORBIACEAE) Tragia 164~Leaves with petiole more than half as long as lamina; lamina ovate to ± circular, margins entire, lobed or angled and base often cordate; venation palmate or prominently 3-veined from near base~165 164*~Leaves with petiole less than half as long as lamina; lamina linear to ovate to oblanceolate, rarely base cordate, margins generally entire, occasionally toothed, crenate or lobed; venation pinnate, rarely obscurely 3-veined from base~170 165~Flowers in heads surrounded by herbaceous involucral bracts; leaves palmately 5–7-angled~(ASTERACEAE) Senecio 165*~Flowers not in heads surrounded by bracts; leaves palmately lobed or 2- or 3-angled~166 166~Flowers bisexual, solitary or a few together, axillary or terminal~167 166*~Flowers unisexual; inflorescence with many flowers, axillary~169 167~Leaves peltate; flowers spurred~(TROPAEOLACEAE) Tropaeolum 167*~Leaves not peltate; flowers not spurred~168 168~Corolla tubular; a small amount of milky latex present; either leaves hairy or margins palmately lobed or base sagittate or hastate; base of lamina usually cordate~(CONVOLVULACEAE) Bonamia Porana Ipomoea Calystegia Polymeria 168*~Perianth segments free; milky latex absent; leaves glabrous and margins either entire or with 1 or 2 angles; base of lamina not cordate~(BERBERIDOPSIDACEAE) Berberidopsis Streptothamnus 169~Ovary inferior; carpels fused, 3; fruit a capsule, deeply 3-angled~(DIOSCOREACEAE) Dioscorea 169*~Ovary superior; carpels free or 1; fruit a drupe, not deeply angled~(MENISPERMACEAE) Stephania Legnephora Sarcopetalum Tinospora 170~Margins of leaves toothed, crenate or deeply lobed~171 170*~Margins of leaves entire~174 171~Herbaceous climbers, lenticels absent; flowers >15 mm diam~172 171*~Woody climbers or twiners, lenticels raised and obvious on stem; flowers <5 mm diam~173 172~Leaves toothed to crenate, ± sessile with base encircling stem; flowers yellow~(DILLENIACEAE) Hibbertia 172*~Leaves deeply lobed, petiolate; flowers white to pale blue~(SOLANACEAE) Solanum Salpichroa 173~Leaves scabrous below; teeth coarse and irregular; milky latex sometimes present~(MORACEAE) Trophis 173*~Leaves not scabrous; teeth usually regular and fine, margins often ± crenate; latex absent~(CELASTRACEAE) Celastrus 174~Petioles with a distinct joint or pulvinus-like swelling at the apex or petioles thickened and twisted~175 174*~Petioles not thickened and twisted, lacking a distinct joint or pulvinus-like swelling at the apex, either absent or very short or if longer then not rigid~177 175~Flowers bisexual, zygomorphic~176 175*~Flowers unisexual, actinomorphic~(MENISPERMACEAE) ?? Carronia Hypserpa Pleogyne Tinospora 176~Petioles without stipels and joint near apex; petiole base expanded into a horizontal ridge extending three-quarters of the way around the stem; corolla tubular~(ARISTOLOCHIACEAE) Aristolochia Pararistolochia 176*~Petioles with stipels and a joint near apex (leaf 1-foliolate); petiole base not expanded; corolla not tubular~(FABACEAE - FABOIDEAE) Hardenbergia 177~Leaves oblanceolate and tapering into the base, base sheathing the stem~(DILLENIACEAE) Adrastaea Hibbertia 177*~Leaves usually not oblanceolate, base not sheathing the stem~178 178~Leaves hairy~179 178*~Leaves glabrous or almost so (sometimes stellate hairs present on new growth)~180 179~Mature leaves <5 cm long, sessile or petiole <1 cm long; small twining plants~(PITTOSPORACEAE) Billardiera 179*~Mature leaves >5 cm long, petiole >1 cm long; woody climbers~(AMARANTHACEAE) Deeringia 180~Leaves ± fleshy, ± broad-ovate, base cordate; axillary tubers borne at some nodes~(BASELLACEAE) Anredera 180*~Leaves not fleshy, linear to ovate, base not cordate; axillary tubers absent~181 181~Leaves with translucent or opaque dots scattered over lower leaf surface~(PRIMULACEAE) Embelia 181*~Leaves lacking such dots~182 182~Leaves scabrous on lower surface; stellate scales absent~(MORACEAE) Trophis 182*~Leaves not scabrous; stellate scales sometimes present~183 183~Brown stellate scales on young stems; tall climbers in coastal rainforest north from Dorrigo~(ANNONACEAE) Rauwenhoffia 183*~Stellate scales absent; scrambling shrubs or twiners, rarely in rainforest; inland or coastal regions~184 184~Petioles <10 mm long; widespread, rarely in rainforest~185 184*~Petioles >10 mm long; coastal species, sometimes in or near rainforest~(SOLANACEAE) Solanum 185~Flowers mostly absent, if present actinomorphic, <5 mm diam.; scrambling shrub of inland areas~(RHAMNACEAE) Ventilago 185*~Flowers mostly present, zygomorphic, >5 mm diam.; twining shrubs, widespread~(POLYGALACEAE) Comesperma 186~Leaves whorled, scale-like and subtending linear to ovate cladodes in the axils~(ASPARAGACEAE) Asparagus 186*~Leaves not whorled, scale-like and subtending linear to ovate cladodes in the axils~187 187~Prickles or spines present~188 187*~Prickles or spines absent~191 188~Spines present at many nodes~189 188*~Prickles scattered on stems~190 189~Milky latex exudes from broken stems and petioles; spines straight~(APOCYNACEAE) Carissa 189*~Milky latex absent; spines often curved~(NYCTAGINACEAE) Pisonia 190~Stems 4-angled; leaves pinnately veined, margins toothed~(VERBENACEAE) Lantana 190*~Stems not angled; leaves with 3 or 5 main longitudinal veins, margins entire~(RIPOGONACEAE) Ripogonum 191~Leaves at each node unequal in size~(GESNERIACEAE) Fieldia ?? Negria 191*~Leaves at each node similar in size~192 192~Leaves with numerous minute translucent oil dots, aromatic when crushed~193 192*~Leaves without translucent oil dots, not aromatic when crushed~194 193~Rough stellate hairs present on stems and leaves; hypanthium present, perianth in 1 whorl~(MONIMIACEAE) Palmeria 193*~Rusty hairs present, especially on young stems and leaves; hypanthium not present, perianth in 2 whorls~(TRIMENIACEAE) Trimenia 194~Margins of adult leaves crenate or toothed~195 194*~Margins of adult leaves entire, sometimes juvenile leaves lobed or dissected~198 195~Leaves with 3–5 veins rising from base of lamina, base ± cordate~196 195*~Leaves with only one main longitudinal vein~197 196~Leaves glabrous or almost so, shiny above, central area of lamina pale green~(RANUNCULACEAE) Clematis 196*~Leaves hairy, dull above, not variegated in colour~(ACANTHACEAE) Thunbergia 197~Leaves slightly glossy above, dull below; stems forming short coils and abrupt knot-like bends around supports~(CELASTRACEAE) Celastrus 197*~Leaves very glossy above, moderately glossy below; stems twining in loose, elongated spirals~(APHANOPETALACEAE) Aphanopetalum 198~Interpetiolar stipules present; domatia present on most leaves, sometimes minute~(RUBIACEAE) Coelospermum Morinda 198*~Interpetiolar stipules absent or greatly reduced; domatia absent~199 199~Petioles distinctly jointed a little above the base~(OLEACEAE) Jasminum 199*~Petioles lacking such a joint~200 200~Stems 4-angled~(VERBENACEAE) Clerodendrum 200*~Stems not angled~201 201~Milky or clear latex absent; stamens 1–4 or if 5 then flowers strongly zygomorphic~202 201*~Milky or yellowish latex usually exudes from broken stems or petioles; stamens 5; flowers actinomorphic~204 202~Leaves not lobed at base, hairy below~203 202*~Leaves sagittate to hastate, glabrous~(CHENOPODIACEAE) Einadia 203~Leaves wrinkled above, whitish with stellate hairs below; flowers mauve or yellow~(BUDDLEJACEAE) Buddleja 203*~Leaves smooth above, green below, hairs simple or glandular; flowers cream or yellow~(CAPRIFOLIACEAE) Lonicera 204~Either upper surface of leaves with a cluster of 2–20 minute raised glands at the base of lamina (hand lens needed) or leaves reduced and scale-like; pollen aggregated into pollinia (formerly Asclepiadaceae)~(APOCYNACEAE) Sarcostemma Thozetia Marsdenia Hoya Tylophora Marsdenia Cynanchum Araujia Gymnema Rhyncharrhena 204*~Upper surface of leaves without any raised glands (leaves never reduced and scale-like); pollen either granular or rarely aggregated into pollinia~205 205~Pollen granular, not aggregated into pollinia~(APOCYNACEAE) Vinca Mandevilla Melodinus Parsonsia 205*~Pollen aggregated into pollinia (formerly Asclepiadaceae)~(APOCYNACEAE) Secamone 206~Leaves apparently absent, often reduced to scales~207 206*~Leaves present, not reduced to scales~230 207~Saprophytic or parasitic herbs, usually without chlorophyll; the stems yellow or purple~208 207*~Chlorophyll present, stems sometimes with yellowish tinge if the plants are hemiparasitic on roots of other plants~210 208~Flowers usually strongly zygomorphic; stamens 4 or 1~209 208*~Flowers actinomorphic; stamens 6 or rarely 3~(THISMIACEAE) Thismia 209~Ovary inferior; stamen 1~(ORCHIDACEAE) Dipodium Gastrodia 209*~Ovary superior; stamens 4~(OROBANCHACEAE) Orobanche 210~Cladodes succulent, often jointed~211 210*~Cladodes not succulent, either smooth or angular, sometimes flattened or winged~214 211~Cladodes >10 mm diam., cylindrical, angular or flattened, bearing numerous spines~(CACTACEAE) Opuntia Cylindropuntia Austrocylindropuntia Eriocereus Hylocereus 211*~Cladodes <8 mm diam., ± cylindrical, spines absent~212 212~Milky latex absent; cladodes jointed; erect or prostrate shrubs or subshrubs~(CHENOPODIACEAE) Sarcocornia Halosarcia Pachycornia Sclerostegia 212*~Milky latex present; cladodes sometimes jointed; scrambling shrubs~213 213~Scale leaves alternate; fruit a capsule c. 4 mm long, seeds 3~(EUPHORBIACEAE) Euphorbia 213*~Leaves opposite; fruit a follicle 5–14 cm long, seeds numerous (formerly Asclepiadaceae)~(APOCYNACEAE) Sarcostemma 214~Cladodes winged or leaves reduced to spines~215 214*~Cladodes or branchlets not winged, either terete or flattened~216 215~Wings on cladodes firm and brown; leaves reduced to spines~(FABACEAE - FABOIDEAE) Bossiaea Daviesia Templetonia 215*~Wings herbaceous to membranous; plants not spinose~(ELAEOCARPACEAE) Tetratheca 216~Scale leaves subtending leaf-like cladodes, cladodes often clustered or whorled~(ASPARAGACEAE) Asparagus 216*~Leaves not subtending leaf-like cladodes~217 217~Scale leaves in whorls of 4 or more and fused at the base~(CASUARINACEAE) Casuarina Allocasuarina 217*~Scale leaves (or leaf scars) alternate or opposite~218 218~Spines regularly present along adult stems~219 218*~Spines not regularly present on adult stems, but branches sometimes ending in spines or spines present on juvenile growth~220 219~Spines alternate~(RUTACEAE) Citrus 219*~Spines opposite~(RHAMNACEAE) Discaria 220~Leaves opposite~221 220*~Leaves alternate~224 221~Herbs in swamps; flowers unisexual~(RUBIACEAE) Durringtonia 221*~Shrubs or subshrubs, not in swamps; flowers bisexual~222 222~Flowers 3–4 mm long; shrubs; fruit brownish, not succulent; at least some leaves normally-developed on plant~(LAMIACEAE) Spartothamnella 222*~Flowers either <2 mm long, or >6 mm long; subshrubs, prostrate or erect; fruit red to orange, succulent; no leaves normally developed~223 223~Erect subshrubs; flowers 8–10 mm long, white; western species~(LOGANIACEAE) Logania 223*~Prostrate subshrubs; flowers 1–2 mm long, greenish; high altitude species~(SANTALACEAE) Exocarpos 224~Flowers unisexual, borne in clusters at almost every node over the whole plant (dead flower parts usually persistent)~(EUPHORBIACEAE) Amperea 224*~Flowers bisexual, borne mainly towards the ends of branches (dead flower parts not usually persistent)~225 225~Either ovary inferior, or ovary superior and then fruiting pedicel enlarged and often succulent~(SANTALACEAE) Exocarpos Omphacomeria Thesium Leptomeria Choretrum 225*~Ovary superior, but fruiting pedicel neither enlarged nor succulent~226 226~Scale leaves encircling stem and usually a few millimetres apart; flowers small, pink and in large terminal panicles~(TAMARICACEAE) Tamarix 226*~Leaves not scale leaves encircling stem and usually more than a few millimetres apart; flowers and inflorescences not large terminal panicles~227 227~Flowers bisexual, strongly zygomorphic~228 227*~Flowers unisexual, actinomorphic~229 228~Flowers blue; inner 2 sepals large and petaloid; fruit a capsule~(POLYGALACEAE) Comesperma 228*~Flowers yellow, orange or rarely purple; sepals not petaloid, shortly tubular and ± equal; fruit a legume~(FABACEAE - FABOIDEAE) Jacksonia Sphaerolobium Swainsona 229~Shrubs or small trees 1–4 m high; flowers solitary or in short, few-flowered racemes; fruit a berry~(CAPPARACEAE) Apophyllum 229*~Shrubs with tangled branches; flowers in interrupted, spike-like racemes; fruit an indehiscent nut~(POLYGONACEAE) Muehlenbeckia 230~Leaves consistently whorled~231 230*~Leaves alternate or opposite or leaf solitary~254 231~Woody plants, trees or erect shrubs~232 231*~Herbs or prostrate or hemispherical subshrubs~248 232~Milky latex or coloured resin exudes from cut or broken twigs or petioles~233 232*~Neither milky latex nor coloured resin exudes from cut or broken twigs or petioles~234 233~Milky latex exudes from cut stems or petioles~(APOCYNACEAE) Alyxia Neisosperma Ochrosia 233*~Yellowish to red resin exudes from cut stems or petioles~(MYRTACEAE) Lophostemon Syncarpia 234~Leaves with 5–7 main longitudinal veins~(ERICACEAE-STYPHELIOIDEAE) Trochocarpa 234*~Leaves with only 1 main longitudinal vein~235 235~Leaves either <3 cm long, or if 3–6 cm long then neither rigid nor pungent-pointed~236 235*~Leaves either >6 cm long or if 3–6 cm long then rigid and pungent-pointed~243 236~Whorls usually with 3 or 4 leaves~237 236*~Whorls with 5–7 leaves~242 237~Leaves 3–6 mm long and ± terete~(ERICACEAE) Erica Gaultheria 237*~Leaves >6 mm long or if less then not ± terete~238 238~Stems 4-angled~(LAMIACEAE) Hemigenia Westringia 238*~Stems not 4-angled~239 239~Leaves in whorls of 3, rarely more~240 239*~Leaves in whorls of 4 (rarely 3 or 5)~(ELAEOCARPACEAE) Tetratheca 240~Plants ± white-tomentose; leaves sessile~(LAMIACEAE) Dicrastylis 240*~Plants never white-tomentose; leaves mostly petiolate, if sessile then plants glabrous or hairy~241 241~Fruit a legume; flowers zygomorphic~(FABACEAE - FABOIDEAE) Aotus Mirbelia Oxylobium Pultenaea 241*~Fruit a drupe; flowers actinomorphic~(PROTEACEAE) Persoonia 242~Whorls consistently with 6 `leaves' (actually 2 sessile 3-foliolate leaves); fruit a capsule (formerly Baueraceae)~(CUNONIACEAE) Bauera 242*~Whorls with 5–7 leaves (phyllodes); fruit a legume~(FABACEAE - MIMOSOIDEAE) Acacia 243~Leaves mesomorphic~244 243*~Leaves scleromorphic~246 244~Stipular sheaths present on apex of shoots~(RUBIACEAE) Randia 244*~Stipular sheaths absent~245 245~Stems terete; terminal buds scaly~(PITTOSPORACEAE) Hymenosporum Pittosporum 245*~Stems angular; terminal buds not scaly~(VERBENACEAE) Clerodendrum 246~Terminal buds scaly; juvenile leaves whorled, toothed, adult leaves alternate, entire~(CORYNOCARPACEAE) Corynocarpus 246*~Terminal buds not scaly; all leaves whorled, entire or toothed~247 247~Interpetiolar stipules present; leaves glaucous below; flowers in separated, dense, ± globose clusters~(CUNONIACEAE) Acrophyllum 247*~Stipules absent; leaves not glaucous below; inflorescence racemose or flowers in heads surrounded by bracts~(PROTEACEAE) Lambertia Macadamia Triunia 248~Leaves succulent and either terete or about as wide as long; leaves usually in whorls of 4~249 248*~Leaves not succulent; leaves opposite or in whorls of 2 to many~250 249~Leaves terete, 3–7 mm long; calyx and corolla present~(FRANKENIACEAE) Frankenia 249*~Leaves flat, about as long as wide, 5–15 mm long; flowers naked~(PIPERACEAE) Peperomia 250~Leaves regularly in whorls of 3 or leaves opposite; flowers purple to blue, c. 8–10 mm long~(LYTHRACEAE) Ammannia Cuphea Lythrum 250*~Leaves in whorls of 4 or more, sometimes some in 3s; flowers usually greenish to white, mostly <5 mm long~251 251~Leaves fused into a basal tube with only apices free; stems longitudinally grooved~(SPHENOPSIDA) Equisetum 251*~Leaves not fused into a basal tube with only apices free; stems rarely grooved~252 252~Stems 4-angled; ovary inferior~(RUBIACEAE) Sherardia Galium Asperula 252*~Stems not 4-angled; ovary superior~253 253~Perianth in 1 whorl; stipules absent~(AIZOACEAE) Mollugo 253*~Sepals and petals present; stipules present~(CARYOPHYLLACEAE) Polycarpon Spergula 254~Leaves usually with reticulate venation; vascular bundles open, that is, secondary thickening occurs; taproot present, at least in seedlings; flower parts usually in whorls of 4 or 5; embryo mostly with 2 cotyledons (dicots)~255 254*~Leaves usually with parallel venation; vascular bundles closed, that is, no secondary thickening occurs; root system fibrous; flower parts usually in whorls of 3; embryo mostly with 1 cotyledon (monocots)~510 255~Leaves compound, with 2 or more distinct pinnae~256 255*~Leaves 1-foliolate or simple (sometimes lamina deeply lobed but not divided into discrete leaflets)~314 256~Leaves either 2- or 3-pinnate or biternate~257 256*~Leaves either 1-pinnate or palmate~268 257~Herbs~258 257*~Shrubs or trees~261 258~Ovary superior; flowers zygomorphic or actinomorphic~259 258*~Ovary inferior; most flowers actinomorphic, rarely all zygomorphic~260 259~Flowers zygomorphic; fruit a nut; leaves 2- or 3-pinnate~(PAPAVERACEAE) Fumaria Pseudofumaria 259*~Flowers actinomorphic; fruit a follicle; leaves biternate (formerly Malaceae)~(ROSACEAE) Aruncus 260~Upper part of petioles usually with reduced pinnae or flaps of tissue; flowers in heads~(ASTERACEAE) 260*~Reduced pinnae or flaps of tissue absent (the lowest pinnae largest); flowers in umbels~(APIACEAE) Ammi Conium 261~Pinnae with a terminal pinnule or segment~262 261*~Pinnae without a terminal pinnule or segment~267 262~Leaves with jointed rachis; ovary inferior or superior~565 262*~Leaves without jointed rachis; ovary superior~263 263~Pinnules toothed to subentire~264 263*~Pinnules entire~266 264~Leaves regularly 2-pinnate; leaves glabrous except for stellate hairs on petioles; fruit an indehiscent drupe~(MELIACEAE) Melia 264*~Leaves irregularly 2–4-pinnate; lower surface of leaves either hairy (hairs not stellate) or strongly glaucous; fruit dehiscent~265 265~Fruit a capsule, covered with irritant hairs; leaves irregularly 2-pinnate~(SAPINDACEAE) juvenile Jagera 265*~Fruit a follicle, glabrous; leaves irregularly 2–4-pinnate~(PROTEACEAE) Lomatia 266~Leaves without oil dots, lower surface pale, silky; leaves deeply 2- or 3-pinnatifid~(PROTEACEAE) Grevillea Orites 266*~Leaves with oil dots, lower surface either glabrous or with scattered hairs; leaves regularly or irregularly 2-pinnate~(RUTACEAE) Boronia juvenile Flindersia 267~Flowers zygomorphic; spines or prickles present~(FABACEAE - CAESALPINIOIDEAE) Gleditsia Parkinsonia Caesalpinia 267*~Flowers actinomorphic; spines and prickles present or absent~(FABACEAE - MIMOSOIDEAE) Pararchidendron Archidendron Prosopis Mimosa Leucaena Neptunia Acacia Paraserianthes 268~Trees and shrubs~269 268*~Herbaceous plants~297 269~Leaves opposite, sometimes apparently whorled~270 269*~Leaves alternate~276 270~Oil dots present in leaves, leaves aromatic when crushed~(RUTACEAE) Micromelum Murraya Zanthoxylum Acronychia Zieria Bouchardatia Boronia Flindersia Acradenia Bosistoa 270*~Oil dots absent, leaves not aromatic when crushed~271 271~Interpetiolar stipules present~272 271*~Stipules absent~273 272~Margins of pinnae toothed; stipules not resinous~(CUNONIACEAE) Vesselowskya Caldcluvia Geissois Pseudoweinmannia Ceratopetalum 272*~Margins of pinnae entire; stipules resinous (formerly Eucryphiaceae)~(CUNONIACEAE) Eucryphia 273~Leaves sessile, 3-foliolate; pinnae <1.5 cm long (formerly Baueraceae)~(CUNONIACEAE) Bauera 273*~Leaves petiolate, 3–11-foliolate; pinnae 2–12 cm long~274 274~Leaves with small stalked glands on rachis between petiolules~(ADOXACEAE) Sambucus 274*~Leaves without glands on rachis~275 275~Cultivated trees, sometimes naturalized; fruit dry, winged~(ACERACEAE) Acer 275*~Shrub in rainforest; fruit succulent, not winged~(VERBENACEAE) Vitex 276~Stipules present and pinnae regularly toothed~277 276*~Either stipules absent or if stipules present then pinnae not regularly toothed~280 277~Prickles absent~278 277*~Prickles usually present; stipules ± linear; rachis not winged~(ROSACEAE) Rosa Rubus 278~Stipules >1 cm wide; rachis winged~279 278*~Stipules not prominent, <3 mm wide; rachis not winged (formerly Malaceae)~(ROSACEAE) Sorbus 279~Stipules free, ± semicircular, 1–2 cm long; fruit drupaceous (formerly Davidsoniaceae)~(CUNONIACEAE) Davidsonia 279*~Stipules fused and encircling the stem, >5 cm long; fruit capsular~(MELIANTHACEAE) Melianthus 280~Fruit a legume or samara; stipules mostly present on new growth but often shed early~281 280*~Fruit variable but neither a legume nor a samara; stipules absent or inconspicuous~284 281~Fruit a samara~282 281*~Fruit a legume~283 282~Leaves pinnately compound~(SIMAROUBACEAE) Ailanthus 282*~Leaves palmately compound with 5 or more pinnae or pinnae 3 and pinnae with silvery scales below~(MALVACEAE) Argyrodendron 283~Stamens 10 and free, either unequal or some reduced and sterile~(FABACEAE - CAESALPINIOIDEAE) Gleditsia Parkinsonia Petalostylis Lysiphyllum Ceratonia Chamaecrista Cassia Senna 283*~Stamens 10, free or variously united, equal in size, all fertile~(FABACEAE - FABOIDEAE) 284~Oil dots present in leaves, leaves aromatic when crushed~(RUTACEAE) Micromelum Murraya Zanthoxylum Acronychia Melicope Zieria Bouchardatia Boronia Flindersia Pentaceras 284*~Oil dots absent, leaves not aromatic when crushed~285 285~Domatia present, sometimes small and inconspicuous~286 285*~Domatia absent~289 286~Petioles and stems exuding a clear sap when cut; fruit an indehiscent drupe~(ANACARDIACEAE) Schinus Toxicodendron Rhodosphaera Euroschinus 286*~Petioles and stems not exuding a clear sap when cut; fruit usually a dehiscent capsule~287 287~Pinnae regularly toothed~(SAPINDACEAE) Atalaya Castanospora Harpullia Lepiderema Cupaniopsis Elattostachys 287*~Pinnae entire (rarely a few teeth in juveniles)~288 288~Either stamens fused into a tube or seeds winged; leaves either with >10 leaflets, or with a terminal pinna present, or pinnae opposite and rachis without a terminal spur~(MELIACEAE) Melia Toona Owenia Dysoxylum Synoum Anthocarapa (?domatia) 288*~Stamens not fused into a tube and seeds not winged; leaves mostly <10 leaflets and rachis ending in a terminal spur, true terminal leaflet absent, pinnae often subopposite~(SAPINDACEAE) Atalaya Castanospora Alectryon Mischocarpus Toechima Arytera 289~Leaves with main rachis jointed at the point where the pinnae are attached, the pinnae usually opposite~(ARALIACEAE) Polyscias 289*~Leaves without jointed rachis~290 290~Leaves with either a terminal spur at end of rachis (pinnae alternate, subopposite or opposite), or fruit a 2–6-winged capsule~(SAPINDACEAE) Rhysotoechia Harpullia Guioa Cupaniopsis Diploglottis Sarcopteryx Lepiderema 290*~Leaves without terminal spur on rachis (pinnae mostly opposite); fruit variable but not a winged capsule~291 291~Pinnae toothed, lobed or dissected~292 291*~Pinnae (or leaves) with entire margins~295 292~Pinnae with spinose teeth; adult leaves usually >30 cm long~293 292*~Pinnae with blunt teeth or lobes; adult leaves usually <30 cm long~(PROTEACEAE) Grevillea Lomatia 293~Leaves pinnate throughout; rachis not winged~294 293*~Leaves pinnatisect in upper part; rachis winged~(PROTEACEAE) Hicksbeachia 294~Leaves with 12–30 pinnae, without a terminal pinna~(AKANIACEAE) Akania 294*~Leaves with 5–13 pinnae, with a terminal pinna~(BERBERIDACEAE) Mahonia 295~Leaves pinnate and simple on the same shoot; fruit a follicle~(PROTEACEAE) Oreocallis 295*~All leaves pinnate; fruit a drupe or capsule~296 296~Pinnae with an obvious swelling at junction of petiolule with rachis, terminal pinna always present; fruit a drupe~(BURSERACEAE) Canarium 296*~Pinnae without a swelling at junction of petiolule and rachis, terminal pinna usually not present; fruit a capsule~(MELIACEAE) Melia Toona Dysoxylum Synoum Anthocarapa (?domatia) 297~Leaves pinnate without a terminal pinna~298 297*~Leaves palmate or pinnate with a terminal pinna~299 298~Leaves opposite; stipules interpetiolar; pinnae 2–24~(ZYGOPHYLLACEAE) Zygophyllum Tribulus 298*~Leaves alternate; paired stipules usually present at base of each petiole; pinnae >2~(FABACEAE - FABOIDEAE) 299~Leaves dotted with oil glands~(RUTACEAE) (?herbs) 299*~Leaves without oil glands~300 300~Leaves with 3 pinnae arranged at the apex of a relatively long petiole; pinnae ± obcordate, margins entire; fruit a capsule~(OXALIDACEAE) Oxalis 300*~Leaves not with 3 pinnae arranged at the apex of a relatively long petiole; pinnae not obcordate, margins not entire; fruit various, rarely a capsule~301 301~Leaves palmate with 3–11 pinnae, petiolule of terminal pinna ± as long as petiolules of lateral pinnae~302 301*~Leaves pinnate with 3 or more pinnae, petiolule of terminal pinna longer than those of lateral pinnae~305 302~Leaves irregularly palmately dissected, pinnae irregularly lobed~(RANUNCULACEAE) Nigella Consolida Myosurus Ranunculus Adonis 302*~Leaves regularly divided into pinnae, margins entire or regularly toothed~303 303~Either pinnae entire or stipules spinescent, the pinnae usually with glandular hairs~(CAPPARACEAE) Cleome Polanisia 303*~Pinnae toothed, stipules not spinescent~304 304~Flowers unisexual, <5 mm diam.; stipules not fused to petiole~(CANNABACEAE) Cannabis 304*~Flowers bisexual, >10 mm diam.; stipules fused to petiole~(ROSACEAE) Potentilla 305~Stipules present~306 305*~Stipules absent, petioles sometimes dilated at the base~307 306~Pinnae toothed, the teeth >1 mm deep; flowers actinomorphic~(ROSACEAE) Duchesnea Aphanes Alchemilla Geum Potentilla Acaena Sanguisorba Agrimonia 306*~Pinnae entire or with teeth <1 mm deep or pinnae lobed or deeply dissected; flowers zygomorphic~(FABACEAE - FABOIDEAE) 307~Flowers in heads surrounded by involucral bracts (leaves often deeply pinnatisect)~(ASTERACEAE) Cotula Tagetes 307*~Flowers not in heads surrounded by involucral bracts; leaves not deeply pinnatisect~308 308~Pinnae 3, usually deeply dissected; fruit a cluster of achenes~(RANUNCULACEAE) Myosurus Ranunculus Adonis 308*~Pinnae more than 3; fruit not an achene~309 309~Flowers in umbels or umbellate clusters~310 309*~Flowers not in umbels~311 310~Ovary inferior~(APIACEAE) Aciphylla Lilaeopsis Eryngium Actinotus Xanthosia Uldinia Oreomyrrhis Torilis Hydrocotyle Xanthosia Trachymene Scandix Pastinaca Aegopodium Anethum Foeniculum Ciclospermum Apium Daucus Ammi Gingidia Berula Conium 310*~Ovary superior~(GERANIACEAE) Erodium Geranium Pelargonium 311~Leaves succulent or spinose~312 311*~Leaves neither succulent nor spinose~313 312~Leaves succulent, opposite~(CRASSULACEAE) Bryophyllum 312*~Leaves spinose, alternate~(POLEMONIACEAE) Navarretia 313~Leaves tasting like mustard; petals mostly yellow or white; stamens usually 6~(BRASSICACEAE) Diplotaxis Raphanus Conringia Brassica Sinapis Hirschfeldia Menkea Arabidella Irenepharsus Cardamine Sisymbrium Barbarea Matthiola Cheiranthus Descurainia Arabidopsis Turritis Blennodia Geococcus Stenopetalum Pachymitus Harmsiodoxa Drabastrum Carrichtera Cakile Rapistrum Lepidium Coronopus Cardaria Lobularia Capsella Thlaspi Cuphonotus Phlegmatospermum Lunaria Geococcus Erophila Alyssum Camelina 313*~Leaves not tasting like mustard; petals blue; stamens 5~(BORAGINACEAE) Phacelia 314~Flowers enclosed in an invaginated floral axis; fruit multiple, a syconium or fig~(MORACEAE) Ficus 314*~Flowers not enclosed in an invaginated floral axis; fruit not a syconium or fig~315 315~Flowers unisexual, arranged in a cyathium; white latex present~(EUPHORBIACEAE) Chamaesyce Euphorbia 315*~Flowers either bisexual, or if unisexual then not arranged in a cyathium; white latex either absent or if rarely present then flowers bisexual~316 316~Ocreae (sheaths of fused stipules) present around the petiole and stem~(POLYGONACEAE) Reynoutria Muehlenbeckia *Fagopyrum *Fallopia Persicaria Polygonum *Emex *Acetosella *Acetosa Rumex 316*~Ocreae absent~317 317~Ovary superior or the flower naked~318 317*~Ovary inferior or half-inferior~473 318~Carpels ± free, fruit usually separating into distinct carpels, that is, 2 or more ovaries present (sometimes carpels enclosed in hypanthium and `ovary' apparently solitary)~319 318*~Carpels fused or the carpel solitary, that is, ovary and fruit solitary~335 319~Milky or yellowish latex exudes from broken stems~320 319*~Milky or yellowish latex absent~321 320~Pollen granular, not aggregated into pollinia; fruit black or more often brightly coloured, mostly drupaceous, sometimes a pair of tardily dehiscent follicles~(APOCYNACEAE) Thevetia Carissa Catharanthus Alyxia Nerium Alstonia Neisosperma Ochrosia Tabernaemontana 320*~Pollen aggregated into pollinia; fruit a pair of green or brownish dehiscent follicles (formerly Asclepiadaceae)~(APOCYNACEAE) Tweedia Marsdenia Asclepias Gomphocarpus 321~Herbs, sometimes trailing~322 321*~Shrubs or trees~325 322~Petals fused into a tube~323 322*~Petals free~324 323~Leaves opposite~(LAMIACEAE) Scutellaria Orthosiphon Plectranthus Salvia Prunella Dracocephalum Melissa Lavandula Mentha Teucrium Ajuga Hemigenia Leonotis Marrubium Molucella Origanum Nepeta Leonurus Lamium Stachys Ballota 323*~Leaves alternate~(CONVOLVULACEAE) Dichondra 324~Carpels equal in number to the petals; leaves opposite, succulent~(CRASSULACEAE) Crassula Cotyledon Kalanchoe Bryophyllum NB Sedum 324*~Carpels much more numerous than the petals; leaves usually alternate, not succulent~(RANUNCULACEAE) Caltha Myosurus Ranunculus Adonis 325~Leaves opposite~(MONIMIACEAE) Wilkiea Hedycarya Atherosperma Doryphora Daphnandra 325*~Leaves alternate, sometimes ± whorled~326 326~Either stamens 5 and alternate with 5 staminodes or stamens numerous and on an androgynophore~(MALVACEAE) Brachychiton Seringia Sterculia 326*~Stamens >5 but not on an androgynophore~327 327~Sepals and petals modified into calyptras; carpels immersed in the receptacle~(EUPOMATIACEAE) Eupomatia 327*~Calyptras not formed; carpels not immersed in the receptacle~328 328~Fruit a cluster of berries; leaves with fine oil dots and aromatic when crushed~329 328*~Fruit otherwise; leaves without oil dots, not aromatic when crushed~330 329~Flowers mostly unisexual; fruit blue to blackish; leaves tasting like p:epper~(WINTERACEAE) Tasmannia 329*~Flowers bisexual; fruit orange to red; leaves not tasting like pepper~(ANNONACEAE) Meiogyne Polyalthia Rauwenhoffia 330~Stamens perigynous~331 330*~Stamens hypogynous~332 331~Receptacles urn-shaped and almost enclosing carpels; fruit a number of individual achenes enclosed in a false fruit or `hip'~(ROSACEAE) Rosa 331*~Receptacles saucer-shaped; fruit a cluster of follicles (formerly Malaceae)~(ROSACEAE) Spiraea 332~Individual fruit dehiscent, follicles; carpels always completely free~(DILLENIACEAE) Adrastaea Hibbertia 332*~Individual fruit not dehiscent, drupes; carpels often united by their common style~333 333~Leaves toothed; individual black drupes seated on swollen red receptacle~(OCHNACEAE) Ochna 333*~Leaves entire; individual drupes either red, orange or brownish, receptacle neither swollen nor red~334 334~Leaves usually <5 cm long and with <10 pairs of secondary veins; western species~(SURIANACEAE) Cadellia 334*~Leaves mostly >5 cm long and with >10 pairs of secondary veins; coastal species~(SIMAROUBACEAE) Quassia 335~Fertile stamens more than twice as many as sepals or tepals (tepals as in Proteaceae, Moraceae)~336 335*~Fertile stamens to twice as many as sepals or tepals~356 336~Leaves alternate~337 336*~Leaves opposite~354 337~Leaves modified to phyllodes, identified by the extrafloral nectary on the upper edge; carpel 1; fruit a legume or a lomentum~(FABACEAE - MIMOSOIDEAE) Acacia 337*~Leaves not modified into phyllodes; carpels 1 or more; fruit neither a legume nor lomentum~338 338~Either all flowers unisexual or unisexual and bisexual flowers occurring together in the same inflorescence~339 338*~All flowers bisexual~343 339~Sepals fused and enclosing the bud, splitting into 2 or 3 lobes; carpel 1; leaves tasting like pepper~(WINTERACEAE) Tasmannia 339*~Sepals or perianth otherwise; carpel 1 or 3–indefinite; leaves not tasting like pepper~340 340~Carpels 3, fused; styles 3~(EUPHORBIACEAE) 340*~Carpels 1, or >3 (rarely 3 and with 1 style)~341 341~Sepals and petals present; carpels 4 or 5, rarely 3, central column absent~(EBENACEAE) Diospyros 341*~Either sepals or petals absent; carpels solitary or >3 and then united around a central column~342 342~Perianth represented by blunt teeth; carpels 4–7 or >20, united around a central column; fruit without spines~(GYROSTEMONACEAE) Codonocarpus Gyrostemon 342*~Perianth sepaloid, 2–3 mm long; carpel solitary; fruit covered by spines~(PHYTOLACCACEAE) Monococcus 343~Carpel solitary; fruit a drupe (formerly Amygdalaceae)~(ROSACEAE) Prunus 343*~Carpels >2, fused together; fruit variable~344 344~Carpels incompletely fused, either free at the apex or carpels united only by their gynobasic style~345 344*~Carpels fused throughout, except sometimes in upper style and stigma~346 345~Carpels free at the apex, ovules and seeds visible~(RESEDACEAE) Reseda 345*~Carpels united only by their gynobasic style~(OCHNACEAE) Ochna 346~Filaments of stamens fused, forming a tube around the styles, stigmas protruding above the tube~(MALVACEAE) Lagunaria Gossypium Lavatera Malva Modiola Malvastrum Urena Alcea Pavonia Abelmoschus Radyera Hibiscus Howittia Anoda Gynatrix Lawrencia Abutilon Sida 346*~Filaments free or almost so, not forming a tube~347 347~Sepals 2 or 3, sometimes united into a calyptra~348 347*~Sepals 4 or more~349 348~Flowers solitary on long scapes; placentation parietal~(PAPAVERACEAE) Eschscholzia Glaucium Argemone Papaver 348*~Flowers in few- to many-flowered cymes, cymose panicles or heads, rarely solitary in leaf axils; placentation basal or free-central~(PORTULACACEAE) Anacampseros 349~Ovary on a gynophore~(CAPPARACEAE) Capparis Apophyllum Cleome Polanisia 349*~Ovary ± sessile~350 350~Rigid spreading shrubs; leaves <5 mm wide~351 350*~Erect shrubs; leaves >5 mm wide~352 351~Leaves deeply and irregularly pinnatisect, glabrous (former Peganaceae)~(NITRARIACEAE) Peganum 351*~Leaves entire, covered with appressed hairs~(NITRARIACEAE) Nitraria 352~Placentation parietal; leaf margins entire or bluntly angular~(SALICACEAE) Scolopia Xylosma 352*~Placentation axile; leaf margins usually finely or coarsely toothed~353 353~Anthers opening by terminal valves or pores~(ELAEOCARPACEAE) Aristotelia Elaeocarpus Sloanea 353*~Anthers opening by longitudinal slits~(TILIACEAE) Corchorus Grewia Triumfetta 354~Shrubs or trees~(MONIMIACEAE) Wilkiea Hedycarya Atherosperma Doryphora Daphnandra 354*~Herbs or small shrubs~355 355~Leaves gland-dotted, not succulent, bright green~(HYPERICACEAE) Hypericum 355*~Leaves not gland-dotted, succulent or often greyish and apparently whorled~(AIZOACEAE) Glinus Gunniopsis Sesuvium Trianthema 356~Perianth in 1 whorl or the flower naked~357 356*~Perianth in 2 whorls~387 357~Flowers naked, perianth absent~358 357*~Flowers with perianth present~360 358~Trees with alternate leaves; flowers in catkins~(SALICACEAE) Populus Salix 358*~Herbs with opposite leaves~359 359~Flowers bisexual, in dense terminal spikes~(PIPERACEAE) Peperomia 359*~Flowers unisexual, axillary, solitary or in pairs~(CALLITRICHACEAE) Callitriche 360~Perianth segments scarious~(AMARANTHACEAE) Amaranthus Ptilotus Nyssanthes Alternanthera Froelichia Achyranthes Gomphrena Guilleminea 360*~Perianth segments herbaceous or petaloid~361 361~Stamens 8–10~362 361*~Stamens <8~371 362~Leaves opposite~363 362*~Leaves alternate and/or radical~365 363~Herbs~(CARYOPHYLLACEAE) Paronychia Herniaria Polycarpaea Spergularia Spergula Polycarpon Drymaria Scleranthus Dianthus Petrorhagia Saponaria Vaccaria Gypsophila Agrostemma Lychnis Silene Colobanthus Sagina Arenaria Stellaria Moenchia Cerastium 363*~Trees or shrubs~364 364~Flowers with tubular hypanthium, several times longer than ovary; leaves usually <6 cm long~(THYMELAEACEAE) Pimelea Kelleria Gnidia Wikstroemia Phaleria 364*~Flowers with hypanthium or perianth about as long as the ovary; leaves >6 cm long~(CUNONIACEAE) Callicoma 365~Flowers unisexual~366 365*~Flowers bisexual~368 366~Style simple; fruit a winged capsule~(SAPINDACEAE) Dodonaea 366*~Style branched or styles as many as the carpels; fruit not a winged capsule~367 367~Carpels 3, fused, styles 3; fruit usually 3-lobed~(EUPHORBIACEAE) 367*~Carpels 2 or >3 and united around a central column; styles free, 2–7, or fused and 4–7-branched; fruit 2- or >3-lobed~(GYROSTEMONACEAE) Codonocarpus Gyrostemon 368~Carpels 8–10~(PHYTOLACCACEAE) Monococcus Phytolacca Rivina 368*~Carpels usually 3–5~369 369~Herbs or subshrubs~(AIZOACEAE) Galenia Macarthuria 369*~Shrubs or small trees~370 370~Plants of coastal areas; seeds without arils~(SALICACEAE) Casearia 370*~Plants of inland areas; seeds with a fleshy red aril~(SAPINDACEAE) Alectryon Heterodendrum 371~Styles 2 or more, or the style branched~372 371*~Style simple, unbranched (stigma sometimes lobed)~376 372~Ovary usually 3-locular, rarely 2–7-locular~(EUPHORBIACEAE) 372*~Ovary 1-locular~373 373~Herbs with opposite leaves, the leaf bases usually fused; stipules sometimes present; glabrous or with a few simple hairs~(CARYOPHYLLACEAE) Paronychia Herniaria Polycarpaea Spergularia Spergula Polycarpon Drymaria Scleranthus Dianthus Petrorhagia Saponaria Vaccaria Gypsophila Agrostemma Lychnis Silene Colobanthus Sagina Arenaria Stellaria Moenchia Cerastium 373*~Trees, shrubs or herbs with leaves alternate (rarely opposite, and if so, without stipules, the leaf bases not fused and hairs tubercled)~374 374~Shrubs or trees; mostly in or near rainforest~375 374*~Herbs or small shrubs; widespread, rarely in rainforest~(CHENOPODIACEAE) Beta Enchylaena Scleroblitum Dysphania Suaeda Einadia Chenopodium Suaeda Rhagodia Atriplex Dissocarpus Threlkeldia Malacocera Neobassia Sclerolaena Osteocarpum Salsola Maireana 375~Fruit solitary or paired, drupaceous; leaves usually 3-veined from base~(ULMACEAE) Aphananthe Celtis Trema 375*~Fruit crowded and forming a multiple fruit; leaves not 3-veined from base~(MORACEAE) Maclura Morus 376~Perianth tubular (at least in bud) or tubular hypanthium present~377 376*~Perianth not tubular (sometimes fused at the base and forming a shallow cup)~381 377~Stamens always 6; petals 6; calyx represented by a cup which enlarges in fruit~(OLACACEAE) Olax 377*~Stamens mostly 2–5, sometimes 6–8; calyx not a cup which enlarges in fruit~378 378~Upper part of perianth tube falling, the lower part persisting and enclosing the fruit~(NYCTAGINACEAE) Boerhavia Mirabilis Pisonia 378*~Otherwise~379 379~Stamens 2; inserted on the rim of the tubular hypanthium~(THYMELAEACEAE) Pimelea Kelleria Gnidia Wikstroemia Phaleria 379*~Stamens >3; not inserted on the rim of a tubular hypanthium~380 380~Trees or shrubs; stamens opposite to and fused with the perianth segments~(PROTEACEAE) Lambertia Banksia Isopogon Symphionema Persoonia Conospermum Xylomelum Triunia Macadamia Telopea Strangea Stenocarpus Alloxylon Lomatia Hakea Grevillea Hicksbeachia Orites Floydia Helicia 380*~Herbs or subshrubs; stamens alternating with the perianth segments~(AIZOACEAE) Gunniopsis Trianthema 381~Stamens opposite the perianth segments~382 381*~Stamens alternating with the perianth segments~383 382~Either trees or tall shrubs with toothed leaves, often with stinging hairs, or herbs sometimes with stinging hairs~(URTICACEAE) Dendrocnide Pipturus Boehmeria Elatostema Australina Parietaria Soleirolia Urtica Pilea 382*~Shrubs with entire leaves (glabrous or hairy but without stinging hairs)~(SANTALACEAE) Exocarpos 383~Leaves opposite; herbs~(AIZOACEAE) Gunniopsis Trianthema 383*~Leaves alternate; small trees, shrubs or subshrubs~384 384~Leaves with a rusty stellate tomentum~(MALVACEAE) Keraudrenia Lasiopetalum Seeringia 384*~Leaves glabrous or hairy with simple hairs~385 385~Flowers unisexual; fruit succulent, not winged~386 385*~Flowers bisexual; fruit dry, winged~(RHAMNACEAE) Ventilago 386~Trees; leaves with domatia~(PENNANTIACEAE) Pennantia 386*~Subshrubs; leaves without domatia~(PHYTOLACCACEAE) Rivina 387~Petals free~388 387*~Petals fused into a tube, rarely split down one side or at base~430 388~Flowers zygomorphic~389 388*~Flowers actinomorphic~397 389~Sepals 2; soft herbs with semisucculent, highly dissected leaves~(PAPAVERACEAE) Fumaria Pseudofumaria 389*~Sepals or perianth segments 4 or 5; shrubs or herbs, but not with semisucculent, highly dissected leaves~390 390~Two lateral sepals large and petaloid~(POLYGALACEAE) Comesperma Muraltia Polygala 390*~Sepals not with two large and petaloid lateral sepals~391 391~Shrubs with stout spines and fruit a berry <5 mm long; flowers very slightly zygomorphic~(VIOLACEAE) Hymenanthera 391*~Herbs or shrubs, rarely with spines and then fruit a legume; flowers strongly zygomorphic~392 392~Stamens 5, all fertile, staminodes absent; either sepal or petal spurred~393 392*~Stamens and staminodes when present totalling 10; uppermost sepal sometimes spurred~394 393~Lowermost petal spurred at base, sepals not spurred; leaves not succulent; herbs or shrubs~(VIOLACEAE) Hybanthus Hymenanthera Viola 393*~Petals not spurred, uppermost sepal spurred; leaves ± succulent; semisucculent shrubs~(BALSAMINACEAE) Impatiens 394~Carpels 3 or 5; uppermost sepal often spurred~395 394*~Carpel 1; uppermost sepal not spurred~396 395~Carpels 3; leaves peltate~(TROPAEOLACEAE) Tropaeolum 395*~Carpels 5; leaves not peltate~(GERANIACEAE) Pelargonium 396~Petals dissimilar in size and shape, consisting of one large posterior standard, inserted to the outside of 2 lateral wings and 2 fused segments (keel) that enclose the stamens~(FABACEAE - FABOIDEAE) 396*~Petals ± similar in size and shape, posterior petal innermost, petals usually not fused~(FABACEAE - CAESALPINIOIDEAE) Barklya Chamaecrista (check) 397~Woody plants~398 397*~Herbs~418 398~Leaves with oil dots, leaves aromatic when crushed~399 398*~Leaves without oil dots, not distinctly aromatic when crushed~400 399~Fruit a capsule or berry; flowers >3 mm long: disc present between stamens and ovary; oil dots relatively large~(RUTACEAE) Citrus Eriostemon Correa Sarcomelicope Acronychia Boronia Medicosma Flindersia Geijera Halfordia Philotheca Asterolasia Crowea Phebalium 399*~Fruit drupaceous; flowers 1–2 mm long; disc absent; oil dots minute~(LAURACEAE) Litsea Neolitsea Cryptocarya Endiandra Cinnamomum Beilschmiedia Persea 400~Disc present between the stamens and the ovary~401 400*~Disc absent~402 401~Stamens 8–12~(SIMAROUBACEAE) Quassia 401*~Stamens 4 or 5~(CELASTRACEAE) Hippocratea Cassine Siphonodon Hedraianthera Apatophyllum Denhamia Maytenus 402~All flowers unisexual~403 402*~Either all flowers bisexual or rarely some unisexual~404 403~Leaves either entire or toothed to crenate, if teeth spinose then leaves not glossy and fruit a capsule; fruit usually capsular, rarely drupaceous or a berry~(EUPHORBIACEAE) 403*~Leaves with spinose teeth and glossy; fruit drupaceous~(AQUIFOLIACEAE) Ilex 404~Stamens 2~(OLEACEAE) Olea Notelaea Nestegis 404*~Stamens >2~405 405~Stamens hypogynous~406 405*~Stamens perigynous~417 406~Anthers dehiscing by terminal pores or valves~407 406*~Anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits~409 407~Stems with 3-branched spines~(BERBERIDACEAE) Berberis 407*~Stems without spines~408 408~Small shrubs; leaves <2 cm long~(ELAEOCARPACEAE) Tetratheca 408*~Trees or tall shrubs; leaves >4 cm long~(LAURACEAE) Litsea Neolitsea Cryptocarya Endiandra Cinnamomum Beilschmiedia Persea 409~Stamens 4 or 5~410 409*~Stamens 8 or 10~413 410~Stamens alternating with staminodes~411 410*~Staminodes absent~412 411~Leaves stellate-hairy; fruit a capsule~(MALVACEAE) Gilesia Melhania Keraudrenia Rulingia Hannafordia Lasiopetalum 411*~Leaves glabrous; fruit a drupe~(CORYNOCARPACEAE) Corynocarpus 412~Anthers with a terminal appendage; shrubs with stout spines; flowers slightly zygomorphic~(VIOLACEAE) Hymenanthera 412*~Appendages absent; trees or spinose shrubs, spines fine; flowers actinomorphic~(PITTOSPORACEAE) Bursaria Hymenosporum Pittosporum Citriobatus 413~Leaves opposite~414 413*~Leaves alternate~415 414~Interpetiolar stipules present; leaves not lobed, margins toothed~(CUNONIACEAE) Schizomeria 414*~Stipules absent; leaves palmately lobed, otherwise margins entire~(ACERACEAE) Acer 415~Leaves glabrous; rainforest species~416 415*~Leaves covered with appressed hairs; western species~(NITRARIACEAE) Nitraria 416~Leaves usually <3.5 cm long; fruit red, <9 mm long; petals white~(ERYTHROXYLACEAE) Erythroxylum 416*~Leaves usually >3.5 cm long; fruit black, >9 mm long; petals yellow~(SURIANACEAE) Guilfoylia 417~Stamens alternating with the sepal lobes; stipules present~(RHAMNACEAE) Alphitonia Emmenosperma Hovenia Ventilago Discaria Rhamnus Spyridium Pomaderris 417*~Stamens alternating with the petals; stipules absent~567 418~Sepals 2 or 3~419 418*~Sepals or outer perianth segments 4 or more~420 419~Sepals 2~(PORTULACACEAE) Anacampseros 419*~Sepals 3~(ELATINACEAE) Bergia Elatine 420~Flowers with tubular hypanthium bearing 4–6 sepals, 4–6 appendages and 4–6 petals~(LYTHRACEAE) Ammannia Cuphea Lythrum 420*~Flowers without hypanthium~421 421~Flowers unisexual~(EUPHORBIACEAE) 421*~Flowers bisexual~422 422~Leaves dotted with oil glands~(RUTACEAE) Boronia 422*~Leaves without oil dots~423 423~Fruit a schizocarp splitting into awned mericarps~(GERANIACEAE) Erodium Geranium Pelargonium 423*~Fruit a siliqua, silicula or capsule~424 424~Leaves opposite (sometimes apparently whorled)~425 424*~Leaves alternate~427 425~Ovary 2–5-locular; leaves Y-shaped~(ZYGOPHYLLACEAE) Zygophyllum Tribulus 425*~Ovary 1-locular; leaves not Y-shaped~426 426~Placentation free-central; mostly herbs, rarely dwarf shrubs; leaves generally green, or if greyish then not salt encrusted~(CARYOPHYLLACEAE) Paronychia Herniaria Polycarpaea Spergularia Spergula Polycarpon Drymaria Scleranthus Dianthus Petrorhagia Saponaria Vaccaria Gypsophila Agrostemma Lychnis Silene Colobanthus Sagina Arenaria Stellaria Moenchia Cerastium 426*~Placentation parietal; dwarf shrubs; leaves generally greyish because of salt encrusted on surface~(FRANKENIACEAE) Frankenia 427~Ovary 1-locular; leaves and stems with mixed glandular and non-glandular hairs~(CAPPARACEAE) Cleome 427*~Ovary with 2 or more loculi; plants either glabrous or hairy but hairs not glandular~428 428~Sepals 4 and petals 4, stamens usually 6; fruit a siliqua or silicula~(BRASSICACEAE) Diplotaxis Raphanus Conringia Brassica Sinapis Hirschfeldia Menkea Arabidella Irenepharsus Cardamine Sisymbrium Barbarea Matthiola Cheiranthus Descurainia Arabidopsis Turritis Blennodia Geococcus Stenopetalum Pachymitus Harmsiodoxa Drabastrum Carrichtera Cakile Rapistrum Lepidium Coronopus Cardaria Lobularia Capsella Thlaspi Cuphonotus Phlegmatospermum Lunaria Geococcus Erophila Alyssum Camelina 428*~Sepals and petals 5 or perianth in whorls of 5, stamens 5 or 8; fruit capsular~429 429~Ovary 5-locular; flowers blue or yellow; leaves mostly cauline~(LINACEAE) Linum 429*~Ovary 3-locular; flowers white or pinkish; leaves mostly basal~(AIZOACEAE) Macarthuria 430~Leaves alternate or all basal~431 430*~Leaves opposite~457 431~Stamens epipetalous~432 431*~Stamens not epipetalous~449 432~Stylar cup around the stigma; anthers fused to each other around style~(GOODENIACEAE) Brunonia 432*~Cup absent; anthers not fused to each other~433 433~Flowers unisexual~(EBENACEAE) Diospyros 433*~Flowers bisexual~434 434~Milky latex exudes from broken stems or petioles~(APOCYNACEAE) Thevetia 434*~Milky latex absent~435 435~Shrubs with leaves longitudinally veined; leaves scleromorphic~(ERICACEAE-STYPHELIOIDEAE) Richea Dracophyllum Sprengelia Woollsia Epacris Rupicola Styphelia Melichrus Astroloma Lissanthe Monotoca Acrotriche Pentachondra Brachyloma 435*~Either leaves not longitudinally veined, or if leaves with >1 longitudinal vein then leaves herbaceous~436 436~Style more or less gynobasic, the ovary lobed; either hairs tubercular, or plants glabrous and succulent; inflorescence cymose~(BORAGINACEAE) Halgania Borago Trichodesma Cynoglossum Austrocynoglossum Omphalolappula Plagiobothrys Amsinckia Myosotis Anchusa Neatostema Buglossoides Heliotropium Anchusa Echium 436*~Style terminal; tubercular hairs absent and plants not succulent; inflorescence not cymose~437 437~Fertile stamens 5, opposite the corolla lobes; 5 staminodes sometimes present also~438 437*~Stamens 5 or fewer, alternating with the corolla lobes~440 438~Staminodes 5, alternating with 5 stamens~(SAPOTACEAE) Amorphospermum Niemeyera Pouteria 438*~Staminodes absent~439 439~Herbs or scandent shrubs, if the latter then calyx glandular and flowers >10 mm long~(PLUMBAGINACEAE) Plumbago Limonium 439*~Trees or shrubs, if shrubs then glandular hairs absent and flowers <10 mm long~(PRIMULACEAE) Aegiceras 440~Ovary 1-locular; ± semi-aquatic herbs either with radical leaves with long petiole and cordate to sagittate lamina, or underground dissected leaves with insect-trapping bladders~441 440*~Ovary with 2 or more loculi; leaves not dissected or underground leaves with insect-trapping bladders, plants not aquatic~442 441~Flowers actinomorphic; stamens 5; bladders absent~(MENYANTHACEAE) Nymphoides Villarsia 441*~Corolla 2-lipped; stamens 2; leaves with bladders~(LENTIBULARIACEAE) Utricularia 442~Flowers in compact spikes~443 442*~Inflorescence otherwise~444 443~Herbs with leaves in basal rosettes; dense inflorescence solitary on long leafless scapes~(PLANTAGINACEAE) Plantago 443*~Subshrubs with alternate leaves on branches; inflorescences often clustered near ends of branches~(SELAGINACEAE) Hebenstretia Selago 444~Ovary (placenta) oblique in the flower; flowers usually actinomorphic or almost so~(SOLANACEAE) Nicandra Physalis Withania Capsicum Lycium Salpichroa Lycopersicon Cestrum Cyphomandra Duboisia Solanum Cyphanthera Datura Hyoscyamus Nierembergia Nicotiana Petunia Calibrachoa 444*~Ovary and placenta straight; flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic~445 445~Herbs, sometimes woody at base~446 445*~Shrubs or trees~448 446~Stamens 4; flowers zygomorphic, corolla usually 2-lipped (stamens 5 in Verbascum and the corolla yellow and the lobes slightly unequal)~(SCROPHULARIACEAE) Centranthera Mazus Buchnera Gratiola Chionohebe Mazus Bacopa Stemodia Derwentia Veronica Parahebe Calceolaria Misopates Scrophularia Artanema Lindernia Cymbalaria Linaria Kickxia Verbascum Digitalis Glossostigma Orthocarpus Euphrasia Bartsia Glossostigma Mimulus Peplidium Elacholoma 446*~Stamens 5; flowers actinomorphic~447 447~Flowers <15 mm long, solitary or in small axillary clusters~(CONVOLVULACEAE) Dichondra Evolvulus Wilsonia 447*~Flowers >20 mm long, in many-flowered terminal inflorescences~(POLEMONIACEAE) Collomia Navarretia 448~Stamens 4, sometimes with 1 staminode; corolla 2-lipped or flower ± actinomorphic~(PLANTAGINACEAE) Eremophila Myoporum 448*~Stamens 5; flowers actinomorphic~(BORAGINACEAE) Ehretia 449~Herbs~450 449*~Woody plants~453 450~Flowers zygomorphic~451 450*~Flowers actinomorphic~452 451~Stamens 5; stylar cup present; fruit a small capsule, <2 cm long, not horned~(GOODENIACEAE) Velleia 451*~Fertile stamens 2 or 4; stylar cup absent; fruit a horned capsule, >2 cm long~(MARTYNIACEAE) Ibicella Martynia 452~Petals shortly united into a basal tube; cymes few-flowered; prostrate plants~(PORTULACACEAE) Neopaxia 452*~Petals free at the base, fused above; either flowers in many-flowered spikes or racemes, or rarely flowers solitary and then plant prostrate; plants usually erect~(STACKHOUSIACEAE) Macgregoria Stackhousia 453~Flowers unisexual~(EBENACEAE) Diospyros 453*~Flowers bisexual or polygamous~454 454~Stamens 10, anthers dehiscing by terminal pores; calyx enlarging in fruit~(ERICACEAE) Erica Gaultheria 454*~Stamens 5 or 10, anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits; calyx not enlarging in fruit~455 455~Ovary 1- or 2-locular; stamens 5~456 455*~Ovary usually 5-locular; stamens 10; stems and leaves covered with peltate scales~(RUTACEAE) Phebalium 456~Ovary 1-locular, ovules 2; fruit an indehiscent drupe~568 456*~Ovary incompletely 2-locular, ovules several; fruit dehiscing by 2 valves~(PITTOSPORACEAE) Pittosporum 457~Style gynobasic or at least style arising between the 4 lobes of the ovary; fruit consisting of 4 nutlets~(LAMIACEAE) Salvia Prostanthera Plectranthus Lavandula Marrubium Hemigenia Westringia Leonotis 457*~Style terminal on the ovary; fruit variable, rarely of 4 nutlets~458 458~Corolla tube split to base on one side~(PORTULACACEAE) Montia 458*~Corolla tube not split to base~459 459~Stamens fewer than the corolla lobes~460 459*~Stamens equal in number to the corolla lobes or more numerous~466 460~Stamens 2 and the flowers actinomorphic~(OLEACEAE) Olea Notelaea Nestegis 460*~Stamens more than 2 or if 2 the flowers zygomorphic~461 461~Ovary with 1 or 2 basal ovules per loculus; fruit either of 4 nutlets each with or without a succulent layer, or drupaceous~462 461*~Ovules numerous in each loculus; fruit dry~463 462~Plants either glabrous or hairy and then hairs simple or T-shaped~(VERBENACEAE) 462*~Plants usually densely hairy; hairs much-branched~(LAMIACEAE) Chloanthes Dicrastylis Spartothamnella 463~Leaves with glandular hairs; fruit prominently hardened~464 463*~Leaves without glandular hairs; fruit not hardened~465 464~Fruit indehiscent, without horns, <2 cm long~(PEDALIACEAE) Josephinia Proboscidea Sesamum 464*~Fruit dehiscent, horned, >2 cm long~(MARTYNIACEAE) Ibicella Martynia 465~Seeds attached to placentas by hooked processes~(ACANTHACEAE) Hygrophila Dipteracanthus Brunoniella Pseuderanthemum Hypoestes Xerothamnella Rostellularia Calophanoides Rhaphidospora Isoglossa 465*~Seeds not attached by hooked processes~(SCROPHULARIACEAE) Centranthera Mazus Buchnera Gratiola Chionohebe Mazus Bacopa Stemodia Derwentia Veronica Parahebe Calceolaria Misopates Scrophularia Artanema Lindernia Cymbalaria Linaria Kickxia Verbascum Digitalis Glossostigma Orthocarpus Euphrasia Bartsia Glossostigma Mimulus Peplidium Elacholoma 466~Milky or yellowish latex exudes from cut or broken stems or petioles~467 466*~Milky or yellowish latex usually absent~468 467~Pollen aggregated into 2–4 pollinia; fruit always a pair of dehiscent, green to brownish follicles (sometimes only 1 develops) (formerly Asclepiadaceae)~(APOCYNACEAE) 467*~Pollen granular, not aggregated into pollinia; fruit a black or brightly coloured capsule, berry or drupe, rarely a pair of tardily dehiscent follicles~(APOCYNACEAE) 468~Stamens free, 8~(RUTACEAE) Correa 468*~Stamens epipetalous, 4–6~469 469~Stamens opposite the corolla lobes~(PRIMULACEAE) Anagallis Lysimachia Samolus 469*~Stamens alternating with the corolla lobes~470 470~Corolla zygomorphic (sometimes only slightly so); stems often angular~471 470*~Corolla actinomorphic; stems rarely angular~472 471~Stamens 4, in pairs, filaments of unequal length; plants either glabrous or hairy and then hairs simple or T-shaped~(VERBENACEAE) 471*~Stamens 4–6, all similar; plants usually densely hairy; hairs much-branched~(LAMIACEAE) Chloanthes Dicrastylis Spartothamnella 472~Petiole bases connected by a raised line or flap of tissue~(LOGANIACEAE) Mitrasacme Logania Gelsemium Strychnos 472*~Connection between petiole bases absent~(GENTIANACEAE) Centaurium Sebaea Cicendia Gentianella Gentiana 473~Style terminated by a cup that surrounds the stigma; petals usually with a thickened strip on the back~(GOODENIACEAE) Brunonia Lechenaultia Dampiera Velleia Goodenia Coopernookia Scaevola Selliera 473*~Stylar cup absent; petals without a thickened strip~474 474~Tendrils present on stems~(CUCURBITACEAE) Citrullus Momordica Cucumis Ecballium Zehneria Cucumis Trichosanthes Diplocyclos Sicyos Lagenaria Sechium Cucurbita 474*~Tendrils absent~475 475~Either anthers fused around the style, or the anthers sessile and fused to the style~476 475*~Anthers free from one another and free from the style~478 476~Stamens 3–5, the anthers fused around the style~477 476*~Anthers 2, sessile, fused to the style~(STYLIDIACEAE) Levenhookia Stylidium 477~Flowers in heads and surrounded by an involucre of bracts, bracts sometimes fused and then forming a burr in fruit~(ASTERACEAE) 477*~Flowers neither in heads nor surrounded by involucral bracts; burrs not formed~(LOBELIACEAE) Monopsis Lobelia Pratia Isotoma Hypsela 478~Leaves opposite and with interpetiolar stipules~479 478*~Either leaves alternate or if leaves opposite then stipules absent or not interpetiolar~480 479~Petals fused into a tube; margins of leaves entire~(RUBIACEAE) Pomax Opercularia Nertera Leptostigma Borreria Richardia Knoxia Diodia Dentella Oldenlandia Synaptantha Pavetta Ixora Canthium Psychotria Coprosma Hodgkinsonia Diplospora Randia 479*~Petals free; margins of leaves toothed~(CUNONIACEAE) Ceratopetalum 480~Flowers aggregated in either heads or head-like umbels with an involucre of bracts~481 480*~Flowers neither in heads nor in head-like umbels with an involucre of bracts~483 481~Leaves not succulent~482 481*~Leaves succulent~(PORTULACACEAE) Portulaca 482~Leaves opposite or ± whorled~(DIPSACACEAE) Dipsacus Scabiosa 482*~Leaves alternate~(APIACEAE) Actinotus 483~Leaves succulent or semisucculent; herbs or shrubs~484 483*~Leaves non-succulent; herbs, shrubs or trees~486 484~Corolla present, 4–6-lobed~485 484*~Corolla not differentiated, perianth present in 1 or 2 whorls, staminodes absent or more often numerous and petaloid~(AIZOACEAE) Trianthema Zaleya Gunniopsis Sesuvium 485~Staminodes 5, not petaloid; flowers in terminal racemes~(PRIMULACEAE) Samolus 485*~Staminodes absent; flowers in few-flowered terminal or axillary cymes~(PORTULACACEAE) Portulaca 486~Either stamens >5 or if 5 then oil dots prominent in leaves (leaves usually aromatic when crushed)~487 486*~Stamens 5 or fewer and oil dots absent from leaves~497 487~Leaves dotted with oil glands; sepals and/or petals sometimes formed into a calyptra~488 487*~Leaves without obvious oil glands; calyptra usually not formed (except in some Myrtaceae)~489 488~Stamens 5–numerous, all similar, staminodes absent~(MYRTACEAE) 488*~Stamens numerous, inner stamens sterile, petaloid, outer stamens fertile~(EUPOMATIACEAE) Eupomatia 489~Flowers unisexual; vegetative buds scaly, sharply pointed; stipules present~(NOTHOFAGACEAE) Nothofagus 489*~Flowers bisexual; vegetative buds generally not scaly; stipules absent~490 490~Styles free, 2 or more~491 490*~Style simple~492 491~Styles usually 5; leaves alternate; fruit usually fleshy (formerly Malaceae)~(ROSACEAE) Pyracantha Crataegus Eriobotrya Rhaphiolepis Malus Sorbus 491*~Styles 2; leaves opposite or apparently whorled; fruit dry (formerly Baueraceae)~(CUNONIACEAE) Bauera 492~Stamens >10; shrubs or trees, various habitats~493 492*~Stamens 10 or fewer; herbs or trees, not in rainforest~495 493~Fruit ± succulent, drupaceous or a berry; shrubs or trees in rainforest~494 493*~Fruit dry, capsular; trees, rarely in rainforest~(MYRTACEAE) Melaleuca Tristania Lophostemon Tristaniopsis Eucalyptus Syncarpia Choricarpia Angophora Backhousia Callistemon Leptospermum 494~Leaves alternate, toothed~(SYMPLOCACEAE) Symplocos 494*~Leaves opposite, entire~(MYRTACEAE) Syzygium Waterhousea Acmena Rhodomyrtus Rhodamnia Decaspermum Uromyrtus Psidium Archirhodomyrtus Austromyrtus Pilidiostigma 495~Stamens all similar, filaments not jointed~496 495*~Stamens not all similar, 5 larger, filaments articulated~(MELASTOMATACEAE) Melastoma 496~Herbs; calyx and corolla present; fruit a capsule~(ONAGRACEAE) Ludwigia Oenothera Epilobium 496*~Shrubs; perianth in 1 whorl; fruit a berry~(LORANTHACEAE) Atkinsonia 497~Flowers in umbels (sometimes 2-flowered in Xanthosia); carpels usually 2~498 497*~Flowers not in umbels; carpels variable~499 498~Epigynous disc usually swelling at the base of the styles on the fruit; mostly herbs, occasionally small shrubs; glabrous, or if pubescent not stellate-pubescent~(APIACEAE) Aciphylla Lilaeopsis Eryngium Bupleurum Schizeilema Diplaspis Dichosciadium Hydrocotyle Centella Trachymene Oschatzia Xanthosia Platysace 498*~Epigynous disc not swelling; shrubs or trees, stellate-pubescent~(ARALIACEAE) Astrotricha Tetrapanax 499~Flowers minute (1–2 mm long), in leaf axils~(HALORAGACEAE) Haloragis Gonocarpus Haloragodendron Glischrocaryon 499*~Flowers larger and in expanded inflorescences or solitary and terminal~500 500~Herbs or subshrubs; corolla blue to purple or red~501 500*~Shrubs or trees; corolla neither blue to purple nor red~502 501~Flowers ± solitary, blue, calyx not pappus-like; widespread, native species~(CAMPANULACEAE) Campanula Triodanis Wahlenbergia 501*~Flowers in dense terminal clusters, calyx pappus-like, flowers red or white; cultivated plants, rarely naturalized~(VALERIANACEAE) Centranthus 502~Leaves palmately lobed; stout, curved spines present at most nodes~(GROSSULARIACEAE) Ribes 502*~Leaves not palmately lobed; spines absent~503 503~Stamens alternating with the sepals (or perianth segments if only 1 whorl present)~504 503*~Stamens opposite the sepals~505 504~Stipules present (sometimes minute); leaves alternate, hairy, hairs often stellate; fruit a capsule~(RHAMNACEAE) Cryptandra Pomaderris 504*~Stipules absent; leaves opposite or subopposite, glabrous or almost so; fruit a drupe~(SANTALACEAE) Santalum 505~Domatia numerous; ovary 1-locular~(CORNACEAE) Alangium 505*~Domatia absent; ovary mostly 2–5-locular, rarely 1-locular~506 506~Shrubs (sometimes single-stemmed) with stellate hairs; ovary usually 2-locular~(ARALIACEAE) Astrotricha 506*~Shrubs or trees, glabrous or pubescent with simple or T-shaped hairs; ovary 1–5-locular~507 507~Native rainforest species; leaves alternate or opposite with toothed margins; flowers <5 mm long~508 507*~Garden escapes, not in rainforest; leaves opposite with margins entire or toothed; flowers >8 mm long~509 508~Leaves opposite or alternate, glabrous or silvery-hairy on lower surface; fruit blackish, 2–5-locular and many-seeded or if 1-locular and 1-seeded then leaves opposite~566 508*~Leaves alternate, sparsely hairy on lower surface; fruit red, 1-locular and 1-seeded~(ARGOPHYLLACEAE) Corokia 509~Fruit 2–5-locular, many-seeded; leaves either entire or lobed, or if toothed then flowers enclosed by coloured bracts >10 mm long~(CAPRIFOLIACEAE) Leycesteria Lonicera 509*~Fruit 1-locular, 1-seeded; leaves toothed but flowers not enclosed by bracts~(ADOXACEAE) Viburnum 510~Leaves usually with an open sheath that surrounds the stem and a ligule usually present at the top of the sheath although often much reduced; flowers enclosed by a palea and lemma and variously arranged into spikelets~(POACEAE) 510*~Leaves lacking a sheath and ligule; flowers not enclosed by a palea and lemma and arranged into spikelets~511 511~Leaves on adult plants reduced to open sheaths on the aerial stems (sheath sometimes bears a small ± linear lamina)~(RESTIONACEAE) Sporadanthus Lepyrodia Baloskion Restio Coleocarya Empodisma Leptocarpus Hypolaena 511*~Leaves on adult plants not reduced to open sheaths on the aerial stems~512 512~Plants arborescent~513 512*~Plants herbaceous~519 513~Leaves compound~(ARECACEAE) Livistona Archontophoenix Linospadix Calamus 513*~Leaves simple~514 514~Stems branched several times; plants with stilt roots~(PANDANACEAE) Pandanus 514*~Stems unbranched, or if branched then stilt roots absent~515 515~Leaf bases persistent on the stem~(XANTHORRHOEACEAE) Xanthorrhoea 515*~Leaf bases not persistent on the stem~516 516~Perianth segments <2 cm long; ovary superior; leaves not succulent and spinescent~(ASTELIACEAE) Cordyline 516*~Perianth segments >2 cm long; ovary inferior or rarely superior; leaves often succulent and/or spinescent~517 517~Inflorescence paniculate, spreading; perianth white to yellowish or rarely red; leaves with margins toothed, often spinose and apex spinose~518 517*~Inflorescence capitate or racemose; perianth red or bright pink; leaves entire, apex not spinose but with a drip tip~(DORYANTHACEAE) Doryanthes 518~Scape usually >1.5 m high; flowers white to yellowish~(AGAVACEAE) Agave Furcraea Yucca 518*~Scape <1 m high; flowers red~(ASPHODELACEAE) Aloe 519~Leaves with reticulate venation; main veins often longitudinal~520 519*~Leaves with parallel venation~522 520~Leaves with petiole as long as or longer than the lamina~521 520*~Leaves with petiole shorter than the lamina~(ORCHIDACEAE) Zeuxine Cheirostylis Pterostylis Corybas Acianthus Cyrtostylis Chiloglottis 521~Flowers in dense cylindrical spikes surrounded by a spathe~(ARACEAE) Zantedeschia *Colocasia Alocasia *Arum Typhonium 521*~Flowers in loose panicles or racemes~(ALISMATACEAE) Sagittaria Damasonium Alisma 522~Leaves 4–10 cm wide~523 522*~Leaves <4 cm wide~527 523~Inflorescence borne among, or slightly exceeding, the leaves; leaves cauline, differentiated into a circular open sheath that surrounds the stem and the lamina, midrib present; stamen 1~524 523*~Inflorescence borne on a scape much longer than the leaves, often 1–3 m high; leaves radical, without a circular sheath, dilated at the base; stamens 6~525 524~Leaves 2-ranked and with a ligule at junction of sheath and lamina, lateral veins almost parallel to the midrib; anthers with 2 fertile loculi~(ZINGIBERACEAE) Alpinia Hedychium 524*~Leaves not 2-ranked, ligule absent, lateral veins pinnate; anthers with 1 fertile loculus~(CANNACEAE) Canna 525~Inflorescence paniculate, spreading; leaves with margins and apex spinose~(AGAVACEAE) Agave Furcraea Yucca 525*~Inflorescence capitate or racemose; leaves entire, not spinose~526 526~Flowers actinomorphic, perianth red or bright pink~(DORYANTHACEAE) Doryanthes 526*~Flowers zygomorphic, perianth white to yellowish, sometimes with darker markings~(ORCHIDACEAE) Calanthe Dendrobium Phaius 527~Leaves well developed, green and scattered along the aerial stem and branches; flowers usually axillary or in small terminal inflorescences; underground stems generally not well developed~528 527*~Leaves all or mostly basal or reduced and bract-like along the aerial stems; flowers commonly borne on a ± leafless scape; underground stems well developed, usually modified into bulbs, corms, tubers or rhizomes~537 528~Mat-forming perennials of damp alpine flats~(ANTHERICACEAE) Herpolirion 528*~Plants not forming mats in alpine areas~529 529~Stamen 1, fused to the style and stigma to form the column; staminodes sometimes present; one petal (labellum) different from, and more conspicuous than the others~(ORCHIDACEAE) Bulbophyllum Liparis Dendrobium Sarcochilus Zeuxine Cheirostylis 529*~Stamens 3–6; stamens not fused to the style and stigma to form the column; and flowers not modified with one petal different from others~530 530~Leaves with a closed basal sheath that encircles the stem; lamina herbaceous, semi-succulent or scleromorphic; ovary superior~531 530*~Closed sheath absent; leaves scleromorphic or herbaceous; ovary superior or inferior~532 531~Fruit usually a capsule, sometimes a nut but then not suspended by filaments; petals coloured; leaves herbaceous or semisucculent, ligule absent~(COMMELINACEAE) Tradescantia Dichorisandra Commelina Pollia Aneilema Murdannia 531*~Fruit a nut, may be suspended by persistent anther filaments; petals not differentiated; leaves scleromorphic, scabrous and often ligulate~(CYPERACEAE) Bulboschoenus Gahnia Scirpus 532~Leaves with petiole twisted 180°, >10 mm long; ovary inferior~(ALSTROEMERIACEAE) Alstroemeria 532*~Leaves with petiole <10 mm long or lamina sessile, petiole not conspicuously twisted; ovary superior~533 533~Flowers unisexual; leaves scleromorphic~(LOMANDRACEAE) Lomandra 533*~Flowers bisexual (rarely unisexual and then the leaves herbaceous); leaves usually herbaceous, rarely scleromorphic~534 534~Filaments densely bearded or with a conspicuous swelling below the anthers; perianth commonly blue, rarely cream; plants >30 cm high~(PHORMIACEAE) Dianella Stypandra Thelionema 534*~Filaments neither bearded nor with a conspicuous swelling below the anthers; perianth usually cream or lilac; plants usually <30 cm high~535 535~Fruit a capsule; flowers in few-flowered cymes or umbels or if solitary then flowers sessile or terminal, rarely axillary and stalked~536 535*~Fruit a berry; flowers solitary, axillary, stalked~(LUZURIAGACEAE) Drymophila 536~Plants with a corm; leaves either with apex tendril-like or with a tubular sheath encircling the stem and broadening of the basal part of the lamina~(COLCHICACEAE) Gloriosa Wurmbea 536*~Plants rhizomatous; leaves not with apex tendril-like or with a tubular sheath~(UVULARIACEAE) Schelhammera Tripladenia 537~Either flowers unisexual and in dense spikes (male above, female below), or flowers covered by glume-like bracts~538 537*~Flowers not unisexual and in dense spikes (male above, female below), or flowers not covered by glume-like bracts~544 538~Flowers unisexual and in dense elongated or globose heads; individual flower pedicels not visible; inflorescence axis visible between clusters but not between individual flowers; individual flowers <5 mm diam~539 538*~Flowers not unisexual and in dense elongated or globose heads; individual flower pedicels visible; inflorescence axis visible between individual flowers; individual flowers >5 mm diam~540 539~Inflorescence dense spike-like; male flowers above, female flowers below, ± separated by a portion of stem~(TYPHACEAE) Typha 539*~Inflorescence of dense globose clusters arranged along the axis; upper clusters male, lower clusters female~(SPARGANIACEAE) Sparganium 540~Petals 3, yellow, conspicuous when expanded but short-lived; sepals 3; flowers subtended by wide imbricate bracts, massed into a globose head; leaf bases dilated and mostly dark red-brown or blackish~(XYRIDACEAE) Xyris 540*~Perianth segments all similar; inflorescence and leaf bases not as above~541 541~Perianth segments >4 mm long; fruit a berry; at least bases of leaves silvery-hairy~(ASTELIACEAE) Astelia 541*~Perianth segments <3 mm long, membranous or chaffy or perianth lacking; fruit a capsule or a nut; leaf bases green~542 542~Perianth members 4 or 6; flowers arranged in dense, convex, button-like heads 6–8 mm diam. on a scape; fruit a capsule~(ERIOCAULACEAE) Eriocaulon 542*~Perianth lacking or represented by hairs or scales; inflorescence not as above; fruit a capsule or nut~543 543~Fruit a dehiscent capsule; tufted annuals with filiform leaves dilated at the base~(CENTROLEPIDACEAE) Aphelia Centrolepis 543*~Fruit an indehiscent nut; habit rarely as above, if similar, then the leaves with closed sheaths encircling the stem~(CYPERACEAE) Abildgaardia Baumea Bolboschoenus Bulbostylis Carex Carpha Caustis Chorizandra Cladium Cyathochaeta Cyperus Eleocharis Exocarya Fimbristylis Fuirena Gahnia Gymnoschoenus Isolepis Lepidosperma Lepironia Lipocarpha Oreobolus Ptilanthelium Rhynchospora Schoenoplectus Schoenus Scirpus Scleria Tetraria Trachystylis Tricostularia Uncinia 544~Ovary superior~545 544*~Ovary inferior or half-inferior~560 545~Perianth of 4 segments; inflorescence spicate~546 545*~Perianth of 6 segments in 2 whorls, fused or free; inflorescence variable~547 546~Stamen 1; flowers zygomorphic, yellow or white, >1 cm long; inflorescence > 20 cm long, flowers spread along axis~(PHILYDRACEAE) Helmholtzia Philydrum 546*~Stamens 4; flowers actinomorphic, greenish, <3 mm long; inflorescence c. 15 cm long, flowers crowded at end of peduncle c. 1–2 m long~(ARACEAE) Gymnostachys 547~Bulbs present~548 547*~Bulbs absent, rootstock often a rhizome, tuber or corm~550 548~Either plants smelling like onions, or inflorescence umbellate~(ALLIACEAE) Allium Ipheion Nothoscordum 548*~Plants not smelling like onions, inflorescence racemose~549 549~Scape with one or more leaves; perianth >9 cm long; bulb >5 cm diam~(LILIACEAE) Lilium 549*~Scape leafless or only leafy at the base; perianth <6 cm long; bulbs <3 cm diam~(HYACINTHACEAE) Muscari Ornithogalum 550~All flowers unisexual, arranged in branched cymes, spikes or semi-globose heads~(XANTHORRHOEACEAE) Xanthorrhoea 550*~Flowers bisexual, rarely some unisexual flowers present~551 551~Carpel solitary~(LILAEACEAE) Lilaea 551*~Carpels 3, fused~552 552~Perianth greenish to dark red-brown, usually 1–2 mm long; flowers generally in compound cymes or heads; leaves cylindrical, flat or reduced to sheaths~(JUNCACEAE) Juncus Luzula 552*~Perianth white or brightly coloured, >2 mm long; inflorescences and leaves not as above~553 553~Style divided into 3 or 6 distinct segments~554 553*~Style simple, sometimes the stigma shallowly lobed~555 554~Style divided into 3 segments; inflorescence umbellate on a scape above the basal leaves; leaves <30 cm long; fruit a 3-lobed capsule~(COLCHICACEAE) Burchardia 554*~Style divided into 6 segments; inflorescence racemose, ± among the leaves; leaves >40 cm long; fruit a 6-lobed berry~(ASTELIACEAE) Neoastelia 555~Perianth segments fused to form a tube longer than the lobes; flowers usually >2.5 cm long~(BLANDFORDIACEAE) Blandfordia 555*~Perianth segments ± free; flowers generally <2.5 cm long~556 556~Flowers terminal, solitary and sessile; plants forming mats in damp alpine flats~(ANTHERICACEAE) Herpolirion 556*~Flowers axillary or if terminal then not solitary and sessile; plants not alpine~557 557~Flowers either pedicellate in terminal umbels, or in dense clusters on scapes, or in ± sessile heads (perianth often spirally twisted after flowering)~(ANTHERICACEAE) Alania Caesia Corynotheca Laxmannia Sowerbaea Thysanotus Tricoryne 557*~Inflorescence racemose, commonly unbranched, flowers, or at least some of them separated, at nodes along the inflorescence axes~558 558~Filaments dorsifixed, anthers versatile; either leaves fleshy and with spinose teeth, or leaves ± terete, sometimes channelled above~(ASPHODELACEAE) Aloe Asphodelus Bulbine Trachyandra 558*~Filaments attached at or near the base of the anthers, anthers not versatile; leaves flat~559 559~Anthers dehiscing by apical pores~(PHORMIACEAE) Dianella Stypandra Thelionema 559*~Anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits~(ANTHERICACEAE) Chlorophytum Thysanotus Dichopogon Arthropodium 560~Stamens 6~561 560*~Stamens 3 or fewer~562 561~Inflorescence umbellate, rarely flowers solitary on leafless scape; bulbs present~(AMARYLLIDACEAE) Narcissus Zephyranthes Amaryllis Proiphys Hymenocallis Calostemma Leucojum Crinum 561*~Inflorescence shortly racemose, spicate or the flowers solitary; corms or rhizomes present~(HYPOXIDACEAE) Curculigo Hypoxis 562~Stamens 3, free from the style; perianth variable, but not as below~563 562*~Stamen 1, fused to the style and stigma to form the column; staminodes sometimes present; one petal (labellum) usually different from, and more conspicuous than the others~(ORCHIDACEAE) Liparis Arthrochilus Cryptostylis Genoplesium Prasophyllum Eriochilus Calochilus Burnettia Adenochilus Lyperanthus Glossodia Caladenia Microtis Thelymitra Orthoceras Diuris Spiranthes Rimacola Chiloglottis 563~Ovary half-inferior; perianth not petaloid, purple-black; underground parts of the plant usually orange or reddish~(HAEMODORACEAE) Haemodorum 563*~Ovary inferior; perianth petaloid, generally not purple-black; underground parts of the plant not conspicuously orange or reddish~564 564~Ovary and fruit winged; flowers on one side of a once-forked cyme; flowers actinomorphic, perianth blue; leaves often <5 cm long~(BURMANNIACEAE) Burmannia 564*~Ovary and fruit not winged; inflorescence spicate or racemose, rarely cymose or flowers solitary; flowers zygomorphic or actinomorphic, perianth variously coloured, occasionally blue; leaves >5 cm long~(IRIDACEAE) Herbertia Romulea Iris Herbertia Moraea Patersonia Diplarrena Libertia Sisyrinchium Aristea Watsonia Freesia Anomatheca Babiana Dierama Ixia Sparaxis Tritonia Crocosmia Chasmanthe Gladiolus Tritonia 565~Ovary inferior~(ARALIACEAE) Cephalaralia Polyscias Schefflera 565*~Ovary superior~(BERBERIDACEAE) Nandina 566~Leaves silvery-hairy on lower surface~(ARGOPHYLLACEAE) Argophyllum 566*~Leaves opposite or alternate, glabrous on lower surface~(ESCALLONIACEAE) Polyosma 567~Ovary 1–2-locular~(ESCALLONIACEAE) Anopterus Escallonia 567*~Ovary 4–5-locular~(ROUSSEACEAE) Abrophyllum Cuttsia 568~Domatia pit-like, mostly in forks of secondary veins; inflorescences corymbose panicles; anthers versatile; seed not grooved~(PENNANTIACEAE) Pennantia 568*~Domatia pocket-like, usually confined to axils along primary veins; inflorescences thyrsoid; anthers not versatile; seed grooved~(CARDIOPTERIDACEAE) Citronella #{sp}Vittadinia cuneata 1~Sharp stiff and appressed hairs on leaves and stems, or hairs loose and spreading on stems. Leaves conduplicate. Hairs on involucral bracts similar to those on stems, and with minute glandular hairs~var. cuneata 1*~Hairs on leaves and stems loose and spreading, never stiff and appressed~2 2~Plants hirsute with slender hairs whose bases are strikingly erect from the stem and leaf surfaces, glandular hairs not visible. Involucral bracts with numerous but not dense hairs, glandular hairs minute or absent~var. hirsuta 2*~Plants with hairs with long tangled apices on young growth, forming white tufts in each leaf axil; minute glandular hairs visible. Involucral bracts with sparse long hairs, abundant glandular hairs~var. morrisii #{sp}Notelaea longifolia 1~Most parts of plant sparsely hairy or pubescent.~2 1*~Leaves, stems and axillary buds glabrous, rarely with hairs.~f. glabra 2~Leaves (especially on lower surface), young stems, petioles, axillary buds and rachis of inflorescences pubescent.~f. longifolia 2*~Leaves, stems and axillary buds sparsely hairy.~f. intermedia #{fm}APOCYNACEAE 1~Pollen granular, not aggregated into pollinia~2 1*~Pollen aggregated into pollinia~14 2~Leaves alternate; shrub or small tree with yellow flowers~Cascabela 2*~Leaves opposite or whorled; climbers, herbs, shrubs or trees; flowers either white or pink, or if yellow then plants climbing~3 3~Plants with sharp, stiff spines at many nodes; shrubs or scrambling climbers~Carissa 3*~Plants without spines at nodes~4 4~Erect plants, neither climbing nor trailing~5 4*~Climbers with twining stems, or trailers~11 5~Herbs up to c. 70 cm high; flowers solitary in the axils and the corolla more than 20 mm diam~Catharanthus 5*~Shrubs or small trees more than 1 m high; flowers in cymes, the corolla usually less than 20 mm diam. or rarely more than 20 mm diam. (in Nerium)~6 6~Fruit a drupe, less than 12 mm diam., orange or red, 1-seeded or 2–4-seeded and moniliform; leaves with apex spinose or blunt to mucronate, leaves usually less than 5 cm long~Alyxia 6*~Fruit either a follicle or drupaceous (and then more than 20 mm diam., red and 1–6-seeded, not moniliform); leaves not spinose, rarely blunt or mucronate, more than 5 cm long~7 7~Leaves leathery; flowers more than 20 mm diam~Nerium 7*~Leaves more or less soft; flowers less than 20 mm diam~8 8~Fruit a cylindrical follicle, dry and pale brown when mature, 6–24 cm long; petiole slender, mostly 8–45 mm long~Alstonia 8*~Fruit narrow-ovoid to ovoid or ellipsoid, either drupaceous or tardily dehiscent, yellow-orange or red, more or less fleshy when mature, 2.5–8 cm long; petiole 1–12 mm long~9 9~Main lateral veins of leaves subtransverse, regular, more than 11 pairs; intramarginal vein present; fruit a red drupe with 1–6 large seeds~10 9*~Main lateral veins of leaves oblique, irregular, less than 11 pairs; intramarginal vein absent; fruit banana-shaped, yellow-orange, fleshy but finally dehiscing to expose several seeds~Tabernaemontana 10~Fruit 2–3 cm long, endocarp without obvious cavities; seed single, central; leaves with lateral veins distinct on the upper surface, more or less obscure on the lower surface~Neisosperma 10*~Fruit 4–8 cm long, with 2 cavities and the seeds on a flattened placenta between the cavities; leaves with lateral veins prominent on the lower surface~Ochrosia 11~Flowers solitary in the leaf axils; corolla blue; low trailing herbaceous perennial~Vinca 11*~Flowers in cymes or racemes; corolla white, yellow, orange or pink; climbers with twining stems~12 12~Flowers more than 40 mm in diam., white, in racemes; ovaries free but style single in each flower; fruit a pair of follicles cohering at the tip~Mandevilla 12*~Flowers less than 20 mm in diam., orange-yellow to creamy white, in cymes; ovary of 2 fused carpels, 1- or 2-locular; fruit a berry or a capsule separating when mature into 2 follicle-like segments~13 13~Anthers included in the corolla tube, not fused; fruit a globose to ovoid or oblong berry; seeds several, embedded in pulp, lacking hairs~Melodinus 13*~Anthers partially or wholly exserted and fused or cohering in a cone or ring around the style head; fruit a capsule, separating into 2 follicle-like segments; seeds numerous, each with a tuft of long silky hairs~Parsonsia 14~Leafless scrambling or twining plants with long pale green succulent, jointed stems~Sarcostemma 14*~Plants with well-developed leaves, stems neither succulent nor jointed~15 15~Corolla sky-blue; corona of 5 erect dark blue ribbed segments, inserted on corolla tube, free from column~Tweedia 15*~Corolla and corona never blue; corona not as above~16 16~Erect plants to 2 m high, neither twining nor trailing~17 16*~Climbers with twining stems or lax, trailing plants~19 17~Flowers less than 6 mm diam., in compact umbels; corona segments small, not spreading; corolla urceolate, lobes spreading~Marsdenia 17*~Flowers 8–15 mm diam., in loose umbels; corona segments large, sac-shaped or boat-shaped, spreading, conspicuous; corolla rotate, lobes reflexed~18 18~Corolla red, corona yellow; corona segments with an erect or curved horn arising from inner face; follicle elongated, smooth~Asclepias 18*~Corolla and corona white; corona segments without a horn-like outgrowth; follicle soft, inflated, ovoid or globose with numerous soft, spine-shaped processes~Gomphocarpus 19~Leaves with (1 or) 2–25 minute raised glands in a cluster on upper surface of lamina at base of the midvein~20 19*~Leaves without raised glands at base of the midvein~26 20~Stems and lower surface of leaves densely and softly pubescent with long pale or rusty hairs, young shoots furry~21 20*~Stems and leaves glabrous or finely pubescent with short pale hairs, young shoots not furry~22 21~Hairs fawn or rusty; flowers more than 15 mm diam., in racemes on thick perennial peduncles~Thozetia 21*~Hairs pale or colourless; flowers less than 5 mm diam., in axillary panicles; peduncles not persistent~Marsdenia 22~Leaves very thick, fleshy but firm to rigid, faintly veined, broad-ovate to circular; corolla lobes valvate in bud; peduncles perennial, appearing as short thick spurs, with scars of flowers of earlier years~Hoya 22*~Leaves thin or of moderate thickness, not rigid, mostly distinctly veined; corolla lobes contorted in bud; peduncles shed after flowering and fruiting~23 23~Corona absent or segments adnate to lower part or base of the staminal column~24 23*~Corona of 5 segments arising from the base of the corolla tube, free from column~Araujia 24~Corona of 5 spreading fleshy obtuse knobs, fully fused to the column; pollinia globose, small, and laterally placed; flowers mostly purple to red (whitish in 1 species)~Tylophora 24*~Corona absent or of 5–20 segments or lobes, not knob-like, each with a free upper part and a fused lower part; pollinia elongated, not round, erect or pendent, not laterally placed; flowers mostly whitish or yellow~25 25~Corona absent or lower part of corona segments with a free wing or with basal auricles or lobes; pollinia erect~Marsdenia 25*~Lower part of corona segments without a free wing or lobes or auricles, sometimes tubular at the base; pollinia pendent~Cynanchum 26~Leaves lanceolate to ovate or oblanceolate or oblong, more than 5 mm wide; corona of 5 segments~27 26*~Leaves linear, less than 5 mm wide; corona of 10 segments~Rhyncharrhena 27~Leaves thin, soft, lanceolate to ovate, acute or acuminate at apex; pollinia erect, 4 per anther, 2 in each loculus; corona of 5 incurved horn-like segments shorter than column; flowers less than 5 mm diam., in many-flowered panicles~Secamone 27*~Leaves thick, fleshy, firm to fairly stiff, mostly oblanceolate or oblong, apex abruptly pointed; pollinia pendent, 2 per anther, 1 in each loculus; corona of 5 erect segments with recurved tips, longer than column; flowers more than 10 mm diam., in few-flowered cymes~Cynanchum #{gn}Lysimachia 1~Capsule circumsciss; flowers red, pink, orange or blue; stems quadrangular with prominent longitudinal keels, glabrous; leaves sessile, 2–25 mm long~2 1*~Capsule dehiscing from the apex into more or less triangular valves, or rarely splitting irregularly; flowers yellow; stems terete to angular, lacking prominent longitudinal keels, pubescent towards the apex; leaves petiolate or sessile, 0.8–90 mm long~3 2~Leaves opposite; petals red, pink, orange or blue; petals longer than sepals~Lysimachia arvensis 2*~Leaves alternate; petals white to pink; petals shorter than sepals~Lysimachia minima 3~Flowers white to pinkish~4 3*~Flowers yellow~5 4~Leaves not fleshy; pedicels 1–5 mm long; petals white to pinkish~Lysimachia fortunei 4*~Leaves slightly fleshy; pedicels usually 5–15 mm long; petals white~Lysimachia mauritiana 5~Stems erect; leaves elliptic to narrowly elliptic, lanceolate or oblanceolate, mostly 4–9 cm long; flowers in panicles or racemes~Lysimachia vulgaris var. davurica 5*~Stems ± prostrate; leaves ovate to broadly ovate or ± spatulate or orbiculate, to 3.5 cm long; flowers simple~6 6~Stems and leaves with hyaline, septate hairs; corolla close to or barely exceeding length of the calyx; sepals and peduncles with hairs~Lysimachia japonica 6*~Stems and leaves glabrous; corolla distinctly exceeding the calyx; sepals and peduncles glabrous~Lysimachia nummularia #{fm}POLEMONIACEAE 1~Annual or perennial, erect, spreading or prostrate herb~2 1*~Perennial climber with tendrils~Cobaea 2~Leaves simple with margins, entire; ovary 2-locular~Collomia 2*~Leaves pinnately compound or pinnatisect with spinose lobes or segments; ovary 3-locular~Navarretia #{gn}Berberis 1~Stems without spines; leaves 1-pinnate, >10 cm long~Berberis aquifolium 1*~Stems with spines; leaves apparently simple, <7 cm long~2 2~Spines on stems mostly simple (occasionally 3-fid) and single in nodes; leaves entire~Berberis thunbergii 2*~Spines on stems usually deeply divided into 3 (rarely undivided) or stem leaves reduced to spinose teeth and usually more than 3; leaves usually toothed~3 3~Stem leaves reduced to spinose teeth, usually more than 3, 5–10 mm long; leaves less than 2 cm long, more or less hexagonal, apex spinose, each margin with 2 spinose teeth or rarely only 1~Berberis darwinii 3*~Spines on stems usually deeply divided into 3, rarely undivided, each 8–30 mm long; leaves more than 2 cm long, obovate to elliptic, apex acute or obtuse, entire or with few to numerous marginal teeth~4 4~Evergreen plant; leaves irregularly toothed, margins with few to several pairs of teeth; fruit more or less globose, red to black, style 1–2 mm long~Berberis floribunda 4*~Deciduous plant; leaves regularly toothed with numerous fine teeth; fruit more or less oblong, red, stigma more or less sessile~Berberis vulgaris #{gn}Blumea 1~Leaves often lyrately lobed; florets yellow~Blumea lacera 1*~Leaves not lobed; florets purple to lilac~Blumea axillaris #{gn}Canna 1~Found in New South Wales~Canna indica 1*~Found in Lord Howe Island~Canna x generalis #{gn}Habranthus 1~Flowers pink~Habranthus brachyandrus 1*~Flowers bright yellow to orange-yellow~Habranthus tubispathus #{fm}AMARYLLIDACEAE 1~Flowers solitary~2 1*~Flowers in umbels (2–30-flowered)~4 2~Flowers with a corona; perianth tube more than 10 mm long; scape solid; [perianth and corona yellow or perianth white and corona yellow or orange]~Narcissus 2*~Flowers without a corona; perianth tubular only near base; scape hollow~3 3~Stamens of 2 different lengths; perianth mainly white, outer segments more or less tinged pink; flowers actinomorphic, held erect~Zephyranthes 3*~Stamens of 4 different lengths; perianth bright yellow, orange-yellow or pink; flowers slightly zygomorphic, held slightly obliquely~Habranthus 4~Scape strongly compressed; fruit a fleshy berry~Clivia 4*~Scape round in cross-section; fruit a capsule~5 5~Flowers with a corona~6 5*~Flowers without a corona~8 6~Perianth and corona white; leaves 2–35 cm wide~7 6*~Perianth yellow, white, pink or purplish; corona yellow, orange or pink; leaves 0.5–2.5 cm wide~Calostemma 7~Leaves with ovate blade and petiole more than 10 cm long; flowers with pedicels 7–45 mm long; perianth lobes less than 2 cm long~Proiphys 7*~Leaves straplike; flowers sessile; perianth lobes 7–11 cm long~Hymenocallis 8~Tepals pink to mauve~9 8*~Tepals white (with green spots in Leucojum), yellow, orange or red~11 9~Flowers appearing before the leaves emerge~Amaryllis 9*~Flowers appearing after the leaves have emerged~10 10~Tepals with wavy margins~Nerine 10*~Tepals without wavy margins~Crinum 11~Perianth less than 2 cm long, tepals free or shortly fused, white with conspicuous greenish spot near apex of each tepal; anthers dehiscing by apical pores~Leucojum 11*~Perianth more than 4 cm long, conspicuously tubular but free part of tepals often recurved at maturity, white, yellow or orange-red, without a conspicuous greenish spot; anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits~12 12~Tepals white or pale yellow~Crinum 12*~Tepals orange-red with yellowish green bases~Hippeastrum #{gn}Eleocharis 1~Glumes leathery, finely many-nerved with distinct midrib, not at all or only obscurely keeled, spikelet not much broader than culm~2 1*~Glumes membranous with distinct midrib, often distinctly keeled, sides nerveless; spikelet much broader than culm unless the latter is flat~6 2~Culms longitudinally septate internally as well as transversely septate (septa not obvious externally)~3 2*~Culms transversely septate only, obvious externally at least when dried~4 3~Culms 4- or 5-angled~Eleocharis philippinensis 3*~Culms terete~Eleocharis obicis 4~Culms usually dark green, in a close linear series on a stout horizontal rhizome; in mature culms, some septa much stouter than the rest; glumes 7–11 mm long, usually with a dark red band inside the hyaline margins; nut 2–2.7 mm long; bristles 8–10~Eleocharis sphacelata 4*~Culms yellow-green, tufted (rhizome occasionally present but then slender and ascending with culms tufted along it); all septa similar in texture; glumes 5–6.5 mm long, without dark red band inside hyaline margins; nut 1.5–2 mm long; bristles 6–8~5 5~Inflorescence gradually tapering to apex; exposed portion of glumes mostly 2.5–4.5 mm long, usually longer than wide; glumes relatively long and narrow, 6–6.5 mm long, 2.5–3 mm wide, with hyaline margin 0.2–0.3 mm wide; nut c. 1.5–1.8 mm long, 1–1.5 mm diam., golden brown; bristles 6–8, united at the base, with teeth slender and irregularly retrorse; anthers 2.5–3 mm long, with apical appendage 0.1–0.2 mm long~Eleocharis dulcis 5*~Inflorescence very sharply tapered to apex (almost truncate); exposed portion of glumes 1.5–2.5 mm long, usually broader than long; glumes relatively broader, 5–5.5 mm long, c. 4 mm wide, with hyaline margins 0.1–0.2 mm wide; nut c. 2 mm long, 1.5–1.9 mm diam., pale yellow-brown; bristles 6 or 7, free, slender, regularly and strongly retrorsely toothed; anthers 2–2.5 mm long, with apical appendage 0.3–0.4 mm long~Eleocharis equisetina 6~Style 3-fid, or rarely 2-fid in Eleocharis pallens and then the uppermost leaf sheath is truncate and prominently mucronate at the summit~7 6*~Style 2-fid; mouth of leaf sheath never mucronate~19 7~External surface of the nut longitudinally ridged, the intervening cells transversely linear or oblong; nut obscurely trigonous or terete; leaf sheaths membranous, with mouth oblique (often loose or difficult to observe), not dilated or thickened~8 7*~Surface of nut finely reticulate, wrinkled, pitted or smooth, the cells very small and often very faint, mostly shortly vertically oblong in very numerous series; nut trigonous or lenticular; uppermost leaf sheath thickened and differentiated at the oblique or transverse mouth~11 8~Stamens 1 or 2; bristles on nut 6 or 7, and nearly as long as nut~Eleocharis parodii 8*~Stamens 3; bristles on nut few, small or absent~9 9~Nut pyriform, with c. 8 prominent ridges on each face~Eleocharis macbarronii 9*~Nut narrow-obovoid to obovoid, with 3–5 prominent ridges on each face~10 10~Spikelet ovoid, 2–7 mm long, usually setting fruit; glumes 2.0–2.5 mm long; plants neither proliferating nor with tubers; glumes dark red-brown to blackish~Eleocharis pusilla 10*~Spikelet narrow-ovoid to linear, 10–20 mm long, rarely producing fruit; glumes 3–5 mm long; plants often proliferating, producing tubers; glumes red-brown~Eleocharis atricha 11~Culms clearly 4-angled, style base about as broad as nut~12 11*~Culms terete, angular-striate or flattened; style base a third to three-quarters as broad as nut~13 12~Culms to 0.5 mm diam.; spikelet 4–7 mm long; bristles 4; leaf sheath with oblique mouth, rarely minutely mucronate~Eleocharis pachycarpa 12*~Culms 1–1.5 mm diam.; spikelet 10–20 mm long; bristles 6–8; leaf sheath with usually transverse mouth, mucronate~Eleocharis tetraquetra 13~Nut more or less equally trigonous with ribbed dorsal angle~14 13*~Nut biconvex or plano-convex, with the dorsal angle not ribbed if present~15 14~Nut not constricted at apex; bristles usually longer than nut; culms not obviously septate; sheaths pale brown to pale reddish, uppermost with mouth more or less oblique, sometimes mucronate~Eleocharis gracilis 14*~Nut constricted to a very short neck below the apex; bristles three-quarters as long as to equalling nut; culms usually with partial transverse septa obvious when dried; leaf sheaths strongly reddish, uppermost with mouth transverse and mucronate~Eleocharis dietrichiana 15~Culms transversely septate (obvious externally at least when dried)~Eleocharis blakeana 15*~Culms not completely transversely septate~16 16~Rhizome creeping; nut not strongly ribbed on the angles; anthers with apical appendage c. 0.2 mm long; glumes tardily deciduous~17 16*~Rhizome very short; culms densely tufted; nut with prominently ribbed angles; anther appendage not exceeding 0.15 mm in length; glumes readily deciduous~18 17~Culms terete or nearly so, trigonous immediately below the spikelet (may be flattened when dried, and then mucro at mouth of leaf sheath may be in any position relative to 'margins' of 'flattened' culm); spikelet usually much broader than culm, 1.5–3 cm long, 3–7 mm diam~Eleocharis acuta 17*~Culms strongly flattened when fresh even at apex; mucro at mouth of leaf sheaths always at middle of one flat face of culm; spikelet slightly broader than culm, 1–2(–4) cm long, c. 2.5 mm diam~Eleocharis plana 18~Glumes acute; spikelet more or less acute, c. 2 mm diam.; culms strongly longitudinally ridged (obvious at least when dried) with surface obviously reticulate and glistening between ridges~Eleocharis pallens 18*~Glumes rounded; spikelet more or less obtuse, 2.5–3 mm diam.; culms finely and faintly striate, dullish~Eleocharis cylindrostachys 19~Leaf sheath firm at apex; spikelet globose to ovoid; nut black~Eleocharis geniculata 19*~Leaf sheath thinly membranous, often torn at apex; spikelet ovoid or oblong-ovoid; nut pale green to dark greenish brown~Eleocharis minuta #{gn}Aloe ** 1~Stems scrambling~Aloe ciliaris 1*~Stems erect~2 2~Perianth less than 3 cm long; pedicels less than 7 mm long; leaves with marginal teeth c. 2 mm long~Aloe vera 2*~Perianth more than 3 cm long; pedicels more than 7 mm long; leaves with marginal teeth 3–5 mm long~2 3~Upper surface of leaves with numerous paler spots; perianth red to salmon-orange; capsule less than 15 mm long; usually without a stem~Aloe maculata 3*~Upper surface of leaves without paler spots; perianth usually yellow-brown, or some forms red or orange; capsule more than 15 mm long; usually with a branching stem~Aloe arborescens #{gn}Hypericum 1~Herbs, erect to mat-forming, ± woody at base; flowers usually <10 mm across~2 1*~Erect or decumbent shrubs, at least woody at the base; largest leaves 10–90 mm long; flowers mostly >10 mm across~4 2~Hairy herb, semi-aquatic; leaves broad-ovate to circular, 5–30 mm long, 5–20 mm wide~Hypericum elodes 2*~Glabrous herbs, in well-drained soils or damp sites; leaves ovate to oblong or ovate to lanceolate, 2–13 mm long, 1–-4 mm wide~3 3~Prostrate to decumbent herb, forming mats 2–15 cm high; all leaves hardly stem-clasping, margins flat or undulate~Hypericum japonicum 3*~Erect herb, 10–40 cm high; floral leaves tend to be stem clasping, margins ± revolute~Hypericum gramineum 4~Sepals 4, outer pair much longer than the inner and enclosing the fruit; petals 4; styles 2; stamens in a continuous ring~Hypericum hypericoides 4*~Sepals 5, ± equal, not enclosing the fruit; petals 5; styles 3 or 5: stamens in bundles of 3 or 5~5 5~Sepals and petals equal, 6–12 mm long; fruit an indehiscent fleshy berry, purple to black when ripe, 7–10 mm long~Hypericum androsaemum 5*~Petals 2–3 times as long as the sepals; fruit a dehiscent capsule, red or brown when ripe~6 6~Styles 5, ovary 5-locular; leaves and sepals ovate; capsule 5-valved, smooth, dark red, not sticky, usually >10 mm long~7 6*~Styles 3, ovary 3-locular; leaves and sepals ± lanceolate to linear; capsule 3-valved, striate, brown, often sticky, <10 mm long~Hypericum perforatum 7~Sepals 7–10 mm long; stamens in 3 bundles~Hypericum kouytchense 7*~Sepals 5–6 mm long: stamens in 5 bundles~Hypericum bellum #{gn}Rubus 1~Leaves simple (often broadly lobed)~23 1*~Leaves pinnate or palmate of 3–5, 7 or 9 leaflets (occasionally a simple leaf in the vicinity of the inflorescence)~2 2~Leaves pinnate of 5, 7, 9 or 11 leaflets, some leaves may have 3 leaflets~3 2*~Leaves of 3–5 leaflets, arranged palmately~7 3~Lower surface of leaflets densely felted grey-green or grey-white~4 3*~Lower surface of leaflets not densely felted, green~6 4~Petals white; fruit maturing red and of many (>10) carpels, raspberry~Rubus idaeus 4*~Petals deep pink to red; fruit maturing red and of <10 carpels, or maturing black with >10 carpels~5 5~Leaflets 3 or 5; petals deep pink; fruit usually of <10 carpels and maturing red~Rubus parvifolius 5*~Leaflets 5, 7 or 9 (rarely 11); petals red; fruit with >10 carpels and maturing black~Rubus niveus 6~Terminal leaflets 6–9 cm long; carpels of similar size and number to plants known as blackberry, maturing dark red to black~Rubus loganobaccus 6*~Terminal leaflets usually <6 cm long; carpels numerous, much smaller than those of plants known as blackberry, and maturing bright red~Rubus rosifolius 7~Shrubs or scramblers with first year non-flowering primocane, inflorescences produced in second year; inflorescence terminal on floricanes; flowers bisexual~8 7*~Vines without differentiated stems or canes; inflorescence axillary; flowers unisexual~22 8~Stems and twigs with dense bristles (look a bit like prickles but do not have a swollen base), prickles scattered sometimes obscured; leaves closely densely pubescent below, margins finely serrate, apex rounded; petals white; fruit initially green maturing yellow~Rubus ellipticus 8*~Stems and twigs not densely bristly, prickles usually obvious; leaflets felted and/or pilose below, margins coarsely serrate or doubly serrate, apex acute to acuminate; petals white or pink; fruit initially green then orange or red and maturing black~9 9~Leaflets deeply lobed and some cut almost to midrib, green below; petals pink, apex often notched~Rubus laciniatus 9*~Leaflets not deeply cut, green or grey-green to white below; petals white or pink, apex usually entire~10 10~Flowers and fruit mostly <9 in racemose subcorymbose clusters on axillary shoots along the primocane~11 10*~Flowers and fruit mostly >8 in terminal paniculate inflorescence terminating floricane (Rubus fruticosus species aggregate)~16 11~Lower surface of mature leaflets densely felted, grey-green to grey-white; ripe fruit red~12 11*~Lower surface of mature leaflets not densely felted, pilose, green; ripe fruit black (North American species)~14 12~Terminal leaflets c. 7 x 5 cm; petals white; fruit of many carpels; raspberry~Rubus idaeus 12*~Terminal leaflets 4–5 x 2–4 cm; petals pink; fruit, if formed, of <12 carpels~13 13~Stipules 2-lobed, occasionally 3–4-lobed; fruit never formed~Rubus x novus 13*~Stipules entire; plant forming fruit~Rubus parvifolius 14~Low-growing plants to 1 m high; primocanes 3–4 mm in diameter, prickles 2–3 mm long~Rubus roribaccus 14*~Robust plants to 2 m high; primocanes 8–10 mm diameter, prickles 3–6 mm long~15 15~Terminal primocane leaflet widest at or below the middle, base cordate to subcordate, margin regularly serrate; only known from Southern Tablelands~Rubus philadelphicus 15*~Terminal primocane leaflet widest at or above the middle, base rounded to broadly wedge shaped, margin coarsely serrate to biserrate; only known from NC and CC~Rubus laudatus 16~Long-stalked, reddish, glandular hairs present, particularly in inflorescence, few or abundant (lens often desirable)~17 16*~Long stalked glands absent~20 17~Lower leaflet surface green, scarcely felted, lamina surface usually visible~Rubus polyanthemus 17*~Lower leaflet surface grey-green, sparsely felted, lamina surface usually obscure~18 18~Inflorescence axis densely erect pubescent~Rubus vestitus 18*~Inflorescence axis pubescent but hairs not dense and erect~19 19~Gland-topped hairs usually easily seen on floricane and primocane; prickles on primocane usually <5 mm long; terminal primocane leaflet usually <4 cm long; petals not crumpled~Rubus leightonii 19*~Gland-topped hairs occasional on floricane and primocane; prickles on primocane up to 10 mm long; terminal primocane leaflet usually >4 cm long; petals usually crumpled~Rubus leucostachys 20~High arching plants; petals white (or pale pink), elliptic, flat or only shallowly channelled (principal weedy blackberry in Australia)~Rubus anglocandicans 20*~Spreading plants; petals pink or white, broad elliptic to near orbicular, often cupped or crumpled~21 21~Largest leaflets usually < 3 cm wide, lower leaflet surface densely white felted with few or no pilose hairs; older stems often pruinose, strong primocane prickles mainly on the angles of the stems; petals pink, near orbicular, cupped~Rubus ulmifolius 21*~Largest leaflets, usually >3.5 cm wide, lower leaflet surface varying from not felted to felted grey-green and with few to many pilose hairs; old stems not pruinose; petals pink or white, shapes various, usually crumpled~Rubus leucostachys 22~Lower surface of leaflets densely hairy throughout; stipules present; carpels non glandular, fruit with 16–30 hairy carpels~Rubus moorei 22*~Lower surface of leaflets glabrous except for domatia and hairs on veins; stipules absent; carpels glandular, fruit with 35–65 glabrous carpels~Rubus nebulosus 23~Stipules deeply divided almost to base~24 23*~Stipules undivided~Rubus moluccanus 24~Stipules 2-lobed (rarely 3–4-lobed); fruit never formed~Rubus x novus 24*~Stipules much divided; plant forming fruit~25 25~Leaves with rounded lobes, upper surface with simple hairs; fruit ripening black~Rubus rugosus 25*~Leaves with angular lobes, upper surface with tubercle-based hairs; fruit ripening red~Rubus alceifolius #{sp}Silene vulgaris 1~Plant erect; flowers in cymes, bracts scarious; capsule teeth erect~subsp. vulgaris 1*~Plant ± decumbent; flowers ± solitary, bracts herbaceous; capsule teeth spreading or reflexed~subsp. maritima #{gn}Bacopa 1~Leaves cuneate-oblong to obovate, base attenuate; bracteoles conspicuous, c. 5 mm long; branches glabrous~Bacopa monnieri 1*~Leaves more or less ovate, base cordate; bracteoles obscure, c. 0.5 mm long; branches towards apex sparsely to densely non-glandular hairy~Bacopa caroliniana #{gn}Crepidomanes 1~Lamina cells uniforme and 1 cell thick throughout~2 1*~Lamina cells not uniform, either forming false veins, or thickened area axially and/or marginally, or lengthened to form a hyaline border~Crepidomanes walleri 2~Frond simple or once forked~Crepidomanes vitiense 2*~Frond considerably more dissected~3 3~Segments of lamina with pinnate veins~Crepidomanes venosum 3*~Segments of lamina 1-veined~Crepidomanes saxifragoides #{cl}CONIFEROPSIDA 1~Ovules solitary and exposed on ± fleshy stalks (reduced cones) that are borne singly or in spikes, or in very small, terminal, fleshy or dry, but never woody, cones; one ovule on each scale~PODOCARPACEAE 1*~Ovules in definite cones that become woody in fruit; 1–many ovules on each scale~2 2~Leaves and cone scales spirally arranged, the latter imbricate; leaves usually free from the stem~3 2*~Leaves and cone scales opposite or whorled, the latter usually valvate; leaves often appressed to the stem, bases decurrent~CUPRESSACEAE 3~Ovule 1 on each scale; male sporophylls with several to many sporangia; leaves <2 cm long, or if longer then >5 mm wide~ARAUCARIACEAE 3*~Ovules 2 on each scale; male sporophylls with 2 sporangia; leaves >10 cm long and <3 mm wide~PINACEAE #{gn}Hydrocotyle 1~Leaves peltate, more or less circular; flowers either in clusters along a rachis or in compound umbels~2 1*~Leaves not peltate; flowers in simple umbels or small heads~3 2~Flowers in clusters of 2–5 with 1–7 clusters along a simple sometimes branched rachis~Hydrocotyle verticillata 2*~Flowers numerous in compound umbels~Hydrocotyle bonariensis 3~Perennials with prostrate or ascending stems or stolons~4 3*~Annuals with erect or ascending stems~9 4~Leaves palmatisect into 3–5 segments~5 4*~Leaves with lamina simple or sometimes palmatifid~6 5~Leaf segments large, to 5 cm long~Hydrocotyle geraniifolia 5*~Leaf segments small, usually less than 1 cm long, umbels few-flowered~Hydrocotyle tripartita 6~Flowers conspicuously pedicellate in umbels~7 6*~Flowers sessile or very shortly and inconspicuously pedicellate, in small, dense heads~8 7~Leaves mostly less than 4 cm wide, both surfaces hirsute~Hydrocotyle laxiflora 7*~Leaves mostly more than 5 cm, glabrous or with short more or less spreading hairs especially on lower veins~Hydrocotyle pedicellosa 8~Flowers less than 12 per umbel; fruit c. 1 mm long and wide~Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides 8*~Flowers c. 15 per umbel; fruit 1–1.7 mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide~Hydrocotyle algida 9~Mericarps smooth or faintly wrinkled between dorsal and intermediate ribs~10 9*~Mericarps with tubercles or many pits between dorsal and intermediate ribs~Hydrocotyle trachycarpa 10~Plants usually grey-green or often purplish tinged; umbels usually shortly pedunculate, with 6–15 flowers~Hydrocotyle callicarpa 10*~Plants usually bright green to yellowish green; umbels mostly sessile, leaf-opposed, with 3–6 flowers~Hydrocotyle foveolata #{fm}ARECACEAE 1~Climbers~Calamus 1*~Trees or shrubs~2 2~Leaves palmately divided (fan-shaped); flowers bisexual~Livistona 2*~Leaves pinnately divided (feather-like); flowers unisexual~3 3~Leaves to 1.5 m long~4 3*~Leaves 2–7 m long~6 4~Inflorescence spike-like, elongated, pendulous; no crownshaft; leaves with 6–12 pairs of pinnae irregularly shaped and arranged~Linospadix 4*~Inflorescence panicle-like, spreading to drooping; crownshaft 20–50 cm long; leaves with numerous (>20) pairs of pinnae, regularly shaped and arranged~5 5~Short crownshaft to 20 cm long, green with brown scurf ~Lepidorrhachis 5*~Elongated crownshaft to 50 cm long, glaucous ~Hedyscepe 6~Crownshaft 0.5–1 m long~7 6*~No crownshaft~8 7~Leaflets more or less flat and held in one plane on the frond; crownshaft green~Archontophoenix 7*~Leaflets inversely V-shaped and held semi-erect in a V-shape on the frond; crownshaft glaucous~Hedyscepe 8~Inflorescence spike-like, elongated, pendulous~Howea 8*~Inflorescence panicle-like, spreading to drooping~9 9~Leaves with large, stout spines near base of the stalk; trunk covered in rough leaf bases or rough diamond-shaped scars from fallen leaf bases~Phoenix 9*~Leaves without spines; trunks smooth apart from rings (circular scars) from fallen leaves~10 10~Fruit 10–35 cm long, with large central cavity filled with fluid~Cocos 10*~Fruit 2–3 cm long, with small central cavity without fluid~Syagrus #{gn}Pomaderris 1~Leaves ± toothed or margins appearing uneven due to marginal tufts of hairs, secondary veins commonly reaching the margins (rarely looping to the inside) and terminating in minute hair tufts~3 1*~Leaves entire or rarely slightly crenate, secondary veins either obscure or looping to inside and not reaching the margins~2 2~Upper surface of leaves hairy (at least when young)~11 2*~Upper surface of leaves glabrous, sometimes a few hairs along veins~30 3~Leaves >5 cm long; flowers in loose elongated panicles, 8–25 cm long~Pomaderris aspera 3*~Leaves <5 cm long; flowers in head-like clusters or short panicles~4 4~Leaves regularly <5 mm wide~Pomaderris pauciflora 4*~Leaves generally >5 mm wide~5 5~Lower surface of leaves and young stems densely hairy with long brownish simple hairs above a whitish tomentum~6 5*~Lower surface of leaves and young stems ± less hoary with stellate hairs, rusty, whitish or greenish~7 6~Upper surface of leaves with sparse to dense simple hairs~Pomaderris eriocephala 6*~Upper surface of leaves glabrous~Pomaderris brunnea 7~Upper leaf surface sparsely to densely hairy~8 7*~Upper leaf surface glabrous or almost so~10 8~Leaves stellate-hairy on both surfaces, lower surface greenish, epidermis visible between the stellate hairs~Pomaderris viridis 8*~Leaves with simple hairs on upper surface, lower surface closely tomentose, whitish to rusty-coloured, epidermis not visible between hairs~9 9~Flowers shortly pedicellate in short panicles, bracts falling early; stigma divided almost to base~Pomaderris prunifolia 9*~Flowers sessile in dense head-like clusters surrounded by bracts, bracts persistent until flowers open; stigma divided to about midway~Pomaderris betulina 10~Leaves elliptic to obovate, 15–40 mm long, 8–22 mm wide, margins without a whitish border; hypanthium, sepals and capsule with long simple hairs over a short whitish tomentum; chiefly on the coast and ranges, west to Burrinjuck (SWS)~Pomaderris betulina 10*~Leaves ovate to broad-elliptic, usually 10–20 mm long, 5–15 mm wide, margins often with a narrow whitish border; hypanthium, sepals and capsule with only short stellate hairs; doubtfully in far western N.S.W. (FWP)~Pomaderris paniculosa 11~Leaves ± narrow-oblong to linear, lamina usually <6 mm wide and mostly <20 mm long; flowers in short axillary cymes forming narrow terminal leafy panicles~12 11*~Leaves broader, lanceolate to ± circular, leaves usually >5 mm wide and mostly >20 mm long (or if <20 mm long then lamina ± circular to broad-ovate or elliptic); flowers in terminal generally leafless panicles, often corymbose or in dense head-like clusters~18 12~Leaves <1.5 mm wide, ± terete, margins strongly revolute, lower surface of lamina not visible~Pomaderris phylicifolia 12*~Leaves >1.5 mm wide, ± flat, margins recurved but at least part of lower surface of lamina visible~13 13~Secondary veins not apparent on either surface, lamina usually <3 mm wide; capsule glabrous or hairy~14 13*~Secondary veins visible on both surfaces of leaves or rarely only apparent on lower surface; lamina mostly >3 mm wide; capsule hairy~16 14~Capsule and ovary glabrous, capsule almost entirely exserted from shortly tomentose hypanthium~15 14*~Capsule and ovary hairy, acute, immersed for about a third of its length in the tomentose hypanthium~Pomaderris phylicifolia 15~Upper surface of leaves bristly with scattered stellate hairs; leaves ± narrow-oblong, margins recurved~Pomaderris angustifolia 15*~Upper surface of leaves bristly with scattered simple hairs; leaves narrow-elliptic to oblanceolate, ± flat~Pomaderris helianthemifolia 16~Upper surface of leaves velvety with a covering of minute stellate hairs~Pomaderris pallida 16*~Upper surface of leaves bristly with scattered simple hairs, sometimes hairs clustered~17 17~Leaves with margins ± crenate, primary and secondary veins conspicuously impressed on upper surface~Pomaderris pauciflora 17*~Leaves with margins entire, usually only primary vein impressed on upper surface~Pomaderris phylicifolia 18~Leaves mostly <8 mm long and <6 mm wide; lower surface of leaves and branchlets coarsely stellate-hairy~Pomaderris elachophylla 18*~Leaves mostly >10 mm long and >6 mm wide, if smaller then lower surface of leaves and branchlets finely stellate-hairy~19 19~Leaves rusty-hairy on lower surface at least along the secondary veins, young stems and leaves usually densely rusty-hairy with long rusty hairs~20 19*~Mature leaves not rusty on lower surface; young stems and leaves not or rarely rusty, if rusty then long spreading rusty hairs absent~26 20~Flowers 3–5 mm long; petals present; leaves often >30 mm long~21 20*~Flowers 2–2.5 mm long, in head-like clusters or short panicles; petals present or absent; leaves mostly <30 mm long~22 21~Upper surface of leaves with sparse to moderately dense simple hairs, often ± bristly; secondary and usually tertiary veins distinct on lower surface of lamina; lamina lanceolate to ovate, sometimes elliptic, apex ± acute to rounded~Pomaderris lanigera 21*~Upper surface of leaves with short dense simple hairs, velvety; only secondary veins distinct on lower surface; lamina ± oblong to circular, apex obtuse to emarginate~Pomaderris vellea 22~Secondary veins commonly terminating in minute hair tufts, margins ± crenate to toothed, upper leaf surface ± scabrous, hairs sparse; petals absent (return to couplet 3)~3 22*~Secondary veins looping to inside of margins, margins entire, upper leaf surface ± velvety, hairs dense; petals generally present (mostly absent in P. cocoparrana)~23 23~Flowers ± sessile in relatively compact clusters, bracts usually persistent until fruit formed~Pomaderris subcapitata 23*~Flowers pedicellate in loose panicles, bracts falling before flowers open~24 24~Leaves oblong to ± elliptic, upper surface dull grey-green; petals usually present; species of the coast and ranges~Pomaderris velutina 24*~Leaves ovate to ± less circular, upper surface ± shining dark green; petals usually absent; western species~25 25~Hairs on upper surface of leaves sparse, simple; hairs on young stems and lower surface of leaves stellate; coast and ranges~Pomaderris cotoneaster 25*~Hairs on upper surface of leaves dense (but very short), simple; hairs on young stems and leaf lower surface mostly simple; inland species~Pomaderris cocoparrana 26~Upper surface of leaves with a dense very fine soft pubescence, ± velvety, sometimes hairs very sparse~27 26*~Upper surface of leaves ± bristly, not velvety, hairs scattered to very sparse~Pomaderris cotoneaster 27~Leaves usually <15 mm long; obovate to ± circular; 0.6–2 cm long, 5–14 mm wide~Pomaderris brogoensis 27*~Leaves usually >15 mm long; ovate, elliptic to broad-ovate, 1–5 cm long, 8–20 mm wide~28 28~Leaves greyish on upper surface; coastal ranges of the south coast: SC, ST~Pomaderris cinerea 28*~Leaves green on upper surface; inland ranges and upper Hunter Valley: CWS, NC, CC~29 29~Petals present; chiefly in and near the Rylstone-Bylong area, also gorges near Hillgrove~Pomaderris precaria 29*~Petals absent; confined to the Denman area~Pomaderris reperta 30~Most leaves small, either <10 mm wide or mostly <30 mm long~31 30*~Most leaves larger, >10 mm wide and mostly >25 mm long (leaves associated with inflorescences often smaller)~40 31~Secondary veins obscure on lower surface; leaves <4 mm wide, generally 10–15 mm long~32 31*~Secondary veins distinct on lower surface; leaves usually >4 mm wide and 10–30 mm long~34 32~Petals absent; stems and lower surface of leaves with long fawnish to golden-brown hairs, margins prominently recurved~33 32*~Petals present; stems and lower leaf surface with short whitish hairs, margins thickened but not always recurved~Pomaderris ledifolia 33~Hairs on new growth and lower surface of leaves short and appressed, shining golden-brown~Pomaderris sericea 33*~Hairs on new growth and lower surface of leaves long and spreading, fawnish above a short whitish tomentum~Pomaderris mediora 34~Leaves with secondary veins looping and not reaching the margins, margins entire and without hair tufts~35 34*~Leaves with secondary veins reaching the margins (rarely looping to inside) and commonly terminating in minute hair tufts, margins ± crenate (return to couplet 3)~3 35~Species growing south from Sydney~36 35*~Species growing north from the upper Hunter Valley~39 36~Lower surface of leaves appearing silky, with a short greyish tomentum and longer forwardly appressed rusty hairs; upper surface of leaves often wrinkled; secondary veins usually >6 pairs~Pomaderris andromedifolia 36*~Lower surface of leaves not appearing silky, with a short greyish tomentum, all hairs ± the same length; upper surface of leaves smooth; secondary veins 3–6 pairs~37 37~Petals absent; species confined to the escarpment ranges inland from Moruya (SC)~Pomaderris gilmourii 37*~Petals present on most flowers (but sometimes fewer than 5); confined to Sublime Point (CC) and Bungonia-Goulburn area (ST)~38 38~Flowers cream; leaves 3–8 mm wide, confined to Sublime Point (CC)~Pomaderris adnata 38*~Flowers golden-yellow; leaves 5–15 mm wide; restricted to the Bungonia-Goulburn area (ST)~Pomaderris delicata 39~Sepals 1.5–2 mm long; petals absent; chiefly from Guyra district to Gibraltar Range National Park~Pomaderris ligustrina 39*~Sepals 2–2.5 mm long; petals usually present; mostly north from Gibraltar Range National Park, also near Wingen, Hillgrove and Inverell~Pomaderris graniticola 40~Lower surface of leaves silvery- or rusty-hairy; secondary veins regularly arranged, tertiary veins sometimes obscure; flowers mostly pale when fresh, cream to whitish~41 40*~Lower surface of leaves dull greyish to whitish hairy, rarely with rusty hairs on midvein; secondary veins not regularly arranged, tertiary veins usually distinct on lower surface; flowers cream to yellow~50 41~Lower surface of mature leaves silvery or whitish (rarely rusty) with a dense covering of hairs of similar length (veins, margins and petioles sometimes rusty), new growth and young stems with ± short dense coppery to reddish hairs; tertiary veins usually not apparent~42 41*~Lower surface of leaves ± rusty with loose simple rusty hairs longer than the paler short tomentum, especially rusty along veins; new growth and young stems with long spreading rusty hairs; tertiary veins obscure or apparent~47 42~North from Barrington Tops; petals usually present, falling early~43 42*~South of Barrington Tops, chiefly on the SC and ST; petals absent or present~44 43~Lower surface of leaves not silky, tomentum of short curly hairs and sometimes with longer straight hairs; leaves mostly >5 cm long; sepals 1.3–2.5 mm long~Pomaderris argyrophylla 43*~Lower surface of leaves silky with hairs lying in the same direction; leaves generally <5 cm long; sepals 2–2.5 mm long~Pomaderris nitidula 44~Petals present; sepals 2.5–3 mm long~Pomaderris parrisiae 44*~Petals absent; sepals 1.5–2.2 mm long~45 45~Leaves lanceolate to oblong, >3 times as long as wide; hairs on new growth coppery-coloured to crimson; secondary veins on lower surface of leaves visible but immersed within hair layer~Pomaderris virgata 45*~Leaves ovate to broad-ovate or elliptic, <3 times as long as wide; hairs on new growth fawn to golden; secondary veins on lower surface of leaves protruding above hair layer between veins~46 46~Leaves with >6 pairs of secondary veins; simple hairs on young growth very dense, <0.4 mm long, forming an even, distinctly rusty layer~Pomaderris costata 46*~Leaves with 4–6 pairs of secondary veins; simple hairs on young growth thread-like, the longest >0.5 mm, forming a sparse, uneven layer over the short grey stellate tomentum~Pomaderris bodalla 47~Leaves either usually <15 mm wide or <3 cm long; lower surface with longer forwardly appressed hairs, hairs usually obscuring tertiary veins; either petals auriculate and margins toothed or petals absent~48 47*~Leaves usually >15 mm wide and >3 cm long; lower surface with longer curly rusty hairs above whitish tomentum, tertiary veins generally apparent; petals usually present, entire and narrow or petals absent~49 48~Petals auriculate, margins toothed; lower surface of leaves pale, sometimes rusty, with secondary veins distinct~Pomaderris andromedifolia 48*~Petals absent; lower surface of leaves generally rusty with secondary veins often obscure~Pomaderris ligustrina 49~Simple hairs on lower surface of leaves and young stems appressed to spreading, straight or curved but not flexuous; leaves with apex acute to obtuse; widespread south of Stroud~Pomaderris ferruginea 49*~Simple hairs on lower surface of leaves and young stems spreading, flexuous, rusty, very dense, appearing woolly; leaves with apex obtuse; north of Gloucester district (NC)~Pomaderris crassifolia 50~Stems and at least main veins on lower surface of leaves with scattered long hairs over short whitish tomentum~51 50*~Branches and lower surface of leaves, including veins, covered with short tomentum, longer simple hairs ± absent~54 51~Petals present, auriculate~Pomaderris intermedia 51*~Petals usually absent, if present then not auriculate~52 52~Long hairs usually confined to main veins on lower leaf surface; margins recurved or not recurved~53 52*~Long hairs scattered over lower leaf surface as well as veins; margins not recurved~Pomaderris queenslandica 53~Leaf margins recurved; leaves pointed at apex; simple hairs on lower surface pale~Pomaderris discolor 53*~Leaf margins not recurved; leaves obtuse; simple hairs on lower surface rusty~Pomaderris pilifera 54~Petals absent; rare species, north from Mt Warning~Pomaderris notata 54*~Petals present, ± auriculate; widespread species, south of Taree~Pomaderris elliptica #{gn}Persicaria 1~Inflorescence small, 1–several few-flowered clusters or very short loose spike-like racemes on slender branches; stems creeping, prostrate to decumbent~2 1*~Inflorescence of numerous flowers in mostly dense, elongated or more rarely subglobose spike-like racemes, usually arranged in large panicles; stems erect to decumbent or prostrate, occasionally with slender antrorse or spreading hairs but never strongly retrorse-strigose~5 2~Stems strongly retrorse-strigose; perianth not enlarged or changing colour when fruiting~3 2*~Stems not retrorse-strigose; peranth enlarged, succulent, blue-black and surrounding the fruit~Persicaria chinensis 3~Leaf bases hastate, sagittate or occasionally truncate~4 3*~Leaf bases acute to cuneate, occasionally obtuse to truncate~Persicaria dichotoma 4~Inflorescence of 2–4 branches with small terminal subglobose flower clusters 5–10 mm long with bracts crowded at ends of branches; inflorescence branches with stalked glandular hairs and usually some shorter simple hairs; leaves 15–32 mm wide~Persicaria strigosa 4*~Inflorescence of 2 or 3 branches but bracts 5–15 mm apart so that flowers appear solitary; inflorescence branches with stalked glandular hairs only or with a few simple hairs as well; leaves 6–17 mm wide~Persicaria praetermissa 5~Spikes globose or ovoid or short-cylindrical with length no more than twice as great as diam. (occasionally slightly more in Persicaria maculosa and then spikes interrupted below)~6 5*~Spikes elongate-cylindrical, at least four times as long as wide~8 6~Ocreas not developed into a green limb; perianth pink to whitish, not thickened and corky~7 6*~Ocreas developed into spreading green toothed limb; perianth green, becoming truncate, thickened and corky in fruit~Persicaria prostrata 7~Perianth c. twice as long as the nut; inflorescence bracts subtriangular, stiff; plants prostrate; spikes ovoid or globose, dense, not interrupted~Persicaria capitata 7*~Perianth only slightly exceeding nut; inflorescence bracts funnel-shaped, soft-textured; plants ascending or erect; spikes short-cylindrical, dense but often interrupted below~Persicaria maculosa 8~Ocreas developed on upper margin into a spreading green limb~9 8*~Ocreas not developed into green limb~10 9~Large erect herb; perianth pale pink, not becoming thick and corky in fruit; ocrea limb collar-like, to 7 mm wide, entire; leaf base obtuse, often slightly oblique and petiole winged for 1–2 cm~Persicaria orientalis 9*~Small decumbent to prostrate herb; perianth green, becoming truncate, thickened and corky in fruit; ocrea limb lobed and toothed; leaf base attenuate~Persicaria prostrata 10~Stalked glandular hairs present on most parts, occasionally sessile glands present too; simple hairs present on leaf margins~Persicaria elatior 10*~Hairs simple on stems or absent, but sessile glands may be present on stem, leaf, ocrea or perianth~11 11~Stigmas tough and persistent on fruit, hook-like~Persicaria filiformis 11*~Stigmas remaining delicate when fruiting, usually deciduous~12 12~Plants glabrous or with hairs only on leaf margins, veins and ocreas~13 12*~Plants hairy, usually densely so, not just on leaf veins and margins~16 13~Perianth densely glandular, pink to whitish or greenish white~14 13*~Perianth not densely glandular, pink to white~15 14~Perianth greenish white; upper margins of ocreas mostly with cilia 3–5 mm long; petioles 1–5 mm long; spikes slender, lax, with each flower cluster distinct~Persicaria hydropiper 14*~Perianth pink to whitish; ocreas without marginal hairs; petioles 5–22 mm long; spikes dense, with flowers crowded and overlapping~Persicaria lapathifolia 15~Leaves with glands (usually yellow) dense on lower surface and scattered on upper; spikes dense, 4–7 mm diam~Persicaria lapathifolia 15*~Leaves not conspicuously glandular but usually minutely warty, often with purplish blotch near the middle of the upper surface; spikes slender, rather lax, 3–4 mm diam~Persicaria decipiens 16~Leaves subsessile, petiole no more than 2 mm long~Persicaria subsessilis 16*~Leaves obviously petiolate, petiole 5–40 mm long~17 17~Plants erect; perianth sparsely sessile-glandular; leaves densely to sparsely tomentose, sometimes mixed with more or less glabrous leaves on same plant~Persicaria lapathifolia 17*~Plants decumbent; perianth not glandular; leaves not tomentose but densely and shortly pubescent beneath, hairs on upper surface more or less densely and coarsely antrorse~Persicaria attenuata #{gn}Celastrus 1~Scales near base of youngest branchlets narrow-triangular to subulate, more or less entire; mature fruit 5–9.5 mm long, inner surface of valves with very few or no red spots; leaves mostly 5–14 cm long, 2–7 cm wide~Celastrus subspicatus 1*~Scales near base of youngest branchlets broad-ovate, oblong-ovate or triangular, erose; mature fruit 3–6.5 mm long, inner surface of valves with scattered red spots; leaves 3–9 cm long, 1–4 cm wide~Celastrus australis #{sp}Rytidosperma racemosum 1~Lateral lobes of the lemma long-aristate, c. equal in length to the expanded part of the lobe, >2 mm long~var. racemosum 1*~Lateral lobes of the lemma very obtuse or obtusely truncate, without points, or narrowed abruptly and excentrically into short points less than 1 mm long~var. obtusatum #{gn}Blechnum 1~Sori short, initially discrete, usually in two rows on each side of the midvein, sometimes becoming confluent with age and covering the lower surface of the segment; veins of fertile and sterile fronds anastomosing, rarely free in the latter 1*Sori elongated, long, one on each side of the main vein and extending the full length of the segment, often covering the entire lower surface of the narrow segments of the fertile fronds in species with dimorphic fronds; veins of sterile fronds free 2~Fronds 1-pinnatisect for most of their length, most segments attached by a broadened to decurrent base~3 2*~Fronds with more than 1 pair of pinnae free, sessile to shortly stalked~4 3~Sori in one row on each side of the vein and located very close to it, usually 2–3 mm long~Blechnum maximum 3*~Sori in 1 or 2 rows on each side of the midvein and distinctly separated from it, ± circular, 0.51.5 mm long, sometimes becoming confluent with age~Blechnum neohollandicum 4~Fronds not markedly dimorphic, harsh, ± leathery~Blechnum parrisii 4*~Fronds usually dimorphic, almost membranous to ± leathery~5 5~Fronds pinnately divided for most of their length, but often with an apical pinna half to two-thirds the length of the lamina; various habits from creek banks in rainforest to open rocky areas~Blechnum spinulosum 5*~Fronds undivided for half to two thirds of their length, with a few pairs of short, broad pinnae at the base; protected sites in rainforest and open forest~Blechnum lineare 6~Fertile and sterile fronds similar, with the fertile pinnae or segments usually somewhat narrower than the sterile ones.~7 6*~Fertile and sterile fronds distinctly different, fertile segments or pinnae less than half as broad as the sterile ones.~10 7~Sterile segments attached by broad bases.~Blechnum cartilagineum 7*~Sterile pinnae distinctly stalked, at least in the lower third of lamina.~8 8~Fronds erect from an erect rhizome, shiny green; margins of pinnae ± equally finely toothed for their entire length.~Telmatoblechnum indicum 8*~Fronds usually pendent from a creeping rhizome; margins of pinnae becoming more coarsely toothed towards their tips.~9 9~Fertile pinnae more than half as broad as the sterile pinnae.~Blechnum gregsonii 9*~Fertile pinnae less than half as broad as the sterile pinnae.~Blechnum ambiguum 10~Fronds simple or 1-pinnatifid (often mixed on the one plant), never divided to the rachis.~Blechnum patersonii 10*~Fronds 1-pinnatisect or 1-pinnate.~11 11~Sterile segments attached to rachis by their broad bases.~12 11*~Sterile segments stalked, at least in the lower half of the lamina.~15 12~Sterile segments free from one another for most of the length of the frond.~Blechnum fluviatile 12*~Sterile segments with decurrent bases.~13 13~Rhizome long-creeping; sterile segments with rounded apex.~Blechnum penna-marina 13*~Rhizome short-creeping or erect; sterile segments with acute apex.~14 14~Lamina very rigid; sterile segments with entire margins, 35–120 mm long in the middle of the frond; rachis dark and glossy.~Blechnum nudum 14*~Lamina flaccid; sterile segments with crenate margins, 10–25 mm long in the middle of the frond; rachis not glossy, usually straw-coloured.~Blechnum chambersii 15~Basal pinnae only slightly smaller than the middle pinnae.~16 15*~Basal pinnae much reduced in size.~17 16~Rhizome scales dark brown to black, with a pale border and finely toothed margin; fertile pinnae 2–3 mm wide.~Blechnum wattsii 16*~Rhizome scales brown to reddish brown; fertile pinnae 3–10 mm wide.~Blechnum ambiguum 17~Lowermost sterile pinnae 5–15 mm long, circular.~Blechnum minus 17*~Lowermost sterile pinnae mostly over 20 mm long, occasionally only 15 mm long, ovate to lanceolate, sometimes auriculate at the base.~Blechnum camfieldii #{fm}JUNCAGINACEAE 1~Plants with rhizomes and tuberous roots, leaves ± flattened, eligulate, fruits without carpophore (stalk)~Cycnogeton 1*~Plants with bulbs or rhizomes, leaves semi-terete, ligulate or auriculate, fruits mostly with carpophore (stalk)~Triglochin #{fm}PICRODENDRACEAE 1~Shrub; leaves less than 5 mm wide~2 1*~Shrub or tree; leaves mostly more than 10 mm wide~3 2~Leaves usually in groups of 3 at each node, the groups alternate on the stem; capsule 2- or 3-celled with 2 (or 1 by abortion) seeds per cell~Micrantheum 2*~Leaves alternate or opposite, often crowded; capsule 1-celled, 1-seeded (by abortion)~Pseudanthus 3~Leaves opposite, finely toothed to crenate, more or less glabrous with lower surface not greyish; capsule 2-locular, brown to black~Austrobuxus 3*~Leaves alternate, entire or shallowly crenate, lower surface greyish or fawnish grey, covered with hairs (sometimes more or less glabrescent with age); capsule mostly 3- or 4-locular, usually orangey in colour~Petalostigma #{fm}FUMARIACEAE 1~All fruit 4–12-seeded, linear, c. 15 mm long, dehiscing by 2 valves~Pseudofumaria 1*~At least the lower fruit 1-seeded, more or less globose, 2–3 mm long, indehiscent~Fumaria #{gn}Abelmoschus 1~Epicalyx segments 6–10, linear to lanceolate, mostly 1–2.5 mm wide; capsules 4–8 cm long, terete or more or less 5-angled; leaves shallowly to deeply lobed, lobes toothed; stems with spreading to retrorse, simple hairs~Abelmoschus moschatus 1*~Epicalyx segments mostly 4–6, ovate to oblong, 5–10 mm wide; capsules 3–6 cm long, strongly 5-angled; leaves deeply lobed, lobes coarsely toothed to more or less lobed or sometimes entire; stems with more or less spreading simple, few-branched or stellate hairs to glabrous~Abelmoschus manihot #{gn}Abildgaardia 1~Leaves reduced to loose sheaths white or hyaline at mouth; glumes pale red-brown; spikelets often more than 1 per inflorescence~Abildgaardia vaginata 1*~Leaves with well-developed blades 2 cm or more long; glumes whitish to straw-coloured; spikelets rarely more than 1 per inflorescence~Abildgaardia ovata #{gn}Abutilon 1~Mericarps distinctly awned at upper outer edge~2 1*~Mericarps obtuse or angled at upper outer edge~4 2~Fruit black, c. 20 mm diam~Abutilon theophrasti 2*~Fruit green, less than 10 mm diam~3 3~Fruit only slightly exceeding calyx~Abutilon malvifolium 3*~Fruit usually twice as long as calyx~Abutilon oxycarpum 4~Fruit either papery or straight-sided and truncate; corolla 3–14 mm long~5 4*~Fruit divergent and depressed, not papery; corolla 10–25 mm long~6 5~Fruit papery, divergent and depressed; corolla 12–14 mm long~Abutilon halophilum 5*~Fruit hard, green, straight-sided and truncate; corolla 3–4 mm long~Abutilon macrum 6~Corolla more or less equalling calyx~7 6*~Corolla much longer than calyx~8 7~Calyx strongly 5-keeled in lower half, depressed in centre in fruit; pubescence velvety-grey~Abutilon otocarpum 7*~Calyx not as above; pubescence hoary, usually blue-green~Abutilon cryptopetalum 8~Corolla less than 25 mm long; calyx lobes longer than tube~9 8*~Corolla more than 25 mm long; calyx lobes shorter than tube~10 9~Calyx 7–8 mm long; stipules linear-subulate; flowers always solitary~Abutilon fraseri 9*~Calyx 10–15 mm long; stipules narrow-ovate; flowers often in few-flowered panicles~Abutilon grandifolium 10~Calyx narrow-tubular; mericarps angled~Abutilon tubulosum 10*~Calyx broad-tubular, campanulate; mericarps obtuse~Abutilon leucopetalum #{sp}Acacia baueri 1~Phyllodes in regular whorls 0.5–2 cm apart, not conspicuously warty; peduncles 5–16 mm long. Heads 10–20-flowered.~subsp. baueri 1*~Phyllodes rather crowded, scattered or in irregular whorls, warty; peduncles 2–4 mm long. Heads usually 8–10-flowered.~subsp. aspera #{sp}Acacia blakei 1~Phyllodes of immature plants narrow-elliptic to very narrow-elliptic, often curved, to 22 mm wide; calyx with glabrous or hairy tube and often with minute red-brown papillae on lobes.~subsp. blakei 1*~Phyllodes of immature plants elliptic to narrow-elliptic (markedly different in shape to mature phyllodes but also with intermediate forms), straight, to 40 mm wide; calyx usually densely white-hairy.~subsp. diphylla #{sp}Acacia dealbata 1~Pinnae mostly 1.5–5.5 cm long; pinnules 1.5–6 mm long; tree to 30 m high.~subsp. dealbata 1*~Pinnae 0.5–2.5 cm long, occasionally to 3 cm long; pinnules mostly 0.7–4 mm long; shrub or small tree to 5 m high, rarely to 10 m high.~subsp. subalpina #{sp}Acacia excelsa 1~Phyllodes 2–7 cm long, 7–22 mm wide, usually with c. 5 or 6 longitudinal veins prominent.~subsp. excelsa 1*~Phyllodes 4–5 cm long, 3–6 mm wide, with 3 or 4 longitudinal veins prominent.~subsp. angusta #{sp}Acacia leucoclada 1~Petiolar gland mostly present; jugary glands usually present at most or some pairs of pinnae, but sometimes small or absent; interjugary glands usually 1–3 between successive or several pairs of pinnae; pinnules 0.5–1 mm wide; branchlets and foliage with hairs mostly straight to curved and appressed to spreading; shrub or tree 2.5–13 m high.~subsp. leucoclada 1*~Petiolar gland usually absent or if present inconspicuous; jugary glands absent or 1 inconspicuous gland at apex; interjugary glands 1 or sometimes 2 between successive or few pairs of pinnae; pinnules 0.4–0.9 mm wide; branchlets and foliage with conspicuously spreading crisped hairs; tree 4–20 m high.~subsp. argentifolia #{sp}Acacia penninervis 1~Phyllodes oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic, abruptly or gradually narrowed to an obtuse or acute apex, with midvein infrequently joining with lower margin near pulvinus; peduncles and raceme axes glabrous.~var. penninervis 1*~Phyllodes narrow-elliptic, commonly gradually narrowed to an acute apex, with midvein often joined with lower margin for 5–10 mm above pulvinus; peduncles and raceme axes glabrous or appressed-hairy.~var. longiracemosa #{sp}Acacia victoriae 1~Branchlets glabrous; immature and mature phyllodes glabrous.~subsp. victoriae 1*~Branchlets densely hairy; immature and mature phyllodes hairy.~subsp. arida #{sp}Acaena echinata 1~Fruit and spines glabrous, largest spines with thickened bases.~var. echinata 1*~Fruit with spreading pilose hairs, larger spines with thickened bases or slender.~2 2~Spines all slender; fruit ovoid without longitudinal ridges.~var. subglabricalyx 2*~Spines (at least the longer ones) with thickened bases; fruit with 3 or 4 longitudinal ridges.~3 3~Stamens 1–2 mm long; stipules 2–3 mm long, spike unbranched.~var. retrorsumpilosa 3*~Stamens 3–5 mm long; stipules 4–5 mm long; spike usually branched at base.~var. tylacantha #{gn}Acaena 1~Flowers and fruiting hypanthia all arranged in globose, terminal heads; stolons present~2 1*~Flowers and fruiting hypanthia in long interrupted spikes or in heads with 3 or 4 flowers scattered on the stem below; stolons usually absent~3 2~Leaflets at least twice as long as wide, lower surface glaucous and densely to sparsely pilose with appressed hairs; fruiting peduncle pubescent~Acaena novae-zelandiae 2*~Leaflets less than twice as long as wide, lower surface not glaucous, glabrous except for a few hairs along veins; fruiting peduncle more or less glabrous or sparsely pilose~Acaena sp. A sensu Harden (1990) 3~Flowers and fruiting hypanthia in globose or ovoid heads with 3 or 4 scattered on stems below, 4–6 slender spines at the apex, and several smaller ones on the body of the fruiting hypanthia; stolons often present~Acaena x anserovina 3*~Flowers and fruiting hypanthia in elongated interrupted cylindrical spikes; fruiting hypanthia with many spines, equal or unequal, scattered over the entire surface; stolons absent~4 4~Leaflets densely and evenly appressed-pilose on the lower surface, moderately appressed-pilose on upper surface; fruiting hypanthia ovoid, more or less wrinkled, lacking longitudinal ridges, spines slender~5 4*~Leaflets with hairs confined to the main veins on the lower surface, glabrous or sparsely pilose above; fruiting hypanthia ovoid with all spines slender or with 3 or 4 longitudinal ridges formed by concrescence of the thickened bases of the largest spines; spines always unequal~Acaena echinata 5~Spines on fruiting hypanthia unequal, 3–6 much longer than the rest~Acaena ovina 5*~Spines of fruiting hypanthia more or less equal~Acaena agnipila #{gn}Acalypha 1~Shrubs, erect or prostrate~2 1*~Herbs 10–50 cm high~Acalypha australis 2~Leaves and stems hairy, mostly densely so; veins prominent~3 2*~Leaves and stems glabrous or almost so; veins obscure, not impressed~Acalypha capillipes 3~Leaves 2–12 cm long with 8–10 lateral veins per side of midrib; spreading shrub~Acalypha nemorum 3*~Leaves 0.3–3.5 cm long with 5–7 lateral veins per side of midrib; virgate shrub~Acalypha eremorum #{gn}Acanthospermum 1~Achenes with hooked spines of more or less uniform length; leaves usually 1.5–2.5 cm long~Acanthospermum australe 1*~Achenes with hooked spines and 2 large divergent spines at apex; leaves usually 2–12.5 cm long~Acanthospermum hispidum #{gn}Acer 1~Leaves compound with 3–9 leaflets~Acer negundo 1*~Leaves simple, palmately lobed~Acer pseudoplatanus #{gn}Acetosa 1~Erect tufted annual with fibrous roots; valves 12–23 mm long, c. 15 mm wide, often tinged bright pink or purplish~Acetosa vesicaria 1*~Perennial climber with thick tuberous roots; valves 4–7 mm long, 6–9 mm wide, straw-coloured at maturity, occasionally with pink or purplish tinge~Acetosa sagittata #{gn}Achnatherum 1~Caryopsis obovoid, the style base central; lemma surface more or less hairy all over, though often with a bare area between midrib and first lateral vein, especially towards apex~Achnatherum brachychaeta 1*~Caryopsis broadly obovoid or almost gibbous, the style base eccentric; lemma surface hairy along midrib and between outermost lateral nerves on margin, the area between the midrib and the first lateral vein more or less glabrous~Achnatherum caudata #{gn}Acianthus 1~Sepals with thread-like filiform points more than 20 mm long~Acianthus caudatus 1*~Sepals with thread-like filiform points less than 3 mm long~2 2~Petals reflexed against the ovary, dorsal sepal not hooded closely over the column~3 2*~Petals spreading, dorsal sepal hooded closely over the column~4 3~Flowers 8–12 mm long, dull green to dull pink; labellum 4–4.5 mm long, 2–3 mm wide~Acianthus pusillus 3*~Flowers 12–16 mm long, pinkish purple to dark purple; labellum 5–6 mm long, 3.5–4 mm wide~Acianthus exsertus 4~Flowers 5–7 mm long~5 4*~Flowers more than 8 mm long~6 5~Labellum flat~Acianthus exiguus 5*~Labellum margins recurved~Acianthus sp. A sensu Harden (1993) 6~Labellum callus narrow-cordate (flowers Feb.–Apr.)~Acianthus apprimus 6*~Labellum callus cordate to broad-cordate (flowers May–Aug.)~7 7~Flowers 8–11 mm long, dorsal sepal 6–8 mm long, 4–5 mm wide, labellum callus cordate (inland ranges)~Acianthus collinus 7*~Flowers 10–14 mm long, dorsal sepal 9–12 mm long, 5–6 mm wide, labellum callus more or less cordate (coastal and near-coastal ranges)~Acianthus fornicatus #{gn}Aciphylla 1~Leaves simple, linear to narrow-oblanceolate, the apex obtuse, lacking an aristate tip; the basal sheath 1–2 mm wide~Aciphylla simplicifolia 1*~Leaves 2–3-pinnate, fan-like, the lamina ovate or elliptic, the segments linear with acute apex and an aristate tip; the basal sheath 10–20 mm wide~Aciphylla glacialis #{gn}Acmena 1~Fruit more than 20 mm diam., dark pink to red~Acmena ingens 1*~Fruit less than 20 mm diam., white to purple~2 2~Main lateral veins at an angle of 40–50° to the midvein; leaves only faintly aromatic when crushed; fruit always white or cream, fruiting pedicels thickened~Acmena hemilampra 2*~Main lateral veins at an angle of 65–80° to the midvein; leaves pleasantly aromatic when crushed; fruit white, frequently flushed with purple, fruiting pedicels not noticeably thickened~Acmena smithii #{gn}Acronychia 1~Leaves mostly 3-foliolate (rarely occasional leaves 1-foliolate).~2 1*~Leaves 1-foliolate.~4 2~Leaflets usually 8–20 cm long, glabrous or finely hairy, with 10–20 pairs of main lateral veins; petioles without raised corky bands.~3 2*~Leaflets mostly 4–8.5 cm long, glabrous, with 7–11 pairs of main lateral veins ; petioles of older leaves often encircled with raised corky bands.~Acronychia suberosa 3~Leaflets glabrous, with 16–20 pairs of main lateral veins; fruit comprised of 4 ascending, beaked carpels, connate only at base.~Acronychia octandra 3*~Leaflets hairy on lower surface, at least on midrib and veins, with 10–13 pairs of main lateral veins; fruit drupaceous, comprised of 4 erect, ± fused carpels, not beaked.~Acronychia pubescens 4~Stems, lower surface of leaves and inflorescences distinctly hairy.~Acronychia pubescens 4*~Stems, lower surface of leaves and inflorescences ± glabrous or rarely obscurely hairy.~5 5~Oil dots absent or ± invisible in leaves, sometimes translucent blotches or streaks present; fruit yellow to yellow-orange.~Acronychia imperforata 5*~Oil dots present in leaves, translucent and conspicuous; fruit white, creamy white or mauve.~6 6~Petioles of young leaves at least finely hairy on upper surface; larger inflorescences <2 cm long; lower surface of leaves sometimes very sparsely and minutely hairy.~Acronychia pauciflora 6*~Petioles of young leaves glabrous; larger inflorescences >2 cm long; lower surface of leaves glabrous.~7 7~Petioles 1.2–2.2 mm wide; fruit 4–8-carpellate and 4–8-lobed.~8 7*~Most petioles <1.2 mm wide; fruit 4-carpellate and 4-lobed.~9 8~Oil dots in leaves moderately numerous to sparse, faintly to moderately translucent; fruit 4-lobed, glabrous, shallowly apically fissured to less than halfway; leaves strongly spicy-aromatic when crushed.~Acronychia littoralis 8*~Oil dots in leaves numerous and usually dense, strongly translucent;fruit 4–8-lobed (always some 5–8-lobed fruit present), with apical tuft of hairs, deeply fissured to more than halfway between carpels when dry, sometimes carpels fully separating in fruit; leaves not strongly aromatic when crushed.~Acronychia wilcoxiana 9~Fruit mauve, drying to reddish black; leaves glossy on both surfaces.~Acronychia laevis 9*~Fruit white to greenish white or cream-coloured; leaves not glossy or glossy on upper surface only.~10 10~Petals 9–13 mm long; leaves ± elliptic, with 10–13 pairs of main lateral veins; fruit ± ovoid, 9–15 mm diam., sharply and deeply 4-angled when dry, glabrous.~Acronychia baeuerlenii 10*~Petals 5–7 mm long; leaves ± obovate, with 5–11 pairs of main lateral veins; fruit globose to depressed-globose, 8–12 mm diam., shallowly 4-lobed when dry, with apical tuft of hairs.~Acronychia oblongifolia #{gn}Acrotriche 1~Leaves convex, margins strongly recurved~Acrotriche rigida 1*~Leaves flat or nearly so, margins not recurved~2 2~Leaves less than 2 mm wide, lanceolate to almost linear, thin, shallowly grooved between the veins, usually with scattered long hairs~Acrotriche serrulata 2*~Leaves usually more than 2 mm wide, ovate, oblong or elliptic, thicker, lacking grooves between the veins, usually glabrous~3 3~Leaves usually elliptic to obovate, sometimes more oblong or ovate, lower surface whitish with wax-covered papillae; flowers in clusters of 5–10; bracteoles 1–1.2 mm long; fruit depressed-globose, flat-topped, more than 3.5 mm diam~Acrotriche aggregata 3*~Leaves usually lanceolate but sometimes oblong- elliptic to elliptic, lower surface usually dull and lacking papillae; flowers in clusters of 3–5; bracteoles 0.5–0.9 mm long; fruit more or less globose, less than 3.5 mm diam~Acrotriche divaricata #{gn}Actinotus 1~Erect slender herb; involucre of umbel 2.5–8 cm diam~Actinotus helianthi 1*~Diffuse herb with wiry stems; involucre of umbel less than 3 cm diam~2 2~Peduncles mostly more than 3.5 cm long~3 2*~Peduncles less than 1 cm long~4 3~Leaves more or less glabrous; involucre more than 16 mm diam.; petals present on outer flowers~Actinotus forsythii 3*~Leaves white-tomentose below; involucre less than 15 mm diam.; petals absent~Actinotus minor 4~Leaves plumose-hairy, often stem-clasping; fruit 1.9–2.7 mm long~Actinotus paddisonii 4*~Leaves glabrous or with scattered hairs, not stem-clasping; fruit 1–1.8 mm long~Actinotus gibbonsii #{fm}ADIANTACEAE 1~Sori borne only on a reflexed modified flap of lamina (soral flap)~Adiantum 1*~Sori superficial, marginal or submarginal, sometimes covered by a reflexed flap of lamina but not borne on that flap, or protected by a marginal indusium~2 2~Sori superficial, borne along the length of the veins, exindusiate~3 2*~Sori marginal or submarginal, continuous or interupted~4 3~Lamina herbaceous to thinly coriaceous; abaxial surface usually with a white or golden yellow waxy coating~Pityrogramma 3*~Lamina membraneous to thinly herbaceous; abaxial surface lacking a coloured waxy coating~Anogramma 4~Ultimate segments usually more than 10 mm long; if less then fronds only once pinnate~Pellaea 4*~Ultimate segments 8 mm or less long; fronds at least pinnate-pinnatifid~Cheilanthes #{sp}Adiantum hispidulum 1~Fronds helicoid. Lamina of pinnules especially below with short rigid hairs, less than 0.5 mm long.~var. hispidulum 1*~Fronds helicoid or pedate. Lamina of pinnules especially below with soft, flexuose or silky pubescent hairs longer than 0.5 mm. Undersurface of pinnules pale subglaucous~var. hypoglaucum #{gn}Adiantum 1~Stalks of the ultimate segments attached at the centre of their bases, i.e. segments ± symmetric at base~5 1*~Stalks of the ultimate segments attached at one corner, i.e. segments asymmetric at base~2 2~Rhizomes short-creeping or tufted; fronds with lamina simply pinnate or branched palmately or dichotomously~3 2*~Rhizomes long-creeping; fronds with lamina branched pinnately~4 3~Stipes black, slender; stipes and rachises glabrous; ultimate segments of fronds bearing minute, stiff black or brown hairs~Adiantum diaphanum 3*~Stipes black, stout, slightly rough to scabrous; ultimate segments of fronds bearing minute, soft white hairs; stipes and rachises sparingly hairy with fine white hairs~Adiantum hispidulum 4~Terminal primary pinnae very much shorter than the basal primary pinnae; rhizome deeply buried~Adiantum formosum 4*~Terminal primary pinnae as long as the basal ones; rhizome on the soil surface~Adiantum silvaticum 5~Scales on rhizomes thin, yellow, transparent, broadly triangular, entire and often spirally curled~Adiantum aethiopicum 5*~Scales on rhizomes triangular, dark brown, ± opaque, with shortly ciliate margins, not spirally curled~Adiantum atroviride #{fm}ADOXACEAE 1~Leaves compound~Sambucus 1*~Leaves simple~Viburnum #{sp}Adriana tomentosa 1~Leaves with margins regularly toothed with sharp or blunt teeth, rarely margins entire, sometimes crenate but then leaf base not cordate; leaves unlobed or 3-lobed, sometimes 2-, 4- or 5-lobed; petiole up to or more than half the length of the lamina; leaf apex and lateral lobes acute to acuminate, sometimes obtuse, tips sharp or rounded; leaves alternate, rarely alternate or opposite.~var. tomentosa 1*~Leaves with margins crenate, wavy or entire, occasionally regulalry toothed with blunt teeth, leaf bases not cordate; leaves unlobed or 3-lobed, not 2-, 4- or 5-lobed; petiole up to half the length of the lamina; leaf apex and lateral lobes usually obtuse, sometimes acute, not acuminate, tips rounded, not sharp; leaves alternate or alternate and opposite.~var. hookeri #{gn}Aeschynomene 1~Leaves with >20 leaflets; fruit with 5–10 articles.~Aeschynomene indica 1*~Leaves with usually 5–9 leaflets; fruit with 2–6 articles.~Aeschynomene brevifolia #{fm}AGAVACEAE 1~Leaves mostly less than 1 m long and less than 6 cm wide; scape 1–3 m high; ovary superior~Yucca 1*~Leaves usually more than 1 m long and more than 6 cm wide; scape 2–6 m high; ovary inferior~2 2~Stamens much longer than tepals~Agave 2*~Stamens shorter than tepals~Furcraea #{gn}Ageratina 1~Stems, leaves and inflorescence branches glandular-hairy; leaves triangular to rhombic, almost as broad as long~Ageratina adenophora 1*~Stems, leaves and inflorescence branches hairy but not glandular-hairy; leaves lanceolate to narrow-ovate, much longer than broad~Ageratina riparia #{gn}Ageratum 1~Involucral bracts glabrous, oblong, non-glandular, apex short-acuminate to acute, margin erose to fimbriate, rarely entire; heads 3–6 mm diam.; leaves ovate, obtuse at base~Ageratum conyzoides 1*~Involucral bracts hairy, linear-lanceolate, glandular, apex long-acuminate, margin entire; heads mostly 6–8 mm diam.; leaves ovate to triangular, cordate to truncate at base~Ageratum houstonianum #{gn}Ailanthus 1~Evergreen plant; leaflets less than 22 mm wide, entire, not glandular; petals glabrous or almost so~Ailanthus triphysa 1*~Deciduous plant; leaflets more than 22 mm wide, lobed near base, lobes glandular at apex; petals woolly at base~Ailanthus altissima #{gn}Aira 1~Panicle narrow and dense; branches short, erect; pedicels usually shorter than the spikelets~Aira praecox 1*~Panicle open, spreading with divaricate branches; pedicels 1–8 times as long as the spikelets~2 2~Pedicels 1–2 times as long as the spikelets; glumes acute or obtuse~3 2*~Pedicels 2–8 times as long as the spikelets; glumes acute~4 3~Spikelets 2.5–3.5 mm long; lemma 75% the length of the acute glumes; both florets awned~Aira caryophyllea 3*~Spikelets 2–2.5 mm long; lemma 50–65% as long as the obtuse glumes; lower floret often unawned~Aira cupaniana 4~Spikelets 1.2–2.5 mm long; pedicels tapering gradually to the wider apex~Aira elegantissima 4*~Spikelets 3.5 mm long; pedicels club-shaped, abruptly tapered to the apex~Aira provincialis #{sp}Alectryon oleifolius 1~Fruit, calyx and leaves usually densely hairy; inflorescences usually 1–9-flowered. Leaves mostly 5–9 cm long, 4–16 mm wide, greyish; petiole 2–16 mm long. Pedicels 5–14 mm long. Capsule lobes compressed, pubescent~subsp. canescens 1*~Fruit, calyx and leaves glabrous or finely hairy; inflorescences with 5–53 or more flowers. Leaves mostly 6–15 cm long, 4–10 mm wide, green; petiole 5–15 mm long. Pedicels 1.5–5 mm long. Capsule lobes globose, glabrous~subsp. elongatus #{gn}Alisma 1~Leaves with lamina lanceolate, narrowing gradually into the petiole; petals acute; style curved in lower part~Alisma lanceolatum 1*~Leaves with lamina rounded to cordate at the base; petals obtuse; style more or less straight~Alisma plantago-aquatica #{fm}ALISMATACEAE 1~Carpels in several whorls, apparently spirally arranged; flowers unisexual, lower flowers female or bisexual, upper flowers male~Sagittaria 1*~Carpels in 1 whorl; flowers bisexual~2 2~Carpels roughly triangular with a long beak, united along central axis~Damasonium 2*~Carpels rounded on the back, not triangular, not united along central axis, often closely packed~Alisma #{fm}ALLIACEAE 1~Inflorescence an umbel; perianth usually less than 15 mm long, tepals free or slightly united at base~2 1*~Flower solitary; perianth usually more than 20 mm long, tepals fused into a tube c. 15 mm long~Ipheion 2~Plants with an onion- or garlic-like odour when crushed; ovules usually 2 per loculus; style gynobasic~Allium 2*~Plants with little or no onion- or garlic-like odour when crushed; ovules usually 4–12 per loculus; style terminal~Nothoscordum #{gn}Allium 1~Umbel loose; leaves almost basal; scape flaccid to 3-angled or 3-angled~2 1*~Umbel compact; leaves sheathing half to two-thirds of scape; scape terete~3 2~Scape always erect; perianth ascending; stigma entire; seeds without elaiosome~Allium neapolitanum 2*~Scape often flaccid; perianth pendent to reflexed; stigma 3-fid; seeds with elaiosome~Allium triquetrum 3~Bulblets absent; leaves sheathing half to two-thirds of scape, hollow in lower part; spathe persistent with two unequal, elongated lobes much longer than pedicels~Allium oleraceum 3*~Bulblets present; leaves sheathing up to half of scape; spathe caducous or, if persistent, shorter than pedicels~4 4~Leaves solid, flat or channelled, 15–30 mm wide; bulbils absent; spathe persistent~Allium ampeloprasum 4*~Leaves hollow, cylindrical, 3–6 mm wide; bulbils present; spathe caducous~Allium vineale #{gn}Allocasuarina1 1~Article ridges with a minutely roughened surface; male bracteoles not persistent~2 1*~Ridges smooth; male bracteoles persistent except in Allocasuarina gymnanthera~4 2~Articles coarse, ± 8 mm long, ± 0.7 mm diam.; furrows pubescent; teeth 9–13; anthers ± 1.0 mm long; bark furrowed~3 2*~Articles slender, less than 8 mm long, less than 0.7 mm diam.; furrows glabrous; teeth 7–9; anthers 0.5–0.8 mm long; bark very ribbony-fibrous. Male spikes 2–4 cm long; 7–14 whorls per cm~Allocasuarina inophloia 3~Teeth erect; ridges flat or slightly rounded-convex; male bracteoles shed individually; branchlets ascending. Male spikes 1.5–4.5 cm long; 5–8 whorls per cm; anthers 1.0–1.3 mm long~Allocasuarina luehmannii 3*~Teeth spreading; ridges rounded-convex (often only slightly so); male bracteoles often falling as a unit with the 1 or 2 male tepals; branchlets drooping. Male spikes 3–12 cm long, 2.5–4 whorls per cm; anthers 1.2–2.5 mm long~Allocasuarina verticillata 4~Ridges with median groove along whole length~5 4*~Ridges without median groove or groove present only near base of article (in Allocasuarina brachystachya)~6 5~Anthers 0.7–1.1 mm long; teeth ± 0.5 mm long, 6–8; articles ± 5 mm long, ± 0.7 mm diam.; dioecious or monoecious. Male spikes not moniliform, 1–2.5 cm long; 7–9 whorls per cm~Allocasuarina paludosa 5*~Anthers 0.3–0.6 mm long; teeth ± 0.5 mm long, 5–7; articles ± 5 mm long, ± 0.7 mm diam.; monoecious usually. Male spikes occasionally moniliform, 0.5–1.7 cm long; 9–16 whorls per cm~Allocasuarina brachystachya 6~Furrows pubescent (pubescent and glabrous furrows sometimes mixed in Allocasuarina simulans)~7 6*~Furrows glabrous~13 7~Male bracteoles not persistent; male spikes moniliform, 2.5–6 cm long; 3–5 whorls per cm~Allocasuarina gymnanthera 7*~Male bracteoles persistent; male spikes not or occasionally moniliform, other details vary~8 8~Tree 5–20 m high; bark corky or furrowed~9 8*~Shrub 0.5–3 m high; bark smooth or slightly fissured~10 9~Teeth 4 or 5. Male spikes 0.5–3 cm long; 7–12 whorls per cm; anthers 0.5–0.6 mm long~Allocasuarina torulosa 9*~Teeth 6–8. Male spikes 0.5–5 cm long; 6–12.5 whorls per cm; anthers 0.4–0.8 mm long~Allocasuarina littoralis 10~Ridges flat or slightly rounded-convex; anthers less than 0.7 mm long; male spikes 0.7–1.7 cm long; more than 8 male whorls per cm, dioecious or monoecious~11 10*~Ridges angular to strongly rounded-convex; anthers 0.8–1.3 mm long; male spikes 1.5–9 cm long; less than 7 male whorls per cm; dioecious~12 11~Dioecious usually; articles 5–6 mm long, often with a waxy bloom; ridges without median groove. Male spikes 5–10 cm long; 16–20 whorls per cm~Allocasuarina nana 11*~Monoecious usually; articles 2–5 mm long, not waxy; ridges often with median groove near base of article. Male spikes occasionally moniliform~Allocasuarina brachystachya 12~Articles pale yellow-green; ridges rounded-convex to angular; usually parts more slender than in Allocasuarina distyla. Male spikes 1.5–4 cm long; c. 4 whorls per cm~Allocasuarina simulans 12*~Articles darker blue-green; ridges angular to rounded- convex. Male spikes occasionally moniliform, 1.5–5 (rarely to 9) cm long; 4.5–6.5 whorls per cm~Allocasuarina distyla 13~Ridges and teeth flat to slightly rounded-convex at least near their apex (may be more convex towards base); articles of same diam. throughout their length; male spikes moniliform usually (but see Allocasuarina brachystachya)~14 13*~Ridges angular to strongly rounded-convex, with rib or convexity continued onto teeth; articles mostly of greater diam. near their apex; male spikes moniliform or not~18 14~Teeth overlapping~15 14*~Teeth not overlapping~17 15~Male bracteoles shed; male spikes more than 2.5 cm long; anthers 0.8–1.4 mm long~Allocasuarina gymnanthera 15*~Male bracteoles persistent; male spikes less than 2.5 cm long; anthers 0.7–0.9 mm long~16 16~Articles blue-green, 6–8 mm long; spikes 0.4–1 cm long~Allocasuarina defungens 16*~Articles yellow-green, 5–11 mm long; spikes 0.2–2.5 cm long~Allocasuarina glareicola 17~Anthers 0.3–0.6 mm long; 9–16 male whorls per cm; articles ± 5 mm long. Male spikes occasionally moniliform~Allocasuarina brachystachya 17*~Anthers 0.7–0.8 mm long; c. 5 male whorls per cm; articles ± 5 mm long~Allocasuarina glareicola 18~Teeth withering, recurved to spreading, very broad- triangular; articles 10–25 mm long. Male spikes 1–10 cm long; 3.5–6.5 whorls per cm; anthers 0.7–1.2 mm long~19 18*~Teeth not withering, erect to slightly spreading (if spreading then narrow-triangular); articles 5–12 mm long~20 19~Articles 0.7–1.5 mm diam., ridges angular to rounded-convex; male spikes rarely moniliform; widespread northern species~Allocasuarina rigida 19*~Articles 0.8–1.0 mm diam., ridges rounded-convex to somewhat angular; male spikes moniliform; rare species confined to Sydney Harbour N.P~Allocasuarina portuensis 20~Teeth overlapping~21 20*~Teeth not overlapping~22 21~Teeth very broad-triangular, very convex-sided; articles not waxy. Male spikes 1–2.5 cm long; 7.5–8 whorls per cm; anthers 0.7–0.8 mm long~Allocasuarina rupicola 21*~Teeth broad- to narrow-triangular, more or less straight-sided; articles often with a waxy bloom. Male spikes 0.5–5 cm long; 5–10 whorls per cm~Allocasuarina diminuta 22~Articles of same diam. throughout their length, not waxy; male spikes moniliform~Allocasuarina glareicola 22*~Articles of slightly greater diam. at apex than towards base, often with a waxy bloom; male spikes usually not moniliform~23 23~Anthers 0.8–1.2 mm long; teeth narrow-triangular. Male spikes 1–2.5 cm long; c. 6 whorls per cm~Allocasuarina ophiolitica 23*~Anthers 0.5–0.8 mm long; teeth broad- to narrow-triangular. Male spikes 0.5–5 cm long; 5–10 whorls per cm~Allocasuarina diminuta #{sp}Allocasuarina diminuta 1~Ridges rounded-convex (occasionally only slightly so); teeth 6 or 7, narrow-triangular usually with straight margins; articles often with waxy bloom. Shrub 2–5 m high. Teeth 6 or 7, 0.3–0.5 mm long. Anther 0.5–0.7 mm long. Cone bracteoles obtuse to truncate~subsp. diminuta 1*~Ridges angular to rounded-convex; teeth 6–10~2 2~Teeth broad-triangular with convex margins; articles often with waxy bloom. Shrub 1–2.5 m high. Teeth 6–10, 0.3–0.6 mm long. Anther 0.5–0.7 mm long. Cone bracteoles obtuse to broad-acute~subsp. mimica 2*~Teeth broad- or narrow-triangular with straight or somewhat convex margins; articles not waxy. Shrub 1–2.5 m high. Teeth 6–8, 0.4–0.8 mm long. Anther 0.6–0.8 mm long. Cone bracteoles obtuse to truncate~subsp. annectens #{gn}Almaleea 1~Standard c. 6 mm long; leaves with margins flat, tuberculate, ciliate when immature~Almaleea paludosa 1*~Standard more than 6 mm long; leaves with margins slightly incurved to involute, smooth and glabrous or whole lower surface surface tuberculate and sparsely pubescent when immature~2 2~Stems moderately to densely covered with antrorse to spreading hairs; bracteoles 3–5 mm long; leaves towards end of stems with incurved apices~Almaleea incurvata 2*~Stems glabrous to densely covered with appressed hairs; bracteoles 1–2.5 mm long; leaves not incurved~3 3~Leaves glabrous or rarely pubescent when young, not tuberculate, margins flat to slightly incurved or rarely involute; lower part of calyx tube glabrous or nearly so~Almaleea subumbellata 3*~Leaves pubescent on lower surface when young, usually tuberculate on lower surface, margins moderately incurved to involute; lower part of calyx tube pubescent~4 4~Calyx lobes sparsely to moderately curly-pubescent (calyx epidermis clearly visible beneath)~Almaleea capitata 4*~Calyx lobes densely silky-villous (calyx epidermis scarcely visible beneath)~Almaleea cambagei #{gn}Alopecurus 1~Glumes glabrous (except for minutely hairy keels) and united for more than 30% of their length; keels winged~Alopecurus myosuroides 1*~Glumes hairy on sides and keel, united for less than 30% of their length; wing on keel absent~2 2~Lemma truncate with margins free; glumes obtuse; spikelets 2–3.5 mm long~Alopecurus geniculatus 2*~Lemma acute with margins united for c. 25% of their length; glumes acute; spikelets 4–6 mm long~Alopecurus pratensis #{gn}Alphitonia 1~Fruit ovoid to globose, 5–10 mm diam.; buds and young stems grey to golden-brown hairy; branchlets not usually ribbed; stipules 2–10 mm long~Alphitonia excelsa 1*~Fruit depressed-globose, 10–15 mm diam.; buds and young shoots reddish brown hairy; branchlets prominently ribbed; stipules 1–2 mm long~Alphitonia petriei #{gn}Alpinia 1~Inflorescence 12–30 cm long; pedicels 10–20 mm long; outer tepals about 3 times as long as broad; ligule usually 10–15 mm long~Alpinia caerulea 1*~Inflorescence 2–8 cm long; pedicels to 4 mm long; outer tepals about as long as broad; ligule 3–4 mm long~Alpinia arundelliana #{sp}Alstonia constricta a~Plants with glabrous leaves, usually >12 mm wide and petiole >20 mm long. In dry and littoral rainforest on the coast north from Woolgoolga and in western woodland and scrub~f. Type form b~Plants with sparsely to densely pubescent leaves; most leaves >12 mm wide and petioles >20 mm long. Chiefly in subcoastal areas south to the upper Hunter Valley~f. Pubescent form c~Plants with very narrow pubescent leaves (<12 mm wide) and petioles <10 mm long. Confined to the Gunnedah and Bingara areas~f. Narrow-leaved pubescent form #{gn}Alyxia 1~Leaves usually in whorls of 3–6, apex acute or acuminate, spinose; rainforest species, coastal districts north of Nowra~Alyxia ruscifolia 1*~Leaves mostly opposite, apex mucronate or blunt, not spinose; coastal headland species, south of Nowra~Alyxia buxifolia #{fm}AMARANTHACEAE 1~Leaves alternate or all radical~2 1*~Leaves opposite~4 2~Woody climbers; fruit a red berry~Deeringia 2*~Annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs; fruit dry~3 3~Inflorescence and perianths mostly glabrous; filaments free; fruit 1-seeded~Amaranthus 3*~Inflorescence and perianths variously hairy; filaments fused at the base; fruit with 1 or more seeds~10 4~Perianth rigid, especially in fruit~5 4*~Perianth membranous or scarious in fruit, not rigid~8 5~Perianth segments 4; bracts spinescent, spreading in fruit~Nyssanthes 5*~Perianth segments 5; bracts variously armed, not spreading in fruit~6 6~Inflorescence an axillary cluster~Alternanthera 6*~Inflorescence a terminal spike~7 7~Flowers not reflexed in fruit; bracts not pungent~Froelichia 7*~Flowers reflexed in fruit; bracts pungent~Achyranthes 8~Stigma bifid; at least some bracts subequal to perianth~Gomphrena 8*~Stigma entire; bracts shorter than perianth~9 9~Perianth segments fused to c. halfway; inflorescence woolly~Guilleminea 9*~Perianth segments free or almost so; perianths glabrous or variously hairy but inflorescence not woolly~Alternanthera 10~Fruit with 2 or more seeds; flowers mostly in simple terminal spicate inflorescences; anthers 2-locular~Ptilotus 10*~Fruit with 1 seed; flowers in terminal and lateral spicate inflorescences; anthers 4-locular~Aerva #{gn}Amaranthus 1~Perianth segments 3~2 1*~Perianth segments 5~7 2~Inflorescence axillary, larger clusters in lower axils~3 2*~Inflorescence mostly terminal with smaller branches in upper axils only~4 3~Bracts with long spines, longer than perianth~Amaranthus albus 3*~Bracts with short spines, shorter than perianth~Amaranthus macrocarpus 4~Fruit much longer (1.3–2 times) than perianth~5 4*~Fruit equal to or slightly longer (less than 1.2 times) than perianth~6 5~Stems and young leaves with scattered hairs~Amaranthus deflexus 5*~Stems and leaves glabrous~Amaranthus blitum 6~Bracts and perianth segments sharply pointed; bracts longer than perianth~Amaranthus powellii 6*~Bracts and perianth segments not sharply pointed; bracts shorter than or equal to perianth~Amaranthus viridis 7~Inflorescence axillary, larger clusters in lower axils~8 7*~Inflorescence mainly terminal with smaller branches in upper axils only~9 8~Perianth segments 2–3 mm long~19 8*~Perianth segments 5–7 mm long, broad-spathulate~Amaranthus grandiflorus 9~Inflorescence to 30 cm long, dark red to maroon~Amaranthus caudatus 9*~Inflorescence not as above~10 10~Two spinescent bracts, 10–15 mm long, present at the base of each short inflorescence branch~Amaranthus spinosus 10*~Spinescent bracts absent~11 11~Fruit indehiscent or rupturing irregularly~12 11*~Fruit circumsciss~14 12~Perianth segments oblong~Amaranthus muricatus 12*~Perianth segments spathulate~13 13~Perianth segments 2–3 mm long~Amaranthus mitchellii 13*~Perianth segments 5–7 mm long~Amaranthus grandiflorus 14~Stems and leaves hairy, especially when young~15 14*~Stems and leaves glabrous~17 15~Bracts 5–6 mm long~Amaranthus retroflexus 15*~Bracts 2–5 mm long~16 16~Bracts 3–4 mm long~Amaranthus hybridus 16*~Bracts 2–3 mm long~Amaranthus cruentus 17~Outer perianth segments recurved at the apices~Amaranthus quitensis 17*~Apices of perianth segments straight~18 18~Bracts 5–6 mm long; perianth segments 2.5–3 mm long~Amaranthus powellii 18*~Bracts 3–4 mm long; perianth segments 1.5–2 mm long~Amaranthus hybridus 19~Fruit wrinkled, with prominent wavy ribs; confined to river floodplains with grey, brown or black~Amaranthus mitchellii 19*~Fruit wrinkled, without wavy ribs; grows on red sand and rocky areas~Amaranthus cuspidifolius #{sp}Amaranthus macrocarpus 1~Fruit black or dark brown~var. macrocarpus 1*~Fruit straw-coloured~var. pallidus #{gn}Ambrosia 1~Leaves pinnatifid, with triangular lobes~Ambrosia psilostachya 1*~Leaves 2- or 3-, sometimes 4-pinnate, lobes not triangular~2 2~Female heads abundant in massive clusters; fruit covered in short hooked spines~Ambrosia confertiflora 2*~Female heads few in small clusters; fruit without hooked spines~3 3~Fruit glabrous; leaves green-grey; annual~Ambrosia artemisiifolia 3*~Fruit hairy; leaves with a grey lacy appearance; perennial~Ambrosia tenuifolia #{gn}Ammi 1~Basal and lower stem leaves with elliptic or obovate segments with toothed margins; umbels usually with 20–40 rays; rays slender and erect to spreading in flower and fruit~Ammi majus 1*~All leaves with filiform segments with entire margins; umbels with 40–100 rays; rays slender in the flower becoming thickened and hardened in fruit~Ammi visnaga #{gn}Ammobium 1~Stems branching and multi-headed; upper surface of leaves with woolly hairs; receptacle scales with distinct mucro~Ammobium alatum 1*~Stem simple and single headed; upper surface of leaves with short multicellular hairs; receptacle scales with mucro indistinct or absent~Ammobium craspedioides #{sp}Amperea xiphoclada 1~All flowers ± sessile.~2 1*~Most female flowers with pedicels 1–13 mm long.~var. pedicellata 2~Leaves to 25 mm long, both surfaces smooth; ridges along stems smooth or irregularly sparsely papillose.~var. xiphoclada 2*~Leaves to 7 mm long, upper surface and lower midrib, as well as ridges along stems (at least lower parts) papillose.~var. papillata #{gn}Amphibromus 1~Plants stoloniferous; lemmas with straight awns~2 1*~Plants not stoloniferous, tufted; lemmas with bent and often twisted awns~3 2~Spikelets 12–21 mm long; lemmas more than 6 mm long; florets 5–7~Amphibromus sinuatus 2*~Spikelets 9–15 mm long; lemmas less than 6 mm long; florets 6–10~Amphibromus fluitans 3~ligule 5 mm long or less; lemmas swollen~Amphibromus pithogastrus 3*~ligule 6 mm long or more; lemmas not swollen~4 4~Awn arising near the lemma tip, from top 30% of lemma length; lemma apex appearing constricted~Amphibromus neesii 4*~Awn dorsal, arising from bottom 60% of the lemma length; apex of lemma not appearing constricted~5 5~Back of lemma very roughly papillose; awn arising 50–60% of the lemma length from apex which is drawn out, papery~Amphibromus macrorhinus 5*~Back of lemma smooth or scabrous; awn arising 40–50% of lemma length from apex which tapers evenly~Amphibromus nervosus #{gn}Amphipogon 1~Panicle oblong to narrow-cylindrical; lemmas 7–8 mm long including the lobes, which are ciliate to the apex of the bristles; leaf blades 8–15 cm long~Amphipogon caricinus 1*~Panicle a dense head, oblong to ovoid; lemmas 9–10 mm long including the lobes, which are scabrous at their apices; leaf blades less than 8 mm long~Amphipogon strictus #{gn}Amsinckia 1~Throat of corolla constricted by hairy saccate protrusions~Amsinckia lycopsoides 1*~Saccate protrusions absent from corolla~2 2~Flowers orange-yellow; mericarps grey to fawn, usually transversely wrinkled, usually 3–3.5 mm long~Amsinckia intermedia 2*~Flowers pale yellow; mericarps brown to black, not or weakly transversely wrinkled, usually 2–2.5 mm long~Amsinckia calycina #{sp}Amyema quandang 1~Leaves lanceolate to elliptic, usually falcate, 8–20 mm wide, attenuate at base. Widespread~var. quandang 1*~Leaves broad-lanceolate, usually not falcate, 20–45 mm wide, contracted at base. North from Nyngan district~var. bancroftii #{gn}Anagallis 1~Leaves opposite; petals red, pink, orange and blue; petals longer than sepals~Anagallis arvensis 1*~Leaves alternate; petals white to pink; petals shorter than sepals~Anagallis minima #{gn}Ancistrachne 1~Spikelets 4.3–5 mm long; lower glume 1–2.5 mm long; upper glume and lower lemma with rigid, hooked spines; upper lemma acute~Ancistrachne uncinulata 1*~Spikelets 2.5–3 mm long; lower glume less than 0.25 mm long or absent; upper glume and lower lemma with fine, curved hairs; upper lemma mucronate~Ancistrachne maidenii #{gn}Aneilema 1~Inflorescence pedunculate, a narrow panicle, usually 8–15 cm long; leaves mostly 4–10 cm long~Aneilema acuminatum 1*~Inflorescence sessile, few-flowered, less than 4 cm long; leaves mostly 2–5 cm long~Aneilema biflorum #{gn}Angianthus 1~Pappus cup-shaped, more or less jagged, sometimes with 1 or 2 bristles less than two-thirds as long as the corolla tube; plants more or less woolly~Angianthus brachypappus 1*~Pappus of 2 or 3 jagged scales, each terminating in 1 or 2 subplumose bristles more or less as long as corolla tube; plants woolly~Angianthus tomentosus #{gn}Anthemis 1~Plant hardly aromatic when crushed; achenes smoothly ribbed~Anthemis arvensis 1*~Plant foetid when crushed; achenes tuberculate~Anthemis cotula #{fm}ANTHERICACEAE 1~Leaves chiefly basal, if some cauline then reducing in size up stem~2 1*~All leaves cauline~10 2~Tepals spirally twisted after flowering~3 2*~Tepals not spirally twisted after flowering~5 3~Filaments all glabrous, or scabrous, finely pubescent or papillose; flowers blue or white to pale yellow~4 3*~Filaments with a tuft of narrow clavate hairs below anther; flowers yellow~Tricoryne 4~Inflorescences annual; pedicels to 15 mm long; stamens of 2 lengths; capsule more or less 3-lobed; seed more or less globose; flowers blue or rarely white~Caesia 4*~Inflorescence perennating; pedicels to 3.5 mm long; stamens equal in length; capsule not lobed; seed ellipsoid; flowers white to pale yellow~Corynotheca 5~Stamens 3, with 3 staminodes~Sowerbaea 5*~Stamens 6~6 6~Margins of inner tepals fringed throughout~Thysanotus 6*~Margins of inner tepals entire~7 7~Anthers linear, longer than filaments~Dichopogon 7*~Anthers linear, usually shorter than filaments~8 8~Filaments glabrous or minutely papillose; perianth white~Chlorophytum 8*~Filaments hirsute or finely pubescent; perianth pale blue, purple or white~9 9~Inflorescence subsessile, flowers solitary; filaments finely pubescent; plants mat-forming~Herpolirion 9*~Inflorescence scapose racemes or panicles, flowers usually 1–9 per node; filaments hirsute; plants never mat-forming~Arthropodium 10~Inflorescence a terminal head-like umbel, flowers more or less sessile or shortly pedicellate; leaves usually tufted leaving leafless intervals on stems~Laxmannia 10*~Inflorescences an axillary condensed bracteate umbel-like raceme, the flowers distinctly pedicellate; leaves crowded along stem~Alania #{gn}Aotus 1~Branches often spinescent; pedicels with more or less sparse, short, curved hairs, not obscuring the surface~Aotus subspinescens 1*~Branches not spinescent; pedicels with dense, often long, spreading to appressed hairs, obscuring the surface~2 2~Stems with long, soft, spreading hairs and densely tomentose; flowers yellow, 8–15 mm long; apex of leaves acute~Aotus lanigera 2*~Stems without long, soft, spreading hairs; flowers yellow with red or purple markings, 5–10 mm long; apex of leaves obtuse to occasionally acute~3 3~Stems densely velvety-tomentose; upper surface of at least young leaves, pubescent~Aotus mollis 3*~Stems not velvety-tomentose; upper surface of leaves mostly glabrous or with scattered, long hairs~4 4~Stems with white, appressed, silky hairs; flowers with standard yellow with a large purple blotch and keel red-purple; leaves narrow-linear to lanceolate, 1–3 mm wide~Aotus subglauca 4*~Stems with a variable but close, often rusty pubescence; flowers with standard yellow with a reddish or orange blotch and keel yellow; leaves variable, 1–5 mm wide~Aotus ericoides #{sp}Aotus subglauca 1~Leaves 1–3 mm wide, narrow-linear to lanceolate, margins recurved with most of lower surface visible, upper surface ± strongly tuberculate~var. subglauca 1*~Leaves usually <1 mm wide, narrow-linear, margins revolute with midrib only visible below, upper surface ± smooth~var. filiformis #{gn}Apium 1~Stems prostrate or sometimes more or less ascending; mature mericarps more or less covered by corky ribs, with the seed wall barely apparent between ribs~Apium prostratum 1*~Stems erect; mericarps with wide intervals between ribs so that seed wall is visible~Apium graveolens #{sp}Apium prostratum 1~Leaflets entire or divided; undivided leaflets and primary segments of divided leaflets ± linear or narrow-lanceolate, 6–15 times as long as broad~var. prostratum 1*~Leaflets divided, primary segments elliptic, ovate, obovate or ± cuneate, 2–3 times as long as broad~var. filiforme #{gn}Aponogeton 1~Inflorescence yellow, usually a simple spike, rarely with smaller lateral branches below~Aponogeton elongatus 1*~Inflorescence white, normally with 2 more or less equal branches~Aponogeton distachyus #{gn}Arabidella 1~Plants shrubby; most or all leaves 2–multi-pinnatisect; inflorescence elongating~2 1*~Plant herbaceous; leaves lyrate-pinnatisect to 3-pinnatisect; inflorescence dense~3 2~Inflorescence a raceme; style less than 1 mm long; ovary and fruit more or less sessile, fruit linear; stem usually papillose~Arabidella trisecta 2*~Inflorescence elongating from a short corymb; style c. 2 mm long; ovary and fruit on a short gynophore, fruit linear to ellipsoid; stem glabrous~Arabidella sp. A sensu Harden (1990) 3~Leaves mostly 2–3-pinnatisect~Arabidella nasturtium 3*~Leaves 1-pinnatisect or lyrate-pinnatifid~4 4~Plant glabrous~Arabidella procumbens 4*~Plant pubescent, hairs simple~Arabidella eremigena #{fm}ARALIACEAE 1~Leaves simple, margins entire to deeply lobed~2 1*~Leaves pinnately or palmately compound with 3 or more leaflets~4 2~Woody creeper (rarely shrubby with age), with aerial roots; mature leaves glabrous; styles fully fused~Hedera 2*~Shrubs or small trees; mature leaves densely hairy on lower surface; styles free~3 3~Leaves entire, venation (when visible) pinnate; stipules absent~Astrotricha 3*~Leaves palmately lobed, venation palmate; stipules prominent, 2-ligulate~Tetrapanax 4~Leaves 3-foliolate; climber or scrambling shrub with retrorse bristles; flowers sessile (or occasionally subsessile) in small racemose or paniculate inflorescences~Cephalaralia 4*~Leaves usually more than 3-foliolate; shrubs or trees (sometimes epiphytic as juveniles), glabrous or glabrescent; flowers sessile or pedicellate, solitary or in umbels~5 5~Leaves pinnately compound (divisions to the third degree); flowers pedicellate, solitary or in umbels~Polyscias 5*~Leaves palmately compound; flowers sessile in umbels~Schefflera #{fm}ARAUCARIACEAE 1~Seeds free from cone scales, winged; leaves obtuse or acute; confined to Wollemi N.P. (CT)~Wollemia 1*~Seeds united with or enclosed by cone scales, not winged; leaves acute; widespread in warmer rainforest, north from Nambucca R. (NC)~Araucaria #{gn}Archidendron 1~Leaves with usually 2–5 pairs of pinnae; stalked petiolar and jugary glands on primary and secondary rachises~Archidendron grandiflorum 1*~Leaves with 1 or rarely 2 pairs of pinnae; sunken gland usually present on petiole, otherwise glands absent~2 2~Pinnules strongly asymmetric, lanceolate to ovate, reticulate veins visible but not prominent; pinnae with usually 6 pinnules, all more or less opposite; stamens more than 25 mm long~Archidendron hendersonii 2*~Pinnules more or less symmetric, elliptic, more or less equal at base, reticulate veins prominent; pinnae with 2–5 pinnules, lower ones usually alternate; stamens less than 20 mm long~Archidendron muellerianum #{gn}Arctium 1~Heads few, on peduncles more than 2 cm long, each main branch corymbose; petiole of basal leaves solid; florets about as long as involucral bracts~Arctium lappa 1*~Heads numerous, racemose (in clusters in leaf axils), the terminal heads usually solitary; peduncles less than 2 cm or absent; petiole of basal leaves hollow; florets usually longer than involucral bracts~Arctium minus #{gn}Arctotheca 1~Leaves deeply lobed and lyrate, green and pubescent above, white tomentose below; disc florets black~Arctotheca calendula 1*~Leaves entire [or slightly lobed], ovate to oblate, white tomentose on both surfaces; disc florets yellow~Arctotheca populifolia #{gn}Ardisia 1~Inflorescences few-flowered short axillary racemes; fruit black when mature; leaves with margins entire to ± crenate; sepals <1 mm long~Ardisia bakeri 1*~Inflorescences many-flowered, umbellate on peduncle-like branches; fruit red; leaves with margins conspicuously crenate and crisped; sepals 1–2 mm long~Ardisia crenata #{gn}Arenaria 1~Leaves sessile, 3–5 mm long, 2–3 mm wide; sepals ovate to lanceolate; capsule ovoid to globose or urn-shaped, swollen at base with curved sides~Arenaria serpyllifolia 1*~Leaves occasionally petiolate, 2–8 mm long, 2–2.5 mm wide; sepals lanceolate to narrow-lanceolate; capsule oblong- conical, only slightly widened at base~Arenaria leptoclados #{gn}Argemone 1~Petals cream to pale yellow; seeds c. 1.5 mm diam.; capsule with numerous spines~Argemone ochroleuca 1*~Petals butter-yellow; seeds c. 2 mm diam.; capsule with fewer and larger spines~Argemone subfusiformis #{fm}ARGOPHYLLACEAE 1~Leaves silvery on lower surface; fruit a capsule~Argophyllum 1*~Leaves not silvery on lower surface; fruit a drupe~Corokia #{sp}Aristida benthamii 1~Ventral furrow of lemma free of tubercles~var. benthamii 1*~Ventral furrow of lemma tuberculate~var. spinulifera #{sp}Aristida calycina 1~Lower glume shorter than upper; lemma furrow without tubercles. Flowers summer~var. calycina 1*~Lower glume longer than upper; lemma furrow with tubercles. Flowers in response to rain~var. praealta #{sp}Aristida jerichoensis 1~Margins of the lemma furrow without tubercles~var. jerichoensis 1*~Margins of involute lemma with rows of distinct short spines (tubercles)~var. subspinulifera #{fm}ARISTOLOCHIACEAE 1~Fruit dehiscent, short; perianth irregular with a single lobe (long lip) , or 2-lipped with a broad standard and long keel; stigmatic lobes up to 6; anthers up to 6; flowers borne on leafy shoots~Aristolochia 1*~Fruit indehiscent, elongate, strongly ribbed; perianth regularly 3-lobed or irregular with 1 or 3 long tails from the mouth of the limb; stigmatic lobes 6–12; anthers 6–24; flowers mostly on the old wood~Pararistolochia #{sp}Arrhenatherum elatius 1~Basal internodes not swollen; nodes usually glabrous~var. elatius 1*~Basal internodes swollen and globose; nodes often hairy~var. bulbosum #{gn}Artemisia 1~Leaves densely hairy on upper surface; receptacle hairy~Artemisia arborescens 1*~Leaves usually glabrous on upper surface; receptacle glabrous~Artemisia verlotiorum #{gn}Arthrochilus 1~Leafless herb; column foot long and narrow, rod-like; style wings linear to thread-like; lamina with 2 trailing ciliated tails (lateral lobes), the basal callus giving rise to an alternate pair of calli with knobbed heads~Arthrochilus huntianus 1*~Herb with 2–6 basal leaves; column foot short and broad, anvil-shaped; style wings broad-triangular; lamina without 2 trailing ciliated tails, the basal callus giving rise to a solitary, elongated horn with a warty 2-lobed tip~Arthrochilus prolixus #{gn}Arthropteris 1~Indusia absent; pinnae usually 3–10 cm long~Arthropteris tenella 1*~Indusia present; pinnae to 3 cm long, rarely longer~2 2~Pinnae bearing numerous long hairs; indusium pubescent~Arthropteris beckleri 2*~Pinnae bearing scattered short hairs on the veins; indusium glabrous~Arthropteris palisotii #{gn}Arytera 1~Leaves mostly with 2 leaflets; leaflets opposite; capsules 1- or 2-lobed~Arytera distylis 1*~Leaves with 4–8 leaflets; leaflets mostly alternate; capsules 1–3-lobed~Arytera divaricata #{fm}ASPARAGACEAE1 1~Flowers unisexual~Asparagus officinalis 1*~Flowers bisexual~2 2~Tepals free; aerial stems perennial~3 2*~Tepals shortly united; aerial stems more or less annual~6 3~Cladodes flattened, 2–3 mm wide and mostly 15 mm long; berry red~Asparagus aethiopicus 3*~Cladodes more or less terete, c. 0.5 mm diam., less than 10 mm long; berry black or orange~4 4~Final branches and cladodes in 1 plane; flowers and fruit terminal on lateral branchlets; fruit black~Asparagus plumosus 4*~Branches and cladodes not in 1 plane; flowers and fruit axillary; fruit orange~5 5~Cladodes 3–7 at each node, more or less erect and straight; stems not spinose~Asparagus virgatus 5*~Cladodes 7–12 at each node, spreading and often more or less curved; older stems spinose~Asparagus africanus 6~Cladodes 3 per axil, less than 2 mm wide, linear to narrow-lanceolate~Asparagus scandens 6*~Cladodes 1 per axil, more than 4 mm wide, more or less ovate~Asparagus asparagoides #{fm}ASPARAGACEAE2 1~Cladodes terete, c. 0.5 mm diam~2 1*~Cladodes flattened, usually more than 1 mm wide~4 2~Cladodes usually 3–6 at each node, 5–25 mm long; stems erect, not spiny~3 2*~Cladodes mostly 6–15 at each node, 4–15 mm long; stems climbing, older stems spiny~4 3~Longest cladodes usually 15–20 mm long~Asparagus officinalis 3*~Longest cladodes usually less than 15 mm long~Asparagus virgatus 4~Cladodes 4–7 mm long, stems and cladodes all in 1 plane; spines usually less than 5 mm long~Asparagus plumosus 4*~Cladodes 7–12 mm long, stems and cladodes not in 1 plane; spines on older stems more than 5 mm long~Asparagus africanus 4~Cladodes usually 1–3 mm wide, more or less linear to narrow-lanceolate~5 4*~Cladodes more than 5 mm wide, more or less ovate~Asparagus asparagoides 5~Cladodes more than 15 mm long, 2–3 mm wide, 2–5 at each node~Asparagus aethiopicus 5*~Cladodes less than 15 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, 3 at each node~Asparagus scandens #{fm}ASPHODELACEAE 1~Flowers white; inflorescence a simple or branched panicle~2 1*~Flowers yellow to red; inflorescence a raceme~3 2~Base of leaves broadened and membranous; leaves hollow; scape hollow; inflorescence a simple panicle; ovules 1 or 2 per loculus~Asphodelus 2*~Base of leaves surrounded by membranous sheaths; leaves hollow at base; scape usually solid; inflorescence a divaricately branched panicle; ovules more than 2 per loculus~Trachyandra 3~Perianth 4–25 mm long; tepals yellow with brown central stripe; capsule globose to obovoid~Bulbine 3*~Perianth more than 25 mm long; tepals red, salmon-orange or yellow-green; capsule linear to oblong or ovoid~4 4~Leaves fleshy, succulent, without distinct keel, more than 4 cm wide; margins sharply toothed with teeth 0.5–5 mm long; bracts several-veined~Aloe 4*~Leaves papery and thin (often fibrous), distinctly keeled, less than 3 cm wide; margins smooth to minutely toothed or with a few scattered teeth towards apex; bracts 1-veined~Kniphofia #{fm}ASPLENIACEAE 1~Fronds glabrous or bearing a few scales; indusium present~Asplenium 1*~Fronds covered with hairs; indusium absent~Pleurosorus #{sp}Asplenium attenuatum 1~Fronds lobed in lower third, or pinnate at base.~var. attenuatum 1*~Fronds simple throughout.~var. indivisum #{gn}Asplenium 1~Fronds simple and undivided, or lobed in the basal region only~2 1*~Fronds pinnatifid to pinnate or more compound~5 2~Fronds sessile or nearly so, simple, entire, 50–180 cm long, 3–21 cm wide forming litter catching rosettes~3 2*~Fronds with stipe 4–6 cm long; lamina simple or irregularly lobed at the base, to 35 cm long and 1–5 cm wide~Asplenium attenuatum 3~Fronds with narrow erect habit, dull green with a glaucous bloom, margin thickened slightly recurved. Endemic to Lord Howe Island~Asplenium goudeyi 3*~Fronds widely spreading, light green, often glossy, margins flat~4 4~Fronds with lamina abruptly narrowing at the base~Asplenium australasicum 4*~Fronds with lamina long-tapering at the base~Asplenium harmanii 5~Sori appearing marginal~6 5*~Sori superficial~9 6~Sori 2 or more on each secondary pinna, 2–4 mm long~7 6*~Sori solitary on each secondary pinna, 2–7 mm long~8 7~Mostly epiphytic. Ultimate segments lanceolate >10 mm long~Asplenium bulbiferum 7*~Terrestrial. Ultimate segments cuneate rhomboid 1–25 mm long. Rare, endemic to Lord Howe Island~Asplenium pteridoides 8~Fronds pendant, 1–2 pinnate, pinnae often deeply pinnatisect~Asplenium flaccidum 8*~Fronds erect to arching, pinnate, margins of pinnae regularly and deeply divided~Asplenium surrogatum 9~Fronds either 1-pinnatifid or 1-pinnate then pinnae often toothed but not lobed~10 9*~Fronds either 2-pinnate or 1-pinnate then pinnae pinnatifid or pinnatisect~14 10~Pinnae with long, acuminate apices; rhizome medium creeping~Asplenium polyodon 10*~Pinnae with acute to obtuse apices; rhizome very short-creeping or tufted~11 11~Fronds with lamina thick and almost fleshy; pinnae >20 mm long~12 11*~Fronds with lamina thin, not thick or almost fleshy; pinnae <20 mm long~13 12~Fronds dull pale green; pinnae gradually reducing to a broard elongated terminal pinnule. Confined to coastal habitats~Asplenium obtusatum 12*~Fronds shiny light green; pinnae gradually reduced to a narrow elongated terminal pinnule. Endemic to Lord Howe Island~Asplenium milnei 13~Fronds weak, procumbent, the rachis often extending beyond the uppermost pinnae, proliferating and rooting close to the apex~Asplenium flabellifolium 13*~Fronds erect or almost so, the rachis never exceeding the uppermost pinnae, not proliferous~Asplenium trichomanes 14~Scales of rhizome c. 15 mm long and >1 mm wide; frond thick, cartilaginous to almost succulent~Asplenium difforme 14*~Scales of the rhizome c. 6 mm long and <1 mm wide; laminas never thick and cartilaginous~15 15~Fronds pale green, membranous and translucent, at least partly 2-pinnate, the second order segments often free and on distinct stalks, apices rounded~Asplenium hookerianum 15*~Fronds dark green, leathery, not 2-pinnate, mostly 1-pinnate with pinnae more or less pinnatisect, the second order segments wedge-shaped, notched, never free and stalked~Asplenium aethiopicum #{fm}ASTELIACEAE 1~Tufted rhizomatous herbs, aerial parts usually covered with silvery scales and/or hairs; species of NT and ST~2 1*~Shrubs with leaves tufted at apex of woody aerial stems, glabrous; species of NC and CC~Cordyline 2~Flowers unisexual, 3-merous; fruit red or orange-yellow; ST species~Astelia 2*~Flowers bisexual, 5–7-merous; fruit light green; NT species~Neoastelia #{gn}Astelia 1~Male panicles compact, mostly hidden by leaves; anthers more than 1 mm long; berry orange-yellow, 3-locular, 3-lobed; old leaf bases tomentose with short hairs~Astelia psychrocharis 1*~Male panicles open, exserted; anthers less than 1 mm long; berry red, 1-locular, not lobed; old leaf bases silky with hair-like scales~Astelia alpina #{gn}Aster 1~Heads 2–4 mm diam.; leaves less than 11 mm wide, up to 15 cm long, margins entire; rays white, pink or blue~Aster subulatus 1*~Heads 5–7 mm diam.; leaves more than 11 mm wide, 6–8 cm long, margins usually with a few small teeth; rays blue to purple~Aster novi-belgii #{sp}Asterolasia rupestris 1~Margins of leaves ± flat.~subsp. rupestris 1*~Margins of leaves recurved.~subsp. recurva #{gn}Astragalus 1~Hairs on stems and branches medifixed and appressed; upper surface of leaflets glabrous; peduncles more than 2 cm long; pod ± 2 cm long, strongly curved, pendent~Astragalus hamosus 1*~Hairs mostly basifixed, not appressed; both surfaces of leaflets hairy; peduncles less than 1 cm long; pod ± 2cm long, straight, erect~Astragalus sesameus #{gn}Astrebla 1~Spike or raceme 2–3 mm wide (including spikelets), the spikelets with 2–4 florets and rachilla internodes 2–4 mm long~Astrebla elymoides 1*~Spike or raceme 5–30 mm wide (including spikelets), the spikelets with 3–9 florets and rachilla internodes 1 mm long or less~2 2~Lobes of the lemma all similar, the lemma villous on and around the lateral nerves only~Astrebla squarrosa 2*~Lobes of the lemma dissimilar, the middle lobe alone tapering into a sharp point; body of the lemma villous all over the back~3 3~Spikelets densely overlapping; the outer lobes of the lemma with scarious margins at least 50% the length of the lemma; lower glume 5–9-nerved~Astrebla pectinata 3*~Spikelets loosely overlapping; the outer lobes of the lemma firmer in texture and with narrow scarious margins less than 50% the length of the lemma; lower glume 1–3-nerved.~Astrebla lappacea #{gn}Astroloma 1~Prostrate or ascending shrubs with more or less flat, erect to horizontally spreading leaves with toothed to ciliate margins; flowers bright to dark red with 5 tufts of hairs forming a ring inside below the middle; fruit 4.9–6 mm long~Astroloma humifusum 1*~Erect or spreading shrub with convex erect leaves with entire margins; flowers red at base, yellow-green near apex, sparsely villous over the upper half inside; fruit 10–15 mm long~Astroloma pinifolium #{gn}Astrotricha 1~Some or all leaves more than 20 mm wide~2 1*~Leaves less than 20 mm wide~8 2~Leaves broad-ovate or cordate, up to 20 cm wide, base usually cordate and rarely more or less peltate; inflorescence axes usually purple beneath the indumentum, often glabrescent; petals purple; fruit winged~Astrotricha cordata 2*~Leaves narrowly oblong-elliptic to oblong-ovate or narrow-elliptic, base truncate to cuneate or rounded; inflorescence axes sometimes glabrescent and purplish, or hairy throughout and pale; petals purple, white to cream, or greenish yellow; fruit not winged~3 3~Petioles ± 25 mm long~4 3*~Petioles less than 25 mm long~5 4~Petals greenish yellow, reflexed; lower surface of leaves with a thin even indumentum, with lateral veins, reticulum, and looping intramarginal veins all evident in relief through the hairs; leaves oblong-ovate to oblong-elliptic; non-basal bracteoles ovate to narrow-triangular or rarely linear, 0.8–3.0 mm long~Astrotricha latifolia 4*~Petals white to cream, erect to spreading; lower surface of leaves with a dense, usually floccose indumentum, usually only the lateral veins evident through the hairs; leaves elliptic to narrow-ovate; non-basal bracteoles filamentous to subulate, 2–10 mm long~Astrotricha floccosa 5~Petals greenish yellow, strongly reflexed; leaves oblong-ovate to oblong-elliptic, 20–80 mm wide; lower surface of leaves with a thin even indumentum, the lateral veins, reticulum, and looping intramarginal veins all evident in relief through the hairs~Astrotricha latifolia 5*~Petals white to cream, or purple, erect to reflexed; leaves narrow-ovate to narrow-elliptic, rarely narrowly oblong-elliptic, 20–50 mm wide; lower surface of leaves with a dense, sometimes floccose indumentum, usually only the lateral veins evident through the hairs~6 6~Petals purple, glabrous on outer surface; inflorescence axes deep purple throughout beneath the hairs, often glabrescent~Astrotricha roddii 6*~Petals white to cream, with hairs on outer surface; inflorescence axes usually hairy throughout and pale beneath the hairs, or rarely glabrescent and slightly purplish~7 7~Leaves 20–50 mm wide; indumentum of vegetative branchlets, petioles and inflorescence axes loose and floccose, easily dislodged; non-basal bracteoles filamentous to subulate, 2–10 mm long~Astrotricha floccosa 7*~Leaves 20–26 mm wide; indumentum of vegetative branchlets, petioles, and inflorescence axes dense but not usually floccose, not easily dislodged; non-basal bracteoles narrow-triangular to narrow-ovate or rarely subulate, c. 1.5–3 mm long~Astrotricha longifolia 8~Upper surface of leaves smooth or coarsely wrinkled but lacking projections, lateral veins evident to obscure on either leaf surface~9 8*~Upper surface of leaves rough, the projections (variably conspicuous and subconical or inconspicuous and granulate, but detectable with a hand lens or a fingernail) sometimes restricted to near the margins; lateral veins not evident on either surface~12 9~Inflorescences up to c. 6 cm long, few-branched, branches few-flowered; petals greenish yellow; leaves obovate or rarely oblong-elliptic, 1–3 cm long~Astrotricha obovata 9*~Inflorescences 5–30 cm long, usually many-branched; petals white to cream or purple; leaves narrow-elliptic or sublinear to linear~10 10~Apex of leaves obtuse; leaves linear, 2–6 cm long, 2.5–4 mm wide; petioles less than 2 mm long or absent~Astrotricha crassifolia 10*~Apex of leaves acute; leaves narrow-elliptic, 4–18 cm long, 3–20 mm wide; petioles 4–15 mm long~11 11~Petals purple, glabrous or nearly so on outer surface; mericarps 3-locular; inflorescence axes deep purple beneath the indumentum, often glabrescent; upper surface of leaves with lateral veins and reticulum strongly evident~Astrotricha roddii 11*~Petals white, hairy on outer surface; mericarps 1-locular; inflorescence axes hairy throughout or glabrescent, if glabrescent then sometimes purplish (especially on sunward surfaces); upper surface of leaves with lateral veins evident to obscure~Astrotricha longifolia 12~Inflorescences up to c. 6 cm long, few-branched, branches few-flowered; leaves obovate or rarely oblong or narrow-elliptic, 10–30 mm long, 3–10 mm wide, upper surface lacking granules but with few to many subconical projections especially near the margins~Astrotricha obovata 12*~Inflorescences 3–30 cm long, usually several to many-branched, branches many flowered; leaves oblong to very narrow-elliptic or linear, 24–140 mm long, 1–7 mm wide; upper surface with granules and or larger subconical projections~13 13~Leaves narrow-oblong to oblong-elliptic, 25–45 mm long, 3–7 mm wide, apex obtuse; inflorescences 7–15 cm long; petals creamy-green to white or occasionally purple in A.C.T. plants~Astrotricha ledifolia 13*~Leaves linear or very narrow-elliptic, 20–140 mm long, 2–5 mm wide, apex obtuse to subacute; inflorescences 4–30 cm long; petals whitish~14 14~Leaves linear, less than 2 mm wide, 20–65 mm long, margin recurved to revolute; lower surface of leaves between midvein and margins enclosed or narrowly exposed; secondary peduncles usually less than 3 cm long~Astrotricha linearis 14*~Leaves narrow-elliptic to sublinear, 2–5 mm wide, 50–140 mm long, margins slightly recurved; lower surface of leaves clearly exposed; secondary peduncles usually 3–5 cm long~Astrotricha sp. B sensu Harden (1992) #{gn}Atalaya 1~Lamina of leaves or leaflets usually less than 20 mm wide, more than 4 times as long as broad, secondary veins neither prominent nor dense; leaves with or without wings on rachis and petiole; petals 5, scales not crested~2 1*~Lamina of leaflets usually more than 20 mm wide, about 2–3 times as long as broad, secondary veins prominent, dense; leaves without wings on rachis and petiole; petals 4, scales crested~Atalaya multiflora 2~Lower surface of leaflets green, glabrous; fruit glabrous~Atalaya salicifolia 2*~Lower surface of leaflets glaucous, sparsely hairy or glabrous; fruit hairy~Atalaya hemiglauca #{fm}ATHYRIACEAE 1~Sori circular~Cystopteris 1*~Sori elongated along the veins~2 2~Fronds 1-pinnate with pinnae pinnatisect (pinnae divided almost to the midvein but divisions never stalked); rhizome medium-creeping, slender and covered with pale brown scales~Deparia 2*~Fronds 2-pinnate or more compound; rhizome erect or short-creeping, thick and covered with dark brown to black scales~Diplazium #{gn}Atractocarpus 1~Apical buds protected by overlapping (imbricate) stipules~Atractocarpus stipularis 1*~Apical buds protected by a connate stipular sheath which splits down one side as leaves emerge~2 2~Leaves with domatia in midvein-secondary vein angles (northern NSW)~Atractocarpus benthamianus 2*~Leaves without domatia in midvien secondary vein angles~Atractocarpus chartaceus #{sp}Atriplex crassipes 1~Bracteoles without appendages; generally in heavy soil.~var. crassipes 1*~Bracteoles with a pair of appendages (small teeth or antler-like at base of tube on outer bracteole) on one face; in loam or clay soil.~var. appendiculata #{sp}Atriplex vesicaria 1~Bladder appendages almost as large as bracteoles or larger, often fused to each other below bracteoles and around stipe~2 1*~Bladder appendages smaller than bracteoles or absent, never fused to each other~3 2~Bladder appendages fused to bracteole near centre~subsp. macrocystidia 2*~Bladder appendages fused to bracteole near margin~subsp. sphaerocarpa 3~Plants usually <60 cm high~4 3*~Plants usually >60 cm high. Leaves narrow-elliptic, <6 mm wide, apex acute to obtuse, margins entire~subsp. calcicola 4~Leaves c. 10 mm long, 2 mm wide~subsp. minor 4*~Leaves 20–30 mm long, 3–5 mm wide~subsp. vesicaria #{gn}Australopyrum 1~Glumes sharply reflexed outwards and downwards at maturity; spike not noticeably compact~2 1*~Glumes not reflexed as above, remaining adjacent to the lemmas; spike compact~Australopyrum velutinum 2~All hairs on the rachis retrorse (backwards facing)~Australopyrum retrofractum 2*~Hairs on the rachis between the spikelets antrorse (forward facing), hairs on the rachis at the nodes (between the spikelets) retrorse~Australopyrum pectinatum #{gn}Austrofestuca 1~Plants of coastal sand dunes; leaves narrow and often longer than the culms; panicle dense, to 12 cm long, with overlapping spikelets~Austrofestuca littoralis 1*~Plants not normally growing on sand dunes; leaves various but usually shorter than culms; panicle open or contracted 20–30 cm long~2 2~Leaves with blade flat or folded, 2–4 mm wide, sometimes with auricles; awn, if present, sub-terminal, 1–3 mm long~Austrofestuca hookeriana 2*~Leaves with blade tightly folded, to 1 mm wide, auricles absent; keel of lemma continued into a minute awn behind a 2-fid tip~Austrofestuca eriopoda #{gn}Austromyrtus 1~Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate~Austromyrtus tenuifolia 1*~Leaves ovate to narrow-ovate~Austromyrtus dulcis #{gn}Austrosteenisia 1~Leaves with 7–11 leaflets; leaflets ovate to obovate, less than 3 times as long as wide; flowers dark maroon~Austrosteenisia blackii 1*~Leaves with 9–15 leaflets; leaflets oblong to lanceolate or oblanceolate, more than 3 times as long as wide; flowers mauve and white~Austrosteenisia glabristyla #{sp}Austrostipa rudis 1~Awn usually <6 cm long, occasionally to 6.5 cm long, column usually <25 mm long, occasionally to 30 mm long; glumes firm to the tip or, especially the upper, membranous at the very tip~2 1*~Awn 6–9 cm long, column 32–45 mm long; both glumes broad-obtuse with 1–2 mm of delicately membranous tip, upper glume 11–14.5 mm long~subsp. australis 2~Callus 1.5–2.5 mm long, usually >20% the length of the floret (excluding awn); column 20–25 mm long; lower glume narrow-truncate and firm or membranous at the tip, upper glume membranous at the tip, 9–12.5 mm long~subsp. rudis 2*~Callus 0.8–1.7 mm long, usually <20% the length of the floret (excluding awn); column <20 mm long; glumes narrow-truncate, firm at the tip, the upper glume 7–10 mm long~subsp. nervosa #{sp}Austrostipa scabra 1~Inflorescence narrow; ligule 0.3–1.5 mm long, asymmetrical auricular (sheath) lobe of upper leaves to 4 mm long or more, usually glabrous~subsp. scabra 1*~Inflorescence spreading; ligule 0.3–0.6 mm long, asymmetrical lobe of upper leaves usually >1 mm long (usually with a row of hairs)~subsp. falcata #{gn}Avena 1~Lemma terminating in 2 fine bristles 3–12 mm long~2 1*~Lemma with 2 small teeth or lobes less than 2 mm long~3 2~Rachilla not disarticulating between the florets at maturity (florets separated by fracturing the rachilla); bristles on lemma often with lateral teeth; glumes 7–9-nerved~Avena strigosa 2*~Rachilla disarticulating between florets at maturity; bristles on lemma usually without lateral teeth; glumes 9- or 10-nerved~Avena barbata 3~Lemmas (at least the lower 2) conspicuously hairy in the lower part; awn twisted and geniculate~4 3*~Lemmas glabrous or with a few hairs at the base and at the sides; awn often straight or not strongly geniculate and scarcely twisted~6 4~Rachilla disarticulating above the glumes but not between the florets at maturity so that the florets fall as a unit or separate by fracture of the rachilla; spikelets 25–45 mm long~5 4*~Rachilla disarticulating above the glumes and between the florets at maturity; spikelets 18–25 mm long~Avena fatua 5~Lowest lemma 25–33 mm long; ligule 6–8 mm long; awn stout, 6–9 cm long~Avena sterilis 5*~Lowest lemma 18–25 mm long; ligule 3–4 mm long; awn slender, 3–6 cm long~Avena ludoviciana 6~Spikelets with 2 or 3 florets; most of the rachilla remaining with the lower floret; awn, when present, with a distinct column~Avena sativa 6*~Spikelets usually with 3 florets (sometimes 4); most of the rachilla remaining with the upper floret(s); awn without a distinct column~Avena byzantina #{gn}Axonopus 1~Leaves usually 2–4 (rarely 6) mm wide, margins glabrous; nodes glabrous; spikelets 1.6–2.1 mm long, usually obtuse, upper lemma reaching the tip of the spikelet~Axonopus fissifolius 1*~Leaves 4–10 mm wide, usually with tubercle-based hairs along the margins; nodes usually hairy; spikelets 2.2–2.5 mm long, acute; upper lemma 80% the length of the spikelet~Axonopus compressus #{gn}Azolla 1~Roots in fully grown plants branched with small, fine side branches~Azolla pinnata 1*~Roots in fully grown plants simple with no hair-like branches~Azolla filiculoides #{gn}Babingtonia 1~Margins of leaves crenate or conspicuously irregular.~Babingtonia cunninghamii 1*~Margins of leaves entire or minutely and sharply toothed.~2 2~Leaves >1.5 mm wide.~3 2*~Leaves <1.5 mm wide.~7 3~Inflorescences usually 3–9-flowered, sometimes to 13-flowered.~4 3*~Inflorescences 1-flowered.~6 4~Leaves with midrib impressed on upper surface; 4-angular branchlets with undulating surface and crenate margins; inflorescences usually 3- or 7-flowered.~Babingtonia pluriflora 4*~Leaves without midrib impressed on either surface; 4-angular branchlets smooth or papillose with entire margins; inflorescences mostly 7-flowered.~5 5~Leaves 1.7–2.5 mm wide; fruit c. 1.5 mm long; north from Dorrigo district.~Babingtonia collina 5*~Leaves 2.5–3.5 mm wide; fruit 2.5–3 mm long; south from near Wollomombi Falls.~Babingtonia crassa 6~Petals >2.5 mm wide; hypanthium rough; leaves with length/breadth ratio of 1.7–2.2:1.~Babingtonia prominens 6*~Petals <2.5 mm wide; hypanthium smooth; leaves with length/breadth ratio of 1.2–1.7:1.~Babingtonia silvestris 7~Inflorescences usually 3- or 7-flowered.~8 7*~Inflorescences consistently 1-flowered.~9 8~Leaves 5.5–10 mm long and 0.5–1 mm wide, concolorous, plano-convex to concavo-convex; pedicels 1–3 mm long.~Babingtonia angusta 8*~Leaves 7–15 mm long and 1.1–1.5 mm wide, discolorous, flat; pedicels 2.5–4 mm long.~Babingtonia similis 9~Outer sepals acute or acuminate, 0.8–1.8 mm long.~Babingtonia odontocalyx 9*~Outer sepals obtuse, to 0.3 mm long, or absent.~10 10~Leaves obovate; pedicels 2–4.2 mm long; outer sepals present; hypanthium 5-ribbed.~Babingtonia jucunda 10*~Leaves linear; pedicels 0.4–1.0 mm long; outer sepals absent; hypanthium smooth.~Babingtonia densifolia #{gn}Backhousia 1~Leaves with acuminate apex, intramarginal vein very close to margin; branchlets hairy; sepals >5 mm long, yellowish and petaloid, triangular to lanceolate.~Backhousia myrtifolia 1*~Leaves with obtuse apex, intramarginal vein away from margin; branchlets not conspicuously hairy; sepals <3 mm long, not markedly petaloid, rounded to shortly triangular.~Backhousia sciadophora #{gn}Baloghia 1~All leaves opposite, petiole less than 10 mm long and without a distinct swelling at apex~Baloghia inophylla 1*~Most leaves alternate, petiole usually more than 15 mm long and with a distinct swelling at apex, occasionally some leaves (bracts) opposite and petiole less than 10 mm long and without a swelling at apex~Baloghia marmorata #{gn}Baloskion 1~Culms not or scarcely flattened, branched or unbranched~2 1*~Culms much flattened, unbranched~Eurychorda complanata 2~Leaves reduced to sheath, lamina absent~3 2*~Leaves with a lamina present on some of sheaths, subulate~11 3~Culms branched~4 3*~Culms unbranched~6 4~Spikelets either axillary and sessile or terminal on lateral branches; branches numerous, all fertile, not in whorls~5 4*~Spikelets in a terminal panicle; lateral branches numerous, in whorls, finely divided, sterile~Baloskion tetraphyllum 5~Sheaths closely appressed; flowering branches erect, straight; spikelets in both sexes narrow~Chordifex fastigiatus 5*~Sheaths lax, open and spreading almost from the base; flowering branches very often flexuous; male spikelets ovoid, female narrow~Chordifex dimorphus 6~Sheaths with apex either glabrous or fringed with downy hairs less than 1 mm long; spikelets few–many; sterile and flowering glumes either glabrous or the margins sparingly hairy or ciliolate~7 6*~Sheaths on the upper portion of the culm mostly bearing an apical tuft of fine hairs 1–4 mm long; spikelets few, mostly 1–7; sterile and flowering glumes mostly fringed with long, fine hairs~Baloskion fimbriatum 7~Free (non-overlapping) portion of the lowest subtending bract on the axis of the inflorescence gradually tapered to an acute or obtuse apex or, if more abruptly tapered, then lax, in either case usually longer than the sheathing base and often exceeding the lowest spikelet, the whole appearing more or less lanceolate~8 7*~Free portion of the lowest subtending bract more or less abruptly tapered to the apex, never lax, shorter or only slightly longer than the sheathing base, only occasionally exceeding the lowest spikelet; internodes of the axis of the inflorescence elongated~10 8~Rhizome (2.5–)4–10 mm diam., up to 20 cm or more in length with few branches; culms 1–3 mm diam., usually spaced 1–5 mm apart on the rhizome; female spikelets ovoid, 6–10 mm~9 8*~Rhizome 3–4 mm diam., with short crowded branches 0.5–2 cm long, rarely longer; culms 0.75–1.5(–2.0) cm diam., closely arranged on the rhizome; female spikelets oblong-cylindrical, 10–11.5 mm long~Baloskion gracile 9~Free portion of the lowest subtending bract on the main axis of the inflorescence broad-lanceolate, lax, tending to embrace the lowest spikelets; outer surface of the sheaths and bracts wrinkled to finely muricate~Baloskion australe 9*~Free portion of the lowest subtending bract lanceolate to narrow-lanceolate, appressed, not tending to embrace the spikelets; outer surface of the sheaths and bracts not wrinkled to finely muricate~Baloskion stenocoleum 10~Spikelets on the lower part of the inflorescence not crowded, but borne on filiform pedicels or fine branches, either of which may be several cm long; apex of the subtending bracts closely appressed; cauline sheaths usually with few very short hairs on margins; flowering glumes 4–6 mm long~Baloskion longipes 10*~Spikelets mostly crowded together on the branches or at the nodes of the inflorescence, the exposed portion of the pedicels not exceeding 5 mm long; apex of the subtending bracts often reflexed by contact with the lower spikelets; cauline sheaths glabrous; flowering glumes c. 2.5–4 mm long~Baloskion pallens 11~Sheaths appressed~Baloskion tenuiculme 11*~Sheaths lax, open and spreading almost from the base~Chordifex dimorphus #{sp}Baloskion tetraphyllum 1~Panicle with 15–200 spikelets. Male spikelets 4–7 mm long; flowering glumes 2.8–3.7 mm long. Female spikelets 8–10 mm long; glumes c. 4.5–6 mm long~subsp. tetraphyllum 1*~Panicles with usually 200–450 spikelets. Male spikelets 2.5–5 mm long; flowering glumes 1–2 mm long. Female spikelets 3.5–6 mm long; glumes 2.5–3.6 mm long~subsp. meiostachyum #{sp}Banksia cunninghamii 1~Plant without a lignotuber, usually a single-stemmed tree or shrub to 6 m high~subsp. cunninghamii 1*~Plant with a lignotuber, multistemmed shrub to 2 m high~subsp. A #{sp}Banksia ericifolia 1~Seedling leaves with 2–6 teeth on each margin; perianth 19–22 mm long, limb pubescent. Gynoecium 30–35 mm long~subsp. ericifolia 1*~Seedling leaves with 1, rarely 2 teeth on each margin; perianth 25–28 mm long, limb hirsute. Gynoecium 46–48 mm long~subsp. macrantha #{sp}Banksia integrifolia 1~Most adult leaves 17–25 mm wide. Leaves narrow-obovate to narrow-elliptic, usually 4–10 cm long, ± flat, apex obtuse to cuneate, upper surface dull green~subsp. integrifolia 1*~Most adult leaves 10–18 mm wide. Leaves usually narrow-obovate to narrow-elliptic, 10–13 cm long, ± undulate, upper surface shiny green~subsp. monticola #{sp}Banksia paludosa 1~Shrub to 2 m high, lignotuber present~subsp. paludosa 1*~Shrub to 5 m high, lignotuber absent~subsp. astrolux #{sp}Banksia spinulosa 1~Leaves narrow-linear, 1–2 mm wide, margins revolute and usually finely toothed towards apex, lower surface mostly concealed, venation not prominent~var. spinulosa 1*~Leaves broad-linear to oblanceolate, 3–8 mm wide, margins flat or recurved, acutely toothed for most of length, lower surface white-tomentose, lateral venation evident~var. collina #{gn}Barbarea 1~Upper stem leaves pinnatifid with linear lobes; pedicel curved, spreading, stout, more than half as broad as siliqua; seeds rounded, not marginate~Barbarea verna 1*~Upper stem leaves simple and more or less toothed or lyrate-pinnatisect with 1 pair of lobes; pedicel erect to spreading, less than half as broad as siliqua; seeds with a narrow warty wing~Barbarea grayi #{gn}Bauera 1~Flowers on pedicels more than 5 mm long; stamens cream-coloured~2 1*~Flowers sessile or on pedicels less than 1 mm long; stamens pink~Bauera capitata 2~Sepals and pedicels glabrous or with only a few hairs; largest leaflets 5–9 mm long~Bauera microphylla 2*~Sepals and pedicels with many hairs; largest leaflets 9–15 mm long~Bauera rubioides #{gn}Baumea 1~Leaf blades flat, or 4-angled in cross section, or all reduced to flattened mucros on sheaths~2 1*~Leaf blades terete or ovate in cross section (rarely somewhat angular or flattened at apex)~8 2~All leaves reduced to flattened mucros; culms 1–3-noded~Baumea juncea 2*~Basal leaves well-developed (cauline leaves reduced if present); culms nodeless or 1- (rarely 2-) noded~3 3~Leaves square to rhomboid (occasionally narrowly so) in cross section, faces concave or occasionally flat~Baumea tetragona 3*~Leaves flattened (at least near apex in Baumea rubiginosa) or narrow-rhomboid, faces flat or convex~4 4~Leaves scabrous~5 4*~Leaves smooth~6 5~Glumes 3.0–3.8 mm long; spikelets 3.5–4.5 mm long; nut 1.7–2.0 mm long, 0.8–1.1 mm diam.; culms 1.2–4 mm diam.; sheaths pale brown; leaves with raised 'midvein' even if otherwise flat~Baumea planifolia 5*~Glumes 6–10 mm long; spikelets 6–11 mm long; nut 2.7–3.5 mm long, 1.0–1.6 mm diam.; culms 1–2 mm diam.; sheaths reddish; leaves without a raised midvein~Baumea johnsonii 6~Nut 2.2–4 mm long, 1.2–2.0 mm diam., pale red-brown to bright orange or dark red-brown to blackish~7 6*~Nut 1.5–2.2 mm long, 1.0–1.3 mm diam., red-brown to black~Baumea acuta 7~Nut pale red-brown to bright orange; spikelets 2- or 3-flowered, in dense clusters; glumes 5; culms 1- or 2-noded (rarely nodeless); leaves often terete near base~Baumea rubiginosa 7*~Nut dark red-brown to blackish; spikelets 1-flowered, spread out along branches; glumes 3 or 4; culms nodeless; leaves flat throughout~Baumea muelleri 8~Leaves hollow, perfectly transversely septate~Baumea articulata 8*~Leaves pith-filled, occasionally irregularly transversely septate~9 9~Spikelets few, not in dense clusters, 1-flowered; glumes 2–4 (mostly 3)~10 9*~Spikelets numerous, often clustered, 1–4-flowered; glumes 4–6~11 10~Leaves much exceeding culms (to twice as long), c. 0.5 mm diam.; nut 2.0–2.3 mm long, 1.0–1.3 mm diam.; culms smooth~Baumea nuda 10*~Leaves shorter than to slightly exceeding culms, 0.7–1.5 mm diam.; nut 2.5–3.5 mm long, 1.3–1.8 mm diam.; culms scaberulous or smooth~Baumea gunnii 11~Nut strongly wrinkled, minutely papillose at base and apex, minutely hispid at extreme apex, 1.3–2.2 mm long~Baumea teretifolia 11*~Nut smooth at maturity or somewhat reticulate, minutely hispid at apex, 2.0–4.0 mm long~12 12~Nut straw-coloured to whitish, triquetrous, 2.0–2.5 mm long, 1.0–1.3 mm diam.; spikelets not densely clustered; leaf blades and involucral bracts terete at apex~Baumea arthrophylla 12*~Nut pale red-brown to bright orange at maturity, trigonous, 2.2–4.0 mm long, 1.2–2.0 mm diam.; spikelets in dense, discrete clusters on inflorescence branches; leaf blades and involucral bracts flattened at least at apex~Baumea rubiginosa #{gn}Beilschmiedia 1~Leaves usually oblanceolate, the apex obtuse or bluntly pointed, tapered to the base; upper surface glossy green, lower surface paler~Beilschmiedia obtusifolia 1*~Leaves narrow-elliptic to lanceolate, tapered to apex and base; upper surface slaty greyish green with varnished appearance on fresh material, lower surface green and dull~Beilschmiedia elliptica #{gn}Bergia 1~Stamens 10; flowers solitary~Bergia perennis 1*~Stamens 3–5; flowers in axillary clusters~2 2~Flowers usually 3- or 4-merous; petals obtuse~Bergia trimera 2*~Flowers mostly 5-merous; petals acute~3 3~Sepals acute, narrow, alternating with petals, both clearly visible~Bergia ammannioides 3*~Sepals obtuse, broad, opposite and obscuring petals~Bergia occultipetala #{gn}Beyeria 1~Ovaries and fruits densely hairy, non-resinous~Beyeria lasiocarpa 1*~Ovaries and fruits glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, usually resinous~2 2~Abaxial surface of leaf blades densely and minutely tomentose with crispate hairs > 0.1 mm long, never resinous.~Beyeria lechenaultii 2*~Abaxial surface of leaf blades glabrous or densely puberulous with hairs <0.1 mm long, often obscured by resinous covering~3 3~Leaf blades lanceolate; fruits 10–12 mm long.~Beyeria lanceolata 3*~Leaf blades narrow-elliptic to elliptic or narrow-obovate; fruits 5–9 mm long.~4 4~Leaf blades narrow-obovate, 7–20 mm long, < 5 mm wide; ovaries 2-locular.~Beyeria opaca 4*~Leaf blades narrow-elliptic to elliptic or narrow-obovate to obovate, 20–90 mm long, 5–30 mm wide; ovaries 3-locular.~Beyeria viscosa #{sp}Billardiera scandens 1~Leaves with lower surface glabrous or ± pubescent; lamina linear to ovate~var. scandens 1*~Leaves with lower surface silky-villous; lamina elliptic to narrow-elliptic~var. sericata #{gn}Blandfordia 1~Flowers 2–3.5 cm long; perianth tube more or less evenly cylindrical in upper half, to c. 1 cm wide near throat; anthers less than 3 mm long~Blandfordia nobilis 1*~Flowers 3–6 cm long; perianth tube bell-shaped, more than 1 cm wide near throat; anthers usually more than 3 mm long~2 2~Margins of leaves crenulate-scabrid, flat or more or less involute or revolute; inflorescence usually loosely racemose, mostly less than 12-flowered~Blandfordia grandiflora 2*~Margins of leaves entire, smooth, slightly revolute; inflorescence clustered, usually more than 15-flowered~Blandfordia cunninghamii #{fm}BLECHNACEAE 1~Sori elongated, long, one on each side of the main vein and extending the full length of the segment, often covering the entire lower surface of the narrow segments of the fertile fronds in species with dimorphic fronds; veins of sterile fronds free~Blechnum 1*~Sori short, initially discrete, usually in two rows on each side of the midvein, sometimes becoming confluent with age and covering the lower surface of the segment; veins of fertile and sterile fronds anastomosing, rarely free in the latter~Doodia #{sp}Blechnum patersonii 1~Fronds usually simple, sometimes pinnate or pinnatisect; lamina flexible and papery in fresh material; in dried material, lamina margins usually not revolute, margins regularly toothed (run finger along margin to feel teeth), or sometimes crenate.~subsp. patersonii 1*~Fronds usually pinnatisect or pinnate, sometimes simple; lamina brittle, fleshy almost succulent in fresh material; in dried material, lamina with thin marginal tissue either with entire or very finely toothed margins, usually finely revolute.~subsp. queenslandicum #{gn}Blennodia 1~Siliqua less than 4 cm long, pedicel erect; style 2–4 mm long; seeds plump, not winged~Blennodia canescens 1*~Siliqua more than 4 cm long, pedicel recurved; style obsolete, less than 1.5 mm long; seeds flattened, winged~Blennodia pterosperma #{gn}Boerhavia 1~Flowers 3–10, subsessile in small umbels; peduncle comparatively stout; stems with long (usually more than 5 cells) hairs~Boerhavia coccinea 1*~Flowers 1–10, shortly to distinctly pedicellate in small umbels; peduncle comparatively slender; stems glandular-hairy mostly with short (less than 5 cells) hairs~2 2~Fruit with ribs much broader than the narrow furrows; inflorescence usually 1- or 2-flowered; peduncle usually less than 10 mm long~Boerhavia repleta 2*~Fruit with ribs narrower than or similar in breadth to the furrows; inflorescence usually 2–10-flowered; peduncles usually more than 10 mm long~Boerhavia dominii #{gn}Bolboschoenus 1~Nut equally trigonous, with the dorsal angle acute, pale yellow or grey and dull to blackish and shining; style 3-fid~Bolboschoenus fluviatilis 1*~Nut lenticular or unequally trigonous with the dorsal angle obtuse, surface variously coloured, always shining; style 2- or 3-fid~2 2~Nut lenticular; nut straw-coloured to dark golden brown, the surface minutely but obviously reticulate; style 2-fid~Bolboschoenus caldwellii 2*~Nut plano-convex or trigonous, darker in colour, the surface not obviously reticulate; style 2- or 3-fid~3 3~Nut dark red-brown to black~Bolboschoenus medianus 3*~Nut olive-brown to very dark yellow-brown~Bolboschoenus robustus #{sp}Boronia anemonifolia 1~Leaves hirsute, sometimes glabrescent; leaves mostly with 3–5 leaflets, rarely bipinnate; inflorescences usually 1–3-flowered.~2 1*~Leaves ± glabrous, bipinnate or pinnate with 3–5 leaflets; inflorescences mostly 6–9-flowered. Leaves 3–5-foliolate or bipinnate, prominently glandular, glabrous or glabrescent, 13–35 mm long; petiole mostly 5–9, rarely to 16 mm long; leaflets simple, flattened, broad-cuneate to oblanceolate, apex entire or 3-toothed, 3–13 mm long, 1–4 mm wide, terminal leaflets usually shorter. Inflorescences mostly 3–6-flowered (range 1 to >9 flowers); pedicels 1.5–6 mm long. Petals not persistent in fruit.~subsp. variabilis 2~Leaves sparsely to moderately hirsute; leaflets usually <2 mm wide. Leaves 3-foliolate or rarely bipinnate with the lower leaflets ternate, glabrescent to pubescent, 4–20 mm long; petiole 2–10 mm long; leaflets terete or flattened, narrow-cuneate, apex 3-toothed; terminal leaflet 2–9 mm long, 1–2.5 mm wide, about as long as lateral leaflets. Inflorescences 1–3-flowered; pedicels 1–5 mm long. Petals persistent in fruit.~subsp. anemonifolia 2*~Leaves densely hirsute; leaflets 2–5 mm wide. Leaves 3–5-foliolate, glabrescent to pubescent, 8–18 mm long; petiole 3–8 mm long; leaflets flattened, obovate, oblanceolate or cuneate, apex entire or 3-toothed; terminal leaflet 4–9 mm long, 2–6 mm wide, shorter or the same length as the lateral leaflets. Inflorescences 3-flowered or rarely 1- or 2-flowered; pedicels 2–3.5 mm long. Petals persistence unknown.~subsp. wadbilligensis #{sp}Boronia barkeriana 1~Sepals 1.5–3 mm wide, triangular; inner surface of petals glabrescent to sparsely and minutely pilose; apex of pedicels c. 1 mm wide.~2 1*~Sepals 3.5–6 mm wide, ovate; inner surface of petals glabrous; apex of pedicels c. 1.5–2 mm wide. Leaves obovate to oblanceolate, 12–23 mm long, 4–9 mm wide, larger leaves with length:breadth ratio of 2.4–3.3:1, margins toothed. Inflorescences 1–3-flowered; pedicels 11–15 mm long. Petals 6–11 mm long.~subsp. gymnopetala 2~Leaves elliptic to oblanceolate to obovate, margins distinctly toothed, larger leaves <4 times as long as broad. Leaves elliptic to obovate or oblanceolate, usually 16–30 mm long and 4–11 mm wide, rarely smaller, larger leaves with length:breadth ratio of 2.5–4:1. Inflorescences 3–9-flowered; pedicels 8–14(-23) mm long. Petals 6–8 mm long.~subsp. barkeriana 2*~Leaves usually narrow-elliptic to narrow-oblanceolate to narrow-obovate, margins entire to slightly toothed, larger leaves >4 times as long as broad. Leaves narrow-elliptic to narrow-obovate, mostly 15–33 mm long, 1.5–6.5 mm wide, larger leaves with length:breadth ratio of 4–8:1. Inflorescences usually 3–8-flowered (range 1–12 flowers); pedicels 5–14 mm long. Petals 5–10 mm long.~subsp. angustifolia #{sp}Boronia deanei 1~Apex of leaves obtuse; stems sparsely covered with minute warts. Leaves linear to linear-obovate, straight, 2–10 mm long, 0.5–1 mm wide, apex obtuse, margin minutely toothed, especially towards apex, lower surface slightly glandular warty.~subsp. deanei 1*~Apex of leaves acute; branchlets moderately covered with minute warts, and with a dense line of these along the decurrent leaf bases. Leaves linear to narrow-elliptic, often arched or straight, 5–12 mm long, c. 1 mm wide, apex acute, margin entire but minutely toothed along entire length, lower surface prominently glandular-warty~subsp. acutifolia #{gn}Bosistoa 1~Scars of inner pair of bud scales directly above those of outer pair; ovary sparsely hairy; ovules 5 per loculus; mature cocci sparsely hairy, 8–10 mm wide.~Bosistoa floydii 1*~Scars of inner pair of bud scales remote from those of outer pair; ovary woolly; ovules 4 per loculus; mature cocci densely and minutely hairy, 10–25 mm wide.~2 2~Petals ± glabrous; leaves 3–13-foliolate, leaflets mostly 7–11, margins usually crenate; cocci >15 mm wide.~Bosistoa pentacocca 2*~Petals pubescent; leaves 1-foliolate or 3-foliolate, margins entire; cocci c. 10–13 mm wide.~Bosistoa transversa #{gn}Bossiaea 1~Plants leafless (scale leaves or leaves sometimes present on juvenile growth); branches flat and distinctly winged (i.e. cladodes),~2 1*~Leaves present; branches terete or sometimes flat but never broadly winged.~6 2~Flowers red, >15 mm long; keel longer than standard; ovules c. 20; inland species, west from Nyngan district.~Bossiaea walkeri 2*~Flowers mostly yellow or orange, often with reddish markings, <15 mm long; keel usually shorter than standard; ovules 4–10; species of the coast and ranges.~3 3~Cladodes 2–4 mm wide; pods usually 1–2 cm long; seeds 2–4.~Bossiaea riparia 3*~Cladodes usually 4–15 mm wide; pods 2.5–5 cm long; seeds usually 6–10.~4 4~Bracteoles caducous; erect shrub to 2.5 m high.~Bossiaea bracteosa 4*~Bracteoles persistent; erect or decumbent shrubs 1–1.5 m high.~5 5~Flowers mostly 6–10 mm long; bracteoles inserted at or below middle of pedicel, tips not reaching to receptacle; ultimate branches of cladodes mostly 2–4 mm wide.~Bossiaea ensata 5*~Flowers mostly 10–14 mm long; bracteoles inserted at or above middle of pedicel, tips reaching to receptacle; ultimate branches of cladodes mostly 4–6 mm wide.~Bossiaea scolopendria 6~Leaves opposite or if alternate then triangular with long fine points; ovary stipitate.~7 6*~Leaves alternate (but not triangular with long, fine points); ovary sessile or stipitate.~9 7~Leaves with lamina ± circular; stems glabrous, often reddish or yellowish.~Bossiaea lenticularis 7*~Leaves with lamina not circular; stems pubescent with appressed or spreading hairs, usually green to brown.~8 8~Young stems ± flat, hoary or sparsely pubescent with short, appressed hairs; leaves narrow-elliptic to narrow-ovate, upper surface smooth; flowers on pedicles ≤5 mm long.~Bossiaea kiamensis 8*~Young stems terete, usually with a ± dense pubescence of longer, spreading hairs; leaves triangular to ovate or lanceolate, upper surface ± scabrid; flowers on pedicels 5–20 mm long.~Bossiaea cinerea 9~Stipules conspicuous, 5–10 mm long; leaves usually 10–20 mm long, apex ± pungent-pointed with a recurved apex.~Bossiaea stephensonii 9*~Stipules small and mostly inconspicuous, 1–3 mm long; leaves 2–35 mm long, not pungent-pointed.~10 10~Branches spinescent.~Bossiaea obcordata 10*~Branches not spinescent.~11 11~Keel much longer than standard, c. 20 mm long; leaves 10–35 mm long; pods 3–5 cm long; seeds mostly 5–8; erect shrub with terete branches; confined to far north coast near the Qld border (NC).~Bossiaea rupicola 11*~Keel ± equal with standard, ≤10 mm long; leaves mostly <10 mm long or if longer than either plants prostrate or branchlets of young growth flattened; widespread, not confined to the far north coast.~12 12~Ovary and pods pubescent; stems pubescent.~13 12*~Ovary glabrous or some hairs present on apex and margins; mature pods glabrous or margins ciliate; stems ± glabrous, glabrescent or pubescent.~14 13~Most leaves about as long as broad, 1–3.5 mm long and 1–3 mm wide; pods 5–10 mm long and usually with 2 or 3 seeds; south from the Orange district (CT, ST).~Bossiaea foliosa 13*~Most leaves longer than broad, 5–10 mm long and 2–7 mm wide; pods 10–30 mm long and with 5–8 seeds; north from Rylstone district (NC, NT, NWS, CWS).~Bossiaea scortechinii 14~Pedicels 6–20 mm long, longer than calyx.~15 14*~Pedicels 2–5 mm long, shorter than calyx.~16 15~Leaves with petiole 2–5 mm long, lamina 3–15 mm long; leaves ± distant; pedicels 10–20 mm long.~Bossiaea prostrata 15*~Leaves with petiole c. 1 mm long, lamina 2–5 mm long, ± closely spaced; pedicels 6–10 mm long.~Bossiaea buxifolia 16~At least young stems hairy, lower surface of leaves hairy; stems terete.~17 16*~Stems ± glabrous, lower surface of leaves glabrous; young stems distinctly flattened.~18 17~Erect shrubs 1–2 m high; ovary and pods glabrous; pods 1–1.7 mm long, usually with 1–3 seeds; near lake Burragorang and Nerriga area (CC, ST).~Bossiaea oligosperma 17*~Prostrate or decumbent shrub; ovary and pods ± ciliate; pods 2–2.5 mm long, mostly with 5–8 seeds; north from Sutton Forest district (NC, CC, NT, CT).~Bossiaea neoanglica 18~Leaves mostly rhombic to obovate, ± similar on the one plant, mostly 3–10 mm long; seeds usually 2–4.~Bossiaea rhombifolia 18*~Leaves ovate to almost linear, of variable shape on the one plant, mostly 10–30 mm long; seeds mostly 6–8.~Bossiaea heterophylla #{gn}Bothriochloa 1~Upper lemma of sessile spikelets narrow but 2-lobed (pull awn out to examine) with the awn between the lobes~2 1*~Upper lemma of sessile spikelets narrow and without lobes on either side of the awn~3 2~Racemes with dense, long hairs that almost conceal the spikelets; awn straight~Bothriochloa erianthoides 2*~Racemes with only sparse hairs that do not conceal the spikelets; awn bent or twisted~Bothriochloa biloba 3~Racemes subdigitate, 3–6; sessile spikelets 4.7–7 mm long, pedicellate spikelets usually reduced to glumes(s)~4 3*~Racemes 4-numerous arranged on a primary axis; sessile spikelets 3–5 mm long; pedicellate spikelets similar to the sessile spikelet but unawned~5 4~Sessile spikelets 5–7 mm long, awn together with the stipe 20–25 mm long, pedicellate spikelets 4–6 mm long, reduced to 1 or 2 glumes; stamens 3~Bothriochloa macra 4*~Sessile spikelets 4.7–5.3 mm long, awn together with the stipe 15–24 mm long; pedicellate spikelets 2.5–4.5 mm long, reduced to 1 glume; stamen 1~Bothriochloa decipiens 5~Main axis of panicle less than 4 cm long, not glandular; lowest racemes exceeding the common axis in length; racemes naked at the base for 2–7 mm; leaves with midrib and margins of blade pale~Bothriochloa ewartiana 5*~Main axis of panicle 4–20 cm long; internodes and branches rather obscurely glandular; lowest racemes shorter than the common axis; racemes naked at the base for 10–15 mm; leaves without pale margins~Bothriochloa bladhii #{gn}Botrychium 1~Sterile lamina 1-pinnate, narrow, very shortly stalked to ± sessile~Botrychium lunaria 1*~Sterile lamina 2–4-pinnate, broad, distinctly stalked~Botrychium australe #{gn}Brachyachne 1~Leaves loosely covered with fine hairs; upper glume rounded, not keeled and winged on the back, midnerve prominent~Brachyachne ciliaris 1*~Leaves glabrous except at the base of the blade; upper glume laterally compressed with a winged keel~Brachyachne convergens #{gn}Brachychiton 1~Leaves glabrous, entire or 3–5-lobed; follicles glabrous on outside, stalks more than 20 mm long; calyx less than 20 mm long, inner surface glabrous; stamens and staminodes each 10–20~2 1*~Leaves tomentose, 3–7-lobed; follicles rusty-brown pubescent outside, stalks less than 20 mm long; calyx more than 20 mm long, inner surface pubescent; stamens and staminodes each 25–30~Brachychiton discolor 2~Leaves with lamina usually 10–30 cm long, rhombic to ovate, entire or widely 3–5-lobed, apex short-acuminate; petiole usually 10–20 cm long; flowers bright coral-red~Brachychiton acerifolius 2*~Leaves with lamina usually 5–10 cm long, ovate to lanceolate, entire or sometimes narrowly 3-, rarely 5-lobed, apex long-acuminate; petiole usually 5–8 cm long; flowers creamy-white and speckled dark red in throat~Brachychiton populneus #{sp}Brachychiton populneus 1~Leaves entire or shallowly 2- or 3-lobed; follicles 4–7 cm long on stalks 2–3.5 cm long and usually containing 8–18 seeds~subsp. populneus 1*~Leaves deeply 3-lobed; follicles 2–4 cm long on stalks 2–5 cm long and usually with 3–8 seeds~subsp. trilobus #{gn}Brachyloma 1~Leaves ovate, obovate or more or less circular with more or less obtuse apex and small callus, distinctly petiolate~Brachyloma daphnoides 1*~Leaves narrow-oblong or oblong-obovate with more or less acute apex and finely mucronate tip, more or less sessile~Brachyloma scortechinii #{sp}Brachyscome angustifolia 1~Leaves entire; plants glabrous to sparsely glandular-hairy~var. angustifolia 1*~Leaves pinnatisect; plants glandular-hairy~var. heterophylla #{sp}Brachyscome ciliaris 1~Leaves all pinnatisect or toothed~2 1*~Leaves all entire or a few toothed~var. subintegrifolia 2~Stems never woolly (except sometimes in the leaf axils)~var. ciliaris 2*~Stems densely or sparsely woolly~var. lanuginosa #{sp}Brachyscome diversifolia 1~Leaves cuneate in outline, 1-pinnatisect~var. diversifolia 1*~Leaves 2-pinnatisect~var. dissecta #{sp}Brachyscome heterodonta 1~Ligules of the ray florets white or bluish. Widespread~var. heterodonta 1*~Ligules orange to yellow. Grows in the Armidale district~var. heterodonta #{fm}BRASSICACEAE 1~Fruit a siliqua (length, excluding beak, more than 3 times width)~2 1*~Fruit a silicula (length, excluding beak, less than 3 times width)~30 2~Fruit differentiated into valve and beak~3 2*~Fruit with valve region only (style sometimes persistent, but not developed into a beak)~9 3~Seeds in 2 rows in each loculus~4 3*~Seeds in 1 row in each loculus~5 4~Petals with purple veins; stigma 2-lobed; beak flattened, 5–10 mm long~Eruca 4*~Petals without purple veins; stigma capitate; beak more or less conical, c. 2 mm long~Diplotaxis 5~Fruit indehiscent, mostly more than 4 mm wide, inflated or markedly constricted between seeds and breaking into 1-seeded units~Raphanus 5*~Fruit dehiscent, usually less than 3 mm wide, not inflated, rarely more or less constricted between seeds and then not breaking into 1-seeded units~6 6~Valves with only 1 prominent vein or rarely venation obscure~7 6*~Valves with 3 or more prominent veins~8 7~Valves angled; all leaves entire and stem-clasping~Conringia 7*~Valves rounded; at least some leaves toothed or deeply lobed, or rarely some stem-clasping~Brassica 8~Fruit spreading; beak cylindrical, conical or flattened~Sinapis 8*~Fruit appressed to stem; beak swollen~Hirschfeldia 9~Plants with simple hairs or plants glabrous~10 9*~Plants with branched hairs~19 10~Septum absent; fruit less than 7 mm long~Menkea 10*~Septum complete; fruit more than 10 mm long~11 11~Seeds mucilaginous when wet~12 11*~Seeds not mucilaginous when wet~14 12~Plants growing west of the tablelands and stamens 6; seeds finely papillose; flowers white to yellow or rarely lavender~Arabidella 12*~Plants either growing on the coast and tablelands and stamens 6 or growing further west and stamens 4; seeds not papillose; flowers always white~13 13~Basal leaves lobed or commonly more than 10 cm long; stem leaves sessile, sagittate~Rorippa 13*~Basal leaves not persistent, lower stem leaves not lobed, mostly less than 8 cm long; upper stem leaves petiolate~Irenepharsus 14~Flowers usually white, sometimes pink or purple~15 14*~Flowers yellow~17 15~Fruit valves more or less flat; dehiscence clock-spring-like; flowers white, pink or purple~Cardamine 15*~Fruit valves convex; dehiscence not spring-like; flowers white~16 16~Leaves chiefly basal and lobed or leaves pinnate~Rorippa 16*~Basal leaves not persistent, stem leaves simple and toothed but not lobed~Irenepharsus 17~Seeds in 2 rows per loculus~Rorippa 17*~Seeds in 1 row per loculus~18 18~Valves with 3 veins apparent; testa not reticulate~Sisymbrium 18*~Valves with only midvein distinct; testa reticulate~Barbarea 19~Seeds in 1 row in each loculus~20 19*~Seeds in 2 rows in each loculus~24 20~Petals at least 10 mm long~21 20*~Petals less than 10 mm long~22 21~Stigmatic lobes erect, each with dorsal swelling or horn~Matthiola 21*~Stigmatic lobes spreading, without swelling or horn~Cheiranthus 22~Leaves 2–3-pinnatisect; petals yellow~Descurainia 22*~Leaves entire to toothed; petals white~23 23~Midvein of fruit prominent; seeds c. 0.5 mm long; rosette usually present, leaves more or less spathulate, entire or finely toothed~Arabidopsis 23*~Midvein of fruit indistinct towards apex; seeds 0.75 mm or more long; basal leaves not persistent, stem leaves more or less lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, coarsely toothed~Irenepharsus 24~Fruit more than 20 mm long~25 24*~Fruit less than 20 mm long~26 25~Petals less than 8 mm long, yellow; plants more or less glabrous above, sparsely hairy below; basal leaves not lobed, upper leaves stem-clasping~Turritis 25*~Petals more than 8 mm long, white to lavender; plants tomentose; basal leaves pinnatifid, upper leaves not stem-clasping~Blennodia 26~Fruit buried in the ground~Geococcus 26*~Fruit aerial, not buried~27 27~Petals thread-like, not clawed~Stenopetalum 27*~Petals obtuse, somewhat clawed~28 28~Fruit linear, petals white~Pachymitus 28*~Fruit fusiform; petals yellow or with some lavender~29 29~Fruit densely hairy~Harmsiodoxa 29*~Fruit glabrous or with a few scattered hairs~Drabastrum 30~Fruit distinctly differentiated into valve region and beak~31 30*~Fruit not distinctly differentiated into valve region and beak~33 31~Beak flattened and spoon-like~Carrichtera 31*~Beak rounded to conical~32 32~Fruit more than 10 mm long; succulent herbs confined to seashores~Cakile 32*~Fruit less than 10 mm long; not succulent, widespread weeds~Rapistrum 33~Fruit with 1 seed per loculus~34 33*~Fruit with more than 1 seed per loculus~37 34~Fruit with a narrow septum and keeled valves~35 34*~Fruit with a wide septum and more or less flat valves~Lobularia 35~Fruit dehiscent~Lepidium 35*~Fruit indehiscent but sometimes breaking into 1-seeded units~36 36~Fruit pitted; leaves pinnatisect, lobes linear~Coronopus 36*~Fruit smooth; leaves more or less oblanceolate, entire or almost so~Cardaria 37~Fruit with a narrow septum; valves winged or more or less keeled~38 37*~Fruit with a broad septum; valves neither winged nor keeled~41 38~Fruit more or less obcordate; simple and stellate hairs present~Capsella 38*~Fruit more or less globose to elliptic; plants glabrous or hairy, hairs not stellate~39 39~Fruit c. 10 mm diam;, winged and deeply notched~Thlaspi 39*~Fruit less than 5 mm diam., neither prominently winged nor markedly notched at apex~40 40~Fruit more or less globose, less than 5 mm long; basal leaves not persistent; plants glabrous or with simple hairs only~Cuphonotus 40*~Fruit ovate, more than 5 mm long; basal leaves persistent; plants hairy, all hairs bifid~Phlegmatospermum 41~Fruit either more than 2 cm wide or more or less buried in the ground~42 41*~Fruit less than 1 cm wide and aerial~43 42~Fruit more than 2 cm wide, aerial~Lunaria 42*~Fruit less than 1 cm wide, buried in the ground~Geococcus 43~Septum absent~Menkea 43*~Septum complete~44 44~Petals thread-like, acute or deeply bifid~45 44*~Petals somewhat obtuse or emarginate~46 45~Petals entire and/or acute; basal leaves usually deeply lobed, sometimes lanceolate~Stenopetalum 45*~Petals bifid; basal leaves more or less spathulate~Erophila 46~Hairs stellate, appressed; staminal filaments with appendages~Alyssum 46*~Hairs absent or present, if stellate not appressed; staminal filaments without appendages~47 47~Hairs absent or all simple~Rorippa 47*~Hairs present, at least some branched~48 48~Either all leaves sessile or petiole winged; base auriculate; basal leaves not in a rosette~Camelina 48*~Some or all leaves petiolate, petiole not winged; base various; basal leaves in a rosette~Drabastrum #{gn}Brassica 1~Upper stem leaves sessile and more or less bract-like or upper part of stem leafless~2 1*~Upper stem leaves petiolate or narrowed to base~3 2~At least basal leaves hairy, stem leaves at least half stem-clasping~Brassica rapa 2*~All leaves glabrous, glaucous, stem leaves less than a third stem-clasping~Brassica oleracea 3~Ovary on a gynophore~Brassica fruticulosa 3*~Ovary sessile~4 4~Fruit spreading on pedicel 7–20 mm long; beak more than 4 mm long~5 4*~Fruit appressed on pedicel 2–5 mm long; beak less than 4 mm long~Brassica nigra 5~Basal leaves lyrate-pinnatisect with 1 or 2 pairs of lobes, sparsely bristly; beak 4–10 mm long, narrower than stigma~Brassica juncea 5*~Basal leaves runcinate-pinnatisect with 6–10 pairs of lobes, densely bristly; beak 8–20 mm long, as broad as the stigma~Brassica tournefortii #{gn}Briza 1~Spikelets 10–20 mm long~Briza maxima 1*~Spikelets 4–5 mm long~2 2~Pedicels 10–15 mm long; panicle very open, symmetrical, composed of 10–20 spikelets; plants annual usually c. 20 cm high~Briza minor 2*~Pedicels 2 mm long; panicle dense, 1-sided below, composed of numerous spikelets; plants perennial to 80 cm high~Briza subaristata #{gn}Brunoniella 1~Calyx segments linear, less than 1 mm wide in basal half, margins with long bristly hairs; flowers in dense, usually more than 2-flowered clusters in axils~Brunoniella australis 1*~Calyx segments more or less lanceolate, more than 1 mm wide in basal half, margins with short, often appressed, hairs; flowers solitary or in pairs in axils~Brunoniella pumilio #{gn}Bryophyllum 1~Stems 4-angled~Bryophyllum proliferum 1*~Stems cylindrical~2 2~Leaves or leaflets elliptic, flattened~Bryophyllum pinnatum 2*~Leaves linear, more or less cylindrical with a shallow groove on the upper surface~Bryophyllum delagoense #{gn}Buddleja 1~Leaves with petiole 15–25 mm long; flowers yellow, orange or salmon-coloured; anthers inserted just below corolla mouth, just included; fruit a berry~Buddleja madagascariensis 1*~Leaves with petiole 2–5 mm long; flowers white to lilac-purple; anthers inserted at or below the middle of the corolla tube, included; fruit a capsule~Buddleja davidii #{gn}Bulbine 1~Tepals more than 7 mm long; ovules 2–8 per loculus; seeds without wings~2 1*~Tepals 4–7 mm long; ovules 1 or 2 per loculus; seeds with or without wings~4 2~Scape terete or slightly angled; stamens more or less equal in length; seeds smooth to slightly ridged~3 2*~Scape sharply angular; stamens unequal in length, with inner 3 longest; seeds strongly ridged~Bulbine vagans 3~Usually with bulb; leaves slightly scabrid; scapes 1 or 2; stamens 8–9 mm long; anthers more or less basifixed; seeds brown to almost black~Bulbine bulbosa 3*~Without bulb, sometimes with rhizome; leaves glabrous; scapes 2 or more; stamens 5–8 mm long; anthers apparently dorsifixed; seeds silver-grey with black markings~Bulbine glauca 4~Seeds without wings; capsule 2–5 mm long; only 3 longest stamens with hairs at base of anther~Bulbine semibarbata 4*~Seeds with wings; capsule 4–9 mm long; all stamens with hairs at base of anther~Bulbine alata #{gn}Bulbophyllum 1~Leaves succulent, much bulkier than the inconspicuous pseudobulbs, channelled on upper surface~2 1*~Leaves papery to leathery, flat and keeled or concave~4 2~Rhizomes entirely prostrate, forming a dense mat; pseudobulbs less than 10 mm apart on rhizomes~Bulbophyllum shepherdii 2*~Rhizomes prostrate basally, pendent towards the tips, not forming a dense mat; pseudobulbs usually more than 10 mm apart on rhizomes~3 3~Sepals white with yellow tips; lateral sepals coherent for less than half their length~Bulbophyllum lamingtonense 3*~Sepals white with orange to red tips; lateral sepals coherent for more than half their length~Bulbophyllum schillerianum 4~Leaves less than 3 mm long, papery, concave; pseudobulbs usually less than 3 mm diam~5 4*~Leaves more than 5 mm long, thinly leathery, flat, keeled; pseudobulbs usually more than 3 mm diam~6 5~Pseudobulbs flattened, globose; inflorescence c. 3 mm long~Bulbophyllum minutissimum 5*~Pseudobulbs ovoid to globose; inflorescence 10–15 mm long~Bulbophyllum globuliforme 6~Lateral sepals about twice as long as dorsal sepal, 12–26 mm long; leaf 3–11 cm long~Bulbophyllum elisae 6*~Lateral sepals as long as or slightly longer than dorsal sepal, 4–14 mm long; leaf 1.5–5 cm long~7 7~Dorsal sepal 8–12 mm long; inflorescence 1-flowered~Bulbophyllum weinthalii 7*~Dorsal sepal 3–6 mm long; inflorescence 1–30-flowered~8 8~Inflorescence 10–30-flowered; sepals and lateral petals cream to yellow and heavily mottled with purple~Bulbophyllum bracteatum 8*~Inflorescence 1–5-flowered; sepals and lateral petals whitish~9 9~Rhizome between adjacent pseudobulbs 4–6 mm long; ovary minutely tuberculate~Bulbophyllum argyropus 9*~Rhizome between adjacent pseudobulbs mostly 10–38 mm long; ovary smooth~Bulbophyllum exiguum #{gn}Bulbostylis 1~Stigmas 2; nut lenticular~Bulbostylis striatella 1*~Stigmas 3; nut trigonous~2 2~Glumes 1.5–2.5 mm long; nut 0.5–1.1 mm long~3 2*~Glumes 2.7–3.3 mm long; nut 1–1.4 mm long~Bulbostylis pyriformis 3~Inflorescence head-like; nut obovoid, smooth, minutely reticulate (isodiametric cells); stamens 1~Bulbostylis barbata 3*~Inflorescence branched, occasionally reduced to 1 sessile spikelet; nut verruculose; stamens 2~Bulbostylis densa #{gn}Bursaria 1~Small tree or large shrub, 5–10 m high~Bursaria spinosa subsp. spinosa 1*~Erect, sprawling, or multistemmed shrub, usually less than 5 m high~2 2~Leaves 20–35 mm long, 7–12 mm wide~Bursaria spinosa subsp. lasiophylla 2*~Leaves 5–12 mm long, up to 4 mm wide~3 3~Young branchlets densely covered with persistent, appressed hairs; occurs on limestone-derived soils; restricted to Wombeyan Caves area~Bursaria calcicola 3*~Young branchlets usually with spreading hairs; occurs on sandstone-derived soils; restricted to Blue Mountains area~Bursaria longisepala #{sp}Bursaria lasiophylla 1~Leaves obovate, 6–14 mm long, margins flat or nearly so; petals 3–5.5 mm long. Grows south from Moruya and Canberra~var. lasiophylla 1*~Leaves narrow-obovate or -oblanceolate or lanceolate, usually 14–30 mm long, margins ± recurved; petals 3–5 mm long~var. atriplicina #{sp}Bursaria longisepala 1~Lower surface of leaves glabrous; young branchlets with distinctly separate ascending to spreading hairs; sepals 1–4.5 mm long; petals 4–6 mm long~var. longisepala 1*~Undersurface of leaves and young branchlets hoary (matted hairs); sepals 4.5–5.5 mm long; petals 6–7 mm long~var. pilosa #{sp}Bursaria spinosa 1~Erect tree or shrub, 5–10 m high; hairs on new shoots and abaxial surface of leaves usually not persisting with age; adult leaves 23–43 mm long, 5–9 mm wide; petals 4–6 mm long~subsp. spinosa 1*~Multi-stemmed shrub usually less than 5 m high; hairs moderately dense, appressed to shoots, abaxial surface of leaves, and ovary persistent; adult leaves 20–35 mm long, 7–12 mm wide; petals up to 4 mm long~subsp. lasiophylla #{fm}CABOMBACEAE 1~Leaves all floating, circular, peltate; flowers dark maroon~Brasenia 1*~Most leaves submerged, dissected; floating leaves rhombic to elliptic, peltate; flowers white or cream with yellow base~Cabomba #{fm}CACTACEAE 1~Leaves broad and flat, alternate along woody stems, more or less persistent; flowers pedunculate~Pereskia 1*~Leaves absent or reduced and more or less terete, caducous; flowers sessile~2 2~Ultimate segments compressed, lower stems sometimes more or less cylindrical, not regularly tuberculate, not angled or winged~Opuntia 2*~All ultimate segments more or less cylindrical, often tuberculate, sometimes angled or deeply 3-winged~3 3~Plants more or less tree-like; leaves present on new segments, terete, falling early; segments tuberculate but not regularly angled or winged; flowers usually less than 6 cm long; fruit yellow to greenish~4 3*~Plants low-growing and stems prostrate to climbing; leaves mostly absent; branches with regular longitudinal wings or angles, sometimes tuberculate or smooth; flowers mostly more than 15 cm long, rarely less than 6 cm long; fruit usually red or sometimes purplish~5 4~Spines covered with papery sheaths; areoles rounded, filled with brownish woolly hairs, spines scattered in the areoles; tubercles flattened laterally~Cylindropuntia 4*~Spines without papery sheaths; areoles elongated, filled with white woolly hairs, a stout spine in the upper broader section of the areoles and 2 or 3 smaller spines in the lower, narrowed part of the areoles; tubercles broad or flattened dorsally~Austrocylindropuntia 5~Branches mostly smooth without regular longitudinal wings or angles; areoles with glochids, spines and hairs; flowers usually less than 6 cm long~Opuntia 5*~Branches mostly angled or winged; areoles without glochids, though spines and hairs usually present; flowers more than 15 cm long~6 6~Branches 4–8-angled; spines 4–9, central spine more than 20 mm long surrounded by 3–8 shorter spines; fruit 3–4 cm diam., usually spiny~Harrisia 6*~Branches deeply 3-winged; spines 1–3, mostly 2–4 mm long; fruit 10–12 cm diam., spineless~Hylocereus #{gn}Caesalpinia 1~Older stems with prominent wide longitudinal flanges of cork~Caesalpinia subtropica 1*~Stems without corky flanges~2 2~Spines and prickles absent; filaments more than 5 cm long~Caesalpinia gilliesii 2*~Spines or prickles present; filaments less than 2 cm long~3 3~Pinnules more than 7 mm wide; pods less than 2 times as long as broad, 1–3-seeded~4 3*~Pinnules less than 7 mm wide; pods more than 3 times as long as broad, 5–8-seeded~Caesalpinia decapetala 4~Leaves with prickles only on leaf rachis and more or less confined to base of pinnae pairs; inflorescences unarmed; pods not spinose, wing along upper margin~Caesalpinia scortechinii 4*~Leaves with prickles scattered along leaf and pinnae rachises; inflorescences prickly; pods with numerous bristly spines, not winged~Caesalpinia bonduc #{sf}CAESALPINIOIDEAE 1~Spines or prickles present.~2 1*~Spines or prickles absent.~4 2~Erect trees or shrubs with branched or simple straight spines; leaves bipinnate and/or pinnate.~3 2*~Shrubs, vines or scramblers with simple recurved prickles; leaves bipinnate.~Caesalpinia 3~Spines usually >2 cm long; leaflets >10 mm long, not caducous; rachis terete; petals <5 mm long; pods >15 cm long.~Gleditsia 3*~Spines <2 cm long; leaflets <5 mm long, often caducous; rachis flattened, 2–3 mm wide; petals c. 10 mm long; pods <10 cm long.~Parkinsonia 4~Leaves bipinnate.~5 4*~Leaves pinnately or palmately compound (leaflets 1-many) or rarely simple or reduced to phyllodes.~6 5~Pods >20 cm long; stipules usually pinnate, 5–10 mm long; petals 2–3 cm long, stamens >7 cm long and strongly exserted.~Delonix 5*~Pods <10 cm long; stipules ovate, 3–5 mm long; petals and stamens 5–7 cm long, stamens not exserted.~Caesalpinia 6~Leaves simple or apparently 1-foliolate, petiole about as long as lamina.~Barklya 6*~Leaves pinnately or palmately compound, or if reduced to phyllodes or apparently simple then petiole much shorter than lamina.~7 7~Leaves imparipinnate; fertile anthers 3; style flat and petal-like, forming a pouch over the ovary.~Petalostylis 7*~Leaves paripinnate or reduced to phyllodes or leaflets 2 and venation palmate; other characters not as above.~8 8~Leaflets 2, venation palmate; stigma peltate; stipe fused to floral tube.~Bauhinia 8*~Characters not as above, or if leaflets 2 then venation not palmate.~9 9~Flowers predominantly unisexual, small (sepals <2 mm long), arranged in many-flowered catkin-like racemes; petals absent, flowers reddish.~Ceratonia 9*~Flowers bisexual, larger, in few- to many-flowered racemes; petals yellow, rarely spotted with red, >5 mm long.~10 10~Floral bracteoles 2; stamens not bilaterally symmetric; pods elastically dehiscent with spirally coiled valves.~Chamaecrista 10*~Floral bracteoles 1 or absent; stamens bilaterally symmetric; pods never elastically dehiscent.~11 11~Inflorescences terminal; bracteoles 1; longest anther filaments S-curved, anthers versatile, never beaked; tree, rare, confined to rainforest.~Cassia 11*~Inflorescences axillary; bracteoles absent; longest anther filaments C-curved, anthers basifixed, often some beaked; shrubs, subshrubs or herbs, widespread in open forest and shrubland.~Senna #{gn}Caesia 1~Inflorescence axis branched; lower branches subtended by leaf-like bracts more than 10 cm long~2 1*~Inflorescence axis unbranched, or if branched the lower branches subtended by leaf-like, linear or subulate bracts less than 10 cm long~3 2~Roots fleshy-fibrous, or slender and tuberous but without distinct distal tubers; seeds granulate with scattered tubercles~Caesia parviflora 2*~Roots fleshy-fibrous with broadly fusiform tubers distally; seeds colliculate, often with irregularly scattered tubercles~Caesia calliantha 3~Inflorescence axis unbranched~4 3*~Inflorescence axis branched~5 4~Inflorescence spreading-decumbent~Caesia alpina 4*~Inflorescence erect or ascending~Caesia calliantha 5~Plant less than 10 cm high; tepals less than 5 mm long; seeds granulate without tubercles or pustules~Caesia alpina 5*~Plant usually more than 15 cm high; tepals more than 5 mm long; seeds granulate and regularly tuberculate~Caesia parviflora #{sp}Caesia parviflora 1~Plant usually >20 cm high; primary inflorescence branches ascending; flowers white to blue; tepals to 8.5 mm long.~2 1*~Plant usually <20 cm high; primary inflorescence branches widely divergent, often horizontal but ascending apically; flowers mainly white, also blue or purple; tepals <5 mm long. Leaves to c. 2 mm wide~var. minor 2~Flowers white to pale pink or blue, often with veins outlined in green or purple; filaments greenish white throughout. Leaves to 5 mm wide~var. parviflora 2*~Flowers blue with darker veins; filaments blue often with transverse white bands. Leaves to 8 mm wide~var. vittata #{gn}Cakile 1~Lower segment of fruit almost as wide as the upper, bearing 2 lateral blunt horns towards apex~Cakile maritima 1*~Lower segment of fruit much narrower than the upper, without lateral projections at apex~Cakile edentula #{sp}Caladenia carnea 1~Flowers usually 10–15 mm across, pinkish, the dorsal sepal held erect (often stiff), labellum midlobe toothed (flowers Aug.–Oct.); inflorescence usually shorter, <22 cm high~var. carnea 1*~Flowers usually <10 mm across, white, the dorsal sepal lax (hooding the column), labellum midlobe entire wrinkled (flowers Oct.–Nov.); inflorescence unusually tall, to 24 cm high~var. attentuata #{gn}Calandrinia1 1~Capsules 4-valved; stigmas 4~2 1*~Capsules 3-valved or with a terminal pore; stigmas 3~3 2~Prostrate to decumbent herb with stems to 40 cm long; leaves basal and on flowering stems; stamens 6–11; seeds with 6–10 concentric ribs~Calandrinia ptychosperma 2*~Prostrate herb with stems to 5 cm long; leaves all basal; stamens 4–6; seeds with colliculate to papillate testa~Calandrinia sp. A sensu Harden (1990) 3~Capsules obpyriform, opening by a terminal pore; seeds 2, superposed; petals to 1.5 mm long~Calandrinia disperma 3*~Capsules ovoid or globose, opening by valves; seeds more than 10, not superposed; petals more than 1.5 mm long~4 4~Basal leaves usually more than 5 cm long; stamens more than 20; petals usually more than 5 mm wide~5 4*~Basal leaves usually less than 5 cm long; stamens less than 20; petals usually less than 5 mm wide~6 5~Stigmas sessile on the ovary; capsules 5–6 mm long; seeds lenticular, smooth, c. 0.5 mm diam~Calandrinia remota 5*~Stigmas on a style 2–3 mm long; capsules 7–9 mm long; seeds reniform, colliculate, more than 1 mm long~Calandrinia balonensis 6~Capsules black, subglobose, trigonous, 1.5–2.2 mm long; sepals not persistent~Calandrinia granulifera 6*~Capsules light brown, ovoid or globose but not trigonous, usually more than 2 mm long; sepals persistent~7 7~Leaves all basal, petiolate; capsules globose, circumsciss at the base, pericarp membranous~Calandrinia pumila 7*~Leaves basal and on flowering stems, usually sessile; capsules ovoid, not circumsciss, pericarp crustaceous~8 8~Valves of capsules not persistent; seeds papillate-punctate; stamens 4–6~Calandrinia pickeringii 8*~Valves of capsules persistent; seeds smooth, colliculate or papillate, not punctate; stamens usually more than 6~9 9~Petals 7–10 mm long; capsules 7–9 mm long, with acuminate, recurved valves; seeds flattened at the margins; leaves subsessile or petiolate~Calandrinia menziesii 9*~Petals to 7 mm long; capsules to 7.5 mm long, with obtuse, incurved or involute valves; seeds not flattened at margins; leaves sessile~10 10~Seeds 10–20, lenticular, smooth to faintly colliculate; petals 2–3 mm long~Calandrinia calyptrata 10*~Seeds more than 20, reniform, colliculate to papillate; petals usually longer than 3 mm~11 11~Inflorescences twining; fruiting pedicels curved upwards; capsules 5.5–7.5 mm long; seeds without a coppery lustre~Calandrinia volubilis 11*~Inflorescences straight (not twining); fruiting pedicels straight, reflexed; capsule 3–5 mm long; seeds with a coppery lustre~Calandrinia eremaea #{gn}Calandrinia2 1~Seeds 2, superposed, dark red-brown to black, colliculate to papillate near the hilum, upper seed ovoid, 1.5–1.8 mm long, 0.7–0.8 mm diam., lower seed subrhomboidal, 1.4–1.5 mm long, 1–1.2 mm diam~Calandrinia disperma 1*~Seeds ± 10, usually more than 20, not superposed~2 2~Seeds lenticular~3 2*~Seeds reniform or obovoid, numerous~5 3~Seeds black, flattened towards the margin, 1.4–1.7 mm diam., colliculate, numerous~Calandrinia menziesii 3*~Seeds red-brown to dark brown, not flattened towards the margin, 0.5–0.7 mm diam., smooth to faintly colliculate~4 4~Seeds 10–20, smooth to faintly colliculate; capsules 2–3.6 mm long~Calandrinia calyptrata 4*~Seeds numerous, smooth; capsules 5–6 mm long~Calandrinia remota 5~Seeds reniform~6 5*~Seeds obovoid~8 6~Seeds 1–1.3 mm long, c. 0.8 mm wide, colliculate, black or dark red-black~Calandrinia balonensis 6*~Seeds to 0.7 mm long, colliculate to papillate or papillate, red-brown, dark brown, grey or black, sometimes with a coppery lustre~7 7~Seeds colliculate to papillate, 0.4–0.7 mm long, 0.4–0.7 mm wide, red-brown, grey or rarely black, with a coppery lustre; fruiting pedicels straight, reflexed~Calandrinia eremaea 7*~Seeds papillate all over, c. 0.6 mm long, 0.6 mm wide, dark brown to black, without coppery lustre; fruiting pedicels curved upwards~Calandrinia volubilis 8~Seeds with 6–10 concentric ribs, 0.5–0.7 mm long, 0.4–0.6 mm diam., black or rarely dark red-brown~Calandrinia ptychosperma 8*~Seeds colliculate to papillate-punctate, never ribbed, dark brown or red-brown to black~9 9~Seeds smooth to colliculate, light red-brown; capsules globose or trigonous~10 9*~Seeds colliculate to papillate or papillate-punctate, dark red-brown to black; capsules ovoid~11 10~Seeds colliculate, c. 0.5 mm long, 0.4 mm diam.; capsules black, dehiscing through short valves at the apex; sepals not persistent~Calandrinia granulifera 10*~Seeds smooth to colliculate, 0.4–0.5 mm long, 0.3 mm diam.; capsules light brown, 2.6–3.5 mm long, circumsciss at base; sepals persistent~Calandrinia pumila 11~Seeds colliculate to papillate, c. 0.5 mm long, 0.5 mm diam.; capsules more than 4 mm long, 4-valved, valves persistent~Calandrinia species A Sensu Harden (1990) 11*~Seeds papillate-punctate, c. 0.7 mm long, 0.7 mm diam.; capsules less than 3 mm long, 3-valved, valves not persistent~Calandrinia pickeringii #{gn}Caleana 1~Labellum lamina much inflated with a smooth surface; lateral sepals to 15 mm long, held erect~Caleana major 1*~Labellum lamina compressed with a warty to lumpy surface; lateral sepals to 10 mm long, held downwards or horizontally~Caleana minor #{gn}Calendula 1~Involucre with 1 row of bracts~Calendula palaestina 1*~Involucre with 2 rows of bracts~2 2~Lower leaves lanceolate to oblong~Calendula arvensis 2*~Lower leaves oblanceolate to spathulate~Calendula officinalis #{gn}Callerya 1~Leaflets blunt or shortly retuse at apex; pedicels <2 times as long as calyx; seeds c. 15 mm diam., orange.~Callerya australis 1*~Leaflets acuminate at apex; pedicels 2–4 times as long as calyx; seeds >20 mm diam., brown.~Callerya megasperma #{gn}Callitriche 1~Fruit broader than long~2 1*~Fruit almost circular or longer than broad~3 2~Mature leaves rhombic, sometimes with lateral teeth; mericarp wing 25% or more the breadth of the mericarp~Callitriche muelleri 2*~Mature leaves linear to linear-obovate, never with lateral teeth; mericarp wing less than 20% the breadth of the mericarp~Callitriche sonderi 3~First-formed leaves linear, 1-veined; portion of mericarp closest to point of attachment of fruit swollen~Callitriche umbonata 3*~First-formed leaves linear-spathulate to spathulate, 3- veined; lower part of fruit broader than top but no part of mericarp particularly swollen~Callitriche stagnalis #{sp}Callitris gracilis 1~Cones usually broad-ovoid when immature, shorter than wide after maturity. Tree with erect or spreading branches on sandstone hillsides. Mature cones depressed-globose, 25–30 mm diam., warts absent or scattered, large, often to 3 mm diam.~subsp. gracilis 1*~Cones usually ovoid when immature, tending to be longer than wide after maturity. Tree to 20 m with spreading branches, foliage olive green to bluish green. Cones mostly 2.5–3 cm long, almost globose, warts absent or few; cone glaucous at the base when immature~subsp. murrayensis #{gn}Callitris 1~Stems triangular with acute angles in cross section in fresh material, ± 3-winged in dried material; dorsal surface of the leaf acutely keeled~2 1*~Stems grooved-cylindrical to ± triangular with obtuse angles in cross section in fresh material, grooved to ± 3-lobed in dried specimens, dorsal surface of the leaf rounded or prominently, but not acutely, keeled~3 2~Female cones with alternate scales reduced in size; cones <15 mm diam~Callitris baileyi 2*~Female cones with all scales the same size; cones >15 mm diam~Callitris macleayana 3~Dorsal surface of the leaves prominently keeled; stems ± triangular with rounded-obtuse angles to ± 3-lobed in cross section; cone scales with a distinct dorsal protuberance or apical point, cones not warted~4 3*~Dorsal surface of the leaves rounded; stems grooved-cylindrical in cross section; cone scales without a prominent dorsal protuberance or sometimes a small point present, cones sometimes warted~8 4~Leaves mostly >5 mm long~Callitris muelleri 4*~Leaves usually 2–4 mm long~5 5~Columellas large, widely 3-lobed, often to 5 mm long~Callitris monticola 5*~Columellas short, 3-lobed, 3-partite or with 3 or 4 separate parts~6 6~Cones globose to depressed-globose; cone scales with a dorsal protuberance~7 6*~Cones slightly elongated, ± ovoid; cone scales with a blunt point usually thickened by a short dorsal point, evenly tapering towards the apex~Callitris oblonga 7~Cones with a short, wide, conical protuberance on the dorsal surface; smaller cone scales less than half as long as the alternate scales, all scales thick and angular~Callitris rhomboidea 7*~Cones with a small dorsal point near the apex; smaller cone scales about three-quarters the length of the alternate scales, thinner and tapering~Callitris endlicheri 8~Cone scales thick, united below to form a thick cone-base; cones densely warted, or warts sparse or absent~9 8*~Cone scales thin, separate almost to the base; cones not warted~10 9~Cones usually 25 mm or more in diam., smooth or sparsely warted; trees to 20 m high~Callitris gracilis 9*~Cones usually <25 mm diam., densely warted; shrubs or small trees to 8 m high~Callitris verrucosa 10~Foliage dark green; columella often 5–7 mm long; growing on coastal sands~Callitris columellaris 10*~Foliage usually bluish grey; columella usually <5 mm long; growing inland from the coast, especially on the Western Slopes~Callitris glaucophylla #{sp}Callitris oblonga 1~Female cones 14–18 mm long, 10–15 mm diam.; alternate scales about half as long as the intervening scales.~subsp. corangensis 1*~Female cones 12–15 mm long, 10–14 mm diam.; alternate scales about two-thirds as long as intervening scales.~subsp. parva #{gn}Calochilus 1~Labellum naked; labellum apex short, acute~Calochilus robertsonii 1*~Labellum ornamented; labellum apex elongated and usually crisped~2 2~Long labellum calli grade abruptly into long, raised, smooth plates with a metallic blue to brownish purple lustre~Calochilus campestris 2*~Long labellum calli grade gradually into progressively shorter calli and knobby warts~3 3~Both column collars lack glands~Calochilus paludosus 3*~Each column collar with 1 gland~4 4~Flower large, labellum to 45 mm long; leaf to 50 cm long~Calochilus grandiflorus 4*~Flower smaller, labellum to 35 mm long; leaf 30–40 cm long~5 5~Labellum slender with tail-like tip forming up to half the length of lamina; column collars interconnected by obscure rim~Calochilus gracillimus 5*~Labellum broad with tail-like tip forming up to a third the length of entire lamina; column collars interconnected by prominent purplish ridge~Calochilus robertsonii #{sp}Calotis cuneata 1~Basal leaves sparsely septate-hairy, coarsely toothed towards apex. Face of achenes glabrous. Major awns barbed apically~var. cuneata 1*~Basal leaves woolly, with 3 teeth toward apex. Face of achenes with long, appressed hairs. Major awns not barbed~var. pubescens #{gn}Calotis 1~Pappus of scales alternating with rigid awns~2 1*~Pappus of awns only~6 2~Awns barbed towards apex, smooth at the base~3 2*~Awns densely barbed over whole length~5 3~Faces of the achenes with a few minute tubercles; pappus scales broader than long~4 3*~Faces of the achenes densely tuberculate; pappus scales longer than broad~Calotis glandulosa 4~Plants sparingly branched; leaves linear to oblanceolate; pappus scales lacerate towards apex~Calotis dentex 4*~Plants much-branched; leaves cuneate with basal auricles; pappus scales infolded towards apex~Calotis cuneifolia 5~Heads appearing sessile; pappus awns erect, scales entire or slightly lobed~Calotis squamigera 5*~Heads on slender peduncles; pappus awns spreading, scales deeply dissected, often obscured by hairs~Calotis hispidula 6~Achenes winged~7 6*~Achenes without wings~10 7~Body of achenes hairy~8 7*~Body of achenes glabrous~9 8~Awns stout and barbed~Calotis porphyroglossa 8*~Awns fine and plumose~Calotis plumulifera 9~Achene wings very broad, anchor-shaped with long hairs on the margins; leaves mainly cauline~Calotis ancyrocarpa 9*~Achene wings narrow, glabrous; leaves in a basal rosette~Calotis anthemoides 10~Awns fine, flexible and plumose~Calotis inermis 10*~Awns stout and rigid~11 11~Pappus awns 2–5, equal in length~12 11*~Pappus awns more than 4, unequal in length~15 12~Leaves in a basal cluster; plant stoloniferous; pappus awns free at the base~Calotis scapigera 12*~Leaves cauline; plant sometimes stoloniferous; pappus awns expanded and united at the base~13 13~Body of the achene strongly tuberculate; plants hairy with septate hairs~14 13*~Body of the achene smooth; plants glabrous~Calotis erinacea 14~Awns 2, diverging at right angles to the plane of the body, deeply ridged at the base~Calotis cymbacantha 14*~Awns 3 or more, diverging at various angles to the plane of the body~Calotis moorei 15~Major pappus awns 2, at right angles to the plane of the body; secondary awns 4–8 in 2 groups; body of the achene tuberculate and glabrous~Calotis lappulacea 15*~Major pappus awns 4 or more~16 16~Non-stoloniferous herbs; basal leaves soon withering~17 16*~Stoloniferous herbs; basal leaves conspicuous, tufted or in a rosette~19 17~Heads solitary; apex of the achenes flat~18 17*~Heads in a cymose panicle; apex of the achenes projecting as a hairy cone within the circle of the awns~Calotis latiuscula 18~Plants glabrous; body of achenes smooth~Calotis erinacea 18*~Plants septate hairy; body of achenes tuberculate~Calotis moorei 19~Awns in 1 ring~Calotis scabiosifolia 19*~Awns in 2 rings, the inner fine and plumose~Calotis cuneata #{sp}Calotis scabiosifolia 1~Face of achenes glabrous. Basal leaves broad-spathulate, margins toothed or dissected. Flowers throughout year~var. scabiosifolia 1*~Face of achenes with dense appressed hairs. Basal leaves broad-linear, margins entire or with a few apical linear lobes~var. integrifolia #{gn}Calystegia 1~Trailing, rarely weakly twining, plants; leaves rounded, reniform~Calystegia soldanella 1*~Twining plants; leaves more or less acute~2 2~Peduncles longer than petioles; corolla more than 2.5 cm long~3 2*~Peduncles not longer than petioles; corolla less than 2.5 cm long~Calystegia marginata 3~Bracteoles to 15 mm wide, acute~Calystegia sepium 3*~Bracteoles more than 15 mm wide, rounded to emarginate~Calystegia silvatica #{gn}Calytrix 1~Petals white to pink, 3.5–7.5 mm long; stamens 1-seriate~Calytrix tetragona 1*~Petals pink to mauve, 8–12 mm long; stamens 2-seriate~Calytrix longiflora #{fm}CAMPANULACEAE 1~Flowers more or less sessile in leaf axils; leaves more or less circular with cordate base~Triodanis 1*~Flowers terminal, pedicellate; leaves neither more or less circular nor cordate at base~Wahlenbergia #{fm}CANNABACEAE 1~Climbers; leaves simple, palmately lobed or rarely unlobed~Humulus 1*~Erect herbs; leaves palmately compound~Cannabis #{gn}Canthium 1~Leaves 3–13 mm long; smaller branches often spinescent~Canthium vacciniifolium 1*~Leaves more than 13 mm long; branches not spinescent~2 2~Leaves concolorous, usually yellowish green, upper surface not glossy, thick-textured~3 2*~Leaves discolorous, upper surface mostly deep green and glossy (dull in Canthium coprosmoides), medium-textured~4 3~Leaves ovate to circular, up to 5 cm wide, venation distinct, particularly on lower surface; calyx minutely pubescent~Canthium latifolium 3*~Leaves narrow-obovate or oblong-obovate, up to 2.5 cm wide, venation obscure; calyx glabrous~Canthium oleifolium 4~Leaves mostly dull on upper surface; flowers 2–6 in clusters, lobes of corolla much shorter than tube; fruit red~Canthium coprosmoides 4*~Leaves glossy on upper surface; flowers many in cymes or panicles, lobes of corolla equal to or longer than tube; fruit black~5 5~Leaves mostly more than 8 cm long, venation distinct on both surfaces; calyx minutely pubescent~Canthium lamprophyllum 5*~Leaves mostly less than 8 cm long, venation obscure or distinct on one surface only; calyx glabrous~6 6~Leaves elliptic to obovate, mostly 4–8 cm long; venation more or less distinct on upper surface, usually obscure on lower surface, base more or less decurrent on petiole~Canthium odoratum 6*~Leaves ovate to elliptic, mostly less than 4 cm long, venation obscure on both surfaces; base not decurrent on petiole~Canthium buxifolium #{gn}Capillipedium 1~Racemes 1–3-jointed with rather few spikelets; lower glume of sessile spikelets with 2 nerves between the keels~Capillipedium parviflorum 1*~Racemes 3–8-jointed with numerous spikelets; lower glume of sessile spikelets with 4 or 5 nerves between the keels~Capillipedium spicigerum #{fm}CAPPARACEAE 1~Shrubs, trees or woody scramblers or climbers; glabrous or hairy, but hairs not glandular; leaves absent or simple and entire; fruit an indehiscent berry~2 1*~Herbs to 1 m high, sometimes woody at base; plants glandular-pubescent; leaves mostly palmately compound with 3–7 leaflets, occasionally simple; fruit a dehiscent capsule~3 2~Plants always leafy, leaves mostly more than 15 mm long, or if less then ovate to broad-ovate; flowers bisexual; berry many-seeded~Capparis 2*~Plants often apparently leafless, leaves usually present on new growth but less than 15 mm long and more or less linear; flowers unisexual, plants dioecious; berry 1- or 2-seeded~Apophyllum 3~Petals entire; leaves mostly 5–7-foliolate, rarely 3-foliolate or leaves simple; capsule linear, not inflated~Cleome 3*~Petals notched or cut into narrow lobes; leaves 3-foliolate; capsule linear-oblong, inflated~Polanisia #{gn}Capparis 1~Leaves less than 30 mm long, mostly 2-ranked and the stems zigzag; usually twining or scrambling plants, rarely erect shrubs~2 1*~Leaves more than 30 mm long, not distinctly 2-ranked and twigs not zigzag; mostly erect shrubs or trees, often scrambling in juvenile stage~5 2~Leaves more or less ovate, less than 2 times as long as wide~3 2*~Leaves narrow-oblong, more than 4 times as long as wide. (Juveniles climbing or scrambling)~Capparis lasiantha 3~Spines 1–3 mm long, mostly recurved; apex of leaves not spinescent~4 3*~Spines 4–15 mm long, straight; apex of leaves spinescent. (Juveniles climbing or scrambling.)~Capparis arborea 4~Mature leaves glabrous, apex obtuse to notched; petiole 0–2 mm long~Capparis sarmentosa 4*~Leaves mostly pubescent on both surfaces, rarely glabrous above, apex acute; petiole 2–3 mm long. (Juveniles mostly scrambling.)~Capparis mitchellii 5~Leaves densely hairy on both surfaces~6 5*~Leaves at least glabrous above~7 6~Branchlets and leaves covered with a more or less orange-brown indumentum, later often turning greyish; leaves more or less ovate to narrow-oblong, base rounded; petiole 2–4 mm long~Capparis lasiantha 6*~Branchlets and leaves usually covered with yellowish to greyish indumentum; leaves more or less obovate to oblanceolate, tapering to base; petiole 6–15 mm long~Capparis mitchellii 7~Leaves <4 times as long as wide or >15 mm wide; petiole mostly >5 mm long or rarely ± absent~8 7*~Lamina >4 times as long as wide and <15 mm wide; petiole usually 2–5 mm long~Capparis loranthifolia 8~Secondary veins obscure, 3 or 4 pairs; lamina tapering into petiole~Capparis mitchellii 8*~Secondary veins distinct, 6–10 pairs; lamina rounded at base~9 9~Leaves glabrous on lower surface; tree or scrambling shrub; inner sepals 8–11 mm wide~Capparis arborea 9*~Leaves pubescent on lower surface; tall scrambler or vine: inner sepals 4–6.5 mm wide~Capparis velutina #{fm}CAPRIFOLIACEAE +~Also naturalised in NSW; to be added to key~Symphoricarpos +~Also naturalised in NSW; to be added to key~Abelia 1~Corolla distinctly 2-lipped; climbers or scramblers, rarely erect shrubs; apex of leaves short-acuminate to obtuse~Lonicera 1*~Corolla more or less equally 5-lobed; erect shrubs; apex of leaves long-acuminate~Leycesteria #{gn}Capsicum 1~Pedicels, after first flowering, usually 1 or rarely 2 at each node; corolla white or blue; fruit globose, ovoid or oblong conical, usually more than 6 mm diam~Capsicum annuum 1*~Pedicels, after first flowering, usually ± 2 at each node; corolla white or green; fruit narrow-conical to narrow-ellipsoid or fusiform, usually 3–6 mm diam~Capsicum frutescens #{sp}Cardamine gunnii 1~leaves pinnate to pinnatisect with a large terminal, ovate to reniform lobe.~Type variant 1*~leaves mostly spathulate, entire, some pinnatisect with terminal lobe elliptic to ovate.~Spathulate-leaved variant #{gn}Cardiospermum 1~Plants densely hairy; lateral petiolules 1–2 mm long; flowers 8–10 mm long~Cardiospermum grandiflorum 1*~Plants finely hairy to subglabrous; lateral petiolules 2–4 mm long; flowers 3–4 mm long~Cardiospermum halicacabum #{gn}Carduus 1~Flower heads hemispherical, 2–5 cm diam.; leaves concolorous, sparsely hairy on both surfaces~Carduus nutans 1*~Flower heads cylindrical, c. 1 cm diam.; leaves green and pubescent above, white and cobwebby below~2 2~Flower heads on short terete peduncles; wings on stems more or less discontinuous and broken into spiny lobes to 5 mm wide~Carduus pycnocephalus 2*~Flower heads sessile; wings on stems continuous with spiny lobes to 10 mm wide~Carduus tenuiflorus #{sp}Carissa ovata a~often climbing, in rainforest on the coast north from Lismore~f. Large-leaved form b~common as a low spreading shrub in woodland and scrub in western districts north from Narrabri district~f. Small-leaved form #{gn}Carpha 1~Spikelets 8–12 mm long; body of nut 2.5–3.5 mm long, 0.8–1.0 mm diam.; hypogynous bristles 7–10 mm long; leaf sheaths pale to dark yellow-brown~Carpha alpina 1*~Spikelets 13–18 mm long; body of nut 3.5–4.5 mm long, c. 1.2 mm diam.; hypogynous bristles 12–15 mm long; leaf sheaths pale red-brown or dark yellow-brown near base, paler above~Carpha nivicola #{gn}Carpobrotus 1~Petaloid staminodes yellow before fading; keel of leaf and larger sepals finely toothed; fruit commonly broader than long~Carpobrotus edulis 1*~Petaloid staminodes light purple to white; keel of leaf and longer sepals smooth; fruit longer than wide~2 2~Petaloid staminodes paler but not white towards the base; usually not coastal~Carpobrotus aequilaterus 2*~Petaloid staminodes white at or near the base; plant of coastal sand dunes~Carpobrotus glaucescens #{gn}Carthamus 1~Leaves and bracts deeply toothed to pinnatisect, lanceolate, 3–6 cm long, with spines on lobes~2 1*~Leaves and bracts entire, ovate lanceolate, with spines on margins, leaves 2–12 cm long, bracts smaller. Flowers bright orange~Carthamus tinctorius 2~Flowers purple; stem with dense glandular hairs~Carthamus dentatus 2*~Flowers yellow to cream; stem usually sparsely glandular hairy~Carthamus lanatus #{fm}CARYOPHYLLACEAE 1~Stipules present~2 1*~Stipules absent~8 2~Fruit a 1-seeded indehiscent nutlet enclosed in the calyx~3 2*~Fruit a capsule with 2 to many seeds, opening by teeth at the summit~4 3~Leaves awned; sepals glabrous or almost so, reddish, awned; stamens 5~Paronychia 3*~Leaves not awned; sepals covered with stiff bristles, green, not awned; stamens 2~Herniaria 4~Leaves linear to terete~5 4*~Leaves obovate to broad-ovate or reniform~7 5~Bracts very conspicuous, scarious, white, pink, or purple~Polycarpaea 5*~Bracts inconspicuous or absent~6 6~Stipules conspicuous; capsule with 3 teeth~Spergularia 6*~Stipules inconspicuous and often falling early; capsule with 5 teeth~Spergula 7~Leaves obovate to spathulate, often in groups of 4; sepals hooded and keeled~Polycarpon 7*~Leaves broad-ovate to reniform; sepals neither hooded nor keeled~Drymaria 8~Sepals fused into a tube~9 8*~Sepals free~17 9~Fruit indehiscent, a 1-seeded nutlet~Scleranthus 9*~Capsule opening by teeth; seeds 2 to many~10 10~Capsule with 4 teeth~11 10*~Capsule with 5, 6, or 10 teeth~15 11~Flowers enclosed or surrounded by large bracts~12 11*~Flowers not surrounded or enclosed by large bracts~13 12~Bracts herbaceous (at least at apex), surrounding but not enclosing the flower~Dianthus 12*~Bracts scarious, broad, enclosing the flower~Petrorhagia 13~Calyx tube green all over~Saponaria 13*~Calyx tube with 5 scarious fissures~14 14~Sepal midribs winged~Vaccaria 14*~Sepal midribs not winged~Gypsophila 15~Capsule with 5 teeth~16 15*~Capsule with 6 or 10 teeth~Silene 16~Sepals with apex long and foliose~Agrostemma 16*~Sepals without apex long and foliose~Lychnis 17~Capsule teeth 4 or 5~18 17*~Capsule teeth 6, 8 or 10~19 18~Leaves closely packed; sepals not hooded; capsule opening at the summit by short teeth~Colobanthus 18*~Leaves spaced; sepals hooded; capsule teeth splitting almost to base~Sagina 19~Capsule teeth 6~20 19*~Capsule teeth 8 or 10~21 20~Capsule conical to globose, opening at the summit by short teeth~Arenaria 20*~Capsule ovoid to oblong, teeth splitting almost to base~Stellaria 21~Flowers solitary or 3 together in a cyme; capsule straight, opening by 8 teeth~Moenchia 21*~Flowers many in cymes; capsule curved, opening by 10 teeth~Cerastium #{gn}Cassytha 1~Plant glabrous; bracts and sepals neither ciliate nor fimbriate~Cassytha glabella 1*~Plants pubescent, but often glabrescent with age, and/or bracts and sepals ciliate or fimbriate~2 2~Fruit pubescent, sometimes sparsely so; drying grey-black~Cassytha pubescens 2*~Fruit glabrous or glabrescent; drying black or dark green to brown, not grey-black~3 3~Fruit 10–15 mm diam., globose~Cassytha melantha 3*~Fruit less than 10 mm diam. and less than 8 mm long; obovoid, ovoid or globose~4 4~Flowers and fruits sessile in spikes~Cassytha filiformis 4*~Flowers and fruits stalked in simple or branched racemes or clustered in heads~Cassytha racemosa #{fm}CASUARINACEAE 1~Mature samaras grey or yellow-brown, dull; bracteoles of fruiting cone thinly woody, prominent, extending well beyond the cone body, without dorsal protuberance; teeth 6–20~Casuarina 1*~Mature samaras red-brown to black, shining; bracteoles of fruiting cone thickly woody and convex, mostly extending only slightly beyond the cone body, with a separate angular or divided dorsal protuberance; teeth 4–14~Allocasuarina #{gn}Casuarina 1~Ridges narrow, prominently angular, occasionally flat in Casuarina equisetifolia but then densely hairy on ridges as well as in furrows; teeth 6–10, withering or not withering~2 1*~Ridges wide, flat or slightly rounded-convex or with a median groove; teeth 8–20, mostly withering~3 2~Branchlets and cones more or less densely and obviously hairy; teeth 6–8, not withering; cone body 10–20 mm long, 10–13 mm diam., with acute bracteoles; samara 6–8 mm long~Casuarina equisetifolia 2*~Branchlets and cones sparsely and minutely hairy; teeth 8–10, withering; cone body 7–14 mm long, 4–6 mm diam., with broad-acute bracteoles; samara 3–4 mm long~Casuarina cunninghamiana 3~Teeth 12–20; ridges smooth, flat or slightly rounded-convex; cones 7–10 mm diam. with thin, broad-acute bracteoles 2.0–2.5 mm wide and with only 1 obvious striation; samara 3.5–5.0 mm long~4 3*~Teeth 8–13; ridges minutely roughened, flat or with a median yellowish groove (often masked by wax); cone body 10–16 mm diam. with thick acute bracteoles 3.5–4.0 mm wide and with several obvious striations; samara 5.5–10.5 mm long~5 4~Teeth on young permanent shoots long-recurved~Casuarina glauca 4*~Teeth on young permanent shoots appressed or slightly spreading~Casuarina obesa 5~Teeth erect, appressed, 8–12, 0.5–0.7 mm long; articles 0.6–0.9 mm diam., somewhat waxy, occasionally sparsely hairy; teeth on new shoots erect to somewhat spreading~Casuarina cristata 5*~Teeth spreading to recurved, 9–13, 0.8–0.9 mm long; articles 1.0–1.8 mm diam., strongly waxy, densely and very shortly hairy; teeth on new shoots spreading~Casuarina pauper #{gn}Caustis 1~Ultimate branches of inflorescence strongly curled to flexuous, at least in female inflorescences~2 1*~Ultimate branches of inflorescence straight, erect or drooping~3 2~Stamens 3 or 4; ultimate branches similarly curly in all inflorescences; few sterile ultimate branches present~Caustis flexuosa 2*~Stamens 5 or 6; ultimate branches of 'female' inflorescence more curly than in 'male'; numerous sterile ultimate branches present in 'female' inflorescences~Caustis recurvata 3~Style 3-fid; numerous sterile ultimate branches in inflorescence, giving a rather dense, erect, finely leafy appearance; stamens 3 or 4; leaf sheaths not wrinkled; glumes 5–7.5 mm long~Caustis blakei 3*~Style 4- or 5-fid; few sterile ultimate branches in inflorescence, giving an open, drooping, wiry appearance; stamens 5; leaf sheaths wrinkled near apex with maturity; glumes 9–13 mm long~Caustis pentandra #{sp}Caustis recurvata 1~Glumes puberulous and culms scaberulous, but other parts usually glabrous; culms 1–2.5 mm diam.; glumes 2–4 per spikelet~var. recurvata 1*~All parts hispid or scabrous; culm 2–5 mm diam.; glumes 4 or 5 per spikelet~var. hirsuta #{gn}Cayratia 1~Leaves 3-foliolate~Cayratia acris 1*~Leaves usually pedately 5-foliolate~2 2~Leaflets deeply toothed, ovate to elliptic, less than 4 cm wide~Cayratia clematidea 2*~Leaflets shallowly crenate, obovate to elliptic, 3–6 cm wide~Cayratia eurynema #{sp}Celmisia asteliifolia 1~Rhizomatous with creeping, scaly, fleshy rhizomes; tomentum on lower surface of leaf very short.~C. 'tomentella' 1~Monopodial, rhizomes absent; tomentum on lower surface of leaves rather loose and thick. 2~Tomentum on lower surface of leaves moderately thick, composed mostly of terete ± twisted hairs; outer involucral bracts narrow-ovate, acuminate; achenes densely pubescent.~C. 'costiniana' 2~Tomentum on lower surface of leaves very thick, composed of flattened ± crinkled hairs; outer involucral bracts lanceolate or narrow-triangular; achenes pubescent.~C. 'pugioniformis' #{gn}Celmisia 1~Achenes glabrous~Celmisia longifolia 1*~Achenes pubescent~Celmisia asteliifolia #{gn}Celtis 1~Leaves entire, elliptic to lanceolate; inflorescences many-flowered~Celtis paniculata 1*~Leaves toothed, lanceolate to broad-ovate; inflorescence 1–few-flowered~2 2~Upper surface of leaves distinctly rough and scabrous; lower surface pubescent to glabrous; mature fruit brown to black or purple to black~3 2*~Upper surface of leaves ± smooth and glabrous; lower surface with hairs usually confined to midvein; mature fruit orange~Celtis sinensis 3~Lower surface of leaves pale, almost white, and softly hairy, 1–4 cm wide; bark smooth~Celtis australis 3*~Lower surface of leaves paler green than upper surface; usually mostly glabrous, 3–7 cm wide; bark furrowed~Celtis occidentalis #{gn}Cenchrus 1~Spines or bristles fused for 25% or less of their length from the base, forming a small disc or shallow cup at the base of the burr~2 1*~Spines or bristles fused for 25% or more of their length from the base, forming a ± globular burr or involucre enclosing 1-several spikelets~5 2~Burr 5–11 mm long, bristles retrorsely barbed, burrs often dark purplish black~3 2*~Burr c. 12 mm long, with one bristle longer than the others, bristles antrorsely barbed, inner bristles ciliate in the lower part~4 3~Spikelets 7 mm long or less, rarely exceeding the 4–7 mm long bristles; cupule at the base of the involucre usually well developed; spikelets tending to diverge from the c. 1 mm diameter axis at maturity~Cenchrus caliculatus 3*~Spikelets 9 mm long or more, usually exceeding the 7–9 mm long involucral bristles; cupule well developed, often one-sided; rachis >1 mm in diam., spikelets not diverging at maturity~Cenchrus robustus 4~Inner bristles of involucre fused only at the base forming a short disc, otherwise free, bristles forming an uninterrupted ring; a variable species~Cenchrus ciliaris 4*~Inner bristles of involucre fused at the base for 1–3 mm to form a shallow, often oblique cup, burr usually deeply cleft on one side~Cenchrus pennisetiformis 5~Burr consisting of an inner whorl of fused, flattened bristles or spines subtended by at least one whorl of shorter, finer bristles often united only at the base~6 5*~Burr consisting of several whorls of flattened spines fused into a cleft, cup-like structure with spines protruding at regular intervals; ring(s) of smaller bristles absent~7 6~Bristles retrorsely barbed; burr 4–10 mm long, 3.5–6 mm wide; bristles often tinged with purple at the tips~Cenchrus echinatus 6*~Bristles antrorsely barbed; burr 3–7 mm long, 1.5–4 mm wide, not purple tinged~Cenchrus setiger 7~Spikelets 6–7 mm long protruding from the burr which is made up of 40–70 spines; burrs with one deep cleft and sometimes purple-tinged~Cenchrus longispinus 7*~Spikelets 4.5–5.5 mm long their tips scarcely protruding beyond the burr which is made up of <40 spines; burrs with two deep clefts; rarely purple-tinged~Cenchrus incertus #{gn}Centaurea 1~Spines on involucral bracts~2 1*~Spines absent from involucral bracts, appendages of involucral bracts fringed~5 2~Spines on bracts stout, 5–15 mm long~3 2*~Spines on bracts not stout, usually less than 5 mm long~4 3~Leaves and stems dark green with coarse, stiff, septate hairs; flowers purple~Centaurea calcitrapa 3*~Leaves and stems greyish with long, soft, fine, cobwebby, simple hairs; flowers yellow~Centaurea solstitialis 4~Upper cauline leaves lobed; small lateral spines either side of apical spine on bracts; flowers purple~Centaurea species A 4*~Upper cauline leaves entire to toothed; small basal spines either side of apical spine on bracts; flowers yellow~Centaurea melitensis 5~Appendage margins dissected into short broad teeth, usually brown and darker than the lamina, not obscuring the bract above~Centaurea cyanus 5*~Appendage with fine ciliate long margins, as dark or lighter than the lamina, usually covering the base of the bract above~Centaurea species B #{gn}Centella 1~Leaves more or less circular in outline, margins strongly crenate; fruit strongly reticulate~Centella asiatica 1*~Leaves longer than broad, margins weakly crenate; fruit less strongly reticulate~Centella cordifolia #{sp}Centipeda minima 1~Plant glabrous to sparsely hairy~var. minima 1*~Stems and leaves woolly~var. lanuginosa #{fm}CENTROLEPIDACEAE 1~Inflorescence a spike with 6–11 distichous bracts~Aphelia 1*~Inflorescence a head enclosed by a pair of bracts~Centrolepis #{gn}Centrolepis 1~Multicellular hairs present on leaves, at least near the base~2 1*~Multicellular hairs absent (plants completely glabrous or rarely with scattered microscopic papillae)~3 2~Perennial; primary bracts with sheath tapering to leaf-like apex c. 2 mm long; each pseudanthium with 2–4 female flowers~Centrolepis fascicularis 2*~Annual; primary bracts with sheath abruptly contracted into a mucro c. 0.5 mm long; each pseudanthium with 4–7 female flowers~Centrolepis strigosa 3~Leaves distichous; both bracts of the head with long leaf-like laminas~Centrolepis aristata 3*~Leaves not distichous; only outer bract with a leaf-like lamina~4 4~Pseudanthia 1–3 per head~Centrolepis polygyna 4*~Pseudanthia usually 4–10 per head (rarely 3)~5 5~Leaf lamina straight, lax; bract lamina no longer than the head; plant softly herbaceous~Centrolepis glabra 5*~Leaf lamina recurved, rigid; bract lamina longer than the head; leaves wiry; bract bases hardened~Centrolepis eremica #{gn}Cerastium +~Also apparently naturalised in NSW~Cerastium pumilum +~Also apparently naturalised in NSW~Cerastium fontanum 1~Sepals with hairs that continue to and project past the apex~Cerastium glomeratum 1*~Sepals with hairs confined to the herbaceous parts, not continuing to and projecting past the apex~2 2~Capsule 3.5–6.5 mm long, usually slightly longer than the calyx; stamens 5~Cerastium balearicum 2*~Capsule 8–11 mm long, about twice as long as the calyx; stamens 10~Cerastium vulgare #{gn}Ceratopetalum 1~Leaves 3-foliolate~Ceratopetalum gummiferum 1*~Leaves 1-foliolate, apparently simple but lamina articulate on petiole~Ceratopetalum apetalum #{gn}Cestichis 1~Pseudobulbs broad-ovoid to globose, 8–12 mm long, 12–16 mm wide; labellum decurved through less than 90°~Cestichis coelogynoides 1*~Pseudobulbs ovoid to compressed-ovoid, 20–40 mm long, 15–30 mm wide; labellum deflexed through c. 180°~2 2~Sepals spreading, almost in the same plane, obtuse; leaves usually 1 (sometimes 2) per shoot~Cestichis swenssonii 2*~Sepals reflexed, acute; leaves usually 2 or 3 (sometimes 1 or 4) per shoot~Cestichis reflexa #{gn}Cestrum 1~Flowers reddish; plants softly hairy; mature berry red~Cestrum elegans 1*~Flowers orange to greenish yellow; new growth sparsely hairy or glabrescent; mature berry white or black~2 2~Corolla orange yellow; leaves elliptic to broad-elliptic to ovate; mature berry white~Cestrum aurantiacum 2*~Corolla greenish yellow; leaves narrow-elliptic to lanceolate; mature berry black or white~3 3~Corolla tube 2–3 mm wide at apex; filaments with an erect process; mature berry white~Cestrum nocturnum 3*~Corolla tube 3–5 mm wide at apex; filaments without an erect process; mature berry black~Cestrum parqui #{gn}Chamaecrista 1~Leaves with 1 pair of leaflets; leaflets 5–30 mm wide; petiolar gland absent.~Chamaecrista rotundifolia 1*~Leaves with 3 or more pairs of leaflets; leaflets <2 mm wide; petiolar glands present.~2 2~Petiolar glands sessile; stamens 8 or more.~3 2*~Petiolar gland with a short thick stipe; stamens 5 or fewer.~Chamaecrista biddulphiana 3~Leaves with rachis 4–10 cm long, ciliate on upper surface; leaflets 3–10 mm long; stipules 4–10 mm long; plants erect.~Chamaecrista nomame 3*~Leaves with rachis 2–4 cm long, ± glabrous on upper surface; leaflets 3–6 cm long; stipules 2–3 mm long; plant prostrate or tufted.~Chamaecrista maritima #{gn}Chamaesyce 1~Leaves 2–15 mm long; cyathia solitary in axils of leaves~2 1*~Leaves 10–40 mm long; cyathia in axillary or terminal cymes~9 2~All or part of plant hairy; stems prostrate, often forming dense mats~3 2*~Plants glabrous; stems prostrate to ascending or rarely erect~5 3~Entire plant covered with soft white hairs; native herb of inland plains~Chamaesyce australis 3*~Plants sparsely hairy, mainly on the stems and capsules; naturalized herbs of the coast and Western Slopes~4 4~Stems with longitudinal bands of short white, often curled, hairs; capsule glabrous except for ciliate angles~Chamaesyce prostrata 4*~Stems with more or less scattered, longer, mostly spreading hairs; capsule sparsely hairy~Chamaesyce maculata 5~Annual 15–30 cm high with ascending to erect slender stems; leaves in more or less distant pairs along stems, leaves mostly 8–15 mm long~Chamaesyce wheeleri 5*~Perennials with prostrate, ascending to almost erect or decumbent stems mostly to 20 cm long, often forming a woody rhizome; leaves more or less crowded along stems; leaves 2–10 mm long~6 6~Leaves oblanceolate to oblong, margins often strongly recurved when dry; stipules mostly 1–1.5 mm long, more or less conspicuous, entire or divided, thread-like~Chamaesyce sp. B sensu James & Harden (1990) 6*~Leaves ovate-oblong, margins not recurved when dry; stipules usually less than 1 mm long, inconspicuous, not thread-like (occasionally so in Chamaesyce species A)~7 7~Appendages of glands conspicuous, crenate-sinuate; involucre c. 1.5 mm long; leaves glaucous~Chamaesyce sp. A sensu James & Harden (1990) 7*~Appendages of glands usually inconspicuous, mostly entire; involucre 0.5–0.7 mm long; leaves not glaucous~8 8~Capsule with a fringed receptacle appendage appressed to base; seed faces more or less smooth~Chamaesyce dallachyana 8*~Capsule without a fringed receptacle appendage; seed faces wrinkled~Chamaesyce drummondii 9~Plants persistently and densely hairy; cyathia in dense, stalked, head-like axillary cymes~Chamaesyce hirta 9*~Plants glabrous or sparsely pubescent often glabrescent with age; cyathia not in dense heads~10 10~Upper and lower leaves more or less consistent in size and shape; length:width ratio of leaves 2:1; lamina thick; prostrate plant forming mats on coastal sands~Chamaesyce psammogeton 10*~Upper leaves usually longer and narrower than lower leaves; length:width ratio of upper leaves more than 2:1; lamina thin; decumbent to ascending or semi-erect plants~11 11~Hairs on stems scattered on all sides; length:width ratio of upper leaves 3:1 to 5:1; appendages of glands conspicuous, 1–2 mm wide, petaloid, white~Chamaesyce macgillivrayi 11*~Hairs on stems usually confined to 1 or 2 sides; length:width ratio of upper leaves 3:1 or less; appendages of glands 0.5 mm wide, entire, white or pink~Chamaesyce hyssopifolia #{gn}Cheilanthes 1~Fronds with lamina 3–10 cm wide at the widest point, glabrous above, sparsely covered with translucent scales below~Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia 1*~Fronds with lamina usually <3 cm wide, glabrous or hairy~2 2~Fronds glabrous or almost so, stipe glabrous or with a very fine cover of hairs~Cheilanthes sieberi 2*~Fronds with an indumentum of fine, white hairs above and scales below~3 3~Fronds with hairs on the upper surface of the lamina sparse and simple; stipe and lower surface of the lamina covered with scales only~Cheilanthes distans 3*~Fronds with hairs on the upper surface of the lamina moderately dense to dense, stellate; stipe and lower surface of the lamina covered with scales and stellate hairs~Cheilanthes lasiophylla #{sp}Cheilanthes sieberi 1~Upper pinnule surface glabrous; lower pinnule surface glabrous or almost so.~subsp. sieberi 1*~Upper and lower pinnule surfaces with an indumentum of twisted hairs.~subsp. pseudovellea #{gn}Cheiranthera 1~Inflorescence paniculate to third degree branching; petals 8–10 mm long~Cheiranthera telfordii 1*~Inflorescence corymbose;petals >16 mm long~2 2~Leaves with persistent apical lobing, stems smooth with persistent trichomes, leaf margins without rigid erect trichomes~Cheiranthera linearis 2*~Leaves without apical lobing, stems glabrous, ridged and tuberculate, leaf margins with rigid erect tricohmes~Cheiranthera borealis #{fm}CHENOPODIACEAE 1~Plants with obvious leaves, mostly alternate; branches not articulated~2 1*~Plants with opposite very reduced leaves or apparently leafless; younger branch internodes swollen and succulent, photosynthetic, apparently articulated (samphires)~22 2~Ovary half-inferior; fruiting perianths united in clusters; introduced species in coastal areas~Beta 2*~Ovary superior; fruiting perianths free or variously fused; native and introduced species of various habitats~3 3~Fruiting perianth fused and succulent, frequently red, yellow or puce~Enchylaena 3*~Fruiting perianth various but never succulent and berry-like~4 4~Flowers free from one another and fruiting perianth not or little changed from perianth at early flowering stages~5 4*~Either flowers variously fused and/or fruiting perianth hardened or with various wings, spines or other modifications developing from early flowering stages (very occasionally these failing to develop in some individuals), or perianth absent and fruit subtended by modified bracteoles~13 5~Herbs~6 5*~Shrubs~10 6~Herb with basal rosette of leaves; perianth segments 4, cartilaginous in fruit~Scleroblitum 6*~Herbs without basal rosette; perianth segments 1–5, remaining unaltered in fruit~7 7~Glandular-pubescent herbs; perianth segments 1–4; stamens 1 or 2~Dysphania 7*~Either plants not glandular-pubescent or perianth segments 5; stamens 1–5~8 8~Leaves semiterete; hairs, if present, simple; embryo spirally coiled~Suaeda 8*~Leaves flattened; hairs glandular or vesicular (mealy); embryo in one plane~9 9~Perianth segments 5; stamens 1–3 only in terminal (on branches) bisexual flowers, lateral flowers female; fruit occasionally with inflated succulent pericarp~Einadia 9*~Perianth segments 3–5; stamens 1–5; flowers mostly bisexual but some species with terminal (on branches) bisexual flowers and lateral female flowers; fruit only rarely (Chenopodium curvispicatum) with inflated succulent pericarp~Chenopodium 10~Leaves semiterete; hairs, if present, simple; embryo spirally coiled~Suaeda 10*~Leaves flattened; hairs vesicular (mealy); embryo in one plane~11 11~Plants shrubby, mainly dioecious; stamens 5; fruit with inflated succulent pericarp~Rhagodia 11*~Plants herbaceous or shrubby, mainly monoecious though flowers frequently bisexual; stamens 1–5; pericarp inflated and succulent or not~12 12~Perianth segments 5; stamens 1–3 only in terminal (on branches) bisexual flowers, lateral flowers female; fruit occasionally with inflated succulent pericarp~Einadia 12*~Perianth segments 3–5; stamens 1–5; flowers mostly bisexual but some species with terminal (on branches) bisexual flowers and lateral female flowers; fruit rarely (Chenopodium curvispicatum) with inflated succulent pericarp~Chenopodium 13~Flowers mostly unisexual, the female flowers lacking a perianth but subtended by a pair of bracteoles that are variously free, fused or ornamented~Atriplex 13*~Flowers bisexual or unisexual, all flowers with a perianth but this often much modified in fruit~14 14~Flowers fused in clusters of 2 or more~Dissocarpus 14*~Flowers free~15 15~Fruiting perianth without appendages; cartilaginous to hardened~16 15*~Fruiting perianth with various appendages~17 16~Herbs with a basal rosette of leaves; fruiting perianth cartilaginous; perianth segments 4~Scleroblitum 16*~Small woody perennials without a basal rosette of leaves; fruiting perianth hardened; perianth usually 5-lobed or rarely 3- or 4-lobed~Threlkeldia 17~Fruiting perianth spinescent or with other cylindrical outgrowths joined by wings or free~18 17*~Fruiting perianth with various wings, not spinescent~20 18~Fruiting perianth with 3–5 more or less cylindrical, soft appendages~Malacocera 18*~Fruiting perianth spinescent~19 19~Fruiting perianth cylindrical with 5 spines arising from base of perianth lobes, the spines united into an apical cup-shaped structure~Neobassia 19*~Fruiting perianth variously shaped with 1–6 (sometimes 8–15) spines or tubercles arising between the perianth lobes~Sclerolaena 20~Wings on fruiting perianth vertical~Osteocarpum 20*~At least some wings on fruiting perianth horizontal~21 21~Flowers subtended by a pair of prominent spinescent bracteoles; embryo spirally coiled~Salsola 21*~Floral bracts absent or minute, never spinescent; embryo in one plane~Maireana 22~Axillary inflorescences 5–9-flowered; plants spreading; stamens 2; perisperm absent~Sarcocornia 22*~Axillary inflorescences 3-flowered; plants more or less low hemispherical shrubs; stamen 1; perisperm present~Tecticornia #{sp}Chenopodium desertorum 1~Hairs on perianth glistening, irregularly shaped, vesicular~subsp. desertorum 1*~Hairs on perianth dull, vesicular, grey to white~2 2~Plant prostrate to decumbent; leaves to 10 mm long; flowers c. 1 mm diam.; inflorescences usually shorter than terminal leaves~3 2*~Plant erect; leaves 5–20 mm long; flowers 1–2 mm diam.; inflorescence usually exceeding terminal leaves~4 3~Plant not foetid; leaves elliptic to circular, often only slightly mealy above~subsp. microphyllum 3*~Plant usually foetid; leaves narrow-elliptic, mealy on both surfaces~subsp. virosum 4~Branches rigid; leaves to 10 mm long, circular to obovate, sparsely mealy; flowers c. 1 mm diam., sparsely to moderately covered with sessile vesicular hairs~subsp. rectum 4*~Branches straight or flexuous; leaves 10–20 mm long, ovate to triangular, mealy below; flowers c. 1.5 mm diam., covered with simple or branched white hairs~subsp. anidiophyllum #{gn}Chiloglottis 1~Flowers broad; petals divergent, usually curved upwards in apical third~2 1*~Flowers narrow; petals reflexed strongly against the ovary~7 2~Labellum more or less triangular~Chiloglottis cornuta 2*~Labellum broad-ovate to cordate rarely elliptic~3 3~Labellum elliptic~Chiloglottis x pescottiana 3*~Labellum broad-ovate to cordate~4 4~Petals linear to lanceolate, widely divergent~5 4*~Petals broad-lanceolate, held more or less erect close to the labellum~6 5~Flower green to yellowish green, basal calli not forming a prominent flange with labellum margin~Chiloglottis chlorantha 5*~Flower reddish to purplish brown, basal calli forming a prominent flange with labellum margin~Chiloglottis pluricallata 6~Flower c. 35 mm across, labellum with 1–6 calli~Chiloglottis valida 6*~Flower c. 25 mm across, labellum with 20–24 calli~Chiloglottis turfosa 7~Osmophores of lateral sepals less than 1 mm long, if c. 2 mm then swollen and club-like; flowers spring and summer~8 7*~Osmophores of lateral sepals more than 2 mm long, not swollen and club-like; flowers summer, autumn and winter~11 8~Callus confined to basal part of labellum~9 8*~Callus extending to labellum apex~10 9~Labellum spade-shaped, sepalline osmophores swollen and blackish~Chiloglottis palachila 9*~Labellum diamond-shaped, sepalline osmophores not swollen, reddish~Chiloglottis trapeziformis 10~Labellum lamina more or less horizontal, column broadly winged~Chiloglottis platyptera 10*~Labellum lamina obliquely erect to erect, column narrowly winged~Chiloglottis formicifera 11~Flower, including callus, wholly green, main gland shaped like a duck's head~Chiloglottis anaticeps 11*~Flower greenish brown to pinkish brown, callus darker, main gland not shaped like a duck's head~12 12~Osmophores of lateral sepals yellowish~13 12*~Osmophores of lateral sepals reddish~14 13~Lateral sepals more or less parallel, osmophores 7–10 mm long~Chiloglottis diphylla 13*~Lateral sepals divergent, osmophores 2–3 mm long~Chiloglottis sylvestris 14~Labellum margins recurved~Chiloglottis diphylla 14*~Labellum margins flat~15 15~Callus occupying most of the upper surface of the labellum, labellum apex mucronate to caudate~16 15*~Callus occupying proximal half to two-thirds of labellum, labellum apex rounded~17 16~Lateral sepals deflexed, osmophores 3–7 mm long, labellum apex caudate~Chiloglottis trilabra 16*~Lateral sepals recurved below the labellum, osmophores 1.5–3.5 mm long, labellum apex mucronate~Chiloglottis reflexa 17~Osmophores of lateral sepals 2–3 mm long~Chiloglottis sylvestris 17*~Osmophores of lateral sepals 3–7 mm long~18 18~Labellum diamond-shaped, 5–6.5 mm wide, clavate glands absent or few on callus~Chiloglottis seminuda 18*~Labellum broad-spathulate, 7–8.5 mm wide, clavate glands abundant on callus~Chiloglottis sphyrnoides #{gn}Chionochloa 1~Sheath of basal leaves 1 cm wide and flattened, persisting around the base of the tussock; palea glabrous on the back between the keels; central awn only slightly twisted; anthers yellow-orange; an alpine or subalpine grass~Chionochloa frigida 1*~Sheath of basal leaves neither flattened nor broad; palea pilose or pubescent in the lower part of the back; central awn twisted at the base for several mm; anthers orange-red; a grass of upland soils of low fertility~Chionochloa pallida #{gn}Chionogentias 1~Pedicels subfiliform, mostly < 0.8 mm diameter when fresh, 0.3–0.5 mm when dry;calyx lobes rarely > 7 mm, the apices narrow-acute, acuminate or subulate, often spreading or ± recurved, at least in bud, if ± erect then plants mainly flowering in early summer~2 1*~Pedicels usually not subfiliform, mostly 0.8–1 mm diameter when fresh, 0.5 mm or more dried; calyx lobes otherwise, the apices not or hardly spreading, if narrow acute then lobes up to 12 mm long and plants mainly flowering mid to late summer or early autumn~3 2~Terminal inflorescence not subcorymbose, usually 5–7-flowered; seeds pale to greyish-orange~Chionogentias polysperes 2*~Terminal inflorescence mostly 12–25 flowered; seeds light to dark olive-brown~Chionogentias sylvicola 3~Stems usually 15–25 cm high; anthers 2.3–3 mm long; plants sometimes flowering more than once (remnants of previous years inflorescence sometimes apparent)~Chionogentias muelleriana 3*~Stems 25–55 cm high; anthers 1.7–2 mm long; plants flowering only once~4 4~Basal leaves linear-oblanceolate to oblanceolate, 6–15 mm wide~Chionogentias cunninghamii 4*~Basal leaves narrow-oblanceolate, 3–7 mm wide~Chionogentias barringtonensis #{fm}CHLOANTHACEAE 1~Flowers actinomorphic or nearly so; inflorescences terminal~Dicrastylis 1*~Flowers zygomorphic; inflorescences of 1–3-flowered axillary cymes~2 2~Leaves decurrent~Chloanthes 2*~Leaves not decurrent~Spartothamnella #{gn}Chloanthes 1~Stamens and style included in corolla tube; lower corolla lip villous inside with a few sparse and short hairs running down into the tube~Chloanthes parviflora 1*~Stamens and style exserted from corolla tube; lower corolla lip glabrous inside~2 2~Leaves with margins scarcely recurved, usually 5–7 cm long and 5–11 mm wide, lower surface shortly hispid~Chloanthes glandulosa 2*~Leaves with revolute margins, usually less than 5 cm long and less than 5 mm wide, lower surface woolly~Chloanthes stoechadis #{gn}Chloris 1~Callus 2.5 mm long, sharp-pointed; sterile florets usually 4–7; lemmas 5–7-nerved, margins broad, with a wing-like upper part~Oxychloris scariosa 1*~Callus minute, obtuse, sterile florets usually 1–3; lemmas not winged, usually 3-nerved~2 2~Spikelets blunt at the apex; upper lemma(s) (of sterile florets) obtuse or truncate, notched or obscurely lobed~3 2*~Spikelets acute and narrowed at the apex; upper lemma acute, acuminate, subulate or deeply divided into 2 lobes or teeth with an awn in the sinus~6 3~Lemma of the fertile (lowest) floret hairy on the lower and upper margins (upper margins of fertile lemma often bearded)~4 3*~Lemma of the fertile floret glabrous on the lower part of the margins (but sometimes hairy above)~5 4~Florets 3 or 4, at least 1 bisexual, the other(s) imperfect (reduced to a lemma); strongly stoloniferous perennial; spikes frequently in 2 whorls~Chloris gayana 4*~Florets 2, 1 bisexual, the other imperfect and reduced to a lemma; lower lemma apex bearded with hairs 2–3 mm long; plants annual, not stoloniferous; spikes rarely in 2 whorls~Chloris virgata 5~Lemma of the fertile floret glabrous or puberulous on the margins; upper awn usually shorter than the spikelet; spikes 3–5, each 4–10 cm long; stems usually branched~Chloris ventricosa 5*~Lemma of the fertile floret pubescent on the upper margins; upper awn longer than the spikelet; spike-like racemes 6–9, each 4–20 cm long; plants often stoloniferous, stems usually unbranched~Chloris truncata 6~Spike-like racemes 3.5–9 cm long; fertile lemma (including callus and lobes) 3–5.5 mm long, usually smooth; spikelets diverging from the axis like fingers of a comb~Chloris pectinata 6*~Spike-like racemes 7–20 cm long and widely spreading at maturity; fertile lemma (including callus and lobes) 2–3 mm long, scabrous; spikelets tending to be appressed to the axis~Chloris divaricata #{gn}Choricarpia 1~Peduncles 15–30 mm long; stamens 4–8 mm long, more or less glabrous~Choricarpia leptopetala 1*~Peduncles 4–10 mm long; stamens 2–4 mm long, tomentose~Choricarpia subargentea #{gn}Chorizandra 1~Inflorescence narrow-ovoid to ovoid (rarely globose), with core not or scarcely raised, oblong to ovate; main involucral bract more or less sheathing sides of inflorescence, red-dotted; glumes glabrous; nut 2.7–4 mm long, red-brown; culms usually minutely verruculose as well as longitudinally striate~Chorizandra cymbaria 1*~Inflorescence more or less globose, with core raised, conical; main involucral bract not sheathing inflorescence, not red-dotted; glumes more or less densely red-hairy near apex; nut 1.7–2 mm long, grey-brown; culms longitudinally striate but not verruculose~Chorizandra sphaerocephala #{gn}Christella 1~Basal pinnae not, or only slightly, reduced~Christella parasitica 1*~Basal 2–4 pairs of pinnae gradually reduced in size~2 2~Lobes of pinnae divided half to two-thirds of the way to the midrib; fronds mostly 40–80 cm high, dark green, the basal pinnae 3–5 cm long~Christella dentata 2*~Lobes of pinnae divided three-quarters of the way to the midrib; fronds usually 30–70 cm high, pale green, the basal pinnae 1.5–3 cm long~Christella hispidula #{sp}Chrysanthemoides monilifera 1~Leaves obovate to elliptic, 2–6 cm long, 1–3 cm wide, base gradually attenuate, margins toothed with often apiculate lobes; fruit globose to subglobose. Inner involucral bracts broad-ovate to lanceolate, usually with wooly and ± lacerate margins. Ray florets 4–8; ligules 7–14 mm long~subsp. monilifera 1*~Leaves broader than above, obovate to broad-obovate or broad-elliptic, 3–7 cm long, 1.5–5 cm wide, base abruptly attenuate, margins mostly ± entire or toothed; fruit obovoid to ellipsoid. Inner involucral bracts narrow-ovate to lanceolate, usually with ± glabrous and ± entire margins. Ray florets 5–13; ligules 8–10 mm long~subsp. rotundata #{gn}Chrysopogon 1~Racemes usually 2-jointed (sometimes 1- or 3-jointed); pedicellate spikelets usually awnless; leaf sheaths strongly keeled, persistent~Chrysopogon sylvaticus 1*~Racemes usually 1-jointed (rarely 2-jointed); pedicellate spikelets usually short-awned; leaf sheaths disintegrating into fibres, not keeled~Chrysopogon fallax #{gn}Cicendia 1~Stem leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate; calyx tubular, lobes distinct, more than 1 mm long~Cicendia filiformis 1*~Stem leaves ovate or rarely lanceolate; calyx obpyramidal, lobes minute, c. 0.5 mm long~Cicendia quadrangularis #{gn}Cichorium 1~Basal leaves usually deeply pinnatisect; margins deeply dissected, curled and toothed; pappus scales c. 1 mm long~Cichorium endivia 1*~Basal leaves toothed to pinnatisect, margins toothed, not dissected and curled; pappus scales minute~Cichorium intybus #{gn}Cinnamomum 1~Leaves opposite or subopposite; domatia absent; petiole usually less than 10 mm long; inflorescences and buds downy~2 1*~Leaves alternate or more or less pseudowhorled; domatia present; petiole more than 15 mm long; inflorescences and buds more or less glabrous~Cinnamomum camphora 2~Strong pleasant `sassafras' odour in all parts, especially leaves; leaves undulate, not 3-veined from near base~Cinnamomum oliveri 2*~Plants with weak odour; leaves not undulate, often 3-veined from near base~Cinnamomum virens #{gn}Cirsium 1~Heads cylindric to narrow-ovoid at flowering, numerous in a corymbose panicle with unisexual florets; upper surface of leaves sparsely cobwebby~Cirsium arvense 1*~Heads ovoid, waisted at flowering, solitary or in clusters at the end of main branches with bisexual florets; upper surface of leaves hispid~Cirsium vulgare #{gn}Cissus 1~Leaves simple~Cissus antarctica 1*~Leaves compound, usually 3–5-foliolate~2 2~Leaves with prominent domatia~Cissus sterculiifolia 2*~Leaves without domatia~3 3~Leaflets usually 5–10 cm long, rounded at base and borne on distinct petiolules; young shoots rusty-hairy~Cissus hypoglauca 3*~Leaflets mostly 1–6 cm long, tapering into short petiolules or sessile; young shoots more or less glabrous~Cissus opaca #{gn}Citrullus 1~Leaves glabrescent on upper surface, scabrous below; stems with soft, spreading hairs; tendrils mostly 2-branched~Citrullus lanatus 1*~Leaves scabrous on both surfaces; stems retrorsely scabrous; tendrils mostly simple, sometimes 2-branched~Citrullus colocynthis #{gn}Citrus 1~Stamens with filaments cohering in bundles; leaves >6 cm long and >3 cm wide; fruit >4 cm diam.~Citrus x taitensis 1*~Stamens with free filaments; leaves <6 cm long and <3 cm wide; fruit <3 cm diam.~2 2~Leaves oblanceolate to spathulate, adpressed grey-hairy, margins entire; ovary with 3–5 loculi, 2 ovules per loculus; fruit globose to ovoid, <3 cm long; western species of arid areas.~Citrus glauca 2*~Leaves obovate to elliptic or ± rhombic, glabrous, margins often coarsely crenate; ovaries with 4–8 loculi, 4–8 or more ovules in each loculus; fruit cylindrical, >4 cm long; coastal species in rainforest.~Citrus australasica #{gn}Cleistochloa 1~Cleistogamous spikelets terminating leafy branchlets~Cleistochloa rigida 1*~Cleistogamous spikelets in the axis at the base of some leaf sheaths~Cleistochloa subjuncea #{sp}Clematis microphylla 1~Longest ultimate leaflets or lobes usually >20 mm long and usually >3 mm wide; mature achene margins usually pilose, the hairs sometimes inconspicuous. Ultimate leaflets sublinear, oblong, narrow-ovate or occasionally obovate, 6–50 mm long, 1–13 mm wide~var. microphylla 1*~Longest ultimate leaflets or lobes usually <15 mm long and <3 mm wide; mature achene margins glabrous. Ultimate leaflets oblong-oblanceolate to oblong, 2–15 mm long, 1–3 mm wide~var. leptophylla #{gn}Cleome 1~Leaves palmately compound with 3–7 leaflets~2 1*~Leaves simple~Cleome monophylla 2~Stipules absent; capsule glandular-pubescent~Cleome viscosa 2*~Stipules spinescent; capsule glabrous~Cleome hassleriana #{gn}Clerodendrum 1~Calyx more or less truncate and minutely 5-toothed, minutely toothed, enlarging but scarcely spreading in fruit~Clerodendrum inerme 1*~Calyx distinctly 5-lobed, enlarging and spreading in fruit~2 2~Leaves usually velvety; calyx more or less conspicuously hairy~Clerodendrum tomentosum 2*~Leaves glabrous or hairy when young; calyx glabrous or with minute hairs~Clerodendrum floribundum #{gn}Codonocarpus 1~Leaves more or less linear, 1–3 mm wide; seeds smooth~Codonocarpus pyramidalis 1*~Leaves lanceolate to obovate, 3–30 mm wide; seeds wrinkled~2 2~Apex of leaves obtuse or shortly pointed; petiole 5–10 mm long; fruiting pedicels 12–22 mm long~Codonocarpus cotinifolius 2*~Leaves tapering into a long apical point; petiole 10–25 mm long; fruiting pedicels 20–50 mm long~Codonocarpus attenuatus #{fm}COLCHICACEAE 1~Leaves ending in a tendril; tepals 5–8 cm long~Gloriosa 1*~Leaves not ending in a tendril; tepals less than 5 cm long~2 2~Inflorescence an umbel; capsule septicidal~Burchardia 2*~Inflorescence either not an umbel or flowers solitary; capsule loculicidal~3 3~Tepals with 1 or 2 nectaries on inner surface; capsule 2.5–10 mm long~Wurmbea 3*~Tepals without nectaries; capsule more than 10 mm long~Iphigenia #{gn}Colobanthus 1~Leaves less than 6 mm long, narrow-triangular to lanceolate, rigid, spreading or suberect~2 1*~Leaves more than 10 mm long, linear, soft, grass-like, often recurved, somewhat flaccid~3 2~Leaves spreading, channelled above, convex below; with thickened margins, a prominently keeled midrib and a pungent apex; pedicels 1–2 mm long, thickened, shorter than calyx~Colobanthus pulvinatus 2*~Leaves suberect with flat margins, a flattened midrib and an acicular but not pungent-pointed apex; pedicels slender, 3–10 mm long, at least as long as calyx~Colobanthus nivicola 3~Capsules c. 4 mm long, longer than the calyx; pedicel 25–60 mm long; sepals broad-triangular, obtuse to subacute, c. 3 mm long~Colobanthus affinis 3*~Capsules c. 3 mm long, as long as the calyx; pedicel usually 8–12 mm long; sepals acuminate, 2.5–4 mm long~Colobanthus apetalus #{gn}Comesperma 1~Leafy erect plants; stamens diadelphous above middle~2 1*~Sparsely-leaved plants, often climbing or lax; stamens free above the middle~4 2~Leaves with margins recurved to revolute, rarely flat but then lower surface pale-coloured with midvein conspicuous~Comesperma ericinum 2*~Leaves flat or slightly keeled~3 3~Leaves with apex acute or obtuse, mucronate; outer sepals a quarter as long as the wing sepals~Comesperma sylvestre 3*~Leaves usually obtuse, not mucronate; outer sepals about half as long as the wing sepals~Comesperma retusum 4~Stems twining~5 4*~Stems stiff or lax but not twining~6 5~Inflorescences axillary, pedicel and calyx usually glabrous~Comesperma volubile 5*~Inflorescences terminal on short branches, pedicel with short appressed hairs, calyx ciliate~Comesperma integerrimum 6~Outer sepals c. 1 mm long, wing sepals mostly 2–3 mm long; fruit long-attenuate at base~Comesperma defoliatum 6*~Outer sepals c. 3 mm long, wing sepals mostly c. 6 mm long; fruit not long-attenuate at base~Comesperma sphaerocarpum #{gn}Commelina 1~Flowers blue~2 1*~Flowers yellow~Commelina africana 2~Spathes conduplicate; base cordate, not fused~Commelina cyanea 2*~Spathes funnel-shaped; base fused~3 3~Leaves lanceolate to linear, acuminate~Commelina ensifolia 3*~Leaves ovate to elliptic, obtuse or acute~Commelina benghalensis #{gn}Conospermum 1~Leaves less than 3 cm long~2 1*~Leaves more than 5 cm long~4 2~Leaves almost terete, less than 1 mm wide~Conospermum ericifolium 2*~Leaves flat, sometimes twisted, more than 1 mm wide~3 3~Leaves 1–3 mm wide, usually twisted~Conospermum taxifolium 3*~Leaves 3–8 mm wide, not twisted~Conospermum ellipticum 4~Leaves flat; erect or spreading shrubs; apices of tepals divergent at anthesis; perianth cream to white~5 4*~Mature leaves more or less terete, channelled above; procumbent shrub; apices of tepals convergent at anthesis; perianth bluish or lilac~Conospermum tenuifolium 5~Inflorescences many in the upper leaf axils, equal to or shorter than the leaves, peduncles to 10 cm long; perianth limb and perianth tube almost equal in length; leaves 4–10 mm wide~Conospermum burgessiorum 5*~Inflorescences usually 1–4, subterminal, peduncles 10–40 cm long, mostly much longer than the leaves; perianth limb noticeably shorter than the perianth tube; leaves 1–30 mm wide~Conospermum longifolium #{sp}Conospermum longifolium 1~Leaves narrow-lanceolate, >8 mm wide; peduncles 20–40 cm long, 1 or 2 in subterminal positions~subsp. longifolium 1*~Leaves narrow-lanceolate to linear, <8 mm wide; peduncles 8–30 cm long, usually 2–4 in upper axils~2 2~Broadest leaves 4–8 mm wide; peduncles usually 15–30 cm long~subsp. mediale 2*~Broadest leaves 1–4 mm wide; peduncles usually 8–20 cm long~subsp. angustifolium #{gn}Convolvulus 1~Leaves with basal, rounded, hastate or sagittate lobes, terminal lobe entire~2 1*~Leaves toothed or much lobed~Convolvulus erubescens 2~Plants with appressed hairs; sepals silky, apiculate~Convolvulus remotus 2*~Plants glabrous or with ascending hairs; sepals glabrous or sparsely hairy, rounded to retuse~Convolvulus arvensis #{gn}Coopernookia 1~Lower surface of leaves glabrous or glandular-hairy and with very few to no stellate hairs~Coopernookia barbata 1*~Lower surface of leaves tomentose with stellate or substellate hairs~Coopernookia chisholmii #{gn}Coprosma 1~Leaves 1–8 cm long, more than 10 mm wide; flowers in clusters~2 1*~Leaves less than 2 cm long, less than 6 mm wide; flowers solitary~3 2~Leaves leathery, apex acuminate, base attenuate, domatia absent or obscure on lower surface~Coprosma hirtella 2*~Leaves more or less fleshy, apex obtuse, truncate or emarginate, base abruptly tapered, domatia prominent on lower surface~Coprosma repens 3~Erect shrubs; branches more or less spinescent; leaves to 2 cm long; drupe with persistent calyx lobes~4 3*~Prostrate shrubs or subshrubs; branches not spinescent; leaves mostly less than 10 mm long; drupe without persistent calyx lobes~5 4~Leaves broad-ovate to lanceolate, thin-textured, venation reticulate; stipules triangular~Coprosma quadrifida 4*~Leaves linear to narrow-ovate, thick-textured, 1-veined; stipules tubular~Coprosma nitida 5~Stipules triangular and attenuate at apex; flowers often incompletely unisexual (both male and female with vestigial or functional organs of the opposite sex); shrub with stems to 1 m long~Coprosma niphophila 5*~Stipules shortly rounded to bluntly triangular; flowers strictly unisexual; subshrubs with stems to 60 cm long~6 6~Leaves linear to narrow-oblanceolate, 6–13 mm long, mostly 1–2 mm wide, midvein distinct, more or less sessile; fruit bluish~Coprosma nivalis 6*~Leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate or ovate to obovate, 4.5–7 mm long, mostly 2–3.5 mm wide, midvein more or less obscure, shortly petiolate; fruit red to orange~Coprosma perpusilla #{gn}Corchorus 1~Capsule less than 30 mm long, on stalk 10–20 mm long; lowest pair of teeth on leaf laminas not extended into bristles~Corchorus cunninghamii 1*~Capsule more than 50 mm long, stalk less than 5 mm long; lowest pair of teeth on leaf laminas ending in spreading or recurved bristles more than 5 mm long~Corchorus olitorius #{sp}Correa glabra 1~Leaves glabrous or glabrescent; calyx hemispherical, glabrous or glabrescent.~var. glabra 1*~Leaves with lower surface tomentose; calyx cup-shaped to shortly cylindrical, tomentose. ~var. leucoclada #{gn}Correa 1~Corolla white or very pale pink, less than 13 mm long, lobes splitting to base and more or less spreading~Correa alba 1*~Corolla green to red, more than 15 mm long, tube rarely splitting to base~2 2~Filaments somewhat dilated at base; anthers oblong to lanceolate, the margins not recurved after dehiscence; corolla not persistent in fruit~3 2*~Filaments scarcely broadened at base; anthers lanceolate with margins recurved after dehiscence (at least when dry); corolla persistent in fruit~4 3~Leaves with upper surface smooth to slightly rough, base cordate, or if not cordate then slightly rough; flowers usually red and green, rarely only green; anthers partly to fully exserted~Correa reflexa 3*~Leaves with upper surface smooth, base rounded to cuneate; flowers pale green; anthers well exserted~Correa glabra 4~Calyx rounded at the base without any protuberance, cup-shaped~Correa lawrenceana 4*~Calyx with a short cup-shaped outgrowth at the base, shaped like an inverted chef's hat~Correa baeuerlenii #{sp}Correa reflexa 1~Flowers drooping, clasped between 2 reflexed leaf-like bracts; corolla green to yellow or red with green or pale lobes.~var. reflexa 1*~Flowers erect to drooping, not clasped between reflexed leaf-like bracts; corolla red with green or pale lobes or pale yellow.~var. speciosa #{gn}Cortaderia 1~Inflorescence white or purplish, only shortly exserted beyond the tuft of basal leaves; leaves with blade dull green, more or less folded at the base, arching away from the stem, the midrib channelled on the upper surface; plants dioecious or gynodioecious; ovary not enlarged at beginning of anthesis~Cortaderia selloana 1*~Inflorescence always pinkish when young, fading to white with age, usually well exserted beyond the tuft of basal leaves; leaves with blade bright green, flat, drooping from the sheath; plants female only, caryopses well-developed in the absence of any pollen from the staminodes and before these split~Cortaderia jubata #{gn}Corybas 1~Dorsal sepal with a narrow basal claw suddenly expanded to the lamina; labellum tubular throughout with a terminal orifice~2 1*~Dorsal sepal expanded gradually to the lamina; labellum tubular only at the base then expanded to an open lamina~4 2~Dorsal sepal longer than labellum; flowers distinctly banded~Corybas fordhamii 2*~Dorsal sepal as long as or shorter than labellum; flowers uniformly coloured~3 3~Flowers purple; lamina calli c. 1 mm long~Corybas unguiculatus 3*~Flowers reddish; lamina calli c. 0.25 mm long~Corybas montanus 4~Auricles at the base of the labellum tube remaining closed~5 4*~Auricles at the base of the labellum tube open at the apex~7 5~Dorsal sepal not obscuring labellum; labellum apex with a short tail~Corybas undulatus 5*~Dorsal sepal obscuring most of the labellum; labellum apex without a tail~6 6~Flowers white to pinkish~Corybas barbarae 6*~Flowers reddish grey to reddish purple~Corybas aconitiflorus 7~Labellum boss notched in the upper margin~8 7*~Labellum boss entire~9 8~Labellum margins coarsely toothed~Corybas hispidus 8*~Labellum margins entire or finely toothed~Corybas incurvus 9~Labellum tube shorter or as long as the lamina~10 9*~Labellum tube longer than lamina~11 10~Labellum tube much shorter than lamina~Corybas fimbriatus 10*~Labellum tube about as long as lamina~Corybas pruinosus 11~Flower 18–24 mm long, dark reddish with a conspicuous white labellum boss~Corybas dilatatus 11*~Flower 12–16 mm long, pale reddish pink, with an inconspicuous off-white labellum boss~Corybas sp. A sensu Harden (1993) #{gn}Corymbia 1~Fruit papery; bark smooth with persistent tessellated stocking on lower trunk~Corymbia tessellaris 1*~Fruit woody; bark smooth or persistent on all of trunk~2 2~Bark smooth on trunk (spotted gums)~3 2*~Bark persistent and tessellated on trunk (bloodwoods)~5 3~Fruit >11 mm diam.~Corymbia henryi 3*~Fruit <11 mm diam~4 4~Adult leaves with length:breadth ratio mostly 2–7:1; juvenile leaves ovate; south of Port Macquarie~Corymbia maculata 4*~Adult leaves with length:breadth ratio mostly 5–15:1; juvenile leaves narrow-lanceolate; north from Coffs Harbour~Corymbia variegata 5~Fruit 5–8 mm diam.~Corymbia trachyphloia 5*~Fruit 8–19 mm diam.~6 6~Adult leaves concolorous~7 6*~Adult leaves discolorous~8 7~Outer calyptra persistent; buds pedicellate~Corymbia tumescens 7*~Outer calyptra shed early; buds sessile~Corymbia eximia 8~Bark flaking off on smaller branches; seeds not winged~Corymbia gummifera 8*~Bark fully persistent on smaller branches; seeds winged~9 9~Adult leaves broad-lanceolate or ovate~Corymbia intermedia 9*~Adult leaves lanceolate~Corymbia dolichocarpa #{sp}Corymbia trachyphloia 1~Adult leaves with stomates on the lower surface only;~subsp. trachyphloia 1*~Adult leaves with stomates on both surfaces;~subsp. amphistomatica #{sp}Corynocarpus rupestris 1~Inflorescence 10–21 cm long; sepals 2–2.2 mm long; petals 2.4–2.8 mm long. Tall shrub to 5 m high.~subsp. rupestris 1*~Inflorescence 4–5 cm long; sepals 3–4 mm long; petals 3–3.5 mm long. Small tree to 12 m high~subsp. arborescens #{gn}Corynotheca 1~Leaves to 60 cm long, 2.5–9 mm wide, persistent during flowering, lamina flat or complicate; outer tepals oblong; stamens with filaments straight~Corynotheca licrota 1*~Leaves to c. 25 cm long, less than 2 mm wide, caducous, lamina involute; sepals narrow-elliptic; stamens with filaments more or less kinked~Corynotheca micrantha #{gn}Cotoneaster 1~Leaves more than 30 mm long~Cotoneaster glaucophyllus 1*~Leaves less than 30 mm long~2 2~Leaves mostly more than 15 mm long, lower surface tomentose, not glabrescent with age~3 2*~Leaves usually less than 15 mm long, lower surface with appressed hairs, glabrescent with age~4 3~Leaves 12–25 mm long, veins inconspicuous on upper surface; fruit dull red~Cotoneaster pannosus 3*~Leaves 20–35 mm long, veins deeply impressed on upper surface; fruit orange-red~Cotoneaster franchetii 4~Leaves generally less than 10 mm long; petiole less than 2.5 mm long; plants often semiprostrate~Cotoneaster microphyllus 4*~Most leaves 10–15 mm long; petiole more than 3 mm long; plants generally erect~Cotoneaster rotundifolius #{fm}CRASSULACEAE 1~Stamens as many as petals~Crassula 1*~Stamens twice as many as petals~2 2~Petals free or fused only at base; leaves alternate~Sedum 2*~Petals fused into a tube for half their length; leaves opposite~3 3~Flowers 5-merous~Cotyledon 3*~Flowers 4-merous~4 4~Flowers erect or spreading; filaments fused to corolla tube at or above middle~Kalanchoe 4*~Flowers pendent; filaments fused to corolla tube in lower third~Bryophyllum #{gn}Crepis 1~Stem and leaves almost glabrous; involucral bracts with fine hairs; achenes without beaks~Crepis capillaris 1*~Plant sparsely or densely hairy; involucral bracts bristly or pubescent; achenes either all with beaks, or outer achenes without beaks and inner with beaks~2 2~Involucral bracts pubescent; achenes more than 7 mm long~Crepis foetida 2*~Involucral bracts with yellow bristles; achenes less than 7 mm long~Crepis setosa #{gn}Crinum 1~Flowers bilaterally symmetrical, pink, funnel-shaped~Crinum moorei 1*~Flowers radially symmetrical, white to yellowish, widely spreading trumpet-shaped~2 2~Leaves more than 5 cm wide; anthers straight; plants with pseudostem to 45 cm tall; coastal species~Crinum pedunculatum 2*~Leaves less than 5 cm wide; anthers usually strongly curved; plants without pseudostem; inland species~Crinum flaccidum #{sp}Crotalaria distans 1~Pods 17–22 mm long; ovules 18–34; bracteoles on the calyx tube, 1.5–2.5 mm long; keel 13–18 mm long. Plants with branches ascending, with appressed or mostly slightly spreading hairs~subsp. macaulayae 1*~Pods 12–16 mm long; ovule 14–20; bracteoles at or just below the base of the calyx tube, 1–2 mm long; keel usually 11–13 mm long. Erect plants with ascending branches, appressed-hairy~subsp. mediocris #{sp}Crotalaria incana 1~Stems with hairs ± curved-ascending, extending <1 mm from the stem; leaflets glabrous except for a few hairs along midrib below and on margins; stipules 2–4 mm long. Calyx teeth 5–6 mm long, ± glabrous. Seeds brown, mottled very darkly, obscurely papillose~subsp. incana 1*~Stems with hairs spreading, 1.5–2 mm long; leaflets ± pubescent below; stipules mostly 4–15 mm long. Calyx teeth 6–9 mm long, with spreading hairs. Seeds dark green, smooth~subsp. purpurascens #{gn}Crotalaria 1~Leaves simple or 1-foliolate.~2 1*~Leaves 3–7-foliolate.~9 2~Leaves 2–10 mm wide, mostly linear to oblong, occasionally elliptic.~3 2*~Leaves >10 mm wide, ovate to obovate or elliptic to lanceolate.~5 3~Ovary and pods hairy; pods 2.5–3.5 cm long; leaves usually 4–6.5 cm long.~Crotalaria juncea 3*~Ovary and pods glabrous; pods 0.6–1 cm long; leaves mostly 0.4–4 cm long.~4 4~Erect plants to 1 m high; leaves 2–5 cm long, length:breadth ratio of 5–20:1; inflorescences with usually 7–35 well-separated flowers on racemes to 30 cm long; standard petal circular, emarginate at apex.~Crotalaria montana 4*~Ascending or erect plant with many stems, to 40 cm high; leaves usually 0.6–2.5 cm long, with length:breadth ratio of 2–8:1; inflorescences with up to 10 flowers, usually crowded or overlapping on racemes less than 10 cm long; standard petal ovate to oblong or obovate, acute or rounded at apex.~Crotalaria brevis 5~Stipules leafy, broad-ovate to broad-falcate, to 10 mm long, persistent.~6 5*~Stipules linear to narrow-ovate, to 5 mm long, sometimes caducous.~7 6~Shrub or small tree 2–5 m high; stems and lower surface of leaves densely pubescent, sometimes glabrescent; calyx hairy.~Crotalaria lunata 6*~Shrub to 2 m high; stems and lower surface of leaves glabrous, ± glaucous; calyx glabrous.~Crotalaria spectabilis 7~Leaves simple, upper surface glabrous.~Crotalaria mitchellii 7*~Leaves 1-foliolate, upper surface of leaves densely tomentose, although sometimes glabrescent.~8 8~Leaves 1–4 cm long; flowers c. 8 mm long, mostly yellow and red; plants prostrate to ascending, <50 cm high.~Crotalaria smithiana 8*~Leaves 4–7 cm long; flowers mostly 40–45 mm long; greenish yellow; plants erect to 1 m high.~Crotalaria cunninghamii 9~Leaflets 5–7.~Crotalaria grahamiana 9*~Leaflets 3.~10 10~Stipules leafy, to 25 mm long.~Crotalaria goreensis 10*~Stipules not as above.~11 11~Ovary and pods glabrous; flowers 20–55 mm long.~Crotalaria agatiflora 11*~Ovary and pods ± pubescent; flowers <20 mm long.~12 12~At least terminal leaflets mostly >3 cm long.~13 12*~Leaflets mostly <3 cm long.~18 13~Leaflets broad-obovate to broad-elliptic, to 4.5 cm wide.~14 13*~Leaflets linear or oblong to lanceolate or elliptic, occasionally obovate, to 2.5 cm wide.~15 14~Racemes c. 10-flowered; stipules ± filiform, 2–15 mm long, persistent; stem hairs short and curved-ascending or long and spreading.~Crotalaria incana 14*~Racemes c. 40-flowered; stipules absent or rarely to 3 mm long and then caducous; stem hairs short and appressed.~Crotalaria pallida 15~Lateral leaflets much reduced, usually less than half the length of terminal leaflet; stems and leaves mostly grey-pubescent.~Crotalaria eremaea 15*~Lateral leaflets usually at least half the length of the terminal leaflet; stems and leaves not grey-pubescent.~16 16~Calyx tube pubescent; leaflets mostly <1 cm wide; pods 2–3.5 cm long.~17 16*~Calyx tube glabrous; leaflets 0.8–2.5 cm wide; pods 3.5–4.5 cm long.~Crotalaria zanzibarica 17~Stipules linear, 1–3 mm long, ± persistent; upper or both surfaces of leaflets glandular; flowers yellow, without markings.~Crotalaria dissitiflora 17*~Stipules absent or minute; upper surface of leaflets not glandular; flowers yellow with purplish brown markings.~Crotalaria lanceolata 18~Leaflets >1 cm wide.~Crotalaria incana 18*~Leaflets mostly <1 cm wide.~19 19~Pods 2-seeded, c. 5 mm long.~Crotalaria medicaginea 19*~Pods >2-seeded, >10 mm long.~20 20~Leaflets hairy on both surfaces; lateral leaflets much reduced, usually less than half the length of terminal leaflet.~Crotalaria eremaea 20*~Leaflets glabrous above; lateral leaflets usually at least half the length of terminal leaflet.~21 21~Flowers c. 30 per raceme; upper surface of leaflets glandular.~Crotalaria dissitiflora 21*~Flowers 1–10 per raceme; upper surface of leaflets not glandular.~22 22~Racemes of 1–8 flowers in axils of upper leaves; leaflets obovate to narrow-obovate, terminal leaflet 7–15 mm long.~Crotalaria virgulata 22*~Racemes of 8–16 flowers, terminal and leaf-opposed; leaflets narrow-elliptic to oblanceolate, terminal leaflet 10–30 mm long.~Crotalaria distans #{sp}Crotalaria mitchellii 1~Stems pubescent, rarely glabrous, leaves usually elliptic, 4–8 cm long, 20–40 mm wide, lower surface densely tomentose; stipules 1.5–5 mm long. Racemes crowded >40-flowered. Shrub to 1 m high.~subsp. mitchellii 1*~Stems glabrous or hoary, occasionally short pubescent; leaves narrow-elliptic or narrow-obovate, 4–8.5 cm long, 10–20 mm wide, lower surface sparsely short-pubescent to glabrous; stipules 1.5–3 mm long. Racemes less crowded <30-flowered. Shrub to 0.6 m high~subsp. laevis #{gn}Croton 1~Mature leaves green and glabrous, or almost so, on both surfaces~2 1*~Mature leaves white or silvery below, densely covered with stellate hairs or scales on the lower surface, or on both surfaces~3 2~Leaves thick; petiolar glands sessile; buds and young stems covered with brown scales, scales also sparsely scattered on lower surface of younger leaves, glabrescent with age~Croton acronychioides 2*~Leaves thin; petiolar glands stalked; buds and young stems covered with silvery scales; lamina glabrous on both surfaces~Croton verreauxii 3~Leaves more or less glabrous and green above, silvery or whitish below; petiolar glands usually present~4 3*~Leaves densely woolly with stellate hairs, both surfaces white; petiolar glands absent~Croton capitatus 4~Leaves more than 15 mm wide, glands present~5 4*~Leaves less than 15 mm wide, glands sometimes absent~6 5~Leaves silvery below, covered with scales; petiolar glands sessile~Croton insularis 5*~Leaves whitish below, covered with stellate hairs; petiolar glands stalked~Croton stigmatosus 6~Margins of leaves usually entire, secondary veins slightly raised above, more or less obscure below~Croton phebalioides 6*~Margins of leaves mostly toothed, secondary veins impressed above, distinctly raised below~Croton stigmatosus #{sp}Crowea exalata 1~Leaves narrow-oblong to narrow-elliptic, with length:breadth ratio of >3:1.~2 1*~Leaves obcordate, length:breadth ratio of mostly <2:1. Leaves 9–11 mm long, 4–5.5 mm wide. Petals 7–9 mm long; pedicels c. 3.5 mm long.~subsp. obcordata 2~Petals 5–8.5 mm long; pedicels 0.5–1.5 mm long; leaves narrow-oblong to oblanceolate, 13–50 mm long, 1.5–5 mm wide; leaf apex obtuse to acute.~subsp. exalata 2*~Petals 7.5–14 mm long; pedicels 1.5–4 mm long; leaves narrow-elliptic or rarely narrow-oblong to oblanceolate, 20–75 mm long, 3–9.5 mm wide; leaf apex mucronate to apiculate, retuse in some southern populations.~subsp. magnifolia #{gn}Crowea 1~Branchlets glabrous, prominently angled, or with a narrow wing decurrent from each leaf base; leaves narrow- to broad-elliptic; petals 12–20 mm long~Crowea saligna 1*~Branchlets slightly hairy (at least in narrow lines), obtusely angled or ± terete; leaves narrow-oblong to oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic, or rarely obcordate; petals 3.5–14 mm long~Crowea exalata #{sp}Cryptandra amara 1~Leaves elliptic to ± obovate or oblong, margins flat or recurved; branchlets often spinose; bracts enclosing base of hypanthium, not distinctly constricted in lower half in fruiting stages~2 1*~Leaves ± terete, margins strongly revolute; branchlets not spinose; bracts usually below hypanthium, hypanthium constricted in lower half in fruiting stages. Leaves mostly 2–6 mm long (rarely to 10 mm). Flowers 2–3 mm long, crowded at end of lateral branches, white-tomentose with short stellate and longer simple hairs. Hypanthium and sepals turning reddish with greyish hairs in fruiting stages~var. floribunda 2~Flowers 2–4 mm long, sepals not spreading, 1–2 mm long, ± equal to hypanthium, not ridged. Leaves 2–5 mm long, elliptic to oblanceolate. Flowers sessile, few and scattered or in clusters of 2–10 at end of branches. Hairs on hypanthium and sepals shortly stellate~var. amara 2*~Flowers 4–6 mm long, sepals often spreading, 1–2 mm long, less than half as long as the hypanthium, ridged. Leaves 3–6 mm long, mostly obovate to oblong, sometimes ovate. Hairs on hypanthium shortly stellate with longer simple hairs on sepals. Flowers shortly pedicellate, solitary or in few-flowered leafy clusters~var. longiflora #{gn}Cryptandra 1~Flowers in terminal heads or head-like clusters; plants lacking numerous short lateral branchlets, not spinose; leaves mostly more than 5 mm long and generally more than 2 mm wide (narrower in Cryptandra ericoides and some C. scortechinii)~2 1*~Flowers in spike-like inflorescences, usually on short lateral branchlets; many short lateral branches present, sometimes spinose; leaves mostly less than 5 mm long and usually ± 2 mm wide~6 2~Leaves obovate to obcordate, whitish or rusty-tomentose on both surfaces~Cryptandra leucophracta 2*~Leaves ovate to linear, mature leaves (excluding floral leaves) more or less glabrous on upper surface~3 3~Leaves linear, margins strongly revolute, lower leaf surface not visible~Cryptandra ericoides 3*~Leaves not linear, margins flat or recurved but lower leaf surface at least partly visible~4 4~Leaves oblong to narrow-oblong, mostly 10–30 mm long; floral leaves with upper surface whitish tomentose, mostly ovate to elliptic~Cryptandra sp. A sensu Harden (1990) 4*~Leaves ovate to narrow-lanceolate, rarely more or less oblong, mostly 8–15 mm long; floral leaves neither whitish tomentose on upper surface nor ovate to elliptic~5 5~Leaves mostly more than 3 mm wide; flowers in few- to many-flowered terminal clusters, brown bracts surround individual flowers~Cryptandra buxifolia 5*~Leaves usually less than 3 mm wide; flowers in dense terminal heads, brown bracts surround heads as well as individual flowers~Cryptandra scortechinii 6~Sepals at least as long as the hypanthium~7 6*~Sepals much shorter than the hypanthium~9 7~Sepals spreading when the flowers open, stamens exserted, filaments erect, c. 1 mm long~Cryptandra longistaminea 7*~Sepals not spreading and exposing the stamens, anthers almost sessile~8 8~Flowers 5–7 mm long, sepals 2–4 mm long; bracts more or less enclosing the hypanthium~Cryptandra propinqua 8*~Flowers 2–4 mm long, sepals 1–2 mm long; bracts only covering base of hypanthium~Cryptandra amara var. amara 9~Flowers densely whitish tomentose~Cryptandra lanosiflora 9*~Flowers not densely whitish tomentose, hypanthium partly glabrous or with more or less appressed hairs~10 10~Hypanthium glabrous in basal half, silky-pubescent above; smaller lateral branches nearly all less than 10 mm long and spinescent; bracts below flower~Cryptandra spinescens 10*~Hypanthium hairy on outer surface; branchlets mostly more than 15 mm long, sometimes spinescent; bracts usually enclosing lower part of hypanthium in flower~11 11~Flowers in more or less dense heads, bracts acuminate; hypanthium covered with long appressed hairs; leaves more or less terete, 4–10 mm long~Cryptandra ericoides 11*~Flowers solitary or in few- to many-flowered spike-like clusters, bracts broad and obtuse; hypanthium covered with only short or with short and some longer appressed hairs; leaves mostly less than 5 mm long, more or less terete to oblong or more or less obovate or elliptic~Cryptandra amara #{gn}Cryptocarya 1~Leaves either 3-veined from near base or less than 30 mm long~2 1*~Leaves not 3-veined from near base and lamina more than 30 mm long~5 2~Leaves hairy on lower surface, especially along the veins~Cryptocarya triplinervis 2*~Leaves more or less glabrous on lower surface~3 3~Leaves mostly less than 30 mm long~Cryptocarya williwilliana 3*~Leaves more than 30 mm long~4 4~Leaves with 1 or 2 (occasionally more) prominent domatia, as swellings on the upper surface and deep cavities on the lower surface~Cryptocarya foveolata 4*~Either domatia absent, or domatia not swollen as above~Cryptocarya laevigata 5~Mature leaves green on both surfaces, younger leaves sometimes glaucous~6 5*~Mature leaves glaucous on lower surface~10 6~Leaves with reticulum usually invisible on both surfaces or if reticulum faint then not areolate; the surfaces contrasting in colour (particularly in fresh material), lower surface paler but neither glaucous nor yellowish~Cryptocarya meisneriana 6*~Leaves with reticulum distinct on both surfaces and finely areolate; either the surfaces similar in colour or the lower surface yellowish or glaucous~7 7~Leaves mostly more than 4 cm wide, length to breadth ratio less than 2.5:1; secondary veins 4 or 5 pairs~Cryptocarya foetida 7*~Leaves mostly less than 4 cm wide, length to breadth ratio of more than 2.5:1; secondary veins 4–12 pairs~8 8~Leaves broadest at or above the middle, margins undulate~9 8*~Leaves broadest below the middle, margins not undulate~Cryptocarya floydii 9~Midrib more or less flattened, scarcely raised below except towards petiole, flush with the upper surface, yellowish; secondary veins more or less straight, tending to dichotomize about a third of the way in from the margin~Cryptocarya bidwillii 9*~Midrib raised and rounded below, slightly raised above, whitish in fresh leaves; secondary veins curving unbranched towards the margin~Cryptocarya microneura 10~Mature leaves distinctly hairy on lower surface, especially along the veins~11 10*~Mature leaves more or less glabrous on lower surface~13 11~Leaves broadest above the middle, the apex usually rounded, in juvenile leaves the apex pointed and the leaves usually more than 13 cm long~Cryptocarya obovata 11*~Leaves broadest at or below the middle, the apex acute or obtuse, not rounded, the lamina usually less than 13 cm long~12 12~Leaves with more than 7 pairs of secondary veins, the veins making angles of 70–800 with the midvein; leaves usually less than 8 cm long~Cryptocarya dorrigoensis 12*~Leaves with 4–6 pairs of secondary veins, the lowest pairs making angles of c. 450 with the midvein; leaves mostly more than 8 cm long~Cryptocarya rigida 13~Leaves with lamina usually more than 7 cm long, reticulum distinct~14 13*~Leaves with lamina mostly less than 7 cm long, reticulum obscure or distinct~15 14~Leaves evenly whitish on lower surface, strongly contrasting with the secondary veins, which are brown or green when fresh (reddish brown when dry); reticulum coarse, not areolate; petiole glabrous; fruit ovoid, not ribbed~Cryptocarya erythroxylon 14*~Leaves dull ashy-green on lower surface, usually more or less blotched, only moderately contrasting with the greenish secondary veins; reticulum very finely areolate; petiole minutely hairy; fruit depressed-globose, ribbed~Cryptocarya glaucescens 15~Leaves with reticulum obscure~Cryptocarya meisneriana 15*~Leaves with reticulum distinct in dried leaves and in fresh leaves in transmitted light, finely areolate~Cryptocarya nova-anglica #{sp}Cryptocarya triplinervis 1~Lower surface of mature leaves covered in straight, ± appressed, white hairs; domatia often present~var. triplinervis 1*~Lower surface of mature leaves covered with crooked and straight, erect and appressed, white to fawn hairs; domatia absent~var. pubens #{gn}Cryptostylis 1~Leaves absent~Cryptostylis hunteriana 1*~Leaves present~2 2~Labellum straight, spreading or angled downwards, with revolute margins forming a tube; leaves dark green to yellow green on both surfaces~Cryptostylis subulata 2*~Labellum abruptly erect just above the base enclosing the column, margins not revolute; leaves dark green above, purple beneath~3 3~Labellum 10–15 mm wide, deeply concave forming a hood, not recurved at the tip, mostly lilac with conspicuous maroon striations~Cryptostylis erecta 3*~Labellum 4–5 mm wide, with recurved margins, recurved at the tip, maroon with black central stripe and a row of 6–9 black spots on each side~Cryptostylis leptochila #{gn}Cucumis 1~Leaves more or less unlobed, petiole c. twice as long as the lamina; fruit densely covered with soft bristles c. 6 mm long, bristles more or less completely obscuring the surface of the fruit~Cucumis dipsaceus 1*~Leaves mostly deeply 3–5-lobed, petiole less than twice as long as the lamina; fruit either covered with scattered bristles or spines, or bristles dense but not obscuring the surface of the fruit, or spines and bristles absent~2 2~Fruit lacking spines or bristles, glabrous or pubescent; leaves shallowly to deeply lobed, rarely almost unlobed~Cucumis melo 2*~Fruit covered with rigid spines or bristles; leaves deeply lobed~3 3~Fruit globose, less than 30 mm diam., striped~Cucumis myriocarpus 3*~Fruit ellipsoid, more than 30 mm diam.; mostly not striped~4 4~Spines rigid, less than 4 mm long; stalk of fruit more than 30 mm long; leaves with central lobe more or less rounded~Cucumis anguria 4*~Bristles soft, more than 4 mm long; stalk of fruit less than 20 mm long; leaves with central lobe usually acute~Cucumis zeyheri #{sp}Cullen graveolens 1~Leaflets narrow, 2–14 cm long, 2–14 mm wide. North from Blue Mtns. NC CC; Qld, N.T., trop.~var. angustifolia 1*~Leaflets broad, 3.5–7 cm long, 15–30 mm wide. Coastal sites north from Kempsey district. NC; Qld, N.T.~var. youngiana #{gn}Cullen 1~All petals white, sometimes with a purple blotch on keel~2 1*~Petals, or rarely only the standard, pink, bluish, mauve, purplish or reddish, or all petals white near claw, bluish or purple towards apex.~3 2~Leaves palmately 3-foliolate (terminal petiolule ± same length as lateral ones); margins of leaflets entire; peduncle 8–28 cm long.~Cullen microcephalum 2*~Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate (terminal petiolule longer than lateral ones); margins of leaflets toothed; peduncle <4 cm long.~Cullen discolor 3~Leaves palmately 3–7-foliolate (terminal petiolule same length as lateral ones); margins of leaflets entire.~4 3*~Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate (terminal petiolule longer than lateral ones) or 1-foliolate; margins of leaflets toothed.~6 4~Leaves subtending inflorescences mostly 5–7-foliolate, sometimes lower leaves 3-foliolate; calyx in fruit becoming broadly campanulate, exposing the fruit.~Cullen tenax 4*~Leaves mostly 3-foliolate, or rarely some leaves 1-foliolate; calyx either concealing the fruit, or fruit visible between, but shorter than the calyx teeth.~5 5~Stipules 3.5–7 mm long; pods glabrous, black; at higher altitudes south from Queanbeyan (ST).~Cullen microcephalum 5*~Stipules 2–3.5 mm long; pods white-pubescent; grows on the plains of Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers (SWS).~Cullen parvum 6~Cleistogamous (flowers remaining closed and self pollinating) annual or perennial herbs with most, if not all, stems erect; the standard not reflexing but remaining clasped around wings and keel.~7 6*~Chasmogamous (flowers open at pollination) perennial herbs, shrubs or trees, if rarely cleistogamous (in C. discolor) the stems prostrate; at anthesis the standard reflexed, exposing the wings and keel.~8 7~Perennial herb or subshrub, sometimes flowering the first year and appearing annual; inflorescences usually 1.5–6.5 times longer than the subtending leaf; flowers 2.5–4.5 mm long, the petals longer than the lower calyx tooth; fruit dispersed alone.~Cullen cinereum 7*~Annual herbs; inflorescences 0.5–1.4 times as long as the subtending leaf; flowers 4–7 mm long, the petals shorter than the lower calyx teeth; fruit dispersed enclosed in calyx.~Cullen graveolens 8~Decumbent, ascending to erect, or strictly prostrate herbs, the stems nearly always few to many, ephemeral and not woody; inflorescences remaining condensed and continuous.~9 8*~Erect perennial herb to 2 m high, the ephemeral stem few to many from a stout, branched root, mostly unbranched or sometimes branched from base; inflorescences interrupted.~Cullen australasicum 9~Stems ascending then decumbent; corolla as longer as, or scarcely longer than the calyx.~Cullen pallidum 9*~Stems usually prostrate; corolla longer than the calyx by c. 1 mm.~10 10~Peduncle in early flower usually <2.5 cm long, mostly <0.4 times the length of the subtending leaf; corolla usually white at base, with a purple blotch on keel.~Cullen discolor 10*~Peduncle in early flower usually >2.5 cm long, mostly >0.4 times the length of the subtending leaf; corolla white at base, purple towards apex.~Cullen patens #{gn}Cullen 1~At least some leaves with more than 3 leaflets~Cullen tenax 1*~Leaves 3-foliolate~2 2~Terminal leaflet more or less sessile and close to the lateral ones; margins of leaflets entire~3 2*~Terminal leaflets petiolulate and distant from the lateral ones; margins of leaflets toothed~4 3~Leaflets usually less than 5 mm wide, but always less than 10 mm wide; mostly more than 4 times as long as wide~Cullen tenax 3*~Leaflets usually more than 10 mm wide; mostly less than 4 times as long as wide~Cullen microcephalum 4~Calyx 2–3 mm long, open in fruit; pod protruding from calyx~Cullen cinereum 4*~Calyx 3–10 mm long, not open in fruit; pod enclosed within calyx~5 5~Small shrubs; stems 0.5–2.5 m high, erect; inflorescences interrupted; plants of heavy soils~Cullen australasicum 5*~Herbs; stems usually less than 0.5 m long, usually prostrate or ascending; inflorescences continuous, dense; plants of sandy soils~6 6~Petals protruding before and after anthesis for at least 1 mm; stems ascending then decumbent~Cullen pallidum 6*~Petals enclosed before anthesis and not visible; stems prostrate~7 7~Calyx silky, visible under long stout spreading hairs, gland-dotted~Cullen graveolens 7*~Calyx villous, hidden by dense appressed white hairs; glands on the calyx concealed or lacking~Cullen patens #{gn}Cupaniopsis 1~Leaflets entire, glabrous or almost so~2 1*~Leaflets toothed, glabrous or hairy~3 2~Leaflets with secondary veins more than 5 mm apart; leaflets and panicles usually more than 7 cm long~Cupaniopsis anacardioides 2*~Leaflets with secondary veins less than 5 mm apart; leaflets and panicles usually less than 7 cm long~Cupaniopsis parvifolia 3~Domatia present, usually conspicuous, glabrous; leaflets glabrous~Cupaniopsis baileyana 3*~Domatia absent or if present inconspicuous and hairy; leaflets glabrous or hairy on lower surface~4 4~Leaves usually with 6–10 leaflets, apex long-acuminate; inflorescences less than 10 long, rarely branched~Cupaniopsis serrata 4*~Leaves with 12–24 (rarely 10) leaflets, apex short-acuminate to obtuse; inflorescences more than 10 cm long, branched~5 5~Petioles mostly 8–16 cm long; leaflets usually 8–12 pairs, apex short-acuminate; panicles to 21 cm long; panicles to 21 cm long, the branches short and spreading or long and pendent; small unbranched tree~Cupaniopsis newmanii 5*~Petioles usually 3.5–9 cm long; leaflets usually 5–7 pairs, apex acute to obtuse; panicles to 55 cm long, the branches usually long, pendent; tree with spreading crown~Cupaniopsis flagelliformis #{gn}Cuphonotus 1~Plants glabrous; petals 2–3 mm long; silicula valves coarsely reticulate~Cuphonotus humistratus 1*~Plants hairy; petals 1–1.5 mm long; silicula valves nearly smooth~Cuphonotus andraeanus #{gn}Cuscuta 1~Stigmas capitate~2 1*~Stigmas linear~Cuscuta epithymum 2~Flowers in dense globose clusters, pedicels mainly less than 2.5 mm long~3 2*~Flowers in loose few-flowered clusters, pedicels 3–6 mm long~5 3~Styles more or less absent; corolla mainly 3- or 4-lobed~Cuscuta victoriana 3*~Styles c. 1 mm long; corolla 5-lobed~4 4~Corolla lobes obtuse; scales subtending stamens shorter than the corolla tube, with few fimbriae~Cuscuta australis 4*~Corolla lobes acute, often inflexed; scales subtending stamens longer than the corolla tube, much fimbriate~Cuscuta campestris 5~Calyx as long as corolla tube, corolla lobes obtuse as long as or longer than the tube~Cuscuta tasmanica 5*~Calyx shorter than the corolla tube, corolla lobes acute shorter than the tube~Cuscuta suaveolens #{gn}Cyanicula 1~Labellum with central calli arranged in 2 or 3 parallel rows (calli organised into single lines or compressed pairs); calli suberect to erect, stalks smooth with globose golfstick heads~Cyanicula caerulea 1*~Labellum with central calli not arranged in 2 parallel rows (each 'row' not grading into 2 congested rows, calli not paired in each row); calli angled-curving, stalks often papillose with small pointed tips~Cyanicula deformis #{gn}Cymbidium 1~Leaves succulent, rigid, deeply V-shaped in cross section; labellum lamina with 2 parallel keels~Cymbidium canaliculatum 1*~Leaves leathery, flexible, slightly V-shaped in cross section; labellum lamina with one indistinct keel or without distinct keels~2 2~Leafy part of stem a compressed-ovoid to narrow-ovoid pseudobulb; growth sympodial~Cymbidium madidum 2*~Leafy part of stem cylindrical; growth limited, monopodial~Cymbidium suave #{gn}Cymbopogon 1~Racemes only slightly hairy (often appearing glabrous), sharply reflexed and divergent at maturity, panicle narrow; lemmas usually awnless~Cymbopogon refractus 1*~Racemes distinctly hairy, more or less reflexed, usually divergent at maturity; sessile spikelets awned~2 2~Awns 6–8 mm long, not conspicuous among dense hairs on the racemes which are reflexed and divergent at maturity~Cymbopogon obtectus 2*~Awns 12–15 mm long and prominent among hairs on the racemes which are erect or slightly divergent at maturity~Cymbopogon ambiguus #{gn}Cynara 1~Leaves with upper surface shortly tomentose, lower surface white-tomentose, with rigid yellow spines at apex and clustered at base and on each ultimate lobe; heads 4–5 cm diam., bracts leathery, often purplish~Cynara cardunculus 1*~Leaves with upper surface glabrescent and lower surface grey-tomentose, not spinose, but with mucronate segments; heads 8–15 cm diam.; involucral bracts fleshy at base, usually green~Cynara scolymus #{gn}Cynodon 1~Leaves with blade bristle-like, usually less than 1 mm wide; spikes 1–3, usually ± 1.5 cm long~Cynodon transvaalensis 1*~Leaves with blade flat or folded, usually more than 1 mm wide; spikes mostly 3 or more, usually more than 1.5 cm long~2 2~Ligule a membranous rim with short hairs; spikes usually dark-coloured; rachilla produced beyond the floret; both stolons and rhizomes present~Cynodon dactylon 2*~Ligule a membranous rim (with hair tufts at the orifice only); spikes usually pale green; rachilla not produced beyond the floret; rhizomes usually absent~Cynodon incompletus #{gn}Cynoglossum 1~Inflorescence bracteate~Cynoglossum suaveolens 1*~Inflorescence without bracts~2 2~Flowers 3.5–6 mm across, blue or white; outer face of mericarps concave, with a flattened rim~Cynoglossum australe 2*~Flowers 7–9 mm across, pink to blue with darker reticulate veins; outer face of mericarps convex, without a flattened rim~Cynoglossum creticum #{gn}Cynosurus 1~Panicle narrow-oblong, less than 10 mm wide with inconspicuous awns; lemmas 3–4 mm long; tufted perennial~Cynosurus cristatus 1*~Panicle ovate-oblong, more than 10 mm wide with conspicuous awns; lemmas 5–7 mm long; tufted annual~Cynosurus echinatus #{sp}Cyperus haspan 1~Stamen 1; rhizome short and culms rather clustered; culms to 40 cm high; leaf blades usually well-developed; glumes densely overlapping so that rachilla is not visible; nut 0.4–0.5 mm long~subsp. haspan 1*~Stamens 3 or occasionally 2; rhizome creeping so that culms are solitary; culms to 100 cm high; leaves mostly reduced to sheaths; glumes less densely overlapping so that rachilla is visible between them; nut 0.5–0.8 mm long~subsp. juncoides #{sp}Cyphanthera albicans 1~Corolla white to creamy-white; branches and leaves tomentose with the longest hairs usually 0.3–0.8 mm long~2 1*~Corolla yellow or pale yellow; branches and leaves closely tomentose, the hairs usually <0.3 mm long. Leaves mostly 5–17 mm long, 3–6 mm wide, sometimes larger. Corolla 8–19 mm long, sparsely to moderately pubescent outside with non-glandular and/or glandular hairs~subsp. tomentosa 2~Leaves mostly 6–15 mm long, 1.5–7 mm wide, sometimes larger. Corolla 6.5–13 mm long, glabrous to moderately pubescent outside with non-glandular hairs~subsp. albicans 2*~Leaves mostly 18–35 mm long, 3–6 mm wide, sometimes larger. Corolla 13–22 mm long, glabrous outside~subsp. notabilis #{gn}Cyphanthera 1~Leaves mostly more than 7 mm long; inflorescences leafy and paniculate~Cyphanthera albicans 1*~Leaves usually less than 7 mm long; inflorescences 1-flowered or 1–3-flowered cymes~Cyphanthera scabrella #{gn}Dactyloctenium 1~Stoloniferous long-lived perennial; spikes 2–5, each 2–4 cm long~Dactyloctenium australe 1*~Tufted annuals or short-lived perennials, sometimes rooting from the lower nodes; spikes 2-many, 0.5–5 cm long~2 2~Spikes 3–10, each 0.5–1.5 cm long; spikelets crowded and touching those of adjacent spikes~Dactyloctenium radulans 2*~Spikes 2–4, each 1–5 cm long, only the lowest spikelets of the spikes touching as the spikes radiate freely~Dactyloctenium aegyptium #{gn}Dampiera 1~Stems triangular in cross section~2 1*~Stems terete, ridged~4 2~Stems papillate~Dampiera fusca 2*~Stems smooth~3 3~Hairs on corolla appressed, yellowish brown~Dampiera stricta 3*~Hairs on corolla loose, grey~Dampiera sylvestris 4~Leaves glabrescent, hairs on young stems and leaves finely appressed~Dampiera adpressa 4*~At least lower surface of leaves hairy or scabrous; hairs on stems and young leaves spreading~5 5~Hairs on short flowering branches usually brown; flowers 12–15 mm long~Dampiera purpurea 5*~Hairs on short flowering branches grey; flowers 8–12 mm long~6 6~Corolla with woolly grey hairs outside~Dampiera lanceolata 6*~Corolla with silky pale grey hairs outside~Dampiera scottiana #{sp}Danthonia linkii 1~Central awn exceeding the bristles on the lobes by 6–9 mm; awn not or scarcely twisted, pale; glumes 8–13 mm long; anthers yellow to orange~var. linkii 1*~Central awn as long as lateral lobes or exceeding them by up to 5 mm; awn brown and twisted at the base for 3–4 mm; glumes 12–17 mm long; anthers pale~var. fulva #{gn}Daphnandra 1~Midrib sunken on the upper surface of leaves; flowers with glabrous receptacle, petaloid perianth 3–4.5 mm long~2 1*~Midrib slightly raised or flush with the upper surface of the leaves; flowers with hairy or glabrous receptacle, petaloid perianth 2.5–3.5 mm long~4 2~Fruiting receptacle 15–24 mm long, narrow-cylindrical to urceolate with more or less papery walls less than 0.5 mm thick; leaves usually 7–17 cm long with veins more or less thickly prominent below; inflorescence usually 5–12 cm long, slenderly elongate; perianth greenish or pale yellow~Daphnandra micrantha 2*~Fruiting receptacle 7–21 mm long, usually urn-shaped to obpyriform with woody walls 0.5–0.75 mm thick; leaves mostly 4–9 cm long with veins slenderly prominent below; inflorescence mostly 2–6 cm long, slender or spreading; perianth greenish white or reddish~3 3~Perianth reddish; pedicel usually 4–10 mm long in flower; leaves finely crenate on apical two-thirds; fruiting receptacle usually more or less obpyriform, pedicel 8–12 mm long~Daphnandra tenuipes 3*~Perianth greenish white; pedicel 1–3 mm long in flower; leaves finely crenate to near base; fruiting receptacle usually urn-shaped, pedicel 3–6 mm long~Daphnandra melasmena 4~Fruiting receptacle usually 5–7 mm long, more or less globose, pedicel 5–8 mm long; leaves with margins deeply, rather distantly and coarsely toothed except for basal half or third, veins conspicuously raised on upper surface~Daphnandra johnsonii 4*~Fruiting receptacle mostly 8–20 mm long, more or less urn-shaped, pedicel 3–6 mm long; leaves with margins shallowly and finely toothed except for basal eighth or quarter, veins obscure on upper surface~5 5~Floral receptacle hairy; leaves drying more or less pale grey-green above, sometimes blackish, rarely olive-tinted, more or less lanceolate, margins crenate-toothed~Daphnandra apatela 5*~Floral receptacle glabrous; leaves drying olive-black to dark olive-brown above, narrow-elliptic to ovate, margins more or less finely crenate~Daphnandra melasmena #{sp}Darwinia fascicularis 1~Flowers in groups of 4–20, crowded. Erect shrubs to 2 m high; branches not producing adventitious roots~subsp. fascicularis 1*~Flowers usually only 4, rarely 2 or 6, in distinct pairs. Decumbent shrubs to c. 30 cm high; branches often prostrate and producing adventitious roots~subsp. oligantha #{sp}Darwinia taxifolia 1~Bracteoles 5–8 mm long. Hypanthium 5–6 mm long. Petals 1–1.5 mm long. Style 6–12 mm long.~subsp. taxifolia 1*~Bracteoles 7–14 mm long. Hypanthium 6–9 mm long. Petals 1.5–2 mm long. Style 15–24 mm long~subsp. macrolaena #{gn}Datura 1~Leaves lobed; lobes usually toothed or sinuate; capsule erect; seeds black or grey~2 1*~Leaves entire to sinuate or lobed; lobes entire; capsule deflexed; seeds brown or yellow~3 2~Flowers 6–10 cm long; capsule with more than 100 slender spines of various lengths, evenly distributed~Datura stramonium 2*~Flowers 4.5–6 cm long; capsule with 40–60 stout spines, spines towards base usually shorter~Datura ferox 3~Plants glabrous, or sparsely hairy with non-glandular hairs~4 3*~Plants tomentose with non-glandular and/or glandular hairs~5 4~Branches green; flowers 4.5–7 cm long; capsule with numerous sharp spines, longest 4–9 mm long.~Datura leichhardtii 4*~Branches tinged with purple; flowers 14–20 cm long; capsule with numerous short spines, blunt tubercle-like, all 2–5 mm long~Datura metel 5~Hairs glandular, erect; stigma well below level of anthers; margin of corolla-limb angular~Datura inoxia 5*~Hairs mostly non-glandular and retrorse, some glandular and erect; stigma usually exserted well above anthers; margin of corolla limb rounded~Datura wrightii #{sp}Daucus glochidiatus 1~Petals persistent on mature fruits, purplish or deep crimson; western slopes and plains.~2 1*~Petals not persistent on mature fruit, pink, white or purplish; coast, tablelands, slopes and plains.~3 2~Spines on secondary ribs of mericarps glabrous, 6–9 per row, swollen and fused at the base, very long and attenuate distally, purple or at least darker at the apex with a ring of 4–6 recurved prickles, subcircular in cross section and appearing hollow. Spines on primary ribs hyaline, in 2 rows. Fruits 3.5–4.5 mm long. Inflorescence broadly spreading; peduncles short. Open branching habit. Grows in mallee and woodland, on sandy soils on stony or rocky hills. CWS SWS NWP SWP; Vic., S.A., W.A. [appears close to var. pachycanthus Thell.]~form D 2*~Spines on secondary ribs of mericarps glabrous, 14–20 per row, very long and narrow, mostly free at base or sometimes 2 or 3 spines fused for half their length or more, tubular to laterally flattened in cross-section, apex purplish, acute, topped by 1 or more rows of 4–15 recurved prickles. Primary spines hyaline, in 2 rows of varying density. Fruit 4–4.5 mm long. Inflorescence shortly pedunculate to sessile. Open branching habit. Grows on alluvial plains, cracking clays, sandy or stony ground often in Astrebla grassland. NFWP; N.T., S.A., W.A. [may be close to the var. leptacanthus Thell.]~form E 3~Habit compact, rosette-like with umbels compact and clustered at the base or internodes of the plant. Spines on secondary ribs of mericarps pubescent or bristly, in 2 or more irregular rows, reduced to short blunt or conical tubercles, often 2 or more fused together, apex blunt with 2 or more rows of 10–20 recurved prickles.Spines on primary ribs in more than 2 rows, hyaline. Fruits 3–3.75 mm long. Grows in grassland on heavy grey, self-mulching soils. NWP NFWP; Qld, N.T., S.A., W.A.~form B 3*~Habit open, branching; inflorescence open and spreading; spines on secondary ribs of the mericarp in one row.~4 4~Spines on secondary ribs of mericarps shortly hairy or scabrous.~5 4*~Spines on secondary ribs of the mericarps glabrous.~6 5~Fruit 3–4 mm long. Spines on secondary ribs of the mericarps 6–12 per row, tubular or conical, fused and broad at the base, apex blunt with a tuft of 3–10 recurved prickles. Spines on primary ribs hyaline, in 2 rows of varying density. Grows on heavy red and black soils. CC NT NWS NWP SWP NFWP SFWP; Qld, S.A.~form C 5*~Fruit 4.5–6 mm long. Spines on secondary ribs of the mericarps 6–10 per row, flattened laterally, broad and fused at base then abruptly narrowed, apex attenuate with a ring of 4–6 recurved prickles at the tip. Grows in grassland and mulga, on sandy or red sandy clays, a stout plant of western divisions. SWS NWP SWP NFWP SFWP; Qld, Vic., N.T., S.A.~form G 6~Fruits 4.5–6 mm long.~form G 6*~Fruits 3–4 mm long.~7 7~Inflorescence on long peduncles. Spines on secondary ribs of the mericarps 8–15 per row, evenly and gradually tapering from base to apex, free at base or fused for to a tenth of their length, a single whorl of 3–5 recurved prickles at apex. Fruits 3–4 mm long. Grows on margins of rainforest and wet sclerophyll forest on loams, clays and basalt-derived soils, mainly coastal species. NC CC SC CT.~form A 7*~Inflorescence variable, sessile to pedunculate. Spines on secondary ribs of the mericarps 6–15 per row, broad at base and narrowing abruptly in the upper half, fused at base to half their total length, apex surmounted by a single whorl of 4–6 recurved prickles, often purplish. Fruit 3–4 mm long. Grows in sclerophyll forest, woodland on loam and clay soils. A fairly heterogeneous group. CC SC NT CT ST NWS CWS SWS; Vic., Tas., S.A., ?N.Z.~form F #{gn}Daucus 1~Umbels usually with more than 6 regular rays, bearing many-flowered umbellules forming a flat-topped umbel when flowering~Daucus carota 1*~Umbels with 2–5 unequal rays, bearing 2–6-flowered umbellules and forming an irregular umbel~Daucus glochidiatus #{fm}DAVALLIACEAE 1~Fronds at least 2-pinnate, triangular, pinnae not articulated to the rachis~2 1*~Fronds 1-pinnate, narrow-elliptic to oblong; pinnae articulated to the rachis~3 2~Sori submarginal; indusium cup-shaped, attached by the bottom and the sides; stipes articulated to the rhizome~Davallia 2*~Sori superficial; indusium circular, peltately attached; stipes not articulated to the rhizome~Rumohra 3~Rhizomes erect; fronds tufted, not articulated to the rhizome~Nephrolepis 3*~Rhizomes creeping; fronds distant, articulated to the rhizome~Arthropteris #{gn}Davidsonia 1~Leaves mostly more than 35 cm long, with irritant hairs below, leaflets mostly more than 10; fruit more or less obovoid~Davidsonia jerseyana 1*~Leaves usually less than 30 cm long, more or less glabrous, leaflets mostly less than 10; fruit depressed-globose~Davidsonia johnsonii #{gn}Daviesia 1~Phyllodes present but not pungent, or rarely absent.~2 1*~Phyllodes present, pungent-pointed.~12 2~Venation prominent, reticulate.~3 2*~Venation ± obscure, parallel to pinnate.~4 3~Unit inflorescence corymbose to umbelliform.~Daviesia corymbosa 3*~Unit inflorescence racemose.~Daviesia latifolia 4~Branchlets triangular in section, manifestly angular or winged.~5 4*~Branchlets ± terete.~6 5~Phyllodes absent over most of plant; branchlets winged; calyx teeth and bracts fimbriate.~Daviesia alata 5*~Phyllodes present; branchlets angular; calyx teeth and bracts not fimbriate.~Daviesia wyattiana 6~Small trees (shrubby when young); phyllodes discolorous.~7 6*~Shrubs, rarely arborescent; phyllodes concolorous.~8 7~Bark corky; phyllodes linear, tapering to a long acute apex.~Daviesia arborea 7*~Bark smooth; phyllodes narrow-obovate, rarely linear; apex obtuse or rounded.~Daviesia suaveolens 8~Phyllodes linear; upper surface slightly convex; venation conspicuous, with a longitudinal vein near each margin.~Daviesia leptophylla 8*~Phyllodes ± circular, lanceolate to ovate or oblanceolate to obovate, often narrow but rarely linear; flat or undulate; venation pinnate, sometimes obscure.~9 9~Phyllodes crenulate, glossy, green; base cordate, rounded or cuneate; peduncles 3.5–13 mm long.~10 9*~Phyllodes entire or rarely slightly crenulate, dull to slightly glaucous; base tapered or rarely cuneate; peduncles 0–5 mm long.~11 10~Phyllodes ovate to circular, base cordate to rounded.~Daviesia buxifolia 10*~Phyllodes mostly elliptic or narrow-elliptic, base cuneate to rounded.~Daviesia elliptica 11~Shrubs or trees to 6 m high; flowers strongly fragrant; lower calyx teeth 0.8–1 mm long, tips neither thickened nor coloured.~Daviesia suaveolens 11*~Shrubs (rarely arborescent) to 3 m high; flowers not or scarcely fragrant; lower calyx teeth 0.3–0.6 mm long, tips thickened and tinged dark brown.~Daviesia mimosoides 12~Phyllodes terete or slightly compressed vertically; no midrib apparent.~13 12*~Phyllodes horizontally flattened or subulate, with a prominent midrib above or below.~14 13~Phyllodes articulated at base.~Daviesia genistifolia 13*~Phyllodes continuous with branchlet.~Daviesia benthamii 14~At least some branchlet apices spinescent.~15 14*~Branchlet apices not spinescent.~16 15~Plants usually grey-hispid; occurring on deep sand in mallee communities.~Daviesia arenaria 15*~Plants usually glabrous; widespread on various soils.~Daviesia ulicifolia 16~Flowers up to 6 in axillary umbels.~Daviesia umbellulata 16*~Flowers 1, or rarely 2, per unit inflorescence.~17 17~Phyllodes subulate or ± linear, 10–40 mm long; margins recurved or revolute, with scattered minute teeth; flower stalks 1–2 mm long.~Daviesia acicularis 17*~Phyllodes usually narrow-elliptic or lanceolate to broad-ovate or cordate, never subulate, 4–20 mm long; margins recurved or undulate or complicate, often with bristly hairs but not toothed; flower stalks mostly 2.5–12 mm long.~18 18~Lamina of phyllodes, as well as most parts of plant, hispid.~19 18*~Lamina of phyllodes glabrous, margins, midrib and branchlets often hispid.~20 19~Phyllodes lanceolate to linear; apex short-acuminate, 1–2 mm long; margins strongly recurved.~Daviesia pubigera 19*~Phyllodes cordate to ovate, or rarely lanceolate; apex long-acuminate, 3–7 mm long; margins undulate.~Daviesia villifera 20~Uppermost bracts in cluster at base of peduncle 0.3–0.8 mm long, 0.3–0.4 mm wide.~Daviesia squarrosa 20*~Uppermost bracts in cluster at base of peduncle 1–1.5 mm long, 0.5–0.75 mm wide.~Daviesia nova-anglica #{sp}Daviesia mimosoides 1~Phyllodes narrow-elliptic to narrow-obovate or linear, apex acute or obtuse, base tapered, margins not crenulate, dull green to slightly glaucous~subsp. mimosoides 1*~Phyllodes obovate or elliptic, scarcely narrower, apex rounded or obtuse or occasionally acute, base cuneate, margins obscurely crenulate, slightly glaucous~subsp. acris #{sp}Daviesia ulicifolia 1~Inflorescence umbellate or shortly racemose.~2 1*~Inflorescence 1-flowered, sometimes paired flowers in the axils.~3 2~Inflorescence only umbellate with 2–5 flowers; plant not glaucous. Phyllodes lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, 4–20 mm long, 1–3 mm wide.~subsp. ulicifolia 2*~Inflorescence either umbellate or racemose with 2–7 flowers; plant glaucous. Phyllodes lanceolate to oblong, 8–17.5 mm long, 1.3–2.5 mm wide.~subsp. aridicola 3~Phyllodes narrow-elliptic or lanceolate to linear.~4 3*~Phyllodes lanceolate to ± ovate, rarely narrower.~5 4~Phyllodes 9–20 mm long, 0.5–1.5 mm wide, ± linear.~subsp. stenophylla 4*~Phyllodes either <9 mm long, or >1 mm wide, narrow-elliptic to lanceolate.~subsp. ulicifolia 5~Phyllodes convex above with midrib more prominent above than below; standard petal orange (fading to yellow with age); stems often hispid. Phyllodes 5–12 mm long, 1.5–4 mm wide. ~subsp. ruscifolia 5*~Phyllodes flat to concave above with midrib equal on both surfaces or more prominent below; standard petal yellow; stems always glabrous. Phyllodes 7–20 mm long, 2–5 mm wide.~subsp. pilligensis #{gn}Deeringia 1~Stems and leaves pubescent, especially when young; seeds colliculate, less than 1 mm long~Deeringia arborescens 1*~Stems and leaves glabrous; seeds smooth, 1.0–1.2 mm long~Deeringia amaranthoides #{gn}Dendrobium 1~Leaves succulent, circular in cross section or more or less flattened; stems wiry throughout their length; flowers not resupinate (i.e. labellum uppermost in flower)~2 1*~Leaves thin to leathery, conduplicate; stems swollen for at least part of their length; flowers resupinate (i.e. labellum lowermost in flower)~11 2~Leaves ellipsoid to obloid or elliptic to oblong to obovate or ovate~3 2*~leaves linear, terete~5 3~Leaves ellipsoid to obloid, tuberculate, resembling small gherkins~Dendrobium cucumerinum 3*~Leaves flattened, not tuberculate~4 4~Leaves elliptic to oblong to obovate, longitudinally furrowed on top; inflorescences 6–20-flowered; sepals and lateral petals white to cream; plant prostrate~Dendrobium linguiforme 4*~Leaves flattened-ovate, attenuate, smooth; inflorescences 1–3-flowered; sepals and lateral petals green to brown; plant pendent~Dendrobium pugioniforme 5~Tepal tips filiform; leaves not furrowed, 10–100 cm long~6 5*~Tepal tips acute to obtuse; leaves shallowly to deeply furrowed, 1.5–16 cm long~8 6~Axillary buds prominently protruding, conical; inflorescence 4–15-flowered~Dendrobium teretifolium 6*~Axillary buds not protruding or protruding slightly, flat to rounded; inflorescence 1–7-flowered~7 7~Flower predominantly yellow; dorsal sepal 2.5–5 cm long~Dendrobium dolichophyllum 7*~Flower predominantly white to cream; dorsal sepal 2–3.5 cm long~Dendrobium fairfaxii 8~Leaves erect~Dendrobium schoeninum 8*~Leaves pendent~9 9~Midlobe of labellum triangular to ovate; plants epilithic~Dendrobium striolatum 9*~Midlobe of labellum subcircular to subflabelliform; plants epiphytic~10 10~Labellum white with green keels and a few purple blotches at the apex of the disc; sepals and lateral petals recurved near their apices~Dendrobium mortii 10*~Labellum white; sepals and lateral petals not recurved near their apices~Dendrobium bowmanii 11~Upper half of stem swollen, square in cross section; basal half of stem thin and wiry~12 11*~Stem circular or elliptic in cross section, not wiry; sepals and lateral petals linear to oblong or triangular~13 12~Dorsal sepal 19–30 mm long; labellum 6–8 mm wide~Dendrobium tetragonum 12*~Dorsal sepal 38–60 mm long; labellum 7–9 mm wide~Dendrobium melaleucaphilum 13~Inflorescences 20–70 cm long, 20–200-flowered~14 13*~Inflorescences 5–17 cm long, 2–30-flowered~15 14~Stems thickest near the base, tapering towards the tip; basket roots absent; dorsal sepal 20–40 mm long; inflorescences 20–115-flowered~Dendrobium speciosum var. speciosum 14*~Stems thickest near the middle, tapering to both ends; basket roots present; dorsal sepal 16–28 mm long; inflorescences 90–200-flowered~Dendrobium speciosum var. hillii 15~Dorsal sepal more than 4 times as long as broad~Dendrobium aemulum 15*~Dorsal sepal less than 4 times as long as broad~16 16~Dorsal sepal 30–40 mm long; midlobe of labellum incurved~Dendrobium falcorostrum 16*~Dorsal sepal 4–16 mm long; midlobe of labellum recurved or vestigial~17 17~Stems more or less linear to cylindrical, 17–60 cm long~Dendrobium gracilicaule 17*~Stems ovoid to linear to ovoid or broad-ellipsoid, 1–30 cm long~18 18~Dorsal sepal 9–16 mm long; flowers white to pink to purple and the labellum nearly always strongly marked with darker purple~Dendrobium kingianum 18*~Dorsal sepal 4–7 mm long; flowers yellow to yellowish green, sometimes the sepals with pink or red margins~19 19~Stems with 1 or rarely 2 leaves at apex, clearly differentiated into a basal, prostrate, freely rooting rhizomatous portion and an upper erect, rootless portion that is ovoid to narrow-ovoid, 2–10 cm long~Dendrobium monophyllum 19*~Stems usually with 2 leaves at apex, lacking a distinct rhizomatous portion, thickest about the middle, rooting only at the base, 1–2.5 cm long~Dendrobium schneiderae #{gn}Dendrocnide 1~Leaves with lamina broad-ovate, mostly 10–25 cm long, pale green and dull, usually distinctly hairy on both surfaces; domatia absent; petiole mostly more than 5 cm long~2 1*~Leaves with lamina elliptic to ovate, mostly 6–13 cm long, dark green and glossy above, more or less glabrous except for scattered stinging hairs, especially along the veins; domatia present; petiole usually 2–5 cm long~Dendrocnide photinophylla 2~Leaves peltate, petiole inserted c. 10 mm in from margin~Dendrocnide moroides 2*~Leaves not peltate~Dendrocnide excelsa #{gn}Dendrophthoe 1~Ovary glabrous or sparsely hairy with white hairs~Dendrophthoe glabrescens 1*~Ovary shortly white- or brown-tomentose~Dendrophthoe vitellina #{fm}DENNSTAEDTIACEAE 1~Sori circular, often in the fork between the lobes of ultimate segments~2 1*~Sori linear, marginal, covered by false indusia formed from recurved margins of the segments~3 2~Indusium cup-like with the outer, false, indusium fused to the inner indusium~Dennstaedtia 2*~Indusium false or absent, sori protected by recurved marginal flap or if sori away from margin then unprotected~Hypolepis 3~Fronds tough and leathery, veins free; rhizome covered with hairs~Pteridium 3*~Fronds soft and membranous, veins loosely anastomosing; rhizome covered with scales and/or hairs~Histiopteris #{gn}Derwentia 1~Leaves linear or with linear lobes or divisions, not glaucous; capsules emarginate~2 1*~Leaves very narrow-ovate to wide-ovate, green or glaucous; capsules acute or truncate or emarginate~3 2~Leaves pinnately divided with the primary segments about a third to half as long as the leaves and often further divided or lobed; leaves usually in compact clusters on very short lateral branches at the lower nodes; capsules strongly compressed, 1–1.5 mm thick~Derwentia nivea 2*~Leaves entire or with teeth or lobes less than a fifth as long as the leaf; lateral branches not developing compact clusters of leaves; capsules compressed, 1.5–2 mm thick~Derwentia arenaria 3~Plant not conspicuously glaucous (except sometimes the lower surfaces of leaves); stems hairy with sparse or dense short hairs or glabrous; leaves with 15–80 teeth along each margin~4 3*~Vegetative parts glabrous and glaucous; leaves entire or with up to 22 teeth along each margin~5 4~Leaves glabrous or with only margins sparsely ciliate; hairs on stems usually denser in longitudinal bands, hairs 0.2–2 mm long; flowers white or pale lilac or pale blue~Derwentia derwentiana 4*~Leaves and stems densely and evenly covered with very short hairs 0.1–0.3 mm long; flowers violet-blue or pale lavender~Derwentia velutina 5~Leaves often V-shaped in cross section, recurved, with 6–18 teeth along each margin; capsules obtuse or truncate or emarginate~6 5*~Leaves mostly flat and spreading, entire or toothed, with up to 10 or rarely more teeth along each margin; capsules acute or obtuse~Derwentia perfoliata 6~Corolla 6–7 mm long; capsules truncate or emarginate, 3–6.5 mm long~Derwentia blakelyi 6*~Corolla 9.5–11 mm long; capsules obtuse or truncate, mostly 6–9.5 mm long~Derwentia arcuata #{gn}Desmodium 1~Leaves 1-foliolate; bracts filiform.~Desmodium gangeticum 1*~Leaves mostly 3-foliolate, occasionally a few 1-foliolate or 5-foliolate; bracts not filiform.~2 2~Branches spinescent; petioles 2–4 mm long; leaflets oblanceolate to oblong, 0.3–2.5 cm long, 1–6 mm wide.~Desmodium acanthocladum 2*~Branches not spinescent; petioles >4 mm long; leaflets various, 0.5–10 cm long, 5–45 mm wide.~3 3~Leaflets with a conspicuous silver stripe on upper surface.~Desmodium uncinatum 3*~Leaflets uniformly green on upper surface.~4 4~Pod articles inflated; leaflets lanceolate, 4–10 cm long, 4–10 times longer than wide.~Desmodium campylocaulon 4*~Pod articles flat; leaflets smaller and/or less elongate.~5 5~Leaflets hairy on both surfaces.~6 5*~Leaflets ± glabrous on upper surface.~7 6~Leaflets with both surfaces appressed-pubescent; apex of leaflets ± obtuse; flowers purple, c. 6 mm long.~Desmodium rhytidophyllum 6*~Leaflets with both surfaces sparsely to densely hairy; apex of leaflets acute to acuminate; flowers pink to blue, c. 10 mm long.~Desmodium intortum 7~Lower surface of leaflets sparsely hairy with minute, hooked hairs, often appearing glabrous; leaflets drying ± blue-black.~Desmodium brachypodum 7*~Lower surface of leaflets sparsely to densely hairy with longer, appressed hairs, sometimes with hairs restricted to veins; leaflets not drying blue-black.~8 8~Stipules 5–15 mm long.~9 8*~Stipules 2–6 mm long.~10 9~Stems and lower surface of leaflets ± densely hairy, appearing whitish; racemes c. 12-flowered.~Desmodium nemorosum 9*~Stems and lower surface of leaflets mostly sparsely hairy or ± glabrous, not appearing whitish; racemes 10–100-flowered.~Desmodium heterocarpon 10~Leaves with terminal petiolule similar to lateral ones, ≤1 mm long; leaflets ± rhombic and truncate at the apex or rarely broad-obovate or rounded.~Desmodium gunnii 10*~Leaves with terminal petiolule longer than lateral ones, usually 2–4.5 mm long; leaflets lanceolate, oblong or oblanceolate.~Desmodium varians #{gn}Deyeuxia 1~Awn absent (the awns of some species are readily deciduous, so many spikelets should be examined)~2 1*~Awn present~3 2~Leaves 2–4 cm long, mostly in tufts at the base of the plant; panicle narrow, 2–5 cm long, spikelets 2–2.5 mm long~Deyeuxia innominata 2*~Leaves 4–10 cm long with many leaves on stems; panicle open to slightly contracted, 5–10 cm long; spikelets 3–3.5 mm long~Deyeuxia nudiflora 3~Awn arising from lower 35% of lemma~4 3*~Awn arising from upper 65% of lemma~5 4~Lower glume slightly longer than upper glume or glumes equal; lemmas with 4 long teeth at apex; rachilla not usually prolonged beyond floret; panicle lobed or linear, dense~Deyeuxia quadriseta 4*~Lower glume slightly shorter than upper glume; lemma teeth variable; rachilla prolonged beyond floret and may bear a second floret; panicle dense to moderately contracted~Deyeuxia monticola 5~Awn arising about the middle of the lemma~6 5*~Awn arising in top 30% of lemma (subterminal)~11 6~Panicle less than 15 cm long~7 6*~Panicle 15 cm or more in length~9 7~Spikelets 3.5 mm long or less; awn less than 3 mm long; panicle somewhat contracted; slender plant~Deyeuxia rodwayi 7*~Spikelets 4 mm or more in length; awn 3–4 mm long~8 8~Spikelets 5 mm or more in length; panicle cylindrical, dense; rachilla produced as a glabrous bristle; leaves with hard tip; decumbent plant~Deyeuxia carinata 8*~Spikelets c. 4–5 mm long; panicle more open; rachilla produced as a hairy bristle; leaves not hard-tipped; slender plant~Deyeuxia accedens 9~Spikelets c. 3 mm long; awn 1–2 mm long, straight; panicle moderately dense, often lobed; erect plants~Deyeuxia mesathera 9*~Spikelets 3.5 mm or more in length; awn 3 mm long; panicle open and spreading; robust plants~10 10~Glumes unequal, the lower c. 75% the length of the upper; spikelets 4.5–5.5 mm long; awn longer than lemma~Deyeuxia frigida 10*~Glumes equal or subequal; spikelets 3.5–4.5 mm long; awn only just exceeding the lemma~Deyeuxia benthamiana 11~Awn short, less than 1 mm long and not usually projecting beyond lemma apex (if awn projects then spikelets 2 mm or less in length)~12 11*~Awn more than 1 mm long and projecting beyond the lemma~21 12~Lemma longer than both glumes~13 12*~Lemma shorter than lower glume and often shorter than both glumes~15 13~Panicle short, 2–9 cm long, narrow but not dense, with short, stiff branches; plants delicate, not usually more than 30 cm high~Deyeuxia gunniana 13*~Panicle larger, 12–20 cm long, open and spreading with long branches; plants more than 30 cm high, usually erect and fairly robust~14 14~Panicle 12–30 cm long; spikelets c. 2.5 mm long, a second floret sometimes present on prolonged rachilla (var. parviseta)~Deyeuxia parviseta 14*~Panicle 20–40 cm long; spikelets c. 3.5 mm long~Deyeuxia mckiei 15~Rachilla produced beyond the floret as a glabrous bristle or absent~16 15*~Rachilla produced beyond the floret as a hairy bristle~19 16~Spikelets 4 mm or more long; callus glabrous; plant slender~Deyeuxia angustifolia 16*~Spikelets less than 4 mm long; callus hairy; erect plants~17 17~Panicle very dense, linear; lemma truncate and minutely 4-toothed at apex~Deyeuxia imbricata 17*~Panicle more open, often spreading; lemma tip obtuse, acute or toothed~18 18~Panicle open, spreading and usually large, 12–30 cm long, nerves of lemma conspicuous; lemma not conspicuously scaberulous; rachilla bristle often absent~Deyeuxia decipiens 18*~Panicle more contracted, 7–20 cm long, linear-lanceolate in outline; nerves of lemma inconspicuous; lemma scaberulous~Deyeuxia contracta 19~Spikelets less than 3 mm long (var. boormanii)~Deyeuxia parviseta 19*~Spikelets 3 mm or more in length~20 20~Panicle short, 6–9 cm long; glumes subequal; lemma not obviously scaberulous~Deyeuxia microseta 20*~Panicle longer, usually 9 cm or more in length; lemma distinctly scaberulous (light hairs on a darker surface); glumes unequal~Deyeuxia scaberula 21~Spikelets 4 mm or more in length~22 21*~Spikelets less than 4 mm long~24 22~Panicle large and spreading, 20–60 cm long, with long, bare branches; robust plant~Deyeuxia acuminata 22*~Panicle narrow and denser, 6–18 cm long, with spikelets towards the bases of the branches~23 23~Awns 1–2 mm long, straight; panicle short, dense, 6–8 cm long; short grass~Deyeuxia crassiuscula 23*~Awns 4–5 mm long; curved, panicle fairly dense, 8–18 cm long; erect plant~Deyeuxia brachyathera 24~Panicle large, open, c. 20 cm long; lemma longer than glumes; erect plant~Deyeuxia reflexa 24*~Panicle moderately open to contracted; lemma shorter than the glumes; plants erect or spreading~25 25~Panicle 20–30 cm long, linear to lobed; awn 3–5 mm long; erect plant~Deyeuxia appressa 25*~Panicle 2–6 cm long, contracted, cylindrical; awn 1.5 mm long; short alpine grass~Deyeuxia affinis #{sp}Deyeuxia monticola 1~Spikelets 4.5–6 mm long, greenish or with a slight purple tinge; leaves rolled and almost bristle-like~var. monticola 1*~Spikelets 6–7 mm long, purplish; leaves only slightly inrolled~var. valida #{sp}Deyeuxia parviseta 1~Glumes unequal; lemma exceeding glume, finely and densely scaberulous; leaves with both surfaces of blade scabrous~var. parviseta 1*~Glumes subequal; lemma equalling but scarcely exceeding glumes, very inconspicuously scaberulous to almost smooth; leaves with blade scabrous on lower surface, densely scabrous to pubescent on upper surface~var. boormanii #{sp}Dianella caerulea 1~Leaf sheath one- to two-thirds occluded distally, Y-shaped in cross section in that region~2 1*~Leaf sheaths more than two-thirds occluded distally, ± biconvex in cross section in that region~3 2~Stems ± condensed, scales few proximally; no extravaginal shoots; perianth mid- to dark blue. Plant tufted, solitary, to 0.5 m high; stems short, leafy, touching or up to 60 cm apart. Cymules ± expanded, fewer than 10-flowered. Perianth mid- to dark blue~var. caerulea 2*~Stems conspicuously elongated, scaly for most of their length; extravaginal shoots developing distally with age; perianth greenish white to bright blue. Plant tufted, solitary, to 1.3 m high; stems elongating, with scales for most of their length, touching or up to 10 cm apart. Cymules ± expanded, 3–6-flowered. Perianth greenish white to blue~var. producta 3~Leaves strongly glaucous; true stems <10 cm long; inflorescence narrow-cylindrical in outline, interrupted. Plant tufted, solitary to gregarious, to 0.8 m high; stems short, touching or up to 30 cm apart. Cymules contracted, few-flowered. Perianth creamy-green to pale blue~var. cinerascens 3*~Leaves not glaucous; true stems to 1.8 m long; inflorescence from conical to narrow-cylindrical in outline, continuous or interrupted~4 4~Stems scaly for most of their length; extravaginal shoots produced distally. Plant tufted, solitary, to 1.8 m high; stems elongating, with scales for most of their length. Cymules expanded or contracted, few-flowered. Perianth pale to mid-blue, often with green streaks externally~var. assera 4*~Stems leafy for most of their length; no extravaginal shoots~5 5~Leaf sheaths not minutely papillose or pubescent; plants forming mats to 2 m diam.; mature leaves subequal in size at several nodes near middle of stem; perianth dark bronze-green to blue-green. Plant mat-forming with mats to 2 m diam., to 1.3 m high; stems elongating, with a few scales below several subequal leaves. Cymules many-flowered, contracted. Perianth dark bronze-green to blue-green~var. petasmatodes 5*~Leaf sheaths minutely but densely pubescent or papillose; plants forming tufts usually <0.5 m diam.; mature leaves increasing in size upwards; perianth pale to dark blue~6 6~Aerial shoots adjacent or up to 30 cm apart, to 0.5 m tall. Plant tufted, solitary, to 0.5 m high; stems elongating somewhat, with scales then leaves increasing in size upwards, to 30 cm apart. Cymules ± expanded, 3–5-flowered. Perianth pale blue~var. protensa 6*~Aerial shoots ± touching, to 1.3 m high. Plant tufted, solitary, to 1.3 m high; stems elongating, ± adjacent, with scale leaves then leaves increasing in size upwards. Cymules expanded to contracted, many-flowered. Perianth very pale to mid-blue~var. vannata #{sp}Dianella longifolia 1~Leaves 4–25 mm wide; roots fleshy-fibrous~2 1*~Leaves <4 mm wide; roots tuberous. Plant to 0.5 m high; tufts <2 cm diam. at base. Leaves suberect, ± grey-green, purplish red at base; blade to 3 mm wide. Flowers pale blue to whitish~var. stenophylla 2~Leaves <10 mm wide; plants forming small tufts to 5 cm diam. at base~var. longifolia 2*~Leaves 8–25 mm wide; plants forming large tufts to 50 cm diam~3 3~Seeds usually >3.3 mm long; lowest leaf blades usually strongly spreading to recurved, glaucous or bluish green; leaf about same breadth throughout its length (i.e. scarcely narrowed to the zone of occlusion); leaf sheaths pallid or pale brown; cymules 2–10-flowered. Plant to 1.2 m high; tufts to 60 cm diam. at base. Leaves strongly spreading to recurved, glaucous or rarely pruinose-purple, bases pallid to pale brown; blade 8–20 mm wide. Flowers pale blue to green-blue~var. porracea (now Dianella porracea, q.v.) 3*~Seeds usually <3.3 mm long; leaf blades suberect, glaucous or grey-green; leaf blade and sheath both narrowing to the zone of occlusion; leaf sheaths green or purplish; cymules 3–22-flowered. Plant to 1.5 m high; tufts 5–50 cm diam. at base. Leaves suberect, green to glaucous, pale brown to purplish at base; blade 4–25 mm wide. Flowers white to mid blue~var. longifolia #{sp}Dianella revoluta 1~Margins of leaves revolute, smooth; veins on blade regular, closely packed and strongly papillose, occasionally masking veins; berry blue. Tufted to mat-forming herb; clumps to 150 cm diam. at base. Leaves often glaucous, rarely reddish at base~var. revoluta 1*~Margins of leaves flat or slightly recurved, with scattered, irregular, fragile cilia-like teeth c. 1 mm long and pallid towards apex; veins on blade regular and closely packed or occasionally irregular and separated by up to a vein's breadth, not papillose; berry purple. Tufted herb; clumps to 30 cm diam. at base. Leaves glaucous, usually purplish red towards base~var. vinosa #{gn}Dianthus 1~Erect, shortly hairy annual; leaves linear-acuminate, margins smooth~Dianthus armeria 1*~Erect glabrous perennial; leaves narrow-ovate to lanceolate, margins scabrous~Dianthus barbatus #{gn}Dichanthium 1~Lower glume of sessile spikelet with short hairs on the keels towards the apex; racemes 1–3, not conspicuously hairy~Dichanthium tenue 1*~Lower glume of sessile spikelet with a fringe of long hairs towards the apex; racemes 1–6; usually with dense hairs~2 2~Sessile spikelets 5–6 mm long, pedicellate spikelets male, racemes 1–3, usually purplish~Dichanthium setosum 2*~Sessile spikelets 3–4.5 long; pedicellate spikelets sterile; racemes usually 2–4, light coloured~Dichanthium sericeum #{sp}Dichanthium sericeum 1~Spikelets c. 4.5 mm long and 1–1.4 mm wide; lower glume 9- or 10-nerved; racemes usually >4 cm long; perennial~subsp. sericeum 1*~Spikelets to 4 mm long and 1 mm wide; lower glume 5–7-nerved; racemes <4 cm long; annual~subsp. humilius #{gn}Dichondra 1~Leaves equally pilose on both surfaces; calyx 2.5–4 mm long, longer than the capsule; pedicels 10–50 mm long~Dichondra repens 1*~Leaves pilose on upper surface, densely silky on lower surface; calyx 1.5–2 mm long, shorter than the capsule; pedicels 1–5 mm long~Dichondra sp. A sensu Harden (1992) #{gn}Dichopogon 1~Pedicels 1 per node~Dichopogon strictus 1*~Pedicels 2–6 per node~2 2~Flowers and fruit nodding; stamen appendages usually purple~Dichopogon fimbriatus 2*~Flowers and fruit erect; stamen appendages usually yellow~Dichopogon sp. A sensu Harden (1993) #{fm}DICKSONIACEAE 1~Rhizomes erect, arborescent; indusia 2-valved to cup-shaped, the 2 parts equal or almost so~Dicksonia 1*~Rhizomes creeping; indusia 2-valved, the inner lip small and membranous~Calochlaena #{gn}Dicksonia 1~Base of stipes with a clump of red-brown hairs; sori c. 1 mm diam~Dicksonia antarctica 1*~Stipes covered with stiff, dark red-brown hairs for much of its length; sori c. 2 mm diam~Dicksonia youngiae #{gn}Dicrastylis 1~Bracts larger than cymes; lowest corolla lobe much larger than other lobes; flowers arranged in distant, whorled, sessile clusters of 3, each cluster 3-flowered~Dicrastylis verticillata 1*~Bracts much smaller than cymes; corolla lobes more or less equal; flowers arranged in terminal subglobose clusters or in distant pedunculate or sessile clusters, 1–3 clusters per whorl and each 5–7-flowered~Dicrastylis lewellinii #{gn}Dierama 1~Perianth rounded at base above tube and immediately widening upwards~Dierama pendulum 1*~Perianth with base either conical immediately above the tube and spreading slightly or rounded above the tube and almost parallel sided~Dierama pulcherrimum #{fm}DILLENIACEAE 1~Stamens 10 in 2 whorls, filaments flattened and fused into a short tube at the base~Adrastaea 1*~Either stamens few to many and free, or if stamens united then less than 6 and in 1 whorl and filaments not united into a tube~Hibbertia #{sp}Dillwynia floribunda 1~Leaves flattened, tuberculate; young stems with long, weak, spreading to antrorse hairs or occasionally almost glabrous~var. floribunda 1*~Leaves terete, smooth or sparsely tuberculate; young stems apressed-pubescent with short hairs~var. teretifolia #{gn}Diospyros 1~Leaves yellowish green on lower surface, glabrous or glabrescent; buds pubescent, young stems and leaves glabrous or minutely pubescent~2 1*~Leaves not yellowish green on lower surface, hairy below, sometimes sparsely so; buds, young stems and leaves pubescent~4 2~Leaves mostly more than 8 cm long; petiole and midvein yellowish; buds and young shoots glabrescent; calyx lobes 3~Diospyros fasciculosa 2*~Leaves usually less than 8 cm long; petiole and midvein not yellowish; buds and young shoots pubescent; calyx lobes 4 or 5~3 3~Leaves lanceolate to ovate, apex acute; secondary veins prominent on both surfaces, forming angle of 70–900 with the midvein; calyx lobes 5~Diospyros pentamera 3*~Leaves oblong, apex obtuse or bluntly pointed; secondary veins obscure below, visible above, forming angle of c. 450 with the midvein; calyx lobes 4~Diospyros australis 4~Leaves with secondary veins prominent, curving out to the margin, 7–9 pairs; petiole 2–7 mm long; lamina distinctly hairy below, especially along veins and margins; calyx lobes 4~Diospyros mabacea 4*~Leaves with secondary veins distinct but not prominent, more or less straight, more than 12 pairs; petiole less than 3 mm long; lamina sparsely hairy below; calyx lobes 3~Diospyros major #{gn}Diplachne 1~Spikelets usually less than 8 mm long with 5–7 florets; distinctly pedicellate~2 1*~Spikelets 8–21 mm long with 8–14 florets, often subsessile; inflorescence branches not divided (the following species may not be distinct)~3 2~Lemmas 2.5 mm long or more; upper glume more than 2 mm long, lower more than 1.5 mm~Diplachne parviflora 2*~Lemmas 2.5 mm long or less; upper glume less than 2 mm long, lower less than 1.5 mm long~Diplachne uninervia 3~Lemmas 3.5–5 mm long, convex on the back with the palea concave; spikelets usually dark-coloured~Diplachne fusca 3*~Lemmas 4.5–6 mm long, the lemmas and paleas almost flat; spikelets dark at first, becoming pale with age~Diplachne muelleri #{gn}Diplazium 1~Secondary rachises much darker at their junction with the main rachis; sori to 1 mm, rarely to 1.5 mm long~Diplazium assimile 1*~Secondary rachises not much darker at their junction with the main rachis; sori usually >1.5 mm long~2 2~Secondary pinnae lobed almost to the midvein~Diplazium australe 2*~Secondary pinnae lobed about halfway to the midvein~Diplazium dilatatum #{gn}Diplotaxis 1~Stems glabrous; ovary on a gynophore 1–3 mm long; 70–100 ovules per ovary~Diplotaxis tenuifolia 1*~Stems hairy; ovary sessile; 40–60 ovules per ovary~Diplotaxis muralis #{gn}Dipodium 1~Sepals and lateral petals greenish yellow with maroon spots and streaks~Dipodium hamiltonianum 1*~Sepals and lateral petals white to pink with darker spots or blotches or uniformly pink to purple~2 2~Pedicel plus ovary spotted~Dipodium variegatum 2*~Pedicel plus ovary unspotted~3 3~Sepals and lateral petals straight to slightly recurved~4 3*~Sepals and lateral petals strongly recurved towards the tips~5 4~Sepals and lateral petals almost flat, straight, mid pink with heavy dark blotching~Dipodium pulchellum 4*~Sepals and lateral petals cupped, often slightly recurved, pink with heavy darker purple blotching~Dipodium punctatum 5~Sepals and lateral petals light pink with fine, darker spots~Dipodium roseum 5*~Sepals and lateral petals dark reddish purple, heavily blotched with darker purple~Dipodium atropurpureum #{fm}DIPSACACEAE 1~Plants thistle-like, spiny; involucral bracts spiny~Dipsacus 1*~Plants not spiny: involucral bracts leafy~Scabiosa #{sp}Dipteracanthus australasicus 1~Corolla tube 20–35 mm long, lobes 5–15 mm long; style 6–22 mm long; capsule 10–17 mm long. Shrub 30–100 cm high~subsp. australasicus 1*~Corolla tube 6–14 mm long, lobes 3–6 mm long; style 6–7.5 mm long; capsule 7–13 mm long. Subshrub 10–25 cm high~subsp. corynothecus #{gn}Discaria 1~Spines usually more than 20 mm long, regularly formed at all nodes; leaves shed early, plant dominated by spines; petals present~Discaria pubescens 1*~Spines generally c. 10 mm long, often scattered; leaves usually persistent so that the plant appears leafy; petals absent~Discaria nitida #{sp}Dissocarpus biflorus 1~Flowers in clusters of 2 or 3, or rarely 4; plant tomentose~var. biflorus 1*~Flowers in clusters of 4–6, rarely more; plant hairy but less so than var. biflorus~var. cephalocarpus #{gn}Dissocarpus 1~Flowers 2–8, united at base~Dissocarpus biflorus 1*~Flowers 6–numerous, in dense spinescent spherical heads~2 2~Perianth tube protruding above the surface of the dense, spherical, woody head; spines irregularly produced, often laterally flattened~Dissocarpus fontinalis 2*~Perianth tube not visible above the surface of the dense, spherical, woody head; spines regularly 5, opposite each perianth lobe~3 3~Leaves linear, semiterete, to c. 3 mm wide~Dissocarpus paradoxus 3*~Leaves flattened, obovate, 5–8 mm wide~Dissocarpus latifolius #{gn}Diuris 1~Lateral lobes of the labellum about as long as or longer than the midlobe~2 1*~Lateral lobes of the labellum much shorter than the midlobe~7 2~Flowers orange, usually lacking any markings~Diuris aequalis 2*~Flowers yellow to golden with reddish brown or blackish markings~3 3~Labellum with a single callus ridge~Diuris corymbosa 3*~Labellum with 2 callus ridges~4 4~Labellum midlobe obovate when flattened, lateral sepals parallel~Diuris brevissima 4*~Labellum midlobe cuneate when flattened, lateral sepals crossed and recurved beneath the labellum~5 5~Lateral lobes of labellum usually larger than midlobe~Diuris semilunulata 5*~Lateral lobes of labellum usually smaller than midlobe~6 6~Flowers yellow, dotted and spotted with dark markings (mainly coastal)~Diuris maculata 6*~Flowers yellow to golden, heavily blotched and suffused with dark markings (mainly inland)~Diuris pardina 7~Lateral sepals deflexed, hanging away from the labellum~8 7*~Lateral sepals directed upward and outward under the labellum~26 8~Lateral sepals much longer than the petals~9 8*~Lateral sepals about as long as the petals~16 9~Flowers white, lilac, mauve or purple~10 9*~Flowers yellowish to clear yellow, golden or orange~13 10~Petal claw gradually expanded into the lamina~11 10*~Petal lamina suddenly expanded at the apex of the claw~12 11~Labellum spathulate, midlobe ovate-cordate when flattened~Diuris striata 11*~Labellum broad-obovate, midlobe circular-flabellate when flattened~Diuris dendrobioides 12~Flowers 5–6 cm across, lilac, mauve or purple, petals erect~Diuris punctata 12*~Flowers c. 2 cm across, white with lilac or purple markings, petal lamina recurved~Diuris alba 13~Flowers yellowish, heavily suffused with mauve and purple~Diuris nebulosa 13*~Flowers clear yellow, golden or orange, often with some light markings on the labellum, not heavily suffused~14 14~Flowers arranged on 1 side of the rachis~Diuris secundiflora 14*~Flowers arranged around the rachis~15 15~Petal claw expanded gradually into the lamina~Diuris tricolor 15*~Petal lamina distinctly and suddenly expanded at the apex of the claw~Diuris punctata 16~Callus ridges irregularly pubescent towards the apex~Diuris x polymorpha 16*~Callus ridges lacking any pubescence~17 17~Raceme with about 5 prominent, curved, linear bracts~Diuris bracteata 17*~Raceme with 2 or 3 bracts, usually not either prominent or curved~18 18~Labellum callus of a single ridge~Diuris sulphurea 18*~Labellum callus of two ridges~19 19~Flowers bright golden yellow to orange~20 19*~Flowers lemon yellow to yellow~21 20~Flowers c. 3.5 cm across~Diuris aurea 20*~Flowers c. 2 cm across~Diuris chrysantha 21~Flowers more or less nodding~22 21*~Flowers erect~23 22~Petal lamina elliptic, labellum midlobe mainly elliptic to obovate when flattened; coastal species flowering July to early Sept~Diuris praecox 22*~Petal lamina mainly ovate, labellum midlobe mainly ovate to circular when flattened; inland ranges and tablelands, flowering Sept.–Nov~Diuris abbreviata 23~Flowers widely spaced in the raceme~Diuris disposita 23*~Flowers closely spaced in the raceme~24 24~Lateral lobes of labellum 4–7 mm long; raceme usually 30–70 cm high~25 24*~Lateral lobes of labellum linear to narrow-ovate, 0.8–1.2 mm wide; raceme 10–20 cm high~Diuris flavescens 25~Lateral lobes of labellum linear, c. 1 mm wide~Diuris platichila 25*~Lateral lobes of labellum narrow-ovate, c. 2–4 mm wide~Diuris goonooensis 26~Flowers white to lilac with numerous purple striations~Diuris venosa 26*~Flowers yellow to orange~27 27~Leaves 2; raceme 6–18 cm high; flowers 1 or 2, 1.5–2 cm across~Diuris pedunculata 27*~Leaves 3–9; raceme 15–40 cm high; flowers 1–4, 2.5–4 cm across~Diuris lanceolata #{sp}Diuris punctata 1~Flowers mauve to purple~var. punctata 1*~Flowers yellow.~var. sulfurea #{gn}Dodonaea 1~Leaves simple or pinnatifid with lobes shorter than breadth of lamina (Dodonaea lobulata)~2 1*~Leaves compound, the leaflets longer than the breadth of the rachis~23 2~Capsule winged, the wings extending from capsule base to apex, usually prominent and more than 2 mm wide (less than 1 mm in Dodonaea procumbens)~3 2*~Capsule globose, not prominently winged, the appendage at capsule apex only, usually lobe-like or horn-like or sometimes absent, or rarely a wing to 1.5 mm wide~20 3~Capsule wings rounded, with their longest axis parallel to capsule axis, more or less equal in breadth from base to apex~4 3*~Capsule wings rounded or pointed, oblique with their longest axis perpendicular to the capsule axis, larger at capsule apex than at base~17 4~Leaves more or less filiform, cylindrical or narrow-linear, less than 2 mm wide, terete or 4-ribbed or channelled above or flat, margins entire~5 4*~Leaves never more or less filiform or cylindrical, flat, margins entire to regularly toothed or lobed, if linear then more than 2 mm wide and sinuate~6 5~Branchlets finely pubescent; leaves falcate, not rigid, 2.5–4 cm long, rarely to 5 cm~Dodonaea falcata 5*~Branchlets glabrous; leaves straight, usually erect, often rigid, 4–10.5 cm long, or rarely as short as 3 cm~Dodonaea viscosa 6~Leaves sticky, shiny and glabrous, or pubescent~7 6*~Leaves not sticky, dull, glabrous~14 7~Leaves more than 10 mm wide~8 7*~Leaves less than 10 mm wide~9 8~Capsule greatly inflated, not readily dehiscent, the wings 1.5–4 mm wide~Dodonaea petiolaris 8*~Capsule not inflated, dehiscent, the wings more than 4 mm wide~Dodonaea viscosa 9~Leaves usually less than 2.5 mm wide, linear, pinnatifid or irregularly 2–12-lobed~Dodonaea lobulata 9*~Leaves usually more than 2.5 mm wide, oblong, angular-obovate to obovate, entire or irregularly toothed or lobed at apex~10 10~Leaves 5–9 mm wide~11 10*~Leaves 2–5 mm wide, or rarely to 8 mm wide~12 11~Erect shrub; capsules 11–28 mm wide, wings more than 2 mm wide~Dodonaea viscosa 11*~Prostrate shrub; capsules 8–10.5 mm wide, wings 0.5 mm wide~Dodonaea procumbens 12~Leaves linear to oblong, decurrent at base; sepals not persistent~Dodonaea camfieldii 12*~Leaves angular-obovate to obovate, not decurrent at base; sepals persistent~13 13~Leaves hirsute, petiolate, 3–6 mm long; capsule hirsute; inflorescences axillary~Dodonaea hirsuta 13*~Leaves glabrous, sessile, 5–18 mm long; capsule glabrous; inflorescences terminal~Dodonaea peduncularis 14~Leaves sessile, 0.8–3.5 cm long, apex obtuse or rounded, rarely mucronate~Dodonaea bursariifolia 14*~Leaves petiolate, rarely subsessile, lamina 3–12 cm long, apex acuminate to obtuse~15 15~Leaves irregularly toothed, 6–12 mm wide; inflorescences a 3–6-flowered cyme, pedicels 2–2.5 mm long~Dodonaea serratifolia 15*~Leaves entire or sinuate, 10–47 mm wide; inflorescences a terminal panicle, pedicels more than 4 mm long~16 16~Capsule mostly 16–19 mm long, wing coriaceous; leaves concolorous~Dodonaea lanceolata 16*~Capsule mostly 11–14 mm long. wing membranous; leaves discolorous~Dodonaea triquetra 17~Leaves elliptic, 14–27 mm wide, with length:breadth ratio of less than 5:1~Dodonaea rhombifolia 17*~Leaves usually linear, lanceolate or oblanceolate, rarely narrow-elliptic, 1–13 mm wide, with length:breadth ratio of more than 5:1~18 18~Leaves linear, rigid, 1–2.5 mm wide~Dodonaea stenophylla 18*~Leaves oblanceolate, linear or narrow-elliptic, 2–13 mm wide~19 19~All leaves simple, 5–13 mm wide; capsule 3–4-winged~Dodonaea truncatiales 19*~Leaves simple or irregularly pinnate with 1–10 leaflets, 2–5 mm wide; capsule 4-winged~Dodonaea heteromorpha 20~Petiole 7.5–14 mm long; capsule greatly inflated more than 15 long, more than 11.5 mm wide~Dodonaea petiolaris 20*~Leaves sessile or petiole less than 3 mm long; capsule not inflated, less than 13 mm long, less than 11.5 mm wide~21 21~Leaves with apex obtuse or rounded, entire, glabrous~Dodonaea bursariifolia 21*~Leaves with apex acute, usually regularly toothed or sometimes 3-toothed, pubescent~22 22~Leaves 6–30 mm wide; capsule 6–9 mm long, usually sparsely pubescent; appendages usually present, lobe-like, 1–2 mm wide~Dodonaea triangularis 22*~Leaves 4–8.5 mm wide; capsule 11–13 mm long, glabrous; wings 0.5 mm wide~Dodonaea procumbens 23~Capsule lacking wings~Dodonaea macrossanii 23*~Capsule prominently winged~24 24~Capsule wings rounded, with their longest axis parallel to the capsule axis, more or less equal in breadth from base to apex; leaflets usually less than 12 mm long~25 24*~Capsule wings rounded or pointed, oblique, their longest axis perpendicular to the capsule axis, larger at capsule apex than the base; leaflets usually more than 12 mm long~30 25~Leaflets linear, less than 2 mm wide~Dodonaea sinuolata 25*~Leaflets various shapes, mostly narrow- to broad-obovate, never linear or linear-oblanceolate, more than 2 mm wide~26 26~Leaflets with sunken glands near margin on upper surface~27 26*~Leaflets without sunken surface glands~28 27~Lateral leaflets less than 15~Dodonaea boroniifolia 27*~Lateral leaflets more than 15~Dodonaea multijuga 28~Petioles at least 6 mm long~Dodonaea sinuolata 28*~Petioles less than 6 mm long~29 29~Leaves densely hirsute; lateral leaflets more than 8; sepals persistent in fruit~Dodonaea pinnata 29*~Leaves pubescent; lateral leaflets less than 8; sepals not persistent~Dodonaea microzyga 30~Leaves usually simple, sometimes irregularly pinnate with 1–10 irregularly spaced leaflets~Dodonaea heteromorpha 30*~Leaves imparipinnate with 6–15 pairs of leaflets~Dodonaea megazyga #{sp}Dodonaea sinuolata 1~Leaves usually 1.5–2.5 cm long; leaflets linear or rarely narrow-oblong, apices obtuse to broadly acute; petiole usually 8–12 mm long~subsp. sinuolata 1*~Leaves usually 2–3 cm long; leaflets oblanceolate to narrow-obtriangular, apices obtuse to broadly acute; petiole usually 11.5–17 mm long~subsp. acrodentata #{sp}Dodonaea viscosa 1~Leaves elliptic, rarely ± obovate, 20–40 mm wide, with length:breadth ratio of 3–4:1; capsule 2- or rarely 3-winged, ± circular in lateral view; body of carpel (excluding wing) >7 mm wide. Dense spreading shrub to 2 m high. Leaves 7–13 cm long, apex broad-acute or obtuse, margins irregularly sinuate; petiole 2.5–6 mm long. Capsule 15–23 mm long, 20–25 mm wide; wings 4–4.5 mm wide. Coastal situations on sand, north from Port Macquarie district NC; Qld, trop.~subsp. viscosa 1*~Leaves variable, rarely elliptic, 1–25 mm wide, with length:breadth ratio of usually >4:1; capsule 3- or 4-winged, broad-elliptic to transverse-elliptic in lateral view; body of carpel (excluding wings) <6 mm wide.~2 2~Leaves linear, lanceolate to narrow-elliptic or rarely oblanceolate, with length:breadth ratio of 5–15:1, rarely to 30:1.~3 2*~Leaves obovate to spathulate or cuneate to angular-obovate, with length:breadth ratio of usually <6:1.~6 3~Leaves lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, >10 mm wide. Large shrub or small tree to 6 m high. Leaves mostly 7–12 cm long and 14–23 mm wide, apex acute; petiole 6–18 mm long. Capsule 3- or 4-winged, 8.5–20 mm long, rarely to 28 mm, 11–22 mm wide, rarely to 28 mm; wings 3–6 mm wide, rarely to 10 mm. Grows in wet sclerophyll forest, often on rocky slopes, chiefly in coastal sites north from Wooli (Grafton district), also recorded near Tenterfield. NC NT; LHI, Qld, trops.~subsp. burmanniana 3*~Leaves linear-lanceolate, linear to narrow-oblong or rarely oblanceolate, <10 mm wide.~4 4~Leaves linear-lanceolate, narrowly tapered at apex and base; petiole 6.5–18 mm long. Compact shrub to 5 m high. Leaves mostly 6–13 cm long, 5–10 mm wide, apex acute to acuminate, base narrow-attenuate; petiole 6.5–18 mm long. Grows in dry sclerophyll forest or woodland, often in rocky areas; chiefly on the Slopes and Tablelands. NC CC SC NT CT ST NWS CWS NWP; Qld, Vic., Amer., Afr., Asia, Pac. [D. viscosa var. angustifolia]~subsp. angustifolia 4*~Leaves linear to narrow-oblong, rarely oblanceolate, not narrowly tapered at apex, sessile or petiole 1–10 mm long.~5 5~Leaves 1–6 mm wide, with length:breadth ratio of >7.5:1, linear to narrow-oblong, rarely oblanceolate, sessile. Erect shrub to 4 m high. Leaves 3–9.5 cm long, 1–6 mm wide, apex acute to obtuse, margins irregularly sinuate or toothed. Grows in woodland, chiefly in arid and semi-arid areas; west from Armidale, Bowral and Cooma districts. NT CT ST NWS CWS SWS NWP SWP NFWP SFWP; Qld, Vic., N.T., S.A., W.A. [D. angustissima DC., D. attenuata A. Cunn.]~subsp. angustissima 5*~Leaves 6–16 mm wide, with length:breadth ratio of <7.5:1, usually obovate to spathulate or sometimes oblanceolate, sessile or tapering to petiole 1–10 mm long.~subsp. spatulata 6~Leaves cuneate to angular-obovate or narrow-obovate; lamina 1.2–3 cm long, usually with length:breadth ratio of <3.5:1, apex truncate or obtuse, shortly apiculate or sometimes irregularly 2- or 3-toothed, rarely emarginate. Compact spreading shrub to 3 m high. Leaves 1.2–3 cm long, 4–9 mm wide, rarely to 12 mm wide, margins entire to irregularly sinuate; sessile or shortly petiolate. Grows in mallee scrub in semi-arid areas, and open forest, mostly on sandy loams; widespread in inland districts. NC CC CT CWS SWS NWP SWP NFWP; Qld, Vic., S.A. [D. cuneata Sm.]~subsp. cuneata 6*~Leaves obovate to spathulate; lamina 2.3–7.5 cm long, usually with length:breadth ratio of >3.5:1, apex mucronate or broad-acute to obtuse or sometimes shortly apiculate.~7 7~Leaves 10–25 mm wide, apex mucronate; petiole 3.5–20 mm long. Erect to spreading shrub to 4 m high. Leaves 2.5–6 cm long, 10–25 mm wide, margins entire to irregularly sinuate, base broad-attenuate. Grows on rocky hills and ranges and in associated creeks in arid areas; west from Mudgee district. NWS CWS NWP SWP NFWP; Qld, N.T., S.A., W.A.~subsp. mucronata 7*~Leaves 6–16 mm wide, apex broad-acute to obtuse, sometimes shortly apiculate; petiole 0–10 mm long. Erect to spreading shrub 1.5–4 m high. Leaves 2.3–7.5 cm long, 6–16 mm wide, margins entire to irregularly sinuate or toothed. Grows in high-rainfall areas in open forest and mallee shrubland. Leaf morphology is extremely variable, with leaf characters intergrading with those of subsp. angustissima, subsp. cuneata and subsp. mucronata. All divisions except SC and SFWP; Qld, Vic., Tas., S.A., W.A. [D. viscosa var. arborescens (Hook.f.) Sherff]~subsp. spatulata #{gn}Doodia 1~Fronds 1-pinnatisect for most of their length, most segments attached by a broadened to decurrent base~2 1*~Fronds with more than 1 pair of pinnae free, sessile to shortly stalked~3 2~Sori in one row on each side of the vein and located very close to it, usually 2–3 mm long~Doodia maxima 2*~Sori in 1 or 2 rows on each side of the midvein and distinctly separated from it, ± circular, 0.51.5 mm long, sometimes becoming confluent with age~Doodia aspera 3~Fronds not markedly dimorphic, harsh, ± leathery~Doodia australis 3*~Fronds usually dimorphic, almost membranous to ± leathery~4 4~Fronds pinnately divided for most of their length, but often with an apical pinna half to two-thirds the length of the lamina; various habits from creek banks in rainforest to open rocky areas~Doodia caudata 4*~Fronds undivided for half to two thirds of their length, with a few pairs of short, broad pinnae at the base; protected sites in rainforest and open forest~Doodia linearis #{gn}Doryanthes 1~Inflorescence globose, to 70 cm diam.; leaves to c. 2.5 m long; anthers 27–38 mm long~Doryanthes excelsa 1*~Inflorescence elongated, toothbrush-like, to 120 cm long; leaves to 3 m long; anthers 12–18 mm long~Doryanthes palmeri #{fm}DROSERACEAE 1~Plants terrestrial; leaves with glandular hairs; lamina not articulate~Drosera 1*~Plants aquatic; leaves with sensitive hairs on trap-like lamina; lamina articulate~Aldrovanda #{gn}Drymophila 1~Aerial stems not branching; berry orange-yellow; north from Wingham~Drymophila moorei 1*~Aerial stems branching; berry blue-purple; south from Braidwood~Drymophila cyanocarpa #{fm}DRYOPTERIDACEAE 1~Fronds pinnate, veins anastomosing~Cyrtomium 1*~Fronds 2-pinnate or more compound, veins free~2 2~Channel of the main rachis usually relatively broad and not slit-like, covered densely with short or long hairs~Lastreopsis 2*~Channel of the main rachis usually relatively narrow and slit-like, glabrous or bearing scales~3 3~Rhizomes long-creeping, fronds distant; scales at base of stipe narrow-lanceolate, <2 mm wide; indusia usually reniform, sometimes a few peltate~Arachniodes 3*~Rhizomes erect, fronds tufted; scales at base of stipe broad, usually >3 mm wide; indusia peltate~Polystichum #{gn}Duboisia 1~Leaves mostly narrow-elliptic or lanceolate to linear; corolla 7–15 mm long~Duboisia hopwoodii 1*~Leaves mostly obovate to more or less elliptic to more or less ovate; corolla 4–7 mm long~Duboisia myoporoides #{gn}Dysoxylum 1~Leaves paripinnate, leaflets usually 4–10; domatia prominently swollen, glabrous except for few hairs to inside~Dysoxylum fraserianum 1*~Leaves usually imparipinnate, leaflets usually 11–23; domatia not swollen, appearing as small hair-tufts and often inconspicuous~2 2~Capsules glabrous; petals glabrous to sparsely hairy; upper surface of leaflets glossy in fresh material~Dysoxylum mollissimum 2*~Capsules densely hairy; petals densely hairy; upper surface of leaflets dull~Dysoxylum rufum #{sp}Dysphania glomulifera 1~Seed obovoid. Widespread in a variety of habitats~subsp. glomulifera 1*~Seed ellipsoid. Sandy areas~subsp. eremaea #{gn}Macrozamia 1~Large plants with 15–50 leaves in the crown, veins visible but thin and not or scarcely raised on the lower surface when dry, mucilage canals present in pinnae, lower pinnae reduced to spines~2 1*~Small plants with 2–12 leaves (rarely up to 40 in Macrozamia lucida), veins thick and prominent on the lower surface, especially when dry, mucilage canals not present in pinnae, lower pinnae not reduced to spines~7 2~Pinnae with stomates on both surfaces (amphistomatic)~Macrozamia johnsonii 2*~Pinnae with stomates on lower surface only (hypostomatic)~3 3~Pinnae not dichotomously divided~4 3*~At least some pinnae dichotomously divided~Macrozamia diplomera 4~Pinnae thin, upper surface glossy; spines of female sporophylls slender 2–5 mm wide at base~Macrozamia miquelii 4*~Pinnae thick, upper surface dull to semiglossy; spines of female sporophylls broad, over 5 mm wide at base~5 5~Plants large, leaves >150 cm long, seeds >35 mm long~6 5*~Plants small, leaves <150 cm long, seeds <30 mm long~Macrozamia reducta 6~Petioles spine-free for at least 15 cm~Macrozamia communis 6*~Petioles spinescent almost to base~Macrozamia montana 7~Rachis not twisted or moderately twisted, if >360°, then petiole 20–40 cm long or pinnae divided~8 7*~Rachis strongly spirally twisted, if <360° then pinnae entire or petiole 5–15 cm long~16 8~Pinnae simple~9 8*~Pinnae dichotomously divided one or more times~12 9~Pinnae spreading, petiole round or flat above~10 9*~Pinnae secund, petiole concave above~Macrozamia secunda 10~Pinnae glossy, whitish at base~Macrozamia lucida 10*~Pinnae dull, pinkish to red or orange at base~11 11~Leaves 35–100 cm long, pinnae 5–9 mm wide, not pungent~Macrozamia spiralis 11*~Leaves 90–150 cm long, pinnae 9–14 mm wide, pungent~Macrozamia elegans 12~Pinnae with stomates on one surface only~13 12*~Pinnae with stomates on both surfaces~Macrozamia stenomera 13~Leaves blue to grey-green~Macrozamia glaucophylla 13*~Leaves green, or rarely grey-green~14 14~Pinnae concolorous to weakly discolorous~15 14*~Pinnae distinctly discolorous~Macrozamia humilis 15~Pinnae >5 mm wide~Macrozamia polymorpha 15*~Pinnae <5 mm wide~Macrozamia heteromera 16~Broadest pinnae <10 mm wide, usually with a single apical tooth~17 16*~Broadest pinnae >10 mm wide, 2–7-toothed apically~Macrozamia fawcettii 17~Leaflets green on lower surface~Macrozamia flexuosa 17*~Leaflets grey or glaucous on lower surface, most noticeably in new growth~18 18~Petioles ± terete~Macrozamia concinna 18*~Petioles strongly flattened~Macrozamia plurinervia #{sp}Echinopogon caespitosus 1~Panicle 1–10 cm long; spikelets 3–5 mm long; lemma 5–7-nerved~var. caespitosus 1*~Panicle 3–4 cm long; spikelets 3–3.5 mm long; lemma 7–11-nerved~var. cunninghamii #{gn}Echinopogon 1~Awns absent or not conspicuous, 3 mm or less in length~2 1*~Awns conspicuous, more than 3 mm long~3 2~Panicle bristly; spikelets 2–3.5 mm long, awn on lemma to 3 mm long~Echinopogon mckiei 2*~Panicle not bristly; spikelets 3.5–4 mm long; lemma with a mucro to 1.5 mm long~Echinopogon phleoides 3~Spikelets to 5 mm long; lemma lobes less than 1.5 mm long or absent; glumes acute~4 3*~Spikelets 5–10 mm long; lemma with aristulate lobes to 2.5 mm long; glumes acute to subulate~5 4~Plants rhizomatous with culms loosely clustered or solitary, usually geniculate at the base; leaves with blade linear-lanceolate or linear, 2–8 mm wide, panicle dense~Echinopogon ovatus 4*~Plants tufted; culms erect, usually not geniculate; leaves with blade linear, 1–5.5 mm wide; panicle dense or interrupted~Echinopogon caespitosus 5~Panicle stiffly erect; peduncle retrorsely scabrous~Echinopogon intermedius 5*~Panicle often nodding or at an angle; peduncle smooth (or very slightly scabrous) below the panicle~6 6~Spikelets usually more than 7 mm long; glumes often with loose, long hairs as well as rigid bristles on the keels; lemma usually shorter than the glumes~Echinopogon cheelii 6*~Spikelets 5–7(-8) mm long; glumes with bristles only on the keels; lemma about the same length as the glumes~Echinopogon nutans #{sp}Echinopogon nutans 1~Plants to 0.7 m high; panicle 2–5.5 cm long; awns 6–14 mm long~var. nutans 1*~Plants to 1.2 m high; panicle 4–8 cm long; awns to 20 mm long~var. major #{gn}Echium 1~Stem leaves with cordate base~Echium plantagineum 1*~Stem leaves not cordate at base~2 2~Flowers blue with 4 stamens exserted; hairs on inflorescence white~Echium vulgare 2*~Flowers cream to yellow with 5 stamens exserted; hairs on inflorescence yellowish~Echium italicum #{gn}Eclipta 1~Heads campanulate, rays yellow; leaves entire~Eclipta platyglossa 1*~Heads hemispherical, rays white; leaves more or less entire to toothed~Eclipta prostrata #{gn}Ehretia 1~Leaves with entire margins, mostly 1–2 cm wide~Ehretia membranifolia 1*~Leaves with toothed margins, mostly 2.5–5.5 cm wide~Ehretia acuminata #{gn}Ehrharta 1~Sterile lemmas glabrous or scabrous, sometimes with tufts of hairs at the base; glumes to c. 50% as long as the sterile lemmas~2 1*~Sterile lemmas with long hairs loosely or densely arranged on the sides; glumes 50% to subequal the sterile lemmas~3 2~Sterile lemmas scabrous and tapering into terminal awns; the spikelets 10–18 mm long including the awns~Ehrharta longiflora 2*~Sterile lemmas glabrous, obtuse, awnless, at least 1 terminally corrugated; spikelets 3–5 mm long~Ehrharta erecta 3~Spikelets 4–8 mm long; sterile lemmas villous, acute or mucronate; callus not bearded, 2 large scales at the base~Ehrharta calycina 3*~Spikelets 10–15 mm long; sterile lemmas densely villous, mucronate; callus bearded; scales at base absent~Ehrharta villosa #{gn}Einadia 1~Leaves linear, lanceolate or narrow-sagittate~2 1*~Leaves ovate or ovate-hastate~3 2~Fruit becoming red and succulent~Einadia nutans 2*~Fruit remaining hard and dry, not red and succulent~Einadia polygonoides 3~Fruit usually succulent, red~Einadia hastata 3*~Fruit dry, neither succulent nor red~Einadia trigonos #{sp}Einadia nutans 1~At least some leaves narrow-sagittate, sagittate or hastate~2 1*~Leaves linear~subsp. linifolia 2~Inflorescence with sterile spine-like branches; fruit ovoid, apex acute; mature perianth and leaves with scattered vesicular hairs~subsp. oxycarpa 2*~Inflorescence only rarely with sterile spine-like branches; fruit subglobose; mature perianth and leaves usually without vesicular hairs~3 3~Some leaves 20–30 mm long; stems robust and striate~subsp. eremaea 3*~Leaves usually <20 mm long; stems less robust~subsp. nutans #{sp}Einadia trigonos 1~Perianth segments narrow with a narrow base, exposing most of the fruit~subsp. stellulata 1*~Perianth segments broad, not or only slightly narrowed at base, covering most of the fruit~2 2~Perianth segments with a few scattered vesicular hairs, mainly in the lower third and along the margins~subsp. trigonos 2*~Perianth segments with vesicular hairs scattered over the back~subsp. leiocarpa #{fm}ELAEOCARPACEAE 1~Fertile stamens twice as many as petals~Tetratheca 1*~Fertile stamens more than twice as many as petals~2 2~Leaves alternate, petiole usually less than a third as long as lamina; fruit a capsule or drupe, not red~3 2*~Leaves opposite or almost so, petiole usually at least half as long as lamina; fruit a berry, red~Aristotelia 3~Fruit a capsule, covered with bristles or prickly, yellowish brown; peduncles usually 1-flowered~Sloanea 3*~Fruit a drupe, smooth, usually blue, sometimes black; peduncles many-flowered, flowers in racemes~Elaeocarpus #{fm}ELATINACEAE 1~Aquatic annuals, either erect and submerged or prostrate on wet mud; leaves delicate, with minute marginal glands; sepals minute~Elatine 1*~Erect or decumbent dryland annuals or perennials, commonly growing as strand plants on inland lakes; leaves firm, without marginal glands; sepals subequal to petals~Bergia #{gn}Elatostema 1~Leaves mostly more than 7 cm long; heads more than 8 mm diam., white or yellowish, male peduncle more than 2 cm long, female heads more or less sessile~Elatostema reticulatum 1*~Leaves less than 7 cm long, mostly 1–3 cm long; heads c. 5 mm diam., whitish, male peduncle less than 2 cm, female peduncle more than 1 cm~Elatostema stipitatum #{gn}Elattostachys 1~Domatia usually prominent; leaflets usually hairy, less than 3 times long as wide; capsules hairy~Elattostachys xylocarpa 1*~Domatia absent; leaflets glabrous, more than 3 times long as wide; capsules more or less glabrous~Elattostachys nervosa #{gn}Eleusine 1~Spikes usually 2 or 3, each 1–3 cm long and 8–10 mm wide; spikelets densely overlapping~Eleusine tristachya 1*~Spikes 2–10, each 4–15 cm long and c. 5 mm wide; spikelets loosely overlapping~Eleusine indica #{sp}Elymus scaber 1~Glumes 3- or 4-nerved, acute to acuminate, 6–15 mm long~var. scaber 1*~Glumes 6–8-nerved, obtuse to acute, 10–15 mm long~var. plurinervis #{gn}Emex 1~Visible part of 3 inner segments of fruiting perianth broad-triangular to broad-ovate, with a short pungent mucro; fruiting perianth 9–13 mm wide including spines (each 2–5 mm long)~Emex australis 1*~Visible part of 3 inner segments of fruiting perianth ± narrow-oblong, with an acute apex but without a pungent mucro; fruiting perianth 4–6 mm wide including the spines (each 1–2 mm long)~Emex spinosa #{gn}Endiandra 1~Leaves green on both surfaces, sometimes lower surface paler~2 1*~Leaves glaucous on lower surface, this feature not always apparent on older leaves~11 2~Veins on lower surface of mature leaves glabrous; hairy domatia sometimes present in axils of primary and secondary veins; young shoots often finely hairy~3 2*~Veins on lower surface of mature leaves hairy; domatia usually absent; young shoots rusty-tomentose to velvety~9 3~Leaves with midrib flattened on lower surface, margins and midrib yellowish; lamina small, mostly less than 8 cm long; petiole often red; bark corky but hard~Endiandra sieberi 3*~Leaves with midrib raised and rounded on lower surface; lamina mostly more than 8 cm long; petiole not reddish; bark not corky~4 4~Leaves with length to breadth ratio of more than 4:1 (leaves appearing narrow)~Endiandra virens 4*~Leaves with length to breadth ratio of less than 4:1 (usually less than 3:1 and leaves appearing broad)~5 5~Leaves usually with 3–9 pairs of secondary veins, conspicuous on both surfaces, raised below, reticulate venation areolate, fine and even, prominent but not raised; domatia present or absent~6 5*~Leaves usually with more than 10 pairs of secondary veins, prominently raised on both surfaces, reticulate venation relatively coarse; domatia absent~Endiandra compressa 6~Leaves with midrib warty on lower surface and mostly with 3–5 pairs of secondary veins; small hairy domatia sometimes present~Endiandra muelleri 6*~Leaves with smooth midrib on lower surface and with 6–9 pairs of secondary veins; domatia usually absent~7 7~Length to breadth ratio mostly less than 2.5:1; leaves turning black when dried; fruit globose; flowers 4-merous~Endiandra globosa 7*~Length to breadth ratio more than 2.5:1; leaves green or brown when dried; fruit oblong or ovoid; flowers 3-merous~8 8~Perianth segments hairy; fruit 2–3 cm long, black when ripe~Endiandra muelleri 8*~Perianth segments glabrous; fruit 5–10 cm long, red to purplish black when ripe~Endiandra floydii 9~Leaves with 7–10 pairs of secondary veins; both surfaces of lamina dull and hairy; minute domatia sometimes present~Endiandra hayesii 9*~Leaves with 4–7 pairs of secondary veins; upper surface of lamina glabrous or almost so and more or less glossy, lower surface dull and hairy; domatia usually absent~10 10~Reticulum finely and evenly areolate; branchlets conspicuously ribbed~Endiandra muelleri 10*~Reticulum areolate, relatively coarse with 2 levels of pattern obvious; branchlets not conspicuously ribbed~Endiandra pubens 11~Large raised domatia present on lower surface of leaves~Endiandra discolor 11*~Large raised domatia absent, small flat domatia sometimes present~12 12~Veins on lower surface of leaves hairy; fine reticulum distinct on both surfaces, finely areolate; leaves with length to breadth ratio of less than 2.5:1; anther dehiscence extrorse~Endiandra crassiflora 12*~Veins on undersurface of leaves glabrous; reticulum obscure on both surfaces, not areolate; leaves with length to breadth ratio of more than 2.5:1; anther dehiscence introrse~Endiandra introrsa #{sp}Endiandra muelleri 1~Twigs with hairs straight and appressed; perianth segments usually hairy on the outside. Branchlets and mature leaves (except on some veins on lower surface) ± glabrous. Domatia often present as pockets or as small hair tufts~subsp. muelleri 1*~Twigs with straight and crooked, appressed and erect hairs; perianth segments glabrous on the outside. Branchlets and at least main veins on lower surface of leaves rusty-tomentose; lower surface of mature leaves distinctly hairy with straight and crooked hairs. Domatia usually absent~subsp. bracteata #{gn}Enneapogon 1~Hairs on the back of the basal lemma distinctly exceeding the base of the awns and obscuring the body of the lemma which is thickened and flattened on the surface, nerves not prominent~2 1*~Dorsal hairs of basal lemma not exceeding the base of the awns (although a few hairs sometimes longer), the body of the lemma partly exposed (in some specimens the body of the lemma sometimes almost obscured); lemma thickened and flattened~4 2~Florets usually 5 or 6, only 1 fertile, body of lowest lemma longer than broad; glumes usually with 11 nerves or less~Enneapogon polyphyllus 2*~Florets usually 3–5 with 2 or 3 fertile, body of lowest lemma as long as or shorter than broad; glumes usually more than 11-nerved~3 3~Glumes with more than 13 nerves; fertile florets usually 2 or 3; awns more than 7–11 mm long~Enneapogon avenaceus 3*~Glumes 7–16-nerved; fertile florets 2 (rarely 1); awns usually less than 7 mm long~Enneapogon intermedius 4~Body of lemma with appressed hairs borne on the entire surface~Enneapogon virens 4*~Body of lemma with spreading or erect hairs usually borne on the lower half~5 5~Culms disarticulating at the nodes; axillary inflorescences present in the upper leaf sheaths~Enneapogon cylindricus 5*~Culms not disarticulating at the nodes; axillary inflorescences absent~6 6~Body of basal lemma thickened, nerves not or only partly ribbed but sometimes obvious because of their colour; glumes 7–15-nerved~Enneapogon gracilis 6*~Body of basal lemma not thickened, nerves ribbed and prominent; glumes 5–7-nerved~7 7~Awns to 2.5 mm long, about the same length as the lemma body; inflorescence dense and usually less than 2 cm long~Enneapogon lindleyanus 7*~Awns more than 2.5 mm long and longer than the lemma body; inflorescence dense, moderately open and usually more than 2 cm long~8 8~Body of lowest lemma deeply ribbed; palea longer than the lemma by c. 1 mm, the keels ciliate or scaberulous for all their length~Enneapogon truncatus 8*~Body of lowest lemma only moderately ribbed; palea subequal to its lemma, the keels partly glabrous; (a variable species)~Enneapogon nigricans #{gn}Enteropogon 1~Spikes 1–3(-4)~Enteropogon unispecius 1*~Spikes usually >4~2 2~Plants 60–100 cm tall, glabrous, with leaves arising from the branched culms; leaf blades often twisted and with tubercles on the base of blade and on sheath; spikes usually c. 6~Enteropogon ramosus 2*~Plants to 40 cm tall, sparsely pilose, leaves usually basal and rarely twisting; spikes 7–22~Enteropogon acicularis #{gn}Entolasia 1~Upper glume and lower lemma exceeding the fertile floret by up to 1 mm; leaves with blade flat and well-developed with a distinct midvein; spikelets 2.5–3.8 mm long~Entolasia marginata 1*~Upper glume and lower lemma about as long as the fertile floret; leaves with blade slightly incurved to involute, sometimes very short and without a prominent midvein; spikelets 2.2–6 mm long~2 2~Spikelets 2.2–3.8 mm long; tufts of short leafy shoots often present at the nodes~Entolasia stricta 2*~Spikelets 4–6 mm long; culms branched at the nodes but without tufts of short shoots~Entolasia whiteana #{sp}Epacris calvertiana 1~Young leaves with margins finely fringed; flowers usually 3–5 mm diam., white or cream or cream-green~var. calvertiana 1*~Young leaves with margins ciliate; flowers usually 5–7 mm diam., tube pink to red and lobes white or cream~var. versicolor #{sp}Epacris microphylla 1~Leaves erect, spreading to subreflexed; apex shortly acuminate, apiculate or mucronate; base cordate or subcordate; flowers often sessile~var. microphylla 1*~Leaves upwardly appressed; apex acute with a small callus or apiculum; base obtuse; flowers pedunculate~var. rhombifolia #{sp}Epacris purpurascens 1~Leaves with aristate tip to 1.4 mm long, margins entire, petiole glabrous; corolla tube shorter than to as long as sepals, 4.3–6 mm long, lobes 4.6–5 mm long; style 5.5–6.8 mm long; capsule c. 2 mm long~var. purpurascens 1*~Leaves with tip 1–2.2 mm long, margins fimbriate at least towards base; petiole pubescent; corolla tube longer than sepals, 6.2–7.7 mm long, lobes 3.6–4 mm long; style 7.7–8 mm long; capsule c. 2.5 mm long~var. onosmiflora #{gn}Epaltes 1~Leaves oblong to oblong-lanceolate, sessile; heads globose to ovoid, 2–3 mm diam., in terminal panicles~Epaltes cunninghamii 1*~Leaves spathulate to obovate, petiolate; heads broadly hemispherical, 4–7 mm diam., solitary~Epaltes australis #{sp}Eremophila bowmanii 1~Leaves linear, margins revolute; branches, leaves pedicels and sepals dendritic-tomentose; outside of corolla glabrous except for hairs in sinuses between the lobes~subsp. bowmanii 1*~Leaves circular, ovate or obovate or oblanceolate, margins flat to thickened; branches, leaves, pedicels and sepals stellate- to dendritic-tomentose; outside of corolla glabrous or hairy~2 2~Leaves obovate to oblanceolate, margins flat or only slightly thickened; indumentum of fine indistinct stellate hairs; outside of corolla pubescent~subsp. latifolia 2*~Leaves ovate to circular, margins distinctly thickened; indumentum a coarse distinct dendritic tomentum; outside surface of corolla glabrous or occasionally with some hairs in the sinuses between the lobes~subsp. nutans #{sp}Eremophila divaricata 1~Branches glabrous except for a band of stellate hairs above the leaf attachment; leaves glabrous or minutely glandular-pubescent and occasionally with a few scattered stellate hairs on the margins towards base; fruit glabrous~subsp. divaricata 1*~Branches, leaves and fruit stellate-pubescent~subsp. callewatta #{gn}Eremophila 1~Leaves opposite~2 1*~Leaves alternate~3 2~Branches, leaves, calyx and outside of corolla scaly~Eremophila scoparia 2*~Branches, leaves and calyx covered in appressed hairs, outside of corolla glabrous~Eremophila oppositifolia 3~Branches and leaves glabrous~4 3*~Branches and leaves hairy~12 4~Corolla almost actinomorphic; stamens 5, anthers sagittate~Eremophila deserti 4*~Corolla zygomorphic; stamens 4, anthers when dehisced reniform~5 5~Stamens enclosed or extending just beyond the throat~6 5*~Stamens exserted, close together~11 6~Sepals 4; corolla lobes acute~Eremophila divaricata 6*~Sepals 5; corolla lobes obtuse~7 7~Shrubs with prostrate branches; leaves usually with prominent recurved teeth towards the base; fruit fleshy, white to reddish purple~Eremophila debilis 7*~Shrubs with erect or spreading branches; leaves lacking prominent recurved teeth; fruit dry~8 8~Sepals imbricate, ovate, apex acute to attenuate, green~9 8*~Sepals valvate, obovate to oblanceolate, rarely ovate, apex obtuse, cream, pinkish purple to brownish~10 9~Leaves 4.5–14 mm wide, corolla cream tinged pink or brown above or rarely carmine; erect shrubs or small trees~Eremophila bignoniiflora 9*~Leaves 1–3.5 mm wide, corolla white; divaricate shrubs~Eremophila polyclada 10~Small trees with scaly bark or shrub with a few main stems; flowers 2 or 3 per axil; sepals and corolla white to cream or rarely pinkish~Eremophila mitchellii 10*~Multistemmed shrubs or rarely forming a single trunk, bark deeply fissured on old plants; flowers 1 per axil; sepals and corolla usually purplish pink~Eremophila sturtii 11~Leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate; corolla unspotted, lobe of lower lip acute; sepals acute~Eremophila glabra 11*~Leaves linear to more or less terete; corolla spotted, rarely unspotted, lobe of lower lip truncate; sepals obtuse~Eremophila alternifolia 12~Hairs of branches and leaves simple~13 12*~Hairs of branches and leaves branched to dendritic~19 13~Flowers lilac to purple; stamens enclosed~14 13*~Flowers cream, red to yellow; stamens exserted~16 14~Hairs on branches, leaves and calyces glandular~Eremophila goodwinii 14*~Hairs on branches, leaves and calyces non-glandular~15 15~Sepals imbricate, unequal, ovate to lanceolate, margins of leaves entire~Eremophila freelingii 15*~Sepals valvate, subequal, linear-triangular to linear-lanceolate; margins of leaves toothed or entire~Eremophila gilesii 16~Corolla lobes obtuse~17 16*~corolla lobes acute~18 17~Sepals separated at base, spathulate to oblanceolate cream to pink~Eremophila oppositifolia 17*~Sepals imbricate or valvate, ovate to triangular, green~Eremophila longifolia 18~Sepals more than 10 mm long, enlarging after flowering, corolla red, yellow inside, unspotted~Eremophila duttonii 18*~Sepals less than 10 mm long, not enlarging, corolla variable in colour but not as above, usually spotted~Eremophila maculata 19~Corolla lilac, pinkish lilac or mauve; anthers enclosed~20 19*~Corolla red to yellow, or greenish brown; anthers exserted~21 20~Leaves completely covered in a dense tomentum; corolla lobes obtuse; sepals 5~Eremophila bowmanii 20*~Leaves sparsely stellate-pubescent or finely glandular-pubescent; corolla lobes acute; sepals 4~Eremophila divaricata 21~Sepals obovate to oblanceolate, obtuse; corolla greenish brown to brownish yellow~Eremophila serrulata 21*~Sepals triangular, ovate to lanceolate, acute; corolla red to yellow~22 22~Sepals valvate; fruit conical~Eremophila latrobei 22*~Sepals imbricate; fruit ovoid to subglobose~Eremophila glabra #{sp}Eremophila latrobei 1~Branches and outside surface of sepals stellate-pubescent to tomentose~subsp. latrobei 1*~Branches glabrous, outside surface of sepals glabrous except for stellate-tomentose margins~subsp. glabra #{sp}Eremophila oppositifolia 1~Shrub with leaves opposite or a few subopposite, 1–3 mm wide. Sepals cream~subsp. oppositifolia 1*~Shrub or tree with leaves alternate, 3–7 mm wide. Sepals cream or pink~subsp. rubra #{gn}Eriachne 1~Lemma awned; palea awned or mucronate~2 1*~Lemma awnless or mucronate; palea usually awnless~4 2~Glumes glabrous; awns on palea short, usually less than 3 mm long~Eriachne pallescens 2*~Glumes hirsute with tubercle-based hairs~3 3~Awns on palea half the length of lemma awn and usually less than 10 mm long; inland species~Eriachne aristidea 3*~Palea awn less than 15% the length of lemma awn; lemma more than 15 mm long; coastal species~Eriachne rara 4~Culm base densely woody and bulbous; lemmas 6–7 mm long~Eriachne helmsii 4*~Culm bases often thickened but not bulbous, glabrous or hairy but not woolly; lemmas 2–7 mm long~5 5~Glumes 60–75% the length of the spikelet; lemmas pubescent with sparse appressed hairs to almost glabrous~Eriachne glabrata 5*~Glumes about the same length as the spikelet; lemmas villous at least in lower 60%~6 6~Tufted perennials 30–45 cm high, often with sharp-pointed leaves; spikelets 5–6 mm long~Eriachne mucronata 6*~Delicate annuals 10–15 cm high; leaves not sharp-pointed but bearing stiff tubercle-based hairs; spikelets 3–4 mm long~Eriachne pulchella #{fm}EPACRIDACEAE 1*~Leaves with only 1 main longitudinal vein~2 1~Leaves with 3–7 main longitudinal veins~3 1~Stems with annular leaf scars~4 1*~Stems without annular leaf scars~5 2~Leaves alternate, broad, more than 20 mm long; flowers 5-merous~Gaultheria 2*~Leaves whorled, linear, less than 10 mm long; flowers 4-merous~Erica 4~Corolla ovoid or conical, forming a 'cap' that splits near the base and is shed as the anthers expand, lobes not opening~Richea 4*~Corolla with broad cylindrical or campanulate tube, the lobes spreading or recurved~Dracophyllum 5~Leaves sheathing~Sprengelia 5*~Leaves not sheathing~6 6~Style inserted in depression at apex of ovary; fruit a loculicidal capsule~7 6*~Style attenuate from the ovary, fruit a drupe or sometimes the endocarp separating into pyrenes~10 7~Corolla lobes contorted in bud~Woollsia 7*~Corolla lobes imbricate but not contorted in bud~8 8~Filaments inserted in throat; anthers erect or spreading, dehiscing longitudinally~9 8*~Filaments inserted at base of corolla tube; anthers converging around the style, dehiscing by apical slit~Rupicola 9~Filaments shorter than anthers; anthers versatile, attached to filament about the middle~Epacris 9*~Filaments longer than anthers; anthers fused to upper part of filament~Budawangia 10~Corolla lobes valvate in bud~11 10*~Corolla lobes basally or apically imbricate in bud~18 11~Anthers on long filaments, well exserted from the tube; corolla lobes revolute~Styphelia 11*~Anthers on short filaments, just exserted or partly or wholly enclosed in tube; lobes erect to spreading~12 12~Corolla tube with hairs or scales inside below the middle~13 12*~Corolla tube glabrous below the middle~14 13~Corolla tube short and broad; lobes spreading; 5 glandular scales present near base of tube~Melichrus 13*~Corolla tube elongated, cylindrical; lobes erect at base, spreading above; 5 tufts of hairs or ciliate scales inside, sometimes confluent in a ring, rarely glabrous~Astroloma 14~Flowers pedicellate, the subtending bract and bracteoles inserted some distance from the calyx~Lissanthe 14*~Flowers sessile, the subtending bracts and bracteoles inserted immediately below the calyx~15 15~Drupaceous fruit with endocarp not separating into pyrenes~16 15*~Drupaceous fruit with endocarp separating into pyrenes~Pentachondra 16~Corolla lobes glabrous or sometimes papillose~Monotoca 16*~Corolla lobes hairy~17 17~Corolla lobes with erect tuft of hairs near apex, fine hairs at throat; flowers yellow-green or green~Acrotriche 17*~Corolla lobes sparsely to densely bearded; flowers white, cream or red~Leucopogon 18~Corolla lobes basally imbricate; drupaceous fruit with endocarp not separating into pyrenes~Brachyloma 18*~Corolla lobes apically imbricate; drupaceous fruit with endocarp separating into pyreness~Trochocarpa #{fm}ERICACEAE - STYPHELIOIDEAE 1~Leaves with only 1 main longitudinal vein~2 1*~Leaves with 3–7 main longitudinal veins~3 2~Leaves alternate, broad, more than 20 mm long; flowers 5-merous~Gaultheria 2*~Leaves whorled, linear, less than 10 mm long; flowers 4-merous~Erica 3~Stems with annular leaf scars~4 3*~Stems without annular leaf scars~5 4~Corolla ovoid or conical, forming a 'cap' that splits near the base and is shed as the anthers expand, lobes not opening~Richea 4*~Corolla with broad cylindrical or campanulate tube, the lobes spreading or recurved~Dracophyllum 5~Leaves sheathing~Sprengelia 5*~Leaves not sheathing~6 6~Style inserted in depression at apex of ovary; fruit a loculicidal capsule~7 6*~Style attenuate from the ovary, fruit a drupe or sometimes the endocarp separating into pyrenes~10 7~Corolla lobes contorted in bud~Woollsia 7*~Corolla lobes imbricate but not contorted in bud~8 8~Filaments inserted in throat; anthers erect or spreading, dehiscing longitudinally~9 8*~Filaments inserted at base of corolla tube; anthers converging around the style, dehiscing by apical slit~Rupicola 9~Filaments shorter than anthers; anthers versatile, attached to filament about the middle~Epacris 9*~Filaments longer than anthers; anthers fused to upper part of filament~Budawangia 10~Corolla lobes valvate in bud~11 10*~Corolla lobes basally or apically imbricate in bud~18 11~Anthers on long filaments, well exserted from the tube; corolla lobes revolute~Styphelia 11*~Anthers on short filaments, just exserted or partly or wholly enclosed in tube; lobes erect to spreading~12 12~Corolla tube with hairs or scales inside below the middle~13 12*~Corolla tube glabrous below the middle~14 13~Corolla tube short and broad; lobes spreading; 5 glandular scales present near base of tube~Melichrus 13*~Corolla tube elongated, cylindrical; lobes erect at base, spreading above; 5 tufts of hairs or ciliate scales inside, sometimes confluent in a ring, rarely glabrous~Astroloma 14~Flowers pedicellate, the subtending bract and bracteoles inserted some distance from the calyx~Lissanthe 14*~Flowers sessile, the subtending bracts and bracteoles inserted immediately below the calyx~15 15~Drupaceous fruit with endocarp not separating into pyrenes~16 15*~Drupaceous fruit with endocarp separating into pyrenes~Pentachondra 16~Corolla lobes glabrous or sometimes papillose~Monotoca 16*~Corolla lobes hairy~17 17~Corolla lobes with erect tuft of hairs near apex, fine hairs at throat; flowers yellow-green or green~Acrotriche 17*~Corolla lobes sparsely to densely bearded; flowers white, cream or red~Leucopogon 18~Corolla lobes basally imbricate; drupaceous fruit with endocarp not separating into pyrenes~Brachyloma 18*~Corolla lobes apically imbricate; drupaceous fruit with endocarp separating into pyreness~Trochocarpa #{gn}Erigeron 1~Plant much-branched towards the apex, with few to numerous flower heads; leaves basal and cauline, acute~2 1*~Plant unbranched, with a single scape bearing a solitary flower head; leaves forming a basal rosette, obtuse~3 2~Stems and leaves more or less glabrous; lower leaves entire, 2–8 cm long; involucral bracts 4–8 mm long~Erigeron conyzoides 2*~Stems and leaves coarsely hairy; lower leaves 3-lobed or 3–5-toothed at apex, 0.5–3 cm long; involucral bracts 3–4 mm long~Erigeron karvinskianus 3~Leaves 0.6–1.5 cm long, narrow-oblanceolate to narrow-spathulate, coarsely hispid (bristly)~Erigeron setosus 3*~Leaves 2–9 cm long, broad-oblanceolate to broad-spathulate, glabrous to coarsely hirsute (not bristly)~4 4~Leaves more or less glabrous and viscid~Erigeron species A 4*~Leaves hairy, not viscid~5 5~Leaves sparsely hirsute, finely attenuate; heads 12–15 mm diam~Erigeron species B 5*~Leaves moderately to densely hirsute, narrowed into a long petiole; heads 20–25 mm diam~Erigeron pappocromus #{gn}Eriochloa 1~Spikelets 4–12 mm long (including the bristle), long-acuminate, tapering into a bristle~2 1*~Spikelets 3–5 mm long, apices acute or acuminate without an obvious bristle~3 2~Spikelets 6–12 mm long (including the bristle); leaf sheaths inflated and broader than the culms, usually hairy; annual~Eriochloa australiensis 2*~Spikelets 4–6 mm long; leaf sheaths narrow and not inflated, only basal sheaths hairy; usually perennial~Eriochloa pseudoacrotricha 3~Spikelets 3.7–5 mm long, crowded and overlapping on the racemes; erect perennial, 0.6–1 m high with rather few branches~Eriochloa crebra 3*~Spikelets 3–3.7 mm long, less crowded and tending to be in 2 neat rows on the racemes, slender annual or short-lived perennial, 0.25–0.7 m high with many branches~Eriochloa procera #{gn}Erodium 1~Leaves pinnately compound, the leaflets toothed to deeply pinnatisect~2 1*~Leaves shallowly lobed to deeply dissected, pinnatifid to pinnatisect or palmatisect or ternately dissected~3 2~Leaflets toothed; pits on the mericarp at the base of the awns with large glandular hairs~Erodium moschatum 2*~Leaflets deeply pinnatisect; pits on the mericarps without glandular hairs~Erodium cicutarium 3~Pits on the mericarp at the base of the awns with large glandular hairs~4 3*~Pits on the mericarp at the base of the awns without glandular hairs~5 4~Basal leaves more or less ovate, shallowly lobed; awn on sepals c. 1 mm long, conspicuous~Erodium malacoides 4*~Basal leaves oblong-ovate, more or less deeply lobed; awn on sepals c. 0.5 mm long, inconspicuous~Erodium aureum 5~Hairs on the calyx mostly non-glandular~Erodium crinitum 5*~Hairs on the calyx mostly glandular~6 6~Hairs on the stems glandular; leaves 3-lobed~Erodium carolinianum 6*~Hairs on the stems coarse and non-glandular towards base; leaves pinnately lobed or dissected~7 7~Pits on the mericarp at the base of the awn glabrous with an acute papery rim; awn usually more than 8.5 cm long~Erodium botrys 7*~Pits on the mericarp at the base of the awn hirsute, with an obtuse rim; awn ± 8.5 cm long~Erodium brachycarpum #{sp}Erophila verna 1~Hairs branched and stellate. Silicula narrow-elliptic, 6–10 mm long; pedicel 2–25 mm long~subsp. verna 1*~Hairs simple and branched and stellate. Silicula obovate to ± circular, 3–6 mm long; pedicel 2–17 mm long~subsp. praecox #{gn}Eryngium 1~Plants more than 1 m high with broad linear leaves, more than 50 cm long, with slender marginal spines; inflorescence complex, many-branched~Eryngium pandanifolium 1*~Plants less than 1 m high with leaves less than 30 cm long, spinose-lobed or pinnatisect with pungent segments; inflorescence more simply branched~2 2~Leaves more or less circular or obovate, more than 50 mm wide; flower heads subglobose; bracts broad-ovate~Eryngium maritimum 2*~Leaves oblong or oblanceolate, less than 30 mm wide; flower heads shortly ovoid or cylindrical; bracts narrow-ovate or linear~3 3~Flower heads less than 6 mm diam., few-flowered; floral leaves less than 20 mm long, broad~Eryngium expansum 3*~Flower heads more than 6 mm diam., many-flowered; floral leaves more than 20 mm long, narrow~4 4~Branches prostrate; flower heads basal or at branch nodes~Eryngium vesiculosum 4*~Branches erect; flower heads often terminal between opposite axillary branches~5 5~Flower heads ovoid to globose; bracts spread throughout head, often metallic blue or purplish tinged~Eryngium rostratum 5*~Flower heads cylindrical; bracts concentrated at base and apex of head, green~Eryngium paludosum #{gn}Erythrina 1~Leaflets usually 2- or 3-lobed; wings and keel <20 mm long, not protruding from calyx.~Erythrina vespertilio 1*~Leaflets always entire; keel >20 mm long, wings c. 15 mm long and scarcely protruding from calyx.~2 2~Leaflets ± ovate to obovate, >7 cm long and wide; flowers appearing before leaves; keel <30 mm long.~Erythrina x sykesii 2*~Leaflets ± elliptic to ovate, <7 cm long and wide; flowers appearing with leaves; keel >30 mm long.~Erythrina crista-galli #{fm}ESCALLONIACEAE 1~Leaves opposite or nearly so or in pseudowhorls; fruit a 1-seeded berry; [leaves 3–9 cm long, with acuminate to acute apex; calyx 4-toothed]~Polyosma 1~Leaves alternate, sometimes clustered at end of branches; fruit a many-seeded capsule~2 2~Leaves 15–50 cm long and at least 4 times long as wide, with acuminate apex; calyx 6–9-toothed~Anopterus 2*~Leaves < 8 cm long and less than 4 times long as wide, with more or less obtuse apex; calyx 5-toothed~Escallonia #{sp}Eucalyptus amplifolia 1~Buds and fruit distinctly pedicellate~subsp. amplifolia 1*~Buds and fruit sessile or subsessile~subsp. sessiliflora #{sp}Eucalyptus caleyi 1~Buds and fruit not 4-angled. North from the Goulburn R.~subsp. caleyi 1*~Buds and fruit 4-angled. West of Guyra to west of Tenterfield.~subsp. ovendenii #{sp}Eucalyptus camphora 1~Longest petioles <2 cm long. Juvenile leaves to 11 cm long, 5 cm wide, petioles 2–2.5 cm long. Adult leaves 5–10 cm long, 2.5–3.5 cm wide, petioles 9–17 mm long. Peduncles 4–11 mm long, 1.5–2 mm thick. Pedicels 1–5 mm long. Buds 6–7 mm long, 4–5 mm diam. Fruit 4–5 mm long, 4–5 mm diam~subsp. camphora 1*~Longest petioles >2 cm long~2 2~Largest adult leaves <2.5 cm wide. Juvenile leaves to 13 cm long, 6 cm wide, petioles 2–2.5 cm long. Adult leaves 6–10 cm long, 1.8–2.4 cm wide, petioles 2–2.5 cm long~subsp. relicta 2*~Largest adult leaves >2.5 cm wide. Juvenile leaves to 7 cm long, 5 cm wide, petioles to 5 mm long. Adult leaves glossy, 8–15 cm long, 2.5–6 cm wide, petioles 1.8–3 cm long~subsp. humeana #{sp}Eucalyptus coolabah 1~Buds, fruit and twigs glaucous. Adult leaves thin. Black soil floodplains~subsp. coolabah 1*~Buds, fruit and twigs not glaucous~2 2~Calyptra conical, acute. Adult leaves thin~subsp. excerata 2*~Calyptra rounded, obtuse. Adult leaves thick~subsp. arida #{sp}Eucalyptus dalrympleana 1~Inflorescences 3-flowered. South from Ilford. CT ST; Vic., Tas.~subsp. dalrympleana 1*~Inflorescences 7-flowered. North from Niangala. NT; Qld.~subsp. heptantha #{sp}Eucalyptus fergusonii 1~Adult leaves with some stomates on the upper surface~subsp. fergusonii 1*~Adult leaves with stomates on the lower surface only~subsp. dorsiventralis #{sp}Eucalyptus mannifera 1~Buds obtuse, pedicels slender; juvenile leaves linear; ± glaucous; adult foliage drooping, leaves 0.8–3 cm wide.~subsp. mannifera 1*~Buds acute; pedicels thick; juvenile leaves lanceolate to ± oblong, dark green; adult foliage not drooping, leaves 1.3–1.8 cm wide.~subsp. gullickii #{sp}Eucalyptus paniculata 1~Adult leaves with stomates confined to the lower surface except for a narrow band of scattered stomates along the midrib of the upper surface~subsp. paniculata 1*~Adult leaves with some stomates on the upper surface, i.e. with a regular scattering of stomates over the upper surface, but at much lower densities than those on the lower surface.~subsp. matutina #{sp}Eucalyptus parramattensis 1~Fruit usually <7 mm diam~subsp. parramattensis 1*~Fruit usually >7 mm diam~subsp. decadens #{sp}Eucalyptus polyanthemos 1~Bark mostly smooth, shedding in large plates or scales, sometimes irregularly persistent on trunk~subsp. polyanthemos 1*~Bark persistent on trunk and larger branches, `box'~subsp. vestita #{sp}Eucalyptus radiata 1~Juvenile leaves linear to lanceolate~subsp. radiata 1*~Juvenile leaves broad-lanceolate~subsp. sejuncta #{sp}Eucalyptus resinifera 1~Calyptra <3 times longer than hypanthium~subsp. resinifera 1*~Calyptra >3 times longer than hypanthium~subsp. hemilampra #{sp}Eucalyptus robertsonii 1~Calyptra conical~subsp. robertsonii 1*~Calyptra hemispherical~subsp. hemisphaerica #{sp}Eucalyptus rubida 1~Umbellasters 3-flowered~2 1*~Umbellasters 7-flowered~subsp. septemflora 2~Juvenile leaves orbiculate, trunk smooth to ground~subsp. rubida 2*~Juvenile leaves elliptic, trunk most often with a thick black basal stocking~subsp. barbigerorum #{sp}Eucalyptus scias 1~Calyptra conical or hemispherical, ± rostrate. Adult leaves green. Peduncles flattened 6–16 mm long, to 7 mm wide apically; pedicels 2–9 mm long. Mature buds ovoid to fusiform, 14–23 mm long, 9–14 mm diam. Fruit cup-shaped, 4–6-locular, 8–16 mm long, 9–20 mm diam~subsp. scias 1*~Calyptra hemispherical~2 2~Calyptra oblong, rounded; fruit sessile. Leaves and buds often bluish, especially when dried~subsp. apoda 2*~Calyptra hemispherical, apiculate; fruit pedicellate. Adult leaves green. Peduncles flattened 8–23 mm long, to 5 mm wide apically; pedicels 2–5 mm long. Mature buds clavate to ovoid, 14–18 mm long, 9–12 mm diam. Fruit cup-shaped, 3- or 4-locular, 8–12 mm long, 9–14 mm diam~subsp. callimastha #{gn}Euphrasia 1~Annuals~2 1*~Perennials~7 2~Corolla yellow~3 2*~Corolla lilac or white~4 3~Upper leaves entire or with 1 pair of teeth~Euphrasia orthocheila 3~Upper leaves usually with 2 or 3 pairs of teeth~Euphrasia scabra 4~Stem to base of inflorescence bearing 1–5 pairs of leaves, mature plants less than 12 cm high; corolla white with purple lines~Euphrasia alsa 4*~Stem to base of inflorescence bearing more than 5 pairs of leaves, mature plants usually more than 12 cm high; corolla white to pink, not conspicuously lined~5 5~Calyx (and leaves) glandular-hairy; corolla lobes emarginate with margins glabrous~Euphrasia caudata 5*~Calyx non-glandular-scabrous; corolla lobes rounded to acute, non-glandular, finely ciliate~6 6~Leaves immediately below inflorescence, scabrous, with 2–5 pairs of teeth, the largest teeth 1.5–5 mm long~Euphrasia arguta 6*~Leaves immediately below inflorescence usually glabrous, with 0–2 pairs of teeth, the largest less than 1.5 mm long~Euphrasia ciliolata 7~Corolla white, with purple lines; anthers glabrous on back~Euphrasia ramulosa 7*~Corolla white to purple, blue or pink, without prominent lines; anthers hairy on back~8 8~Upper leaves entire or with 1 pair of teeth; confined to sandstone cliffs in the Blue Mtns~Euphrasia bowdeniae 8*~Upper leaves with 2 or more pairs of teeth, or if only 1 pair of teeth then confined to coastal sites south from Green Cape~9 9~Leaves subpetiolate, base long-attenuate; restricted to the McPherson Ra~Euphrasia bella 9*~Leaves sessile, base cuneate to rounded; widespread from coastal to alpine sites, south from Torrington district~Euphrasia collina #{sp}Euphrasia orthocheila 1~Inflorescence glandular hairy~subsp. orthocheila 1*~Inflorescence lacking glandular hairs~subsp. peraspera #{gn}Eupomatia 1~Leaves with petiole decurrent on stem, lamina gradually tapering into the petiole; shrub, mostly less than 1 m high, rarely branched~Eupomatia bennettii 1*~Leaves without petiole decurrent on stem, petiole distinct, c. 3 mm long; small tree or branched shrub more than 1 m high~Eupomatia laurina #{sp}Euromyrtus ramosissima 1~Flowers erect, corolla 5–10 mm diam., petals white to deep pink-purple; stamens usually 10. Prostrate or erect shrub to 60 cm high. Leaves linear-lanceolate to narrow-ovate or spathulate, 2–13 mm long, 1–3 mm wide, apex acute to obtuse, leathery. Corolla mostly 7–10 mm diam.; petals 2–4.5 mm wide, white to deep pink-purple. Stamens usually 10. Ovules usually 5. Capsule 4–4.5 mm diam.; seeds 3 or 4 per loculus~subsp. ramosissima 1*~Flowers nodding, corolla 3–5 mm diam., petals white, tinged red; stamens 3–10. Spreading, decumbent or prostrate shrub to 20 cm high. Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, 3–10 mm long, 0.5–1.5 mm wide, apex acute or acuminate, papery. Corolla 3–5 mm diam.; petals 1–2.5 mm wide, white tinged with red. Stamens 3–10. Ovules usually 4 per loculus. Capsule 3–4 mm diam.; seeds 2 or 3 per loculus~subsp. prostrata #{gn}Euryomyrtus 1~Stamens mostly 5–10~Euryomyrtus ramosissima 1*~Stamens > 12~Euryomyrtus denticulata #{sp}Euryomyrtus ramosissima 1~Flowers erect, corolla 5–10 mm diam., petals white to deep pink-purple; stamens usually 10. Prostrate or erect shrub to 60 cm high. Leaves linear-lanceolate to narrow-ovate or spathulate, 2–13 mm long, 1–3 mm wide, apex acute to obtuse, leathery. Corolla mostly 7–10 mm diam.; petals 2–4.5 mm wide, white to deep pink-purple. Stamens usually 10. Ovules usually 5. Capsule 4–4.5 mm diam.; seeds 3 or 4 per loculus.~subsp. ramosissima 1*~Flowers nodding, corolla 3–5 mm diam., petals white, tinged red; stamens 3–10. Spreading, decumbent or prostrate shrub to 20 cm high. Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, 3–10 mm long, 0.5–1.5 mm wide, apex acute or acuminate, papery. Corolla 3–5 mm diam.; petals 1–2.5 mm wide, white tinged with red. Stamens 3–10. Ovules usually 4 per loculus. Capsule 3–4 mm diam.; seeds 2 or 3 per loculus.~subsp. prostrata #{gn}Eutaxia 1~Leaves linear to linear-oblong, usually 1.5–2.5 mm long (rarely more than 5 mm), to 1 mm wide, apex obtuse, flat to slightly concave; flowers yellow-orange, standard streaked purple or with red veins~Eutaxia microphylla 1*~Leaves obovate to ovate or rhombic, 3–7 mm long, 1–3 mm wide, apex subacute, concave, more or less keeled; flowers pale yellow, lacking obvious red veins~Eutaxia diffusa #{sp}Evolvulus alsinoides 1~Peduncles longer than the leaves; hairs on calyx short, mainly <1 mm long~var. decumbens 1*~Peduncles shorter than or as long as the leaves; hairs on calyx long, commonly >1 mm long~var. villosicalyx #{gn}Excoecaria 1~Leaves obovate to broad-elliptic, thick, margins mostly entire, sometimes more or less toothed, rounded or shortly pointed at apex~Excoecaria agallocha 1*~Leaves ovate to lanceolate, thin, mostly regularly toothed, sometimes crenate, apex drawn out to a blunt point~Excoecaria dallachyana #{gn}Exocarpos 1~Leaves more than 15 mm wide, obovate to elliptic, several-veined, persistent~Exocarpos latifolius 1*~Leaves less than 2 mm wide, scale-like or linear more or less veinless, often caducous~2 2~Leaves opposite or almost so, prostrate or low shrubs of high altitudes~Exocarpos nanus 2*~Leaves alternate, erect shrubs of low to medium altitudes~3 3~Flowers in elongated spikes; branches not rigid, slender~4 3*~Flowers in short clusters or very condensed spikes; branches more or less rigid, sometimes more or less slender~5 4~Leaves linear-subulate 2–10 mm long, apex hooked, more or less persistent; usually a shrub to 4 m high with a weeping crown; bark smooth and pinkish~Exocarpos sparteus 4*~Leaves triangular, c. 0.5 mm long, apex not hooked (except on suckering shoots), caducous; shrub or small tree to 8 m high with a rounded or pyramidal crown; bark dark and rough~Exocarpos cupressiformis 5~Branchlets acutely 2- or 3-angled; leaves linear-subulate, 1–3 mm long~Exocarpos strictus 5*~Branches usually terete; leaves ovate, c. 1 mm long~Exocarpos aphyllus #{fm}FABACEAE - CAESALPINIOIDEAE 1~Spines or prickles present.~2 1*~Spines or prickles absent.~4 2~Erect trees or shrubs with branched or simple straight spines; leaves bipinnate and/or pinnate.~3 2*~Shrubs, vines or scramblers with simple recurved prickles; leaves bipinnate.~Caesalpinia 3~Spines usually >2 cm long; leaflets >10 mm long, not caducous; rachis terete; petals <5 mm long; pods >15 cm long.~Gleditsia 3*~Spines <2 cm long; leaflets <5 mm long, often caducous; rachis flattened, 2–3 mm wide; petals c. 10 mm long; pods <10 cm long.~Parkinsonia 4~Leaves bipinnate.~5 4*~Leaves pinnately or palmately compound (leaflets 1-many) or rarely simple or reduced to phyllodes.~6 5~Pods >20 cm long; stipules usually pinnate, 5–10 mm long; petals 2–3 cm long, stamens >7 cm long and strongly exserted.~Delonix 5*~Pods <10 cm long; stipules ovate, 3–5 mm long; petals and stamens 5–7 cm long, stamens not exserted.~Caesalpinia 6~Leaves simple or apparently 1-foliolate, petiole about as long as lamina.~Barklya 6*~Leaves pinnately or palmately compound, or if reduced to phyllodes or apparently simple then petiole much shorter than lamina.~7 7~Leaves imparipinnate; fertile anthers 3; style flat and petal-like, forming a pouch over the ovary.~Petalostylis 7*~Leaves paripinnate or reduced to phyllodes or leaflets 2 and venation palmate; other characters not as above.~8 8~Leaflets 2, venation palmate; stigma peltate; stipe fused to floral tube.~Bauhinia 8*~Characters not as above, or if leaflets 2 then venation not palmate.~9 9~Flowers predominantly unisexual, small (sepals <2 mm long), arranged in many-flowered catkin-like racemes; petals absent, flowers reddish.~Ceratonia 9*~Flowers bisexual, larger, in few- to many-flowered racemes; petals yellow, rarely spotted with red, >5 mm long.~10 10~Floral bracteoles 2; stamens not bilaterally symmetric; pods elastically dehiscent with spirally coiled valves.~Chamaecrista 10*~Floral bracteoles 1 or absent; stamens bilaterally symmetric; pods never elastically dehiscent.~11 11~Inflorescences terminal; bracteoles 1; longest anther filaments S-curved, anthers versatile, never beaked; tree, rare, confined to rainforest.~Cassia 11*~Inflorescences axillary; bracteoles absent; longest anther filaments C-curved, anthers basifixed, often some beaked; shrubs, subshrubs or herbs, widespread in open forest and shrubland.~Senna #{fm}FABACEAE - FABOIDEAE 1~All leaves with 1 leaflet, simple, reduced, or absent.~2 1*~Leaves compound, comprised of 2 or more leaflets, rarely some leaves 1-foliolate.~4 2~Leaves absent or reduced to spines or scales.~7 2*~Leaves simple or 1-foliolate.~3 3~Leaves simple.~16 3*~Leaves 1-foliolate, an articulation at junction of petiole with lamina.~39 4~Leaflets even in number, rachis often ending in a bristle or tendril.~47 4*~Leaflets odd in number, rachis ending in a leaflet or character not obvious.~5 5~Leaflets 5 or more rarely some leaves 3-foliolate.~91 5*~Leaflets 3.~6 6~Leaves palmately 3-foliolate, all 3 petiolules ± equal.~52 6*~Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate, central petiolule longer than lateral petiolules.~62 7~Stamens all free.~8 7*~Stamens variously fused.~12 8~Flowers yellow, in long racemes and panicles; calyx teeth equal, shorter than tube; pods ovoid, thin, indehiscent.~Viminaria 8*~Not as above.~9 9~Flowers in axillary racemes, sometimes umbellate or reduced to 1 flower; barren bracts present on peduncle; pods ± triangular or (rarely) ovoid.~Daviesia 9*~Combination of characters not as above.~10 10~Upper 2 calyx teeth much enlarged and mostly fused; bracteoles large, round, caducous; pods globose.~Sphaerolobium 10*~Combination of characters not as above.~11 11~Calyx teeth imbricate in bud.~Isotropis 11*~Calyx teeth valvate in bud.~Jacksonia 12~Upper stamen ± free, lower 9 joined in a sheath.~13 12*~All 10 stamens fused in a tube or sheath.~14 13~Trees with red to orange flowers 3–5 cm long; leafless at flowering.~Erythrina 13*~Shrubs or subshrubs with ± pink flowers <1 cm long; leaves present at flowering.~Indigofera 14~All 10 stamens joined in a tube; prickly shrubs with yellow flowers.~Ulex 14*~All 10 stamens joined in a sheath split on upper side; plants and flower colour variable.~15 15~Anthers with perceptible connective, all dorsifixed, uniform in size; branches flat with blunt apex.~Bossiaea 15*~Anthers with an inconspicuous connective, alternately basifixed and dorsifixed the latter often smaller; branches terete or flat with rigid, sharply pointed apex.~Templetonia 16~Stipules fused behind the axillary bud, margins scarious.~Pultenaea 16*~Stipules free or absent.~17 17~Stamens free or fused at very base.~18 17*~Stamens variously fused.~30 18~Upper 2 calyx teeth fused into a broad notched lip, lower 3 very small and narrow; bracteoles large, round, caducous; leaves tiny, caducous; pods globose.~Sphaerolobium 18*~Not as above.~19 19~Ovary partly divided by a longitudinal partition inside and/or pods longitudinally grooved above.~Mirbelia 19*~Combination of characters not as above.~20 20~Ovules 4 or more.~21 20*~Ovules 2.~25 21~Standard purple-veined behind; upper 2 caly teeth fused most of the way into a broad lip.~Isotropis 21*~Combination of characters not as above.~22 22~Calyx teeth abutted in bud; pods ± globose.~Gompholobium 22*~Calyx teeth overlapping in bud; pods ovoid or more elongated.~23 23~Keel about twice as long as wings; leaves ± opposite or whorled.~24 24~Stipules ± rigid, recurved or spreading; hairs on stems laterally attached, ± 2-branched; bracts simple.~Podolobium 24*~Stipules bristly or absent; hairs on stems simple; bracts 3-lobed.~Oxylobium 25~Pods triangular (sometimes turgid) glabrous; flowers in often modified or reduced racemes with barren bracts on peduncle; bracteoles absent.~Daviesia 25*~Combination of characters not as above.~26 26~Leaves with recurved to revolute margins; seeds without an aril.~27 26*~Leaves flat with flat to involute margins or terete to trigonous and grooved above; seeds with aril.~28 27~Bracteoles absent.~Aotus 27*~Bracteoles present, 4–15 mm long, usually green and leaf-like.~Phyllota 28~Leaves opposite, in 2 rows.~Eutaxia 28*~Leaves alternate, scattered or crowded.~29 29~Standard much broader than long.~Dillwynia 29*~Standard slightly longer than broad.~Almaleea 30~All 10 stamens fused from base in a tube closed or open on upper side.~31 30*~Upper stamen free at least at base, other 9 joined in a sheath.~37 31~All stamens fused in a closed tube.~32 31*~All stamens fused in a sheath open along upper side.~33 32~Calyx with 5 small teeth, split to base on upper side; anthers bearded at base.~Spartium 32*~Calyx 2-lipped, not as above; anthers not bearded.~Cytisus 33~Calyx usually with 5 (rarely 4) subequal teeth; alternate anthers long and short with longer ones more than one and a half times longer.~Crotalaria 33*~Upper 2 calyx teeth joined higher than others or greatly enlarged; anthers uniform or alternate anthers longer but not more than one and a half times as long as shorter ones.~34 34~Anthers with perceptible connective, all dorsifixed, uniform in size; leaves distichous.~35 34*~Anthers without conspicuous connective, alternately dorsifixed and basifixed, the former often smaller; leaves spirally inserted.~36 35~Pods not thickly and narrowly margined or keeled above, with flattish valves; leaves absent, alternate or opposite; upper calyx teeth not as enlarged as below.~Bossiaea 35*~Pods with a thin conspicuous wing above, valves rolling back; leaves opposite; upper calyx teeth greatly enlarged, >6 times as long as lower teeth.~Platylobium 36~Petals blue or purple; pods not or scarcely longer than broad.~Hovea 36*~Petals yellow, red or reddish purple; pods at least one and a half times longer than broad.~Templetonia 37~Anthers tipped by a small raised gland; covered with ± appressed, laterally attached hairs.~Indigofera 37*~Anthers not as above.~38 38~Rigid shrubs with spiny branches; pods ± straight and smooth.~Alhagi 38*~More or less prostrate herbs, branches not spiny; pods twisted and ± spiny.~Scorpiurus 39~Stipules fused behind the axillary bud, margins scarious.~Pultenaea 39*~Stipules free or absent.~40 40~Stamens all free.~Isotropis 40*~Stamens variously fused.~41 41~All 10 stamens fused, in a sheath split along upper side, at least towards base.~42 41*~Stamens all or mostly fused but not as above.~45 42~Calyx with 5 (rarely 4) ± equal teeth; alternate anthers more than one and a half times longer than others.~Crotalaria 42*~Upper 2 calyx teeth joined higher than others or greatly enlarged; anthers uniform or not differing by more than one and a half times in length.~43 43~Anthers with inconspicuous connective, alternately basifixed and dorsifixed, the latter often smaller; leaves spirally inserted.~Templetonia 43*~Anthers with perceptible connective, all dorsifixed, uniform in size; leaves distichous.~44 44*~Keel much shorter than wings or beaked; leaves mostly alternate.~Chorizema 44~Pods not or relatively thickly and narrowly margined or keeled above, valves flattish; upper calyx teeth not as enlarged as below.~Bossiaea 44*~Pods with thin conspicuous wing above, valves thin and rolling back; upper calyx teeth nearly as long as standard, enormously expanded relative to lower teeth.~Platylobium 45~Pods transversely jointed or constricted, divided into 1–8, indehiscent, 1-seeded articles (includes 43A Uraria).~Desmodium 45*~Pods continuous, not jointed, often short and 1- or 2-seeded.~46 46~All 10 stamens joined in a closed tube; erect shrubs.~Cytisus 46*~Upper stamen free, other 9 stamens joined in an open sheath; climbing or prostrate subshrubs.~Hardenbergia 47~Leaves ending in a tendril; climbing herbs.~48 47*~Leaves not ending in a tendril; shrubs or non-climbing herbs.~50 48~Stipules of similar appearance and size to leaflets (or larger).~Pisum 48*~Stipules smaller and narrower than leaflets.~49 49~Leaflets one pair.~Lathyrus 49*~Leaflets 2 to many pairs.~Vicia 50~Leaflets 2–6 and >3 cm long, 10–45 mm wide; flowers >2 cm long.~Vicia 50*~Leaflets 2–60 and <3 cm long, 1–15 mm wide; flowers <1 cm long.~51 51~Leaves with >10 leaflets; erect annual, >40 cm high; fruit not jointed, not breaking into 1-seeded articles.~Sesbania 51*~Leaves with 2 or 4 leaflets; prostrate to erect subshrubs, <40 cm high; fruit jointed, breaking into 1-seeded articles.~Zornia 52~Stamens all free; leaves sessile or nearly so; pods globose or nearly so.~Gompholobium 52*~Stamens variously fused; leaves petiolate; pods various, rarely ± globose.~53 53~All 10 stamens fused in a sheath open along the upper side.~54 53*~Stamens all fused in a closed tube, or upper one wholly or partly free.~56 54~Upper 2 calyx teeth greatly enlarged and/or joined higher than lower 3.~Muelleranthus 54*~Calyx teeth ± equal, or if not equal, then not as above.~55 55~Procumbent herbs; leaves in groups of 3 to 5; pods linear to oblong.~Lotononis 55*~Not as above; pods inflated.~Crotalaria 56~Leaves dotted with glands, at least on lower surface.~57 56*~Leaves not dotted with glands.~58 57~Fruit densely glandular.~Cullen 57*~Fruit not glandular.~Bituminaria 58~Plants herbaceous (sometimes woody at base).~59 58*~Plants shrubby.~60 59~Plants twining or trailing (usually woody at base); inflorescences racemose.~Glycine 59*~Plants erect to procumbent; inflorescences head-like, spicate or umbellate.~Trifolium 60~Keel petals curved along lower surface; style curved throughout its length.~61 60*~Keel petals oblong, straight along lower surface; style curved abruptly near the apex.~Genista 61~Flowers creamy white; calyx tubular, 9–10 mm long; stems ± terete, with obscure ridges.~Chamaecytisus 61*~Flowers yellow; calyx campanulate, c. 6 mm long; stems prominently angular.~Cytisus 62~Stipels clearly and consistently present at base of each leaflet, rarely gland-like; frequently twining or climbing plants.~63 62*~Stipels absent, minute or inconsistently present.~81 63~Trees or robust woody climbers with leaflets at least 5 cm long, and large showy flowers at least 2 cm long, sometimes plants leafless at flowering.~64 63*~Not as above.~66 64~Trees with red flowers; keel much shorter than standard.~Erythrina 64*~Woody climbers, flowers greenish or purple, blue or pink with yellow spot; keel equal to or longer than standard.~65 65~Leaves ± glabrous; keel longer than standard; pods with 2 wings along each margin, at first covered with irritant hairs, then ± glabrous.~Mucuna 65*~Leaves pubescent; keel ± equal to standard; pods not as above, softly villous.~Pueraria 66~Styles bearded, or hairy more than halfway.~67 66*~Styles glabrous, or hairy less than halfway.~71 67~Styles abruptly divided into thin basal part and thickened upper part.~68 67*~Styles uniformly thick or thin, or tapering.~70 68~Styles with thickened part (and keel) twisted through more than 360°.~Phaseolus 68*~Styles with thickened part twisted through no more than 360°, usually <180°.~69 69~Thickened part of styles bent through 90° just above the base, then curved slightly narrowed towards the apex, resembling a squarish hook.~Macroptilium 69*~Styles not as above, variously and smoothly curved.~Vigna 70~Styles straight and blade-like; standard mostly purple.~Lablab 70*~Styles strongly curved near base and apex in one direction, gently curved in middle in opposite direction; standard pinkish.~Dipogon 71~Leaves dotted with yellow resinous glands; pods acuminate, with oblique grooves between seeds, striped with maroon or purplish black.~Cajanus 71*~Not as above.~72 72~Herbs or shrubs, rarely twining; pods transversely jointed or constricted, separating into 1–8, indehiscent, 1-seeded articles (includes 43A Uraria).~Desmodium 72*~Stems long and trailing or twining (except rarely Hardenbergia); pods not as above.~73 73~Flowers solitary or clustered in leaf axils, or 1 or 2 on axillary peduncles.~74 73*~Flowers several to many in axillary racemes, sometimes clustered at apex of peduncle.~75 74~Standard white or greenish yellow; bracteoles ± subulate.~Macrotyloma 74*~Standard showy, predominantly shades of red or purple; bracteoles absent.~Kennedia 75~Pods with prominent longitudinal rib(s) near suture(s), or winged.~76 75*~Pods not as above.~77 76~Lowermost calyx lobe much longer than others; pods linear with an acicular beak.~Centrosema 76*~Lower 3 calyx teeth equal or absent; pods oblong, not or slightly beaked.~Canavalia 77~Calyx with 5 teeth, or slightly 2-lipped by upper 2 teeth more joined than lower 3.~78 77*~Upper 2 calyx teeth joined to or almost to apex, calyx appearing 4-lobed or 2-lipped.~79 78~Flowers solitary along rachis of inflorescence.~Glycine 78*~Flowers in clusters of 3 or more along rachis of inflorescence.~Neonotonia 79~Seeds with aril; bracteoles absent.~Kennedia 79*~Seeds without aril; bracteoles present although often small or caducous.~80 80~Upper stamen joined with other 9 in tube, or becoming free; stipules produced downward from base, usually >15 mm long.~Pueraria 80*~Upper stamen free, other 9 fused; stipules smaller than above, not produced downward.~Galactia 81~Stamens all fused by filaments into sheath open along upper side; pods dehiscent.~Goodia 81*~Stamens not as above or if (rarely) so, then pods indehiscent.~82 82~Margins of leaflets toothed or crenulate, or if entire then plants dotted with immersed (not superficial) glands.~83 82*~Margins of leaflets entire, not gland-dotted.~87 83~Leaflets dotted with immersed black or shining glands (sometimes obscured by hairs).~Cullen 83*~Leaflets not gland-dotted.~84 84~Pods enclosed in calyx; corolla persistent in fruit.~Trifolium 84*~Pods exceeding calyx; corolla not persistent in fruit.~85 85~Pods ovoid, straight, indehiscent; flowers in slender elongated racemes.~Melilotus 85*~Not as above.~86 86~Pods short, spirally coiled or rarely curved, usually indehiscent.~Medicago 86*~Pods long, linear, curved, tardily dehiscent.~Trigonella 87~Lower surface of leaflets, calyx and sometimes petals covered with superficial yellow or orange resinous gland dots (sometimes obscure).~Rhynchosia 87*~Not as above.~88 88~Calyx of 4 acuminate teeth by union of upper 2 teeth.~Galactia 88*~Calyx otherwise.~89 89~Inflorescence a raceme, sometimes few-flowered and subumbellate; pods exserted.~90 89*~Flowers 1-several, clustered in leaf axils, or in heads or spikes; pods enclosed in calyx.~Lespedeza 90~Styles bearded.~Swainsona 90*~Styles not bearded.~Canavalia 91~Stamens all free, or rarely filaments shortly fused at base.~92 91*~Stamens mostly fused by filaments.~94 92~Shrubs; leaflets usually <5 mm wide, terminal one sessile; pods globose, <1 cm long; keel petals free or almost so.~Gompholobium 92*~Trees or tall shrubs; leaflets >5 mm wide; pods elongate, >3 cm long; keel petals fused.~93 93~Leaves ± glabrous; inflorescences in axils of old leaves or on old wood; pods dehiscent, 3–5 cm diam., woody, turgid; flowers 3–4 cm long.~Castanospermum 93*~Leaves densely hairy; inflorescences terminal; pods ± indehiscent, <1 cm diam., prominently constricted between seeds; flowers <2.5 cm long.~Sophora 94~Anthers tipped by small raised gland; covered with more or less appressed laterally attached hairs.~Indigofera 94*~Not as above.~95 95~Herbs; leaves with 5 or 9 leaflets, upper 3 palmate at rachis summit, lowest 2 at its base often resembling stipules; actual stipules minute; 5 alternate or all filaments dilated upwards.~Lotus 95*~Not as above.~96 96~Stamens all fused in a sheath open along the upper side; pods dehiscent.~97 96*~Stamens variously fused, not as above, or if (rarely) so, then pods indehiscent and usually ornamented or winged.~99 97~Leaves palmately compound.~98 97*~Leaves pinnately compound.~Ptychosema 98~Pods inflated; style with a line of hairs on inner surface; calyx >11 mm long, glabrous; flowers yellow.~Crotalaria 98*~Pods not inflated, ± flat; style glabrous; calyx mostly <11 mm long; flowers usually blue or purple, occasionally yellow.~Lupinus 99~Stipules becoming enlarged and spinose; deciduous trees.~Robinia 99*~Stipules not spinose; plants not deciduous.~100 100~Styles exserted from keel, incurved to hooked; wings petals greatly reduced; woody rainforest climbers.~Austrosteenisia 100*~Not as above.~101 101~Prostrate herbs with erect pseudo-umbels; flowers red, showy, c. 8 cm long; keel beaked; standard reflexed, acute, with a shining (usually) black boss.~Swainsona 101*~Not as above.~102 102~Standard silky or woolly behind; leaflets with lateral veins numerous, parallel, ascending to the margin; pods linear or oblong, not woody; herbs or shrubs.~Tephrosia 102*~Not as above.~103 103~Styles bearded.~104 103*~Styles glabrous, or pubescent near base.~105 104~Standard shorter than keel; flowers >3 cm long; shrubs to 1 m high.~Sutherlandia 104*~Standard ± equal to or longer than keel; flowers usually <3 cm long; herbs or subshrubs.~Swainsona 105~Leaflets dotted with black glands.~106 105*~Leaflets not dotted with glands.~108 106~Leaves pinnately compound, leaflets 5–17.~107 106*~Leaves palmately compound with 3–7 leaflets.~Cullen 107~Leaflets 5–11; flowers solitary or in axillary clusters towards end of stem.~Psoralea 107*~Leaflets 5–17; flowers in axillary spike-like racemes.~Glycyrrhiza 108~Pods indehiscent, ± flat, thin, winged or keeled; woody climbers or somewhat shrubby.~Derris 108*~Pods various, not as above; habit various.~109 109~Pods with several seeds, not transversely jointed, 2-valved.~110 109*~Pods jointed and separating into 1-seeded articles, or short 1-seeded and bristly.~111 110~Woody climbers in or near rainforest; flowers purplish.~Callerya 110*~Herbaceous weeds in drier habitats; flowers yellowish.~Astragalus 111~All or alternate filaments dilated upwards.~112 111*~Filaments not dilated upwards.~113 112~Keel acute or beaked; pods 4-angled.~Coronilla 112*~Keel obtuse; pods terete or compressed.~Ornithopus 113~Pods 1-seeded, not jointed, bristly.~Onobrychis 113*~Pods jointed, of 2 or more 1-seeded articles, not bristly.~Aeschynomene #{fm}FABACEAE 1~Flowers zygomorphic; petals imbricate, often unequal; stamens 10 or fewer, not forming the conspicuous part of the inflorescence; leaves various, mostly simple or pinnately compound, only occasionally bipinnately compound or reduced to phyllodes.~2 1*~Flowers actinomorphic; petals valvate, equal; stamens usually numerous, forming the conspicuous part of the inflorescence; leaves often bipinnately compound or reduced to phyllodes.~Mimosoideae 2~Flowers slightly zygomorphic; corolla not papilionaceous, petals ± equal, free, upper petal usually borne internally to the adjacent lateral petals; stamens 10 or fewer, free.~Caesalpinioideae 2*~Flowers strongly zygomorphic; corolla papilionaceous, petals not equal, ± united; upper petal (standard) borne externally to the adjacent lateral petals (wings), lower petals ± fused (keel); stamens 10, often united into a tube, or the uppermost filament free, or less commonly all free.~Faboideae #{gn}FABACEAE - MIMOSOIDEAE 1~Mature plants with phyllodes, 'leaves' appearing simple.~Acacia 1*~Leaves bipinnate.~2 2~Majority of leaflets >12 mm wide, usually <12 leaflets per pinna; plants neither spiny nor bristly.~3 2*~Leaflets <12 mm wide and either numerous per pinna, or if c. 12 then plants spiny or bristly.~4 3~Leaves with leaflets alternate along the pinnae rachis and mostly with 2–4 pairs of pinnae; pods ± papery.~Pararchidendron 3*~Leaves either with leaflets opposite along the pinnae rachis (pinnae 1–5 pairs), or if leaflets alternate then leaves with only 1 or 1 pair of pinnae; pods leathery to woody.~Archidendron 4~Stamens usually 5 or 10.~5 4*~Stamens numerous, >10 per flower.~8 5~Stems armed with spines or prickles.~6 5*~Stems neither spinose nor prickly.~7 6~Spines straight, >10 mm long; petiole and rachis of mature leaves glabrous; flowers greenish yellow; pods ± moniliform, not bristly, >5 cm long.~Prosopis 6*~Prickles recurved, <5 mm long; petiole and rachis of leaves hairy; flowers pink; pods not moniliform, bristly, <3 cm long.~Mimosa 7~Shrubs or trees; stipules absent.~Leucaena 7*~Prostrate herbs or subshrubs, <50 cm high; stipules persistent, 4–9 mm long.~Neptunia 8~Stamens free, usually <8 mm long; flowers in globose heads.~Acacia 8*~Stamens united into a tube at base, stamens >10 mm long; flowers in cylindrical racemes.~Paraserianthes #{fm}FABACEAE - MIMOSOIDEAE 1~Mature plants with phyllodes, 'leaves' appearing simple.~Acacia 1*~Leaves bipinnate.~2 2~Majority of leaflets >12 mm wide, usually <12 leaflets per pinna; plants neither spiny nor bristly.~3 2*~Leaflets <12 mm wide and either numerous per pinna, or if c. 12 then plants spiny or bristly.~4 3~Leaves with leaflets alternate along the pinnae rachis and mostly with 2–4 pairs of pinnae; pods ± papery.~Pararchidendron 3*~Leaves either with leaflets opposite along the pinnae rachis (pinnae 1–5 pairs), or if leaflets alternate then leaves with only 1 or 1 pair of pinnae; pods leathery to woody.~Archidendron 4~Stamens usually 5 or 10.~5 4*~Stamens numerous, >10 per flower.~8 5~Stems armed with spines or prickles.~6 5*~Stems neither spinose nor prickly.~7 6~Spines straight, >10 mm long; petiole and rachis of mature leaves glabrous; flowers greenish yellow; pods ± moniliform, not bristly, >5 cm long.~Prosopis 6*~Prickles recurved, <5 mm long; petiole and rachis of leaves hairy; flowers pink; pods not moniliform, bristly, <3 cm long.~Mimosa 7~Shrubs or trees; stipules absent.~Leucaena 7*~Prostrate herbs or subshrubs, <50 cm high; stipules persistent, 4–9 mm long.~Neptunia 8~Stamens free, usually <8 mm long; flowers in globose heads.~Acacia 8*~Stamens united into a tube at base, stamens >10 mm long; flowers in cylindrical racemes.~Paraserianthes #{gn}Fallopia 1~Annual herbs with twining or decumbent stems; flowers bisexual, with stipe shorter than pedicel; perianth sepaloid, enlarging in fruit, outer 3 segments narrrowly keeled or with a narrow wing near apex; stigmas capitate or small-peltate~Fallopia convolvulus 1*~Tall rhizomatous perennials with stout erect annual woody, hollow, bamboo-like stems and very extensive perennial rhizomes; flowers often functionally unisexual, with stipe longer than pedicel; perianth petaloid, outer 3 segments markedly enlarged in fruit and broadly winged; stigmas shortly elongate ~2 2~Mature leaves with scattered to dense multicellular hairs to nearly 1 mm long at least along the veins on the undersurface; leaf base strongly cordate, apex acute to acuminate, [15–40 cm long, 7–25 cm wide]; plants 2–5 m high~Fallopia sachalinensis 2*~Mature leaves glabrous or with sparse short hairs or minutely roughened on the undersurface; leaf base truncate to slightly cordate, apex cuspidate to acuminate; plants 1.5–5 m high ~3 3~Mature leaves 10–30 cm long, to 18 cm wide, with sparse short hairs or small warty protuberances at least along veins on undersurface; the leaf base slightly cordate, the apex more or less acuminate; plants 2–5 m tall~Fallopia x bohemica 3*~Mature leaves 5–15 cm long, 2–12 cm wide, glabrous or minutely roughened on the undersurface; the leaf base more or less truncate, the apex long-acuminate to cuspidate; plants 1.5–3 m high~Fallopia japonica #{gn}Festuca 1~Leaves with blade 3 mm or more wide~2 1*~Leaves with blade 1 mm wide or less~4 2~Auricles (at base of blade) hairy or reduced to short hairs along margins of blade base~Festuca arundinacea 2*~Auricles, if present, glabrous~3 3~Leaves blades and culms extremely scabrous on both surfaces; auricle(s) if present, often on 1 side of sheath apex only~Festuca muelleri 3*~Leaves blades smooth and shiny below (sometimes slightly scabrous above) culms smooth; auricles stem clasping (on both sides of sheath apex)~Festuca pratensis 4~Leaves blades scabrous; sheath open to base; plants tufted~Festuca asperula 4*~Leaves blades smooth; sheath tubular when young; plants tufted or rhizomatous~5 5~Rhizomes present; plants forming a turf (often only scattered shoots visible); mature inflorescences sometimes scarcely exserted~Festuca rubra 5*~Rhizomes absent; plants tufted, also forming a turf; mature inflorescences always well exserted~Festuca nigrescens #{gn}Ficus 1~Climber, neither epiphytic nor strangling, climbing by adventitious roots~Ficus pumila 1*~Trees or shrubs, sometimes epiphytic or strangling~2 2~Leaves scabrous above; aerial roots absent; latex sparse, watery or slightly milky; fruit cauliflorous, ramiflorous or axillary~3 2*~Leaves not scabrous above, glabrous or softly hairy; aerial roots present; latex usually copious, milky; fruit usually axillary, rarely ramiflorous or cauliflorous~4 3~Figs densely hairy, lateral bracts on figs prominent, basal bracts falling early; lowest pair of secondary veins not extending up the lamina; base of lamina usually asymmetric~Ficus coronata 3*~Figs scabrous but not distinctly hairy, lateral bracts absent, basal bracts 3, persistent; lowest pair of secondary veins extending midway up the lamina; base of lamina not asymmetric~Ficus fraseri 4~Leaves with lower surface rusty-coloured and/or hairy, especially when young, upper surface green and mostly glabrous, rarely hairy~5 4*~Leaves green and glabrous on both surfaces~6 5~Petioles mostly less than 4 cm long; lamina mostly less than 10 cm long; stalk of fig 2–5 mm long~Ficus rubiginosa 5*~Petioles more than 4 cm long; lamina generally more than 10 cm long; stalk of fig more than 10 mm long~Ficus macrophylla 6~Figs more than 25 mm long, more or less ovoid and with a distinct apical nipple, stalk 1–2 cm long, thickened and expanded into a cupule~Ficus watkinsiana 6*~Figs less than 25 mm long, more or less globose, mostly without a distinct apical nipple, stalk less than 10 mm long, neither prominently thickened nor expanded into a cupule~7 7~Figs 20–25 mm diam., yellowish turning purple with paler spots at maturity, stalk 2–10 mm long; solitary in axils of leaves; petiole with a joint at apex~Ficus superba 7*~Figs less than 20 mm diam.; white or pinkish brown or yellow turning orange or red at maturity, sessile or shortly stalked; mostly in pairs in axils of leaves; petiole without a joint at apex~8 8~Stipules less than 1 cm long; figs white or pinkish brown, sessile; petiole more or less terete, more than a third as long as lamina~Ficus virens 8*~Stipules more than 1 cm long; figs yellow turning red or orange at maturity, shortly stalked; petiole more or less flattened, less than a third as long as lamina~9 9~Leaves mostly less than 8 cm long; petioles usually less than 18 mm long; figs mostly 6–10 mm diam., turning orange with dark spots, not warted~Ficus obliqua 9*~Leaves mostly more than 8 cm long; petioles usually more than 18 mm long; figs commonly 10–20 mm diam., turning orange-red, often prominently warted~Ficus rubiginosa #{gn}Fimbristylis 1~Style 3-fid; nuts trigonous~2 1*~Style 2-fid; nuts biconvex~3 2~Mature spikelets 3–4.5 mm diam., clustered; glumes spirally arranged~Fimbristylis neilsonii 2*~Mature spikelets 1–2 mm diam., solitary on ultimate branches; glumes more or less distichous~Fimbristylis cinnamometorum 3~Nut with transverse wavy ridges; inflorescence of a single more or less nodding spikelet; leaves usually reduced to sheaths~Fimbristylis nutans 3*~Nut not transversely ridged; inflorescence of 1–numerous spikelets (if one, then spikelet is erect); leaf blades present~4 4~Leaves ligulate~5 4*~Leaves without ligule~9 5~Nut distinctly longitudinally striate and transversely trabeculate~6 5*~Nut smooth, minutely reticulate, or tuberculate~7 6~Spikelets less than 2 mm diam.; glumes less than 2 mm long~Fimbristylis bisumbellata 6*~Spikelets more than 2 mm diam.; glumes more than 2 mm long~Fimbristylis dichotoma 7~Glumes pubescent on back, at least near apex~Fimbristylis ferruginea 7*~Glumes glabrous on back~8 8~Glumes more than 4 mm long; spikelets more than 3 mm diam~Fimbristylis tristachya 8*~Glumes less than 2 mm long; spikelets less than 3 mm diam~Fimbristylis polytrichoides 9~Base of style with long hairs covering nut~Fimbristylis velata 9*~Base of style with short hairs~Fimbristylis aestivalis #{fm}FLACOURTIACEAE 1~Erect shrubs or small trees; petioles less than 10 mm long; inflorescence a raceme or flowers clustered~2 1*~Climbing plants or scandent shrubs; petioles more than 10 mm long; flowers solitary or in pairs~5 2~Axillary spines absent or occasionally present on coppice growth; fruit less than 10 mm diam~3 2*~Axillary spines regularly present; fruit more than 20 mm diam~Dovyalis 3~Leaves 3-veined in basal half, margins often angled, sometimes obscurely crenate~Scolopia 3*~Leaves not 3-veined in basal half, margins not angled, mostly entire, sometimes obscurely crenate~4 4~Leaves usually with 5–7 pairs of secondary veins; glands at base of lamina 2, glands also scattered along margins of lamina, margins sometimes obscurely crenate; leaves drying greenish; flowers unisexual~Xylosma 4*~Leaves usually with 8–11 pairs of secondary veins; glands absent from margins, margins entire; leaves drying black; flowers bisexual~Casearia 5~Leaves green on both surfaces, margins not angled; domatia absent; disc absent~Streptothamnus 5*~Leaves much paler, often greyish, on lower surface, the margins often angled; hairy domatia in axils between the midvein and the lowest pair of secondary veins; disc present~Berberidopsis #{gn}Fontainea 1~Leaves with glands 5–22 mm above base of lamina; female floral axes 15–22 mm long; male floral axes 7–12 mm long; endocarp smooth, not grooved~Fontainea australis 1*~Leaves with glands 0.5–4 mm above base of lamina; female floral axes 8–10 mm long; male floral axes 5–6 mm long; endocarp wrinkled and grooved~Fontainea oraria #{gn}Frankenia 1~Placentation parietal but placentas sometimes almost basal; ovules 3–many, 1 or more per placenta, funicle not or scarcely longer than ovule, erect to sometimes recurved~2 1*~Placentation basal; ovules usually 3 (same number as style branches), rarely 4 or 5 (divided funicle with 2 ovules), funicle longer than ovule, erect at base then recurved~6 2~Leaves more or less sessile; stigmas club-shaped~Frankenia foliosa 2*~Leaves petiolate, the petiole often winged and ciliate; stigmas linear to club-shaped~3 3~Bracteolar sheath cupped, clasping calyx and often partly fused to it~Frankenia cupularis 3*~Bracteolar sheath small, if cupped then not fused to the calyx~4 4~Ovules 1 per placenta, attached in upper half of ovary; stems densely hairy with thick white recurved hairs~Frankenia crispa 4*~Ovules more than 1 per placenta; stems minutely pubescent~5 5~Small shrub; hairs more or less dense, those on the stems and calyces never hooked~Frankenia sp. A sensu Harden (1990) 5*~Annual herb; hairs sparse and at least some of those on stems and calyces hooked~Frankenia annua 6~Upper leaf surface more or less glabrous~7 6*~Upper leaf surface densely pubescent, sometimes glabrescent with age~8 7~Stigmas linear to filiform; hairs of indumentum very short~Frankenia gracilis 7*~Stigmas linear to club-shaped, capitate; hairs of indumentum long, pilose becoming scabrous~Frankenia uncinata 8~Hairs on leaves, stems and calyx ribs bristly, to 1 mm long; bracts and bracteoles often smaller and hairier than leaves; funicles long, recurved; stigmas capitate to club-shaped~Frankenia serpyllifolia 8*~Hairs on leaves less than 0.5 mm long; bracts and bracteoles the same as leaves; funicles long, reflexed; stigmas linear~9 9~Calyces 6–10 mm long; stigmas 0.7–2 mm long~10 9*~Calyces 3–7 mm long; stigmas 0.3–1 mm long~Frankenia angustipetala 10~All leaves linear to more or less oblong, margins strongly recurved with only midrib exposed below; calyx ribs minutely pubescent~Frankenia connata 10*~Lower leaves ovate or elliptic to oblong, margins slightly recurved or flat; calyx with spreading hairs 0.5–1 mm long~Frankenia latior #{gn}Fuirena 1~Perianth scales more or less square in outline with sagittate base, and with 3 nerves often extending as 3 minute teeth along the top~Fuirena ciliaris 1*~Perianth scales pentagonal in outline with tapering to truncate base, 3–5-nerved, and with inflated, obtuse to acute apex with long mucro~Fuirena incrassata #{gn}Fumaria 1~Leaf segments flat, more or less lanceolate to ovate, more than 2 mm wide; peduncle in fruiting stage at least 10 mm long; dried fruit smooth or wrinkled~2 1*~Leaf segments channelled, more or less linear, usually less than 1 mm wide; peduncle in fruiting stage more or less absent or less than 10 mm long; dried fruit wrinkled~8 2~Pedicels recurved in fruit; inflorescence much shorter than the relatively long peduncle; fruit smooth when dry~Fumaria capreolata 2*~Fruiting pedicels erect or spreading; inflorescence at least as long as the peduncle; fruit usually wrinkled, seldom smooth~3 3~Corolla more than 9 mm long; lower petal not spathulate~4 3*~Corolla less than 9 mm long; lower petal spathulate or not spathulate~5 4~Inflorescences usually less than 15-flowered; fruit mostly smooth, sometimes finely wrinkled, when dry; lower petal with erect margins; upper petal dorsally compressed~Fumaria muralis 4*~Inflorescences 15–25-flowered; fruit distinctly wrinkled when dry; lower petal with spreading margins; upper petal laterally compressed~Fumaria bastardii 5~Sepals less than 1 mm long; bracts at least as long as the pedicels~Fumaria indica 5*~Sepals ± 1.5 mm long; bracts shorter than the pedicels~6 6~Lower petal not spathulate~7 6*~Lower petal spathulate~Fumaria officinalis 7~Inflorescences mostly 12–15-flowered; fruit smooth or finely wrinkled when dry; lower petal with erect margins; upper petal dorsally compressed. Smaller cleistogamous flowers~Fumaria muralis 7*~Inflorescences 15–25-flowered; fruit distinctly wrinkled when dry; lower petal with spreading margins; upper petal laterally compressed. Smaller cleistogamous flowers~Fumaria bastardii 8~Inflorescences sessile; sepals less than 1.5 mm long; corolla mostly white, usually 4–6 mm long~Fumaria parviflora 8*~Inflorescences usually shortly pedunculate; sepals 2.5–3.5 mm long; corolla pink, mostly 6–7 mm long~Fumaria densiflora #{sp}Fumaria officinalis 1~Inflorescence mostly >20-flowered; sepals mostly 2–3.5 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide; smaller in cleistogamous or end-of-season flowers. Flowers spring to summer~subsp. officinalis 1*~Inflorescence 10–20-flowered; sepals 1.5–2 mm long, 1 mm wide. Flowers winter~subsp. wirtgenii #{gn}Gahnia 1~Ligule papery or membranous, narrow, glabrous or fimbriate on upper margin (hairs more or less 0.1 mm long)~2 1*~Ligule long-ciliate or woolly~Gahnia lanigera 2~Lowest 6–12 glumes of spikelet much shorter than upper glumes (less than a third the length of spikelet), so that nut-bearing spikelet is pyriform or clavate~3 2*~Glumes similar in length or 1–3 lowest or uppermost shorter than rest; nut-bearing spikelet not pyriform or clavate~5 3~Stamen filaments to 20 mm long; mature nut 3.0–4.5 mm long, red-brown to dark brown~Gahnia grandis 3*~Stamen filaments to 8 mm long; mature nut 2.5–5.5 mm long, orange to red or straw-coloured to dark brown~4 4~Mature nut 5.0–5.5 mm long, 2.2–2.8 mm diam.; anthers 3.3–3.5 mm long (including apical appendage c. 0.5 mm long); spikelets 8–13 mm long~Gahnia erythrocarpa 4*~Mature nut 2.5–3.0 mm long, 1.5–1.8 mm diam.; anthers 1.5–2.1 mm long (including appendage c. 0.2 mm long); spikelets 4–6 mm long~Gahnia clarkei 5~Mature spikelets yellow-brown or red-brown; mature nut straw-coloured to dark brown, grey or black~6 5*~Mature spikelets dark grey-brown to black; mature nut red, straw-coloured to dark brown, grey or black~10 6~Spikelet with 2–5 glumes, 1-flowered~7 6*~Spikelet with 6–9 glumes, 1- or 2-flowered~9 7~Anthers 0.9–2.3 mm long (including apical appendage 0.2–0.5 mm long); culms erect, slender or stout but few-noded; inflorescence obvious even if leaves are numerous~8 7*~Anthers 3.0–3.5 mm long (including appendage 0.3–0.4 mm long); culms decumbent, slender but many-noded; inflorescence inconspicuous amongst numerous leaves and leafy involucral bracts~Gahnia insignis 8~Anthers 0.9–1.3 mm long (including appendage 0.2–0.3 mm long); nut 2.5–3.5 mm long, 1.5–2.0 mm diam.; glumes 4 or 5, uppermost 2 much shorter than the rest~Gahnia melanocarpa 8*~Anthers 2.2–2.3 mm long (including appendage 0.4–0.5 mm long); nut 5.0–6.0 mm long, 1.0–1.5 mm diam.; glumes 3 or 4, similar in length~Gahnia filum 9~Spikelet 1-flowered; nut broad-ovoid to globose, 4.5–6.0 mm long, 2.5–4.0 mm diam., dark red-brown, shining~Gahnia aspera 9*~Spikelet 2-flowered; nut narrow-ellipsoid, 1.5–2.5 mm long, 0.8–1.0 mm diam., dark grey-brown, glistening~Gahnia microstachya 10~Mature nut red~11 10*~Nut straw-coloured to dark brown, grey or black~12 11~Nut 2.5–4.0 mm long; anthers 2.7–3.2 mm long (including apical appendage 0.3–0.5 mm long); culms 5–12 mm diam., hollow; forming big tussocks to 3 m high~Gahnia sieberiana 11*~Mature nut 4.0–4.5 mm long; anthers 1.9–2.5 mm long (including appendage c. 0.2 mm long); culms 3–5 mm diam., solid; forming small tussocks to 125 cm high~Gahnia subaequiglumis 12~Nut 3.0–3.5 mm long; anthers 4.5–5.5 mm long (including apical appendage 0.2–0.5 mm long)~Gahnia filifolia 12*~Nut 1.5–2.5 mm long; anthers 1.5–2.2 mm long (including appendage 0.1–0.2 mm long)~13 13~Culms to 70 cm high, 2.5–5 mm diam.; spikelets with uppermost 2 or 3 glumes much shorter than the lower 2–4~Gahnia radula 13*~Culms to 45 cm high, 1–2 mm diam.; spikelets with all glumes subequal~Gahnia microstachya #{gn}Galactia 1~Leaflets mostly broad-ovate to broad-elliptic or more or less circular, 10–40 mm long, 6–20 mm wide; racemes 1–12-flowered; seeds 3- 3.5 mm long~Galactia species A 1*~Leaflets mostly linear or narrow-elliptic, 20–70 mm long, 3–8 mm wide; racemes 1–3-flowered; seeds c. 2 mm long~Galactia species B #{sp}Galactia tenuiflora 1~Leaflets mostly broad-ovate to broad-elliptic or ± circular, 10–40 mm long, 6–20 mm wide; racemes 1–12-flowered; seeds 3–3.5 mm long.~var. villosa 1*~Leaflets mostly linear or narrow-elliptic, 20–70 mm long, 3–8 mm wide; racemes 1–3-flowered; seeds c. 2 mm long.~var. lucida #{gn}Gastrodia 1~Perianth tube 9–12 mm long with free sepal lobes 2–3 mm long; inflorescence 2–20-flowered; capsule 10–15 mm long~Gastrodia sesamoides 1*~Perianth tube 15–20 mm long with free sepal lobes c. 5 mm long; inflorescence 5–75-flowered; capsule 25–30 mm long~Gastrodia procera #{gn}Gaultheria 1~Inflorescences 3–11-flowered racemes, terminal flowers lacking, each flower with 2 bracteoles; calyx becoming white or pinkish in fruit; stems hispid with more or less appressed bristly hairs~Gaultheria appressa 1*~Inflorescences 1-flowered, the peduncle with a terminal flower and 4–9 bracteoles; calyx remaining green in fruit; stems glabrous or only slightly bristly~Gaultheria viridicarpa #{gn}Gaura 1~Plant softly hairy; flowers actinomorphic; petals less than 5 mm long~Gaura parviflora 1*~Plant coarsely hairy; flowers zygomorphic; petals more than 5 mm long~Gaura lindheimeri #{gn}Geijera 1~Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, <1 cm wide, pendent.~Geijera parviflora 1*~Leaves broad-lanceolate to elliptic or ovate, >1 cm wide, not pendent.~2 2~Leaves with 5–8 pairs of main lateral veins; margins of petiole flat or slightly recurved; inflorescences very compact; petals imbricate.~Geijera paniculata 2*~Leaves with 10–24 pairs of main lateral veins; margins of petiole incurved and wing-like above; inflorescences loose; petals valvate.~Geijera salicifolia #{sp}Geijera salicifolia 1~Leaves mostly 1–3 cm wide, narrow-oblong to elliptic, both surface dark green, base attenuated into petiole. ~var. salicifolia 1*~Leaves mostly 3–5 cm wide, ovate, elliptic or broad-lanceolate, glossy green, lower surface paler, base not attenuated into petiole.~var. latifolia #{gn}Genista 1~Leaves sessile or subsessile; leaflet margins recurved to revolute; stipules absent; standard hairy~Genista linifolia 1*~Leaves with petiole at least 2 mm long; leaflet margins flat; stipules present; standard more or less glabrous~2 2~Inflorescences 3–7-flowered, short racemes or clusters, less than 2 cm long; petioles 2–4 mm long; leaflets obovate to oblanceolate, mostly 0.5–2 cm long~Genista monspessulana 2*~Inflorescences 5–26-flowered, short to elongate racemes, mostly 2–9 cm long; petioles 4–12 mm long; leaflets elliptic to obovate or oblanceolate, 0.8–3 cm long~Genista stenopetala #{gn}Genoplesium 1~Plants saprophytic, fleshy, brittle; lateral sepals much longer than dorsal sepal~Genoplesium baueri 1*~Plants non-saprophytic, neither fleshy nor brittle; lateral sepals about as long as dorsal sepal or slightly longer~2 2~Flowers lacking cilia on any segment, labellum margins sometimes irregular or finely toothed but never ciliate~3 2*~Flowers ciliate on at least one floral segment~8 3~Free part of leaf lamina arising among the lower flowers and projecting conspicuously outwards~Genoplesium nudiscapum 3*~Free part of leaf lamina ending well short of lowest flower, usually appressed to peduncle~4 4~Flowers c. 1.5 mm across; labellum c. 1.5 mm long, dorsal sepal and petals striped or banded~Genoplesium pedersonii 4*~Flowers 2.5–4 mm across; labellum 2 mm or more long, dorsal sepals and petals not striped or banded~5 5~Labellum apex acuminate to long-acuminate~Genoplesium despectans 5*~Labellum apex obtuse to acute~6 6~Flowers wholly red to reddish brown, rarely with some greenish markings~Genoplesium rufum 6*~Sepals and petals green to yellowish green, sometimes with a few red markings~7 7~Labellum green to yellowish green; coastal and near-coastal habitats~Genoplesium pumilum 7*~Labellum dark purplish black; inland districts~Genoplesium nigricans 8~Cilia confined to labellum margins~9 8*~Cilia present on labellum and at least one other tepalline whorl~14 9~Flowers 2–3 mm across; labellum cilia 0.1–0.2 mm long~Genoplesium nudum 9*~Flowers 4–6 mm across; labellum cilia more than 0.5 mm long~10 10~Flowers wholly purple to purplish black~11 10*~Flowers green to greenish brown with stripes on the dorsal sepal and petals, labellum wholly reddish purple or reddish towards the apex~13 11~Labellum c. 2 mm long and 1.3 mm wide, margins sparsely ciliate; subalpine swamps~Genoplesium turfosum 11*~Labellum more than 3 mm long and 1.5 mm wide, margins densely ciliate; lowland to montane sclerophyll forest~12 12~Lateral sepals parallel or slightly divergent; labellum obovate, cilia 0.3–0.5 mm long~Genoplesium rhyoliticum 12*~Lateral sepals widely divergent; labellum ovate, cilia 0.5–1 mm long~Genoplesium archeri 13~Lateral sepals 7.5–9 mm long; labellum oblong, 5–5.5 mm long~Genoplesium plumosum 13*~Lateral sepals 5–6 mm long; labellum obovate, 3.5–4 mm long~Genoplesium sagittiferum 14~Cilia present on labellum and petals but not dorsal sepal~15 14*~Cilia present on labellum, petals and dorsal sepal~16 15~Lateral sepals obliquely deflexed; petals with numerous cilia~Genoplesium morinum 15*~Lateral sepals erect; petals sparsely ciliate~Genoplesium archeri 16~Cilia 0.1–0.2 mm long, often glandular~17 16*~Cilia more than 0.5 mm long, coarse and often tangled, non-glandular~19 17~Lateral sepals erect; labellum thin-textured, narrow-obovate~Genoplesium filiforme 17*~Lateral sepals obliquely deflexed; labellum thick and fleshy, broad-ovate to broad-obovate~18 18~Flowers 2–3.3 mm across; labellum 1.5–2 mm long; rare species confined to Mt Wilson (Blue Mtns)~Genoplesium eriochilum 18*~Flowers 4–6 mm across; labellum 2.5–4 mm long; widespread in central districts~Genoplesium woollsii 19~Labellum cilia reddish, pinkish or pinkish mauve~20 19*~Labellum cilia dark brown or purplish black~22 20~Lateral sepals 9–10 mm long, dark pinkish purple~Genoplesium superbum 20*~Lateral sepals 5–6.5 mm long, green~21 21~Labellum hinged and motile, flowers opening widely; all perianth segments present~Genoplesium fimbriatum 21*~Labellum fixed, immobile, flowers cleistogamous or opening tardily; one or more perianth segments often absent~Genoplesium apostasioides 22~Labellum broadest towards the base~23 22*~Labellum broadest at or above the middle~24 23~Labellum ovate to lanceolate, callus extending about half way to labellum apex; coastal and near-coastal districts~Genoplesium acuminatum 23*~Labellum narrow-ovate, callus extending to the labellum apex; inland ranges~Genoplesium systenum 24~Flowers c. 5 mm across, strongly lemon-scented~Genoplesium citriodorum 24*~Flowers c. 7–8 mm across, not lemon-scented~25 25~Labellum narrow-obovate to narrow-spathulate, usually 5–6 mm long and 2 mm wide~Genoplesium simulans 25*~Labellum narrow-elliptic, usually 4–5 mm long and 1.5 mm wide~Genoplesium morrisii #{gn}Gentiana 1~Plants usually with a basal rosette of 2–6 pairs of leaves much larger than the cauline leaves and with more or less smooth margins; corolla white or very pale blue; fruiting stipe less than 6 mm long~2 1*~Plants rarely with a basal rosette, and if so then the leaves not or little larger than the cauline leaves and the margins minutely scabrous; corolla sky blue; fruiting stipe 10–25 mm long~3 2~Basal leaves less than 8 mm long, apex obtuse or shortly mucronate; corolla lobes whitish blue inside; folds mostly 1-lobed; anthers c. 0.5 mm long; fruiting stipe 5 mm long~Gentiana baeuerlenii 2*~Basal leaves mostly 10–20 mm long, apex acute or acuminate, usually mucronate; corolla lobes white inside; folds lacerate or mostly 2-lobed; anthers c. 1 mm long; fruiting stipe 2.5 mm long~Gentiana bredboensis 3~Stems minutely scabrous above, leafless basal part 10–25 mm long; fruiting stipe 15–25 mm long~Gentiana wingecarribiensis 3*~Stem smooth throughout, leafless basal part 5–10 mm long; fruiting stipe usually 10–15 mm long~Gentiana wissmannii #{fm}GERANIACEAE 1~Inflorescences consistently 1- or 2-flowered; fertile stamens 10; awn of fruit glabrous on inner surface~Geranium 1*~Inflorescences usually more than 2-flowered; fertile stamens 3–8; awn of fruit hairy on inner surface~2 2~Flowers more or less actinomorphic with no sepaline spur; fertile stamens 5 and flowers commonly blue, purple, pink to mauve or rarely white; inflorescences 1–7-flowered~Erodium 2*~Flowers more or less zygomorphic with posterior sepal prolonged into a nectariferous spur fused to pedicel (sometimes small and difficult to see in dried material); flowers pink and either fertile stamens 6–8, or if fertile stamens 3–5 then inflorescences usually more than 6-flowered; inflorescences 2–14-flowered~Pelargonium #{gn}Geranium 1~Flowers mostly in pairs~2 1*~Flowers solitary~7 2~Mericarps glabrous and wrinkled~3 2*~Mericarps hirsute to pilose, smooth~4 3~Petals 4–5 mm long; basal leaves more or less palmatifid with primary lobes divided to about halfway~Geranium molle 3*~Petals 6–9 mm long; basal leaves more or less pinnatisect to ternate, with primary lobes divided more or less to the midrib~Geranium purpureum 4~Awn of the mericarps with conspicuous glandular hairs; seeds pale brown~Geranium dissectum 4*~Awn of the mericarps with mostly non-glandular hairs and sometimes some minute glandular ones; seeds black to dark brown~5 5~Pedicels with hairs retrorse-appressed in the flowering stage; seeds dark brown or black with pits more or less elongated or equal-sided~6 5*~Pedicels with hairs retrorse-reflexed or spreading, never appressed, stiff; seeds black with large more or less equal-sided pits~Geranium solanderi 6~Leaves with lobes broad; taproot branched, not turnip-like; seeds dark brown with more or less elongated pits~Geranium homeanum 6*~Leaves with usually linear lobes; taproot turnip-like; seeds black or very dark brown with equal-sided pits~Geranium retrorsum 7~Flowering stems usually shorter than the basal leaves or reduced to a single peduncle and pedicel; seeds black, smooth or with minute pits~8 7*~Flowering stems usually longer than the basal leaves; seeds dark brown or black, pits distinct~9 8~Pedicels with hairs retrorse-appressed; petals oblong to narrow-elliptic, 4–8 mm long, 1–3 mm wide~Geranium sessiliflorum 8*~Pedicels with hairs antrorse-appressed; petals obovate, 6–12 mm long, 3–5 mm wide~Geranium antrorsum 9~Taproot swollen and more or less turnip-shaped; sepals obtuse or acute to acuminate, 2–5 mm wide~10 9*~Taproot not turnip-shaped; sepals distinctly mucronate, 1–2.5 mm wide~11 10~Sepals obtuse; seeds dark brown with small obscure pits; plants softly hairy; restricted species, higher altitudes from the A.C.T. to the Kosciusko area~Geranium obtusisepalum 10*~Sepals acute to acuminate; seeds black, with coarse pits; plants hirsute; widespread species~Geranium solanderi 11~Petals 13–15 mm long; peduncle and pedicel together c. 8 cm long~Geranium neglectum 11*~Petals 4–6 mm long; peduncle and pedicel together less than 5 cm long~12 12~Petals completely white; seeds black with large pits~Geranium graniticola 12*~Petals almost always pink or tinged with pink, or if completely white then the seeds dark brown with small pits~Geranium potentilloides #{sp}Geranium potentilloides 1~Seeds brown with small pits; bracteoles about halfway along flower stalk (peduncle plus pedicel).~var. potentilloides 1*~Seeds black with large pits; bracteoles usually towards base of flower stalk~var. abditum #{sp}Geranium solanderi 1~Petals 5–8 mm long; sepals c. 5 mm long; fruit 12–15 mm long; taproot usually turnip-like~var. solanderi 1*~Petals 10–12 mm long; sepals 6–9 mm long; fruit 18–25 mm long; taproot swollen and branched but not turnip-like. All parts larger than the type variety~var. grande #{gn}Glaucium 1~Capsule and peduncle hairy; annual~Glaucium corniculatum 1*~Capsule and peduncle glabrous; biennial~Glaucium flavum #{fm}GLEICHENIACEAE 1~Pinnules divided into many small segments that are 1–5 mm long, often pouch-like with revolute margins; sori solitary in each segment; rhizome and apical bud covered with scales~Gleichenia 1*~Pinnules undivided, 1–6 cm long, oblong or linear, each segment bearing a number of sori; rhizome and apical buds covered with scales or stiff hairs~2 2~Rhizome and apical bud covered with scales; minor veins of the segments usually forked once; sporangia usually 4 in each sorus but varying from 1 to 6~Sticherus 2*~Rhizome and apical bud covered with stiff, septate hairs; minor veins of segments forked at least twice; sporangia usually 6–12 in each sorus~Dicranopteris #{gn}Gleichenia 1~Ultimate segments of mature fronds pouch-like with strongly recurved margins; sori consisting of only 2 sporangia~Gleichenia dicarpa 1*~Ultimate segments of mature fronds flat or only slightly recurved; sori usually consisting of 3 or 4 sporangia~2 2~Lateral axes with stellate hairs~3 2*~Lateral axes glabrous or nearly so~Gleichenia rupestris 3~Lower surface of ultimate lamina segments pale green; stellate hairs distributed ± evenly on lateral axes~Gleichenia microphylla 3*~Lower surface of ultimate lamina segments glaucous; stellate hairs ± matted on lateral axes, especially on lower surfaces~Gleichenia mendellii #{gn}Glinus 1~Stems and leaves tomentose~Glinus lotoides 1*~Stems and leaves glabrous or almost so~2 2~Perianth segments 4–6 mm long; pedicel usually shorter than the flower~Glinus orygioides 2*~Perianth segments 2–3 mm long; pedicel 2–3 times longer than the flower~Glinus oppositifolius #{gn}Glochidion 1~Flowers pedicellate in clusters on a short peduncle arising 5–10 mm above the leaf axil; stipules narrow-triangular, finely pointed~Glochidion sumatranum 1*~Flowers pedicellate in leaf axils, but not on a common peduncle; stipules broad-triangular, recurved, not finely pointed~Glochidion ferdinandi #{gn}Glossodia 1~Sepals and petals 15–30 mm long; labellum 8–11 mm long, white with a purple tip (or rarely whole flower white); basal callus solitary, with 2-lobed yellow head~Glossodia major 1*~Sepals and petals 8–15 mm long; labellum 3–5 mm long, purple (or rarely whole flower white); basal calli 2, fused at their bases, with dark heads~Glossodia minor #{gn}Glossostigma 1~Calyx teeth 4; plants often hairy on leaves and calyx; stamens 4~Glossostigma elatinoides 1*~Calyx teeth 3; plants glabrous; anthers 2~2 2~Pedicels 2–15 mm long, erect in fruit; corolla opening fully, exserted from the calyx~Glossostigma diandrum 2*~Pedicels 0–0.5 mm long with the fruits down-turned into the soil; corolla rudimentary, hidden within the closed calyx~Glossostigma cleistanthum #{gn}Glyceria 1~Lemmas 2–5.5 mm long, rarely 6 mm long~2 1*~Lemmas 6–10 mm long~3 2~Spikelets 12–25 mm long with 8–15 florets; lemmas appear toothed at the tip; panicle usually with less than 50 spikelets~Glyceria declinata 2*~Spikelets 5–10 mm long with 4–8 florets; lemmas obtuse not toothed; panicle with 50–100 spikelets~Glyceria maxima 3~Lower glume 1-nerved, 1.5–6 mm long; lemmas subulate or obtuse~Glyceria australis 3*~Lower glumes 3–5-nerved, 7–8 mm long; lemmas obtuse to acute~Glyceria latispicea #{gn}Glycine 1~Apex of mature fruit curved upwards before dehiscence.~2 1*~Fruit straight before dehiscence.~3 2~Leaflet reticulation usually obvious; secondary veins ≥60°; mature fruit with purple flecks.~Glycine cyrtoloba 2*~Leaflet reticulation obscure; secondary veins usually ≤50°; fruit without purple flecks.~Glycine canescens 3~Leaflets palmately 3-foliolate.~4 3*~Leaflets pinnately 3-foliolate.~6 4~Leaflet reticulation obvious; stoloniferous.~Glycine microphylla 4*~Leaflet reticulation obscure; not stoloniferous.~5 5~Fruit 7–13-seeded; secondary veins ≥50°, obvious; seed surface rough, not mottled; terminal stipels usually present.~Glycine clandestina 5*~Fruit 5–9-seeded; secondary veins ≤50°, obscure; seed surface smooth, mottled; terminal stipels usually absent.~Glycine rubiginosa 6~Leaflet reticulation obscure; rachis ≤4 mm long; not stoloniferous; fruit 7–13-seeded.~Glycine clandestina 6*~Leaflet reticulation usually obvious; rachis variable, often >4 mm long; stoloniferous or not stoloniferous; fruit 1–10-seeded, usually ≤8-seeded.~7 7~Stoloniferous; adventitious root buds may be visible in axils of older stems, brown; leaflets with length:breadth ratio of ratio 1.3–7:1.~8 7*~Not stoloniferous; lacking adventitious root buds; leaflets with length:breadth ratio of 1.1–20:1.~10 8~Seeds with obvious raised warts (appearing granular under a microscope); leaflets with length:breadth ratio of 1.3–2.2:1; plants moderately hairy on most parts.~Glycine latifolia 8*~Seeds with very obscure flattened warts; leaflets with length:breadth ratio of 1.6–7:1; plants sparsely hairy on most parts, or nearly glabrous.~9 9~Seeds usually shortly barrel-shaped (rarely ± spherical); leaflets with length:breadth ratio of 1.6–4:1; secondary veins 30–60° from midvein (rarely to 70°); rachis often >2 mm long.~Glycine tabacina 9*~Seeds usually ± spherical; leaflets with length:breadth ratio of 2–7:1; secondary veins 60–80° from midvein; rachis often <2 mm long.~Glycine microphylla 10~Lower surface of leaflets moderately to densely hairy, upper surfaces sparsely to densely hairy; leaflets up to 38 mm wide; cleistogamous fruit either in leaf axils or on specialised branches arising from partly-covered aerial stems ('litter pods').~Glycine tomentella 10*~Lower surface of leaflets sparsely hairy, upper surfaces glabrous to sparsely hairy; leaflets up to 13 mm wide; cleistogamous fruit in leaf axils only.~11 11~Fruit usually up to 6-seeded (rarely 7-seeded); fruit usually up to 28 mm long (rarely to 30 mm); sinus between upper calyx teeth 0.25–0.5 mm long.~Glycine stenophita 11*~Fruit usually 6–9-seeded (rarely 4-seeded); fruit usually >28 mm long (rarely from 25 mm long); sinus between upper calyx teeth 0.25–1 mm long.~Glycine pacifica #{gn}Glycyrrhiza 1~Leaves usually less than 8 cm long; leaflets ± 8 mm wide; flowers 5–8 mm long; pod ovoid, 5–6 mm long, bristly, 1-seeded~Glycyrrhiza acanthocarpa 1*~Leaves usually more than 8 cm long; leaflets 8–20 mm wide; flowers 10–13 mm long; pod linear-oblong, 10–20 mm long, glabrous, mostly 2–6-seeded~Glycyrrhiza glabra #{gn}Gnephosis 1~Pappus absent; achenes enveloped in long hairs~Gnephosis eriocarpa 1*~Pappus present, cup-shaped; achenes smooth or papillose~2 2~Florets usually 3–5 per head~Gnephosis tenuissima 2*~Florets 2 per head~Gnephosis arachnoidea #{gn}Gomphocarpus 1~Follicles ovoid, 4–6 cm long, 2–3.5 cm diam., slightly falcate, gradually narrowed into a short, curved beak,~Gomphocarpus fruticosus 1*~Follicles globose or subglobose, 5–7.5 cm long, 4–5.5 cm diam., not falcate, abruptly pointed, terminal beak very short, inconspicuous, sunken into indented apex~Gomphocarpus physocarpus #{sp}Gompholobium virgatum 1~Leaves oblanceolate or linear, usually ≥ 12 mm long, 1–4 mm wide, margins strongly to weakly recurved, apex ± recurved, obtuse or rarely ± acute with a short often blunt point~var. virgatum 1*~Leaves linear to 15 mm long, c. 1 mm wide, leaf margins revolute, apex not recurved, obtuse, blunt~var. aspalathoides #{sp}Gonocarpus micranthus 1~Inflorescences narrow, unbranched or branching only to the second order; plants usually prostrate, up to 10 cm high; leaves <8 mm long~subsp. micranthus 1*~Inflorescences diffuse, branching to the third or fourth order; plants erect, 25–60 cm high; leaves >8 mm long~subsp. ramosissimus #{sp}Goodenia bellidifolia 1~Leaves towards stem base, usually oblanceolate, narrowing very gradually towards base. Corolla orange to yellow, always with numerous coarse appressed yellow hairs outside. Indusium depressed-oblong c. 0.8 mm long, 1.2 mm wide, ± concave below; bristles usually 0.3 mm long. Fruit obovoid, usually c. 4 mm long; seeds usually brown~subsp. bellidifolia 1*~Leaves basal, usually obovate, narrowing more abruptly at base than in type subspecies. Corolla usually lemon yellow, with very few short appressed pale yellow hairs (visible with a hand lens and ± obscured by white cottony hairs) outside. Indusium usually oblong, c. 1 mm long, with a double groove and a single usually villous ridge on undersurface; bristles usually <0.2 mm long. Fruit subglobose, c. 2 mm long; seeds very dark brown to black~subsp. argentea #{fm}GOODENIACEAE 1~Flowers in solitary heads on naked scapes; corolla almost actinomorphic~Brunonia 1*~Flowers not in heads, if scapose then loose with prominent bracts; corolla strongly zygomorphic~2 2~Anthers fused to each other~3 2*~Anthers free from each other~4 3~Flowers glabrous~Lechenaultia 3*~Flowers hairy~Dampiera 4~Flowers in dichasia in axils of basal leaves; stamens almost hypogynous; ovary almost superior~Velleia 4*~Flowers in terminal thyrses, racemes or spikes or rarely solitary in axils of basal leaves; stamens epigynous; ovary inferior or half-inferior~5 5~Corolla yellow, sometimes with brownish markings~Goodenia 5*~Corolla blue to pinkish or white to cream, rarely greenish~6 6~Corolla lobes unequal, not spreading like a fan~Coopernookia 6*~Corolla lobes almost equal, spreading like a fan or, in Selliera held stiffly erect~7 7~Corolla with prominent spur~Goodenia 7*~Corolla without prominent spur~8 8~Corolla lobes spreading like a fan, wings conspicuous; not in salt marshes~Scaevola 8*~Corolla lobes held stiffly erect, wings obsolete; creeping glabrous plant of salt marshes~Selliera #{sp}Goodenia dimorpha 1~Basal leaves obovate~var. dimorpha 1*~Basal leaves linear~var. angustifolia #{sp}Goodenia hederacea 1~Scapes not rooting at nodes. Leaves circular to ovate or narrow-oblong, 1.4–10 cm long, 5–8 mm wide, obscurely margins toothed to entire, glabrescent or sparsely pubescent on both surfaces to pubescent on lower surface, petiole 3–10 mm long. Flower stalks mostly 5–15 mm long. Corolla 10–14 mm long; seeds pale yellow obscurely papillose~subsp. hederacea 1*~Scapes prostrate, usually rooting at nodes. Leaves circular to broad-ovate, mostly to 30 mm long, to 25 mm wide, crenate, obtuse at the base and the apex, usually densely tomentose on undersurface; petiole mostly 15–30 mm long. Flower stalks 10–20 mm long. Corolla 8–10 mm long; seeds yellow-brown, strongly papillate to bristly~subsp. alpestris #{sp}Goodenia heterophylla 1~Erect to ascending herb with simple, glandular and multicellular hairs. Leaves usually ovate, sometimes linear, 1.5–3 cm long, 3–8 mm wide, margins toothed or lobed with acute scarcely acuminate teeth, usually with 2 large lobes or teeth near base very rarely entire, sometimes recurved~subsp. heterophylla 1*~Ascending to erect herbs, usually hairy but without glandular hairs, sometimes glabrescent~2 2~Ascending herbs covered with soft hairs. Leaves ovate, 1–3 cm long, 3–8 mm wide, margins toothed, each tooth mucronate recurved margins, sometimes with 2 basal lobes~subsp. eglandulosa 2*~Erect ± shrubby plant, villous to cottony when young, scabrous with short simple hairs when mature. Leaves linear to narrow-oblong, 1.5–2.5 cm long, mostly 2–3 mm wide, margins entire or nearly so, revolute~subsp. montana #{gn}Goodenia 1~Corolla white or cream to very pale pink or mauve~Goodenia calcarata 1*~Corolla yellow, often with brown markings~2 2~Leaves decurrent into wings on stem~Goodenia decurrens 2*~Leaves not decurrent into wings on stem~3 3~Flower stalks without bracteoles~4 3*~Flower stalks with bracteoles~16 4~Indusium notched or style 2-fid~5 4*~Indusium and style entire~6 5~Indusium notched~Goodenia pusilliflora 5*~Style 2-fid~Goodenia berardiana 6~Corolla wing above auricle distinctly narrower than others~7 6*~Corolla wings equal~9 7~Plants stoloniferous~Goodenia heteromera 7*~Plants not stoloniferous~8 8~Corolla glabrous outside~Goodenia pinnatifida 8*~Corolla hairy outside~Goodenia elongata 9~Hairs on outside of corolla coarse and closely appressed~10 9*~Hairs on outside of corolla spreading or absent~13 10~Upper lip of indusium glabrous or nearly so~Goodenia lunata 10*~Upper lip of indusium with long white bristles~11 11~Leaves glaucous; corolla pale yellow~Goodenia glauca 11*~Leaves not glaucous; corolla deep yellow~12 12~Corolla up to 8 mm long~Goodenia occidentalis 12*~Corolla more than 8 mm long~Goodenia fascicularis 13~Plants with mostly glandular hairs~14 13*~Plants with mostly simple hairs~15 14~Leaves linear to lanceolate~Goodenia havilandii 14*~Leaves ovate to circular (bracteoles present but sometimes hidden in the axil)~Goodenia grandiflora 15~Corolla with prominent spur longer than ovary; plants of drier western areas~Goodenia cycloptera 15*~Corolla pouch scarcely as long as ovary; plants of forests in south-east of State~Goodenia elongata 16~Leaves with basal lobe on one side only~Goodenia glabra 16*~Leaves with basal lobes on both sides or none~17 17~Flower apparently glabrous and viscid outside~18 17*~Flower hairy outside, rarely viscid and never varnished~19 18~Leaves ovate, thin~Goodenia ovata 18*~Leaves narrow-ovate to linear, thick~Goodenia varia 19~Flowers solitary in axils of basal leaves~Goodenia willisiana 19*~Flowers in racemes spikes or thyrses~20 20~Bracts reduced, much smaller than leaves~21 20*~Bracts similar to leaves; leaves mostly cauline~29 21~Leaves almost all basal~22 21*~Leaves mostly cauline~28 22~Scapes up to one and a half times as long as leaves~Goodenia humilis 22*~Scapes more than one and a half times as long as leaves~23 23~Indusium folded downwards~Goodenia gracilis 23*~Indusium flat or concave~24 24~Flowers sessile~25 24*~Flowers stalked~26 25~Hairs on corolla simple~Goodenia bellidifolia 25*~Hairs on corolla stellate~Goodenia stelligera 26~Hairs on corolla stellate~Goodenia dimorpha 26*~Hairs on corolla simple or glandular~27 27~Corolla less than 10 mm long~Goodenia macbarronii 27*~Corolla more than 10 mm long~Goodenia paniculata 28~Flowers sessile~Goodenia glomerata 28*~Flowers stalked~Goodenia rostrivalvis 29~Bracteoles inserted immediately below ovary~Goodenia rotundifolia 29*~Bracteoles inserted well below ovary~30 30~Hairs on flower cottony or webby~31 30*~Hairs on flower not cottony or webby, often glandular~32 31~Lower leaves linear to narrow-elliptic~Goodenia delicata 31*~Lower leaves broader than narrow-elliptic~Goodenia hederacea 32~Bracteoles attached close to base of flower stalk~Goodenia grandiflora 32*~Bracteoles attached almost half way from the base of flower stalk or higher~33 33~Plants prostrate~Goodenia fordiana 33*~Plants erect or ascending~34 34~Corolla pouch conspicuous~Goodenia stephensonii 34*~Corolla pouch inconspicuous~Goodenia heterophylla #{gn}Goodia 1~Flowers 9–13 mm long in racemes c. 8 cm long; young stems more or less smooth, often pale, sometimes reddish to black with shallow longitudinal ridges, occasionally densely pubescent; pods mostly more than 20 mm long; coastal and tablelands species~Goodia lotifolia 1*~Flowers 8–9 mm long in racemes c. 5 cm long; young stems dark-reddish to black, warty, never densely pubescent; pods mostly less than 20 mm long; species of Slopes and plains~Goodia medicaginea #{gn}Gossia 1~Flowers predominantly 5-merous; mature fruit black.~2 1*~Flowers 4-merous; fruit yellow to orange.~Gossia fragrantissima 2~Bark smooth; leaves mostly ovate or broad-elliptic, apex acute or acuminate with a fine point.~3 2*~Bark more or less rough; leaves mostly elliptic, apex acuminate with a rounded apex.~4 3~Oil glands on upper leaf surface densely crowded, readily visible; sepals petaloid.~Gossia bidwillii 3*~Oil glands on upper leaf not crowded; sepals not petaloid.~Gossia acmenoides 4~Leaves lacking conspicuous oil glands on lower surface; flowers hairy.~Gossia hillii 4*~Leaves with conspicuous oil glands on lower surface; flowers very finely pubescent to glabrous.~Gossia punctata #{gn}Gossypium 1~Petals mauve; embryos with no (or very few) glands~Gossypium sturtianum 1*~Petals cream or yellow; embryos with prominent glands~2 2~Fruit with no commercial, or obvious, cotton hairs; epicalyx segments linear or with a few teeth at apex; at least the lower leaves deeply lobed almost to base~Gossypium thurberi 2*~Fruit with commercial and obvious cotton hairs; epicalyx segments usually laciniate or deeply incised; leaves entire or lobed to c. midway~3 3~Capsule 3–5-locular, ovoid to more or less globose; stipules 5–20 mm long; leaves 3–5-lobed, the central lobe usually 1–1.5 times as long as broad~Gossypium hirsutum 3*~Capsule usually 3-locular, narrow-ovoid; stipules 1–5 cm long; leaves 3–7-lobed, the central lobe usually more than 1.5 times as long as broad~Gossypium barbadense #{sp}Gossypium sturtianum 1~Leaves entire, circular to ovate, apiculate; seeds 3–4 mm long; hairs on seeds whitish green~var. sturtianum 1*~Leaves entire to mostly 3-lobed and often with 2 small lobes at the base of the lamina, apiculate; seeds 4–6 mm long; hairs on seeds brown~var. nandewarense #{gn}Grammitis 1~Fronds usually <5 cm long; stipe lacking hairs~2 1*~Fronds usually >5 cm long; stipe conspicuously hairy~Grammitis billardierei 2~Sori circular, and coalescing into a raised mass towards the tip of the lamina~Grammitis poeppigiana 2*~Sori globose to oblong, 2–25 pairs in upper two-thirds of frond~Grammitis stenophylla #{gn}Gratiola 1~Prostrate, mat-forming herb; leaves 0.2–1.1 cm long~Gratiola nana 1*~Erect to procumbent herbs; leaves 0.5–4.5 cm long~2 2~Pedicels 8–26 mm long; sessile glands with globular heads conspicuous on the leaves, bracteoles and sepals; branches, pedicels, bracteoles and sepals finely glandular-pubescent~Gratiola pedunculata 2*~Pedicels less than 7 or rarely to 12 mm long; sessile glands conspicuous or obscure; indumentum of glandular and non-glandular hairs variable~3 3~Sessile glands with conspicuous globular heads on the leaves, bracteoles and sepals; sepals and bracteoles finely glandular-pubescent; pedicels 1–2.5 mm long~Gratiola pubescens 3*~Sessile glands obscure, evident as hollows on the leaves, bracteoles and sepals; sepals and bracteoles sparsely hairy with non-glandular hairs and/or finely glandular-pubescent to glabrous; pedicels 0.5–8 or rarely to 12 mm long~4 4~Leaves ovate to more or less elliptic or broadly so, usually 6–27 mm wide; style (on young capsules) 1.8–3.5 mm long; mature seeds with brown ridges; corolla pale pink, white in parts~Gratiola peruviana 4*~Leaves narrow-ovate to narrow-elliptic, 1–8 mm wide; style (on young capsules) usually 1.3–1.8 mm long; mature seeds with white ridges; corolla white~Gratiola pumilo #{sp}Grevillea acanthifolia 1~Leaves with ultimate lobes cuneate or ovate, rarely linear; most of lower surface of lobes exposed, margins recurved; inflorescences usually >5 cm long. Shrub to 2 m high~subsp. acanthifolia 1*~Leaves with ultimate lobes linear or subulate; most of lower surface enclosed by the refracted margin; inflorescences usually ≤ 5 cm long~2 2~Pollen presenter oblique, broad-conical; lower surface of leaves glabrous except for scattered appressed hairs on the veins; branchlets glabrous or pubescent; stipe ≥ 1.5 mm long; low spreading shrub usually <1 m high~subsp. stenomera 2*~Pollen presenter an erect cone; lower surface of some or all leaves with white appressed hairs on the lamina on either side of the veins; branchlets subsericeous with ridges sometimes glabrous; stipe ≤ 1.5 mm long; erect spreading shrub up to 3 m high~subsp. paludosa #{sp}Grevillea arenaria 1~Lower surface of leaves sericeous, tomentose, villous or loosely so; gynoecium 22–27 mm long~subsp. arenaria 1*~Lower surface of leaves velvety; gynoecium 26–32 mm long~subsp. canescens #{sp}Grevillea baueri 1~Leaves oblong-elliptic to narrow-oblong-ovate, 3–7 mm wide, with upper surface ± smooth except for occasional granules; inflorescences usually simple and erect; plant habit often compact.~subsp. baueri 1*~Leaves oblong-ovate to ovate, 5–10 mm wide, with upper surface roughened by numerous granules, sometimes also with semi-erect hairs; inflorescences usually branched and decurved; plant habit often open~subsp. asperula #{sp}Grevillea buxifolia 1~Stylar appendage conspicuous, usually 2–4 mm long, hairs on style apex and appendage not longer than those of the rest of the style; gynoecium 17–21 mm long.~subsp. buxifolia 1*~Stylar appendage absent, or inconspicuous and rarely to 1.3 mm long, hairs of the style apex markedly longer than those of the rest of the style; gynoecium 11–13 mm long.~subsp. ecorniculata #{sp}Grevillea diffusa 1~Branchlets ± terete or weakly angular in cross section, shortly tomentose (irregularly ascending hairs); leaves elliptic, 1.5–5.5 cm long, 2–4 mm wide; conflorescences dense, ± sessile to shortly pedunculate (peduncles ± terete, to 1 cm long, pubescent, flexuous or not); style with papillose hairs confined to apical 1 mm~subsp. diffusa 1*~Branchlets strongly angular in cross section, sericeous (rarely pubescent) to glabrous; leaves narrow-elliptic to ± linear, mostly 6–15 cm long and 2–4 mm wide; conflorescences dense to loose, pedunculate (peduncles angular, usually 1–4 cm long, sericeous to glabrous, usually flexuous); style with papillose hairs extending over apical half.~2 2~Branchlets rarely secund; peduncles usually <1.5 cm long; leaves usually <7 cm long, with ± smoothly recurved margins; perianth and style dark crimson to dark burgundy; open shrub 1–2 m high.~subsp. constablei 2*~Branchlets usually strongly secund; peduncles usually 1.5–4 cm long; leaves 6–15 cm long, with angularly refracted margins; perianth and style scarlet to light burgundy; low spreading shrub <1 m high.~subsp. filipendula #{sp}Grevillea humilis 1~Hairs on branchlets and lower surface of leaves matt (not or scarcely sparkling-reflective under strong light with 10X magnification).~2 1*~Hairs of branchlets and lower surface of leaves strongly sparkling-reflective under strong light and 10X magnification.~3 2~Adult leaves narrowly oblong-elliptic, 1.8–2.5 mm wide, upper surfaces usually glabrous; pedicels 4–6 mm long; leaves usually solitary or irregularly arranged, sometimes ± in clusters of 3~subsp. humilis 2*~Adult leaves narrow-elliptic to oblanceolate, 1.6–6 mm wide, upper surface usually at least with some appressed hairs persisting; leaves often in distinct clusters of 3~subsp. maritima 3~Low weakly erect to mounded shrub to c. 0.6 m high, with short stiff branches and usually dense foliage; lower surface of leaves densely sericeous to subsericeous; leaves narrowly oblong-elliptic to narrow-obovate, usually 1.5–6 mm wide; flowers with perianth and style usually white, occasionally pink, gynoecium 7–12 mm long.[includes Coastal elements of G. linearifolia 'Northern form' p.p. and the `Angourie form' of Flora of NSW (1991)] A highly variable population occurs south of Angourie, with plants ± prostrate, leaves elliptic to obovate to oblanceolate, c. 2 cm long and 2.5–10 mm wide.~subsp. maritima 3*~Erect shrub to 1 m high with gracile ascending branches and usually loose foliage; lower surface densely to sparsely sericeous; leaves narrowly oblong-elliptic to sublinear, 1.5–4 cm long, 1.7–3.5 mm wide; pedicels 6–10 mm long; flowers with perianth and style pink, gynoecium 9–16 mm long~subsp. lucens #{sp}Grevillea irrasa 1~Leaves narrow-oblong to oblanceolate, length:breadth ratio of 5–10:1; indumentum on the lower leaf surface with all hairs ± spreading, not obviously 2-layered~subsp. irrasa 1*~Leaves obovate to oblanceolate or elliptic or oblong, length:breadth ratio of 5–7:1; indumentum on the lower leaf surface with spreading hairs emergent from a denser layer of appressed hairs (20–30 x magnification)~subsp. didymochiton #{sp}Grevillea juniperina 1~Limb at apex of flower bud subsericeous (appressed hairs); outer surface of perianth subsericeous to open-appressed; lower surface of leaves densely to openly subericeous (to almost glabrous).~2 1*~Limb at apex of flower bud shaggy-subvillous (± spreading hairs); outer surface of perianth tomentose (ascending hairs); lower surface of leaves glabrescent or with only a sparse indumentum of ascending hairs, concentrated along the mid-line. Robust erect dense shrub to 2 m high. Leaves sublinear to narrow-elliptic, 1.1–2.1 cm long, 0.9–2.6 mm wide. Flowers red or yellow.~subsp. villosa 2~Outer surface of perianth lacking minute erect hairs (2-branched hairs only present).~3 2*~Outer surface of perianth with few to many minute erect simple hairs (c. 0.1–0.2 mm long; microscope feature!) mixed in with much larger 2-armed hairs.~8 3~Adult leaves linear, sublinear, or acicular-subulate; margins ± strongly recurved to revolute, concealing much or all of the lower surface of the leaf; upper surface angularly ridged (leaf trigonous to deltate in cross section) or smoothly convex, rarely flat on adult foliage, with venation variably conspicuous to obscure.~4 3*~Adult leaves elliptic to narrow-elliptic or lanceolate; margins angularly and very shortly recurved, most of lower surface exposed; upper surface ± flat except for 3 (-5) ± prominent pale veins~7 4~Broadest leaves <1 mm wide.~5 4*~Broadest leaves at least 1 mm wide.~6 5~Upper leaf surface with 3 prominent longitudinal veins; adult leaves deltate to trigonous in cross section, upper surface not convex-rounded; margins of leaves revolute or refracted; low spreading shrub to 1, or rarely 1.5 m high. Leaves narrow, needle-like, 1–2.2 cm long, 0.6–0.8 mm wide, margins strongly recurved, usually completely concealing the lower surface of most leaves. Flowers red, yellow, pale orange, or rarely greenish~subsp. juniperina 5*~Upper leaf surface with only the midvein evident or if intramarginal veins evident then the latter not prominent; adult leaves usually rounded (upper surface convex) in cross section or sometimes angularly triangular; margins of leaves smooth to angularly revolute; ascending to erect shrub with columnar branches to 2 m high, or rarely prostrate. Leaves often in pseudo-whorls, 1.1–2 cm long, 0.6–1.8 mm wide, margins smoothly revolute, lower surface mostly concealed; juvenile leaves to 4 mm wide and flatter. Flowers dull yellow to apricot-orange, or rarely red~subsp. sulphurea 6~Robust shrub 1–3 m high, with strong erect central stem at base and many spreading to ascending lateral branches; leaves angularly deltate to trigonous in cross section (not smoothly convex), upper surface with 1–3 prominent longitudinal veins; lower leaf surface with a dense appressed indumentum; flowers red or rarely pink. Leaves often in pseudo-whorls, linear to subulate, 1–2.5 cm long, 0.7–2 mm wide~subsp. fortis 6*~Sprawling or weakly erect shrub with main branches spreading at ground level and then ascending or erect-columnar, to 2 m high; leaves usually markedly rounded-convex in cross section, upper surface with 1–3 veins visible but usually scarcely prominent; lower leaf surface (often concealed) with a dense to sparse appressed indumentum; flowers dull yellow or orange.~subsp. sulphurea 7~Adult leaves 10–20 mm long, 1.5–2.5 mm wide; spreading shrub 0.5–2 m high, or rarely prostrate; flowers usually yellow or orange, rarely red; innermost pair of lateral on upper surface of leaves joining the midvein abruptly at ± 90° at extreme base of leaf~subsp. trinervis 7*~Adult leaves mostly 15–35 mm long and 2–4.5 mm wide (rarely shorter, and sometimes to 6 mm wide); prostrate shrub, or rarely low spreading shrub to 1.2 m high; flowers usually red, rarely yellow; innermost pair of lateral veins on upper surface of leaves joining midvein at acute angle just above leaf base~subsp. allojohnsonii 8~Ascending to erect shrub with erect columnar branches to 2 m high, or rarely prostrate;adult leaves with a sparse to dense indumentum on lower surface; juvenile leaves as long as adult leaves, with a sparse to open indumentum on lower surface; grows in moist sites near creeks and swampy habitats.~subsp. sulphurea 8*~Prostrate to sprawling shrub to 0.8 m high (rarely to 1.2 m high);adult and juvenile leaves both with a dense appressed indumentum over the whole lower surface; juvenile leaves mostly less than half as long as adult leaves; grows on slopes and ridges, usually away from streams. Leaves sublinear to narrow-elliptic, occasionally in short clusters, 0.8–1.8 cm long, usually 1–2.5 mm wide or rarely to 3.5 mm wide, leaves of juvenile plants markedly broader and flatter than adult leaves. Flowers dull yellow to apricot-orange, or rarely red (Windellana area)~subsp. amphitricha #{sp}Grevillea obtusiflora 1~Leaves 1.5–5 mm wide, narrow-elliptic to narrow-obovate, margins usually shortly recurved to revolute leaving most of the lower surface exposed; lower surface of leaf densely subsericeous (surface of leaf not visible between hairs); branchlets not usually secund; perianth 2.5–3 mm across; gynoecium mostly 20–23 mm long; rhizomatous low shrub 0.2–0.3 m high, sterile~subsp. obtusiflora 1*~Leaves 1–1.2 mm wide, sublinear to narrow-elliptic, margins strongly revolute, completely enclosing the lower surface of the leaf; lower surface of leaf, when visible, with an open appressed indumentum (leaf surface clearly visible between hairs if viewed with a hand lens); branchlets usually strongly secund;perianth sometimes entirely cream; gynoecium usually 15–19 mm long; rhizomatous shrub 0.3–0.7 m high,rarely to 2 m high, fertile~subsp. fecunda #{sp}Grevillea oxyantha 1~Tepals with limbs strongly keeled along the midline; lower surface of leaves tomentose to ± tomentose with short curled to wavy hairs. Leaves broad-ovate or elliptic or sometimes ± circular.~subsp. oxyantha 1*~Tepals with limbs not or weakly keeled along the midline; lower surface of leaves subsericeous with straight appressed hairs. Leaves ovate to elliptic.~subsp. ecarinata #{sp}Grevillea parviflora 1~Major branches ascending to erect; branchlets not secund; leaves mostly 0.8–1.3 mm wide; stipe of ovary 1–1.2 mm long~subsp. parviflora 1*~Major branches ± spreading; branchlets usually secund; leaves mostly 0.6–2 mm wide; stipe of ovary 0.5–0.6 mm long~subsp. supplicans #{sp}Grevillea rhyolitica 1~Leaves with lower surface with an open indumentum of ascending 2-branched hairs (often also with simple erect glandular hairs); outer surface of perianth with simple erect hairs (mixed among ascending 2-branched hairs) usually confined to the basal third, occasionally more extensive~subsp. rhyolitica 1*~Leaves with lower surface with scattered minute closely appressed 2-branched hairs (surface sometimes appearing glabrous); outer surface of perianth with simple erect hairs (mixed among ascending 2-branched hairs) distributes over the whole surface, including limb segments~subsp. semivestita #{sp}Grevillea rosmarinifolia 1~Leaves narrow-elliptic to ± linear, usually not crowded on short lateral branchlets, pungent or not; lower surface exposed, or if enclosed then leaves either >15 mm long or >0.8 mm wide~subsp. rosmarinifolia 1*~Leaves linear to ± terete, mostly very crowded on short lateral branchlets, pungent; lower surface fully enclosed by the revolute margins; leaves 8–15 mm long, 0.7–0.8 mm wide~subsp. glabella #{sp}Grevillea sericea 1~Leaves obovate to elliptic or narrowly so and ≤6 cm long (usually ≤3 cm long) and 3–9 mm wide; some or all conflorescences standing clear of the foliage; flowers deep to pale pink or white.~subsp. sericea 1*~Leaves linear and 6–12 cm long, 1–3 mm wide; conflorescences usually enclosed within the foliage; flowers purplish pink.~subsp. riparia #{gn}Gunniopsis 1~Stamens 4–8; ephemeral herb~Gunniopsis septifraga 1*~Stamens 30 or more; ephemerals or perennials~2 2~Perennial shrub; leaves linear, more or less terete; stamens in 4 bundles; perianth greenish white~Gunniopsis quadrifida 2*~Annual or ephemeral herb; leaves oblong to oblanceolate, flattened; stamens in a continuous ring; perianth yellow~Gunniopsis papillata #{fm}GYROSTEMONACEAE 1~Leaves linear to broad-ovate, if lamina linear-lanceolate then more than 3 cm long, flat, mostly petiolate; small trees; fruit bell-shaped; carpels dehiscing on inner margin; flowers in racemes or panicles, pedicel more than 8 mm long~Codonocarpus 1*~Leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate, mostly less than 3 cm long, often more or less terete, sessile; erect herbs, small shrubs or rarely small trees; fruit more or less globose; carpels dehiscing on outer margin; flowers solitary, pedicel less than 7 mm long~Gyrostemon #{gn}Gyrostemon 1~Leaves not hooked at apex, scattered; carpels 2, opposite~Gyrostemon thesioides 1*~Leaves usually hooked at apex, rather crowded; carpels 4–7, united around a central column~Gyrostemon australasicus #{gn}Haemodorum 1~Leaves flat, usually more than 2 mm wide~2 1*~Leaves terete to compressed, 1–2 mm wide (sometimes broader at base)~3 2~Flowers solitary; inflorescence a narrow panicle~Haemodorum austroqueenslandicum 2*~Flowers in clusters of 2–6; inflorescence a widely diverging panicle~Haemodorum planifolium 3~Flowers 4–5 mm long; flowers solitary or in few-flowered clusters~Haemodorum tenuifolium 3*~Flowers 12–15 mm long; flowers in several–many-flowered clusters~Haemodorum corymbosum #{sp}Hakea decurrens 1~Red-brown wood zone on inner face of fruit valve beside seed cavity at widest point towards base 1–2.5 mm wide; indumentum on branchlets appressed hairy to tomentose, usually quickly glabrescent, sometimes persisting to flowering.~2 1*~Red-brown wood zone on inner face of fruit valve beside seed cavity at widest point towards base 3–5 mm wide; indumentum on branchlets tomentose, persistent to well after flowering. Follicle ovoid, 26–36 mm wide.~subsp. platytaenia 2~Follicles ovoid to obovoid, 14–19 mm wide; pale wood zone 3.5–6 mm wide, the outer layer mostly 1–2.5 mm wide.~subsp. decurrens 2*~Follicles ovoid to ellipsoid or broadly so, 15–325 mm wide; pale wood zone usually 6–12 mm wide, the outer layer 2.5–5.5 mm wide.~subsp. physocarpa #{sp}Hakea laevipes 1~Pedicels pubescent.~subsp. laevipes 1*~Pedicels glabrous.~subsp. graniticola #{sp}Hakea leucoptera 1~Indumentum on rachis tomentose~subsp. leucoptera 1*~Indumentum on rachis appressed-hairy~subsp. sericipes #{sp}Hakea salicifolia 1~Leaves >7 mm wide~subsp. salicifolia 1*~Leaves 4–7 mm wide~subsp. angustifolia #{sp}Hakea teretifolia 1~Pedicel and perianth densely pubescent with appressed-shiny hairs, some suberect.~subsp. teretifolia 1*~Pedicel and perianth densely tomentose with raised hairs, some appressed~subsp. hirsuta #{gn}Halgania 1~Leaves with entire margins~Halgania andromedifolia 1*~Leaves with toothed margins~2 2~Glandular hairs present, at least on inflorescence and young shoots~Halgania cyanea 2*~Glandular hairs absent~Halgania brachyrhyncha #{gn}Halophila 1~Lateral shoots 0.5–10 mm long, hairy; leaves often with scattered hairs, 10–25 mm long, margins minutely toothed; cross-veins in 6–9 pairs; plants monoecious with 1 male and 1 female flower in each spathe~Halophila decipiens 1*~Lateral shoots glabrous, minute or not developed at all; leaves glabrous, 1–7 cm long, margins entire, cross-veins in 10–25 pairs; plants dioecious~2 2~Styles 6; scales at base of female fertile branch usually green and foliose; leaf blade usually 3–4 times as long as wide~Halophila australis 2*~Styles 3; scales all hyaline; leaf blade usually 1.5–2 times as long as wide~Halophila ovalis #{fm}HALORAGACEAE 1~All flowers with petals; terrestrial plants~2 1*~Female flowers lacking petals; aquatic herbs~Myriophyllum 2~Flowering shoot not ending with a flower; anthers not apiculate~3 2*~Flowering shoot terminating in a flower; anthers shortly apiculate~4 3~Fruits 2–4-locular, woody; flowers usually in axillary groups of 3–7~Haloragis 3*~Fruits 1-locular, membranous; flowers usually solitary in axils~Gonocarpus 4~Leaves opposite, regularly toothed; inflorescences narrow and spike-like~Haloragodendron 4*~Leaves alternate, entire; inflorescences spreading and umbel-like~Glischrocaryon #{sp}Haloragis odontocarpa 1~Fruit 4-angled or -ribbed longitudinally between sepals, not winged.~2 1*~Fruit 4-winged longitudinally between the sepals.~3 2~Body of fruit with tooth-like appendages c. 1.5 mm long projecting below the sepals.~f. odontocarpa 2*~Body of fruit smooth or wrinkled below sepals.~f. rugosa 3~Wings entire, oblong.~f. pterocarpa 3*~Wings constricted in centre.~f. octoforma #{gn}Halosarcia 1~Seeds smooth and glossy all over; articles with Kranz (C4) anatomy or non-Kranz (C3) anatomy~2 1*~Seeds variously tuberculate or ribbed around the edge, smooth or ornamented on the sides; articles with non-Kranz (C3) anatomy~3 2~Margins of leaf lobes finely toothed or finely ciliate (rarely entire); articles with Kranz (C4) anatomy; perianth pithy in fruit~Halosarcia indica 2*~Margins of leaf lobes entire; articles with non-Kranz (C3) anatomy; perianth thin and brittle in fruit~Halosarcia pruinosa 3~Seeds with deep concentric ridges or colliculate all over~4 3*~Seeds ribbed, tuberculate or colliculate around the margins, the sides mostly smooth~5 4~Seeds brown to reddish brown to black, concentrically colliculate all over~Halosarcia pergranulata 4*~Seeds pale fawn to cream, deeply concentrically ribbed all over, the tips of the rib cells sometimes free, forming curved to hooked hairs~Halosarcia pterygospermum 5~Seeds pale brown with tuberculate ribs around the margins~Halosarcia halocnemoides 5*~Seeds reddish brown, colliculate (± ribbed) around the margins~6 6~Branches and spikes succulent and swollen; projecting or undulate in outline~Halosarcia pluriflora 6*~Branches very slender (not swollen); smooth in outline (as in Casuarinaceae)~Halosarcia lylei #{sp}Halosarcia pergranulata 1~Spikes undulate in outline; lower lobes of perianth prominent, usually overlapping lateral lobes~subsp. pergranulata 1*~Spikes terete; lower lobes of perianth shallow and scarcely overlapping lateral lobes~subsp. divaricata #{gn}Hardenbergia 1~Leaves 1-foliolate.~Hardenbergia violacea 1*~Leaves 3-foliolate, or sometimes 5-foliolate.~Hardenbergia comptoniana #{sp}Harmsiodoxa brevipes 1~Siliqua with apical hairs spreading, mostly simple, some branched. Basal leaves pinnatisect, stem leaves pinnatifid~var. brevipes 1*~Siliqua with apical hairs appressed, all branched, sessile to shortly stalked. Basal leaves coarsely pinnatifid, stem leaves remotely toothed to entire~var. major #{gn}Harmsiodoxa 1~Petals 4–8 mm long; pedicels slender, at least some more than 7 mm long~2 1*~Petals usually 2–4 mm long; pedicels stout, less than 7 mm long~Harmsiodoxa brevipes 2~Siliqua with hairs towards apex longer than hairs at basal end, apical hairs simple and branched~Harmsiodoxa blennodioides 2*~Siliqua with hairs more or less same length all over, the hairs towards apex branched~Harmsiodoxa puberula #{gn}Harpullia 1~Leaves with petiole and rachis winged; margins of leaflets toothed to more or less entire; capsules slightly compressed at margins, lobes 2-seeded~Harpullia alata 1*~Leaves with petiole and rachis not winged; margins of leaflets entire; capsules inflated, lobes 1-seeded~2 2~Capsules leathery to more or less woody, finely hairy; seeds 2/3 covered by basal aril; leaflets mostly 6–12, more or less oblong, apex usually rounded~Harpullia hillii 2*~Capsules papery, glabrous; seeds without arils; leaflets usually 4–8, more or less elliptic, apex usually acuminate~Harpullia pendula #{gn}Harrisia 1~Central spine 2–3 cm long, yellow with a dark tip, surrounded by a row of short radial spines 3–6 mm long and 1–3 spines 10–15 mm long~Harrisia martinii 1*~Central spine 3–5 cm long, surrounded by 4–8 spines 1–3 cm long~Harrisia tortuosa #{sp}Hedypnois rhagadioloides 1~Upper peduncle and lateral parts of inner involucral bracts glabrous at anthesis (robust spreading hairs sometimes present medially on inner involucral bracts and/or on upper stem in a line below peduncular bracts)~subsp. cretica 1*~Upper peduncle and lateral parts of inner involucral bracts covered with numerous, sometimes minute, spreading hairs at anthesis~subsp. rhagadioloides #{gn}Helianthus 1~Leaves scabrous or hispid, ligules more than 12 mm long~2 1*~Leaves glabrous, ligules c. 10 mm long~Helianthus ciliaris 2~Leaves alternate~Helianthus annuus 2*~Midstem leaves opposite~Helianthus tuberosus #{gn}Helicia 1~Leaves and conflorescences more or less glabrous, young branchlets sparsely rusty-hairy, glabrescent with age~Helicia glabriflora 1*~Lower surface of leaves, especially main veins, conflorescences and branchlets rusty-hairy~Helicia ferruginea #{sp}Hemarthria uncinata 1~Leaf sheaths closely encircling the stem; pedicellate spikelets usually 5–7 mm long~var. uncinata 1*~Leaf sheaths expanded, separated from the stem; pedicellate spikelets mostly 8–10 mm long~var. spathacea #{gn}Hemigenia 1~Leaves oblong, 2–4 mm wide; calyx lobes shorter than tube; corolla about twice as long as calyx~Hemigenia cuneifolia 1*~Leaves linear, to 1 mm wide; calyx lobes much longer than tube; corolla equal to or only slightly longer than calyx~Hemigenia purpurea #{gn}Heritiera 1~Leaflets 5–9; lower surface of leaflets green, glabrous, mostly with domatia in the axils of the secondary veins~Heritiera actinophylla 1*~Leaflets 3; lower surface of leaflets covered by a silvery layer of small peltate scales, domatia absent~Heritiera trifoliolata #{sp}Hibbertia aspera 1~Upper leaf surface pubescent to puberulous, becoming glabrous, and covered with ( smooth warts, with often depressed stellate hairs, with few much longer simple hairs; lower surface velvety.~subsp. aspera 1*~Upper leaf surface pilose to pubescent becoming glabrous with raised warts, with erect radial to antrorsely curved stellate hairs and ( simple hairs; lower surface pilose to velvety, scarcely overlapping erect stellate hairs and a few simple hairs.~subsp. pilosifolia #{sp}Hibiscus sturtii 1~Epicalyx segments dilated, rounded-triangular, ± equalling calyx or slightly shorter, often reflexed in fruit~var. sturtii 1*~Epicalyx segments triangular to linear, slightly or much shorter than calyx~var. muelleri #{gn}Hierochloe 1~Culms wiry, often scrambling, much branched both from upper and lower nodes; leaf blades c. 2 mm wide; glumes c. 50% as long as the spikelet, green and purplish~Hierochloe rariflora 1*~Culms compressible, erect and unbranched except from basal nodes; leaf blades 3–12 mm wide; glumes c. as long as the spikelet, translucent, not coloured~2 2~Spikelets 6–8 mm long; lemmas of the male florets with dorsal awns equal to or exceeding the lemma in length; upper surface of blades with deep grooves~Hierochloe redolens 2*~Spikelets 5–6 mm long; lemmas of male florets awnless or with a 0.5 mm long awn, not reaching the apex of the lemma; upper surface of blades with distinct ribs but not deeply grooved~Hierochloe submutica #{gn}Holcus 1~Tufted, softly hairy plants; awn on the upper lemma hooked or recurved; upper glume and lower lemma sometimes with a short bristle~Holcus lanatus 1*~Rhizomatous, hairy or glabrous plant with bearded nodes; awn on upper lemma bent and exserted; upper glume and lower lemma awnless~Holcus mollis #{gn}Homopholis 1~Spikelets 4.8–8.0 mm long; lower lemma strigose between the nerves; plants stoloniferous; inflorescence with 2–4 spikelets on a lowermost primary branch~Homopholis belsonii 1*~Spikelets 3–3.8 mm long; lower lemma glabrous; plants lacking stolons; inflorescence with 6–35 spikelets on a lowermost primary branch~Homopholis proluta #{gn}Hookerochloa 1~Leaf-blades 2–4 mm wide, flat or folded, sometimes with auricles; awn, if present, sub-terminal, 1–3 mm long.~Hookerochloa hookeriana 1*~Leaf-blades tightly folded, 1 mm or less in width, auricles absent; keel of lemma continued into a minute awn behind a bifid tip.~Hookerochloa eriopoda #{gn}Hovea 1~Leaves with acutely angled secondary veins; indumentum appressed; stipules absent; calyx teeth <1/4 of total calyx length; standard and wing petals deep indigo-blue; pods glabrous, with stipe c. 5 mm long.~Hovea longipes 1*~Leaf venation various, rarely secondary veins acutely angled; indumentum appressed or not; stipules present though sometimes caducous; calyx teeth 1/3–2/3 of total calyx length; standard and wing petals pale to dark pinkish mauve or mauve; pods sparsely to densely hairy (in H. linearis valves glabrous), sometimes glabrescent, sessile or nearly so.~2 2~Few-branched subshrubs, erect, trailing or prostrate; hairs all straight and ± appressed; leaves usually substantially green below, the indumentum sparse to scattered, occasionally moderately dense; pod valves glabrous or sparsely haired and glabrescent.~3 2*~Many-branched plants, low and spreading or erect to c. 5 m high; hairs not, or not all, straight and appressed; lower leaf surface fully obscured by indumentum or not; pod valves sparsely to densely hairy.~4 3~Leaves often spreading to pendent, shape various, 0.6 to 7 cm long, 1.5–17 mm wide, lamina with a fine reticulate pattern above, areoles 0.1–0.3 mm diam., mucro often hooked, inflorescences 1–4-flowered; calyx 3.5–5 mm long; pod valves with appressed hairs, glabrescent.~Hovea heterophylla 3*~Leaves often sub-erect, mostly linear to narrow-linear, mostly 3–11 cm long, 1.2–3.5 mm wide, rarely wider, lamina with a relatively coarse reticulate pattern above, areoles usually 0.3–1 mm diam., mucro not usually hooked; inflorescences mostly 2-flowered; calyx mostly 5–6.5 mm long; pod valves glabrous.~Hovea linearis 4~Plants low (<0.5 m high), forming clumps several times broader than high, leaves <3 cm long, smooth above; pedicels >2 mm long; flowers deep mauve; pods with a moderately dense brown indumentum (sub-alpine or alpine).~Hovea montana 4*~Plants not with all the above features.~5 5~Indumentum of young branchlets, pedicels, calyces, bracteoles etc. spreading villous with a profusion of ± spreading hairs c. 1 mm or more long, the outline of floral parts generally difficult to discern due to these hairs; stipules 2–6 mm long~6 5*~Indumentum of young branchlets, pedicels, calyces, bracteoles etc. predominantly of coiled to curled hairs or close or slightly divergent antrorse hairs, or if many hairs spreading, then hairs <1 mm long, the outline of floral parts generally not difficult to discern; stipules <3 mm long.~12 6~Leaves >5 mm wide; at least some inflorescences with peduncles 5–20 mm long and/or inflorescence stems that have grown on bearing flowers inserted >5 mm along the stem; calyx 6–7.5 mm long.~Hovea pedunculata 6*~Leaves >2 mm wide; inflorescences ± sessile, or peduncles <4 mm long; calyx 4–6.5 mm long.~7 7~Lamina flat to weakly arched, totally glabrous above; calyx 4–5 mm long, apex of upper teeth mostly acute.~8 7*~Lamina strongly arched especially from midrib, or if weakly arched then hairs present on upper midrib; calyx 4.5–6.5 mm long, apex of upper teeth truncate to rounded.~9 8~Leaves narrow-elliptic to very narrow-elliptic, 5–27 mm wide, veins on upper surface fine and not or only slightly raised, green surface often partly visible below with raised veins evident.~Hovea acutifolia 8*~Leaves narrow- to very narrow-oblong or very narrowly elliptic-oblong, mostly 4–6 mm wide, veins on upper surface sometimes thickened and slightly to moderately raised, lower surface including veins usually ± completely obscured by indumentum.~Hovea similis 9~Leaf midrib with hairs above and shallowly recessed; inflorescences commonly 3-flowered; bracts and bracteoles 3.5–6 mm long.~Hovea speciosa 9*~Leaf midrib glabrous above and moderately to deeply recessed; inflorescences commonly 2-flowered; bracts and bracteoles usually 1.5–3.5 mm long.~10 10~Length/breadth ratio of at least upper leaves >10:1, leaves <4 mm wide, reticulate veins raised and with short projections; pods sparsely to moderately hairy.~Hovea ramulosa 10*~Length/breadth ratio of leaves <12:1, leaves smooth or, if not, then >4 mm wide; pod indumentum various.~11 11~Leaves very narrow-oblong to linear, upper surface ± smooth, mucro mostly 0.5–2 mm long; mature pods sparsely hairy.~Hovea graniticola 11*~Leaves very narrow-elliptic to very narrow-oblong, mostly with raised veins above, mucro to c. 0.5 mm long; mature pods densely hairy.~Hovea pannosa 12~Mostly low shrubs; leaves mostly 1.5–2.5 cm long, strongly folded to be V-shaped in cross section, margins flat (serpentinite areas of NWS).~Hovea cymbiformis 12*~Height various, leaf length various, not folded as above, or if occasional leaves folded as above then leaves much longer, margins flat, recurved or revolute.~13 13~Leaf margins flat to recurved, but if recurved, leaves >4 mm wide and the lamina flat or only weakly arched from the midrib.~14 13*~Leaf margins revolute or recurved, but if recurved, then the leaf <4 mm wide and/or the lamina strongly arched up from the midrib.~23 14~Leaves glossy and smooth, usually >5 cm long and tapering gradually to apex, substantially green below with close, curled golden hairs largely confined to veins, veins level with surface or recessed; stipules c. 1 mm long (far NC).~Hovea impressinerva 14*~Plants not with all the above features.~15 15~Upper surface of leaves glabrous (including midrib).~16 15*~Upper surface of leaves with hairs at least on the midrib (hairs usually confined to midrib).~19 16~Leaves linear (length/breadth ratio mostly >10), glossy and smooth above; pedicels 3.5–6 mm long.~Hovea longifolia 16*~Plants not with all the above features.~17 17~Leaves often rough due to projections from veins on upper surface, lower surface green, rarely with a dense, close whitish indumentum, veins not generally raised below; inflorescences sessile and usually 2-flowered (southern species, ST).~Hovea asperifolia 17*~Leaves without projections from veins on upper surface, lower surface moderately to completely obscured by an orangish or brown indumentum, hairs close or spreading, veins raised below; usually at least some inflorescences with a short peduncle and/or inflorescence stems that have grown on bearing flowers inserted a few mm or more along axis, 2- or 3-flowered (northern species, NC & NT).~18 18~Leaves narrow-elliptic to very narrow-elliptic, 5–27 mm wide, veins on upper surface fine and not or only slightly raised, green surface often partly visible below with raised veins evident.~Hovea acutifolia 18*~Leaves narrow- to very narrow-oblong or very narrowly elliptic-oblong, mostly 4–6 mm wide, veins on upper surface sometimes thickened and slightly to moderately raised, lower surface including veins usually ± completely obscured by indumentum.~Hovea similis 19~At least some inflorescences pedunculate and/or inflorescence stems that have grown on bearing flowers inserted a few mm or more along axis.~20 19*~All inflorescences ± sessile.~22 20~Inflorescences racemose, mostly 4–12-flowered, sometimes a proportion of inflorescences fewer- flowered; bracteoles inserted on calyx tube distal to base; bract inserted at or shortly below calyx base; pods with a dense indumentum.~Hovea apiculata 20*~Inflorescences with flowers mostly clustered, usually 2- or 3-flowered (rarely to 5-flowered); bracteoles inserted at base of calyx or on pedicel a little below; bract inserted well below calyx; pod indumentum various.~21 21~Stipules 1–3 mm long; pedicels 1–3 mm long; calyx 5–7 mm long, apex of upper teeth rounded.~Hovea lanceolata 21*~Stipules 0.5–1 mm long; pedicels 2.5–14 mm long; calyx 3.5–5 mm long, apex of upper teeth acute to slightly rounded.~Hovea lorata 22~Leaves often rough, midrib hairs absent or sparse above, usually substantially green below; standard to 10 mm long; keel and staminal tube <6 mm long.~Hovea asperifolia 22*~Leaves smooth, midrib hairs usually dense above, indumentum completely obscuring surface below; standard to 17 mm long; keel and staminal tube 9–15 mm long.~Hovea purpurea 23~Leaves parallel-sided, <4 cm long, mostly 1–3.5 mm wide, veins of upper surface somewhat raised, lower surface completely obscured by a close tan indumentum (sometimes strongly revolute margins reaching to midrib); stipules to 1.2 mm long; bracts and bracteoles hairy, to 2 mm long; pod indumentum moderately dense.~Hovea rosmarinifolia 23*~Plants not with all the above features.~24 24~Indumentum of numerous spreading hairs 0.5–1 mm long protruding from an understorey of coiled hairs, leaves smooth, very narrow-oblong to linear with a deeply recessed midrib; stipules >2 mm long; apex of upper teeth of calyx rounded.~Hovea graniticola 24*~Plants not with all the above features.~25 25~Leaves linear (length/breadth ratio mostly >10), glossy and smooth above; pedicels 3.5–6 mm long.~Hovea longifolia 25*~Plants not with all the above features.~26 26~Leaves often rough due to projections from veins on upper surface, lower surface usually at least partly visible, rarely with a dense, close whitish indumentum, veins not generally raised below; inflorescences sessile and usually 2-flowered (southern species, ST).~Hovea asperifolia 26*~Leaves without projections from veins on upper surface, lower surface moderately to completely obscured by an orangish or brown indumentum, hairs close or spreading; veins raised below; usually at least some inflorescences with short peduncles and/or inflorescence stems that have grown on bearing flowers inserted a few mm or more along axis, 2- or 3-flowered (northern species, NC & NT).~27 27~Leaves narrow- to very narrow-elliptic, 5–27 mm wide, veins on upper surface fine and not or only slightly raised, green surface often partly visible below with raised veins evident.~Hovea acutifolia 27*~Leaves narrow- to very narrow-oblong or very narrowly elliptic-oblong, mostly 4–6 mm wide, veins on upper surface sometimes thickened and moderately raised, lower surface including veins usually ± completely obscured by indumentum.~Hovea similis #{gn}Huperzia 1~Sporophylls and leaves similar in size, leaves 4–9 mm long~Huperzia australiana 1*~Sporophylls distinctly shorter than the leaves, leaves 9–18 mm long~Huperzia varia #{gn}Hyalosperma 1~Involucral bracts with a radiating white or coloured lamina; Heads more than 3 mm long~2 1*~Involucral bracts without a radiating white or coloured lamina; involucre less than 3 mm long~Hyalosperma demissum 2~Heads turbinate; pappus bristles united towards base; central leaves obtuse~Hyalosperma glutinosum 2*~Heads hemispherical or cup-shaped; pappus bristles free~3 3~Heads broadly cup-shaped; central leaves obtuse to acute; receptacle convex~Hyalosperma semisterile 3*~Heads hemispherical (spreading from base); central leaves acuminate or flexuous; receptacle conical~Hyalosperma praecox #{gn}Hybanthus 1~Flowers in cymes or racemes~2 1*~Flowers solitary~3 2~Inflorescence usually 10–20 cm long, much exceeding leaves; flowers well-spaced; lamina 0.5–9 cm long~Hybanthus monopetalus 2*~Inflorescence usually shortly exceeding the leaves; flowers more or less crowded; lamina 0.5–3.5 cm long~Hybanthus floribundus 3~Lower petal 4–8 mm long~Hybanthus floribundus 3*~Lower petal 8–15 mm long~4 4~Petals blue-mauve; margins of leaves revolute or recurved~5 4*~Petals orange or yellow; margins of lamina recurved to flat~Hybanthus stellarioides 5~Lateral petals lanceolate-falcate, 4.5–5 mm long~Hybanthus enneaspermus 5*~Lateral petals broad-oblong, 1.5–3 mm long~Hybanthus vernonii #{sp}Hybanthus vernonii 1~Stems and leaves glabrous; lamina of upper leaves linear, lamina of lower ones usually lanceolate, 0.5–4.5 cm long, 1–4 mm wide~subsp. vernonii 1*~Stems and leaves scabrous; lamina lanceolate or oblanceolate, 0.5–1.5 cm long, 0.3–5.5 mm wide, sometimes apex sharply 3-pointed~subsp. scaber #{fm}HYDROCHARITACEAE 1~Leaves floating or emergent~2 1*~Leaves all submerged~3 2~Leaves floating; stolons absent; chasmogamous flowers more than 4 cm diam.; inner perianth segments white, maroon at the base~Ottelia 2*~Leaves emergent and/or floating; stolons present; flowers less than 4 cm diam.; inner perianth segments white~Hydrocharis 3~Leaves ovate; plants marine or estuarine~Halophila 3*~Leaves linear; plants of freshwater~4 4~Leaves all basal~Vallisneria 4*~Leaves cauline~5 5~Leaves alternate or scattered, laminas often recurved; all perianth segments about the same size~Lagarosiphon 5*~Leaves whorled, laminas rarely recurved; inner perianth segments larger or about the same size as the outer segments~6 6~Inner perianth segments much larger than outer segments: leaves mostly in whorls of 4 or 5~Egeria 6*~All perianth segments about the same size; leaves in whorls of 3–8~7 7~Stamens 9; leaves usually in whorls of 3~Elodea 7*~Stamens 3; leaves usually in whorls of more than 3~Hydrilla #{gn}Hyparrhenia 1~Each raceme with 9 or 10 awned spikelets~Hyparrhenia rufa 1*~Each raceme with less than 9 awned spikelets~2 2~Each raceme with 5–7 awned spikelets, the awns 1.5–3.5 cm long; plants usually less than 1 m high~Hyparrhenia hirta 2*~Each raceme with 1 or 2 awned spikelets, the awns c. 4–5 cm long; plants 1–1.5 m high~Hyparrhenia filipendula #{sp}Hypoestes floribunda 1~Involucres in long panicles, not clustered in axils, with short dense, glandular or non-glandular hairs and longer glandular hairs. Branches usually evenly hairy~var. floribunda 1*~Involucres clustered in axils, commonly glabrous or with a few non-glandular hairs, rarely with long glandular hairs. Branches with hairs only on the ridges~var. pubescens #{gn}Hypolepis 1~Sori ± covered by an indusium: indusium obvious, false, at least partly colourless and membranous~Hypolepis elegans 1*~Sori partly covered by indusium or unprotected: indusium if present marginal, false and green or sori originating away from margin and unprotected (check immature sorus)~2 2~Secondary rachises bearing stiff, non-glandular, septate hairs that are usually curved towards the tip of the rachis; sori with short hairs amongst the sporangia~Hypolepis muelleri 2*~Secondary rachises bearing conspicuous, crisped hairs, some with glandular apices; sori lacking hairs~3 3~Stipes brown to orange; primary rachis brown, yellowish or orange-red~Hypolepis glandulifera 3*~Stipes and rachises deep red-brown~4 4~Fronds with lamina broad-triangular, 35–115 cm long and 20–60 cm wide; rachises with few, coarse hairs and relatively large tubercles~Hypolepis rugosula 4*~Fronds with lamina narrow-triangular, 15–55 cm long and 10–35 cm wide; rachises with numerous, short hairs and small tubercles~Hypolepis amaurorachis #{fm}HYPOXIDACEAE 1~Leaves usually more than 5 mm wide; inflorescence inconspicuous, amongst leaf bases; perianth tubular at base; fruit fleshy~Curculigo 1*~Leaves less than 5 mm wide; inflorescence conspicuous; tepals more or less free; fruit dry~Hypoxis #{sp}Hypoxis hygrometrica 1~Flowers usually 1 per peduncle; ovary and tepals glabrous or glabrescent on outer surface; seeds globose or ellipsoidal~2 1*~Flowers usually 2 or 3 per peduncle; ovary and at least outer tepals sparsely to moderately hairy on outer surface. Leaves linear, usually 7–20 cm long, mostly 1.5–2 mm wide (rarely to 4 mm). Inflorescences 2–6; pedicels 0.8–3 cm long; bracteoles 1–10 mm long. Tepals elliptic, 7–14 mm long. Anthers 1.8–4.5 mm long. Style 1.8–3.5 mm long including stigmatic lobes 0.5–1 mm long~var. villosisepala 2~Anthers ± versatile, tapered upwards, cordate at apex; stigmatic lobes much shorter than slender stylar column; seeds globose. Leaves linear, usually 4–20 cm long, 0.5–1.5 mm wide. Inflorescences 1–3; pedicels 1.2–4 cm long; bracteoles <4 mm long. Tepals narrow-ovate, 6–11 mm long. Anthers 2.3–3.5 mm long. Style 2.5–4 mm long including stigmatic lobes 0.7–1 mm long~var. hygrometrica 2*~Anthers erect, ± oblong, shortly forked at apex; stigmatic lobes ± equalling stout stylar column; seeds ellipsoidal. Leaves linear, 3–18 cm long, 1.2–4 mm wide. Inflorescences 1–3, usually 1-flowered; pedicels 2.5–3.5 cm long; bracteoles 1–5 mm long. Tepals narrow-ovate, 8–12 mm long. Anthers 2.8–3.2 mm long. Style 2–3.3 mm long including stigmatic lobes 1–2 mm long~var. splendida #{gn}Hypoxis 1~Plants more or less pubescent~2 1*~Plants glabrous~4 2~Seeds shiny; flowers 1–3 per peduncle; roots medial on corm~3 2*~Seeds dull; flowers 3–9 (usually 4 or 5) per peduncle; roots basal on corm~Hypoxis pratensis 3~Leaves to 2 mm wide; tepals 4–6 times as long as broad~Hypoxis exilis 3*~Leaves to 4 mm wide; tepals 2–5 times as long as broad~Hypoxis hygrometrica 4~Bracteoles 2 per axis, not sheathing, with only 1 vein or no veins present~Hypoxis glabella 4*~Bracteoles 1 per axis, sheathing, with more than 1 vein present~Hypoxis vaginata #{sp}Hypoxis pratensis 1~Anthers 1.5–2 mm long; seeds colliculate~var. pratensis 1*~Anthers 2.2–2.5 mm long; seeds conspicuously tuberculate~var. tuberculata #{sp}Hypoxis vaginata 1~Style 2.5–6.5 mm long; stigmatic lobes equalling or exceeding stylar column. Plant 6–20 cm high. Inflorescence 1- or 2-flowered. Tepals 7.5–12 mm long, 2–4 mm wide. Stamens 2.5–10 mm long; anthers 2–10 mm long~var. vaginata 1*~Style 1.8–3 mm long; stigmatic lobes much shorter than stylar column. Plant to c. 12 cm high. Inflorescence 1-flowered. Tepals 5–10 mm long, 1.6–3 mm wide. Stamens 1.8–5.5 mm long; anthers 1–1.7 mm long~var. brevistigmata #{fm}ICACINACEAE 1~Domatia pit-like, mostly in forks of secondary veins; inflorescences corymbose panicles; anthers versatile~Pennantia 1*~Domatia pocket-like, usually confined to axils along primary veins; inflorescences thyrsoid; anthers not versatile~Citronella #{gn}Irenepharsus 1~Leaves sparsely hairy; siliqua more than 1 mm wide; seeds with wing on margin, mucilaginous when wet~Irenepharsus magicus 1*~Leaves glabrous; siliqua less than 1 mm wide; seeds without wing, sticky when wet (scarcely mucilaginous)~Irenepharsus trypherus #{sp}Ischaemum australe 1~Leaves, rachis internodes and pedicels glabrous~var. australe 1*~Leaves, rachis internodes and pedicels hairy~var. villosum #{gn}Ischaemum 1~Glumes hairy; racemes 6–20 cm long, slender; naturalized pasture species on NWS~Ischaemum afrum 1*~Glumes glabrous; racemes 4–12 cm long, robust; native species of swampy and sandy areas of coast~2 2~Nodes glabrous on the stout, trailing culms; leaves usually 6–12 mm wide; sessile spikelets c. 3 mm wide, obtuse~Ischaemum triticeum 2*~Nodes hairy on erect, rather slender stems; leaves 3–5 mm wide; sessile spikelets c. 2 mm wide~Ischaemum australe #{gn}Iseilema 1~Plants usually 45–60 cm high; leaf sheaths and stems often purple; racemes usually enclosed in the spathes which are rounded and hardened at maturity, falling with the spathes at maturity~Iseilema vaginiflorum 1*~Plants usually less than 30 cm high; leaf sheaths and stems of young plants greenish; racemes exserted from the spathes which are strongly keeled and papery; axis not breaking up readily at maturity~Iseilema membranaceum #{gn}Isoetes 1~Sporangia naked, not covered by a velum, large and dark brown~Isoetes drummondii 1*~Sporangia covered, at least partly, by a velum~Isoetes muelleri #{gn}Isopogon 1~Leaves usually divided into flat or terete segments, rarely some leaves below inflorescences entire and then leaves linear and less than 5 mm wide~2 1*~Leaves entire, oblanceolate to linear, more than 5 mm wide~Isopogon fletcheri 2~Leaves with segments terete, less than 1 mm diam~Isopogon anethifolius 2*~Leaves with segments flat, more than 1 mm wide~3 3~Perianth more or less silvery-white to creamy-yellowish, densely covered with silky hairs, at least in the upper half~4 3*~Perianth yellow, glabrous except for terminal tuft of hairs~5 4~Leaves mostly more than 8 cm long, ultimate segments linear and often more than 10 mm long~Isopogon dawsonii 4*~Leaves usually less than 8 cm long, ultimate segments curved towards the leaf axis, usually less than 10 mm long~Isopogon mnoraifolius 5~Leaves with segments 1–2 mm wide; prostrate shrub; tuft of hairs on perianth long, conspicuous in bud~Isopogon prostratus 5*~Leaves with segments usually more than 3 mm wide; plants erect or spreading; tuft of hairs on perianth small, hairs short~6 6~Leaves mostly more than 9 cm long; undivided part of leaf usually about twice as long as divided part; segments divaricate, 3–7 mm wide with 3–5 conspicuous veins, tips of segments pungent; perianth c. 8 mm long~Isopogon petiolaris 6*~Leaves usually less than 9 cm long; undivided part of leaf more or less equal to length of the divided part; segments not divaricate, 3–5 mm wide, only midvein conspicuous or all veins obscure, tips not pungent; perianth 10–12 mm long~Isopogon anemonifolius #{gn}Isotropis 1~Leaves ovate, mostly more than 5 mm wide; petiole 6–15 mm long; flowers 10–15 mm long~Isotropis foliosa 1*~Leaves narrow-linear, c. 1 mm wide; petiole 1–3 mm long; flowers 5–10 mm long~Isotropis wheeleri #{gn}Ixia 1~Bracts membranous, translucent whitish to pink, 3–7 mm long~2 1*~Bracts papery, the upper half rust-coloured or densely streaked brown, 8–14 mm long~Ixia maculata 2~Perianth tube 6–14 mm long; bracts whitish~Ixia polystachya 2*~Perianth tube 4–7 mm long; bracts tinged or veined with pink~Ixia flexuosa #{gn}Jacksonia 1~Erect shrubs or small trees 0.5–4.5 m high, branches erect or pendent; branchlets angular or winged; flowers in racemes in upper axils or scattered singly along branches.~2 1*~Decumbent or ascending shrubs to c. 0.5 m high; branchlets terete, longitudinally furrowed; flowers 1 or 2 in upper leaf axils.~3 2~Branchlets ± minutely pubescent, appearing grey-green; plants mostly 1.5–4.5 m high, branches erect or pendent; calyx pale grey-green, sometimes tinged red, 5–8 mm long; petals cream to orange-yellow, occasionally with red markings; pods 6–12 mm long, stipe 3–5 mm long; style 4–8 mm long, persistent in fruit; widespread species; (NC, CC, SC, NT, CT, NWS, CWS, NWP, SWP).~Jacksonia scoparia 2*~Branchlets glabrous, appearing green; plants mostly 0.5–2 m high, branches erect; calyx deep red, 3–4 mm long; petals red and yellow; pods 4–7.5 mm long, stipe 0.8–1.2 mm long; style 2–4 mm long; confined to the Woodenbong and Koreelah districts (NC).~Jacksonia sp. 'Little Plain' (Williams 94233) 3~Calyx teeth lanceolate to narrow-ovate, 1.5–2.5 mm wide, ± equal; pods ovoid, shortly stipitate, not concealed by calyx; inland species (NWP).~Jacksonia rhadinoclona 3*~Calyx teeth ovate to triangular, 3–4 mm wide, upper pair united for two-thirds of their length; pods sessile, concealed by calyx; coastal species~Jacksonia stackhousei #{gn}Jasminum 1~Leaves simple or 1-foliolate~2 1*~Leaves 3-foliolate~3 2~Leaves ovate to lanceolate, more than 10 mm wide; petioles 5–10 mm long; fruit 10–12 mm long; style 10–13 mm long~Jasminum volubile 2*~Leaves linear to narrow-elliptic, less than 10 mm wide; petioles 1–3 mm long; fruit 7–8 mm long; style 5–7 mm long~Jasminum suavissimum 3~Leaflets ovate, more than 8 mm wide, base obtuse, rounded or truncate; inflorescences usually 1–5-flowered~Jasminum dallachii 3*~Leaflets linear to narrow-lanceolate, less than 6 mm wide, base attenuate into petiole; inflorescences 5–15-flowered~Jasminum lineare #{gn}Juglans 1~key to come ~Juglans regia 1*~key to come~Juglans ailantifolia #{gn}Juglans 1~Leaves with 11–17 leaflets and pubescent, often viscid peduncle and rachis~Juglans ailantifolia 1*~Leaves with 5–9 leaflets and more or less glabrous, not viscid peduncle and rachis~Juglans regia #{fm}JUNCACEAE 1~Capsule with many seeds; leaves flat, channelled, terete, or reduced to sheaths, never hairy on the margins; sheaths mostly open~Juncus 1*~Capsule with 3 seeds; leaves flat or channelled, with margins hairy at least near the sheath-blade junction; sheaths closed~Luzula #{sp}Juncus alexandri 1~Cataphylls yellow-brown, dark yellow-brown or red-brown (not blackish) towards the base; 'cortical' air-spaces absent from the culms or few or small; tepals acute, mostly 1.6–2.2 mm long; cataphylls 7–14 cm long; lowest involucral bract 3–10 cm long, shorter than to longer than inflorescence; capsule obovoid. Culms 40–150 cm long, 1.6–2.7 (rarely to 3.5) mm diam.; culm striations 37–55. Tepals with broad hyaline margins. Anthers 0.4–0.5 mm, shorter than or equalling filaments. Capsule occasionally red-brown near apex~subsp. alexandri 1*~Cataphylls very dark (dark red-brown to black) at maturity towards the base; 'cortical' air-spaces in culms well-developed; tepals acuminate, mostly 2.2–2.6 mm long; cataphylls 10–25 cm long; lowest involucral bract 9–30 cm long, longer than inflorescence; capsule ellipsoid to ovoid. Culms 70–150 cm long, 2.0–4.0 mm diam.; culm striations 45–75. Cataphylls 10–25 cm long. Tepals with narrow to broad hyaline margins. Anthers 0.4–0.7 (rarely to 1.1) mm, ± equalling filament length~subsp. melanobasis #{sp}Juncus laeviusculus 1~'Cortical' air-spaces of the culms well-developed; small sclerenchyma strands numerous in culms; pith interrupted or rarely continuous; cataphylls 3–13 cm long; tepals with very narrow hyaline margins. Culm striations 25–90. Cataphylls abaxially yellow-brown to dark yellow-brown or dark red-brown or blackish towards base. Lowest involucral bract longer than or equalling (rarely shorter than) inflorescence. Tepals acute; outer tepals 1.7–2.1 mm long~subsp. laeviusculus 1*~'Cortical' air-spaces absent from culms or few; small sclerenchyma strands absent or few; pith continuous or slightly interrupted; cataphylls 9–21 cm long; tepals with ± broad hyaline margins. Culm striations 35–80, coarser than in type subspecies. Cataphylls abaxially dark yellow-brown to dark red-brown at base. Lowest involucral bract shorter than or equalling (rarely longer than) inflorescence. Tepals occasionally with darker tinges; outer tepals 1.6–2.3 mm long, acute to acuminate; inner tepals acute~subsp. illawarrensis #{gn}Kennedia 1~Leaflets less than 2.5 cm long; stipules cordate; flowers mostly 1–2 on a peduncle 1–3 cm long~Kennedia prostrata 1*~Leaflets mostly more than 2.5 cm long; stipules not cordate; flowers racemose, 2–12 on a peduncle 2–15 cm long~2 2~Leaflets 2–5 cm long, 1–3.5 cm wide, upper surface rugose; pods glabrous~Kennedia procurrens 2*~Leaflets 3–13 cm long, 2–10 cm wide, upper surface not rugose, pods hairy~3 3~Flowers 3–4 cm long; racemes 4–5 cm long, 2–12-flowered; stems more or less glabrous to rusty pubescent~Kennedia rubicunda 3*~Flowers 1.2–1.5 cm long; racemes to 25 cm long, mostly 4–20-flowered; stems and leaflets usually densely rusty to whitish pubescent~Kennedia retrorsa #{sp}Keraudrenia corollata 1~Leaves ± entire or minutely toothed; calyx blue to purplish. Leaves lanceolate, 3–6 cm long, 8–10 mm wide; petiole 2–5 mm long. Calyx mauve. Capsule c. 10 mm diam~var. corollata 1*~Leaves prominently toothed; calyx white. Leaves ovate to elliptic, mostly 8–12 cm long, 30–40 mm wide; petiole 3–8 mm long. Calyx white to pinkish. Capsule 10–15 mm diam~var. denticulata #{gn}Keraudrenia 1~Leaves more than 20 mm wide, distinctly toothed; calyx white~Keraudrenia corollata 1*~Leaves less than 20 mm wide, mostly entire or almost so, sometimes minutely toothed; calyx blue to purplish, sometimes white~2 2~Cymes 2–5-flowered; leaves linear to lanceolate, mostly more than 3 cm long, apex acute; bracts narrow, falling early~3 2*~Cymes 8–15-flowered; leaves mostly oblong and less than 3 cm long, rarely lanceolate and to 5 cm long, apex obtuse; bracts ovate, shed early~Keraudrenia integrifolia 3~Leaves lanceolate, margins usually finely toothed; petiole 2–5 mm long~Keraudrenia corollata 3*~Leaves mostly linear, sometimes lanceolate, margins not toothed; petiole 5–10 mm long~Keraudrenia hillii #{sp}Kickxia elatine 1~Pedicels glabrous except below the calyx and at the base~subsp. elatine 1*~Pedicels densely hairy throughout~subsp. crinita #{gn}Kickxia 1~Leaves rounded or cordate at base, without basal lobes; sepals enlarging and united in fruit; capsules depressed-globose; seeds pitted~Kickxia spuria 1*~At leaves some leaves hastate or sagittate; sepals not enlarging, free in fruit; capsules more or less globose; seeds tuberculate or pitted~2 2~Capsules 2–2.5 mm diam., thick-walled; seeds tuberculate; pedicels 1.5–10 times as long as the subtending leaves~Kickxia commutata 2*~Capsules 3–4 mm diam., thin-walled, fragile; seeds pitted; pedicels 0.8–3 times as long as the subtending leaves~Kickxia elatine #{gn}Korthalsella 1~Branches flattened in same plane as parent stem; 3 longitudinal veins raised and distinct and up to 4 weaker longitudinal veins and reticulate venation visible~Korthalsella breviarticulata 1*~Branches mostly flattened transversely to parent stem; a central vein raised and distinct and usually 1 pair of lateral longitudinal veins more or less distinct~Korthalsella rubra #{sp}Korthalsella rubra 1~Floral cushions not protruding, but with visible sparse, long red hairs which are mostly in a single row between flowers Rudimentary leaves 0.5–1 mm high, membranous, usually obtuse, together continuous around node and almost continuously free except fusion to face of internode at its midpoint. Flowers almost completely encircling node in early stage, separating as internode expands. Flowers chiefly spring. Parasitic on a wide range of trees in rainforest and wet sclerophyll forest~subsp. rubra 1*~Floral cushions protruding in older, and longer than flowers in younger inflorescences, with a dense mass of white hairs; flower clusters separated by a distinct triangular area of internode surface. Rudimentary leaves distinct only around flower clusters, acute, tapering from 0.5 mm high at outer limit of floral cushion to 0.2 mm high at inner limit together extending across face of internode between flower clusters as a rim 0.2 mm wide and not spreading, which are distinct at all stages. Flowers throughout year. Parasitic mostly on Geijera parviflora.~subsp. geijericola #{gn}Lachnagrostis 1~Lemma awnless~Lachnagrostis scabra 1*~Lemma awned~2 2~Lemma glabrous~Lachnagrostis billardierei 2*~Lemma pubescent~3 3~Small alpine grass, plants 10–30 cm tall; leaves 1–7 cm long, ligule to 5 mm long; panicle to 10 cm long~Lachnagrostis meionectes 3*~Plants of lower altitudes, plants 20–70 cm tall; leaves usually >7 cm long, ligule 2–8 mm long; panicle 10–30 cm long~4 4~Pedicels of spikelets usually diverging from the axis, spikelets c. 5 mm long, often purplish~Lachnagrostis aemula 4*~Pedicels of spikelets usually close to the axis, spikelets 2–4 mm long, usually greenish~Lachnagrostis filiformis #{gn}Lactuca 1~Leaves narrow-oblong to linear, or with narrow lobes; upper cauline leaves with smooth margins~Lactuca saligna 1*~Leaves broad-oblong to lanceolate, entire or broadly lobed; upper cauline leaves with toothed margins~Lactuca serriola #{sp}Lactuca serriola 1~Leaves to c. 20 cm long, glaucous, margins and midrib with spines; lower leaves obovate-oblong, usually deeply pinnatifid, rarely margins entire; stem leaves clasping, with acute to obtuse auricles, usually held in a vertical plane, lobate to subpinnatisect in middle third of stem~f. serriola 1*~Leaves to c. 20 cm long, glaucous, margins and midrib with spines; lower leaves obovate-oblong, stem leaves clasping, with acute to obtuse auricles, usually held in a vertical plane, mid-stem leaves entire or sometimes with a few shallow broad teeth; upper stem leaves and branch leaves entire~f. integrifolia #{gn}Lampranthus 1~Plant prostrate; flowers 1.5–2 cm diam~Lampranthus tegens 1*~Plant decumbent to more or less erect; flowers 2–5 cm diam~Lampranthus multiradiatus #{gn}Lantana 1~Large shrub, sometimes scandent to c. 3 m high; flowers white, yellow, orange, red or pink, not purplish; mature leaves more than 2.5 cm long, lower surface without coloured glands~Lantana camara 1*~Decumbent shrub, rooting at nodes; flowers purplish; leaves less than 2.5 cm long, lower surface with sessile yellow to orange coloured glands~Lantana montevidensis #{sp}Lasiopetalum ferrugineum 1~Leaves narrow-elliptic to lanceolate, most leaves <10 mm wide, tapered to petiole or base truncate or lobed. Lamina 3–9 cm long, 5–12 mm wide, margins entire to shallowly lobed or sinuate, apex rounded to acute~var. ferrugineum 1*~Leaves ovate to lanceolate, most leaves >10 mm wide, base cordate or lobed. Lamina 2–9 cm long, 8–40 mm wide, margins mostly entire, rarely shallowly sinuate~var. cordatum #{gn}Lasiopetalum 1~Leaves linear to narrrow-oblong or narrow-lanceolate to lanceolate, ususlly >6 times as long as wide; rarely cordate at base; secondary veins usually not prominent on lower surface, except in L. ferrugineum~2 1*~Leaves ovate to lanceolate, less than 6 times as long as wide; base mostly cordate; secondary veins obvious on lower surface of leaves, except in some Lasiopetalum ferrugineum var. cordatum~6 2~Calyx lobes 8–12 mm long~Lasiopetalum joyceae 2*~Calyx lobes 3–8 mm long~3 3~Calyx lobes glabrous on inner surface, whitish tomentose on outer surface~8 3*~Calyx lobes distinctly hairy on both surfaces~4 4~Leaves 2–4 mm wide; secondary veins absent or obscure on lower surface; flowers few in a pedunculate raceme~5 4*~Leaves 5–12 mm wide; secondary veins prominent below; cymes dense, many-flowered, nearly sessile~Lasiopetalum ferrugineum 5~Bracteoles more than 2 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide~Lasiopetalum rufum 5*~Bracteoles 1–1.5 mm long, 0.5 mm wide~Lasiopetalum baueri 6~Flowers not crowded and spike-like; stamens half as long as calyx, filaments mostly shorter than anthers~7 6*~Flowers crowded in 2 one-sided rows on spike-like branches; stamens as long as calyx, filaments at least 3 times as long as anthers~Lasiopetalum longistamineum 7~Calyx segments hairy on both surfaces~Lasiopetalum ferrugineum 7*~Calyx segments glabrous on inner surface, rusty-tomentose on outer surface~Lasiopetalum macrophyllum 8~Calyx lobes c. 3 mm long; widespread on the coast and adjacent ranges.~Lasiopetalum parviflorum 8*~Calyx lobes 3–8 mm long; confined to mallee area in western N.S.W~Lasiopetalum behrii #{gn}Lastreopsis 1~Fronds with main rachises densely covered with spreading, dark red-brown bristle-like scales with tuberculate bases~Lastreopsis hispida 1*~Fronds with main rachises covered with soft hairs or ± glabrous, sometimes with a few short, ovate or lanceolate scales~2 2~Rhizomes short and erect or oblique, fronds tufted; indusia glabrous; upper pinnae without basal lobes fused to rachis~3 2*~Rhizomes short- to long-creeping; indusia absent or bearing oblong or rounded glandular hairs; upper pinnae often with basal lobes fused to rachis~4 3~Fronds 3–4-pinnate; axes almost glabrous, except in the channel of the rachis; lamina dark green~Lastreopsis smithiana 3*~Fronds 2–3-pinnate; axes covered with relatively long, soft, spreading hairs; lamina pale green~Lastreopsis acuminata 4~Marginal teeth of the ultimate segments distinctly aristate~Lastreopsis munita 4*~Marginal teeth of ultimate segments never distinctly aristate but sometimes acute~5 5~Mature indusia black or very dark brown~Lastreopsis marginans 5*~Mature indusia light brown, although often with a dark centre~6 6~Ultimate segments with acute to acuminate apex~Lastreopsis decomposita 6*~Ultimate segments with obtuse apex; rhizome long- creeping~7 7~Margins of ultimate segments toothed, teeth acute with thickened tips; stipes, rachises and veins often bearing rather dense, short or long pale brown hairs, sometimes glabrous~Lastreopsis microsora 7*~Margins of ultimate segments crenate; stipes, rachises and veins bearing dense, soft pale to reddish brown hairs~Lastreopsis silvestris #{gn}Moraea 1~Style with petaloid branches, each covering a stamen~Moraea setifolia 1*~Style without prominently crested petaloid branches; stamens exposed~2 2~Leaves 2 or 3; bulbils produced in axils after flowering~Moraea miniata 2*~Leaf solitary; bulbils absent~3 3~Flowering stem bracts 6–7 cm long; style crests vestigial and obtuse or absent~Moraea ochroleuca 3*~Flowering stem bracts 2–6 cm long; style crests acute, c. 1 mm long~4 4~Robust plants to 60 cm high; lamina 9–13 mm wide; tepals salmon-orange or yellow, to 40 mm long, claws forming a wide, shallow cup; anthers 8–11 mm long; capsule 25–55 mm long, tapering near apex with a distinct beak 2–3 mm long~Moraea flaccida 4*~Smaller plants to c. 35 cm high; lamina 4–10 mm wide; tepals pale yellow or salmon pink, claws forming a narrow cup; anthers 5–6 mm long; capsule mostly 30–40 mm long with a short, obtuse beak c. 1 mm long~Moraea collina #{fm}LAURACEAE 1~Trees or shrubs with well-developed leaves~2 1*~Twining hemiparasitic herbs with leaves reduced to scales~Cassytha 2~Inflorescence surrounded by large bracts when young, sometimes falling by anthesis; perianth segments 0, 4, or 6~3 2*~Inflorescence not surrounded by bracts; perianth segments 6~4 3~Leaves not 3-veined from near base; flowers 3-merous, perianth segments 6 or 0; fruit surrounded by a cupular receptacle~Litsea 3*~Leaves 3-veined, the basal pair of secondary veins extending to at least midway up the lamina; flowers 2-merous, perianth segments 4; fruit seated on a shallow disc-like receptacle~Neolitsea 4~Ovary completely surrounded by the receptacle, the receptacle in the fruiting stage enlarging and completely enclosing the fruit and giving the appearance of an inferior ovary~Cryptocarya 4*~Ovary and fruit seated on, and usually partly surrounded by the receptacle, but not completely enclosed by it~5 5~Fertile stamens usually 3, or rarely 4–6, staminodes present or absent; fine venation on leaves mostly areolate~Endiandra 5*~Fertile stamens 6 or 9, usually with additional staminodes; fine venation on leaves not prominently areolate~6 6~Perianth persistent on fruit; anthers 4-locular; leaves opposite or subopposite, or if alternate then 3-veined and domatia present~Cinnamomum 6*~Perianth not persistent on fruit; anthers 2- or 4-locular; leaves alternate, not 3-veined, domatia absent~7 7~Anthers 2-locular; most leaves less than 12 cm long, petiole less than 15 mm long; fruit less than 2 cm long~Beilschmiedia 7*~Anthers 4-locular; most leaves more than 12 cm long, petiole more than 20 mm long; fruit more than 4 cm long~Persea #{gn}Lawrencia 1~Leaves not clustered on lateral branches, the lower ones petiolate; flowers unisexual or bisexual~Lawrencia glomerata 1*~Leaves densely clustered on reduced lateral branches, all sessile; flowers unisexual~Lawrencia squamata #{gn}Laxmannia 1~Inflorescences exceeding leaves; scapes erect, more than 8 mm long~2 1*~Inflorescences not exceeding leaves, on short decurved scapes more or less 5 mm long~Laxmannia orientalis 2~Plants compact and prostrate; outer tepals usually equal to or longer than inner tepals~Laxmannia compacta 2*~Plants erect; outer tepals usually shorter than inner tepals~Laxmannia gracilis #{gn}Leersia 1~Panicle narrow, with primary and secondary branching, the very slender branches erect or appressed to the axis; spikelets 3.5–5 mm long; stamens 6; leaves glabrous, slightly scabrous or hispid, usually with auricles~Leersia hexandra 1*~Panicle open, with secondary and higher order branching, the slender branches widely spreading at maturity; spikelets 5–8 mm long; stamens 2 or 3; leaves coarsely scabrous or hispid, auricles usually absent~Leersia oryzoides #{sp}Leionema elatius 1~Leaves ± oblanceolate, 1.5–2 cm long, 3–5 mm wide; carpels with only a small sterile apical region; cocci without a beak. Shrub c. 2 m high; stems glandular-warty. Leaves with apex obtuse to rounded or rarely slightly retuse. Mature flower bud obovoid, c. 3 mm long. Ovary ± globose, compact, c. 1 mm long, finely wrinkled. Cocci slightly spreading.~subsp. elatius 1*~Leaves ± obovate to oblanceolate, 2–3.5 cm long, 6–10 mm wide; carpels with the sterile apical region about a third of total length; cocci outwardly short-beaked. Shrub to 5 m high; stems almost smooth. Leaves with apex rounded and ± retuse. Mature flower bud ellipsoid, c. 4 mm long. Ovary ± hemispherical, c. 1.5 mm long, ± wrinkled towards apex. Cocci divaricate.~subsp. beckleri #{sp}Leionema lamprophyllum 1~Leaves ± circular, usually 2–4 mm long~subsp. orbiculare 1*~Leaves ± obovate, usually 4–7 mm long~subsp. obovatum #{fm}LEMNACEAE 1~Roots absent and thallus more or less globose, ellipsoid or ovoid~Wolffia 1*~Roots present and thallus more or less flattened (roots mostly absent in Lemna trisulca)~2 2~Roots 1 per thallus, rarely none; thallus with 1–5, often indistinct veins~Lemna 2*~Roots 1–18; thallus with 3–15, often indistinct veins~Spirodela #{gn}Lemna 1~Thallus floating on water surface, elliptic to rounded or broad-obovate, opaque, with stalk indistinct; root solitary~Lemna disperma 1*~Thallus floating below water surface, except when flowering or fruiting, narrow-ovate to narrow-oblong, translucent, narrowed to a distinct stalk; roots absent~Lemna trisulca #{gn}Lepidosperma 1~Culms terete, or compressed so as to be oval in cross section (with rounded margins), or 4-angled, or irregularly angular, sometimes grooved, or more or less biconvex with 1 flat acute margin and the other rounded to broad-acute (Lepidosperma semiteres)~2 1*~Culms flat or concavo-convex or with 1 face convex, or biconvex with 2 clearly defined acute margins~10 2~Rachis strongly flexuous~3 2*~Rachis straight or scarcely curved~4 3~Leaf sheaths very dark red-brown to dark grey-brown, straw-coloured near apex; fertile glumes 8–11 mm long, scarcely longer than basal sterile glumes; nut 4–5 mm long; hypogynous scales 3, plus 3 swollen stamen filaments~Lepidosperma forsythii 3*~Leaf sheaths straw-coloured to reddish; fertile glumes 7–9 mm long, to twice as long as the basal sterile glumes; nut 2.8–4 mm long; hypogynous scales 5 or 6, inflated; stamen filaments not swollen~Lepidosperma filiforme 4~Spikelets in dense clusters, more or less appressed to central axis of more or less oblong inflorescence~5 4*~Spikelets loosely arranged along more or less spike-like branches of inflorescence~7 5~Culms 4-angled (strongly so at least in part)~Lepidosperma quadrangulatum 5*~Culms terete or oval in cross section~6 6~Culms terete but deeply to shallowly 1- or 2-grooved; nut with rounded fused style base~Lepidosperma neesii 6*~Culms oval in cross section; nut with pyramidal fused style base~Lepidosperma evansianum 7~Culms subterete with 1 acute, flat margin, or irregularly angular, or biconvex with 1 acute margin and 1 rounded; spikelets spreading~Lepidosperma semiteres 7*~Culms terete or slightly compressed but without acute margins; spikelets appressed to spikelike branches~8 8~Leaf sheaths blackish or very dark red-brown~Lepidosperma urophorum 8*~Leaf sheaths straw-coloured, reddish, or orange-brown~9 9~Leaf sheaths straw-coloured to reddish; spikelets 6–10 mm long; fertile glumes 7–9 mm long~Lepidosperma filiforme 9*~Leaf sheaths orange-brown to red-brown; spikelets 4–5 mm long; fertile glumes c. 4 mm long~Lepidosperma clipeicola 10~Culms rather spongy, compressible, strongly biconvex~Lepidosperma longitudinale 10*~Culms tough, not or scarcely compressible, flat to biconvex~11 11~Inflorescence with loosely arranged spikelets and/or small inflorescence with few spikelets~12 11*~Inflorescence with more or less densely clustered, numerous spikelets~18 12~Inflorescence 7–65 cm long, with long, more or less spreading branches~13 12*~Inflorescence 0.8–8 cm long, spike-like or with short branches more or less appressed to main axis~15 13~Culms with margins viscid, scabrous, often ciliate~Lepidosperma viscidum 13*~Culms with margins scabrous or smooth but not viscid or ciliate~14 14~Culms flat, or slightly convex on 1 face, or concavo-convex, 30–100 cm long, 2–8 mm wide~Lepidosperma laterale 14*~Culms biconvex, or margins flat with central biconvex ridge, or strongly convex on 1 face and flat on the other, 70–180 cm long, 5–15 mm wide~Lepidosperma elatius 15~Rachis flexuous~Lepidosperma tortuosum 15*~Rachis straight or scarcely curved~16 16~Leaves equalling or exceeding inflorescences (to twice as long)~Lepidosperma curtisiae 16*~Leaves shorter than inflorescences~17 17~Spikelets mostly 3.5–4 mm long; culms usually biconvex~Lepidosperma gunnii 17*~Spikelets mostly 5–8.5 mm long; culms usually flat or concavo-convex~Lepidosperma laterale 18~Inflorescence more or less ovate in outline with spreading ranches, 2–7 cm diam~19 18*~Inflorescence more or less narrow-oblong in outline, with branches more or less appressed to central axis, 1–2 (rarely to 3) cm diam~Lepidosperma limicola 19~Culms with central biconvex ridge and thin, broad, flattened margins, 5–20 mm wide~Lepidosperma gladiatum 19*~Culms flat, concavo-convex, or convex on 1 face and flat on the other, 3–7 mm wide~20 20~Culm margins scabrous to scaberulous, somewhat cutting; culms flat, concavo-convex, or convex on 1 face~Lepidosperma concavum 20*~Culm margins smooth but cutting, often becoming erose with age; culms biconvex or convex on 1 face~Lepidosperma latens #{gn}Lepilaena 1~Stigmas deeply divided (laciniate); male flower with a single 4-sporangiate anther; leaves with apex more or less truncate, sometimes mucronate~Lepilaena bilocularis 1*~Stigmas entire; male flower with a 12-sporangiate anther mass; leaves with apex acute to obtuse~Lepilaena australis #{gn}Leptochloa 1~Stout wiry grass with hard, woody stems 1–2 m high; racemes subdigitate~Leptochloa digitata 1*~Slender to stout grasses, usually with compressible stems less than 1 m high; inflorescence of racemes on a primary axis~2 2~Spikelets 5–10 mm long; leaves scabrous and to 1 cm wide~Leptochloa dubia 2*~Spikelets less than 5 mm long; leaves more or less scabrous and to 5 mm wide~3 3~Racemes stiff and widely spreading; spikelets distant from one another, only slightly overlapping if at all~Leptochloa divaricatissima 3*~Racemes not stiff, not widely spreading though they may spread slightly and curve away from the axis; spikelets overlapping at least in the upper half of the racemes~4 4~Leaves hairy; lemmas 1.5–2.5 mm long, densely bearded along the margins with hairs wider than the breadth of the internerves~Leptochloa peacockii 4*~Leaves glabrous or with few hairs; lemmas with hairs shorter than the breadth of the internerves~5 5~Lemmas 1.5–2.5 mm long; grain dorsally compressed~Leptochloa decipiens 5*~Lemmas 1.2–1.7 mm long; grain trigonous~Leptochloa asthenes #{gn}Leptomeria 1~Branches rigid, terete, smooth or slightly striate, pungent~Leptomeria aphylla 1*~Branches weak to semi-rigid, semi-terete, striate, not pungent~2 2~Inflorescences 10–16-flowered; flowers white; branches moderately striate~Leptomeria drupacea 2*~Inflorescences 15–32-flowered; flowers green-brown (reddish when dry); branches strongly striate~Leptomeria acida #{sp}Leptorhynchos squamatus 1~Leaves concolorous, upper surface hirsute, lower surface hirsute or glabrescent or woolly only on the upper half; tip of the bracts acuminate, dark, margins comb-like with long cilia~subsp. squamatus 1*~Leaves discolorous, upper surface hirsute or glabrescent, lower surface white-woolly for the whole surface; tip of the bracts acute, pale, the margins ciliate with tangled woolly hairs~subsp. alpinus #{sp}Leptospermum polygalifolium 1~Leaves with margins tending to recurve, not or rarely stiff in texture, lower surface usually paler, apex acute or obtuse~2 1*~Leaves usually flat and rather stiff in texture with lower surface not conspicuously different, narrow, ± elliptic, usually 10–15 mm long, c. 2 mm wide, usually glabrous and light yellowish green; apex usually acute, almost pungent. Flowers 10–12 mm diam., greenish white or pink. Hypanthium 2.5–3 mm long. Sepals 1.5–2 mm long. Ovary 5-locular. Fruit 6–7 mm diam~subsp. transmontanum 2~Leaves usually acute or if obtuse >2 mm wide; usually >10 mm long; variable in colour~3 2*~Leaves usually obtuse and c. 8–10 mm long (longer in a riparian form) and 2 mm wide, usually a characteristic dull grey-green colour, elliptic to obovate, apex rounded with an umbo, recurved, glabrous, dull grey-green, lower paler. Flowers c. 10 mm diam., white. Hypanthium 2.5–3 mm long sepals 1.5–2 mm long. Fruit 5–7 mm diam~subsp. cismontanum 3~Leaves usually glabrous, oblanceolate, 10–20 mm long, 2–3 mm wide, acute, often recurving, lower surface often much paler. Flowers c. 12 mm diam., greenish or creamy white. Hypanthium 25–35 mm long. Sepals 2–2.5 mm long. Fruit 6–10 mm diam~subsp. polygalifolium 3*~Leaves usually silky on young growth, oblanceolate to elliptic, 10–15 mm long, 3–5 mm wide acute or broad- obtuse, tending to recurve, lower surface paler. Flowers c. 12 mm diam., white. Hypanthium c. 3.5 mm long. Sepals c. 1.5–2 mm long. Fruit 6–9 mm diam~subsp. montanum #{gn}Lespedeza 1~Leaflets crowded along stems, upper surface glabrous, lower surface appressed-hairy, mostly linear-cuneate, 7–25 mm long, 2–4 mm wide; stipules subulate, less than 0.5 mm wide~Lespedeza juncea 1*~Leaflets not crowded along stems, both surfaces more or less glabrous, with a few hairs scattered on margins and midrib, obovate to oblong, 8–15 mm long, 2–8 mm wide ; stipules ovate to lanceolate, 1–2 mm wide~Lespedeza striata #{gn}Leucanthemum 1~Stems usually unbranched, with solitary head, glabrous or with a few scattered hairs; leaves evenly singly toothed; heads usually 5–8 cm diam~Leucanthemum x superbum 1*~Stems branched, each with 1–3 heads, usually hairy below; leaves coarsely singly to doubly toothed, crenate or shallow 1–2-pinnatifid; heads usually 3–5 cm diam~Leucanthemum vulgare #{sp}Leucopogon fletcheri 1~Flowers solitary, plus rudiment; sepals 3.4–4.6 mm long; corolla tube 3.5–4.8 mm long; ovary 1–1.9 mm long; style 5.4–7.9 mm long; fruit obovoid, 4.7–5 mm long~subsp. fletcheri 1*~Flowers 1–3 plus rudiment; sepals 2.6–3.3 mm long; corolla tube 2.6–3.7 mm long; ovary 0.9–1 mm long; style 3.9–5.5 mm long; fruit ellipsoid, 3–3.3 mm long~subsp. A #{gn}Leucopogon 1~Style of flowers shorter or more or less equal to ovary height, never exserted from corolla tube but sometimes obvious at throat; flowers terminal or axillary~2 1*~Style of flowers usually much longer than ovary and exserted from corolla tube, rarely more or less equal to ovary and then obvious in throat; flowers always in axillary spikes~19 2~Flowers in terminal and upper axillary spikes; anthers usually with sterile tip, rarely emarginate~3 2*~Flowers axillary; anthers always without sterile tips~16 3~Plants diffuse, mat-forming or straggling~4 3*~Plants erect, slender or robust~5 4~Leaves broad-ovate, more than 4 mm wide, base auriculate-saggitate~Leucopogon amplexicaulis 4*~Leaves usually oblong or elliptic, less than 1.5 mm wide, base tapering~Leucopogon pilifer 5~Flowering spikes pendent~6 5*~Flowering spikes erect~7 6~Leaves less than 2 mm wide; flowers 6–15 per spike; sepals obtuse; corolla tube shorter than the sepals, less than 1 mm long~Leucopogon rodwayi 6*~Leaves more than 2 mm wide, flowers 3–8 per spike; sepals acute; corolla tube longer than sepals, more than 2 mm long~Leucopogon gelidus 7~Spikes usually less than 12 mm long, clustered at end of branches, less than 10 flowers per spike~8 7*~Spikes usually more than 12 mm long, not clustered, more than 10 flowers per spike~14 8~Leaves distinctly petiolate~9 8*~Leaves tapering at base, with indistinct petiolar area~11 9~Shrubs more than 1 m high; leaves horizontal; flowers bisexual; corolla tube longer than the sepals~Leucopogon maccraei 9*~Shrubs usually less than 0.6 m high; leaves mainly erect or more or less erect; flowers mainly unisexual; corolla tube shorter than or equal to the sepals~10 10~Leaves with margins often recurved; sepals 1.8–2.6 mm long; corolla tube equal to the sepals, pilose inside upper half; lobes shorter than the tube, pilose to pubescent~Leucopogon hookeri 10*~Leaves with margins usually flat; sepals 1.5–1.9 mm long; corolla tube shorter than the sepals, glabrous; lobes usually longer than or equal to the tube, glabrous~Leucopogon montanus 11~Leaves concave~Leucopogon virgatus 11*~Leaves convex or flat~12 12~Leaves less than 8 mm long, callous tipped; bracteoles and sepals more or less acuminate; corolla tube shorter than the sepals~Leucopogon microphyllus 12*~Leaves more than 8 mm long, finely mucronate; bracteoles and sepals broad-acute or obtuse; corolla tube longer than or equal to the sepals~13 13~Leaves flat, concolorous; flowers with bracteoles less than 1.5 mm long, sepals less than 2.5 mm long; fruit obovoid, c. 3 mm diam~Leucopogon melaleucoides 13*~Leaves convex, discolorous; flowers with bracteoles more than 1.5 mm long, sepals more than 2.5 mm long; fruit depressed-globose, 4–5.5 mm diam~Leucopogon species B 14~Slender shrubs, usually less than 1 m high; leaves usually convex, variable in shape ovate to oblong to elliptic, to 13 mm long, 2.5 mm wide~Leucopogon collinus 14*~Small trees or robust shrubs more than 1 m high; leaves more or less flat, elliptic, ovate or obovate, often more than 13 mm long, more than 2.5 mm wide~15 15~Leaves usually obovate, 11–29 mm long, 2.5–7.5 mm wide; flowers crowded in dense clusters of spikes; ovary 4- or 5-locular; fruit white, 4.3–5 mm long~Leucopogon parviflorus 15*~Leaves usually elliptic or narrow-ovate, 1.3–5.5 mm wide; flowers evenly spaced in open spikes; ovary 2- or 3-locular; fruit red, 2.1–3.3 mm long~Leucopogon lanceolatus 16~Leaves mostly convex, finely scabrous to bristly~17 16*~Leaves more or less flat or concave, glabrous~18 17~Inflorescences with 1–3 flowers plus rudiment; flowers small, bracteoles less than 1.5 mm long, sepals less than 2.5 mm long, acute, outer surface sparsely bristly~Leucopogon attenuatus 17*~Inflorescences with solitary flowers plus rudiment; flowers larger, bracteoles more than 2 mm long, sepals more than 3 mm long, acuminate, outer surface villous~Leucopogon confertus 18~Leaves always erect and often upwardly appressed near end of branches, 4–9.5 mm long, concave and somewhat twisted when dry; flowers inconspicuous; sepals 1.5–2 mm long; corolla tube equal to or just longer than the sepals~Leucopogon appressus 18*~Leaves often suberect, not appressed, 8.5–12 mm long, more or less flat, not twisted when dry; flowers conspicuous; sepals 2.3–3 mm long; corolla tube much shorter than the sepals~Leucopogon leptospermoides 19~Leaves with pungent tip more than 0.5 mm long~20 19*~Leaves with callus tip or short mucro less than 0.5 mm long~29 20~Leaves usually convex, the margin recurved to revolute~21 20*~Leaves flat or concave, margins not recurved~26 21~Corolla tube well exceeding sepals~22 21*~Corolla tube equal or shorter than sepals~23 22~Flowers pendent; corolla tube 2.6–4.8 mm long~Leucopogon fletcheri 22*~Flowers erect; corolla tube 5.5–8 mm long~Leucopogon juniperinus 23~Flowers spreading to pendent on recurved peduncles more than 2.5 mm long~24 23*~Flowers erect or spreading, sessile or on peduncles less than 2 mm long~25 24~Bracts, bracteoles and sepals sparsely bristly; sepals more than 4 mm long; corolla tube c. 3.5 mm long, lobes 4–5 mm long, villous outside~Leucopogon exolasius 24*~Bracts, bracteoles and sepals glabrous; sepals less than 4 mm long; corolla 2–3 mm long, lobes 2.5–4 mm long, glabrous outside~Leucopogon setiger 25~Leaves usually spreading; flowers 3–8, rarely 11 per spike~Leucopogon ericoides 25*~Leaves erect, often upwardly appressed to stem; flowers 1–3 per spike~Leucopogon recurvisepalus 26~Leaves flat, elliptic or oblong~27 26*~Leaves slightly concave, often obovate~28 27~Leaves erect or more or less erect, elliptic; flowers inconspicuous, hidden amongst leaves; corolla tube less than 1.5 mm long~Leucopogon esquamatus 27*~Leaves usually horizontally spreading, oblong; flowers conspicuous, often pendent; corolla tube more than 2.5 mm long~Leucopogon biflorus 28~Erect to spreading shrub; leaves broad-ovate to obovate; corolla tube 5–8 mm long; fruit enclosed in sepals~Leucopogon neoanglicus 28*~Low, often prostrate shrub, leaves narrow-oblong to obovate; corolla tube 3.3–5 mm long; fruit well exceeding sepals~Leucopogon fraseri 29~Leaves lanceolate~Leucopogon deformis 29*~Leaves obovate~30 30~Leaves 12–21 mm long, 3–4 mm wide; flowers 4–10 per spike; corolla tube longer than the sepals~Leucopogon muticus 30*~Leaves 6–11 mm long, 1–2.5 mm wide; flowers 1 or 2 per spike; corolla tube shorter than the sepals~Leucopogon margarodes #{sp}Leucopogon lanceolatus 1~Branchlets ± glabrous, leaves usually elliptic; flowers 6–11 in spikes 8–17 mm long; bracteoles and sepals broad-acute to obtuse; corolla tube equal to or longer than the sepals~var. lanceolatus 1*~Branchlets silky; leaves narrow-ovate; flowers 2–16 in spikes 3–39 mm long; bracteoles and sepals acute; corolla tube shorter than the sepals~var. gracilis #{sp}Leucopogon microphyllus 1~Leaves, bracteoles and sepals glabrous; corolla lobes just longer than the tube, often erect~var. microphyllus 1*~Leaves with scattered to dense long coarse hairs on both surfaces; bracteoles and sepals with short to long hairs; corolla lobes up to twice the tube length, and spreading to recurved~var. pilibundus #{gn}Libertia 1~Leaves less than 20 cm long; all tepals more or less equal~Libertia pulchella 1*~Leaves more than 20 cm long; inner and outer tepals distinctly unequal~Libertia paniculata #{gn}Ligustrum 1~Leaves with lamina usually 6–12 cm long, 3–5 cm wide; petioles 10–20 mm long; panicles more than 15 cm long~Ligustrum lucidum 1*~Leaves with lamina mostly 3–6 cm long, 1–2.5 cm wide; petioles 1–7 mm long; panicles less than 15 cm long~2 2~Leaves pubescent at least on the midrib on the lower surface, branchlets pubescent; petioles 3–7 mm long~Ligustrum sinense 2*~Leaves and branchlets glabrous; petioles 1–3 mm long~Ligustrum vulgare #{gn}Lilium 1~Perianth white ~Lilium formosanum 1*~Perianth orange with darker spots~Lilium lancifolium #{gn}Limosella 1~Leaves more or less filiform with lamina undifferentiated or lamina oblanceolate and 1–3 mm wide with base long-attenuate; calyx with a red-purple patch below each sinus; pedicels in fruit usually 8–25 long~Limosella australis 1*~Leaves with lamina more or less oblong-elliptic, 2–10 mm wide, with base cuneate to rounded; calyx lacking purple patches; pedicels in fruit 0.2–8 mm long~Limosella curdieana #{gn}Linaria 1~Corolla yellow, sometimes with an orange palate; perennials~2 1*~Corolla violet or purple, sometimes with a white or yellow palate; annuals~3 2~Leaves more or less stem-clasping, usually 5–20 mm wide; sepals mostly 5.5–6 mm long; seeds compressed tetrahedral, 1–2 mm long~Linaria genistifolia 2*~Leaves cuneate at base, usually 1–4 mm wide; sepals 2–3 mm long; seeds discoid, 2–3 mm long~Linaria vulgaris 3~Corolla 5–11 mm long along the upper side; spur backwards-directed from tube, 6.5–11 mm long; seeds reniform or discoid, without an entire wing~4 3*~Corolla 2–3.5 mm long along upper side; spur at right angles to tube, 1.5–3.5 mm long; seeds discoid and winged or oblong and angled~5 4~Inflorescence glandular-pubescent; corolla mouth open; capsule obliquely broad oblong-ellipsoid, 4.5–5 mm long; seeds obliquely reniform, transversely wrinkled, 0.7–0.8 mm long~Linaria incarnata 4*~Inflorescence glabrous; corolla mouth more or less closed; capsule symmetrical, with 2 globose lobes, 2.2–2.7 mm long; seeds discoid, more or less circular, 1–1.2 mm long, fimbriate~Linaria pelisseriana 5~Corolla 2–2.7 mm long along upper side; spur 1.5–2 mm long; seeds discoid, winged~Linaria arvensis 5*~Corolla 3–3.5 mm long along upper side; spur 2.5–4 mm long; seeds oblong, angled~Linaria canadensis #{gn}Lindernia 1~Leaves and sepals glabrous~Lindernia alsinoides 1*~Leaves, bracts and sepals scabrous on margins with minute antrorse hairs~Lindernia procumbens #{gn}Lindsaea 1~Fronds 1-pinnate, sometimes the lowermost pinnae further divided; fronds often somewhat dimorphic~2 1*~Fronds 2–3-pinnate, sometimes 1-pinnate in the upper half of the frond; fronds not markedly dimorphic~5 2~Pinnae fan-shaped or rhombic; veins free~3 2*~Pinnae lanceolate to ± ovate; veins loosely anastomosing~Lindsaea fraseri 3~Stipe and rachis red-brown to black~Lindsaea linearis 3*~Stipe and rachis straw-coloured~4 4~Fertile pinnae and median sterile pinnae attached asymmetrically~Lindsaea brachypoda 4*~Pinnae fan-shaped~Lindsaea dimorpha 5~Lamina of fronds linear, <1.5 cm wide~Lindsaea incisa 5*~Lamina of fronds oblong or triangular-oblong, 2–6 cm wide~6 6~Stipe straw-coloured, except at the very base; lamina yellowish green, 3-pinnatifid~Lindsaea microphylla 6*~Stipe reddish brown; lamina dark green, 2-pinnate at least at base, upper pinna pinnatifid~Lindsaea trichomanoides #{gn}Linum 1~Petals blue or white, more than 7 mm long; pedicels more than 10 mm long; capsules more than 3 mm diam~2 1*~Petals yellow, less than 7 mm long; pedicels less than 10 mm long; capsules less than 3 mm diam~Linum trigynum 2~Perennial; leaves usually less than 20 mm long, rarely to 30 mm, less than 3 mm wide; styles united above middle; capsules 4–6 mm diam~Linum marginale 2*~Annual; leaves mostly more than 20 mm long, ± 3 mm wide; styles free; capsules 6–9 mm diam~Linum usitatissimum #{gn}Liparis 1~Leaves plicate, petiolate, not jointed at the base; plant terrestrial~2 1*~Leaves conduplicate, not petiolate, jointed at the base; plant epiphytic or epilithic or rarely terrestrial~3 2~Pseudobulbs narrow-cylindrical, tapered towards the tip, 7–12 cm long, 5–10 mm wide, wholly or mostly above the soil surface; flowers purple; leaves 3.5–6 cm wide~Liparis simmondsii 2*~Pseudobulbs ovoid to obloid, 2–3 cm long, 15–25 mm wide, subterranean; flowers brownish to purplish; leaves 2–4 cm wide~Liparis habenarina 3~Pseudobulbs broad-ovoid to globose, 8–12 mm long, 12–16 mm wide; labellum decurved through less than 90°~Liparis coelogynoides 3*~Pseudobulbs ovoid to compressed-ovoid, 20–40 mm long, 15–30 mm wide; labellum deflexed through c. 180°~4 4~Sepals spreading, almost in the same plane, obtuse; leaves usually 1 (sometimes 2) per shoot~Liparis swenssonii 4*~Sepals deflexed, acute; leaves usually 2 or 3 (sometimes 1 or 4) per shoot~Liparis reflexa #{gn}Litsea 1~Leaves hairy on lower surface, especially on the veins, veins brown, upper surface glossy, hairs sometimes scattered along the primary vein~Litsea australis 1*~Leaves glabrous and rather glossy on both surfaces, veins green~Litsea reticulata #{fm}LOBELIACEAE 1~Corolla tube slit to near base~2 1*~Corolla tube not slit to near base, notched~4 2~Corolla purple~Monopsis 2*~Corolla blue, white or rarely pink~3 3~Fruit dehiscent, capsule opening by 2 loculicidal valves; erect or ascending herbs, few to multi-stemmed at the base, rarely rooting at nodes (Lobelia alata); corolla 2-lipped, with usually one petal larger than the others~Lobelia 3*~Fruit indehiscent or bursting irregularly below the corolla lobes, often succulent; prostrate herbs, rooting at the nodes, with petals more or less the same size~Pratia 4~Fruit dehiscent; flowers mostly more than 12 mm long (4–12 mm long in Isotoma fluviatilis); apex of anterior anthers with 1 or 2 large bristles; widespread species~Isotoma 4*~Fruit indehiscent; flowers 4–6 mm long; apex of anterior anthers with 1 large bristles; rare species, confined to the Sydney area~Hypsela #{fm}LOGANIACEAE 1~Herbs~2 1*~Trees, shrubs or woody climber~3 2~Styles 2, only fused apically; flowers 4-merous; capsule loculicidal, 2-horned apically~Mitrasacme 2*~Style 1; flowers 5-merous; capsule septicidal, lacking distal horns~Logania 3~Woody climber; sepals free at base~Gelsemium 3*~Shrub or small tree; sepals fused~4 4~Leaves with 3–5 more or less longitudinal veins from base; axillary spines usually present; trees~Strychnos 4*~Leaves penniveined; spines absent; herbs or undershrubs~Logania #{gn}Logania 1~Herb or procumbent undershrub to c. 15 cm high; flowers solitary, axillary~Logania pusilla 1*~Erect shrub to c. 2 m high; flowers in axillary cymes~2 2~Leaves reduced to bract-like scales, less than 2 mm long; flowers bisexual; stamens inserted at throat of corolla tube~Logania nuda 2*~Leaves more than 5 mm long, not scale-like; flowers unisexual; stamens inserted at middle of corolla tube~3 3~Leaves more or less flat, usually more than 20 mm long and more than 1.5 mm wide; apex usually apiculate~Logania albiflora 3*~Leaves revolute, usually c. 10 mm long and less than 1.5 mm wide; apex obtuse to acute~Logania sp. A sensu Harden (1992) #{gn}Lolium 1~Plants annual, will pull up easily when mature~2 1*~Plants perennial; cannot be pulled up easily when mature and forming a large tuft~6 2~Lemmas swollen at maturity, ovate to elliptic, usually with an awn 0.7–2 cm long; glume equal to or exceeding the spikelets~Lolium temulentum 2*~Lemmas not swollen at maturity, lanceolate, awned or awnless; glume length variable~3 3~Lemmas with awns more than 3 mm long; spikelets rarely with less than 10 florets~Lolium multiflorum & hybrids 3*~Lemmas awnless or with an awn less then 3 mm long; spikelets with 3–22 florets~4 4~Glume distinctly shorter than spikelet; young leaves folded in bud, leaves narrow, usually less than 4 mm wide~Lolium perenne 4*~Glume almost as long as, or exceeding, the spikelet; leaves rolled in the bud, usually more than 3 mm wide~5 5~Rachis rigid and stout, c. 2 mm diam., often oval in cross section; spikelets narrow, often embedded in the rachis; plant usually less than 35 cm high~Lolium loliaceum 5*~Rachis thin, c. 1 mm diam. and usually round in cross section; spikelets not as narrow, more or less embedded in rachis; plant usually more than 35 cm high~Lolium rigidum 6~Lemmas with an awn longer than 3 mm long; about 20 florets per spikelet; leaves rolled in the bud~Lolium multiflorum 6*~Lemmas awnless or with an awn less than 3 mm long; spikelets with about 10 florets; leaves folded in the bud~Lolium perenne #{sp}Lomandra confertifolia 1~Stem elongated, slender (old part of stem up to 4 mm diam.); leaves up to 20 cm long~2 1*~Stem short, largely concealed by the leaves, or elongated, relatively stout (old part of stem 4.5 mm diam. or more); leaves >20 cm long~3 2~Leaves flat, rather flaccid, often curved, 8–25 cm long, 0.5–1.5 mm wide; sheath margins slightly to much lacerated, red-brown. Stems extensive, ± erect, slender. Male inflorescence a quarter to a third as long as leaves, branched; branches few, alternate; scape shorter than rachis, sometimes concealed among leaf bases; flowers in whorled clusters. Female inflorescence smaller, almost concealed among leaf bases. Cluster bracts inconspicuous, fine-pointed, longer than flowers or, at upper nodes, shorter; cluster bracts, bract and inner bract brown to golden brown~subsp. similis 2*~Leaves concavo-convex or channelled, 15–50 cm long, 0.3–1.5 mm wide; sheath margins lacerated, dark brown or reddish brown. Stems elongated, usually somewhat decumbent, rather stout. Male inflorescence 0.2–0.5 times as long as leaves, unbranched or with a few short branches; branches alternate; scape exposed for 1–12 cm; flowers in whorled clusters or 1–few-flowered alternate clusters. Female inflorescence poorly known, unbranched; scape short, exposed. Cluster bracts 0.5–4 cm long, shorter to longer than flower; bract and inner bract brown~subsp. rubiginosa 3~Scape longer, usually several times longer than rachis. Stems usually ± elongated, erect to spreading, or occasionally rather decumbent. Leaves concavo-convex or channelled, straight, rather stiff, usually 30–70 cm long and 0.5–1.5 mm wide; sheath margins lacerated, pale brown or white. Male and female inflorescences similar, a third to three-quarters as long as leaves, unbranched or with short alternate or opposite branches; scape much longer than rachis; flower clusters few-flowered, whorled, or flower solitary. Cluster bracts rather inconspicuous, longer than flowers throughout or only in basal part of inflorescence; bract and inner bract brown or pale brown~subsp. leptostachya 3*~Scape shorter than, or about as long as rachis~4 4~Bracts brown; leaf sheath margins dark brown or reddish brown~subsp. rubiginosa 4*~Bracts whitish; leaf sheath margins usually whitish, occasionally reddish brown. Plant tufted with short stems or stems elongated, erect or decumbent, sometimes branched. Leaves flat, concavo-convex or channelled, sometimes inrolled, 30–70 cm long, 1–2.5 mm wide; sheath margins intact or lacerated, usually whitish, occasionally reddish brown. Male inflorescence mostly about a quarter or occasionally half as long as leaves, usually branched; branches opposite or alternate; scape concealed or exserted, shorter than or equal to rachis; flower clusters whorled. Female inflorescence smaller, unbranched; scape concealed. Cluster bracts much longer than flowers, often fine, whitish; bract and inner bract whitish~subsp. pallida #{sp}Lomandra filiformis 1~Leaves folded to much inrolled or rarely flat, flexible or rigid, the apex minutely 1–3-pointed; male inflorescence with axes smooth to scabrid~2 1*~Leaves flat or nearly so, leathery or firm, the apex usually entire (points readily eroded); male inflorescence with distinctly scabrid axes. Leaves flat or nearly so, leathery or firm, usually 15–35 cm long, 2.5–4 mm wide, smooth or scabrid; apex usually entire. Male inflorescence often up to a half as long as leaves, with a few branches; branches often whorled; axes scabrid; scape shorter than rachis, often yellowish. Female inflorescence smaller, and axes often less scabrid. Bracts all small.~subsp. coriacea 2~Male inflorescence unbranched to well-branched, usually slightly less than half as long as leaves; axes smooth or slightly papillose especially apically; scape often similar to rachis in length; bracts all small; female inflorescence similar to associated male but slightly smaller. Leaves very fine, channelled, folded, inrolled or rarely flat, usually flexible, <10 cm or >30 cm long, 0.5–3 mm wide, occasionally to 5 mm, smooth or rarely scaberulous, especially on margins; apex minutely 1–3-pointed. Male inflorescence sometimes only 2–5 cm long; axes quite smooth, or slightly papillose especially towards apex; scape similar to rachis in length, usually whitish. Female inflorescence similar but slightly smaller. Bracts all small~subsp. filiformis 2*~Male inflorescence branched, quarter to a third as long as leaves; axes smooth to scabrid; scape shorter than rachis, sometimes partly hidden by leaf bases; bracts subtending branches of inflorescence large, smaller in size at upper nodes, female inflorescence more condensed than male, as little as one-seventh of leaf-length. Leaves rolled or flat, usually very tough, 30–40 cm long, c. 2 mm wide, smooth to scabrid; apex minutely 1–3-pointed. Male inflorescence c. 3–7 cm long, quarter to a third as long as leaves; axes smooth to scabrid, often yellowish; scape shorter than rachis, sometimes partly hidden by leaf bases. Female inflorescence more condensed, as little as one-seventh as long as leaves. Bracts subtending branches large, white or whitish, smaller at upper nodes~subsp. flavior #{sp}Lomandra leucocephala 1~Leaf sheath margins long-decurrent, white, readily lacerating into abundant loose, silky or woolly, fragments; male inflorescence usually with 1 or 2 segments (north-eastern part of range). Plant slender, often <40 cm high. Leaves usually 1–2 mm wide. Male inflorescence usually with 1, 2 or 3 segments; female inflorescence usually not segmented, globose; scape minutely hirsute~subsp. leucocephala 1*~Leaf sheath margins short, yellowish to orange-brown, the fragments few, woolly or fibrous, male inflorescence usually with >3 segments (southern and western parts of range). Plant generally robust, often 40–60 cm high. Leaves tough c. 1.5–5 mm wide. Male inflorescence usually with more than 3 segments; female inflorescence segmented or often entire, cylindrical; scape glabrous~subsp. robusta #{gn}Lomatia 1~Mature leaves glabrous or almost so on both surfaces, rarely with a few hairs below; perianth glabrous or sparsely pubescent without~2 1*~Leaves glabrous on upper surface, silky or sometimes rusty on lower surface; perianth densely pubescent~Lomatia fraseri 2~Leaves divided 1–4 times pinnately or 1–4-pinnatisect, 10–35 cm long~Lomatia silaifolia 2*~Leaves not divided into segments, margins entire to toothed, 5–20 cm long~3 3~Leaves linear to narrow-oblong to lanceolate, usually at least 8 times as long as broad, lamina tapering very gradually into a very short petiole or sessile~Lomatia myricoides 3*~Leaves ovate to lanceolate or oblong-elliptic, less than 4 times as long as broad, lamina acute or obtuse at the base with a distinct petiole~4 4~Conflorescences terminal, racemose or paniculate, 15–30 cm long, exceeding the leaves; leaves always toothed, teeth regular and more or less pungent; reticulate venation raised and very conspicuous above~Lomatia ilicifolia 4*~Conflorescences axillary, raceme-like, 8–15 cm long, not or scarcely exceeding the leaves; leaves entire or crenate to coarsely toothed, teeth not pungent; reticulate venation often apparent but not conspicuously raised above~Lomatia arborescens #{gn}Lonicera 1~At least young stems pubescent; climber or scrambling shrub~Lonicera japonica 1*~Stems glabrous; erect shrub~Lonicera fragrantissima #{gn}Lophostemon 1~Calyx lobes subulate, caducous; leaves acute, in false whorls of 4 or 5 at the ends of the branchlets~Lophostemon confertus 1*~Calyx lobes obtuse, persistent; leaves obtuse or very shortly acuminate, in false whorls of 3 or 4~Lophostemon suaveolens #{fm}LORANTHACEAE 1~Terrestrial shrubs, parasitic upon the roots of other plants~Atkinsonia 1*~Parasitic shrubs on the branches of trees or shrubs~2 2~Inflorescences terminal (sometimes on short lateral stems and then seemingly axillary)~Muellerina 2*~Inflorescences otherwise~3 3~Flowers in heads, enclosed in 2 enlarged foliaceous bracts fused at margins over buds during development~Diplatia 3*~Inflorescence various; flowers not enclosed in enlarged leafy bracts~4 4~Petals free or very shortly fused at the base. Flowers arranged in an umbel of 1 to 3 triads or umbels~Amyema 4*~Petals fused into a tube for the greater part of their length~5 5~Leaves mostly alternate or scattered; inflorescence a raceme of single flowers~Dendrophthoe 5*~Leaves opposite or clustered; inflorescence a simple umbel or a raceme of triads~6 6~Corolla 5-merous, deeply split on one side, lobes and stamens reflexed to one side~Benthamina 6*~Corolla 6-merous, lobes and stamens not reflexed to one side~7 7~Runners present; corolla tube straight; inflorescence a raceme of triads~Amylotheca 7*~Runners absent; corolla tube curved; inflorescence a simple umbel~Lysiana #{gn}Lotus 1~Umbels usually 8–14-flowered.~Lotus uliginosus 1*~Umbels mostly 1–7-flowered or occasionally to 8.~2 2~Flowers purple, red to pink or white.~3 2*~Flowers yellow.~5 3~Umbels 3–8-flowered, peduncles much longer than subtending leaves; corolla usually pink to white.~Lotus australis 3*~Umbels 1–3-flowered, peduncles about same length or shorter than the subtending leaves; corolla usually red.~4 4~Corolla <10 mm long; leaflets usually <10 mm long; pods not winged.~Lotus cruentus 4*~Corolla >15 mm long; leaflets >10 mm long; pods with wings c. 2 mm wide.~Lotus tetragonolobus 5~Flowers >9 mm long; umbels 2–8-flowered.~6 5*~Flowers <9 mm long; umbels 1–4-flowered.~7 6~Teeth of calyx equal to or shorter than tube; pods usually 1.5–3 cm long; perennials.~Lotus corniculatus 6*~Teeth of calyx about 1.5 times as long as tube; pods mostly 3–4.5 cm long; annuals.~Lotus preslii 7~Pods 6–15 mm long; umbels 2–4-flowered; keel with a long beak bent upwards from near base.~Lotus subbiflorus 7*~Pods 20–30 mm long; umbels 1- or 2-flowered; keel with a short beak bent upwards from the middle.~Lotus angustissimus #{gn}Lupinus 1~Leaflets glabrous above and scarcely silky to densely silky below.~2 1*~Leaflets hairy on both surfaces.~3 2~Leaflets 5–9; raceme 5–20 cm long.~Lupinus angustifolius 2*~Leaflets 9–17; raceme 20–60 cm long.~Lupinus polyphyllus 3~Flowers bright yellow, strongly scented; seeds smooth; stipules dimorphic, those of lower leaves subulate, c. 8 mm long, those of upper leaves narrow-obovate or oblanceolate, 12–25 mm long.~Lupinus luteus 3*~Flowers mostly blue, scarcely scented; seeds rough; stipules not dimorphic, mostly subulate c. 8 mm long.~4 4~Stem hairs ≤1 mm long; pedicels 2–4 mm long; seeds 6–9 mm diam.~Lupinus cosentinii 4*~Stem hairs 2–4 mm long; pedicels 5–9 mm long; seeds 10–14 mm diam.~Lupinus pilosus #{sp}Luzula flaccida 1~Anthers 0.7–1.5 mm long; inflorescence of several branches to 3 cm long bearing clusters c. 5 mm diam., with flowers 2.5–3.8 mm long; tepals red-brown or dark brown with broad creamy or hyaline margins; caruncle about a third the length of seed. Grows in moist grassy understorey in eucalypt woodland; south from Woodburn and Walcha, more common on the tablelands. NC SC NT CT ST NWS CWS SWS; Vic., Tas.~subsp. Long Anther (KL Wilson 828 et al.) 1*~Anthers 0.3–0.6 mm long; inflorescence of a few branches to 2 cm long with clusters c. 10 mm diam. (or sometimes reduced to a single head), with flowers 2.0–3.0 mm long; tepals pale red-brown with very broad creamy hyaline margins or almost entirely cream-coloured; caruncle about a quarter the length of seed. Grows in grassy margins of wet sclerophyll forest from sea level to 1550 m alt., also disturbed sites such as road banks. NC CC SC NT CT ST NWS CWS SWS; Qld, Vic., Tas., S.A.~subsp. flaccida #{gn}Luzula 1~Inflorescence of several obviously pedunculate flower clusters or with only shortly pedunculate clusters~2 1*~Inflorescence a single ovate or globose head, or an oblong head with a few subsessile lower clusters~8 2~Anthers 0.7–1.6 mm long~3 2*~Anthers 0.2–0.6 mm long~6 3~Shoots with more or less bulbous base; peduncles to 6 cm long; tepals either pale red-brown with more or less broad creamy to hyaline margins or red-brown to dark brown, without conspicuously paler margins~4 3*~Shoots without bulbous base; peduncles to 3 cm long; tepals red-brown to dark brown with a narrow but conspicuous, or broad, hyaline to creamy margin~5 4~Tepals red-brown to dark brown, without conspicuously paler margins; flowers 2.6–3.5 mm long~Luzula meridionalis 4*~Tepals pale red-brown, with more or less broad creamy to hyaline margins; flowers usually 1.6–2.5 mm long~Luzula densiflora 5~Leaves moderately hairy; mature capsule usually pale yellow-brown (rarely red-brown at apex)~Luzula flaccida 5*~Leaves almost glabrous except near base; mature capsule usually dark red-brown~Luzula novae-cambriae 6~Shoots without bulbous bases; mature capsule usually pale yellow-brown, rarely red-brown near apex~Luzula flaccida 6*~Shoots with mostly bulbous bases; mature capsule red-brown or purple-brown throughout or red-brown above~7 7~Tepals all acuminate; mature capsule red-brown or purple-brown throughout; inflorescence of a central cluster with 2 or 3 smaller lateral clusters~Luzula ovata 7*~Outer tepals acuminate, inner acute; mature capsule red-brown above and yellow-brown below, rarely red-brown throughout; inflorescence of more than 3 clusters~Luzula densiflora 8~Inflorescence red-brown or creamy brown; tepals with conspicuous pale brown or creamy to white membranous margins~9 8*~Inflorescence blackish; tepals without conspicuous paler margins~14 9~Plants long-rhizomatous; inflorescence oblong in outline~Luzula modesta 9*~Plants more or less tufted; inflorescence ovate or circular in outline~10 10~Leaves more or less channelled; caruncle a tenth to an eighth the length of seed~11 10*~Leaves flat; caruncle a third to a quarter the length of seed~12 11~Leaves 3–5 mm wide; anthers 1.1–1.5 mm long~Luzula australasica 11*~Leaves 1–2 mm wide; anthers 0.4–0.6 mm long~Luzula alpestris 12~Shoots without bulbous bases; mature capsule usually pale yellow-brown (rarely reddish at apex)~Luzula flaccida 12*~Shoots with mostly bulbous bases; mature capsule red-brown or purple-brown throughout, or red-brown above~13 13~Tepals all acuminate; mature capsule red-brown or purple-brown throughout~Luzula ovata 13*~Outer tepals acuminate, inner acute; mature capsule red-brown above and yellow-brown below, rarely red-brown throughout~Luzula densiflora 14~Slender tufted plants; flowering culms usually more than 10 cm long; leaf apex obtuse~Luzula atrata 14*~Dwarf mat-forming plants; flowering culms less than 8 cm long; leaf apex acute~Luzula acutifolia #{fm}LUZURIAGACEAE 1~Vines with twining stems to more than 100 cm long~2 1*~Erect herbs with stems less than 50 cm high~Drymophila 2~Leaves with base twisted into an obscure petiole, both surfaces dull, with several equally distinct longitudinal veins; outer tepals fringed; fruit a capsule~Eustrephus 2*~Leaves with base twisted into a distinct petiole, twisted, upper surface glossy, lower surface dull, midvein much more prominent than the other longitudinal veins; tepals entire; fruit a berry~Geitonoplesium #{gn}Lycium 1~Corolla lobes about a quarter as long as corolla; stamens included or scarcely exserted; fresh leaves thick, fleshy, usually 1.5–5 mm wide~Lycium australe 1*~Corolla lobes a third to half as long as corolla; stamens much exserted; fresh leaves slightly fleshy, some more than 5 mm wide~2 2~Lateral branches mostly more than 10 mm long, leafy, ending in a spine, leaves mostly obovate; berry more or less globose~Lycium ferocissimum 2*~Lateral branches mostly less than 10 mm long, leafless, ending in a spine, or spines absent; leaves mostly ovate; berry more or less ellipsoid~Lycium barbarum #{fm}LYCOPODIACEAE 1~Leaves <10, quill-like and tufted at the top of the short tuberous stem; strobilus on a simple leafless fleshy peduncle~Phylloglossum 1*~Leaves numerous, small and often scale-like and overlapping on the long branching stems; strobili if present on simple or branched leafy peduncles~2 2~Leaves >1 mm wide, 5–18 mm long; sporophylls similar to vegetative leaves, equal or smaller in size, persistent; plants ± tufted, lacking branched rhizome or creeping stem; branches often growing on beyond fertile part of stem~Huperzia 2*~Leaves <1 mm wide, 1–7 mm long; sporophylls strongly modified, very dissimilar to vegetative leaves, ephemeral; plants with branched rhizome or creeping stem, aerial stems or branches not or rarely tufted; strobili terminating main or lateral branches~3 3~Erect stems branching more than twice; strobili terminating branchlets, erect~Lycopodium 3*~Either erect stems unbranched or sometimes once or twice branched and strobili erect, lateral or terminal, or if erect stems more branched then strobili pendent and numerous~Lycopodiella #{gn}Lycopodiella 1~Strobili pendent, terminal on short drooping branches, numerous; aerial system much-branched~Lycopodiella cernua 1*~Strobili erect, terminal on erect shoots or on short erect lateral shoots; aerial system unbranched or once or twice branched~2 2~Lateral stems subterranean, much branched, erect to 60 cm or sometimes longer; strobili nodding~Lycopodiella lateralis 2*~Lateral stems creeping; aerial stems unbranched and to 5 cm long; strobili erect~Lycopodiella serpentina #{gn}Lycopodium 1~Stems with strobili immediately above foliage; leaves dense and scale-like below strobili but differentiated from lower leaves; stobili 1–2 cm long~Lycopodium deuterodensum 1*~Stems with strobili projecting above foliage on a stalk; leaves scattered, appressed and scale-like below strobili, differentiated from lower leaves; strobili mostly 3–5 cm long~Lycopodium fastigiatum #{cl}LYCOPSIDA 1~Sporangia solitary in the axils of sporophylls, usually aggregated into cone-like structures~2 1*~Sporangia in pockets in the expanded bases of fleshy grass-like leaves~ISOETACEAE 2~Minute ligule absent; sporangia of only one kind~LYCOPODIACEAE 2*~Minute ligule present at the base of each leaf and sporophyll; sporangia of 2 kinds, producing spores of different sizes~SELAGINELLACEAE #{sp}Lysiana exocarpi 1~Leaves linear to narrow-oblong or narrow-elliptic occasionally obcordate, 3–10 mm wide, often thick or leathery when mature. Plant spreading to pendent. Parasitic on many hosts, most frequently on species of Acacia, Alectryon, Amyema, Cassia, Casuarinaceae, Eremophila, Exocarpos, and exotic trees, west from Moree district.~subsp. exocarpi 1*~Leaves linear, 1–3 mm wide, sometimes compressed but not terete. Plant pendent. In open woodland and forest, usually on species of Casuarinaceae, north from the Hunter Valley~subsp. tenuis #{gn}Lysiana 1~Flowers single or in pairs without a common peduncle; pedicels distinctly winged; fruit globose~Lysiana murrayi 1*~Flowers in pairs on a common peduncle (sometimes very short), pedicels not distinctly winged; fruit ellipsoidal to ovoid~2 2~Leaves flat (rarely compressed when very narrow)~3 2*~Leaves terete~Lysiana linearifolia 3~Leaves linear to narrow-oblong, with obscure venation; fruit dark coloured; calyx usually short, entire~Lysiana exocarpi 3*~Leaves oblanceolate, with distinct venation; fruit more or less translucent; calyx usually lobed or toothed~Lysiana subfalcata #{gn}Lysiphyllum 1~Calyces with base short and broad; indumentum of calyx, buds and petals more or less tomentose, cream to reddish brown~Lysiphyllum gilvum 1*~Calyces base narrow-turbinate; indumentum of calyx, buds and petals appressed-pubescent, rusty brown~Lysiphyllum carronii #{gn}Styphelia 1~Branchlets with medium to long silky hairs~2 1*~Branchlets glabrous or with short stiff hairs~6 2~Most leaves convex, oblong to obovate~Styphelia tubiflora 2*~Most leaves flat to concave, lanceolate to ovate or elliptic~3 3~Leaves broad-ovate or broad-elliptic, more than 6 mm wide, usually concave~Styphelia laeta 3*~Leaves narrow-elliptic or narrow-ovate or lanceolate, less than 5.5 mm wide, often flat~4 4~Leaves 24–48 mm long; apex concave; margins entire~Styphelia longifolia 4*~Leaves 5–29 mm long; apex flat; margins toothed~5 5~Flowers pendent; peduncle 1–2 mm long; leaves lanceolate to narrow-ovate~Styphelia angustifolia 5*~Flowers erect; sessile; most leaves elliptic to more or less oblanceolate~Styphelia adscendens 6~Branchlets usually glabrous; leaves with margins entire~7 6*~Branchlets scabrous to minutely bristly; leaves with margins toothed or minutely fringed~8 7~Most leaves oblong, apex obtuse; lamina flat to slightly convex, margins recurved; sepals 5–7 mm long~Styphelia psiloclada 7*~Most leaves elliptic to oblong-elliptic, apex acute; lamina flat to slightly concave, margins not recurved; sepals 8–13 mm long~Styphelia triflora 8~Most leaves elliptic; lamina slightly convex, margins recurved, distinctly toothed; flowers pendent; peduncles 4–5 mm long~Styphelia perileuca 8*~Most leaves oblong; lamina flat to slightly concave, margins not recurved, minutely fringed; flowers erect or spreading; peduncles 1.5–3.5 mm long~Styphelia viridis #{gn}Lythrum 1~Flowers in spike-like conflorescences at the top of the stem; leaves almost all opposite or whorled, more or less cordate at the base~Lythrum salicaria 1*~Flowers solitary or few in the axils of unreduced leaves; leaves usually alternate, lamina obtuse or rounded at the base~2 2~Flowers in groups of 3–7 in the leaf axils; plants usually erect~Lythrum wilsonii 2*~Flowers solitary in the leaf axils; plants procumbent or ascending~Lythrum hyssopifolia #{gn}Macadamia 1~Leaves mostly in whorls of 4, base very obtuse, more or less sessile or petioles less than 3 mm long; new growth reddish~Macadamia tetraphylla 1*~Leaves mostly in whorls of 3, base more or less narrow-cuneate, petiole more than 5 mm long; new growth pale green~Macadamia integrifolia #{gn}Maclura 1~Woody climber or straggling shrub, latex often more or less milky; male inflorescence 6–8 mm diam., flowers more or less sessile, peduncle 2–6 mm long; fruit less than 2 cm diam~Maclura cochinchinensis 1*~Trees or tall shrubs, latex often sparse except in the fruit; male inflorescence 15–20 mm diam., pedicels 5–8 mm long, peduncle 20–40 mm long; fruit more than 5 cm diam~Maclura pomifera #{gn}Macroptilium 1~Leaflets lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, unlobed, lower surface sparsely pubescent; flowers crimson to pink; erect or climbing herb~Macroptilium lathyroides 1*~Leaflets ovate to rhombic, lateral leaflets lobed near base, lower surface densely whitish pubescent; flowers dark reddish black or purple; decumbent or twining herb~Macroptilium atropurpureum #{gn}Maireana 1~Fruit with 5 more or less horizontal wings surrounding the upper perianth~2 1*~Fruit with a single wing surrounding the upper perianth; appendages or accessory wings may also be present~8 2~Fruit with erect appendages arising from the upper perianth~3 2*~Fruit without erect appendages~4 3~Wings flat, truncate or rounded at apex; fruit shortly woolly~Maireana lobiflora 3*~Wings spine-like; fruit densely silky-woolly~Maireana sclerolaenoides 4~Fruit wheel-like, with 5 flattened T-shaped lobes, pubescent with curled hairs~Maireana cheelii 4*~Fruit with lobed wing or 5 fan-shaped to crescentic lobes; lobes glabrous or hairy~5 5~Wing of fruit silky-woolly, 5-lobed~Maireana eriantha 5*~Wing(s) of fruit glabrous~6 6~Wing(s) thin, obovate to fan-shaped~7 6*~Wings small, imbricate, crescentic, incurved or inflated on margins~Maireana enchylaenoides 7~Leaves not attenuate at base, often hairy; wing simple and finely crenate if present~Maireana microphylla 7*~Leaves attenuate at base, glabrous; wing of 5 free lobes~Maireana brevifolia 8~Fruit either less than 5 mm diam. and more or less densely silky-pilose or mostly more than 5 mm diam. and then fruit glabrous with large rounded soft spongy tube~9 8*~Fruit not combining the above characters~13 9~Fruit less than 5 mm diam., more or less densely silky-pilose; tube mostly flat and continuous with the narrow wing~10 9*~Fruit (including wing) mostly over 5 mm diam., glabrous with large rounded soft spongy tube; upper perianth more or less flat~12 10~Upper surface of fruit with an erect cup-shaped appendage~Maireana coronata 10*~Fruit with either a central raised pentagonal area or 5 narrow radial ridges~11 11~Fruit 2.5–4 mm diam., upper surface with a central raised pentagonal area~Maireana pentagona 11*~Fruit c. 4 mm diam., upper surface with 5 narrow radial ridges~Maireana ciliata 12~Branches with a pale fawn indumentum of dendritic hairs; horizontal wing not decurrent on tube~Maireana campanulata 12*~Branches with a white woolly indumentum of simple hairs; horizontal wing attached by a short decurrent wing to tube~Maireana spongiocarpa 13~Either 1–5 vertical wings on the tube or above the horizontal wing, or vertical appendages present on upper perianth, or vertical wings on tube and appendages on upper perianth absent and then the plant glabrous apart from axillary hair tufts~14 13*~Vertical wings and appendages as above absent, plants variously hairy~21 14~One to five vertical wings on the tube or above the horizontal wing~15 14*~No vertical wings on tube~18 15~Plant glabrous or almost so~Maireana triptera 15*~Plant hairy, at least on branches~16 16~Leaves villous; perianth lobes erect and longer than the tube~Maireana schistocarpa 16*~Leaves glabrous; perianth lobes not erect~17 17~Vertical wings running length of tube and united at apex with horizontal wing; perianth lobes prominently woolly-ciliate~Maireana erioclada 17*~Vertical wings often present only towards base of tube; perianth lobes arched and prominently tomentose~Maireana pentatropis 18~Vertical appendages present on upper perianth~Maireana lanosa 18*~No vertical appendages present above the wing~19 19~Upper perianth convex; leaves linear to semiterete, shortly spurred at base; fruit straw-coloured when dry~Maireana aphylla 19*~Upper perianth more or less flat; leaves terete; fruit dark brown to black when dry~20 20~Leaves not fleshy; stem sparsely hairy with short, straight appressed hairs~Maireana microphylla 20*~Leaves fleshy; stem sparsely hairy with short woolly hairs~Maireana decalvans 21~Wing of fruit glabrous~22 21*~Wing of fruit pubescent above~44 22~Upper perianth flat or slightly concave or convex~23 22*~Upper perianth columnar with large erect lobes~43 23~Tube of fruit abruptly narrowed at base into a prominent terete stipe-like base 1–3 mm long~24 23*~Tube not forming a prominent stipe-like base~25 24~Upper perianth convex, open in centre to expose utricle~Maireana aphylla 24*~Upper perianth flat or slightly sunken, completely covering utricle~Maireana appressa 25~Tube expanded into a hollow spongy base~Maireana excavata 25*~Tube not, or scarcely, expanded at base~26 26~Wing of fruit with radial slit~27 26*~Wing of fruit continuous, without a radial slit; leaves semiterete~40 27~Leaves, branches and flowers closely tomentose with dendritic hairs; leaves obovate; tube and convex upper perianth of fruit pubescent~Maireana astrotricha 27*~Leaves and branches with more or less simple hairs or glabrous~28 28~Fruit large, wing c. 15 mm diam. or more; tube thick-walled, turbinate~Maireana georgei 28*~Fruit with wing 5–14 mm diam., tube not thick-walled~29 29~Tube of fruit pubescent; upper perianth more or less flat; leaves obovate to oblong, succulent~Maireana sedifolia 29*~Tube of fruit glabrous; leaves various~30 30~Leaves flattened, linear to obovate~Maireana villosa 30*~Leaves terete, semiterete or obovate~31 31~Fruit produced into a short, terete, hollow stipe-like base, straw-coloured when dry~32 31*~Fruit without a stipe-like base~33 32~Open, divaricately branched shrub; branches striate and often spinescent; upper perianth convex and open in centre~Maireana aphylla 32*~Branches more or less ascending, neither spinescent nor striate; upper perianth flat or sunken and completely covering utricle~Maireana appressa 33~Upper perianth with a convex disc, open in centre~34 33*~Upper perianth more or less flat, concave, or if convex then closed in centre~35 34~Stem striate; leaves sessile, woolly to glabrescent~Maireana aphylla 34*~Stem not obviously striate, leaves narrowed at base, glabrous~Maireana rohrlachii 35~Upper perianth tomentose~36 35*~Fruit glabrous or sparsely villous~37 36~Wing with fine but obvious radiating veins~Maireana radiata 36*~Wing of fruit with indistinct or no visible veins~Maireana integra 37~Branches sparsely strigose, sparsely villous or somewhat woolly when very young; leaves slender, 2–10 mm long; wing of fruit finely crenate; flowers in leafy spike-like inflorescences~Maireana microphylla 37*~Branches more or less tomentose, at least on young parts, rarely glabrous; flowers not in leafy spike-like inflorescences~38 38~Leaves tomentose; fruit straw-coloured when dry~Maireana appressa 38*~Leaves glabrous or sparsely villous; fruit brown when dry~39 39~Upper perianth closed in centre; tube firm~Maireana microcarpa 39*~Upper perianth open in centre, exposing the utricle; tube weak~Maireana decalvans 40~Fruit large, wing c. 15 mm diam., tube turbinate, smooth~Maireana turbinata 40*~Fruit small, wing 11 mm or less in diam., tube hemispherical to cupular~41 41~Leaves 2–5 mm long, appressed on younger branches; wing 4–6 mm diam~Maireana ovata 41*~Leaves more than 5 mm long, spreading; wing usually 8–10 mm diam~42 42~Upper perianth pubescent~Maireana integra 42*~Upper perianth glabrous, or almost so, apart from the ciliate lobes~Maireana tomentosa 43~Leaves 2–6 mm long, shortly pubescent; no vertical wing on tube~Maireana pyramidata 43*~Leaves 5–12 mm long, appressed-villous; tube with a narrow vertical wing~Maireana schistocarpa 44~Upper perianth erect and columnar~Maireana schistocarpa 44*~Upper perianth not erect and columnar~45 45~Perianth tube thin-walled, base expanded into a hollow stipe; leaves semiterete, c. 10 mm long~Maireana trichoptera 45*~Perianth tube with a hard boss-like base; leaves narrow-elliptic to narrow-obovate, mostly 7–12 mm long~Maireana humillima #{fm}MALACEAE 1~Fruit a cluster of dehiscent follicles; trees, shrubs, subshrubs or herbs; stipules lacking or very small or falling early, if prominent the leaves pinnate or incisely lobed~2 1*~Fruit an indehiscent pome; woody shrubs or small trees; leaves stipulate, though stipules often small or shed early~3 2~Plants herbaceous; leaves 2- or 3-ternate~Aruncus 2*~Plants woody, or sometimes more or less herbaceous; leaves simple~Spiraea 3~Carpels bony in fruit, separable into pyrenes~4 3*~Carpels membranous to leathery in fruit, not separable~6 4~Leaves simple, entire; branchlets never spiny; fruit 4–8 mm diam., seeds 2–5~Cotoneaster 4*~Leaves toothed (at least obscurely so) or lobed; branchlets usually spiny; fruit 4–15 mm diam., seeds 1–5~5 5~Leaves evergreen, shallowly or obscurely toothed or crenate, petiole 0–8 mm; flowers less than 8 mm diam.; carpels with 2 ovules; fruit less than 10 mm diam., seeds 5~Pyracantha 5*~Leaves deciduous or semideciduous, closely toothed to deeply and incisely lobed, petiole more than 10 mm long; flowers usually more than 10 mm diam.; carpels each with 1 ovule and 1 ovulode; fruit more than 10 mm diam., seeds 1–5~Crataegus 6~Leaves evergreen, simple, entire, shallowly toothed to regularly and sharply toothed~7 6*~Leaves deciduous, compound or simple and finely toothed or pinnately lobed~9 7~Leaves >7.5 cm long and densely brownish woolly-tomentose on lower surface; inflorescences densely velvety-tomentose; fruit >15m diam~Eriobotrya 7*~Leaves 3–17 cm long and glabrous, or almost so; inflorescences glabrous or almost so; fruit 5–10 mm diam~8 8~Leaves 3–8 cm long; fruit 5–10 mm diam., bluish~Rhaphiolepis 8*~Leaves 9–17 cm long; fruit 5–6 mm diam., red~Photinia 9~Inflorescences umbellate or raceme-like; fruit more than 50 mm diam~Malus 9*~Inflorescences branched, sometimes small and umbel-like; fruit c. 20 mm diam~Sorbus #{gn}Malacocera 1~Flowers paired in leaf axils; appendages linear, 2.5–4.5 mm long, filiform~Malacocera albolanata 1*~Flowers solitary in axils; appendages semiterete, 3.5–6.0 mm long~Malacocera tricornis #{gn}Mallotus 1~Leaves opposite, mostly regularly toothed, sometimes more or less entire~Mallotus claoxyloides 1*~Leaves alternate, margins not toothed, entire or almost so~2 2~Shoots and main veins covered with whitish hairs; fruit and leaves without red granular glands, lower surface of leaves covered with minute yellowish surface glands; inflorescence axillary, unbranched~Mallotus discolor 2*~Shoots and main veins rusty-hairy; fruit and lower surface of leaves covered with red, often granular, surface glands; inflorescence terminal, mostly branched~Mallotus philippensis #{gn}Malvastrum 1~Flowers sessile, arranged in a dense terminal spike 2–4 cm long; stems and leaves with minute 5–10-branched stellate hairs~Malvastrum americanum 1*~Flowers very shortly pedicellate in axils of foliage leaves, sometimes clustered at the ends of branches; stems and leaves with simple or usually 5-branched stellate hairs~Malvastrum coromandelianum #{fm}MARSILEACEAE 1~Sterile fronds with 4 cuneate to fan-shaped leaflets~Marsilea 1*~Sterile fronds filiform, lacking leaflets~Pilularia #{gn}Marsilea 1~Rhizomes and fronds virtually glabrous, a few hairs sometimes present at the base of the leaflets; body of sporocarp globose, lacking teeth~Marsilea mutica 1*~Rhizomes and fronds variously hairy; sporocarps not globose, teeth present~2 2~Sporocarps with stalk 1.5–10 times the length of the body of the sporocarp~Marsilea drummondii 2*~Sporocarps with stalk shorter than the length of the body of the sporocarp~3 3~Upper side of the sporocarps flat or concave, the apex pointed; teeth 2, the lower one usually recurved~Marsilea exarata 3*~Upper side of sporocarps flat or convex, the apex rounded; teeth 1 or 2, the lower one, when present, not recurved~4 4~Teeth 2, triangular, ± equal; leaflets 5–13 mm wide, usually equally arranged~Marsilea hirsuta 4*~Tooth 1, often a second, false, tooth is formed by the apex of the stalk; leaflets to 5 mm wide, unequally arranged and distinctly paired~Marsilea costulifera #{fm}MARTYNIACEAE 1~Sepals fused into 5-lobed calyx~Proboscidea 1*~Sepals 5, free~2 2~Fertile stamens 4; capsule prickly, horns as long as or longer than the body~Ibicella 2*~Fertile stamens 2; capsule not prickly, horns shorter than the body~Martynia #{gn}Matricaria 1~Heads discoid; ligules absent~Matricaria matricarioides 1*~Heads radiate; ligules present~Matricaria recutita #{gn}Maytenus 1~Leaves linear to narrow-elliptic or oblanceolate, 2–15 mm wide; petioles 1–2 mm long~2 1*~Leaves ovate, obovate or elliptic, 10–40 mm wide; petioles 2–12 mm long~3 2~Leaves 2–15 mm wide, discolorous, lower surface grey–green, upper surface usually darker, margins recurved and toothed or entire~Maytenus silvestris 2*~Leaves 2–8 mm wide, more or less concolorous, bright green, margins flat and entire~Maytenus cunninghamii 3~Leaves with margins usually toothed; petioles 2–5 mm long; seeds surrounded by an orange aril~Maytenus bilocularis 3*~Leaves with margins entire or occasionally slightly toothed; petioles 3–12 mm long; seeds with a yellow aril at base~Maytenus disperma #{gn}Medicago 1~Pods neither spiny nor tuberculate~2 1*~Pods tuberculate to spiny~7 2~Inflorescences 10–50-flowered; peduncles more than twice as long as subtending petioles~3 2*~Inflorescences 1–10-flowered (rarely to 15-flowered in Medicago tornata); peduncles less than twice as long as subtending petioles~4 3~Pods reniform, with only the distal end coiled, 1-seeded; corolla yellow; standard 2–2.5 mm long~Medicago lupulina 3*~Pods cylindrical, 2–3-coiled, 2–6-seeded; corolla violet; standard 6–12.5 mm long~Medicago sativa 4~Pods 11–17 mm diam., lateral veins not visible~5 4*~Pods 2.5–10 mm diam., lateral veins visible~6 5~Coils of pods concave, lower coils enclosing upper ones; pods ellipsoid or cup-shaped~Medicago scutellata 5*~Coils of pods convex, stacked together on top of one another; pods lenticular~Medicago orbicularis 6~Pods with lateral veins separated from dorsal suture by a narrow deep groove; coils with flat sides, 15–20 radial veins per coil~Medicago polymorpha 6*~Pods with lateral veins separated from dorsal suture by a flat region; coils with convex sides, c. 10 radial veins per coil~Medicago tornata 7~Upper surface of leaflets sparsely to densely hairy when young~8 7*~Upper surface of leaflets glabrous~9 8~Stipules hairy only on lower surface, weakly toothed to deeply incised; pods with lateral veins separated from dorsal suture by narrow, deep groove, dorsal suture narrow~Medicago truncatula 8*~Stipules hairy on both surfaces, entire to weakly toothed; pods with lateral veins separated from dorsal suture by a broad, slightly concave region, dorsal suture wide~Medicago minima 9~At least some leaflets deeply laciniate~Medicago laciniata 9*~Leaflets entire to toothed~10 10~Pods 10–14 mm diam~Medicago intertexta 10*~Pods 4–9 mm diam~11 11~Dorsal suture bisected by a shallow groove; leaflets marked by an upper central blotch or a very wide shield occupying the basal two-thirds of the leaflet~Medicago arabica 11*~Dorsal suture not grooved; leaflets either not marked or with darker flecks or a basal darker patch~12 12~Calyx teeth longer than tube; keel shorter than wings; inflorescences 1–10-flowered; terminal leaflets 8–27 mm long; peduncles shorter than to twice as long as the subtending petioles~Medicago polymorpha 12*~Calyx teeth shorter than tube; keel longer than wings; inflorescences 1–3-flowered; terminal leaflets 5.5–12 mm long; peduncles shorter than subtending petioles~13 13~Standards 4.5–6 mm long; pods 5–6 mm diam., dorsal suture elevated above lateral veins; 7–14-seeded; leaflets oblanceolate~Medicago laciniata 13*~Standards 2–3 mm long; pods 4–5 mm diam., dorsal suture level with lateral veins; 3–6-seeded; leaflets obovate to obcordate~Medicago praecox #{sp}Megathyrsus maximus 1~Glumes and sterile lemma glabrous~var. maximus 1*~Upper glume and sterile lemma loosely and softly pubescent~var. pubiglumis #{fm}MELIACEAE 1~Leaves compound with 2–many leaflets; petals less than 2 cm long~2 1*~Leaves simple; petals c. 2.5 cm long~Turraea 2~Leaves 2–3-pinnate, leaflets usually more or less toothed~Melia 2*~Leaves 1-pinnate, leaflets generally entire~3 3~Stamens with filaments free; seeds winged~Toona 3*~Stamens with filaments fused into a tube; seeds not winged~4 4~Fruit a drupe with woody endocarp; staminal tube with frilly lobes and terminated by appendages~Owenia 4*~Fruit a capsule; staminal tube not as above~5 5~Leaves with usually 10–23 leaflets; staminal tube attached about halfway to petals~Dysoxylum 5*~Leaves with 2–11 leaflets; staminal tube not fused to petals~6 6~Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets 5–11; capsule depressed-globose~Synoum 6*~Leaves paripinnate, leaflets 2 or 4, or rarely 6; capsule obovoid or globose~Anthocarapa #{gn}Melichrus 1~Leaves with margins long-ciliate and with scattered long hairs on lower surface; tip 1.3–2.6 mm long, fine, often broken, not pungent~Melichrus procumbens 1*~Leaves with margins entire or minutely toothed, glabrous or minutely scabrous on lower surface; tip 0.4–1.8 mm long, pungent~2 2~Leaves densely imbricate, erect and appressed over much of branch; margins more or less entire and broad-hyaline towards base; fruit more or less globose, apex rounded~Melichrus adpressus 2*~Leaves mainly erect to subreflexed; margins evenly toothed, narrow-hyaline; fruit depressed-globose, flat-topped~3 3~Sepals always tinged pink or red, glabrous except for ciliolate margins; flowers pink to deep red, corolla tube 2.5–3.8 mm long; fruit cherry-red overall when ripe~Melichrus erubescens 3*~Sepals greenish white, more or less glabrous to velvety and with ciliate margins; flowers white, cream or yellow-green, corolla tube 4–5 mm long; fruit 2-toned, whitish or purplish green, lower half darker and matt, the upper lighter and subglossy~Melichrus urceolatus #{gn}Melicope 1~Larger leaflets >13 cm long.~2 1*~Larger leaflets <13 cm long.~3 2~Terminal petiolules usually >10 mm long or leaflets sessile; inflorescences terminal or in upper axils amongst the leaves; flowers white, greenish white or cream.~Melicope vitiflora 2*~Terminal petiolules usually <10 mm long; inflorescences compact axillary panicles, usually ramiflorous; flowers pink.~Melicope elleryana 3~Leaflets obovate to oblong-obovate, glabrous or softly pubescent on lower surface; ovary pubescent.~Melicope micrococca 3*~Leaflets ovate to elliptic or narrowly so, glabrous; ovary glabrous apart from tufts of hair at junction of ovary and disc.~Melicope hayesii #{gn}Melilotus 1~Racemes 3–12-flowered, shorter than subtending leaves; pods more or less ovoid, acute, 5–8 mm long, concentrically ridged; stipules prominently toothed~Melilotus siculus 1*~Racemes 10–100-flowered, longer than subtending leaves; pods more or less globose, obtuse, 2–5 mm long, reticulate- to transversely-wrinkled; stipules more or less bristle-like and entire or broader and toothed towards base~2 2~Flowers 2–3 mm long; pods c. 2 mm long; stipules more or less lanceolate, dilated and toothed towards base; annual~Melilotus indicus 2*~Flowers 5–7 mm long; pods 3–5 mm long; stipules bristle-like and entire; biennial~3 3~Flowers yellow; fruiting racemes mostly 5–10 cm long~Melilotus officinalis 3*~Flowers white; fruiting racemes 10–25 cm long~Melilotus albus #{gn}Melinis 1~Spikelet c. 2 mm long (excluding awn); glumes and lower lemma glabrous~Melinis minutiflora 1*~Spikelet 3–5 mm long (excluding awn and hairs); glumes and lower lemma silky with hairs to 5 mm long~Melinis repens #{fm}RESTIONACEAE2 1~Bracteoles present; flowers not in definite spikelets, more or less loosely arranged in panicle-like inflorescence, but the branches sometimes reduced to more or less sessile clusters and the panicle often becoming spike-like (Sporadanthus to be separated)~Lepyrodia 1*~Bracteoles absent; flowers in spikelets~2 2~Monoecious; male spikelets terminal and solitary; female spikelets solitary in the axils near the base of the culm~Coleocarya 2*~Dioecious; male spikelets axillary or terminal, female spikelets terminal or axillary, solitary of more than 2 together, similar or dissimilar to male spikelets~3 3~Male spikelets axillary; upper leaf sheaths green with a spreading or reflexed, subulate tip~Empodisma 3*~Male spikelets either terminal (solitary or in an inflorescence) or if axillary then leaf sheaths not as in 3~4 4~Male inflorescence or individual spikelets erect or if drooping then spikelets 3–5 mm diam.; anthers exserted (Chordifex & Eurychorda to be separated)~Baloskion 4*~Male inflorescence or individual spikelets nodding or drooping; spikelets less than 3 mm diam.; anthers not exserted~5 5~Culms mostly unbranched, straight, smooth, greyish with closely appressed, minute, scale-like trichomes; spikelets c. 1 mm diam., 3–4 mm long~Leptocarpus 5*~Culms mostly branched, often flexuous, striate, hoary-tomentose when young; spikelets c. 2 mm diam., up to 8 mm long~Hypolaena #{gn}Mentha 1~Clusters of flowers in upper leaf axils, with branch visible between the clusters; calyx 13-veined (except M. pulegium 10-veined)~2 1*~Flower clusters terminal, forming a spike-like inflorescence, clusters subtended by narrow bracts, not subtended by leaves, with branch frequently not visible between the clusters; calyx 10-veined~6 2~Calyx lobes villous on inner surface; clusters few-flowered. (Mentha satureioides group)~3 2*~Calyx lobes with short more or less spreading hairs on inner surface, not villous; clusters few- to many-flowered~4 3~Branches almost glabrous; calyx glabrous on outer surface; flowers in 3-flowered clusters per leaf axil; leaves narrow-elliptic to linear-elliptic, 0.5–3.5 cm long, 0.2–0.7 cm wide; margins entire~Mentha satureioides 3*~Branches and calyx hairy; flowers in 3–8-flowered clusters per leaf axil; leaves ovate, often angular-ovate, rarely narrow-ovate or elliptic, 0.6–2 cm long, 0.4–1.2 cm wide; margins entire or sometimes with distant shallow teeth~Mentha diemenica 4~Flowers 2–6, rarely more per leaf axil~Mentha laxiflora 4*~Flowers crowded in dense clusters, at least 10 flowers per leaf axil~5 5~Leaves narrow-ovate, 1.2–6 cm long, 8–20 mm wide, margins with 2–7 teeth, apex acute; calyx 13-veined; corolla white or pink~Mentha australis 5*~Leaves obovate, elliptic to more or less circular, 0.6–3 cm long, 4–20 mm wide, margins entire or with small blunt teeth, apex obtuse or rounded; calyx 10-veined; corolla usually pale-mauve to lilac~Mentha pulegium 6~Branches and lower surface of leaves densely hairy, with branched and long simple hairs~Mentha x rotundifolia 6*~Branches and leaves glabrous or sparsely hairy, especially on the veins~7 7~Basal leaves sessile; plants producing fruit; calyx lobes about half the length of calyx~Mentha x spicata 7*~Basal leaves petiolate; plants not producing fruit; calyx lobes a third the length of calyx~Mentha x piperita #{gn}Micrantheum 1~Stamens 3; female perianth segments 1–3 mm long; heath-like shrub to 70 cm high, branches and sometimes leaves pubescent~Micrantheum ericoides 1*~Stamens 6 or 9; female perianth segments 4–5 mm long; erect shrub to 2 m high, mostly glabrous although the branches sometimes pubescent~Micrantheum hexandrum #{sp}Microlaena stipoides 1~Awns on the sterile lemmas as long as to more than twice as long as the lemmas; spikelets green~var. stipoides 1*~Awns on the sterile lemmas much shorter than the lemmas (awn on upper sterile lemma sometimes equal to the lemma); spikelets usually purplish~var. breviseta #{gn}Micromyrtus 1~Flowers 6-merous; ovules usually 8~Micromyrtus hexamera 1*~Flowers 5-merous; ovules 2 or 4~2 2~Ovules 2; hypanthium less than 1 mm long~Micromyrtus minutiflora 2*~Ovules 4–66; hypanthium usually more than 1 mm long~3 3~Leaves with keel ciliate; margins of sepals fimbriate~Micromyrtus blakelyi 3*~Leaves with keel glabrous; margins of sepals minutely toothed to entire~4 4~Hypanthia flanked with 2 lateral pairs of ribs.~Micromyrtus ciliata 4*~Hypanthia with 5–8 ribs, ± equally spaced.~5 5~Hypanthia 5-ribbed.~6 5*~Hypanthia up to 8-ribbed, ribs branching acutely towards the base of hypanthia.~Micromyrtus striata 6~Leaves obovate, oblanceolate to oblong, 0.6–1.4 mm wide; flowers distinctly pedunculate.~Micromyrtus grandis 6*~Leaves linear to oblanceolate, 0.5–0.8 mm wide; flowers ± sessile.~Micromyrtus sessilis #{gn}Microsorum 1~Rhizome scales spreading and persistent; fronds membranous~Microsorum scandens 1*~Rhizome scales appressed, not persistent; fronds leathery~Microsorum pustulatum #{sp}Microsorum pustulatum 1~Sori slightly (rarely deeply) sunken into lamina, about half way in from margin~subsp. pustulatum 1*~Sori deeply sunken into lamina, submarginal to about one third of the way in from margin~subsp. howense #{gn}Microtis 1~Labellum 3–4 mm long, at least two-thirds as long as the slender, elongate ovary~Microtis rara 1*~Labellum 1–2.5 mm long, less than half as long as the turgid ovary~2 2~Labellum cordate, without apical callus, margins entire or undulate~Microtis parviflora 2*~Labellum oblong, with an apical callus, margins more or less crenate, papillose or granular~Microtis unifolia #{subfm}MIMOSOIDEAE 1~Mature plants with phyllodes, 'leaves' appearing simple.~Acacia 1*~Leaves bipinnate.~2 2~Majority of leaflets >12 mm wide, usually <12 leaflets per pinna; plants neither spiny nor bristly.~3 2*~Leaflets <12 mm wide and either numerous per pinna, or if c. 12 then plants spiny or bristly.~4 3~Leaves with leaflets alternate along the pinnae rachis and mostly with 2–4 pairs of pinnae; pods ± papery.~Pararchidendron 3*~Leaves either with leaflets opposite along the pinnae rachis (pinnae 1–5 pairs), or if leaflets alternate then leaves with only 1 or 1 pair of pinnae; pods leathery to woody.~Archidendron 4~Stamens usually 5 or 10.~5 4*~Stamens numerous, >10 per flower.~8 5~Stems armed with spines or prickles.~6 5*~Stems neither spinose nor prickly.~7 6~Spines straight, >10 mm long; petiole and rachis of mature leaves glabrous; flowers greenish yellow; pods ± moniliform, not bristly, >5 cm long.~Prosopis 6*~Prickles recurved, <5 mm long; petiole and rachis of leaves hairy; flowers pink; pods not moniliform, bristly, <3 cm long.~Mimosa 7~Shrubs or trees; stipules absent.~Leucaena 7*~Prostrate herbs or subshrubs, <50 cm high; stipules persistent, 4–9 mm long.~Neptunia 8~Stamens free, usually <8 mm long; flowers in globose heads.~Acacia 8*~Stamens united into a tube at base, stamens >10 mm long; flowers in cylindrical racemes.~Paraserianthes #{sf}MIMOSOIDEAE 1~Mature plants with phyllodes, 'leaves' appearing simple.~Acacia 1*~Leaves bipinnate.~2 2~Majority of leaflets >12 mm wide, usually <12 leaflets per pinna; plants neither spiny nor bristly.~3 2*~Leaflets <12 mm wide and either numerous per pinna, or if c. 12 then plants spiny or bristly.~4 3~Leaves with leaflets alternate along the pinnae rachis and mostly with 2–4 pairs of pinnae; pods ± papery.~Pararchidendron 3*~Leaves either with leaflets opposite along the pinnae rachis (pinnae 1–5 pairs), or if leaflets alternate then leaves with only 1 or 1 pair of pinnae; pods leathery to woody.~Archidendron 4~Stamens usually 5 or 10.~5 4*~Stamens numerous, >10 per flower.~8 5~Stems armed with spines or prickles.~6 5*~Stems neither spinose nor prickly.~7 6~Spines straight, >10 mm long; petiole and rachis of mature leaves glabrous; flowers greenish yellow; pods ± moniliform, not bristly, >5 cm long.~Prosopis 6*~Prickles recurved, <5 mm long; petiole and rachis of leaves hairy; flowers pink; pods not moniliform, bristly, <3 cm long.~Mimosa 7~Shrubs or trees; stipules absent.~Leucaena 7*~Prostrate herbs or subshrubs, <50 cm high; stipules persistent, 4–9 mm long.~Neptunia 8~Stamens free, usually <8 mm long; flowers in globose heads.~Acacia 8*~Stamens united into a tube at base, stamens >10 mm long; flowers in cylindrical racemes.~Paraserianthes #{gn}Minuria 1~Stems and peduncles glabrous~2 1*~Stems and peduncles sparsely to densely pubescent~3 2~Uppermost leaves overtopping heads; disc florets with corolla tube 2–2.8 mm long~Minuria annua 2*~Uppermost leaves not overtopping heads; discfloretswith corolla tube c. 0.3 mm long~Minuria integerrima 3~Stems more or less woolly with stellate hairs;leaves with margins conspicuously toothed; sometimesentire apically~Minuria denticulata 3*~Stems pubescent with simple hairs; leaves with marginsentire~4 4~Leaves glabrous; ray florets with pappus 7.6–9 mm long~Minuria cunninghamii 4*~Leaves subglabrous to pubescent;florets with pappus2.5–4 mm long~Minuria leptophylla #{gn}Mirbelia 1~Leaves 2–10 mm long, apex with a minute, recurved point~Mirbelia oxylobioides 1*~Leaves mostly 10–40 mm long, if less then leaves linear, apex more or less pungent-pointed~2 2~Leaves narrow-ovate to ovate, 5–15 mm wide~Mirbelia platylobioides 2*~Leaves linear, occasionally oblong or narrow-ovate, 1–5 mm wide~3 3~Upper surface of leaves conspicuously reticulate~Mirbelia rubiifolia 3*~Upper surface of leaves scarcely reticulate, smooth or tuberculate~4 4~Flowers in terminal racemes or in upper axils; leaves 1.5–3 mm wide~Mirbelia confertiflora 4*~Flowers axillary, often solitary; leaves c. 1 mm wide~5 5~Calyx teeth more or less equal to tube; corolla bluish purple; erect shrub to c. 1 m high~Mirbelia speciosa 5*~Calyx teeth shorter than tube; corolla orange-yellow or orange-red with blue or purple markings; erect or prostrate shrub to 0.5 m high~6 6~Flowers 5–7 mm long; pods c. 3 mm long~Mirbelia pungens 6*~Flowers 8–15 mm long; pods c. 6 mm long~Mirbelia baueri #{sp}Mirbelia speciosa 1~Bracteoles shorter than calyx tube; leaves mostly 10–20 mm long.~subsp. speciosa 1*~Bracteoles longer than calyx tube; leaves 20–30 mm long, sometimes shorter for those subtending flowers.~subsp. ringrosei #{sp}Miscanthus sinensis 1~Leaves green throughout~var. sinensis 1*~Leaves green and white striped~2 2~Leaves transversely striped~var. zebrinus 2*~Leaves longitudinally striped~var. variegatus #{gn}Mischocarpus 1~Young branchlets, buds, peduncles, petioles and veins on lower leaf surfaces rusty-pubescent; leaflets 2 or rarely 4~Mischocarpus lachnocarpus 1*~Plants glabrous or with pale brown hairs; leaflets either 4 or more or if 2 then leaflets glabrous~2 2~Leaflets 4–8, petiolules 6–25 mm long; domatia always absent; arils orange~Mischocarpus pyriformis 2*~Leaflets 2or 4, petiolules less than 6 mm long; domatia usually present, but sometimes small and inconspicuous; arils purple~3 3~Domatia prominent, most leaflets with 1–3 large hairless domatia~Mischocarpus anodontus 3*~Domatia if present small and inconspicuous~Mischocarpus australis #{gn}Mitrasacme 1~Branches coarsely and densely hirsute, with long, more or less spreading hairs~2 1*~Branches glabrous or sparsely and shortly hairy; hairs more or less appressed~3 2~Plant prostrate or procumbent; inflorescence 1-flowered~Mitrasacme pilosa 2*~Plant erect; inflorescence umbellate, 3–5-flowered~Mitrasacme polymorpha 3~Inflorescence 1- or 2-flowered (calyx 4-lobed)~4 3*~Inflorescence umbellate, 3–5-flowered (calyx 2- or 4-lobed)~5 4~Flowers almost sessile; corolla c. 2 mm long; perennial herb, prostrate or procumbent~Mitrasacme serpyllifolia 4*~Flowers with pedicel up to 12 mm long; corolla 5–7 mm long; annual herb, mostly erect~Mitrasacme alsinoides 5~Calyx 2-lobed; corolla 1.8–3.5 mm long, just exserted from calyx, lobes 0.6–1 mm long~Mitrasacme paradoxa 5*~Calyx 4-lobed; corolla 3–5 mm long, lobes c. 2 mm long~Mitrasacme paludosa #{sp}Mitrasacme pilosa 1~Flowers on pedicels to 1 cm long, up to 1.5 cm long in fruit; south from the Kybean area~var. pilosa 1*~Flowers on pedicels to 4 cm long; south from the Blue Mtns~var. stuartii #{gn}Mollugo 1~Leaves mostly obovate to spathulate or oblanceolate, with at least some more than 10 mm long; capsule 3–4 mm long, longer than the perianth~Mollugo verticillata 1*~Leaves linear, less than 10 mm long; capsule less than 2.5 mm long, subequal to the perianth~Mollugo cerviana #{gn}Momordica 1~Plants pubescent or glabrescent; male flowers with bract towards base of flowering stalk, sometimes near middle; fruit dehiscing by 3 valves~Momordica charantia 1*~Plants glabrous; male flowers with bract towards top of stalk; fruit indehiscent~Momordica balsamina #{fm}MONIMIACEAE 1~Climbers or scrambling shrubs; young leaves and stems with rough stellate hairs; leaves usually entire, sometimes finely crenate; drupes enclosed in a fleshy receptacle that splits at maturity~Palmeria 1*~Trees or erect shrubs; glabrous or hairy, but hairs not stellate; leaves usually toothed, rarely entire or crenate; either drupes borne on an expanded receptacle or hairy achenes borne in a more or less woody receptacle that splits at maturity~2 2~Anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits; flowers commonly unisexual and plants dioecious~3 2*~Anthers dehiscing by valves opening from the base upwards; flowers bisexual or unisexual and the plants monoecious~4 3~Leaves leathery, usually thick and rigid; main veins raised and prominent, and reticulum either prominent and raised or obscure; perianth lobes 4 or 6, or 8 by duplication of the lobes to the inside~Wilkiea 3*~Leaves thin and soft, but firm; main veins raised and prominent, reticulum prominent but not raised; perianth lobes 6–10 in one whorl~Hedycarya 4~Leaves entire or irregularly toothed, and lower surface usually greyish or brownish and densely hairy or rarely green and more or less glabrous; flowers unisexual, solitary~Atherosperma 4*~Leaves regularly toothed to crenate, lower surface green and either glabrous or sparsely hairy; flowers bisexual, inflorescences 3–many-flowered~5 5~Secondary veins forming angle of less than 400with the midvein, looping to form an intramarginal vein; leaves glabrous, with a `sassafras' smell when crushed; perianth segments 4–6; inflorescences 3-flowered~Doryphora 5*~Secondary veins forming angle of 25–350 with the midvein, not looping at the ends to form an intramarginal vein; leaves hairy or glabrous, not strongly scented when crushed; perianth segments more than 10; inflorescences more than 4-flowered~Daphnandra #{gn}Monotaxis 1~Leaves with petioles usually 3–10 mm long, lamina more than 20 mm long; herb with erect glabrous stems~Monotaxis macrophylla 1*~Leaves sessile or shortly petiolate, lamina less than 20 mm long; subshrub with ascending or diffuse stems~Monotaxis linifolia #{gn}Monotoca 1~Bushy shrub or small tree; flowers many, in racemes crowded at end of branches and longer than the leaves, rarely solitary; bracts caducous; leaves broad-elliptic or obovate~Monotoca elliptica 1*~Compact low shrubs; flowers solitary or in few-flowered spikes shorter than the leaves; bracts usually persistent; leaves oblong, ovate to rotund or narrow-elliptic~2 2~Leaves with aristate tip; petiole yellow-green, scabrous; flowers in clusters of 2–5~Monotoca scoparia 2*~Leaves with callous tip; petiole pink or red, glabrous; flowers solitary or two together~3 3~Erect shrub more than 30 cm high; leaves narrow-oblong or narrow-elliptic; corolla tube 0.5–0.8 mm long; ovary oblong-cylindrical~Monotoca ledifolia 3*~Prostrate or ascending shrub to 30 cm high; leaves broad-ovate or oblong or more or less circular (particularly early seasonal growth); corolla tube 1–1.3 mm long; ovary depressed-globose~Monotoca rotundifolia #{sp}Montia fontana 1~Seed coat shiny, smooth to colliculate, no cells with tubercles, lateral cells elongate, seeds 1–1.5 mm diam~subsp. fontana 1*~Seed coat with at least some cells tuberculate~2 2~Seed coat dull, all cells with obtuse to rounded tubercles, lateral cells ± hexagonal, occasionally elongate, seeds 1–1.2 mm diam~subsp. chondrosperma 2*~Seed coat ± shiny, cells of keel with acute tubercles, lateral cells elongate, colliculate and without tubercles, seeds 0.7–1 mm diam~subsp. amporitana #{fm}MORACEAE 1~Branches with rigid axillary spines; male and female flowers in more or less globose heads, not enclosed in a fleshy receptacle; fruit compound, a syncarp, individual drupes fused into a more or less globose fruit by the fusion of the enlarged floral axis and fleshy perianths~Maclura 1*~Branches without spines; male flowers in spikes, male inflorescences variable; fruit solitary or compound but not as above~2 2~Trees or erect shrubs~3 2*~Climbers or scandent shrubs~5 3~Flowers formed within a hollow fleshy receptacle; true fruits achenes inside the false fruit, a fig; leaves mostly entire, rarely irregularly toothed, sometimes lobed on young plants; stipule scar encircling the stem~Ficus 3*~Flowers not within a hollow receptacle; fruit a drupe or cluster of drupes; leaves regularly toothed, sometimes lobed on young plants; stipule scar not encircling the stem~4 4~Leaves elliptic to lanceolate, not strongly 3-veined from the base; juvenile leaves often lobed; drupes solitary~Streblus 4*~Leaves ovate, strongly 3-veined from base; small drupes clustered and forming a multiple fruit~Morus 5~Plants climbing by adventitious roots~Ficus 5*~Plants without adventitious roots~Trophis #{sp}Muehlenbeckia diclina 1~Nut trigonous to subglobose with lateral furrows, shining, smooth or irregularly and slightly transversely wrinkled; anthers 0.6–1.0 mm long; open to sprawling subshrub, branches ascending, leaves ascending to spreading~subsp. diclina 1*~Nut sharply trigonous to triquetrous, sides concave to convex, rather dull and strongly irregularly wrinkled; anthers 0.7–1.5 mm long; erect subshrub with branches and leaves usually strongly ascending~subsp. stenophylla #{gn}Muelleranthus 1~Plants more or less densely covered with soft, spreading hairs; stipules broad-ovate, mostly 3–6 mm long, 2–4 mm wide; flowers 5–7 mm long; keel pale greenish yellow~Muelleranthus stipularis 1*~Plants glabrous or sparsely hairy; stipules broad- to narrow-ovate, mostly 2–4 mm long, 0.7–1.5 mm wide; flowers 7–12 mm long; keel dark purplish~Muelleranthus trifoliatus #{gn}Muellerina 1~Flowers single, mostly forming a simple, 2-flowered umbel~2 1*~Flowers in triads or, if single, forming a raceme of a least 6 flowers~3 2~Leaves linear-oblong, petiolate~Muellerina bidwillii 2*~Leaves ovate, sessile~Muellerina myrtifolia 3~Stems pendent; leaves linear to oblong, apex acute, mostly more than 8 cm long~Muellerina eucalyptoides 3*~Stems spreading; leaves oblong to circular, apex rounded, mostly less than 8 cm long~Muellerina celastroides #{fm}MYOPORACEAE 1~Corolla zygomorphic or rarely actinomorphic and then stamens 5, variously coloured or rarely white; stamens usually 4, enclosed or exserted, aggregated together or with distal ends converging; fruit dry or rarely succulent~Eremophila 1*~Corolla actinomorphic or nearly so, white or rarely pinkish; stamens 4, exserted with distal ends parallel or diverging; fruit succulent, rarely dry~Myoporum #{gn}Myoporum 1~Leaves and branches finely pubescent; fruit white often tinged pinkish~Myoporum betcheanum 1*~Leaves and branches glabrous; fruit variously coloured, but if white not tinged with pink~2 2~Plants prostrate, creeping, forming mats; leaves oblanceolate, apex obtuse, less than 8 mm wide; fruit white or rarely brown~Myoporum parvifolium 2*~Plants erect or appressed to coastal cliffs in exposed sites; leaves variable, apex obtuse or acute, more than 8 mm wide or if narrower leaf apex acute; fruit variable in colour but neither white nor brown~3 3~Fruit fleshy to succulent, ovoid to subglobose, 3–5- locular~4 3*~Fruit dry, compressed, ovate to oblong, 2-locular~7 4~Fruit and ovary prominently wrinkled~Myoporum acuminatum 4*~Fruit and ovary smooth~5 5~Leaves with margins usually obscurely toothed towards apex; sepals distinctly imbricate, with obvious translucent membranous margins~Myoporum insulare 5*~Leaves with margins entire; sepals valvate or very slightly imbricate, lacking obvious translucent membranous margins~6 6~Leaves linear to elliptic, apex attenuate; flowers spotted~Myoporum montanum 6*~Leaves ovate, obovate to oblanceolate or rarely more or less circular, apex obtuse to broad-acute; flowers unspotted~Myoporum boninense 7~Leaves linear to more or less terete, less than 2.5 mm wide, margins entire; foliage with an unpleasant smell~Myoporum floribundum 7*~Leaves linear to elliptic, more than 3 mm wide, margins toothed at least in the upper half; foliage without an unpleasant smell~8 8~Leaves finely toothed to near the base; fruit oblong, apex obtuse; sweetly scented shrub~Myoporum bateae 8*~Leaves sparsely toothed in the upper third to two-thirds; fruit ovate, apex acute; not obviously odorous~Myoporum platycarpum #{sp}Myoporum platycarpum 1~Corolla lobes shorter than tube; branches of mature tree flexuous, leaf and pedicel remnants forming distinct knobs~subsp. platycarpum 1*~Corolla lobes equal to or longer than tube; branches of mature tree not flexuous, leaf and pedicel remnants not knob-like~subsp. perbellum #{sp}Myriophyllum gracile 1~Leaves pinnately divided into usually 5 narrow segments, mostly 5–10 mm long. Male and female flowers usually on the same shoot, sometimes on separate shoots. Mericarps deep reddish brown, sparsely papillose~var. gracile 1*~Leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate, entire or shortly toothed, mostly 5–8 mm long. Male and female flowers on the same shoot or some shoots have females only. Mericarps deep reddish brown, densely papillose~var. lineare #{gn}Myriophyllum 1~Lower or submerged leaves always whorled~2 1*~All leaves opposite, alternate or irregularly arranged~12 2~Emergent leaves pinnately divided~3 2*~Emergent leaves entire or toothed~5 3~Emergent leaves glaucous, in whorls of 4–6, mostly with 10–18 segments on each side of the leaf~Myriophyllum aquaticum 3*~Emergent leaves green to reddish, usually in whorls of 2–4, with up to 6 segments on each side of the leaf~4 4~Mericarps ovoid, smooth or sparsely papillose; leaves often crowded at the tips of the stems~Myriophyllum alpinum 4*~Mericarps oblong, angular, distinctly warty; leaves not crowded~Myriophyllum verrucosum 5~Emergent leaves ovate or oblong, entire or with a few short teeth towards the apex~6 5*~Emergent leaves terete or lanceolate, entire or toothed~8 6~Mericarps oblong to ovoid, smooth to warty~7 6*~Mericarps cylindrical, spinose~Myriophyllum caput-medusae 7~Mericarps ovoid, smooth or minutely papillose~Myriophyllum salsugineum 7*~Mericarps oblong, distinctly warty~Myriophyllum verrucosum 8~Emergent leaves terete, linear or lanceolate, entire or toothed~9 8*~Emergent leaves lanceolate, shortly toothed in the upper half~Myriophyllum latifolium 9~Flowers and fruits solitary; styles white to pink; leaves in whorls of 3–8, emergent leaves usually more or less entire~10 9*~Flowers and fruits in axillary clusters; styles mauve to purple; leaves in whorls of 4–6, all emergent leaves toothed~Myriophyllum papillosum 10~Emergent leaves in whorls of 3–6; flowering shoot more or less cylindrical with a truncate tip; stem glabrous~11 10*~Emergent leaves in whorls of mostly 5–8; flowering shoot tapering to the tip; stem usually bearing scattered, small, crisped hairs~Myriophyllum crispatum 11~Fruit yellow-brown, c. 1.5 mm long, mericarps cylindrical; emergent leaves in strict whorls of usually 5; stigmas white; aquatic plant~Myriophyllum variifolium 11*~Fruit reddish purple, c. 1 mm long, mericarps ovoid; emergent leaves in whorls of mostly 3 or 4, sometimes irregularly so; stigmas pink (fading to white); aquatic or semiterrestrial plant~Myriophyllum simulans 12~Leaves all, or predominantly, alternate or irregular~13 12*~Leaves all, or predominantly, opposite~17 13~Plants perennial, adventitious roots produced along the stems~14 13*~Plants annual, more or less erect~Myriophyllum glomeratum 14~Male flowers with sepals; aquatic or terrestrial plants~15 14*~Male flowers lacking sepals; mat plants on wet ground~16 15~Lowermost leaves pinnately divided with 8 or more segments on each side of the leaf; mericarps ovoid~Myriophyllum simulans 15*~Lowermost leaves entire, trifid or pinnately divided with 2 or 3 segments on each side of the leaf; mericarps shortly cylindrical~Myriophyllum gracile 16~Mericarps papillose; leaves always entire; plants strictly dioecious~Myriophyllum implicatum 16*~Mericarps weakly ribbed by linking of papillae; leaves entire or pinnately lobed; plants monoecious or dioecious~Myriophyllum striatum 17~Mericarps ovoid with an attenuate apex, smooth or warty; leaves linear to trifid, mostly 4–20 mm long~Myriophyllum pedunculatum 17*~Mericarps cylindrical with a pale dorsal crest, smooth or papillate; leaves linear, rarely over 3 mm long~Myriophyllum lophatum #{sp}Myriophyllum pedunculatum 1~Stems robust; leaves closely spaced, linear to terete, 4–11 mm long, somewhat fleshy, entire~subsp. pedunculatum 1*~Stems weak; leaves distant, filiform, mostly 15–22 mm long, often with 1 or 2 slender lobes~subsp. longibracteolatum #{fm}MYRSINACEAE 1~Plants herbaceous~2 1*~Plants woody~4 2~Ovary half-inferior; radical leaves often present, cauline leaves alternate; staminodes present~Samolus 2*~Ovary superior; radical leaves lacking, cauline leaves opposite or in whorls; staminodes lacking~3 3~Capsule dehiscing from the apex into more or less triangular valves, or rarely splitting irregularly; flowers yellow; stems terete to angular, lacking prominent longitudinal keels, pubescent towards the apex; leaves petiolate or sessile~Lysimachia 3*~Capsule circumsciss; flowers red, pink, orange or blue; stems quadrangular with prominent longitudinal keels, glabrous; leaves sessile~Anagallis 4~Forest trees, shrubs or climbers; fruit an indehiscent drupe, more or less globose, not viviparous~5 4*~Mangroves; fruit a dehiscent capsule, elongated, viviparous~Aegiceras 5~Scandent shrub or woody climber; petals free~Embelia 5*~Trees or erect shrubs; petals fused below~6 6~Inflorescence paniculate, terminal or in upper axils; leaves with numerous, relatively large yellow to orange translucent dots~7 6*~Flowers in more or less sessile umbellate clusters, axillary; leaves without or with relatively small red or orange dots~Rapanea 7~Petioles neither winged nor decurrent on stem; anthers basifixed; fruit black~Ardisia 7*~Petioles slightly winged, decurrent on stem; anthers dorsifixed; fruit red~Tapeinosperma #{gn}Myrsine 1~Petiole >3mm long; fruit blue to mauve, pedicel usually >3 mm long: leaves entire or toothed~2 1*~Petiole <3 mm long; fruit black, on pedicel mostly <2 mm long; leaves entire~Myrsine subsessilis 2~Petiole 7–20 mm long: terminal buds rusty hairy (red-furry)~Myrsine howittiana 2*~Petiole 3–7 mm long; terminal buds glabrous or hairy with white to brownish hairs, but not red-furry~3 3~Leaves glossy, leathery, margins usually toothed with stiff teeth, not undulate, mostly oblanceolate; flowers mostly 4-merous; widespread in rainforest and open forest north from Milton~Myrsine variabilis 3*~Leaves not glossy, not leathery, margins entire and undulate, mostly elliptic; flowers usually 5-merous; grows in or on the ecotone of subtropical rainforest on the north coast, from the Richmond R. to the Mt Warning area~Myrsine richmondensis #{gn}Najas 1~Leaves c. 5 mm wide with inauriculate sheathing bases and numerous spine-tipped teeth along the margins; female flower mostly with 3 stigmas~Najas marina 1*~Leaves 1–3 mm wide with auriculate sheathing bases, and several inconspicuous teeth along the margins; female flower with 2- or 3-lobed stigmas~2 2~Leaf auricles obtuse, 0.3–0.5 mm long; seed less than 1.7 mm long~Najas browniana 2*~Leaf auricles acuminate, 0.5–1.5 mm long; seed 1.7 mm or longer~Najas tenuifolia #{sp}Najas marina 1~Stems and midrib on lower surface of leaves with fewer than 1 spine per cm~subsp. latior 1*~Stems and midrib on lower surface of leaves with >1 spine per cm~subsp. armata #{gn}Nassella 1~Lemma c. as long as broad, <3.5 mm long; summit of the crown without a cylindrical corona~2 1*~Lemma much longer than broad, >3.5 mm long; summit of the crown forming a cylindrical corona 0.5–2.5 mm long around the base of the awn~3 2~Awn 2–3.5 cm long; floret 1.5–2 mm long; inflorescence fully exserted and detaching at maturity~Nassella trichotoma 2*~Awn 4.5–9 cm long; floret 2–3 mm long; inflorescence often only partly exserted from sheath, detactching or not detaching at maturity~Nassella tenuissima 3~Floret c. 4 mm long; awn 35–40 mm long, column minutely scabrous with hairs less than 0.05 mm long~Nassella hyalina 3*~Floret 5.5–10 mm long; awn 45–85 mm long, column scabrous or pubescent with hairs usually 0.2 mm long~4 4~Lower glume 8–10 mm long; floret 5.5–6 mm long; coronal spines c. 0.1 mm long~Nassella megapotamia 4*~Lower glume 14–18 mm long; floret 6–10 mm long; coronal spines c. 0.5 mm long~Nassella neesiana #{gn}Nematolepis 1~Leaves >15 mm long, elliptic to broad-elliptic or ± ovate.~2 1*~Leaves <15 mm long, ovate to broad-obovate or broad-elliptic.~3 2~Leaves obtuse to acuminate; ovary glabrous.~Nematolepis squamea 2*~Leaves retuse; ovary with silvery scales.~Nematolepis elliptica 3~Leaves broad-ovate to broad-elliptic, apex obtuse to rounded, sometimes acute; bracteoles 2, ovate, grading into sepals, 1–1.5 mm long; ovary scaly.~Nematolepis ovatifolia 3*~Leaves obovate, apex obcordate; bracteoles 0–2, narrow-oblong, <1 mm long; ovary glabrous.~Nematolepis rhytidophylla #{gn}Neolitsea 1~Mature petioles covered with crooked hairs, usually less than 15 mm long; branchlets, petioles and at least main veins on lower surface of leaves hairy with brownish hairs~Neolitsea dealbata 1*~Mature petioles glabrous, generally more than 15 mm long; branchlets and leaves glabrous except when very young and then covered with straight hairs~Neolitsea australiensis #{gn}Neptunia 1~Pods 3–8-seeded, oblong; flowering peduncles mostly 4–10 cm long; glands absent from petiole and rachis.~Neptunia gracilis 1*~Pods 1-seeded, oval to circular, flowering peduncles 1–6.5 cm long; glands present on petiole and sometimes 1 or more on rachis.~Neptunia dimorphantha #{gn}Niemeyera 1~Leaves more or less elliptic to narrow-oblong; petiole 10–20 mm long; lower surface of lamina with yellowish hairs~Niemeyera antiloga 1*~Leaves oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate, petiole less than 10 mm long; lower surface of lamina, especially main veins, with rusty hairs~Niemeyera whitei #{gn}Notelaea 1~Venation of leaves distinct often more or less reticulate above~2 1*~Venation of leaves obscure on upper surface (except for the midvein)~8 2~Leaves with venation on lower surface raised and clear, usually as prominent or almost as prominent as upper surface (sometimes less prominently so in Notelaea longifolia)~3 2*~Leaves with venation on lower surface more obscure than upper surface unless masked by a velvety indumentum~6 3~Secondary veins showing progressive diminution in size, coarsely reticulate, merging with the marginal thickening to the lamina; fruit broad-ovoid to more or less globose, only a little longer than broad~4 3*~Secondary veins all more or less evenly finely and prominently reticulate, not clearly merging with the marginal thickening to the lamina; fruit ellipsoid to ovoid, distinctly longer than broad~5 4~Leaves narrow-ovate to narrow-lanceolate, base acute or obtuse, acuminate into petiole; bark greyish, finely fissured; shrub or small tree to 7 m high~Notelaea longifolia 4*~Leaves broad-ovate or ovate, occasionally narrow-ovate or rarely lanceolate or elliptic, base rounded; bark greyish, flaky; multistemmed shrub, rarely more than 1.5 m high~Notelaea ovata 5~Leaves with base cuneate or broad cuneate, tapering into petiole; axillary buds rounded, glabrous or rarely with hairs~Notelaea venosa 5*~Leaves with base round or subcordate; axillary buds pointed, glabrous~Notelaea sp. A sensu Harden (1992) 6~Leaves narrow-lanceolate to linear, 3–15 mm wide; petals greenish yellow, yellow or cream; fruit 10–15 mm long~7 6*~Leaves lanceolate to elliptic 15–50 mm wide; petals bluish black; fruit 18–20 mm long~Notelaea johnsonii 7~Leaves with venation of upper surface more or less clear and raised; secondary veins 5–7 pairs; fruit 7–10 mm long~Notelaea microcarpa 7*~Leaves with venation of upper surface more or less obscure except slightly raised secondary veins; secondary veins 7–10 pairs; fruit 5–6 mm long~Notelaea neglecta 8~Leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate, more than 7 times as long as broad~9 8*~Leaves elliptic to narrow elliptic, less than 7 times as long as broad~Notelaea johnsonii 9~Leaves 2–5 mm wide, venation completely obscure; inflorescences 4–10 mm long, c. 5-flowered~Notelaea linearis 9*~Leaves 3–8 mm wide, venation obscurely visible; inflorescence 10–20 mm long, 7–9-flowered~Notelaea neglecta #{sp}Notelaea microcarpa 1~Leaves glabrous or with only scattered hairs on both surfaces~var. microcarpa 1*~Leaves velvety, especially on lower surface~var. velutina #{gn}Notothixos 1~Inflorescence a single cymule of usually 3 flowers; peduncle erect, c. 2 mm long; leaves cuneate to spathulate, less than 30 mm long and less than 10 mm wide; indumentum white, appearing grey-green with age~Notothixos incanus 1*~Inflorescence of 3 or more cymules on a common axis; cymules with usually 7–9 flowers; leaves narrow-ovate to elliptic, mostly more than 30 mm long and more than 10 mm wide; indumentum golden (rarely greyish or silvery), or white or tawny~2 2~Inflorescences determinate, of 1 terminal or 2 lateral fan-like cymules; bracts 0.5–0.8 mm long~Notothixos subaureus 2*~Inflorescences indeterminate, of 4–12 decussate pairs of cymules in racemose arrangement; axis usually 25–60 mm long; bracts 1–1.5 mm long~Notothixos cornifolius #{fm}NYCTAGINACEAE 1~Herbs; leaves opposite; upper portion of perianth not persistent in fruit~2 1~Trees, shrubs or woody climbers; leaves alternate, opposite or pseudowhorled; upper part of perianth persistent in fruit~Pisonia 2~Stems prostrate or ascending; paired leaves at each node mostly unequal in size; perianth less than 5 mm long~Boerhavia 2*~Stems erect; paired leaves at each node equal in size; perianth more than 10 mm long~Mirabilis #{gn}Nymphaea 1~Plants with horizontal rhizomes or stolons; leaf margins usually entire, sometimes shallowly and regularly sinuate; flowers yellow, white, pink, red or orange~2 1*~Plants with short vertical rhizomes only; leaf margins toothed or irregularly sinuate; flowers blue, white, or rarely blue-pink~3 2~Plant with horizontal rhizomes producing roots all along; flowers various colours, rarely yellow; leaves without brown markings~Nymphaea alba and hybrids 2*~Plants with vertical rhizomes and horizontal stolons, roots only produced from vertical rhizomes; flowers yellow; leaves often with brown markings~Nymphaea mexicana and hybrids 3~Mature leaves toothed with acute, regularly-spaced teeth to c. 5 mm long; perianth segments obtuse, blue to white, fading with age; anthers without a terminal appendage~Nymphaea gigantea 3*~Mature leaves irregularly sinuate; perianth segments acute, blue, white or blue-pink, not changing with age; anthers with an obvious appendage~Nymphaea capensis #{gn}Nymphoides 1~Flowers white; leaves shortly petiolate; inflorescence borne immediately behind leaf~Nymphoides indica 1*~Flowers yellow; leaves long-petiolate; inflorescence separate from leaf base~2 2~Leaves with margins crenate; corolla lobes with a median fringed wing inside~Nymphoides crenata 2*~Leaves with margins entire or rarely slightly crenate; corolla lobes without an inner wing~3 3~Seeds strongly laterally compressed, ellipsoid, when mature shining smooth and black; robust perennial with long floating stolons and roots~Nymphoides montana 3*~Seeds more or less globose or slightly compressed, straw-coloured at first but black when mature, tuberculate; smaller than Nymphoides montana, usually not producing long, floating stolons~Nymphoides geminata #{gn}Nyssanthes 1~Stamens 2; leaves ovate, elliptic to obovate or oblanceolate, 15–25 mm long, 4–13 mm wide~Nyssanthes diffusa 1*~Stamens 4; leaves elliptic to oblong to lanceolate, 20–75 mm long, 15–20 mm wide~Nyssanthes erecta #{gn}Oberonia 1~Perianth red; labellum distinctly 3-lobed, otherwise with entire margins~Oberonia titania 1*~Perianth cream; labellum not distinctly lobed, with a shortly 2-fid tip and erose to fimbriate margins~Oberonia complanata #{gn}Ochrosperma 1~Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, straight~Ochrosperma lineare 1*~Leaves elliptic to obovate, usually recurved~2 2~Leaves strongly lemon-scented, 1.5–3 mm long; flowers c. 2.5 mm diam~Ochrosperma citriodorum 2*~Leaves not lemon-scented, 2.5–5.5 mm long; flowers 3.5–5 mm diam~Ochrosperma oligomerum #{gn}Oenothera 1~Capsules distinctly clavate, the narrow basal part sterile; flowers pink or white~2 1*~Capsules cylindrical to ovoid, fertile to the base; flowers yellow or white~4 2~Petals 20–35 mm long~3 2*~Petals c. 10 mm long~Oenothera rosea 3~Stems with long spreading hairs~Oenothera tetraptera 3*~Stems without long spreading hairs~Oenothera speciosa 4~Capsules ovoid with 4 broad wings~Oenothera triloba 4*~Capsules more or less cylindrical, without wings~5 5~Hypanthium 7 cm or more long~6 5*~Hypanthium less than 7 cm long~7 6~Cauline leaves ovate to elliptic; leaves subtending the fruit shorter than the capsules~Oenothera longiflora 6*~Leaves narrow-lanceolate; leaves subtending the fruit longer than the capsules~Oenothera affinis 7~Stems with some hairs dark red at base, stems appear red-spotted; flowers in a spike~Oenothera glazioviana 7*~Stems with hairs not dark red at base, stems not appearing red-spotted; flowers solitary in upper leaf axils~8 8~Cauline leaves sinuate-pinnatifid~Oenothera laciniata 8*~Cauline leaves sparsely toothed~9 9~Plants hairy~10 9*~Plants glabrous or sparsely hairy~11 10~Plants with coarse, moderately stiff hairs; cauline leaves obovate to oblanceolate, tapering to the base~Oenothera drummondii 10*~Plants with fine, soft hairs; cauline leaves narrow-lanceolate to elliptic, sessile~Oenothera mollissima 11~Hypanthium less than 2 cm long, petals less than 1.2 cm long; basal leaves usually less than 8 cm long, rosette often not persistent~Oenothera indecora 11*~Hypanthium more than 2 cm long, petals more than 1.2 cm long; basal leaves mostly more than 8 cm long, rosette always present~Oenothera stricta #{gn}Olax 1~Apex of leaves obtuse to acute, neither emarginate nor truncate; staminodes simple~2 1*~Apex of leaves emarginate or truncate; staminodes bifid~Olax retusa 2~Branchlets more or less terete; most leaves less than 10 mm long, less than 3 mm wide, linear to narrow-elliptic, apex hooked; corolla less than 5 mm long~Olax stricta 2*~Branchlets angular; leaves mostly more than 10 mm long, more than 3 mm wide, elliptic, apex not hooked; corolla more than 5 mm long~Olax angulata #{fm}old-ASCLEPIADA 1~Leafless scrambling or twining plants with long pale green succulent, jointed stems~Sarcostemma 1*~Plants with well-developed leaves, stems neither succulent nor jointed~2 2~Corolla sky-blue; corona of 5 erect dark blue ribbed segments, inserted on corolla tube, free from column~Tweedia 2*~Corolla and corona never blue; corona not as above~3 3~Erect plants to 2 m high, neither twining nor trailing~4 3*~Climbers with twining stems or lax, trailing plants~6 4~Flowers less than 6 mm diam., in compact umbels; corona segments small, not spreading; corolla urceolate, lobes spreading~Marsdenia 4*~Flowers 8–15 mm diam., in loose umbels; corona segments large, sac-shaped or boat-shaped, spreading, conspicuous; corolla rotate, lobes reflexed~5 5~Corolla red, corona yellow; corona segments with an erect or curved horn arising from inner face; follicle elongated, smooth~Asclepias 5*~Corolla and corona white; corona segments without a horn-like outgrowth; follicle soft, inflated, ovoid or globose with numerous soft, spine-shaped processes~Gomphocarpus 6~Leaves with (1 or) 2–25 minute raised glands in a cluster on upper surface of lamina at base of the midvein~7 6*~Leaves without raised glands at base of the midvein~14 7~Stems and lower surface of leaves densely and softly pubescent with long pale or rusty hairs, young shoots furry~8 7*~Stems and leaves glabrous or finely pubescent with short pale hairs, young shoots not furry~9 8~Hairs fawn or rusty; flowers more than 15 mm diam., in racemes on thick perennial peduncles~Thozetia 8*~Hairs pale or colourless; flowers less than 5 mm diam., in axillary panicles; peduncles not persistent~Marsdenia 9~Leaves very thick, fleshy but firm to rigid, faintly veined, broad-ovate to circular; corolla lobes valvate in bud; peduncles perennial, appearing as short thick spurs, with scars of flowers of earlier years~Hoya 9*~Leaves thin or of moderate thickness, not rigid, mostly distinctly veined; corolla lobes contorted in bud; peduncles shed after flowering and fruiting~10 10~Corona segments adnate to lower part or base of the staminal column~11 10*~Corona absent or the 5 segments arising from the base of the corolla tube, free from column~13 11~Corona of 5 spreading fleshy obtuse knobs, fully fused to the column; pollinia globose, small, and laterally placed; flowers mostly purple to red (whitish in 1 species)~Tylophora 11*~Corona of 5–20 segments or lobes, not knob-like, each with a free upper part and a fused lower part; pollinia elongated, not round, erect or pendent, not laterally placed; flowers mostly whitish or yellow~12 12~Lower part of corona segments with a free wing or with basal auricles or lobes; pollinia erect~Marsdenia 12*~Lower part of corona segments without a free wing or lobes or auricles, sometimes tubular at the base; pollinia pendent~Cynanchum 13~Leaves whitish glaucous on lower surface, without domatia; flowers white or pink, more than 10 mm long~Araujia 13*~Leaves pale green on lower surface; small domatia present; flowers creamy to yellow, less than 10 mm long~Gymnema 14~Leaves lanceolate to ovate or oblanceolate or oblong, more than 5 mm wide; corona of 5 segments~15 14*~Leaves linear, less than 5 mm wide; corona of 10 segments~Rhyncharrhena 15~Leaves thin, soft, lanceolate to ovate, acute or acuminate at apex; pollinia erect, 4 per anther, 2 in each loculus; corona of 5 incurved horn-like segments shorter than column; flowers less than 5 mm diam., in many-flowered panicles~Secamone 15*~Leaves thick, fleshy, firm to fairly stiff, mostly oblanceolate or oblong, apex abruptly pointed; pollinia pendent, 2 per anther, 1 in each loculus; corona of 5 erect segments with recurved tips, longer than column; flowers more than 10 mm diam., in few-flowered cymes~Cynanchum #{fm}old.CUNONIAC 1~Leaves simple or 1-foliolate~2 1*~Leaves compound with 3 or more leaflets~6 2~Climbers or straggling shrubs~Aphanopetalum 2*~Erect shrubs or trees~3 3~Leaves usually in whorls of 3 (rarely more), more or less sessile, petiole less than 2 mm long~Acrophyllum 3*~Leaves regularly opposite, petiole more than 10 mm long~4 4~Flowers in dense globose heads; leaves white- or rusty- tomentose below~Callicoma 4*~Flowers in open, much-branched cymes; leaves green, glabrous on both surfaces~5 5~Calyx lobes enlarging after flowering; fruit dry; leaves 1-foliolate, lamina articulate on petiole~Ceratopetalum 5*~Calyx lobes not enlarging; fruit succulent; leaves simple, lamina not articulate on petiole~Schizomeria 6~Leaflets at least hairy on the veins on the lower surface or hairy domatia present; leaves with 3, 5 or 7 leaflets~7 6*~Leaflets glabrous on both surfaces, domatia absent; leaves with 3 leaflets~8 7~Domatia absent; leaves with 3 or 5 leaflets, palmately arranged; inflorescence axillary~Vesselowskya 7*~Hairy domatia present; leaves with 3, 5 or 7 leaflets, pinnately arranged; inflorescence terminal~Caldcluvia 8~Petiolules more than 5 mm long; stipules 10–20 mm long, strongly curved, 4 at each node~Geissois 8*~Leaflets more or less sessile; stipules less than 5 mm long, triangular to linear, 2 at each node~9 9~Calyx lobes not enlarging and turning red after flowering; capsule densely woolly-hairy; tree in rainforest north of the Nightcap Ra~Pseudoweinmannia 9*~Calyx lobes enlarging and turning reddish after flowering; capsule glabrous; shrub or small tree, not in rainforest, south of Evans Head~Ceratopetalum #{sp}Olea europaea 1~Leaves mostly 3–7 cm long, 8–10 mm wide, apex without hooked tip, lower surface whitish or silvery~subsp. europaea 1*~Leaves mostly 6–10 cm long, 10–25 mm wide, often with a hooked apex, lower surface green or yellowish brown~subsp. cuspidata #{gn}Olea 1~Leaves ovate to elliptic, usually more than 2 cm wide; domatia present along midrib~Olea paniculata 1*~Leaves lanceolate to elliptic, mostly less than 2 cm wide; domatia absent~Olea europaea #{sp}Olearia passerinoides 1~Leaves 2.5–7 mm long, held close to the stem. Heads solitary, sessile or subsessile; peduncles ± 6 mm long. Ray florets 5–8. Disc florets 4–13~subsp. passerinoides 1*~Leaves 6–25 mm long, spreading. Heads in small corymbose clusters, pedunculate; peduncles ± 14 mm long. Ray florets 6–8. Disc florets 8–9~subsp. glutescens #{fm}ONAGRACEAE 1~Sepals persistent on fruit~Ludwigia 1*~Sepals shed after anthesis~2 2~Fruit indehiscent and few-seeded~Gaura 2*~Fruit dehiscent, usually many-seeded~3 3~Hypanthium conspicuous; seeds not comose~Oenothera 3*~Hypanthium short or absent; seeds usually comose~Epilobium #{gn}Onopordum 1~Stem absent; florets white~Onopordum acaulon 1*~Stem present, erect; florets purple~2 2~Stem with several branches; spines yellow~Onopordum acanthium 2*~Stem unbranched below inflorescence; spines dark~Onopordum illyricum #{fm}OPHIOGLOSSACEAE 1~Fronds with sterile lamina pinnatisect to 3-pinnate, veins of the lamina dichotomous and free; fertile segments pinnately divided, sporangia ± sessile along the axis~Botrychium 1*~Fronds with sterile lamina simple or irregularly forked near the apex, veins of the lamina reticulate; fertile segments simple, sporangia embedded in the axis~Ophioglossum #{gn}Ophioglossum 1~Fronds with demarcation between the sterile lamina and the common stalk clear-cut; sterile lamina not, or barely, fused to the fertile stalk; terrestrial plants (subgenus Ophioglossum)~2 1*~Fronds with demarcation between the sterile lamina and the common stalk not clear, lamina grading into the common stalk; sterile lamina conspicuously fused to the fertile stalk (subgenus Ophioderma)~Ophioglossum pendulum 2~Stipe bases persistent and forming a brown, papery sheath~Ophioglossum polyphyllum 2*~Stipe bases not persistent and sheathing; rhizome short, roots few, fleshy~3 3~Sterile lamina membranous; primary reticulations readily visible, veins within the primary reticulations less conspicuous~Ophioglossum reticulatum 3*~Sterile lamina fleshy, veins somewhat indistinct; veins within the primary reticulations equally conspicuous~Ophioglossum lusitanicum #{gn}Oplismenus 1~Leaves on the culms lanceolate, length:breadth ratio less than 7 (sometimes broad-lanceolate) usually with strong undulate margins; racemes near the base of the inflorescence to 3–5 cm long but becoming shorter above~Oplismenus aemulus 1*~Leaves on the culms narrow-lanceolate, length:breadth ratio more than 10, margins usually not undulate; racemes rarely over 1.5 cm long~2 2~Leaves with blade green, with sparse long hairs; upper glume usually awnless, awn of lower glume slender and sometimes wavy~Oplismenus imbecillis 2*~Leaves with blade greyish green, densely hairy; racemes always reduced to fascicles of spikelets; awns on glumes rigid and somewhat stout~Oplismenus undulatifolius #{gn}Opuntia 1~Segments mostly 2–4 cm wide, 4–10 cm long, ultimate segments usually flattened, sometimes rounded under moist conditions, stems more or less terete~Opuntia aurantiaca 1*~Segments mostly more than 5 cm wide, and usually more than 10 cm long; all segments flattened~2 2~Segments finely hairy between areoles; spines mostly absent; glochids often very obvious, mostly yellow to brown, usually more than 2 mm long~3 2*~Segments glabrous between areoles; spines mostly present; glochids present, not yellow-brown, mostly less than 2 mm long~4 3~Shrubs mostly less than 60 cm high, usually low and creeping; segments 10–15 cm long, pubescent, areoles small, usually 5–10 mm apart; glochids 5–10 mm long, golden-brown; spines absent~Opuntia microdasys 3*~Shrubs more than 3 m high, erect; segments 15–30 cm long, tomentose to velvety; areoles larger, at least 20 mm apart; glochids yellow, 1–2.5 mm long; spines sometimes present on younger segments~Opuntia tomentosa 4~Low spreading plants, mostly less than 50 cm high; many-segmented, segments relatively small, mostly less than 12 cm long; spines mostly present on some areoles, usually whitish or brown, 5–50 mm long, or spines absent~5 4*~Erect or clumped shrubs, mostly more than 50 cm high, plants often tree-like; few-segmented and spreading in young stages, segments mostly more than 12 cm long; spines numerous, few or absent from the areoles~6 5~Areoles far apart, usually 4 in a diagonal line across the segment; areoles without woolly hairs, glochids scattered around edge of areoles, spines absent from many areoles or 1 erect spine, more than 30 mm long, present at some areoles~Opuntia humifusa 5*~Areoles relatively close, 5 or 6 in a diagonal line across the segment; areoles filled with brown woolly hairs, glochids restricted to upper end of areoles; spines often absent from lower half of segments, 1–3 spines less than 20 mm long mostly present on upper areoles~Opuntia sp. sensu I.Telford (1984) 6~Segments covered with spines, most areoles with at least 2 large spines, rarely only 1~7 6*~Segments with relatively few spines, most areoles without spines or irregularly with only 1 or 2 spines at some areoles~11 7~Spines numerous, usually at least 3 at most areoles~8 7*~Spines usually 1 or 2 at most areoles on ultimate segments, rarely more~10 8~Areoles relatively close, 8–10 in a diagonal line across the segment; spines 3–20, the longest 2 or 3 more or less flattened, 1 or 2 reflexed bristles at the lower end of areoles~Opuntia streptacantha 8*~Areoles widely spaced, mostly 4–6 in a diagonal line across the segments; spines 2–12, all terete, reflexed bristles absent~9 9~Segments obovate, bright green, not glaucous; spines dark brown with age, 2–8, 2–4 cm long, sometimes to 7 cm long~Opuntia elatior 9*~Segments more or less circular, bluish green, glaucous; spines brown or yellowish at base, white above, mostly 8–12, to 5 cm long, spines sometimes absent~Opuntia robusta 10~Tree-like plant; segments bright, shiny green; spines yellowish to dark red-brown~Opuntia monacantha 10*~Spreading bushy plant, often forming large clumps; segments dull green or bluish green; spines yellow~Opuntia stricta 11~Segments glossy green, more or less spathulate; flowers more or less orange~Opuntia elata 11*~Segments bluish to dull bluish green, rarely dull green, oblong to circular, not distinctly spathulate; flowers yellow~12 12~Segments usually less than 30 cm long~13 12*~Segments usually more than 30 cm long~Opuntia ficus-indica 13~Bushy, clumped plant, distinct trunks absent, clumps usually less than 1.5 m high; segments mostly less than 20 cm long, mostly dull bluish green to green but not glaucous~Opuntia stricta 13*~Tree-like plant with distinct trunk, often 2–3 m high; segments usually 20–25 cm long, bluish green, glaucous~Opuntia robusta #{sp}Opuntia stricta 1~Spines absent, sometimes 1 per areole on margin of stem segments~var. stricta 1*~Spines 1–11 per areole on most areoles~var. dillenii #{fm}ORCHIDACEAE 1~Anther easily removed, cap-like, incumbent, bent downwards through 90–120° (except in Oberonia); plants mostly epiphytes or epiliths, or less commonly climbers or terrestrial herbs; tuberoids absent although roots or rhizomes fleshy in some terrestrial taxa; pseudobulbs often present; inflorescences lateral or terminal~2 1*~Anther persistent, not cap-like, erect, parallel to the axis of the column or bent downwards through less than 90° ; plants growing in soil or very rarely humus-epiphytes or humus-epiliths; tuberoids often present; pseudobulbs absent; inflorescences terminal~24 2~Climbing plants with stems arising from the ground; seeds winged~3 2*~Plants not climbing (sometimes creeping epiphytes appear to be climbing); seeds not winged~4 3~Leaves ovate, 3–6 cm long; labellum with numerous transverse, parallel ridges on both sides of median ridge, not warty; column with a short, descending foot, tapering into the median ridge of the labellum~Erythrorchis 3*~Leaves triangular, less than 2.5 cm long; labellum without ridges but with most of its surface densely warty; column footless~Pseudovanilla 4~Plants with leaves reduced to scales~5 4*~Plants with well-developed green leaves~9 5~Plants epiphytic or epilithic; roots creeping over surface of host; flowers less than 5 mm long~6 5*~Plants terrestrial; roots subterranean; flowers more than 5 mm long~7 6~Stems creeping, consisting of globose pseudobulbs, connected by filiform rhizomes~Bulbophyllum 6*~Stems almost vestigial, not creeping, not differentiated into pseudobulbs and rhizomes~Taeniophyllum 7~Sepals and lateral petals fused into a tube; flowers not resupinate, the labellum being the uppermost perianth segment~Gastrodia 7*~Sepals and lateral petals free; flowers resupinate~8 8~Labellum with a prominent basal spur, free, glabrous~Epipogium 8*~Labellum without a spur, fused to the base of the column, hairy on the upper surface~Dipodium 9~Leaves pleated, thin; plant growing in soil~10 9*~Leaves conduplicate or laterally flattened, thin to leathery or succulent; plant epiphytic, epilithic or rarely growing in soil~14 10~Dorsal sepal 3–6 cm long; sepals and lateral petals white on the outside, brown on the inside~Phaius 10*~Dorsal sepal 0.5–1.9 cm long; sepals and lateral petals not as above~11 11~Labellum with a hollow spur protruding backwards, with a deeply 4-lobed lamina~Calanthe 11*~Labellum lacking a hollow spur, with unlobed or obscurely 3-lobed or deeply 2-lobed lamina~12 12~Inflorescence axis erect basally but abruptly curved over towards the tip at flowering time, terete; flowers pink; labellum shallowly saccate~Geodorum 12*~Inflorescence axis completely erect, square in cross-section; flowers yellow-green to reddish purple; labellum not saccate~13 13~Fleshy stems held above ground; lateral sepals free~Diteilis 13*~Fleshy stems subterranean; lateral sepals partly connate along adjacent margins~Empusa 14~Sepals and petals less than 1 mm long; leaves laterally flattened; flowers arranged in loose whorls in the inflorescence~Oberonia 14*~Sepals and petals more than 1 mm long; leaves dorsiventrally flattened to terete; flowers not whorled~15 15~Labellum not saccate, lacking a hollow spur, attached to the base of the footless column~16 15*~Labellum saccate and/or possessing a hollow spur and/or attached to the tip of a prominent column foot~17 16~Inflorescences lateral; sepals 4–10 mm wide~Cymbidium 16*~Inflorescences terminal; sepals 1–3 mm wide~Cestichis 17~Growth sympodial; stems often swollen to form pseudobulbs; lateral sepals basally fused to the prominent column foot to form a mentum~18 17*~Growth monopodial; stems never swollen; lateral sepals free; column foot present or absent~19 18~Stems either not differentiated into rhizome and pseudobulb, or if so differentiated then pseudobulb composed of more than just the most apical internode; each stem with 1–6 leaves at its apex~Dendrobium 18*~Stems differentiated into rhizome and pseudobulb; pseudobulb composed of only the most apical internode; each pseudobulb with 1 leaf at apex~Bulbophyllum 19~Roots strongly tuberculate, rough; sepals and lateral petals more than 10 times longer than broad, filiform; flowers lasting less than 2 days~Rhinerrhiza 19*~Roots smooth; sepals and lateral petals less than 10 times longer than broad, not filiform; flowers lasting more than 2 days~20 20~Labellum shallowly saccate, and sometimes with a solid, forward-pointing spur~21 20*~Labellum with a prominent, hollow, backward-pointing spur~22 21~Labellum with a hollow pouch at its front; inflorescence 1–25-flowered~Sarcochilus 21*~Labellum with a hollow pouch at its rear; inflorescence 25–75-flowered~Peristeranthus 22~Labellum spur lacking calli; labellum midlobe papillose~Papillilabium 22*~Labellum spur with calli arising inside or overhanging its mouth; labellum midlobe not papillose~23 23~Labellum spur without internal calli but thickened base of midlobe extended part way across the orifice of the spur in the form of a broad, 2-fid callus~Schistotylus 23*~Labellum spur with a finger-like callus arising from the upper anterior wall and directed towards its apex~Plectorrhiza 24~Inflorescence a dense capitulum with only the flowers and involucral bracts emerging above the soil surface, the peduncle and the rest of the plant entirely subterranean~Rhizanthella 24*~Inflorescence racemose or spicate or 1-flowered, mostly or wholly above the soil surface~25 25~Flowers not resupinate, the labellum positioned above the column~26 25*~Flowers resupinate, the labellum positioned below the column~31 26~Column almost as long as dorsal sepal~27 26*~Column much shorter than dorsal sepal~29 27~Column wings discontinuous, 4-lobed; labellum passively motile on basal hinge; leaves absent or 2—6 on a lateral shoot~Arthrochilus 27*~Column wings continuous, the whole column deeply concave; labellum actively motile, elastic, irritable, upcurved when set, recurved when sprung; leaf solitary, basal~28 28~Surface of labellum lamina smooth; column foot absent~Caleana 28*~Surface of labellum lamina warty; column foot present, separating the points of insertion of the labellum and lateral sepals from those of the dorsal sepal and lateral petals~Paracaleana 29~Leaves narrow-elliptic to narrow-ovate, lamina flat, petiolate, connected to rhizome separately from the inflorescence or absent; labellum several times broader than sepals and lateral petals; plant lacking tuberoids, with fleshy roots~Cryptostylis 29*~Leaf linear, terete, tubular, enclosing inflorescence basally or rarely absent; labellum 1–2 times as broad as sepals and lateral petals; plant with paired tuberoids~30 30~Labellum articulate on a conspicuous claw, mobile; free apical part of leaf flattened~Genoplesium 30*~Labellum sessile at the base of the column, immobile; free apical part of leaf terete~Prasophyllum 31~Stem differentiated into the erect, flowering shoot and succulent, creeping rhizome which is either rootless or which bears wiry roots at its nodes; tuberoids absent; stigma in 2 lateral parts, at the base of the deeply cleft rostellum~32 31*~Stem not differentiated into erect and creeping parts (except in Adenochilus), not succulent; plants with tuberoids or less frequently with fleshy roots or lacking fleshy subterranean structures; stigma entire~33 32~Petals fused to dorsal sepal, forming a hood over the column; lateral sepals free; roots present; rhizome not constricted~Zeuxine 32*~Petals free; sepals fused for about half their length to form a tube; roots absent; rhizome conspicuously constricted at the nodes~Cheirostylis 33~Lateral petals linear, 5–10 times narrower than lateral sepals; stigma sunk in a deep cavity that is partially covered by 2 flaps of the anther lid and a fleshy flap that is the lower margin of the stigma~Eriochilus 33*~Lateral petals slightly broader to slightly narrower than lateral sepals; stigma not as above~34 34~Flowering shoot leafless, but may have short acute leaf-like bracts~35 34*~Flowering shoot with 1 or more prominently developed leaves~37 35~Dorsal sepal and lateral petals adherent, forming a hood~Pterostylis 35*~Dorsal sepal and lateral petals free~36 36~Labellum densely covered by a beard of long, hair-like calli; column about a fifth as long as labellum~Calochilus 36*~Labellum with knob-like calli; column about half as long as labellum~Burnettia 37~Flowering shoot with a single, well-developed leaf that is much larger than the other, scale-like, foliar organs~38 37*~Flowering shoot with 2 or more well-developed leaves of similar size~52 38~Leaf cordate, heart-shaped or reniform, held horizontally~39 38*~Leaf not cordate, ovate to linear~44 39~Inflorescence consisting of a solitary, sessile flower; flower dominated by the labellum and hood-like dorsal sepal; lateral petals and sepals minute~Corybas 39*~Inflorescence pedunculate, 1–many-flowered~40 40~Leaf basal, ground-hugging~41 40*~Leaf cauline, held horizontally above ground level~42 41~Labellum unlobed, almost flat, pinkish brown; plant not turning black on drying~Cyrtostylis 41*~Labellum shallowly 3-lobed, the lateral lobes erect, white with prominent red stripes; plant turning black on drying~Pyrorchis 42~Flower predominantly white; labellum 3-lobed, with a dense, central band of numerous, yellow, clubbed calli; plant rhizomatous, lacking tubers~Adenochilus 42*~Flower predominantly green to brown or purplish; labellum unlobed (but sometimes coarsely toothed), with a central plate-like or channelled callus and sometimes with 2 basal, gland-like calli; plant tuberous~43 43~Leaf green on undersurface, often deeply lobed; labellum coarsely toothed, lacking distinct, basal, gland-like calli~Acianthella 43~Leaf with purple pigmentation on undersurface, entire; labellum entire, with two basal, gland-like calli~Acianthus 44~Leaf at least sparsely hairy~45 44*~Leaf glabrous~48 45~Labellum with only 1 or 2 basal calli~Glossodia 45*~Labellum with more than 2 calli~46 46~Tubers partially encased in a few-layered tunic; flowers predominantly white, pink, yellow, red, brown or green~Caladenia 46*~Tubers entirely encased in a multilayered tunic; flowers predominantly blue~47 47~Labellum prominently 3-lobed, with 2 central rows of white or yellow calli~Cyanicula 47*~Labellum scarcely 3-lobed, with 4–6 rows of calli that are blue on the midlobe but white more basally~Pheladenia 48~Leaf linear, terete, tubular, enclosing inflorescence basally; dorsal sepal less than 3 mm long; flowers uniformly green~Microtis 48*~Leaf linear to ovate, flat or channelled; dorsal sepal more than 3 mm long; flowers variously coloured but rarely uniformly green~49 49~Column not hooded nor collared; labellum 3-lobed, concave~50 49*~Column hooded or collared (with a mitra); labellum not lobed, flat~51 50~Inflorescence 1-flowered; column wings prominent, extending beyond the anther; plant lacking tubers~Adenochilus 50*~Inflorescence usually 2–8-flowered; column wings reduced, not exceeding anther; plant tuberous~Lyperanthus 51~Labellum usually densely covered by a beard of long, hair-like calli, or very rarely lacking calli but then column with 2 basal, lateral, dark glands; base of column with prominent ridged collar~Calochilus 51*~Labellum lacking calli, similar to lateral petals; column lacking basal, lateral glands; top of column ornamented by prominent hood or collar~Thelymitra 52~Lateral sepals much longer and narrower than dorsal sepal; leaves linear, basal~53 52*~Lateral sepals similar in length and breadth to dorsal sepal; leaves mostly not linear, basal or cauline~54 53~Lateral petals oblong and concealed under dorsal sepal~Orthoceras 53*~Lateral petals consisting of a prominent claw ending in a rounded to ovate lamina, exposed~Diuris 54~Sepals and lateral petals usually bright pink or rarely white, 4–5 mm long; column about as long as labellum; inflorescence many-flowered with flowers arranged in a spiral~Spiranthes 54*~Sepals and lateral petals green or brown to reddish, sometimes striped with white, usually more than 5 mm long; column at least half as long as labellum; inflorescence 1–18-flowered, flowers not arranged in a conspicuous spiral~55 55~Dorsal sepal and lateral petals adherent, forming a hood; lateral sepals basally fused; labellum usually irritable~Pterostylis 55*~Sepals and petals free; labellum not irritable~56 56~Inflorescence 6–18-flowered; leaves several, basal or cauline or both; labellum calli obscure or absent~Rimacola 56*~Inflorescence 1-flowered; leaves 2, basal; labellum calli conspicuous~Chiloglottis #{gn}Oreobolus 1~Leaf blades with a median stomate-less longitudinal band adaxially between 2 faint or obvious ribs; apex of nut acute~Oreobolus distichus 1*~Leaf blades entirely covered with stomates adaxially~2 2~Leaf blades with 3–6 evenly spaced ribs adaxially; apex of nut obtuse or truncate~Oreobolus pumilio 2*~Leaf blades without or with 1 or 2 faint ribs adaxially; apex of nut an elongated cone, collapsing when mature~Oreobolus oxycarpus #{gn}Oreomyrrhis 1~Leaves and involucral bracts glabrous except for finely ciliate margins~2 1*~Leaves and involucral bracts velvety to hirsute~3 2~Densely tufted, often cushion-forming plant, less than 10 cm high; peduncles more or less equal or just exceeding the leaves in fruit; leaf sheaths ciliate; petioles less than 4 cm long; bracts obtuse~Oreomyrrhis pulvinifica 2*~Tufted, rosette-forming plant, usually more than 15 cm high; peduncles well exceeding leaves in fruit; leaf sheaths glabrous; petioles more than 5 cm long; bracts acute~Oreomyrrhis ciliata 3~Plants with stem branched, branches numerous; peduncles 50–75, in upper axils; umbels 10–15-flowered; pedicels shorter than involucre; fruit 5–10 per umbel~Oreomyrrhis brevipes 3*~Plants without an obvious stem, leaves in a basal rosette; umbels more than 15-flowered; peduncles to 25 from the base; pedicels usually longer than involucre; fruit usually more than 10 per umbel~4 4~Plant shining silvery; petioles stout, often shorter than lamina; involucral bracts 6–8~Oreomyrrhis argentea 4*~Plant hirsute but not silvery; petioles slender, usually longer than lamina; involucral bracts 8–12~Oreomyrrhis eriopoda #{gn}Orites 1~Leaves more than 8 cm long, variable in shape, margins mostly regularly toothed~Orites excelsus 1*~Leaves less than 5 cm long, uniform in shape, margins entire or rarely with a few apical teeth~Orites lancifolius #{gn}Ornithopus 1~Bracts subtending flower heads absent or minute; plants glabrous to sparsely pubescent~Ornithopus pinnatus 1*~Bracts subtending flower heads leafy, 5–22 mm long, pinnate; plants pubescent~2 2~Flowers yellow; pod strongly curved, not or scarcely constricted between the articles; stems usually not branched~Ornithopus compressus 2*~Flowers pink or white; pod straight or slightly curved, distinctly constricted between the articles; stems usually branched~Ornithopus sativus #{gn}Orobanche 1~Lateral calyx segments entire at base, as broad as the corolla; corolla more or less glabrous except for small patches of hairs, lobes obscurely crenate; anthers drying white, filaments galbrous; glandular hairs on inflorescence more or less appressed~Orobanche cernua 1*~Lateral calyx segments bifid at base, much narrower than corolla; corolla glandular-pubescent, lobes densely and irregularly toothed; anthers drying purple-black, filaments hairy in lower third; glandular hairs on inflorescence spreading~Orobanche minor #{fm}OSMUNDACEAE 1~Mature fronds leathery, stomates present~Todea 1*~Mature fronds membranous, stomates absent~Leptopteris #{sp}Osteocarpum acropterum 1~Wings 2 and 3 mm long~var. acropterum 1*~Wings smaller, minute and 2 mm long~var. deminuta #{gn}Owenia 1~Leaves paripinnate, leaflets 1–5 cm long; stamens 8; inland plains species~Owenia acidula 1*~Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets 7–12 cm long; stamens 10; coastal rainforest species~Owenia cepiodora #{gn}Oxalis 1~Aerial stem and branches absent or greatly reduced; leaves and peduncles radical~2 1*~Aerial stem and branches erect, ascending or creeping; leaves often whorled; peduncles axillary~10 2~Petals yellow~3 2*~Petals pale mauve, pink to purple, rarely white throughout~5 3~Inflorescences 3–25-flowered; rhizome white and fleshy~Oxalis pes-caprae 3*~Inflorescences 1-flowered; rhizome brown and papery~4 4~Leaves 4–7-foliolate; leaflets narrow-elliptic to linear~Oxalis flava 4*~Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets oblong to obovate, never linear~Oxalis perdicaria 5~Petioles densely hairy; hairs white; inflorescence 1-flowered, with flower on a peduncle that scarcely exceeds the leaves~Oxalis purpurea 5*~Petioles glabrous or with scattered hairs; inflorescence mostly at least 3-flowered, with flowers on peduncles exceeding the leaves~6 6~Numerous small bulbils produced~7 6*~No small bulbils produced~9 7~Leaflets transversely cuneate, with lobe apices 12–50 mm apart~Oxalis latifolia 7*~Leaflets cuneate to obcordate, with lobe apices to 12 mm apart~8 8~Petals 18–20 mm long; inflorescence 1–4-flowered; bulbils formed from old bulb on stolons to 15 cm long~Oxalis brasiliensis 8*~Petals 12–18 mm long; inflorescence 8–15-flowered; bulbils formed from old bulbs, sessile~Oxalis debilis 9~Bulbs ovoid, tapered; leaves borne on a short stem~Oxalis bowiei 9*~Bulbs absent; leaves borne on a woody rhizome~Oxalis articulata 10~Petals yellow, to 12 mm long; bulbils absent~11 10*~Petals white, pink to mauve, 13–22 mm long; bulbils present~17 11~Hairs on stem and branches mostly antrorse; stipules usually conspicuous, but not truncate~12 11*~Hairs on stem and branches spreading or retrorse; stipules either inconspicuous, or scarious and truncate~15 12~Taproot stout; fruits long and usually slender, 8–30 mm long, 1.5–2.5 mm diam., erect~Oxalis perennans 12*~Taproot probably absent or only slightly developed; fruit long or short, but not slender and erect~13 13~Leaflets cuneate-obcordate, appearing angular-shaped; fruit long, 15–18 mm long, often stout in the middle, 3–4 mm diam.; plant rather glaucous~Oxalis rubens 13*~Leaflets cuneate-obovate; indumentum sparse or dense; fruit short and broad or if longer then straight-sided; plant green~14 14~Fruit short and broad, 5–6.5 mm long, 2–3 mm diam., with simple hairs; apex tapering; seeds strongly ridged~Oxalis exilis 14*~Fruit moderately long, 8–30 mm long, 1.5–2.5 mm diam., with flat septate hairs; apex abruptly narrowed; seeds almost smooth to shallowly ridged~Oxalis thompsoniae 15~Fruit short and stout, 7–9 mm long, 3 mm diam.; branches long and trailing; leaves densely hairy~Oxalis chnoodes 15*~Fruit long and relatively narrow, 8–16 mm long, 1.5–3 mm diam.; branches erect or trailing; leaves densely hairy or glabrescent~16 16~Stipules keeled and inconspicuous; taproot stout and woody~Oxalis radicosa 16*~Stipules truncate and obvious, usually thin and glabrous except for hairs at margin; taproot, if developed, not stout and woody~Oxalis corniculata 17~Leaflets linear, bilobed with lobes c. 0.5 mm wide; bulbils formed on old bulb~Oxalis bifurca 17*~Leaflets obcordate, bilobed with lobes 5–9 mm wide; bulbils formed on rhizome and in leaf axils~Oxalis incarnata #{sp}Oxylobium scandens 1~Leaves ovate to elliptic, apex obtuse or acute~var. scandens 1*~Leaves broad-obovate, apex obtuse or emarginate~var. obovatum #{gn}Pandorea 1~Leaflets with net veins and main lateral veins raised and obvious, especially on the lower surface; leaves opposite or often in whorls of 3 or 4~Pandorea baileyana 1*~Leaflets with net veins faint or obscure, the main lateral veins also not very prominent; leaves mostly opposite, sometimes in whorls of 3~2 2~Leaflets small, narrow to broad, 9–17 per leaf, margins bluntly toothed~Pandorea pandorana 2*~Leaflets large, usually 3–9 or rarely to 15, margins entire~3 3~Leaflets gradually drawn out into a rather long blunt point; lowest leaflets of each leaf usually asymmetric; corolla 4–6 cm long, tube with minute appressed hairs outside~Pandorea jasminoides 3*~Leaflets abruptly and shortly pointed, not markedly asymmetric; corolla 1–2.5 cm long, tube glabrous outside~Pandorea pandorana #{sp}Panicum capillare 1~Spikelets 2–2.5 mm long; fertile floret c. 1.5–2 mm long; plants hispid~var. capillare 1*~Spikelets c. 3 mm long; fertile floret c. 1.75–2.2 mm long; plants less hairy~var. occidentale #{sp}Panicum coloratum 1~Plants green or glaucous, often hairy; cataphylls usually glabrous~var. coloratum 1*~Plants glaucous, robust, usually glabrous; cataphylls usually hairy.~var. makarikariense #{gn}Panicum 1~Lower glume mostly 10–50% the length of the spikelet~2 1*~Lower glume 50–90% the length of the spikelet (sometimes slightly less than half the spikelet length)~14 2~Lower floret almost always male (examine several spikelets)~3 2*~Lower floret almost always sterile (stamens absent) (examine several spikelets)~7 3~Fertile lemma smooth and shiny, occasionally faintly rugulose (with tiny wrinkles); panicle branches more or less whorled~4 3*~Fertile lemma transversely rugulose (with a wrinkled appearance); lower panicle branches whorled~Panicum maximum 4~Tufted, ascending annual with soft stems that can be compressed easily; spikelets acute to obtuse~Panicum schinzii 4*~Perennials with firm stems; spikelets acute to acuminate~5 5~Creeping plants with long rhizomes; tips of rhizomes and buds covered with sharp, hard scales; potential weed~Panicum repens 5*~Tufted plants, rhizomes and stolons if present short; hard, sharp scales absent; pasture grasses or roadside weeds~6 6~Spikelets ovate to lanceolate; fertile floret c. 2.3 mm long; plants robust, tufted, culms sometimes swollen at the base~Panicum antidotale 6*~Spikelets elliptic; fertile floret 1.75–2.5 mm long; plants variable in habit often with short stolons and without a well-developed basal tuft of leaves~Panicum coloratum 7~Low decumbent perennials 0.15–0.5 m high, stoloniferous or rooting at the lower nodes; inflorescences usually very narrow and less than 7 cm long, sometimes reduced to a primary axis with racemes, often only partly exserted from the leaves~8 7*~Erect or ascending (occasionally trailing) tufted annuals or perennials with culms usually more than 0.2 m high; panicles spreading, branched and usually more than 7 cm long, more or less exserted from the leaves~10 8~Semi-aquatic grass rooting freely at the nodes in mud around streams and swamps; spikelets 2.75–3.3 mm long, leaves with blade not constricted at the blade-sheath junction~Panicum obseptum 8*~Grasses of rainforest floors and margins; spikelets 1.75–2.5 mm long; leaves with blade abruptly narrowed into the sheath at the base, almost subpetiolate; tubercle-based hairs often present on leaves~9 9~Stems rather weak, 4- or 5- or more-noded; leaves with blade soft; panicle with few but spreading branches~Panicum pygmaeum 9*~Stems more rigid, almost wiry, 7- or 8-noded; leaves with blade firm; panicle contracted~Panicum lachnophyllum 10~Stout aquatic grass, stems often floating on water or erect; leaves with blade 8–20 mm wide; spikelets 3.5–4.5 mm long~Panicum paludosum 10*~Tufted, non-aquatic grasses; leaves with blade to 10 mm wide~11 11~Fertile floret only about half the length of the spikelet, the latter 3.5–4.5 mm long; fertile lemma 1.75–2 mm long; panicle lanceolate in outline, often nodding~Panicum buncei 11*~Fertile floret no more than 1 mm shorter than the spikelet; panicle ovate or pyramidal in outline, usually erect~12 12~Tufted perennial forming large, usually blue-green, tussocks 0.3–0.8 m or more high; internodes usually concealed by the leaf sheaths~Panicum decompositum 12*~Usually more slender, tufted annuals, leaves yellow-green or green with a purple tinge; nodes usually visible~13 13~Yellowish green, erect annual of inland floodplains; panicle branches spreading at maturity, main branches becoming flattened and broad towards their bases~Panicum laevinode 13*~Often purple-tinged, decumbent, weedy annual; main branches of panicle slender and almost 3-angled at the base, primary branches spreading but secondary branches and spikelets remaining appressed to their axes~Panicum gilvum 14~Lower floret almost always male~15 14*~Lower floret almost always sterile (stamens absent)~16 15~Spikelets obtuse; fertile lemma with faint transverse wrinkles; lowest internode of each stem thickened into a hard, corm-like base~Panicum bulbosum 15*~Spikelets acute, fertile lemma smooth and shiny; base of plant sometimes thickened and nodular but corm-like structures absent~Panicum antidotale 16~Spikelets 5–6.5 mm long~17 16*~Spikelets less than 5 mm long~18 17~Lower glumes 50% the length of the spikelet, acute; spikelets ovate-oblong to ovate to lanceolate, apiculate-acuminate~Panicum miliaceum 17*~Lower glume at least 75% the length of the spikelet, long-acuminate; spikelets lanceolate and long acuminate~Panicum queenslandicum 18~Lower glume obtuse to almost acute~Panicum subxerophilum 18*~Lower glume acute to acuminate~19 19~Lower glume at least 75% the length of the spikelets; spikelets 3–5(–7) mm long~Panicum queenslandicum 19*~Lower glume 50% (or slightly less) the length of the spikelet~20 20~Aquatic grass with stems floating in water or rooting at the nodes in mud; plants glabrous; grain purplish black~Panicum bisulcatum 20*~Tufted, non-aquatic grasses, sometimes decumbent (but not rooting at the nodes); leaves usually with tubercle-based hairs; grains not black~21 21~Inflorescence 4–20 cm long, a primary axis with racemes (rarely secondary branching); spikelets often gaping, pale to purple or blotched with purple, nodes usually glabrous~Panicum simile 21*~Panicle with long spreading branches and secondary and higher order branching; colour contrast not obvious in spikelets; nodes usually hairy~22 22~Leaves with blade 2–5 mm wide, flat or involute; palea of lower floret present; plants perennial~Panicum effusum 22*~Leaves with blade 5–18 mm wide, flat; palea of lower floret often absent; plants annual~Panicum capillare #{sp}Panicum maximum 1~Glumes and sterile lemma glabrous~var. maximum 1*~Upper glume and sterile lemma loosely and softly pubescent.~var. trichoglume #{sp}Panicum queenslandicum 1~Spikelets usually less than c. 5 mm long; fertile floret 2.0–2.75 mm long~var. queenslandicum 1*~Spikelets 5–7 mm long, fertile floret 3–3.5 mm long; glumes rather more drawn out into an acuminate tip; spikelets narrow~var. acuminatum #{gn}Papaver 1~Capsule with numerous bristles~2 1*~Capsule glabrous~3 2~Capsule 10–12.5 mm long, 10–15 mm diam., subglobose to ovoid~Papaver hybridum 2*~Capsule 15–20 mm long, 3–5 mm diam., oblong~Papaver argemone 3~Capsule at least twice as long as broad, 6–8 mm diam~4 3*~Capsule no more than twice as long as broad, 10 mm or more diam~5 4~Capsule c. 15 mm long, with 4–8 stigmatic rays~Papaver aculeatum 4*~Capsule 15–25 mm long, with 6–10 stigmatic rays~Papaver dubium 5~Stem leaves sessile, clasping stem~Papaver somniferum 5*~Stem leaves shortly petiolate, petiole usually winged~Papaver rhoeas #{sp}Papaver somniferum 1~Capsule indehiscent, globose, frequently to 5 cm diam.; plants with very few scattered stiff hairs~subsp. somniferum 1*~Capsule dehiscing by pores, cylindrical to subglobose, usually <2 cm diam.; plant glaucous with scattered hairs~subsp. setigerum #{gn}Parapholis 1~Culms less than 10 cm high; spikes often curved; glumes longer than the lemma; anthers 1 mm long~Parapholis incurva 1*~Culms more than 12 cm high; spikes straight; glumes about as long as the lemma; anthers 2–4 mm long~Parapholis strigosa #{gn}Pararistolochia 1~Leaves mostly 10–20 cm long, ovate to elliptic, base cordate or rounded, brown hairs scattered on veins on lower surface~Pararistolochia praevenosa 1*~Leaves usually 5–10 cm long, lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, base ± truncate to slightly cordate, glabrous~Pararistolochia laheyana #{gn}Parentucellia 1~Leaves with 2 or rarely 3 pairs of teeth; calyx 6–10 mm long, teeth half as long as the tube; corolla red-purple, rarely white; capsule glabrous~Parentucellia latifolia 1*~Leaves with c. 6–10 pairs of teeth; calyx more than 10 mm long, teeth about as long the tube; corolla yellow; capsule strigose~Parentucellia viscosa #{gn}Parietaria 1~Annual with tender stems; bracts free at base, equal to or exceeding the perianth in fruit; style absent, stigmatic hairs seated directly on ovary~2 1*~Perennial with firm more or less wiry stems; bracts often fused at base, shorter than perianth in fruit; stigma on a long style~Parietaria judaica 2~Bracts lanceolate to broad-elliptic, with simple or more or less branched midvein~Parietaria debilis 2*~Bracts cordate, with a conspicuous radial reticulate venation~Parietaria cardiostegia #{gn}Paronychia 1~Flower clusters ± exposed; internodes clearly visible; flowers glabrous or with a few short hairs; sepals equal, deeply hooded at maturity; awns 0.5–1 mm long, spreading~Paronychia brasiliana 1*~Flower clusters mostly concealed by leaves and stipules; internodes hidden also; flowers with short hairs; sepals somewhat unequal, slightly hooded; awns 0.4–0.7 mm long, erect to spreading~Paronychia franciscana #{gn}Parsonsia 1~Leaves on adult plants more than 8 times as long as wide, linear to lanceolate; anther cone long-exserted above the corolla on spirally twisted filaments; fruit ovoid or narrow-ovoid; widespread inland species of the Slopes and plains~Parsonsia eucalyptophylla 1*~Leaves on adult plants usually less than 8 times as long as wide, not linear, sometimes lanceolate but usually wider; anther cone partially or almost wholly exserted but never raised high above the corolla, filaments twisted or not twisted; fruit more or less terete, mostly slender; chiefly in coastal areas, sometimes extending to the Slopes and plains~2 2~Leaves less than 4.5 cm long, margins crisped or flatter and finely toothed~Parsonsia lilacina 2*~Leaves usually more than 4.5 cm long, margins neither crisped nor toothed (sometimes shallowly toothed at the base only in Parsonsia tenuis)~3 3~Corolla glabrous inside; apex of leaves obtuse, emarginate or short-acute and with a stiff point~Parsonsia lanceolata 3*~Corolla with a ring of hairs at the throat, sometimes tube and lobes also hairy inside; apex of leaves mostly gradually acute or acuminate~4 4~Leaves softly pubescent on lower surface; petiole and branchlets densely pubescent (older leaves sometimes glabrescent in Parsonsia velutina)~5 4*~Leaves glabrous or with inconspicuous sparse fine hairs on lower surface~8 5~Hairs fawn to brownish, especially on young leaves and stems, the young expanding leaves brown-silky or furry on both surfaces; leaves broad, 3.5–9 cm wide; anthers without a dorsal keel or crest~6 5*~Hairs mostly colourless or whitish, the leaves and shoots neither brownish nor silky; leaves 1–5 cm wide; anthers with a prominent dorsal keel or ridge~7 6~Leaves broad-ovate or elliptic, apex short-acuminate or acute, base broad-cuneate to rounded or shallowly cordate (2-lobed at the base in leaves on juvenile plants), small domatia usually present; flowers pedicellate in loose cymose panicles~Parsonsia fulva 6*~Leaves ovate, apex acuminate to a fine point, base strongly cordate (2-lobed at the base in leaves on juvenile plants), domatia absent; flowers more or less sessile in condensed cymes~Parsonsia velutina 7~Tertiary veins of leaves numerous and prominent on lower surface forming backwardly curving connections between secondary veins; corolla tube globose~Parsonsia ventricosa 7*~Tertiary veins faint, few and irregular or transverse on lower surface, not forming a regular curving pattern; corolla tube cylindrical~Parsonsia tenuis 8~Leaves with the secondary veins faintly visible on upper surface and more or less invisible on lower surface; older stems more than 5 mm diam. with prominent corky outgrowths~Parsonsia rotata 8*~Leaves with the secondary veins (and often some smaller veins) distinct on lower surface; stems without discrete corky outgrowths~9 9~Corolla tube ovoid or globose~10 9*~Corolla tube cylindric or gradually tapering to the base, neither ovoid nor globose~11 10~Milky latex exuding from cut stems and petioles; corolla tube ovoid, lobes strongly recurved; anthers with only the tips exserted, filaments twisted~Parsonsia dorrigoensis 10*~Clear watery sap exuding from cut stems and petioles; corolla tube globose, lobes spreading; anthers half-exserted, filaments not twisted~Parsonsia ventricosa 11~Leaves finely reticulate on both surfaces, the reticulum raised in dried leaves; climbing by adventitious roots but some stems twining and without climbing roots~Parsonsia straminea 11*~Leaves with the fine reticulum invisible; climbing roots absent~12 12~Leaves with 9 or more pairs of secondary veins~Parsonsia brownii 12*~Leaves with 3–8 (rarely 9) pairs of secondary veins~13 13~Clear watery latex exuding from cut stems and petioles; leaves more than twice as long as broad; petiole less than half as long as lamina; corolla lobes no longer than tube~14 13*~Milky latex exuding from cut stems and petioles; leaves with the blades less than twice as long as broad; petiole mostly more than half as long as lamina; corolla lobes more than 4 times long as tube~Parsonsia longipetiolata 14~Leaves very thin and soft, the reticulum mostly invisible, secondary veins usually interconnecting to form a fine intramarginal vein; dried leaves green on upper surface, green to pale purple on lower surface; apex long-acuminate to a fine point, corolla lobes erect, hood-shaped~Parsonsia induplicata 14*~Leaves firm, of moderate thickness, the coarser reticulum visible, no intramarginal vein present; dried leaves purple or purplish black on both surfaces; apex acute or acuminate with a small stiff point; corolla lobes spreading, not hood-shaped~Parsonsia purpurascens #{gn}Paspalidium 1~Lower floret with a palea almost as long as the lemma; spikelets 3.5–4.5 mm long; erect tufted perennial~Paspalidium globoideum 1*~Lower floret with a very small palea or empty; spikelets usually not more than 3.5 mm long; tufted annuals or perennials~2 2~Outline of spikelet distinctly constricted about 30% of its length from the base (if viewed from the back) because the upper glume and lemmas are very narrow at the base and the lower glume bulged at the base (i.e. slightly inflated); spikelets irregularly arranged on the racemes~3 2*~Outline of the spikelet not noticeably constricted about 30% of its length above the base (although the fertile floret itself sometimes constricted as in Paspalidium distans)~6 3~Racemes with a solitary spikelet or lower racemes unequally once- or few-branched, each branch with a single spikelet; spikelets 3–3.75 mm long; slender, branched annual~Paspalidium rarum 3*~Racemes with more than 1 spikelet; spikelets mostly less than 3 mm long; densely tufted perennials~4 4~Spikelets lanceolate in outline and to 1 mm wide, 2–2.5 mm long; culms usually slender and glabrous; nodes glabrous~Paspalidium criniforme 4*~Spikelets elliptic and usually more than 1 mm wide, 2–3.5 mm long; culms more robust; nodes more or less hairy~5 5~Fertile floret finely transversely rugose; culms and nodes smooth to scabrous or pubescent; spikelets 2–2.75 mm long~Paspalidium gracile 5*~Fertile floret more or less coarsely transversely rugose; culms and nodes mostly pubescent or scabrous-pubescent, often with a few long hairs; spikelets 2.25–3.5 mm long~Paspalidium constrictum 6~Slender annual; racemes with few spikelets 1.8–2.2 mm long, that are not regularly arranged in distinct rows~Paspalidium clementii 6*~Tufted perennials; racemes with many spikelets arranged in 2 rows usually on 1 side of the rachis~7 7~Spikelets usually 2.5 mm or more long, if less than 2.5 mm then plants lax, decumbent and usually rooting at the lower nodes~8 7*~Spikelets less than 2.5 mm long~10 8~Lower racemes often as long as or longer than the internodes of the primary axis; spikelets 2.5–3 mm long, plano-convex but not bulging on 1 side, and standing erect on the racemes; lower glume not inflated~Paspalidium jubiflorum 8*~Lower racemes usually shorter than the axis internodes; spikelets 2.5–3 mm long, bulging on 1 side and diverging from the raceme axis as they mature; lower glume inflated at the base~9 9~Culms rigid, wiry, arising from knotted rhizomes, spikelets often widely gaping; upper glume 7–9-nerved~Paspalidium gausum 9*~Culms weak and easily compressed, often geniculate and rooting at the lower nodes, arising from a dense rootstock, plants lax; spikelets not gaping; upper glume 5–7-nerved~Paspalidium aversum 10~Leaves hirsute with long, white, tubercle-based hairs that extend to the inflorescence axis; spikelets 1.5–2.0 mm long~Paspalidium albovillosum 10*~Leaves glabrous or, if some hairs present, these do not extend to the inflorescence axis; spikelets 1.7–2.2 mm long~11 11~Leaves with blade to 1.5 mm wide when expanded; loosely rolled; lower glume not inflated~Paspalidium caespitosum 11*~Leaves with blade flat (sometimes loosely rolled on drying) and to 4 mm wide; lower glume inflated at the base~12 12~Fertile lemma coarsely transversely rugulose (with distinct ridges); plants slender with weak culms~Paspalidium breviflorum 12*~Fertile lemma finely transversely rugulose (ridges less distinct); culms erect or geniculate, radiating from a densely tufted rootstock~Paspalidium distans #{gn}Passiflora 1~Leaves mostly deeply 5–lobed, rarely 3- or 7-lobed; glands 2–4, c. midway along petiole~2 1*~Leaves usually 3-lobed, occasionally either unlobed or 5-lobed; glands usually towards apex of petiole, rarely absent, or occasionally c. midway along petiole~3 2~Margins of leaves not toothed; stipules 10–20 mm long, leafy; plants entirely glabrous~Passiflora caerulea 2*~Margins of leaves toothed; stipules to 8 mm long, not leafy; stems, petioles and sometimes leaves hairy~Passiflora filamentosa 3~Stipules leafy, wide, 10–30 mm long, usually persistent~4 3*~Stipules not leafy, usually narrow, less than 10 mm long, rarely persistent, or stipules absent~5 4~Plants glabrous; leaves with margins of lobes more or less entire; petiole with 1–3 filiform glands c. midway along petiole, each 0.5–2 mm long~Passiflora subpeltata 4*~Young stems and leaves with scattered hairs; leaves with margins of lobes shallowly toothed; petiole with 2 thick, stalked glands towards apex, each 1.5–2 mm long~Passiflora morifolia 5~Glands absent from petiole~6 5*~Glands present on petiole~7 6~Plant hairy, hairs simple and glandular, often golden-brown and bristly~Passiflora foetida 6*~Plant glabrous~Passiflora cinnabarina 7~Margins of leaves regularly toothed~8 7*~Margins of leaves not toothed~10 8~Plant glabrous~Passiflora edulis 8*~Stems, petioles and at least one surface of the leaves hairy~9 9~Petiole with several small, inconspicuous glands~Passiflora mollissima 9*~Petiole with 2 thick, stipitate glands, 1.5–2 mm long. Rarely naturalized in CC~Passiflora morifolia 10~Petioles with 2 raised glands near the middle~Passiflora suberosa 10*~Petioles with 2 glands near the apex~11 11~Stems, petioles and lower surface of leaves finely hairy, sometimes sparsely so~Passiflora herbertiana 11*~Plant glabrous~Passiflora aurantia #{gn}Patersonia 1~Plants glabrous; spathe bracts green to brown forming involucre 5–9 mm wide; seeds ovoid, black, to 2.5 mm long~Patersonia fragilis 1*~Plants more or less hairy (particularly on margins of leaves near base and on stem); spathe bracts brown to black forming involucre mostly more than 9 mm wide; seeds ovoid-cylindrical to cylindrical, brown, sometimes with a waxy bloom, mostly more than 2.5 cm long~2 2~Leaves cauline on erect slender stems; scapes glabrous; spathe bracts dark brown with translucent margins 2–3 mm wide; seeds arillate~Patersonia glabrata 2*~Leaves all basal; scapes pubescent, at least in upper part; spathe bracts dark brown to blackish with scarious margins 1–2 mm wide; seeds without an aril~3 3~Leaves 1.5–6 mm wide, deeply grooved, margins if hairy then not ciliate with inflexed hairs~Patersonia sericea 3*~Leaves 1–2 mm wide, mostly smooth, ciliate with inflexed hairs~Patersonia longifolia #{gn}Pelargonium 1~Leaves deeply dissected, pinnatisect or palmatisect; plants hirsute, hairs harsh~Pelargonium asperum 1*~Leaves shallowly lobed or more or less entire; plants villous to minutely pubescent, hairs soft~2 2~Leaves with acute lobes~Pelargonium x domesticum 2*~Leaves with obtuse lobes or almost unlobed~3 3~Fertile stamens 3–5 or rarely 6; perennial stems short and not succulent~4 3*~Fertile stamens 6–8 or rarely 5 and then the perennial stems more or less succulent~5 4~Calyx densely hairy; sepals obtuse~Pelargonium helmsii 4*~Calyx with scattered hairs; sepals acute~Pelargonium inodorum 5~Spur usually shorter than the calyx lobes; calyx villous, hairs non-glandular and long~6 5*~Spur at least as long as the calyx lobes; calyx glabrous or pubescent and hairs mostly glandular and short, sometimes mixed with some longer non-glandular ones~7 6~Bracts broad-ovate, c. 6 mm long and 2.5 mm wide; plants shrubby; naturalized in coastal sites in the Newcastle and Sydney districts~Pelargonium capitatum 6*~Bracts lanceolate, c. 3 mm long and 0.5 mm wide; plants herbaceous; widespread on the coast and inland districts~Pelargonium australe 7~Leaves more or less glabrous on both surfaces; flowers deep pink~Pelargonium rodneyanum 7*~Leaves densely hairy on both surfaces; flowers predominantly white~Pelargonium fragrans #{gn}Pennisetum 1~Decumbent, stoloniferous and rhizomatous perennial; leaves with blade folded~Pennisetum clandestinum 1*~Tufted annuals or perennials with well-developed spike-like panicles and flat or rolled leaves~2 2~Cultivated annual with stout culms and dense, cylindrical spike-like panicles with crowded spikelets that gape at maturity to expose the grain; bristles of the stalked involucre slender, persistent, about as long as the spikelets~Pennisetum glaucum 2*~Perennials, cultivated or otherwise; panicle spike-like but not very dense, neither with crowded spikelets nor spikelets that gape at maturity; bristles prominent, deciduous, involucre stalked or sessile~3 3~Tall, robust plants forming large tufts or bamboo-like clumps over 2 m high; leaves with blade 30–120 cm long and 1.5–4 cm wide; bristles of the subsessile involucre spreading or reflexed at maturity~Pennisetum purpureum 3*~Tufts or clumps not as robust, rarely exceeding 1.5 m in height, leaves less than 1.5 cm wide, involucre spreading but not reflexed at maturity~4 4~Inner bristles of the involucre plumose, involucre with a hairy stalk~5 4*~Inner bristles of the involucre scabrous not plumose, involucre stalked or sessile~7 5~Bristles of the inner whorl of involucre flattened at the base, forming a disc.See~Cenchrus 5*~Bristles slender throughout their length, neither flattened nor forming a basal disc~6 6~Panicle 10–28 cm long, often purplish, involucre c. 2.6 cm long; spikelets to 6.5 mm long~Pennisetum setaceum 6*~Panicle 2–12 cm long, pale green to white; involucre 3–5 cm long, spikelets 9–14 mm long~Pennisetum villosum 7~Plants rhizomatous and tufted; spikelets 4–6 mm long; bristles of the subsessile involucre about as long as the spikelet except 1 that is longer and stouter; panicle pale-coloured~Pennisetum macrourum 7*~Plants tufted; spikelets 6–8 mm long; bristles of the stalked involucre 2–5 times as long as the spikelets, inner bristles slightly longer than outer bristles; panicle usually purplish~Pennisetum alopecuroides #{gn}Pentachondra 1~Leaves usually 3–5 mm long, 1–2 mm broad; flowers solitary, corolla tube much longer than sepals; fruits red, 6–8 mm diam., pyrenes 5–8~Pentachondra pumila 1*~Leaves usually 10–20 mm long, 3–5 mm broad; flowers 3–5 in short spikes, corolla tube slightly shorter than sepals; fruits whitish, 4.5–5 mm diam., pyrenes 8–11~Pentachondra dehiscens #{gn}Peperomia 1~Leaves in whorls of 4; glabrous or almost so; venation obscure~Peperomia tetraphylla 1*~Leaves opposite; pubescent; venation usually obvious, 5-veined from base, outer pair of secondary veins sometimes faint~Peperomia blanda #{sp}Persoonia hirsuta 1~Leaves linear to narrow-oblong, 0.75–1.5 mm wide, with revolute margins~subsp. hirsuta 1*~Leaves spathulate to elliptic or narrowly so, 1.5–5 mm wide, with recurved margins~subsp. evoluta #{gn}Persoonia 1~Leaves mostly <2 mm wide; inflorescences growing on into a leafy shoot (except in P. pinifolia).~2 1*~Leaves mostly >2 mm wide; inflorescences terminated by a dormant bud or growing on into a leafy shoot.~3 2~Ovary and fruit glabrous.~4 2*~Ovary densely hairy, fruit moderately hairy to glabrescent.~22 3~Ovary and fruit glabrous.~24 3*~Ovary sparsely to densely hairy; fruit moderately hairy to glabrescent.~57 4~Leaves pungent-pointed, very rigid.~5 4*~Leaves usually acute but never pungent-pointed.~6 5~Tepals hairy, 6–11 mm long; leaves not succulent when living.~Persoonia juniperina 5*~Tepals glabrous, 12–15 mm long; leaves succulent when living.~Persoonia hindii 6~Leaves strongly scabrous; tepals marked with maroon.~7 6*~Leaves smooth to finely scabrous; tepals without maroon markings.~8 7~Leaves narrow- to linear-spathulate, 1–2 cm long, 1.5–5 mm wide.~Persoonia cuspidifera 7*~Leaves linear to oblong or linear-spathulate, 1.5–4.5 cm long, 0.5–1.25 mm wide.~Persoonia curvifolia 8~Broadest leaves <1 mm wide, subterete or terete.~9 8*~Broadest leaves >1 mm wide, mostly not terete or subterete.~14 9~Leaves 3–7 cm long; inflorescences terminated by a dormant bud with flower-subtending leaves mostly shorter than sterile leaves, progressively becoming shorter towards apex.~Persoonia pinifolia 9*~Leaves usually 1–3.5 cm long; inflorescences growing on into a leafy shoot with flower-subtending leaves mostly the same length as sterile leaves, or, if mostly shorter, then progressively becoming longer towards apex.~10 10~Leaves terete or subterete and grooved on lower surface when living, subterete and grooved on lower surface when dried.~11 10*~Leaves subterete and shallowly concave on upper surface when living, subterete and grooved when dried.~13 11~Leaves ≥0.8 mm wide, apex truncate to acute; ovules 2.~Persoonia mollis 11*~Leaves <0.8 mm wide, apex acuminate; ovule 1.~12 12~Inflorescences 1–9-flowered; rachis 0–0.9 cm long; leaves incurved.~Persoonia pauciflora 12*~Inflorescences usually 10–70-flowered; rachis 0.5–9 cm long, rarely less; leaves recurved towards their tips.~Persoonia isophylla 13~Tepals with free apical points, forming a prominent 'crown' at the tip of the flower bud; leaves c. 0.5 mm wide.~Persoonia acerosa 13*~Tepals with coherent apical points, not promionently distinct from the rest of the tepals; leaves 0.3–0.5 mm wide.~Persoonia tenuifolia 14~Leaves <1 cm long, narrow-oblong; pedicels 1–2 mm long.~Persoonia terminalis 14*~Leaves mostly >1 cm long, linear-oblong or lanceolate to linear-lanceolate; pedicels mostly >2 mm long.~15 15~Pedicels glabrous (rarely sparsely hairy in P. chamaepeuce).~16 15*~Pedicels hairy.~20 16~Leaves slightly convex.~17 16*~Leaves slightly concave.~19 17~Leaves mostly lanceolate to linear-lanceolate.~Persoonia bargoensis 17*~Leaves linear-oblong.~18 18~Erect to spreading shrub; leaves 1.5–3 cm long, strongly discolorous when dried.~Persoonia nutans 18*~Prostrate or decumbent shrub; leaves 0.8–1.5 cm long, slightly discolorous when dried.~Persoonia laxa 19~Prostrate shrub; leaves 0.8–2.5 cm long.~Persoonia chamaepeuce 19*~Erect shrub; leaves 2–5 cm long.~Persoonia virgata 20~Tepals glabrous, strongly keeled along the outer midrib so that the buds appear square in cross section; leaves succulent when living, deeply concave when dried, smooth when mature~Persoonia hindii 20*~Tepals sparsely to moderately hairy, the buds not usually appearing square in cross section; leaves not succulent when living, flat to convex.~21 21~Bark lamellose-flaky; leaves flat when fresh, sometimes slightly convex when dried, 2–8.5 cm long.~Persoonia linearis 21*~Bark smooth-compact; leaves convex to revolute or subterete when fresh, strongly revolute or grooved on lower surface when dried, 1.5–4 cm long.~Persoonia mollis 22~Prostrate shrub; leaves terete when fresh, subterete and grooved on lower surface when dried, smooth to minutely scabrous.~Persoonia chamaepitys 22*~Erect to spreading shrubs; leaves concave or convex, sometimes strongly revolute but not terete, smooth to scabrous.~23 23~Leaves 0.5–1.4 cm long, recurved.~Persoonia hirsuta 23*~Leaves mostly 1.5–4 cm long, usually incurved.~Persoonia fastigiata 24~Longest leaves <2.5 cm long.~25 24*~Longest leaves >2.5 cm long.~36 25~Leaves broadest above the middle.~26 25*~Leaves mostly broadest at or below the middle.~29 26~Mature leaves strongly scabrous.~27 26*~Mature leaves smooth to slightly scabrous.~28 27~Broadest leaves <5.5 mm wide, concolorous; pedicels 2–5 mm long.~Persoonia cuspidifera 27*~Broadest leaves >5.5 mm wide, slightly discolorous; pedicels 1–3 mm long.~Persoonia rigida 28~Tepals 8–11.5 mm long; anthers yellow.~Persoonia mollis 28*~Tepals 11–15 mm long; anthers white.~Persoonia subvelutina 29~Tepals prominently caudate with dorsal, recurved tails.~Persoonia myrtilloides 29*~Tepals apiculate to shortly caudate with terminal tails.~30 30~Pedicels erect, moderately to densely hairy.~Persoonia mollis 30*~Pedicels mostly spreading to recurved, glabrous to moderately hairy.~31 31~Tepal tips shortly caudate.~Persoonia brevifolia 31*~Tepal tips acute to apiculate.~32 32~Mature leaves scabrous with antrorse to spreading hairs; leaves convex with recurved to revolute margins, broad-elliptic to ovate to broad-ovate.~Persoonia microphylla 32*~Mature leaves smooth and glabrescent to finely scabrous with appressed hairs; leaves flat with flat to recurved margins, ovate.~33 33~Pedicels sparsely to moderately hairy; tepals glabrous to moderately hairy; leaves sparsely to moderately hairy when immature, remaining so when mature.~Persoonia asperula 33*~Pedicels and tepals glabrous (or rarely the pedicels very sparsely hairy); leaves sparsely (or rarely moderately) hairy when immature, glabrescent to sparsely hairy when mature.~34 34~Longest leaves ≤11 mm.~Persoonia oxycoccoides 34*~Longest leaves >11 mm long.~35 35~Leaves usually acuminate, usually strongly discolorous, with recurved margins, 2.5–8.5 mm wide.~Persoonia acuminata 35*~Leaves acute, concolorous to slightly discolorous, with flat to slightly recurved margins, 1.2–3.5 mm wide.~Persoonia recedens 36~Bark rough, dark, lamellose-flaky.~37 36*~Bark smooth-compact, usually light to mid grey, sometimes dark and fissured at base or on trunk.~38 37~Leaves 1–7 mm wide, straight.~Persoonia linearis 37*~Leaves 13–80 mm wide, ± asymmetric to falcate.~Persoonia levis 38~Pedicels recurved or rarely spreading if <3 mm long.~39 38*~Pedicels erect.~40 39~Tepals prominently caudate; pedicels sparsely to moderately hairy, 2–10 mm long; leaf margins recurved.~Persoonia myrtilloides 39*~Tepals apiculate to shortly caudate; pedicels glabrous, 9–23 mm long; leaf margins flat.~Persoonia oblongata 40~Anthers white; leaves strongly discolorous.~41 40*~Anthers yellow; leaves concolorous to discolorous.~44 41~Inflorescences growing on into a leafy shoot; mature leaves sparsely to moderately hairy.~Persoonia subvelutina 41*~At least some inflorescences terminated by a dormant bud; mature leaves glabrescent to sparsely hairy.~42 42~At least some inflorescences terminated by a dormant bud and bearing some flowers in the axils of leaves; leaves alternate; tepals glabrous to moderately hairy.~Persoonia silvatica 42*~All inflorescences terminated by a dormant bud and bearing flowers only in the axils of scale leaves; leaves usually opposite; tepals densely hairy.~43 43~Leaves moderately scabrous.~Persoonia laurina 43*~Leaves smooth.~Persoonia confertiflora 44~Plants prostrate.~45 44*~Plants erect to decumbent.~47 45~Leaves strongly discolorous, with revolute margins.~Persoonia mollis 45*~Leaves concolorous, with slightly recurved margins.~46 46~Tepals moderately hairy.~Persoonia daphnoides 46*~Tepals sparsely hairy.~Persoonia procumbens 47~Margins of leaves flat; leaves concolorous, broadest above the middle.~48 47*~Margins of leaves ± recurved; leaves concolorous to discolorous, often broadest at or below the middle.~49 48~Leaves strongly pruinose, especially when young.~Persoonia glaucescens 48*~Leaves not pruinose.~Persoonia lanceolata 49~Mature leaves scabrous, 1.5–5 cm long, concolorous to slightly discolorous, broadest above middle; hairs mostly spreading.~Persoonia rigida 49*~Mature leaves smooth, or if scabrous then mostly >5 cm long or strongly discolorous or broadest at or below the middle or hairs appressed to antrorse.~50 50~Tepals and young branchlets glabrous to sparsely covered in mostly appressed hairs.~Persoonia media 50*~Tepals and young branchlets moderately to densely hairy.~51 51~Leaves strongly discolorous, with recurved to revolute margins; tepals acute to acuminate or apiculate; ovules 2.~Persoonia mollis 51*~Leaves concolorous to slightly discolorous, with recurved margins, if strongly discolorous then tepals caudate; ovules 1 or 2.~52 52~Leaves and flowers turning black on drying, often falcate; tepals and young branchlets moderately covered in short, appressed to antrorse, grey hairs; ovules 2.~Persoonia katerae 52*~Leaves usually remaining green or turning brown on drying, usually straight; tepals and young branchlets moderately to densely covered in grey to rusty hairs; ovule usually 1.~53 53~Inflorescences mostly terminated by a dormant bud; tepals obtuse to apiculate, densely hairy.~Persoonia cornifolia 53*~Inflorescences mostly growing on into a leafy shoot or if mostly terminated by a dormant bud then tepals moderately hairy; tepals apiculate to caudate.~54 54~Multistemmed shrubs, usually <1 m high.~Persoonia oleoides 54*~Single-stemmed shrubs to small trees 1.5–9 m high.~55 55~Leaves 5–10 (rarely to 15) mm wide, 5–15 times longer than broad; bark smooth to base.~Persoonia volcanica 55*~Leaves 10–45 mm wide, 1.5–7 times longer than broad; bark reticulately fissured at base, smooth on branches.~56 56~Tepals apiculate to shortly caudate; leaves mostly 2–3.5 times as long as broad.~Persoonia stradbrokensis 56*~Tepals prominently caudate; leaves mostly 3–7 times as long as broad.~Persoonia adenantha 57~Leaves 5–14 mm long, recurved.~Persoonia hirsuta 57*~Leaves >15 mm long, either incurved or not consistently curved.~58 58~Leaves mostly opposite and decussate, strongly discolorous; tepals densely rusty-hairy.~Persoonia laurina 58*~Leaves alternate, concolorous to slightly discolorous; tepals glabrous to densely hairy.~59 59~Pedicels 9–23 mm long, recurved, glabrous.~Persoonia oblongata 59*~Pedicels 1–12 mm long, erect to recurved, glabrous to densely hairy; combination never as above.~60 60~Prostrate to decumbent shrub; tepals 8–10 mm long, caudate with dorsal tails; mature leaves glabrescent.~Persoonia marginata 60*~Spreading to erect shrubs to trees or rarely decumbent to prostrate shrubs; tepals mostly 10–13 mm long (rarely 9 mm in P. sericea and then mature leaves sparsely to densely hairy, habit erect), obtuse to caudate with terminal tails; mature leaves densely hairy to glabrescent.~61 61~Mature leaves sparsely to densely hairy, broadest above the middle, 1.5–6 cm long; pedicels usually spreading to recurved.~Persoonia sericea 61*~Mature leaves glabrescent or rarely sparsely to moderately hairy but then broadest at or below middle, 2–14 cm long; pedicels erect.~62 62~Young branchlets and tepals glabrous to sparsely hairy; hairs mostly appressed; pedicels 3–10 mm long.~Persoonia media 62*~Young branchlets and tepals densely or sometimes moderately hairy; hairs mostly spreading; pedicels 1–4 mm long.~63 63~Young branchlets, young leaves, pedicels and tepals rusty-hairy; mature leaves scabrous, glabrescent to moderately hairy; ovary densely hairy.~Persoonia rufa 63*~Young branchlets, young leaves, pedicels and tepals greyish- to tawny-hairy or if rusty-hairy then ovary sparsely hairy; mature leaves smooth to slightly scabrous, glabrescent to sparsely hairy.~64 64~Inflorescences mostly determinate; tepals obtuse to apiculate, densely hairy.~Persoonia cornifolia 64*~Inflorescences usually mostly growing on into a leafy shoot or if mostly determinate then tepals moderately hairy, apiculate to caudate.~65 65~Multistemmed shrubs, 0.3–1 m high; ovary glabrous or rarely sparsely hairy.~Persoonia oleoides 65*~Single-stemmed shrubs to small trees 1.5–9 m high; ovary sparsely to densely hairy.~66 66~Tepals sparsely to moderately covered in short, appressed to antrorse hairs.~Persoonia conjuncta 66*~Tepals moderately to densely covered in moderate length antrorse to spreading hairs.~67 67~Tepals prominently caudate; ovary sparsely hairy or more usually glabrous; leaves mostly 3–7 times as long as broad.~Persoonia adenantha 67*~Tepals apiculate to shortly caudate; ovary usually moderately to densely hairy; leaves mostly 2–3.5 times as long as broad.~Persoonia stradbrokensis #{sp}Persoonia laurina 1~Ovary densely hairy; mature leaves smooth or scabrous~2 1*~Ovary glabrous; mature leaves scabrous~subsp. leiogyna 2~Mature leaves smooth~subsp. laurina 2*~Mature leaves scabrous~subsp. intermedia #{sp}Persoonia mollis 1~Leaves 4–12 cm long, 6–17 mm wide, with recurved margins, narrow-elliptic to lanceolate; plants erect~2 1*~Leaves 1.5–6 cm long, 0.8–15 mm wide (if leaves >6 mm wide then <4 cm long), with revolute or rarely recurved margins; elliptic to oblong to lanceolate or linear; plants erect or prostrate~4 2~Flower buds, and to a lesser extent young branchlets and young leaves, moderately to densely villous, with spreading, silky-white to copper coloured hairs 1–3 mm long~3 2*~Flower buds, and to a lesser extent young branchlets and young leaves, moderately silky-pubescent, with antrorse, silky-white hairs c. 0.5 mm long~subsp. nectens 3~Hairs on flower buds, young branchlets and young leaves c. 1 mm long, silky-white when fresh, copper coloured when dried~subsp. mollis 3*~Hairs on flower buds, young branchlets and young leaves 2–3 mm long, copper coloured when fresh or dried~subsp. maxima 4~Leaves 2–15 mm wide, elliptic to oblong or narrowly or rarely linearly so, acute to acuminate or obtuse, with recurved to revolute margins, the undersurface exposed when dried~5 4*~Leaves 0.8–2 mm wide, linear, truncate to bluntly acute or obtuse, with tightly revolute margins that wholly or largely obscure the undersurface when dried~8 5~Plants prostrate to decumbent; larger leaves usually >6 mm wide, usually obtuse~subsp. revoluta 5*~Plants erect; leaves <6 mm wide, acute to ± obtuse~6 6~Leaves linearly to narrow-elliptic to lanceolate, 3–6 cm long, acute~subsp. caleyi 6*~Leaves narrow-elliptic to oblong, 2–4 cm long, ± obtuse~7 7~Tepals 9–11.5 mm long; longest hairs on buds and young leaves 0.4–1 mm long~subsp. ledifolia 7*~Tepals 7.5–10.5 mm long; longest hairs on buds and young leaves 0.2–0.6 mm long~subsp. budawangensis 8~Undersurface of leaves densely covered with appressed hairs; leaves green to grey-green~subsp. livens 8*~Undersurface of leaves sparsely to moderately covered with appressed hairs; leaves bright green~subsp. leptophylla #{sp}Persoonia myrtilloides 1~Tepal tips recurved, 1.0–2.0 mm long; leaves narrow-elliptic to lanceolate, 2.0–5.0 cm long, 4–12 mm wide~subsp. myrtilloides 1*~Tepal tips prominently reflexed, 2.5–4.5 mm long; leaves mostly broad-elliptic to ovate to lanceolate, 1.2–3.8 cm long, 6–30 mm wide~subsp. cunninghamii #{sp}Persoonia terminalis 1~Leaves slightly recurved towards the tip; longest leaves 0.8–1.0 cm long~subsp. terminalis 1~Leaves strongly recurved towards the tip; longest leaves 0.6–0.75 cm long~subsp. recurva #{gn}Petalostigma 1~Leaves more than 2.5 times as long as wide, narrow-elliptic, mostly 5–9 cm long, acute at apex and often at base also, usually drying dark brown above; capsule more or less glabrous, mostly 3-locular~Petalostigma triloculare 1*~Leaves less than 2.5 times as long as wide, ovate to more or less circular, mostly 2–5 cm long, apex often obtuse, rarely drying dark brown above; capsule pubescent, mostly 4-locular~Petalostigma pubescens #{gn}Petrophile 1~Cones sessile or on peduncles to 10 mm long, terminal and solitary, or with several axillary cones close to the base; bracts pubescent, at least when young; perianth silky, 10–14 mm long; leaves usually 3–10 cm long~2 1*~Cones on peduncles 10–30 mm long, axillary; bracts and perianth glabrous, perianth 8–10 mm long; leaves mostly 8–16 cm long~Petrophile pedunculata 2~Young shoots glabrous, or almost so~Petrophile pulchella 2*~Young shoots at least pubescent~3 3~Leaves with segments spreading, very divaricate, rigid, more or less pungent, glabrescent; undivided part of leaf shorter than divided part~Petrophile sessilis 3*~Leaves with segments ascending, not pungent, greyish and pubescent; undivided part of leaf longer than the divided part~Petrophile canescens #{gn}Phaius 1~Lateral lobes of labellum incurved but not forming a tight tube; inside of sepals and lateral petals red-brown with yellow veins; usually most flowers setting fruit~Phaius australis 1*~Lateral lobes of labellum inrolled to form a tight tube; inside of sepals and lateral petals cinnamon brown; usually most flowers not setting fruit~Phaius tancarvilleae #{sp}Phalaris arundinacea 1~Blades green with a pale midrib~var. arundinacea 1*~Blades longitudinally striped green and cream~var. picta #{gn}Phalaris 1~Spikelets in groups of 5–7, with male or sterile spikelets and sometimes sterile branches surrounding 1 or more spikelets with bisexual florets, the group falling together at maturity; fertile lemma glabrous~2 1*~Spikelets all alike (reduced spikelets sometimes found at the base of the panicle) each with a bisexual floret, the glumes persistent on each pedicel at maturity; fertile lemma pubescent~3 2~Perennials with swollen stem bases; spikelet groups usually with more than 1 fertile spikelet; wing on glumes with several small teeth at the apex; pedicels glabrous~Phalaris coerulescens 2*~Annuals without swollen stem bases; spikelet groups with 1 fertile spikelet surrounded by reduced spikelets or club-shaped sterile branches; wing on glumes with 1 prominent tooth near the apex; pedicels hairy~Phalaris paradoxa 3~Sterile lemmas 2, equal or subequal and well developed~4 3*~Only 1 sterile lemma well-developed, if 2 present then these very unequal~6 4~Sterile lemmas more than 50% as long as the fertile floret, rather broad, not subulate; glumes with a broad, entire wing widest in the upper 30%, tapering abruptly to the apex~Phalaris canariensis 4*~Sterile lemmas narrow, subulate, usually less than 50% as long as the fertile lemma; wing on glumes narrower~5 5~Perennials with long rhizomes; panicle often rather loose, interrupted or lobed; glumes acute or acuminate, usually wingless; sterile lemmas uniformly hairy above the scale-like bases~Phalaris arundinacea 5*~Annual without rhizomes; panicle dense, cylindrical; glumes obtuse or abruptly acute, keel narrowly winged; sterile lemmas glabrous above basal hairs~Phalaris angusta 6~Perennial with stem bases often tuberous, forming dense clumps; glumes winged in the upper 50–70%, wing margins entire, tapering more gradually towards the base than the apex; lower sterile lemma absent or reduced to a scale-like base~Phalaris aquatica 6*~Annual without tuberous stem bases and not forming dense clumps; wing on glumes widest c. 30% below apex, usually erose or finely toothed, tapering equally towards both base and apex; lowest lemma usually absent~Phalaris minor #{sp}Phebalium glandulosum 1~Leaves 0.3–1.5 cm long, 1–2 mm wide, ± narrowly oblong-cuneate, apex truncate to retuse or obcordate, often appearing apically lobed.~2 1*~Leaves 1–3 cm long, 2–5 mm wide, narrow-oblong to narrowly oblong-cuneate, apex truncate and slightly retuse, apex not appearing lobed.~4 2~Leaves with midvein strongly impressed above.~3 2*~Leaves without midvein impressed on upper surface. Leaves narrowly oblong-cuneate, c. 0.5 cm long, 1–2 mm wide, apex truncate and retuse, margins revolute, upper surface smooth, sparsely glandular-warty. Pedicels 2–4 mm long. Calyx shortly hemispherical, with rusty scales, teeth broad-triangular, very obtuse, c. 0.8 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, margin with broad, triangular lobes. Petals broad-elliptic, c. 3 mm long.~subsp. eglandulosum 3~Leaves narrowly oblong-cuneate, c. 2 mm wide at apex; calyx obturbinate to deeply hemispherical. Leaves narrowly oblong-cuneate, 0.3–1.5 cm long, 1–2.5 mm wide, apex truncate to retuse or obcordate, margins recurved to revolute; upper surface prominently glandular-warty, stellate when young. Pedicels 2–3 mm long. Calyx 0.8–1.5 mm long, 2–2.5 mm wide, margin undulate or with prominent triangular acuminate teeth. Petals to 3 mm long, broad-elliptic.~subsp. glandulosum 3*~Leaves linear-cuneate, c. 1 mm wide at apex; calyx shortly hemispherical. Leaves linear-cuneate, 0.5–0.8 cm long, 0.5–1 mm wide, apex truncate and retuse, margins slightly recurved, upper surface prominently glandular-warty. Pedicels 4–5 mm long. Calyx c. 1 mm long, 2 mm wide, margin undulate. Petals 1–2 mm long, elliptic.~subsp. angustifolium 4~Leaves with upper surface dull and midvein sharply depressed; confined to the Bourke district (NWP). Leaves 1–3 cm long, c. 3 mm wide.~subsp. glandulosum 4*~Leaves with upper surface glossy and midvein only slightly depressed; restricted to the Warrumbungle N.P. (NWS). Leaves narrow-oblong to narrowly oblong-elliptic, 1–3 cm long, 2–4 mm wide, margins crenate and glandular-warty, apex truncate and slightly retuse; upper surface convex with shallow depression over midrib, glossy, smooth or sparsely glandular-warty; lower surface smooth apart from the sparsely warty midrib, fawn-scaly. Pedicels 5–7 mm long. Calyx c. 2 mm long, margin with prominent triangular lobes. Petals 3–4 mm long, broad-elliptic.~subsp. nitidum #{sp}Phebalium squamulosum 1~Leaves variable, mostly linear to oblong or lanceolate, or elliptic to broad-elliptic or obovate.~2 1*~Leaves oblong-obovate to broad-obovate or ± circular, 0.7–1.1 cm long. Leaves 3.5–7 mm wide, margins entire, apex rounded, upper surface stellate (when young) to glabrous, smooth or slightly scabrous, midvein not impressed, lower surface smooth. ~subsp. ozothamnoides 2~Leaves elliptic to broad-elliptic or obovate to ± oblong, 1.5–5 cm long, 2–10 mm wide.~3 2*~Leaves linear and 1–2.5 cm long, or oblong to narrow-elliptic and mostly 0.6–1.5 cm long and 1–2 mm wide.~7 3~Flowers yellow; stems and leaves (and usually calyces) not warty.~4 3*~Flowers white; stems, upper surface of leaves, and calyces glandular-warty. Leaves ± oblong-elliptic, 1.5–3 cm long, 2.5–6 mm wide, apex rounded to truncate or slightly retuse, margins flat or slightly recurved, upper surface stellate when young, lower surface silvery scaly.~subsp. verrucosum 4~Leaves glabrous on upper surface even in bud.~5 4*~Leaves stellate-scaly on upper surface at least when young.~6 5~Leaves oblong to ± elliptic or lanceolate, apex rounded to acute; calyx truncate. Leaves 1.5–5 cm long, 2–10 mm wide, apex acute to obtuse, truncate or retuse, upper surface ± smooth, not glandular-warty, lower surface with ± rusty scales.~subsp. squamulosum 5*~Leaves broad-oblong to ± elliptic, apex ± obtuse; calyx prominently undulate. Leaves c. 2.5 cm long and 5 mm wide, smooth and drying pale green above, with dense silvery scales on lower surface.~subsp. coriaceum 6~Leaves narrow-oblong, apex obtuse to truncate or retuse, usually with ± rusty scales.~subsp. squamulosum 6*~Leaves oblong-elliptic to broad-elliptic or oblong-obovate, apex rounded, lower surface of leaves and flowers with silvery scales. Leaves 1–3.5 cm long, 3–10 mm wide, upper surface stellate-scaly when young with a shallow midrib, lower surface with silvery stellate scales.~subsp. argenteum 7~Leaves ± oblong or narrow-elliptic, c. 2 mm wide. Leaves 0.7–2 cm long, apex rounded to obtuse or acute, upper surface smooth, glabrous, with a fine, impressed midvein.~subsp. gracile 7*~Leaves linear or narrow-oblong, c. 1 mm wide.~8 8~Leaves narrow-oblong to ± terete, 0.6–1 cm long, prominently warty. Stems glandular-warty. Leaves 0.7–1 mm wide, margins entire or glandular-crenate, apex rounded, upper surface rounded, glossy, glandular-warty, deeply grooved, lower surface smooth.~subsp. parvifolium 8*~Leaves linear, 1–2.5 cm long, smooth. Leaves c. 1 mm wide, strongly channelled above, apex truncate to obtuse.~subsp. lineare #{sp}Philotheca buxifolia 1~Leaves circular to broad-elliptic, 3.5–12 mm wide, base cordate or narrowed, margins entire.~2 1*~Leaves obovate, 3–6 mm wide, base cuneate, margins strongly glandular-crenate. Pedicels sparsely and finely bristly.~subsp. obovata 2~Leaves not strongly conduplicate falcate; base cordate; lower surface smooth; chiefly in the Sydney area. Pedicels glabrous or rarely finely bristly.~subsp. buxifolia 2*~Leaves strongly conduplicate falcate; base narrowed; lower surface glandular-punctate; confined to the Jervis bay area. Pedicels glabrous or finely hispid.~subsp. falcata #{sp}Philotheca difformis 1~Leaves fleshy, convex above, concave or channelled below~subsp. difformis 1*~Leaves leathery, flat~subsp. smithiana #{gn}Philotheca 1~Stamens with filaments fused for at least half their length, free portion of filaments pilose.~2 1*~Stamens free, filaments usually hairy from base, sometimes cohering by intertwined hairs.~4 2~Anthers ± visible beyond the spreading to ± appressed long hairs on the filaments, anthers glabrous.~3 2*~Anthers concealed by the long upwardly appressed hairs on the filaments, anthers with an apical tuft of long hairs.~Philotheca reichenbachii 3~Petals 6–12 mm long, pink to purple; leaves 5–15 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, glabrous .~Philotheca salsolifolia 3*~Petals 4–5 mm long, white to pink; leaves 3–9 mm long, c. 0.5 mm wide, sparsely ciliate or glabrous.~Philotheca ciliata 4~Flowers terminal, or if axillary then with pubescent petals; hairs (if present) on stems scattered or in longitudinal lines; stipules present or absent.~5 4*~Flowers axillary or in axillary cymes; petals glabrous or sparsely and finely hispid outside; hairs if present on stems scattered; stipules absent.~10 5~Flowers axillary; leaves 8–20 mm long.~Philotheca linearis 5*~Flowers terminal; leaves 1.5–12 mm long.~6 6~Leaves 1.5–2.5 mm long; petals c. 2 mm long; sepals varying in shape and size on the same flower.~Philotheca cuticularis 6*~Leaves 3–12 mm long; petals 4–10 mm long; sepals similar on the same flower.~7 7~Petals pubescent outside, at least towards margin.~8 7*~Petals glabrous outside.~9 8~Petals c. 9 mm long; leaves needle-like.~Philotheca ericifolia 8*~Petals <6 mm long; leaves fleshy and ± terete to flat, narrow-oblong to broad-elliptic to ovate.~Philotheca difformis 9~Leaves and sepals with a dark-coloured, gland-like apiculum; staminal filaments evenly attenuate; stipules, if present, minute.~Philotheca brevifolia 9*~Leaves and sepals without a gland-like apiculum; at least some staminal filaments abruptly narrowed near apex to a subulate tip; stipules small.~Philotheca angustifolia 10~Leaves ± terete to narrow-oblong or narrow-ovate, concave above or with margins tightly incurved.~11 10*~Leaves oblong to elliptic or obovate, often broadly so, if narrow then with recurved, crenulate margins.~12 11~Stems glabrous; leaves mostly >2 cm long.~Philotheca myoporoides 11*~Stems either finely hispid or glabrous and then leaves <2 cm long.~Philotheca scabra 12~Plant glabrous.~13 12*~Plant ± finely bristly or shortly pubescent.~15 13~Pedicels usually pedunculate (sometimes very shortly so), with a whorl of bracteoles at base.~Philotheca myoporoides 13*~Pedicels sessile with several small imbricate basal bracts.~14 14~Leaves >5 mm wide, flat, >3 cm long; carpels united at periphery; flowers 5-merous.~Philotheca trachyphylla 14*~Leaves <4 mm wide, margins ± recurved, <2 cm long; carpels free to base; flowers 4-merous.~Philotheca virgata 15~Margins of leaves revolute, glandular-crenate.~Philotheca hispidula 15*~Margins of leaves flat to slightly recurved, entire to glandular-crenate.~16 16~Leaves not mucronate, broad-obovate to obcordate, ± flat.~Philotheca obovalis 16*~Leaves mucronate, broad-ovate to obovate, flat or slightly concave above.~Philotheca buxifolia #{sp}Philotheca salsolifolia 1~Pedicels 1–2 mm long, turbinate; leaves crowded to well-spaced, semiterete, thick, blunt and 0.3–0.5 cm long or ± terete, slender, acute and 1–1.5 cm long, glabrous or sparsely ciliate; cocci almost erect~subsp. salsolifolia 1*~Pedicels 6–9 mm long, slender; leaves crowded, 0.8–1.5 cm long, flattened on upper surface, linear, acute, glabrous; cocci spreading~subsp. pedicellata #{sp}Philotheca scabra 1~Stems not warty, finely bristly. Leaves ± terete due to conduplicate margin, 1–2 mm wide, ± hispid~subsp. scabra 1*~Stems markedly warty, minutely bristly to glabrous. Leaves oblong to elliptic or narrow-ovate, 1.5–5 mm wide, concave above, slightly warty, glabrous or sparsely and shortly hispid~subsp. latifolia #{fm}PHILYDRACEAE 1~Perianth white to pink, outer segments fused at base; anther straight~Helmholtzia 1*~Perianth yellow, outer segments free; anther twisted~Philydrum #{fm}PHORMIACEAE 1~Flowers strongly tubular, mixed red-brown-orange in colour~Phormium 1*~Flowers with tepals wide-spreading from near base or recurved, white or blue or pale yellow~2 2~Fruit a berry; anthers not coiling after dehiscence; staminal filaments swollen and papillose at apex~Dianella 2*~Fruit a capsule; anthers coiling or strongly recurving after dehiscence; staminal filaments not swollen and papillose at apex~3 3~Flowers nodding; staminal filaments very densely hairy in upper half; seeds lenticular with ridged margins, dull or glistening~Stypandra 3*~Flowers erect; staminal filaments shortly and densely hairy except at base and apex; seeds laterally compressed with rounded margins, more or less shining~Thelionema #{gn}Phyla 1~Leaves greyish, margin with blunt short teeth or almost entire; flowers arranged in ovoid to globose spikes (spikes (3-)5–8(-10) mm long), with bracts elliptic-ovate; calyx lobes shorter than calyx tube~Phyla canescens 1*~Leaves green, margin with sharp forward-directed teeth; flowers arranged in obloid spikes (spikes (5-)10–25(-30) mm long), with bracts subrhomboid to somewhat rotund; calyx lobes longer than calyx tube~Phyla nodiflora #{gn}Phyllanthus 1~Branch leaves mostly scale-like (though plants of Phyllanthus lacunarius may have about half their branch leaves with well developed laminas)~2 1*~Branch leaves with well-developed lamina or leaves reduced in size~6 2~Sepals 5, or if 6 then stamens 4–6~3 2*~Sepals 6 and stamens 3~4 3~Branchlets flattened; stamens 3, filaments connate; female flowers solitary; styles notched; seeds striate~Phyllanthus amarus 3*~Branchlets rounded; stamens 4–6, filaments free; female flowers 1–5; styles divided for half or more of their length~Phyllanthus tenellus 4~Herbs, to 0.3 m high; stipules cream to yellow-brown; male sepals red; female pedicels at anthesis 0.2–1 mm long, in fruit 1–3 mm long; seeds striate~Phyllanthus lacunarius 4*~Shrubs to 3 m high; stipules red-brown; male sepals white, yellow or green; female pedicels at anthesis 1.4–15 mm long, in fruit 2.2–18 mm long; seeds smooth, not striate~5 5~Branchlets rounded, not ribbed, papillate; female pedicels 5–18 long; fruit 2.3–2.5 mm long~Phyllanthus microcladus 5*~Branchlets angular to flattened, ribbed smooth; lamina convex to flat, with margins not thickened; male sepals smooth; female pedicels 2.2–5 mm long; fruit 1.8–2.2 mm long~Phyllanthus similis 6~Plants monoecious; stipules 0.3–1.6 mm long, red to black; leaves 3–11 mm long~7 6*~Plants dioecious; stipules 0.5–4.1 mm long, cream, red-brown or red; leaves 4.2–57.8 mm long~8 7~Leaves usually flat with recurved margins, 1.8–6.6 mm wide, with long scattered hairs on the margins and the midvein; weak shrubs; mainly coastal and eastern parts of the tablelands~Phyllanthus hirtellus 7*~Leaves usually revolute or strongly recurved, 0.5–3.5 mm wide, with a dense covering of short hairs; dense compact shrub; mainly western side of the tablelands and on the western slopes~Phyllanthus occidentalis 8~Seeds distinctly granulate to tuberculate~9 8*~Seeds rugose, striate or smooth~10 9~Leaves 13.5–32.7 mm long, margins not thickened, veins slightly raised; female sepals in fruit 0.9–2 mm wide; filaments connate; styles notched~Phyllanthus maderaspatensis 9*~Leaves 4.2–19.5 mm long, margins thickened, veins not raised; female sepals in fruit 0.3–0.7 mm wide; filaments free; styles divided for half or more of their length~Phyllanthus virgatus 10~Plants densely hairy or at least glabrescent~11 10*~Plants glabrous, rarely scabrous to papillose~12 11~Branchlets rounded in cross section; stipules 0.5–1.7 mm long; male flowers 1–3 per axil; male pedicels 0.2–2 mm long; female sepals in fruit 1.6–5.5 mm long, 1–5.3 mm wide, enlarging and enclosing fruit; hilum not distictly bordered~Phyllanthus carpentariae 11*~Branchlets elliptic to rounded in cross section; stipules 0.8–3.2 mm long; male flowers 1–7 per axil; male sepals glabrous to papillose; male pedicels 1.5–5.5 mm long; female sepals 1.1–3.6 mm long, in fruit 1–2.6 mm wide; not enlarging and enclosing fruit; hilum distinctly bordered~Phyllanthus fuernrohrii 12~Branchlets ribbed~13 12*~Branchlets not ribbed~15 13~Branchlets rounded in cross section; stipules 0.6–1.4 mm long; leaves 5.5–18 mm long, with apex obcordate to emarginate; male pedicels 0.3–1 mm long; female pedicels 1.2–6.3 mm long; female pedicels in fruit 1–7.8 mm long; seeds with extra hilar depression~Phyllanthus lacunellus 13*~Branchlets angular to flattened in cross section; stipules 1.1–5.2 mm long; leaves 6.6–57.8 mm long, apex acuminate to acute; male pedicels 1.2–6.3 mm long; female pedicels in fruit 1–7.8 mm long; seeds without extra-hilar depression~14 14~Stipules cream to yellow-brown, with bases truncate to obtuse; leaves with veins slightly raised, margins smooth; female pedicels at anthesis 0.3–1.3 mm long; fruit 1.1–2.1 mm long; column 0.3–0.8 mm long; seeds 0.8–1.7 mm long~Phyllanthus lacerosus 14*~Stipules red-brown, with bases cordate; leaves with veins not slightly raised, lamina, margins distinctly papillate; female pedicels at anthesis 1.5–4.5 mm long; fruit 2.8–3.4 mm long; column 1.9–4.2 mm long; seeds 2–2.7 mm long~Phyllanthus subcrenulatus 15~Branchlets rounded in cross section; leaves linear to lanceolate and distinctly involute, 0.6–3.8 mm wide; male pedicels 0.4–2 mm long~Phyllanthus involutus 15*~Branchlets flattened, ellipsoid or rounded in cross section; leaves elliptic, circular, obovate or oblanceolate, flat, 2.6–20 mm wide; male pedicels 0.8–6 mm long~16 16~Shrubs to 2.5 m high; stipule apices obtuse to rounded; styles undivided; hilum markedly depressed or bordered~Phyllanthus gunnii 16*~Low shrubs or herbs to 0.4 m high; stipule apices acute to acuminate; styles variously divided; hilum markedly depressed and bordered~Phyllanthus oblanceolatus #{gn}Phyllostachys 1~Stems purplish black at maturity; leaves 9–15 mm wide~Phyllostachys nigra 1*~Stems yellowish green at maturity; leaves 6–22 mm wide~Phyllostachys aurea #{gn}Phyllota 1~Prostrate, decumbent or procumbent shrubs to 0.75 m high; flowers solitary or few together in lax, leafy spikes~2 1*~Erect shrubs to more than 1 m high; flowers in dense spikes at or towards the end of branches~3 2~Leaves 3–10 mm long, 0.5–0.75 mm wide, apex obtuse to acute with a small straight or more or less recurved point; bracteoles linear, 3–4 mm long~Phyllota humifusa 2*~Leaves 6–14 mm long, 0.75–1.25 mm wide, apex acuminate with a distinct yellowish, recurved mucro; bracteoles lanceolate, 5–13 mm long~Phyllota squarrosa 3~Leaves 1.0–2.25 mm wide; flowers 12–15 mm long; calyx densely villous~Phyllota grandiflora 3*~Leaves 0.75–1.25 mm wide; flowers to 5–11.5 mm long; calyx glabrous or pubescent~Phyllota phylicoides #{gn}Physalis 1~Herbaceous perennials with rhizomatous rootstock; indumentum of simple or forked non-glandular hairs, or glabrescent~2 1*~Annuals or short-lived perennials; indumentum sparse to dense, of glandular or simple (never forked) non-glandular hairs~3 2~Indumentum including some minute forked hairs; leaves narrow-ovate, margins usually sinuate or toothed~Physalis viscosa 2*~Indumentum of simple hairs only; leaves elliptic, margins entire or with a few indistinct lobes~Physalis virginiana 3~Plants obviously pubescent, hirsute or pilose with erect, glandular or simple non-glandular hairs; corolla conspicuously spotted~Physalis peruviana 3*~Plants sparsely hairy with erect or appressed, simple, non-glandular hairs, or becoming glabrescent; corolla marked with inconspicuous blotches~4 4~Anthers 3–4 mm long, becoming twisted; flowers bright yellow; berries mostly 17–30 mm diam~Physalis philadelphica 4*~Anthers 2–2.5 mm long, straight; flowers dull yellow; berries usually 8–15 mm diam~5 5~Leaves narrow-elliptic; pedicels usually 20–30 mm long~Physalis lanceifolia 5*~Leaves narrow-ovate; pedicels usually 5–25 mm long~6 6~Pedicel 5–10 mm long; style 2–2.5 mm long; fruiting calyx circular in section~Physalis ixocarpa 6*~Pedicel usually 20–25 mm long; style 4–5 mm long; fruiting calyx angular in section~Physalis minima #{fm}PHYTOLACCACEAE 1~Perianth segments 5; carpels more than 4; fruit more than 4-seeded; herbaceous perennials, often woody at the base~Phytolacca 1*~Perianth segments 4; carpel solitary; fruit 1-seeded; shrubs or perennial herbs woody at the base~2 2~Fruit a berry, smooth, red; flowers bisexual; perennial herbs, usually woody at the base~Rivina 2*~Fruit burr-like, an achene covered with hooked bristles, green to brown; flowers unisexual; shrubs~Monococcus #{gn}Phytolacca 1~Herbs or shrubs; inflorescences erect; flowers bisexual~2 1*~Trees or large spreading shrubs; inflorescences drooping; flowers unisexual~Phytolacca dioica 2~Pedicels in fruiting stage 2–3 mm long, shorter than the fruit, fruit 4–6 mm diam.; stalks of inflorescences 1–2 cm long~Phytolacca octandra 2*~Pedicels in fruiting stage 5–10 mm long, longer than the fruit, fruit 6–10 mm diam.; stalks of inflorescences 4–5 cm long~Phytolacca americana #{sp}Pimelea axiflora 1~Stems ± glabrous; mature leaves glabrous~2 1*~Young stems with hairs to 1 mm long; petioles and lower surfaces of leaves hairy. Leaves 6–22 mm long, 2–5 mm wide. Female flowers 3–4 mm long~subsp. pubescens 2~Leaves linear to narrow-elliptic, 10–60 mm long, 2–10 mm wide, soft, sometimes slightly falcate; bracts mostly 4–7 mm long, outer surface often finely hairy. Shrub to 3 m high, stems usually glabrous. Flowers 2–10 in each head. Female flowers 3–4 mm long~subsp. axiflora 2*~Leaves narrow-oblong to ± elliptic, usually 5–18 mm long, 3–7 mm wide, leathery, not falcate; bracts mostly 2–4 mm long, glabrous. Shrub to 1 m high, stems glabrous. Flowers 2–5 in each head. Female flowers 5–6 mm long~subsp. alpina #{sp}Pimelea curviflora 1~Lower surface of leaves sparsely hairy with coarse appressed or loosely appressed hairs; flowers red to yellow, with long coarse appressed hairs; fruit curved. Much-branched subshrub or shrub, 20–120 cm high. Leaves narrow-elliptic to elliptic or oblanceolate, 5–10 mm long, 2–4 mm wide. Peduncles usually absent. Clusters 4–12-flowered. Flowers 6–8 mm long, hairs denser on the persistent base~var. curviflora 1*~Lower surface of leaves with appressed or spreading hairs of variable thickness, length and density; flowers greenish yellow, sepals often dark red, sparsely hairy with short hairs; fruit straight, rarely curved in var. gracilis~2 2~Stems and lower surface and margins of leaves usually with appressed or loosely appressed hairs or sometimes with short spreading hairs~3 2*~Stems and lower surface and margins of the leaves with long sparse spreading hairs. Tufted subshrub 20–50 cm high. Leaves narrow-elliptic, 5–22 mm long, 2–4 mm wide. Heads 7–22-flowered. Flowers 5–9 mm long, with short fine loosely appressed hairs becoming denser on the persistent base. Fruit straight~var. divergens 3~Leaves pale or dull green, upper surface glabrous or sparsely hairy and lower surface with ± appressed hairs~4 3*~Leaves yellowish green, upper surface glabrous and lower surface glabrous or with scattered short spreading hairs, hairs often restricted to margins and midvein. Much-branched subshrub 15–50 cm high. Leaves narrow-elliptic to elliptic, 5–15 mm long, 2–5 mm wide. Heads 5–14-flowered. Flowers 9–10 mm long, yellow-greenish, with short fine appressed hairs becoming sparser on the persistent base. Fruit straight~var. acuta 4~Leaves with fine or coarse hairs on the lower surface~5 4*~Leaves ± glabrous except for a few very short coarse appressed hairs. Subshrub 15–30 cm high. Leaves linear to narrow-elliptic or oblanceolate, 5–11 mm long, c. 2 mm wide. Peduncle absent. Heads 6–16-flowered. Flowers 5–7 mm long, sparsely hairy with short hairs. Fruit straight~var. subglabrata 5~Shrub 50–150 cm high; pedicels covered with long antrorse hairs; flowers sparsely hairy with short, usually fine antrorse hairs; fruit occasionally curved. Leaves narrow-elliptic to elliptic or narrow-obovate to obovate, 4–20 mm long, 1–6 mm wide, pale or dull green, upper surface glabrous or sparsely hairy and lower surface with ± appressed hairs. Heads 4–22-flowered, often slightly elongated. Peduncles 0–10 mm long. Flowers greenish yellow; bisexuals 8–10 mm long, shortly hairy; females similar except usually 6–7 mm long. Fruit occasionally curved~var. gracilis 5*~Subshrub 15–30 cm high; pedicels covered with short appressed hairs; flowers sparsely hairy with short coarse appressed hairs that may be finer on the tube; fruit straight. Leaves mostly narrow-elliptic to elliptic, 6–19 mm long, 1–7 mm wide, pale or dull green, upper surface glabrous or sparsely hairy and lower surface with ± appressed hairs. Heads usually 5–20-flowered. Flowers 6–9 mm long. Fruit straight~var. sericea #{gn}Pimelea 1~Stems glabrous; leaves usually glabrous, rarely hairy when very young~2 1*~Stems hairy although sometimes glabrescent with age; leaves mostly hairy, sometimes glabrous~18 2~Flowers unisexual, plants dioecious; female hypanthia continued only shortly, if at all, above the ovary; hypanthia persistent or tardily circumsciss above or around the ovary after flowering~3 2*~Flowers bisexual or in some species flowers occasionally female by abortion; hypanthia continued well above the ovary; tube circumsciss above the ovary after flowering~7 3~Inflorescence axillary~Pimelea axiflora 3*~Inflorescence terminal, sometimes borne on short lateral branches and appearing axillary~4 4~Inflorescence entirely glabrous~Pimelea pauciflora 4*~Inflorescence more or less hairy; hypanthia sometimes glabrous and then at least the pedicels hairy~5 5~Pedicels covered with long coarse hairs; sepals and hypanthia entirely glabrous~Pimelea serpyllifolia 5*~Pedicels covered, sometimes sparsely so, with short fine hairs; sepals and hypanthia glabrous on inner surface but usually bearing at least a few hairs on outer surface~6 6~Hypanthia and sepals glabrous or sparsely hairy on outer surface; heads with 4–24 male flowers, or with 3–7, rarely to 16, female flowers~Pimelea neo-anglica 6*~Hypanthia and sepals with fine curly hairs on outer surface, sometimes hairs absent from tube or sepals but not both; heads with 13–100 male flowers or 7–12 female flowers~Pimelea microcephala 7~Flowers in racemes, compact when young, elongated and interrupted at maturity, bracts absent~Pimelea spicata 7*~Flowers in bracteate heads, in Pimelea ligustrina and P. treyvaudii the receptacle often elongates in the fruiting condition but not before the upper part of the hypanthia falls off~8 8~Bracts completely surrounding and more or less enclosing the inflorescence, more or less broad-ovate and longer than the leaves~9 8*~Bracts not completely enclosing the inflorescence, usually narrower, not broad-ovate and mostly shorter than leaves~10 9~Bracts 6–8, glabrous~Pimelea bracteata 9*~Bracts 4, more or less hairy on inner surface, margins of inner bracts ciliate~Pimelea glauca 10~Bracts green with cream markings at the base and along midvein, 9–11 in number~Pimelea treyvaudii 10*~Bracts green or with reddish markings, 4 or 8, or sometimes variable in number~11 11~Inner bracts ciliate on the margins~12 11*~Bracts not ciliate on the margins~15 12~Bracts 9–13~Pimelea ciliolaris 12*~Bracts 4 or 8~13 13~Persistent base of hypanthia glabrous~Pimelea glauca 13*~Persistent base of hypanthia hairy~14 14~Leaves 7–20 mm wide~Pimelea ligustrina 14*~Leaves 1–4 mm wide~Pimelea stricta 15~Leaves crowded and confined to the end of branches; flowers usually pinkish red, rarely white~Pimelea alpina 15*~Leaves neither crowded nor confined to the end of branches; flowers usually white or cream, rarely pink~16 16~Leaves mostly more than 7 mm wide with major reticulate veins as well as primary and secondary veins distinct on lower surface~Pimelea ligustrina 16*~Leaves usually less than 5 mm wide (sometimes to 7 mm, with only the primary vein and rarely intramarginal veins distinct on lower surface~17 17~Anther loculi on a broad dorsal connective and parallel on the inner face, not back-to-back when dehisced; leaves 1–4 mm wide~Pimelea stricta 17*~Anther loculi on a narrow connective and back-to-back when dehisced; leaves 1–7 mm wide~Pimelea linifolia 18~Inflorescence axillary~Pimelea axiflora 18*~Inflorescence terminal, sometimes borne on short lateral branches and appearing axillary~19 19~Inflorescence a raceme, usually narrow, compact when young and elongating at maturity; involucral bracts absent, apparently present in bud owing to the closeness of stem leaves~20 19*~Inflorescence not raceme-like and usually not markedly elongating in fruit; involucral bracts present or absent~24 20~Inflorescence remaining compact, less than 20 mm long at maturity, dense; anther connective narrow or broad, if broad then loculi parallel on the inner face~21 20*~Inflorescence elongating to more than 20 mm at maturity, interrupted; anther connective narrow and loculi back-to-back when dehisced~23 21~Leaves less than 20 mm long and mostly less than 5 mm wide (sometimes to 8 mm wide)~22 21*~Leaves mostly more than 20 mm long and more than 8 mm wide~Pimelea latifolia 22~Flowers greenish to white, densely covered with white spreading hairs; inflorescence terminal; peduncle and rachis densely whitish pubescent~Pimelea simplex 22*~Flowers yellow tinged with red, covered with glistening more or less appressed hairs; inflorescence lateral; pedicels and young growth fawnish pubescent~Pimelea strigosa 23~Flowers densely covered with short appressed hairs~Pimelea elongata 23*~Flowers densely covered with long spreading hairs~Pimelea trichostachya 24~Flowers in bracteate heads more than 15 mm diam.; flowers more than 10 mm long, white to creamy, at least 12 in each head, often more than 40; involucral bracts at least 4~25 24*~Flowers solitary or in few- to many-flowered heads or clusters, but not forming large bracteate heads more than 15 mm diam.; flowers less than 10 mm long, white to yellow-green or reddish; bracts present or absent~28 25~Leaves mostly less than 15 mm long and less than 8 mm wide, glabrous or hairy; hairs velvety or long and white, widespread on stems, leaves and peduncles~26 25*~Leaves mostly more than 15 mm long and more than 8 mm wide, glabrous except when very young; hairs short and fine, usually restricted to the peduncle except for a few scattered hairs for 1 or 2 nodes below inflorescence~Pimelea ligustrina 26~Bracts 6–13; leaves hairy, sometimes glabrescent with age~27 26*~Bracts 4; leaves glabrous~Pimelea humilis 27~Leaves silvery, silky on both surfaces; flowers unisexual and plants dioecious~Pimelea penicillaris 27*~Leaves green, usually with long white hairs at least on the lower surface but neither silvery nor silky, or more or less glabrous; flowers bisexual~Pimelea ciliolaris 28~Prostrate, mat-forming shrub; leaves opposite; flowers always 2 in each head~Pimelea biflora 28*~Erect plants, usually shrubs to at least 50 cm high, or occasionally erect herbs; leaves alternate to subopposite; flowers more than 2 in each head or if 2 then not consistently so, or flowers solitary~29 29~Leaves less than twice as long as wide, often crowded and covering the stem, leaves glabrous; flowers unisexual, plants dioecious~Pimelea flava 29*~Leaves not as above, usually more than twice as long as wide, scattered along stem, not completely covering it; leaves usually hairy or rarely more or less glabrous; flowers bisexual or female~30 30~Peduncles more than 10 mm long~31 30*~Peduncles less than 10 mm long~32 31~Leaves usually 10–20 mm long and 3–8 mm wide; flowers yellow sometimes tinged with red~Pimelea strigosa 31*~Leaves mostly 20–60 mm long, 8–20 mm wide; flowers white~Pimelea latifolia 32~Leaves and stems densely hairy, with creamy soft spreading hairs, 2–4 mm long; primary and secondary veins prominent and brown~Pimelea venosa 32*~Leaves and stems not usually covered with whitish spreading hairs more than 2 mm long, if leaves densely covered with spreading hairs then veins not brown and prominent~33 33~Flowers solitary or in clusters of 2–5 in the axils of the leaves and usually accompanied by new vegetative growth; bracts absent~Pimelea umbratica 33*~Flowers in few- to many-flowered terminal heads, often appearing lateral due to the outgrowth of axillary buds immediately below the inflorescence; bracts present or absent~34 34~Flowers and fruits covered with white spreading hairs; plant herbaceous, sometimes woody at base, 15–75 cm high. Specimens of Pimelea trichostachya (sp. no. 16) bearing only young inflorescences may also key out here~Pimelea simplex 34*~Flowers and fruits not covered with white spreading hairs; plants often shrubby, rarely herbaceous~35 35~Leaves either mostly more than 2.5 mm wide and bearing short tangled spreading hairs or rarely long antrorse hairs on both surfaces, or more than 60 mm long and bearing small round projections on the upper surface (leaves 5–80 mm long)~Pimelea latifolia 35*~Leaves either less than 2.5 mm wide and hairy on both surfaces, or glabrous or almost so on the upper surface and the lower surface bearing hairs that are appressed to spreading and then short and fine and slightly tangled (leaves 2–20 mm long)~36 36~Flowers 5–12 mm long; bracts when present usually glabrous or nearly so on the upper surface, shorter than the inflorescence~Pimelea curviflora 36*~Flowers 3–4 mm long; bracts when present hairy on both surfaces, at least as long as inflorescence~Pimelea micrantha #{sp}Pimelea latifolia 1~Flowers white; hypanthium sparsely hairy with short fine spreading hairs that are often very sparse on the persistent base; leaves 5–80 mm long; shrubs 1–3 m high, on margins of rainforest and in wet sclerophyll forest.~2 1*~Flowers yellow or greenish yellow, often with red sepals; hypanthium bearing coarse antrorse or loosely appressed hairs; leaves 2–20 mm long; shrubs 10–50 cm high, in sclerophyll forest, often in rocky sites.~3 2~Leaves mostly 20–60 mm long, upper surface sparsely hairy with appressed hairs and small rounded projections and the lower surface with short fine loosely appressed or spreading hairs. Shrub to 3 m high. Leaves usually narrow-elliptic to spathulate, 20–80 mm long, 6–20 mm wide. Peduncles 10–25 mm long in fruit. Flowers 6–16 in each head. Fruit 4.5 mm long. In or on rainforest margins, north from Lismore.~subsp. latifolia 2*~Leaves mostly 5–20 mm, rarely to 40 mm, long, both surfaces with short fine slightly tangled spreading hairs. Erect shrub to 2 m high. Leaves usually elliptic to broad-elliptic or obovate, leaves 4–30 mm long, 2–10 mm wide. Peduncle not elongated in fruit. Flowers 2–12 in each head. Fruit 2.5–4 mm long. In or near rainforest north from Taree. Varieties are sometimes distinguished on the length of the leaves and flowers, however, they are not recognized here.~subsp. altior 3~Leaves covered on both surfaces with short fine, slightly tangled, spreading hairs. Shrub 10–50 cm high. Leaves mostly elliptic, 2–10 mm long, 3–6 mm wide, margins ciliate. Peduncles not elongating in fruit. Heads 1–7-flowered, flowers 4–7 mm long. Fruit c. 4 mm long. In forest chiefly on the coast from Newcastle to Nowra.~subsp. hirsuta 3*~Leaves covered on both surfaces with fine or coarse long antrorse hairs. Shrub 10–50 cm high. Leaves mostly narrow-elliptic, 5–18 mm long, 3–10 mm wide, margins ciliate. Peduncles not elongating in fruit. Heads 5–18-flowered, flowers 5–8 mm long. Fruit 2.5 mm long. In rocky sites, Rylstone-Merriwa-Cessnock area.~subsp. elliptifolia #{sp}Pimelea ligustrina 1~Peduncles glabrous, or almost so; bracts glabrous on outer surface, ± hairy on inner surface, margins usually ciliate~2 1*~Peduncles with short fine hairs immediately below the involucre; bracts mostly silky-hoary on both surfaces. Shrub 1–3 m high. Leaves oblanceolate to elliptic, mostly 30–60 mm long. Bracts usually reflexed in fruit. Flowers 36 to >150 per head; pedicels often with golden hairs, receptacle usually elongating in fruit~subsp. hypericina 2~Bracts green, sometimes ciliate on the margins, usually reflexed in fruit; receptacle commonly elongating in fruit. Shrub to 2 m high in open forest. Leaves variable in shape, mostly 20–60 mm long. Peduncles glabrous or almost so. Bracts 4–15 mm long, 2–10 mm wide. Flowers 15–130 per head; pedicels often golden-hairy~subsp. ligustrina 2*~Bracts reddish brown, markedly ciliate on the margins, not reflexed in fruit; receptacle rarely elongating in fruit. Low shrub to 1.5 m high. Leaves elliptic, mostly 15–40 mm long. Peduncles glabrous. Heads with 20–70 flowers, pedicels with white hairs~subsp. ciliata #{sp}Pimelea linifolia 1~Leaves and bracts without obvious intramarginal veins; flowers hairy but not usually silky~2 1*~Leaves and bracts with obviously raised intramarginal veins, prominent at least on lower surface of leaves; flowers usually silky. Shrub to 1 m high. Leaves narrow-elliptic, 4–25 mm long, 1–4 mm wide. Bracts narrow-ovate to ± ovate, 4–15 mm long. Leaves and bracts often drying greenish blue. Flowers 9–50 in each head~subsp. collina 2~Leaves green; flowers often >20 in each head~3 2*~Leaves glaucous, bluish; heads with usually <20 flowers. Prostrate or clump-forming shrub to 50 cm high. Leaves narrow-elliptic, 5–10 mm long, mostly 3–4 mm wide. Bracts ± oblanceolate to ovate, 7–15 mm long, acute to obtuse, bluish. Heads 7–21-flowered, each flower 16–19 mm long, hairy and with longer but less dense hairs on persistent base~subsp. caesia 3~Erect, prostrate or occasionally clump-forming shrub to 1.5 m high; common in a wide variety of situations. Leaves oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic, mostly 5–30 mm long, usually 1–4 mm wide, rarely to 7 mm. Bracts ± ovate, 4–19 mm long, 3–10 mm wide, often with a reddish tinge. Flowers 7–44 per head, 10–20 mm long, shortly hairy with longer hairs on persistent base~subsp. linifolia 3*~Luxuriant shrub to 2.5 m high; often growing in exposed conditions in the Blue Mtns. Leaves narrow-oblong or narrow-elliptic, mostly 10–35 mm long, 3–6 mm wide, often with a reddish tinge. Bracts ± ovate, sometimes narrower, mostly 10–16 mm long, 5–9 mm wide, often tinged with red. Flowers 28–60 per head, 14–20 mm long, rachis occasionally elongating in fruit~subsp. linoides #{sp}Pimelea simplex 1~Peduncles to 15 mm long; inflorescence remaining condensed or elongating to 10 mm at maturity; hairs on pedicels long. Slender plants with stems red at base. Flowers 4–6 mm long, densely covered with short antrorse hairs~subsp. simplex 1*~Peduncles to 30 mm long; inflorescence elongating, usually 10–18 mm at maturity; hairs on pedicels short. Sturdy plant with stems green or brown at the base. Flowers 5–7 mm long, densely covered with fine spreading hairs~subsp. continua #{fm}PINACEAE 1~Adult leaves in fascicles with basally sheathing bracts~Pinus 1*~Adult leaves solitary~Picea #{gn}Pinus 1~Leaves thin and flexible, mostly in groups of 3 (sometimes 2 or 4) on short shoots~2 1*~Leaves stout and rigid, always in pairs, on short shoots~4 2~Leaves usually <15 cm long; cones ± asymmetrical~Pinus radiata 2*~Leaves mostly >15 cm long; cones symmetrical~3 3~Leaves always in groups of 3; cones sessile~Pinus taeda 3*~Leaves in groups of 2–4; cones shortly stalked~Pinus elliottii 4~Buds non resinous; leaves mostly 15–24 cm long~Pinus pinaster 4*~Buds strongly resinous; leaves mostly 3–7 cm long~Pinus contorta #{gn}Pisonia 1~Woody climber or scrambling shrub with axillary spines on abortive peduncles; fruit covered with stiff, hooked glandular hairs~Pisonia aculeata 1*~Erect shrub or small tree without spines; fruit viscid along ribs but without glandular hairs~Pisonia umbellifera #{fm}PITTOSPORACEAE 1~Fruit dry or leathery, dehiscent capsules~2 1*~Fruit succulent or fibrous, indehiscent berries or berry-like~6 2~Anthers mostly longer than filaments, opening by apical pores; shrubs less than 1 m high; petals blue~Cheiranthera 2*~Anthers shorter than the filaments, opening by longitudinal slits; trees or erect to prostrate or dwarf shrubs; petals white, cream, yellow, or rarely reddish purple~3 3~Petals spreading from the base, not cohering along edges; ovary and capsule distinctly stipitate; spinescent shrubs or small trees~Bursaria 3*~Petals cohering over lower half or near base to form a tube, the apices only spreading; ovary and capsule sessile or shortly and obscurely stipitate (capsule pseudostipitate in Hymenosporum); trees, shrubs, or subshrubs, lacking spines or rarely (P. oreillyanum) spinescent~4 4~Fruit with thin crustaceous valves, less than 1 cm long; low procumbent or prostrate shrubs~Rhytidosporum 4*~Fruit with thick leathery valves usually more than 1 cm long; trees or shrubs more than 1 m high~5 5~Seeds winged, not viscid; petals 3–4 cm long, hairy on outer surface~Hymenosporum 5*~Seeds not winged, viscid; petals less than 2 cm long, glabrous on outer surface~Pittosporum 6~Subshrubs, twiners, scramblers or climbers, branchlets not spinescent; fruit subcylindrical to ovoid, green, brown, or purplish when fresh~Billardiera 6*~Shrubs, more or less erect, branchlets usually spinescent; fruit globose, orange or dull black when fresh~Pittosporum #{gn}Plagiobothrys 1~Sepals 5–8, becoming thickened and twisted or recurved in fruit~Plagiobothrys plurisepaleus 1*~Sepals 5, not thickened, remaining erect in fruit~2 2~Sepals barely fused at the base; mericarps coarsely and irregularly reticulate~Plagiobothrys elachanthus 2*~Sepals fused for about one-third of their length; mericarps regularly reticulate~Plagiobothrys canescens #{gn}Planchonella 1~Leaves with lamina rounded at base, not gradually tapering into petiole; petiole 15–30 mm long, glabrous; fine venation obscure above~Planchonella queenslandica 1*~Leaves with lamina gradually tapering into petiole; petiole either indistinct or less than 15 mm long or hairy; fine veins prominent above~2 2~Leaves spathulate and usually less than 30 mm long; lower surface glabrous or densely hairy~Planchonella cotinifolia 2*~Leaves not spathulate and mostly more than 30 mm long; lower surface glabrous or finely hairy~3 3~Leaves usually less than 8 cm long and mostly 2–2.5 times as long as wide, mostly more or less elliptic, sometimes obovate, usually quickly tapering into a short petiole; sometimes finely hairy below~Planchonella sp. 3*~Leaves usually more than 8 cm long, or if less, then more than 2.5 times as long as wide; mostly obovate to oblanceolate, gradually tapering into petiole, usually glabrous, petiole and midvein sometimes hairy~4 4~Leaves mostly more or less oblanceolate, leaves more than 4 times as long as wide; secondary veins and margins yellowish; young stems, petioles and midveins silky, hairs fawnish~Planchonella pohlmaniana 4*~Leaves mostly obovate, sometimes more or less elliptic, mostly less than 4 times as long as wide; secondary veins and margins usually not yellowish; stems, petiole and veins glabrous~5 5~Apex of lamina rounded or quickly tapering to a blunt point; lamina mostly thick and leathery; intramarginal vein not distinct; fruit more than 20 mm long~Planchonella australis 5*~Apex of lamina tapering to a point; lamina mostly thin and papery; intramarginal veins distinct; fruit less than 20 mm long~Planchonella chartacea #{sp}Plantago coronopus 1~Scapes slender, 0.5–1.8 mm diam., mostly longer than leaves; spike dense, flowers often spreading, bracts mostly longer than sepals; keel of anterior sepals ± equal to membranous margins~subsp. coronopus 1*~Scapes stout, usually 1.3–2.3 mm diam., shorter than or equal to leaves; spike very dense, flowers appressed to axis and closely imbricate; bracts mostly shorter than or equal to sepals, keel of anterior sepals much broader than membranous margins~subsp. commutata #{gn}Platycerium 1~Fertile fronds with sporangia in several patches, covering all or the greater part of the ultimate segments~Platycerium bifurcatum 1*~Fertile fronds with sporangia in a single large patch 10–50 cm diam., situated in the fork of the first dichotomy of the lamina~Platycerium superbum #{sp}Platylobium formosum 1~Leaflets usually ovate, length less than twice the breadth, base cordate; ovary hairy on sutures and on valves; pods hairy on sutures and retaining some pubescence on valves~subsp. formosum 1*~Leaflets usually narrow-ovate, length more than twice the breadth, base not cordate; ovary glabrous or sparsely hairy on sutures only; pod ± glabrous~subsp. parviflorum #{gn}Platysace 1~Leaves less than 1 mm wide, either undivided, linear or subulate, or trifoliolate with filiform segments less than 0.5 mm wide~2 1*~Leaves more than 1 mm wide, undivided or lobed, not 3-foliolate~4 2~Stems scabrous to hispid; leaves shortly petiolate~Platysace ericoides 2*~Stems glabrous; leaves sessile~3 3~Leaves 0.5–1 mm wide, undivided; inflorescence erect, peduncles to 25 mm long~Platysace linearifolia 3*~Leaves less than 0.5 mm wide, often 3-foliolate with filiform segments; inflorescence lax, peduncles more than 25 mm long~Platysace heterophylla 4~Leaves undivided, oblong, elliptic or oblanceolate~5 4*~Lower leaves or all leaves deeply or shallowly 3–5-lobed~6 5~Stems shortly pubescent; leaves narrow- to broad-elliptic or rarely oblanceolate, more than 3.5 mm wide; umbels 15–50 mm diam., with 3–11 or more rays~Platysace lanceolata 5*~Stems scabrous to hispid; leaves elliptic-oblong or oblong, to 1.8 mm wide; umbels to 20 mm diam., with 3–6 rays~Platysace ericoides 6~Leaves 12–20 mm long, 5–7 mm wide, with lower leaves or all leaves deeply 3-lobed; lobes 2–4 mm long, c. 1 mm wide; lamina scabrous; fruit bullate-tuberculate~Platysace stephensonii 6*~Leaves 6–7 mm long, to 10 mm wide, all with 3–5 shallow lobes; lamina sparsely hispid or villous; fruit sparsely bristly~Platysace clelandii #{gn}Plectranthus 1~Bracts not forming an imbricate crown-like covering at the apex of the inflorescence; leaves non-aromatic or pleasantly aromatic; pedicels spreading to ascending; mature calyx glabrous in throat~2 1*~Bracts forming a conspicuous imbricate crown-like covering at the apex of the inflorescence; leaves strongly and unpleasantly aromatic when crushed; pedicels erect and appressed to the inflorescence axis; mature calyx densely hairy in throat. ('Plectranthus caninus group')~11 2~Bracts persistent at least until the fruiting stage; corolla white, sometimes pale mauve, with purple markings or freely speckled with purplish spots~3 2*~Bracts soon caducous (in P. alloplectus, often persistent in flower, but not persistent in fruit); corolla more or less violet-blue~5 3~Branches more or less glabrous to shortly hairy, with white, antrorse hairs; margins of leaves with 3–6 pairs of teeth~Plectranthus verticillatus 3*~Branches densely covered with long hairs; margins of leaves with 7–15 pairs of teeth~4 4~Upper calyx lobe erect; branches densely covered with maroon-purple multicelled hairs, hence branches purplish~Plectranthus ciliatus 4*~Upper calyx lobe horizontal; branches densely covered with white multicelled hairs~Plectranthus amboinicus 5~Leaves with margins finely crenate; lamina lanceolate to ovate (length to breadth ratio 2.2–4.2); bracts usually persistent in flower; stamens and style well-exserted by 1.5–4.5 mm beyond the lower corolla lip~Plectranthus alloplectus 5*~Leaves with margins crenate to more or less toothed; lamina usually ovate to broad-ovate (length to breadth ratio mostly 1–2); bracts soon caducous; stamens and style scarcely, if at all, exceeding the lower corolla lip~6 6~Branches sparsely covered with antrorse hairs~Plectranthus apreptus 6*~Branches moderately to densely covered with spreading or more or less appressed and retrorse hairs, hairs never antrorse~7 7~Margins of leaves with 10–23 pairs of teeth; lamina always densely hairy~8 7*~Margins of leaves with 4–9 pairs of teeth, if 10–12 pairs of teeth then leaves sparsely hairy~9 8~Hairs of branches of 2 types, always with gland-tipped more or less spreading hairs, and usually with spreading multicelled hairs~Plectranthus graveolens 8*~Hairs of branches appressed and retrorse or branches more or less glabrous~Plectranthus argentatus 9~Branches moderately to densely covered with long, more or less spreading multicelled hairs and glands absent~Plectranthus cremnus 9*~Branches sparsely to densely covered with short, more or less appressed, retrorse hairs and glands always present~10 10~Branches densely covered with shortly, more or less appressed retrorse hairs; lamina densely hairy, sessile glands not prominent~Plectranthus suaveolens 10*~Branches sparsely covered with short retrorse hairs; lamina sparsely covered with antrorse hairs and sessile glands prominent~Plectranthus parviflorus 11~Annual herb; inflorescence with short internodes such that flowers and fruits densely clustered; corolla 8–10 mm long~Plectranthus caninus 11*~Perennial herb; inflorescence lax basally with at least 1 or 2 spaced fruiting whorls below the flowers; corolla at least 12 mm long~12 12~Inflorescence 7–15 cm long, with 5–12 spaced fruiting whorls below the flowers; corolla 12–20 mm long~Plectranthus neochilus 12*~Inflorescence usually 3–5 cm long, with 1 or 2, rarely more, spaced fruiting whorls below the flowers; corolla 20–25 mm long~Plectranthus ornatus #{gn}Pleurosorus 1~Most hairs not gland-tipped, c. 1 mm long~Pleurosorus rutifolius 1*~All, or most, hairs short and gland-tipped~Pleurosorus subglandulosus #{gn}Plinthanthesis 1~Central awn 2 mm or more in length, reflexed and/or twisted at the base; lobes half as long as the body of the lemma~Plinthanthesis urvillei 1*~Central awn less than 2 mm long and bent, reduced to a mucro or absent; lobes less than half as long as the body of the lemma~2 2~Lemma mucronate or awnless; lobes of lemma 0.5 mm long~Plinthanthesis rodwayi 2*~Awn c. 1 mm long, bent; lobes of lemma 1–1.5 mm long~Plinthanthesis paradoxa #{gn}Pluchea 1~Leaves entire, narrow-linear~Pluchea baccharoides 1*~Leaves toothed, linear to obovate~2 2~Bases of leaves not decurrent, stems not winged~3 2*~Bases of leaves decurrent to form wings down the stem~Pluchea rubelliflora 3~Leaves linear to narrow-oblanceolate, the margins with linear teeth; heads 7–14 mm diam., 1–4 in loose, leafy cymes; involucral bracts linear, loosely imbricate~Pluchea dentex 3*~Leaves obovate to cuneate, the margins with triangular teeth; heads 2.5–5 mm diam., numerous in dense, leafless cymes; involucral bracts lanceolate to ovate, closely imbricate~Pluchea tetranthera #{fm}PLUMBAGINACEAE 1~Basal rosette absent; stems leafy, leaves ovate; flowers more than 15 mm long; calyx cylindrical, glandular-pubescent~Plumbago 1*~Basal rosette present or absent; stem leaves scale-like, triangular or stem-clasping; flowers less than 15 mm long; calyx spreading at the top, glabrous~Limonium #{gn}Pneumatopteris 1~Basal pinnae abruptly reduced in size, the lowest 10 mm long or smaller~Pneumatopteris sogerensis 1*~Basal pinnae gradually reduced in size, the lowermost at least 10 mm long~Pneumatopteris pennigera #{sp}Poa sieberiana 1~Leaves narrow or flat, scabrous or with dense very short hairs~2 1*~Leaves narrow with sparse, stiff hairs~var. hirtella 2~Leaves with blade distinctly green (often a dull green)~var. sieberiana 2*~Leaves bluish green and very narrow, often thread-like~var. cyanophylla #{fm}PODOCARPACEAE 1~Leaves >5 mm long; fruiting female cone scales united with the axis to form a fleshy receptacle~Podocarpus 1*~Leaves <4 mm long; fruiting female cone scales slightly thickened at the base but not fleshy at maturity~Pherosphaera #{gn}Podocarpus 1~Leaves >5 mm wide; trees~Podocarpus elatus 1*~Leaves usually <5 mm wide; shrubs or small trees~2 2~Leaves >20 mm long, apex acute~Podocarpus spinulosus 2*~Leaves <20 mm long, apex usually obtuse~Podocarpus lawrencei #{gn}Podolobium 1~Margins of leaves not recurved; leaves usually opposite, not usually warty.~2 1*~Margins of leaves recurved; leaves alternate, opposite or whorled, upper surface often warty.~Podolobium alpestre 2~Leaves lobed, the lobes pungent-pointed.~3 2*~Leaves entire, with or without a pungent apex.~4 3~Margins of leaves deeply and irregularly lobed; leaves ovate to narrow-ovate in outline.~Podolobium ilicifolium 3*~Margins of leaves with shallow, ± regular, sinuate lobes; leaves oblong to ovate in outline.~Podolobium aestivum 4~Stipules spinose; calyx teeth shorter than tube; bracteoles absent.~Podolobium aciculiferum 4*~Stipules bristly; calyx teeth ± equal to tube; bracteoles present.~5 5~Leaves obovate or ovate to elliptic, 1–7 cm long, apex obtuse or with a soft mucronate point, margins flat.~Podolobium scandens 5*~Leaves ovate, 1–2.5 cm long, apex pungent-pointed, margins undulate.~Podolobium procumbens #{gn}Polycarpaea 1~Inflorescence leafy; sepals all white or occasionally yellowish and slightly thickened at base~Polycarpaea arida 1*~Inflorescence leafless; sepals with a reddish triangle at base or a reddish brown to purplish brown midrib~2 2~Sepals with a reddish brown to purplish brown midrib; petals fused at base~Polycarpaea spirostylis 2*~Sepals thickened and with a more or less reddish triangular patch at the base; petals free~Polycarpaea corymbosa #{fm}POLYGALACEAE 1~Leaves alternate or occasionally opposite or in whorls; sepals unequal, 2 inner ones large and wing-like; stamens 8, anthers opening by apical pores~2 1*~Leaves clustered on short axillary shoots; sepals almost equal, 2 inner ones larger but not wing-like; stamens 7, anthers opening by longitudinal slits~Muraltia 2~Leaves always alternate, often caducous or reduced to scales; capsule cuneate and narrowed at base, rarely circular; seeds without caruncle, with hairs lengthening into a coma~Comesperma 2*~Leaves alternate or occasionally opposite or in whorls, rarely caducous or reduced to scales; capsule obovate, obcordate, ovate or circular; seeds with caruncle, with hairs not lengthening into a coma~Polygala #{gn}Polygala 1~Flowers less than 8 mm long; herbs, sometimes woody at base, branches erect, prostrate or ascending, less than 50 cm high~2 1*~Flowers more than 8 mm long; erect shrubs, usually more than 1 m high~4 2~Inflorescences many-flowered; flowers c. 2 mm long; leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate~Polygala paniculata 2*~Inflorescences with few to several flowers; flowers usually 3–6 mm long; leaves not as above~3 3~Wing sepals petaloid; leaves ovate or elliptic; fruit with a broad wing~Polygala japonica 3*~Wing sepals not petaloid; leaves usually obovate to linear-oblong or narrow-elliptic; fruit with a very narrow wing~Polygala linariifolia 4~Flowers in long terminal racemes; leaves linear tonarrow-elliptic,less than 6 mm wide~Polygala virgata 4*~Flowers in short terminal racemes; leaves elliptic to broad-elliptic, usually more than 6 mm wide~Polygala myrtifolia #{gn}Polygonum 1~Erect herb, stems not rooting at the nodes; flowering region more or less obvious because of the very small bract-like leaves; lower leaves mostly not persistent after flowering~Polygonum bellardii 1*~Prostrate to decumbent herbs, commonly mat-forming, stems often rooting at the nodes; flowering region not obvious, leaves all similar or somewhat smaller in the flowering region but not bract-like; leaves usually persistent~2 2~Leaves narrow-elliptic to narrow-ovate, 5–50 mm long, 2–15 mm wide, with lateral veins visible on lower surface, margins flat, wavy or rarely recurved; stems to 100 cm long~3 2*~Leaves linear-oblong to very narrow-elliptic, 3–20 mm long, 1–3.5 mm wide, lateral veins not visible, margins mostly strongly recurved (flatter on large leaves); stems to c. 15 cm long~Polygonum plebeium 3~Branch leaves about half the size of stem leaves; perianth divided for about two-thirds its length, tapering abruptly below nut; nut with 3 subequal concave faces~Polygonum aviculare 3*~All leaves of similar size; perianth divided for about half its length, tapering gradually to base; nut with 2 more or less convex faces and 1 narrower concave face~Polygonum arenastrum #{gn}Polymeria 1~Stems erect; leaves mostly less than 8 mm wide, apex usually acute, glabrous to silky; bracteoles more than 2.5 mm long~Polymeria longifolia 1*~Stems trailing or twining; leaves to 20 mm wide, apex usually rounded to emarginate, mostly glabrous but if hairy then not silky; bracteoles less than 2.5 mm long~2 2~Stems trailing, rooting at nodes; flowers pink, mostly 6–8 mm long; sepals 3–4 mm long, more or less equal~Polymeria pusilla 2*~Stems trailing and twining; flowers purple-violet, 7–15 mm long; sepals 6–12 mm long, outer ones broader than inner ones~Polymeria calycina #{fm}POLYPODIACEAE 1~Fronds of two kinds, sterile, papery `nest leaves' and much-divided fertile fronds~2 1*~Fronds either of one kind or if dimorphic then `nest leaves' never present and fertile fronds simple or rarely divided~3 2~Bracket epiphytes, rhizome short-creeping; sterile fronds broad, ± circular and overlapping; fertile fronds dichotomously divided~Platycerium 2*~Epiphytic or found growing on rocks, rhizome creeping; sterile fronds longer than broad, alternating with the fertile fronds; fertile fronds pinnate~Drynaria 3~Fronds with lamina covered with appressed, persistent, stellate hairs; rhizome scales not clathrate~Pyrrosia 3*~Fronds with lamina lacking stellate hairs; rhizome scales clathrate~4 4~Sori elongate, covering the surface of the very narrow, tail-like apical portion of the fertile frond; fronds regularly dimorphic, lamina simple or sometimes forked into 2 at the apex~Belvisia 4*~Sori circular or ovate, never confluent; fronds not markedly dimorphic, lamina simple or pinnatifid~5 5~Stipe distinct, at least 3 cm long; fronds variable from simple to pinnatifid, reticulations of the lamina with conspicuous, free, included veinlets~Microsorum 5*~Stipe very short or absent; fronds always simple, reticulations of the lamina lacking free, included veinlets~Dictymia #{gn}Polypogon 1~Glumes entire, acute or mucronate with an awn <1 mm long, the keels with stiff hyaline bristles to 0.5 mm long~Polypogon chilensis 1*~Glumes notched at the apex, with an awn 1 mm or more long, variously hairy but without bristles on the keel~2 2~Awn on glumes to 3 mm long; panicles rather loose with branches visible~Polypogon lutosus 2*~Awn on glume 4–9 mm long; panicle dense, the branches concealed by spikelets~Polypogon monspeliensis #{gn}Polyscias 1~Flowers solitary; petiole circular in cross section~Polyscias elegans 1*~Flowers aggregated into umbels; petiole U-shaped in cross section, or petiole absent~2 2~Trees to 20 m high; leaves petiolate; umbels arranged racemosely along inflorescence branches~Polyscias murrayi 2*~Shrubs or small trees to 5 m high; leaves sessile (basal leaflets sometimes reduced and stipule-like); umbels terminate inflorescence branches~Polyscias sambucifolia #{gn}Polystichum 1~Proliferous buds never present on the main rachis; small woolly, pale brown, much-divided scales present on the stipes and rachises~2 1*~Proliferous buds often present on the main rachis; small woolly scales not present, although the bases of the lanceolate scales on the rachis are divided and somewhat feathery~3 2~Scales of the rhizome and stipe base clearly of two types, narrow and red-brown at the very base, and broader (sometimes also darker) further up~Polystichum fallax 2*~Scales of the rhizome and stipe base predominantly of one type, all red-brown and ovate to lanceolate~Polystichum formosum 3~Scales at base of stipe glossy, mostly with a pale border, and often twisted~Polystichum proliferum 3*~Scales at base of stipe dull, lacking a pale border~Polystichum australiense #{sp}Pomaderris andromedifolia 1~Leaves 1–5 cm long, 3–15 mm wide, lower surface with veins and surface between veins with straight sppressed or semi-appressed simple hairs, often appearing silky; bracts of inflorescence usually falling before flowering. ~subsp. andromedifolia 1*~Leaves 1.5–4 cm long, 10–15 mm wide, lower surface with veins and surface between veins with spreading, curved to flexuous simple hairs; bracts of inflorescence persisting until flowering.~subsp. confusa #{sp}Pomaderris argyrophylla 1~Leaves 5–12 cm long, apex acute to acuminate; sepals 1.3–2 mm long; petals usually absent, white or cream if present.~subsp. argyrophylla 1*~Leaves 1.5–6.5 cm long, apex often obtuse; sepals 2–2.5 mm long; petals usually present, usually yellow, rarely white or cream.~subsp. graniticola #{sp}Pomaderris betulina 1~Sepals 1.5–2 mm long; leaves with secondary veins strongly impressed on upper surface, margins usually distinctly recurved.~subsp. betulina 1*~Sepals 2–3 mm long; leaves with secondary veins hardly impressed on upper surface, margins not or hardly recurved.~subsp. actensis #{sp}Pomaderris gilmourii 1~Indumentum on lower surface of leaves, petioles, branchlets etc. with a dense superficial layer of appressed simple ± straight hairs, appearing shiny; margins of leaves thickened and glabrous, apparent as a distinct border on lower surface; sepals c. 1.5 mm long. Style glabrous above point of division.~var. gilmourii 1*~Indumentum not including a dense superficial layer of ± woolly simple hairs, surfaces appearing dull; margins of leaves neither thickened or glabrous, not apparent as a border on either surface; sepals c. 1 mm long. Style hairy above point of division.~var. cana #{sp}Pomaderris ligustrina 1~Leaves 2–8 cm long, lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, more than twice as long as broad; margins usually distinctly recurved: sepals 0.8–1.4 mm long.~subsp. ligustrina 1*~Leaves 1.5–3 cm long, broad-ovate to ± circular, less than twice as long as broad; magins flat to weakly recurved; sepals 1.5–2 mm long.~subsp. latifolia #{sp}Pomaderris phylicifolia 1~Leaves >1.5 mm wide, ± flat with margins recurved, lower surface of lamina visible, secondary veins sometimes visible.~subsp. phylicifolia 1*~Leaves <1.5 mm wide, ± terete, margins strongly revolute, lower surface of lamina scarcely visible, secondary veins not visible.~subsp. ericoides #{fm}PONTEDERIACEAE 1~Plants mostly free-floating; flowers more than 3 cm across~Eichhornia 1*~Plants mostly rooted; flowers, less than 3 cm across~2 2~Fruit 3-locular with many seeds; perianth free almost to base~Monochoria 2*~Fruit a 1-seeded nutlet; perianth fused for half its length, 2-lipped, the upper lip with 3 lobes fused for about half their length, the lower lip with 3 lobes almost free from each other~Pontederia #{gn}Populus 1~Leaves mostly densely white-woolly below and either palmately 3–5-lobed on vigorous shoots or coarsely and shallowly toothed on weak shoots, rarely glabrescent and then ovate to elliptic~Populus alba 1*~Leaves glabrous, never lobed, closely toothed and broad-rhombic to triangular~Populus nigra #{gn}Poranthera 1~Leaves linear to narrow-ovate; margins recurved to revolute; dwarf shrubs~2 1*~Leaves spathulate to obovate, margins more or less flat; annual herb~Poranthera microphylla 2~Leaves mostly 3–5 cm long, 1.5–4 mm wide, margins recurved to slightly revolute; stipules entire~Poranthera corymbosa 2*~Leaves 8–12 mm long, c. 1–2 mm wide, margins mostly revolute; stipules lobed or jagged~Poranthera ericifolia #{fm}PORTULACACEAE 1~Ovary inferior or half-inferior; capsule circumsciss; flowers sessile, in terminal heads (except for Portulaca bicolor)~Portulaca 1*~Ovary superior; capsule valvate or with a terminal pore; flowers pedicellate~2 2~Capsule separating into an epicarp that falls early and a persistent endocarp with intervalvular bristles~3 2*~Capsule with united pericarp~4 3~Leaves with axillary hairs; stamens 8–10~Anacampseros 3*~Leaves lacking axillary hairs; stamens 10–20~Talinum 4~Leaves usually sessile, rarely petiolate, never dilated at the base, not stem-clasping; petals free~Calandrinia 4*~Leaves with dilated membranous or scarious base, stem-clasping; petals united at the base~5 5~Plants erect with ascending stems; leaves opposite; petals unequal, the basal tube split on one side~Montia 5*~Plants prostrate with rhizomatous stems; leaves alternate; petals equal, basal tube complete~Neopaxia #{gn}Portulaca 1~Leaves opposite, circular or broad-ovate; flowers on pedicels 3–6 mm long~Portulaca bicolor 1*~Leaves alternate, linear, lanceolate, or obovate to oblanceolate, never circular or broad-ovate; flowers sessile~2 2~Leaves obovate to oblanceolate, usually more than 4 mm wide, dorsiventrally flattened; axillary hairs inconspicuous, to 1 mm long~3 2*~Leaves linear, lanceolate or rarely oblanceolate, less than 4 mm wide, terete or flattened; axillary hairs conspicuous, usually more than 5 mm long~4 3~Petals 10–17 mm long, twice as long as the sepals; stamens more than 20~Portulaca intraterranea 3*~Petals 4–7 mm long, scarcely exceeding the sepals; stamens less than 20~Portulaca oleracea 4~Leaves linear, lanceolate or rarely oblanceolate, dorsiventrally flattened; petals pink~Portulaca pilosa 4*~Leaves linear, terete; petals yellow~5 5~Petals 4–10 mm long~Portulaca filifolia 5*~Petals 15–20 mm long~Portulaca grandiflora #{fm}POTAMOGETONACEAE 1~Inflorescence usually more than 2-flowered; nutlets sessile; carpels 4~Potamogeton 1*~Inflorescence always 2-flowered; drupelets with an elongated stipe; carpels 2–19~Ruppia #{gn}Pultenaea 1~Leaves with margins recurved or revolute or if flat then darker on the upper surface.~2 1*~Leaves with margins incurved or involute or if flat then darker on the lower surface.~3 2~Bracts conspicuously imbricate, surrounding the terminal, dense inflorescences.~4 2*~Bracts absent or not conspicuously imbricate; inflorescences subterminal to terminal, lax to dense, often leafy.~17 3~Ovary pubescent to the base.~26 3*~Ovary glabrous or with hairs only at the apex.~40 4~Bracts caducous.~5 4*~Bracts persistent.~8 5~Leaves with apex lacking an aristate point.~6 5*~Leaves with apex aristate.~7 6~Flowers 5–7 mm long; calyx 3–4 mm long, teeth acute; leaf apex usually emarginate.~Pultenaea retusa 6*~Flowers 7–10 mm long; calyx 4–5 mm long, teeth acuminate; leaf apex rounded and usually minutely indented.~Pultenaea platyphylla 7~Leaves cuneate to obovate, apex rounded, truncate or rarely retuse; bracteoles predominantly pubescent, attached to the upper part of the calyx tube.~Pultenaea daphnoides 7*~Leaves narrow-elliptic to linear, apex acute; bracteoles predominantly glabrous, attached near the centre of the calyx tube.~Pultenaea benthamii 8~Hairs on the calyx appressed throughout.~9 8*~Hairs on the calyx, or at least on the upper part of the calyx, spreading.~15 9~Bracts predominantly glabrous.~10 9*~Bracts predominantly pubescent.~13 10~Lateral teeth of the bracts acute to acuminate, sparsely ciliate.~11 10*~Lateral teeth of the bracts obtuse, the margins densely ciliate.~Pultenaea myrtoides 11~Longest leaves 25–40 mm long.~Pultenaea sp. 'robusta' (Anderberg 7048) 11*~Longest leaves 12–23 mm long.~12 12~Flowers 10–12 mm long, sessile; longest leaves to 23 mm; bracteoles 4–6 mm long; small spreading shrub or subshrub.~Pultenaea paleacea 12*~Flowers 5–7 mm long, pedicellate; longest leaves to 17 mm; bracteoles 3–3.6 mm long; diminutive procumbent subshrub.~Pultenaea parrisiae 13~Leaves mostly >20 mm long; bracteoles aristate.~Pultenaea rosmarinifolia 13*~Leaves mostly <15 mm long; bracteoles tending to be 3–5-toothed.~14 14~Bracteoles 3–5 mm long, narrow-ovate, not keeled, attached to the middle or lower part of the calyx tube.~Pultenaea capitellata 14*~Bracteoles 5–7 mm long, obovate, keeled, attached below the base of the calyx tube.~Pultenaea pycnocephala 15~Leaves with apex aristate; teeth of the calyx acuminate with fine pungent points.~Pultenaea polifolia 15*~Leaves with apex recurved, teeth of the calyx acuminate or acute without pungent points.~16 16~Leaves elliptic to cuneate, occasionally dilated near the apex; bracteoles linear-ovate to linear-obovate.~Pultenaea linophylla 16*~Leaves narrow-elliptic to obovate; bracteoles oblong to ovate.~Pultenaea sp. 'New England' (Coveny 16631) 17~Ovary glabrous except at the apex; stipules 5–10 mm long.~Pultenaea stipularis 17*~Ovary pubescent to the base; stipules less than 5 mm long.~18 18~Pedicels >3 mm long.~Pultenaea pedunculata 18*~Pedicels <3 mm long.~19 19~Stems with appressed hairs.~20 19*~Stems with spreading hairs.~22 20~Leaves with margins tightly revolute; bracteoles linear, attached at middle of calyx tube.~Pultenaea cinerascens 20*~Leaves with margins flat to slightly revolute; bracteoles narrow-triangular, attached at base of calyx tube.~21 21~Leaves narrow- to linear-obovate, 0.5–2 mm wide, concolorous.~Pultenaea microphylla 21*~Leaves narrow-obtriangular to obtriangular, 2–6 mm wide, upper surface darker than lower.~Pultenaea sp. 'Liverpool Range' (Johnson 963) 22~Leaves linear.~Pultenaea petiolaris 22*~Leaves oblong to obtriangular or elliptic to obovate.~23 23~Leaves elliptic to obovate.~Pultenaea tarik 23*~Leaves oblong to obtriangular.~24 24~Upper surface of leaves glabrous, smooth.~Pultenaea sp. 'Liverpool Range' (Johnson 963) 24*~Upper surface of leaves hairy and/or scabrous.~25 25~Calyx with sparse spreading hairs; bracteoles 1–2 mm long.~Pultenaea hartmannii 25*~Calyx silky-pubescent to densely hirsute; bracteoles 3–5 mm long.~Pultenaea scabra 26~Leaves terete with a groove on the upper surface.~27 26*~Leaves flat, or with incurved to involute margins.~31 27~Calyx with appressed hairs.~28 27*~Calyx with spreading or woolly hairs.~29 28~Calyx silky-pubescent; bracteoles <2.5 mm long, lacking stipules, narrow-ovate.~Pultenaea fasciculata 28*~Calyx covered with stiff pale hairs; bracteoles >2.5 mm long, minutely stipulate, linear to linear-obovate.~Pultenaea laxiflora 29~Bracteoles 6–7 mm long; calyx with woolly hairs; stipules 5–7 mm long.~Pultenaea baeuerlenii 29*~Bracteoles 2–3 mm long; calyx with spreading hairs; stipules 1.5–3 mm long.~30 30~Leaves 7–15 mm long, 0.5–0.8 mm wide, lower surface densely tuberculate; calyx 2–5.5 mm long.~Pultenaea divaricata 30*~Leaves 15–35 mm long, 0.8–1.8 mm wide, lower surface smooth; calyx 6–7 mm long.~Pultenaea rodwayi 31~Hairs on the calyx spreading or absent; leaves alternate.~32 31*~Hairs on the calyx silky and appressed; leaves alternate, subopposite or opposite.~36 32~Leaves with apex with a long or short aristate point.~33 32*~Leaves with apex leaf lacking an aristate point.~35 33~Bracteoles almost orbicular, viscid.~Pultenaea vrolandii 33*~Bracteoles ovate, not viscid~34 34~Bracts three lobed, leaves 1.5–2.5 mm wide~Pultenaea juniperina 34*~Bracts absent, leaves 2–7 mm wide~Pultenaea villifera 35~Leaves 3–6.5 mm long, oblong; stipules and bracteole somewhat viscid.~Pultenaea hispidula 35*~Leaves up to 10–20 mm long, narrow-ovate to linear; stipules and bracteole viscid.~Pultenaea mollis 36~Bracts absent or inconspicuous.~37 36*~Bracts imbricate, conspicuous.~38 37~Leaves mostly opposite, 10–20 mm long; lower surface darker than upper.~Pultenaea blakelyi 37*~Leaves alternate, 2–9 mm long, concolorous.~Pultenaea microphylla 38~Bracteoles lacking stipules.~Pultenaea largiflorens 38*~Bracteoles with stipules.~39 39~Petioles not decurrent on stem; leaves linear to linear-obovate, terete with a groove on the upper surface; bracteoles 2.8–5 mm long, fused to the stipules at base.~Pultenaea laxiflora 39*~Petioles decurrent on stem; leaves elliptic to narrow-obovate, concave; bracteoles c. 2 mm long, fused to stipules to middle.~Pultenaea dentata 40~Ovary glabrous.~41 40*~Ovary with a tuft of hairs at apex.~46 41~Leaves usually whorled or opposite and decussate; venation of leaves palmate, usually with 3 main veins from base (although sometimes the main lateral veins obscure); base of leaves obtuse to rounded.~Pultenaea spinosa 41*~Leaves alternate; venation of leaves with only 1 main vein; base of leaves attenuate to cuneate.~42 42~Bracteoles circular to broad-ovate.~Pultenaea altissima 42*~Bracteoles longer than broad.~43 43~Leaves involute to generally U-shaped in cross section.~Pultenaea glabra 43*~Leaves flat or slightly concave in cross section.~44 44~Leaves with apex emarginate to round, straight.~Pultenaea euchila 44*~Leaves with apex acute to acuminate, straight to recurved~45 45~Leaves with apex straight and aristate.~Pultenaea flexilis 45*~Leaves with apex recurved and not aristate.~Pultenaea alea 46~Bracteoles 2- or 3-lobed, beige, with frayed margins, enlarged and deeply concave, almost covering the calyx.~Pultenaea tuberculata 46*~Bracteoles 1- or 3-lobed, variously coloured but the lateral lobes (stipules) being reddish brown, with entire margins, not obscuring much of the calyx.~47 47~Bracteoles 1-lobed (apparently lacking stipules).~48 47*~Bracteoles 3-lobed (with distinct stipules, although these may be small and largely hidden behind the bracteole).~60 48~Inflorescences lax, leafy racemes.~49 48*~Inflorescences dense, head-like.~54 49~Leaves terete and grooved on upper surface, 0.5–1 mm wide.~Pultenaea sp. 'Olinda' (Coveny 6616) 49*~Leaves flat or shallowly concave, 1.5–25 mm wide.~50 50~Petioles decurrent on stem.~51 50*~Petioles not decurrent on stem.~52 51~Leaves with apex acute to acuminate.~Pultenaea flexilis 51*~Leaves with apex emarginate to rounded.~Pultenaea euchila 52~Leaves with base obtuse to rounded; leaves usually whorled or opposite and decussate.~Pultenaea spinosa 52*~Leaves with base attenuate to cuneate; leaves alternate.~53 53~Branchlets drooping; hairs on leaves stiff, usually erect.~Pultenaea villosa 53*~Branchlets ascending to erect; hairs on leaves soft, appressed or ascending.~Pultenaea humilis 54~Leaves warty.~55 54*~Leaves smooth.~56 55~Leaves with tufts of minute needle-like hairs on the warts, concave with involute margins, 1–2 mm wide; stipules 5–6 mm long.~Pultenaea aristata 55*~Leaves without tufts of needle-like hairs on the warts, often with long hairs on the leaf margins, terete and grooved on upper surface, 0.5–1 mm wide; stipules c. 3 mm long.~Pultenaea echinula 56~Leaves linear, apex acuminate.~57 56*~Leaves elliptic to oblong or ovate, apex acute to obtuse or rounded or emarginate.~59 57~Leaves flat to shallowly concave; stipules 7.5–10 mm long.~Pultenaea stipularis 57*~Leaves deeply concave or terete and grooved above; stipules 2–6 mm long.~58 58~Leaves 10–20 mm long, concave with involute margins when dried.~Pultenaea glabra 58*~Leaves 5–10 mm long, terete and grooved above when dried.~Pultenaea sp. 'Olinda' (Coveny 6616) 59~Petioles decurrent on stem; stems glabrous.~Pultenaea euchila 59*~Petioles not decurrent on stem; stems spreading-pubescent.~Pultenaea humilis 60~Apex of leaves long- or short-acuminate to an aristate point.~61 60*~Apex of leaves acute to rounded but lacking a point.~63 61~Leaves linear to narrow-obovate to narrow-elliptic, 0.5–1.5 mm wide; leaf venation with only 1 main vein.~Pultenaea setulosa 61*~Leaves ovate to rhombic to broad-rhombic, 1–25 mm wide; leaf venation palmate, usually with 3 main veins from base (although sometimes the main lateral veins obscure).~62 62~Leaves usually whorled or opposite and decussate, usually straight; tip of calyx teeth acute.~Pultenaea spinosa 62*~Leaves alternate, recurved; tip of calyx teeth acuminate.~Pultenaea procumbens 63~Leaves mostly <3 mm long; leaf base usually obtuse to rounded.~Pultenaea foliolosa 63*~Leaves mostly >3 mm long; leaf base attenuate to cuneate.~64 64~Bracteolar stipules fused to bracteole to half its length.~Pultenaea subspicata 64*~Bracteolar stipules free or fused only basally to bracteole.~65 65~Bracteoles inserted at the base of the calyx tube.~66 65*~Bracteoles inserted on the calyx tube.~68 66~Stipules 4–6 mm long.~Pultenaea canescens 66*~Stipules 1–3 mm long.~67 67~Prostrate, mat-forming shrubs with ascending branchlets; leaves glabrous or with soft, appressed to ascending hairs.~Pultenaea maritima 67*~Erect to spreading shrubs with drooping branchlets; leaves hairy with hairs stiff, usually spreading.~Pultenaea villosa 68~Calyx glabrous on the outer surface except for a few hairs on the teeth.~Pultenaea parviflora 68*~Calyx moderately hairy on the outer surface.~69 69~Erect to spreading shrubs with drooping branchlets; leaves with hairs stiff, usually spreading.~Pultenaea villosa 69*~Erect to procumbent shrubs with erect to ascending branchlets; leaves with hairs soft, appressed to ascending.~70 70~Leaves narrow-spathulate to oblanceolate to narrow-elliptic or narrow-oblong.~Pultenaea rostrata 70*~Leaves obovate to spathulate.~Pultenaea ferruginea #{gn}Potentilla 1~Leaves pinnate; flowers solitary, axillary~2 1*~Leaves palmate; inflorescence terminal, cymose, many-flowered~Potentilla recta 2~Plants with stolons; petals longer than sepals; peduncles more than 50 mm long~Potentilla anserina 2*~Plants without stolons; petals shorter than sepals; peduncles less than 5 mm long~Potentilla supina #{sp}Pouteria cotinifolia 1~Mature leaves glabrous. Pedicels, ovary and sepals glabrous without. Fruit always 1-seeded~var. cotinifolia 1*~Mature leaves rusty-pubescent below and sparsely white-pubescent above. Pedicels, ovary and sepals pubescent without. Fruit 1–4-seeded~var. pubescens #{gn}Pouteria 1~Leaves with lamina rounded at base, not gradually tapering into petiole; petiole 15–30 mm long, glabrous; fine venation obscure above~Pouteria queenslandica 1*~Leaves with lamina gradually tapering into petiole; petiole either indistinct or less than 15 mm long or hairy; fine veins prominent above~2 2~Leaves spathulate and usually less than 30 mm long; lower surface glabrous or densely hairy~Pouteria cotinifolia 2*~Leaves not spathulate and mostly more than 30 mm long; lower surface glabrous or finely hairy~3 3~Leaves usually less than 8 cm long and mostly 2–2.5 times as long as wide, mostly more or less elliptic, sometimes obovate, usually quickly tapering into a short petiole; sometimes finely hairy below~Pouteria myrsinifolia 3*~Leaves usually more than 8 cm long, or if less, then more than 2.5 times as long as wide; mostly obovate to oblanceolate, gradually tapering into petiole, usually glabrous, petiole and midvein sometimes hairy~4 4~Leaves mostly more or less oblanceolate, leaves more than 4 times as long as wide; secondary veins and margins yellowish; young stems, petioles and midveins silky, hairs fawnish~Pouteria pohlmaniana 4*~Leaves mostly obovate, sometimes more or less elliptic, mostly less than 4 times as long as wide; secondary veins and margins usually not yellowish; stems, petiole and veins glabrous~5 5~Apex of lamina rounded or quickly tapering to a blunt point; lamina mostly thick and leathery; intramarginal vein not distinct; fruit more than 20 mm long~Pouteria australis 5*~Apex of lamina tapering to a point; lamina mostly thin and papery; intramarginal veins distinct; fruit less than 20 mm long~Pouteria chartacea #{gn}Prasophyllum 1~Rostellum and column wings much elongated and linear (at least twice as long as the anther); largely autumn-flowering~Prasophyllum striatum 1*~Rostellum and column wings short and broad with rostellum triangular and staminodes weakly triangular to sickle-shaped (not much longer than the anther); flowers spring–summer~2 2~Ovary elongate, cylindrical, appressed to rachis~3 2*~Ovary ovoid to pyriform, not appressed to rachis~5 3~Leaf lamina greatly reduced, less than 2 cm long; lateral sepals cucullate~Prasophyllum flavum 3*~Leaf lamina at leasat 3 cm long; lateral sepals erect~4 4~Leaf base with vertical red striations; labellum base gibbous, lamina strongly reflexed~Prasophyllum australe 4*~Leaf base without striations; labellum base not gibbous, lamina recurved at less then 90°~Prasophyllum elatum 5~Labellum lamina papillose or minutely pubescent~6 5*~Labellum lamina glabrous~7 6~Flowers crowded; labellum without a sigmoid bend; petals reflexed; alpine species~Prasophyllum retroflexum 6*~Flowers not crowded; labellum with a sigmoid bend; petals not reflexed; coastal species~Prasophyllum lindleyanum 7~Labellum callus hardly raised, lamina voluminous, usually white, pellucid, crisped~8 7*~Labellum callus distinctly raised, lamina not voluminous, variously coloured but not pure white, not pellucid~14 8~Lateral sepals cojoined for at least part of their length~9 8*~Lateral sepals free and divergent~12 9~Lateral sepals free at base, joined near their knobbed apices~Prasophyllum dossenum 9*~Lateral sepals joined from the base, apices not knobbed~10 10~Alpine plants with a blunt leaf apex; labellum not reflexed back upon itself~Prasophyllum suttonii 10*~Non-alpine plants, leaf apex acute; labellum reflexed back on itself~11 11~Flowers more than 7 mm across; labellum more than 8 mm long; labellum callus without tufted papillae; plants not very slender, to 50 cm high, many-flowered (usually 10–35); widespread species~Prasophyllum brevilabre 11*~Flowers less than 7 mm across; labellum less than 8 mm long; labellum callus tufted with papillae; plants slender, filiform, usually less than 20 cm high, less than 10-flowered; confined to far north coast~Prasophyllum exilis 12~Labellum reflexed back on itself; common widespread species~Prasophyllum odoratum 12*~Labellum recurved, but not reflexed back on itself; species with restricted distribution, in alpine sites and coastal districts~13 13~Labellum broad, recurved gradually in a semi-circle; flowers sweetly fragrant; robust alpine plants~Prasophyllum candidum 13*~Labellum narrow, recurved at a sharp angle; flowers lemon-scented; slender lowland plants~Prasophyllum patens 14~Lateral sepals at least partly cojoined in most flowers~15 14*~Lateral sepals free in mature flowers~17 15~Flowers less than 1 cm across; lateral sepals strongly recurved; labellum lamina c. 1 mm wide with straight margins; alpine plants~Prasophyllum alpinum 15*~Flowers more than 1 cm across; lateral sepals hardly recurved; labellum lamina more than 1 mm wide with undulate margins; lowland plants~16 16~Flowers thick-textured; petals incurved; labellum lamina often constricted, callus plate arising before the labellum bend and greatly raised; plants of coastal heath~Prasophyllum affine 16*~Flowers thin-textured; petals straight; labellum triangular, not constricted, callus not greatly raised, not present before the labellum bend; forest plants~Prasophyllum sylvestre 17~Labellum base circular, apical portion small, tail- or appendix-like, margins neither undulate nor crenulate~18 17*~Labellum base not circular, apical portion not tail- or appendix-like, but tapering gradually into the base, margins crenulate or undulate~19 18~Column appendages longer than rostellum, pink; labellum calluse well-developed before the bend; swamp plants~Prasophyllum fuscum 18*~Column appendages shorter than the rostellum, dull-coloured; labellum callus developing at the bend; heath or forest plants~Prasophyllum appendiculatum 19~Labellum with a short conical swelling at the base; callus plate very broad at base; column appendages longer than rostellum~20 19*~Labellum without a short conical basal swelling, callus plate narrow and tapering throughout; column appendages shorter than rostellum~21 20~Labellum callus very short, obtuse; flower segments less than 9 mm long~Prasophyllum rogersii 20*~Labellum callus with an extended sub-acute midlobe; floral segments more than 9 mm long~Prasophyllum sp. A sensu Harden (1993) 21~Floral bract acute; labellum callus swollen, column appendages as broad as long~22 21*~Floral bracts obtuse, labellum callus, minutely wrinkled or irregular; column appendages longer than broad~23 22~Flowers large, 3-coloured, strongly fragrant; sepals more than 8 mm long; widespread species of inland plains~Prasophyllum campestre 22*~Flowers small, dull-coloured, weakly fragrant; sepals less than 8 mm long; restricted to a small area near Canberra~Prasophyllum petilum 23~Flowers drying dark, petals with longitudinal darker stripe outside; labellum margins undulate, not crenulate; plants from damp sites~Prasophyllum pallens 23*~Flowers drying pale; petals uniformly coloured; labellum margins crenulate; plants of dry subalpine redges~Prasophyllum montanum #{gn}Pratia 1~Peduncles <5 mm long~2 1*~Peduncles >5 mm long~4 2~Leaves to 12 mm long; corolla to 5 mm long~3 2*~Leaves 10–30 mm long; corolla >5 mm long~Pratia concolor 3~Leaves oblong to elliptic; 1–3 mm wide; inland species~Pratia darlingensis 3*~Leaves ovate to spathulate or ± circular, 2.5–8 mm wide; tableland species.~Pratia sp. A sensu Harden (1992) 4~Leaves usually obovate to spathulate, margins mostly entire~Pratia surrepens 4*~Leaves not as above, margins ± toothed~5 5~Leaves ovate to lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 10–30 mm long, glabrous~6 5*~Leaves ovate to ± circular, mostly <10 mm long, usually hairy or glabrescent~7 6~Peduncles 10–70 mm long; calyx lobes with a small basal tooth on each side; leaves mostly petiolate, often purplish on lower surface~Pratia purpurascens 6*~Peduncles 3–13 mm long; calyx lobes without basal teeth; leaves sessile, green on lower surface~Pratia concolor 7~Peduncles mostly <20 mm long; corolla 4–6 mm long~Pratia puberula 7*~Peduncles >20 mm long, corolla usually 6–10 mm long~Pratia pedunculata #{gn}Prosopis 1~Spines usually solitary; leaflets 25–45 mm long.~Prosopis glandulosa 1*~Spines paired; leaflets 4–12 mm long.~2 2~Leaves with 1 or 2 pairs of pinnae; pod with undulate margins regularly constricted between the seeds, velvety when young.~Prosopis velutina 2*~Leaves with 2–4 pairs of pinnae; pod with margins parallel or slightly undulate, glabrous.~Prosopis pallida #{sp}Prostanthera nivea 1~Erect shrub, often slender, 1–4 m high; branches and leaves glabrous to sparsely covered with white appressed hairs, light to bright green; leaves mostly 0.5–1 mm wide; bracteoles inconspicuous, c. 0.5 mm long; calyx glabrous or lower lobe ciliate and/or hairy; corolla white to pale mauve with yellow spots in throat~var. nivea 1*~Erect shrub, often dense, 1–2 m high; branches hoary with dense white appressed hairs, grey-green; leaves sparsely to densely hoary with white appressed hairs, light to grey-green, mostly 1–2 mm wide; bracteoles leafy, linear, 2–4 mm long, 0.3–0.5 mm wide; calyx moderately to densely hoary; corolla very pale to dark mauve~var. induta #{sp}Prostanthera saxicola 1~Bracteoles 0.5–2 mm long; leaves narrow-elliptic or narrow-ovate, 5–15 mm long, 1.5–6 mm wide, with length 2.2–3.7 times breadth; shrub usually much-branched with scattered to densely-arranged leaves~2 1*~Bracteoles 1.6–3 mm long; leaves linear to lanceolate, 5–9 mm long, 0.5–2 mm wide, with length 4.5–10 times breadth; shrub with intertwined branches and scattered leaves. Erect to prostrate shrub, 0.1–2 m high; branches sparsely to moderately hairy, hairs antrorse. Leaves with lamina linear to narrow-oblong or lanceolate, 5–9 mm long, 0.5–1 mm wide; base narrow-cuneate; margins incurved or inrolled; sessile. Bracteoles 1.6–3 mm long. Calyx 4–5 mm long; tube 2–3 mm long; upper lobe 1.5–2 mm long, slightly enlarged in fruit. Corolla 8–10 mm long, white to pale mauve or bluish. Anthers with appendage 0.5–0.8 mm long~var. bracteolata 2~Leaves not leathery, to 3 mm wide~3 2*~Leaves slightly leathery, 2–6 mm wide.Low procumbent to decumbent shrub, 0.2–1 m high, 0.4–1 m diam., much-branched, usually non-aromatic; branches glabrous to moderately hairy in a broad line between decurrent leaf base, often purplish. Leaves crowded, often purplish along margins, slightly leathery; lamina elliptic, 6–15 mm long, 2–6 mm wide; base attenuate to cuneate; margins flat or occasionally slightly incurved; ± sessile. Bracteoles bristly, c. 0.5 mm long. Calyx 5–6 mm long; tube 2–3 mm long; upper lobe 3–4 mm long. Corolla 10–12 mm long, white with purple stripes in throat. Anthers with appendage c. 1.5 mm long~var. montana 3~Slender shrub 0.1–0.8 m high; leaves scattered along stem, 3–7 mm long, 1–2 mm wide; calyx sparsely to densely covered with white spreading hairs, especially on tube and lower lobe. Prostrate to erect shrub; branches sparsely to moderately hairy, often purplish. Leaves scattered, light green, often tinged with purple; petiole absent or to 1 mm long; lamina linear-oblong to narrow-elliptic, 3–7 mm long, 1–2 mm wide; base attenuate to narrow-cuneate; margins flat to slightly incurved; bracteoles 1–2 mm long. Calyx 4–5 mm long; tube 2–2.5 mm long; upper lobe 2–2.5 mm long, only slightly enlarged in fruit. Corolla 8–12 mm long, mauve. Anthers with appendage 0.5–0.8 mm long~var. saxicola 3*~Much-branched shrub 0.6–1.2 m high; leaves more densely arranged along stem, 5–14 mm long, 1–3 mm wide; calyx glabrous or lower lobe and lower side of tube sparsely to moderately covered with white appressed hairs. Erect shrub; branches glabrous to moderately hairy. Leaves sessile; lamina narrow-elliptic to elliptic or oblong, 5–14 mm long, 1–3 mm wide; base attenuate to narrow-cuneate; margins flat to conduplicate; bracteoles c. 1.5 mm long. Calyx 4–5 mm long; tube 2.5–3 mm long; upper lobe 1.5–2.5 mm long. Corolla 8–10 mm long, mauve to almost white with yellow spots in throat. Anthers with appendage c. 1.5 mm long. Flowers Oct.–Dec. Grows in heath, in Gibraltar Ra. N.P~var. major #{fm}PROTEACEAE 1~Inflorescences 7-flowered heads consisting of a central terminal flower surrounded by a ring of 6 flowers which in turn are surrounded by a conspicuous involucre; flowers red; fruit a woody follicle bearing 2 conspicuous lateral, subterminal horns.~Lambertia 1*~Inflorescences not consistently 7-flowered, not terminated by a flower; involucre absent or present; flowers variously coloured; fruit dehiscent or indehsicent, only occasionally horned.~2 2~Flowers sessile in dense cone-like, globose to cylindrical inflorescences or conflorescences, the bracts becoming woody in fruit.~3 2*~flowers pedicellate to sessile, but not in cone-like, globose to cylindrical inflorescences or conflorescences; bracts not becoming woody.~5 3~Flowering and fruiting conflorescence axis usually >5 cm long and with flowers borne in pairs; fruit a persistent, transversely orientated follicle; leaves usually toothed or less frequently entire.~Banksia 3*~Flowering and fruiting inflorescence axis usually <5 cm long and with flowers borne singly on axis; fruit a caducous, radially or bilaterally symmetrical nut; leaves usually divided into segments or rarely entire;~4 4~Cone scales falling with the fruits, nuts not strongly compressed; inflorescences globose, perianth tube not split to the base.~Isopogon 4*~Cone scales firmly adhering to the rachis and opening to release the flattened nuts; inflorescences longer than broad, perianth tube split to base.~Petrophile 5~Leaves opposite or whorled or pseudo-whorled.~6 5*~Leaves alternate.~9 6~Fruit falling at maturity, either indehiscent or a tardily dehiscent, leathery, globose follicle, <3 cm long.~7 6*~Fruit persistent on plant for several to many years, a woody follicle, ellipsoid to pear-shaped, >5 cm long.~Xylomelum 7~Flowers borne in regular, sessile or shortly pedunculate pairs on the inflorescence axis; style-tip swollen, functioning as a pollen presenter.~8 7*~Flowers borne singly in the axils of scale leaves or leaves in racemose or capituliform inflorescences; style-tip not swollen, not functioning as a pollen presenter.~Persoonia 8~Perianth strongly zygomorphic; hypogynous glands free, 4 or 2; pericarp fleshy, red to purple to blue.~Triunia 8*~Perianth actinomorphic; hypogynous glands connate, forming a ring around ovary; pericarp leathery, green to brown or greyish .~Macadamia 9~Perianth strongly zygomorphic.~10 9*~Perianth actinomorphic or almost so.~17 10~Flowers in dense, erect, head-like conflorescences surrounded by an involucre of enlarged bracts; tepals glabrous.~Telopea 10*~Flowers not in condensed head-like conflorescences surrounded by involucral bracts, or if so (Grevillea polybractea), then conflorescences decurved and tepals villous outside.~11 11~Conflorescences umbel-like with flower pairs radiating from the apex, or bearing only 1 flower pair; outer integument of ovule developing into a wing-like envelope that loosely surrounds the winged seed.~12 11*~Conflorescences not as above; outer integument of ovule not developing into a loose envelope; seed winged or not.~13 12~Conflorescences <10-flowered; ovules 2; seed solitary; shrubs <2 m high.~Strangea 12*~Conflorescences 10–20-flowered; ovules and seeds numerous; shrubs or trees to 35 m high.~Stenocarpus 13~Ovules >2; follicles with several seeds.~14 13*~Ovules 1 or 2; fruit a small nut or a 1- or 2-seeded follicle.~15 14~Flowers pinkish red, in short, broad, unbranched conflorescences; tepals 3–4 cm long.~Alloxylon 14*~Flowers white to yellowish, in elongated, often branching conflorescences; tepals 0.5–1.5 cm long.~Lomatia 15~Fruit a follicle; flowers borne in regular, sessile pairs on the conflorescence axis; style tip functioning as a pollen presenter, usually swollen and often oblique.~16 15*~Fruit a small nut crowned with a ring of hairs; flowers borne singly on the inflorescence axis; style tip not modified as a pollen presenter.~Conospermum 16~Follicles woody with secondary thickening formed by a cambium layer; leaves terete or both surfaces similar.~Hakea 16*~Follicles thin, crustaceous or leathery; leaves not terete (although subterete with a ridge on the upper surface in G. nematophylla), usually with upper and lower surfaces different.~Grevillea 17~Style tip not modified as a pollen presenter; fruit indehiscent, either a drupe or a small nut; flowers borne singly on the inflorescence axis, not regularly paired.~18 17*~Style tip functioning as a pollen presenter (except in Orites), usually swollen and often oblique; fruit usually a follicle or occasionally indehiscent; flowers borne in regular, sessile or shortly pedunculate pairs on the conflorescence axis.~19 18~Leaves divided into segments; fruit a nut.~Symphionema 18*~Leaves entire; fruit a drupe.~Persoonia 19~Nectary a solitary horseshoe-shaped gland; seeds winged at each end or with a terminal elaiosome (oil body); shrubs of inland mallee and shrubland or coastal sandy heath.~20 19*~Nectary composed of 4 free glands that alternate with the tepals; seed winged at one end or wingless, lacking an elaiosome; small to large trees of rainforest or rainforest margins or shrubs of alpine shrubland and woodland.~21 20~Leaves entire; follicles 3–4 cm long; grows in coastal heath north from Byron Bay area, NC.~Strangea 20*~Leaves bipinnatisect; follicles usually <3 cm long; inland communities in the Griffith area, CWS SWP (only one species G. anethifolia).~Grevillea 21~Leaves usually >35 cm long, pinnate to pinnatisect with prickly, toothed margins; fruit indehiscent, bright red when ripe.~Hicksbeachia 21*~Leaves <35 cm long, simple to deeply divided, with entire or toothed margins; fruit dehiscent or if indehiscent then not bright red.~22 22~Apex of styles not enlarged; fruit a follicle.~Orites 22*~Apex of styles swollen, modified as a pollen presenter; fruit indehiscent.~23 23~Leaves entire and >4 times as long as broad; mature fruit brown, 2–4 cm diam.~Floydia 23*~Leaves toothed or if entire then <4 times as long as broad; mature fruit blue to black, 1–1.5 cm diam.~Helicia #{gn}Prunella 1~Upper leaves pinnatifid or lobed; lower lip of calyx with linear to ovate teeth; corolla yellowish white, rarely pink or purplish~Prunella laciniata 1*~Upper leaves entire or slightly toothed; lower lip of calyx with narrow-ovate teeth; corolla violet, rarely white~Prunella vulgaris #{gn}Prunus 1~Fruit mostly more than 15 mm diam., usually furrowed on one side, usually pruinose, sometimes pubescent; terminal bud present or absent; flowers 1–3, appearing before the deciduous leaves~2 1*~Fruit mostly less than 15 mm diam., neither furrowed nor pruinose; terminal bud present; inflorescence many-flowered, either a raceme more than 6 cm long or flowers in more or less umbel-like clusters; either leaves not deciduous or flowers appearing after leaves have developed~5 2~Flowers and fruits on pedicels more than 5–15 mm long~3 2*~Flowers and fruits more or less sessile~4 3~Petioles without glands; margins of leaves evenly and regularly toothed, teeth more or less acute; flower buds not enclosed in conspicuous brownish bracts~Prunus cerasifera 3*~Petioles with glands; margins of leaves doubly toothed (teeth of 2 sizes), larger teeth more or less obtuse; flower clusters enclosed in conspicuous brownish bracts in bud, these persisting around flower pedicels~Prunus cerasus 4~Leaves oblong to more or less lanceolate; petiole often with glands near apex; stone deeply pitted and furrowed~Prunus persica 4*~Leaves broad-ovate to more or less circular; petiole without glands; stone smooth with a thickened furrowed edge~Prunus armeniaca 5~Glands usually present on petioles; deciduous plants~6 5*~Petioles without glands; evergreen plants~8 6~Flowers in umbels; margins of leaves doubly toothed, larger teeth more or less rounded~Prunus cerasus 6*~Flowers in racemes; margins of leaves regularly and finely toothed, teeth similar in size~7 7~Leaves usually more than 5 cm long, oblong-elliptic to obovate; teeth acute~Prunus serotina 7*~Leaves usually less than 5 cm long, broad-ovate to more or less circular; teeth rounded~Prunus mahaleb 8~Margins of leaves crenate-toothed; racemes exceeding leaves~Prunus lusitanica 8*~Margins of leaves remotely small-toothed, sometimes more or less entire; racemes shorter than leaves~Prunus laurocerasus #{gn}Pseudanthus 1~Male perianth segments 4–12 mm long~Pseudanthus pimeleoides 1*~Male perianth segments <5 mm long~2 2~Ovules 1 per loculus~Pseudanthus ovalifolius 2*~Ovules 2 per loculus~3 3~Male perianth segments 2.5–5 mm long~Pseudanthus pauciflorus 3*~Male perianth segments <2.5 mm long~4 4~Leaves broadly elliptic to orbicular; margins not conspicuously thickened, green~Pseudanthus orbicularis 4*~Leaves ovate to elliptical or oblong to linear; margins conspicuously thickened, whitish~5 5~Leaves 3 to 9 times as long as broad; stipules glabrous, toothed~Pseudanthus orientalis 5*~Leaves 2 to 3 times as long as broad; stipules fimbriate, usually without teeth~Pseudanthus divaricatissimus #{gn}Pseudoraphis 1~Inflorescence a panicle with racemes spreading with several spikelets borne singly on long slender branches; fertile lemma c. 1.5 mm long; nodes pubescent~Pseudoraphis spinescens 1*~Inflorescence a raceme or raceme-like with 1, or sometimes 2, spikelets borne on very short branches; fertile lemma c. 3 mm long; nodes usually glabrous~Pseudoraphis paradoxa #{gn}Psidium 1~Leaves with lamina elliptic to oblong, 6–14 cm long; fruit 3–10 cm long, yellow.~Psidium guajava 1*~Leaves with lamina obovate, 4–7 cm long; fruit 2.5–4 cm long, usually red, rarely yellow.~Psidium cattleianum #{fm}PSILOTACEAE 1~Stems much-branched, branching dichotomous; synangia usually composed of 3 sporangia; leaves scale-like~Psilotum 1*~Stems usually unbranched; synangia composed of 2 sporangia; leaves usually at least 10 mm long~Tmesipteris #{gn}Psilotum 1~Aerial stems not flattened, ± circular to triangular in section, erect to somewhat pendent~Psilotum nudum 1*~Aerial stems flattened, ± elliptic in section, pendent~Psilotum complanatum #{gn}Psychotria 1~Leaves glandular-punctate~Psychotria simmondsiana 1*~Leaves not glandular-punctate~2 2~Leaves densely pubescent, lateral veins prominent, domatia often present; flowers sessile~Psychotria loniceroides 2~Leaves mostly glabrous, or sparsely hairy particularly on lower surface, lateral veins faint, domatia usually absent; all flowers except central one pedicellate~Psychotria daphnoides #{fm}PTERIDACEAE 1~Sporangia covering the lower surface of the fertile pinnae; plants growing in brackish swamps~Acrostichum 1*~Sporangia in linear, submarginal sori; plants never growing in brackish situations~Pteris #{gn}Pteris 1~Fronds 1-pinnatifid to incompletely 2-pinnate~2 1*~Fronds 3-pinnate or more compound~4 2~Fronds 1-pinnate; the pinnae distinctly stalked, decreasing in size towards the base of the frond~Pteris vittata 2*~Fronds 1-pinnatifid to incompletely 2-pinnate; primary pinnae increasing in size towards the base of the frond~3 3~Fronds to 35 cm long, lowermost primary pinnae to 16 cm long~Pteris ensiformis 3*~Fronds at least 60 cm long, lowermost primary pinnae at least 10–30 cm long~Pteris umbrosa 4~Fronds pale green with a brown rachis, the veins free~Pteris tremula 4*~Fronds dark green with a yellowish rachis; the veins reticulate~Pteris comans #{gn}Pterocaulon 1~Compound heads many together, forming a continuous or interrupted spike, 6–8 mm diam., more than 2 cm long~Pterocaulon redolens 1*~Compound heads solitary, globose to ovoid, 10–20 mm diam., less than 2 cm long~Pterocaulon sphacelatum #{sp}Ptilotus gaudichaudii 1~Flowers >10 per inflorescence~var. gaudichaudii 1*~Flowers <10 per inflorescence~var. parviflorus #{gn}Ptilotus 1~Inflorescence cylindrical~2 1*~Inflorescence globose or ovoid~11 2~Leaves (and stems) hairy, especially when young~3 2*~Leaves glabrous, stems mostly glabrous~6 3~Inflorescences less than 5 cm long~4 3*~Inflorescences, or at least some of them, more than 5 cm long~5 4~Leaves oblanceolate, 1.5–2.5 cm long, 3–4 mm wide; hairs simple~Ptilotus indivisus 4*~Leaves obovate, 1–4 cm long, 5–20 mm wide; hairs stellate and simple~Ptilotus obovatus 5~Inflorescence more than 2 cm diam., dense~Ptilotus polystachyus 5*~Inflorescence less than 2 cm diam., interrupted~Ptilotus extenuatus 6~Inflorescence more than 3 cm diam~7 6*~Inflorescence less than 2.5 cm diam~9 7~Leaves narrow-linear, c. 3 mm wide~Ptilotus macrocephalus 7*~Leaves obovate or oblong-lanceolate, more than 20 mm wide~8 8~Inflorescence yellow-green; leaves mucronate or entire~Ptilotus nobilis 8*~Inflorescence pink-purplish; leaves acute~Ptilotus exaltatus 9~Leaves spathulate, ovate-cuneate or lanceolate~Ptilotus spathulatus 9*~Cauline leaves linear or linear-lanceolate~10 10~Inflorescence yellow-green; perianth segments 6–12 mm long, acute~Ptilotus gaudichaudii 10*~Inflorescence mauve or pinkish; perianth segments less than 6 mm long, obtuse~Ptilotus leucocomus 11~Leaves (and stems) hairy, especially when young~12 11*~Leaves glabrous, stems mostly glabrous~16 12~Simple and either stellate or dendritic hairs present on leaf~13 12*~All hairs simple~14 13~Perianth segments 6–10 mm long, inner surface glabrous~Ptilotus obovatus 13*~Perianth segments 11–13 mm long, inner surface woolly at the base, with scattered hairs above~Ptilotus sessilifolius 14~Leaves obovate~Ptilotus latifolius 14*~Leaves broad-lanceolate or linear~15 15~Basal leaves broad-lanceolate, `petioles' winged~Ptilotus seminudus 15*~Leaves linear to broad-linear, petioles not winged~Ptilotus erubescens 16~Leaves less than 10 mm long~Ptilotus remotiflorus 16*~Leaves more than 10 mm long~17 17~Perianth segments more than 12 mm long~18 17*~Perianth segments less than 12 mm long~20 18~Leaves broad-lanceolate~Ptilotus seminudus 18*~Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate~19 19~Margins of cauline leaves undulate~Ptilotus semilanatus 19*~Margins of cauline leaves flat and entire~Ptilotus erubescens 20~Perianth segments acute, 6–12 mm long; inflorescence greenish yellow~Ptilotus gaudichaudii 20*~Perianth segments obtuse, 6 mm or less long; inflorescence mauve or pinkish~Ptilotus leucocomus #{sp}Ptilotus obovatus 1~Flowers tinged pink; perianth densely covered with long white hairs~var. obovatus 1*~Flowers silvery-grey; perianth sparsely hairy~var. parviflorus #{sp}Pultenaea ferruginea 1~Leaves 3–8 mm long, 2–3 mm wide, slightly to strongly recurved; stipules 2–4 mm long. Inflorescences subterminal, dense to somewhat lax~var. ferruginea 1*~Leaves 8–15 mm long, 3–7 mm wide, not recurved; stipules 4–6 mm long. Inflorescences apparently terminal, dense~var. ?ferruginea #{sp}Pultenaea parrisiae 1~Calyx teeth acuminate and as long as or longer than the tube; floral bracts and stipules dark reddish brown. ST; Vic. [P. species K in Flora of NSW (1991)]~subsp. parrisiae 1*~Calyx teeth much shorter than the tube; floral bracts and stipules very pale brown. In swamps c. 600 m alt., in the Penrose and Wingello area; endangered. CT.~subsp. elusa #{gn}Pycnosorus 1~Main bract of the partial involucre with scarious margins at least as broad as stereome and extending well beyond stereome tip, stereome usually narrow~2 1*~Main bract of the partial involucre without scarious margins or occasionally with narrow scarious margins less than half as broad as stereome, with or without a scarious tip, stereome usually broad~3 2~Compound head often branched at the base or from within the head; main bract of the partial involucre broad-ovate with a narrow-linear glandular stereome, and broad spreading scarious margins; leaves with few or no fine woolly hairs~Pycnosorus pleiocephalus 2*~Compound head never branched; main bract of the partial involucre linear-ovate with a narrow-clavate stereome, margins not broadly spreading; leaves densely covered in fine woolly hairs~Pycnosorus thompsonianus 3~Main bract of the partial involucre comprising a tough brown glandular stereome, rarely with narrow membranous margins at base, without woolly hairs; leaves 1-ribbed, discolorous, upper surface dark grey-green, always darker than the stems, lower surface similar or grey~Pycnosorus chrysanthes 3*~Main bract of the partial involucre with a narrow membranous tip about half as broad as the stereome, and with narrow membranous margins towards the base; leaves usually 3–8-ribbed (rarely only 1-ribbed), concolorous with long fine appressed hairs~Pycnosorus globosus #{gn}Pyracantha 1~Lower surface of leaves, inflorescence and persistent sepals on fruits densely white-tomentose; leaves narrowly oblong-cuneate, thick-textured, margins entire and revolute~Pyracantha angustifolia 1*~Lower surface of leaves glabrous, inflorescences glabrous at least in fruit, persistent sepals glabrous or pubescent but not densely tomentose; leaves oblong to obovate, spathulate or elliptic, not thick-textured, margins mostly at least obscurely toothed or crenate, not revolute~2 2~Leaves mostly less than 10 mm wide, rarely to 15 mm wide and then to 7 cm long; length:width ratio c. 4:1 or greater, or if slightly less then leaves less than 30 mm long~3 2*~Leaves mostly more than 10 mm wide, length:width ratio c. 3:1 or less~Pyracantha crenatoserrata 3~Apex of leaves acute or mucronate, margins fairly evenly and sharply toothed for most of their length, though some teeth very small; leaves mostly more than 30 mm long, widest at c. the middle~Pyracantha crenulata 3*~Apex of leaves obtuse or rounded to emarginate, margins toothed, most prominently so only close to the apex, teeth rather coarse and blunt; leaves mostly less than 30 mm long, widest above the middle~Pyracantha rogersiana #{gn}Pyrrosia 1~Sori occurring over most of the lower surface of the lamina of the fertile frond, irregularly arranged in 1–4 rows on each side of the midrib, ± confluent with age~Pyrrosia rupestris 1*~Sori restricted to the apical region of the fertile frond, confluent and forming two oblong or ovate patches or a single horseshoe-shaped patch~Pyrrosia confluens #{gn}Quassia 1~Carpels villous; leaves <13 mm wide.~Quassia sp. 'Moonee Creek' (King s.n., Nov 1949) 1*~Carpels glabrous; leaves >14 mm wide.~Quassia sp. 'Mt Nardi' (Floyd 1198) #{gn}Quintinia 1~Flowers in terminal panicles; lower surface of leaves covered with reddish surface glands~Quintinia sieberi 1*~Flowers in simple axillary racemes; lower surface of leaves covered with pale-coloured surface glands~Quintinia verdonii #{gn}Randia 1~Axillary spines absent; leaves usually more than 6 cm long~2 1*~Axillary spines present in some axils; leaves usually less than 6 cm long~Randia moorei 2~Leaves with lateral veins more or less straight, more or less parallel, domatia usually absent; petiole 2–5 mm long; calyx hirsute~Atractocarpus chartaceus 2*~Leaves with lateral veins curved more or less looping, domatia often present in vein axils; petiole 5–10 mm long; calyx glabrous~Atractocarpus benthamianus #{sp}Ranunculus pentandrus 1~Lateral faces of achenes smooth, tubercles lacking or very few~var. pentandrus 1*~Lateral faces of achene with small conical tubercles each bearing a recurved hair~var. platycarpus #{sp}Ranunculus pumilio 1~Achenes with numerous very small tubercles bearing hairs; sepals mostly 5~var. pumilio 1*~Achenes smooth and glabrous; sepals mostly 3 or 4~var. politus #{sp}Ranunculus sessiliflorus 1~Leaves palmate to palmatisect, coarsely toothed or lobed with semi-elliptic subacute lobes~var. sessiliflorus 1*~Leaves ternate and further dissected with linear or narrow-lanceolate segments~var. pilulifer #{gn}Raphanus 1~Fruit markedly constricted between seeds; valves somewhat horny; taproot wiry to stout but not fleshy~Raphanus raphanistrum 1*~Fruit scarcely constricted between seeds; inflated at maturity, valves spongy; taproot fleshy and edible~Raphanus sativus #{gn}Reseda 1~Leaves unlobed or with basal teeth; capsule more or less globose, 5 mm long; sepals and petals mostly 4~Reseda luteola 1*~Leaves commonly 3-lobed; capsule oblong, 10–15 mm long; sepals and petals mostly 6~Reseda lutea #{gn}Senecio 1~Heads non-radiate; either all florets tubular and bisexual or outer florets filiform and female and inner florets tubular and bisexual~2 1*~Heads radiate; marginal florets female with usually conspicuous and spreading ligules; disc florets bisexual, more numerous than the female florets~20 2~Involucral bracts regularly 5–9, rarely 10 or 11 in some but not all heads; florets usually 8–25, rarely to 40~3 2*~Involucral bracts regularly more than 10; florets 25–70, rarely less~10 3~Most leaves less than 5 cm long; florets 20–40, outer florets with ligules 1–2 mm long~Senecio glossanthus 3*~Most leaves more than 5 cm long; florets 8–25; ray florets absent~4 4~Leaves pinnatisect to 2-pinnatisect into filiform or linear segments~5 4*~Leaves not deeply divided into narrow segments, margins either entire or toothed or incised into broad lobes~6 5~Most leaves bipinnatisect, segments flat, mostly 1.5–3 mm wide; florets exserted only slightly beyond involucre at anthesis; coast and tableland species~Senecio bipinnatisectus 5*~Most leaves pinnatisect, segments more or less terete, mostly 1–1.5 mm wide; florets exserted 3–5 mm beyond involucre at anthesis; western species~Senecio anethifolius 6~Leaves pinnatifid, lobes usually 1–5 each side, broad and margins more or less toothed~7 6*~Leaves not lobed, margins entire or toothed~8 7~Leaves with acute lobes, both surfaces glabrous or softly hairy, green~Senecio biserratus 7*~Leaves with rounded lobes, both surfaces more or less bristly, lower surface purplish~Senecio picridioides 8~Outer florets filiform and female, inner florets tubular and bisexual; florets exserted 0–2.5 mm beyond involucre at anthesis; chiefly coastal and tableland species, also on the Western Slopes~9 8*~Florets all tubular and bisexual, exserted 3–5 mm beyond involucre at anthesis; western plains species~Senecio cunninghamii 9~Leaves on stems lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, usually 10–30 mm wide, margins regularly and finely toothed, base stem-clasping with retrorse auricles; bracteoles 2 or 3~Senecio minimus 9*~Middle leaves on stems more or less oblanceolate to linear, 2–10 mm wide, margins irregularly and coarsely toothed to entire, base not distinctly stem-clasping, auricles absent or present; bracteoles more than 3~Senecio diaschides 10~Involucral bracts usually 18–23; florets 50–70, all tubular and bisexual~Senecio vulgaris 10*~Involucral bracts usually 11–13, rarely 14 or 15 in some heads; florets mostly 25–55, rarely to 70 or 12–20, outer florets filiform and female, inner florets tubular and bisexual~11 11~Middle leaves pinnatisect to bipinnatisect, lobes regularly less than 4 mm wide and more than 10 mm long~12 11*~Middle leaves entire or variously toothed or if lobed leaves pinnatifid and lobes mostly more than 4 mm wide and less than 10 mm long~13 12~Leaves and stems glabrous or sparsely cottony-haired when young; leaves runcinate-pinnatisect, the lobes retrorse~Senecio runcinifolius 12*~Leaves and stems scabrous; leaves pinnatisect to bipinnatisect, lobes more or less at right angles to midrib~Senecio hispidulus 13~Leaves entire or margins finely and regularly toothed; achenes 2–4 mm long~14 13*~Leaves usually coarsely and irregularly toothed, incised or irregularly lobed; achenes 1.2–2.7 mm long~18 14~Most leaves linear to more or less lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, lower surface more or less whitish or green, without a distinct petiole; involucral bracts 6.5–9 mm long~15 14*~Most leaves narrow-oblanceolate to obovate or more or less elliptic, lower surface usually purplish, tapering into a distinct petiole-like base; involucral bracts 5.5–7 mm long~17 15~Leaves more than 8 mm wide, base auriculate~Senecio minimus 15*~Leaves less than 8 mm wide, base not prominently auriculate~16 16~Plants mostly whitish, densely hairy; hairs on the leaves and stems without a multicellular base, long and slender, closely appressed to the surface; achenes slender, 2.5–4 mm long, beaked~Senecio quadridentatus 16*~Plants usually green, more or less hairy; hairs on leaves and stems with a multicellular base, the long slender apices not appressed; achenes plump, 2.2–2.5 mm long, not beaked~Senecio tenuiflorus 17~Middle and lower leaves 10–25 mm wide; chiefly in alpine and subalpine regions~Senecio gunnii 17*~Leaves mostly 2–10 mm wide, sometimes basal leaves to 15 mm wide; widespread from the coast to the Western Slopes~Senecio prenanthoides 18~Leaves with upper surface sparsely cobwebby to glabrescent; involucre usually cobwebby~Senecio glomeratus 18*~Leaves with upper surface more or less scabrous, hairs mainly short and tuberculate; involucre glabrous or glabrescent~19 19~Inflorescence corymbose with more than 50 heads, at first compact; involucral bracts 4–5 mm long; common and widespread species~Senecio hispidulus 19*~Inflorescence an open racemose cyme of 4–16 heads; involucral bracts 8–9 mm long; not common, confined to the southern tablelands~Senecio sp. N sensu Harden (1992) 20~Ligules of ray florets bright pink to purple~Senecio elegans 20*~Ligules of ray florets yellow or whitish~21 21~Involucral bracts 5–14, rarely more in some heads~22 21*~Involucral bracts more than 14, rarely some heads with 12–14~38 22~Involucral bracts less than 10~23 22*~Involucral bracts 10–14, rarely more in some heads~24 23~Leaves more or less circular or broad-ovate, palmately lobed and veined; ligules 8–10 mm long~Senecio tamoides 23*~Leaves lanceolate to broad-lanceolate, margins entire, toothed or pinnately lobed, venation pinnate; ligules 1–2 mm long~Senecio glossanthus 24~Middle stem leaves sessile, stem-clasping, not tapered into a petiole-like base, more or less cordate with distinct auricles~25 24*~At least middle stem leaves petiolate or with petiole-like base, auricles absent or if present not broad~28 25~Lower surface of leaves and stems silvery-woolly~Senecio garlandii 25*~Lower surface of leaves and stems glabrous~26 26~Involucral bracts 5–7 mm long; ligules 5–8 mm long; achenes 2–4 mm long; coastal, tablelands and Western Slopes species~27 26*~Involucral bracts 7–10 mm long; ligules 8–15 mm long; achenes 5–6 mm long; western plains species~Senecio magnificus 27~Bracteoles usually not present at base of involucre~Senecio velleioides 27*~Bracteoles present at base of involucre, usually 6–10 (subsp. lanceolatus)~Senecio lautus 28~Involucral bracts 3–6 mm long; ligules 3–7 mm long or rarely to 9 mm long and then leaves lyrate-pinnatifid or bipinnatisect~29 28*~Involucral bracts 6–10 mm long; ligules mostly 10–20 mm long, occasionally 8–10 mm long and then leaves neither lyrate-pinnatifid nor bipinnatisect~33 29~Inflorescence of solitary heads; leaves 2–3 cm long and 1–2 mm wide~Senecio behrianus 29*~Inflorescence corymbose, heads few to numerous; leaves mostly more than 3 cm long and more than 2 mm wide or with at least some leaves pinnatifid or pinnatisect~30 30~Leaves lyrate-pinnatifid or bipinnatisect~Senecio jacobaea 30*~Leaves neither lyrate-pinnatifid nor bipinnatisect~31 31~Disc florets more than 12; leaves either linear to spathulate or obovate or more or less lanceolate or elliptic and 1–25 mm wide, or pinnatifid or pinnatisect, mostly less than 7 cm long~Senecio lautus 31*~Disc florets 8–12; leaves linear to lanceolate and elliptic or obovate, 5–40 mm wide and usually more than 7 cm long~32 32~Lower surface of leaves glabrous and usually strongly glaucous; ray florets 7–9~Senecio linearifolius var. dangarensis 32*~Lower surface of leaves either cobwebby or glabrous and then not glaucous; ray florets usually 4–6, rarely more~Senecio linearifolius 33~Involucral bracts fused except at apices; ligules 15–20 mm long; leaves linear, entire~Senecio gregorii 33*~Involucral bracts free for most of their length; ligules 8–13 mm long; leaves with margins toothed to more or less pinnatifid or pinnatisect~34 34~Perennial herbs or shrubs, erect, mostly 60–150 cm high; leaves more or less ovate to elliptic, not more or less fleshy~35 34*~Rhizomatous perennial or annual herbs, stems prostrate, decumbent or more or less erect, 10–50 cm high; leaves pinnatifid or more or less oblanceolate to spathulate, more or less fleshy~36 35~Leaves regularly toothed; petiole distinct; ligules 10–13 mm long~Senecio amygdalifolius 35*~Leaves irregularly toothed or lobed, base tapered and more or less petiole-like; ligules c. 10 mm long~Senecio vagus 36~Leaves mostly crowded at base of stem; heads 2–5 on scape up to 25 cm long~Senecio leptocarpus 36*~Leaves scattered along stems; heads usually 1–20 in corymbs, peduncles mostly 2–10 cm long~37 37~Leaves 4–8 cm long, pinnatifid; species of western plains~Senecio platylepis 37*~Leaves 1–3 cm long, margins toothed to entire; species of seashores~Senecio spathulatus var. attenuatus 38~Involucral bracts less than 7 mm long~39 38*~Involucral bracts more than 7 mm long~42 39~Lower surface of leaves whitish, densely cobwebby; bracteoles at base of involucre 12–18~Senecio pterophorus 39*~Lower surface of leaves green, more or less glabrous; bracteoles at base of involucre 3–11~40 40~Achenes 5–6 mm long, papillose, prominently beaked and often curved; pappus persistent, about same length as achene~Senecio tuberculatus 40*~Achenes 1.5–2.7 mm long, glabrous or hairy, neither beaked nor curved; pappus not persistent, at least twice as long as achene~41 41~Involucral bracts usually 20 or 21; leaves narrow-lanceolate to oblanceolate with margins entire, variously toothed or rarely more or less pinnatifid; chiefly coastal divisions, also to Western Slopes~Senecio madagascariensis 41*~Involucral bracts usually 15–18; leaves linear and entire or more commonly variously pinnatisect; mostly in inland divisions (subsp. dissectifolius)~Senecio lautus 42~Plants silvery-woolly~Senecio crassiflorus 42*~Plants glabrous to sparsely hairy~43 43~Ligules 15–25 mm long~Senecio macranthus 43*~Ligules 6–15 mm long~44 44~Leaves glaucous, more or less oblanceolate with margins toothed to entire, stem-clasping with base more or less cordate and auriculate~Senecio magnificus 44*~Leaves not glaucous, more or less linear to oblanceolate with margins entire or rarely toothed, or pinnatifid or pinnatisect, base not as above~45 45~Leaves more or less oblanceolate to linear, margins entire or rarely irregularly toothed~Senecio daltonii 45*~Leaves either pinnatifid to pinnatisect or margins irregularly toothed or lobed~46 46~Herbs 10–50 cm high; most leaves regularly pinnatifid~47 46*~Herb or shrub 60–120 cm high; upper leaves more or less toothed, lower leaves pinnatisect with 1–6 irregular lobes~Senecio vagus 47~Leaves scattered up stem; heads usually 3–20 in a leafy corymb; arid and semi-arid regions~Senecio platylepis 47*~Leaves mostly in a basal rosette; heads solitary on scape to 25 cm long; confined to alpine areas~Senecio pectinatus #{sp}Restio tetraphyllus 1~Panicle with 15–200 spikelets. Male spikelets 4–7 mm long; flowering glumes 2.8–3.7 mm long. Female spikelets 8–10 mm long; glumes c. 4.5–6 mm long~subsp. tetraphyllus 1*~Panicles with usually 200–450 spikelets. Male spikelets 2.5–5 mm long; flowering glumes 1–2 mm long. Female spikelets 3.5–6 mm long; glumes 2.5–3.6 mm long~subsp. meiostachyus #{gn}Rhagodia 1~Leaves c. 3 mm long; intricately branched spinescent shrub to 1 m high~Rhagodia ulicina 1*~Leaves more than 5 mm long; plants spinescent or not~2 2~Leaves mealy when young, becoming scaly and covered with a silvery sheen; plants of coastal habitats~Rhagodia candolleana 2*~Leaves mealy with vesicular hairs; plants of inland or non-coastal habitats~3 3~Indumentum of spherical or saucer-shaped vesicular hairs~Rhagodia spinescens 3*~Indumentum of irregularly shaped vesicular hairs~Rhagodia parabolica #{fm}RHAMNACEAE 1~Trees~2 1*~Shrubs or subshrubs, sometimes intertwined and tending to climb~5 2~Leaves white- or rusty-hairy below; fruit blackish~Alphitonia 2*~Leaves green and glabrous on both surfaces; fruit yellowish, orange or brown~3 3~Leaves more or less ovate, opposite or alternate; fruit drupaceous, not winged~4 3*~Leaves more or less lanceolate, alternate; fruit a winged nut~Ventilago 4~Petiole less than 15 mm long; leaves mostly opposite or nearly so; fruit orange to yellowish, peduncles not swollen~Emmenosperma 4*~Petiole more than 15 mm long; leaves alternate; fruit brown, peduncles swollen~Hovenia 5~Leaves opposite, shed early; plants spiny~Discaria 5*~Leaves alternate, not shed early; plants rarely spiny~6 6~Leaves glabrous and at least 5 mm wide~7 6*~Leaves with at least some hairs on the lower surface or leaves less than 3 mm wide~8 7~Leaves lanceolate, trees often tending to climb in juvenile stages~Ventilago 7*~Leaves elliptic to ovate, shrubs~Rhamnus 8~Hypanthium more or less fused to only the base of ovary, tubular and produced above the ovary and disc~Cryptandra 8*~Hypanthium fused to ovary and disc, only sepals free above ovary~9 9~Flowers sessile in heads surrounded by persistent brown bracts; petals enclosing stamens~Spyridium 9*~Flowers stalked, mostly in panicles or corymbs, rarely sessile in head-like clusters, floral bracts falling early, rarely remaining till flowers open; petals absent or if present not enclosing stamens~Pomaderris #{fm}RHIZOPHORACEAE 1~Trees with extensively branched aerial stilt roots forming a looping complex; sepals 4; petals 4; ovary half-inferior~Rhizophora 1*~Trees with small prop roots and knobbly knee-like pneumatophores; sepals 8–16; petals 5–16; ovary inferior~Bruguiera #{gn}Rhodamnia 1~Leaves glabrous or with scattered hairs along the veins below~Rhodamnia maideniana 1*~Leaves with a distinct indumentum on the lower surface~2 2~Lower surface of leaves white with very fine, matted hairs~3 2*~Lower surface of leaves pubescent with erect hairs~Rhodamnia rubescens 3~Petals more or less glabrous outside; primary leaf veins 1–3 mm from the margin~Rhodamnia whiteana 3*~Petals white-hairy outside; primary leaf veins 4–6 mm from the margin~Rhodamnia argentea #{sp}Rhodanthe diffusa 1~Involucral bracts yellow~subsp. diffusa 1*~Involucral bracts white~subsp. leucactina #{gn}Rhynchosia 1~Leaflets more than 5 cm long, apex acuminate; racemes shorter than leaves~Rhynchosia acuminatissima 1*~Leaflets less than 5 cm long, apex obtuse to sub-acute; racemes longer than leaves~2 2~Pods with short, fine hairs only~Rhynchosia minima 2*~Pods with both short, fine hairs and long, tuberculate hairs~Rhynchosia australis #{gn}Rhynchospora 1~Inflorescence a single dense globose or semiglobose head, to c. 1.5 cm diam.; nut minutely reticulate, hispid near apex~Rhynchospora rubra 1*~Inflorescence with several–many branches, 2–6-noded, to 40 cm long; nut irregularly transversely wrinkled, glabrous~2 2~Style shortly 2-fid; glumes 5–6.5 mm long; nut 2.5–3.5 mm long~Rhynchospora corymbosa 2*~Style deeply 2-fid; glumes 3–4 mm long; nut 1.5–2 m long~Rhynchospora brownii #{gn}Ricinocarpos 1~Leaves linear to oblong, margins revolute to the midrib or distinctly recurved, less than 4 cm long, mostly 1–3 mm wide~2 1*~Leaves lanceolate to more or less oblong, margins slightly recurved, mostly more than 4 cm long and 5–12 mm wide~Ricinocarpos speciosus 2~Branches and outer surface of sepals glabrous; leaves glabrous, smooth, petiole to c. 3 mm long; petals 10–15 mm long~Ricinocarpos pinifolius 2*~Branches and outer surface of sepals woolly to tomentose; leaves with upper surface sparsely stellate-hairy, becoming more or less scabrous with age, more or less sessile; petals c. 10 mm long~Ricinocarpos bowmanii #{gn}Ripogonum 1~Mature branchlets and petioles distinctly hairy; base of leaves more or less cordate to rounded~2 1*~Mature branchlets and petioles glabrous but sometimes axillary buds and expanding shoots hairy; base of leaves tapering into petiole, not cordate, rarely rounded~3 2~Petioles and branchlets rusty-tomentose; leaves elliptic to more or less ovate, mostly more than 3 cm wide~Ripogonum elseyanum 2*~Petioles and branchlets sparsely to moderately hirsute with yellow to brownish hairs; leaves more or less lanceolate, usually less than 3 cm wide~Ripogonum fawcettianum 3~Leaves oblong, more than 3 times as long as broad, branchlets usually prickly~Ripogonum discolor 3*~Leaves ovate to elliptic or lanceolate, mostly less than 3 times as long as broad; branchlets without or with few prickles~4 4~Leaves usually more than 8 cm long and more than 3 cm wide, opposite, alternate or more often in whorls of 3; flowers pedicellate~Ripogonum album 4*~Leaves usually less than 8 cm long and less than 3 cm wide, opposite or alternate; flowers sessile~Ripogonum brevifolium #{gn}Romulea 1~Flower entirely yellow: inner bract hyaline~Romulea flava 1*~Flower not yellow except inside perianth tube; inner bract green with scarious margins or wholly scarious~2 2~Flower 8–15 mm long; perianth lobes obtuse~Romulea minutiflora 2*~Flower 15–30 mm long; perianth lobes acute~Romulea rosea #{gn}Rorippa 1~Petals yellow; siliqua more or less inflated, less than 10 mm long~Rorippa palustris 1*~Petals white; siliqua not inflated, more than 10 mm long~2 2~Plants stoloniferous, aquatic to semiaquatic~3 2*~Plants with a taproot, not aquatic, though sometimes growing in damp sites~4 3~Seeds in 1 row per loculus, testa with c. 100 depressions per face; siliqua 15–30 mm long~Rorippa microphylla 3*~Seeds in 2 rows per loculus, testa with 25–50 depressions per face; siliqua 10–18 mm long~Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum 4~All or at least lower leaves not lobed, margins entire or toothed~Rorippa gigantea 4*~At least lower leaves deeply lobed, pinnatifid or pinnatisect~5 5~Stamens 6; testa reticulate or tuberculate~Rorippa dictyosperma 5*~Stamens 4; testa spongy~6 6~Seeds rounded, in 2 rows, less than 0.75 mm long~Rorippa eustylis 6*~Seeds slightly winged, in 1 row, more than 0.75 mm long~Rorippa laciniata #{gn}Rosa 1~Hypanthium and hip glabrous and without prickles or sometimes with scattered fine prickles; outer sepals pinnatifid~2 1*~Hypanthium and hip densely hairy or covered with bristles or fine prickles; outer sepals entire or shortly lobed~3 2~Leaves glandular below; peduncles with glandular hairs and fine prickles~Rosa rubiginosa 2*~Leaves not glandular; peduncles glabrous, without prickles~Rosa canina 3~Branches, hypanthium and hip densely hairy, prickles absent from hypanthium and hip; flowers with prominent bracts~Rosa bracteata 3*~Branches, hypanthium and hip glabrous, covered with bristles or fine prickles; flowers without prominent bracts~4 4~Leaves with 3 or rarely 5 leaflets~Rosa laevigata 4*~Leaves with 9–15 leaflets~Rosa roxburghii #{sp}Rostellularia adscendens 1~Corolla >6 mm long along upper side; style 5–6 mm long~2 1*~Corolla usually <6 mm long along upper side; style 3–5 mm long. Many-stemmed herbs, green to grey-green, usually hairy throughout, especially along ribs on stems and at nodes and young parts. Leaves ± ovate, usually 5–10 mm long, 2–5 mm wide, 1.5–2.5 times as long as broad; petiole 0.5–2 mm long. Corolla 4–6 mm long~var. latifolia 2~Usually few-stemmed herb, light to dark green, glabrous or young parts and nodes sparsely pubescent. Leaves ovate to lanceolate or oblong, mostly 10–20 mm long, 2–6 mm wide, usually 3–6 times long as broad; petiole 1–3 mm long. Corolla 6–8 mm long~var. adscendens 2*~Many-stemmed herb, green to grey-green, pubescent or ± glabrous, often hirsute through the soft hairs or only young parts or nodes pubescent. Leaves ovate to oblong, 6–15 mm long, 2–7 mm wide, 2–3 times long as broad; petiole c. 1 mm long. Tiny vegetative shoots with circular leaves frequently form on woody base of plant~var. pogonanthera #{gn}Rostellularia 1~Apex of the bract obtuse, margin of the bract conspicuously white (or purple) hyaline all around~Rostellularia obtusa 1*~Apex of the bract acute, margin of the bract often white hyaline, but not right around the apex~Rostellularia adscendens #{gn}Rostraria 1~Lower glume c. 75% as long and much narrower than the upper; glumes glabrous or sparcely hairy; rachilla produced (if at all) as a glabrous bristle or with hairs 0.5 mm long~Rostraria cristata 1*~Glumes subequal; hairy (at least the lower): rachilla produced as an awn-like, hairy bristle with hairs 1 mm long~Rostraria pumila #{gn}Rotala 1~Leaves ovate to lanceolate; flowers in axils of leaf-like bracts, scattered along stems; petals ± elliptic, ± colourless; capsule opeing by 3 valves.~Rotala tripartita 1*~Leaves broad-elliptic to circular; flowers in terminal, many-flowered spikes; petals obovate, mauve to pink; capsule opening by 4 valves.~Rotala rotundifolia #{fm}ROUSSEACEAE 1~Fruit a berry; petals 5; leaves irregularly toothed, teeth often absent from lower third of lamina~Abrophyllum 1*~Fruit a capsule; petals 5–7; leaves regularly toothed for full length of lamina~Cuttsia #{sp}Rubus moluccanus 1~Most leaves prominently 3-lobed, end lobe two-thirds length of the leaf, petiole pubescence sparse, appressed; petals mostly pink~var. trilobus 1*~Leaves unlobed or lobes < 1 cm deep, petiole pubescence dense, spreading; petals white~var. moluccanus #{sp}Rubus rosifolius 1~Flowers with 5 petals.~var. rosifolius 1*~Flowers with 9–13 petals~var. commersonii #{gn}Rulingia 1~Subshrubs, prostrate or low and spreading, less than 30 cm high~2 1*~Shrubs, erect and mostly more than 50 cm high~5 2~Leaves less than 25 mm long, petiole 0–3 mm long, lamina usually less than 20 mm long; spreading plants to 30 cm high~Rulingia hermanniifolia 2*~Leaves more than 25 mm long, petiole more than 5 mm long, lamina usually more than 20 mm long; prostrate plants with trailing branches, less than 10 cm high~3 3~Leaves strongly wrinkled above, margins recurved, finely crenate, mostly 3-lobed~Rulingia hermanniifolia 3~Leaves smooth to slightly wrinkled above, margins not recurved, irregularly crenate, rarely distinctly 3-lobed~4 4~Cymes many-flowered, longer than the petioles; capsules densely covered with bristles c. 2 mm long; petioles usually 10–20 mm long; staminodes tomentose~Rulingia prostrata 4*~Cymes few-flowered, shorter than the petioles; capsules stellate-tomentose and covered with bristles c. 1 mm long; petioles mostly 6–10 mm long; staminodes glabrous~Rulingia procumbens 5~Leaves more or less entire, rarely finely toothed or deeply 3-lobed; not wrinkled above~Rulingia salviifolia 5*~Leaves coarsely toothed, sometimes lobed; wrinkled above~6 6~Capsules 5–7 mm diam., bristles rigid, 2–3 mm long, with few simple or weakly stellate hairs, becoming glabrous except for apical tuft~Rulingia dasyphylla 6*~Capsules mostly 8–15 mm diam., bristles softly pubescent, 2–5 mm long, hairs stellate~Rulingia rugosa #{gn}Rumex 1~Fruiting valves without teeth~2 1*~Fruiting valves with lateral teeth~4 2~Callosities absent; fruiting valves 10–15 mm long~Rumex hymenosepalus 2*~Callosities present; fruiting valves less than 7 mm long~3 3~Fruiting valves 3.5–6 mm long and wide, with callosity small and not covering most of valve surface; fruiting pedicel 3–7 mm long; flower whorls close together, rarely lowermost subtended by a leaf~Rumex crispus 3*~Fruiting valves 2.2–3.2 mm long, 1–1.7 mm wide, with callosity large and covering most of valve surface; fruiting pedicel 1–2.5 mm long; flower whorls distant and each whorl mostly subtended by a leaf~Rumex conglomeratus 4~Valves either with 1–3 straight or slightly curved teeth on each side and a straight or slightly curved tip, or with margins much divided~5 4*~Valves with 3–5 hooked teeth on each side and with a hooked tip~Rumex brownii 5~Water plant with inflated prostrate and/or floating unbranched stems, rooting at nodes; callosities present as convex lumps not distinct from valves~Rumex bidens 5*~Land plant with erect, often intricately branched stems, not rooting at nodes; callosities absent or present as distinct convex lumps on valves~6 6~Basal leaves ovate-oblong or elliptic, c. 2–3 times as long as broad~7 6*~Basal leaves linear to lanceolate, at least 5 times as long as broad~8 7~Flower whorls more or less close together, without subtending leaf; fruiting pedicels slender, at least twice as long as valves, articulate well below middle~Rumex obtusifolius 7*~Flower whorls distant, each with a subtending leaf; fruiting pedicels thick, c. as long as valves, articulate eventually c. midway along their length~Rumex pulcher 8~Perennials; valves 2.5–6 mm long; plants drying green or brown but not orange; stems flexuous to intricate~9 8*~Annual; valves 1.5–2.3 mm long; plants usually drying orange; stems erect~Rumex crystallinus 9~Flowers 2–8 per whorl; leaves 8–20 mm wide, 5–20 times as long as broad~10 9*~Flowers numerous per whorl; leaves c. 5 mm wide, 18–30 times as long as broad~Rumex tenax 10~Valves broad-triangular, c. 3 mm wide, with 2 or 3 teeth on each side, callosities present or absent~Rumex dumosus 10*~Valves narrowly tongue-shaped, c. 1.5 mm wide, with 1 spreading tooth near base on each side, callosities present~Rumex stenoglottis #{gn}Rupicola 1~Leaves ovate to broad-ovate with a long callous tip, base cordate to more or less auriculate~Rupicola apiculata 1*~Leaves elliptic to narrow-elliptic, base tapering~2 2~Erect, multistemmed shrub with leaves erect to suberect, narrow-elliptic~Rupicola sprengelioides 2*~Decumbent shrubs with leaves mainly spreading, elliptic to more or less ovate~3 3~Leaves 15–20 mm long; bracts and sepals acute; sepals 5.5–6 mm long; corolla tube c. 1 mm long, lobes 5.5–9 mm long~Rupicola decumbens 3*~Leaves 8–11 mm long; bracts and sepals acute to acuminate; sepals 3.3–5 mm long; corolla tube 1.4–1.5 mm long, lobes 5–6 mm long~Rupicola ciliata #{gn}Ruppia 1~Inflorescence stalk usually less than 5 cm (always less than 10 cm long), at the most once or twice loosely coiled; flowers pollinated and maturing entirely submerged~Ruppia maritima 1*~Inflorescence stalk flexuous, usually more than 10 cm long (always more than 5 cm long), coiled several times, pollination occurring at the surface and the flowers then retracted by the coiling peduncles to mature submerged~2 2~Leaves with apex obtuse; carpels mostly 6–8; fruit 3–4 mm long; endocarp perforations narrow-triangular~Ruppia polycarpa 2*~Mature leaves with apex truncate or notched; carpels usually 4; fruit 2–3 mm long; endocarp perforations broad-triangular~Ruppia megacarpa #{fm}RUTACEAE 1~Leaves all 1-foliolate or simple.~2 1*~At least some leaves pinnate, 2- or 3-foliolate, or bipinnate.~19 2~Branches of young plants bearing solitary or paired spines in the leaf axils; fruit a berry containing juice sacs.~Citrus 2*~Branches never bearing axillary spines; fruit dehiscent or drupaceous.~3 3~Flowers 4-merous, petals and sepals 4.~4 3*~Flowers usually 5-merous and petals and sepals 5, rarely flowers 6-merous.~9 4~Leaves alternate (P. virgata).~Philotheca 4*~Leaves opposite.~5 5~Petals united into a tubular or campanulate corolla, sometimes separating as the flower expands.~Correa 5*~Petals free.~6 6~Fruit a drupe; ovary with carpels fused into a unit; stamens divergent.~7 6*~Fruit composed of 1–4 basally fused, dehiscent cocci; ovary with carpels ± free; stamens pyramidally arranged and incurved over the ovary.~8 7~Flowers unisexual; petals persistent in fruit; stigma (in functionally female flowers) broadly 4-lobed.~Sarcomelicope 7*~Flowers bisexual; petals not persistent in fruit, rarely semi-persistent; stigma scarcely differentiated from the style.~Acronychia 8~Styles terminal or subterminal; leaves usually <8 cm long and <1 cm wide; petals <2 cm long, pink, mauve, white, or bluish; shrubs in open communities.~Boronia 8*~Styles inserted above the middle of each carpel, but not terminal; leaves 8–15 cm long and >1.5 cm wide; petals c. 1.5–2 cm long, creamish; rainforest tree.~Medicosma 9~Leaves opposite or nearly so.~10 9*~Leaves alternate.~11 10~Fruit a 5-valved, 5-locular capsule; seeds winged; buds naked; fertile stamens 5 (opposite the sepals) with alternate stamens reduced to staminodes.~Flindersia 10*~Fruit composed of 1–5 dehiscent cocci; seeds not winged; buds with scales completely enclosing the leaf and floral primordia; fertile stamens 10.~Bosistoa 11~Stamens 5; seeds blue-black, shining, held in dehiscent cocci by the persistent funiculus.~Geijera 11*~Stamens 10; seeds either held in a drupaceous fruit or released from dehiscent cocci.~12 12~Ovary with carpels fused into a unit; carpels united at maturity; fruit a drupe; rainforest trees.~Halfordia 12*~Ovary with carpels ± free; carpels ± separate at maturity; fruit consisting of 1–5 basally fused, dehiscent cocci; shrubs or occasionally small trees, rarely in rainforest.~13 13~Calyx minute, hidden among hairs and inconspicuous; petals valvate in bud, stellate-tomentose outside.~Asterolasia 13*~Calyx conspicuous, or if small then petals imbricate in bud.~14 14~Petals c. 5-veined from base and densely stellate-scaly outside; leaves 3-veined from base; peduncle with several prominent, rounded imbricate bracts.~Eriostemon 14*~Petals 1-veined at base, glabrous, simple or stellate hairy or scaly outside; leaves 1-veined from base; peduncle without prominent bracts, or if present basal.~15 15~Plants stellate-scaly, especially on young growth.~16 15*~Plants glabrous or with simple or stellate hairs.~17 16~Anthers basifixed, apex with a prominent spherical gland; bracteoles basal to pedicel and insignificant.~Phebalium 16*~Anthers versatile, without an apical gland; bracteoles medial or supra-medial on pedicel.~Nematolepis 17~Anthers with a sterile white apiculum (sometimes minute), stamens usually pyramidally arranged and incurved over the ovary.~18 17*~Anthers without a sterile apiculum, although occasionally with a terminal gland, stamens divergent.~Leionema 18~Anther and apiculum glabrous.~Philotheca 18*~Anther and apiculum pilose.~Crowea 19~Leaves pinnate with the leaflets alternately arranged on the rachis; fruit an indehiscent berry.~20 19*~Leaves 2- or 3-foliolate to pinnate, or bipinnate with lateral leaflets in opposite pairs on the rachis; fruit either dehiscent or indehiscent (drupe, samara or individual carpels).~21 20~Petals <5 mm long, valvate in bud; ovary loculi not twisted; cotyledons thin, folded.~Micromelum 20*~Petals >8 mm long, imbricate in bud; ovary loculi twisted; cotyledons thick, not folded.~Murraya 21~Rachis of leaves and stems prickly.~Zanthoxylum 21*~Rachis of leaves and stems not prickly.~22 22~Flowers 4-merous with 4 petals and 4 sepals.~23 22*~Flowers usually 5-merous, with 5 petals and 5 sepals.~29 23~Fruit an indehiscent drupe, with or without septicidal fissures; ovary with carpels fused into a unit.~Acronychia 23*~Fruit of 2–4 ± free follicles or cocci, dehiscent or rarely indehiscent; ovary with carpels ± free.~24 24~Stamens 4.~25 24*~Stamens 8.~26 25~Seeds black and shining, held in dehiscent cocci by the persistent funiculus; rainforest trees with leaflets 2.5–20 cm long.~Melicope 25*~Seeds dull or shiny, ejected from dehiscent cocci; shrubs or small tree chiefly in sclerophyll forest and heath, leaflets 0.2–10 cm long.~Zieria 26~Ovules 6–8 per carpel; cocci transversely ridged, 6–10 mm long.~Bouchardatia 26*~Ovules 2 per carpel; cocci not transversely ridged, usually <6 mm long.~27 27~Individual carpels indehiscent in fruit; leaflets usually 8–22 cm long (A. octandra).~Acronychia 27*~Individual carpels dehiscent in fruit; leaflets usually 0.2–10 cm long.~28 28~Fruit subfleshy, orange to red; leaves usually 3-foliolate and leaflets 2.5–10 cm long; tree of dry rainforest, restricted to the headwaters of the Clarence and Richmond Rivers (NC).~Dinosperma 28*~Fruit not fleshy, brown to blackish; leaves 3–11-foliolate or rarely bipinnate, leaflets 0.2–6 cm long; shrubs of heath, woodland and sclerophyll forests; however, if either leaflets >2.5 cm long or plants growing in rainforest, then not in the NC north of Grafton.~Boronia 29~Fruit a 5-valved, 5-locular capsule or a schizocarp-capsule; fertile stamens 5 (opposite the sepals), alternate stamens reduced to staminodes.~Flindersia 29*~Fruit either an indehiscent samara or composed of 1–5 dehiscent cocci; fertile stamens 10.~30 30~Leaves alternate; fruit an indehiscent samara, surrounded by a broad, flat, membranous wing when mature.~Pentaceras 30*~Leaves opposite; fruit dehiscent; mature cocci not surrounded by a membranous wing.~31 31~Ovules 2 per carpel; buds naked; each carpel with a prominent upper abaxial gland.~Acradenia 31*~Ovules 4–6 per carpel; buds with scales completely enclosing the leaf and floral primordia; carpel glands absent.~Bosistoa #{gn}Rutidosis 1~Small herbs less than 5 cm high; leaves less than 10 mm long; heads sessile in clusters surrounded by floral leaves; florets whitish, 2–3 mm long~Rutidosis multiflora 1*~Herbs more than 10 cm high; lower leaves more than 10 mm long; inflorescences more than 5 cm long, heads usually pedunculate; florets yellow, more than 3 mm long~2 2~Inflorescences much-branched; stems and leaves covered with cottony hairs; basal leaves mostly more than 2 mm wide; pappus of 4–6 entire scales~Rutidosis helichrysoides 2*~Inflorescences unbranched or sparsely branched; stem and leaves glabrous to hairy but then hairs not cottony; leaves usually less than 2 mm wide; pappus of 7–15 scales, margins of scales ciliate, fimbriate to more or less plumose~3 3~Stems leafy, slender, mostly more than 15 cm high; margins of pappus scales fimbriate to plumose~Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides 3*~Leaves chiefly tufted towards base of stems, scapes usually less than 15 cm high; margins of pappus scales ciliate~4 4~Stems glabrous; pappus scales c. 10, longer than achenes; north coast species~Rutidosis heterogama 4*~Stems more or less finely cottony; pappus scales 10–15, shorter to about as long as achenes; southern tableland species~Rutidosis leiolepis #{gn}Sagina 1~Erect annual herb with a tap root and nodes never producing roots; inflorescence a terminal cyme~Sagina apetala 1*~Perennial herb with fibrous roots, often rooting at lower branch nodes; flowers solitary, terminal or axillary~2 2~Leaves 0.5–1 mm wide, apex acuminate and shortly awned; seeds with dorsal margin flattened or grooved~Sagina procumbens 2*~Leaves 0.3–0.5 mm wide, apex acute, awnless; seeds with a dorsal margin rounded, never flattened or grooved~Sagina namadgi #{gn}Sagittaria 1~Mature emergent leaves linear or lanceolate~Sagittaria platyphylla 1*~Mature emergent leaves sagittate~Sagittaria montevidensis #{sp}Sagittaria montevidensis 1~Female flowers without a ring of functional stamens; petals white with a purple base~subsp. montevidensis 1*~Female flowers with a ring of functional stamens; petals white~subsp. calycina #{sp}Salix alba 1~Twigs brown or olive-green; leaves persistently silky above.~var. alba 1*~Twigs yellow or orange (especially conspicuous in winter months); leaves becoming glabrescent.~var. vitellina #{sp}Salsola kali 1~Flowers ± scattered along the branches~var. kali 1*~Flowers aggregated into terminal spike-like clusters~var. strobilifera #{gn}Salvia 1~Branches, inflorescence and, at least lower surface of leaves woolly; corolla white~2 1*~Branches, inflorescence and leaves with short or long, spreading, retrorse or antrorse hairs; indumentum never woolly~3 2~Petioles 3–7 cm long; leaves with lamina 5–12 cm wide with margins deeply and irregularly toothed; inflorescence much-branched; bracts stiff and spinescent, persistent in fruit~Salvia aethiopis 2*~Petioles 1–2 cm long; leaves with lamina 0.7–2 cm wide with margins finely crenate; inflorescence unbranched; bracts soft, not spinescent, not persistent in fruit~Salvia leucantha 3~Branches with short, simple retrorse hairs and long, multicellular more or less spreading hairs; lamina base truncate or cordate~4 3*~Branches with short, simple retrorse hairs only; lamina base cuneate to tapering~5 4~Corolla red, rarely pink; margins of leaves crenate or toothed~Salvia coccinea 4*~Corolla blue-purple to lilac; margins of leaves pinnatifid to pinnatisect or incised~Salvia verbenaca 5~Leaves with margins crenate; inflorescence usually much-branched; corolla 3.5–5 mm long~Salvia plebeia 5*~Leaves with margins almost entire, with shallow distant teeth; inflorescence unbranched; corolla 7–10 mm long~Salvia reflexa #{gn}Sambucus 1~Leaves with basal pair of leaflets very close to stem, stipule-like; flowers mostly 4-merous; fruit white~Sambucus gaudichaudiana 1*~Leaves with basal pair of leaflets more than 10 mm from stem, not stipule-like; flowers usually 3- or 5-merous; fruit yellow or black~2 2~Fruit yellow; flowers usually 3-merous~Sambucus australasica 2*~Fruit black; flowers usually 5-merous~Sambucus nigra #{gn}Samolus 1~Stems usually wrinkled or warty; cauline leaves 2–8 mm wide; floral bract more or less leaf-like, usually 5 mm or more long and situated at the base of the pedicel~Samolus repens 1*~Stems more or less smooth; cauline leaves mostly 10–20 mm wide; floral bract minute, usually ± 1 mm long and situated c. midway along the pedicel~Samolus valerandi #{fm}SANTALACEAE 1~Leaves well-developed~2 1*~Leaves reduced, rudimentary or scale-like, or absent~3 2~Leaves alternate; ovary superior~Exocarpos 2*~Leaves opposite, rarely alternate; ovary inferior or half-inferior~Santalum 3~Slender perennial herbs; inflorescences 1-flowered; fruit a nut enclosed by a persistent hypanthium; peduncles united at base with the subtending leaf~Thesium 3*~Shrubs or small trees~4 4~Wiry glabrous shrub; leaves absent; branches resinous and lustrous~Omphacomeria 4*~Shrubs or trees, leaves present at least on young branches though often caducous; branches neither resinous nor lustrous~5 5~Flowers in spikes or clusters, each flower in a notch of the rachis or in the axil of a minute scale-like bract; ovary superior; fruit fleshy, pedicel often enlarged and fleshy below drupe~Exocarpos 5*~Flowers in axillary racemes or clusters or solitary, subtended by a bract or bracteoles; ovary inferior or half-inferior; fruit dry or fleshy, crowned by the persistent perianth~6 6~Flowers solitary, subtended by an often caducous bract; drupe succulent~Leptomeria 6*~Flowers clustered, occasionally solitary, subtended by 2 or more bracts; drupe scarcely succulent~Choretrum #{gn}Santalum 1~Leaves discolorous with recurved to revolute margins~Santalum obtusifolium 1*~Leaves concolorous or slightly discolorous, flat~2 2~Flowers 6–8 mm long; disc with prominent lobes; drupe 7–15 mm diam., purple~Santalum lanceolatum 2*~Flowers 2–3.5 mm long; disc not prominently lobed; drupe 15–25 mm wide, red, red-brown or greenish~3 3~Leaves mostly 3–9 cm long, 3–15 mm wide, always opposite; fruit bright red, rarely yellow; tepals more or less persistent~Santalum acuminatum 3*~Leaves mostly 1.5–3.5 cm long, 1.5–4 mm wide, alternate, opposite or in threes; fruit red-brown or green; tepals caducous~Santalum murrayanum #{gn}Saponaria 1~Perennial, either glabrous or with sparse multicellular hairs, never with glandular hairs; leaves sessile, conspicuously 3-veined; calyx more than 15 mm long, teeth acute~Saponaria officinalis 1*~Annual; glabrous below, glandular-hairy above; upper leaves sessile, basal leaves petiolate, only the midvein conspicuous; calyx less than 15 mm long, teeth obtuse~Saponaria calabrica #{gn}Sarcochilus 1~Leaves linear, less than 10 mm wide; labellum with hairs on the midlobe~2 1*~Leaves elliptic, oblong or obovate or narrowly or rarely linearly so, but if linear then leaves more than 10 mm wide; labellum glabrous~3 2~Plants epiphytic, usually pendent, with one or rarely several shoots~Sarcochilus hillii 2*~Plants epilithic or rarely growing in soil, erect, usually with numerous tufted shoots~Sarcochilus ceciliae 3~Sepals and lateral petals elliptic to spathulate, white to pale yellow or pink, sometimes spotted with red, purple or crimson~4 3*~Sepals and lateral petals narrow-oblong, often markedly dilated near the tip, green to brown or rarely yellow~8 4~Plants epilithic or rarely terrestrial or epiphytic, often forming large, branching mats or groups of tufted shoots; stems usually more than 8 cm long~5 4*~Plants usually epiphytic or rarely epilithic, consisting of one or rarely two or more shoots; stems 1–8 cm long~7 5~Rachis equal to or longer than peduncle; perianth predominantly cream~Sarcochilus aequalis 5*~Rachis much shorter than peduncle; perianth predominantly white or pink~6 6~Labellum less than a quarter the length of dorsal sepal; sepals and lateral petals white, often with red or reddish brown spots at the base; plants erect to decumbent, with deeply channelled leaves~Sarcochilus hartmannii 6*~Labellum more than a third the length of the dorsal sepal; sepals and lateral petals white to pink, with pink to crimson spots at the base or covering them; plants usually pendent, with slightly channelled leaves~Sarcochilus fitzgeraldii 7~Sepals and lateral petals white, usually with a purple midline on the outside; labellum white, stained with orange and striated with purple, 3.5–6.0 mm long~Sarcochilus falcatus 7*~Perianth cream blotched with dull purple or purplish red; labellum c. 1.5 mm long~Sarcochilus weinthalii 8~Dorsiventral dimension of flower about equal to lateral dimension; column foot slightly longer than column, set at a very oblique angle to it~Sarcochilus olivaceus 8*~Dorsiventral dimension of flower conspicuously greater than lateral dimension; column foot about twice as long as column, set almost at right angles to it~9 9~Spur at front of labellum c. 1 mm long; lateral lobes of labellum almost semi-circular; pedicel plus ovary 2–4 mm long~Sarcochilus dilatatus 9*~Spur at front of labellum 2–4 mm long; lateral lobes of labellum more or less oblong or narrow-oblong; pedicel plus ovary 3–8 mm long~10 10~Spur at front of labellum solid; lateral lobes of labellum more or less oblong; labellum callus 3-lobed~Sarcochilus australis 10*~Spur at front of labellum hollow; lateral lobes of labellum narrow-oblong; labellum callus absent~Sarcochilus spathulatus #{gn}Sarcostemma 1~Stems silver-green to silver, erect or sprawling, not usually twining and rarely forming a woody climber~Sarcostemma australe 1*~Stems bright green to grey, usually twining strongly and forming a woody climber or a trailer on coastal headlands~Sarcostemma brunonianum #{gn}Sauropus 1~Stems and leaves minutely bristly; rigid shrub, branchlets often ending in a spine~Sauropus rigens 1*~Stems and leaves glabrous; slender or wiry shrubs, subshrubs or herbs, branchlets not ending in spines~2 2~Leaves 1–2 mm wide, falling early~Sauropus ramosissimus 2*~Leaves mostly 2–5 mm wide, more or less persistent~3 3~Leaves oblong or ovate to lanceolate, thin-textured, with margins flat; seeds deeply sculptured~Sauropus trachyspermus 3*~Leaves linear or obovate to oblanceolate, relatively thick, recurved to revolute and thickened; seeds rugose with a longitudinal rib on one side~Sauropus hirtellus #{sp}Scaevola albida 1~Style villous; leaves 1–5 cm long, 5–22 mm wide; corolla 8–12 mm long, blue; subshrub to 50 cm high, branches usually ascending. Widespread.,~var. albida 1*~Style glabrous; leaves 0.6–2 cm long, 1–7 mm wide; corolla 5–8 mm long, white or very pale blue; subshrub 2–20 cm high, usually prostrate~var. pallida #{gn}Scaevola 1~Flowers stalked below the bracteoles~2 1*~Flowers sessile below bracteoles (i.e. bracteoles in axil of bract)~5 2~Cauline leaves mostly reduced to triangular scales up to 3 mm long; stems glabrous~Scaevola depauperata 2*~Cauline leaves not reduced; stems hairy~3 3~Shrubs with thorns, often with branched hairs~Scaevola spinescens 3*~Herbs or shrubs without thorns, without branched hairs~4 4~Bracteoles linear to oblanceolate, more than 10 mm long~Scaevola ramosissima 4*~Bracteoles elliptic to oblong; less than 10 mm long~Scaevola hookeri 5~Plants hairy, occasionally more or less glabrous~6 5*~Plants glabrous~Scaevola collaris 6~Indusium with a tuft of prominent stiff often purplish hairs at the base which are longer than the bristles on the lips~7 6*~Indusium with short stiff usually white hairs at base shorter than bristles on lips or with longer weaker hairs in same position~8 7~Hairs on stem white; drier western areas and tablelands~Scaevola humilis 7*~Hairs on stem yellowish; damper coastal districts~Scaevola aemula 8~Fruit fleshy, purplish white; hairs on leaves appressed; prostrate plant of coastal dunes~Scaevola calendulacea 8*~Fruit dry, green; hairs on leaves not appressed; plants rarely on coastal dunes~9 9~Corolla densely bearded inside; drier western areas~Scaevola parvibarbata 9*~Corolla with only a few scattered hairs inside; eastern areas with higher rainfall~Scaevola albida #{fm}SCHIZAEACEAE 1~Fronds simple and linear or dichotomously branched with linear branches, <40 cm high; spore-bearing segments in small pinnate groups at the apex of the frond or of its branches, arranged like a cock's comb~Schizaea 1*~Fronds of older plants climbing and often 2–3 m long, ultimate branches pinnately divided; spore-bearing segments arranged around the margins of the pinnae~Lygodium #{gn}Schizaea 1~Sterile fronds simple, flat, >1 mm wide~Schizaea rupestris 1*~Sterile fronds dichotomously branched, or simple and <1 mm wide~2 2~Sterile fronds simple, usually ± terete; the spore-bearing segments occupying the last 6–10 mm of the fertile frond when mature~Schizaea fistulosa 2*~Fronds almost always dichotomously branched, rarely simple but then the spore-bearing segments occupying the last 10–20 mm of the frond when mature~3 3~Fertile fronds simple or divided dichotomously usually 1–2, rarely 3, times, smooth to scabrous; sterile fronds usually with the first dichotomy below the middle~4 3*~Fertile fronds dichotomously divided 3 to 6 times, very scabrous; sterile fronds always with the first dichotomy above the middle~Schizaea dichotoma 4~Fertile fronds unbranched or dichotomously divided 1(rarely 2) times; sterile fronds unbranched (rarely present); stipe smooth to rough~Schizaea bifida 4*~Fertile fronds dichotomously divided 1 to 5 times; sterile fronds dichotomously divided 1-several times; stipe rough~Schizaea asperula #{sp}Schoenus lepidosperma 1~Spikelets 8–11(–14) mm long; fertile glumes 8–11 mm long; anthers 3.3–4.5 mm long excluding apical appendage 0.3–0.5 mm long; hypogynous scales acute to acuminate, narrow, reaching a third to half the way up body of nut; nut 3.1–3.5 mm long, 1.8–2.0 mm diam.; shortly rhizomatous; culms slender, 0.3–0.5 mm diam~subsp. lepidosperma 1*~Spikelets 15–22 mm long; fertile glumes 13–16 mm long; anthers 6.3–9 mm long excluding apical appendage 0.8–1.8 mm long; hypogynous scales obtuse or rarely acute, very broad, scarcely reaching to top of stipe; nut (including stipe) 4.2–5 mm long, 2.0–2.5 mm diam.; tufted (very shortly rhizomatous); culms relatively coarse, 0.5–1.2 mm diam~subsp. pachylepis #{gn}Scleria 1~Leaves with blade 5–8 mm wide; tall perennial with thick woody rhizome~Scleria levis 1*~Leaves with blade less than 4 mm wide; slender tufted annuals or perennials with very short, slender rhizome~2 2~Disk thickish, rather collar-like, lobes without mucro~3 2*~Disk shallow, triangular, with mucro at each corner~Scleria tricuspidata 3~Leaves with blade 2–4 mm wide; stamen 1; anther 0.5–0.7 mm long; disk minutely papillose; annual~Scleria rugosa 3*~Leaves with blade 1–2 mm wide; stamens 3; anthers 2–2.5 mm long; disk not papillose; perennial~Scleria mackaviensis #{sp}Sclerolaena bicornis 1~Spines 10–15 mm long; fruiting perianth 7–8 mm diam~var. bicornis 1*~Spines to 5 mm long; fruiting perianth c. 5 mm diam~var. horrida #{sp}Sclerolaena muricata 1~Plant glabrous~var. muricata 1*~Plant hairy~2 2~Leaves obovate to oblanceolate~var. semiglabra 2*~Leaves linear-lanceolate~var. villosa #{gn}Sclerostegia 1~Coastal species; style hard and protruding in fruit~Sclerostegia arbuscula 1*~Inland species; style not protruding in fruit~2 2~Flowers axillary, scattered throughout vegetative axes~Sclerostegia medullosa 2*~Flowers in spike-like terminal inflorescences~3 3~Spikes with opposite bracts free or nearly so; seed 1.5 mm long, embryo slightly curved~Sclerostegia disarticulata 3*~Spikes with opposite bracts fused; seed 2.5–3 mm long, embryo straight~Sclerostegia tenuis #{gn}Scolymus 1~Wings on stem interrupted, spinose-toothed; without or with slightly thickened margins on stem wings and leaves; pappus a few rigid hairs~Scolymus hispanicus 1*~Wings on stem continuous, spinose-toothed; with strongly thickened white margins on stem wings and leaves; pappus absent~Scolymus maculatus #{gn}Scutellaria 1~Branches with pedicellate glandular hairs and simple hairs; corolla c. 10 mm long, with lower lip much longer than upper lip~Scutellaria mollis 1*~Branches glabrous or with simple, mostly antrorse hairs only; corolla c. 5 mm long, with lower lip slightly longer than upper lip~2 2~Leaves ovate, less than 2 cm long, often cordate basally; margins crenate to lobed~Scutellaria humilis 2*~Leaves narrow-ovate or narrow-triangular to narrow-oblong, 2–2.6 cm long, hastate basally and often with acuminate auricles; margins shallowly sinuate or entire~Scutellaria racemosa #{gn}Sedum 1~Flowers white or rarely pink~Sedum album 1*~Flowers yellow~2 2~Leaves 30–50 mm long, spathulate~Sedum praealtum 2*~Leaves not as above~3 3~Leaves linear-terete, 6–12 mm long; flowers usually 7-merous~Sedum rupestre 3*~Leaves triangular to ovoid, to 5 mm long; flowers mostly 5-merous~Sedum acre #{fm}SELAGINACEAE 1~Calyx spathaceous; bracts more than 3 mm long; flowers in elongated spikes~Hebenstretia 1*~Calyx 5-lobed; bracts less than 3 mm long; flowers in corymbs or panicles~Selago #{gn}Selaginella 1~Aerial stems upright; leaves all similar~2 1*~Aerial stems prostrate, creeping, repeatedly branched; leaves dimorphic~Selaginella kraussiana 2~Plant annual; rhizome lacking; stems all erect, mostly 2–5 cm long, simple or forked once or twice; branchlets slender~Selaginella gracillima 2*~Plant perennial; rhizome subterranean, much branched; stems erect, 5–38 cm long, simple or with rather rigid lateral branches~Selaginella uliginosa #{gn}Selago 1~Flowers in broad more or less corymbose panicles; flowers 2–3 mm long; leaves densely clustered in axils of stem leaves~Selago corymbosa 1*~Flowers in elongated panicles; flowers 4–6 mm long; leaves alternate or sparsely clustered~Selago thunbergii #{sp}Senecio cunninghamii 1~Stem leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate, usually <5 mm wide, margins entire or shortly and distantly toothed; involucral bracts 4–5 mm long; green glabrous plant~var. cunninghamii 1*~Stem leaves oblanceolate to narrow-elliptic, mostly >5 mm wide, margins regularly toothed, green or becoming glaucous; involucral bracts 3–4 mm long; at least the young shoots and often the involucre white-tomentose~Senecio lanibracteus #{sp}Senecio hispidulus 1~Leaves ± lanceolate or oblanceolate, margins finely to coarsely toothed or ± pinnatifid. Leaves 5–25 mm wide~var. hispidulus 1*~Middle leaves pinnatisect to bipinnatisect. Lower leaves ± pinnatifid with segments 4–10 mm wide; middle and upper leaves pinnatisect to bipinnatisect with segments 2–4 mm wide~var. dissectus #{sp}Senecio lautus 1~Prostrate herb of alpine regions; leaves spathulate in outline, margins entire, toothed or lobed and leaves ± pinnatifid to pinnatisect with obtuse lobes. Involucral bracts c. 13, c. 5 mm long. Achenes c. 3 mm long~subsp. alpinus 1*~Erect or decumbent herbs or small shrubs, widespread but rarely in alpine regions; leaves linear to narrow-elliptic or oblanceolate or ± ovate in outline, margins entire, toothed or lobed and then leaves ± pinnatisect with acute lobes~2 2~Largest stem leaves lobed; leaves ± linear with margins entire or pinnatisect with terete to linear lobes with entire or toothed margins. Involucral bracts c. 13 or rarely to 20 in some populations in western regions, 3.5–6 mm long. Achenes 1.9–2.7 mm long~subsp. dissectifolius 2*~Largest stem leaves not lobed; leaves narrow-elliptic to oblanceolate or ± ovate in outline, margins usually toothed or irregularly lobed and leaves ± pinnatisect with ± flattened lanceolate lobes with toothed margins~3 3~Leaves not succulent, largest stem leaves >5.5 cm long and >12 mm wide; robust plant >50 cm high. Involucral bracts ca 13, 5–6 mm long. Achenes 2.5–3 mm long, mostly hairy~subsp. lanceolatus 3*~Leaves succulent, largest stem leaves <5.5 cm long and <12 mm wide; decumbent plant <50 cm high. Involucral bracts c. 13, 5–6 mm long. Achenes 2.5–3 mm long~subsp. maritimus #{sp}Senecio vagus 1~Involucral bracts glandular, bracteoles with margins prominently toothed; achenes glabrous~subsp. vagus 1*~Involucral bracts without glands, bracteoles with margins entire or weakly toothed; achenes sparsely hairy~subsp. eglandulosus #{gn}Setaria 1~Robust plants with broad, plicate (pleated), palm-like leaf-blades, usually hairy, 30–90 cm long and 3–12 cm wide, narrow-elliptical; panicle open with spreading branches; most spikelets without bristles except for those on the ends of branches~Setaria palmifolia 1*~Leaf-blades neither pleated (or only slightly so) nor palm-like; panicle contracted, usually spike-like; most or all spikelets subtended by 1 or more bristles~2 2~Bristles retrorsely barbed, spikelets usually subtended by 1 bristle; upper glume equal to the spikelet~Setaria verticillata 2*~Bristles antrorsely barbed; spikelets subtended by 1-many bristles or some spikelets without bristles; upper glume ± shorter than the spikelet~3 3~Panicle narrow but neither dense nor conspicuously bristly; not all spikelets subtended by a bristle and then by 1 bristle only~Setaria paspalidioides 3*~Panicle narrow and cylindrical or linear-lanceolate in outline; always dense and bristly; spikelet(s) subtended by 1 or more bristles~4 4~Spikelets in clusters subtended by usually >1 bristle, retained in the inflorescence on threshing; fertile floret separating from the rest of the spikelet; panicle often lobed~Setaria italica 4*~Spikelets not retained in the inflorescence at maturity; fertile floret falling enclosed by glumes and lower lemma; panicle not lobed; spikelets ± in clusters~5 5~Nodes bearded~Setaria incrassata 5*~Nodes glabrous~6 6~Upper glume as long as the spikelet, the back of the fertile lemma not exposed~Setaria viridis 6*~Upper glume 50–75% the length of the spikelet exposing the rugose back of the fertile floret~7 7~Panicle linear-lanceolate in outline; spikelets 3–4 mm long on branches to 2.2 cm long; ligule 2–3 mm long; cane-like perennial~Setaria australiensis 7*~Panicle linear, cylindrical; spikelets usually not >3 mm long; branches <1 cm long; ligule to 1.5 mm long~8 8~Plants perennial; bristles evenly coloured~9 8*~Plants annual; bristles usually pale at the base~10 9~Plants forming large tufts to 2 m tall with strongly compressed and keeled leaf-sheaths (especially at the base of the plant); 1–4 spikelets on each branch; panicle to 35 cm long; bristles brownish~Setaria sphacelata 9*~Plants with wiry rhizomes to 4 cm long, not forming tall tufts, culms spreading or ascending, to 1.2 m long; spikelets solitary on each panicle branch; panicle to 10 cm long; bristles yellow or purplish~Setaria parviflora 10~Leaf-blades 2–4 mm wide; culms slender; spikelets 2.5–3 mm long; bristles evenly coloured; panicle 2–5 cm long~Setaria surgens 10*~Leaf-blades 4–10 mm wide; culms stout at the base; spikelets 3–3.5 mm long, bristles pale at the base; panicle 1–15 cm long~Setaria pumila #{gn}Sida 1~Mericarps distinctly awned and calyx distinctly ribbed at the base, or mericarps covered with stout spines and calyx prominently veined, or mericarps winged~2 1*~Mericarps not distinctly awned, not covered with stout spines or winged, but sometimes deeply wrinkled, grooved or with short points; calyx not prominently ribbed or veined~7 2~Mericarps winged or covered with stout spines~3 2*~Mericarps distinctly awned and calyx with 10 definite ribs at base when in fruit~4 3~Mericarps covered with long stout spines~Sida platycalyx 3*~Mericarps with prominent ribs or wings~Sida goniocarpa 4~Flowers on peduncles 10–30 mm long; mostly solitary~5 4*~Flowers on peduncles <10 mm long; in dense clusters or solitary~6 5~Plant with a persistent short grey tomentum; flowering calyx 6–10 mm long; mericarps with apical points 3–5 mm long, armed with retrorse hairs~Sida rohlenae 5*~Plant glabrescent; flowering calyx 5–6 mm long; mericarps with apical points to 1 mm long~Sida rhombifolia 6~Leaves with a soft or short tomentum or glabrescent; fruit with barbs on the spines of the mericarps~23 6*~Leaves glabrous or with hairs on margins; fruit without barbs on the spines of the mericarps~Sida acuta 7~Flowers 2–15, clustered in axils, sometimes forming dense spikes~8 7*~Flowers solitary or in pairs in axils or in cymes~11 8~Peduncles 5–10 mm long; mericarps 7–10 per fruit~Sida pleiantha 8*~Peduncles 0.5–3.5 mm long; mericarps 4–6 per fruit~9 9~Shrub to 2 m high; flowers more or less sessile, few to several in clusters on axils, often forming a terminal spike~Sida subspicata 9*~Subshrub or herb less than 50 cm high; flowers on peduncles 1–3.5 mm long, 1–4 per axil~10 10~Lamina ovate to obovate; stipules filiform; calyx lobes acuminate; mericarps 5~Sida sp. A sensu Harden (1990) 10*~Lamina narrow-ovate to oblong; stipules narrow-triangular; calyx lobes truncate; mericarps 6 or 7~Sida sp. B sensu Harden (1990) 11~Leaf laminas either reniform with scales or ovate to triangular, less than 10 mm long, and plant often spiny~12 11*~Leaf laminas not as above or if so then plant not spiny~13 12~Perennial herb covered with minute scales; leaves reniform, more than 10 mm long~Sida leprosa 12*~Small spindly subshrub with stellate hairs; branches sometimes ending in spines; leaves ovate to obovate, less than 10 mm long or absent~Sida intricata 13~Fruit 7–10 mm wide; hoary, more or less flat on top; mericarps 9–12~Sida cunninghamii 13*~Fruit less than 7 mm wide; not hoary and flat on top; mericarps less than 8 (6–10 in Sida corrugata)~14 14~Calyx 6–12 mm long in fruit; plant with a dense tomentum often yellow- or brown-tinted~15 14*~Calyx less than 5 mm long in fruit; plant mostly grey- to green- tomentose or glabrescent~16 15~Calyx lobes ovate-triangular, finely stellate-pubescent often with dark hairs, to 12 mm long in fruit; plant with a yellowish grey tomentum~Sida petrophila 15*~Calyx lobes narrow-triangular, obscured by thick brown stellate hair; to 10 mm long in fruit; plant with yellowish brown tomentum~Sida phaeotricha 16~Flowers cymose, 3–7 (sometimes appearing solitary); fruit hardly wrinkled on sides~Sida fibulifera 16*~Flowers 1 or 2 in axils; fruit wrinkled on sides~17 17~Flowers on peduncles 5 mm or more in length~18 17*~Flowers on peduncles less than 5 mm long~22 18~Fruit glabrous; the central apical region prominently raised~19 18*~Fruit persistently pubescent (occasionally more or less glabrous in Sida trichopoda); the central apical region flat to rounded, hardly raised~21 19~Mericarps 5; leaf laminas narrow-ovate to narrow-oblong, 10–50 mm long, 2–11 mm wide~Sida ammophila 19*~Mericarps 5–8; leaf laminas mostly ovate, ovate-cordate to lanceolate, 5–30 mm long, 5–22 mm wide~20 20~Prostrate to erect subshrub less than 30 cm high; leaves with persistent dense velvety tomentum, grey-blue turning green above, grey-green below; flowers on peduncles to 15 mm long~Sida sp. C sensu Harden (1990) 20*~Erect or procumbent subshrub to 60 cm high; leaves with a coarse to dense tomentum, often brownish and sometimes velvety; flowers on peduncles to 40 mm long~Sida filiformis 21~Flowers on peduncles to 60 mm long; corolla 5–15 mm long; leaves linear to ovate-oblong, 2–15 mm wide~Sida trichopoda 21*~Flowers on peduncles to 15 mm long; corolla 4–7 mm long; leaves circular to ovate~Sida corrugata 22~Leaves ovate to obovate; stipules filiform; calyx lobes acuminate; mericarps 5~Sida sp. A sensu Harden (1990) 22*~Leaves narrow-ovate to oblong; stipules narrow, triangular; calyx lobes truncate; mericarps 6 or 7~Sida sp. B sensu Harden (1990) 23~Plant with a persistent, soft yellowish green tomentum; leaves 10–40 mm wide; mericarps 8–10 per fruit~Sida cordifolia 23*~Plant with a short grey-green tomentum, often glabrescent; leaves 4–15 mm wide; mericarps 3–5 per fruit~Sida spinosa #{gn}Sigesbeckia 1~Outer involucral bracts linear to oblanceolate, not exceeding florets and achenes, hairy but hairs not glandular~Sigesbeckia australiensis 1*~Outer involucral bracts narrow-spathulate, usually far exceeding the florets and achenes, with dense glandular hairs~Sigesbeckia orientalis #{sp}Silene gallica 1~Petals white or pink~var. gallica 1*~Petals with a dark crimson blotch at base of limb~var. quinquevulnera #{fm}SIMAROUBACEAE 1~Leaves pinnate; flowers unisexual~Ailanthus 1*~Leaves simple; flowers bisexual~Quassia #{gn}Sinapis 1~Upper leaves sessile, simple, toothed; siliqua usually with more than 8 dark red-brown seeds; beak cylindrical or conical, hardly compressed, shorter than valves~Sinapis arvensis 1*~All leaves petiolate, pinnately lobed; siliqua with less than 8 pale brown seeds; beak strongly compressed, sabre-like, at least as long as the valves~Sinapis alba #{fm}SINOPTERIDACEAE 1~Fronds generally not hairy and/or scaly; ultimate segments with few, if any, lobes~Pellaea 1*~Fronds generally hairy and/or scaly; ultimate segments finely lobed~Cheilanthes #{gn}Sisymbrium 1~Siliqua less than 2 cm long, conical, erect, at least pedicel closely appressed to stem~Sisymbrium officinale 1*~Siliqua more than 2 cm long, linear, spreading from spreading pedicel~2 2~Flowers large, the petals more than 5 mm long, style more than 1 mm long; plants scabrous to pubescent~3 2*~Flowers small, petals less than 5 mm long, style less than 1 mm long; plants glabrous or softly hairy~5 3~Inflorescence with bracts; pedicels usually 5–20 mm long; cotyledons longitudinally folded~Sisymbrium thellungii 3*~Inflorescence without bracts; pedicels less than 10 mm long; cotyledons flat~4 4~Outer sepals not horned; upper leaves petiolate, entire or sagittate with the terminal lobe oblong or lanceolate~Sisymbrium orientale 4*~Outer sepals horned; upper leaves more or less sessile, pinnatisect with the terminal lobe linear~Sisymbrium altissimum 5~Siliqua curved, spreading; pedicel slender, 6–10 mm long; petals more than 2.5 mm long~Sisymbrium irio 5*~Siliqua straight, horizontal; pedicel thick, 2–5 mm long; petals less than 2.5 mm long~Sisymbrium erysimoides #{gn}Sloanea 1~Leaves with lamina tapered to base and then expanding towards the junction with the petiole, base more or less cordate; domatia absent; petals present; fruit bristly~Sloanea australis 1*~Leaves with lamina tapered uniformly to junction with petiole; domatia prominent as tufts of brown hairs in depressions in vein axils; petals absent; fruit prickly~Sloanea woollsii #{gn}Smilax 1~Stems prickly; leaves with 5 longitudinal veins, lower surface not glaucous; tepals 3–4 mm long~Smilax australis 1*~Stems not prickly; leaves with 3 longitudinal veins, lower surface glaucous; tepals 1–2 mm long~Smilax glyciphylla #{gn}Solanum 1~Prickles absent~2 1*~Prickles present~25 2~Climbing or sprawling herbs and shrubs~3 2*~Herbs, shrubs or small trees, usually erect, never climbing~6 3~Anthers dehiscing by terminal pores only~4 3*~Anthers dehiscing by terminal pores and lateral slits~5 4~Leaves 3-lobed, lobes entire; berry yellow-green, 4–5 mm diam.; branches frequently rooting at nodes~Solanum radicans 4*~Leaves 7–9-lobed, lobes toothed; berry marbled whitish green, 8–12 mm diam.; branches not rooting at nodes~Solanum triflorum 5~Leaves entire (juvenile leaves deeply lobed); berry 7–9 mm diam.; seeds glabrous~Solanum jasminoides 5*~Leaves usually 3–9-lobed; berry 10–12 mm diam.; seeds hairy~Solanum seaforthianum 6~Corolla white or white with a purple tinge and yellow-green centre~7 6*~Corolla pale blue, blue-violet, violet to deep purple-blue~14 7~Calyx 1–3.5 mm long~8 7*~Calyx 4–5 mm long~13 8~Shrubs to 3 m high; leaves glabrous except for tufts of hairs in axils of veins on lower surface; berry bright orange-yellow~Solanum spirale 8*~Soft-wooded annual or short-lived perennial herbs, usually less than 1 m high; leaves glabrous or with hairs not restricted to vein axils; berry purple-black, green or reddish~9 9~Mature berry black or red~10 9*~Mature berry green~12 10~Fruiting peduncle sharply deflexed from its base~Solanum chenopodioides 10*~Fruiting peduncle erect ascending or curved downwards~11 11~Mature berry shiny; seeds usually more than 40 per fruit, 1–1.5 mm long~Solanum americanum 11*~Mature berry dull; seeds usually 20–35 per fruit, 1.8–2.2 mm long~Solanum nigrum 12~Indumentum of glandular hairs; calyx lobes 2–4 mm long and 2–5 mm wide in fruit; berry 5–8 mm diam~Solanum physalifolium 12*~Indumentum predominantly of non-glandular hairs; calyx lobes 1–2.5 mm long and less than 2 mm wide in fruit; berry 8–10 mm diam~Solanum opacum 13~Petioles 1–10 cm long; inflorescences branched, many-flowered; peduncle to first fork 3–8 cm long; berry dull yellow; densely and softly hairy, with hairs stellate to bristly~Solanum erianthum 13*~Petioles 0.5–1.5 cm long; inflorescences unbranched, short, 1–few-flowered; peduncle 0–1 cm long; berry bright orange-red; glabrous or sparsely hairy with hairs simple or branched but not stellate~Solanum pseudocapsicum 14~Leaves with 1 or 2 small sessile stipule-like leaves at base of petiole~Solanum mauritianum 14*~Leaves lacking additional small stipule-like leaves~15 15~Entire leaves usually more than 10 times long as broad (undulate to lobed leaves also present)~16 15*~Entire leaves 2–8 times long as broad (usually with undulate to lobed leaves also present)~17 16~Fruiting pedicels mostly less than 3 cm long; berry 15–20 mm diam., ochre-yellow with purple markings~Solanum linearifolium 16*~Fruiting pedicels mostly 3–5 cm long; berry 20–25 mm diam., greenish ivory~Solanum vescum 17~Lobed leaves deeply lobed; corolla 20–30 mm diam.; berry green or tinged purple~Solanum simile 17*~Lobed leaves undulate to shallowly lobed or all leaves entire; corolla 15–40 mm diam.; berry white, greenish white, yellowish, bright red to brownish black~18 18~Plant hairy, often densely so, with stellate hairs~19 18*~Plant glabrous except for minute glandular hairs on young points, corolla apices and buds~24 19~Berry bright red, 5–8 mm diam~20 19*~Berry white, greenish white, yellowish or brown-black, 10–20 mm diam~21 20~Leaves 6–9 cm long, 3–5 cm wide; petioles more than 1 cm long~Solanum densevestitum 20*~Leaves 3–6 cm long, 1.5–2.5 cm wide; petioles less than 1 cm long~Solanum nemophilum 21~Leaves with upper surface sparsely hairy or glabrous~22 21*~Leaves with upper surface densely hairy~23 22~Leaves lanceolate, with lower surface woolly; berry 15–20 mm diam~Solanum brownii 22*~Leaves more or less oblong, with lower surface densely hairy, but not woolly; berry 10–15 mm diam~Solanum tetrathecum 23~Berry dry, yellow maturing to brown~Solanum sturtianum 23*~Berry succulent, yellow to light yellow-brown~Solanum esuriale 24~Corolla lobes acute; berry orange-red to scarlet~Solanum aviculare 24*~Corolla lobes notched; berry orange-yellow~Solanum laciniatum 25~Hairs predominately simple or glandular, or hairs absent~26 25*~Hairs predominately stellate~29 26~Corolla stellate and deeply incised; leaves broad-ovate; berry 20–35 mm diam., bright orange-red~Solanum capsicoides 26*~Corolla campanulate, stellate and shallowly incised, or rotate; leaves ovate or elliptic; berry 10–25 mm diam., usually green, yellow or white~27 27~Fruiting calyx largely enclosing berry, sometimes splitting~Solanum hystrix 27*~Fruiting calyx not enclosing berry~28 28~Leaves glabrous or very sparsely hairy, with lobes cut to more than two-thirds of the way to midvein~Solanum papaverifolium 28*~Leaves hairy, with lobes cut less than two-thirds of the way to midvein~Solanum adenophorum 29~Fruiting calyx surrounding or enclosing at least three-quarters of berry~30 29*~Fruiting calyx not surrounding berry~35 30~Berry mostly enclosed in or surrounded by lobes of persistent calyx~31 30*~Berry mostly enclosed in enlarged calyx tube~34 31~Berry red~32 31*~Berry green, yellow or white~33 32~Leaves lobed, lower lobes often forming leaflets; corolla white or pale blue; berry 15–20 mm diam.; fruiting calyx prickly~Solanum sisymbriifolium 32*~Leaves entire or almost so when mature, juvenile leaves shallowly lobed; corolla violet or purple; berry 5–8 mm diam.; fruiting calyx not prickly~Solanum densevestitum 33~Glandular and stellate hairs present on all parts~Solanum campanulatum 33*~Glandular hairs absent or confined to calyx~Solanum petrophilum 34~Flowers yellow, zygomorphic; berry erect, dry and papery~Solanum rostratum 34*~Flowers purple, actinomorphic; berry usually pendent, not dry and papery~Solanum karsense 35~Berry red, orange-red or blackish red, never brownish~36 35*~Berry green, whitish, yellow or purple, often drying to yellow- or orange-brown, brown or black~45 36~Leaves entire sometimes sinuate (in Solanum elegans), if basal lobes present, then linear~37 36*~Leaves lobed, at least in part, and broad, never linear~41 37~Leaves linear to lanceolate, 0.2–2 cm wide~38 37*~Leaves ovate, broad-ovate or elliptic, 1–14 cm wide~40 38~Leaves concolorous or slightly discolorous, usually prickly, often with 2 basal lobes~Solanum ferocissimum 38*~Leaves distinctly discolorous, with few or no prickles, rarely with basal lobes~39 39~Corolla deeply stellate, 10–15 mm diam.; berry 5–8 mm diam~Solanum parvifolium 39*~Corolla shallowly stellate, 25–30 mm diam.; berry 10–15 mm diam~Solanum elegans 40~Leaves distinctly discolorous, sparsely hairy on upper surface~Solanum stelligerum 40*~Leaves slightly discolorous, densely hairy on upper surface~Solanum nemophilum 41~Corolla 10–20 mm diam~42 41*~Corolla 25–35 mm diam~44 42~Branches with scattered prickles~Solanum chenopodinum 42*~Branches densely to moderately prickly~43 43~Plant hairs with stellate and minutely glandular hairs; upper leaf surface sparsely hairy; corolla bluish purple; seeds pale brown~Solanum stelligerum 43*~Plant hairy with stellate hairs only; upper leaf surface glabrous or with hairs confined to veins; corolla white or violet; seeds pale yellow or pale orange~Solanum corifolium 44~Pedicels and calyx with stellate hairs only~Solanum elegans 44*~Pedicels and calyx with stellate, simple and glandular hairs~Solanum inaequilaterum 45~Leaves distinctly lobed usually at least 1/4 way to midvein~46 45*~Leaves entire or shallowly lobed~52 46~Hairs dense to moderately dense on upper leaf surface~Solanum adenophorum 46*~Hairs sparse on upper leaf surface~47 47~Anthers 2–2.5 mm long~Solanum prinophyllum 47*~Anthers 3–6 mm long~48 48~Leaves concolorous or slightly discolorous; berry 20–30 mm diam~49 48*~Leaves usually distinctly discolorous; berry 10–25 mm diam~50 49~Berry yellow; inflorescence a 1–3-flowered cluster~Solanum pungetium 49*~Berry yellow, maturing to brown or black; inflorescence a 1–6-flowered raceme~Solanum linnaeanum 50~Prickles bright red or orange-red; flowering calyx lobes 1–2 mm long; berry 10–15 mm diam~Solanum lacunarium 50*~Prickles pale yellow or pale orange; flowering calyx lobes 2.5–5 mm long; berry 15–25 mm diam~51 51~Lower leaf surface densely woolly; flowering calyx lobes triangular~Solanum brownii 51*~Lower leaf surface densely hairy, not woolly; flowering calyx lobes usually linear~Solanum cinereum 52~Leaves broad-ovate, 0.8–2 cm long~Solanum oligacanthum 52*~Leaves oblong to narrow-ovate, ovate or elliptic (juvenile leaves of Solanum furfuraceum broad-ovate, to 17 cm long and to 12 cm wide), mostly more than 2 cm long~53 53~Leaves shallowly lobed~54 53*~Leaves entire and usually slightly undulate, or sinuate~58 54~Leaves with upper surface sparsely hairy, often distinctly discolorous~55 54*~Leaves with upper surface densely hairy, concolorous or slightly discolorous~56 55~Lower leaf surface densely woolly, hairs pale yellow or pale green; seeds 2.5–3.5 mm long; leaves usually narrow-ovate~Solanum brownii 55*~Lower leaf surface moderately woolly or not woolly, hairs bright yellow or rusty; seeds 1.5–2 mm long; leaves usually broad-ovate~Solanum furfuraceum 56~Prickles usually red; leaves silvery green; flowering peduncle ± 10 mm long; anthers 5–8 mm long~Solanum elaeagnifolium 56*~Prickles never red; leaves grey-green or pale green, occasionally rusty-green; flowering peduncle 5–40 mm long; anthers 2.5–5 mm long~57 57~Leaves 1–4 cm wide; corolla 10–15 mm diam., pale lavender, often remaining closed; anthers 2.5–3 mm long~Solanum cleistogamum 57*~Leaves 0.5–1.5 cm wide; corolla 15–25 mm diam., purple; anthers 4–5 mm long~Solanum esuriale 58~Upper leaf surface sparsely hairy or glabrous~59 58*~Upper leaf surface densely hairy~61 59~Leaves ovate to elliptic, less than 2.5 times long as broad~Solanum furfuraceum 59*~Leaves oblong or narrow-ovate, more than 2.5 times long as broad~60 60~Leaves narrow-ovate, with lower surface woolly; berry 15–20 mm diam~Solanum brownii 60*~Leaves more or less oblong, with lower surface not woolly; berry 10–15 mm diam~Solanum tetrathecum 61~Berry dry, yellow maturing to brown-black~Solanum sturtianum 61*~Berry bony or succulent, yellow, green, purple or orange-brown~62 62~Berry hard and bony, often with lower half enclosed by calyx; prickles abundant on calyx~Solanum quadriloculatum 62*~Berry succulent, with lower half not enclosed by calyx; prickles absent from calyx (except Solanum cleistogamum)~63 63~Berry pale yellow-green, often with purple tinge; branches sprawling or prostrate~64 63*~Berry yellow, yellow-brown or orange-brown; branches usually erect, rarely sprawling~65 64~Corolla 10–15 mm long; anthers 2.5–3 mm long; berry 10–13 mm diam~Solanum cleistogamum 64*~Corolla 20–30 mm long; anthers 4.5 mm long; berry 15–20 mm diam~Solanum ellipticum 65~Peduncles 10–40 mm long; berry ovoid, obovoid or almost globose, with apex acute~Solanum esuriale 65*~Peduncles to 10 mm long; berry globose or depressed-globose~66 66~Flowering calyx lobes awl-shaped; calyx 9–10 mm long~Solanum elaeagnifolium 66*~Flowering calyx lobes triangular; calyx 4–8 mm long~67 67~Prickles 2–5 mm long; pedicels 10–15 mm long; seeds pale brown~Solanum coactiliferum 67*~Prickles to 10 mm long; pedicels usually 5–10 mm long; seeds light grey~Solanum tetrathecum #{gn}Solenogyne 1~Scapes slender; bracts reflexed in fruit~Solenogyne bellioides 1*~Scapes robust; bracts not reflexed in fruit~2 2~Glabrous or sparsely and finely pilose herbs; leaves densely toothed with usually more than 14 teeth per margin, lower surface paler green~Solenogyne dominii 2*~Prominently hirsute herbs; leaves sinuate to sparsely toothed with less than 14 teeth per margin, concolorous~Solenogyne gunnii #{gn}Soliva 1~Achenes wingless; flower heads usually clustered in centre of rosette~Soliva anthemifolia 1*~Achenes winged or with lateral projections; flower heads not clustered~2 2~Achenes with thin, broad-lobed wings with spines at tip; leaves hairy; flower heads slightly convex~Soliva sessilis 2*~Achenes with thick corrugated ribs with 2 pointed lateral wing projections; leaves hardly hairy; flower heads more or less globose~Soliva stolonifera #{gn}Sonchus 1~Leaves stiff and more or less leathery; achenes with ribs and scabrous on the margins, otherwise smooth~2 1*~Leaves soft, thin; achenes wrinkled throughout~Sonchus oleraceus 2~Leaves with margins spinose; basal leaves pinnatifid~Sonchus asper 2*~Leaves with margins toothed; basal leaves sinuate-pinnatifid~Sonchus hydrophilus #{gn}Sophora 1~Leaves with more than 20 leaflets; leaflets usually less than 20 mm long~Sophora fraseri 1*~Leaves with less than 20 leaflets; leaflets mostly more than 20 mm long~Sophora tomentosa #{gn}Sorghum 1~Nodes bearded with long hairs (pilose); leaf sheaths hairy~Sorghum leiocladum 1*~Nodes glabrous or with fine, short hairs (pubescent); leaf sheaths glabrous or hairy~2 2~Perennials with well-developed creeping rhizomes; leaf sheaths usually glabrous; panicle large, more or less open~Sorghum halepense 2*~Annuals (or weak perennials); rhizomes only rarely present; leaf sheaths glabrous or hairy; panicle open or dense~Sorghum bicolor #{gn}Sparaxis 1~Perianth lobes with dark blotch immediately above yellow throat; stamens with anthers regularly spaced around style; bracts ovate, slightly lacerate or entire; bulbils 1 or 2 in lowermost leaf axils~Sparaxis tricolor 1*~Perianth lobes lacking dark blotch immediately above yellow throat; stamens with anthers grouped on 1 side of the style; bracts deeply lacerate with spreading subulate tips; bulbils several in most leaf axils~Sparaxis bulbifera #{gn}Spartothamnella 1~Plants hairy with branched hairs; flowers sessile; calyx longer than corolla~Spartothamnella puberula 1*~Plants glabrous; flowers pedicellate; calyx shorter than corolla~Spartothamnella juncea #{gn}Spergula 1~Glandular hairs present on stems, leaves and sepals; stamens 10; seeds with a scarious wing or keel much narrower than the diam. of the seed body~Spergula arvensis 1*~Glabrous in all parts; stamens 5; seeds with a scarious wing as wide as the diam. of the seed body~Spergula pentandra #{gn}Sphaerolobium 1~Calyx and bracteoles darkly dotted; wings longer than and enclosing keel; style with a membraneous wing nearly as broad as long and <1/4 the length of style; shrub usually >100 cm high.~Sphaerolobium vimineum 1*~Calyx and bracteoles uniformly lead-grey; wings equal to and exposing keel; style with wing much longer than broad, tapering down from apex to 1/3 to 1/2 the length of the style; shrub usually <50 cm high.~Sphaerolobium minus #{gn}Spirodela 1~Thallus elliptic to obovate, 3–10 mm long, length to breadth ratio 1–1.5, with 7–16 veins; roots 5–18~Spirodela polyrhiza 1*~Thallus more or less rounded or broad-obovate, 2–5 mm long with 3–7 veins; roots 1–11~Spirodela punctata #{sp}Sporobolus indicus 1~Plant 0.3–0.9 m high; inflorescence 10–18 cm long with branches stiff, appressed, lowest branches to 2.5 cm long, upper branches usually to 1 cm long. Spikelets 2.0–2.5 cm long~var. capensis 1*~Plant 0.8–1.6 m high; inflorescence 25–45 cm long with branches usually lax at maturity, lowest branches to 8 cm long, occasionally to 11 cm long, upper branches to 3 cm long; spikelets 1.5–2.0 mm long~var. major #{sp}Sporobolus virginicus 1~Leaves >1 mm wide.~var. virginicus 1*~Leaves 1 mm wide or less~var. minor #{gn}Sprengelia 1~Diffuse or procumbent shrub; corolla with petals free or cohering for 0.2–0.3 mm at the base~Sprengelia monticola 1*~Erect shrubs; corolla with a broad tube, 0.7–6 mm long~2 2~Flowers white, solitary; corolla tube 2–3 mm, rarely to 6 mm long, lobes broad-ovate, more or less obtuse~Sprengelia sprengelioides 2*~Flowers pink, often numerous, forming leafy inflorescences 7–20 mm long; corolla tube 0.7–1.3 mm long, lobes narrow-triangular, acute~Sprengelia incarnata #{gn}Spyridium 1~Leaves apparently terete, linear with strongly revolute margins, less than 1 mm wide~Spyridium eriocephalum 1*~Leaves flat, more or less circular to elliptic or obcordate with margins recurved, lamina more than 3 mm wide~2 2~Subshrub less than 50 cm high; leaves obcordate, less than 8 mm long~Spyridium cinereum 2*~Shrub more than 50 cm high; leaves circular to elliptic, mostly more than 8 mm long~Spyridium parvifolium #{fm}STACKHOUSIACEAE 1~Petals fused into tube for about half their length; stamens 5, 3 long, 2 short; anthers not gland-tipped; style not surrounded by membranous cup~Stackhousia 1*~Petals free; stamens 5, equal; anthers gland-tipped; style surrounded above ovary by membranous cup~Macgregoria #{gn}Stackhousia 1~Flowers solitary, in uppermost leaf axils; prostrate herb, forming mats~Stackhousia pulvinaris 1*~Flowers in terminal inflorescence, several- to many-flowered, erect herbs~2 2~Flowers arranged singly along the inflorescence axis; 1–3 bracts at each main inflorescence node~3 2*~Flowers in clusters of 1–6 along the inflorescence axis; 3–12 or more bracts at each main inflorescence node~4 3~Leaves spathulate, rounded at apex; cocci prominently winged~Stackhousia spathulata 3*~Leaves obovate to linear or lanceolate, acute; cocci not winged~Stackhousia monogyna 4~Cocci pyriform to dumbbell-shaped, muricate at apex, with a prominent round basal cavity; leaves linear, 1–2.5 mm wide~Stackhousia muricata 4*~Cocci obovoid, wrinkled to reticulate, rarely muricate at apex, the basal cavity lacking or shallow and ovate to narrow-triangular; leaves narrow-obovate to elliptic, 1.5–8 mm wide or reduced to scales~5 5~Leaves foliose, 1.6–7.5 mm wide, the basal ones sometimes reduced to scales~Stackhousia viminea 5*~Leaves reduced to scales, less than 1.6 mm wide~Stackhousia nuda #{gn}Stemodia 1~Flowers single in the bract axils; pedicels and sepals minutely prickly with non-glandular hairs; pedicels 8–25 mm long; corolla 6–12 mm long along the upper side~Stemodia glabella 1*~Flowers 2 or 3 in bract axils (single often with a bud in young racemes); pedicels and sepals more or less glabrous, pedicels 2–5 mm long, rarely to 10 mm; corolla 4–7 mm long along the upper side~Stemodia florulenta #{gn}Stenocarpus 1~Leaves mostly more than 15 cm long, entire or lobed to pinnatisect, with only 1 longitudinal vein; flowers red, more than 20 mm long~Stenocarpus sinuatus 1*~Leaves usually less than 15 cm long, entire, with at least 3 longitudinal veins; flowers yellowish, 10–20 mm long~Stenocarpus salignus #{gn}Stenopetalum 1~Silicula more or less globose to obovoid~2 1*~Silicula linear to terete~Stenopetalum lineare 2~Pedicel horizontal to recurved~3 2*~Pedicels erect to spreading~Stenopetalum velutinum 3~Silicula more or less globose, 3–5 mm long, slightly emarginate; pedicel generally horizontal, usually 3–8 mm long~Stenopetalum sphaerocarpum 3*~Silicula obovoid, generally 8–10 mm long, slightly compressed; pedicel mostly recurved, 8–15 mm long~Stenopetalum nutans #{gn}Stephania 1~Stems and petioles with fine prickles, mostly c. 1–2 mm long, otherwise glabrous~Stephania aculeata 1*~Prickles absent, at least young stems and petioles finely hairy~Stephania japonica #{fm}STERCULIACEAE 1~Trees or shrubs more than 4 m high~2 1*~Shrubs less than 4 m high (mostly less than 2 m high) or rarely herbs~6 2~Leaves palmately 3–9-lobed; fruit a samara~Heritiera 2*~Leaves simple, margins entire to toothed, or lobed; fruit a capsule or follicle~3 3~Leaves with petiole more than 20 mm long; margins not toothed; lamina either 3–7-lobed, or unlobed and glabrous or sparsely hairy on lower surface; fruit a follicle, more than 30 mm long~4 3*~Leaves with petiole less than 20 mm long; margins mostly irregularly toothed and lamina densely hairy on lower surface, mostly unlobed, sometimes obscurely lobed in juvenile shoots; fruit a bristly capsule less than 20 mm long~5 4~Leaves either 3–7-lobed, or entire and glabrous below; follicles stalked, hairy and yellowish brown inside, after opening seeds embedded along base~Brachychiton 4*~Leaves entire and very sparsely stellate-pubescent on lower surface (lens needed); follicles sessile, glabrous and orange inside, after opening seeds attached along upper margins~Sterculia 5~Capsules 15–20 mm diam., bristly, bristles covered with soft stellate hairs, carpels not separating in fruiting stage~Commersonia 5*~Capsules c. 10 mm diam., tomentose but without bristles, carpels separating in fruit~Seringia 6~Herbs; stems prostrate to 30 cm long; hairs glandular and stellate~Gilesia 6*~Shrubs; stems mostly erect, sometimes prostrate; hairs stellate but not glandular~7 7~Epicalyx of 3 persistent subulate bracteoles; petals yellow, c. 10 mm long~Melhania 7*~Epicalyx absent; petals not yellow, less than 10 mm long~8 8~Calyx enlarged in fruit, papery, blue to purplish or white, sparsely or densely pubescent~Keraudrenia 8*~Calyx not markedly enlarged in fruit, whitish green to pink to rusty-coloured, tomentose at least on the outside~9 9~Capsules covered with bristles 2–5 mm long; calyx not prominent in fruit, not enclosing and shorter than the capsule~Rulingia 9*~Capsules without bristles; calyx prominent in fruit, longer than and mostly enclosing the capsule~10 10~Calyx lobes 10–15 mm long, linear-subulate, striate; capsule c. 10 mm diam.; peduncle with 1 or 2 fruits~Hannafordia 10*~Calyx lobes usually less than 10 mm long, more or less ovate, rarely oblong; capsule usually less than 5 mm diam.; peduncle mostly with many fruits, rarely 1 or 2~Lasiopetalum #{gn}Sticherus 1~Primary lateral axes lacking pinnules between the main rachis of the frond and the first dichotomy; pinnules finely toothed to their bases~Sticherus flabellatus 1*~Primary lateral axes bearing pinnules between the main rachis of the frond and the first dichotomy; pinnules entire or the margins obscurely crenate~2 2~Lower surface of the pinnules glabrous; lateral axes bearing ovate to lanceolate, shortly fringed scales, glabrescent~Sticherus lobatus 2*~Lower surface of pinnules covered with pale brown branched and simple hairs; lateral axes sparsely covered with narrow, heavily fringed scales~Sticherus urceolatus #{gn}Stipa 1~Panicle pyramidal when mature and spreading, with whorled branches, the branches and pedicles plumose with fine hairs mostly 0.5 mm or longer~2 1*~Panicle linear-cylindrical to ovate-cylindrical, the branches and pedicels glabrous, scabrous or pubescent with most hairs less than 0.3 mm long~3 2~Branches of the panicle plumose with hairs 1.5–2 mm long; culms glabrous; glumes pilose on the nerves, scabrous between the nerves~Austrostipa elegantissima 2*~Branches of the panicle plumose with hairs c. 0.5 mm long; culms pubescent around the nodes; glumes scabrous overall~Austrostipa tuckeri 3~Culms branched~4 3*~Culms not branched~7 4~Callus ± 0.5 mm long, sharp; palea more than 60% the length of the lemma~5 4*~Callus ± 0.5 mm long, blunt; palea ± 60% the length of the lemma~6 5~Bristle quite flattened, distinctly broader at its base than the column, strongly curved; column scabrous~Austrostipa platychaeta 5*~Bristle round-triangular in cross section, as broad as or narrower at the base than the column, straight; column pubescent~Austrostipa acrociliata 6~Lemma glabrous, 1.8–2.5 mm long~Austrostipa ramosissima 6*~Lemma with scattered, short, white hairs 2.7–4 mm long~Austrostipa verticillata 7~Lemma with acute, hairy lobes 1.5–3 mm long at the apex; leaves pungent-pointed; coastal species~Austrostipa stipoides 7*~Lemma with lobes absent or less than 0.8 mm long; leaves not pungent pointed; habitats various~8 8~Awn falcate, the bristle curved~9 8*~Awn twice bent or almost straight, the bristle straight~15 9~Awn long-pubescent or plumose with spreading hairs, most of which are 0.25–0.8(–1.5) mm long~10 9*~Awn scabrous or puberulous with appressed hairs, most of which are ± 0.2 mm long~11 10~Leaves with blade 2–6 mm wide (0.8–2 mm diam. if rolled), scabrous to hirsute~Austrostipa drummondii 10*~Leaves with blade usually rolled, 0.3–0.6 mm diam., densely hirsute~Austrostipa trichophylla 11~Bristle strongly flattened, broader at its base than the column; rhizomatous~Austrostipa platychaeta 11*~Bristle round-triangular in cross section, as broad as or narrower at the base than the column; not rhizomatous~12 12~Leaves coarse: sheaths (3–)4.5–9 mm wide; blades 1–3 mm wide, rolled and erect or expanded and flexuous~13 12*~Leaves fine; sheaths 2–5 mm wide; blades 0.6–1.2 mm wide, rolled~14 13~Panicle contracted, usually dense; innovations mostly intravaginal; nodes mostly concealed by the sheaths~Austrostipa nitida 13*~Panicle spreading, usually sparse; innovations mostly extravaginal; nodes exserted and conspicuous~Austrostipa nodosa 14~Leaves with sheath softly pilose; blade with dense, long (± 0.5 mm) spreading hairs~Austrostipa trichophylla 14*~Leaves with sheath glabrous, scabrous or puberulous; blade glabrous, scabrous or shortly pubescent with most hairs less than 0.5 mm long~Stipa scabra 15~Lemma with a coma of hairs at apex~16 15*~Coma absent~30 16~Lemma glabrous or almost so, surface smooth and shining~Austrostipa nullanulla 16*~Lemma pubescent, surface granular~17 17~Awn 12–18 mm long; floret narrow-cylindrical, tapering to form a neck at the apex; glumes broadly acute~18 17*~Awn ± 20 mm long; if awn as short as 20–25 mm then floret broad-turbinate to oblong-cylindrical with no neck, or glumes linear and truncate~19 18~Caryopsis obovoid, the style base central; lemma surface more or less hairy all over though often with a bare area between the midrib and first lateral vein, especially towards the apex~Achnatherum brachychaetum 18*~Caryopsis broad-obovoid or almost gibbous, the style base eccentric; lemma surface hairy along the midrib and between the outermost lateral nerves on the margins, the area between the midrib and the first lateral vein more or less glabrous~Achnatherum caudatum 19~Glumes acuminate, very broad and inflated around the floret, sharply narrowing at the tip; floret broad-turbinate to oblong-cylindrical; callus sturdy and strongly curved or hooked, relatively short (usually 10–30% the length of the floret); awn relatively short (usually 4.5–6.5(–8) times the length of the floret); panicle expanded, usually with long branches~20 19*~Glumes acute or narrow-acuminate, not inflated around the floret, tapering gradually to the tip; floret cylindrical to narrow-turbinate; callus fine or sturdy, straight, only the proximal naked tip bent, relatively long (usually 25–40% the length of the floret); awn often relatively long (usually 5–)6–13 times the length of the floret); panicle contracted or expanded, usually with short branches~24 20~Ligule 2–8 mm long, usually more than 3.5 mm long; palea with a deep adaxial central groove; lemma involute~Austrostipa setacea 20*~Ligule ± 2 mm long; palea convex on the adaxial surface or only very slightly depressed between the nerves; lemma convolute~21 21~Coma 2–5 mm long; lower leaves pubescent or hirsute~Austrostipa blackii 21*~Coma ± 2 mm long; if 2 mm long then lower leaves scabrous or glabrous, not pubescent~22 22~Mature floret fusiform; callus 0.4–1(–1.5) mm long, very short relative to the ((5.8–)6.5–8) mm long floret; ligule 0.8–1.5 mm long~Austrostipa aristiglumis 22*~Mature floret oblong-cylindrical; callus 1–2.5 mm long, long relative to the (4.5–)8.5(–9.5) mm long floret; ligule 0.3–0.5 mm long (not including auricles)~23 23~Coma 0.8–1.3 mm long; floret 4.5–6 mm long (excluding awn), gibbous with an eccentric awn; awn 25–35(–50) mm long~Austrostipa gibbosa 23*~Coma (1.2–)1.4–2 mm long; floret 6–8.5(–9.5) mm long (excluding awn); awn centric, 30–60 mm long~Austrostipa bigeniculata 24~Floret with a dense and obvious coma 2–3.5 mm long~25 24*~Floret with a coma ± 1.5 mm long, often obscure~27 25~Column of the awn villous with hairs 0.5–1 mm long~Austrostipa stuposa 25*~Column of the awn scabrous or pubescent with hairs ± 0.3 mm long~26 26~Lower glume 11–15 mm long; lemma 5.5–6.5 mm long~Austrostipa wakoolica 26*~Lower glume 16–20 mm long; lemma 7–8.2 mm long~Austrostipa metatoris 27~Hairs on the lemma continued evenly to the apex, white or slightly reddish brown at maturity; floret linear-cylindrical to narrow-turbinate with no neck~28 27*~Hairs on the top 1–2 mm of the lemma abruptly shorter by c. 50% than those on the lower part of the lemma, reddish brown early in development; floret broad turbinate to broad oblong-cylindrical with a neck~29 28~Lower glume 15–23 mm long; column of the awn villous with hairs 0.5–1 mm long; leaf sheaths usually hirsute or pubescent especially near the base; panicle 20–35 cm long~Austrostipa stuposa 28*~Lower glume ± 17 mm long; column of the awn scabrous, pubescent or villous; if villous then leaf sheaths scabrous or minutely puberulous and panicle to 12 cm long; near the coast~Austrostipa flavescens 29~Lower glume 8–12 mm long; column of the awn scabrous with hairs 0.05–0.1 mm long~Austrostipa puberula 29*~Lower glume 15–25 mm long; column of the awn pubescent with hairs 0.2–0.4 mm long~Austrostipa eremophila 30~Column of the awn pubescent to plumose with hairs more than 0.3 mm long~31 30*~Column of the awn scabrous or puberulous with hairs less than 0.3 mm long~33 31~Column hairs 1–4 mm long, slightly appressed, distributed mainly along the ribs and thereby appearing to spiral with the spiralling column; floret 7.5–8.5 mm long~Austrostipa mollis 31*~Column hairs 0.3–1 mm long, spreading, evenly distributed round the column and therefore not appearing to spiral~32 32~Glumes glabrous except on the nerves; awn 70–90 mm long; leaves scabrous or glabrous; floret 9–11.5 mm long~Austrostipa semibarbata 32*~Glumes pubescent; awn 35–45 mm long; leaves hirsute; floret 5.5–7 mm long~Austrostipa densiflora 33~Palea with a deep adaxial central groove; lemma involute; ligule usually more than 3 mm long~Austrostipa setacea 33*~Palea convex on the adaxial surface; lemma convolute; ligule usually less than 3 mm long~34 34~Lemma glabrous for varying lengths below the apex, surface often tuberculate, especially at the apex; nerves of the glumes heavily overlaid with sclerenchyma forming obvious ridges~35 34*~Lemma pubescent overall, hairs occasionally sparser at the apex, surface smooth or granular; glume nerves visible but not raised noticeably above the glume surface~38 35~Spikelets 8–12 per panicle; column of the awn 55–70 mm long; subalpine grass~Austrostipa nivicola 35*~Spikelets more than 12 per panicle; column of the awn less than 55 mm long~36 36~Lower glume ± 15 mm long~Stipa rudis 36*~Lower glume ± 17 mm long~37 37~Ligule truncate, 0.4–1 mm long; glumes truncate; lemma surface strongly tuberculate at the apex; palea 50–70% the length of the lemma, obtuse~Austrostipa pubescens 37*~Ligule obtuse, 1–3 mm long; glume tips broad-obtuse and membranous; lemma surface granular; palea equal in length to the lemma, acute~Austrostipa pubinodis 38~Callus ± 0.5 mm long, blunt; palea ± 60% the length of the lemma~39 38*~Callus ± 0.5 mm long, sharp; palea equal in length to the lemma~Austrostipa acrociliata 39~Lemma glabrous, 1.8–2.5 mm long~Austrostipa ramosissima 39*~Lemma with scattered short white hairs, 2.7–4 mm long~Austrostipa verticillata #{gn}Streptoglossa 1~Heads 7–15 mm diam., on short branches up to 3 cm long, often almost sessile; plants much-branched, compact; ligules inconspicuous, 1–2 mm long~Streptoglossa adscendens 1*~Heads 12–30 mm diam., on long branches more than 3 cm long; plants sparsely and openly branched; ligules conspicuous, 3–6.7 mm long~Streptoglossa liatroides #{gn}Stuartina 1~Apices of inner involucral bracts with rigid pale yellow hooked awns, extending from the midrib. Inflorescences all terminal~Stuartina hamata 1*~Apices of inner involucral bracts shortly acuminate, recurved, brownish, not extending from the midrib. Inflorescences terminal and axillary~Stuartina muelleri #{fm}STYLIDIACEAE 1~Column almost erect, not sensitive, and covered by a sensitive hood-like labellum~Levenhookia 1*~Column bent and with a trigger-like action when touched~Stylidium #{sp}Stylidium debile 1~Inflorescence a raceme~var. debile 1*~Inflorescence a panicle~var. paniculatum #{gn}Stylidium 1~Leaves in a basal rosette or in a single tuft at or near ground level, sometimes at the apex of a short stem and at the base of the scapes~2 1*~Leaves on elongated aerial stems~7 2~Leaves tufted~3 2*~Leaves in a rosette~4 3~Leaves linear, 5–25 cm long, usually 2–6 mm wide, the margins entire or finely toothed; scape usually 20–70 cm high~Stylidium graminifolium 3*~Leaves very narrow-linear, 2–5 cm long, c. 1 mm wide, margins often incurved, and very finely toothed; scape usually less than 20 cm high~Stylidium lineare 4~Rosettes basal~5 4*~Rosette at the top of a short stem, often with scattered smaller leaves below~6 5~Flowers sessile~Stylidium tenerum 5*~Flowers pedicellate~Stylidium brachyphyllum 6~Leaves more than 6 cm long~Stylidium productum 6*~Leaves less than 3 cm long~Stylidium debile 7~Leaves less than 15, thick and bract-like, usually scattered along stem, narrow-lanceolate and less than 4 mm long~Stylidium despectum 7*~Leaves more than 15 and linear, either spirally arranged or in tufts~8 8~Leaves spirally arranged, 1–4 cm long, c. 1 mm wide~Stylidium laricifolium 8*~Leaves arranged in tufts, 2–20 cm long, 1–3 mm wide~9 9~Leaves 2–3 cm long, crowded in dense tufts at the end of branches below the flowering stems~Stylidium eglandulosum 9*~Leaves usually 8–20 cm long, scattered along the entire length of stem but crowded at intervals~Stylidium productum #{sp}Styphelia laeta 1~Leaves with length:breadth ratio of 2.5–6.3:1 and sessile or petiolar area <0.5 mm long; margins finely toothed; flowers usually erect~subsp. laeta 1*~Leaves with length:breadth ratio of 1.9–3.1:1 and with petiolar area c. 1 mm long; margins ciliolate; flowers usually spreading~subsp. latifolia #{sp}Styphelia viridis 1~Leaves oblong to oblong-obovate, 14.8–22.4 mm long, 4.7–7.2 mm wide, base obtuse; petiole 0.5–1.1 mm long. Sepals 12.4–18 mm long; anthers 4.8–6.8 mm long~subsp. viridis 1*~Leaves oblong to oblong-elliptic, 19.6–25.6 mm long, 2.9–4.9 mm wide, base narrowing gradually into the 1.0–2.1 mm long petiole. Sepals 8.5–13.3 mm long; anthers 3.2–4.5 mm long~subsp. breviflora #{sf}STYPHELIOIDEAE 1~Leaves with only 1 main longitudinal vein~2 1*~Leaves with 3–7 main longitudinal veins~3 2~Leaves alternate, broad, more than 20 mm long; flowers 5-merous~Gaultheria 2*~Leaves whorled, linear, less than 10 mm long; flowers 4-merous~Erica 3~Stems with annular leaf scars~4 3*~Stems without annular leaf scars~5 4~Corolla ovoid or conical, forming a 'cap' that splits near the base and is shed as the anthers expand, lobes not opening~Richea 4*~Corolla with broad cylindrical or campanulate tube, the lobes spreading or recurved~Dracophyllum 5~Leaves sheathing~Sprengelia 5*~Leaves not sheathing~6 6~Style inserted in depression at apex of ovary; fruit a loculicidal capsule~7 6*~Style attenuate from the ovary, fruit a drupe or sometimes the endocarp separating into pyrenes~10 7~Corolla lobes contorted in bud~Woollsia 7*~Corolla lobes imbricate but not contorted in bud~8 8~Filaments inserted in throat; anthers erect or spreading, dehiscing longitudinally~9 8*~Filaments inserted at base of corolla tube; anthers converging around the style, dehiscing by apical slit~Rupicola 9~Filaments shorter than anthers; anthers versatile, attached to filament about the middle~Epacris 9*~Filaments longer than anthers; anthers fused to upper part of filament~Budawangia 10~Corolla lobes valvate in bud~11 10*~Corolla lobes basally or apically imbricate in bud~18 11~Anthers on long filaments, well exserted from the tube; corolla lobes revolute~Styphelia 11*~Anthers on short filaments, just exserted or partly or wholly enclosed in tube; lobes erect to spreading~12 12~Corolla tube with hairs or scales inside below the middle~13 12*~Corolla tube glabrous below the middle~14 13~Corolla tube short and broad; lobes spreading; 5 glandular scales present near base of tube~Melichrus 13*~Corolla tube elongated, cylindrical; lobes erect at base, spreading above; 5 tufts of hairs or ciliate scales inside, sometimes confluent in a ring, rarely glabrous~Astroloma 14~Flowers pedicellate, the subtending bract and bracteoles inserted some distance from the calyx~Lissanthe 14*~Flowers sessile, the subtending bracts and bracteoles inserted immediately below the calyx~15 15~Drupaceous fruit with endocarp not separating into pyrenes~16 15*~Drupaceous fruit with endocarp separating into pyrenes~Pentachondra 16~Corolla lobes glabrous or sometimes papillose~Monotoca 16*~Corolla lobes hairy~17 17~Corolla lobes with erect tuft of hairs near apex, fine hairs at throat; flowers yellow-green or green~Acrotriche 17*~Corolla lobes sparsely to densely bearded; flowers white, cream or red~Leucopogon 18~Corolla lobes basally imbricate; drupaceous fruit with endocarp not separating into pyrenes~Brachyloma 18*~Corolla lobes apically imbricate; drupaceous fruit with endocarp separating into pyreness~Trochocarpa #{gn}Suaeda 1~Low shrubby perennial of coastal maritime areas; plant usually green (occasionally red-tinged); flowers axillary or in short spike-like or paniculate inflorescences~Suaeda australis 1*~Sparse erect annuals or short-lived perennials, inland species of saline areas (especially along Murray R.); plants frequently red-tinged; inflorescence leafy, paniculate, occupying at least half of the height of the plant~2 2~Fruiting perianth inflated; seed `comma-shaped', surface smooth (under light microscope)~Suaeda baccifera 2*~Fruiting perianth not inflated; seed nearly circular with a marginal notch, surface with a faint pattern (under light microscope)~Suaeda sp. A sensu Harden (1990) #{fm}SURIANACEAE 1~Ovary solitary; fruit solitary; sepals not enlarged in fruit; apex of leaves acute to acuminate; coastal rainforest species~Guilfoylia 1*~Ovary of 5 separate carpels; fruits 1–5 per flower; sepals enlarged in fruit; apex of leaves obtuse or emarginate; inland species of sclerophyll forest or woodland~Cadellia #{gn}Symphionema 1~Segments of divided leaves and entire leaves flat, linear to lanceolate, 2–3 mm wide, midvein distinct; leaves 20–40 mm long~Symphionema montanum 1*~Segments of divided leaves and entire leaves usually more or less terete, 1–1.5 mm wide, midvein obscure; leaves 10–30 mm long~Symphionema paludosum #{gn}Symplocos 1~Branchlets and buds glabrous~Symplocos thwaitesii 1*~Branchlets and buds hairy~2 2~Flowers in spikes; leaves leathery, mostly 7–15 cm long~Symplocos stawellii 2*~Flowers in racemes; leaves papery, usually 3–7 cm long~Symplocos baeuerlenii #{sp}Syncarpia glomulifera 1~Leaves and branchlets hairy; fruiting hypanthia remaining hairy.~subsp. glomulifera 1*~Leaves and branchlets glabrous; fruiting hypanthia glabrescent.~subsp. glabra #{gn}Syzygium 1~Leafy twigs 4-angled to shortly 4-winged, wings joining above each node to produce a small pocket~Syzygium australe 1*~Leafy twigs terete to 4-angled, pockets never forming above the node~2 2~Leaves with intramarginal vein poorly developed, main lateral veins irregularly looping well inside the margins~Syzygium hodgkinsoniae 2*~Leaves with intramarginal veins close to the margins, usually well developed~3 3~Petals cohering and shed as a calyptra~4 3*~Petals free and spreading~5 4~Inflorescences terminal and axillary; fruit purplish blue~Syzygium francisii 4*~Inflorescences produced on the older stems below the leaves; fruit white~Syzygium moorei 5~Fruit pink to red~6 5*~Fruit bluish to purple or magenta~7 6~Hypanthium short, 3–6 mm long; fruit 9–12 mm long, 7–11 mm diam.; leaves 2.5–7 cm long, 1–3 cm wide~Syzygium luehmannii 6*~Hypanthium 6–14 mm long; fruit 13–20 mm long, 11–18 mm diam.; leaves 4–12 cm long, 2–5.5 cm wide~Syzygium corynanthum 7~Oil glands in leaves very numerous, rather large and readily visible to the naked eye~Syzygium oleosum 7*~Oil glands small and scattered, or obscure, not readily visible with the naked eye~8 8~Seeds containing 2 or more embryos of various sizes; fruit more or less ovoid to globose~Syzygium paniculatum 8*~Seeds containing only one embryo; fruit depressed-globose~Syzygium crebrinerve #{fm}TAENITIDACEAE 1~Fronds <8 cm high, lamina membranous, glabrous or slightly hairy~Anogramma 1*~Fronds >8 cm high, lamina not membranous, the lower surface covered by a waxy powder~Pityrogramma #{gn}Tamarix 1~Leaves segmented, forming a continuous sheath around the stem~Tamarix aphylla 1*~Leaves scale-like and triangular, stem-clasping, but not forming a continuous sheath~Tamarix ramosissima #{gn}Tanacetum 1~Heads with ligulate ray florets; leaves pinnate~Tanacetum parthenium 1*~Heads with tubular ray florets; leaves pinnatisect~Tanacetum vulgare #{gn}Tasmannia 1~Leaves mostly less than 8 cm long; berries more or less globose; petals 0, 2, or more than 2~2 1*~Leaves mostly more than 8 cm long; berries ovoid to oblong; petals usually 2~4 2~Leaves lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, shortly petiolate, green on both surfaces; flowers more than 10 mm diam~Tasmannia lanceolata 2*~Leaves oblanceolate to spathulate, sessile, glaucous or green on lower surface; flowers small, mostly less than 10 mm diam~3 3~Lower surface of leaves green, not papillose; petals usually 2, sometimes to 5, white to yellow~Tasmannia xerophila 3*~Lower surface of leaves glaucous, densely papillose; petals absent~Tasmannia glaucifolia 4~Leaves with lamina distinctly truncate and usually auriculate at base, borne on a distinct petiole 2–4 mm long; carpels and berries sessile, solitary~Tasmannia insipida 4*~Leaves neither truncate nor auriculate at base, more or less sessile; carpels and berries stalked, 2–9 per female flower~5 5~Leaves oblanceolate, obtuse, mostly 8–18 cm long, 3–5 cm wide; secondary veins forming angle of c. 450 with the midvein~Tasmannia purpurascens 5*~Leaves narrow-lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, usually 8–13 cm long, 1–2 cm wide; secondary veins forming angle of c. 300 with the midvein~Tasmannia stipitata #{gn}Tecoma 1~Leaves less than 8 cm long; flowers orange to scarlet~Tecoma capensis 1*~Leaves more than 8 cm long; flowers yellow~Tecoma stans #{sp}Tecticornia halocnemoides 1~Spikes to 2 cm long, undulate in outline; seed boradly ovate to suborbicular, tuberculate over embryo, otherwise granular ~subsp. halocnemoides 1*~Spikes to 8 cm long, even in outline; seed semicircular, tuberculate over embryo, otherwise smooth~subsp. longispicata #{sp}Tecticornia pergranulata 1~Spikes undulate in outline; lower lobes of perianth prominent, usually overlapping lateral lobes~subsp. pergranulata 1*~Spikes terete; lower lobes of perianth shallow and scarcely overlapping lateral lobes~subsp. divaricata #{gn}Telopea 1~Leaves mostly with toothed margins, veins prominently raised on upper surface; involucral bracts conspicuous~2 1*~Leaves not toothed, veins not or slightly raised on upper surface; involucral bracts inconspicuous~3 2~Adult leaves narrow-obovate to narrow-spathulate, margins with 0–3 pairs of teeth in lower half, glabrous or rarely lower surface moderately rusty-hairy on lower surface (usually with less than 35 hairs per mm2); south from the Watagan Mtns~Telopea speciosissima 2*~Adult leaves elliptic to more or less obovate, margins usually with 3–11 pairs of teeth in lower half, lower surface moderately to densely rusty-hairy (usually with more than 35 hairs per mm2); confined to Gibraltar Ra~Telopea aspera 3~Adult leaves mostly 25–60 mm wide, surfaces minutely granulate when dried~Telopea oreades 3*~Adult leaves mostly 10–20 mm wide, surfaces quite smooth between veins when dried~Telopea mongaensis #{gn}Templetonia 1~Shrubs apparently leafless, leaves reduced to scales~2 1*~Shrubs with some leaves~3 2~Branches distinctly flat, rarely more or less terete, mostly 3–5 mm wide, tips rigid and sharply pointed; calyx teeth 4~Templetonia sulcata 2*~Branches terete, mostly 1–3 mm wide, tips blunt, more or less lax; calyx teeth 5~Templetonia egena 3~Stipules spinescent, recurved, 2–10 mm long~Templetonia aculeata 3*~Stipules not spinescent, triangular, c. 1 mm long~Templetonia stenophylla #{gn}Tephrosia 1~Erect plants, >50 cm high; flowers >12 mm long; pods glabrous or hairy only along sutures.~2 1*~Prostrate or erect plants, <50 cm high; flowers <12 mm long; pods covered with hairs, sometimes sparsely so or ± glabrescent with age.~4 2~Stipules subulate to lanceolate, 4–5 mm long.~Tephrosia inandensis 2*~Stipules ovate to broad-ovate, 6–10 mm long.~3 3~Calyx rusty- to golden-hairy, teeth 2–3 mm long, subulate, apex tapering; pods pubescent along sutures.~Tephrosia grandiflora 3*~Calyx silvery- to white-hairy, teeth <2 mm long, triangular, apex subacute; pods bristly along sutures.~Tephrosia glomeruliflora 4~Flowers pink to purple or red; leaves ± concolorous, lower surface hairy but not silky.~5 4*~Flowers orange, yellow to greenish; leaves discolorous, lower surface silky.~7 5~Leaflets linear to oblanceolate, <15 mm long, apex acute and often recurved.~Tephrosia filipes 5*~Leaflets narrow-elliptic or narrow-lanceolate to oblong or cuneate, >15 mm long, apex acute, obtuse or mucronate.~6 6~Calyx >3.5 mm long; apex of leaflets acute.~Tephrosia bidwillii 6*~Calyx <3.5 mm long: apex of leaflets obtuse to mucronate.~Tephrosia brachyodon 7~Leaflets linear to lanceolate 20–70 mm long.~Tephrosia sphaerospora 7*~Leaflets oblanceolate to obovate 8–20 mm long.~Tephrosia supina #{gn}Tetragonia 1~Flowers pedicellate; pedicels at least 4 mm long~Tetragonia decumbens 1*~Flowers sessile or subsessile~2 2~Flower bud with distinct ridges that develop into lateral wings not appreciably extending above the ovary; stamens 4~Tetragonia eremaea 2*~Flower bud without distinct ridges; ridges developing and extending above ovary in the fruiting stage; stamens 4–many~3 3~Flowers solitary; ovary rounded, not projecting; stamens 4–numerous~4 3*~Flowers in clusters of usually 3–5; ovary conical, almost as long as perianth; stames 4 or rarely 3~Tetragonia microptera 4~Projections of fruit claw-like and incurved, sometimes erect; leaves narrow broad-ovate, elliptic or rhombic and gradually narrowed to the petiole; stamens 4–8~Tetragonia moorei 4*~Projections of fruit horn-like and ± divergent; leaves usually triangular-ovate and ± abruptly narrowed to a cuneate base, narrowing to the petiole; stamens usually 8–22~Tetragonia tetragonioides #{gn}Tetrarrhena 1~Culms and leaves subsmooth to rough; blades flat~Tetrarrhena juncea 1*~Culms and leaves smooth; blades tightly encircling culm~Tetrarrhena turfosa #{gn}Tetratheca 1~Stems winged~Tetratheca juncea 1*~Stems not winged~2 2~Plants with dimorphic foliage; some branches glabrous with linear leaves, some with dense, stout, antrorse hairs and broad-elliptic to more or less circular leaves~Tetratheca shiressii 2*~Plants with all leaves similar~3 3~Stems almost completely leafless~Tetratheca subaphylla 3*~Stems leafy, at least on the lower part~4 4~Leaves linear or appearing linear with recurved or revolute margins~5 4*~Leaves not linear~11 5~Leaves in whorls of 3–7~6 5*~Leaves alternate, occasionally some opposite~10 6~Peduncles distinctly glandular-hairy~Tetratheca glandulosa 6*~Peduncles not obviously glandular-hairy~7 7~Stems with hairs of 2 types, some minutely spreading or retrorse (and present at least at the nodes) and the others 0.5–1.5 mm long~8 7*~Stem hairs not as above, and tending to be antrorse~9 8~Most stem hairs short and conspicuously retrorse~Tetratheca rubioides 8*~Stem hairs usually both short and long, but if most short, then these not conspicuously retrorse~Tetratheca neglecta 9~Stems bristly with dense pale brown hairs, regularly antrorse; gland-tipped hairs on calyx~Tetratheca ericifolia 9*~Stems with hairs sparse to numerous, white or grey, tending to be antrorse but often twisted and irregularly directed, or stems glabrous and tuberculate~Tetratheca rupicola 10~Stem terete and ridged with numerous antrorse bristles; fruit depressed-globose~Tetratheca decora 10*~Stem terete or ridged and appearing 4-angled and tuberculate with tubercles often produced into minute white hairs, some stout brown bristles also present; fruit often beaked, obovate to obcuneate or cordate, turgid~Tetratheca pilosa 11~Sepals present around the mature fruit or tardily caducous, not falling soon after anthesis and with no joint at their junction with the receptacle; stems with usually with gland-tipped hairs~Tetratheca labillardierei 11*~Sepals absent from the mature fruit, falling soon after anthesis at a distinct junction with the receptacle; stems hairs not gland-tipped~12 12~Peduncles and sepals with glandular hairs only~Tetratheca ciliata 12*~Peduncles and sepals with non-glandular hairs~13 13~Sepals usually c. 1 mm long; stem hairs of 2 types, some short and others long~Tetratheca pilosa 13*~Sepals more than 1.5 mm long; stem hairs of 1 type only~14 14~Leaves in whorls~15 14*~Leaves alternate, rarely opposite~Tetratheca decora 15~Most hairs on stems less than 0.5 mm long and curved or curled~Tetratheca bauerifolia 15*~Most hairs on stems 0.5–1.5 mm long, tending to be antrorse but many twisted or irregular~Tetratheca thymifolia #{sp}Tetratheca pilosa 1~Leaves alternate, occasionally some opposite, 2–15 mm long, linear to very lanceolate, usually c. 1 mm wide, rarely >1.5 mm wide, margins usually tightly revolute; ovary glabrous or pubescent but rarely with long, hollow, shining hairs~subsp. pilosa 1*~Leaves alternate, opposite or often irregularly in whorls of 3 or 4, 3–11 mm long, broad- to narrow-elliptic, rarely ± circular, 1–5 mm wide, margins flat, recurved or loosely revolute especially near the apex; ovary usually with numerous, long, hollow, shining hairs~subsp. latifolia #{gn}Teucrium 1~Leaves entire or with 1–4 irregular lobes, if or 3-foliolate then leaflets more or less linear and entire; plant hoary (except in T. corymbosum, but then plant green)~2 1*~Leaves toothed or deeply lobed almost to midrib; plant green~3 2~Leaves trifoliolate~Teucrium albicaule 2*~Leaves simple~Teucrium racemosum 3~Leaves toothed~4 3*~Leaves deeply lobed~6 4~Leaves with base tapering or acute, never truncate or hastate; inflorescence branched, 3–10-flowers in each leaf axil; carpels hairy~5 4*~Leaves with base truncate to slightly hastate; inflorescence unbranched, flowers solitary in each bract axil; carpels glabrous, covered with sessile glands~Teucrium argutum 5~Leaves with base tapering, lamina narrow-ovate; inflorescence, leaves and branches densely covered with short, mostly antrorse simple hairs~Teucrium corymbosum 5*~Leaves with base acute, lamina ovate; inflorescence, leaves and branches densely covered with long, spreading multicellular gland-tipped hairs~Teucrium species D 6~Leaves with lamina lobes triangular, narrow-obovate, narrow-oblong, usually toothed and often lobed; branches covered with pedicellate glands~Teucrium species A 6*~Leaves with lamina lobes mostly narrow-oblong to linear, entire; branches covered with irregularly branched and simple hairs~Teucrium sessiliflorum #{gn}Thelionema 1~Inflorescence held amongst the leaves; leaf blades 1–4 mm wide, with several prominent rounded veins on lower surface; tepals 4.3–8 mm long~Thelionema umbellatum 1*~Inflorescence exceeding leaves; leaf blades 2–28 mm wide, with midvein keeled (usually acutely) on lower surface and more prominent than lateral veins; tepals 8–14 mm long~2 2~Leaf blades 2–12 mm wide, minutely but strongly papillose on lower surface; seeds smooth~Thelionema caespitosum 2*~Leaf blades 11–28 mm wide, not or weakly papillose on lower surface; seeds minutely reticulate to minutely warty~Thelionema grande #{fm}THELYPTERIDACEAE 1~Fronds 2-pinnate or more compound; midribs of pinnae not grooved on the upper surface; veins forked, free~Macrothelypteris 1*~Fronds 1-pinnate or 2-pinnatifid; midribs of pinnae grooved on the upper surface; veins simple, anastomosing~2 2~Rhizomes long-creeping in swampy ground; lower pinnae not markedly reduced~Cyclosorus 2*~Rhizomes erect or creeping, growing in damp places but not in swamps; lower pinnae often reduced in size~3 3~Fronds with lower surface of the pinnae bearing short, fine, white hairs along the veins; indusia always present, hairy; rhizomes creeping or erect; scales of rhizome and stipe base narrow, <1 mm wide~Christella 3*~Fronds with lower surface of the pinnae glabrous; indusia glabrous or absent; rhizomes erect, developing into a short trunk with age; scales of rhizome and stipe base wide, c. 2 mm wide~Pneumatopteris #{gn}Themeda 1~Glumes of the involucral spikelets (sterile or male spikelets) with long, tubercle-based hairs towards the tip, otherwise glabrous; annual with leaves folded in bud~Themeda quadrivalvis 1*~Glumes of the involucral spikelets without tubercle-based hairs but sometimes with other types of hair; perennials with leaves folded or rolled in bud~2 2~Involucral spikelets glabrous, 20–30 mm long, in 2 separate pairs 1 slightly above the other; leaves rolled in bud~Themeda avenacea 2*~Involucral spikelets hairy or glabrous, 6–12 mm long, in a ring arising at the same level; leaves folded in bud~Themeda australis #{fm}THYMELAEACEAE 1~Stamens 2; shrubs, small trees or herbs~Pimelea 1*~Stamens 4 or more; shrubs or small trees~2 2~Leaves less than 20 mm long and less than 2 mm wide, very crowded~3 2*~Leaves more than 20 mm long and more than 10 mm wide, not crowded~4 3~Stamens 4; leaves less than 5 mm long; prostrate shrubs; flowers white, less than 2 mm long~Kelleria 3*~Stamens at least 8; leaves 6–12 mm long; erect shrubs; flowers yellow, more than 8 mm long~Gnidia 4~Ovary 1-locular, with 1 ovule; scale-like petals 4, free or united in pairs; leaf laminas usually less than 4 cm long~Wikstroemia 4*~Ovary 2-locular, with 1 ovule in each loculus; scale-like petals united in a short cup; leaf laminas mostly more than 4 cm long~Phaleria #{gn}Thyridolepis 1~Spikelets c. 1.6–2 mm wide, middle and upper spikelets of the raceme hairy; peduncle silky-pubescent, sometimes only just below the inflorescence~Thyridolepis mitchelliana 1*~Spikelets 1.2–1.5 mm wide, almost all glabrous; peduncle glabrous~Thyridolepis xerophila #{gn}Thysanotus 1~Flowering stems annual, twining or prostrate; flowers occurring singly on branches; anthers all more or less equal, dehiscing by longitudinal slits~Thysanotus patersonii 1*~Flowering stems perennial, not twinning, erect or spreading, or absent; flowers usually 2 or more per umbel, often in paniculate inflorescences; anthers usually unequal, dehiscing by terminal pores~2 2~Basal leaves 3–15, usually present at flowering (rarely only bases persistent on stems); roots tuberous~3 2*~Basal leaves absent or 1–3; roots fibrous~4 3~Basal leaves 5–15, usually more than 15 cm long; umbel bracts purple-centred with scarious margins; tubers 3.5–5 cm from rootstock~Thysanotus tuberosus 3*~Basal leaves 3–5, usually less than 15 cm long; umbel bracts scarious, colourless; tubers 7–10 cm from rootstock~Thysanotus baueri 4~Stems ridged, ridges scabrous with short or tuberculate hairs; terminal umbels usually 2-flowered; outer tepals 3–4 mm wide and mostly 7-veined~Thysanotus virgatus 4*~Stems striate, glabrous at least in upper parts; terminal umbels usually more than 2-flowered; outer tepals 1.5–2 mm wide and usually 5-veined~Thysanotus juncifolius #{sp}Thysanotus tuberosus 1~Tepals 10–19 mm long, c. 10 mm wide. Anthers erect; outer 4–4.5 mm long, ± straight; inner 6–9 mm long, curved~subsp. tuberosus 1*~Tepals usually 7.5–12 mm long, c. 8 mm wide. Anthers deflexed and ± parallel to perianth; outer 2.5–3 mm long, straight; inner 3–5 mm long, straight to somewhat curved~subsp. parviflorus #{fm}TILIACEAE 1~Shrubs or small trees densely covered with stellate hairs; leaves more or less ovate to broad-elliptic, mostly less than twice as long as wide; fruit indehiscent, more or less globose, covered with bristles or drupaceous and 2-lobed~2 1*~Erect herbs or small shrubs, glabrous or almost so; leaves lanceolate to elliptic, more than 3 times as long as wide; fruit dehiscent, capsular, much longer than wide~Corchorus 2~Fruit 2-lobed, smooth; all leaves similar~Grewia 2*~Fruit not lobed, covered with hooked bristles; leaves dimorphic~Triumfetta #{gn}Tinospora 1~Leaves with domatia appearing as glandular patches in basal vein axils on lower surface; venation obvious on both surfaces but not raised; stems more or less succulent~Tinospora smilacina 1*~Leaves without domatia in basal vein axils; venation on both surfaces coarse and prominently raised; stems woody~Tinospora tinosporoides #{gn}Tithonia 1~Involucral bracts oblong to ovate, 3- or 4-seriate; flower heads 10–15 cm diam.; naturalized in coastal districts~Tithonia diversifolia 1*~Involucral bracts linear to lanceolate, 2- or 3-seriate; flower heads 4–8 cm diam.; naturalized on Western Slopes~Tithonia rotundifolia #{gn}Tmesipteris 1~Synangia rounded, aerial stems mostly <15 cm long~2 1*~Synangia usually pointed, stems generally >15 cm long~3 2~Apices of the leaves acute, usually tapering evenly into an indistinctly mucronate tip~Tmesipteris parva 2*~Apices of the leaves rounded, mucronate tip distinct~Tmesipteris ovata 3~Stems smooth at the base except for a single groove on the upper surface; leaves broad-oblong to oblong, mostly 5–8 mm wide~Tmesipteris obliqua 3*~Stems ridged at the base on all sides with 3 or 4 grooves; leaves oblong to narrow-linear, mostly 2–5 mm wide~Tmesipteris truncata #{gn}Toechima 1~Domatia prominent, 1–3 on most leaflets, glabrous; margins of leaflets undulate~Toechima tenax 1*~Domatia small, hairy, with several present on each leaflet or sometimes apparently absent; margins of leaflets not undulate~Toechima dasyrrhache #{cl}FILICOPSIDA 1~Plants rooted in soil or mud, or epiphytic~2 1*~Plants free-floating~12 2~Fertile fronds borne as an offshoot of the sterile fronds, the two parts markedly different; vernation not circinate~OPHIOGLOSSACEAE 2*~Fertile and sterile fronds borne separately on rhizome, or all fronds fertile; vernation circinate~3 3~Sporangia borne on the surface of the fronds, often covered by an indusium of the recurved margin of the frond; never completely enclosed by a modified frond (sporocarp)~4 3*~Sporangia completely enclosed in a sporocarp; sterile leaves filiform or with four leaflets~MARSILEACEAE 4~Stipes with an expanded, stipule-like base; sporangia relatively large, ± sessile, rounded to oval in shape, splitting along a central line~5 4*~Stipes with base lacking stipule-like structures; sporangia smaller, on short stalks, splitting vertically or laterally~6 5~Stipule-like structures fleshy, trunk short (to 80 cm) and massive, with a single crown~MARATTIACEAE 5*~Stipule-like structures thin; trunk taller, usually with 2 or more crowns~OSMUNDACEAE 6~Sori on narrow segments borne in pinnate groups at tips of the fertile fronds, or projecting from the margins of the pinnae of fertile fronds~SCHIZAEACEAE 6*~Sori not borne on such projections~7 7~Aquatic fern with spongy stipes; fronds strongly dimorphic~PARKERIACEAE 7*~Terrestrial or epiphytic ferns~8 8~Arborescent ferns~9 8*~Non-arborescent ferns~10 9~Trunk and base of stipes scaly; indusia absent or scale-like~CYATHEACEAE 9*~Trunk and base of stipes hairy; sori located in 2-lipped cups, the outer lip formed from the recurved margin of the lamina, the inner lip the true indusium~DICKSONIACEAE 10~Fronds pseudodichotomously branched with dormant apical buds~GLEICHENIACEAE 10*~Fronds not branching in this manner~11 11~Sori ± enclosed by the strongly revolute margins of the pinnae, the fronds long and narrow; rhizomes hairy~PLATYZOMATACEAE 11*~Sori marginal or superficial, margins of fronds often recurved but never strongly revolute; rhizomes sometimes hairy~13 12~Leaves c. 20 mm long, covered in long papillae~SALVINIACEAE 12*~Leaves small, 1–2 mm long, imbricate in 2 rows~AZOLLACEAE 13~Sori restricted to the marginal or submarginal region of the lamina, if submarginal usually covered by a false indusium~14 13*~Sori superficial~15 14~Rhizomes covered with hairs or bristles~17 14*~Rhizomes covered with scales~20 15~Fronds simple~29 15*~Fronds pinnatifid or more compound~16 16~Sori elongated along the veins or sporangia scattered over much of the surface of the lamina~35 16*~Sori circular~41 17~Sporangia borne on a columnar or filiform receptacle within a 2-valved or cupular involucre~HYMENOPHYLLACEAE 17*~Sporangia borne on the surface of the lamina~18 18~Sori circular, indusia 2-lipped with the inner lip the true indusium~19 18*~Either sori circular and indusium false and formed from the recurved margin or sori linear and with true indusia present or absent~DENNSTAEDTIACEAE 19~The 2 lips free, inner membranous and obscure, indumentum on stipe base of long hairs; lamina ± leathery.(Calochlaena)~DICKSONIACEAE 19*~The 2 lips fused to form a cup, indumentum on stipe base of very short, dense hairs; lamina soft and membranous~DENNSTAEDTIACEAE 20~True indusia present~21 20*~Indusia false (formed by recurved lamina margin) or absent~23 21~Indusia cup-like, attached at the base and sides.(Davallia)~DAVALLIACEAE 21*~Indusia flap-like~22 22~Sori borne along single veins~ASPLENIACEAE 22*~Sori borne across the tips of a number of veins~LINDSAEACEAE 23~Epiphytes, leaves simple, linear, rhizome scales clathrate~VITTARIACEAE 23*~Terrestrial plants, leaves compound; rhizome scales not clathrate~24 24~Fronds simply pinnate~25 24*~Fronds at least 2-pinnate or 2-pinnatifid~26 25~Pinnae leathery, veins not readily visible; sori continuous in broad bands along each margin of the pinna.(Pellaea)~SINOPTERIDACEAE 25*~Pinnae herbaceous, veins readily visible; sori continuous in narrow bands~PTERIDACEAE 26~Recurved margin covering and bearing the sorus, the whole structure being ± reniform~ADIANTACEAE 26*~Recurved margin not bearing the sorus~27 27~Pinnae rarely >5 cm long; sori and indusia short, sori becoming confluent (indusia sometimes absent).(Cheilanthes)~SINOPTERIDACEAE 27*~Pinnae usually >5 cm long; sori and indusia linear~28 28~Rhizomes tufted or short-creeping.(Pteris)~PTERIDACEAE 28*~Rhizomes long-creeping.(Histiopteris)~DENNSTAEDTIACEAE 29~Sori circular~30 29*~Sori elongated or confluent and covering whole areas of the frond~31 30~Fronds articulate on the rhizome, scales of rhizome peltate and/or clathrate~POLYPODIACEAE 30*~Fronds not articulated, scales of rhizome neither peltate nor clathrate~GRAMMITACEAE 31~Indusia present~32 31*~Indusia absent~33 32~Indusia parallel with the primary vein~BLECHNACEAE 32*~Indusia running along the secondary veins~ASPLENIACEAE 33~Sporangia borne on the much narrowed tail-like apex of the fertile frond.(Belvisia)~POLYPODIACEAE 33*~Apex of fronds not very narrow and tail-like~34 34~Sporangia scattered, becoming confluent; stipe and lamina bearing stellate hairs.(Pyrrosia)~POLYPODIACEAE 34*~Sori oblique, usually remaining distinct; stipe and lamina bearing simple or branched hairs~GRAMMITACEAE 35~Bracket epiphytes with 2 kinds of fronds, green fertile fronds plus brown or green sterile nest-fronds.(Platycerium)~POLYPODIACEAE 35*~Plants usually terrestrial, fronds of one kind but may be dimorphic~36 36~Indusia present~37 36*~Indusia absent~39 37~Sori parallel with the primary and secondary veins of the frond, fronds 1-pinnatifid to 1-pinnate~BLECHNACEAE 37*~Sori oblique with respect to main vein of the segment, or a main vein lacking; fronds more compound, usually at least 2-pinnatifid~38 38~Rhizome scales not clathrate; indusia often double (i.e., one on each side of a vein), especially at the base of the segment~ATHYRIACEAE 38*~Rhizome scales clathrate; indusia always single~ASPLENIACEAE 39~Fronds pinnate, segments with distinct petiolules; sporangia covering the entire lower surface of the fertile pinnae.(Acrostichum)~PTERIDACEAE 39*~Fronds otherwise; sporangia, at least when first formed, along veins~40 40~Rhizome scales clathrate, fronds and stipes covered with long hairs.(Pleurosorus)~ASPLENIACEAE 40*~Rhizome scales not clathrate, fronds glabrous or the lower surface covered with a waxy powder~TAENITIDACEAE 41~Fronds delicate and membranous.(Cystopteris)~ATHYRIACEAE 41*~Fronds herbaceous to leathery~42 42~Fronds of 2 kinds (green fertile fronds plus brown nest-fronds), veins anastomosing.(Drynaria)~POLYPODIACEAE 42*~Fronds of 1 kind, but may vary in shape~43 43~Rhizomes covered with hairs.(Hypolepis)~DENNSTAEDTIACEAE 43*~Rhizomes covered with scales~44 44~Rhizome scales peltate, stipe often articulate on the rhizome~45 44*~Rhizome scales not peltate, stipe not articulate on rhizome~46 45~Fronds pinnatifid (or simple), veins anastomosing; sori large, usually 2 mm or more diam.(Microsorum)~POLYPODIACEAE 45*~Fronds 1-pinnate or more divided, veins free; sori small, <2 mm diam~DAVALLIACEAE 46~Fronds pinnatisect.(Doodia)~BLECHNACEAE 46*~Fronds at least 1-pinnate~47 47~Fronds 1-pinnate to 2-pinnatifid (sometimes pinnatifid at apex)~48 47*~Fronds 2-pinnate or more compound~49 48~Pinnae ± oblong in outline, never divided completely into pinnules at the base, veins anastomosing at the bases of the lobes and running to the fork between the lobes~THELYPTERIDACEAE 48*~Pinnae ovate to lanceolate in outline, veins free or copiously anastomosing~DRYOPTERIDACEAE 49~Fronds with lamina membranous, sori without indusium, rhizome scales finely ciliate.(Macrothelypteris)~THELYPTERIDACEAE 49*~Fronds with lamina usually leathery, sori indusiate (except for 1 sp.), rhizome scales entire or finely toothed~DRYOPTERIDACEAE #{sp}Trachymene incisa 1~Surface of mericarps dull, corky-papillose or warty or rarely smooth~subsp. incisa 1*~Surface of mericarps shiny, with radially elongated corrugations~subsp. corrugata #{gn}Tragopogon 1~Outer ray florets yellow; involucral bracts 8–12; naturalized only on ST~Tragopogon dubius 1*~Outer ray florets purple; involucral bracts usually 8; widespread from coast to inland districts~Tragopogon porrifolius #{gn}Trianthema 1~Flowers in clusters of 3–6; petiole with membranous basal sheath; leaves succulent, less than 4 mm wide~Trianthema triquetra 1*~Flowers solitary; petiole with green basal sheath; leaves scarcely succulent, more than 4 mm wide~Trianthema portulacastrum #{gn}Tribulus 1~Stigma elongated, pyramidal; style no longer than stigma; spines on fruit well-developed; cocci 4–14 mm long~2 1*~Stigma hemispherical or globose, occasionally elongated but then style relatively much longer; spines on fruit not well- developed; cocci 2–5 mm long~3 2~Fruit with numerous spines; cocci 8–14 mm long~Tribulus eichlerianus 2*~Fruit with 2 upper and 2 lower spines; cocci 4–8 mm long~Tribulus terrestris 3~Style longer than stigma, often 2.5 times as long; petals 5–13 mm long~Tribulus micrococcus 3*~Style much shorter than stigma, often nearly absent; petals 3–4 mm long~Tribulus minutus #{gn}Tricoryne 1~Flowering axis flattened or winged~Tricoryne anceps 1*~Flowering axis not flattened or winged~2 2~Soft herbs; flowering axis with few branches; anthers 1–1.3 mm long; coastal districts~Tricoryne simplex 2*~Wiry virgate herbs; flowering axis much-branched; anthers less than 1 mm long; widespread~Tricoryne elatior #{gn}Trifolium 1~Leaves with terminal petiolule distinctly longer than lateral ones; corolla yellow~2 1*~Leaves with terminal petiolule equal to lateral ones; corolla white, cream or pink to red~3 2~Standard spoon-shaped in pod; inflorescences globose, many-flowered~Trifolium campestre 2*~Standard boat-shaped in pod; inflorescences semiglobose, 3–20-flowered~Trifolium dubium 3~Inflorescences with 3–16 fertile flowers with corollas and numerous sterile ones without corollas~4 3*~All flowers fertile~5 4~Inflorescences with 3–6 fertile flowers; fruiting heads penetrating the ground; inflorescences axillary; corolla not persistent in fruit; pod exserted from calyx~Trifolium subterraneum 4*~Inflorescences with 10–16 fertile flowers; fruiting heads aerial; inflorescences terminal; corolla persistent in fruit; pod included in calyx~Trifolium globosum 5~Calyx tube inflated and vesiculous in pod~6 5*~Calyx tube unchanged or distended in pod~8 6~Flowers resupinate; corolla not persistent in fruit; annuals~7 6*~Flowers not resupinate; corolla persistent in fruit; perennials~22 7~Peduncles longer than subtending leaves; inflorescences globose; calyx teeth spiny; calyx throat glabrous~Trifolium resupinatum 7*~Peduncles shorter than subtending leaves; inflorescences umbellate; calyx teeth blunt; calyx throat with a ring of hairs~Trifolium tomentosum 8~Inflorescences sessile, overtopped by broad membranous stipules~Trifolium suffocatum 8*~Inflorescences sessile or pedunculate, not overtopped by stipules~9 9~Flowers pedicellate, often shortly so~10 9*~Flowers sessile~15 10~Inflorescences 1–5-flowered~Trifolium ornithopodioides 10*~Inflorescences more than 8-flowered~11 11~Peduncle shorter than subtending leaf, or inflorescence sessile~12 11*~Peduncle longer than subtending leaf~13 12~Pod included in calyx; calyx teeth blunt~Trifolium glomeratum 12*~Pod exserted from calyx; calyx teeth spiny~Trifolium cernuum 13~Pedicels of only the lower flowers deflexed after anthesis; calyx teeth equal to subequal; pod included in calyx~Trifolium ambiguum 13*~Pedicels of all flowers deflexed after anthesis; calyx teeth unequal; pod exserted from calyx~14 14~Calyx teeth erect in pod; plants not rhizomatous; calyx with 5 prominent and 5 inconspicuous veins~Trifolium hybridum 14*~Calyx teeth spreading in pod; plants rhizomatous; calyx with 10 more or less equally conspicuous veins~Trifolium repens 15~Leaflet margins entire, or nearly so~16 15*~Leaflet margins toothed, sometimes finely so~18 16~Peduncle longer than subtending leaf; calyx teeth equal~Trifolium arvense 16*~Peduncle shorter than subtending leaf; calyx teeth unequal~17 17~Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets 1–2 times as long as broad; calyx throat narrowed by an annular thickening in pod; teeth blunt, erect in pod; corolla persistent in pod; stipules abruptly narrowed to a bristly apex~Trifolium pratense 17*~Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets 12–15 times as long as broad; calyx throat closed by a 2-lipped callosity in pod, teeth spiny, spreading in pod; corolla not persistent in pod; stipules subulate~Trifolium angustifolium 18~Corollas persistent in pod~19 18*~Corollas not persistent in pod~20 19~Corolla 5–7 mm long, pink; calyx tube 10-veined, teeth spiny~Trifolium striatum 19*~Corolla 15–17 mm long, purple; calyx tube 20-veined, teeth blunt~Trifolium hirtum 20~Inflorescences sessile; calyx teeth unequal~Trifolium scabrum 20*~Inflorescences pedunculate; calyx teeth equal to subequal~21 21~Flowers cream, bracteolate; pod included in calyx; calyx teeth blunt~Trifolium alexandrinum 21*~Flowers usually red to purple, without bracteoles; pod exserted from calyx; calyx teeth spiny~Trifolium incarnatum 22~Corolla 6–8 mm long; calyx pilose.~Trifolium fragiferum 22*~Corolla 12–15 mm long; calyx glabrous.~Trifolium vesiculosum #{gn}Triodia 1~Lobes of the lemma as long as or longer than the base of the lemma~Triodia basedowii 1*~Lobes of the lemma shorter than the body of the lemma, 3-lobed or forming a shallow notch at the apex with a short or minute mucro in the sinus~2 2~Leaves with sheath glabrous or glaucous and minutely pubescent, resin not produced; lemma with a shallow notch occasionally bearing a minute mucro between lobes~Triodia scariosa 2*~Leaves with sheath hirsute or fringed with hairs on the upper margins, always producing resin~Triodia mitchellii #{sp}Triodia mitchellii 1~Lower leaves with sheath silky with hairs to 4 mm long; upper sheaths with scattered hairs to 3 mm long or glabrous; sheath margins fimbriate with hairs to 4 mm long. Inflorescence paniculate open, lanceolate; axils sometimes pubescent with hairs to 3 mm long. Glumes 4–6 mm long apical region sometimes scabrous, margins scabrous. Lemma 5–6 mm long, lower 75% silky with hairs to 1.5 mm long, silky toward margins with hairs to 1 mm long; lobes to 0.5–1.5 mm long~var. pubivagina 1*~Leaves with sheath glabrous, upper margin ciliate with hairs to 0.5 mm long. Inflorescence compact, linear; axils glabrous. Glumes 3.5–5 mm long, lateral nerves often scabrous, margins ciliolate. Lemma c. 4.5 mm long, lower 75% silky with hairs to 1 mm long, silky toward margins with hairs to 0.5 mm long; lobes to 0.5 mm long~var. breviloba #{sp}Triodia scariosa 1~Mature spikelets with divergent lemmas usually <5 mm wide. Lemma apex emarginate with very short mucro; lowest lemma usually <6 mm long, lower 75% silky with hairs to 1.5 mm long; callus silky with hairs to 0.5 mm long~subsp. yelarbonensis 1*~Mature spikelets with divergent lemmas usually >5 mm wide. Lemma apex emarginate with mucro to 1 mm long; lowest lemma usually >6 mm long, lower 50% silky with hairs to 1 mm long, silky toward margins with hairs to 1.5 mm long; callus silky with hairs to 1.5 mm long~subsp. scariosa #{gn}Triplarina 1~Apex of leaves truncate, recurved; calyx lobes deltate; petals 2–2.4 mm long; restricted to the Nowra area.~Triplarina nowraensis 1*~Apex of leaves obtuse, flat; calyx lobes ± semicircular; petals 1.5–1.7 mm long; Nymboida and Tabulum districts, and possibly Parramatta.~Triplarina imbricata #{gn}Trisetum 1~Panicle axis and pedicels of spikelets glabrous; glumes glabrous or slightly scabrous; lemma awn 4.5–9 mm long, usually bent and twisted; leaves glabrous or hairy~Trisetum flavescens 1*~Panicle axis and pedicels of spikelets usually densely hairy; keels of glumes ciliate or scabrous; lemma awn 3–6 mm long, strongly curved rather than bent; leaves usually densely pubescent~Trisetum spicatum #{gn}Tristaniopsis 1~Leaves oblanceolate, apex obtuse to acute; lower surface of lamina pilose; oil glands scattered~Tristaniopsis laurina 1*~Leaves narrow-elliptic, apex acuminate; lower surface of lamina glabrous; oil glands numerous, dense~Tristaniopsis collina #{gn}Trochocarpa 1~Young branches glabrous; leaves 5–8 cm long, 2–3 cm wide; petiole 3–6 mm long usually glabrous; fruit 6–8 mm diam~Trochocarpa laurina 1*~Young branches with short rigid hairs; leaves 1.5–4.0 cm long, 0.6–1.5 cm wide; petiole 2–3 mm long with erect grey-brown hairs; fruit 4–6 mm diam~Trochocarpa montana #{gn}Tylophora 1~Leaves with lamina lanceolate or ovate, less than 10 times long as broad, more than 10 mm wide; species of the coast and eastern side of the tablelands~2 1*~Leaves with lamina linear, 10–20 times as long as broad, less than 3 mm wide; inland species of the Western Slopes~Tylophora linearis 2~Flowers white or pale green, corolla lobes elongated, linear to almost filiform, broader at base; flowers in loose, open, cymose panicles often exceeding leaves~Tylophora paniculata 2*~Flowers purple or red, corolla lobes ovate, oblong or triangular, not linear to filiform; flowers in umbels or small panicles, usually shorter than the leaves~3 3~Flowers more than 13 mm diam., corolla lobes more or less triangular to oblong-ovate, 6–9 mm long; leaves with lamina mostly less than 4 cm long, lower surface pubescent~Tylophora grandiflora 3*~Flowers less than 11 mm diam., corolla lobes ovate to lanceolate, less than 6 mm long; leaves usually more than 3.5 cm long, if smaller then glabrous or almost so~4 4~Leaves with lamina pubescent on lower surface, broad-ovate, mostly 6–12 cm long, 3–8 cm wide, base strongly cordate, apex mucronate or shortly acuminate, main reticulum distinct on lower surface; petioles 1.5–5 cm long, finely pubescent; latex yellowish, opaque; flowers 8–11 mm diam~Tylophora benthamii 4*~Leaves with lamina glabrous or very sparsely hairy, broad-lanceolate to more or less ovate, 2.5–8 cm long, 1–5.5 cm wide, base rounded, cuneate or shallowly cordate, apex acute or acuminate; venation reticulate, obscure or a few coarse net veins visible; petioles 0.7–2 cm long glabrous or finely pubescent; latex not yellow; flowers 5–6 mm diam~5 5~Inflorescences of 1 or 2 short umbels; corolla lobes shortly hairy, c. 2 mm long; leaves with lamina 2.5–6 cm long, the base cuneate or rarely rounded~Tylophora barbata 5*~Inflorescences of 3–7 or more short umbels, in a divaricately branching panicle, branches often zig-zag; corolla lobes glabrous, 2–2.5 mm long,; leaves with lamina 3.5–8 cm long, the base slightly to distinctly cordate~Tylophora woollsii #{gn}Typha 1~Female inflorescence dark brown or red-brown; stigma narrow-obovate to obovate, somewhat fleshy~Typha latifolia 1*~Female inflorescence cinnamon- or chestnut-brown; stigma linear to narrow-obovate, not fleshy~2 2~Upper leaves usually without a distinct auricle (the top 1 or 2 may be auriculate); stigmas linear; bracts in female inflorescence numerous, spathulate (4–8 cells across); mature female spikes usually less than 20 mm diam.; male and female spikes separated by 0.5–5 cm~Typha domingensis 2*~Upper leaves usually with a distinct auricle; stigmas narrow-obovate; bracts in female inflorescence few, narrow-spathulate (3 or 4 cells across); mature female spikes 10–40 mm diam.; male and female spikes separated by 0–5 cm~Typha orientalis #{gn}Typhonium 1~Filiform sterile organs separated from male zone by a naked portion of spadix axis; appendix conical, abruptly truncate at base~Typhonium brownii 1*~Sterile organs arising throughout interval between female and male zones; appendix slender throughout, tapering, not truncate at base~Typhonium eliosurum #{fm}ULMACEAE 1~Leaves toothed, the veins ending in spinose teeth; leaves mostly strictly pinnately veined, rarely 3-veined from base~Aphananthe 1*~Leaves either entire or toothed but teeth not spinose; leaves 3-veined from base, secondary veins usually extending at least midway up the lamina~2 2~Lower surface of leaves not scabrous, margins entire or toothed~Celtis 2*~Both surfaces of leaves scabrous, margins toothed~Trema #{gn}Urochloa 1~Upper lemma awned or mucronate, mucro usually c. 1 mm long~2 1*~Upper lemma neither awned nor mucronate but may have a recurved tip~6 2~Lower glume less than 0.8 mm long, c. 15% the spikelet length; inflorescence branches with a narrow wing~3 2*~Lower glume 1–3.3 mm long, 25% the spikelet length or more; inflorescence branches with narrow or wide wings~4 3~Spikelets hairy~Urochloa gilesii 3*~Spikelets glabrous~Urochloa notochthona 4~Spikelets 3–4 mm long, arranged loosely on the branches; lower glume adaxial; mucro on upper lemma short~Urochloa praetervisa 4*~Spikelets 4–5 mm long, evenly arranged on the branches and partly overlapping; lower glume abaxial; awn or mucro conspicuous~5 5~Lower glume 1–1.5 mm long, c. 25% as long as the spikelet, glabrous; annual~Urochloa panicoides 5*~Lower glume more than 50% spikelet length, often with a few long hairs; perennial~Urochloa mosambicensis 6~Lower lemma with a palea~7 6*~Lower lemma without a palea~11 7~Spikelets 4–6 mm long, distinctly hairy~8 7*~Spikelets less than 4 mm long, glabrous~10 8~Strongly stoloniferous perennial; spikelets 4–6 mm long, not constricted in the lower part, arranged evenly on 1 side of the ribbon-like rachis; racemes 2 or 3~Urochloa decumbens 8*~Plants not stoloniferous but may occasionally root at lower nodes, annuals or perennials; spikelets 5–6 mm long, basal part narrow and constricted; racemes to 10~9 9~Lower floret male; spikelets crowded on the branches; pedicel apices with a ring of hairs; annual~Urochloa texana 9*~Lower floret sterile; spikelets loosely arranged on the racemes; pedicel apices glabrous; perennial~Urochloa foliosa 10~Stoloniferous perennial with flowering culms erect, to 2 m high; spikelets 3–3.5 mm long; lower floret male; racemes on an elongated axis to 30 cm long~Urochloa mutica 10*~Tufted annual; culms less than 1 m high; spikelets 3 mm long; lower floret sterile; racemes on an axis less than 15 cm long~Urochloa fasciculata 11~Spikelets 3–3.5 mm long, very densely arranged on the branches; upper glume and lower lemma more or less uniformly pubescent~Urochloa advena 11*~Spikelets 3.5–4.5 mm long, more loosely arranged on the branches; upper glume and lower lemma glabrous or with long hairs near the top~12 12~Spikelets glabrous~Urochloa subquadripara 12*~Spikelets with long hairs on upper part of upper glume and lower lemma~Urochloa piligera #{gn}Uromyrtus 1~Leaves mostly 7–20 mm wide, oil glands scattered; petals 4–5 mm long; fruit 5–9 mm diam.~Uromyrtus australis 1*~Leaves mostly 3–7 mm wide, oil glands very dense; petals c. 2 mm long; fruit 4–5 mm diam.~Uromyrtus lamingtonensis #{gn}Urtica 1~Leaves and stems distinctly pubescent between the longer, scattered stinging hairs; petiole often less than half as long as the lamina; lamina dark green on both surfaces~Urtica dioica 1*~Leaves and stems more or less glabrous between the stinging hairs; petiole usually more than half as long as the lamina; lamina dark green above, paler green below~2 2~Leaves with lamina mostly 1–5 cm long, ovate to elliptic; annual; inflorescence usually branched and shorter than the petiole~Urtica urens 2*~Leaves with lamina mostly 5–12 cm long, usually lanceolate to narrow-ovate, sometimes to broad-ovate; perennial; inflorescence mostly unbranched and often much longer than the petiole~Urtica incisa #{fm}UVULARIACEAE 1~Flowers 10–15 mm diam., tepals 2–4 mm wide~Schelhammera 1*~Flowers 15–25 mm diam., tepals 4–7 mm wide~Tripladenia #{gn}Vallisneria 1~Leaf tips obtuse; filaments in male flower fused for 75% of its length (hence Y-shaped); hairs absent from base of androecium; leaves 11–35 mm wide~Vallisneria australis 1*~Leaf tips mostly acute; filaments in male flower free to fused for up to 75% of their length (hence V- or Y-shaped); hairs present at base of androecium; leaves usually 3–10 mm wide (occasionally to 15 mm)~Vallisneria nana #{gn}Velleia 1*~Sepals 5~2 1*~Sepals 3~5 2~Bracteoles fused to each other~Velleia connata 2*~Bracteoles free or nearly so~3 3~Lobes of corolla more or less equal; indusium narrow-oblong~Velleia arguta 3*~Lobes of corolla unequal; indusium ovate to depressed-ovate~4 4~Peduncles pubescent; indusium ovate~Velleia paradoxa 4*~Peduncles glabrous or nearly so; indusium depressed-ovate~Velleia glabrata 5~Bracteoles fused together~Velleia perfoliata 5*~Bracteoles free from each other~6 6~Corolla lobes more or less equal; peduncles usually shorter than leaves~Velleia montana 6*~Corolla lobes very unequal; peduncles usually longer than leaves~7 7~Peduncles pubescent~Velleia spathulata 7*~Peduncles glabrous or glabrescent~8 8~Upper sepal cordate at base~Velleia lyrata 8*~Upper sepal not cordate at base~Velleia parvisepta #{gn}Verbascum 1~Leaves grey to whitish or yellowish, woolly to tomentose, or sometimes floccose, densely stellate hairy~2 1*~Leaves more or less green, more or less glabrous or sparsely hairy~3 2~Inflorescence dense, the flowers and fruits closely packed; basal leaves entire or crenate~Verbascum thapsus 2*~Inflorescence lax with flowers and fruits well-separated; basal leaves more or less pandurate, lobes few and rounded~Verbascum sinuatum 3~Flowering and fruiting pedicels less than 10 mm long, usually 2–5 mm long and much shorter than subtending bracts; 1–5 pedicels at each node; basal leaves regularly toothed, sparsely hairy to more or less glabrous~Verbascum virgatum 3*~Flowering and fruiting pedicels 10–25 mm long, much longer than subtending bracts; 1 pedicel at each node; basal leaves lobed to toothed, glabrous or almost so~Verbascum blattaria #{fm}VERBENACEAE 1~Fruit fleshy; flowers more than 8 mm long and arranged in heads; leaves distinctly petiolate, or shortly so~2 1*~Fruit dry; flowers less than 8 mm long, but if more then arranged in elongated spikes; leaves variable but not as above~3 2~Flowers arranged in elongated spikes, 10–30 cm long; fruit (5-)7–10(-14) mm diam., enclosed by an orange-coloured calyx; leaves ovate, elliptic or obovate~Duranta 2*~Flowers arranged in heads, up to 3 cm diam.; fruit 4–6 mm diam., purplish black, not enclosed by coloured calyx; leaves more or less ovate~Lantana 3~Herbs with trailing or ascending branches and leaves not divided into segments; fruit separating into two mericarps~Phyla 3*~Herbs with erect branches or occasionally branches trailing and then leaves divided into segments; fruit separating into four mericarps~4 4~Inflorescence a simple spike or panicle of spikes, often branched; style short, up to 3 times as long as ovary~Verbena 4*~Inflorescence a contracted head, unbranched; style long, more than 3 times as long as ovary~Glandularia #{sp}Vernonia cinerea 1~Stems and leaves glabrous to sparsely hirsute. Erect herbs, 0.2–0.6 m high~var. cinerea 1*~Plants densely hairy to woolly. Stems and leaves densely greyish villous to woolly. Erect herbs, 0.3–1 m high~var. lanata #{gn}Vesselowskya 1~Anther apex apiculate; sepals glabrous on abaxial surface, row of glands on adaxial surface at base of stipules~Vesselowskya rubifolia 1*~Anther apex obtuse; sepals with a row of hairs along the midline and base of the abaxial surface, glands absent from base of stipules~Vesselowskya venusta #{sp}Vicia villosa 1~Stems with dense spreading hairs; stipules 2–5 mm wide; lower calyx teeth as long as or longer than calyx tube; pods glabrous. Leaflets mostly 10–35 mm long, 2–8 mm wide.~subsp. villosa 1*~Stems appressed-hairy to ± glabrous; stipules <3 mm wide; lower calyx teeth shorter than calyx tube; pods pubescent. Leaflets mostly 5–15 mm long, 1–5 mm wide.~subsp. eriocarpa #{gn}Vicia 1~Tendrils absent; leaf rachis terminating in a spur to 10 mm long.~Vicia faba 1*~At least upper leaves terminating in tendrils.~2 2~Flowers 1–4 in axils of leaves, subsessile or peduncles shorter than the flowers; stipules mostly with a prominent central gland.~Vicia sativa 2*~Flowers 1-many on peduncles longer than the flowers; stipules without glands.~3 3~Corolla 10–25 mm long; pods 2–5 cm long with 2–8 seeds; stipules 3–6 mm long.~4 3*~Corolla 2–8 mm long; pods 0.8–1.2 cm long with 2–5 seeds; stipules 1–4 mm long.~5 4~Racemes 1–5-flowered, mostly shorter than the leaves; calyx base only slightly swollen; lower stipules 2-lobed, the lobes entire.~Vicia monantha 4*~Racemes 3–40-flowered, usually longer than the leaves; calyx base distinctly swollen; lower stipules not lobed, finely toothed.~Vicia villosa 5~Leaves with 3–5 pairs of leaflets; flowers 5–8 mm long; pods with 3–5 seeds.~Vicia tetrasperma 5*~Leaves with 4–10 pairs of leaflets; flowers 2–5 mm long; pods with 1 or 2 seeds;~6 6~Leaflets linear or ± lanceolate 5–25 mm long, 1–3 mm wide; calyx teeth equal; pods 8–11 mm long, 2–4 mm wide, pubescent.~Vicia hirsuta 6*~Leaflets linear to elliptic, mostly 8–15 mm long, 1–5 mm wide; calyx teeth unequal; pods 12–20 mm long, 5–8 mm wide, glabrous.~Vicia disperma #{sp}Vicia monantha 1~Racemes 1- or 2-flowered; corolla 10–15 mm long; pods 2–3.5 cm long, 8–10 mm wide; seeds 3–3.5 mm long, brown.~subsp. monantha 1*~Racemes 2–7-flowered; corolla usually 14–18 mm long; pods 3–5 cm long, 10–12 mm wide; seeds 3.5–5 mm long, black.~subsp. triflora #{sp}Vicia sativa 1~Leaflets obcordate to obong, mostly 5–15 mm wide; flowers 17–30 mm long; calyx 12–22 mm long, teeth as long as or longer than calyx tube, acuminate; pods yellow-brown or dark brown, constricted or not constricted between seeds; seeds 3–6.5 mm diam.~2 1*~Leaflets linear to narrow-elliptic, 1–4 mm wide; flowers 8–18 mm long; calyx 7–10 mm long, teeth shorter than tube; pods 2.5–5 cm long, not torulose, brown turning blackish, usually glabrous; seeds 2.5–4 mm diam.~subsp. nigra 2~Pods 6–12 mm wide, torulose (cylindrical and ± constricted between seeds), yellow-brown; seeds 4.5–6.5 mm diam. Leaflets obcordate to oblong 12–27 mm long, 5–10 mm wide, apex truncate or emarginate. Corolla 17–30 mm long. Fruits Nov.~subsp. sativa 2*~Pods 4–6 mm wide, not torulose, dark brown; seeds 3–5 mm diam. Leaflets obovate to oblong, 13–35 mm long, 10–15 mm wide, apex truncate or emarginate. Corolla 18–26 mm long.~subsp. cordata #{gn}Vigna 1~Leaflets linear to narrow-lanceolate or narrow-ovate, to 15 mm wide~2 1*~Leaflets elliptic to ovate, rhombic or more or less circular, more than 15 mm wide~3 2~Stems sparsely to densely hairy with spreading to appressed, more or less bristly rusty-brown hairs; flowers mostly 20–30 mm long; pod 4–14 cm long with spreading bristly hairs~Vigna vexillata 2*~Stems glabrous or sparsely hairy with appressed, whitish hairs; flowers 7–10 mm long; pod 2–5 cm long, glabrous or with a few, appressed hairs~Vigna lanceolata 3~Leaflets wide-elliptic to more or less circular, apex emarginate or obtuse; confined to coastal dunes and headlands~Vigna marina 3*~Leaflets elliptic to rhombic or ovate, apex acute to acuminate (often obtuse in Vigna lanceolata); not confined to coastal dunes and headlands~4 4~Stipules peltate, ovate, rhombic or obovate, mostly 8–15 mm long; stem hairs conspicuously spreading, yellow-brown, mostly 1–1.5 mm long~Vigna radiata 4*~Stipules not peltate, more or less ovate to lanceolate 2–3 mm long; stems glabrous or with appressed to more or less spreading whitish hairs c. 1 mm long~5 5~Apex of leaflets acute to acuminate, base rounded to cuneate; flowers 12–25 mm long~Vigna luteola 5*~Apex of leaflets acute to obtuse, base usually wedge-shaped; flowers 7–10 mm long~Vigna lanceolata #{sp}Vigna lanceolata 1~Stems ± short, 1–2 mm diam., leaflets linear to lanceolate or ovate, often lobed at base, 2–8 cm long, 3–35 mm wide~2 1*~Stems long and slender, <1 mm diam., leaflets linear to linear-lanceolate, usually unlobed at base, mostly 4–8 cm long, 2–7 mm wide~var. filiformis 2~Leaflets linear to lanceolate or narrow-ovate, base often lobed and ± hastate, mostly 2–7 cm long, 3–10 mm wide~var. lanceolata 2*~Leaflets wide-lanceolate to ovate, often wedge-shaped towards base, sometimes lobed, mostly 2–8 cm long, 10–35 mm wide~var. latifolia #{sp}Vigna vexillata 1~Leaflets narrow, 2–14 cm long, 2–14 mm wide.~var. angustifolia 1*~Leaflets broad, 3.5–7 cm long, 15–30 mm wide.~var. youngiana #{gn}Villarsia 1~Leaves emergent, erect, longer than broad; plants tufted; flowers heterostylous; corolla 9.5–18 mm long, 16–30 mm diam.; seeds 1.7–3 mm long, light cream-fawn to dark brown-grey-black, mostly sparsely to densely tuberculate, conspicuously carunculate~Villarsia exaltata 1*~Leaves emergent and/or floating, as long as broad; plants usually stoloniferous in water; flowers homostylous; corolla 12– 23 mm long, 19–40 mm diam.; seeds 1–1.8 mm long, pale never blackish, smooth to slightly granular, without a conspicuous caruncle~Villarsia reniformis #{fm}VIOLACEAE 1~Shrubs 1–4 m high; branchlets usually spinescent; flowers slightly zygomorphic; fruit a berry~Melicytus 1*~Herbs or rarely shrubs to 1.5 m high; spines absent; flowers strongly zygomorphic; fruit a capsule~2 2~Lowest petal scarcely longer than the others; herbs with mostly short stems, often stoloniferous; leaves usually long-petiolate~Viola 2*~Lowest petal much longer than the others; erect-stemmed perennial herbs or shrubs, never stoloniferous; leaves more or less sessile~Hybanthus #{sp}Viola hederacea 1~Flowers pale to dark mauve, ± concolorous. Lamina usually conspicuously broader than long, base truncate to strongly cordate, upper surface with persistent scattered hairs. Along creeks and in wet sclerophyll forest. NC CC CWS.~forma A 1*~Flowers mauve to white, discolorous.~2 2~Leaves with base of lamina mostly cuneate to truncate or ± cordate; margins crenate; plants glabrous or occasionally with scattered hairs.~3 2*~Leaves with base of lamina mostly cordate, often strongly so, margins sinuate-toothed to crenate.~5 3~Leaves with base of lamina conspicuously broader than long; base of lamina truncate to slightly cordate.~4 3*~Leaves with lamina not conspicuously broader than long; base of lamina mostly cuneate to truncate. Upper surface of lamina with persistent scattered hairs. Mostly compact plants in rocky exposed sites, sometimes laxer in sheltered sites; at higher altitudes. CC SC CT ST.~forma D 4~Lax plant of lower elevations; lamina to 30 mm wide; margins crenate, but not strongly so. Grows in moist sites on the coast or along creeks and rivers further inland. NC CC.~forma B 4*~Mostly compact plant of higher elevations; lamina usually <20 mm wide; margins strongly crenate. Grows in moist sites in dry sclerophyll forest. NC SC.~forma C 5~Margins of lamina with relatively few teeth, apex of lamina distinctly acute; base of lamina moderately cordate. Lamina mostly glabrous, <15 mm wide, but occasionally long-haired and to 25 mm wide. Grows in moist sites at higher altitudes, especially in Blue Mtns. NC CT ST.~forma E 5*~Margins of lamina usually with several teeth, apex of lamina ± acute to rounded; base of lamina moderately to strongly cordate. Lamina to 40 mm wide.~6 6~Plant mostly compact; grows in exposed sites on the coast or at higher altitudes; leaves with base of lamina moderately to strongly cordate, usually tightly so. Hairy to glabrous plant. Margins of lamina distinctly sinuate to crenate. Widespread and variable. NC CC SC CT ST.~forma F 6*~Plant lax; grows in sheltered coastal sites; leaves with base of lamina variously cordate but often broadly so. Sparsely hairy to glabrous plant. Margins of lamina sinuate-toothed to crenate. NC CC SC.~forma G #{fm}VISCACEAE 1~Plants leafy~2 1*~Plants apparently leafless (minute scale-like leaves present on new growth)~3 2~Plants with a dense indumentum of dendritic and stellate hairs, especially on young parts; tepals persistent on fruit~Notothixos 2*~Plants with vegetative parts entirely glabrous; tepals not persistent on fruit~Viscum 3~Fruit less than 2.5 mm long, with persistent tepals; flowers in clusters at nodes, separated by bracts~Korthalsella 3*~Fruit more than 3 mm long, without persistent tepals; flowers in axillary inflorescences, subtended by bracts~Viscum #{fm}VITACEAE 1~Leaves simple or palmately compound, usually 5–7-foliolate or rarely 3-foliolate and then glaucous or with domatia~2 1*~Leaves pedately 5-foliolate or palmately 3-foliolate and then neither glaucous nor with domatia~3 2~Leaves simple or 3–7-foliolate; flowers 4-merous; tendrils simple or 2-branched, not expanded into adhesive discs at apices~Cissus 2*~Leaves always 5-foliolate; flowers 5-merous; tendrils more than 4-branched, expanded into adhesive discs at apices~Parthenocissus 3~Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets more or less entire to irregularly toothed, teeth ending in a mucro; flowers unisexual; stigma 4-lobed~Tetrastigma 3*~Leaves pedately 5-foliolate, or if 3-foliolate than teeth not as above; flowers bisexual; stigma not 4-lobed~Cayratia #{sp}Vittadinia cervicularis 1~Achenes with distinct beak; facial ribs converging with marginal ridges, 1 or 2 continued in the groove between the ridges or the ridges fused and compressed to terete, scattered appressed ± glandular hairs on ridges and faces; upper portion with spreading hairs whose bifid apices may be thickened~var. cervicularis 1*~Achenes with very short beak or beak absent and then 3 or 4 of the facial ribs sometimes converge to the summit; the hairs on the faces are scarcely or not thickened apically and commonly bifid~var. subcervicularis #{sp}Vittadinia dissecta 1~Leaves on main stems 15–40 mm long, the irregularly compound 3-fid lamina to 20 mm diam., lobes obtuse or rounded and minutely apiculate; upper leaves smaller and less dissected. Hairs sparse and minutely stiff appressed.~var. dissecta 1*~Leaves smaller than in var. dissecta, irregularly lobed or trifid, lobes narrow, acute or obtuse; upper leaves sometimes entire and oblanceolate. Hairs numerous, spreading, often 1–2 mm long.~var. hirta #{sp}Vittadinia hispidula 1~Minute gland-tipped hairs on the outer faces of the involucral bracts, coarser erect hairs usually absent. Achenes conspicuously narrowed at the summit, and sometimes with a minute neck below the base of the pappus~var. hispidula 1*~Hairs on involucral bracts varies from numerous to few and sometimes restricted to the midline, glandular hairs usually absent. Achenes less conspicuously narrowed at the apex and rarely develop a distinct neck below the pappus~var. setosa #{gn}Vittadinia 1~Achenes without facial ribbing~2 1*~Achenes with facial ribbing~6 2~Achenes with prominent marginal ribs~3 2*~Achenes without prominent marginal ribs~5 3~Achenes narrowly constricted in the lower half, truncate at the apex below the pappus; pappus in many rows~Vittadinia eremaea 3*~Achenes gradually tapered to the base, constricted at the apex; pappus in 1 or 2 rows~4 4~Stems and leaves with mainly septate hairs, glandular hairs minute and obscure~Vittadinia hispidula 4*~Stems and leaves with mainly glandular hairs, septate hairs mainly restricted to margins and midrib of abaxial leaf surface~Vittadinia arida 5~Pappus plumose; achenes evenly pubescent~Vittadinia pterochaeta 5*~Pappus barbellate; achenes with hairs denser in the centre or glabrescent~Vittadinia pustulata 6~Facial ribs converging below the apex, fusing with marginal ribs, not all reaching the apex, the apex never truncate~7 6*~Facial ribs not or scarcely converging, almost all ribs continued to the apex, the apex often more or less truncate~8 7~Achenes with glandular hairs especially at the apex~Vittadinia cervicularis 7*~Achenes without glandular hairs~Vittadinia sulcata 8~Marginal ribs of achenes glabrous; leaves linear or if oblanceolate then with narrow-acuminate lobes and attenuate base~9 8*~One or both of the marginal ribs with hairs; leaves cuneate, obovate, oblanceolate or spathulate; lobes when present obtuse or shortly acute~11 9~Achene faces with clavate or subclavate hairs towards the apex~10 9*~Achene faces with slender hairs towards the apex~Vittadinia tenuissima 10~Achenes with appressed hairs on the lower half, the upper half with subclavate hairs between the ribs~Vittadinia muelleri 10*~Achenes without hairs on the lower half, the upper half with clavate hairs on the ribs~Vittadinia blackii 11~Hairs on the upper half of the achenes conspicuously clavate, hairs on the marginal ribs much smaller~Vittadinia condyloides 11*~Hairs on the upper half of the achenes with acutely bifid apices, never clavate, hairs on the marginal ribs scarcely smaller~12 12~Heads usually more than 6 mm long; leaves cuneate to oblanceolate, without a very narrow base; the upper part entire or with 2 small lateral lobes~13 12*~Heads less than 6 mm long; leaves broad-spathulate with a very narrow base, the upper part dissected~Vittadinia dissecta 13~Indumentum hirsute or stiffly semi-appressed~Vittadinia cuneata 13*~Indumentum soft, white-tomentose~Vittadinia gracilis #{gn}Vulpia 1~Lemma usually more than 7 mm long; callus of lower lemma 0.5 mm or longer~Vulpia fasciculata 1*~Lemma usually ± 7 mm long; callus of lower lemma less than 0.5 mm long~2 2~Inflorescence well-exserted from the leaf sheath at maturity; lower glume 25–75% the length of the upper~3 2*~Inflorescence partly enclosed by a leaf sheath at maturity; lower glume less than 40% the length of the upper~4 3~Lower glume 50–75% the length of upper; lemma 1.3–1.9 mm wide~Vulpia bromoides 3*~Lower glume 25–50% the length of the upper; lemma 0.8–1.3 mm wide~Vulpia muralis 4~Spikelets with 3–6 female florets; lemma of female florets 5-nerved~Vulpia myuros 4*~Spikelets with 1 or 2 female florets; lemma of female florets 3-nerved~Vulpia ciliata #{gn}Wahlenbergia 1~Flowers solitary; perennials growing in rock crevices in the McPherson Ra. or on the tablelands at higher altitudes~2 1*~Flowers in cymose inflorescences (sometimes solitary in young or annual plants); annuals or perennials; widespread~6 2~Tufted, much-branched plants growing in rock crevices; flower stalks 1–5 cm long; corolla lobes 5–9 mm long; confined to the McPherson Range~3 2*~Plants with spreading rhizomes and erect, stems mostly unbranched; flower stalks 3–40 cm long; corolla lobes 10–25 mm long; on the tablelands, mainly in subalpine areas~4 3~Plants hirsute; leaves elliptic~Wahlenbergia scopulicola 3*~Plants glabrous; leaves linear to narrow-elliptic~Wahlenbergia glabra 4~Lower leaves 5–15 mm long, 1–2 mm wide; style usually 2-fid~Wahlenbergia densifolia 4*~Lower leaves 10–50 mm long, 4–15 mm wide; style 2- or 3-fid~5 5~Corolla blue; style 3-fid; leaves alternate, margins more or less flat~Wahlenbergia ceracea 5*~Corolla purple; style usually 2-fid; leaves alternate or opposite, margins undulate~Wahlenbergia gloriosa 6~Annuals with thin taproots; uppermost leaves and bracts ovate or lanceolate; lower leaves usually opposite, obovate to elliptic~7 6*~Perennials developing thickened taproots (except for some annual Wahlenbergia tumidifructa); uppermost leaves and bracts oblong or linear; lower leaves opposite or alternate, broad or narrow~8 7~Corolla lobes 0.5–5 mm long, 1–2 times as long as the tube; sepals oblong~Wahlenbergia gracilenta 7*~Corolla lobes 6–12 mm long, 2–4 times as long as the tube; sepals triangular~Wahlenbergia victoriensis 8~Corolla rotate, lobes more than 4 times as long as the tube; style strongly constricted near the stigmatic lobes~9 8*~Corolla campanulate, lobes less than 4 times as long as the tube; style not constricted or constricted about halfway down~11 9~Capsules elongated-obconic, more than twice as long as broad; corolla lobes 2–5 mm long, rarely to 9 mm~Wahlenbergia multicaulis 9*~Capsules semiglobose or obconic, less than twice as long as broad; corolla lobes 3–14 mm long~10 10~Plants typically few-stemmed; lower leaves obovate or oblanceolate; corolla lobes 5–14 mm long; eastern half of State~Wahlenbergia planiflora 10*~Plants typically much-branched; lower leaves linear or oblanceolate; corolla lobes 3–9 mm long; chiefly on inland floodplains~Wahlenbergia fluminalis 11~Lower leaves opposite, linear; capsules elongated-obconic, at least 3 times as long as broad~Wahlenbergia luteola 11*~Lower leaves alternate or, if opposite, then broader than linear and capsules less than 3 times as long as broad~12 12~Corolla lobes c. 3 times as long as the tube~13 12*~Corolla lobes 1–2 times as long as the tube~15 13~Lower leaves linear or narrow-oblanceolate; plants more or less glabrous (except for an hirsute form in SFWP); corolla lobes 5–9 mm long~Wahlenbergia littoricola 13*~Lower leaves obovate or oblanceolate; plants glabrous to hirsute; corolla lobes 5–19 mm long~14 14~Plants typically few-stemmed, hirsute towards the base; corolla lobes 6–19 mm long; widespread, tablelands to far-western plains~Wahlenbergia graniticola 14*~Plants typically much-branched, glabrous or with scattered hairs; corolla lobes 5–8 mm long; confined to NFWP~Wahlenbergia aridicola 15~Corolla tube 4–11 mm long, longer than the ovary; corolla lobes 6–20 mm long~16 15*~Corolla tube 1–5 mm long, equal to or shorter than the ovary; corolla lobes 1.5–7 mm long~18 16~At least the lowermost leaves opposite; sepals 3–16 mm long; capsules ellipsoid or globose~Wahlenbergia stricta 16*~All leaves alternate, rarely the lowermost opposite; sepals 1–6 mm long; capsules obconic or semiglobose~17 17~Capsules obconic or elongated-obconic, 4–9 mm long; lower leaves linear or oblanceolate; plants typically glabrous~Wahlenbergia communis 17*~Capsules semiglobose or shortly obconic, 1.5–5 mm long; lower leaves oblanceolate or obovate; plants typically hirsute towards the base~Wahlenbergia queenslandica 18~Perennials; capsules obconic; widespread, coast to western plains~Wahlenbergia gracilis 18*~Annuals or perennials; capsules cylindric or globose, appearing swollen, especially in perennials; western plains and far western plains, growing in drier habitats than Wahlenbergia gracilis~Wahlenbergia tumidifructa #{sp}Wahlenbergia planiflora 1~Plants glabrous or sometimes sparsely hirsute; capsule obconic, 3–8 mm long, glabrous~subsp. planiflora 1*~Plants hirsute; capsule semiglobose, 2–6 mm long, usually hirsute~subsp. longipila #{sp}Wahlenbergia stricta 1~Leaves mostly opposite (only the uppermost alternate), 1–13 mm wide; corolla usually blue throughout; style seldom exerted above corolla tube~subsp. stricta 1*~Leaves mostly alternate (only the lowermost opposite), 1–6 mm wide; corolla usually blue inside, white outside; style usually exerted above corolla tube~subsp. alterna #{gn}Waitzia 1~Heads elongate; laminas of involucral bracts acuminate, the tips spreading, the firm, woolly bases obvious~Waitzia acuminata 1*~Heads hemispherical; laminas of involucral bracts ovate, the tips overlapping and obscuring the bases of the inner bracts~Waitzia citrina #{gn}Watsonia 1~Bulbils developed in lower spathes of inflorescence; flowers 3–4 cm apart, mostly orange-coloured to red~Watsonia meriana 1*~Bulbils absent; flowers 2–2.5 cm apart, pink to mauve~Watsonia borbonica #{gn}Wedelia 1~Leaves entire, rarely with remote teeth at base; pappus with 2 awns~Wedelia glauca 1*~Leaves toothed, sometimes lobed at base; pappus a minute toothed cup, occasionally with a short caducous bristle~Wedelia spilanthoides #{gn}Westringia 1~Bracteoles 3–5.5 mm long~2 1*~Bracteoles ± 2 mm long~5 2~Hairs of branches, petiole and lower leaf surface more or less spreading and tangled~Westringia davidii 2*~Hairs appressed and antrorse~3 3~Leaves elliptic to more or less obovate; lamina 5–8 mm long~Westringia species A 3*~Leaves ovate to lanceolate; lamina 16–60 mm long~4 4~Leaves with apex long-tapering; lamina 20–60 mm long; calyx lobes 0.9–1.4 times length of tube~Westringia blakeana 4*~Leaves with apex obtuse to acute, usually shortly apiculate; lamina 16–25 mm long; calyx lobes 1.6–1.8 times length of tube~Westringia amabilis 5~Leaves less than 2.5 mm wide~6 5*~Leaves ± 2.5 mm wide~10 6~Leaves with margins strongly revolute, often with only midrib visible~7 6*~Leaves with margins more or less flat to recurved, most of lower surface visible~9 7~Leaves sessile, usually suberect (sometimes spreading to recurved), rigid; shrub intricate or divaricate; calyx lobes usually 0.4–0.5 times length of tube~Westringia rigida 7*~Leaves with petiole 0.3–2 mm long, spreading to recurved; lamina soft; shrub with suberect to spreading branches; calyx lobes 0.3–1.7 times times length of tube~8 8~Petioles 0.5–0.7 mm long; leaves with both surfaces moderately to densely hairy~Westringia eremicola 8*~Petioles 1–2 mm long; leaves with lower surface densely hairy and upper surface glabrous or sparsely hairy~Westringia sericea 9~Leaves 3–7 mm long, lamina length 2–3.5 times breadth; calyx lobes 0.3–0.4 times length of tube; flowers crowded at end of branches~Westringia cheelii 9*~Leaves 9–35 mm long; lamina length 6–18 times breadth; calyx lobes 0.7–1.2 times length of tube; flowers in upper leaf axils, but never crowded~Westringia longifolia 10~Leaves with both surfaces glabrous or sparsely to moderately hairy, lower surface never silky~11 10*~Leaves with lower surface densely hairy, appearing silky; upper surface usually not as densely hairy or glabrous~12 11~Leaves with lamina broad-oblong to broad-elliptic or more or less circular; length 1.3–1.8 times breadth; calyx lobes 0.3–0.6 times length of tube; shrub of subalpine areas~Westringia lucida 11*~Leaves with lamina lanceolate to narrow-elliptic; length 4–5.1 times breadth; calyx lobes 0.7–1 times length of tube; shrub of steep rocky gorges~Westringia glabra 12~Leaves mostly in 4-leaved whorls, rarely 3- or 5-leaved; coastal or foreshore shrub~Westringia fruticosa 12*~Leaves mostly in 3-leaved whorls, rarely 4- or 5-leaved; shrubs of mountain forests, non-coastal~13 13~Leaves with lamina length 2.4–4.2 times breadth; lamina 11–23 mm long, slightly revolute; apex acute~Westringia saxatilis 13*~Leaves with lamina length 5–13 times breadth; lamina 20–42 mm long, strongly revolute so that apex tending to appear long-tapering~Westringia sericea #{gn}Wilkiea 1~Leaves with 10–16 pairs of secondary veins, rather thinly leathery; flowers and inflorescence axis silky-pubescent, male flowers 4–5 mm diam., with all 4 perianth lobes duplicated to the inside; stamens c. 30; female flowers 5–7 mm diam~Wilkiea austroqueenslandica 1*~Leaves with less than 10 pairs of secondary veins, leathery; flowers and inflorescence axis almost or quite glabrous; male flowers 2–3 mm diam. with only the outer pair of perianth lobes duplicated inside; stamens c. 8; female flowers 3–4 mm diam~2 2~Plants entirely glabrous, leaves very glossy above; finest reticulum usually rather coarse and obscure, but not conspicuously raised; petiole mostly 1–6 mm long, rarely to 10 mm~Wilkiea macrophylla 2*~At least the carpels and female receptacle, and often the leaves, hairy; finest reticulum always prominent and raised below even in fresh leaves; petiole usually 6–10 mm long, but shorter in small-leaved plants~Wilkiea huegeliana #{gn}Wilsonia 1~Corolla tube much longer than the calyx; plants more or less glabrous~Wilsonia backhousei 1*~Corolla tube about as long as the calyx; plants hairy~2 2~Plants with appressed hairs; leaves concave, imbricate and distichous~Wilsonia humilis 2*~Plants with spreading hairs; leaves flat, not imbricate or distichous~Wilsonia rotundifolia #{gn}Wolffia 1~Thallus globose to ovoid, 1–1.5 times as deep as broad, biggest breadth below the water surface~Wolffia globosa 1*~Thallus boat-like, 2–3 times as deep as broad, biggest breadth near the water surface~2 2~Thallus 0.3–0.8 mm wide, length to breadth ratio 1.3–2, depth 1.3–2 times length of upper surface; upper surface uniformly green and shining, slightly convex and rounded laterally, with 50–80 stomata~Wolffia australiana 2*~Thallus 0.2–0.5 mm wide, length to breadth ratio 1.6–3.5, depth 2–3 times length of upper surface; upper surface whitish green towards central part, green near 'margin', flat and sharply edged laterally, with 8–25 stomata~Wolffia angusta #{gn}Xanthium 1~Stems with 3-pronged spines at base of leaves~2 1*~Stems without spines at base of leaves~3 2~Leaves dark green, upper surface slightly pubescent, lower surface white and felted, 3–8 cm long; widespread in most regions~Xanthium spinosum 2*~Leaves grey-green, both surfaces very finely pubescent, 2–4 cm long; SWP only~Xanthium ambrosioides 3~Burrs with the 2 apical spines divergent, but straight~4 3*~Burrs with the 2 apical spines either incurved or incurved at tips~5 4~Leaves with definite lobes, usually 3–5-lobed; burrs 16–18 mm long~Xanthium occidentale 4*~Leaves shallowly and unevenly lobed; burrs 15–30 mm long~Xanthium cavanillesii 5~Spines stout and incurved; burrs 15–20 mm long; grows in SWP & SFWP~Xanthium orientale 5*~Spines incurved at tips only; burrs 20–30 mm long; grows in NC, CWS & NWP~Xanthium italicum #{sp}Xanthorrhoea glauca 1~Leaves ± transverse-rhombic to narrowly transverse-rhombic, apically transverse-linear, mostly 3–4 mm wide in T.S., 1–2.6 mm thick, blue-green. Scape 27–46 mm diam.; spike 100–200 cm long, 4–6 cm diam.; cluster bracts with hairs only towards base of outer surface, margins glabrous; packing bracts acute or triangular. Outer tepals triangular to narrow-triangular, with a beak to 1.5 mm long~subsp. glauca 1*~Leaves ± quadrate-rhombic to broadly transverse-rhombic in T.S., 1.3–2.8 mm wide, O.9–1.6 mm thick, greyish. Scape 18–40 mm diam.; spike 100–160 cm long, 4–5 cm diam.; cluster bracts with hairs mainly at margins; packing bracts acute. Outer tepals acute, with beak to 0.5 mm long~subsp. angustifolia #{gn}Xanthorrhoea 1~Scape more than 7 times as long as spike; flowering spike broad and brush-like from the very long erect filaments; stomates in linear, subsurface, hair-lined chambers~Xanthorrhoea macronema 1*~Scape less than 6 times as long as spike; flowering spike more or less cylindrical, the filaments short and erect or, if longer, recurved; stomates at leaf surface or if sunken, then in pits~2 2~Spike longer than scape~3 2*~Spike shorter than or as long scape~8 3~Packing bracts subulate, glabrous~Xanthorrhoea australis 3*~Packing bracts shortly acute to triangular, glabrous to hirsute or fringed with hairs~4 4~Cluster bracts obscure or almost so~Xanthorrhoea media 4*~Cluster bracts prominent for at least part of spike~5 5~Leaves blue-green or greyish, glaucous~Xanthorrhoea glauca 5*~Leaves green, not glaucous~6 6~Scape usually 20–30 mm diam.; leaves soft and spongy to the touch~Xanthorrhoea malacophylla 6*~Scape usually less than 20 mm diam.; leaves tough, hard to the touch~7 7~Trunk usually absent, sometimes to 30 cm long; crown more or less hemispherical; Hunter R. to Sydney region~Xanthorrhoea media 7*~Trunk usually more than 30 cm long; crown with young leaves in spreading upright tuft and old leaves usually strongly reflexed over trunk; north of Hunter R~Xanthorrhoea johnsonii 8~Packing bracts densely hirsute on outer surface, appearing velvety~9 8*~Packing bracts glabrous to hirsute or fringed with hairs but not velvety~11 9~Leaves transverse-rhombic in T.S.; spike dark brown velvety at flowering~Xanthorrhoea resinosa 9*~Leaves depressed-obtrullate to concave in T.S.; spike cream to more or less light brown velvety at flowering~10 10~Leaves very depressed-cuneate to concave in T.S., 3–6 mm wide, 1.5–2 mm thick; south from Sydney district~Xanthorrhoea concava 10*~Leaves depressed-obtrullate to depressed-cuneate in T.S., 1.9–3.5 mm wide, 1–1.5 mm thick; north of Wyong~Xanthorrhoea fulva 11~Scape and spike together usually less than 90 cm long~12 11*~Scape and spike together usually 90 cm or more long~14 12~Cluster bracts prominent on spike~13 12*~Cluster bracts obscure or restricted to junction of scape and spike~Xanthorrhoea minor 13~Leaves depressed-cuneate in T.S., often concave, green, not glaucous; cluster bracts shortly acute to triangular~Xanthorrhoea minor 13*~Leaves transverse-rhombic or depressed-obtrullate in T.S., rarely depressed-cuneate, greyish, glaucous; cluster bracts narrow-triangular to subulate~Xanthorrhoea acaulis 14~Cluster bracts usually prominent at least in some part of spike~15 14*~Cluster bracts obscure or restricted to junction of scape and spike~16 15~Leaves usually more than 2.5 mm wide, soft and spongy; grows in moist habitats~Xanthorrhoea malacophylla 15*~Leaves usually 2.5 mm wide or less, tough and hard; grows in dry sclerophyll forest and heath~Xanthorrhoea johnsonii 16~Leaves usually more or less quadrate-rhombic to transverse-rhombic in T.S., less than 3 mm wide~17 16*~Leaves narrowly transverse-rhombic, depressed obtrullate, depressed-cuneate to transverse-linear or concave in T.S~18 17~Trunk absent or to 30 cm long; crown more or less hemispherical; south of the Hunter R~Xanthorrhoea media 17*~Trunk 10 cm to 5 m long; crown with young leaves in spreading upright tuft, old leaves usually strongly reflexed over trunk; north of the Hunter R~Xanthorrhoea johnsonii 18~Spike usually more than half or as long as scape~Xanthorrhoea arborea 18*~Spike usually less than half as long as scape~Xanthorrhoea latifolia #{sp}Xanthorrhoea latifolia 1~Leaves 2.4–5.7 mm wide, 0.7–1.7 mm thick; spike about half as long or almost equal to scape; packing bracts obtuse to shortly acute. Trunk absent or up to 2 m high; crowns 1–4. Leaves narrowly transverse-rhombic to very depressed-cuneate in T.S., 2.4–5.7 mm wide, 0.7–1.7 mm thick, bright green. Scape 1–2.1 m long, 10–16 mm diam.; spike about half as long or almost as long as scape, 50–120 cm long, 2.1–3.3 cm diam~subsp. latifolia 1*~Leaves 4.2–10 mm wide, 1–3.5 mm thick; spike less than half as long as scape; packing bracts acute. Trunk absent or up to 3.6 m high; crowns usually many. Leaves narrowly transverse-rhombic in T.S., 4.2–10 mm wide, 1–3.5 mm thick, bright green. Scape 0.7–2.1 m long, 12–17 mm diam.; spike less than half as long as scape, 45–60 cm long, 2.8–3.5 cm diam~subsp. maxima #{sp}Xanthorrhoea minor 1~Packing bracts more or less shortly acute, subglabrous to fringed with hairs, abaxial surface glabrous; inner tepals white to cream~subsp. minor 1*~Packing bracts more or less acute, medium hairy on margins and abaxial surface; inner tepals yellow~subsp. lutea #{gn}Xylomelum 1~Adult leaves 3–4 cm wide, 10–20 cm long, entire; juvenile leaves 4–5 cm wide, 15–20 cm long with 6–11 teeth along each margin; seeds with vein 2–3 mm in from margin of wing~Xylomelum pyriforme 1*~Adult leaves 1.5–2 cm wide, 8–12 cm long, entire; juvenile leaves 2–3 cm wide, 8–15 cm long with up to 5 large teeth along each margin; seeds with vein along margin of wing~Xylomelum cunninghamianum #{gn}Xyris 1~Leaves subterete to terete; marginal zone not differentiated from remainder of lamina~2 1*~Leaves linear, flat; marginal zone pale, silicified, often tuberculate~4 2~Leaves 2.5–30 cm long, basally with minute transverse ridges; capsule not thickened at apex; seeds c. 0.5 mm long; lateral outer tepals with unequal wings~Xyris juncea 2*~Leaves 20–90 cm long, basally smooth or striate but not transversely ridged; capsule more or less thickened at apex; seeds ca 1.3 mm long; lateral outer tepals with equal wings~3 3~Inflorescence ovoid, 10–12 mm diam.; sterile bracts loosely packed, reflexed at base; capsule splitting from base to apex at maturity; lateral outer tepals obovate, keel and wings papillate towards apex, margins apically lacerate~Xyris ustulata 3*~Inflorescence obovoid, 6–10 mm diam.; sterile bracts usually tightly packed into more or less 5 vertical rows, not reflexed; capsule splitting in basal two-thirds, apical cap thickened, not splitting; lateral outer tepals ovate, keel with spreading cilia towards apex, margins entire~Xyris operculata 4~Capsule walls papery, not thickened towards apex; ovary unilocular; placentation parietal; seeds ovoid to ellipsoid, 0.3–0.6 mm long (section Xyris)~5 4*~Capsule walls not papery, mostly thickened towards apex; ovary 3-locular or incompletely so; placentation axile; seeds obloid to fusiform, 0.9–1.5 mm long (section Pomatoxyris)~6 5~Leaves basally with minute transverse ridges; scape subterete to terete, filiform; sterile bracts not keeled; sterile and fertile bracts without a notched apex~Xyris juncea 5*~Leaves smooth or striate, basally without transverse ridges; scape flat to subterete, linear; sterile bracts often keeled; sterile and fertile bracts with a notched apex~Xyris complanata 6~Inflorescence 2- or 3-flowered, 2.5–3.6 mm diam., with basal pair of sterile bracts (2–3 mm long) shorter than the next more distal pair; leaves 1–1.4 mm wide; seeds 0.9–1.3 mm long~Xyris gracilis 6*~Inflorescence 7–10-flowered, 5–6.5 mm diam., with basal pair of sterile bracts (mostly 4–8 mm long) equal to or longer than the next more distal bracts; leaves 1.4–3.5 mm wide; seeds 1.3–1.4 mm long~Xyris bracteata #{sp}Zaleya galericulata 1~In mature fruit the gap in the incomplete septum on inner articulating surface of operculum valve narrowest in the lower half, gap continuing to within c. 0.5 mm of apex of operculum; crown of apex well or only slightly developed~subsp. galericulata 1*~In mature fruit the gap in the incomplete septum on inner articulating surface of operculum valve narrowest at the apex, the gap usually continuing to near apex of operculum; crown at apex of operculum not or only slightly developed~subsp. australis #{fm}ZAMIACEAE 1~Cones of both sexes sessile or subsessile; sporophyll ends tomentose, produced into a spreading, obtuse to acute but not spinose, curved wing; pinnae inserted on the adaxial midline of the rachis; leaf bases shortly tomentose~Lepidozamia 1*~Cones pedunculate; sporophyll ends glabrous, often glaucous, terminating in ± erect spine; pinnae inserted near the edges of the rachis; leaf bases densely silky to woolly tomentose with long hairs~Macrozamia #{fm}ZANNICHELLIACEAE 1~Ligule longer than the sheath; leaves usually opposite; female flower with cup-like perianth~Zannichellia 1*~Ligule shorter than the sheath; leaves mostly alternate but leaves subtending flowers may be opposite; female flowers with 3 distinct perianth segments~Lepilaena #{gn}Zehneria 1~Leaves with lamina more or less triangular, rarely shallowly 3-lobed, toothed, not usually cordate at base, 4–8 cm long; petiole 2–6 cm long~Zehneria cunninghamii 1*~Leaves with lamina broad-ovate to 3–7-lobed, cordate at base, 2–4 cm long; petiole 1–4 cm long~Zehneria micrantha #{gn}Zephyranthes 1~Perianth white (sometimes pinkish on the outside), without basal tube; stigma capitate ~Zephyranthes candida 1*~Perianth pink or rose, with basal tube; stigma divided~Zephyranthes carinata #{sp}Zieria arborescens 1~Tall robust shrub or small tree to 10 m high; younger branches slightly ridged, scurfy to pubescent with short stellate hairs, more rarely glabrescent; older branches rarely faintly warted, glabrescent or glabrous.~subsp. arborescens 1*~Tall robust shrub to 3 m high; branches distinctly ridged, particularly on the older sections, not warted, hirsute on the very young branches with scattered stellate hairs (more densely between ridges) glabrous on the older branches or rarely ± hirsute in between the ridges.~subsp. decurrens #{sp}Zieria fraseri 1~Central leaflets narrow-elliptic to narrow-obovate, shortly stellate-pubescent on lower surface. Calyx lobes hirsute except for glabrous apex. Style glabrous.~subsp. fraseri 1*~Central leaflets elliptic to oblanceolate or obovate, shortly stellate-pubescent on lower surface but with scattered longer simple hairs, particularly along the midvein. Calyx lobes hirsute throughout with stellate hairs. Style with scattered stellate hairs.~subsp. compacta #{fm}ZINGIBERACEAE 1~Inflorescence axis branched; stamen not exserted; lateral staminodes reduced to small teeth or absent~Alpinia 1*~Inflorescence axis apparently unbranched; stamen exserted; lateral staminodes petaloid~Hedychium #{gn}Zornia 1~Plants conspicuously pubescent~Zornia muriculata 1*~Plants glabrous to sparsely pubescent~2 2~Leaflets mostly 2–7 mm wide; lower and upper leaflets different in shape, the lower usually broader and shorter, the upper more or less lanceolate to linear; lomentum glabrous or sparsely hairy, bristles absent or few~Zornia dyctiocarpa 2*~Leaflets mostly 1–2 mm wide; lower and upper leaflets more or less similar in shape; lomentum with numerous bristles, shortly hairy~Zornia floribunda #{fm}ZOSTERACEAE 1~Both flowering and vegetative erect stems with elongated internodes present; retinacula linear-lanceolate; rhizome and stem internodes with 4 or more cortical bundles near the middle~Heterozostera 1*~Only flowering erect stems with elongated internodes present; retinacula obliquely ovate or triangular; rhizome and stem internodes with 2 cortical bundles near the middle~Zostera #{gn}Zoysia 1~Leaf blade 0.7–2.6 mm wide when expanded; upper glume margins more or less equal, the outer not enveloping the inner; base of caryopsis truncate; styles apical; pronounced oblique attachment of spikelet to pedicel~Zoysia matrella 1*~Leaf blade 2.7–4 mm wide when expanded; outer upper glume margin longer than inner margin and curling over it; base of caryopsis oblique; styles subterminal; truncate attachment of spikelet to pedicel~Zoysia macrantha #{fm}ZYGOPHYLLACEAE 1~Leaves more or less succulent, with 1 pair of leaflets or simple and 2- lobed at apex, glabrous, opposite; fruit without spines or tubercles, a 4- or 5-angled capsule or 3- or 4-winged; petals 4 or 5, yellow or white; stamens 4, 6, 8 or 10~Zygophyllum 1*~Leaves not succulent, with 3–21 pairs of leaflets, usually hairy, opposite or the lower ones alternate; fruit with spines or tubercles, separating into 5 or (by abortion) fewer bony cocci; petals 5, yellow; stamens 10~Tribulus #{gn}Zygophyllum 1~Fruit 3- or 4-winged, more or less globose in outline, indehiscent or septicidally breaking into up to 4 cocci; filaments without wings or appendages in lower part~2 1*~Fruits 4- or 5-angled, more or less globose or obovoid to cylindrical, loculicidal; filaments in lower part often winged or with more or less stipular appendages~4 2~Fruit 3-winged; stamens 6; leaves sessile, cuneate, with 2 short broad obtuse lobes at apex, upper pairs fused at base; annual~Zygophyllum howittii 2*~Fruit 4-winged; stamens 8; leaves petiolate, with 1 pair of linear leaflets, upper pairs not fused; mostly perennial~3 3~Petals obovate, obtuse or faintly notched at apex, golden-yellow; fruit 12–18 mm long, splitting into 2–4 cocci when ripe; seeds usually 1 (rarely 2) in each coccus~Zygophyllum aurantiacum 3*~Petals narrow-oblanceolate, more or less acute at apex, pale lemon-yellow; fruit 8–12 mm long, indehiscent; seeds usually only 1 in each fruit~Zygophyllum eremaeum 4~Capsule 5-locular, 5-angled; flowers 5-merous; stamens 10~5 4*~Capsule 4-locular, 4-angled; flowers 4-merous; stamens 8 or 4~6 5~Capsule truncate at apex, with a short blunt appendage at upper corner of each angle, more or less turbinate; perennial, woody at base~Zygophyllum apiculatum 5*~Capsule rounded at apex, without appendages at the angles, more or less globose; herbaceous annual~Zygophyllum iodocarpum 6~Capsule almost sessile, often more or less erect, narrow-cylindrical to narrow-ellipsoidal, with 4 erect thick appendages at apex~Zygophyllum prismatothecum 6*~Capsule distinctly pedicellate, drooping, broader, without erect appendages at apex~7 7~Leaflets usually crenate at apex (i.e. with 3 blunt teeth); annual~Zygophyllum crenatum 7*~Leaflets entire or notched at apex; annual or perennial~8 8~Capsule truncate at apex~9 8*~Capsule rounded at apex; annual~13 9~Perennial; capsule 6–11 mm long; petals yellow~10 9*~Annual; capsule 5–7 mm long; petals yellow or white~11 10~Leaflets continuous from petiole; petals obovate, 9–12 mm long, longer than the sepals; shrub with more or less self-supporting stems and branches~Zygophyllum confluens 10*~Leaflets articulate at base; petals narrow-obovate to elliptic, 4–8 mm long, scarcely exceeding the sepals; shrub with very slender stems and branches, usually leaning on stronger bushes~Zygophyllum angustifolium 11~Petals yellow; at least some filaments with stipular appendages in lower part; leaflets mostly cuneate and distinctly emarginate at apex; capsule broader than long; stamens 8~Zygophyllum emarginatum 11*~Petals white; filaments usually broadened in lower part, without stipular appendages; leaflets linear to narrow-oblong rounded or truncate (rarely slightly emarginate) at apex; capsule usually more or less longer than broad; stamens 8 or 4~12 12~Stamens 4; petals narrow-obovate to narrow-elliptic, usually as long as or slightly longer than petals; seeds 3 or 4 per loculus; leaflets narrow-oblong, more or less abruptly truncate, sometimes rounded to almost emarginate at apex~Zygophyllum ammophilum 12*~Stamens 8; petals cuneate, shorter than to as long as sepals, more or less 3-lobed at apex; seed 1–2 per loculus; leaflets very narrow-obovate, rounded at apex~Zygophyllum simile 13~Petals white, usually shorter than sepals; capsule ellipsoidal, c. 8 mm long; leaflets continuous from petiole; seeds usually 2 per loculus~Zygophyllum ovatum 13*~Petals yellow, longer than sepals; capsule subglobose and very small or oblong-ovoid and more than 10 mm long; leaflets continuous from petiole or articulate at base; seeds 1, 3 or 4 per loculus~14 14~Capsule subglobose, 3–4 mm long; 1 seed per loculus; leaflets not articulate, cuneate to more or less oblong, ± 1 cm long, mostly notched at apex; petals c. 3 mm long~Zygophyllum humillimum 14*~Capsule oblong-ovoid to oblong-obovoid, 14–18 mm long; usually 3 or 4 seeds per loculus; leaflets articulate at base, obliquely obovate, 1–4 cm long, rounded at apex; petals 8–15 mm long~Zygophyllum glaucum #{gn}Myriocephalus 1~Leaves far longer than inflorescence, linear and 2–7 cm long; partial heads 1- or 2-flowered, bracts hardened and fused at base~Myriocephalus rhizocephalus 1*~Leaves not or hardly exceeding inflorescence, linear and 5–25 mm long; partial heads 4- or 5-flowered, bracts not hardened or fused~Myriocephalus pluriflorus #{sp}Prostanthera lasianthos 1~Leaves with petiole usually 4–8 mm long and lamina narrow-ovate to narrow-elliptic, mostly 60–95 mm long, 20–30 mm wide (length to breadth ratio 3.1–4.5), margins usually distinctly toothed. Inflorescence variable, but tends to be elaborated. Usually a small to medium-sized tree, sometimes a shrub~Typical variant 2~Leaves short with petiole usually 3–6 mm long; lamina narrow-ovate to ovate, 30–46 mm long, 12–20 mm wide (length to breadth ratio 2.3–2.7), margins distinctly toothed. Inflorescence as for typical variant. Medium-sized compact shrub~var. subcoriacea 3~Leaves narrow with petiole 3–6 mm long; lamina lanceolate, usually 42–55 mm long, 7–10 mm wide (length to breadth ratio 5.2–6), with margin entire or toothed (in Bindook Creek and Wombeyan Caves area). Inflorescence as for typical variant, but usually less elaborated.~Rheophytic variant 4~Leaves as for typical variant with petiole usually 5–8 mm long; lamina narrow-ovate, 68–95 mm long, 16–29 mm wide (length to breadth ratio 2.8–4.7), however, with margins entire or occasionally with a few minute teeth. Inflorescence as for typical variant, however, usually less elaborated.~New England smooth-leaved variant 5~Appears to be intermediate between the typical and the 'var. subcoriacea' variants. The leaves are similar to those of the typical variant, except that they are shorter (similar to the 'var. subcoriacea' variant) and narrower (similar to plants from the Nandewar Ra. populations), petiole 5–10 mm long and lamina 29–46 mm long and 8–12 mm wide with length to breadth ratio 3.6–4.4. An erect open shrub 2–3 m high.~Girraween/Polblue variant #{gn}Epacris 1~Flowers with corolla tube shorter than sepals, lobes as long or longer than tube~2 1*~Flowers with corolla tube longer than sepals, lobes shorter or as long as tube~8 2~Leaves with apex acute or acuminate~3 2*~Leaves with apex more or less obtuse~4 3~Leaves with base cuneate; flowers more or less sessile, crowded into more or less terminal heads~Epacris breviflora 3*~Leaves with base cordate; flowers shortly pedunculate, often extending down branches to form long, leafy inflorescences~Epacris microphylla 4~Leaves more or less rhombic or broad-elliptic~5 4*~Leaves elliptic, oblong or ovate~6 5~Leaves 4–12 mm long, 3–8 mm wide; base obtuse and stem-clasping; petiole 0.7–2.5 mm long; flowers 5–6.5 mm diam~Epacris coriacea 5*~Leaves 2–4 mm long, 1.5–2.5 mm wide; base truncate; petiole less than 1 mm long; flowers 7–10 mm diam~Epacris glacialis 6~Leaves with apex upturned; petiole lacking; flowers sessile, clustered at end of branches~Epacris petrophila 6*~Leaves with straight apex; petiole short; flowers pedunculate, forming leafy inflorescences near end of branches, not clustered~7 7~Branchlets finely pubescent; leaves elliptic to ovate or rarely oblong, thick with prominent midrib on lower surface; peduncles to 2 mm long~Epacris rigida 7*~Branchlets more or less glabrous; leaves elliptic-oblong or rarely ovate, very thick, wedge-shaped but midrib not prominent on lower surface; peduncles 1.5–4 mm long~Epacris muelleri 8~Leaves rhombic, obovate or oblanceolate, rarely elliptic, apex usually obtuse~9 8*~Leaves ovate or elliptic, apex acute or acuminate~11 9~Procumbent or ascending shrubs to c. 20 cm high; branches with prominent ridged leaf scars~Epacris crassifolia 9*~Slender to more robust shrubs, more than 30 cm high; branches with inconspicuous, short, cup-shaped leaf scars~10 10~Leaves more or less rhombic or circular, more than 3 mm wide; flowers in short leafy heads~Epacris robusta 10*~Leaves obovate or elliptic, usually less than 3 mm wide; flowers in long leafy inflorescences~Epacris obtusifolia 11~Leaves with base obtuse or cordate~12 11*~Leaves with base truncate or cuneate~15 12~Corolla tube ca 8 mm long, slightly longer than sepals~13 12*~Corolla tube more than 9 mm long, much longer than sepals~14 13~Leaves 2–6.5 mm long, 1.4–4 mm wide; capsule c. 2 mm long~Epacris pulchella 13*~Leaves 7–21 mm long, 4.4–9 mm wide; capsule c. 2.5 mm long~Epacris purpurascens 14~Leaves ca 9 mm long; sepals 2.5–4 mm long, usually acute; corolla tube mostly ca 14 mm long, lobes ca 3 mm long~Epacris reclinata 14*~Leaves often more than 9 mm long; sepals 4.5–7 mm long, usually acuminate with a mucro; corolla tube often more than 14 mm long, lobes more than 3 mm long~Epacris longiflora 15~Flowers few or in short leafy heads near end of branches~16 15*~Flowers many, in long leafy inflorescences~18 16~Leaves narrow-elliptic or ovate to elliptic, less than 3 mm wide; petiole ca 0.5 mm long; corolla tube 4–6 mm long~Epacris paludosa 16*~Leaves broad-ovate or elliptic, more than 3 mm wide; petiole distinct, 0.8–2 mm long; corolla tube more than 6 mm long~17 17~Branchlets villous; leaves hairy on both surfaces; sepals 7–10 mm long; corolla tube 8–12 mm long~Epacris hamiltonii 17*~Branchlets finely pubescent; leaves glabrous; sepals 3–4 mm long, corolla tube 15–19 mm long~Epacris sparsa 18~Leaves with a distinct petiole 0.9–1.4 mm long; flowers erect or spreading; sepals 6–10 mm long~Epacris calvertiana 18*~Leaves more or less sessile or with short petiolar area; flowers often pendent; sepals 2–5 mm long~Epacris impressa #{sp}Correa lawrenceana 1~Leaves broad-ovate to cordate, rounded at base~2 1*~Leaves narrow- to broad-elliptic, oblong-elliptic, or lanceolate to ovate, cuneate at base~4 2~Calyx 5–10 mm long; bracteoles inserted at or near apex of pedicel subtending the calyx; coastal districts north from the Illawarra region (NC, CC). Shrub or small tree, 1–4.5 m high. Leaves broad-ovate, 5–10 cm long, 30–70 mm wide, apex obtuse, base rounded to ± cordate, lower surface floccose. Flowers 1–3 on stalks 2–6 cm long; bracteoles minute, inserted ± at apex. Calyx 5–10 mm long, sparsely stellate-hairy. Corolla 20–25 mm long, greenish yellow, velvety~var. macrocalyx 2*~Calyx 3–7 mm long; bracteoles at base of pedicel~3 3~Calyx 3–5 mm long, margin undulate or toothed; leaves broad-ovate to cordate; on the coast and adjacent ranges. Shrub or small tree, 1–5 m high. Leaves 2.5–10.5 cm long, 20–60 mm wide, apex rounded to obtuse, base rounded to ± cordate, lower surface floccose. Flowers 1–3 on stalks 2–6.5 cm long; bracteoles minute, inserted 5–15 mm from apex. Calyx 3–5 mm long, rusty-tomentose. Corolla 20–27 mm long, pale red with a brownish tinged apex, or rarely entirely greenish yellow~var. cordifolia 3*~Calyx 4–7 mm long, margin with prominent linear lobes; leaves narrow- to broad-elliptic or rarely broad-ovate~var. latrobeana 4~Calyx hemispherical to cup-shaped, 3–7 mm long, densely tomentose; corolla green to cream or red~5 4*~Calyx shallowly hemispherical, c. 2 mm long, sparsely to moderately densely stellate-hairy; corolla green; north from Dorrigo N.P. (NC, NT). Shrub or tree, 3–6 m high. Leaves ovate to lanceolate, 4–8 cm long, 20–35 mm wide, apex acute, base cuneate, lower surface shortly tomentose. Flowers 1–5 on stalks 0.6–1.7 cm long; bracteoles 2–3 mm long, inserted 2–10 mm below apex. Calyx c. 2 mm long, gland-dotted, glabrous or sparsely stellate-hairy. Corolla 22–27 mm long, greenish yellow, tomentose outside~var. glandulifera 5~Leaves elliptic to broad-elliptic, 4–9 cm long; peduncle and pedicel short and thick; corolla yellowish green or rarely reddish. Shrub or small tree, 0.6–5 m high. Leaves 2.4–6.5 cm long, 7–34 mm wide, apex rounded to obtuse, base cuneate to obtuse, lower surface cream to rusty felted . Flowers 1–7 on stalks 0.7–2.5 cm long; bracteoles filamentous, inserted 2–5 mm from apex. Calyx 4–7 mm long, rusty-tomentose. Corolla 16–25 mm long, yellowish green or rarely red~var. latrobeana 5*~Leaves narrow-elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 4–6 cm long; peduncle and pedicel slender; corolla red. Shrub 1–2.5 m high. Leaves 3–7 cm long, 5–18 mm wide, apex obtuse, base cuneate to obtuse, lower surface tomentose. Flowers usually solitary; stalk 0.8–2.2 cm long; bracteoles minute, inserted 2–7 mm below apex. Calyx 3–5 mm long, rusty-tomentose. Corolla 15–23 mm long, pale red, scaly outside.~var. rosea #{gn}Hakea 1~At least some leaves on plant divided.~2 1*~Leaves not divided.~6 2~Flowering and fruiting rachis <2 cm long; follicles usually solitary; perianth glabrous; shrubs, lacking thick corky bark; flowers reddish purple.~Hakea purpurea 2*~Flowering and fruiting rachis >2 cm long; follicles many per rachis; trees or shrubs with corky bark; flowers yellowish to whitish.~3 3~Perianth in mature bud 2–5 mm long; gynoecium 8.5–11 mm long, style upright, pollen presenter a ± erect cone; follicles usually pubescent.~Hakea ednieana 3*~Perianth in mature bud >5 mm long; gynoecium >18 mm long, style recurved, at least initially, pollen presenter an oblique disc; follicles glabrous.~4 4~Leaf segments not divergent, flexible, usually 1–4, some undivided leaves often present.~Hakea ivoryi 4*~Leaf segments divergent, ± rigid, 2–15.~5 5~Shrub, never with fruit; branchlets shiny pubescent; raceme 5–8 cm long; leaf segments 2–7; known only from Keepit Dam near Gunnedah.~Hakea pulvinifera 5*~Shrub or tree, forming fruits; branchlets ash-white pubescent; raceme 5–16 cm long; leaf segments 4–15; extreme NW corner of State.~Hakea eyreana 6~Leaves flat (including trigonous in cross section).~7 6*~Leaves terete.~15 7~Pollen presenter conical; follicles not horned and leaves with obvious venation; perianth glabrous.~8 7*~Pollen presenter oblique or lateral; follicles horned or not; leaf venation obvious or obscure; perianth pubescent or glabrous.~11 8~Leaves 20–40 cm long.~Hakea dohertyi 8*~Leaves <20 cm long.~9 9~Leaves 4.5–30 mm wide, longitudinal veins usually 3–5; widespread in forest, chiefly on the coast and ranges, west to near Texas.~10 9*~Leaves 1.5–4 mm wide; longitudinal veins 1–3; coastal heaths south from Eden.~Hakea ulicina 10~Plants without a lignotuber, non-sprouting, killed by fire; branchlets initially appressed-pubescent with rust-brown hairs, pale, glabrescent or rarely sparsely hairy at flowering time.~Hakea dactyloides 10*~Plants lignotuberous, resprouting after fire; branchlets with persistent dark brown hairs, tomentose or pubescent.~Hakea laevipes 11~Pedicel and perianth pubescent; pollen presenter lateral below style apex; follicles not horned.~Hakea eriantha 11*~Pedicel and perianth glabrous; pollen presenter an oblique disc; follicles horned or not horned.~12 12~Venation on leaves obvious; flowers yellowish green, >60, rachis 4–7 cm long.~Hakea archaeoides 12*~Venation on leaves obscure; flowers white, 4–40 flowers on rachis <2 mm long~13 13~Leaves all flat, 5–20 mm wide; follicles 10–20 mm wide, covered with large blunt-topped warts.~14 13*~Leaves sometimes a mixture of terete and flat, <3.5 mm wide; follicles 6–8 mm wide, ± smooth.~Hakea microcarpa 14~Follicles 13–30 mm wide, covered with blunt-topped warts >1 mm high; gynoecium 6–6.5 mm long; rachises 1 per axil.~Hakea salicifolia 14*~Follicles 6–12 mm wide, covered with with raised black blisters, rarely with rounded warts <0.5 mm high; gynoecium 7–10 mm long; rachises often more than 1 per axil.~Hakea florulenta 15~Branchlets and leaves densely villous; follicle with seed borne at right angles to stalk.~Hakea gibbosa 15*~Branchlets and leaves pubescent or glabrous, but not villous; follicle with seed in same line as stalk or somewhat oblique.~16 16~Flowers small, perianth c. 2–2.5 mm long; gynoecium 3.5–4.5 mm long; pedicels pubescent.~17 16*~Flowers larger, perianth >2.5 mm long; gynoecium 4–40 mm long; pedicels glabrous or pubescent.~19 17~Conifer-like tree or shrub, 1–5 m high; follicles 3.5–4.5 cm long.~Hakea propinqua 17*~Compact or spreading shrub or small tree 0.5–4.5 m high; follicles 2.5–3.5 cm long.~18 18~Flowers yellow; perianth 1–2 mm long; at higher altitudes (usually above 800 m) in Blue Mts.~Hakea pachyphylla 18*~Flowers white, pink in bud; perianth 2.5–4.5 mm long; coastal regions and adjacent ranges, south from Coffs Harbour.~Hakea sericea 19~Perianth glabrous.~20 19*~Perianth pubescent.~30 20~Pedicels glabrous.~21 20*~Pedicels pubescent.~24 21~Flowers red or pink; follicles 3–7 cm long.~22 21*~Flowers white; follicles <3 cm long.~23 22~Perianth 10–15 mm long; gynoecium c. 40 mm long; follicles 5–7 cm long, 3–4 cm wide, densely and deeply wrinkled; coast and adjacent ranges, from Newcastle to Sydney.~Hakea bakeriana 22*~Perianth c. 10 mm long; gynoecium 29–32 mm long; follicles 3–4 cm long, c. 1.5 cm wide smooth or roughened but not densely and deeply wrinkled; hilly sites north of Yetman.~Hakea purpurea 23~Follicles 15–17 mm long, recurving on opening, distinctly horned; seed filling whole valve; flattened leaves sometimes mixed with terete leaves; tablelands and higher altitudes in wet or poorly drained sites.~Hakea microcarpa 23*~Follicles c. 25 mm long, not recurving on opening, obscurely or not horned; seed filling only part of valve; leaves all terete; drier western regions.~Hakea leucoptera 24~Leaves grooved below.~25 24*~Leaves not grooved below.~27 25~Leaves not spreading, 1.5–13.5 cm long; rachis woolly tomentose with rust-brown hairs; pedicels silky; seed wing light brown to off-white; confined to the Dorrigo area.~Hakea ochroptera 25*~Leaves spreading, 1.3–8 cm long; rachis with mixed white and rust-brown hairs; pedicels villous, tomentose or with appressed hairs; seed wing dark-coloured; widespread species.~26 26~Gynoecium 9–12 mm long; perianth 4.2–7.2 mm long; pedicels tomentose or appressed pubescent, hairs white and/or rust-brown; branchlets quickly glabrescent or persistently and densely tomentose.~Hakea decurrens 26*~Gynoecium 4–7.5 mm long; perianth 2.5–4.7 mm long; pedicels villous, hairs white; branchlets persistently woolly tomentose.~Hakea sericea 27~Follicles with beak long-oblique down one side of follicle only; rachis rust-brown tomentose, 0.6–1 mm long; gynoecium 6.5–8 mm long; NE NSW.~Hakea actites 27*~Follicles with beak apical, ± equally represented on both sides of follicle; rachis white tomentose, or if some rust-brown hairs present, the rachis more than 3 mm long; gynoecium 7–12 mm long; in southern and western parts of teh State.~28 28~Young growth with white appressed hairs; follicles wrinkled or warty; rachis white tomentose, less than 4 mm long.~29 28*~Young growth not with shining white pubescence; follicles ± smooth; rachis 6–14 mm long, white tomentose or with appressed white and rust-coloured hairs; drier western regions.~Hakea leucoptera 29~Mature follicles 4.3–5.5 cm long, 3–3.5 cm wide, densely warty; restricted to the Blue Mtns.~Hakea constablei 29*~Mature follicles 2.3–2.7 cm long, 1.7–2 cm wide, coarsely wrinkled or blistered; subalpine areas south from the A.C.T.~Hakea lissosperma 30~Conflorescences elongated, rachis 9–25 mm long; follicles usually more than one per conflorescence, smooth; shrub with drooping foliage and corky bark, leaves 2–30 cm long.~31 30*~Conflorescence not elongated, rachis 0–3 mm long; follicles usually one per conflorescence, smooth or variously warted; shrubs or trees, leaves not drooping, 1.5–15 cm long.~32 31~Conflorescences 3–5 cm long; leaves flexible, mostly 11–30 cm long and 0.8–1.4 mm diam.; valve of fruit 10–12 mm wide; confined to the gorges east of Armidale.~Hakea fraseri 31*~Conflorescences 5–25 cm long; leaves ± rigid, mostly 15–68 cm long and 0.9–2.5 mm diam.; valves of fruit moslty 13–20 mm wide; confined to the Collarenabri district.~Hakea lorea 32~Mature follicles covered all over with raised warts or blisters.~33 32*~Mature follicles ± smooth, not covered with warts or blisters~36 33~Leaves grooved on lower surface; perianth often with sparser hairs than pedicel.~34 33*~Leaves not grooved; perianth with sparser hairs than pedicel, usually quickly glabrescent.~35 34~Pedicel and perianth with sparse appressed shining white hairs, sparser on perianth; follicles prominently horned, beak 5–8 mm long; south from the Budawang Ra.~Hakea macraeana 34*~Pedicel and perianth with moderately densely white raised hairs, sometimes denser on perianth; follicles obscurely horned, beak to 10 mm long; north from Torrington area.~Hakea macrorrhyncha 35~Spreading shrub; follicles 20–30 mm long, 15–20 mm wide; subalpine areas in ranges south from the A.C.T.~Hakea lissosperma 35*~Conifer-like tree or shrub; follicles 40–55 mm long, 30–40 mm wide; rocky outcrops in Blue Mts, rare.~Hakea constablei 36~Mucro of leaf erect; follicles narrowly ovoid, 6–8 mm wide, gradually tapering into long beak, encircled by toothed fringe in lower half; coast and tablelands, often in wet or poorly drained sites.~Hakea teretifolia 36*~Mucro of leaf bent; follicles ovoid, 15–20 mm wide, with ± rounded apex, lacking a fringe in lower half; drier western regions, from Slopes to plains.~Hakea tephrosperma #{gn}Hordeum 1~Rachis tough, not disarticulating at the nodes at maturity~2 1*~Rachis fragile, breaking up below each node at maturity~3 2~All spikelets of the triplet fertile~Hordeum vulgare 2*~Only the central spikelet of the triplet fertile~Hordeum distichon 3~Leaves with auricles; glumes of central spikelets long ciliate (long hairs on margins)~4 3*~Auricles absent; glumes of central spikelet scabrid or smooth~5 4~Anthers of central spikelet 0.7–1.4 mm long, pale and exserted at maturity~Hordeum leporinum 4*~Anthers on central spikelet usually black, 0.2–0.5 mm long and not exserted~Hordeum glaucum 5~Lateral spikelets with bristle-like glumes, both similar; hairs on leaf sheaths c. 2.5 mm long~Hordeum hystrix 5*~Lateral spikelets with 1 bristle-like glume and the other broadly winged at the base; hairs on the leaf sheaths c. 0.3 mm long~Hordeum marinum #{gn}Lathyrus 1~Stems less than 60 cm long, not winged; flowers solitary or rarely paired~Lathyrus angulatus 1*~Stems 60–300 cm long, distinctly winged; flowers in racemes of 1–15 flowers~2 2~Racemes with 1–3 flowers; flowers deep pink or deep purple; seeds smooth~Lathyrus tingitanus 2*~Racemes with 3–15 flowers; flowers dark purple to white; seeds wrinkled~Lathyrus latifolius #{gn}Aristida 1~Lateral awns less than 30% as long as the central awn, different in texture from it and thin~Aristida spuria 1*~Lateral awns well-developed or, if shorter, over 30% as long as the central awn and similar in texture to it~2 2~Articulation (swollen joint) present between lemma and awn or column of awn~3 2*~Articulation absent on the lemma (awn persistent or breaking at no particular place)~4 3~Column 10–18(–25)mm long; lemma 5–7 mm long, brownish when mature; plants 10–30(–50) cm high~Aristida contorta 3*~Column (16–)28–40 mm long; lemma 7–10 mm long, purplish when mature; plants 30–60 cm high~Aristida holathera 4~Lemma involute, with a furrow on the ventral surface (sometimes the margins shows tendency to be convolute but the ventral furrow is distinct); grain with a well-developed ventral furrow~5 4*~Lemma convolute, without a ventral furrow; grain with or without a very shallow furrow~14 5~Awns unequal in length, laterals 30–65% as long as median~Aristida queenslandica 5*~Awns more or less equal in length, or laterals more than 70% as long as median~6 6~Margins of involute lemma with rows of distinct short spines (tubercles) more prominent in the upper part of the groove~7 6*~Margins of the lemma furrow smooth or scabrous but without tubercles~9 7~Glumes inverse i.e. the lower longer than the upper (var. praealta)~Aristida calycina 7*~Glumes subequal or normal (lower shorter than upper), rarely inverse~8 8~Lemma 6–9 mm long, subequal to glumes, without a pseudo-articulation (var. subspinulifera)~Aristida jerichoensis 8*~Lemma 4–5.5 mm long, much shorter than the glumes, with a pseudo-articulation~Aristida helicophylla 9~Lemma muricate (with protuberances) towards the apex~10 9*~Lemma smooth~11 10~Inflorescence a dense, spike-like panicle; plants usually less than 30 cm high, annuals~Aristida anthoxanthoides 10*~Inflorescence more loosely arranged; plants usually more than 50 cm high, perennials~Aristida muricata 11~Lateral awns shorter than the central awn by 1–2 mm; upper glume 8 mm long with an acute, entire apex (var. jerichoensis)~Aristida jerichoensis 11*~Lateral awns shorter than the central awn by more than 2 mm; upper glume more or less acute, entire~12 12~Lemma 3.5–5.5 mm long; upper glume 5–6 mm long with a 2-fid apex and a mucro between the lobes~Aristida benthamii 12*~Lemma more than 6 mm long, upper glume entire~13 13~Glumes acuminate to awned, distinctly inverse~Aristida acuta 13*~Glumes acute to obtuse, subequal, normal; inflorescence branches bearing spikelets from near their bases~Aristida calycina 14~Column of half to several spirals between the lemma apex and the awns~15 14*~Column absent, the awns borne directly on lemma apex~17 15~Lower glume 3-nerved~Aristida warburgii 15*~Lower glume 1-nerved~16 16~Lower glume less than 8 mm long, glumes differing in length by up to 2 mm~Aristida psammophila 16*~Lower glume more than 8 mm long, glumes differing in length by 3–4 mm~Aristida latifolia 17~Lemma extended beyond both glumes~18 17*~Lemma not extended beyond both glumes~24 18~Lower glume c. 4 mm long, upper glume less than 7 mm long~19 18*~Lower glume more than 5 mm long, upper glume more than 7 mm long~20 19~Inflorescence 3–7 cm long, 1–4 cm wide, oblong-ovate in outline~Aristida caput-medusae 19*~Inflorescence larger, irregular in outline~Aristida vagans 20~Culms bushy with many fine branches~Aristida gracilipes 20*~Culms not bushy, if much-branched then robust, otherwise slender with few branches~21 21~Glumes acute to shortly aristulate~Aristida ramosa 21*~Glumes prominently aristulate~22 22~Lemma scabrous-tuberculate; culms very robust~Aristida lignosa 22*~Lemma scabrous only on the margins near the apex; culms slender to robust~23 23~Culms 25–45 cm high; inflorescence 5–11 cm long~Aristida leichhardtiana 23*~Culms 60–120 cm high; inflorescence 10–30 cm long (var. speciosa)~Aristida ramosa 24~Lemma shorter than or subequal to the upper glume~25 24*~Lemma shorter than or subequal to the lower glume~33 25~Upper glume more than 12 mm long~26 25*~Upper glume less than 12 mm long~29 26~Inflorescence longer than wide~Aristida vickeryae 26*~Inflorescence about as wide as long~27 27~Inflorescence 14–30 cm long and almost as wide; spikelets terminal in inflorescence branches~Aristida leptopoda 27*~Inflorescence 6–12 cm long and wide; spikelets evenly distributed on the branches~28 28~Peduncle terete (cylindrical), inflorescence dense; lemma almost smooth~Aristida behriana 28*~Peduncle compressed (flattened), inflorescence more open; lemma densely scabrous~Aristida obscura 29~Lemma apex tuberculate (var. scaberula)~Aristida ramosa 29*~Lemma smooth or scabrous at the apex, not tuberculate~30 30~Lemma distinctly scabrous in the upper 60%~Aristida longicollis 30*~Lemma smooth or scabrous only on the apical margins~31 31~Glume tips acute to shortly aristulate (var. speciosa)~Aristida ramosa 31*~Glume tips prominently aristulate~32 32~Culms 25–45 cm high; inflorescence 5–8 cm long~Aristida leichhardtiana 32*~Culms 60–120 cm high; inflorescence 10–30 cm long~Aristida ramosa 33~Inflorescence loose and open~Aristida blakei 33*~Inflorescence dense or spike-like~34 34~Lemma to 6.5 mm long; leaves with blade flat and curly, not stiff; plants rather delicate~Aristida platychaeta 34*~Lemma usually more than 6.5 mm long; leaves with blade stiff and usually folded; robust, wiry plants~35 35~Glumes subequal; lemma 6–8.5 mm long; awns 8–15 mm long~Aristida nitidula 35*~Glumes unequal; lemma 8.5–12 mm long; awns 13–18 mm long~Aristida strigosa #{gn}Centaurium 1~Basal rosette of leaves absent or weakly developed; corolla lobes 3–5 mm long; calyx mostly 6–8 mm long, usually at least two-thirds the length of corolla tube~Centaurium tenuiflorum 1*~Basal rosette of leaves present and distinct; corolla lobes 5–6 mm long; calyx mostly 4–6 mm long, less than two-thirds the length of corolla tube~Centaurium erythraea #{sp}Clematis glycinoides 1~Anthers with an appendage 0.1–0.7 mm long; mature achenes ellipsoid to ovoid in side view, not curved; usually lacking ridges on the lateral faces, or sometimes with 1–3 faint ridges. Sepals white~var. glycinoides 1*~Anthers without an appendage; mature achenes narrowly and obliquely ellipsoid in side view, usually curved with 1–3 conspicuous longitudinal ridges on the lateral faces. Sepals white, or becoming purplish~var. submutica #{sp}Ranunculus muelleri 1~Flowering stems usually overtopping the leaves, leaves with petiole longer than lamina. Flowering stems 2–16 cm long. Leaves elliptic, entire or with 2 short teeth, upper surface with appressed or suberect hairs 2–3 mm long, margins with appressed hairs; petiole 1–9 cm long. Achene beak 1–1.5 mm long~var. muelleri 1*~Flowering stems usually shorter than the leaves, leaves with petiole shorter than lamina. Flowering stems 2–4 cm long. Leaves elliptic to obovate and mostly with 2 rather long teeth, upper surface and margins with rigid spreading hairs 3–4 mm long; petiole 0.5–2.5 cm long. Achene beak 1.2–2.2 mm long~var. brevicaulis #{sp}Glochidion ferdinandi 1~Leaves and fruit glabrous. Shrub or tree to 8 m, glabrous~var. ferdinandi 1*~Leaves and fruit finely pubescent. Small tree to 6 m, pubescent~var. pubens #{fm}PANDANACEAE 1~Shrubs or trees with many branches, the stems with leaf scars; fruit a drupe; carpels 1-seeded~Pandanus 1*~Climber or the stems straggling, the stems covered with persisting sheaths of leaf bases; fruit a berry; carpels many-seeded~Freycinetia #{gn}Pomaderris(1st edition) +~To be added to key~Pomaderris adnata +~To be added to key~Pomaderris bodalla +~To be added to key~Pomaderris delicata +~To be added to key~Pomaderris graniticola +~To be added to key~Pomaderris mediora +~To be added to key~Pomaderris precaria +~To be added to key~Pomaderris reperta 1~Leaves more or less toothed, secondary veins commonly reaching the margins (rarely looping to the inside) and terminating in minute hair tufts~2 1*~Leaves entire or rarely slightly crenate, secondary veins either obscure or looping to inside and not reaching the margins~12 2~Leaves more than 5 cm long; flowers in loose elongated panicles, 8–25 cm long~Pomaderris aspera 2*~Leaves less than 5 cm long; flowers in head-like clusters or short panicles~3 3~Leaves regularly less than 5 mm wide~Pomaderris pauciflora 3*~Leaves generally more than 5 mm wide~4 4~Lower surface of leaves and young stems densely hairy with long brownish simple hairs above a whitish tomentum~5 4*~Lower surface of leaves and young stems more or less hoary with stellate hairs, rusty, whitish or greenish~6 5~Upper surface of leaves with sparse to dense simple hairs~Pomaderris eriocephala 5*~Upper surface of leaves glabrous~Pomaderris brunnea 6~Upper leaf surface sparsely to densely hairy~7 6*~Upper leaf surface more or less glabrous~9 7~Leaves stellate-hairy on both surfaces, lower surface greenish, epidermis visible between the stellate hairs~Pomaderris aspera x cinerea 7*~Leaves with simple hairs on upper surface, lower surface closely tomentose, whitish to rusty-coloured, epidermis not visible between hairs~8 8~Flowers shortly pedicellate in short panicles, bracts falling early; stigma divided almost to base~Pomaderris prunifolia 8*~Flowers sessile in dense head-like clusters surrounded by bracts, bracts persistent until flowers open; stigma divided to about midway~Pomaderris betulina 9~Hypanthium, sepals and capsule with long simple hairs over a short whitish tomentum~Pomaderris betulina 9*~Hypanthium, sepals and capsule with only short stellate hairs~10 10~Leaves elliptic to obovate, 10–50 mm long, 8–20 mm wide, margins without a whitish border [this is actually a mixture of P. andromedifolia subsp. confusa and P. betulina subsp. actensis]~Pomaderris species A 11*~Leaves ovate to broad-elliptic, usually 10–20 mm long, 5–15 mm wide, margins often with a thin whitish border~Pomaderris paniculosa 12~Upper surface of leaves hairy~13 12*~Upper surface of leaves glabrous, sometimes a few hairs along veins~30 13~Leaves more or less narrow-oblong to linear, lamina usually less than 6 mm wide and mostly less than 20 mm long; flowers in short axillary cymes forming narrow terminal leafy panicles~14 13*~Leaves broader, lanceolate to more or less circular, leaves usually more than 5 mm wide and mostly more than 20 mm long (or if less than 20 mm long then lamina more or less circular to broad-ovate); flowers in terminal generally leafless panicles, often corymbose or in dense head-like clusters~20 14~Leaves less than 1.5 mm wide, more or less terete, margins strongly revolute, lower surface of lamina not visible~Pomaderris phylicifolia var. ericoides 14*~Leaves more than 1.5 mm wide, more or less flat, margins recurved but at least part of lower surface of lamina visible~15 15~Secondary veins not apparent on either surface, lamina usually less than 3 mm wide; capsule glabrous or hairy~16 15*~Secondary veins visible on both surfaces of leaves or rarely only apparent on lower surface; lamina mostly more than 3 mm wide; capsule hairy~18 16~Capsule and ovary glabrous, capsule almost entirely exserted from shortly tomentose hypanthium~17 16*~Capsule and ovary hairy, capsule immersed for about a third of its length in the tomentose hypanthium~Pomaderris phylicifolia var. phylicifolia 17~Upper surface of leaves bristly with scattered stellate hairs; leaves more or less narrow-oblong, margins recurved~Pomaderris angustifolia 17*~Upper surface of leaves bristly with scattered simple hairs; leaves narrow-elliptic to oblanceolate, more or less flat~Pomaderris helianthemifolia 18~Upper surface of leaves velvety with a covering of minute stellate hairs~Pomaderris pallida 18*~Upper surface of leaves bristly with scattered simple hairs, sometimes hairs clustered and more or less stellate~19 19~Leaves with margins more or less crenate, primary and secondary veins conspicuously impressed on upper surface~Pomaderris pauciflora 19*~Leaves with margins entire, usually only primary vein impressed on upper surface~Pomaderris phylicifolia var. phylicifolia 20~Leaves mostly less than 8 mm long and less than 6 mm wide; lower surface of leaves and branchlets coarsely stellate-hairy~Pomaderris elachophylla 20*~Leaves mostly more than 10 mm long and more than 6 mm wide, if smaller then lower surface of leaves and branchlets finely stellate-hairy~21 21~Leaves rusty-hairy on lower surface at least along the secondary veins, young stems and leaves usually densely rusty-hairy with long rusty hairs~22 21~Mature leaves not rusty on lower surface; young stems and leaves not or rarely rusty, if rusty then long spreading rusty hairs absent~27 22~Flowers 3–5 mm long; petals present; leaves often more than 30 mm long~23 22*~Flowers 2–2.5 mm long, in head-like clusters or short panicles; petals present or absent; leaves mostly less than 30 mm long~24 23~Upper surface of leaves with sparse to very sparse simple hairs, often more or less bristly; secondary and usually tertiary veins distinct on lower surface of lamina; lamina lanceolate to ovate, sometimes elliptic, apex more or less acute to rounded~Pomaderris lanigera 23*~Upper surface of leaves with dense simple hairs, velvety; only secondary veins distinct on lower surface; lamina more or less oblong to circular, apex obtuse to emarginate~Pomaderris vellea 24~Secondary veins commonly terminating in minute hair tufts, margins more or less crenate to toothed, upper leaf surface more or less scabrous, hairs sparse; petals absent~See 24*~Secondary veins looping to inside of margins, margins entire, upper leaf surface more or less velvety, hairs dense; petals generally present (mostly absent in P. cocoparrana)~25 25~Flowers more or less sessile in relatively loose heads, bracts usually persistent until fruit formed~Pomaderris subcapitata 25*~Flowers pedicellate in loose panicles, bracts falling before flowers open~26 26~Leaves oblong to more or less elliptic; petals present; sepals persistent in fruit; species of the coast and ranges~Pomaderris velutina 26*~Leaves ovate to more or less circular; petals usually absent, sepals not persistent in fruit; western species~Pomaderris cocoparrana 27~Upper surface of leaves with a dense very fine pubescence, more or less velvety~28 27*~Upper surface of leaves more or less bristly, not velvety, hairs scattered to very sparse~Pomaderris cotoneaster 28~Leaves usually less than 20 mm long~Pomaderris brogoensis 28*~Leaves usually more than 20 mm long~29 29~Leaves greyish on upper surface~Pomaderris cinerea 29*~Leaves green on upper surface [this is a mixture of P. precaria and P. reperta]~Pomaderris species D 30~Most leaves small, either less than 10 mm wide or mostly less than 25 mm long~31 30*~Most leaves larger, more than 10 mm wide and mostly more than 25 mm long (leaves associated with inflorescences often smaller)~35 31~Secondary veins obscure on lower surface; leaves less than 4 mm wide, generally 10–15 mm long~32 31*~Secondary veins distinct on lower surface; leaves usually more than 4 mm wide and 10–30 mm long~34 32~Petals absent; stems and lower surface of leaves with long fawnish to golden-brown hairs, margins prominently recurved~33 32*~Petals present; stems and lower leaf surface with short whitish hairs, margins thickened but not always recurved~Pomaderris ledifolia 33~Hairs on new growth and lower surface of leaves short and appressed, shining golden-brown~Pomaderris sericea 33*~Hairs on new growth and lower surface of leaves long and spreading, fawnish above a short whitish tomentum~Pomaderris phylicifolia 34~Lower surface of leaves with a short greyish tomentum and longer forwardly appressed rusty hairs; upper surface of leaves often wrinkled; secondary veins usually more than 6 pairs~Pomaderris andromedifolia 34*~Lower surface of leaves with a short greyish tomentum, all hairs more or less the same length; upper surface of leaves smooth; secondary veins 3–6 pairs~Pomaderris gilmourii 35~Lower surface of leaves silvery- or rusty-hairy; secondary veins regularly arranged, tertiary veins sometimes obscure; flowers mostly pale when fresh, cream to whitish~36 35*~Lower surface of leaves dull greyish to whitish hairy; secondary veins not regularly arranged, tertiary veins usually distinct on lower surface; flowers cream to yellow~43 36~Lower surface of mature leaves silvery or whitish (rarely rusty) with a dense covering of hairs of similar length (veins, margins and petioles sometimes rusty), new growth and young stems with more or less short dense coppery to reddish hairs; tertiary veins usually not apparent~37 36*~Lower surface of leaves more or less rusty with loose simple rusty hairs longer than the paler short tomentum, especially rusty along veins; new growth and young stems with long spreading rusty hairs; tertiary veins obscure or apparent~41 37~Northern species; petals usually present, caducous~8 37*~Southern species; petals absent or present~39 38~Lower surface of leaves not silky, tomentum of short curly hairs and sometimes with longer straight hairs; leaves mostly more than 5 cm long; sepals 1.5–1.8 mm long~Pomaderris argyrophylla 38*~Lower surface of leaves silky with hairs lying in the same direction; leaves generally less than 5 cm long; sepals 2–2.5 mm long~Pomaderris nitidula 39~Petals present; sepals 2.5–3 mm long~Pomaderris parrisiae 39*~Petals absent; sepals 1.5–2.2 mm long~40 40~Leaves lanceolate to oblong, more than 3 times as long as wide; hairs on new growth coppery-coloured to crimson; secondary veins on lower surface of leaves visible but immersed within hair layer~Pomaderris virgata 40*~Leaves ovate to broad-ovate or elliptic, less than 3 times as long as wide; hairs on new growth fawn to golden; secondary veins on lower surface of leaves protruding above hair layer between veins~Pomaderris costata 41~Leaves either usually less than 15 mm wide or less than 3 cm long; lower surface with longer forwardly appressed hairs, hairs usually obscuring tertiary veins; either petals auriculate and margins toothed or petals absent~42 41*~Leaves usually more than 15 mm wide and more than 3 cm long; lower surface with longer curly rusty hairs above whitish tomentum, tertiary veins generally apparent; petals usually present, entire and narrow~Pomaderris ferruginea 42~Petals auriculate, margins toothed; lower surface of leaves pale, sometimes rusty, with secondary veins distinct~Pomaderris andromedifolia 42*~Petals absent; lower surface of leaves generally rusty with secondary veins often obscure~Pomaderris ligustrina 43~Stems and at least main veins on lower surface of leaves with scattered long hairs over short whitish tomentum~44 43*~Branches and lower surface of leaves, including veins, covered with short tomentum, longer simple hairs more or less absent~46 44~Petals present, auriculate~Pomaderris intermedia 44*~Petals usually absent, if present then not auriculate~45 45~Long hairs usually confined to main veins on lower leaf surface; margins recurved~Pomaderris discolor 45*~Long hairs scattered over lower leaf surface as well as veins; margins not recurved~Pomaderris queenslandica 46~Petals absent; rare species, north from Mt Warning~Pomaderris notata 46*~Petals present, more or less auriculate; species south of Taree~47 47~Sepals persistent and recurved in fruit, capsule covered with long rusty hairs, hypanthium with long whitish hairs[this is a mixture of P. andromedifolia subsp. confusa and P. betulina subsp. actensis]~Pomaderris species A 47*~Sepals not persistent in fruit, capsule and hypanthium sparsely stellate-hairy, capsule sometimes almost glabrous~Pomaderris elliptica #{fm}SAPINDACEAE 1~Leaves either simple, biternate or 2-pinnate~2 1*~Leaves pinnate with 2 or more leaflets~6 2~Leaves biternate; plants climbing by tendrils~Cardiospermum 2*~Leaves either simple or 2-pinnate; plants not climbing~3 3~Leaves simple~4 3*~Leaves 2-pinnate. (Juvenile foliage)~Jagera 4~Fruit a capsule with 2–6 wings or angles~Dodonaea 4*~Fruit indehiscent, usually 2-lobed~5 5~Leaves linear, entire; petiole more than 5 mm long~Atalaya 5*~Leaves oblanceolate or cuneate, some sharply toothed, others entire; petiole less than 5 mm long~Alectryon 6~Leaves usually imparipinnate; leaflets usually less than 15 mm long and less than 8 mm wide, rarely to 40 mm long; fruit 2–6-angled and usually prominently 2–4-winged, wings papery~Dodonaea 6*~Leaves usually paripinnate; leaflets mostly more than 30 mm long and more than 8 mm wide; fruit either not as above or if winged then wings leathery or more or less woody~7 7~Fruit either separating into samaras, or indehiscent and drupaceous, or a capsule and dehiscing irregularly~8 7*~Fruit a capsule, loculicidally dehiscent~11 8~Fruit separating into samaras~9 8*~Fruit not separating into samaras~10 9~Evergreen~Atalaya 9*~Deciduous~Acer 10~Fruit drupaceous, indehiscent, more than 15 mm long; seeds without an aril; leaflets mostly with numerous prominent domatia~Castanospora 10*~Fruit not drupaceous, 1–3-lobed or furrowed and splitting irregularly, less than 15 mm long; seeds with a basal aril; domatia either absent or small or if conspicuous only 1–3 per leaflet~Alectryon 11~Leaflets with toothed margins~12 11*~Leaflets with entire margins~16 12~Petiole and rachis winged~Harpullia 12*~Petiole and rachis not winged~13 13~Capsule bristly with irritant hairs; leaves and branchlets densely rusty-hairy; domatia absent~Jagera 13*~Capsule not bristly, softly hairy or glabrous; leaves and branchlets either glabrous or sparsely hairy or if densely hairy then domatia present~14 14~Leaflets soft, thin and irregularly toothed in upper half; secondary veins distinct but not prominently raised on lower surface~Lepiderema 14*~Leaflets firm and leathery and usually regularly toothed to base; secondary veins prominent and raised on lower surface~15 15~Leaves usually with 8 or more leaflets; capsules with more or less thickened, leathery valves, usually either wrinkled or hairy on the outside; aril cupular, covering seed to about halfway~Cupaniopsis 15*~Leaves usually with 2–7 leaflets; fruit with thick woody valves, either wrinkled or hairy on outside; aril very small, basal~Elattostachys 16~Fruit on a long stipe, obovoid to pyriform, not prominently lobed, 1-seeded; aril completely enclosing seed and with a basal spur~Mischocarpus 16*~Fruit without a stipe, globose to obovoid and usually 2- or 3-seeded or divaricately 1–3-lobed and each lobe with 1 seed; aril either partly enclosing seed or without a spur~17 17~Leaves with 2 leaflets~18 17*~Most leaves with more than 2 leaflets, occasionally some leaves with only 2 leaflets~19 18~Leaves without domatia; petiole flattened; fruit more or less globose, usually 3-seeded, aril basal, yellowish~Rhysotoechia 18*~Leaves with 1–several prominent domatia; petiole not flattened; fruit divaricately lobed, seed solitary in fruit or in each divaricate lobe, aril more or less enclosing seed, red~Arytera 19~Domatia absent~20 19*~Domatia present~26 20~Indumentum on new growth of stellate hairs; ovary 2-locular, laterally compressed~Harpullia 20*~Indumentum if present of simple hairs; ovary 3-locular, rarely laterally compressed~21 21~Lower surface of leaflets glaucous and finely hairy; arils tailed~Guioa 21*~Lower surface of leaflets not glaucous, either glabrous or hairy; arils not tailed~22 22~Apex of leaflets rounded and often retuse or shortly acute; leaflets more or less oblong to obovoid~23 22*~Apex of leaflets acuminate; leaflets mostly elliptic, narrow-ovate to ovate~24 23~Leaves glabrous, usually less than 25 cm long~Cupaniopsis 23*~Leaves rusty-hairy, usually more than 30 cm long~Diploglottis 24~Leaves with petiole, rachis and at least lower surface of leaflets softly hairy; widespread in rainforest north from the Bulga Plateau~Sarcopteryx 24*~Leaves usually glabrous when mature (sometimes petioles sparsely hairy); rare, in rainforest in the Richmond and Tweed Valleys~25 25~Most leaflets more than 6 cm long and more than 20 mm wide; scales present on petals; fruit more than 20 mm diam~Diploglottis 25*~Most leaflets less than 6 cm long and less than 20 mm wide; scales absent from petals; fruit less than 20 mm diam~Lepiderema 26~Fruit more or less globose to obovoid; arils yellowish, only enclosing base of seeds; leaflets either with 1–3 prominent domatia or with several small hairy domatia~Toechima 26*~Fruit divaricately 1–3-lobed, each lobe transversely ellipsoid; arils red, completelty enclosing seeds; leaflets with several small glabrous domatia~Arytera #{gn}Tecticornia 1~All 3 flowers of triad bisexual or female~2 1*~Lateral flowers of triad male, central bisexual (seeds only in central flower)~8 2~Seeds smooth and glossy all over; articles with Kranz (C4) anatomy or non-Kranz (C3) anatomy~3 2*~Seeds variously tuberculate or ribbed around the edge, smooth or ornamented on the sides; articles with non-Kranz (C3) anatomy~4 3~Margins of leaf lobes finely toothed or finely ciliate (rarely entire); articles with Kranz (C4) anatomy; perianth pithy in fruit~Tecticornia indica 3*~Margins of leaf lobes entire; articles with non-Kranz (C3) anatomy; perianth thin and brittle in fruit~Tecticornia pruinosa 4~Seeds with deep concentric ridges or colliculate all over~5 4*~Seeds ribbed, tuberculate or colliculate around the margins, the sides mostly smooth~6 5~Seeds brown to reddish brown to black, concentrically colliculate all over~Tecticornia pergranulata 5*~Seeds pale fawn to cream, deeply concentrically ribbed all over, the tips of the rib cells sometimes free, forming curved to hooked hairs~Tecticornia pterygosperma 6~Seeds pale brown with tuberculate ribs around the margins~Tecticornia halocnemoides 6*~Seeds reddish brown, colliculate (± ribbed) around the margins~7 7~Branches and spikes succulent and swollen; projecting or undulate in outline~Tecticornia pluriflora 7*~Branches very slender (not swollen); smooth in outline (as in Casuarinaceae)~Tecticornia lylei 8~Fleshy stems and leaves angular, robust, 3–6 mm wide; leaf lobes prominent, fleshy, spreading; embryo annular~Tecticornia triandra 8*~Fleshy stems and leaves angular, more or less slender, 2–4 mm wide; leaf lobes membranous, not obvious, appressed or spreading; embryo more or less straight, or curved at one end~9 9~Coastal species; style hard and protruding in fruit~Tecticornia arbuscula 9*~Inland species; style not protruding in fruit~10 10~Flowers axillary, scattered throughout vegetative axes~Tecticornia medullosa 10*~Flowers in spike-like terminal inflorescences~11 11~Spikes with opposite bracts free or nearly so; seed 1.5 mm long, embryo slightly curved~Tecticornia disarticulata 11*~Spikes with opposite bracts fused; seed 2.5–3 mm long, embryo straight~Tecticornia tenuis #{gn}Dianella +~Species not yet included in key~Dianella admixta +~Species not yet included in key~Dianella brevicaulis +~Species not yet included in key~Dianella intermedia +~Species not yet included in key~Dianella porracea +~Species not yet included in key~Dianella tarda +~Species not yet included in key~Dianella tenuissima 1~Leaf sheaths more than half occluded~2 1*~Leaf sheaths less than half occluded or leaves less than 4 mm wide and therefore hard to see extent of occlusion~9 2~Veins on lower surface of leaf blade more or less touching (less than a vein breadth of surface visible between any two veins); veins regular, with minute papillae on top and/or sides of veins (except var. vinosa), occasionally papillae so dense as to mask the veins; anthers pale brown to black~3 2*~Veins on lower surface of leaf blade spaced out so that the distance between any 2 equal to or greater than the breadth of a vein (if more or less close together then veins are of irregular breadth and/or blade margins not revolute); no papillae on lower surface of blade; anthers yellow to yellow-brown or blue~4 3~Inflorescence held amongst the foliage; leaves yellow-green; leaf sheaths not papillose; roots fleshy-fibrous; outer tepals 5.0–5.5 mm long; inner tepals 4.5–5.0 mm long; ovules 2 per loculus~Dianella brevipedunculata 3*~Inflorescence mostly held above the foliage; leaves glaucous or grey-green; leaf sheaths usually papillose at least near base; roots fibrous; outer tepals 5.5–10 mm long; inner tepals 5.2–10.5 mm long; ovules 4–10 per loculus~Dianella revoluta 4~Leaf sheaths open, more or less flattened with lower midvein strongly rounded and not much more prominent than several other veins~Dianella nervosa 4*~Leaf sheaths conduplicate, usually sharply keeled on lower surface~5 5~Anther length less than or equal to filament swelling; fruit 12–25 mm long, longer than wide; prickles on leaf margins clearly visible to the naked eye~Dianella tasmanica 5*~Anther length greater than filament swelling; fruit 4–12 mm long, shorter than or as long as wide; leaf margins smooth or with mostly minute prickles~6 6~Leaves glaucous or grey-green, strongly purplish red towards base~7 6*~Plants yellow-green or grey-green, glaucous in Dianella caerulea var. cinerascens, but not strongly reddish at base (occasionally red-tinged)~8 7~Roots fibrous; seeds shining, 2.9–3.7 mm long~Dianella revoluta 7*~Roots fleshy-fibrous; seeds more or less dull, 3.5–5 mm long~Dianella prunina 8~Inflorescence exceeding foliage; leaf margins and midrib scabrous at least towards base of blade; in non-maritime habitats~Dianella caerulea 8*~Inflorescence amongst foliage; leaf margins and midrib smooth; in maritime habitats~Dianella congesta 9~Leaf blades less than 4 mm wide~10 9*~Leaf blades more than 4 mm wide~12 10~Leaves without prominent veins on lower surface, soft-textured~Dianella rara 10*~Leaves with several very prominent veins on lower surface, tough-textured~11 11~Lateral veins more slender than midrib and often not very well-defined; roots tuberous~Dianella longifolia 11*~Lateral veins as coarse as midrib; roots fleshy-fibrous~Dianella nervosa 12~Roots fleshy-fibrous or tuberous; outer tepals 5–9-veined~13 12*~Roots fibrous; outer tepals 5–7-veined~Dianella caerulea 13~Pedicels more or less rounded; outer tepals 5-veined~Dianella longifolia 13*~Pedicels narrowly but sharply ridged; outer tepals 5–9-veined~Dianella crinoides #{sp}Asperula scoparia 1~Leaves of flowering branches less than or equal to 1 mm wide, not acuminate into hyaline tip; indumentum of stem-angles generally dense, of hairs 0.1–0.2 mm long~subsp. scoparia 1*~Leaves of flowering branches generally > 1 mm wide, acuminate into a hyaline tip; indumentum of stem-angles absent or variably dense, of papillae c. 0.05 mm long~subsp. subglabra #{sp}Galium ciliare 1~Inflorescences mostly extending for more than 4 nodes; uppercymes not or hardly exceeding whorls and 2- or 3-flowered~subp. ciliare 1*~Inflorescences terminating after 1–4 nodes; all cymes exceeding whorls, mostly 4 or more-flowered~subsp. terminale #{sp}Galium gaudichaudii 1~Corolla lobes 0.8–1.8 mm long, clearly longer than ovary(before post fertilization enlargement)~subsp. gaudichaudii 1*~Corolla lobes 0.5–0.8 mm long, not or hardly longer than ovary~subsp. parviflorum #{gn}Uncinia 1~Female glumes persistent; utricles hispid~Uncinia sinclairii 1*~Female glumes deciduous; utricles glabrous~2 2~Leaves thickly U-shaped to crescent-shaped in cross section, tough~Uncinia sulcata 2*~Leaves nearly flat or broadly V-shaped or filiform, more or less soft~3 3~Inflorescence 3–7 cm long; spikelets more or less spread out along axis (basal internodes 5–12 mm long); fibrous bases to more or less large tussocks~4 3*~Inflorescence 0.7–3 cm long; spikelets more or less crowded on axis (may be more spread out towards base but internodes no more than c. 4 mm long); small tussocks (bases not fibrous) or culms spread out along rhizomes~5 4~Leaves 1.5–2.2 mm wide; nut 2.5–3 mm long, 0.8–1.3 mm diam.; hooked rachilla protruding from utricle for 4–6.5 mm~Uncinia nemoralis 4*~Leaves 0.5–1.0 mm wide; nut c. 2.2 mm long, c. 0.7 mm diam.; hooked rachilla protruding from utricle for 3.5–4 mm~Uncinia debilior 5~Leaves 2–3.5 mm wide; culms usually scabrous below inflorescence, 0.8–1.1 mm diam~Uncinia compacta 5*~Leaves 0.5–1.8 mm wide; culms mostly smooth below inflorescence, 0.2–0.7 mm diam~6 6~Stamens 3; inflorescence 1.5–2.5(–3) cm long; utricle 1.5–1.8 mm diam.; leaves shorter than culms, 0.8–1.8 mm wide; culms 0.3–0.7 mm diam~Uncinia flaccida 6*~Stamens 2; inflorescence 0.7–1.5 cm long; utricle 0.8–1 mm diam.; leaves exceeding or equalling culms, 0.5–1 mm wide; culms 0.2–0.4 mm diam~Uncinia tenella #{fm}MOLLUGINACEAE 1~Leaves alternate or radical~Macarthuria 1*~At least some leaves opposite or in whorls or pseudowhorls~2 2~Seeds without a aril; stamens 3–5~Mollugo 2*~Seeds with a aril; stamens 3–20~Glinus #{sp}Galium binifolium 1~Stipules < half length of leaves in whorls below the inflorescences~subsp. binifolium 1*~Stipules > half length of leaves in whorls below inflorescences~subsp. conforme #{gn}Danthonia 1~Body of the lemma with abundant hairs scattered over the back~2 1*~Lemma glabrous with tufts of hairs on the margins or with hairs in distinct tufts or transverse rows of tufts and glabrous (or with a few scattered hairs) between the rows~10 2~Lateral lobes of lemma 2 mm long, shorter than the lemma body, lobes broad, with or without a minute bristle~Austrodanthonia carphoides 2*~Lobes ± the body of the lemma, if equal to lemma body then lobes tapering into distinct bristles (awns)~3 3~Back of the lemma (excluding the callus, which is bearded) with hairs of 2 different lengths, long hairs 3–4 mm long below the sinus (usually in a row) contrasting with shorter hairs 0.5–1 mm long scattered below~4 3*~Back of lemma (excluding the callus which is bearded) with hairs of variable length, short hairs at the base gradually lengthening to longer hairs below the sinus~6 4~Lobes of the lemma 3.5–4 mm long, unawned or with minute bristles to 1 mm long and not exceeding the upper row of long hairs; leaves with blade to 15 cm long~Danthonia semiannularis 4*~Lobes of the lemma 7–8 mm long, including bristles 2–5 mm long, exceeding the upper row of hairs~5 5~Leaves with blade slightly scabrous, to 35 cm long and sometimes exceeding the culms; ligular area glabrous or with very short hairs; panicle with many spikelets, branches scabrous~Notodanthonia longifolia 5*~Leaves with blade hirsute, shorter, to 15 cm long and shorter than the culms; ligular area pilose at the sides; panicle with fewer (5–15) spikelets, branches pubescent or pilose~Austrodanthonia monticola 6~Central awn strongly twisted at the base for c. 2–4 mm~7 6*~Central awn reflexed or with c. 1 loose twist at the base~9 7~Central awn equal to the lateral lobes of the lemma or exceeding them by up to 5 mm; body of lemma 3–4 mm long; palea shortly exceeding the sinus; plant short to moderately high (to 0.8 m); anthers pale (var. fulva)~Austrodanthonia bipartita 7*~Central awn exceeding the bristles on the lobes by 6–9 mm; body of lemma 4–5 mm long; plants coarsely tufted and to 1.2 m high; anthers yellow to orange~8 8~Lemma slender with abundant dorsal hairs; palea membranous; anthers orange-yellow~Austrodanthonia induta 8*~Lemma rather stout, dorsal hairs scanty; palea firm; anthers yellow~Austrodanthonia procera 9~Palea broad-obovate and obtuse, usually only shortly exceeding the sinus; lateral lobes less than twice as long as the body of the lemma~Austrodanthonia richardsonii 9*~Palea lanceolate to elliptic, acute, distinctly exceeding the sinus; lateral lobes often twice as long as the body of the lemma (var. linkii)~Austrodanthonia bipartita 10~Lemma with a complete row of hair-tufts across the back just below the sinus, another row often present above the callus~11 10*~Lemma with dorsal and marginal hair-tufts below the sinus, sometimes forming an interrupted row, or only the marginal tufts present~20 11~Lemma without a complete transverse row of hairs or hair tufts just above the callus (though marginal hair-tufts sometimes present); lemma back shiny and glabrous below the hair tufts~Austrodanthonia laevis 11*~Lemma with a complete row of hairs or hair tufts just above the callus~12 12~Membranous lateral margins of lemma lobes ending abruptly in small, triangular auricles or small lateral points, not narrowing evenly into the bristles~Austrodanthonia auriculata 12*~Membranous margins of lemma lobes narrowing evenly into bristles (awns), not auriculate or interrupted~13 13~Body of the lemma golden brown at maturity, rather broad with broad, pale lobes, narrowing abruptly into bristles c. as long as the lobes; palea considerably exceeding the sinus~Austrodanthonia duttoniana 13*~Body of the lemma usually pale at maturity (or somewhat grey in Austrodanthonia procera) with pale lobes (lobes broad or narrow, tapering into bristles in various ways and palea exceeding the sinus or shorter than the sinus)~14 14~Body of the lemma 1.5–3 mm long (occasionally longer in some forms of Austrodanthonia setacea)~15 14*~Body of the lemma more than 3 mm long, usually 3.6–6 mm long~16 15~Lemma lobes with bristles 2–4 mm long; central awn only slightly exceeding the lateral lobes and equal to or only slightly longer than the glumes~Austrodanthonia monticola 15*~Lateral lobes of lemma with slender bristles 4–6 mm long; central awn exceeding the lateral bristles by 3–6 mm and longer than the glumes~Austrodanthonia setacea 16~Bristles much shorter than the flat part of the lateral lobes of the lemma and usually c. 2 mm (rarely 4 mm) long~17 16*~Bristles c. as long as the flat part of the lateral lobes and rarely less than 4 mm long (occasionally shorter in some forms of Austrodanthonia eriantha)~18 17~Lemma lanceolate, c. 3.5 mm long (excluding lobes); palea oblong-elliptic and shortly but distinctly exceeding the sinus; plants to 0.9 m high~Austrodanthonia tenuior 17*~Lemma narrow-elliptic, 4–5 mm long (excluding lobes); palea lanceolate, 7–8 mm long and considerably exceeding the sinus; plants coarsely tufted, to 1.2 m high~Austrodanthonia procera 18~Palea broad-obovate to oblanceolate, obtuse or 2-fid, only shortly exceeding the sinus; panicle branches pilose or pubescent~Austrodanthonia eriantha 18*~Palea lanceolate, usually narrow and often drawn out into a narrow, truncate, membranous tip or apex 2-fid, usually much exceeding the sinus; panicle branches smooth, scabrous or puberulent, rarely pilose~19 19~Leaves short, thick and rigid, 5–10 cm long; high altitude species~Austrodanthonia alpicola 19*~Leaves of variable length and texture, to 25 cm long; grass growing at lower altitudes, a very variable species~Austrodanthonia caespitosa 20~Bristles on lateral lobes of lemma very short, not more than 1 mm long, or absent~21 20*~Bristles on lateral lobes of lemma more than 2 mm long (usually 2.5–8 mm long)~23 21~Spikelets with 6–10 florets; callus 1.5 mm or more in length; lemma obtuse; not an alpine grass (var. obtusata)~Danthonia racemosa 21*~Spikelets usually with 4 or less florets; callus short, less than 1 mm long; lemma lobes acute or acuminate; alpine and subalpine grass~22 22~Leaves tightly inrolled; florets shorter than glumes except for the exserted awns; central awn well separated from lateral lobes~Rytidosperma nivicolum 22*~Leaves flat at the base becoming folded or slightly inrolled; florets exserted from glumes; central awn scarcely separated from lateral lobes~Rytidosperma vickeryae 23~Body of the lemma 3 mm long, back glabrous with marginal hair tufts and bearded callus; leaves stiff, pointed, glabrous; panicle short, 2–7 cm long~Rytidosperma nudiflorum 23*~Body of the lemma 4–6 mm long with dorsal and marginal hair tufts and usually a row of tufts above the bearded callus; leaves soft, often pilose, panicle 5–15 cm long, sometimes reduced to a raceme~24 24~Callus narrow, c. 1.5–2 mm long, showing a distinct junction with the lemma proper; lateral lobes of a lemma narrowing rather abruptly into the bristles (rarely lobes auriculate); palea much exceeding the sinus; group of florets often longer than the glumes; spikelets loosely arranged in the panicle (var. racemosa)~Danthonia racemosa 24*~Callus gradually widening to its junction with the lemma proper, c. 0.8–1.3 mm long; lateral lobes gradually tapering into the bristles; palea exceeding or reaching the sinus; group of florets as long as or shorter than the glumes~25 25~Spikelets often overlapping in a rather short panicle (c. 4–8 cm long); palea oblanceolate, c. as long as or slightly longer than the sinus~Austrodanthonia pilosa 25*~Spikelets not crowded in the usually longer panicle (5–15 cm long); palea lanceolate, much longer than the sinus~Austrodanthonia penicillata #{gn}Elymus 1~Plants with long, pale yellow vigorous rhizomes; lemmas acute but awnless~Elymus repens 1*~Plants caespitose; at least some lemmas usually awned~2 2~Rachilla hairs usually 0.2–1 mm long; callus usually triangular to narrowly triangular, usually distinctly hairy~3 2*~Rachilla hairs <0.2 mm long; callus broadly triangular, glabrous to glabrescent~4 3~Rachilla hairs usually not covering callus base: callus usually triangular or various, dorsal surface falt to sunken; callus tip usually thickened~Elymus scaber 3*~Rachilla hairs covering callus base; callus usually narowly triangular , dorsal surface rounded; callus distinctly hairy, hairs restricted to margins~Elymus rectisetus 4~Glumes 7.7 mm or longer; lemma awn regularly curved when dry, 1-nerved at base; mature caryopsis <55% palea length~Elymus plurinervis 4*~Glumes usually <7 mm long; lemma awn straight when dry, 3-nerved at base; mature caryopsis >60% palea length~5 5~Awn of lowest lemma 2–7.5 mm long; other lemma awns 4.4–15 mm long; awn : lemma length 0.7–1.3 ; dark brown basaltic soils of SE Qld and N NSW~Elymus fertilis 5*~Awn of lowest lemma 0–3 mm long; other lemma awns 0–11 mm long; awn : lemma length 0.2–0.8; coastal or riparian habitats~Elymus multiflorus #{fm}URTICACEAE 1~Shrubs or trees~2 1*~Herbs, sometimes woody at base~5 2~Leaves opposite~Boehmeria 2*~Leaves alternate~3 3~Leaf lamina peltate; introduced tree~Cecropia 3*~Leaf lamina not peltate, petiole attached to base of lamina~4 4~Leaves green on both surfaces; stinging hairs present on all parts of plant, though sometimes sparse~Dendrocnide 4*~Leaves whitish grey below; stinging hairs absent~Pipturus 5~Leaves alternate~6 5*~Leaves opposite~9 6~Leaves toothed or crenate~7 6*~Leaves entire~8 7~Leaves with lamina asymmetric, curved, sessile or almost so~Elatostema 7*~Leaves with lamina symmetric, petiole c. as long as the lamina~Australina 8~Leaves more than 10 mm long~Parietaria 8*~Leaves less than 5 mm long~Soleirolia 9~Leaves more than 10 mm long, toothed; stinging hairs present~Urtica 9*~Leaves less than 5 mm long, entire; stinging hairs absent~Pilea #{gn}Gompholobium 1~Leaves 3-foliolate~2 1*~Leaves pinnate, leaflets usually 5–25 (rarely a few 3-foliolate leaves near the base of the stem)~9 2~Keels conspicuously ciliate~3 2*~Keels glabrous or not conspicuously ciliate~4 3~Leaflet margins usually flat or recurved, leaflets 2–6 mm wide; corolla 20–30 mm long~Gompholobium latifolium 3*~Leaflet margins revolute, leaflets 0.5–1.5 mm wide; corolla 15–20 mm long~Gompholobium huegelii 4~Leaflets mostly more than 12 mm long, if less then apex obtuse~5 4*~Leaflets mostly less than 12 mm long~7 5~Apex of leaflets acute with a sharp point; flowers 15–25 mm long~Gompholobium grandiflorum 5*~Apex of leaflets obtuse or blunt (truncate); flowers 12–20 mm long~6 6~Stems smooth~Gompholobium virgatum 6*~Stems tuberculate between ribs~Gompholobium aspalathoides 7~Stems covered with short, spreading hairs, not tuberculate; buds ridged at junction of calyx teeth~Gompholobium minus 7*~Stems glabrous or sparsely hairy when young, more or less tuberculate; buds not ridged as above~8 8~Flowers red to orange-red; stipules absent; leaflets 4–12 mm long~Gompholobium uncinatum 8*~Flowers yellow or yellow-green; stipules minute but conspicuously recurved; leaflets 5–8 mm long~Gompholobium inconspicuum 9~Leaflets cuneate, obovate or obcordate, apex obtuse, usually glaucous; flowers orange-red~Gompholobium foliolosum 9*~Leaflets narrow-linear to elliptic, apex acute, not glaucous; flowers yellow or greenish yellow~10 10~Leaflets 5–7, rachis condensed; stems densely tuberculate~Gompholobium glabratum 10*~Leaflets 15–25, rachis not condensed; stems smooth~Gompholobium pinnatum #{gn}Kardomia 1~Leaves >1.5 mm wide.~2 1*~Leaves <1.5 mm wide.~3 2~Petals >2.5 mm wide; hypanthium rough; leaves with length/breadth ratio of 1.7–2.2:1.~Kardomia prominens 2*~Petals <2.5 mm wide; hypanthium smooth; leaves with length/breadth ratio of 1.2–1.7:1.~Kardomia silvestris 3~Leaves linear; outer sepals acute or acuminate, 0.8–1.8 mm long.~Kardomia odontocalyx 3*~Leaves obovate; outer sepals obtuse, to 0.3 mm long~Kardomia jucunda #{gn}Marsdenia 1~Corona absent~Marsdenia pleiadenia 1*~Corona present~2 2~Leaves with lamina lanceolate to ovate or circular, less than 5 times as long as broad; coastal or eastern escarpment species~3 2*~Leaves with lamina linear or narrow-lanceolate, 6–15 times as long as broad; Western Slopes and plains, one extending to central coast~9 3~Lower surface of leaves softly and densely pubescent; inflorescences open lateral panicles of 2–6 umbels~Marsdenia flavescens 3*~Lower surface of leaves glabrous or slightly hairy, not softly pubescent; inflorescences simple lateral umbels beside leaf axils~4 4~Flowers 20–40 mm diam., corolla lobes 9–17 mm long~Marsdenia liisae 4*~Flowers less than 15 mm diam., corolla lobes less than 7 mm long~5 5~Corolla glabrous inside, latex clear, watery~Marsdenia longiloba 5*~Corolla with a ring or tufts of hairs at throat, lobes hairy or glabrous; latex opaque, milky~6 6~Stems with a soft, whitish, fissured corky covering, even on stems just below leafy portion, as small as 3–5 mm diam.; leaves mostly streaked whitish along main veins, often sparsely hairy on lower surface; corolla throat densely bearded, hairs obscuring column~Marsdenia lloydii 6*~Stems not whitish corky; young stems smooth, thick old stems sometimes brown-corky; leaves glabrous, lacking pale streaks along veins; hairs in corolla throat not obscuring column~7 7~Petioles 1–12 mm long; leaves with lamina lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 2.5–5 times as long as broad, 2–3 cm long, 0.6–2.5 cm wide, margins recurved; reticulum invisible, main lateral veins faint or obscure; style head short, covered by anthers or slightly longer~8 7*~Petioles 15–40 mm long; leaves with lamina oblong-elliptic to broad-ovate, 1.2–3 times as long as broad, 4–13 cm long, 2–7 cm wide, margins flat, coarser reticulum distinct on lower surface; style head much longer than the anthers~Marsdenia rostrata 8~Petioles 1–3.5 mm long, finely hairy; stems shortly hairy; south from Port Macquarie area~Marsdenia suaveolens 8*~Petioles 4–12 mm long, glabrous, stems glabrous; north from Kempsey area~Marsdenia fraseri 9~Corolla with spreading lobes, throat with a thickened fleshy ring or 5 hair tufts inside; flowers ca 2–3.5 mm long; leaves and stems finely and shortly pubescent or glabresent with age~Marsdenia viridiflora subsp. viridiflora 9*~Corolla with erect or incurved lobes, the throat glabrous inside and without a fleshy ring; flowers c. 4.5–6 mm long; leaves and stems mostly finely pubescent~Marsdenia australis #{gn}Sclerolaena 1~Fruiting perianth bordered by a narrow rim or wing more or less broken up into 5–15 spines or teeth~2 1*~Fruiting perianth without a narrow rim or wing, spines 2–6~3 2~Spines or teeth 8–15; lower fruiting perianth almost globose~Sclerolaena stelligera 2*~Spines or teeth 5; lower fruiting perianth hemispherical~Sclerolaena brachyptera 3~Spines usually 2 or 3~4 3*~Spines mostly 4–6~21 4~Spines 2 (sometimes 3 or 4 in Sclerolaena decurrens)~5 4*~Spines usually 3 (sometimes 4 in Sclerolaena ventricosa and S. andersonii, 4–6 in S. lanicuspis)~14 5~Base of fruit deeply hollowed~6 5*~Base of fruit not or slightly hollowed~10 6~Fruiting perianth silky-villous~Sclerolaena eriacantha 6*~Fruiting perianth tomentose, pubescent or glabrous, never silky-villous~7 7~Spines erect, parallel, equal~Sclerolaena parallelicuspis 7*~Spines divergent~8 8~Tubercle large, much more conspicuous than the spines, spines to 1 mm long or often reduced~Sclerolaena uniflora 8*~Tubercle small or the same size as the spines, spines c. 2–5 mm long, not reduced~9 9~Fruiting perianth thick-walled, not constricted in middle~Sclerolaena diacantha 9*~Fruiting perianth thin-walled, more or less constricted in middle~Sclerolaena constricta 10~Perianth globose or almost so, 5 mm or more long~Sclerolaena bicornis 10*~Perianth not globose, if almost so then less than 5 mm long~11 11~Spines not in same vertical plane, limb not very conspicuous~Sclerolaena obliquicuspis 11*~Spines in same vertical plane~12 12~Upper perianth (limb) as long as lower fruiting perianth~13 12*~Upper perianth (limb) shorter than lower perianth but conspicuous; fruiting perianth not ribbed~Sclerolaena patenticuspis 13~Fruiting perianth tomentose, not ribbed~Sclerolaena limbata 13*~Fruiting perianth glabrous, ribbed~Sclerolaena decurrens 14~Fruiting perianth hairy~15 14*~Fruiting perianth glabrous~16 15~Fruiting perianth villous with long silky hairs, not swollen in lower part~Sclerolaena lanicuspis 15*~Fruiting perianth tomentose, swollen in lower part~Sclerolaena ventricosa 16~Spines spreading or recurved~17 16*~Spines more or less diverging upwards~19 17~Spines usually recurved; fruiting perianth cylindrical, c. twice as long as broad~Sclerolaena articulata 17*~Spines more or less spreading, perianth c. as long as broad~18 18~Main spines arranged with 1 abaxial and 2 lateral in line; stamens 3~Sclerolaena divaricata 18*~Main spines arranged with 1 abaxial, 1 lateral, and 1 somewhat adaxial or curved around branch; stamens usually 5~Sclerolaena cuneata 19~Fruiting perianth conical, base expanded~Sclerolaena tricuspis 19*~Fruiting perianth not conical, base not expanded~20 20~Fruiting perianth laterally attached, much longer than the limb~Sclerolaena glabra 20*~Fruiting perianth attached basally, c. as long as the limb~Sclerolaena decurrens 21~Spines usually 4 (2–5 in Sclerolaena decurrens, 4–6 in S. lanicuspis)~22 21*~Spines 5 or 6~28 22~Plant hairy~23 22*~Plant glabrous~25 23~Fruiting perianth ribbed, glabrous~Sclerolaena decurrens 23*~Fruiting perianth not ribbed, hairy~24 24~Upper perianth (limb) as long as lower fruiting perianth~Sclerolaena limbata 24*~Upper perianth (limb) shorter than lower perianth and covered by long silky hairs~Sclerolaena lanicuspis 25~Limb recurved~Sclerolaena divaricata 25*~Limb erect~26 26~Fruiting perianth conical, spines more than 10 mm long~Sclerolaena longicuspis 26*~Fruiting perianth not conical, spines 10 mm long or less~27 27~Spines irregularly spaced, usually divergent to horizontal~Sclerolaena glabra 27*~Spines more or less equally spaced, divergent, erect~Sclerolaena tetracuspis 28~Spines 5 (sometimes 6 in Sclerolaena lanicuspis and S. convexula)~29 28*~Spines 6~41 29~Plants hairy~30 29*~Plant glabrous or almost so~38 30~Fruiting perianth urn-shaped; spines recurved~Sclerolaena blackiana 30*~Fruiting perianth not urn-shaped; spines more or less recurved~31 31~Limb erect, conspicuous~32 31*~Limb recurved, inconspicuous~33 32~Fruiting perianth hairy~Sclerolaena lanicuspis 32*~Fruiting perianth glabrous~Sclerolaena decurrens 33~Leaves obovate to oblanceolate or linear-lanceolate~34 33*~Leaves linear to semiterete~35 34~Leaves glabrous above, dark green~Sclerolaena muricata 34*~Leaves hairy all over~Sclerolaena birchii 35~Fruiting perianth much longer than broad~Sclerolaena tubata 35*~Fruiting perianth c. as long as broad~36 36~Fruiting perianth globose, summit convex~46 36*~Fruiting perianth not globose, summit flat~37 37~Fruiting perianth attached basally; leaves terete~Sclerolaena johnsonii 37*~Fruiting perianth attached laterally, leaves flat to semiterete~Sclerolaena muricata 38~Fruiting perianth much longer than broad~39 38*~Fruiting perianth c. as long as broad~40 39~Fruiting perianth attached basally~Sclerolaena tubata 39*~Fruiting perianth attached laterally~Sclerolaena intricata 40~Fruiting perianth attached basally; leaves terete, pale green~Sclerolaena johnsonii 40*~Fruiting perianth attached obliquely; leaves flat to semiterete, dark, glaucous~Sclerolaena muricata 41~Perianth 2-spurred at base, glabrous~Sclerolaena calcarata 41*~Fruiting perianth not spurred at base, glabrous or hairy~42 42~Fruiting perianth urn-shaped~Sclerolaena anisacanthoides 42*~Fruiting perianth not urn-shaped~43 43~Spines c. 1 mm long~Sclerolaena parviflora 43*~Spines 2 mm or longer~44 44~Fruiting perianth covered with long silky hairs~Sclerolaena lanicuspis 44*~Fruiting perianth loosely hairy~45 45~Spines mostly 5, but occasional fruit with 6 spines; fruit mostly 2.5 mm wide; longer spines mostly less than 3 mm long and 0.5 mm or less in diam~Sclerolaena convexula 45*~Spines 6; fruit 3 mm or more wide at the widest point; longer spines mostly more than 3 mm long and 0.5 mm or more in diam~Sclerolaena napiformis 46~The three longest spines on fruiting body mostly <3 mm long~Sclerolaena convexula 46*~The three longest spines on fruiting body mostly >5 mm long~Sclerolaena deserticola #{gn}Lissanthe 1~Leaves lanceolate to more or less linear, less than 1.5 mm wide, strongly 3-ribbed on lower surface~Lissanthe strigosa 1*~Leaves oblong, lanceolate or oblanceolate, usually more than 1.5 mm wide, more than 3-ribbed or striate-veined on lower surface~Lissanthe sapida #{gn}Agiortia 1~Leaves up to 2.5 mm wide, strongly discolorous, margins distinctly revolute, tapering to a prominent aristate apex, pungent; veins prominently raised abaxially, unbranched, c. 5; flowers not pedicellate above the bracteoles~Agiortia cicatricata 1*~Leaves up to 5 mm wide, discolorous or not, margins flat or only slightly incurved, the apex blunt or acute but not pungent; veins distinct on the abaxial surface but not prominently raised, numerous, subparallel, branching distally and to the margins; flowers shortly pedicellate above the bracteoles~2 2~Lamina discolorous, abaxial surface glaucous and bearing lines of minute papillae between the veins~Agiortia pedicellata 2*~Lamina not markedly discolorous, abaxial surface paler green but not glaucous, without lines of papillae between the veins~Agiortia pleiosperma #{sp}Lissanthe strigosa 1~Leaves dense on branchlets (11–21/cm, mean 17.5/cm), linear-subulate, 3.4–5.8 mm long, 0.5–0.8 mm wide, with tip 0.4–0.7 mm long, usually with a single thick midrib grooved on each side abaxially; flowers with sepals 0.8–1.1 mm long, corolla-tube 1.9–3.2 mm long, lobes 0.9–1.2 mm long~subsp. strigosa 1*~Leaves less dense on branchlets (4–15/cm, mean 8/cm), narrow-ovate to subulate, 6.1–16.5 mm long, 0.7–2.2 mm wide, with tip 0.6–1.9 mm long, veins strongly 3–5-ribbed and grooved abaxially; flowers with sepals 0.9–1.4 mm long, corolla-tube 2.3–5.0 mm long, lobes 1.0–1.6 mm long~subsp. subulata #{gn}Rhytidosporum 1~Subalpine heaths and woodland habitats, above c. 800 m; aerial woody stems less than 10 cm high; extensively rhizomatous; leaves appearing densely whorled or clustered, always with adaxial leaf surface uppermost~2 1*~Non-subalpine heath and open woodland habitats, not usually above 800 m; aerial woody stems sometimes erect, 0.5–1 m high, but usually procumbent and aerial, rather than subterranean; leaves alternate or clustered into a funnel-shaped arrangement, adaxial leaf surface not always uppermost~3 2~Leaves mainly narrowly elliptic, 4–5 mm wide; flowers with flattened ovaries; fruit indehiscent, woody, persistent~Rhytidosporum alpinum 2*~Leaves mostly narrowly obovate; flowers with globose ovaries, not flattened; fruit loculicidally dehiscent, chartaceous, not persistent~Rhytidosporum inconspicuum 3~Leaves linear or very narrowly elliptic, 10–16 mm long; apex acuminate with distinct mucro; inflorescence almost sessile~Rhytidosporum diosmoides 3*~Leaves narrowly obovate or angular elliptic, never linear, 5–20 mm long; apex often 3-lobed; inflorescence with flowers pedicellate~4 4~Leaves alternate and 2-ranked, not stem-clasping, with adaxial surface uppermost; stems rhizomatous, prostrate, unbranched or sparingly branched, with adaxial surface uppermost; inflorescences an umbel of usually 1–6-flowered; peduncles 12–15 mmlong~Rhytidosporum prostratum 4*~Leaves usually in a funnelled, stem-clasping arrangement, adaxial surface not always facing uppermost; inflorescence rarely of more than 3 flowers; plants erect to nearly 0.5 m high; stems generally above ground, rarely subterranean; leaves 2–3 mm wide~Rhytidosporum procumbens #{gn}Paspalum 1~Inflorescence a pair of racemes at the top of the culm (rarely another raceme below); spikelets not in pairs, in 2 rows on the axis, plants stoloniferous or rhizomatous~2 1*~Inflorescence of 1–many racemes on a primary axis but not in pairs; spikelets usually in pairs and in 2–4 rows; plants usually tufted~5 2~Spikelets 1.5–1.7 mm long, often with a fringe of hairs around the margins; racemes slender, usually 8–12 cm long~Paspalum conjugatum 2*~Spikelets 2.5–4.5 cm long, without a fringe of silky hairs; racemes mostly 1.5–7 cm long, rather stiff~3 3~Glumes with very short hairs; spikelets ovate; usually growing near fresh water~Paspalum distichum 3*~Glumes glabrous; spikelets narrow-ovate to elliptic; usually growing on dry land or near salt or brackish water~4 4~Plants rhizomatous or tufted; spikelets ovate to obovate, smooth and shiny; naturalized pasture species growing on dry land~Paspalum notatum 4*~Plants stoloniferous, not rhizomatous; spikelets ovate to lanceolate, not shiny; grows near salt or brackish water~Paspalum vaginatum 5~Leaf blade margins with tubercle-based cilia; spikelets glabrous, c. 2 mm long, orbicular, paired or 1 of each pair aborted, mostly in 2 irregular rows even when paired~Paspalum ciliatifolium 5*~Leaf blade margins usually without tubercle-based cilia; spikelets various but without the combination of characters above~6 6~Spikelets usually glabrous, borne singly, usually in 2 rows along the ribbon-like raceme-axis; axis 1–2.5 mm wide~7 6*~Spikelets usually hairy, borne in 4 regular or irregular rows along the racemes; axis 0.5–1.2 mm wide, often 3-angled~9 7~Nodes hairy; usually a few sparse appressed hairs near the glume margins~Paspalum mandiocanum 7*~Nodes glabrous~8 8~Strongly rhizomatous perennial with erect racemes~Paspalum scrobiculatum 8*~Annual or perennial with racemes that tend to diverge from the axis at maturity~Paspalum orbiculare 9~Spikelets loosely and sparsely pilose over the back, no concentration of hairs around the margins; upper lemma dark-coloured, purple to brown, shining, plumply plano-convex; leaves 3 mm wide or less~Paspalum nicorae 9*~Spikelets variously hairy but with usually at least some hairs concentrated towards the margins, these sometimes very conspicuous~10 10~Spikelets 1.25–1.5 mm long; rhizomes covered with hairy cataphylls or their remains~Paspalum paniculatum 10*~Spikelets more than 1.7 mm long; hairy cataphylls absent (though leaf sheaths sometimes hairy); tufted perennials with or without stolons~11 11~Spikelets glabrous or puberulous; plants producing stolons; leaves to 3 cm wide~Paspalum mandiocanum 11*~Spikelets pilose or pubescent or fringed with long silky hairs; stolons absent; leaves 0.3–2 cm wide~12 12~Spikelets pilose or pubescent but not fringed with long silky hairs; spikelets 2–2.6 mm long and arranged in 4 rather irregular rows on the 3-sided raceme axis~13 12*~Spikelets pubescent and fringed with long silky hairs; spikelets 2–4 mm long and arranged in 4 regular rows on the flattened raceme axis~14 13~Racemes usually more than 15, each less than 8 cm long, stiff, with the apical racemes much reduced (less than 25% the length of lower racemes); leaf blades often inrolled, less than 1 cm wide when unrolled~Paspalum quadrifarium 13*~Racemes usually less than 12, to 10 cm long, more or less flexuous, all more or less equal (the upper more than 50% the length of the lower); leaf blades usually flat, to 2 cm wide~Paspalum regnellii 14~Spikelets 3–4 mm long; inflorescence usually with 3–7(–11) racemes; leaves arising from a 'crown'; culms 0.4–1.75 m high~Paspalum dilatatum 14*~Spikelets 2–2.6 mm long; inflorescence usually with 12–20 racemes; plants usually high coarse clumps with culms 0.75–2.5 m high~Paspalum urvillei #{gn}Alternanthera 1~Inflorescence pedunculate, axillary or terminal; peduncles to 4 cm long~Alternanthera philoxeroides 1*~Inflorescence sessile, axillary~2 2~Perianth segments unequal; outer 2 c. 4–5 mm long, acuminate, pungent; next inner narrower, c. 3 mm, apex toothed with midrib excurrent; 2 innermost to c. 2.5 mm long, acute, sigmoid, with dorsal tuft of hairs at first bend~Alternanthera pungens 2*~Perianth segments more or less equal~3 3~Perianth segments woolly on the midback~Alternanthera angustifolia 3*~Perianth segments mostly glabrous, or sometimes with a few hairs along back of midrib~4 4~Perianth segments 4–5 mm long, lanceolate, with long, tapered, acute apex~Alternanthera nodiflora 4*~Perianth segments 2–3 mm long, lanceolate or oblong, acute~5 5~Innermost bracts lanceolate, acuminate, 1.5–2.5 mm long; perianth segments lanceolate~Alternanthera denticulata 5*~Innermost bracts ovate, acute, to 1.5 mm long; perianth segments oblong~6 6~Leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate or elliptic, 15–25 mm long, 6–10 mm wide~Alternanthera nana 6*~Leaves ovate to oblong-ovate or obovate, 5–50 mm long, 3–6 mm wide~Alternanthera sp. A Flora of New South Wales (M.Gray 5187) #{gn}Stylosanthes 1~Beak of fruits conspicuous, curved, 1.5–5 mm long; calyx lobes acute, c. 1.5 mm long~Stylosanthes humilis 1*~Beak of fruits inconspicuous, 0.1–0.5 mm long; calyx lobes obtuse to acute, 3–5 mm long~Stylosanthes guianensis var. guianensis #{gn}Xanthosia 1~Leaves mostly basal, ternately dissected~2 1*~Leaves mostly cauline, simple or trifoliolate~3 2~Plants 10–50 cm high, perennial; umbels exceeding the leaves; bracteoles and petals white~Xanthosia atkinsoniana 2*~Plants prostrate, up to 10 cm high; umbels not exceeding the leaves; bracteoles green; petals white or reddish~Xanthosia dissecta 3~Plants herbs; leaves trifoliolate, leaflets elliptic, margins entire; fruit with 5–7 ribs~Xanthosia tasmanica 3*~Plants shrubs or subshrubs; leaves simple or compound~4 4~Leaves simple, cuneate, apex 3-notched; sepals peltate; fruit glabrous~Xanthosia tridentata 4*~Leaves simple or compound, elliptic or ovate, entire, crenate or serrate; sepals not peltate; fruit hirsute on the summit~5 5~Mature stems excorticating (flaky)~Xanthosia scopulicola 5*~Mature stems not excorticating~6 6~Leaves simple or compound, if compound then with the terminal leaflet at least 1.5 times longer than the lateral leaflets~Xanthosia pilosa 6*~Leaves compound with the terminal leaflet equal to slightly longer than the lateral leaflets, the leaflets similar in shape, usually with three lobes~7 7~Trichomes on adaxial leaf surface stellate, isolated to sparse~Xanthosia stellata 7*~Trichomes on the adaxial leaf surface long, simple or dendritic, dense~Xanthosia ternifolia #{gn}Grevillea 1~Ovary with hairs.~2 1*~Ovary glabrous.~4 2~Leaves EITHER entire and linear, 6–30 cm long, 1–2 mm wide, OR 2–10-partite with similarly long and narrow lobes; margins of leaves revolute, enclosing all or nearly all of the lower surface (except for the midvein).~8 2*~Leaves entire, or toothed or divided; variously shaped, if entire leaves or ultimate lobes linear then <6 cm long and/or >3 mm wide and/or the undersurface exposed on either side of the midvein.~3 3~Inner surface of perianth glabrous.~11 3*~Inner surface of perianth with few to many hairs.~29 4~Stipe of ovary short (<1.5 mm long), and swollen, almost as wide as ovary, and with a tuft of hairs on the ventral side.~57 4*~Stipe of ovary 1–12 mm long, slender, glabrous.~5 5~Conflorescences paniculately several- to many-branched, or rarely simple or basally 1–4-branched; unit conflorescences long-cylindrical or long-secund.~60 5*~Conflorescences simple, or basally 1–3-branched; unit conflorescences regular-umbelloid or shortly and broadly secund or a loose short cluster.~6 6~Gynoecium >23 mm long.~64 6*~Gynoecium ≤23 mm long.~7 7~Gynoecium 14–23 mm long.~72 7*~Gynoecium <14 mm long.~87 8~Ovary subsessile; perianth glabrous inside.~Grevillea juncifolia 8*~Ovary stipitate; perianth hairy or glabrous inside.~9 9~Conflorescences simple or basally few-branched; unit conflorescence a loose cluster or shortly and untidily subcylindrical; ultimate floral rachises 4–12 mm long; flowers red to pink or orange; gynoecium 26–37 mm long.~Grevillea johnsonii 9*~Conflorescences paniculately several-branched or occasionally simple; unit conflorescences dense, neatly cylindrical; ultimate floral rachises 50–100 mm long; flowers white to cream; gynoecium 10–22 mm long.~10 10~Most or all leaves simple and entire; pedicels 2–4 mm long, subvillous; thickest ultimate floral rachises ≤2 mm across, not or scarcely thicker (usually thinner) than the ultimate peduncles; floral bracts 4–6 mm long.~Grevillea pterosperma 10*~Most or all leaves divided; pedicels 3–6 mm long, velvety; thickest ultimate floral rachises >2 mm across, markedly thinner than the ultimate peduncles; floral bracts 1.5–2.5 mm long.~Grevillea albiflora 11~Stipe of ovary 10–13 mm long; ovary with scattered minute simple erect hairs only.~Grevillea shiressii 11*~Stipe of ovary <5 mm long, or ovary sessile; ovary usually densely clad, with non-glandular hairs only, or rarely glabrous in the upper half but then with a tuft of ascending hairs near the base on the ventral side.~12 12~Gynoecium 3–8 mm long; pollen presenter ± erect and strongly conical; unit conflorescences ovoid or loosely conico-cylindrical; all leaves deeply divided, usually with secondary and sometimes tertiary division.~13 12*~Gynoecium 9–32 mm long; pollen presenter oblique on the style, discoid or convex or weakly conical; unit conflorescences strongly secund, or rarely cylindrical to conico-cylindrical and then the gynoecium ≥18 mm long; leaves variously divided, or entire.~15 13~Style hairy over at least 1/2 (and usually 2/3) of its length; unit conflorescence usually >25 mm long.~Grevillea ramosissima 13*~Style glabrous over most of its length; unit conflorescences usually <20 mm long.~14 14~Limb of flower bud with a white indumentum; unit conflorescence opening weakly from base, ± cylindrical; flowers not crowded; gynoecium ≤5 mm long; pedicels <2 mm long.~Grevillea triternata 14*~Limb of flower bud with brown hairs; unit conflorescence opening strongly from base, ovoid; flowers crowded; gynoecium 6–7.5 mm long; pedicels >3 mm long.~Grevillea raybrownii 15~Ovary sessile; unit conflorescence loosely cylindrical or conico-cylindrical, not secund; styles yellowish orange throughout (semi-arid zone).~Grevillea juncifolia 15*~Ovary stipitate; unit conflorescence secund; styles red, pink, rarely cream or orange or yellow but then with a green tip.~16 16~Outer surface of perianth glabrous; leaves with linear lobes, pungent, strongly divaricate.~Grevillea rivularis 16*~Outer surface of perianth with hairs; leaves not lobed or if lobed then lobes variously shaped, pungent or not, divaricate or not.~17 17~Lower surface of leaves glabrous, or with a sparse to dense indumentum of closely appressed hairs, the hairs straight to wavy (not tightly curled).~18 17*~Lower surface of leaves with a sparse to dense indumentum of ascending to spreading hairs, the hairs straight to wavy or tightly curled.~25 18~Lower surface of leaves glabrous or nearly so, if hairs present then concentrated on and alongside the main veins; leaves with deep primary division; leaves with lobes rigid, pungent, and divaricate.~Grevillea acanthifolia 18*~Lower surface of leaf with a more or less evenly distributed, sparse to dense indumentum; leaves entire or with shallow to deep primary division; leaves not lobed or with lobes rigid to pliable, pungent or not, not or scarcely divaricate.~19 19~All leaves entire.~20 19*~Some or all leaves toothed or divided.~21 20~Most leaves at least 25 mm wide; plants prostrate.~Grevillea laurifolia 20*~Most leaves <20 mm wide; plant an erect to spreading shrub.~Grevillea longifolia 21~Gynoecium 14–15 mm long, mid to light mauve-pink.~Grevillea wilkinsonii 21*~Gynoecium 19–31 mm long, usually red to maroon, rarely cream, pink or yellowish.~22 22~Most or all leaves >12 cm long, <20 mm wide.~Grevillea longifolia 22*~Most or all leaves <12 cm long, and/or >20 mm wide (breadth including lobes)~23 23~Lower surface of leaves with the ground tissue on either side of the midvein visible through an open to sparse indumentum; prostrate rhizomatous shrub, rarely if ever setting fruit; pedicels 3–8 mm long).~Grevillea renwickiana 23*~Lower surface of leaves with the ground tissue on either side of the midvein concealed by a dense indumentum; prostrate to weakly erect shrubs, rarely rhizomatous, fruiting freely; pedicels 1–4.5 mm long.~24 24~Floral bracts ≤1 mm long; fruit borne erect on a straight stipe; leaves shallowly to very deeply divided; pollen presenter oblique at >45° to line of style.~Grevillea ilicifolia 24*~Floral bracts 1–2.5 mm long; fruit borne on an incurved stipe; leaves shallowly toothed or divided; pollen presenter oblique at ≤45° to line of style.~Grevillea scortechinii 25~Most leaves ≤15 mm wide (breadth including lobes, if present).~Grevillea aspleniifolia 25*~Most leaves at least 25 mm wide (breadth including lobes, if present).~26 26~Most or all leaves with deep primary division; leaves with lobes oblong or narrow-obovate or narrow-triangular; ultimate lobes ≤6 mm wide.~27 26*~Either all leaves entire, or with ultimate teeth or lobes >6 mm wide and triangular to broadly so or oblong-ovate.~28 27~Gynoecium 15–19 mm long; usually most or all leaves with secondary teeth or lobes present, including on more distal primary lobes.~Grevillea beadleana 27*~Gynoecium 25–28 mm long; most or all leaves with the primary lobes entire, rarely the basal ones with a secondary lobe.~Grevillea caleyi 28~Some or all leaves >15 cm long, ± elliptic in general outline; all leaves entire, or rarely divided with oblong-ovate lobes; SC & ST, coast and adjacent coastal ranges.~Grevillea macleayana 28*~Leaves usually 3–7 cm long (rarely to 11 cm), ± cuneate in general outline; most or all leaves toothed or divided; SWP.~Grevillea ilicifolia 29~Style-end with an apical-dorsal appendage or apiculation.~30 29*~Style-end lacking an apical-dorsal appendage or apiculation.~31 30~Pollen presenter narrow-elliptic, 1–1.6 mm wide; stylar appendage antrorsely directed to erect (very rarely slightly retrorse); lower surface of leaves with a loose villous indumentum, all hairs long and strongly ascending to wavy-erect; leaves linear-oblong to narrow-elliptic (rarely slightly narrow-oblanceolate); gynoecium 10–13 mm long.~Grevillea phylicoides 30*~Pollen presenter round to broad-elliptic, 1.4–3.3 mm wide; style-end appendage retrorsely directed to erect (rarely slightly antrorse); lower surface of leaves with a loosely appressed to weakly ascending indumentum of short often matted hairs, with occasional longer hairs weakly emergent; leaves ovate or slightly obovate or narrow-oblong to elliptic; gynoecium 11–21 mm long.~Grevillea buxifolia 31~Unit conflorescence erect, very regular, umbelloid, style curved inward towards, or outwards from, the rachis axis; tepals remaining coherent (except along dorsal suture) after release of style-end, and turning outwards to form a platform held ventrally to the style, with most of the hairy inner perianth surface displayed; gynoecium 9–13 mm long.~32 31*~Unit conflorescences erect to decurved or pendent, 1- to few-flowered or an irregular cluster or shortly and broadly secund, or rarely subumbelloid but then usually decurved; tepals EITHER separating along dorsal suture and then held loosely together ventral to the style, not turning outwards to form a platform, OR sometimes partially turning outwards (but then the conflorescences usually decurved to pendent); gynoecium 9–32 mm long.~35 32~Flowers with the styles curved inward towards the rachis apex; leaves 1–2 mm wide, with most or all of the lower surface enclosed by the revolute margins.~Grevillea acerata 32*~Flowers with the styles curved outwards from the rachis apex; leaves 1.5–8.5 mm wide, with most or all of lower surface exposed.~33 33~Branchlets and lower surfaces of leaves subsericeous (the hairs appressed).~Grevillea sphacelata 33*~Branchlets tomentose to villous (the hairs ascending to spreading); lower surfaces of leaves loosely subsericeous to tomentose or villous.~34 34~Pollen presenter narrow-elliptic, 1–1.6 mm wide; style-end ± discoid, thin; lower surface of leaves with a loose villous indumentum, all hairs long and strongly ascending to wavy-erect; leaves linear-oblong to narrow-elliptic (rarely slightly narrow-oblanceolate); gynoecium 10–13 mm long.~Grevillea phylicoides 34*~Pollen presenter round to broad-elliptic, 1.4–3.3 mm wide; style-end thick, hoof-like; lower surface of leaves with a loosely appressed to weakly ascending indumentum of short often matted hairs, with occasional longer hairs weakly emergent; leaves ovate or slightly obovate or narrow-oblong to elliptic; gynoecium 11–21 mm long.~Grevillea buxifolia 35~Perianth outer surface completely glabrous (including on limb).~36 35*~Perianth with hairs on the outer surface (sometimes few and/or restricted to limb).~41 36~Lower surface of leaves with the lamina on either side of the midvein exposed, and glabrous or with scattered hairs along the midvein only.~37 36*~Lower surface of leaves EITHER with the lamina on either side of the midvein concealed (enclosed by the revolute margin), OR exposed and then with hairs on the lamina on either side of the midvein.~39 37~Style loosely villous over at least the lower 2/3; ovary villous to openly villous, including on upper half .~Grevillea baueri 37*~Style glabrous or with scattered hairs in lower half only; ovary with hairs restricted to a small tuft on the lower half (and on stipe) only.~38 38~Leaves narrow-elliptic, acute, ≤3 mm wide; conflorescence usually simple.~Grevillea rosmarinifolia 38*~Leaves narrowly oblong-elliptic, obtuse, usually >4 mm wide; conflorescence usually 2–10-branched.~Grevillea iaspicula 39~Style loosely tomentose to villous over at least 2/3 of its length; ovary villous over whole surface.~Grevillea lanigera 39*~Style glabrous or with scattered erect hairs in basal half only; ovary with hairs restricted to a small tuft on ventral side near base only.~40 40~Leaves ascending, 0.7–3.0 mm wide, smooth or faintly granulose on upper surface; plant not rhizomatous nor lignotuberous; gynoecium 15–23 mm long.~Grevillea rosmarinifolia 40*~Leaves spreading, 0.5–0.6 mm wide, scabrid on upper surface; plant at least sometimes rhizomatous or lignotuberous; gynoecium c. 16 mm long.~Grevillea divaricata 41~Lower surface of leaves mostly or wholly exposed AND either glabrous or with only a few hairs along the midvein; outer surface of perianth with hairs restricted to the limb.~Grevillea baueri 41*~Lower surface of leaves either concealed by the revolute margins, or exposed and then hairy (hairs not confined to midvein); outer surface of perianth with hairs not restricted to limb.~42 42~Floral bracts conspicuous and persistent when flowers open and mostly >2 mm wide; perianth persistent to fruiting stage; conflorescence dense, subglobose.~Grevillea polybractea 42*~EITHER floral bracts falling early, OR if persistent when flowers open then inconspicuous and <2 mm wide; perianth falling well before fruiting stage or rarely (G. floribunda only) persistent; conflorescence never dense and subglobose.~43 43~Nectary very conspicuous when perianth removed, tongue-shaped or shovel-like, projecting >1 mm laterally beyond receptacle rim into the perianth pouch.~Grevillea alpina 43*~Nectary variously shaped (reniform, arcuate, cushion-like) but not tongue-shaped or shovel-like, projecting above receptacle rim but not or scarcely projecting laterally into the perianth pouch.~44 44~Apex of flower bud (i.e. limb) pointed (variously acute to acuminate or caudate).~45 44*~Apex of flower bud (i.e. limb) rounded-obtuse.~50 45~Inner surface of perianth with the area above the conspicuous beard bearing a dense to open spreading indumentum (especially on ventral tepals) all the way to the limb segments; S from Tamworth W of the Great Dividing Range, S from Sydney E of the Divide.~Grevillea arenaria 45*~Inner surface of perianth with the area above the conspicuous beard glabrous or with a very sparse indumentum; E of the Great Divide only, N from Hunter R./Hawkesbury R. watershed.~46 46~Lower surface of leaves with a dense matted indumentum (hairs not mutually aligned); fruit not developing.~Grevillea rhizomatosa 46*~Lower surface of leaves with a sparse to dense indumentum of straight, mutually aligned hairs; fruit developing.~47 47~Beard on inner surface of perianth situated in 'throat' just below curve of the perianth; perianth prominently saccate near base on ventral side.~Grevillea masonii 47*~Beard on inner surface of perianth situated near base; perianth oblong with a slight basal-ventral dilation.~48 48~Lower surface of leaves on either side of the midvein obscured by a dense even appressed indumentum, ground tissue not visible between the hairs at 10x magnification; branchlets with ± appressed hairs.~Grevillea montana 48*~Lower surface of leaves on either side of midvein with the ground tissue clearly visible between the hairs at 10x magnification; branchlets with ± spreading hairs.~49 49~Leaves ≤20 mm long, apices obtuse; fruit borne transverse to pedicel with the style sharply inflected at the base; conflorescences 1–4-flowered.~Grevillea quadricauda 49*~Leaves >20 mm long, apices acute; fruit borne erect on the pedicel with an erect style; conflorescence ≥6-flowered.~Grevillea banyabba 50~Outer surface of perianth with rusty brown hairs; longest floral rachis usually >15 mm long.~Grevillea floribunda 50*~Outer surface of perianth with hairs mostly or all pale in colour (off-white to fawn or pinkish); longest floral rachis <15 mm long (and usually <10 mm long).~51 51~Inner surface of perianth with a conspicuous beard situated in upper half near "throat" of perianth.~52 51*~Inner surface of perianth with the beard situated in the basal third.~53 52~Longest floral rachises (5-) 10–20 mm long; leaves 4–5 cm long.~Grevillea floribunda 52*~Longest floral rachises 1–5 mm long; leaves mostly 0.5–2 (rarely to 3) cm long.~Grevillea masonii 53~Most leaves with an apical mucro 1–2 mm long; limb segment of each tepal with a prominent median keel (limb squarish in face view).~Grevillea mucronulata 53*~Most leaves with apical mucro <1 mm long; limb segments of tepals not or scarcely keeled (limb ± globose in face view).~54 54~Pollen presenter ≤2 mm long (dorsal to ventral edge), round to ovate to elliptic in face view.~55 54*~Pollen presenter >2 mm long, obovate or elliptic or oblong in face view, with a short basal attenuation.~56 55~Leaves on a plant usually all ± same size; pollen presenter convex with an inconspicuous stigma; gynoecium (14-)18–23 mm long; perianth pink to pinkish red with cream limb; habit rhizomatous .~Grevillea obtusiflora 55*~Leaves on a plant usually very variable in size; pollen presenter flat with a prominent stigma; gynoecium 12–18 mm long; perianth green to cream; habit lignotuberous.~Grevillea kedumbensis 56~Leaves with lower surface appressed-sericeous, upper surface finely granulate (rarely coarsely so); peduncle densely hairy; gynoecium 21–24 mm long; fruit <15 mm long.~Grevillea granulifera 56*~Leaves with lower surface subvillous, upper surface coarsely granulate; peduncle glabrous or sparsely hairy; gynoecium (21-)25–26 mm long; fruit c. 20 mm long.~Grevillea guthrieana 57~Leaves with the lower surface on either side of the midvein exposed, glabrous or nearly so.~58 57*~Leaves with the lower surface mostly or wholly concealed by the revolute margins.~59 58~Leaves narrow-elliptic, acute, ≤3 mm wide; conflorescence usually simple; lower surface of leaves usually with at least a few hairs.~Grevillea rosmarinifolia 58*~Leaves narrowly oblong-elliptic, obtuse, usually >4 mm wide; conflorescence usually 2–10-branched; lower surface of leaves quite glabrous.~Grevillea iaspicula 59~Leaves ascending, 0.7–3.0 mm wide, smooth or faintly granulose on upper surface; plant not rhizomatous nor lignotuberous; gynoecium 15–23 mm long.~Grevillea rosmarinifolia 59*~Leaves spreading, 0.5–0.6 mm wide, scabrid on upper surface; plant at least sometimes rhizomatous or lignotuberous; gynoecium c. 16 mm long.~Grevillea divaricata 60~Unit conflorescences long-secund; floral rachises 12–16 cm long; styles yellow-orange; all leaves divided, deeply lobed; tree 8–40 m high.~Grevillea robusta 60*~Unit conflorescences regular-cylindrical; styles white to cream, or pale pink; leaves entire or variously divided; prostrate to erect shrubs, or trees.~61 61~Leaves flat, penniveined, some or all leaves (or ultimate lobes if leaves divided)≥15 mm wide; tree of subtropical rainforest.~Grevillea hilliana 61*~Leaves flat or subterete, single-or parallel-veined, leaves (or lobes) ≤15 mm wide; shrubs or trees of the semi-arid zone.~62 62~Leaves entire, subterete, ungrooved, upper surface with a narrow rounded longitudinal ridge.~Grevillea nematophylla 62*~Leaves entire or rarely a few divided, dorsiventral, with 2–13 grooves flanking the prominent veins on the lower surface.~63 63~Leaves 10–45 cm long, 2–15 mm wide, lower surface with 5–13 parallel longitudinal striations; erect spindly shrub or robust tree 3–15 m high.~Grevillea striata 63*~Leaves 10–35 cm long, 0.7–2.5 mm wide, lower surface with a single longitudinal vein; bushy shrub 1.5–2 (rarely to 6) m high.~Grevillea stenobotrya 64~Stipe of ovary 4–13 mm long (including portion adnate to inner wall of the strongly oblique receptacle), AND gynoecium 23–32 mm long and glabrous.~65 64*~Stipe of ovary ≤5 mm long, free, on a transverse to slightly oblique receptacle; gynoecium 23–36 mm long, glabrous or with minute hairs (these sometimes inconspicuous and confined to the apical 1–3 mm or the back of the pollen presenter).~67 65~Leaves divided; lobes pungent-pointed.~Grevillea huegelii 65*~Leaves entire; apex pungent-pointed or not.~66 66~Leaves linear, rigid, pungen-pointed, 1–4 cm long, 1–2 mm wide; flowers red or deep pink.~Grevillea kennedyana 66*~Leaves elliptic to lanceolate, neither rigid nor pungent-pointed, 6–21 cm long, 9–30 mm wide; flowers with green to cream perianth and red-brown to mauve style.~Grevillea shiressii 67~Apex of flower bud pointed (limb subpyramidal).~Grevillea oxyantha 67*~Apex of flower bud obtuse (limb rounded or square).~68 68~Longest leaves ≤4 cm long.~69 68*~Longest leaves >4 cm long.~71 69~Leaves narrow-obovate to subulate or linear, usually rigid and pungent, 1–6 mm wide; midvein on lower surface of leaves densely hairy and markedly diminishing in prominence towards the apex, often scarcely or not evident in apical half of leaves .~Grevillea juniperina 69*~Leaves narrow-elliptic to elliptic or lanceolate or almost round, usually pliable, not pungent, (4-)7–45 mm wide; midvein of lower surface of leaves densely to sparsely hairy or glabrous, but always evident over full length of leaves.~70 70~Gynoecium 25–35 mm long; longest floral rachises 5–12 mm long; Sydney to Gosford and Kulnura.~Grevillea speciosa 70*~Gynoecium ≤26 mm long; longest floral rachises 10–60 mm long; Snowy Mtns.~Grevillea victoriae 71~Gynoecium 27–36 mm long; floral rachises 1–8 mm long; Sydney to Illawarra and Blue Mtns.~Grevillea oleoides 71*~Gynoecium ≤26 mm long; floral rachises 10–60 mm long; Snowy Mtns.~Grevillea victoriae 72~Leaves divided, lobes pungent-pointed; stipe of ovary 7–14 mm long.~Grevillea huegelii 72*~Leaves entire, apex pungent or not; stipe of ovary ≤5 mm long.~73 73~Leaves with whole upper surface finely but tangibly granulate, to coarsely asperous.~Grevillea irrasa 73*~Leaves with upper surface smooth (sometimes hairy but not granulate or asperous except minutely on edge of veins).~74 74~Leaves with a tangible velvety indumentum on the upper surface; conflorescences 2–8-flowered; N from Kempsey.~75 74*~Leaves with the upper surface glabrous, or hairy but then the hairs usually appressed, rarely ascending, never velvety; conflorescences usually >8-flowered, rarely 2–8; chiefly south of the Hunter R., rarely far NC, or NT or NWS.~76 75~Gynoecium ≤16 mm long; perianth bichromatic, green in basal half, red above.~Grevillea linsmithii 75*~Gynoecium 16–17 mm long; perianth bright red throughout.~Grevillea mollis 76~Apex of flower bud pointed (limb subpyramidal).~Grevillea oxyantha 76*~Apex of flower bud obtuse (limb subglobose or square).~77 77~Broadest leaves ≤6 mm wide.~78 77*~Broadest leaves >6 mm wide.~81 78~Leaves usually rigid, pungent, ≤3.5 cm long, often many clustered together on short lateral branchlets; midvein on lower surface of leaves as densely hairy as the adjacent lamina, and declining markedly in prominence in the apical half of the leaves (sometimes midvein altogether concealed by the revolute margins); branchlets ± terete in cross section .~Grevillea juniperina 78*~Leaves rigid or pliable, usually not pungent, 1–5.5 cm long, solitary or in clusters of 3; midvein on lower surface of leaves glabrous or markedly less hairy than the adjacent lamina, maintaining prominence over full length of leaves, never concealed by the revolute margins; branchlets angular in cross section.~79 79~Pedicels 2.5–3.5 mm long; perianth and style bright red; low almost prostrate to weakly erect shrub 0.2–1 m high.~Grevillea molyneuxii 79*~Pedicels 4–10 mm long; perianth and style white to cream or pink, rarely mauve; erect shrubs 0.5–2 m high.~80 80~Hairs on lower surface of leaves highly reflective, sparkling under strong light; leaves narrowly oblong-elliptic to sublinear, ≤4 cm long, <4 mm wide; far NC.~Grevillea humilis 80*~Hairs on lower surface of leaves matt, not sparkling; leaves variable, obovate or elliptic or narrowly so and then 1–6 cm long and 2–9 mm wide, or rarely linear and then 6–12 cm long and 1–3 mm wide; Sydney Basin, W to Newnes and N to Hunter R.: CC, CT, CWS.~Grevillea sericea 81~Tepals all separating to level of ovary or below, and widely and evenly arching and splayed, all held within a 180° arc ventral to the gynoecium; hairs on the inner perianth surface displayed.~Grevillea sericea 81*~Tepals coherent over their basal third to half, independently recoiled or recurved above, on either side of the gynoecium, the ventral pair more strongly recoiled than the dorsal pair; hairs on the inner perianth surface not displayed.~82 82~Limb of bud (limb segments of tepals) tomentose to villous, with ± spreading hairs.~Grevillea rhyolitica 82*~Limb of bud (limb segments of tepals) with an appressed indumentum.~83 83~Lower surface of leaves with an open to sparse indumentum (ground tissue visible between hairs).~84 83*~Lower surface of leaves with a dense indumentum (ground tissue concealed by hairs).~85 84~Longest leaves ≤4 cm long; new growth usually strongly flushed pink or purplish pink.~Grevillea parvula 84*~Longest leaves 4–7 cm long; new growth not or scarcely flushed pink.~Grevillea epicroca 85~Longest floral rachises 20–60 mm long; longest leaves usually 5–14 cm long; flower buds rich rusty brown; upper surface of leaves with the lateral veins pale, strongly evident.~Grevillea victoriae 85*~Longest floral rachises 6–25 mm long; longest leaves 2–5 (rarely to 7) cm long; flower buds red to pink or rusty brown; upper surface of leaves with the lateral veins obscure or weakly evident.~86 86~New vegetative growth usually strongly flushed pink or purplish pink (rarely green); pollen presenter usually ventrally very concave in cross section; branchlets tomentose to subvillous (spreading hairs).~Grevillea parvula 86*~New vegetative growth green; pollen presenter usually flat in cross section; branchlets sericeous (appressed hairs) or occasionally weakly tomentose (ascending hairs).~Grevillea brevifolia 87~Leaves deeply and divaricately divided; gynoecium 4–6 mm long, glabrous; style with an ovoid swelling; perianth actinomorphic.~Grevillea anethifolia 87*~Leaves entire; gynoecium 6–14 mm long, with minute hairs at least near the apex (sometimes on back of pollen presenter only); style slender except right at the apex; perianth zygomorphic.~88 88~Inner surface of perianth glabrous or with a few hairs only ± opposite the ovary.~89 88*~Inner surface of perianth with a distinct beard of hairs ± opposite the ovary.~91 89~Lower surface of leaves 1-grooved, with the revolute margins completely concealing both lamina and midrib.~Grevillea australis 89*~Lower surface of leaves either with the lamina on either side of the midvein mostly or wholly exposed, or with the lamina enclosed but the midrib still exposed.~90 90~Lower surface of leaves with midrib and lamina both bearing a similar dense indumentum; ground tissue of midvein not visible between the hairs, midrib on the lower surface often only evident in lower half of leaves (declining markedly in prominence towards apex).~Grevillea australis 90*~Lower surface of leaves with hairs less dense on the midrib than on the exposed lamina, or midvein glabrous; midrib on the lower surface evident and prominent over full length of the leaves.~Grevillea imberbis 91~Tepals remaining ± coherent over their basal 1/3–1/2 after release of style-end, their apical portions independently recoiled or recurved on either side of the style, with the ventral pair more strongly recoiled than the dorsal pair; hairs on the inner surface of the perianth not displayed; pollen presenter lateral on style or almost so; perianth red, pinkish red, or rusty brown.~92 91*~Tepals all separating to level of ovary (or below) after release of style-end, all held within a 180° arc ventral to the gynoecium; hairs on the inner surface of the perianth usually displayed; pollen presenter oblique on style; perianth red, pink, white or cream or greenish white.~94 92~Upper surface of leaves smooth, either glabrous or with appressed hairs and lacking a velvety feel; lower surface of leaves with ± appressed hairs; outer surface of perianth with a dense indumentum of rusty brown hairs.~Grevillea diminuta 92*~Upper surface of leaves EITHER granulate to scabrid, OR with a tangible velvety indumentum; lower surface of leaves velvety to villous (long spreading hairs); perianth hairs red or pale.~93 93~Leaves granulate to scabrid on upper surface; perianth 1-coloured throughout, pink to pinkish red; SC.~Grevillea irrasa 93*~Leaves velvety on upper surface, not granulate or scabrid; perianth 2-coloured, green at base, red above; NE N.S.W., NC & NT.~Grevillea linsmithii 94~Unit conflorescences ± regularly umbelloid (open flowers arranged in full 360° about rachis, or a loose irregular cluster of indeterminate structure and sometimes only 4–6-flowered.~95 94*~Unit conflorescences secund, sometimes shortly and broadly so and appearing almost subglobose, but all styles of open flowers held within a 180° arc when viewed along rachis.~102 95~Leaves narrow-obovate with an obtuse or emarginate apex; low rhizomatous shrub <1 m high; NC only.~Grevillea humilis 95*~Leaves linear, elliptic or lanceolate with a ± acute apex; low spreading to erect shrubs, 0.3–2 m high, rhizomatous or not; widespread.~96 96~Leaves ± rigid, pungent-pointed.~Grevillea patulifolia 96*~Leaves pliable, not pungent-pointed.~97 97~Leaves linear to elliptic or narrow-obovate, most or all leaves with the lower surface on either side of the midvein partly or wholly exposed.~98 97*~Leaves linear, with the undersurface on either side of the midvein enclosed by the revolute margins, only midvein exposed.~99 98~Leaves 0.2–1.3 mm wide; hairs of branchlets, leaves and perianth dull, not sparkling under strong light; young flower buds with a dense deep rusty brown indumentum.~Grevillea parviflora 98*~Leaves 1.5–10 mm wide; hairs of branchlets, leaves and perianth sparkling under strong light; young flower buds with a silver and fawn indumentum.~Grevillea humilis 99~Leaves mostly in clusters of three.~Grevillea patulifolia 99*~Leaves solitary or crowded but not in clusters of three.~100 100~Inner surface of perianth profusely bearded, the beard usually >1 mm in extent and the hairs at least 0.5 mm long; very young flower buds with a dense indumentum of rusty brown hairs; Moss Vale N to lower Hunter R.~Grevillea parviflora 100*~Inner surface of perianth with a short dense to scanty beard, <1 mm in extent, the hairs <0.5 mm long; very young flower buds with pale, fawn, or rusty brown hairs; far SC, ST and CWS.~101 101~Leaves very widely ascending to spreading, very straight, well-spaced, usually most 4–7.5 cm long, 0.7–1.3 mm wide; pedicels c. 3.5 mm long; gynoecium 7–9 mm long; CWS.~Grevillea wiradjuri 101*~Leaves closely to widely ascending, straight or wavy or incurved, often somewhat crowded, usually 2–4 cm long, 1.2–2 mm wide; pedicels 4.5–5 mm long; gynoecium 6–7.5 mm long; SC, ST.~Grevillea neurophylla 102~Late flower buds tomentose to villous, especially on limb (hairs ascending to spreading); unit conflorescences broadly secund (sometimes almost subglobose) and sometimes pendent or held on or near the ground.~103 102*~Late flower buds ± subsericeous, the hairs (including on limb) appressed; unit conflorescences dense to open, broadly secund (usually clearly one-sided, rarely almost subglobose), usually erect and held clear of ground (rarely otherwise).~105 103~Leaves pungent-pointed, conspicuously 3-veined, often twisting on drying; perianth with both 2-branched and simple erect glandular hairs on the outer surface.~Grevillea oldei 103*~Leaves not or scarcely pungent-pointed, not conspicuously 3-veined, remaining straight on drying; perianth with 2-branched hairs only on outer surface.~104 104~Limb of flower bud with a dark rusty brown indumentum; nectary shortly tongue-shaped, projecting clearly over the receptacle rim.~Grevillea evansiana 104*~Limb of flower bud with a pale indumentum (sometimes a few darker hairs); nectary arcuate, scarcely emergent above the receptacle rim.~Grevillea capitellata 105~Unit conflorescences dense, broadly secund and often appearing subglobose, often pendent; flowers red to deep maroon.~Grevillea diffusa 105*~Unit conflorescences loose to dense, secund or broadly so (but not appearing subglobose), not pendent; flowers white to cream or greenish yellow or pink.~106 106~Lower surface of leaves on either side of the midvein glabrous or with an open to sparse indumentum, the ground tissue visible between the hairs.~107 106*~Lower surface of leaves on either side of the midvein with a ± dense indumentum, the ground tissue not visible between the hairs.~109 107~Hairs of leaves and branchlets sparkling under strong light.~Grevillea humilis 107*~Hairs of leaves and branchlets matt, not sparkling under strong light.~108 108~Low erect to spreading shrub to 1 m high; leaves ascending, usually solitary, occasionally a few in clusters of 3; branchlets brownish to green; flowers (perianth and style) pink or white.~Grevillea humilis 108*~Erect open shrub 0.5–2 m high; leaves ± spreading, usually in well-spaced clusters of 3–5; branchlets reddish; flowers white (only style sometimes pink with age).~Grevillea virgata 109~Style (fresh) lemony yellow or yellow-green; perianth greenish often becoming white after flowers open; montane habitats of NT only.~Grevillea viridiflava 109*~Style (fresh) white or pink; perianth white or pink to mauve after flowers open; coastal to montane N.S.W.~110 110~Leaves pungent, usually ± rigid.~Grevillea patulifolia 110*~Leaves not or scarcely pungent, pliable.~111 111~Erect shrubs 1–3 m high; flowers white or very pale pink; leaves not crowded.~112 111*~Low spreading to weakly erect shrubs 0.2–1.3 m high; flowers white or pale to deep pink; leaves crowded or not.~113 112~Gynoecium 7–13 mm long; early buds pale with a fawn-brown tip; leaves 3.5–11 cm long, 1–5 mm wide, light green; stipe of ovary 1.3–1.5 mm long; shrub, not rhizomatous, of sandstone soils.~Grevillea linearifolia 112*~Gynoecium 4–8 mm long; early buds with dense rusty brown hairs all over; leaves 1.5–5 cm long, 0.8–1.3 mm wide, dark green; stipe of ovary ≤1.2 mm long; rhizomatous shrub of clayey soils.~Grevillea parviflora 113~Leaves at least 1.5 mm wide, variously sublinear or narrow-elliptic or oblanceolate; hairs of branchlets and leaves sometimes sparkling under strong light (or not); conflorescences with 10–24 flowers; early flower buds usually silver-grey with a fawn limb, rarely brown all over; coastal, from Lake Macquarie to Qld border.~Grevillea humilis 113*~Leaves ≤1.3 mm wide, linear or very slightly oblanceolate; hairs of branchlets and leaflets dull; conflorescences usually with 6–14 flowers; early flower buds rusty brown all over; Moss Vale N to lower Hunter R.~Grevillea parviflora #{sf}EPACRIDOIDEAE 1~Stems with annular leaf scars~2 1*~Stems without annular leaf scars~3 2~Corolla ovoid or conical, forming a 'cap' that splits near the base and is shed as the anthers expand, lobes not opening~Richea 2*~Corolla with broad cylindrical or campanulate tube, the lobes spreading or recurved~Dracophyllum 3~Leaves sheathing~Sprengelia 3*~Leaves not sheathing~4 4~Style inserted in depression at apex of ovary; fruit a loculicidal capsule~5 4*~Style attenuate from the ovary, fruit a drupe or sometimes the endocarp separating into pyrenes~8 5~Corolla lobes contorted in bud~Woollsia 5*~Corolla lobes imbricate but not contorted in bud~6 6~Filaments inserted in throat; anthers erect or spreading, dehiscing longitudinally~7 6*~Filaments inserted at base of corolla tube; anthers converging around the style, dehiscing by apical slit~Rupicola 7~Filaments shorter than anthers; anthers versatile, attached to filament about the middle~Epacris 7*~Filaments longer than anthers; anthers fused to upper part of filament~Budawangia 8~Corolla lobes valvate in bud~9 8*~Corolla lobes basally or apically imbricate in bud~16 9~Anthers on long filaments, well exserted from the tube; corolla lobes revolute~Styphelia 9*~Anthers on short filaments, just exserted or partly or wholly enclosed in tube; lobes erect to spreading~10 10~Corolla tube with hairs or scales inside below the middle~11 10*~Corolla tube glabrous below the middle~12 11~Corolla tube short and broad; lobes spreading; 5 glandular scales present near base of tube~Melichrus 11*~Corolla tube elongated, cylindrical; lobes erect at base, spreading above; 5 tufts of hairs or ciliate scales inside, sometimes confluent in a ring, rarely glabrous~Astroloma 12~Flowers pedicellate, the subtending bract and bracteoles inserted some distance from the calyx~Lissanthe 12*~Flowers sessile, the subtending bracts and bracteoles inserted immediately below the calyx~13 13~Drupaceous fruit with endocarp not separating into pyrenes~14 13*~Drupaceous fruit with endocarp separating into pyrenes~Pentachondra 14~Corolla lobes glabrous or sometimes papillose~Monotoca 14*~Corolla lobes hairy~15 15~Corolla lobes with erect tuft of hairs near apex, fine hairs at throat; flowers yellow-green or green~Acrotriche 15*~Corolla lobes sparsely to densely bearded; flowers white, cream or red~Leucopogon 16~Corolla lobes basally imbricate; drupaceous fruit with endocarp not separating into pyrenes~Brachyloma 16*~Corolla lobes apically imbricate; drupaceous fruit with endocarp separating into pyreness~Trochocarpa #{sp}Gynura drymophila 1~Plant pubescent~var. drymophila 1*~Plant glabrous~var. glabrifolia #{fm}HYACINTHACEAE 1~Perianth white to green, stellate with spreading tepals; all flowers fertile~2 1*~Perianth dark purple-blue, tubular with short lobes; uppermost flowers sterile~Muscari 2~Tepals more or less oblong, thick-textured, whitish or yellowish with distinct, broad, gree to brown longitudinal band on adaxial surface associated with 3–5 central nerves~Albuca 2*~Tepals ovate to lanceolate, thick- or thin-textured, unicoloured or with a narrow indistinct green or brown keel on adaxial surface without any central nerves~Ornithogalum #{gn}Haloragodendron 1~Fruits ovoid, obtusely angled when dry, never strongly ribbed~Haloragodendron gibsonii 1*~Fruits obovoid to obpyramidal, strongly angled and ribbed, or winged~2 2~Leaves usually 1–1.5 cm long; fruit angled and ribbed~Haloragodendron monospermum 2*~Leaves at least 2.5 cm long; hypanthium and fruit distinctly winged~3 3~Wings conspicuously veined; anthers 2–4 mm long~Haloragodendron baeuerlenii 3*~Wings not conspicuously veined; anthers mostly 4–6 mm long~Haloragodendron lucasii #{sp}Acacia lanigera 1~Peduncles 1–5 mm long, glabrous to hairy; phyllodes narrow-elliptic or linear-elliptic with gland mostly 3.5–13 mm above pulvinus, anastomoses occasional to numerous.~var. lanigera 1*~Peduncles 5–10 mm long, more or less glabrous; phyllodes narrow-elliptic with gland at or near base, anastomoses absent to few.~var. gracilipes #{sp}Elaeodendron australe 1~Leaves <4 times long as broad, mostly >15 mm wide; fruit 14–25 mm long. Shrub or small tree to 8 m high. Leaves elliptic, ovate or obovate, mostly 4–15 cm long and 15–50 mm wide, margins crenate. Fruit ovoid or broad-ellipsoid, 9–15 mm diam~var. australe 1*~Leaves >4 times long as broad, usually <15 mm wide but occasionally to 20 mm wide; fruit 10–15 mm long. Shrub to 3 m high. Leaves oblong or oblong-elliptic to oblong-oblanceolate, mostly 2.7–10 cm long and 5–20 mm wide, margins crenate to entire. Fruit ± ellipsoid, 4–9 mm diam~var. integrifolium #{gn}Viola 1~Annual or biennial; stipules to 4 cm long, green, deeply lobed; lower petal broad-cuneate~Viola arvensis 1*~Perennials; stipules small, often brownish, translucent; lower petal ovate to linear-oblong~2 2~Plants not stoloniferous but stems sometimes elongated and decumbent; lower petal spurred; flowers scentless; styles thickened towards apex~3 2*~Plants stoloniferous, stems rarely elongated; lower petal shallowly pouched but lacking a spur or if spurred then flowers sweetly scented;style not apically thickened~5 3~Stems lax, elongated; leaves cauline, lamina heart-shaped~4 3*~Stems erect, short; leaves radical, lamina lanceolate to oblong, the base cuneate or shallowly cordate~Viola betonicifolia 4~Stipules frimbriate; corolla blue violet; uncommon garden escape (recorded only in Central Tablelands in NSW)~Viola riviniana 4*~Stipules entire or sparcely toothed; corolla white or rarely pale violet(recorded from coast and tableland regions of NSW)~Viola caleyana 5~Petiole with short deflexed hairs, flowers strongly scented; lower petal spurred; capsule hairy~Viola odorata 5*~Petiole glabrous, or if hairy the hairs not deflexed; flowers scentless or faintly scented; lower petal not spurred; capsule usually glabrous~6 6~Flowers mostly discolorous, petals 7–15 mm long~7 6*~Flowers usually concolourous, petals less than 7 mm long~9 7~Leaves reniform to semicircular, more often wider than longer; flowers discolourous violet and white~8 7*~Leaves orbicular with a deep sinus, flowers strongly discolourous, bright violet with prominent white tips~Viola banksii 8~Flower colour usually not strongly demarcated (occasionally concolourous pale violet to almost white); anther glands purplish or dull green~Viola hederacea 8*~Flower colour strongly demarcated (sometimes sub-concolourous, dark violet and pale violet); anther glands whitish green, never purple~Viola eminens 9~Flower scapes exceeding the leaves; flowers pale mauve to white, petals 4–7 mm long~10 9*~Flower scapes usually shorter than or scarcely exceeding the leaves; flowers blackish violet or cream, petals less than 4 mm long~11 10~Leaves narrow spathulate usually 2–4 times longer than wider, with the top of the leaf curved; the acute terminal tooth distinctly larger than the lateral teeth~Viola sieberiana 10*~Leaves usually reniform usually 1–5 times wider than long; with the top of the leaf almost flat; the central tooth no larger than the lateral teeth~Viola silicestris 11~Corolla blackish violet, lower petal c. 2 mm wide, obovate to elliptic~Viola fuscoviolacea 11*~Corolla cream, often with a purplish tinge towards the centre; lower petal c. 1 mm wide, linear to oblong~Viola cleistogamoides #{gn}Conyza 1~Involucral bracts glabrous or almost so; heads usually 3–4 mm long~2 1*~Involucral bracts hairy; heads usually 4–12 mm long~4 2~Involucre cylindrical; involucral bracts narrow-oblong; outer florets with short but prominent white ligules~3 2*~Involucre subglobular; involucral bracts narrow-triangular; outer florets filiform with an inconspicuous oblique limb~Conyza bilbaoana 3~Stems very hairy; leaf margins ciliate, involucral bracts with a few hairs and without purplish spot at apex~Conyza canadensis 3~Stems not noticeably hairy; leaf margins with a few scattered cilia only at base; involucral bracts glabrous, usually with purplish spot~Conyza parva 4~Heads 8–12 mm long~Conyza primulifolia 4~Heads < 8 mm long, usually 4–6 mm long~5 5~Hairs on stems and involucral bracts rusty; hairs on leaves on both surfaces, minute, yellow, and glandular~Conyza leucantha 5*~Hairs on stems hirsute with septate hairs; involucral bracts hirsute; leaves hispid with short antrorse hairs or leaves hispid with short antrorse hairs and long septate hairs present~6 6~Involucral bracts at least with a few long hairs at apex and when reflexed at maturity whitish on the inside; pappus white or pinkish; receptacle smooth pitted~Conyza bonariensis 6*~Involucral bracts without long hairs at apex; pappus straw or golden; receptacle usually rough pitted~Conyza sumatrensis #{fm}POLYGONACEAE 1~Perianth segments 4 or 5; anthers versatile~2 1*~Perianth segments 6 (occasionally 5 in male Emex flowers); anthers basifixed~8 2~Ocreas entire, tubular, often only shortly so and soon disintegrating, pale brown, upper margin often ciliate or with a green limb; stamen filaments subulate or filiform~3 2*~Ocreas lacerate, often nearly to base, glabrous, silvery or white; stamen filaments subulate above, widely dilated in lower half~Polygonum 3~Shrubs with thorn-like branch tips; extrafloral nectaries absent~Duma 3*~Vines or shrubs without thorn-like branch tips; extrafloral nectaries present or absent~4 4~Flowers mostly unisexual; stigmas elongate or peltate, fimbriate; extrafloral nectary present at base of petiole on abaxial surface~5 4*~Flowers bisexual; stigmas capitate, usually smooth; petiolar nectaries absent or present~6 5~Outer 3 perianth segments winged in fruit; stigmas shortly elongate; rhizomatous perennials with stout erect annual stems~Reynoutria 5*~Perianth segments not winged but often enlarged in fruit, and becoming fleshy or membranous; stigmas peltate; slender perennial shrubs or woody herbs or climbers, not rhizomatous~Muehlenbeckia 6~Nut much exceeding perianth segments~Fagopyrum 6*~Nut enclosed by perianth segments~7 7~Outer 3 perianth segments winged or keeled in fruit; twining or decumbent, slender but woody herbs; nectary present at base of petiole~Fallopia 7*~Perianth segments not winged or keeled; erect to procumbent non-woody herbs, slender to stout; nectaries absent~Persicaria 8~Outer 3 perianth segments in female flowers enlarged and hardened in fruit and produced in a rigid spreading spine; perianth segments subequal in male flowers~Emex 8*~Outer 3 perianth segments smaller than inner 3, not spiny or hardened~9 9~Flowers unisexual; inner 3 perianth segments scarcely exceeding the nut; leaves hastate~Acetosella 9*~Flowers mostly bisexual; inner 3 perianth segments much exceeding nut; leaves variable~10 10~Leaves hastate or sagittate at base; inner 3 perianth segments membranous, inflated~Acetosa 10*~Leaves rounded, cuneate or cordate at the base; inner 3 perianth segments leathery, not inflated, often toothed~Rumex #{gn}Duma 1~Big mounded shrub to 3 m high with interwining branches; perianth slightly thickened in fruit; leaves 2–10 mm wide; flower clusters forming axillary or terminal spike-like inflorescences 2–12 cm long, sometimes compound; occasionally solitary clusters at nodes on stems; stems regularly and usually strongly striate, not fissured or corky; anthers 0.4–1.0 mm long~Duma florulenta 1*~Depauperate erect shrub to 50 cm high; perianth strongly thickened and angular in fruit; mature leaves no more than 2 mm wide; flower clusters at distinctly separated nodes on stems; older stems very rough, corky, fissured or wrinkled or smooth or faintly and irregularly striate; anthers 0.8–1.3 mm long~Duma horrida #{fm}SCROPHULARIACEAE 1~Shrubs or trees~2 1*~Herbs or sub-shrubs~4 2~Corolla zygomorphic (rarely actinomorphic and then stamens 5); stamens usually 4, enclosed or exserted~Eremophila 2*~Corolla actinomorphic or nearly so; stamens 4, enclosed or exserted~3 3~Undersurface of leaves with stellate hairs and or glandular/scaly~Buddleja 3*~Leaves nearly always glabrous, but if hairy then hairs simple~Myoporum 4~Leaves basal, either either alternate and basal or basal due to the suppression of the internodes~5 4*~No basal leaves present; leaves opposite~6 5~Flowers in terminal racemes or spikes or panicles; leaves alternate along flowering stem~Verbascum 5*~Flowerssolitary and found in the axils at the base of the plant~Limosella 6~Corolla tube swollen or pouched at base; capsule asymmetric in side view~Nemesia 6*~Corolla tube symmetrical at base; capule symmetrical in side view~Scrophularia #{fm}OROBANCHACEAE 1~Leaves scale-like; stem, leaves, bracts and calyx brown~Orobanche 1~Leaves conspicuous, not scale-like; stem, leaves, bracts and calyx green~2 2~Calyx spathe-like, compressed, split down the lower edge, 5-toothed or entire at apex~Centranthera 2*~Calyx not compressed, equally cleft between the lobes or sepals, 3–5-lobed or toothed~3 3~Leaves with glandular hairs and often on other parts of the plant; calyx tubular to cup-shaped, 4-lobed or toothed; corollas various with lobes uneven~5 3~Leaves without glandular hairs, but with other hair types~5 4~Hairs on leaves retrorse and non-glandular; calyx tubular, 10-veined, 5-toothed; corolla trumpet shaped lobes more or less equal~Buchnera 4*~Hairs on leaves antrorsely scabrid with white crystalline hairs, calyx 5-ribbed; corolla tubular with short spreading lobes~Striga 5~Upper corolla lobes recurved; calyx 4-lobed~Euphrasia 5*~Upper corolla lobes pointed outwards; calyx 4-toothed~6 6~Capsules oblong; seeds smooth or finely reticulate, c. 0.5 mm long~Parentucellia 6*~Capsules globose; seeds ribbed, scalariform between ribs, c. 0.7 mm long~Bartsia #{sp}Acacia brunioides 1~Phyllodes 2.5–7 mm long, gradually narrowed at apex into an acute point; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured or almost white; peduncles 4–12 mm long, longer than phyllodes; pods 7–10 mm wide.~subsp. brunioides 1*~Phyllodes 5–12 mm long, abruptly narrowed at apex into a mucro; flower heads bright yellow; peduncles 4–13 mm long, ± equal or longer than phyllodes; pods 9–15 mm wide.~subsp. granitica #{sp}Acacia buxifolia 1~Phyllodes usually 1–3 cm long (2–8 wide), with ± acute apex, gland often absent from some phyllodes; heads 7–12-flowered; calyx glabrous or with hairs; petals ± glabrous.~subsp. buxifolia 1*~Phyllodes mostly 1.5–4.5 cm long (to 11 mm wide), with obtuse apex, gland always present, sometimes 2; heads 17–29-flowered; calyx with hairs; petals often with hairs towards apex and sides.~subsp. pubiflora #{sp}Acacia deanei 1~Branchlets densely minutely appressed-hairy to subglabrous; petiole mostly 0.5–1.5 cm long; pinnae 3–12 pairs, mostly 1–3.5 cm long, with up to 34 pairs of pinnules; pinnules mostly oblong to narrow-oblong, 1.5–5 mm long, 0.5–1.3 mm wide, sparsely to moderately hairy especially beneath; calyx lobes and sometimes parts of tube with minute hairs; petals usually with hairs towards apex.~subsp. deanei 1*~Branchlets minutely appressed-hairy to glabrous, often dark purplish brown, sometimes appearing pruinose if indumentum sparse; petiole 0.5–3 cm long; pinnae 1–8 or more pairs (often only 1–4 pairs with petiole length longer relative to rachis length than in subsp. deanei), 1.5–6.5 cm long, with up to 45 pairs of pinnules; pinnules mostly narrow-oblong to ± linear, 4–12 mm long, 0.4–1 mm wide, with sparse hairs to glabrous; calyx and petals glabrous or with a few hairs.~subsp. paucijuga #{sp}Acacia juncifolia 1~Phyllodes 7–20 cm long (mostly >10 cm long), c. 1 mm wide, terete to ± 4-angled or flat, the midvein slightly raised when dry, apex acute, not pungent; seeds 3.5–4.5 mm long.~subsp. juncifolia 1*~Phyllodes 5–10 cm long, 2–3 mm wide, flat, the midvein slightly impressed when dry, the apex obtuse-mucronate, ± pungent; seeds to 3 mm long.~subsp. serpentinicola #{sp}Acacia longifolia 1~Erect or spreading shrub or tree 1–8 m high. Phyllodes 6–20 cm long, mostly 4–20 mm wide, 2 or 3 or more longitudinal veins more prominent, apex usually acute or subacute. Pods ± straight to curved, sometimes curled back or twisted on opening.~subsp. longifolia 1*~Prostrate or decumbent shrub 0.5–3 m high, sometimes taller. Phyllodes 4–11 cm long, 10–30 mm wide, 2–4 longitudinal veins more prominent, apex subacute or obtuse. Pods often coiled and twisted on opening.~subsp. sophorae #{gn}Amelichloa 1~Caryopsis obovoid, the style base central; lemma surface ± hairy all over though often with a bare area between the midrib and first lateral vein, especially towards the apex.~Amelichloa brachychaeta 1*~Caryopsis broadly obovoid or almost gibbous, the style base eccentric; lemma surface hairy along the midrib and between the outermost lateral nerves on the margin, the area between the midrib and the first lateral vein ± glabrous.~Amelichloa caudata #{gn}Bursaria_old 1~Lower surface of leaves glabrous; lamina concolorous or discolorous~2 1*~Lower surface of leaves hoary with minute matted hairs; lamina discolorous~3 2~Sepals ± 1 mm long, caducous or persistent; branchlets hoary with minute matted hairs~Bursaria spinosa 2*~Sepals 1–5.5 mm long, persistent past anthesis; branchlets with distinctly separate multicellular hairs~Bursaria longisepala 3~Sepals 1–2 mm long, caducous before anthesis~Bursaria lasiophylla 3*~Sepals 3–5.5 mm long, persistent at anthesis~Bursaria longisepala #{gn}Billardiera 1~Inflorescences simple, corymbs with up to 10 flowers~Billardiera heterophylla 1*~Inflorescences usually with 3 or fewer flowers, rarely corymbose~2 2~Inflorescences sessile, flowers not pendent, sepals thickened at the base~Billardiera versicolor 2*~Inflorescence not sessile, flowers pendent, sepals not thickened at base~3 3~Petals persisting, fruit unilocular with a thin spongy pericarp, ovate; seeds free~Billardiera macrantha 3*~Petals only briefly cohering; fruit bilocular, cylindrical with a green-purple thick skin over a fleshy or pithy mesocarp enclosing seeds~4 4~Petals green-yellow, sometimes with dark blue or purple contrast spots; fruit true berries with seeds difficult to separate from surrounding flesh~Billardiera mutabilis 4*~Petals initially yellow, becoming pink mauve or red with age; fruit berry-like but with seeds in separate dry compartments~5 5~Twinner with flowers noticably pendent on slender stalks, petals becoming tinged red with age~Billardiera rubens 5*~Shrubs, mainly erect, eventually scandent; flowers barely nodding, becoming pink with age~Billardiera scandens #{f}Psydrax odorata subsp. austaliana 1~Leaf blades pale or dark green, glossy on the upper surface; reticulate veins usually distinct on lower surface; domatia 1–3 on each side of the midrib, prominent or obscure~Psydrax odorata subsp. australiana f. australiana 1*~Leaf blades pale or yellowish green, slightly shiny or dull on the upper surface; reticulate veins usually not apparent on the lower surface; domatia 1 or 2 on each side of the midrib, usually small~Psydrax odorata subsp. australiana f. subnitida #{sp}Acacia irrorata 1~Jugary glands present mostly at terminal and occasionally at basal pair of pinnae, sometimes also at base of upper 2–4 pairs of pinnae; branchlets (especially the ridges), petioles and rachises warty (bearing stiff, mostly spreading hairs) intermixed with often ± appressed hairs; pinnules and pods mostly with appressed straight to slightly curved hairs; young foliage tips golden or greenish yellow. Flowers Nov.-Jan., sometimes Apr.-Aug.~subsp. irrorata 1*~Jugary glands present at uppermost 1–4 pairs of pinnae and occasionally at basal pair of pinnae; branchlets, petioles and rachises with crisped hairs (juvenile plants warty); pinnules and pods with ± appressed to spreading curved or crisped hairs; young foliage tips orange-golden. Flowers recorded Dec.-Mar.~subsp. velutinella #{sp}Psydrax odorata 1~Young branchlets and infloresence axes glabrous or subglabrous; domatia present on leaves; leaf blades thick and coriaceous~subsp. australiana 1*~Young branchlets and inflorescence axes hairy; domatia usually absent on the leaves; leaf blades thick or thin coriaceous~subsp. buxifolia #{fm}CUCURBITACEAE 1~Leaves more or less triangular in outline and deeply pinnately 5–9-lobed, lobes incurved, rounded~Citrullus 1*~Leaves more or less entire or circular to ovate in outline and shallowly or deeply palmately 3–7-lobed, lobes more or less flat, mostly acute, sometimes rounded~2 2~Tendrils unbranched or absent~3 2*~Tendrils branched~9 3~Leaves deeply 3–7-lobed (lobes cut at least three-quarters way into lamina)~4 3*~Leaves more or less entire, toothed or shallowly lobed (lobes cut less than three-quarters way towards midrib)~5 4~Fruit warted or ridged, or with rigid spines less than 4 mm long, red; male flowering stalk bearing a sessile bract~Momordica 4*~Fruit smooth or covered with coarse bristles or spines usually at least 4 mm long, yellow-green at maturity; flowering stalk lacking bracts~Cucumis 5~Tendrils absent~Ecballium 5*~Tendrils present~6 6~Fruit less than 15 mm diam.; leaves with lamina more or less triangular in outline or more or less circular and shallowly lobed~7 6*~Fruit more than 15 mm diam.; leaves with lamina more or less circular in outline and very shallowly or obscurely lobed~Cucumis 7~Female flowers and fruit on stalks more than 1 cm long; fruit green to yellowish when ripe; petioles more than 10 mm long~8 7*~Female flowers and fruit more or less sessile or on stalks less than 1 cm long; fruit red at maturity; petioles often more or less absent or mostly less than 10 mm long~Mukia 8~Seeds with margin absent, with or withour a short wing~Neoachmandra 8*~Seeds with narrow but distinct margins, not winged~Austrobryonia 9~Leaves deeply lobed, lobes cut at least a third way to midrib, lobes mostly acute~10 9*~Leaves unlobed to shallowly lobed, lateral lobes cut less than a quarter way to midrib~12 10~Leaves pubescent to velvety on the undersurface, scabrous to pubescent above~Trichosanthes 10*~Leaves glabrescent, often scabrous, not pubescent~11 11~Leaves deeply 3–5-lobed, lateral lobes cut to at least three-quarters way to midrib; fruit many-seeded, green or red, usually with white stripes, without spines~Diplocyclos 11*~Leaves usually shallowly 3-lobed, sometimes 5-lobed, lateral lobes cut to about half way to midrib; fruit 1-seeded, green, covered with spines~Sicyos 12~Leaves less than 8 cm wide; fruit c. 1 cm diam., spiny~Sicyos 12*~Leaves more than 10 cm wide; fruit more than 5 cm diam., mostly smooth, rarely spiny~13 13~Leaves with 2 pairs of raised glands at the base of the lamina near the petiole~Lagenaria 13*~Leaves without glands near base of lamina~14 14~Fruit 1-seeded, 6–10 cm diam.; male inflorescence racemose~Sechium 14*~Fruit many-seeded, more than 10 cm diam.; male flowers solitary~Cucurbita #{gn}Fraxinus 1~Flowers with no sepals or petals; leaflets mostly 9–13, upper surface bright green and shiny, underside paler and duller~Fraxinus angustifolia 1*~Flowers with sepals and petals; leaflets 7–9, deep green on both surfaces~Fraxinus pennsylvanica #{gn}Osteospermum 1~Ligules yellow to orange, 3–4 mm long; western parts of the state~Osteospermum spinescens 1*~Ligules white, lower surface blue or violet, 15–30 mm long; grows in the Sydney area~Osteospermum ecklonis #{gn}Actephila 1~Abaxial leaf surface pale green and mat-glaucous, often drying brown; male flower pedicles 10–20 mm long, petals c. 1.5 mm long by 0.5–0.7 mm wide~Actephila grandifolia 1*~Abaxial leaf surface pale green-yellow and glossy, often drying pale brown; male flower pedicels 1.5–5 mm long, petals 2–2.5 mm long, 0.8–1.3 mm wide~Actephila lindleyi #{gn}Psydrax 1~Leaf blades usually > 10 cm long~Psydrax lamprophylla 1*~Leaf blades usually < 10 cm long~2 2~Domatia present, 1–4 on each side of the midrib~Psydrax odorata 2*~Domatia absent~3 3~Branchlets reddish-brown and usually covered with a whitish bloom distally, sometimes swollen and galled~Psydrax latifolia 3*~Branchlets pale-brown or grey (bark mottled white distally), resiniferous distally, glabrous, smooth or usually spinose in the juvenile or regrowth state~Psydrax oleifolia #{gn}Lepyrodia 1~Flowers not in widely separated clusters, inflorescence panicle-like or small, narrow and spike-like; cauline sheaths not as below~2 1*~Flowers in clusters which are either distant along the rachis of the inflorescence or, more rarely, few or solitary at the apex of the culm, each cluster in the axil of a broad bract; cauline sheaths appressed except where subtending a branch, 5–15 mm long, bearing a small to long (towards the base), terete or flat, usually reflexed but caducous lamina, 1–27 mm long~Sporadanthus interruptus 2~Sheaths confined to the base of the culm or 1 or 2 on the aerial part of the culm~Lepyrodia anarthria 2*~Cauline sheaths present, 3 or more on each culm~3 3~Sheaths all loose and open~4 3*~Some or all of the sheaths on the culm closely appressed, except where subtending a branch; plants monoecious or dioecious~5 4~Rhizome shortly creeping or plant tufted; culm internodes 3–6; culms usually 35–90 cm high, 0.8–1.8 mm diam~Lepyrodia scariosa 4*~Rhizome usually long creeping; culm internodes 6–12; culm internodes 6–12; culms usually 70–110 cm long and c. 1.2–2.8 mm diam~Lepyrodia imitans 5~Culms 0.5–0.9 mm diam., thin and wiry, 15–50 cm high, the surface mostly minutely wrinkled or pitted~Lepyrodia leptocaulis 5*~Culms usually 1–3 mm in diam., 50–200 cm high, the surface smooth for the most part~6 6~Outer and inner tepals about equal in length or the outer slightly longer, whitish or straw-coloured; bracts and glumes persistent, often conspicuous~7 6*~Outer tepals shorter than the inner, not exceeding 2.3 mm long; inner tepals reddish when fresh; bracts and glumes very thin, soon breaking up, inconspicuous~Sporadanthus gracilis 7~Culms not exceeding 2 mm diam. over all at the base, 0.1–1.0 cm apart on the rhizome, c. 40–75 cm high~Lepyrodia muelleri 7*~Culms up to 5 mm diam. over all at the base, often 2–2.5 cm apart on the rhizome, 55–200 cm high, erect or scrambling~Sporadanthus caudatus #{gn}Sporadanthus 1~Flowers in clusters that are either distant along the rachis of the inflorescence or, more rearely, few or solitary at the apex of the culm, each cluster in the axil of a broad bract; cauline sheaths appressed except where subtending a branch, 5–15 mm long, bearing a small to long (towards the base), terete or flat, usually reflexed but caducous lamina, 1–27 mml ong~Sporadanthus caudatus 1*~Flowers not in widely separated clusters, inflorescence panicle-like or small, narrow and spike-like; cauline sheaths not as above~2 2~Outer tepals shorter than the inner, not exceeding 2.3 mm long; inner tepals reddish when fresh; bracts and glumes very thin, soon breaking up, inconspicuous~Sporadanthus gracilis 2*~Outer and inner tepals about equal in length, 2.5–4 mm long, whitish or straw-coloured; bracts and glumes persistent, often conspicuous~Sporadanthus interruptus #{sp}Stellaria angustifolia 1~Sepals (3-)4–8(-9) mm long, apex acute to acuminate; petals (3.5-)4.5–9 mm long, about equal to sepals; fertile stamens >3 mm long~subsp. angustifolia 1*~Sepals 1.5–2.5 mm long, apex hooded; petals 2–3.2(-3.9) mm long, longer than to twice as sepals; fertile stamens <3 mm long~2 2~Sepals narrow-ovate to elliptic, apex obtuse or acute, hood never thickened; pedicel usually <20 mm long; seed covered in semi-inflated ridges~subsp. tenella 2*~Sepals rounded to broad-elliptic, apex obtuse, hood sometimes thickened; pedicel >20 mm long; seed covered in slender, pointed prominent tubercles ~subsp. rotundisepala #{sp}Stellaria multiflora 1~Mature fruit broad-ellipsoid, usually >2 mm diam.; valve apex strongly revolute~subsp. multiflora 1*~Mature fruit narrow-ovoid to narrow-ellipsoid, <2 mm diam.; valve apex straight or slightly recurved~2 2~Fruiting pedicels with distinct collar, pedicel at collar >0.5 mm diam.; petals 3–5(-6), minute but usually 2-fid~subsp. collaris 2*~Fruiting pedicels lacking collar, pedicel c. 0.5 mm diam.or less; petals absent~subsp. nebulosa #{gn}Sparganium 1~Leaves usually less than 5 mm (rarely to 9) mm wide, yellow-green; inflorescence unbranched or with 1–3 branches; female heads all subtended by a leaf-like bract; fruits narrowly obovoid, c. twice as long as wide; tepals usually with 1–2 longitudinal veins~Sparganium subglobosum 1*~Leaves 8–22 mm wide, mid-green; inflorescence 4–6-branched; female heads mostly not subtended by a leaf-like bract; fruits broadly obovoid, c. as long as wide; tepals with 2–6 longitudinal veins~Sparganium erectum #{gn}Gentianella 1~Pedicels subfiliform, mostly < 0.8 mm diameter when fresh, 0.3–0.5 mm when dry;calyx lobes rarely > 7 mm, the apices narrow-acute, acuminate or subulate, often spreading or ± recurved, at least in bud, if ± erect then plants mainly flowering in early summer~2 1*~Pedicels usually not subfiliform, mostly 0.8–1 mm diameter when fresh, 0.5 mm or more dried; calyx lobes otherwise, the apices not or hardly spreading, if narrow acute then lobes up to 12 mm long and plants mainly flowering mid to late summer or early autumn~3 2~Terminal inflorescence not subcorymbose, usually 5–7-flowered; seeds pale to greyish-orange~Gentianella polysperes 2*~Terminal inflorescence mostly 12–25 flowered; seeds light to dark olive-brown~Gentianella sylvicola 3~Stems usually 15–25 cm high; anthers 2.3–3 mm long; plants sometimes flowering more than once (remnants of previous years inflorescence sometimes apparent)~Gentianella muelleriana 3*~Stems 25–55 cm high; anthers 1.7–2 mm long; plants flowering only once~4 4~Basal leaves linear-oblanceolate to oblanceolate, 6–15 mm wide~Gentianella cunninghamii 4*~Basal leaves narrow-oblanceolate, 3–7 mm wide~Gentianella barringtonensis #{gn}Gentianella muelleriana 1~Caudex usually dichotomously multiple-branched from crown, the branches elongated up to 10 cm long, bearing leaf scars from earlier years; terminal inflorescence lax to loosely corymbose, usually 2–5-flowered, Snowy Mountains~subsp. alpestris 1*~Caudex not multiple branched, or only very shortly so; terminal inflorescence rather densely corymbose, usually 8–15-flowered, Brindabella and Bimberi Ranges~subsp. jingerensis #{gn}Darwinia 1~Leaves laterally compressed, keeled~2 1*~Leaves terete or nearly so.~Darwinia fascicularis 2~Bracteoles extending beyond perianth; style recurved, with hairs in a lateral tuft~Darwinia taxifolia 2*~Bracteoles shorter than perianth; style straight or curved, hairs usually in a ring~3 3~Sepals more than three-quarters the length of petals; hypanthium papillate between ribs~4 3*~Sepals less than three-quarters the length of petals; hypanthium smooth between ribs (rarely slightly papillate in D. leptantha)~5 4~Hypanthium 7–12 mm long; style 12–20 mm long~Darwinia grandiflora 4*~Hypanthium 3–5 mm long; style 4–9 mm long~Darwinia diminuta 5~Flowers, including style, 4–9 mm long; bracteoles yellow-green or yellow-brown~6 5*~Flowers, including style, 9–25 mm long; bracteoles dark brown or red-purple~8 6~Hypanthium 1–2 mm diam., bracteoles 3.5–6 mm long, persisting until after anthesis~7 6*~Hypanthium more or less 0.5 mm diam., bracteoles 2–3.5 mm long, caducous~Darwinia leptantha 7~Hypanthium glabrous between the broad or rounded longitudinal ribs.~Darwinia camptostylis 7*~Hypanthium papillose between the distinct narrow ribs.~Darwinia briggsiae 8~Hypanthium ± 1.5 mm diam., with distinct glaucous ridges~9 8*~Hypanthium 1.5–2.5 mm diam., ribs obscure or broad and rounded~10 9~Leaves glaucous, 8–17 mm long; bracteoles red-brown, caducous~Darwinia glaucophylla 9*~Leaves green, 6–10 mm long; bracteoles purple-red, persisting till after anthesis~Darwinia biflora 10~Peduncles 4–7 mm long; style 6–10 mm long~Darwinia peduncularis 10*~Peduncles 1–2 mm long; style 14–20 mm long~Darwinia procera #{sp}Cephalomanes 1~Rhizome tufted or very shortly creeping; terrestrial plants~2 1*~Rhizome clearly long-creeping, epiphtye plants~Cephalomanes caudatum 2~Lamina 1-pinnate~Cephalomanes atrovirens(LHI) 2*~Lamina 2–4-pinnate~3 3~Stipe glabrous except at base; grows on mainland~Cephalomanes obscurum 3*~Stipe hairy; grows on Lord Howe Island~Cephalomanes bauerianum(LHI) #{gn}Zostera 1~Most leaves with apex entire, truncate~Zostera capricorni 1*~Most leaves with apex notched, obtuse~Zostera muelleri #{gn}Cordyline 1~Fruits whitish when mature; flowers white; inflorescence 60–150 cm long[; leaf gradually tapering to base so petiole not clearly distinct from lamina]~Cordyline australis 1*~Fruits yellow, orange, red or black when mature; flowers blue to mauve or occasionally white; inflorescence 20–40 cm long~2 2~Fruit purple to black when mature; leaf gradually tapering to base so petiole not clearly distinct from lamina~3 2*~Fruit red or orange-red when mature; petiole distinct from leaf lamina~4 3~Leaves more or less linear, 1–1.5(–2.2 but then minimum width c. 8 mm) cm wide at widest point, 5–8 mm wide at narrowest point~Cordyline stricta 3*~Leaves narrow-elliptical to more or less linear, 2–3 cm wide at widest point, 3–5 mm wide at narrowest point~Cordyline sp. Mt Banda Banda (P.Hind 2232) 4~Leaves usually more than 5 cm wide, apex more or less toothed, petiole more or less tubular in section; tepals equal~Cordyline petiolaris 4*~Leaves mostly less than 5 cm wide, apex not toothed, petiole more or less flat, not distinctly tubular in section; outer tepals shorter than inner tepals~5 5~Leaves with margins (especially at junction of lamina and petiole) breaking down irregularly, rough, scabrous above; inflorescence congested, with several branches at the same node~Cordyline congesta 5*~Leaves with margins smooth at junction of lamina and petiole; inflorescence not congested~Cordyline rubra #{gn}Eriocaulon 1~Female flowers with perianth absent and so ovary appearing to be distinctly shortly pedicellate~Eriocaulon australasicum 1*~Female flowers with 2 or 3 outer tepals and 3 inner tepals; ovary sessile~2 2~Leaves more than 20 cm long; inflorescence with scape at least 30 cm long~Eriocaulon australe 2*~Leaves up to c. 8 cm long; inflorescence with scape 1–12 cm long~3 3~Bracts of inner flowers with white hairs on outer surface towards apex, membranous; male flowers with inner tepals fused into a short obconical tube, tube more or less equal to lobes~Eriocaulon scariosum 3*~Bracts of inner flowers glabrous; male flowers with inner tepals fused into an obconical tube, tube much longer than lobes~Eriocaulon carsonii #{gn}Drosera 1~Cauline leaves peltate with lamina concave, circular, reniform or crescent-shaped~2 1*~Cauline leaves absent, if present then lamina linear, spathulate or fan-shaped, not peltate~6 2~Sepals variously hairy, sometimes glabrous; margin fimbriate~3 2*~Sepals glabrous; margin entire, erose or denticulate~4 3~Basal rosette of leaves red; cauline leaves <6 mm wide; sepals 0.1–1.5 mm wide; seeds ovoid to obovoid,0.4–0.8 mm long, with surface shallowly reticulate~Drosera peltata 3*~Basal rosette of leaves yellow-green; cauline leaves up to 10 mm wide; sepals 0.7–2.4 mm wide; seeds cylindrical, pandurate to obovoid, 0.5–0.8 mm long, with surface deeply pitted~Drosera hookeri 4~Seeds always cylindrical, usually > 1 mm long~Drosera auriculata 4*~Seeds ovoid or arachiform, rarely cylindrical and then < 1 mm long~5 5~Seed surface shallowly pitted; seeds ovoid, < 0.4 mm long~Drosera lunata 5*~Seed surface deeply pitted; seed shape variable, ovoid, arachiform to shortly cylindrical, 0.5–0.8 mm long~Drosera hookeri 6~Leaves simple, linear or if forked then lobes linear~7 6*~Leaves simple, varying from orbicular, obovate to flabellate, never linear nor forked~10 7~Leaves cauline, simple~Drosera indica 7*~Leaves basal, simple or forked~8 8~Leaves usually forked once, sometimes more; lobes 20–100 mm long; corolla white~Drosera binata 8*~Leaves simple, unlobed; corolla white to pink-mauve~9 9~Inflorescences 15–30-flowered; corolla usually pink-mauve (cultivars of dark pink or white are available)~Drosera capensis 9*~Inflorescences 1(–2)-flowered; corolla white~Drosera arcturi 10~Leaves sessile or petiole shorter than lamina~11 10*~Leaves with a distinct petiole, longer than the lamina~12 11~Bracts simple; calyx minutely glandular; styles 3, divided in 2 to base~Drosera spatulata 11*~Bracts trifid; calyx tuberculate; styles 5, filiform~Drosera burmanni 12~Sepals and petals 5; inflorescence many-flowered, flowers orange or red; leaves not peltate, 10–20 mm long~Drosera glanduligera 12*~Sepals and petals 4; flowers solitary, white; leaves peltate, 3–7 mm long~Drosera pygmaea #{gn}Poa 1~Robust perennials growing on coastal foredunes; leaves erect, stiff; inflorescences rarely exserted above leaves; lemmas glabrous (in NSW), apiculate~Poa billardierei 1*~Annuals or perennials but not growing on coastal foredunes; if leaves stiff and erect then alpine or subalpine species; inflorescences usually exserted beyond leaves; lemmas never apiculate and hairy or glabrous~2 2~Small annuals with soft leaves, 2–30 cm tall; ligule soft and thin, glabrous; web on lemma absent~3 2*~Perennials rarely < 10 cm tall unless grazed or mown; ligule soft or firm, glabrous or hairy; with or without web on lemma~5 3~Panicle narrow with erect spikelets appressed to the branches; lemmas 3.5–4.5 mm long~Poa fax 3*~Panicle triangular to ovate with slender, spreading branches; spikelets spreading at maturity; lemmas 2–4 mm long~4 4~Anthers 0.2–0.5 mm long; lemmas 2–2.5 mm long, separate~Poa infirma 4*~Anthers 0.7–1.3 mm long; lemmas 2.5–4 mm long, overlapping~Poa annua 5~Plants with pear-shaped bulbs due to enlargement of the inner leaf sheaths at the base of the plant; web on lemma copious~Poa bulbosa 5*~Plants not bulbous or thickened at the base; with or without web on lemmas~6 6~Internodes of the culm compressed and 2-sided; leaves folded; lemmas 2–3 mm long~Poa compressa 6*~Internodes of the culm round or only slightly compressed, rarely strongly compressed (in P. fordeana culms may be strongly compressed, the latter has flat leaves and lemma 3.5–5 mm long)~7 7~Spikelets plump; lemmas broadly ovate; palea ovate; keels densely ciliate with hairs in several rows; panicle narrow with rather few spikelets~Poa saxicola 7*~Spikelets laterally compressed; lemmas not broadly ovate; paleas ± ciliate on keels but hairs in one row only; panicle ± narrow, but if narrow then numerous spikelets~8 8~Leaf-blades smooth or scabrous on the abaxial surface but not obviously hairy; lemmas pubescent over the lower back or hairy on the nerves and keel only~9 8*~Leaf-blades hairy on abaxial surface, the leaf-sheath often hairy; lemmas usually pubescent over the lower back (nerves, keel and internerves)~32 9~Ligule a thin, almost translucent membrane, not scabrous and without obvious hairs on the back, nor ciliate, 2 mm long or more (rarely less)~10 9*~Ligule a firm (not translucent) membrane, scabrous or puberulous on the back and/or ciliate at the apex or reduced to a rim of hairs, 0.1–2 mm long (-3 in P. costiniana)~14 10~Tufted perennnials without rhizomes or stolons; leaf-blades 4–15 mm wide, broad and flat; lemma nerves raised above the surface; tall plant of rainforest margins with culms to 1.5 m tall~Poa queenslandica 10*~Tufted perennials also producing stolons or rhizomes; leaf-blades narrower, not >6 mm wide; lemma nerves ± prominent; plants usually not as tall as previous species~11 11~Plants with leafy stolons; ligule acute to acuminate, 4–10 mm long~12 11*~Plants not stoloniferous but with rhizomes; ligule obtuse to truncate and not usually >5 mm long~13 12~Loosely tufted perennials with extravaginal innovations and creeping leafy stolon; blades flat or folded, finely scabrous to subsmooth; ligule 4–10 mm long; lemma rather distictly dorsally curved~Poa trivialis 12*~Caespitose perennials with mostly intravaginal innovations; blades inrolled, capillary, loosely hispid to scabrous; ligule 1–4.5 mm long; lemma not distinctly dorsally curved~Poa hookeri 13~Spikelets 8–10 mm long and strongly compressed; peduncle compressed and branches widely spreading at maturity; lemmas woolly hairy over lower back; leaf-sheaths of lower leaves closed at the base~Poa fordeana 13*~Spikelets 2.5–6 mm long and not as strongly compressed; lemmas hairy on the keel and marginal nerves and not between (the internerves); web prominent; leaf sheaths open~Poa pratensis 14~Leaf-blades broad or narrow, flat or folded and V-shaped in cross-section, the edges sometimes inrolled on drying~15 14*~Leaf-blades (excluding flag-leaf) narrow, closely folded or tightly rolled so that the leaves are bristle-like or angular to round in cross-section~22 15~Stems often leafy, branching from aerial nodes to form leafy shoots; plants tufted and/or stoloniferous~16 15*~Leaves mostly basal and culms usually unbranched; plants tufted or rhizomatous~17 16~Leaf-blades firm to rigid, 1–5 mm wide when opened out; plants robust and erect (stems to 1.2 m tall); ligule often ciliolate; panicle often rather contracted with many spikelets; lemmas pubescent on lower back with longer hairs on nerves and keel~Poa affinis 16*~Leaf-blades much softer, 1–1.5 mm wide when opened out, almost thread-like in some plants; tufted and stoloniferous plants; ligule not ciliolate; panicle open with few spikelets on long, slender branches; lemma pubescent on the lower back (including nerves) to glabrous~Poa tenera 17~Plants usually with horizontal rhizomes that produce new shoots outside the limits of the parent tussock~18 17*~Plants tufted, not producing rhizomes outside the parent tussock (rhizomes may develop in a vertical or oblique direction in response to environmental changes)~20 18~Lower leaf-sheaths usually with a purplish colouration; lemmas usually pubescent on the internerves, nerves and keel; leaf-blades rigid~Poa ensiformis 18*~Lower leaf-sheaths not purplish, lemmas glabrous on the internerves but hairy on the nerves and keel; leaf-blades ± rigid~19 19~Leaf-blades rigid; rhizomes short, thick, with firm, obtuse scales; spikelets strongly compressed~Poa cheelii 19*~Leaf-blades soft to moderately firm, rhizomes slender with firm, pointed scales; spikelets not strongly compressed~Poa pratensis 20~Panicle usually contracted, ± linear, if with spreading branches then at least some of them short and with spikelets almost to their bases; spikelets usually large (lemmas 3–6 mm long); leaf-blades smooth on the abaxial surface; plant of coastal foreshores and estuaries~Poa poiformis 20*~Panicle spreading at maturity and branches bare of spikelets in the lower part; spikelets smaller, 2.5–4 mm long; leaf-blades scabrous on abaxial surface; not usually on coastal foreshores~21 21~Leaf-blades 1–3.5 mm wide, a dull green or greyish-green in colour; peduncle usually round in cross-section; the common large tussock grass of moist areas below 1500 m altutude~Poa labillardierei 21*~Leaf-blades 3–8 mm wide, usually light-green in colour when alive, peduncle usually compressed, tussock grass of wet areas of elevations c. 1300 metres~Poa helmsii 22~Culms branched with aerial shoots or plants stoloniferous and/or trailing; leaves fine and soft, c. 0.5 mm or less in diameter~23 22*~Tussocks rarely producing aerial shoots and without stolons; leaves variable in width and texture~24 23~Tussocks lax; web on lemma often absent; lemmas pubescent or glabrous on lower back; leaves not usually bluish in colour~Poa tenera 23*~Tussocks more erect; web usually present, lemmas pubescent on lower back; leaves usually bluish~Poa sieberiana 24~Panicle contracted and often linear, if with spreading branches then some short, with spikelets almost to their bases; lemmas relatively large, usually 4–5 mm long; grows on coastal foreshores~Poa poiformis 24*~Panicle spreading at maturity, if contracted then the lower branches bare at their bases; lemma length variable; not usually on coastal foreshores~25 25~Hairs on the lower back of lemmas concentrated along the keel and lateral nerves, the internerves usually glabrous but a few scattered hairs may be present; palea scabrous towards the apex, not usually ciliolate~26 25*~Lower back of lemmas hairy all over, pubescent on the internerves and often with longer and/or denser hairs on the keel and lateral nerves; palea scabrous above and usually ciliolate below~29 26~Leaf-blades smooth on outer surface and rigid; tussocks not usually large and grows in wet places of alpine and subalpine regions~Poa costiniana 26*~Leaf-blades very lightly to distinctly scabrous on the outer surface and not particularly rigid; habitat variable~27 27~Robust grass, forming large tussocks with leaves 0.5 mm or more in diam. Common in wet places~Poa labillardierei 27*~Plants less robust, forming small tussocks with fine leaves <0.5 mm diam.; not very common~28 28~Glumes narrow and lemmas small, the latter 2–3.5 mm long; leaves relatively soft~Poa meionectes 28*~Glumes broader and lemmas longer, the latter 3–4 mm long; leaves more rigid~Poa clivicola 29~Leaf-blades smooth to touch on outer surface~30 29*~Leaf-blades moderately to distinctly scabrous or smooth on outer surface, if smooth then leaves dull green and lemmas small, 1.8–3 mm long~31 30~Leaf-blades soft and bright green when alive; lemmas 2.3–5 mm long~Poa hiemata 30*~Leaf-blades rigid, often bluish-green; leaf-sheaths usually purplish at the base; lemmas 3–3.5 mm long~Poa fawcettiae 31~Leaf-blades bluish in colour, rigid, with purplish leaf-sheaths; spikelets often purplish; lemmas 2.5–3.5 mm long~Poa phillipsiana 31*~Leaf-blades ± bluish, less rigid, bases of leaf-sheaths and spikelets not usually purplish; lemmas 1.8–3 mm long~Poa sieberiana 32~Lemmas 3–4 mm long; leaf-blades with dense, soft, short hairs of equal length; leaf-sheaths purplish at base~Poa petrophila 32*~Lemmas usually <3 mm long; leaves with sparse, stiff hairs, or hairs of unequal length; leaf-sheaths not purplish~33 33~Leaves narrow with sparse, stiff hairs, extravaginal shoots often present~Poa sieberiana 33*~Leaves not as narrow, densely hairy with hairs of two lengths, or surface distinctly scabrous between rows of hairs; extravaginal shoots absent~Poa induta #{gn}Gonocarpus 1~Primary bracts of inflorescences opposite, at least towards the base~2 1*~Primary bracts of the inflorescences alternate~4 2~Leaves ovate to broad-lanceolate, more than 2 mm wide~3 2*~Leaves linear, usually 1–2 mm wide~Gonocarpus salsoloides 3~Leaves and stems moderately to densely hairy with spreading, coarse hairs (often with a tuberculate base)~Gonocarpus teucrioides 3*~Leaves scarcely hairy, stems with short, appressed hairs~Gonocarpus montanus 4~Leaves all opposite (occasionally alternate in G. longifolius) on vegetative growth~5 4*~Leaves all alternate; plants with rather long spreading hairs~Gonocarpus elatus 5~Fruits with oblique calluses between the ribs~6 5*~Fruits smooth or papillose between the ribs~10 6~Stamens 8, all fertile~7 6*~Stamens 4, opposite the sepals, rarely with 4 staminodes opposite the petals~Gonocarpus humilis 7~Subshrubs with woody stems, usually more than 50 cm high~8 7*~Perennial herbs, usually less than 35 cm high; stems herbaceous or only slightly woody~9 8~Leaves linear-oblong; stems and leaves moderately densely covered with spreading hairs~Gonocarpus longifolius 8*~Leaves ovate to oblong, stems and leaves densely covered with very short hairs~Gonocarpus oreophilus 9~Leaves narrow-ovate; indumentum soft and spreading~Gonocarpus hirtus 9*~Leaves lanceolate to narrow-elliptic; indumentum scabrous, appressed~Gonocarpus tetragynus 10~Leaves narrow-lanceolate to elliptic; stem and leaves scabrous with sparse, appressed hairs; fruits papillose~Gonocarpus chinensis 10*~Leaves ovate to circular; stem and leaves glabrous; fruits smooth~Gonocarpus micranthus #{gn}Silene 1~Styles 5 (occasionally 4 in a few flowers in an inflorescence); capsule with 5 or 10 teeth (rarely 4 or 8)~2 1*~Styles 3 (occasionally 4 in a few flowers in an inflorescence); capsule with 3 or 6 teeth (rarely with 4, 5, 8 or 10)~5 2~Inflorescence a condensed cyme; flowers sessile or nearly so; [petals scarlet, or rarely pink or white]~Silene chalcedonica 2*~Inflorescence a sparse, elongated cyme; flowers with pedicel usually longer than the calyx~3 3~Leaf blades with dense silky grey-white tomentose indumentum; flowers bisexual; petals scarcely divided at apex, [rich magenta-pink, rarely white; mature calyx 15–20 mm long]~Silene coronaria 3*~Leaf blades sparsely to densely hirsute or pubescent; flowers unisexual; petals distincly split at apex (usually for at least half the length of the visible limb)~4 4~Petals white; flowers opening in evenings, fragrant; mature calyx 17–25 mm long, with teeth 5–11 mm long in female flowers; capsule with 10 erect to spreading teeth; upper surface of leaves ± glandular; plants dioecious~Silene latifolia 4*~Petals bright pink to red; flowers opening in daytime, not fragrant; mature calyx 10–15 mm long, with teeth 2.5–3.5 mm long in female flowers; capsule with 10 strongly recurved teeth; upper surface of leaves not glandular; plants monoecious~Silene dioica 5~Calyx glabrous or nearly so, with 20 or 30 longitudinal veins and obvious cross-veins, balloon-like (strongly inflated) in fruiting stage~6 5*~Calyx hairy with simple, multicellular or glandular hairs, with 10 longitudinal veins, occasionally with fainter cross-veins (S. nocturna), sometimes somewhat inflated but never balloon-like~7 6~Plant erect, 24–80 cm high; flowers numerous in (usually elongated) cymes, bracts scarious; capsule teeth erect to spreading~Silene vulgaris 6*~Plant decumbent, 10–40 cm high; flowers solitary or few, bracts herbaceous; capsule teeth recurved~Silene uniflora 7~Calyx with short glandular and (usually long) multicellular hairs; petals white, occasionally with a pinkish tinge~8 7*~Calyx with non-glandular hairs; hairs multicellular, simple or both; [mature calyx 7–14 mm long]; petals pink~9 8~Fruiting calyx 15–24(-40) mm long, cylindrical, contracted at base around capsule~Silene noctiflora 8*~Fruiting calyx 7–10 mm long, ovoid, not contracted at base around capsule~Silene gallica 9~Calyx nerves visible but not thickened; petals obvious and deeply divided; fruiting calyx and enclosed capsule cylindrical; capsule with 3 teeth~Silene nocturna 9*~Calyx nerves obvious, strongly thickened; petals inconspicuous or absent, not deeply divided; fruiting calyx and enclosed capsule not cylindrical; capsule with 6 teeth~10 10~Fruiting calyx and enclosed capsule obconical to campanulate; calyx 6–8(rarely 10) mm long; inflorescence bracts shorter than flowers~Silene apetala 10*~Fruiting calyx and enclosed capsule ovoid to globose; calyx 10–13 (rarely 15) mm long; inflorescence bracts longer than flowers (to twice as long)~Silene tridentata #{gn}Angophora 1~Bark shedding, smooth~2 1*~Bark persistent, more or less fibrous~4 2~Fruit more or less smooth, less than 12 mm diam~Angophora leiocarpa 2*~Fruit distinctly ribbed, more than 12 mm diam~3 3~Fruit mostly more than 15 mm diam~Angophora euryphylla 3*~Fruit mostly less than 15 mm diam~Angophora costata 4~Adult leaves with tapering base, petiole usually more than 4 mm long~5 4*~Adult leaves with base more or less cordate, petiole 0–4 mm long~11 5~Petioles usually up to 8 mm long~6 5*~Petioles usually more than 8 mm long~9 6~Leaves coriaceous~7 6*~Leaves chartaceous~8 7~Leaf length:breadth ratio 7–10:1~Angophora crassifolia 7*~Leaf length:breadth ratio 4–7:1~Angophora inopina 8~Adult leaves mostly less than 1 cm wide~Angophora bakeri 8*~Adult leaves often more than 1 cm wide~Angophora paludosa 9~Adult leaves less than 1 cm wide~Angophora exul 9*~Adult leaves more than 1.5 cm wide~10 10~Pedicels more than 10 mm long~Angophora woodsiana 10~Pedicels less than 10 mm long~Angophora floribunda 11~Adult leaves less than 2.5 cm wide~Angophora melanoxylon 11*~Adult leaves more than 2.5 cm wide~12 12~Fruit more than 12 mm long~13 12*~Fruit less than 11 mm long~Angophora subvelutina 13~Adult leaves with apex rounded~Angophora hispida 13*~Adult leaves with apex acute~Angophora robur #{sp}Cynanchum viminale 1~Stems silver-green to silver, erect or sprawling, not usually twining and rarely forming a woody climber~subsp. australe 1*~Stems bright green to grey, usually twinning strongly and forming a woody climber or trailer~subsp. brunonianum #{sp}Hibbertia puberula 1~Stamens (4–) 6 or 7; lateral branches usually spreading up to about right angles to the main axis~subsp. extensa 1*~Stamens (9) 10–14 (–18); irregularly and commonly untidily branched~2 2~Anthers 1.3–2.1 mm long; outer calyx lobes distinctly ridged toward the apex, strigose to hirsute or if pubescent to glabrescent then 2.5–3.8 mm broad when flowering~subsp. puberula 2*~Anthers 0.9–1.3 mm long; outer calyx lobes 1.6–2.1 mm broad when flowering, scarcely ridged towards the apex, puberulous to glabrescent~subsp. glabrescens #{gn}Ozothamnus 1~Leaves scale-like, appressed to the stem or stem-clasping, usually less than 5 mm long~2 1*~Leaves erect or reflexed, petiolate or sessile or stem-clasping but not appressed or reduced, usually more than 5 mm long~5 2~Inflorescence terminal, tips of involucral bracts transparent or opaque but then not spreading~3 2*~Inflorescence on most lateral shoots, tips of the involucral bracts opaque white, spreading~Ozothamnus cupressoides 3~Involucral bracts totally transparent or hyaline~4 3*~Involucral bracts almost entirely opaque white, inflated~Ozothamnus tuckeri 4~Leaves fused to the stem for half their length~Ozothamnus adnatus 4*~Leaves articulate or stem-clasping~Ozothamnus diotophyllus 5~Involucral bracts woolly or thin and scarious or hyaline, without opaque white laminas~6 5*~Involucral bracts with opaque white papery laminas~13 6~Involucral bracts white-woolly~7 6*~Involucral bracts scarious or hyaline~8 7~Leaves obovate, the upper surface scabrous~Ozothamnus obovatus 7*~Leaves lanceolate, the upper surface glabrous~Ozothamnus whitei 8~Leaves linear, c. 1 mm wide~9 8*~Leaves lanceolate or obcordate, more than 3 mm wide~10 9~Heads globose; leaves stiff, fused to the stem for half their length~Ozothamnus tesselatus 9*~Heads narrow-campanulate; leaves flexible, not fused to the stem~Ozothamnus cassinioides 10~Stems strongly angular~Ozothamnus vagans 10*~Stems terete or slightly striate~11 11~Leaves with petiole at least 4 mm long, loosely webby on both surfaces; decumbent, prostrate shrubs~Ozothamnus bidwillii 11*~Leaves with petiole ± 1 mm long, upper surface glabrous, lower surface closely tomentose; erect shrubs~12 12~Leaves oblong; inflorescence pyramidal~Ozothamnus rufescens 12*~Leaves obcordate; inflorescence a broad corymb~Ozothamnus obcordatus 13~Involucral bracts almost entirely opaque white, inflated and crinkly, hyaline only at the very base; leaves tightly revolute, completely obscuring the lower surface~Ozothamnus diosmifolius 13*~Outer involucral bracts scarious, hyaline, brown, yellow or red; inner involucral bracts with white papery laminas; leaves flat, recurved or slightly revolute, but not obscuring the lower surface~14 14~All new growth with long needle-like glistening hairs; outer involucral bracts red~Ozothamnus alpinus 14*~Plants without needle-like hairs; outer involucral bracts brown or yellow~15 15~Leaves spathulate to cuneate~Ozothamnus cuneifolius 15*~Leaves linear, lanceolate or oblong~16 16~Leaves lanceolate, the largest more than 6 mm wide~17 16*~Leaves linear or oblong, less than 3 mm wide~18 17~Heads 5–10 mm long, 8–12 mm diam~Ozothamnus stirlingii 17*~Heads 4–5 mm long, 2.5 – 4 mm diam~Ozothamnus argophyllus 18~Inflorescence of corymbs terminal on many short lateral shoots, often only on the upper side of arching branches~19 18*~Inflorescence of corymbs terminal at the ends of major branches; shrubs without arching branches~20 19~Leaves with midrib on the lower surface glabrous; upper surface of the leaf glabrescent~Ozothamnus thyrsoideus 19*~Leaves with midrib on the lower surface tomentose, the same colour as the rest of the surface; upper surface of the leaf with appressed hairs arranged pinnately~Ozothamnus secundiflorus 20~Most leaves at right angles to the stem; leaves with base distinctly tinged yellow on lower surface; outer bracts usually tinged yellow~Ozothamnus turbinatus 20*~Leaves variously spreading but not consistently arranged; neither base of leaves nor bracts tinged yellow~21 21~Leaves with margins revolute, scabrous with minute antrorse prickles on the upper surface~Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius 21*~Leaves with margins flat or scarcely recurved; leaves woolly or glabrescent on the upper surface~22 22~Leaves with margins finely crenate~Ozothamnus ferrugineus 22*~Leaves with margins smooth~Ozothamnus conditus #{sp}Cassytha glabella 1~Fruit ovoid; floral bracts almost horizontal. Fruit usually <5 mm long and >3 mm diam. Widespread. NC CC SC CT NWS; Qld, Vic., Tas., W.A.~f. glabella 1~Fruit pyriform to fusiform, base clasped by almost vertical floral bracts. Fruit usually >5 mm long and <3 mm diam. Widespread in Aust., in N.S.W. only recorded from Twofold Bay area. SC; Vic., Tas., S.A., W.A.~f. dispar #{fm}MENISPERMACEAE 1~Leaves distinctly peltate~2 1*~Leaves not peltate~3 2~Stems bearing prickles~Echinostephia 2*~Stems without prickles~Stephania 3~Leaves palmately veined with 5–7, rarely 3, main veins radiating from near the base of the lamina; petiole usually at least half as long as lamina, mostly more than 5 cm long~4 3*~Leaves pinnately veined, rarely 3-veined from base; petiole mostly less than one-third as long as lamina, mostly less than 4 cm long~6 4~Leaves with lamina more or less circular, usually cordate at base; upper surface mostly glabrous and dark green, lower surface very pale green or ashy-green and often hairy; petiole frequently longer than lamina, at least three-quarters as long as lamina; inflorescence a dichasial cyme~Legnephora 4*~Leaves with lamina broad-ovate to broad-triangular, sometimes ovate, often cordate at base, sometimes hastate or rounded; glabrous and green on both surfaces; petiole usually shorter than lamina, mostly half to three-quarters as long; inflorescence raceme-like or a panicle~5 5~Leaves with lamina palmately 7-veined from base, the inner pair extending at least three-quarters of the way up the lamina, the outer pair sometimes obscure and more or less fused with the margin; base of lamina usually deeply cordate; widespread, not confined to rainforest~Sarcopetalum 5*~Leaves with lamina palmately 5- or rarely 3-veined from base, the inner pair extending less than half way up the lamina; base of lamina truncate, rounded, cordate or hastate; confined to rainforest north of the Richmond R~Tinospora 6~Leaves glabrous or almost so on both surfaces~7 6*~Leaves hairy at least on lower surface~9 7~Leaves with base of lamina hastate or cordate. (Juvenile leaves of Tinospora tinosporoides have lamina narrow-oblong to narrow-lanceolate.)~Tinospora 7*~Leaves with base of lamina rounded to truncate~8 8~Leaves with lamina narrow-oblong to narrow-elliptic, more than 4 times as long as wide, usually more than 8 cm long; young shoots and petioles brown-pubescent~Carronia 8*~Leaves with lamina ovate to lanceolate, less than 4 times as long as wide, less than 8 cm long; young shoots and petioles glabrous~Tinospora 9~Leaves with more than 6 pairs of secondary veins~Carronia 9*~Leaves with less than 6 pairs of secondary veins~Hypserpa #{gn}Lygodium 1~Stalks of pinnules of similar length along pinnae; pinnules articulated at base, deciduous~Lygodium microphyllum 1*~Stalks of pinnules decreasing in length towards pinna apex; pinnules non-articulated at base, persistent~2 2~Fronds 2-pinnate~Lygodium flexuosum 2*~Fronds 3-pinnate~Lygodium japonicum #{fm}LAMIACEAE 1~Fruit dry~2 1*~Fruit more or less fleshy~26 2~Calyx 2-lipped; lips sometimes toothed~3 2*~Calyx 5–10-toothed, not divided into two lips~10 3~Calyx with upper lip emarginate to undivided~4 3*~Calyx with upper lip deeply 3-lobed or truncate with 3 sharp, almost obsolete teeth-like lobes~7 4~Calyx with lower lip emarginate or undivided~5 4*~Calyx with lower lip deeply 4-toothed~6 5~Perennial herb; upper calyx lip with a hollow prominent swelling~Scutellaria 5*~Woody subshrub to tree; upper calyx lip without a prominent swelling~Prostanthera 6~Stamens free, distinctly exceeding the corolla; stigma capitate-clavate; corolla tube always straight and narrow~Orthosiphon 6*~Stamens joined basally, included within lower corolla lip; stigma shortly 2-fid; corolla tube usually more or less bent and often swollen basally~Plectranthus 7~Fertile stamens 2; anthers with loculi separated by an elongated connective, 1 loculus more or less sterile~Salvia 7*~Fertile stamens 4; anthers 2- or 1-locular; connective not elongated~8 8~Flowers sessile, in short dense terminal spike-like inflorescences~Prunella 8*~Flowers distinctly pedicellate, in open terminal or axillary racemose inflorescences~9 9~Flowers subtended by spinose leaf-like bracts~Dracocephalum 9*~Flowers subtended by entire leaf-like bracts, not spine-tipped~Melissa 10~Corolla more or less equally 4-lobed to indistinctly 2-lipped~11 10*~Corolla distinctly 1- or 2-lipped~13 11~Flowers in compact, thyrse-like inflorescences, with overlapping mauve bracts more or less covering the sessile 3-flowered cymes; strongly aromatic~Lavandula 11*~Flowers in axillary cymose whorls, in the axils of leaf-like bracts or solitary in leaf axils; bracts not overlapping~12 12~Stamens 4; leaves mostly soft, with margins entire or variously toothed, but never sharply toothed~Mentha 12*~Stamens 2; staminodes 2; leaves stiff, with margins sharply toothed~Lycopus 13~Corolla 1-lipped~14 13*~Corolla 2-lipped~16 14~Calyx lobes thread-like (subulate) and apex hooked~Oncinocalyx 14*~Calyx lobes broad, not thread-like and apex more or straight, not hooked~15 15~Corolla white; upper lip slit so that the lower lip appears 5-lobed; leaves cauline~Teucrium 15*~Corolla blue to purple, rarely pinkish to white; upper lip inconspicuous; lower lip 3-lobed; leaves mainly in a basal rosette~Ajuga 16~Leaves in whorls of 3–5~17 16*~Leaves opposite~18 17~Upper stamens with connective elongated, terminated by dilated and bearded end~Hemigenia 17*~Upper stamens with connective not or only very shortly elongated, not dilated or bearded~Westringia 18~Calyx 8–10-toothed~19 18*~Calyx 5-toothed, sometimes only minutely toothed~20 19~Leaves narrow-elliptic, green, sparsely hairy; corolla orange, 30–55 mm long; shrub to 3 m high~Leonotis 19*~Leaves rhombic, ovate to circular, white-tomentose; corolla white, 6–12 mm long; herb to 1 m high, sometimes woody at base~Marrubium 20~Calyx expanded and bonnet-like, much longer than corolla; teeth minute~Moluccella 20*~Calyx not expanded, shorter or as long as corolla; teeth well-developed~21 21~Corolla with upper lip broad-oblong, flat, erect, 2-lobed, not hooded~22 21*~Corolla with upper lip hooded~23 22~Leaves with margins entire or often shallowly toothed; petiole to 0.6 cm long; flowers in spreading head-like clusters~Origanum 22*~Leaves with margins crenate to lobed; petiole 0.5–2.5 cm long; flowers in obloid raceme-like clusters~Nepeta 23~Leaves deeply lobed (more or less palmatifid to palmatisect or dissected with linear incised segments)~Leonurus 23*~Leaves entire or finely to coarsely crenate and/or lobed~24 24~Upper leaves sessile, stem-clasping, subtending and embracing the flowers, more or less equal to lower petiolate leaves~Lamium 24*~Upper leaves subtending flowers petiolate, not embracing the flowers, noticeably reduced in size~25 25~Annual herb to 0.4 m high; inflorescence mostly 3-flowered per bract or leaf axil; calyx 5–7 mm long~Stachys 25*~Perennial herb to 2 m high; inflorescence usually more than 12-flowered per leaf axil; calyx 7–13 mm long~Ballota 26~Corolla actinomorphic, not 2-lipped, 2–3 mm long; stamens 4, equal; fruit less than 4 mm diam., usually bright purple when ripe~Callicarpa 26*~Corolla zygomorphic, more or less 2-lipped or one lobe much larger than other lobes, more than 4 mm long; stamens 4, more or less didynamous; fruit more than 4 mm diam., often black, bluish or red, sometimes purplish but then dull~27 27~Fruit black and usually surrounded by the conspicuously enlarged reddish calyx~28 27*~Fruit blue to purple, pink to reddish or if black then leaves usually 3- or 5-foliolate; fruiting calyx unchanged, not reddish~29 28~Corolla blue, with lower lobe much longer than other 4 lobes~Rotheca 28*~Corolla white, lobe more or less equal~Clerodendrum 29~Fruit more than 15 mm diam., bluish purple; leaves with lamina more than 10 cm long and more than 5 cm wide; corolla more than 20 mm long; widespread rainforest tree~Gmelina 29*~Fruit less than 15 mm diam., blue to black or reddish purple; leaves or leaflets with lamina less than 10 cm long and less than 5 cm wide; corolla less than 15 mm long; in rainforest and coastal communities north from the Richmond River~30 30~Corolla usually 4-lobed, mostly straight; calyx truncate, without lobes or with small teeth; leaves simple~Premna 30*~Corolla usually 5-lobed, often markedly curved; calyx 5-toothed or 5-cleft, rarely 3-cleft; leaves mostly palmately compound with 3 or 5 leaflets~Vitex #{gn}Freesia 1~Flowers white to cream with yellow markings, shaded purple on the outside of the tube~Freesia hybrid 1*~Flowers pink with crimson markings on lower 3 petals towards the centre of the flower~Freesia laxa #{sp}Amyema pendula 1~Haustorial attachment usually globose, without strands under bark. Peduncle usually 10–22 mm long; rays of umbel 5–11 mm long; pedicels 2–4 mm long. Corolla 5–merous, usually acute. Anthers 2–4 mm long, about a third the length of free part of filament~subsp. pendula 1*~Haustorial attachment elongate, with longitudinal strands under host bark. Peduncle usually 15–40 mm long; rays of umbel 8–18 mm long; pedicels 4–7 mm long. Corolla 5–8, usually 6-merous, usually obtuse. Anthers 5–9 mm long, about equal to free part of filament~subsp. longifolia #{sp}Amyema maidenii 1~Plant tomentose except mature stems. Leaves elliptic to ovate, usually 3–7 cm long, 10–22 mm wide, attenuate or contracted at base into petiole 5–10 mm long. Parasitic on Acacia aneura and A. tetragonophylla~subsp. maidenii 1*~Plants sparsely tomentose, except adult leaves, bracts and peduncles nearly glabrous. Leaves oblanceolate to oblong, usually 3–6 cm long, 5–10 mm wide, attenuate at base into obscure petiole 1–5 mm long. Most commonly parasitic on Acacia harpophylla and A. cambagei~subsp. angustifolia #{gn}Choretrum 1~Flowers in clusters of 2–5~Choretrum glomeratum 1*~Flowers solitary~2 2~Branches angular, more or less striate; stamens without hair-like appendages~3 2*~Branches terete, smooth or slightly striate; stamens with hair-like appendages~Choretrum pauciflorum 3~Branches moderately angular, sharply ridged below leaf scars; leaves persistent; fruits dark when mature~Choretrum candollei 3*~Branches strongly angular, broadly ridged below leaf scars; leaves early deciduous; fruits pale when mature~Choretrum sp. Coxs Gap (B.J.Lepschi 4218 & T.R.Lally) Lepschi #{gn}Tradescantia 1~Leaves green on lower surface; inner tepals free, white~Tradescantia fluminensis 1*~Leaves purple beneath; inner tepals joined into a tube at the base, pink~Tradescantia zebrina #{gn}Narcissus 1~Inflorescence of 1 flower; flowers with prominent tubular corona about as long as the perianth lobes~Narcissus pseudonarcissus 1*~Inflorescence umbellate; flowers with short cup-shaped corona, much shorter than the perianth lobes~Narcissus tazetta #{gn}Melaleuca 1~Leaves usually less than 4 mm long, sessile, appressed~Melaleuca irbyana 1*~Leaves mostly more than 5 mm long, petiolate or sessile~2 2~Leaves opposite or more or less opposite~3 2*~Leaves scattered, alternate or irregularly arranged (including irregularly whorled)~11 3~Flowers red; staminal bundles more than 20 mm long~Melaleuca hypericifolia 3*~Flowers mauve, pink, white or yellowish; staminal bundles less than 20 mm long~4 4~Inflorescences lateral from older stems~5 4*~Inflorescences terminal, subterminal or in the upper axils~6 5~Flowers white (sometimes tinged with pink), in few-flowered clusters~Melaleuca acuminata 5*~Flowers pink to deep mauve, in short spikes~Melaleuca thymifolia 6~Stamens with claw usually less than 3 mm long, each bundle consisting of up to 20 stamens~7 6*~Stamens with claw usually more than 4 mm long, each bundle with more than 30 stamens~10 7~Leaves with 5–7 longitudinal veins, ovate to broad-ovate~Melaleuca squarrosa 7*~Leaves with 3 longitudinal veins, sometimes obscurely so, linear to broad-ovate~8 8~Leaves channelled on upper surface, convex on each side of the midvein~Melaleuca biconvexa 8*~Leaves not channelled, upper surface flat or concave~9 9~Leaves ovate, at least 2 mm wide; inflorescences a few-flowered spikes or heads, less than 1 cm long~Melaleuca tortifolia 9*~Leaves linear to narrow-ovate, less than 2 mm wide; inflorescences many-flowered spikes, more than 2 cm long~Melaleuca densispicata 10~Staminal claws 8–15 mm long; fruit with included valves~Melaleuca linariifolia 10*~Staminal claws 4–8 mm long; fruit usually with exserted valves~Melaleuca trichostachya 11~Fruit in tight globose or ellipsoidal clusters; flowers in globose heads or short spikes~12 11*~Fruit scattered or in cylindrical groups; flowers in spikes or terminal clusters~14 12~Leaves and calyx lobes pubescent~Melaleuca glomerata 12*~Leaves and calyx lobes glabrous or glabrescent~13 13~Leaves with apex curved or hooked, leaves terete~Melaleuca uncinata 13*~Leaves with apex straight, leaves mostly flat~Melaleuca nodosa 14~Leaves flat, more than 3 cm long, petiolate, usually with 5 prominent longitudinal veins~Melaleuca quinquenervia 14*~Leaves not as above~15 15~Leaves sessile, acute to acuminate, with more than 4 longitudinal veins (sometimes obscure)~16 15*~Leaves at least shortly petiolate, usually 1-veined (except Melaleuca squamea)~17 16~Leaves narrow-ovate to ovate, 1–3 mm wide, with 5–11 longitudinal veins; bark hard~Melaleuca bracteata 16*~Leaves ovate to broad-ovate, 2–6 mm wide, with more than 11 longitudinal veins; bark papery~Melaleuca styphelioides 17~Leaves more than 3 mm wide~18 17*~Leaves less than 3 mm wide~20 18~Hypanthia and rachis of inflorescences more or less glabrous~Melaleuca groveana 18*~Hypanthia and rachis of inflorescences markedly hairy~19 19~Fruit 5–7 mm diam~Melaleuca deanei 19*~Fruit 3–5 mm diam~Melaleuca sieberi 20~Leaves terete, c. 0.5 mm diam.; flowers pink~Melaleuca erubescens 20*~Leaves flat or lower surface concave, c. 1–2 mm wide; flowers white to pink or purple~21 21~Staminal claw more than 5 mm long~22 21*~Staminal claw up to 4 mm long~23 22~Inflorescences terminal or axillary, borne at the ends of branchlets; bark papery~Melaleuca alternifolia 22*~Inflorescences axillary, borne low on the branchlets; bark corky or hard~Melaleuca armillaris 23~Young branchlets and inflorescences with villous rachis~24 23*~Young branchlets and inflorescences with pubescent rachis~25 24~Leaves with 3–5 longitudinal veins; flowers purple to pink~Melaleuca squamea 24*~Leaves with only 1 vein; flowers white or pale yellow~Melaleuca capitata 25~Bark papery or fibrous-papery~26 25*~Bark hard, rough or corky~28 26~Leaves linear; staminal claw to 2 mm long~Melaleuca ericifolia 26*~Leaves narrow-elliptic; staminal claw 2–3.5 mm long~27 27~Leaves with ar least 1 conspicuous vein; stamens 20–40 per bundle; sepals not persistent in fruit~Melaleuca decora 27*~Leaves with 1 obscure vein; stamens 11–25 per bundle; sepals more or less persistent in fruit~Melaleuca sieberi 28~Leaves linear; stamens 4–7 per bundle; fruit 2–4 mm diam. ; leaves with raised oil glands~Melaleuca parvistaminea 28*~Leaves linear to narrow-elliptic; stamens 8–14 per bundle; fruit 4–5 mm diam.; leaves with small oil glands~Melaleuca lanceolata #{gn}Leptospermum 1~Fruit either not woody or if ± woody then the valves not woody; usually shed soon or at most before the following season; seeds ovoid-cuneiform with the surface reticulate~3 1*~Fruit woody, woody-valved and usually persisting beyond the following season; seeds irregularly linear or linear-cuneiform with the surface longitudinally striate~2 2~Sepals developing a line of dehiscence and falling, though tardily so in a few species; stem flanges present or absent~21 2*~Sepals persistent; stem flanges absent~40 3~Flowers on the flowering shoot >2; fruit loculi~4 3*~Flowers on the flowering shoot 1 or 2; fruit loculi 3 or variably 3–5 or more~7 4~Leaves usually <5 mm wide, tapering to a narrow base~5 4*~Leaves usually 5–10 mm wide, broad-based~Leptospermum speciosum 5~Hypanthium glabrous or almost so; leaves linear-lanceolate, mostly 20–50 mm long and 2–4 mm wide~Leptospermum brachyandrum 5*~Hypanthium hairy, pubescent or silky; leaves narrow- to broad-elliptic or obovate, mostly <25 mm long and 3–5 mm wide~6 6~Leaves 10–30 mm long, elliptic to narrow-elliptic; north from Coffs Harbour~Leptospermum whitei 6*~Leaves 4–8 mm long, obovate to broad-elliptic; confined to CT~Leptospermum blakelyi 7~Fruit loculi usually >5; many seeds winged~8 7*~Fruit loculi 5 or less; seeds not winged~9 8~Leaves light yellowish green, usually 10–20 mm long and 3–5 mm wide, obtuse, acute or acuminate; fruit usually 4–7-locular~Leptospermum coriaceum 8*~Leaves usually grey-green, 15–30 mm long, 5–8 mm wide, and broadly obtuse; fruit usually 6–11-locular~Leptospermum laevigatum 9~Sepals very short-triangular, c. 0.5 mm long; leaves 5–10 mm long and 1–3 mm wide with the apex tending to recurve~Leptospermum myrsinoides 9*~Sepals, if triangular, ≥1 mm long; leaves various~10 10~Fruit succulent (coarsely wrinkled when dry); hypanthium silky with the upper part spreading widely and often glabrous; leaves mostly 5–10 mm long, 1.5–2.5 mm wide and thick~Leptospermum semibaccatum 10*~Fruit not succulent; hypanthium variously hairy or glabrous; leaves various~11 11~Fruit with the placenta low and the valves extended upward; leaves to c. 8 mm long, thick, obtuse and petiolate~Leptospermum parvifolium 11*~Fruit not as above; leaves if <10 mm not thick, obtuse and petiolate~12 12~Bark in many flaky layers even on leafy branches~13 12*~Bark compact, fibrous, smooth or ultimately flaking but not in many flaky layers~14 13~Hypanthium densely pubescent with spreading or short hairs (variable according to the population), rarely glabrous, upper part of the hypanthium not incurved; leaves mostly 10–20 mm long, 1–6 mm wide (breadth often uniform within the population)~Leptospermum trinervium 13*~Hypanthium glabrous or densely silky at base, the upper part incurved over the edge of the fruit; leaves usually 15–25 mm long and 3–7 mm wide~Leptospermum subglabratum 14~Hypanthium mostly glabrous but sometimes silky at the base; filaments often with spreading hairs~15 14*~Hypanthium variously hairy, sometimes with the upper part glabrescent; filaments glabrous~16 15~Hypanthium turgid; leaves mostly elliptic, 10–25 mm long, 2–4 mm wide and petiolate~Leptospermum polyanthum 15*~Hypanthium thin; leaves narrow-elliptic to oblanceolate, 10–15 mm long and 1–2 mm wide, sessile~Leptospermum deanei 16~Apex of leaves with a conspicuous pungent point, the leaves subtending the flowering shoots infolded or incurved, and reflexed~17 16*~Apex of leaves obtuse or acute but if somewhat pointed not conspicuously so and with the leaves subtending the flowering shoots not infolded, incurved and reflexed~18 17~Sepals somewhat acute and triangular; fruit usually 3-locular~Leptospermum divaricatum 17*~Sepals obtuse, oblong or semicircular; fruit mostly 4-locular~Leptospermum microcarpum 18~Leaf bud of flowering shoots developing prematurely so that flowers are found at the base of shoots or even branched shoots, the branching at c. 60°~19 18*~Leaf bud of flowering shoots developing with or shortly after the flowers; the branching <40°~20 19~Pedicels >5 mm long; leaves silky only on base and margins; in the Lithgow area, CT~Leptospermum blakelyi 19*~Pedicels c. 1 mm long; leaves usually silvery silky on both surfaces; confined to the Scabby Ra., ST~Leptospermum namadgiense 20~Fruit 3-locular, style base scarcely inset, pedicel c. 1 mm long; leaves <10 mm long, 1–3 mm wide, apex usually acute to acuminate~Leptospermum multicaule 20*~Fruit usually 5-locular, style inset, pedicel 2–10 mm long; leaves mostly >10 mm long, usually 2–5 mm wide, apex obtuse to short-acuminate~Leptospermum brevipes 21~Hypanthium with a tapered base and pedicel often 3–4 mm long; leaves usually 20–30 mm long and 3–7 mm wide, apex retuse~Leptospermum emarginatum 21*~Hypanthium base broad or if narrowed pedicel c. 1 mm long; leaves various~22 22~Leaves incurved in cross section and pungent-pointed; style stout and straight-sided with a characteristic relatively large flat stigma~23 22*~Leaves not both incurved and pungent-pointed, or if so then style tapering and stigma not relatively large~27 23~Leaves mostly spreading~24 23*~Leaves erect and rather dense, giving a broom-like appearance to the plant~26 24~Flowers usually c. 10 mm diam., usually white; produced on new growth; hypanthium tapering near base~25 24*~Flowers variable, usually 10–20 mm diam., sometimes shorter or longer, often pink; produced on short shoots from older branches; hypanthium rounded at base~Leptospermum squarrosum 25~Most leaves >3 mm wide, broadest below the middle and tapering above and below; fruit 6–9 mm diam.~Leptospermum scoparium 25*~Most leaves <3 mm wide, broadest at base and tapering upward; fruit 5–7 mm diam.~Leptospermum continentale 26~Short and robust shrubs with flowers 10–12 mm diam.; fruit 6–10 mm diam.~Leptospermum rupicola 26*~Tall slender shrubs with flowers 6–10 mm diam.; fruit rarely >7 mm diam.~Leptospermum juniperinum 27~Anther loculi long and not opening wide~28 27*~Anther loculi broader than long when open, and opening wide~31 28~Flowers c. 8 mm diam.; stamens longer than the short petals; leaves dense, obovate and thick, mostly 2–4 mm long, glossy~Leptospermum minutifolium 28*~Flowers c. 10 mm or more diam.; stamens shorter than the petals; leaves various but usually >5 mm long and not glossy~29 29~Bark lifting and flaking; leaves variable but often thick with the surface at least somewhat (often strongly so), incurved in cross section, the apex tapering, acute or acuminate, usually pungent; anther loculi usually parallel~Leptospermum novae-angliae 29*~Bark fibrous and ± compact; leaves flat or with the margins somewhat recurved, the apex broad- to narrow-acute or blunt or bluntly rounded, rarely pungent-pointed; anther loculi usually divergent~30 30~Flowers usually c. 15 mm diam.; leaves mostly 15–35 mm long and 2–8 mm wide, usually with 3 conspicuous longitudinal veins and aromatic~Leptospermum morrisonii 30*~Flowers usually c. 10 mm diam.; leaves various but rarely >20 mm long and usually 2–3 mm wide, neither conspicuously 3-veined nor aromatic~Leptospermum polygalifolium 31~Fruit much broader than long, with a wide woody rim; leaves dense, usually 5–7 mm long and 1–2 mm wide, lemon-scented~Leptospermum liversidgei 31*~Fruit and leaves not as above~32 32~Bark loosely fibrous, `stringy'; leaves narrow-elliptic to lanceolate, 20–40 mm long and 2–5 mm wide, acute, rounded or retuse and often lemon-scented~Leptospermum petersonii 32*~Bark various; leaves various, never lemon-scented~33 33~Leaves, at least most of them, with a distinct though often short petiole, the apex usually broad, the size and shape various, glabrous or pubescent~34 33*~Leaves sessile, tapering to the apex, 10–20 mm long, 2–8 mm wide, obovate to oblanceolate to elliptic, glabrous~39 34~Stamens 4–6 mm long; flowers often pink, usually 20–30 mm diam.; leaves mostly ± circular~Leptospermum rotundifolium 34*~Stamens <3.5 mm long; flowers white or almost so, ≤15 mm diam.; leaf shape various~35 35~Sepals glabrous or with ciliate margins; leaves green and glabrous at least for the most part~36 35*~Sepals pubescent, at least in part; leaves grey-green and pubescent or ultimately green and glabrous, the young growth grey with a silvery pubescence~37 36~Stems branching at c. 30°; leaves narrow-oblanceolate to very broad-obovate, apex usually retuse; fruit rounded above a short stalk~Leptospermum obovatum 36*~Stems branching at 60° or more; leaves obovate to almost circular, apex usually broadly rounded; fruit base rounded or turbinate~Leptospermum micromyrtus 37~Fruit almost globose before opening; stem flanges inconspicuous; leaves mostly obovate, 5–10 mm long and 2–5 mm wide~Leptospermum myrtifolium 37*~Fruit broader than long; stem flanges conspicuous; leaves mostly obovate to oblanceolate or broad-obovate to elliptic~38 38~Hypanthium conspicuously flared in the upper part; leaves very broad-obovate to elliptic, ultimately glabrous but greyish silky on young growth~Leptospermum argenteum 38*~Hypanthium not conspicuously flared in the upper part; leaves obovate to oblanceolate, pubescence of young growth soon giving way to short irregular hairs~Leptospermum gregarium 39~Stamens c. 2 mm long, style base arising from the surface of the fruit top; leaves thick, with dense prominent glands~Leptospermum sejunctum 39*~Stamens 3–4 mm long; style base inset in the fruit top; leaf texture variable~Leptospermum variabile 40~Stamens only about half as long as the petals or shorter; seed ≤3 mm long~41 40*~All stamens more than half as long as the petals; seeds ≥3.5 mm long~48 41~Fruit valves (at opening) not conspicuously exserted~42 41*~Fruit valves conspicuously exserted~43 42~Branches at angles of 60–90°; sepals triangular; leaves incurved from the margins, usually 10–20 mm long and mostly 1–3 mm wide (breadth variable but often uniform within the population), and with a long-tapering pungent-pointed apex~Leptospermum arachnoides 42*~Branches at angles of c. 30°; sepals short with the apex broadly rounded; leaves usually flat or with the margins recurved, 10–15 mm long, 4–6 mm wide, the apex blunt or shortly pungent~Leptospermum thompsonii 43~Leaves not glossy on both surfaces; if glossy on the upper surface, dull or pubescent below~44 43*~Leaves glossy on both surfaces~46 44~Fruit with a distinct short stalk, surface of the valves firm and wrinkled; leaves variable, to 30 mm long, c. 6 mm wide, elliptic, with margins recurved and a densely pubescent lower surface~Leptospermum deuense 44*~Fruit sessile, the valve surface lifting and ± flaky; leaves various~45 45~Bark compact; leaves broadest near, and contracting at, the apex; from 3–15 mm long and usually 2–4 mm wide, usually grey-green, narrow and pubescent on both surfaces~Leptospermum lanigerum 45*~Bark peeling; leaves broadest near the middle or if near the apex then tapering to the apex, not grey-green, often broad with the upper surface glossy and the lower shortly pubescent, or narrow, equal sided and glabrous, or with other combinations of these characters~Leptospermum grandifolium 46~Apex of leaves acute and pungent; leaves variable in size but usually c. 15 mm long and 5–6 mm wide~Leptospermum petraeum 46*~Apex of leaves not pungent, obtuse to acute; leaves 2–8 mm long, 2–4 mm wide~47 47~Leaves mostly 5–8 mm long, sometimes 5 mm or less, and 3–4 mm wide, apex ± acute; flowers c. 20 mm diam.~Leptospermum crassifolium 47*~Leaves 2–3 mm long and c. 2 mm wide, apex obtuse; flowers c. 10 mm diam.~Leptospermum epacridoideum 48~Fruit as long as broad, <15 mm diam.; leaves 5–35 mm long, broad- to narrow-elliptic and 2–5 mm wide, apex acute to acuminate~49 48*~Fruit broader than long, often 15–20 mm diam.; leaves mostly 10–20 mm long and 5–10 mm wide, usually broad-elliptic, apex obtuse or acute with a short stiff point~Leptospermum macrocarpum 49~Leaves mostly 5–20 mm, and 2–5 mm wide, broad- to narrow-elliptic, apex acute or long-acute and pungent; flowers white or pink~Leptospermum sphaerocarpum 49*~Leaves mostly 20–35 mm long, 3–5 mm wide, narrow-elliptic, apex long-acute or long-acuminate and stiffly pointed; flowers red~Leptospermum spectabile #{gn}Alectryon 1~Leaves simple~2 1*~Leaves compound, paripinnate with 2 or more leaflets~3 2~Leaves usually more than 8 times as long as wide, margins always entire~Alectryon oleifolius 2*~Leaves usually less than 8 times as long as wide, at least some leaves with margins irregularly toothed~Alectryon diversifolius 3~Leaflets entire~4 3*~Leaflets toothed~6 4~Leaves with usually 2 or rarely 4 or 6 leaflets, discolorous with lower surface pale grey-green~5 4*~Leaves usually 4–6 or sometimes 2 leaflets, both surfaces more or less dark green~Alectryon subcinereus 5~Apex of leaflets obtuse; confined to rainforest and scrub near the sea~Alectryon coriaceus 5*~Apex of leaflets shortly acuminate; in dry rainforest and scrub in the escarpment gorges and Western Slopes~Alectryon forsythii 6~Leaves, branchlets and fruit glabrous or finely pubescent; leaflets 2–6; fruit usually 2-lobed~7 6*~Leaves, branchlets and fruit rusty-tomentose; leaflets 4–8; fruit usually 3-lobed~Alectryon tomentosus 7~Leaflets usually more than 2 times as long as wide; lobes of fruit globose, glabrous; apex of leaflets mostly acuminate~Alectryon subcinereus 7*~Leaflets less than 2 times as long as wide; lobes of fruit more or less compressed at margins, hairy; apex of leaflets obtuse to more or less acute~Alectryon subdentatus #{sp}Ozothamnus obcordatus 1~Leaves 3–5 mm long, 3–4 mm wide, often ± circular~subsp. obcordatus 1*~Leaves 8–15 mm long, 3–7 mm wide, obcordate~subsp. major #{gn}Limonium 1~Flowering stems not winged, stems terete or ribbed; calyx less than 5 mm long~2 1*~Flowering stems prominently 3-winged; calyx more than 8 mm long~4 2~Stem leaves scale-like, often apparently absent~3 2*~Stem leaves more than 10 mm wide, often falling early~Limonium otolepis 3~Corolla pink to violet; calyx 4.5–5.5 mm long, pink~Limonium hyblaeum 3*~Corolla yellow; calyx 6–8 mm long, white to pale pink ~Limonium australe 4~Wings of stem and branchlets 3–8 mm wide, ending in a stiff lobe 10–30 mm long; calyx pale blue or whitish, c. 10 mm long; more or less glabrous annual~Limonium lobatum 4*~Wings of stem 1–3 mm wide, ending in a linear to lanceolate leaf-like appendage 20–50 mm long; calyx bright blue or purplish, c. 15 mm long; scabrous perennial~Limonium sinuatum #{gn}Hoya 1~Lower surface of leaves densely pubescent with spreading hairs~Hoya australis 1*~Lower surface of leaves glabrous or with widely scattered erect hairs~Hoya oligotricha #{gn}Coronidium 1~Medial involucral bracts elliptic or lanceolate, smooth, white to yellow~2 1*~Medial involucral bracts oblanceolate, apically wrinkled, yellow~Coronidium scorpioides 2~Medial involucral bracts very narrow-lanceolate, straw-coloured to dusky yellow~Coronidium oxylepis 2*~Medial involucral bracts narrow-elliptic, white to pink or yellow~3 3~Leaves linear~Coronidium waddelliae 3*~Leaves ovate to obovate~4 4~Outer involucral bracts with a prominent semiterete claw~Coronidium boormanii 4*~Outer involucral bracts sessile or subsessile and obsured by wool~5 5~Leaves congested, narrow-elliptic, felty below, margin flat or recurved~Coronidium lindsayanum 5*~Leaves scattered, elliptic to broad-elliptic, flat woolly below~6 6~Leaves eventually glabrous and dull above, heads solitary or in panicles~7 6*~Leaves more or less woolly above and below; heads solitary on stems~Coronidium kaputaricum 7~Leaves elliptic, pinnately veined, indumentum white~Coronidium elatum 7*~Leaves ovate to elliptic, 3-nerved from near base, indumentum yellowish grey~Coronidium telfordii #{gn}Melodinus 1~Leaves with lamina finely and softly pubescent on lower surface; branchlets pubescent; corolla tube hairy inside; berry globose~Melodinus acutiflorus 1*~Leaves and branchlets glabrous; corolla tube glabrous inside; berry mostly ovoid or ellipsoid~Melodinus australis #{gn}Chordifex 1~Sheaths lax, open and spreading almost from the base; flowering branches very often flexuous; male spikelets ovoid, female narrow~Chordifex dimorphus 1*~Sheaths closely appressed; flowering branches erect, straight; spikelets in both sexes narrow~Chordifex fastigiatus #{fm}SALVINIACEAE 1~Frond of 2 floating, foliar leaves and 1 submerged, root-like, sporocarp-bearing leaf; floating leaves broad or rounded~Salvinia 1~Frond of numerous, crowded, ovate to triangular, bilobed leaves; spore capsules in axil of submerged leaf lobe~Azolla #{gn}Lobelia 1~Flowers at the tip of the shoot in a raceme-like arrangement, subtended by bracts or very reduced leaves~2 1~Flowers solitary in the axils of leaves (but leaves often reducing in size towards the tips of stems in L. anceps)~6 2~Stems decumbent, flowering shoots ascending; leaves ovate, base of lamina truncate to cordate~Lobelia trigonocaulis 2*~Stems erect or ascending; leaves oblanceolate to linear-elliptic, sessile, subsessile or tapering to the base~3 3~Seeds strongly 3-angled, smooth and shiny~4 3*~Seeds not 3-angled, surface very faintly ridged or reticulate~5 4~Capsule 7–15 mm long; upper corolla lobes recurved, glabrous~Lobelia simplicicaulis 4*~Capsule 3.5–4 mm long; upper corolla lobes incurved and pilose~Lobelia andrewsii 5~Lower leaves with margins usually entire, rarely with a few narrow teeth; seeds irregularly angular, reticulate~Lobelia gibbosa 5*~Lower leaves ovate, margins broadly lobed; seeds ellipsoidal, very faintly ridged to almost smooth~Lobelia dentata 6~Young stems usually with a narrow wing 0.2–1.1 mm wide; capsule ± cylindrical, 8–12.5 mm long, 2–2.5 mm wide~Lobelia anceps 6*~Stems sometimes ridged but not distinctly winged; capsule ellipsoid to obovoid or obconical, = 7 mm long~7 7~Pedicels 1–5(–7) mm long; leaves crowded~Lobelia darlingensis 7*~Pedicels (8–)10–60(–70) mm long; leaves ± well spaced~8 8~Lamina usually broadly ovate, margins toothed, base rounded; petiole distinct~Lobelia membranacea 8*~Lamina linear to narrow-elliptical or elliptical, tapering to an indistinct petiole~9 9~Pedicels (8–)10–30 mm long; plants with spreading hairs~Lobelia pratioides 9*~Pedicels 35–70 mm long; plants glabrous~Lobelia stenophylla #{gn}Euchiton 1~Heads solitary~Euchiton traversii 1*~Inflorescences of several to many heads~2 2~Involucral bracts acuminate, the tips delicate and deeply lacerate; species of subalpine or montane areas~Euchiton umbricola 2*~Involucral bracts obtuse to broad-acute, firm and leathery; widespread species~3 3~Flower heads subtended by large leafy bracts, much longer than the diameter of the head; basal rosette soon withering~4 3*~Flower heads without visible subtending bracts or with bracts only a little longer than the diameter of the head; basal rosette persistent~Euchiton japonicus 4~Annuals; heads with a single bisexual floret per head~Euchiton sphaericus 4*~Stoloniferous perennials; heads with 3 or more bisexual florets per head~5 5~Achenes glabrous; 15–80 mm long; flower heads 1–2 mm diameter~Euchiton limosus 5*~Achenes minutely papillate; leaves 30–200 mm long; flower heads 1.5–3 mm diameter~Euchiton involucratus #{gn}Clematis 1~Leaves simple to ternate or imparipinnate, with 5(-7) or fewer leaflets, anthers with or without an apically protruding connective appendage~2 1*~Leaves biternate, triternate or flammuliform with more than 5 leaflets; anthers without an apically protuding connective appendage~5 2~Plants deciduous with bisexual flowers~Clematis montana 2*~Plants evergreen, dioecious; (female flowers with one whorl of staminodes)~3 3~Leaf margins usually entire; connective appendage to 0.5 mm long; tepals 0.7–2.5 cm long~4 3*~Leaf margins serrate;connective appendages 1–3 mm long; tepals 1.3–3.5 cm long~Clematis aristata 4~Achenes often with distinct longitudinal ridges on each lateral face, often more or less falcate, tepals 0.7–1.6 cm long; anthers mostly 1–1.5 mm long; connective appendage 0.2–0.5 mm long~Clematis pinkeringii 4*~Achenes neither ridged nor falcate; tepals 1.1–2.5 cm long; anthers mostly 1.5–2 mm long, connective appendage 0.2–0.5 mm long~Clematis glycinoides 5~Achenes fusiform. c. 1 mm diameter; leaflets usually serrate-dentate~Clematis fawcettii 5*~Achenes distictly compressed, broader than 1 mm, leaflets usually entire ot sometimes deeply lobed~6 6~Leaflets usually biternate with up to 9(-12) leaflets, sometimes with leaflets lobed~Clematis microphylla 6*~Leaves flammuliform to triternate with more than 12 leaflets (rarely fewer in some immature leaves)~7 7~Leaflets usually 12–15 per leaf, broadest below the middle; terminal leaflet 12–45 mm long~Clematis decipiens 7*~Leaflets usually 18–36 per leaf, broadest beyond the middle towards the leaf tips; terminal leaflet 5–15 (-25) mm long~Clematis leptophylla #{sp}Sorghum bicolor 1~Racemes not disarticulating readily at maturity~2 1*~Racemes disarticulating readily at maturity~3 2~Grains usually exposed at maturity between gaping glumes; axis and branches tough~subsp. bicolor 2*~Grain not exposed at maturity; upper portion of the rachis internode attached to the sessile spikelet when the spikelets finally fall.~subsp. drummondii 3~Perennial with strong rhizomes.~subsp. almum 3*~Weak perennial, without rhizomes. Sessile spikelets break away cleanly from the rachis internodes when falling.~subsp. arundinaceum #{fm}CELASTRACEAE 1~Leaves opposite or nearly so~2 1*~Leaves alternate~3 2~Climbing shrubs or vines; stamens mostly 3; fruit a capsule, several-seeded~Hippocratea 2*~Erect shrubs or trees; stamens mostly 4; fruit a drupe, 1-seeded~Elaeodendron 3~Fruit a hard fleshy drupe, indehiscent~Siphonodon 3*~Fruit a capsule, dehiscent~4 4~Scandent shrubs or vines; flowers unisexual, plants dioecious; branches with conspicuous lenticels~Celastrus 4*~Erect shrubs or trees; flowers bisexual; branches without conspicuous lenticels~5 5~Capsules 5-locular with 5 valves; flowers reddish purple~Hedraianthera 5*~Capsules 2–4-locular with 2–4 valves; flowers whitish or greenish yellow~6 6~Flowers solitary; leaves sessile, needle-like~Apatophyllum 6*~Flowers few to many, in cymes or racemes; leaves petiolate, not needle-like~Denhamia #{gn}Cymbonotus 1~Leaves usually 4–10 cm long; heads on short, stout, woolly peduncles; peduncles shorter than leaves~2 1*~Leaves usually 10–30 cm long; heads on long woolly peduncles; peduncles as long as or longer than leaves~Cymbonotus maidenii 2~Achenes c. 2.5 mm long, curved, pubescent, with an almost smooth convex face, and cavernous concave face~Cymbonotus lawsonianus 2*~Achenes c. 3 mm long, straight, glabrous, wrinkled on all faces~Cymbonotus preissianus #{gn}Euryops 1~Leaves narrow-elliptic to obovate in outline, pinnatisect, 3.5–8 cm long~Euryops chrysanthemoides 1*~Leaves wedge-shaped and sharply and deeply 3–5-toothed, 0.4–0.5 cm long~Euryops virgineus #{sp}Acacia atrox 01~Phyllodes with ± 8 longitudinal veins (4 more pronounced than the intervening inconspicuous veins), longitudinally splayed at base by 2–6 mm, gradually tapered towards a pungent apex with a fine orange-brown tip (cusp) 1.5–3.5 mm long; heads 17–25-flowered, 5–7 mm diam.~subsp. atrox 01*~Phyllodes with 4 inconspicuous longitudinal veins (other veins obscure), longitudinally splayed at base by 1–2.2 mm, gradually to abruptly tapered towards a pungent apex with a fine orange-brown tip (cusp) 0.7–2.2 mm long; heads 33–41-flowered, 7–11 mm diam.~subsp. planitiicola #{sp}Bossiaea rhombifolia 1~Leaves with lamina broad, as wide as long or nearly so, apex acute; flowers mostly 9–12 mm long. Shrub 1–2 m high. Leaves mostly 4–10 mm long and wide, ± flat even when dry, ± widely spaced on ultimate branches, c. 2–5 per cm~subsp. rhombifolia 1*~Leaves with lamina narrow, longer than wide, apex obtuse, truncate or retuse; flowers 7–8 mm long. Shrub mostly to 60 cm high, sometimes to 1 m. Leaves mostly 3–9 mm long, 2–6 mm wide, often folded upwards along midrib when dry, and more closely spaced on ultimate branches, c. 4–8 per cm. Flowers sometimes lacking dark markings~subsp. concolor #{fm}HYPERICACEAE 1~Petals yellow to orange, sometimes red-tinged; stamens (5-) 10–300 (>600), in a continuous or interrupted ring or in (3-) 4–5 fascicles (fascicles free or 1 or 2 pairs united appearing as 4 or 3 fascicles); filaments distinct (apparently free) or united at base (basally connate); staminode fascicles (sterile stamen fascicles or fasciclodes) absent~Hypericum 1*~Petals pink or white, often fleshy pink; stamens 9, in 3 fascicles; filaments united for 1/5–2/3 of their length (1/5–2/3 connate); staminode fascicles 3, alternating with stamen fascicles~Triadenum #{fm}CLUSIACEAE 1~Petals yellow to orange, rarely white~Hypericum 1*~Petals pink~Triadenum #{sp}Coronidium elatum 1~Leaves elliptic, to 12 cm long, woolly below, capitula solitary or clustered~2 1*~Leaves ovate (to elliptic), to 8 cm long, with thin dense tomentum below~subsp. minus 2~Leaves and branches closely woolly; capitula in cymes~subsp. elatum 2*~Leaves and branches covered with thick wool; capitula solitary on long woolly peduncles~subsp. vellerosum #{gn}Verbena 1~Leaves with base of lamina subcordate, slightly clasping branch, hence lamina distinctly sessile; margin variously serrate, never lobed~2 1*~Leaves with base of lamina acute, attenuate, tapering or narrow; lamina shortly petiolate or superficially appearing so, but never clasping branch; margin variously pinnatifid, or at least with some leaves variously toothed or sometimes with margin of some leaves entire~4 2~Bracts conspicuously longer than calyx; corolla-tube c. 3 times longer than calyx~Verbena rigida 2*~Bracts shorter than, equal to or slightly longer than calyx; corolla-tube up to 2 times longer than calyx~3 3~Corolla-tube distinct, much longer than calyx; bracts, calyx and peduncles distinctly glandular; mericarps 1.5–1.8 mm long~Verbena bonariensis 3*~Corolla-tube only slightly longer than calyx; bracts, calyx and peduncles only occasionally with a few stalked glands; mericarps 1.3–1.5 mm long~Verbena incompta 4~Lower leaves with margin variously pinnatifid or pinnatisect; ultimate divisions narrowly linear, or subulate to narrowly obovate (note: upper leaves smaller, with margin incised to subentire)~5 4~Leaves (upper and lower) with margin variously toothed or sometimes with margin of some leaves entire, never pinnatifid or pinnatisect; ultimate divisions more or less obliquely ovate to triangular~6 5~Calyx 5-toothed, long-tubular, 6–9 mm long; corolla tube 11–14 mm long; spike with flowers overlapping each other~Glandularia aristigera 5*~Calyx 4-toothed, to c. 3 mm long; corolla tube 1.5–2 mm long; spike with flowers not or just overlapping each other~Verbena supina 6~Branches moderately glandular distally~7 6*~Branches non-glandular~8 7~Branches with eglandular hairs antrorse; calyx 5-toothed; infloresnce spikes compact, 6–12 mm diameter~Verbena hispida 7*~Branches with eglandular hairs variously spreading; calyx 4-toothed; inflorescence slender, 5–6 mm diameter~Verbena macrostachya 8~Calyx 4-toothed; branches glabrous, except for a few hairs on or near nodes~Verbena caracasana 8*~Calyx 5-toothed; branches variously hairy throughout, may be sparsely so, or glabrous~9 9~Flowers crowded, opening together in whorls~Verbena quadrangularis 9*~Flowers distant, opening singly along inflorescence axis~10 10~Leaves deeply incised, such that lamina reduced to a central narrow rachis with long, narrow lobes (teeth); inflorescence lacking glands~Verbena gaudichaudii 10*~Leaves variously serrate, but lamina not reduced to a central rachis; inflorescences glandular or eglandular (V. x brasiliensis and V. litoralis)~11 11~Inflorescences eglandular~12 11*~Inflorescences, bracts and calyces distinctly glandular~13 12~Inflorescences consisting of long slender spikes, with flowers spaced along axis, flowers opening together in a narrow zone near apex of inflorescence; lower leaves variously acutely serrate, 1- or 2-pinnatifid~Verbena litoralis 12*~Inflorescences consisting of long slender spikes, with flowers crowded together, flowers opening together in distal part of inflorescences, but in a broader zone than for V. litoralis; lower leaves coarsely serrate, never pinnatifid~Verbena x brasiliensis 13~Leaves with margin bluntly serrate, 1- or 2-pinnatifid; corolla twice as long as calyx; bracts shorter than calyx~Verbena officinalis 13*~Leaves with margin serrate, never pinnatifid; corolla slightly longer than calyx; bracts at least reaching top of calyx or shorter than calyx~Verbena africana #{gn}Verbena 1~Leaves with base of lamina subcordate, slightly clasping branch, hence lamina distinctly sessile; margin variously serrate, never lobed~2 1*~Leaves with base of lamina acute, attenuate, tapering or narrow; lamina shortly petiolate or superficially appearing so, but never clasping branch; margin variously pinnatifid, or at least with some leaves variously toothed or sometimes with margin of some leaves entire~4 2~Bracts conspicuously longer than calyx; corolla-tube c. 3 times longer than calyx~Verbena rigida 2*~Bracts shorter than, equal to or slightly longer than calyx; corolla-tube up to 2 times longer than calyx~3 3~Corolla-tube distinct, much longer than calyx; bracts, calyx and peduncles distinctly glandular; mericarps 1.5–1.8 mm long~Verbena bonariensis 3*~Corolla-tube only slightly longer than calyx; bracts, calyx and peduncles only occasionally with a few stalked glands; mericarps 1.3–1.5 mm long~Verbena incompta 4~Lower leaves with margin variously pinnatifid or pinnatisect; ultimate divisions narrowly linear, or subulate to narrowly obovate (note: upper leaves smaller, with margin incised to subentire)~5 4~Leaves (upper and lower) with margin variously toothed or sometimes with margin of some leaves entire, never pinnatifid or pinnatisect; ultimate divisions more or less obliquely ovate to triangular~6 5~Calyx 5-toothed, long-tubular, 6–9 mm long; corolla tube 11–14 mm long; spike with flowers overlapping each other~Glandularia aristigera 5*~Calyx 4-toothed, to c. 3 mm long; corolla tube 1.5–2 mm long; spike with flowers not or just overlapping each other~Verbena supina 6~Branches moderately glandular distally~7 6*~Branches non-glandular~8 7~Branches with eglandular hairs antrorse; calyx 5-toothed; infloresnce spikes compact, 6–12 mm diameter~Verbena hispida 7*~Branches with eglandular hairs variously spreading; calyx 4-toothed; inflorescence slender, 5–6 mm diameter~Verbena macrostachya 8~Calyx 4-toothed; branches glabrous, except for a few hairs on or near nodes~Verbena caracasana 8*~Calyx 5-toothed; branches variously hairy throughout, may be sparsely so, or glabrous~9 9~Flowers crowded, opening together in whorls~Verbena quadrangularis 9*~Flowers distant, opening singly along inflorescence axis~10 10~Leaves deeply incised, such that lamina reduced to a central narrow rachis with long, narrow lobes (teeth); inflorescence lacking glands~Verbena gaudichaudii 10*~Leaves variously serrate, but lamina not reduced to a central rachis; inflorescences glandular or eglandular (V. x brasiliensis and V. litoralis)~11 11~Inflorescences eglandular~12 11*~Inflorescences, bracts and calyces distinctly glandular~13 12~Inflorescences consisting of long slender spikes, with flowers spaced along axis, flowers opening together in a narrow zone near apex of inflorescence; lower leaves variously acutely serrate, 1- or 2-pinnatifid~Verbena litoralis 12*~Inflorescences consisting of long slender spikes, with flowers crowded together, flowers opening together in distal part of inflorescences, but in a broader zone than for V. litoralis; lower leaves coarsely serrate, never pinnatifid~Verbena x brasiliensis 13~Leaves with margin bluntly serrate, 1- or 2-pinnatifid; corolla twice as long as calyx; bracts shorter than calyx~Verbena officinalis 13*~Leaves with margin serrate, never pinnatifid; corolla slightly longer than calyx; bracts at least reaching top of calyx or shorter than calyx~Verbena africana #{gn}Scleranthus 1~Calyx lobes erect, very much shorter than the calyx tube; stamen 1~2 1*~Calyx lobes more or less spreading, at least as long as the calyx tube; stamens 2–10~6 2~Flowers solitary on scabrous peduncles; bracts 2~Scleranthus singuliflorus 2*~Flowers paired on glabrous or hairy peduncles; bracts 4~3 3~Stems and bracts with some hairs; leaves in fascicles; plant usually prostrate, spreading, straggly and lax~4 3*~Stems and bracts glabrous; leaves not in fascicles; plant usually cushion-like, dense, compact~5 4~Diaspore (fruit and surrounding persistent calyx) urceolate, i.e. with a well-defined 'neck' at the base of the sepal lobes, with strongly thickened longitudinal ribs; lobes incurved to apex~Scleranthus sp. Fitzs Hill (J.G.West 5342) Australian National Herbarium 4*~Diaspore ovate, i.e. lacking a well-defined neck, with obscure or narrow longitudinal ribs; lobes more or less straight, coming to a point at the apex~Scleranthus fasciculatus 5~Sepals 4; stamens level with or exserted beyond top of sepals, long-persistent~Scleranthus biflorus 5*~Sepals 5; stamens shorter than sepals, shed early~Scleranthus brockiei 6~Flowers shortly pedicellate; calyx lobes linear, sometimes with narrow, scarious margins~7 6*~Flowers not pedicellate; calyx lobes lanceolate, often with wide scarious margins~8 7~Leaves crowded together in pseudwhorls separated by internodes usually more than 8 mm long; stamens 5–10~Scleranthus annuus 7*~Leaves not crowded together, distributed evenly along the stem; stamens 2~Scleranthus minusculus 8~Leaves pungent; calyx lobes pungent; flowers with 5 stamens and 5 linear staminodes~Scleranthus pungens 8*~Leaves acute but not pungent; calyx lobes more or less acute; stamens 2~Scleranthus diander #{fm}NITRARIACEAE 1~Leaves entire, covered with appressed hairs~Nitraria 1*~Leaves deeply and irregularly pinnatisect, glabrous~Peganum #{gn}Schinus 1~Leaves pendent, leaflets lanceolate to linear, 2–10 mm wide.~Schinus molle var. areira 1*~Leaves not pendent, leaflets elliptic to oblong-ovate, 12–30 mm wide.~Schinus terebinthifolius #{fm}OLEACEAE +~Yet to be included in key (Panicles axillary)~Fraxinus 1~Climbers or scramblers, or sometimes many-stemmed scandent shrubs and usually less than 1.5 m high; corolla tubular, 5–10-lobed~Jasminum 1*~Trees or shrubs, mostly erect, few-stemmed and mostly more than 1.5 m high; corolla either tubular and 4-lobed or of 4 more or less free petals~2 2~Flowers in panicles~3 2*~Flowers in simple racemes~Notelaea 3~Panicles axillary, or rarely axillary and terminal; leaves usually densely covered with peltate scales on lower surface~Olea 3*~Panicles terminal; leaves glabrous or young leaves pubescent~Ligustrum #{gn}Dracophyllum 1~Leaf margin smooth (or with little grooves or obscurely serrulate); mature leaves 15–40 cm long, 0.9–1.8 cm wide; inflorescence dense, with (10–)20–30(–60) flowers per basal node; corolla tube length ± equal to sepal length.~2 1*~Leaf margin finely to distinctly serrulate; mature leaves 5–20 cm long, 0.3–1.0 cm wide; inflorescence open, less than 10 (or 11) flowers per basal node; corolla tube length usually exceeding sepal length.~3 2~Inflorescence with peduncles and pedicels glabrous; floral nectary glabrous on upper margin; occurring on the South Coast of New South Wales.~Dracophyllum oceanicum 2*~Inflorescence with peduncles and pedicels bearing soft hairs c. 1 mm long; floral nectary ciliolate on upper margin; occurring on Lord Howe Island.~Dracophyllum fitzgeraldii 3~Corolla tube 1–25 mm long; style more than 12 mm long; inflorescence maturing from apex to base, with 2 or 3 flowers per basal node.~Dracophyllum macranthum 3*~Corolla tube 4–9 mm long; style 1–7 mm long; inflorescence maturing from base to apex, with (1–)3–5(–11) flowers per basal node.~Dracophyllum secundum #{gn}Commersonia Note~Couplets 9–12 of this key identify those species of Commersonia that have also been recognised as the separate genus Androcalva~9 1~Anthers more or less laterally dehiscent; staminodes densely hairy; hairs stellate (Commersonia s. str.)~2 1*~Anthers extrorsely dehiscent; staminodes glabrous (Androcalva)~9 2~Staminodes 3 between each stamen; tree (shrub-like when juvenile or regrowth form); inflorescence with 50–200 flowers; flowers cream-coloured~Commersonia bartramia 2*~Staminodes 1 between each stamen; shrubs; inflorescence with 1 to many flowers; flowers white, pink or yellow~3 3~Upper surface of leaf with few, scattered hairs towards margin or glabrous throughout~4 3*~Upper surface of leaf moderately to very densely hairy~5 4~Leaf elliptic to narrowly elliptic, chartaceous; petioles less than 5 mm long; shrub, prostrate, becoming procumbent; fruit with setae up to 0.9 mm long~Commersonia hermanniifolia 4*~Leaf ovate, thin pliable; petioles 10–20 mm long; prostrate mat; fruit with setae more than 2 mm long. (NSW: N of Newcastle to Vic: Gippsland Lakes)~Commersonia prostrata 5~Petal base prominently gibbous (cup-like) below and above petal attachment point~Commersonia amystia 5*~Petal base not gibbous, or gibbous only above petal attachment point~6 6~Lower and upper surface of leaf densely hairy; hairs long, stellate, all equally long; fruit setae have apical hairs with reflexed arms~Commersonia dasyphylla 6*~Lower surface of leaf tomentose with long, stellate hairs; upper surface with stellate hairs shortly armed; fruit setae have apical hairs with erect or horizontal arms~7 7~Leaf narrowly ovate; margin mainly entire; petals absent or less than 3 mm long; ligule up to 1.7 mm long~Commersonia salviifolia 7*~Leaf ovate or elliptic; margin serrulate; petals 2.1–3.8 mm long; ligule 1.3–2.9 mm long~8 8~Mature leaves ovate or narrowly ovate; anther filaments mainly stellate hairy; fruit with setae dense throughout, up to 4.6 mm long~Commersonia rugosa 8*~Mature leaves narrowly elliptic or elliptic, rarely ovate; anther filaments mainly glabrous; fruit with setae scattered towards apex, up to 0.9 mm long~Commersonia breviseta 9~Staminodes three between each stamen, all narrowly spathulate, petaloid, glabrous; leaf with apex acute; pedicels articulated; capsules with conspicuous, triangular wings~10 9*~Staminodes 1–3 between each stamen, with central or single staminode petaloid, ovate or narrowly triangular; lateral staminodes (when present) terete,linear or clavate and apical third minutely papillose; leaf with apex obtuse to subacute; pedicels not articulated; capsules lacking conspicuous wings~12 10~Stems and pedicels with conspicuous, red-tipped, clavate, glandular trichomes, much longer than stellate hairs~Commersonia viscidula 10*~Stems and pedicels without glandular trichomes, or glandular trichomes inconspicuous and shorter than, or as long as stellate hairs~11 11~Stem and flowering stems with white, stellate hairs, or hairs white with pale brown centres, c. 0.5 mm long~Commersonia fraseri 11*~Stem and flowering stems with long golden to ferruginous stellate hairs, c. 1 mm long~Commersonia rossii 12~Petals with ligule narrower at apex than at base, either narrowly triangular, triangular, ovate or narrowly ovate with apex blunt, or narrowly oblong with base only very slightly broader base. Petal base (when lateral lobes flattened) 2–4.5mm across~Commersonia rosea 12*~Petal with ligule broader towards apex than base, orbicular, suborbicular, obovate, spathulate; petal base (when flattened) less than 2.5 mm wide~Commersonia procumbens #{gn}Dichelachne 1~Awns 2.5 cm long or longer and 4–6 times as long as their lemmas; panicle dense and spike-like with no branching visible and awns usually concealing the spikelets~Dichelachne crinita 1*~Awns 0.8–3.3 cm long and 2–5 times as long as their lemmas; panicle dense or open~2 2~Lemma usually < 4 mm long~3 2*~Lemma 4 mm or longer~5 3~Lemma longer than at least the lower glume; inflorescence sparse, with branches and pedicles clearly visible, only slightly contracted at anthesis; branches flexuose~Dichelachne parva 3*~Lemma usually shorter than glumes; inflorescence dense with spikelets and awns concealing the branches; branches not flexuose~4 4~Awn 10–22 mm long; usually 1 anther~Dichelachne micrantha 4*~Awn < 10 mm long; anthers 3~Dichelachne montana 5~Lemma usually at least 6 mm long, hispid pubescent; plants often hairy~Dichelachne hirtella 5*~Lemma mostly less than 6 mm long, hispid, scabrous or glabrous; plants sometimes hairy~6 6~Lemma subequal to lower glume~Dichelachne rara 6*~Lemma longer than lower glume, sometimes longer than both glumes~7 7~Culms and nodes hairy or scabrous to pubescent; lemma usually scabrous; awn column slightly twisted at maturity~Dichelachne sieberiana 7*~Culms and nodes glabrous; lemma mostly smooth, sometimes scabrous; awn colume only slightly twisted at maturity~8 8~Palea 4 mm long or less; awn arising 0.5 mm or less from lemma apex; inflorescence < 24 cm long~Dichelachne inaequiglumis 8*~Palea > 4 mm long; awn arising 0.5 mm or more from lemma apex; inflorescence > 24 cm long~Dichelachne robusta #{sp}Gnaphalium indutum 1~Inner involucral bracts obtuse to acute or evenly acuminate, the apices flat, entire, smooth~subsp. indutum 1~Inner involucral bracts abruptly acuminate, the apices inwardly concave, denticulate, scabridulous~subsp. acuminatum #{fm}APIACEAE 1~Leaves segmented by transverse septa~2 1*~Leaves not segmented by transverse septa~3 2~Inflorescence compound~Aciphylla 2*~Inflorescence of simple umbels~Lilaeopsis 3~Flowers in more or less sessile heads surrounded by large or conspicuous bracts or bracteoles~4 3*~Flowers stalked, in umbels; bracts or bracteoles less conspicuous or absent~7 4~Leaves and bracts spinose, or with prickles on margins~Eryngium 4*~Leaves and bracts not spinose~5 5~Leaves stem-clasping, simple~Bupleurum 5*~Leaves not stem-clasping, deeply dissected or compound~6 6~Fruit pubescent to villous, mericarps smooth~Actinotus 6*~Fruit glabrous; mericarps finely ribbed~Xanthosia 7~Flowers in simple umbels or few-flowered irregular compound or contracted umbels~8 7*~Flowers in compound umbels, usually many-flowered~21 8~Leaves deeply dissected or compound~9 8*~Leaves simple or lobed, not deeply dissected or compound~14 9~Fruit with 2 horizontally spreading apical appendages~Trachymene 9*~Fruit lacking apical appendages~10 10~Leaves pinnately dissected~11 10*~Leaves ternately or palmately dissected or tripartite~12 11~Leaves in basal rosette; umbels spreading, long-pedunculate; mericarps 5-ribbed~Oreomyrrhis 11*~Leaves cauline, alternate; umbels more or less globose, very shortly pedunculate; mericarps of 2 types, tuberculate and long-bristly~Torilis 12~Leaves with scarious stipules; plants stoloniferous~Hydrocotyle 12*~Leaves without stipules; plants with taproot or woody rootstock~13 13~Leaves subsessile or very shortly petiolate; sepals prominent; mericarps 7–9-ribbed~Xanthosia 13*~Leaves with long petioles; sepals minute; mericarps hairy, tuberculate or rarely indistinctly 5-ribbed~Trachymene 14~Leaves more or less circular in outline or reniform~15 14*~Leaves spathulate or ovate in outline~19 15~Plants with fleshy taproot or rhizomatous; leaves in a basal rosette~16 15*~Plants stoloniferous or erect or ascending with branched stems; leaves not in a basal rosette~18 16~Flowers in a regular simple umbel; petals yellow-green~17 16*~Flowers in an irregular simple or compound umbel; petals white~Dichosciadium 17~Leaves with scarious stipules, partly fused to petiole, acuminate or laciniate above; umbels 4–8-flowered; bracts ovate, fused at the base~Schizeilema 17*~Leaves without stipules, the petiole sheathing at the base; umbels 10–20-flowered; bracts linear, free to base~Diplaspis 18~Leaves with scarious stipules; mericarps smooth to rough or tuberculate between ribs~Hydrocotyle 18*~Leaves without stipules; mericarps reticulate-patterned between ribs~Centella 19~Leaves in basal rosette; peduncles long, erect~20 19*~Leaves alternate on branching stems; peduncles short, often reflexed. (Xanthosa tridentata)~Xanthosia 20~Leaves ovate, obtusely lobed; fruit oblate, laterally compressed, the mericarps smooth or minutely tuberculate. (Trachymene humilis)~Trachymene 20*~Leaves spathulate, acutely toothed at the apex, fruit ovoid, the mericarps evenly ribbed~Oschatzia 21~Fruit with a conspicuous beak to c. 7 cm long~Scandix 21*~Fruit without a beak~22 22~Bracts and bracteoles absent or when present few and inconspicuous~23 22*~Bracts and bracteoles always present~28 23~Leaflets broad-elliptic or ovate, with toothed margins~24 23*~Leaflets ovate-cuneate or lanceolate with lobed margins, or linear or filiform~25 24~Petals yellow; bracts and bracteoles sometimes present; fruit elliptic, conspicuously winged~Pastinaca 24*~Petals white or pink; bracts and bracteoles absent; fruit ovoid, ribbed, not winged~Aegopodium 25~Ultimate leaf segments filiform, less than 0.5 mm wide~26 25*~Ultimate leaf segments more than 1 mm wide~Apium 26~Fruit more or less elliptic; mericarps with slender dorsal ribs, the lateral ribs winged~Anethum 26*~Fruit oblong-ovoid or ovoid-globose; mericarps with 5 equally prominent ribs~27 27~Umbels terminal; bracts sometimes present; petals yellow or yellow-green; fruit oblong-ovoid, 4–10 mm long~Foeniculum 27*~Umbels leaf-opposed; bracts absent; petals white; fruit ovoid to globose, 1–3 mm long~Ciclospermum 28~Fruit with spines~Daucus 28*~Fruit without spines~29 29~Leaves undivided, lobed or 3-foliolate~Platysace 29*~Leaves pinnately compound, 1–4-pinnatisect or ternatisect~30 30~Rays more than 20 per inflorescence; bracts 3-fid or pinnatisect~Ammi 30*~Rays less than 20 per inflorescence; bracts lanceolate to subulate, undivided~31 31~Fruit ovate, oblong or ellipsoid, more than 5 mm long~Gingidia 31*~Fruit globose to ovoid, less than 5 mm long~32 32~Leaves 1-pinnate, the leaflet margin toothed~33 32*~Leaves 2–3-pinnate, the leaflet margins lobed~Conium 33~Bracts 4–7 at the base of the flower umbel~Berula 33*~Bracts 0–2 at the base of the flower umbel~Helosciadium #{gn}Asparagus 1~Cladodes terete or filiform, c. 0.5 mm in diameter~2 1*~Cladodes flattened, usually >1 mm wide~6 2~Cladodes usually 3–6 in each axil, 5–25 mm long[; stems erect, not spiny]~3 2*~Cladodes mostly 6–40 in each axil, 4–15 mm long~4 3~Longest cladodes usually 15–20(-25) mm long; flowers unisexual~Asparagus officinalis 3*~Longest cladodes usually <15 mm long; flowers bisexual~Asparagus virgatus 4~Stems erect but not climbing, small spines only on lower parts of stems; cladodes numerous (to c. 50) in each axil and forming dense more or less globose clusters, 8–15 mm long~Asparagus macowanii 4*~Stems climbing, spiny; cladodes 3–15 in sparse clusters in each axil, 4–12 mm long~5 5~Cladodes 4–7 mm long, stems and cladodes all in 1 plane; spines usually <5 mm long~Asparagus plumosus 5*~Cladodes 7–12 mm long, stems and cladodes not in 1 plane; spines on older stems >5 mm long~Asparagus africanus 6~Cladodes >5 mm wide, more or less ovate; plants mat-forming underground with numerous tubers~Asparagus asparagoides 6*~Cladodes 1–4 mm wide, more or less linear to narrow-lanceolate; plants with an underground crown and fibrous roots (occasionally some tuberous)~7 7~Cladodes 2–4 mm wide, mostly >15 mm long, 2–5 in each axil; tepals free; aerial stems perennial~8 7*~Cladodes 1–1.5 mm wide, no more than 15 mm long, 3 in each axil; tepals shortly united; aerial stems more or less annual~Asparagus scandens 8~Cladodes 10–25 mm long, 2–3 mm wide, more or less straight~Asparagus aethiopicus 8*~Cladodes 35–90 mm long, 3–4 mm wide, usually slightly falcate~Asparagus falcatus #{gn}Petrorhagia 1~Internodes usually deeply furrowed, the middle ones usually with glandular hairs; leaf sheaths at least twice as long as broad; flowers shortly pedicellate; involucral bracts keeled with mucronate apices; seeds usually less than 1.3 mm long, strongly glandular-papillate~Petrorhagia dubia 1*~Internodes terete or somewhat furrowed, either covered in simple hairs or glabrous; leaf sheaths less than twice as long as broad; flowers subsessile; involucral bracts without keels, apices obtuse; seeds 1.3–1.6 mm long, with numerous small tubercles~Petrorhagia nanteuilii #{gn}Lychnis 1~Leaves and stems densely white-tomentose; flowers on long pedicels in few-flowered inflorescences~Lychnis coronaria 1*~Stems covered with long spreading to appressed multicellular hairs; leaves scabrous to sparsely hairy with ciliate margins; flowers in dense terminal heads~Lychnis chalcedonica #{gn}Oxylobium 1~Leaves usually <10 mm long and/or <3 mm wide, apex recurved; inflorescence terminal.~2 1*~Leaves mostly >10 mm long and >3 mm wide, apex not recurved; inflorescence terminal or axillary.~3 2~Leaves linear or triangular to elliptic, 5–15 mm long, 1–3 mm wide; stipules minute.~Oxylobium pulteneae 2*~Leaves cordate, 3–8 mm long, 2–5 mm wide; stipules absent.~Oxylobium cordifolium 3~Leaves elliptic, occasionally ovate or lanceolate, rarely cordate, mostly 0.8–3 cm long, ≤6 times as long as wide; stipules present or absent.~Oxylobium ellipticum 3*~Leaves narrow-elliptic to narrow-lanceolate or linear to linear-lanceolate, 2–8 cm long, >7 times as long as wide; stipules absent.~4 4~Leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate; stems and lower surface of leaves tomentose; pods oblong, obliquely beaked.~Oxylobium robustum 4*~Leaves narrow-elliptic or linear to linear-oblong; stems and lower surface of leaves appressed-pubescent; pods ovoid, acuminate.~Oxylobium arborescens #{gn}Sisyrinchium 1~Annual or perennial, 20–60 cm high; flowers with tepals spreading widely to reflexed, slightly convex near base, 10–20 mm diam., cream to white with purple or blue centre; capsule 2–8 mm diam.~Sisyrinchium micranthum 1*~Annual, 3–15 cm high; flowers with tepals spreading at apex, more or less globose at base, 5–7 mm diam., yellow with purple-brown markings or blue to mauve with a yellowish throat; capsule 2–4 mm diam.~Sisyrinchium rosulatum #{sp}Haloragis exalata 1~Leaves lanceolate to oblong, usually 60–100 mm long and 13–25 mm wide, coarsely toothed. Dichasia 3–15-flowered. Flowers with glabrous or scabrous ovary. Fruit ovoid, 2–2.5 mm long~subsp. exalata 1*~Leaves narrow-lanceolate, 50–60 mm long and 6–8 mm wide, finely toothed to almost entire, velvety to tomentose. Dichasia 3–7-flowered. Flowers with velvety-tomentose ovary. Fruit pyriform, 2 mm long, faintly ribbed between the sepals~subsp. velutina #{gn}Thismia 1~Mitre-processes terminal, spreading or appressed to mitre, < 5 mm long; outer perianth bristle absent, [perianth red to orange]~Thismia rodwayi 1*~Mitre-processes dorsal, erect or spreading, usually > 3 mm long; outer perianth bristle evident~2 2~Outer perianth bristles slender, 3–6 mm long; apical processes slender, 4–6 mm long; perianth red to orange~Thismia megalongensis 2*~Outer perianth bristles thick, 9–11 mm long; apical processes well-developed, 20–25 mm long; perianth translucent to whitish, with processes often very pale to bright orange~Thismia clavarioides #{gn}Argyrotegium 1~Flower heads solitary, rarely 2 together~2 1*~Flower heads several to many~3 2~Leaves crowded and overlapping, appearing satiny with tightly appressed hairs; margins incurved~Argyrotegium nitidulum 2*~Leaves many but not regularly overlapping; softly woolly with loose hairs~Argyrotegium mackayi 3~Leaves appearing satiny with tightly appressed silvery to rust coloured hairs~Argyrotegium fordianum 3*~Leaves softly woolly with loose white hairs~Argyrotegium poliochlorum #{gn}Acacia 1~Mature leaves reduced to phyllodes; immature bipinnate leaves usually not persisting, although sometimes reappearing; phyllodes always present on the mature plants.~2 1*~Mature leaves bipinnate; phyllodes never or rarely produced.~12 2~Phyllodes with a distinctly pungent-pointed apex.~13 2*~Phyllodes without pungent-pointed apex.~3 3~Flowers in cylindrical heads (length greater than diam.).~4 3*~Flowers in ± globose heads (length ± equals diam.).~5 4~Flower heads ± ovoid to short-cylindrical, rachis usually <1.5 cm long.~51 4*~Flower heads ± long-cylindrical, rachis mostly >1.5 cm long.~67 5~Phyllodes with 2 or more ± equally prominent longitudinal veins.~6 5*~Phyllodes with only 1 prominent longitudinal vein (other longitudinal veins, if present, are less prominent), or all of the veins obscure.~7 6~Phyllodes with distinct lateral or reticulate veins.~106 6*~Phyllodes without lateral or reticulate veins apparent.~129 7~Phyllodes with distinct lateral or reticulate veins (at least in dried material).~8 7*~Phyllodes without distinct lateral or reticulate veins.~9 8~Phyllodes usually <5 cm long.~155 8*~Phyllodes mostly >5 cm long.~190 9~Flower heads in axillary or terminal racemes or panicles.~10 9*~Flower heads on simple axillary peduncles or at least appearing so (axillary axis <1 mm long).~11 10~Phyllodes usually <8 times as long as broad.~239 10*~Phyllodes mostly >8 times as long as broad.~261 11~Phyllodes usually <2.5 cm long.~315 11*~Phyllodes usually >2.5 cm long.~337 12~Pinnules >2 mm wide.~361 12*~Pinnules <2 mm wide.~377 13~Flowers in ovoid to cylindrical heads >8 mm long (length greater than diam.).~14 13*~Flowers in ± globose heads (length ± equals diam.) or rarely heads ± ovoid and <7 mm long.~17 14~Phyllodes decurrent on stems.~Acacia triptera 14*~Phyllodes not decurrent on stems (pulvinus usually evident).~15 15~Phyllodes regularly whorled, either without or with only 1 prominent longitudinal vein.~Acacia verticillata 15*~Phyllodes not or rarely regularly whorled, with 2 or more prominent longitudinal veins.~16 16~Phyllodes 1.5–4 cm long; flower heads 2–3 cm long, pedunculate; pods ± straight.~Acacia oxycedrus 16*~Phyllodes 1–2.5 cm long; flower heads c. 1–1.3 cm long, ± sessile; pods strongly curved.~Acacia rhigiophylla 17~Phyllodes with 2 or more ± equally prominent longitudinal veins.~18 17*~Phyllodes with only 1 longitudinal vein prominent, lateral veins conspicuous or obscure, or veins not apparent.~30 18~Phyllodes <5 times as long as broad, 0.3–1.5 cm long, asymmetric with a hump on the upper margin.~19 18*~Phyllodes >5 times as long as broad, 1–13 cm long, ± symmetric, sometimesslightly curved but without a conspicuous hump on upper margin.~20 19~Phyllodes 2–4 mm wide, usually >3 times as long as broad; peduncles 6–12 mm long.~Acacia amblygona 19*~Phyllodes 3–8 mm wide, usually <2 times as long as broad; peduncles 2–8 mm long.~Acacia pravifolia 20~Phyllodes terete or at least 4-angled.~21 20*~Phyllodes ± flat.~27 21~Phyllodes 4–13 cm long, >30 times as long as broad.~22 21*~Phyllodes mostly 1–4 cm long, <25 times as long as broad.~24 22~Phyllodes with marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus.~Acacia rigens 22*~Phyllodes with marginal gland at least a few mm from the pulvinus~23 23~Branchlets ± hairy; peduncles hairy; flowers 5-merous; confined to the Blue Mtns.~Acacia ptychoclada 23*~Branchlets ± glabrous; peduncles glabrous; flowers 4-merous; widespread western species.~Acacia havilandiorum 24~Phyllodes in clusters of 2–7 (except on new growth); heads with >50 flowers.~Acacia tetragonophylla 24*~Phyllodes usually solitary at nodes; heads with <30 flowers.~25 25~Phyllodes splayed at the base, leaving an ovate to obovate scar 2–5.5 mm long when lost; heads 17–25-flowered; flower heads pale yellow; peduncles 14–21 mm long.~Acacia atrox 25*~Phyllodes not splayed at base, sometimes arising from small stem projections; heads 12–20-flowered; flower heads bright yellow; peduncles 1.5–5 mm long;~26 26~Phyllodes with 8 strongly raised lighter-coloured veins; gland near base on swelling; widespread in western districts. (NWP, SWP, NFWP, SFWP).~Acacia colletioides 26*~Phyllodes with c. 20 scarcely raised veins; gland 2–7 mm above base; only recorded in the extreme SW of the State (SFWP).~Acacia nyssophylla 27~Phyllodes with conspicuous minor veins between prominent longitudinal veins.~28 27*~Phyllodes without minor veins apparent between prominent longitudinal veins.~29 28~Pods curved to coiled; sepals fused for more than half their length; 1–4 heads in axils; south from the Coonabarabran area.~Acacia lanigera 28*~Pods ± straight; sepals free or fused to about half their length; 2–8 heads in axils; north from the Tamworth district.~Acacia venulosa 29~Branchlets ± terete, coarsely hairy; phyllodes with marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus or gland absent; peduncles 2–6 mm long.~Acacia bynoeana 29*~Branchlets distinctly angled, glabrous; phyllodes with marginal gland near the middle of the phyllode; peduncles 10–20 mm long.~Acacia trinervata 30~Phyllodes usually <4 cm long.~31 30*~Phyllodes mostly >4 cm long.~47 31~Phyllodes >2 mm wide.~32 31*~Phyllodes <2 mm wide.~37 32~Stipules mostly 5–15 mm long, spinescent and usually persistent.~Acacia paradoxa 32*~Stipules if present usually 1–2 mm long, subulate but not spinescent, often caducous.~33 33~Phyllodes ± triangular, 0.4–1 cm long, with a gland on the upper lobe or angle.~Acacia gunnii 33*~Phyllodes ± linear or narrow-elliptic to oblanceolate, >1 cm long, gland usually not as above.~34 34~Phyllodes and branchlets pubescent; pods densely brownish hairy.~Acacia aspera 34*~Phyllodes and branchlets glabrous; pods glabrous or almost so.~35 35~Branchlets prominently angled, with raised longitudinal ridges; phyllodes terete or 4-angled; flowers 4-merous; heads with 12–30 flowers.~Acacia genistifolia 35*~Branchlets ± terete, not conspicuously ridged; phyllodes flat; flowers 5- or rarely 6-merous; heads with 30–60 flowers.~36 36~Branchlets smooth and ± tessellated, not resinous; peduncles 2–10 mm long; widespread, from Glen Innes to Captains Flat and Gundagai (NT, CT, ST, SWS).~Acacia siculiformis 36*~Branchlets rough, resinous; peduncles 10–20 mm long; confined to the Bourke and Enngonia district (NWP).~Acacia maitlandii 37~Phyllodes continuous with the stems.~Acacia continua 37*~Phyllodes articulate on the stems.~38 38~At least some phyllodes reflexed or phyllodes crowded on short axillary shoots and appearing clustered at nodes.~39 38*~Phyllodes neither reflexed nor crowded on short axillary shoots and appearing clustered at nodes.~40 39~Phyllodes 0.5–1 mm wide, 0.6–1.5 cm long; heads 18–30-flowered, lemon yellow; flowers 4-merous; south from Eden district (SC).~Acacia aculeatissima 39*~Phyllodes c. 1 mm wide, 1–4 cm long; heads 50–65-flowered, bright yellow; flowers 5-merous; western species (NWP, NFWP, SFWP).~Acacia tetragonophylla 40~Branchlets angled or flattened and becoming ribbed, mostly glabrous; phyllodes with a ± prominent raised gland 2–3 mm above base.~Acacia genistifolia 40*~Branchlets neither angled or flattened, not ribbed, hairy or glabrous; phyllodes with an inconspicuous basal gland, or gland absent.~41 41~Phyllodes mostly >2.5 cm long.~42 41*~Phyllodes usually <2.5 cm long.~43 42~Phyllodes 2.5–7 cm long; pods 2–5 cm long and c. 10 mm wide; flower heads bright yellow; western species (NFWP, SFWP).~Acacia carneorum 42*~Phyllodes 2.5–4 cm long; pods 4–9 cm long, 3–4 mm wide; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured; coastal species (NC, CC).~Acacia quadrilateralis 43~Peduncles 0–3 mm long, shorter than the heads; confined to the Blue Mtns, from Newnes Junction to Lawson (CT).~Acacia asparagoides 43*~Peduncles 7–20 mm long, longer than the heads; widespread species, throughout the State.~44 44~Phyllodes flat, ± narrow-elliptic, with gland near middle; branchlets resinous.~Acacia maitlandii 44*~Phyllodes terete or ± 4-angled, gland absent or near base; branchlets not resinous.~45 45~Phyllodes ± terete and abruptly contracted to apex; pods only slightly constricted between the seeds; peduncles stout, up to 0.5 mm diam.~Acacia echinula 45*~Phyllodes ± 4-angled and tapered evenly from near base to apex; pods strongly constricted between the seeds; peduncles slender, <0.3 mm diam.~46 46~Phyllodes broader at base (with a gland-angle), often crowded along stems (>5 nodes per cm); stipules usually 1–2 mm long, persistent; flower heads pale yellow to ± white.~Acacia ulicifolia 46*~Phyllodes not broadening at base (without a gland-angle), not crowded on stems (usually <5 nodes per cm); stipules usually <1 mm long, not persistent; flower heads bright yellow.~Acacia brownii 47~Phyllodes ± terete or slightly angled, <1.5 mm diam.~48 47*~Phyllodes flattened or 4-angled but not ± terete, 1.5–3 mm wide.~50 48~Phyllodes and branchlets glabrous; branchlets with yellowish ridges; pods strongly curved, twisted or coiled, strongly constricted between the seeds.~Acacia rigens 48*~Phyllodes and branchlets minutely pubescent; branchlets without yellowish ridges; pods straight to curved, not or only slightly constricted between the seeds.~49 49~Marginal gland near the middle of the phyllode (phyllode often incurved abruptly at gland); flowers 4-merous; widespread western species.~Acacia havilandiorum 49*~Marginal gland near base of the phyllode; flowers 5-merous; confined to the Blue Mtns.~Acacia ptychoclada 50~Phyllodes 4-angled, 2.5–7 cm long; pods 2–5 cm long and 8–12 mm wide; western species (NFWP, SFWP).~Acacia carneorum 50*~Phyllodes flattened, 5–10 cm long; pods 4–7 cm long and 3–4 mm wide; Mt George to Bralga Tops (NC, NT).~Acacia juncifolia 51~Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, 2.5–5 cm long and 2–5 mm wide; peduncles 5–12 mm long; branchlets, phyllodes and pods resinous; chiefly confined to the Dubbo, Mendooran and Gilgandra area.~Acacia ixodes 51*~Without the above combination of characters and distribution.~52 52~Phyllodes <4 cm long.~53 52*~Phyllodes >4 cm long.~57 53~Phyllodes ± triangular with marginal gland on upper angle.~Acacia cultriformis 53*~Phyllodes not triangular, marginal gland near base of phyllode~54 54~Pods 7–15 mm wide and glabrous; phyllodes with numerous faint, closely-spaced, non-anastomosing longitudinal veins; widespread on Slopes and plains.~Acacia aneura 54*~Pods 3–5 mm wide or if 7–13 mm wide then densely hairy; phyllodes with several longitudinal veins and reticulate between or with only midvein prominent and lateral veins obscure; ST species.~55 55~Phyllodes glabrous, 2–4 longitudinal veins prominent, lateral veins reticulate; heads 1 or 2 on axillary peduncles 0–2 mm long.~Acacia alpina 55*~Phyllodes hairy, only midvein prominent, lateral veins obscure; heads 1–10, usually in axillary racemes with axis 1–5 cm long, peduncles 1–10 mm long.~56 56~Phyllodes less than twice as long as broad, with an oblique or hooked mucro.~Acacia costiniana 56*~Phyllodes twice as long as broad, with a straight mucro.~Acacia lucasii 57~Pods mostly 2–3 cm long and 7–15 mm wide.~Acacia aneura 57*~Pods 3–10 cm long and 2–8 mm wide.~58 58~Phyllodes >4 mm wide.~59 58*~Phyllodes usually <4 mm wide.~61 59~Phyllodes finely appressed-hairy, ± oblanceolate to obovate; heads 0.5–0.8 cm long, 3–8 in an axillary raceme 1–5 cm long.~Acacia dorothea 59*~Phyllodes ± glabrous, elliptic to narrow-elliptic; heads 0.8–3.5 cm long, 1 or 2 in axils of phyllodes or on short axillary axis.~60 60~Phyllodes with midvein more prominent than other longitudinal veins, narrow-elliptic to ± linear, straight; peduncles 4–10 mm long.~Acacia subtilinervis 60*~Phyllodes with 3 longitudinal veins prominent, ± elliptic, ± falcate; peduncles 2–4 mm long.~Acacia georgensis 61~Phyllodes 0.5–1 mm wide, ± compressed-terete, multistriate; west from Nyngan.~62 61*~Phyllodes 1–4 mm wide, ± linear to very narrow-elliptic, faintly striate; widespread, from the coast to inland districts.~63 62~Pods 2–3 mm long; bark curling off in narrow strips; phyllodes 13–18 cm long; flowers 5-merous~Acacia curranii 62*~Pods 5–7 mm long; bark not curling off in narrow strips; phyllodes 5–16 cm long; flowers 4-merous.~Acacia burkittii 63~Heads 8–15-flowered; flowers 4-merous; southern species (SC, ST, SWS).~64 63*~Heads 14 to >50-flowered; flowers 5-merous; northern species (NC, NT, NWS, NWP, NFWP).~65 64~Flower heads bright yellow; pods hairy; south from Holbrook area (SWS).~Acacia phasmoides 64*~Flower heads pale yellow to yellow; pods glabrous; south of the Tuross R. (SC, ST).~Acacia mucronata 65~Phyllodes mostly 15–22 cm long; heads usually 14–22-flowered; coast and ranges, north from Bendemeer and east from Inverell district (NC, NT, NWS).~Acacia granitica 65*~Phyllodes usually 4–15 cm long; heads >25-flowered; north from Bourke and Tooraweenah, common in the Pilliga Scrub.~66 66~Phyllodes usually 8–15 cm long (range 5–21 cm); heads 1–2.5 cm long, >50-flowered, on short axillary axes usually 5–20 mm long; pods 2–3 mm wide; north from Tooraweenah district (NWS, NWP).~Acacia caroleae 66*~Phyllodes usually 4–8 cm long; heads 0.5–1.5 cm long, 25–35-flowered, on axillary peduncles 3–5 mm long; pods 4–6 mm wide; north and west from Bourke district (NWP, NFWP).~Acacia sibirica 67~Phyllodes terete to ± linear, >15 times longer than broad, most phyllodes 1–6 mm wide (range 1–10 mm wide); either no prominent longitudinal veins obvious (though longitudinal striations sometimes present in dried material) or 1 or more longitudinal veins obvious.~68 67*~Phyllodes neither terete nor ± linear, ± oblong to narrow-elliptic or oblanceolate, <15 times longer than broad, mostly >6 mm wide (range 2–40 mm wide); with 1 or more prominent longitudinal veins;~80 68~Phyllodes regularly 1–3 mm wide and distinctly grey or grey-green.~69 68*~Phyllodes regularly 2–8 mm wide, rarely distinctly greyish, usually green.~71 69~Phyllodes 4–10 cm long, glabrous; pods 7–15 mm wide, ± flat, narrowly winged; seeds oblique.~Acacia aneura 69*~Phyllodes 8–20 cm long, hairy; pods 5–8 mm wide, thickly biconvex or ± terete, not winged; seeds longitudinal.~70 70~Shrubs to 3 m high; phyllodes thick, sometimes almost terete; pods ± terete.~Acacia ramulosa 70*~Shrubs or small trees 3–6 m high; phyllodes ± flat, never terete; pods thickly biconvex but not terete.~Acacia brachystachya 71~Branchlets grey; young foliage and peduncles often hairy; pods with margins thickened.~Acacia petraea 71*~Branchlets reddish brown; young foliage and peduncles glabrous or sparsely hairy; pods with margins not thickened.~72 72~Phyllodes ± straight and thick, ± stiff.~73 72*~Phyllodes mostly curved, sometimes ± straight, ± thin, flexible; widespread, from the coast to inland districts.~75 73~Phyllode margins not resinous, smooth, apex acute with a mucro; flower heads bright yellow, 1–2 cm long; on the coast south from the Nowra district and on the ranges south of the Wolgan R.~74 73*~Phyllode margins granular-resinous (at least when young, lens needed), irregularly indented, not smooth, apex obtuse, without a mucro; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured, 4–5 cm long; widespread on the coast and ranges, west to the Braidwood areas and Rylstone.~Acacia obtusifolia 74~Phyllodes 2–6 mm wide; heads very sparsely flowered, usually with 10–20 flowers; flowers 4-merous; south of the Tuross R. (SC, ST).~Acacia mucronata 74*~Phyllodes 6–15 mm wide; heads densely flowered, with >50 flowers; flowers 5-merous; on the coast south from the Nowra district and on the ranges south of the Wolgan R.~Acacia subtilinervis 75~Phyllodes usually <12 cm long (range 5–15), mostly with appressed white hairs.~Acacia floribunda 75*~Phyllodes mostly >12 cm long (range 6–30), or if less then glabrous.~76 76~Inland species, west from the Wollemi N.P.; flower heads bright yellow, usually 1.5–3 cm long; flowers 5-merous; secondary veins not anastomosing.~77 76*~Coastal species; flower heads pale yellow to ± white, rarely bright yellow, mostly 3–7 cm long, if 2–3 cm long then flowers pale yellow to ± white; flowers mostly 4-merous; secondary veins anastomosing.~78 77~Apex of the phyllodes elongate and usually curved or recurved; pod with rough surfaces; phyllodes 2–8 mm wide, bright-green.~Acacia doratoxylon 77*~Apex of the phyllodes mostly straight or slightly curved, not recurved; pods with smooth surfaces; phyllodes 1.5–4 mm wide, bluish grey-green.~Acacia caroleae 78~Phyllodes with >6 ± closely spaced longitudinal veins; restricted distribution on the north coast, north of Lismore and in the Laurieton district (NC).~79 78*~Phyllodes with 4–6 widely spaced longitudinal veins, or secondary veins ± reticulate; widespread on the coast, north from Batemans Bay area.~Acacia longissima 79~Secondary veins sparsely anastomosing; grows in wet sclerophyll forest and rainforest, north from the Lismore district.~Acacia orites 79*~Secondary veins densely anastomosing; grows in dry sclerophyll forest, restricted to Middle Brother and North Brother Mtns near Laurieton.~Acacia courtii 80~Lower veins of phyllodes joining with the lower margin or together some distance from the base.~81 80*~Lower veins of phyllodes not joining with the lower margin or with each other above the base.~86 81~Phyllodes, branchlets and peduncles finely silky with fawn to golden hairs when young, becoming silvery; recorded from near Enngonia (NWP).~Acacia cowleana 81*~Phyllodes branchlets and peduncles glabrous, or if ± hairy then hairs not fawn to golden.~82 82~Pods 8–20 mm wide, ± woody and transversely veined; seeds ± transverse; phyllodes with lower veins joining with the lower margin some distance from the base, minor longitudinal veins not anastomosing.~83 82*~Pods 2–5 mm wide, neither woody nor prominently transversely veined; seeds longitudinal; phyllodes with lower veins joining with each other, but not with the lower margin, minor longitudinal veins anastomosing.~84 83~Flower heads bright yellow; ovary densely hairy at least on upper half; phyllodes glaucous to sub-glaucous; recorded in the Grafton area.~Acacia aulacocarpa 83*~Flower heads pale yellow to lemon yellow; ovary glabrous; phyllodes pale grey-green to dark grey-green; pods 10–20 mm wide; widespread in coastal areas, north from the Bellinger Valley.~Acacia disparrima 84~Flower heads bright yellow; flowers dense on rachis (check in bud stage).~Acacia crassa 84*~Flower heads pale yellow to yellow; flowers scattered on rachis (check in bud).~85 85~Pulvinus mostly 5–9 mm long; branchlets not reddish, often scurfy.~Acacia concurrens 85*~Pulvinus mostly 3–4 mm long; branchlets ± reddish, not scurfy.~Acacia leiocalyx 86~Branchlets strongly angled or flattened, 5–10 mm wide; confined to the Tenterfield district.~Acacia pycnostachya 86*~Branchlets terete or slightly to moderately flattened or angled, <5 mm wide; widespread, not confined to the Tenterfield district.~87 87~Phyllodes with minor longitudinal veins anastomosing.~88 87*~Phyllodes with minor longitudinal veins not clearly anastomosing.~94 88~Phyllode margins granular-resinous (at least when young, lens needed) irregularly indented, not smooth, apex obtuse, without a mucro; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured.~Acacia obtusifolia 88*~Phyllode margins ± smooth, apex mostly acute or if obtuse then with a mucro; flower heads bright yellow to ± white.~89 89~Phyllodes <6 times as long as broad; pods ± curled or twisted; prostrate or decumbent shrub 0.5–3 m high, grows in heath and sclerophyll forest on coastal headlands, sand dunes and adjacent alluvial flats (NC, CC, SC).~Acacia longifolia 89*~Phyllodes >6 times as long as broad; pods straight, curved or twisted; erect or spreading tree or shrub 1–16 m high in sclerophyll communities and the margins of rainforest, coast and ranges (NC, CC, SC, NT, CT, ST, NWS, CWS, NWP).~90 90~Phyllodes 2–10 mm wide.~Acacia floribunda 90*~Phyllodes mostly 10–30 mm wide.~91 91~Peduncles 4–8 mm long; flower heads bright yellow; inland species, north and west from Denman and Wollar (NWS, CWS, NWP).~Acacia crassa 91*~Peduncles 0–4 mm long; flower heads bright yellow to ± white; widespread on the coast and ranges (NC, CC, SC, NT, CT, ST, CWS).~92 92~Pods ± curled and twisted; flower heads 4–6 cm long; peduncles and rachis with a golden pubescence.~Acacia maidenii 92*~Pods ± straight; flower heads 1.5–4.5 cm long; peduncles and rachis glabrous, or if pubescent not golden pubescent.~93 93~Pods not moniliform; flowers June-Oct.; on the coast and ranges, but not at higher altitudes (NC, CC, SC, NT, CT, ST).~Acacia longifolia 93*~Pods moniliform; flowers Oct.-Mar.; at higher altitudes in the Australian Alps (ST).~Acacia dallachiana 94~Pods 2–4 cm long and 7–15 mm wide.~Acacia aneura 94*~Pods usually 4–15 cm long and 2–6 mm wide.~95 95~Branchlets and young phyllodes and pods distinctly hairy, hairs simple, appressed or spreading.~96 95*~Branchlets, young phyllodes and pods either ± glabrous or if not glabrous then hairs reddish glandular or scurfy with minute whitish or brownish scales.~99 96~Mature phyllodes <5 times as long as broad; peduncles 0–2 mm long; pods hairy; Emmaville to Torrington district and Kingstown area (NT, NWS).~Acacia pubifolia 96*~Mature phyllodes mostly >5 times as long as broad; peduncles 2–7 mm long; pods glabrous or hairy; chiefly on the coast and ranges south from the Hunter Valley and possibly in the Grafton district.~97 97~Mature phyllodes finely appressed-hairy; hairs on peduncles appressed; flower heads pale to bright yellow; on the coast and ranges, from the Hunter Valley south to Tathra (NC, CC, SC, CT, ST, CWS).~Acacia binervia 97*~Mature phyllodes glabrous to sparsely hairy; flower heads bright yellow; restricted to the Bulga to Broke area in the Hunter Valley and possibly near Grafton (NC).~98 98~Phyllodes mostly 10–15 cm long, green; phyllodes on young growth ± obovate, ± densely hairy; recorded for the Grafton district (NC).~Acacia julifera 98*~Phyllodes usually 3.5–10 cm long, grey-green; phyllodes on young growth ± elliptic, glabrous or almost so; restricted to the Bulga and Broke area (NC).~Acacia bulgaensis 99~Phyllodes ± thick and straight or occasionally curved; veins and margins of young phyllodes ± yellowish; flower heads 1–3 cm long.~Acacia subtilinervis 99*~Without the above combination of characters.~100 100~Peduncles 4–10 mm long, mostly on an axillary axis 1–2 mm long; flowers well-separated on rachis at flowering stage.~Acacia sparsiflora 100*~Peduncles usually 0–5 mm long, on an axillary axis to 25 mm long; flower heads borne directly in the phyllode axils; flowers crowded on rachis at flowering stage.~101 101~Flower heads sessile, pale yellow.~Acacia williamsiana 101*~Flower heads with peduncles 1–6 mm long, bright yellow or if pale yellow to cream-coloured then on an axillary axis to 25 mm long.~102 102~Pods ± glabrous, sometimes pruinose but not scurfy.~103 102*~Pods usually with simple or glandular hairs, or scurfy.~104 103~Young phyllodes pubescent; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured; chiefly north from the Manning R., also from Coxs R. And near Tallowa Dam (NC, CC, NT, CT).~Acacia blakei 103*~Young phyllodes glabrous and ± resinous; flower heads bright yellow; Rylstone district to Dharug N.P. (CC, CT).~Acacia matthewii 104~Pods ± scurfy, hairs absent or margins sparsely ciliate; near Tathra and Wadbilliga Creek (SC).~Acacia georgensis 104*~Pods with hairs, simple and/or reddish brown glandular; widespread, chiefly north and west from the upper Hunter Valley, also near Glen Davis (NT, CT, NWS, CWS, NWP).~105 105~Phyllodes falcate, mostly 6–23 cm long and 10–35 mm wide; flower heads 3–6 cm long; pods usually 5–15 cm long.~Acacia cheelii 105*~Phyllodes ± straight, usually 4–10 cm long and 5–10 mm wide; flower heads 1.5–3 cm long, pods 3–7.5 cm long.~Acacia burrowii 106~Branchlets flattened, ± zigzagged; flower heads 1–10, on axillary peduncles 8–12 mm long, or rarely on an axillary axis 1–10 mm long~Acacia complanata 106*~Branchlets not flattened, ± straight; flower heads in axils of phyllodes or in axillary racemes or panicles.~107 107~Flower heads in racemes or panicles, axillary axis >5 mm long.~108 107*~Flower heads 1–8 on axillary peduncles or on axillary axis usually <5 mm long.~114 108~Phyllodes >20 mm wide and with 2 or 3 prominent yellowish longitudinal veins and ± undulate margins; pods 9–16 mm wide.~109 108*~Phyllodes usually <20 mm wide or if >20 mm wide then without 2 or 3 yellowish longitudinal veins and margins not undulate; pods 2–8 mm wide.~110 109~Phyllodes mostly 3-veined, secondary veins forming a fine reticulation; flowers 4-merous; north from Mullumbimby (NC).~Acacia bakeri 109*~Phyllodes mostly 2-veined, secondary veins coarsely anastomosing; flowers 5-merous; north from Narooma (NC, CC, SC, NT, CT).~Acacia binervata 110~Phyllodes mostly >7 mm wide (range 4–30); pods 4–8 mm wide, curved to twisted; heads with usually 20–50 flowers; axis of racemes mostly >2 cm long.~111 110*~Phyllodes usually <7 mm wide (range 3–8); pods 2–3 mm wide, ± straight; heads with 4–20 flowers; axis of racemes usually <2 cm long.~113 111~Phyllodes with 2 longitudinal veins, second vein less prominent and towards the upper margin; phyllodes with 1 or 2 glands, the lowermost usually 1–3 cm above base; peduncles glabrous.~Acacia difformis 111*~Phyllodes with 3–7 ± equally prominent longitudinal veins; phyllodes with 1 small gland near base; peduncles hairy.~112 112~Branchlets usually ± terete, glabrous; phyllodes mostly acute; pods 4–7 mm wide; funicle whitish, folded below the seed; flowers chiefly Jan. to April.~Acacia implexa 112*~Branchlets angled, at first pubescent, becoming glabrous; phyllodes mostly obtuse; pods 5–8 mm wide; funicle orange to reddish, folded and ± completely surrounding seed; flowers mostly July to Dec.~Acacia melanoxylon 113~Phyllodes ± linear, with c. 10 longitudinal veins; heads with 4–8 flowers, bright yellow; chiefly on the ranges and in the Mudgee district (NT, CT, ST, NWS, CWS).~Acacia dawsonii 113*~Phyllodes usually oblanceolate, with 3–7 longitudinal veins; heads with 12–20 flowers, pale yellow to yellow; mainly in West Wyalong to Condobolin and Forbes area (CWS, SWS, SWP).~Acacia trineura 114~Phyllodes regularly 0.5–4 cm long.~115 114*~Most phyllodes >4 cm long.~119 115~Phyllodes ± triangular, 1–2 times as long as broad, 4–13 mm wide; south from the A.C.T. (ST, SWS).~Acacia pravissima 115*~Phyllodes ± elliptic to ± narrow-oblanceolate, usually >4 times as long as broad, 1–7 mm wide; widespread species.~116 116~Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, 1–4 cm long; branchlets and phyllodes resinous; pods 2–4 mm wide.~117 116*~Phyllodes narrow-elliptic to ± elliptic, mostly 2–7 cm long; branchlets and phyllodes not resinous; pods 4–10 mm wide.~118 117~Flower heads on simple peduncles, peduncles 3–10 mm long, glabrous or hairy, but not woolly; phyllodes usually with 2 prominent longitudinal veins and with a marginal gland at apex; pods 3–4 mm wide, greyish woolly.~Acacia montana 117*~Flower heads usually on an axillary axis 1–8 mm long, peduncles 2–5 mm long, woolly; phyllodes with at least 3–5 prominent longitudinal veins, without an apical gland; pods 2–3 mm wide, ± hairy, but not woolly.~Acacia ixiophylla 118~Branchlets hairy; pods 4–7 mm wide, white-hairy.~Acacia lanigera 118*~Branchlets glabrous or sometimes scurfy from minute whitish scales; pods 6–10 mm wide, glabrous.~Acacia excelsa 119~Phyllodes >15 times as long as broad.~120 119*~Phyllodes <15 times as long as broad.~123 120~Branchlets resinous; pods 2–3 mm wide.~121 120*~Branchlets not resinous; pods 3–6 mm wide.~122 121~Phyllodes dotted with resin glands, with 3 main longitudinal veins; flower heads pale lemon yellow; south from Nowra district (CC, SC, ST).~Acacia cognata 121*~Phyllodes not dotted with resin glands, with 5–7 longitudinal veins; flower heads light to bright yellow; chiefly on the ranges north from near Uralla (NC, NT, NWS).~Acacia viscidula 122~Phyllodes ± narrow-oblanceolate, with mostly 3 prominent longitudinal veins; erect or spreading shrub 0.5–4 m high, bark not tessellated; widespread species, south from Woodburn, west to Wagga and Quirindi districts (NC, CC, SC, CT, ST, NWS, CWS).~Acacia elongata 122*~Phyllodes linear to very narrow-elliptic, midvein prominent and 2–10 less prominent longitudinal veins; tall shrub or small tree with tessellated bark; northern escarpment ranges, from the Washpool N.P. to Werrikimbe N.P. (NC, NT).~Acacia tessellata 123~Phyllodes oblanceolate, ± straight.~124 123*~Phyllodes narrow-elliptic to elliptic or ± oblong, ± curved or sometimes straight.~125 124~Phyllodes mostly 8–14 cm long; heads with 30–40 flowers, ± white to cream-coloured; pods 6–10 mm wide; north from near Red Rock and Gibraltar Ra. (NC, NT).~Acacia baeuerlenii 124*~Phyllodes 3.5–8 cm long; heads with 12–20 flowers, pale yellow to yellow; pods 2–3 mm wide; mainly in West Wyalong to Condobolin and Forbes area (CWS, SWS, SWP).~Acacia trineura 125~Pods densely hairy; branchlets densely hairy.~126 125*~Pods glabrous; branchlets glabrous or sparsely hairy.~127 126~Pods curved to coiled; sepals fused for more than half their length; 1–4 heads in axils; south from the Coonabarabran area.~Acacia lanigera 126*~Pods ± straight; sepals free or fused to about half their length; 2–8 heads in axils; north from the Tamworth district.~Acacia venulosa 127~Phyllodes dotted with resin glands; pods 4–6 mm wide.~128 127*~Phyllodes without resin glands; pods 6–10 mm wide.~Acacia excelsa 128~Phyllodes with 2–5 main longitudinal veins; heads with 16–25 flowers, pale yellow; south from the Bodalla area (SC).~Acacia subporosa 128*~Phyllodes with only 2 longitudinal veins; heads with 35–60 flowers, bright yellow; widespread, especially on the ranges and Slopes, but not in the SC (CC, CT, ST, NWS, SWS, SWP).~Acacia verniciflua 129~Phyllodes regularly <3 cm long.~130 129*~Phyllodes mostly >3 cm long.~133 130~Phyllodes 4–13 mm wide, ± triangular, 1–2 times as long as broad; pods 5–6 mm wide.~Acacia pravissima 130*~Phyllodes 1–5 mm wide, narrow-oblanceolate, >5 times as long as broad; pods 2–4 mm wide.~131 131~Branchlets distinctly resinous and often angled; phyllodes with marginal gland near the puvinus and sometimes at base of mucro; pods ± straight.~Acacia johnsonii 131*~Branchlets not resinous, ± terete; phyllodes with 1 marginal gland near the pulvinus; pods strongly curved, twisted or coiled.~132 132~Phyllodes usually resinous; heads with c. 20 flowers; more widespread, south from Cobar (NWP, SWP, SFWP).~Acacia wilhelmiana 132*~Phyllodes not resinous; heads with 10–20 flowers; west of Balranald (SFWP).~Acacia sclerophylla 133~Phyllodes >14 cm long.~134 133*~Phyllodes <14 cm long.~137 134~Phyllodes curved, broad and tapered to both ends, 7–20 mm wide.~Acacia harpophylla 134*~Phyllodes ± straight, narrow and ± parallel-sided, 1–6 mm wide.~135 135~Phyllodes usually ± terete, 1–2.5 mm wide, densely appressed-pubescent; veins fine and crowded; racemes with axis <1 cm long.~Acacia coriacea 135*~Phyllodes always flat, sparsely appressed pubescent then ± glabrous; main veins ± distinct and usually separated; racemes with axis 1–3 cm long.~136 136~Phyllodes mostly >15 cm long (range 14–40); flower heads cream-coloured to yellow; pods 8–13 mm wide, moniliform; widespread in western districts, west from Inverell.~Acacia stenophylla 136*~Phyllodes usually <15 cm long (range 4–16.5); flower heads yellow to bright yellow; pods 3–5 mm wide, not moniliform; from coastal districts west to Wagga and Quirindi districts.~Acacia elongata 137~Phyllodes ± terete, 1–1.5 mm wide.~138 137*~Phyllodes flat, 1.5–30 mm wide.~140 138~Gland on phyllode 5–10 mm above base; phyllode apex ± hooked; heads usually in racemes with axis 5–20 mm long.~Acacia calamifolia 138*~Glands on phyllodes <4 mm from base; phyllode apex not prominently hooked; heads on axillary peduncles or on axillary axis 1–4 mm long.~139 139~Phyllodes 1–1.5 mm wide, with marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus; peduncles glabrous; pods minutely hairy, 2–4 mm wide, strongly curved, twisted or coiled; widespread in inland district, south and west from Gilgandra (CWS, NWP, SWP, NFWP, SFWP).~Acacia rigens 139*~Phyllodes c. 1 mm wide, with marginal gland at least a few mm from the pulvinus; peduncles hairy; pods ± glabrous, 3.5–5 mm wide, ± straight; in the Blue Mtns from near Woodford to Mt Victoria (CC, CT).~Acacia ptychoclada 140~Flower heads in racemes with axis 5–25 mm long; heads with 4–8 flowers.~Acacia dawsonii 140*~Flower heads usually on simple axillary peduncles or sometimes in racemes or on an axillary axis 1–15 mm long, mostly 1–6 heads per axil (range 1–20); heads with 10–60 flowers.~141 141~Phyllodes with 10–15 prominent longitudinal veins; heads with 5–16 flowers; peduncles 0–1 mm long; pods 5–10 mm wide, often twisted or coiled; inland regions, west of Griffith and Yetman districts.~Acacia oswaldii 141*~Without the above combination of characters and distribution.~142 142~Branchlets flattened, ± zigzagged; phyllodes mostly 10–30 mm wide.~Acacia complanata 142*~Branchlets not flattened, ± straight; phyllodes usually 1.5–20 mm wide.~143 143~Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, 1–4.5 cm long and 2–4 mm wide; west of Balranald (SFWP).~Acacia sclerophylla 143*~Phyllodes mostly elliptic to narrow-elliptic or linear, 4–20 cm long and 2–25 mm wide; widespread, not confined to the SFWP.~144 144~Branchlets resinous; phyllodes resinous, usually prominently dotted with ± raised resin glands.~145 144*~Branchlets not resinous; phyllodes not resinous, not dotted with ± raised resinous glands.~148 145~Phyllodes usually 1.5–3.5 mm wide; pods 2–3 mm wide.~146 145*~Phyllodes mostly 3.5–11 mm wide; pods 4–6 mm wide.~147 146~Phyllodes prominently dotted with resin glands, usually with 3 main veins; flower heads pale lemon yellow; south from the Nowra district (CC, SC, ST).~Acacia cognata 146*~Phyllodes not prominently dotted with resin glands, with 5–7 longitudinal veins; flower heads light to bright yellow; chiefly on the ranges north from near Uralla (NC, NT, NWS).~Acacia viscidula 147~Phyllodes with 2–5 main longitudinal veins with minor longitudinal veins between; heads pale yellow with 16–25 flowers; south from the Bodalla area (SC).~Acacia subporosa 147*~Phyllodes with only 2 longitudinal veins visible; heads bright yellow, with 35–60 flowers; widespread, chiefly on the ranges and Slopes, not in the SC.~Acacia verniciflua 148~Phyllodes >12 times as long as broad, usually 2–5 mm wide.~149 148*~Phyllodes mostly <12 times as long as broad, usually 4–20 mm wide.~150 149~Phyllodes and branchlets silky, ± silvery; pods 5–6 mm wide, moniliform, silvery hairy; from Enngonia south to Willandra Creek (SWP, NFWP).~Acacia cana 149*~Phyllodes and branchlets ± glabrous or with scattered hairs, green; pods 3–5 mm wide, ± glabrous, not moniliform; from coastal districts west to Wagga and Quirindi districts (NC, CC, SC, CT, NWS, CWS).~Acacia elongata 150~Stipules usually persistent; peduncles hairy; pods 10–18 mm wide, margins winged.~Acacia pendula 150*~Stipules caducous; peduncles glabrous or hairy; pods 3–12 mm wide, not winged.~151 151~Phyllodes 3–6 mm wide, all longitudinal veins usually faint; pods 5–6 mm wide, ± silvery with appressed hairs.~Acacia cana 151*~Phyllodes 3–20 mm wide, usually with 2–5 more prominent longitudinal veins; pods 3–12 mm wide, glabrous or hairy but not silvery with appressed hairs.~152 152~Phyllodes mostly 10–20 cm long, 7–20 mm wide, with 3–5 prominent longitudinal veins; peduncles 10–20 mm long.~Acacia harpophylla 152*~Phyllodes usually 4–10 cm long, 3–10 mm wide, with 1–3 ± prominent longitudinal veins; peduncles 3–10 mm long.~153 153~Phyllodes usually ± curved; heads with 30–50 flowers; seeds ± transverse.~Acacia melvillei 153*~Phyllodes mostly ± straight; heads with 15–30 flowers; seeds longitudinal.~154 154~Flower heads 1–3 per axil or on an axullary axis 1–2 mm long, bright yellow; peduncles 3–5 mm long; pods 3–5 mm wide.~Acacia homalophylla 154*~Flower heads mostly 4–20 on axillary axis 2–9 mm long, pale yellow or whitish; peduncles usually 5–10 mm long; pods 7–10 mm wide.~Acacia cambagei 155~Stipules spinescent, 5–15 mm long, persistent.~156 155*~Stipules not spinescent, if present 1–2 mm long and often caducous.~157 156~Phyllodes 2–8 cm long, >8 times as long as broad; flower heads pale yellow to ± white.~Acacia victoriae 156*~Phyllodes 0.8–3 cm long, <6 times as long as broad; flower heads ± bright yellow.~Acacia paradoxa 157~Branchlets ending in pungent spines; phyllodes usually 0.2–0.6 cm long and 1–3 mm wide; confined to the SFWP.~Acacia acanthoclada 157*~Branchlets not ending in pungent spines; phyllodes 0.4–5 cm long and 4–26 mm wide, or if 2–3 mm wide then 2.5–5 cm long; widespread, but not in SFWP.~158 158~Phyllodes <2 times as long as broad; phyllodes ± circular, broad-elliptic to obovate or ovate.~159 158*~Phyllodes >2 times as long as broad.~169 159~Pods >15 mm wide and glabrous; seeds transverse; phyllodes often twisted at angles of 30–90° to stem.~160 159*~Pods <10 mm wide or if >10 mm wide then pods hairy; seeds longitudinal; phyllodes not usually twisted on stem.~166 160~Flower heads yellow to deep yellow (golden); open shrubs usually >1.5 m high, or if shorter then branchlets pruinose or phyllodes usually <16 mm long or if longer than base truncate to cordate; petals >1.8 mm long.~161 160*~Flower heads cream-coloured to yellow; shrubs <1.5 m high, or if more then phyllodes >16 mm long; petals <1.8 mm long.~162 161~Branchlets pruinose and downwards arching; phyllodes asymmetrically cordate or truncate at base; heads mostly >35-flowered.~Acacia sertiformis 161*~Branchlets non-pruinose, erect and often curved upwards; phyllodes with acute to obtuse base; heads mostly 20–32-flowered.~Acacia piligera 162~Flower heads in axillary racemes or rarely on axillary peduncles; at least some phyllodes >3 cm long and broad-elliptic to broad-obovate and moderately to densely hairy; lateral veins of phyllodes <45° to the midvein.~Acacia uncinata 162*~Flower heads mostly on axillary peduncles, sometimes appearing as short terminal racemes (as subtending floral phyllodes reduced); phyllodes >3 cm long, ovate and sparsely hairy to ± glabrous; lateral veins of phyllodes >45° to the midvein.~163 163~Phyllodes mostly >1.6 cm long; tall open shrubs, mostly >1.5 m high.~Acacia undulifolia 163*~Phyllodes usually <1.6 cm long; low bushy shrubs usually <1.3 m high.~164 164~Flower heads pale yellow to yellow; branchlets and pulvinus with an indumentum of ± appressed short hairs with longer ± spreading hairs; phyllodes ± glossy green, markedly undulate with the phyllode usually twisted.~Acacia clandullensis 164*~Flower heads cream-coloured; branchlets and pulvinus with uniform length spreading hairs, sometimes slightly inclined or reflexed; phyllodes dull grey-green, flat or slightly undulate, sometimes convex but not twisted.~165 165~Hairs on flower buds yellow to golden; phyllodes densely or moderately hairy; branchlets with hairs spreading to slightly inclined.~Acacia aureocrinita 165*~Hairs on flower buds grey or fawn-coloured; phyllodes usually sparsely hairy or ± glabrous; branchlets with hairs mostly slightly reflexed.~Acacia cremiflora 166~Branchlets hairy; phyllodes ± elliptic to obovate, ± symmetric, usually hairy.~167 166*~Branchlets glabrous; phyllodes asymmetrically triangular, ± glabrous.~168 167~Branchlets distinctly angled; 1–5 flower heads per raceme, axis 0.2–0.5 cm long.~Acacia brachybotrya 167*~Branchlets ± terete; 10–20 flower heads per raceme, axis 3–11 cm long.~Acacia podalyriifolia 168~Phyllodes acute, marginal gland near the middle of the phyllode; 25–35 flowers per head.~Acacia cultriformis 168*~Phyllodes obtuse, marginal gland closer to the pulvinus; 6–9 flowers per head.~Acacia pravissima 169~Flower heads on axillary peduncles or on an axis <3 mm long.~170 169*~Flower heads usually in axillary racemes.~172 170~Phyllodes 2.5–5 cm long, 2–5 mm wide; stems and phyllodes resinous; chiefly from the Dubbo, Gilgandra and Mendooran area.~Acacia ixodes 170*~Phyllodes 3–12 cm long, usually 5–15 mm wide; stems and phyllodes resinous or not resinous; inland areas west from Cobar and West Wyalong districts.~171 171~Phyllodes commonly with 3 glands, the lowermost 2–25 mm above the puvlinus and 1 at the base of the mucro; pods 7–11 mm wide, ± woody.~Acacia ligulata 171*~Phyllodes with 1 gland near the pulvinus; pods 1.5–3 mm wide, not woody.~Acacia halliana 172~Phyllodes reddish, bipinnate leaves usually still present on mature growth.~Acacia nana 172*~Phyllodes green to greyish, bipinnate leaves not present on mature growth.~173 173~Branchlets sparsely hairy, red-brown; phyllodes with 1 or 2 glands, the lowermost 5–15 mm above base; heads bright yellow, with 15–30 flowers; peduncles with appressed golden hairs.~Acacia decora 173*~Without the above combination of characters.~174 174~Phyllodes usually with 2–4 glands scattered along margin.~175 174*~Phyllodes with only 1 gland or glands absent.~177 175~Phyllodes usually acute; pods usually 4–6 mm wide; widespread, chiefly on the coast and ranges, west to near Wellington.~Acacia amoena 175*~Phyllodes obtuse; pods mostly 6–11 mm wide; confined to the escarpment ranges SE of Cooma and west from the Cobar district.~176 176~Phyllodes ± narrow-oblanceolate, mostly 5–10 mm wide, commonly with 3 glands, the lowermost 2–25 mm above the puvlinus and 1 at the base of the mucro; midvein ± central; pods 7–11 mm wide, ± woody; inland areas west from Cobar district.~Acacia ligulata 176*~Phyllodes ± obovate, usually 8–15 mm wide, with 2 or 3 glands ± evenly along margin; midvein usually acentral; pods 5–8 mm wide, not woody; chiefly confined to the escarpment ranges SE of Cooma (SC, ST).~Acacia kydrensis 177~Phyllodes with 1 gland about 5–20 mm above base and gland prominently exserted; trees 4–18 m high.~Acacia prominens 177*~Glands if present not prominently exserted; mainly shrubs, 1–8 m high.~178 178~Phyllodes >10 times as long as wide, usually ± linear to narrow-oblanceolate, hairy mainly on the margins; marginal gland towards the base of the phyllode.~Acacia fimbriata 178*~Phyllodes usually <10 times as long as wide, elliptic to oblong, or oblanceolate to obovate, glabrous or ± hairy all over; glands absent or present.~179 179~Branchlets and phyllodes ± hairy (at least when young).~180 179*~Branchlets and phyllodes glabrous.~183 180~Phyllodes usually 1–2.5 cm long and 3–6 mm wide; south from the Newnes area (CT, ST).~Acacia kybeanensis 180*~Phyllodes 1–9 cm long and mostly 6–20 mm wide; northern species (NC, NT, NWS, NWP).~181 181~Phyllodes <4 times as long as broad, 1.5–4.5 cm long; pods 11–21 mm wide; flower heads pale yellow; peduncles 8–20 mm long.~Acacia uncinata 181*~Phyllodes >4 times long as broad, usually 4–10 cm long; pods 6–11 mm wide; flower heads mid to bright yellow; peduncles 2–6 mm long.~182 182~Phyllodes with pulvinus <2 mm long; racemes with 3–10 flower heads; flower heads mid yellow; chiefly from Barrington Tops to the Gibraltar Ra. (NC, NT).~Acacia barringtonensis 182*~Phyllodes with pulvinus 2–5 mm long; racemes with 10–20 heads; flower heads bright yellow; confined to the Yetman district (NWP).~Acacia jucunda 183~Flower heads pale yellow; pods 3–5 mm wide; heads with 2–8 flowers.~Acacia myrtifolia 183*~Flower heads bright yellow; pods 5–15 mm wide; heads with 3–40 flowers.~184 184~Racemes mostly longer than the phyllodes; phyllodes generally <5 times as long as broad; midvein usually acentral.~185 184*~Racemes mostly shorter than or about as long as the phyllodes; phyllodes generally >5 times as long as broad.~187 185~Heads with 3–5 flowers; phyllodes narrow-elliptic to elliptic or oblanceolate, apex mostly long-acute.~Acacia lunata 185*~Heads with 5–29 flowers; phyllodes ± elliptic to oblanceolate or obovate, apex obtuse or short-acute; midvein usually ± central.~186 186~Branchlets, raceme axes and calyces usually not pruinose; phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic, ± acute to obtuse, 2–11 mm wide; heads 7–29-flowered.~Acacia buxifolia 186*~Branchlets (at least when young), raceme axes and calyces (especially in bud) usually pruinose; phyllodes obovate to elliptic, obtuse, 6–14 mm wide; heads 5–10-flowered.~Acacia leucolobia 187~Heads with 3–5 flowers; phyllodes 1.5–3.5 cm long; from Bralga Tops and the Hunter Valley to Richmond district (NC, CC, CT).~Acacia lunata 187*~Heads with 5–25 flowers; phyllodes usually 3.5–6 cm long, or rarely 1–3.5 cm long; south of Sydney (SC, CT, ST).~188 188~Phyllodes oblong-elliptic to ± narrow-elliptic, gland usually >5 mm above base, and mostly conspicuous; pods 7–14 mm wide; south of the A.C.T.~189 188*~Phyllodes oblanceolate, gland basal and inconspicuous; pods 5–7 mm wide; confined to the Wombeyan Caves area (CT).~Acacia chalkeri 189~Heads with 5–8 flowers; branchlets brown to black, strongly pruinose; from Bega district to Bendethera (SC, ST).~Acacia covenyi 189*~Heads with 10–20 flowers; branchlets reddish brown, not pruinose; south from Tumut (ST).~Acacia kettlewelliae 190~Stipules spinescent, 2–15 mm long, usually present at least on young growth, bases often only persistent on older stems; peduncles usually 6–18 mm long; flower heads pale yellow to ± white; phyllodes <8 cm long and <8 mm wide; pods 9–16 mm wide.~Acacia victoriae 190*~Without the above combination of characters.~191 191~Flower heads on simple peduncles (usually 1–4) or at least appearing so with axillary axis <3 mm long.~192 191*~Flower heads in racemes or panicles, usually with >3 heads.~203 192~Phyllodes >20 times as long as broad.~193 192*~Phyllodes <20 times as long as broad.~195 193~Phyllodes mostly >16 cm long; peduncles hairy; pods moniliform.~Acacia stenophylla 193*~Phyllodes usually <16 cm long; peduncles glabrous or ± mealy with very fine hairs; pods not moniliform.~194 194~Branchlets ± terete; flower heads usually 3–10 in an axillary raceme; peduncles 4–9 mm long; pods 8–12 mm wide, seeds transverse; inland districts, west from the Pilliga Scrub.~Acacia murrayana 194*~Branchlets angled and prominently ribbed; flower heads 1–3 in axils of phyllodes; peduncles 7–21 mm long; pods 4–6 mm wide; seeds longitudinal; escarpment ranges from Washpool N.P. to Werrikimbe N.P.~Acacia tessellata 195~Phyllodes <7.5 times as long as broad.~196 195*~Phyllodes >7.5 times as long as broad.~197 196~Branchlets and phyllodes resinous; heads 14–18-flowered, pale yellow; pods 3–5 mm wide, ± straight; south from Rylstone district (CT, ?CWS).~Acacia leprosa 196*~Branchlets and phyllodes not resinous; heads with 28–55 flowers, bright yellow; pods 1.5–3 mm wide, irregularly twisted; West Wyalong to Weethalle district and from Balranald to Euston (CWS, SWP, SFWP).~Acacia halliana 197~Branchlets distinctly angled, flattened or ridged; phyllodes without thickened margins.~198 197*~Branchlets ± terete; phyllodes with ± thickened margins.~202 198~Branchlets resinous, at least on the ridges; phyllodes without or with only 1 marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus; pods 2–5 mm wide; common on the coast and ranges, west to the Rylstone area.~199 198*~Branchlets not resinous; phyllodes with 1–5 glands spread along the margin; pods 4–14 wide; widespread in inland districts, west from the upper Hunter Valley.~200 199~Phyllodes oblanceolate, apex obtuse, closely reticulately penniveined, extending to margins.~Acacia stricta 199*~Phyllodes elliptic to lanceolate, ± acute, lateral veins looping and forming ± prominent veins within margins.~Acacia leprosa 200~Plants with spreading or short drooping branchlets,branchlets not obviously zigzagged; phyllodes ± erect, green; pods constricted between the seeds; flower heads bright yellow.~201 200*~Plants with long drooping branchlets, branchlets strongly zigzagged; phyllodes pendent, grey-green; pods not constricted between the seeds; flower heads pale yellow to ± white.~Acacia salicina 201~Phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic, usually 2–5 mm wide and with a marginal gland towards the middle of the phyllode; pods 4–6 mm wide, not woody.~Acacia rivalis 201*~Phyllodes ± narrow-oblanceolate, mostly 5–10 mm wide, commonly with 3 glands, the lowermost 2–25 mm above the puvlinus and 1 at the base of the mucro; pods 7–11 mm wide, woody.~Acacia ligulata 202~Phyllodes 6–18 cm long, with 2–5 glands spread along the margin; flower heads bright yellow, 50–70 flowers per head; pods 5–6 mm wide.~Acacia beckleri 202*~Phyllodes 2–8 cm long, with 1 marginal gland near the pulvinus; flower heads pale yellow to ± white, 10–30 flowers per head; pods 9–16 mm wide.~Acacia victoriae 203~Phyllodes reddish (especially when dried), bipinnate leaves usually still present on mature plants.~204 203*~Phyllodes not reddish, bipinnate leaves not present on mature plants.~205 204~Pods strongly curved, 3.5–6 mm wide; funicle not encircling the seed; apex of phyllodes very obtuse but with an abruptly hooked mucro; flower heads 3–4 mm diam., 7–10-flowered; spreading shrubs, mostly <2 m high.~Acacia nana 204*~Pods straight, 6–9 mm wide; funicle almost or completely encircling seed; apex of phyllodes gradually acute or acuminate, with a straight or hooked mucro, rarely obtuse-mucronate; flower heads 5–6 mm diam., 9–15-flowered; erect shrubs or trees 2–10 m high.~Acacia rubida 205~Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, apex obtuse (or rarely subacute) and upwardly curved, well-separated on branchlets, glabrous and with 2–5 glands scattered along margin; flower heads bright yellow on a ± zigzagged axis.~Acacia gladiiformis 205*~Without the above combination of characters.~206 206~Phyllodes usually >20 times as long as broad.~207 206*~Phyllodes usually <20 times as long as broad.~210 207~Phyllodes glabrous.~208 207*~Phyllodes hairy.~209 208~Pods 4–6 mm wide; seeds longitudinal; phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic, tapered into a shortly curved mucro; 1 small gland at least 15 mm above base; recorded only from the Broken Hill district.~Acacia rivalis 208*~Pods 8–13 mm wide; seeds transverse; phyllodes ± narrow-oblanceolate, apex obtuse with a short mucro; usually with 2 small glands, 1 near base and the other at apex; widespread in inland districts, west from the Pilliga Scrub.~Acacia murrayana 209~Phyllodes 4–12 mm wide, hairy with silvery hairs; 1–3 glands spread along the margin; pods 6–10 mm wide; widespread, chiefly on the ranges and Slopes, north from Barradine.~Acacia neriifolia 209*~Phyllodes 2–3 mm wide, hairy with scattered pale yellow to whitish hairs, at least on midvein and margins; 1 basal gland present and sometimes a second gland near the middle; pods 5–7 mm wide; restricted to the escarpment ranges and gorges, from Guy Fawkes R. N.P. to Apsley Falls (possibly also in Mann R. N.R.).~Acacia ingramii 210~Phyllodes usually >12 times as long as broad.~211 210*~Phyllodes usually <12 times as long as broad.~215 211~Plants with long drooping branchlets, branchlets strongly zigzagged; pods woody; phyllodes glabrous, and with 2–5 small glands along margin.~Acacia salicina 211*~Plants with spreading or short drooping branchlets, branchlets not obviously zigzagged; pods not woody; phyllodes with 1 gland, or if >1 then phyllodes and branchlets silvery hairy.~212 212~Phyllodes and branchlets hairy with silvery hairs; 1–3 glands spread along the margin; widespread, chiefly on the ranges and Slopes, north from Baradine.~Acacia neriifolia 212*~Phyllodes and branchlets glabrous; 1 gland, either at base or above base; chiefly on the coast and ranges, and inland areas south from Sydney.~213 213~Phyllodes 4–10 cm long; on the ranges, chiefly south from Tumut (ST).~Acacia kettlewelliae 213*~Phyllodes usually 10–30 cm long; widespread, especially in coastal districts, but not south of Tumut (NC, CC, SC, ST, SWS).~214 214~Flower heads cream-coloured to ± white; pods 7–15 mm wide; phyllodes with a marginal gland above base; young racemes not enclosed by imbricate bracts; restricted to the area from Nowra to Bermagui and inland to the Budawang Ra. (SC, ST).~Acacia mabellae 214*~Flower heads bright yellow; pods 4–6 mm wide; phyllodes with a marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus; young racemes enclosed by imbricate bracts (2–3 mm long and falling early); widespread, naturalized chiefly in coastal districts (NC, CC, SC, ?SWS).~Acacia saligna 215~Phyllodes with a mucro, apex acute to ± obtuse.~216 215*~Phyllodes without a mucro, apex usually ± obtuse or rarely acute.~227 216~Western species; flower heads bright yellow; inland areas, chiefly west from Cobar district, also near Yetman,~217 216*~Eastern species, chiefly on the coast and ranges, west to Wellington district; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured or yellow to bright yellow.~220 217~Phyllodes and branchlets glabrous or rarely branchlets sparsely hairy; glands 2–5, scattered along margin; pods 5–8 mm wide, if 8–10 mm wide then ± moniliform; west from Cobar district (NWP, SWP, NFWP, SFWP).~218 217*~Phyllodes and branchlets pubescent with short erect hairs; gland small, c. 2 mm above pulvinus; pods 9–11 mm wide, not moniliform; confined to the Yetman district (NWP).~Acacia jucunda 218~Phyllodes with a long-acute apex.~Acacia jennerae 218*~Phyllodes with ± obtuse apex~219 219~Phyllodes usually with 3 glands, the lowermost 2–25 mm above the puvlinus and 1 at the base of the mucro; heads with 15–24 flowers; pods 7–11 m wide, ± moniliform.~Acacia ligulata 219*~Phyllodes usually with 2–5 glands along margin; heads with 50–70 flowers; pods 5–7 mm wide, not moniliform.~Acacia beckleri 220~Phyllodes with 2–4 glands scattered along margin and margin often indented or angled at least at one of the glands.~221 220*~Phyllodes with only 1 gland or glands absent.~222 221~Phyllodes usually acute; pods 4–6 mm wide; heads 6–12-flowered; widespread, chiefly on the ranges (CC, NT, CT, ST, CWS).~Acacia amoena 221*~Phyllodes obtuse; pods 5–8 mm wide; heads 12–25-flowered; chiefly confined to the escarpment ranges SE of Cooma (SC, ST).~Acacia kydrensis 222~Phyllodes with 1 gland about 1–2 cm above base and gland prominently exserted.~Acacia prominens 222*~Glands if present not prominently exserted.~223 223~Heads with 2–8 flowers.~Acacia myrtifolia 223*~Heads 12–45 flowers.~224 224~Flower heads bright to mid yellow; pods usually 5–10 mm wide.~225 224*~Flower heads pale yellow to ± white; pods usually 10–23 mm wide.~226 225~Phyllodes mostly oblanceolate, glabrous; branchlets glabrous; gland basal and inconspicuous; pods 5–7 mm wide; confined to the Wombeyan Caves area (CT).~Acacia chalkeri 225*~Phyllodes ± oblong-elliptic, mostly finely hairy, usually glabrescent with age; branchlets finely hairy; gland 6–15 mm above base; pods 8–12 mm wide; chiefly from Barrington Tops to the Boonoo Boonoo area. (NC, NT).~Acacia barringtonensis 226~Phyllode base symmetric, midvein central, margin not prominently indented at gland, lateral veins usually obscure.~Acacia saliciformis 226*~Phyllode base asymmetric, midvein acentral, margin prominently indented at gland, gland 5–30 mm above pulvinus, obviously connected to midvein by lateral vein.~Acacia penninervis 227~Phyllodes with a strong ± central longitudinal vein and a weaker longitudinal vein near the upper margin.~Acacia difformis 227*~Phyllodes with only 1 longitudinal vein visible.~228 228~Phyllodes ± curved, base usually asymmetric, midvein towards upper margin, margin usually indented or distinctly angled at gland above pulvinus, gland usually prominent and often with a vein leading to the midvein.~229 228*~Phyllodes ± straight, base ± symmetrc, midvein ± central, margins not indented or angled at glands (1 or 2 along margins), evenly tapering to base.~236 229~Phyllodes regularly <4 times as long as broad; pods usually 5–7 mm wide; heads with 25–40 flowers, yellow to bright yellow; restricted to area between Bermagui and Tathra (SC).~Acacia pedina 229*~Without the above combination of characters and distribution.~230 230~Pods 4–8 mm wide; seeds longitudinal.~231 230*~Pods usually 8–25 mm wide; seeds transverse, oblique or longitudinal.~232 231~Heads with usually 40–80 flowers, bright yellow; peduncles and inflorescence axes glabrous.~Acacia pycnantha 231*~Heads with 12–20 flowers, pale yellow to cream-coloured; peduncles and inflorescence axes hairy with fawn-coloured hairs.~Acacia falcata 232~Peduncles ± hairy with short appressed yellowish hairs.~233 232*~Peduncles usually glabrous, rarely hairy and then hairs not yellowish.~234 233~Flower heads appearing July-Oct.; funicle shortish, folded under seed, not more than half encircling it; phyllodes mostly green, oblong-oblanceolate to oblong-obovate or obovate, mostly curved, 8–22 cm long, 12–40 mm wide, branchlets brown, sometimes ± pruinose; widespread species (NC, CC, SC, NT, CT, ST, NWS, CWS, SWP).~Acacia falciformis 233*~Flower heads appearing Jan.-Mar.; funicle elongated, completely or almost completely encircling seed; phyllodes glaucous or subglaucous, obovate, oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic, smoothly curved (not oblong), 5–14 cm long, 8–30 mm wide; branchlets glaucous to pruiunose; confined to the granite ranges of NE N.S.W. (NC, NT).~Acacia nova-anglica J.B.Williams ms. (Williams 97011) 234~Flower heads pale yellow to ± white; widespread species, from coastal districts to inland districts (NC, CC, NT, CT, ST, NWS, CWS, NWP).~Acacia penninervis 234*~Flower heads bright yellow to yellow; chiefly on the ranges, south from the Goulburn R. valley (CT, ST, CWS).~235 235~Pulvinus c. 2 mm long; pods 7–12 mm wide; inflorecence axis 1.5–5 cm long, ± straight; heads with 15–25 flowers.~Acacia obtusata 235*~Pulvinus 4–7 mm long; pods usually 12–25 mm wide; inflorescence axis 1–10 cm long, zigzagged; heads with 20–35 flowers.~Acacia obliquinervia 236~Pods 3–7 cm long and 8–14 mm wide; seeds transverse; heads with 45–60 flowers, bright yellow; restricted to the Broken Hill district.~Acacia notabilis 236*~Without the above combination of characters and distribution.~237 237~Phyllodes oblanceolate, tapering to base from near the apex, 3–12 mm wide, secondary veins longitudinally anastomosing, with 1 or 2 glands along margin; flower heads bright yellow; pods 4–6 mm wide.~Acacia hakeoides 237*~Phyllodes narrow-elliptic to oblanceolate, tapering to apex and base from about a third to halfway below apex, 7–40 mm wide, finely penniveined, with 1 gland above base; flower heads pale yellow to white; pods 5–25 mm wide.~238 238~Pods 12–25 mm wide; heads with 15–30 flowers; peduncles and inflorescence axes mostly glabrous, rarely appressed-hairy.~Acacia penninervis 238*~Pods 5–8 mm wide; heads with 12–20 flowers; peduncles and inflorescence axes hairy with fawn-coloured hairs.~Acacia falcata 239~Phyllodes reddish (especially when dried); bipinnate leaves usually still present on mature plants; heads with 7–15 flowers, bright yellow to pale yellow.~240 239*~Phyllodes not reddish, or if reddish then heads 2–8-flowered and pale yellow to ± white; bipinnate leaves not present on mature plants.~241 240~Pods strongly curved, 3.5–6 mm wide; funicle not encircling the seed; apex of phyllodes very obtuse but with an abruptly hooked mucro; flower heads 3–4 mm diam., 7–10-flowered; spreading shrubs, mostly <2 m high.~Acacia nana 240*~Pods straight, 6–9 mm wide; funicle almost or completely encircling seed; apex of phyllodes gradually acute or acuminate, with a straight or hooked mucro, rarely obtuse-mucronate; flower heads 5–6 mm diam., 9–15-flowered; erect shrubs or trees 2–10 m high.~Acacia rubida 241~Mature phyllodes hairy, at least on the margins or midvein; stems sparsely to densely hairy.~242 241*~Mature phyllodes glabrous or almost so; stems glabrous or sparsely hairy.~247 242~Phyllodes <3 times as long as broad.~243 242*~Phyllodes >3 times as long as broad.~245 243~Stipules caducous; pods glabrous, 3–11 cm long, seeds longitudinal; CT and CWS species.~Acacia vestita 243*~Stipules persistent; pods hairy, 1.5–5 cm long, seeds transverse; ST species.~244 244~Phyllodes ± asymmetrically elliptic to ovate, less than twice as long as broad, margins ± undulate.~Acacia costiniana 244*~Phyllodes oblong to oblanceolate, more than twice as long as broad, margins not undulate.~Acacia lucasii 245~Phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic to elliptic; flower heads globose; pods 7–18 mm wide, glabrous or very finely hairy; widespread in inland districts, west from the Kowmung R. and the upper Hunter Valley.~246 245*~Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, 5–20 mm wide; flower heads ± ovoid; pods 5–8 mm wide, densely hairy; from Newnes district to near Robertson (CT).~Acacia dorothea 246~Racemes with 8–26 heads, axis 1.5–5 cm long; pods 7–10 mm wide, glabrous; from the Kowmung R. and adjacent Coxs R. area (CC, CT).~Acacia clunies-rossiae 246*~Racemes with 2–4 heads, axis <1.5 cm long; pods 10–18 mm wide, margins winged; widespread in inland districts, west from the upper Hunter Valley (NC, NWS, CWS, NWP, SWP, NFWP).~Acacia pendula 247~Branchlets red-brown, usually sparsely hairy; phyllodes with 1 or 2 glands, the lowermost 5–15 mm above base, not strongly indented or angled; heads bright yellow, with 15–30 flowers; peduncles with appressed golden hairs.~Acacia decora 247*~Without the above combination of characters.~248 248~Phyllodes <5 times as long as broad, ± thick and ± rigid, elliptic to ± obovate.~249 248*~Phyllodes >5 times as long as broad, ± thin and flexible, oblong to oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic.~257 249~Phyllodes with usually 2–4 prominent marginal glands.~250 249*~Phyllodes with 1 gland towards base or gland absent.~251 250~Phyllodes usually acute, with a straight mucro; heads with 6–12 flowers; pods 4–6 mm wide; widespread, chiefly on the ranges.~Acacia amoena 250*~Phyllodes obtuse, without a mucro; heads with 12–25 flowers; pods 5–8 mm wide; escarpment ranges SE of Cooma (SC, ST).~Acacia kydrensis 251~Immature phyllodes hairy; branchlets hairy.~252 251*~Immature phyllodes glabrous; branchlets glabrous.~253 252~Phyllodes mostly 2.5- 6 cm long; pods 7–10 mm wide; racemes with 8–26 flower heads.~Acacia clunies-rossiae 252*~Phyllodes usually 1–2.5 cm long; pods 8–15 mm wide; racemes with 3–8 flower heads.~Acacia kybeanensis 253~Phyllodes with 1 marginal gland adjacent to pulvinus; heads with 30–50 flowers; pods 7–10 mm wide.~Acacia melvillei 253*~Phyllodes without or with 1 marginal gland at least a few mm from the pulvinus; heads with <30 flowers; pods 2.5–8 mm wide.~254 254~Flower heads pale yellow to white; pods 2.5–5 mm wide; phyllodes usually asymmetric with midvein acentral; phyllodes 2–9 cm long and 5–30 mm wide.~Acacia myrtifolia 254*~Flower heads bright yellow; pods 5–15 mm wide; phyllodes symmetric to asymmetric, midvein central or rarely ± acentral; phyllodes 1–4.5 cm long and 3–14 mm wide.~255 255~Heads with 3–5 flowers; phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic.~Acacia lunata 255*~Heads with 5–29 flowers; phyllodes mostly elliptic or obovate, rarely ± narrow-elliptic.~256 256~Branchlets, raceme axes and calyces usually not pruinose; phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic, ± acute to obtuse, 2–11 mm wide; heads 7–29-flowered.~Acacia buxifolia 256*~Branchlets (at least when young), raceme axes and calyces (especially in bud) usually pruinose; phyllodes obovate to elliptic, obtuse, 6–14 mm wide; heads 5–10-flowered.~Acacia leucolobia 257~Phyllodes 1–2 mm wide; confined to the Grafton area.~Acacia ruppii 257*~Phyllodes >3 mm wide; on the coast and ranges, but not in the Grafton area.~258 258~Phyllodes glaucous or subglaucous; heads with 5–14 flowers.~259 258*~Phyllodes green; heads with 15–30 flowers.~260 259~Phyllodes usually 5–10 mm wide; heads with 5–8 flowers; from Bendethera to Bega district (SC, ST).~Acacia covenyi 259*~Phyllodes 3–5 mm wide; heads with 6–14 flowers; in the Newnes area and south from the Snowy Mtns (CT, ST).~Acacia kybeanensis 260~Phyllodes 4–16.5 cm long, margins not thickened; pods 7–13 mm wide; widespread in western districts, west from the upper Hunter Valley (NC, NWS, CWS, SWS, NWP, SWP, NFWP, SFWP).~Acacia salicina 260*~Phyllodes 2.5–6 cm long, margins thickened; pods 5–7 mm wide; confined to limestone near the Wombeyan Caves (CT).~Acacia chalkeri 261~Mature phyllodes hairy, at least on the margins or midvein.~262 261*~Mature phyllodes glabrous or almost so.~273 262~Phyllodes usually <5 cm long.~263 262*~Phyllodes >5 cm long.~264 263~Branchlets densely hairy; phyllodes ± narrow-oblanceolate, 1–2.5 cm long, hairy; 1–3 flower heads in axils or on axillary axis 6–10 mm long; north from the Torrington district.~Acacia torringtonensis 263*~Branchlets glabrous or sparsely hairy; phyllodes ± linear to narrow-lanceolate, 2–5 cm long, hairy mainly on the margins; 8–25 flower heads in racemes usually 2.5–7.5 cm long; widespread on the coast and ranges, west to Inverell district.~Acacia fimbriata 264~Phyllodes usually <3 mm wide.~265 264*~Phyllodes mostly >3 mm wide.~268 265~Phyllodes with 1 vein and with a prominent basal gland; heads with 14–23 flowers; raceme axis usually 2.5–5 cm long; pods irregularly twisted; NT species.~Acacia ingramii 265*~Phyllodes with >1 vein, basal gland small or absent; heads with 25–50 flowers; raceme axis 0.1–2.5 cm long; pods straight to curved; western species.~266 266~Phyllodes 15–35 cm long.~Acacia coriacea 266*~Phyllodes 5–14 cm long.~267 267~Phyllodes ± compressed terete, 1–2 mm wide; pods 2–5 mm wide; flower heads onsimple axillary peduncles or an axillary axis 1–5 mm long.~Acacia loderi 267*~Phyllodes linear to very narrow-elliptic, 2–7 mm wide; pods 5–7 mm wide; flower heads on an axillary axis 1–20 mm long.~Acacia calcicola 268~Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, margin usually prominently indented at gland, usually at least 10 mm above base; heads ± ovoid; confined to the Blue Mtns, from Newnes to near Robertson.~Acacia dorothea 268*~Phyllodes ± linear to elliptic, rarely ± oblanceolate, glands 1–3, usually inconspicuous; heads globose; western species, chiefly on the Slopes and ranges north from Burrinjuck.~269 269~Raceme axis 3–9 cm long; pods glabrous.~270 269*~Raceme axis 0.1–2.5 cm long; pods finely hairy.~271 270~Heads with 12–20 flowers; phyllodes mostly 5–8 cm long and 3–5 mm wide, bluish green, with 1 small gland near base; chiefly flowers July to Oct.~Acacia caesiella 270*~Heads with 20–40 flowers; phyllodes mostly 8–15 cm long and 6–12 mm wide, silvery, with 1–3 glands along margin; chiefly flowers from Nov. to Jan., but occasionally July and Aug.~Acacia neriifolia 271~Pods 8–20 mm wide, not moniliform, margins winged; phyllodes 4–10 mm wide, ± curved, with asymmetric base; stipules persistent.~Acacia pendula 271*~Pods 5–7 mm wide, moniliform, not winged; phyllodes 2–7 mm wide, straight to slightly curved, with symmetric base; stipules caducous.~272 272~Raceme axis 0.1–0.3 cm long; west of Enngonia and south to Willandra Creek (SWS, NFWP).~Acacia cana 272*~Raceme axis 1–2 cm long; extreme NW of the State near Tibooburra (NFWP).~Acacia calcicola 273~Phyllodes reddish, bipinnate leaves sometimes present on mature growth.~Acacia latisepala 273*~Phyllodes not reddish, bipinnate leaves usually not present on mature growth.~274 274~Young racemes enclosed by imbricate bracts c. 5 mm long; flower heads pale yellow to almost white; pods 6–17 mm wide; phyllodes 5–15 cm long and usually 3–8 mm wide and ± subglaucous.~275 274*~Without the above combination of characters.~276 275~Pods 2–5 cm long, 8–19 mm wide; seeds transverse; heads 3–10-flowered; peduncles 1–5 mm long; racemes with 5–10 heads; widespread on the coast and ranges.~Acacia suaveolens 275*~Pods 5–13 cm long, 6–12 mm wide; seeds longitudinal; heads 12–17-flowered; peduncles 6–10 mm long; racemes with 12–17 heads; phyllodes with 1 gland 5–10 mm above base; often cultivated, occasionally naturalized.~Acacia iteaphylla 276~Phyllodes regularly <5 cm long.~277 276*~Phyllodes mostly >5 cm long.~284 277~Phyllodes 0.4–2 mm wide; branchlets not reddish brown; heads with either 4–12 or >30 flowers, pale yellow to ± white or yellow to bright yellow.~278 277*~Phyllodes mostly 2–5 mm wide (range 1.5–7 mm); branchlets usually reddish brown; heads with 15–25 flowers, bright yellow.~281 278~Phyllodes ± narrow-oblanceolate; heads with 30–35 flowers, bright yellow; confined to the Grafton district (NC).~Acacia ruppii 278*~Phyllodes ± linear; heads with 4–12 flowers, dark to pale yellow to ± white; south from the Hunter Valley (NC, CC, CT).~279 279~Midvein usually visible; branchlets mostly glabrous; heads with 5–12 flowers; south from the Hunter Valley (NC, CC, CT, ST).~280 279*~Midvein not visible; branchlets with short stiff hairs; heads usually with 4–6 flowers; confined to the Lithgow and Orange districts (CT).~Acacia meiantha 280~Flower heads pale yellow to ± white; pods 8–15 mm wide; from the Hunter Valley to the Narooma district (NC, CC, CT).~Acacia linifolia 280*~Flower heads bright yellow; pods 4–6 mm wide; south from Cooma (ST).~Acacia boormanii 281~Branches sparsely hairy; phyllodes with 1 or 2 glands, the lowermost 5–15 mm above base; peduncles with appressed golden hairs; widespread in western districts, but chiefly on the Western Slopes.~Acacia decora 281*~Branchlets glabrous; gland absent or 1 along margin; peduncles glabrous or very sparsely hairy with whitish hairs; chiefly south and east from near Rylstone, also near Jerilderie.~282 282~Phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic; peduncles 1–5 mm long; racemes with 7–14 heads; south from Tumut, chiefly in the Kybean Ra. (ST).~Acacia kettlewelliae 282*~Phyllodes ± oblanceolate; peduncles 2–4 mm long; racemes with 2–7 heads; north and west from the Budawang Ra.~283 283~Phyllodes usually 3–5 mm wide; pods 7–10 mm wide, not moniliform; from Rylstone district to the Budawang Ra. (SC, CT, ST).~Acacia hamiltoniana 283*~Phyllodes 1.5–3 mm wide; pods 3–3.5 mm wide, ± moniliform; from near Jerilderie and possibly near Bourke (SWP, NWP).~Acacia williamsonii 284~Immature phyllodes hairy; branchlets hairy.~285 284*~Immature phyllodes glabrous; branchlets glabrous or hairy.~289 285~Inflorescences with axis 2–9 cm long.~286 285*~Inflorescences with axis 0.2–1.5 cm long.~287 286~Heads with 12–20 flowers; phyllodes mostly 5–8 cm long and 3–5 mm wide, bluish green, with 1 small gland near base; chiefly flowers July to Oct.~Acacia caesiella 286*~Heads with 20–40 flowers; phyllodes mostly 8–15 cm long and 5–12 mm wide, usually silvery, with 1–3 glands along margin; chiefly flowers from Nov. to Jan., but occasionally July and Aug.~Acacia neriifolia 287~Stipules usually persistent; peduncles hairy; pods 10–18 mm wide, margins winged.~Acacia pendula 287*~Stipules caducous; peduncles glabrous or hairy; pods 7–10 mm wide, not winged.~288 288~Phyllodes usually ± curved; flower heads bright yellow, with 30–50 flowers; seeds transverse.~Acacia melvillei 288*~Phyllodes mostly ± straight; flower heads pale yellow or whitish, with 15–30 flowers; seeds longitudinal.~Acacia cambagei 289~Branchlets hairy.~290 289*~Branchlets glabrous or rarely scurfy from small scales.~291 290~Phyllodes ± very narrow-elliptic to ± linear, 2–10 mm wide, midvein prominent; heads with 30–45 flowers; in the Broken Hill area (NFWP).~Acacia rivalis 290*~Phyllodes ± terete, 0.4–1.2 mm wide, midvein not visible; heads usually with 4–6 flowers; confined to the Lithgow and Orange districts (CT).~Acacia meiantha 291~Phyllodes neither terete nor ± linear, mostly ± oblong to ± elliptic or oblanceolate, <20 times as long as broad, mostly 3–20 mm wide.~292 291*~Phyllodes ± compressed-terete to ± linear or very narrow-oblanceolate, >20 times as long as broad, 1–5 mm wide.~302 292~Phyllodes with 2–5 glands spread along the margin.~293 292*~Phyllodes without glands, or only 1 gland present.~296 293~Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, apex obtuse (or rarely subacute), margins thickened, upwardly curved and well-separated on branchlets; flower heads bright yellow, 6–12 on a ± zigzagged axis.~Acacia gladiiformis 293*~Without the above combination of characters.~294 294~Phyllodes mostly 5–12 mm wide; heads 15–30-flowered; pods 7–13 mm wide.~295 294*~Phyllodes 8–20 mm wide; heads 50–70-flowered; pods 5–6 mm wide.~Acacia beckleri 295~Phyllodes green, thick, wrinkled when dry, usually with a straight mucro; pods ± woody, constricted between the seeds, surfaces ± smooth, easily breaking into 1-seeded segments; flower heads bright yellow.~Acacia ligulata 295*~Phyllodes greyish, flaccid, not wrinkled when dry, without or with an oblique or hooked mucro; pods not deeply constricted between the seeds, surfaces rough, not breaking into 1-seeded segments; flower heads pale yellow to ± white.~Acacia salicina 296~Restricted to the ranges south from Tumut (ST); branchlets reddish brown.~Acacia kettlewelliae 296*~Western species, widespread, chiefly west from the Hunter Valley, also in coastal districts, not in the ST; branchlets not reddish brown.~297 297~Plants with long drooping branchlets, branchlets usually zigzagged; pods ± woody; phyllodes glabrous and with 2–5 small glands along margin.~Acacia salicina 297*~Plants with spreading or short drooping branchlets, branchlets not obviously zigzagged; pods not woody; phyllodes finely hairy to glabrous, with 1 gland, or if >1 then phyllodes and branchlets silvery hairy.~298 298~Phyllodes finely hairy; stipules usually persistent; peduncles hairy; pods 10–18 mm wide, margins winged.~Acacia pendula 298*~Phyllodes glabrous or mostly glabrous; stipules caducous; peduncles glabrous or hairy; pods 4–12 mm wide, not winged.~299 299~Phyllodes mostly 10–30 cm long and 10–50 mm wide; pods 4–6 mm wide.~Acacia saligna 299*~Phyllodes usually 4–12 cm long and 2–10 mm wide; pods usually 7–12 mm wide.~300 300~Pods 4–6 mm wide; flower heads usually 4–12 in an axillary raceme 1.5–4 cm long.~Acacia rivalis 300*~Pods usually 7–10 mm wide; flower heads 2–20 on an axillary axis 2–9 mm long;~301 301~Phyllodes usually ± curved; flower heads bright yellow, with 30–50 flowers; seeds ± transverse.~Acacia melvillei 301*~Phyllodes mostly ± straight; flower heads pale yellow or whitish, with 15–30 flowers; seeds longitudinal.~Acacia cambagei 302~Phyllodes with 1–3 glands spread along the margin.~303 302*~Phyllodes without or with only 1 marginal gland.~305 303~Heads with 20–30 flowers; pods 5–7.5 mm wide; south from the Hunter Valley (CT, CWS, SWS).~Acacia linearifolia 303*~Heads with 10–20 flowers; pods 10–13 mm wide; north from Deepwater and Torrington districts (NC, NT, NWS).~304 304~Peduncles 3–4 mm long, glabrous; raceme axis 2.5–3.5 cm long, with 8–11 heads; basal gland rounded and ± protruding, usually about 3–4 cm from base.~Acacia adunca 304*~Peduncles 2–5 mm long, pubescent; raceme axis 3–5 cm long, with 5–9 heads; basal gland ± elongated and depressed, usually 1–2.5 cm from base.~Acacia macnuttiana 305~Phyllodes ± terete or 4-angled, sometimes ± compressed, 0.5–1.5 mm wide, usually >30 times as long as broad, green.~306 305*~Phyllodes ± linear, usually >1.5 mm wide (range 1–5 mm), mostly <30 times as long as broad, glaucous, greyish or green.~307 306~Phyllodes thin and flexible; heads with 30–40 flowers; inflorescences with axis 0.5–2 cm long; chiefly from Nymagee to Griffith (CWS, SWP).~Acacia calamifolia 306*~Phyllodes thick and leathery; heads with 12–20 flowers; inflorescences with axis 2.5–4 cm long; from the upper Hunter valley to Dubbo and Warialda (NWS, CWS, NWP).~Acacia subulata 307~Far-western species, west from Cobar and Jerilderie districts; pods 3–6 mm wide, ± moniliform~308 307*~Widespread species, from the escarpment ranges west to the Warrumbungle N.P. and the Torrington district (NC, NT, CT, ST, NWS); pods 4–12 mm wide, not moniliform or sometimes scarcely moniliform.~309 308~Inflorescences with axis <1 cm long; peduncles 3–8 mm long; phyllodes usually 2.5–5 mm wide, very narrow-elliptic; pods finely hairy with appressed hairs.~Acacia cana 308*~Inflorescences with axis 1–3 cm long; peduncles 2–3 mm long; phyllodes usually 1.5–2.5 mm wide, narrow-oblanceolate; pods glabrous.~Acacia williamsonii 309~South from the Blue Mtns (CT, ST).~310 309*~North from the Hunter Valley (NC, NT, NWS).~311 310~Phyllodes 1–3 mm wide; racemes with axis 1–4 cm long; heads with 5–10 flowers; funicle short, not encircling seed; on the ranges south from Cooma district (ST).~Acacia boormanii 310*~Phyllodes 3–5 mm wide; racemes with axis 4–6 cm long; heads with 20–30 flowers; funicle ± encircling seed; restricted to the Blue Mtns (CT).~Acacia flocktoniae 311~Confined to the escarpment ranges east of Tenterfield (NC, NT); phyllodes with marginal gland exserted; flower heads pale yellow to white.~Acacia floydii 311*~On Slopes and ranges west of Tenterfield or if east of Tenterfield flower heads bright yellow and phyllodes with 1–3 marginal glands, but glands not exserted.~312 312~Pods 8–13 mm wide; heads with 10–16 flowers.~313 312*~Pods 5–7 mm wide; headsusually with 16–30 flowers.~314 313~Racemes with 5–9 heads; flower heads bright yellow; pods 10–13 mm wide; chiefly recorded for Boonoo Boonoo N.P. and the Torrington district.~Acacia macnuttiana 313*~Racemes with 10–15 heads; flower heads pale coloured; pods 8–10 mm wide; restricted to Pindari Dam.~Acacia acrionastes 314~Pods usually 6–15 cm long; seeds with short funicle, not encircling seed, whitish; flower heads bright to pale yellow; chiefly in the Torrington district.~Acacia betchei 314*~Pods usually 5–8 cm long; seeds with funicle ± encircling seed, reddish; racemes with axis 2–3 cm long; flower heads bright yellow; confined to the Warrumbungle N.P.~Acacia forsythii 315~Phyllodes >3 mm wide.~316 315*~Phyllodes <3 mm wide.~320 316~Branchlets ± angled or flattened, glabrous or sparsely hairy; phyllodes ± obtuse; pods 2–4 mm wide, ± straight, curved to twisted or coiled.~317 316*~Branchlets ± terete, densely hairy; phyllodes ± acute; pods 6–10 mm wide, straight.~319 317~Branchlets and phyllodes resinous; heads with 35–50 flowers; peduncles subtended by ovate bracts c. 2 mm long, usually persisting at least till flowers open; pods ± straight.~Acacia ausfeldii 317*~Branchlets and phyllodes not resinous; heads with 8–25 flowers; peduncles not subtended by ovate bracts; pods curved to twisted or coiled.~318 318~Phyllodes 2–7 cm long, glabrous; peduncles shorter than the phyllodes; pods 2–3 mm wide, curved or twisted.~Acacia microcarpa 318*~Phyllodes 0.5–2 cm long, hairy; peduncles usually longer than the phyllodes; pods 3–4 mm wide, twisted or coiled many times.~Acacia acinacea 319~Phyllodes hispid with short stiff hairs to ± glabrous, margins thickened with prominent tuberculate-based hairs, with a marginal gland near the middle of the phyllode; pods glabrous, 1- or 2-seeded; widespread north from Nowra (NC, CC, SC, NT, NWS).~Acacia hispidula 319*~Phyllodes sparsely to moderately hairy with ± straight to crisped appressed hairs, margins not thickened, with marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus; pods hairy, 2–7-seeded; from Captains Flat to Bombabla district (ST).~Acacia costiniana 320~Phyllodes ± terete or angled, 0.4–1.5 mm wide, venation usually obscure.~321 320*~Phyllodes ± flat, 1–3 mm wide, 1 longitudinal vein prominent or sometimes all veins obscure.~327 321~Phyllodes 1.5–4.5 cm long; widespread north and west from Gulgong area and in the Torrington-Emmaville district (NT, NWS, CWS, NWP).~322 321*~Phyllodes usually 0.3–1.5 cm long, not conspicuously grooved when dried; widespread species (NC, CC, NT, NWS).~323 322~Phyllodes without a longitudinal groove, veins absent or midvein slightly raised, lower margin not broader than upper margin; chiefly in the Pilliga Scrub and south to Gulgong area (NWS, CWS, NWP).~Acacia pilligaensis 322*~Phyllodes with a longitudinal groove when dried, lower margin slightly broader than upper margin; rare, confined to the Torrington-Emmaville district (NT, NWS).~Acacia burbidgeae 323~Phyllodes regularly whorled, whorls usually >1 cm apart; marginal gland absent.~Acacia baueri 323*~Phyllodes not regularly whorled, scattered or clustered or irregularly whorled; marginal gland basal, small or inconspicuous or rarely absent.~324 324~Peduncles 2–4 mm long; heads usually with 8–10 flowers; pods 1–2.5 cm long and 2.5–4 mm wide; marginal gland absent.~Acacia baueri 324*~Peduncles 5–16 mm long; heads with 16–38 flowers; pods usually >2.5 cm long and 6–15 mm wide; marginal gland present but inconspicuous.~325 325~Phyllodes smooth, glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, not tuberculate-based; north from Glen Innes district (NC, NT, NWS).~326 325*~Phyllodes warty, at first hairy with tuberculate-based hairs, then becoming glabrous; confined to the lower Blue Mtns and Glenorie district (CC).~Acacia gordonii 326~Flower heads ± white to bright yellow, with 20–27 flowers; branchlets sparsely hairy with longish crisped hairs or densely hairy with very short hairs; phyllodes glabrous.~Acacia brunioides 326*~Flower heads bright yellow, with 32–38 flowers; branchlets densely hairy with longish crisped hairs; phyllodes with hairs confined to lower edge.~Acacia beadleana 327~Branchlets modified into spines; phyllodes obcuneate, 2–8 mm long, without marginal glands.~Acacia acanthoclada 327*~Branchlet tips not modified into spines; phyllodes ± linear to narrow-elliptic or narrow-oblanceolate, 7–25 mm long, with marginal gland near the pulvinus, often inconspicuous, or rarely absent.~328 328~Phyllodes with 1 longitudinal vein prominent.~329 328*~Phyllodes with obscure venation.~335 329~Midvein ± central along phyllode.~330 329*~Midvein not central, closer to one of the margins.~333 330~Phyllodes and branchlets ± resinous, with simple and glandular hairs.~Acacia aspera 330*~Phyllodes and branchlets not resinous, with simple but not glandular hairs, or phyllodes glabrous.~331 331~Phyllodes mostly >2 mm wide; recorded only from Parkes district (CWS).~Acacia centrinervia 331*~Phyllodes mostly <2 mm wide; more widespread species (NWS, CWS, NWP).~332 332~Phyllodes 1.5–4 cm long, mostly >2.5 cm long; peduncles 2–6 mm long; in the Pilliga Scrub and south to Gulgong (NWS, CWS, NWP).~Acacia pilligaensis 332*~Phyllodes mostly 1–2.5 cm long; peduncles 3–10 mm long; north from the Bourke district (NWP).~Acacia johnsonii 333~Midvein closer to the lower margin, phyllodes grooved; phyllodes >10 times as long as broad, 1.5–4.5 cm long.~Acacia burbidgeae 333*~Midvein closer to the upper margin, phyllodes not grooved; phyllodes <10 times as long as abroad, 0.7–2.5 cm long.~334 334~Phyllodes ± narrow-elliptic, straight or slightly curved, sparsely hairy to glabrous; heads with 10–18 flowers; peduncles 5–12 mm long.~Acacia lineata 334*~Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, bent upwards just above the pulvinus at the gland, glabrous; heads with 4–10 flowers; peduncles 2–4 mm long.~Acacia flexifolia 335~Peduncles 3–11 mm long; pods 4–6 mm wide, strongly curved or twisted, hairy; seeds longitudinal; phyllodes without or with 1 marginal gland near the middle of the phyllode.~Acacia torringtonensis 335*~Peduncles 6–15 mm long; pods 9–20 mm wide, straight, glabrous and glaucous; seeds transverse; phyllodes with 1 inconspicuous marginal gland adjacent to the pulvinus.~336 336~Young phyllodes glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, peduncles c. 0.2 mm diam. and sparsely hairy; pods 10–15 mm wide; chiefly north from Warialda and Moree (NWS, NWP).~Acacia conferta 336*~Young phyllodes pubescent, peduncles c. 0.5 mm diam. and pubescent; pods mostly 8–10 mm wide; widespread, north from Katoomba and Hillston, chiefly on the Slopes (NC, CT, NWS, CWS, NWP, SWP).~Acacia mariae 337~Heads ± ovoid.~338 337*~Heads globose.~341 338~Bark curling off in narrow strips; phyllodes ± terete, 13–18 cm long, 0.5–1 mm wide.~Acacia curranii 338*~Bark not curling; phyllodes linear to very narrow-elliptic, 2.5–25 cm long, 1–5 mm wide.~339 339~Phyllodes mostly 2.5–10 cm long; southern and central Slopes species.~340 339*~Phyllodes usually 10–25 cm long; northern species (NC, NT, NWS).~Acacia granitica 340~Phyllodes ± linear, 5–10 cm long, 1–2 mm wide; branchlets and phyllodes not resinous; pods hairy; south from the Holbrook district (SWS).~Acacia phasmoides 340*~Phyllodes ± oblanceolate, 2.5–5 cm long; 2–5 mm wide; branchlets and phyllodes resinous; pods glabrous; chiefly in the Dubbo, Gilgandra and Mendooran area (CWS).~Acacia ixodes 341~Phyllodes mostly >2 mm wide (usually 2–10 mm wide), flat, linear to lanceolate, elliptic or oblanceolate or ± ovate, usually <13 times as long as broad, usually with only 1 prominent longitudinal vein visible.~342 341*~Phyllodes <2 mm wide (usually 0.5–1.5 mm wide), ± terete or angled, usually >13 times as long as broad, no venation visible, though sometimes longitudinally ribbed when dry.~354 342~Branchlets resinous and phyllodes usually resinous and dotted with resin glands.~343 342*~Branchlets and phyllodes not resinous, phyllodes not dotted with resin glands.~348 343~Phyllodes usually <10 times as long as broad, 1–6 cm long.~344 343*~Phyllodes mostly >10 times as long as broad; usually 2–14 cm long.~346 344~Phyllodes with 2 glands, 1 near the apex and one near the base; heads with 20–30 flowers.~Acacia ixodes 344*~Phyllodes with only a basal gland; heads with 30–50 flowers.~345 345~Phyllodes 1–4 cm long, ± hairy, apex ± pungent-pointed; pods hairy, curved, twisted or coiled.~Acacia aspera 345*~Phyllodes 2–7 cm long, glabrous, apex ± obtuse with a mucro but not pungent; pods glabrous, ± straight.~Acacia ausfeldii 346~Pods 3–4 mm wide; phyllodes with 1 gland towards base; phyllodes with midvein only, sometimes with a secondary vein formed by the coalescing of the lateral veins; more restricted species (CC, SC, CT, ST).~347 346*~Pods 4–6 mm wide; phyllodes with 1–4 glands along margin; phyllodes with a midvein and a less prominent longitudinal vein near the upper margin; widespread species (CC, NT, CT, ST, NWS, CWS, SWS, SWP).~Acacia verniciflua 347~Phyllodes usually 1–3.5 mm wide; heads 10–25-flowered; south from the Nowra district (CC, SC, ST).~Acacia cognata 347*~Phyllodes mostly 5–15 mm wide; heads 20–40-flowered; Western Blue Mtns (CT).~Acacia leprosa 348~Phyllodes 1–3 cm long, margins with prominent tuberculate-based hairs; pods 6–10 mm wide, 1 or 2-seeded.~Acacia hispidula 348*~Phyllodes 2–14 cm long (usually >3 cm long), margins not as above, ± smooth; pods 3–6 mm wide; >2-seeded.~349 349~Phyllodes with 1 or 2 marginal glands near the middle.~350 349*~Phyllodes with 1 marginal gland near the base.~351 350~Phyllodes 2–7 cm long; heads 1–4 on axillary peduncles, each with 14–25 flowers; pods 2–3 mm wide, twisted; western species (CWS, SWP, SFWP).~Acacia microcarpa 350*~Phyllodes 4–14 cm long; heads in racemes or rarely on axillary peduncles, each with 30–45 flowers; pods 4–6 mm wide, ± straight; Broken Hill district (NFWP).~Acacia rivalis 351~Branchlets densely hairy; phyllodes finely hairy; pods 4–6 mm wide; western species (SWS, NFWP).~352 351*~Branchlets glabrous or sparsely hairy; phyllodes mostly glabrous; pods 1.5–4 mm wide; widespread species but not in NFWP or SWS.~353 352~Inflorescences with axis usually 1–3 mm long, rarely to 10 mm; west of Enngonia and south to Willandra Creek (SWS, NFWP).~Acacia cana 352*~Inflorescences with axis 1–20 mm long; extreme NW of the State near Tibooburra (NFWP).~Acacia calcicola 353~Phyllodes 5–10 mm wide (occasionally 20); heads with 28–55 flowers; pods twisted, 1.5–3 mm wide; western species (CWS, SWP, SFWP).~Acacia halliana 353*~Phyllodes 2–3 mm wide; heads with 20–30 flowers; pods ± straight, 3–4 mm wide; north-eastern species (NC, NT).~Acacia juncifolia 354~Most phyllodes <4 cm long.~355 354*~Most phyllodes >4 cm long.~357 355~Pods ± straight to slightly curved, 3–4 mm wide, glabrous; phyllodes usually 1.5–4 cm long, apex subacute to acute.~356 355*~Pods usually twisted or coiled, 2–3 mm wide, ± minutely hairy; phyllodes mostly 3–13 cm long, apex pungent-pointed to acute.~Acacia rigens 356~Peduncles 4–10 mm long; phyllodes with a longitudinal groove when dried; rare, confined to the Torrington-Emmaville district.~Acacia burbidgeae 356*~Peduncles 2–6 mm long; phyllodes not grooved; widespread on the Slopes, chiefly south from the Pilliga Scrub.~Acacia pilligaensis 357~Phyllodes with 1 marginal gland near the middle of the phyllode, and phyllode usually incurved ± abruptly at gland; flowers 4-merous.~Acacia havilandiorum 357*~Phyllodes with a marginal gland near the base (1–10 mm from base), phyllodes ± straight or evenly curved; flowers 5-merous.~358 358~Gland on phyllode 5–10 mm above base; phyllode apex ± hooked; flower heads usually in racemes with axis 5–20 mm long.~Acacia calamifolia 358*~Glands on phyllodes <4 mm from base; phyllode apex not prominently hooked; flower heads on axillary peduncles or on axillary axis <1 mm long.~359 359~Pods ± minutely hairy, 2–3 mm wide, strongly curved, twisted or coiled; phyllodes 1–1.5 mm wide.~Acacia rigens 359*~Pods ± glabrous, 4–6 mm wide, ± straight; phyllodes c. 1 mm wide.~360 360~Phyllodes usually 4–8 cm long; pods 3.5–5 mm wide, not moniliform; in the Blue Mtns from near Woodford to Mt Victoria (CC, CT).~Acacia ptychoclada 360*~Phyllodes mostly 8–20 cm long; pods 3–4 mm wide, ± moniliform; widespread north of Glenbrook and extending inland (NC, CC, NWS, NWP).~Acacia juncifolia 361~Pinnules mostly >2 cm long.~362 361*~Pinnules <2 cm long.~363 362~Pinnules lanceolate, mostly 2.5–5 cm long; leaves with rachis mostly 5–22 cm long; pods 10–15 mm wide; Bellinger R. to the Budawang Ra. (NC, CC, NT, CT).~Acacia elata 362*~Pinnules ± narrow-elliptic, usually 1–2.5 cm long; leaves with rachis usually 1–5 cm long: pods 7–11 mm wide; confined to Bega district (SC).~Acacia blayana 363~Lower surface of the pinnules distinctly paler than the upper surface.~364 363*~Lower surface of the pinnules ± the same colour as the upper surface.~366 364~Petioles 0.7–4 cm long; leaves with usually 2–6 pairs of pinnae; pinnules mostly flat.~Acacia terminalis 364*~Leaves ± sessile or with petiole to 0.5 cm long; most leaves with 3–13 pairs of pinnae; pinnules recurved.~365 365~Branchlets, petioles and inflorescence axes ± terete, mostly ridged but not winged, hairy.~Acacia kulnurensis 365*~Branchlets, petioles and inflorescence axes ± tetragonal with conspicuous undulate wings at each angle, ± glabrous.~Acacia alaticaulis 366~Branchlets sparsely to densely hairy.~367 366*~Branchlets glabrous or almost so.~371 367~Pinnae with usually 11–35 pairs of pinnules, hairy at least on the margins; jugary and interjugary glands usually present on most leaves.~368 367*~Pinnae with 2–14 pairs of pinnules; pinnules usually glabrous or almost so; jugary glands absent or minute, interjugary glands usually absent or rarely 1 at base of terminal pair of pinnae.~369 368~Pinnules ± narrow-oblong, ± glabrous with margins appressed-hairy; petiolar, jugary and interjugary (1–7) glands prominent; from Gibraltar Ra. to Nymboida N.P. (NC, NT).~Acacia cangaiensis 368*~Pinnules ± lanceolate to ovate, densely silvery-hairy; petiolar, jugary and interjugary (1–3) glands often present, but small; Gloucester district to Howes Valley (NC, CC, CWS).~Acacia fulva 369~Leaves with rachis <3 cm long; pods usually twisted, margins often alternately recurved to incurved.~Acacia polybotrya 369*~Leaves with rachis usually >3 cm long; pods ± flat and straight.~370 370~Pinnae with 9–14 pairs of pinnules; stems and leaves often reddish; phyllodes usually present with bipinnate leaves on mature plants.~Acacia rubida 370*~Pinnae with 2–8 pairs of pinnules; stems and leaves ± glaucous; phyllodes not present on mature plants.~Acacia spectabilis 371~Branchlets distinctly pruinose; pinnae mostly with 12–35 pairs of pinnules; heads with 30–60 flowers.~372 371*~Branchlets not pruinose; pinnae usually with 4–15 pairs of pinnules; heads with 15–35 flowers.~373 372~Petioles with 1 prominent elongate gland; flower heads bright yellow; north from Uralla district (NT, NWS).~Acacia pruinosa 372*~Petioles with 1 raised orbicular gland; flower heads pale yellow; from Lane Cove R. To Maitland (NC, CC, ?CWS).~Acacia schinoides 373~Phyllodes sometimes present on mature plants; petiole 1–4.5 cm long with 1 prominent gland 3–15 mm above base; pinnae 1–3 pairs; heads 2–10, with inflorescence axis 0.6–5 cm long; in the Torrington district and north from Bald Rock (NT).~Acacia latisepala 373*~Without the above combination of characters and distribution.~374 374~Pinnules hairy with appressed hairs, 10–34 mm long; flower heads usually in axillary and terminal panicles; confined to the Bega district (SC).~Acacia blayana 374*~Pinnules glabrous or sometimes hairy but hairs not ± appressed, 3–20 mm long; flower heads mostly in axillary racemes, rarely in panicles; widespread in the State, but not in SC.~375 375~Petioles 1–4 cm long and with a prominent gland, depressed and elongated; pinnae with 6–17 pairs of pinnules.~Acacia debilis 375*~Petioles 0.1–1.5 cm long and with an inconspicuous or minute gland (sometimes appearing absent); pinnae with 2–12 pairs of pinnules.~376 376~Heads with 12–20 flowers; peduncles 3–10 mm long; raceme axis 5–21 cm long; pinnae usually 3–5 pairs (range 2–7); rachis 1–8.5 cm long; pinnules mostly 7–16 mm long and 2.5–5 mm wide, glabrous; single-stemmed shrubs.~Acacia spectabilis 376*~Heads with 20–35 flowers; peduncles 1–4 mm long; raceme axis 1–8 cm long; pinnae usually 2 or 3 pairs (range 1–4), rachis 0.5–3 cm long; pinnules usually 4–8 mm long and 1.5–3 mm wide, hairy or glabrous; several-stemmed shrubs.~Acacia polybotrya 377~Flower heads on simple axillary peduncles.~378 377*~Flower heads on extended axillary or terminal racemes or panicles.~380 378~Stipules usually 5–25 mm long, spinescent; pods 8–17 mm wide, turgid.~Vachellia farnesiana 378*~Stipules minute or absent, not spinescent; pods 4–9 mm wide, not turgid.~379 379~Peduncles 7–17 mm long, solitary in axils; pods glabrous.~Acacia mitchellii 379*~Peduncles mostly 3–10 mm long, usually in racemes with 2–12 flower heads and axis zigzagged, rarely some solitary in axils; pods hairy or rarely glabrous.~Acacia leptoclada 380~Lower surface of the pinnules distinctly paler than the upper surface.~381 380*~Lower surface of the pinnules ± the same colour as the upper surface.~390 381~Leaves with petiole 0.5–5.3 cm long.~382 381*~Leaves ± sessile or with petiole to 0.5 cm long.~385 382~Pinnae usually 2–6 pairs (range 1–8); pinnules usually 5–15 pairs (range 5–21), 2–18 mm long, 1–5.5 mm wide; pinnules ± flat.~Acacia terminalis 382*~Pinnae mostly 7–25 pairs (range 5–31); pinnules usually 16–60 pairs (range 11–78), 1–10 mm long, 0.5–1.5 mm wide; pinnules recurved or flat.~383 383~Branchlets often distinctly pruinose; pinnules glabrous to ± hairy.~Acacia leucoclada 383*~Branchlets not, or rarely slightly pruinose; pinnules hairy.~384 384~Pinnules 1.5–3 mm long, upper surface green.~Acacia mearnsii 384*~Pinnules 3–10 mm long, upper surface glaucous.~Acacia silvestris 385~Pinnules 1–3 mm long, 14–51 pairs; pinnae 7–27 pairs.~386 385*~Pinnules usually 3–10 mm long, 4–17 pairs; pinnae 1–13 pairs.~387 386~Leaf rachis with a raised, narrow medial ridge on upper surface; pinnules glabrous; pods 7–12 mm wide, ± flat or slightly raised over seeds (Qld, N.S.W. North Coast)~Acacia oshanesii 386*~Leaf rachis with a shallow, medial groove on upper surface; pinnules ciliate; pods 4–6.5 mm wide, discernibly raised over seeds (N.S.W. South Coast)~Acacia yalwalensis 387~Jugary glands usually absent, except for 1 at base of terminal pair of pinnae; flower heads cream-coloured to pale yellow; lower Hunter Valley to Mangrove Mtn and Howes Mtn.~388 387*~Jugary glands present at several pinnae pairs; flower heads yellow to bright yellow; south of Sydney and north of Taree.~389 388~Stems, petioles and inflorescence axes ± terete, mostly ridged but not winged, hairy; Bucketty to Kulnura and Mangrove Mtn area and possibly near Kurri Kurri (NC, CC)~Acacia kulnurensis 388*~Stems, petioles and inflorescence axes ± tetragonal with conspicuous undulate wings at each angle, ± glabrous; restricted to the Howes Mtn area (CC).~Acacia alaticaulis 389~Jugary glands absent only at basal pair of pinnae; heads with 8–15 flowers, peduncles ± glabrous; pods 5.5–8 mm wide, ± minutely hairy; south of Sydney in the Bargo, Nowra and Goulburn areas (CC, ?SC, CT, ST).~Acacia jonesii 389*~Jugary glands at lowest 1–3 pairs of pinnae and/or upper 1–3 pairs; heads with 15–30 flowers, peduncles golden pubescent; pods 4–6 mm wide, hairy with long fine hairs; inland from Macksville (NC).~Acacia chrysotricha 390~Leaves with 1–3 pairs of pinnae; pinnules widely spaced, 4–10 pairs per pinnae, glabrous; confined to the Dubbo to Mudgee area and near Armidale (NT, CWS).~Acacia muelleriana 390*~Without the above combination of characters and distribution.~391 391~Leaves ± sessile or petiole regularly <5 mm long (Note: lowermost pinnae may fall early, so check for scars at base of rachis/petiole).~392 391*~Leaves with petiole >5 mm long.~401 392~Leaves strongly glaucous, ash grey-green or bluish; prominent jugary glands except for lowest 1 or 2 pairs of pinnae; inflorescences usually >1.5 times the length of the leaf rachis.~Acacia baileyana 392*~Leaves not distinctly glaucous, usually green, sometimes silvery or bluish grey; glands not as above; inflorescences shorter or longer than the length of the leaf rachis.~393 393~Pinnules 1–2 mm wide.~394 393*~Pinnules 0.4–1 mm wide.~395 394~Pinnules ± ovate to elliptic, mostly 4–10 mm long; silvery hairy; pods ± velvety hairy; Gloucester district to Howes Valley (NC, CC, CWS).~Acacia fulva 394*~Pinnules ± oblong, mostly 3–4 mm long; finely hairy, with hairs mainly on margins and midvein; pods ± sparsely to moderately hairy; inland from Macksville (NC).~Acacia chrysotricha 395~Pinnules 0.8–1.5 mm long and ± ovate to ± circular, minutely warty.~Acacia cardiophylla 395*~Pinnules usually 1.5–10 mm long, ± oblong or linear, not warty.~396 396~Leaves with rachis 1–12 mm long; pinnae 1–5 pairs; pinnules glabrous or ciliate; racemes with 2–12 flower heads and axis zigzagged.~Acacia leptoclada 396*~Leaves with rachis 8–65 mm long; pinnae 4–30 pairs, or if only 5 pairs then the rachis of leaves >12 mm long; pinnules glabrous or densely hairy; racemes with mostly 10–50 flower heads, axis not prominently zigzagged.~397 397~Pinnules silvery to bluish grey, densely hairy, especially on lower surface; widespread species, especially on the ranges and Slopes.~398 397*~Pinnules ± green, glabrous or hairy, hairs often pale yellowish to grey; south from Lake Conjola (SC, ST).~399 398~Branchlets angled; mature pinnules sparsely hairy, bluish grey to silvery; glands ± orbicular; pods usually 7–14 mm wide, glabrous, ± pruinose.~Acacia dealbata 398*~Branchlets ± terete; mature pinnules ± velvety, silvery grey; glands ± hemispherical; pods 4–7 mm wide, densely silvery- to rusty-hairy.~Acacia mollifolia 399~Branchlets with knobbly ridges and minutely hairy; pinnules ± glabrous except for minutely ciliate margins and tuft of hairs at apex; heads with 30–45 flowers; pods 7–10 mm wide, hairy with ± appressed hairs; extreme far south coast (SC).~Acacia constablei 399*~Branchlets ± terete, angled or ridged but without knobbly ridges, hairy with long spreading hairs; pinnules glabrous or sparsely hairy; heads with 8–20 flowers; pods 4–8 mm wide, glabrous, ± pruinose; more widespread, south from Lake Conjola (SC, ST).~400 400~Petiole 1–5 mm long; rachis 2–11 cm long with orbicular jugary glands at least at upper 2–10 pairs of pinnae, interjugary glands ± absent; pinnules usually 15–40 pairs; from Lake Conjola to the Bodalla district (SC, ST).~Acacia trachyphloia 400*~Leaves usually sessile; rachis 1.5–6.5 cm long, glands absent or small, often inconspicuous jugary or interjugary glands irregularly present; pinnules usually 5–20 pairs; western Sydney species (CC).~Acacia pubescens 401~Pinnules 1–2.2 mm long; pinnae with 50–106 pairs of pinnules; petioles 1.3–3.5 cm long; heads with 7–12 flowers; restricted to the escarpment ranges in the Tuross R. Area (ST).~Acacia olsenii 401*~Pinnules usually 2.5–9 mm long; pinnae usually with 7–90 pinnules; petioles 0.5–5.3 cm long; heads with 7–50 flowers; widespread, not restricted as above.~402 402~Branchlets with knobby ridges and minutely hairy; pinnules ± glabrous except for minutely ciliate margins and tuft of hairs at apex and confined to the extreme far south coast (Nadgee and Disaster Bay areas).~Acacia constablei 402*~Branchlets sometimes ridged but not knobbly; pinnules and distribution not as above.~403 403~Interjugary glands present.~404 403*~Interjugary glands absent.~410 404~Pinnules >1 mm wide; young leaves and branchlets pubescent with greyish to silvery hairs; 1–7 interjugary glands between pairs of pinnae, jugary glands present and 1 or 2 petiolar glands present.~Acacia cangaiensis 404*~Pinnules <1 mm wide; young leaves and branchlets glabrous or hairy; glands rarely as above.~405 405~Leaves light green to green or silvery.~406 405*~Leaves dark green.~407 406~Young leaves whitish silvery; mature leaves green to grey-green; branchlets and leaves with spreading ± long hairs; flower heads yellow to bright yellow.~Acacia leucoclada 406*~New growth yellow to golden to rust-coloured; mature leaves light to dark green; branchlets and leaves with short appressed yellow to whitish hairs; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured.~Acacia deanei 407~New growth yellow to golden to rust-coloured; branchlets and leaves ± densely hairy with short appressed yellow to whitish hairs; flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured.~Acacia deanei 407*~New growth green; branchlets and leaves glabrous, or sparsely to densely hairy with spreading or appressed white to grey hairs, but hairs not yellowish; flower heads bright yellow to pale yellow.~408 408~Flower heads bright yellow; pinnules 4–10 mm long and 0.4–0.6 mm wide; petioles with 1–5 prominent glands; pods 6–17 mm wide, pruinose.~Acacia filicifolia 408*~Flower heads pale to bright yellow; pinnules 2–7 mm long and 0.5–1 mm wide; petioles with 1 to several small glands; pods 3.5–9 mm wide, not pruinose or only slightly so.~409 409~Heads with 14–20 flowers, pale yellow; buds divergent in heads; branchlets densely hairy with appressed or spreading greyish white hairs; bark silvery or blackish grey.~Acacia parvipinnula 409*~Heads with 25–50 flowers, pale to bright yellow; buds compact in heads; branchlets glabrous or with short appressed hairs; bark greenish black to dark brown.~Acacia parramattensis 410~Pinnules >1 mm wide, 1 or 2 secondary veins often visible; jugary glands present or absent.~411 410*~Pinnules <1 mm wide, mostly 1-veined; jugary glands regularly present at base of all pinnae pairs or rarely irregularly present or absent (A. parvipinnula).~415 411~Heads with 7–10 flowers; mature plants usually with some phyllodes; pinnules 2.5–6 mm long and 1.5–2 mm wide; pods 3.5–6 mm wide; jugary glands absent.~Acacia nana 411*~Heads with 15–50 flowers; phyllodes not present; pinnules 6–34 mm long, or if <6 mm then pinnules 0.4–1.3 mm wide; pods usually 6–13 mm wide; jugary glands absent or irregularly present.~412 412~Flower heads pale yellow to cream-coloured; pinnae usually with 7–45 pairs pinnules.~413 412*~Flower heads bright yellow; pinnae usually with 4–14 pairs of pinnules.~414 413~Heads with 27–50 flowers; pinnules glabrous or sparsely ciliate, 6–23 mm long and 1–5 mm wide; interjugary glands absent; Lane Cove R. To Maitland (NC, CC, ?CWS).~Acacia schinoides 413*~Heads with 15–30 flowers; pinnules sparsely to moderately appressed-hairy, 1.5–5 mm long and 0.5–1.3 mm wide; interjugary glands absent or 1–3 sometimes present; widespread, chiefly on the Slopes (NWS, CWS, SWS, NWP, SWP).~Acacia deanei 414~Pinnules 3–13 mm long; petioles 0.3–1.5 cm long; jugary glands usually not present at base of all pinnae pairs; pods usually 4–8 mm wide, often twisted and constricted between seeds; north from Sandy Hollow (NWS, CWS, NWP).~Acacia polybotrya 414*~Pinnules 10–34 mm long; petioles 1.3–4 cm long; jugary glands present at base of all pinnae pairs; pods 7–11 mm wide, not twisted, ± flat; confined to Bega district (SC).~Acacia blayana 415~Ridge on the underside of petioles continuous with the branchlets and forming wing-like ridges on branchlets.~Acacia decurrens 415*~Petioles not continuous with branchlets; branchlets without ridges or ridges not wing-like.~416 416~Pinnules widely spaced, 4–9 mm long and 0.25–0.4 mm wide; confined to the Goulburn R. N.P. (CWS).~Acacia dangarensis 416*~Pinnules otherwise; more widespread species.~417 417~Leaves greyish green to silvery.~418 417*~Leaves light to dark green.~419 418~Young leaves whitish yellow to golden-yellow; glands ± orbicular; pods glabrous, pruinose.~Acacia dealbata 418*~Young leaves silver grey or rusty; glands ± hemispherical; pods densely silvery grey to rusty-hairy.~Acacia mollifolia 419~Branchlets and leaf axes with greyish long and spreading or tuberculate-based hairs.~Acacia irrorata 419*~Branchlets and leaf axes ± glabrous or with appressed hairs, but hairs neither long and spreading nor tuberculate-based.~420 420~Stems blue-glaucous or blue-brown or blue-black; petiole with 1-several glands; 1–3 interjugary glands usually present on rachis between each pair of pinnae or sometimes absent; new growth white or cream-coloured to dark yellow.~Acacia parvipinnula 420*~Stems brown or blackish or green or grey-brown, not glaucous; petiole with 1 gland; 1–3 interjugary glands usually irregularly present on rachis between each pair of pinnae, but not present on all leaves; new growth yellow or greenish yellow.~421 421~Heads with 20–50 flowers; pinnules glabrous except for appressed-ciliate margins; leaves usually with 8 or more pairs of pinnae; chiefly east and south from the CT (mainly in the Sydney Basin).~Acacia parramattensis 421*~Heads with 15–30 flowers; pinnules densely to sparsely hairy, or ± glabrous; leaves usually with 8 or fewer pairs of pinnae; mostly north, south and west from the CT.~Acacia deanei #{gn}Juncus 1~Leaves numerous, flat, involute, canaliculate, terete, or filiform, spread along the culms or all basal (if terete, leaves septate or spread along culms); inflorescence obviously terminal (rarely apparently lateral)~2 1*~Leaves reduced to basal sheathing cataphylls or 1 or 2 well-developed terete basal leaves similar to culms, not septate; inflorescence apparently lateral or obviously terminal, with the lowest involucral bract well-developed and appearing superficially to be a continuation of the culm~27 2~Leaves not septate, solid~3 2*~Leaves septate (if filiform, septa not very obvious), spread along culms, hollow or with very loose pith between septa~15 3~Flowers subtended by 2 bracteoles, solitary or loosely clustered (densely clustered in Juncus bufonius (occasionally) and in J. homalocaulis); leaves basal or both basal and cauline; auricles present or absent~4 3*~Flowers without bracteoles, more or less densely clustered; leaves all basal (except in Juncus falcatus); auricles absent~10 4~Annuals; auricles absent but often with hyaline margins narrowing abruptly at top of sheath; both cauline and basal leaves present on a plant~Juncus bufonius 4*~Perennials; auricles present; leaves all basal~5 5~Leaves flat (may be inrolled when dried)~6 5*~Leaves canaliculate or terete or filiform~7 6~Anthers 0.3–0.6 mm long, shorter than or equalling filaments; tepals 3.0–4.5 mm long~Juncus tenuis 6*~Anthers 1.2–2.0 mm long, longer than filaments; tepals 4.5–5.7 mm long~Juncus revolutus 7~Tepals no more than 3.0 mm long; base of plant with persistent fibrous remains of leaf sheaths; culms 0.2–0.5 mm diam~Juncus capillaceus 7*~Tepals more than 3.0 mm long (rarely as short as 2.8 mm in Juncus cognatus but then no fibrous remains persisting at base of plant); culms 0.5–2 mm diam~8 8~Flowers in more or less stellate, dense clusters; stamens mostly 3, occasionally 4 to 6; outer tepals 5–6(–7.5) mm long, much longer than inner (by 0.5–1 mm)~Juncus homalocaulis 8*~Flowers solitary, evenly spread along ultimate branches of inflorescence; stamens 6; outer tepals 2.8–4.2 mm long, equalling or exceeding inner tepals by less than 0.5 mm~9 9~Capsule much longer than tepals (by 1–2 mm); anthers 0.7–1.1 mm long~Juncus imbricatus 9*~Capsule about as long as tepals (slightly shorter than to slightly exceeding them); anthers 0.3–0.6 mm long~Juncus cognatus 10~Perennials (but often flowering in first year)~11 10*~Annuals~Juncus capitatus 11~Tepals less than 3.5 mm long (rarely 3.5 mm long in Juncus antarcticus, and then leaves 0.2–0.5 mm wide); leaves 0.2–11 mm wide~12 11*~Tepals longer than or equalling 3.5 mm long; leaves 1–3 mm wide~14 12~Plants dwarf, mat-forming, with a slender rhizome; culms 0.5–6 (rarely to 12) cm long; stamens 3 or rarely 6~Juncus antarcticus 12*~Plants tufted, not mat-forming, with or without a rhizome; culms mostly 15–60 cm long (occasionally as short as 5 cm); stamens 3 or 6~13 13~Stamens 3; leaves 1.5–11 mm wide; tepals with more or less narrow hyaline margins; anthers 0.3–0.5 mm long, usually shorter than filaments; capsule exceeding or occasionally equalling outer tepals~Juncus planifolius 13*~Stamens 6; leaves 1–2 (rarely to 2.5) mm wide; inner tepals with broad whitish margins; anthers 0.4–0.8 mm long, more or less equalling filament length; capsule shorter than or equalling outer tepals~Juncus caespiticius 14~Inflorescence of 1 or 2 (rarely 4) heads; culms, bracts and tepals more or less scaberulous; capsule longer than or equalling tepals, short-apiculate; often 1 or 2 cauline leaves present as well as basal~Juncus falcatus 14*~Inflorescence diffuse, with 8–25 clusters at apex of branches; culms, bracts and tepals smooth; capsule much shorter than tepals, long-beaked; leaves all basal~Juncus capensis 15~Leaves unitubulose (i.e. with transverse septa only - determined by carefully splitting the culm) or leaves less than 1 mm diam. (and therefore not easy to determine position of septa)~16 15*~Leaves pluritubulose~26 16*~Seeds 0.3–0.7 mm long, not tailed~17 16~Seeds 1.3–1.9 mm long, tailed at both ends~Juncus canadensis 17~Stamens 3~18 17*~Stamens 4–6~19 18~Slender plants with culms 6–30 cm long; leaves more or less filiform, 0.3–0.7(–1.2) mm diam., pluritubulose but septa not obvious; inflorescence 2–7 cm long~Juncus bulbosus 18*~Moderately robust plants with culms 25–60 cm long; leaves 1–2.6 mm diam., clearly unitubulose; inflorescence 9–18 cm long~Juncus acuminatus 19~Dwarf plants with culms no more than 10 cm long at maturity (rarely to 14 cm in Juncus sandwithii); leaves more or less filiform, usually less than 1.0 mm diam.; with septa often not obvious~20 19*~Plants with culms mostly 20–80 cm long (occasionally longer; if shorter, then with more or less numerous clusters and more or less numerous flowers, or inflorescence with more than 3 clusters, each with more than 4 flowers); leaves broader than filiform, 1–4 mm diam., with transverse septa usually obvious~22 20~Auricles 1–2 mm long; capsule obtuse, shortly apiculate; tufted~Juncus bulbosus 20*~Auricles c. 0.5 mm long; capsule acuminate, long- or short-beaked; shortly rhizomatous, mat-forming~21 21~Outer tepals slightly exceeding to slightly shorter than inner tepals; inner tepals acute, with more or less narrow hyaline margins; stamens shorter than tepals; capsule longer than tepals by 0.7–1.5 mm~Juncus sandwithii 21*~Outer tepals shorter than inner tepals by up to 0.5 mm; inner tepals obtuse to broad-acute, with broad hyaline margins; stamens longer than or equalling tepals; capsule equalling or exceeding tepals by up to 0.5 mm~Juncus thompsonianus 22~Capsule tapering evenly from base into long beak, longer than tepals by 1–2 mm~Juncus fockei 22*~Capsule with short or long beak but not tapering evenly from base (body of capsule ovate, oblong or obovate in outline, contracting more or less abruptly to a beak)~23 23~Anthers longer than or equalling filaments; auricles 0.7–1.5 mm long~24 23*~Anthers shorter than filaments; auricles 1.5–3.5 mm long~25 24~Rhizome robust, 2–5 mm diam.; outer tepals usually shorter than inner; tepals with long-acuminate apices strongly reflexed at maturity~Juncus acutiflorus 24*~Rhizome absent or slender (less than 2 mm diam.); outer tepals usually longer than or equalling inner; tepals with acute to obtuse or acuminate apices erect or only slightly reflexed~Juncus articulatus 25~Capsule red-brown at least near apex, obtuse, usually shorter than tepals; tepals with usually broad whitish margins; seeds 0.3–0.4(–0.5) mm long~Juncus microcephalus 25*~Capsule golden brown, acute, subequal to tepals; tepals with broad hyaline to yellowish margins; seeds 0.4–0.6 mm long~Juncus holoschoenus 26~Leaves terete or canaliculate, 0.3–1.2 mm diam.; anthers longer than or equalling filaments; capsule obtuse, apiculate~Juncus bulbosus 26*~Leaves flattened, 1.3–3.2 mm wide; anthers shorter than filaments; capsule tapering more or less evenly to long-acuminate apex~Juncus prismatocarpus 27~Flowers without bracteoles; leaves and bracts pungent; 1 or 2 terete leaves similar to culms present, as well as several cataphylls~28 27*~Flowers subtended by 2 bracteoles; leaves and bracts acute but not pungent; leaves all reduced to cataphylls on flowering plants (vegetative shoots are long, terete leaf-like)~29 28~Capsule much longer than tepals, golden brown to chestnut-brown; anthers 1.2–1.7 mm long; seeds tailed at both ends, 1.3–1.8 mm long; inner tepals with broad whitish margins (readily deciduous) near apex~Juncus acutus 28*~Capsule slightly exceeding to slightly less than tepals, golden brown to red-brown to blackish; anthers 0.5–1.0 mm long; seeds not tailed, 0.5–0.8 mm long; inner tepals with more or less narrow hyaline margins near apex~Juncus kraussii 29~Inflorescence branches, upper culms and mid-region of tepals finely scabrous~Juncus radula 29*~Plants not scabrous~30 30~Plants unisexual (rudimentary parts of the other sex present)~31 30*~Plants bisexual~32 31~Culm striations 35–60; culms 65–125 cm long, 1.6–3.2 mm diam.; stomates sunken below surface of culm~Juncus psammophilus 31*~Culm striations 100–200; culms 120–400 cm long, 4–9 mm diam.; stomates superficial~Juncus ingens 32~Pith continuous (may be dense or more loose, but without distinct lacunae) at least in middle portion of culms~33 32*~Pith interrupted (with obvious lacunae in the pith) at least in middle portion of culms~50 33~Stamens usually 6 (occasionally fewer in some flowers in an inflorescence)~34 33*~Stamens usually 3 (occasionally more in some flowers in an inflorescence)~38 34~Culm striations greater than 40; culms greater than or equalling 2.5 mm diam.; cataphylls more or less lax~35 34*~Culm striations 40 or less; culms less than 2.5 mm diam.; cataphylls more or less tight~36 35~Capsule without red-brown flecks on adaxial surface, usually exceeding tepals (occasionally equalling them); flowers loosely clustered or solitary and spread out along the branches of the inflorescence (rarely densely clustered but if so then not in several discrete clusters)~Juncus pallidus 35*~Mature capsule with red-brown flecks on adaxial surface, usually shorter than tepals (occasionally equalling them); flowers in dense, distant clusters at apex of branches~Juncus vaginatus 36~Flowers in dense distant clusters at apex of branches; culms 1.5–4.5 mm diam.; mature capsule with red-brown flecks adaxially~Juncus vaginatus 36*~Flowers solitary and spread out along the branches of the inflorescence; culms 0.5–1.7 mm diam. (rarely to 2.5 mm in Juncus pauciflorus); capsule without red-brown flecks adaxially~37 37~Outer tepals 2.0–2.8 mm long; culms mid-green, very glossy~Juncus pauciflorus 37*~Outer tepals 2.9–3.1 mm long; culms grey-green, dull~Juncus dolichanthus 38~Striations 10–20; culms 15–45 cm long, 0.6–1.2 mm diam.; inflorescence shorter than or equalling 3 cm long and flowers in 1–several dense discrete clusters~Juncus filicaulis 38*~Striations 20–120; culms 50–170 cm long, 1.3–8.5 cm diam.; inflorescence longer than 3 cm long (occasionally culms and inflorescences slightly smaller in Juncus usitatus but then flowers solitary and spread along branches, and culms yellow-green to mid-green)~39 39~Inflorescence reddish overall (capsules red-brown to dark red-brown and tepals with red-brown sides)~Juncus phaeanthus 39*~Inflorescence straw-coloured to golden brown overall (although either capsules or tepals may occasionally be red-brown)~40 40~Inflorescence with flowers in discrete dense clusters at apex of branches~41 40*~Inflorescence with flowers solitary and spread along the branches or loosely clustered towards apex of branches~44 41~Stomates deeply sunken below culm surface in straight-sided pits~Juncus australis 41*~Stomates superficial or slightly sunken below culm surface~42 42~Culms yellow-green to mid-green, not glaucous~Juncus alexandri 42*~Culms grey-green to blue-green, often glaucous~43 43~Culms 55–110 cm long, 2.2–5 mm diam.; stomates slightly sunken~Juncus firmus 43*~Culms 90–160 cm long, 3.5–8.5 mm diam.; stomates superficial~Juncus semisolidus 44~Culms grey-green to blue-green, often glaucous~45 44*~Culms yellow-green to mid-green, not glaucous~46 45~Culms 55–110 cm long, 2.2–5 mm diam.; stomates slightly sunken~Juncus firmus 45*~Culms 90–160 cm long, 3.5–8.5 mm diam.; stomates superficial~Juncus semisolidus 46~Cataphylls coppery to dark golden brown adaxially, lax or tightly enclosing culm; culms soft or more or less hard~47 46*~Cataphylls silvery to pale golden brown adaxially, more or less tightly clasping culm; culms more or less soft~49 47~Cataphylls dull, tightly enclosing culm; culms soft; capsule mostly shorter than outer tepals~Juncus effusus 47*~Cataphylls glossy at least near base, lax; culms more or less hard; capsule mostly exceeding outer tepals~48 48~Pith usually slightly interrupted near apex or base; cataphylls usually dark yellow-brown to dark red-brown abaxially, rarely black at very base~Juncus laeviusculus 48*~Pith always continuous; cataphylls mostly dark red-brown but usually black at very base~Juncus alexandri 49~Cataphylls yellow to dark yellow-brown abaxially; striations 35–80~Juncus continuus 49*~Cataphylls red-brown or occasionally golden brown; striations 20–40~Juncus usitatus 50~Culms no more than 2.5 mm diam. (about halfway along culm)~51 50*~Culms more than 2.5 mm diam. (about halfway along culm)~75 51~Culm striations less than 25~52 51*~Culm striations at least 25~56 52~Culms grey-green to blue-green, occasionally glaucous~53 52*~Culms yellow-green to mid-green, never glaucous~55 53~Stomates sunken in sloping-sided pits; cataphylls golden brown to coppery adaxially, usually dark red-brown to black abaxially; striations widely spaced; inflorescence 6–15 cm long~Juncus sarophorus 53*~Stomates superficial; cataphylls silvery to pale golden brown adaxially, straw-brown to dark yellow-brown abaxially; striations closely packed; inflorescence mostly 1.5–7 cm long~54 54~Inflorescence head-like or occasionally with 1 or 2 extra dense clusters; striations longer than or equalling 0.1 mm wide; tepals frequently red-tinged~Juncus filicaulis 54*~Inflorescence with flowers spread out along the branches or clustered; striations mostly less than 0.1 mm wide; tepals occasionally red-tinged~Juncus subsecundus 55~Cataphylls red-brown to golden brown abaxially; culms more or less soft~Juncus usitatus 55*~Cataphylls pale yellow to pale golden brown abaxially; culms more or less hard~Juncus ochrocoleus 56~Inflorescence reddish overall (capsules red-brown to dark red-brown and tepals with red-brown sides)~Juncus phaeanthus 56*~Inflorescence straw-brown to dark golden brown overall (although either capsules or tepals may occasionally be at least partly red-brown)~57 57~Stomates deeply sunken below surface of culm~58 57*~Stomates superficial~60 58~Stomates in sloping-sided pits; striations 20–40, widely separated; anthers 0.3–0.5 mm long~Juncus sarophorus 58*~Stomates in straight-sided pits; striations 35–90, more or less closely packed; anthers 0.5–1.0 mm long~59 59~Cataphylls dark yellow-brown to red-brown; tepals with narrow hyaline margins~Juncus australis 59*~Cataphylls yellow to dark golden brown; tepals with more or less broad hyaline margins~Juncus flavidus 60~Outer tepals longer than 2.5 mm long~61 60*~Outer tepals less than or equalling 2.5 mm long~63 61~Culms hard; striations usually 15–30, rarely to 40; inflorescence usually 1–5 cm long~Juncus subsecundus 61*~Culms soft; striations 25–115; inflorescence 7–19 cm long~62 62~Cataphylls yellow to dark yellow-brown; capsule shorter than or equalling outer tepals; lowest involucral bract often shorter than inflorescence~Juncus remotiflorus 62*~Cataphylls usually pink-brown to red-brown; capsule longer than outer tepals; lowest involucral bract longer than inflorescence~Juncus aridicola 63~Inflorescence of several dense discrete clusters of flowers at the apex of branches~64 63*~Inflorescence diffuse, with flowers evenly spread along branches or loosely clustered towards the apex of the branches~67 64~Culms yellow-green to mid-green, not glaucous~Juncus gregiflorus 64*~Culms grey-green to blue-green, often glaucuous~65 65~Cataphylls straw-brown to dark yellow-brown, more or less tight; striations mostly less than 30; culms mostly less than 1.4 mm diam.; outer tepals mostly 2.5–4 mm long~Juncus subsecundus 65*~Cataphylls mostly red-brown to black (rarely yellow-brown), more or less lax; striations 30–60; culms mostly 1.4–2.5 mm diam.; outer tepals 1.8–2.6 mm long~66 66~Culms hard; inflorescence 4–15 cm long~Juncus subglaucus 66*~Culms soft; inflorescence usually 1–5 cm long~Juncus amabilis 67~Culms grey-green to blue-green, often glaucous~68 67*~Culms yellow-green to mid-green, not glaucous~71 68~Tepals acute to obtuse; cataphylls adaxially coppery to golden brown~Juncus polyanthemus 68*~Tepals acuminate to acute, often mucronate; cataphylls adaxially silvery to occasionally golden brown~69 69~Striations mostly 15–30~Juncus subsecundus 69*~Striations 35–115~70 70~Culms hard; striations 35–55; inflorescence branches more or less straight~Juncus subglaucus 70*~Culms soft; striations 40–115; inflorescence branches often strongly flexuous~Juncus aridicola 71~Cataphylls abaxially pale yellow to pale golden brown~Juncus ochrocoleus 71*~Cataphylls abaxially dark yellow-brown to pink-brown, red-brown or black~72 72~Cataphylls tightly enclosing culms; tepals with broad hyaline margins~73 72*~Cataphylls lax; tepals mostly with narrow hyaline margins~74 73~Culms less than 2.0 mm diam~Juncus usitatus 73*~Culms 2.1–4 mm diam~Juncus mollis 74~Culms hard; inflorescence 3–10 cm long; anthers longer than or equalling filaments~Juncus laeviusculus 74*~Culms more or less soft; inflorescence 1–5 cm long; anthers shorter than or equalling filaments~Juncus gregiflorus 75~Inflorescence reddish overall (capsules red-brown to dark red-brown and tepals with red-brown sides)~Juncus phaeanthus 75*~Inflorescence straw-brown to dark golden-brown overall (although either capsules or tepals may occasionally be at least partly red-brown)~76 76~Stomates sunken below culm surface~77 76*~Stomates superficial~79 77~Stomates in sloping-sided pits; striations 20–40, widely separated; anthers 0.3–0.7 mm long~Juncus sarophorus 77*~Stomates in straight-sided pits; striations 35–90, more or less closely packed; anthers 0.5–1.0 mm long~78 78~Cataphylls dark yellow-brown to red-brown; tepals with narrow hyaline margins~Juncus australis 78*~Cataphylls yellow to dark golden-brown; tepals with more or less broad hyaline margins~Juncus flavidus 79~Culms grey-green to blue-green, often glaucous~80 79*~Culms yellow-green to mid-green, not glaucous~82 80~Culms more or less hard; cataphylls abaxially dark red-brown to black~Juncus semisolidus 80*~Culms more or less soft; cataphylls abaxially pink-brown to red-brown~81 81~Cataphylls golden brown to coppery adaxially; seeds 0.4–0.5 mm long~Juncus polyanthemus 81*~Cataphylls silvery to pale golden brown adaxially; seeds 0.3–0.4 mm long~Juncus aridicola 82~Inflorescence of discrete dense clusters of flowers at the apex of branches~83 82*~Inflorescence diffuse, with flowers spread evenly along branches or in loose clusters towards apex of branches~85 83~Culms hard; lowest involucral bract mostly shorter than or equalling inflorescence~Juncus brevibracteus 83*~Culms more or less soft; lowest involucral bract mostly longer than inflorescence~84 84~Culms 3–10 mm diam.; striations 65–160; outer tepals 2.0–3.0 mm long, with more or less broad hyaline margins~Juncus procerus 84*~Culms 1–3 mm diam.; striations 30–65; outer tepals 1.6–2.2 mm long, with narrow hyaline margins~Juncus gregiflorus 85~Cataphylls abaxially pale yellow to pale golden brown~Juncus ochrocoleus 85*~Cataphylls abaxially dark yellow-brown to pink-brown, dark red-brown or black~86 86~Culms soft~87 86*~Culms hard~88 87~Flowers in loose to dense clusters; cataphylls lax~Juncus gregiflorus 87*~Flowers solitary along branches of inflorescence; cataphylls tightly enclosing culms~Juncus mollis 88~Tepals with narrow hyaline margins~89 88*~Tepals with broad hyaline margins~90 89~Anthers longer than or equalling filaments; capsule golden brown~Juncus laeviusculus 89*~Anthers shorter than filaments; capsule dark golden brown to red-brown~Juncus brevibracteus 90~Capsule longer than or equalling outer tepals; lowest involucral bract mostly shorter than or equalling inflorescence; culms 1.7–2.9 mm diam~Juncus laeviusculus 90*~Capsule shorter than or equalling outer tepals; lowest involucral bract mostly longer than inflorescence; culms 3–10 mm diam~Juncus procerus #{gn}Veronica 1~Annual or perennial herbs or semiwoody perennials;fruit capsule usually strongly laterally compressed, septicidal and often partly loculicidal~2 1*~Woody perennials or subshrubs;fruit capsule usually not strongly compressed,septicidal and often partly loculicidal~16 2~Herbs growing in or near water; stems hollow, glabrous, mostly more than 30 cm high~3 2*~Herbs of non-aquatic sites; stems not hollow, pilose, mostly less than 30 cm high~4 3~Flowers blue or lilac, capsule usually slightly longer than broad and not or scarcely emarginate; fruiting pedicels ascending, mostly 5–6 mm long and longer than bracts~Veronica anagallis-aquatica 3*~Flowers pink, capsule usually broader than long and slightly emarginate; fruiting pedicels spreading, mostly 2.5–3 mm long and shorter than bracts~Veronica catenata 4~Perennial herbs, flowers in lateral racemes with bracts distinctly smaller than leaves~5 4*~Annual or perennial herbs, flowers in axils of leaves or bracts on upper parts of leafy stems (ie. internal racemes); bracts similar to or much smaller than leaves~12 5~Plant with above-ground stolons or prostrate stems~6 5*~Plant with underground rhizomes~10 6~Leaves mostly more than 30 mm long~7 6*~Leaves mostly less than 30 mm long~8 7~Leaves with base cuneate; capsules shallowly obcordate with rounded lobes; calyx lobes often glabrous toward apex; stem hairs mostly long and spreading~Veronica notabilis 7*~Leaves with base mostly truncate; capsules slightly emarginate with somewhat diverging lobes; calyx lobes usually finely ciliate on margins and apex; stem hairs mostly short, slender and antrorsely curved~Veronica grosseserrata 8~Leaves with rounded or subacute apex and teeth; hairs on stems 1–2 mm long~Veronica calycina 8*~Leaves with acute apex and teeth; hairs on stems all or mostly less than 0.4 mm long~9 9~Leaves with 3–8 teeth along each margin; very short stem hairs often mixed with longer hairs and not confined to lateral bands~Veronica plebeia 9*~Leaves with 2–5 teeth along each margin; hairs on stems very short and inconspicuous, usually all less than 0.4 mm long, confined to lateral bands~Veronica brownii 10~Calyx lobes in fruit elliptic to broad-obovate, 2.5–4 mm wide~Veronica sobolifera 10*~Calyx lobes in fruit linear to narrow-obovate, 0.8–2.5 mm wide~11 11~Stems with fine rigid hairs c. 0.5 mm long; leaves narrow-ovate or linear, mostly 1.5–4 mm wide, entire or with 1–4 pairs of spreading teeth; capsule broader than long, upper margin with scattered hairs~Veronica gracilis 11*~Stems with very short hairs c. 0.1 mm long; leaves linear, mostly 0.6–2 mm wide, entire; capsule longer than broad, glabrous~Veronica subtilis 12~Pedicels more than 5 mm long in fruit~13 12*~Pedicels less than 5 mm long in fruit~14 13~Pedicels 30–40 mm long in fruit; capsules distinctly broader than long~Veronica persica 13*~Pedicels 12–18 mm long in fruit; capsules slightly broader than long~Veronica hederifolia 14~Leaves ovate-triangular, coarsely toothed or crenate with obtuse teeth; bracts lanceolate or linear, acute~Veronica arvensis 14*~Leaves narrow- or broad-elliptic, entire or finely toothed~15 15~Leaves narrow-elliptic; style c. 0.2 mm long in fruit so that stigma appears sessile~Veronica peregrina 15*~Leaves broad-elliptic, style 1.3–2.7 mm long in fruit~Veronica serpyllifolia 16~Alpine prostrate sub-shrub usually less than 10 cm high with densely crowded leaves in 4 ranks: fruit slightly compressed laterally, obovate~Veronica densifolia 16*~Not as above~17 17~Leaves broad-ovate and toothed with the underside bright purple; found in the Central Tablelands~Veronica lithophila 17*~Not as above~18 18~Leaves linear or with linear lobes or divisions, not glaucous; capsules emarginate~19 18*~Leaves very narrow-ovate to wide-ovate, green or glaucous; capsules acute or truncate or emarginate~20 19~Leaves pinnately divided with the primary segments about a third to half as long as the leaves and often further divided or lobed; leaves usually in compact clusters on very short lateral branches at the lower nodes; capsules strongly compressed, 1–1.5 mm thick~Veronica nivea 19*~Leaves entire or with teeth or lobes less than a fifth as long as the leaf; lateral branches not developing compact clusters of leaves; capsules compressed, 1.5–2 mm thick~Veronica arenaria 20~Plant not conspicuously glaucous (except sometimes the lower surfaces of leaves); stems hairy with sparse or dense short hairs or glabrous; leaves with 15–80 teeth along each margin~21 20*~Vegetative parts glabrous and glaucous; leaves entire or with up to 22 teeth along each margin~22 21~Leaves glabrous or with only margins sparsely ciliate; hairs on stems usually denser in longitudinal bands, hairs 0.2–2 mm long; flowers white or pale lilac or pale blue~Veronica derwentiana 21*~Leaves and stems densely and evenly covered with very short hairs 0.1–0.3 mm long; flowers violet-blue or pale lavender~Veronica velutina 22~Leaves often V-shaped in cross section, recurved, with 6–18 teeth along each margin; capsules obtuse or truncate or emarginate~23 22*~Leaves mostly flat and spreading, entire or toothed, with up to 10 or rarely more teeth along each margin; capsules acute or obtuse~Veronica perfoliata 23~Corolla 6–7 mm long; capsules truncate or emarginate, 3–6.5 mm long~Veronica blakelyi 23*~Corolla 9.5–11 mm long; capsules obtuse or truncate, mostly 6–9.5 mm long~Veronica arcuata #{sp}Isotoma fluviatilis 1~Flowers unisexual and plants dioecious; corolla 4–7 mm long, inner surface glabrous. Leaves 5–15 mm long. Ovary with short sparse or long dense hairs. Female flowers with corolla 4–6 mm long; anthers small, pale without pollen; ovary 4–5 mm long, ovules fertile. Male flowers with corolla usually 4–7 mm long; anthers blue-black, pollen fertile; stigma rarely exerted from the anther tube, ovary 1–2 mm long, ovules absent or rarely 1 or 2~subsp. fluviatilis 1*~Flowers bisexual; corolla 6–15 mm long, inner surface hairy~2 2~Corolla 6–10 mm long; leaves 5–12 mm long, 2–5 mm broad; pedicels 5–40 mm long in flower, to 60 mm in fruit. Corolla tube and lobes hairy inside. Ovary glabrous or minutely pubescent.~subsp. borealis 2*~Corolla 7–15 mm long; leaves 5–13 mm long, 2–7 mm wide; pedicels 3–85 mm long. Corolla blue, rarely pinkish, tube and lobes hairy inside. Ovary mostly glabrous~subsp. australis #{sp}Ptilotus nobilis 1~Leaves 10–40 mm wide with margins straight; flowers always purple~subsp. semilanatus 1*~Leaves 2–6 mm wide with margins undulate; flowers purple-pink or creamy-white to greenish-white~subsp. nobilis #{gn}Pterostylis 1~Lateral sepals erect and embracing the galea; flowers usually 1 or rarely 2~2 1*~Lateral sepals deflexed away from the galea; flowers usually more than 2 or rarely 2~45 2~Flower solitary (rarely 2)~3 2*~Flowers 2 or more, rosette leaves attached to a growth arising laterally from the base of a scape~44 3~Rosette leaves encircling the base of the scape~4 3*~Rosette leaves only developed on non-flowering plants~39 4~Rosette leaves petiolate, tightly grouped at the base of the scape~5 4*~Rosette leaves sessile, grouped in a loose spiral in the basal third of the scape~19 5~Labellum apex conspicuously notched~6 5*~Labellum apex entire~9 6~Labellum apex just visible, not protruding through the front of the sinus in the set position~Pterostylis concinna 6*~Distal third of labellum protruding conspicuously through the sinus in the set position~7 7~Flower 2–2.5 cm long~Pterostylis x conoglossa 7*~Flower 3–5 cm long~8 8~Rosette leaves dull, flower semi-nodding, lobes of labellum notch nearly parallel~Pterostylis ophioglossa 8*~Rosette leaves shiny, flower erect, lobes of labellum notch widely spreading~Pterostylis collina 9~Labellum not protruding through the front of the sinus in the set position, either the tip just visible or the whole labellum enclosed and not visible~10 9*~Distal quarter to third of the labellum protruding through the front of the sinus in the set position~13 10~Sepals all with filiform points of similar length~Pterostylis pedoglossa 10*~Dorsal sepal much shorter than the lateral sepals~11 11~Lateral sepals tightly embracing the galea, no lateral gap visible~Pterostylis nana 11*~Lateral sepals loosely embracing the galea, leaving a lateral gap~12 12~Flower c. 1.5 cm long, apex of galea horizontal or decurved, labellum ovate~Pterostylis pedunculata 12*~Flower c. 2 cm long, apex of galea obliquely erect, labellum ovate-oblong~Pterostylis erecta 13~Apex of labellum acuminate~Pterostylis acuminata 13*~Apex of labellum obtuse to subacute~14 14~Flower conspicuously nodding~15 14*~Flower erect to semi-erect, not conspicuously nodding~16 15~Flower c. 2.5 cm long, labellum 12–16 mm long~Pterostylis nutans 15*~Flower c. 1.5 cm long, labellum 9–13 mm long~Pterostylis hispidula 16~Flowers 5–6 cm long, erect~Pterostylis baptistii 16*~Flowers semi-erect, 2–3.5 cm long~17 17~Labellum scabrid, distal half protruding from the sinus in the set position~Pterostylis x ingens 17*~Labellum smooth, the tip to distal quarter protruding from the sinus in the set position~18 18~Flower c. 3.5 cm long, labellum tip twisted prominently to one side~Pterostylis curta 18*~Flower 2–2.5 cm long, labellum tip straight (not twisted)~Pterostylis hildae 19~Labellum apex notched~20 19*~Labellum apex entire~21 20~Flower c. 3 cm long, green and white, stem leaves ovate~Pterostylis x furcillata 20*~Flower c. 3.5 cm long, heavily suffused with red, stem leaves lanceolate~Pterostylis pulchella 21~Dorsal sepal acute to acuminate, lacking a filiform point~22 21*~Dorsal sepal with a distinct filiform apical point, at least 4 mm long~24 22~Petal margins prominently flared, dark red-brown, distal half of labellum linear to filiform with a slightly expanded apex~Pterostylis grandiflora 22*~Petal margins decurved, green to light brown, labellum tapered in distal half but not linear to filiform, apex acute to subacute~23 23~Flower c. 2 cm long, lateral sepal points erect, labellum strongly curved~Pterostylis longicurva 23*~Flower 4–5 cm long, lateral sepal points widely divergent, labellum shallowly curved~Pterostylis truncata 24~Sinus V-shaped when viewed from the front~25 24*~Sinus flat or raised, often with a small central notch when viewed from the front~29 25~Labellum not protruding from the sinus in the set position, apex obtuse, truncate or slightly notched~Pterostylis fischii 25*~Labellum protruding from the sinus in the set position, apex long-acuminate~26 26~Flower erect~Pterostylis reflexa 26*~Flower semi-erect to semi-nodding~27 27~Flower 4.5–7 cm long, galea with a long sweeping shallow curve. labellum 18–24 mm long~Pterostylis sp. B sensu Harden (1993) 27*~Flower 2–3 cm long, galea with a short curve, labellum 12–17 mm long~28 28~Flower pale green and white~Pterostylis revoluta 28*~Flower heavily suffused with light brown to dark brown~Pterostylis longipetala 29~Sinus abruptly protruding and platform-like when viewed from the side~30 29*~Sinus flat or shallowly mounded or curved when viewed from the side, never platform-like~35 30~Distal third of labellum protruding from the sinus in the set position~31 30*~Labellum tip barely visible through the sinus in the set position~32 31~Flower bluish green and white, labellum 15–19 mm long (CT, ST)~Pterostylis aestiva 31*~Flower dark green and white, labellum 13–15 mm long (NC)~Pterostylis russellii 32~Flower less than 2 cm long~Pterostylis alveata 32*~Flower more than 2 cm long~33 33~Flower green and white with red-brown suffusions in the galea~34 33*~Flower green and white only, labellum 9–11 mm long~Pterostylis obtusa 34~Flower 2–2.5 cm long, labellum 11–13 mm long~Pterostylis decurva 34*~Flower 3.5–4 cm long, labellum 15–17 mm long~Pterostylis abrupta 35~Flower more than 3 cm long~36 35*~Flower 2–2.5 cm long~37 36~Sinus scabrid, labellum protruding prominently from the sinus in the set position~Pterostylis coccina 36*~Sinus smooth, labellum tip just visible in the set position~Pterostylis robusta 37~Labellum tip just visible in the set position~Pterostylis striata 37*~Labellum protruding prominently from the sinus in the set position~38 38~Flowers semi-nodding, labellum evenly curved throughout~Pterostylis laxa 38*~Flower erect, labellum curved forwards suddenly in the distal third~Pterostylis decurva 39~Labellum dark blue-green~Pterostylis dubia 39*~Labellum dark green to brownish, never blue-green~40 40~Flower c. 2 cm long, lateral sepals tightly embracing the galea, no lateral gap visible~Pterostylis foliata 40*~Flower 3 cm or more long, lateral sepals loosely embracing the galea leaving a lateral gap~41 41~Flower with dark brown stripes and suffusions~Pterostylis riparia 41*~Flower green and white~42 42~Scape smooth~Pterostylis furcata 42*~Scape scabrid~43 43~Flower c. 3 cm long, sinus protruding prominently in an abrupt curve when viewed from the side, free points reflexed behind the galea~Pterostylis alpina 43*~Flower 4–5 cm long, sinus protruding in a shallow curve when viewed from the side, free points erect above the galea~Pterostylis monticola 44~Flowers c. 7 mm long, green and white; labellum narrow-elliptic~Pterostylis parviflora 44*~Flowers c. 10 mm long, dark brown, green and white; labellum rhombic~Pterostylis nigricans 45~Labellum lamina filiform with an apical knob and numerous long yellow trichomes~Pterostylis plumosa 45*~Labellum flat, lacking an apical knob and yellow trichomes~46 46~Labellum with 2 lateral lobes developed as large basal extensions; rosette leaves attached to a growth arising laterally from the base of a scape~Pterostylis daintreana 46*~Labellum lacking lateral lobes or with poorly developed lateral lobes that do not extend basally; rosette either stem-encircling or only on non-flowering plants~47 47~Stem leaves well-developed and spreading, rosette only developed on non-flowering plants~48 47*~Stem leaves reduced and tightly sheathing the peduncle, rosette leaves encircling the base of a scape~49 48~Flowers c. 1.5 cm long, labellum 2.5–3 mm wide, pale green with a blackish central stripe, with numerous transparent, acicular trichomes~Pterostylis longifolia 48*~Flowers c. 1 cm long, labellum 1.5–2 mm wide, wholly dark brown, with very few transparent, acicular trichomes~Pterostylis tunstallii 49~Labellum lamina glabrous, thin and membranous, with a well-developed dark-coloured basal appendage~50 49*~Labellum lamina thick and fleshy, covered with transparent siliceous cells, basal appendage absent or poorly developed, margins with spreading trichomes~52 50~Labellum appendage erect, central lobe produced into a beak-like structure~51 50*~Labellum appendage recurved, central lobe not produced into a knob-like structure~Pterostylis mutica 51~Flowers c. 8 mm long, labellum appendage dark green, central lobe of appendage prolonged and pointed~Pterostylis cycnocephala 51*~Flowers c. 1 cm long, labellum appendage blackish, central lobe of appendage short and blunt~Pterostylis bicolor 52~Labellum with 2 prominent basal trichomes 2.5–6 mm long, arising near the base and directed forwards~53 52*~Labellum lacking 2 prominent, erect basal trichomes, those trichomes present in basal area less than 2 mm long~55 53~Basal lobe of the labellum c. 3 mm long, filamentous tips of lateral sepals c. 10 cm or more long~Pterostylis woollsii 53*~Basal lobe of the labellum c. 1 mm long, filamentous tips of lateral sepals less than 2 cm long~54 54~Flowers transparent with green or light brown markings, labellum elliptic-oblong~Pterostylis biseta 54*~Flowers transparent with dark brown markings, labellum obovate~Pterostylis maxima 55~Labellum margins scalloped inwards between trichomes~Pterostylis lingua 55*~Labellum margins flat between trichomes~56 56~Lateral sepals reflexed back against the ovary~Pterostylis gibbosa 56*~Lateral sepals deflexed, not reflexed back against the ovary~57 57~Tips of lateral sepals hooked forwards~58 57*~Tips of lateral sepals deflexed or curved gently forwards, not hooked~60 58~Proximal flanges of petals not meeting leaving a gap, labellum wholly visible from the side~Pterostylis setifera 58*~Proximal flanges of petals meeting and blocking off the base of the galea, labellum not or only partially visible from the side~59 59~Flower c. 1.2 cm long~Pterostylis calceolus 59*~Flower c. 2 cm long~Pterostylis hamata 60~Dorsal sepal with a filiform point 8 mm or more long~61 60*~Dorsal sepal with a filiform point 3 mm long or less~63 61~Labellum widest near the base and tapered to the apex, lateral sepals deeply concave, the labellum not visible from the side in the set position~Pterostylis boormanii 61*~Labellum widest at or above the middle, lateral sepals flat to shallowly concave, the labellum visible from the side in the set position~62 62~Margins of lateral sepals densely ciliate, free points of lateral sepals 5–6 mm long, curved forwards~Pterostylis cobarensis 62*~Margins of lateral sepals glabrous or nearly so, free points of lateral sepals 7–20 mm long, deflexed or swept backwards~Pterostylis chaetophora 63~Labellum obovate, 4.5–5 mm long~64 63*~Labellum oblong, c. 4 mm long~65 64~Labellum broad-obovate, marginal trichomes 3–5 pairs~Pterostylis saxicola 64*~Labellum narrow-obovate, marginal trichomes 12–14 pairs~Pterostylis praetermissa 65~Flowers nodding~Pterostylis rufa 65*~Flowers more or less erect~66 66~Outer third of lateral sepal margins folded inwards and nearly touching beneath the labellum~Pterostylis pusilla 66*~Lateral sepals folded inwards at the very margins only~67 67~Flowers c. 4 mm wide, green and light brown, dull, lateral sepals swept back~Pterostylis aciculiformis 67*~Flowers c. 7 mm wide, reddish brown, shiny, lateral sepals deflexed~Pterostylis squamata #{gn}Hieracium 1~Plants with or without stolons; stems erect, not stiff with stem leaves absent or much reduced; inflorescence solitary or in a cluster~2 1*~Plants without stolons; stems erect and stiff and leafy; inflorescence an open round-topped cluster~Hieracium murorum 2~Flowers orange to red in an open round cluster; basal leaves with numerous simple hairs on upper surface and simple and stellate hairs on the lower surface~Hieracium aurantiacum 2*~Flowers yellow, sometimes with red stripes, solitary on a leafless stem; basal leaves with upper surface dark green with numerous long simple hairs, lower surface whitish from a dense mat of stellate hairs~Hieracium pilosella #{gn}Amyema 1~Leaves terete~2 1*~Leaves flat~4 2~Corolla glabrous~Amyema preissii 2*~Corolla tomentose~3 3~Tomentum of the corolla short, grey; corolla slender~Amyema cambagei 3*~Tomentum of the corolla long, white; corolla robust~Amyema linophylla subsp. orientalis 4~Inflorescences capitate, consisting of 2 sessile triads~Amyema maidenii 4*~Inflorescences umbellate~5 5~Flowers in dyads or triads, all pedicellate~6 5*~Flowers in triads or tetrads with at least the central flower sessile~7 6~Rays 2; flowers in dyads~Amyema bifurcata 6*~Rays 3–6; flowers in triads~Amyema miquelii 7~Calyx woolly-white below, glabrous or nearly so above~8 7*~Calyx not as above~9 8~Rays 2; lateral flowers of the triads shortly pedicellate~Amyema conspicuum 8*~Rays usually 4; all flowers of the triad sessile~Amyema lucasii 9~Rays of the umbel 2 or 3~10 9*~Rays of the umbel 3–5~12 10~Corolla less than 10 mm long~Amyema gaudichaudii 10*~Corolla more than 10 mm long~11 11~Corolla glabrous~Amyema miraculosum 11*~Corolla shortly and densely tomentose~Amyema quandang 12~Stems spreading; lamina less than 10 cm long, apex rounded~Amyema congener 12*~Stems pendent; lamina more than 10 cm long, apex acute~Amyema pendula #{gn}Nuttallanthus 1~Corolla 8–13 mm long, including 5 mm long spur, lower lip 2–6 mm long; seeds with low, entire longitudinal ridges, the intervening faces more or less smooth or with sparse, low tubercles; inflorescence with glandular hairs~Nuttallanthus canadensis 1*~Corolla 14–22 mm long, including 6–11 mm long spur, with lower lip 6–11 mm long; seeds densely tuberculate, without longitudinal ridges; inflorescence glabrous~Nuttallanthus texanus #{gn}Sannantha 1~Margins of leaves crenate or conspicuously irregular~Sannantha cunninghamii 1*~Margins of leaves entire or minutely and sharply toothed~2 2~Leaves >1.5 mm wide~3 2*~Leaves <1.5 mm wide~5 3~Leaves with midrib impressed on upper surface; 4-angular branchlets with undulating surface and crenate margins; inflorescences usually 3- or 7-flowered~Sannantha pluriflora 3*~Leaves without midrib impressed on either surface; 4-angular branchlets smooth or papillose with entire margins; inflorescences mostly 7-flowered~4 4~Leaves 1.7–2.5 mm wide; fruit c. 1.5 mm long; north from Dorrigo district~Sannantha collina 4*~Leaves 2.5–3.5 mm wide; fruit 2.5–3 mm long; south from near Wollomombi Falls~Sannantha crassa 5~Leaves ≤ 4 mm long~Sannantha whitei 5*~Leaves >5 mm long~6 6~Leaves 5.5–10 mm long and 0.5–1 mm wide, concolorous, plano-convex to concavo-convex; pedicels 1–3 mm long~Sannantha angusta 6*~Leaves 7–15 mm long and 1.1–1.5 mm wide, discolorous, flat; pedicels 2.5–4 mm long~Sannantha similis #{gn}Eucalyptus 1~Bark rough, persistent over entire trunk~2 1*~Bark smooth on trunk~170 2~Ironbarks~3 2*~Bark not ironbark~25 3~Stamens with filaments regularly inflexed, anthers cuboid~4 3*~Stamens with filaments irregularly flexed, anthers globose~17 4~Adult leaves strongly discolorous~5 4*~Adult leaves concolorous or weakly discolorous~6 5~Fruit 4-angled~Eucalyptus fergusonii 5*~Fruit not angled~Eucalyptus paniculata 6~Calyptra scar present~7 6*~No calyptra scar present~16 7~Adult leaves glossy~8 7*~Adult leaves dull~9 8~Longest petioles <20 mm long, largest adult leaves <15 cm long~Eucalyptus placita 8*~Longest petioles >20 mm long, largest adult leaves >15 cm long~Eucalyptus ancophila 9~Adult leaves <1.2 cm wide~Eucalyptus beyeriana 9*~Adult leaves >1.2 cm wide~10 10~Adult leaves green or grey-green~11 10*~Adult leaves glaucous~14 11~Fruit 4-angled~Eucalyptus tetrapleura 11*~Fruit not angled~12 12~Juvenile leaves glossy green~Eucalyptus ancophila 12*~Juvenile leaves dull, grey-green~13 13~Juvenile leaves lanceolate, 15–20 cm long~Eucalyptus fusiformis 13*~Juvenile leaves narrow-elliptic to elliptic, 3.5–9 cm long~Eucalyptus scopulorum 14~Fruit longer than broad; adult leaves acute~15 14*~Fruit shorter than broad; adult leaves rounded~Eucalyptus panda 15~Adult leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate~Eucalyptus caleyi 15*~Adult leaves narrow-lanceolate to lanceolate~Eucalyptus fusiformis 16~Inflorescences 3-flowered~Eucalyptus tricarpa 16*~Inflorescences >3-flowered~Eucalyptus sideroxylon 17~Adult leaves opposite, ovate to orbiculate~Eucalyptus melanophloia 17*~Adult leaves disjunct, broad-lanceolate or narrow-lanceolate~18 18~Valves distinctly exserted~19 18*~Valves not distinctly exserted~22 19~Buds not glaucous~20 19*~Buds glaucous~Eucalyptus nubila 20~Calyptra more than twice as long as hypanthium~Eucalyptus fibrosa 20*~Calyptra less than twice a long as hypanthium~21 21~Disc flat~Eucalyptus ophitica 21*~Disc depressed~Eucalyptus siderophloia 22~Calyptra conical, acute; juvenile leaves orbiculate to broad-lanceolate~23 22*~Calyptra rounded or obtuse; juvenile leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate~Eucalyptus crebra 23~Buds glaucous~Eucalyptus nubila 23*~Buds not glaucous~24 24~Juvenile leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate, apex acute or obtuse~Eucalyptus siderophloia 24*~Juvenile leaves orbiculate, apex rounded~Eucalyptus fracta 25~Stringybarks~26 25*~Not stringybarks~70 26~Fruit pyriform to conical, flat-topped; inflorescences aggregated or paired~27 26*~Fruit not as above; inflorescences usually solitary~28 27~Inflorescences axillary, often paired; calyptra scar absent~Eucalyptus fastigata 27*~Inflorescences aggregated at shoot tips; calyptra scar present~Eucalyptus microcorys 28~Fruit ovoid to urceolate and disc strongly depressed~29 28*~Fruit hemispherical to globose or ovoid; if ovoid then disc not strongly depressed~33 29~Fruit smooth~30 29*~Fruit ribbed~Eucalyptus planchoniana 30~Adult leaves concolorous~Eucalyptus obliqua 30*~Adult leaves strongly discolorous~31 31~Fruit 4-lobed at top~Eucalyptus baileyana 31*~Fruit not 4-lobed at top~32 32~Buds and fruit sessile~Eucalyptus botryoides 32*~Buds and fruit pedicellate~Eucalyptus robusta 33~Leaves with lateral veins obtuse, reticulation dense and regular, juvenile leaves glabrous~34 33*~Leaves with lateral veins acute, reticulation sparse and irregular; juvenile leaves hairy~38 34~Adult leaves strongly discolorous~Eucalyptus acmenoides 34*~Adult leaves not strongly discolorous~35 35~Juvenile leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate~36 35*~Juvenile leaves narrow-lanceolate~37 36~Adult leaves green~Eucalyptus umbra 36*~Adult leaves blue~Eucalyptus carnea 37~Fruit 5–6 mm diam.~Eucalyptus apothalassica 37*~Fruit 6–8 mm diam.~Eucalyptus psammitica 38~Buds and fruit distinctly pedicellate, fruit clusters open~39 38*~Buds and fruit sessile or shortly pedicellate (pedicels obscured if present), fruit clusters crowded~48 39~Leaves strongly discolorous~Eucalyptus muelleriana 39*~Leaves concolorous or weakly discolorous~40 40~Disc broad, raised~41 40*~Disc narrow, not raised~46 41~Buds acute or rostrate~42 41*~Buds rounded~45 42~Buds rostrate~43 42*~Buds acute~44 43~Buds angular~Eucalyptus cannonii 43*~Buds not angular~Eucalyptus macrorhyncha 44~Buds angular~Eucalyptus subtilior 44*~Buds not angular~Eucalyptus tindaliae 45~Buds angular~Eucalyptus prominula 45*~Buds not angular~Eucalyptus laevopinea 46~Adult leaves with length:breadth ratio of <3:1~Eucalyptus caliginosa 46*~Adult leaves with length:breadth ratio of >3:1~47 47~Adult leaves thin, noticeably discolorous~Eucalyptus eugenioides 47*~Adult leaves not thin, concolorous~Eucalyptus conjuncta 48~Adult leaves with length:breadth ratio of >3:1~49 48*~Adult leaves with length:breadth ratio of <3:1~63 49~Valves small, mostly enclosed~50 49*~Valves large, prominently exserted~60 50~Adult leaves with a bluish sheen~51 50*~Adult leaves green, without a bluish sheen~52 51~Juvenile leaves ovate (length:breadth ratio of 1.5–2:1), petiole >5 mm long~Eucalyptus agglomerata 51*~Juvenile leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate (length:breadth ratio of 2–2.5:1), petiole <5 mm long~Eucalyptus subcaerulea 52~Buds angular~Eucalyptus capitellata 52*~Buds not angular~53 53~Juvenile leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate~54 53*~Juvenile leaves narrow-lanceolate~57 54~Fruit globose to flattened-globose~55 54*~Fruit hemispherical~Eucalyptus cameronii 55~Adult leaves concolorous; south of the Hunter River~56 55*~Adult leaves slightly discolorous; north from Coffs Harbour~Eucalyptus tindaliae 56~Fruit <7 mm diam.~Eucalyptus oblonga 56*~Fruit >7 mm diam.~Eucalyptus imitans 57~Adult leaves mostly <6 cm long~Eucalyptus tenella 57*~Adult leaves mostly >6 cm long~58 58~Fruit hemispherical~Eucalyptus mckieana 58*~Fruit globose or flattened-globose~59 59~Adult leaves lanceolate~Eucalyptus sparsifolia 59*~Adult leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate~Eucalyptus ralla 60~Branchlets glaucous, sharply 4-angled or winged; fruit with a medial ridge; usually mallees~Eucalyptus boliviana 60*~Branchlets not glaucous, terete or moderately 4-angled; trees~61 61~Intermediate leaves orbiculate~Eucalyptus williamsiana 61*~Intermediate leaves oblong or elliptic~62 62~Buds and adult leaves glossy green~Eucalyptus youmanii 62*~Buds and leaves ± dull, ± bluish~Eucalyptus subtilior 63~Disc flat, valves mostly enclosed~64 63*~Disc raised, valves distinctly exserted~69 64~Buds finely warty~Eucalyptus baxteri 64*~Buds not warty~65 65~Buds angular~66 65*~Buds not angular~67 66~Juvenile leaves cordate~Eucalyptus camfieldii 66*~Juvenile leaves ovate~Eucalyptus bensonii 67~Adult leaves similifacial~Eucalyptus ligustrina 67*~Adult leaves dorsiventral~68 68~Disc thick, flat~Eucalyptus globoidea 68*~Disc thin, slightly depressed~Eucalyptus yangoura 69~Shrubs and mallees; branchlets glaucous~Eucalyptus boliviana ms. 69*~Trees; branchlets not glaucous~Eucalyptus blaxlandii 70~Valves of fruit enclosed~71 70*~Valves of fruit exserted~135 71~Adult leaves strongly discolorous~72 71*~Adult leaves concolorous or weakly discolorous~78 72~Adult leaves closely penniveined~73 72*~Adult leaves not closely penniveined~75 73~Buds and fruit sessile~Eucalyptus botryoides 73*~Buds and fruit pedicellate~74 74~Fruit cylindrical to urceoolate, 10–18 mm long, 6–11 mm diam.~Eucalyptus robusta 74*~Fruit conical to pyriform, 5–9 mm long, 4–6 mm diam.~Eucalyptus microcorys 75~Stamens regularly inflexed~76 75*~Stamens irregularly flexed~Eucalyptus rummeryi 76~Adult leaves with some stomates on the upper surface~Eucalyptus rudderi 76*~Adult leaves with stomates on the lower surface only~77 77~Fruit ovoid, 3–5 mm long, 2–4 mm diam.~Eucalyptus hypostomatica 77*~Fruit conical to pyriform, 5–9 mm long, 4–6 mm diam.~Eucalyptus microcorys 78~Juvenile leaves opposite for many pairs~79 78*~Juvenile leaves opposite for only a few pairs~88 79~Branchlets square~80 79*~Branchlets not square~81 80~Buds and fruit glaucous~Eucalyptus pyrocarpa 80*~Buds and fruit not glaucous~Eucalyptus pilularis 81~Adult leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate~82 81*~Adult leaves mostly lanceolate or narrower~84 82~Adult leaves with 3 longitudinal veins (3-veined)~83 82*~Adult leaves with only 1 longitudinal vein (midvein)~Eucalyptus dives 83~Juvenile leaves elliptic or orbiculate~Eucalyptus stellulata 83*~Juvenile leaves narrow-elliptic~Eucalyptus copulans 84~Adult leaves green~85 84*~Adult leaves blue~87 85~Bark rough on branches; disc flat~86 85*~Branches wholly smooth; disc depressed~Eucalyptus elata 86~Calyptra scar absent~Eucalyptus radiata 86*~Calyptra scar present~Eucalyptus aggregata 87~Adult leaves often >1.5 cm wide~Eucalyptus croajingolensis 87*~Adult leaves <1.5 cm wide~Eucalyptus robertsonii 88~Calyptra scar absent~89 88*~Calyptra scar present~114 89~Stamens regularly inflexed~90 89*~Stamens irregularly flexed in bud~97 90~Anthers adnate, dehiscing through separate slits~91 90*~Anthers versatile, reniform, dehiscing through confluent slits~92 91~Fruit much longer than broad~Eucalyptus ochrophloia 91*~Fruit about as long as broad~Eucalyptus melliodora 92~Fine peppermint bark~93 92*~Coarse thick fissured or fibrous bark~95 93~Fruit hemispherical~Eucalyptus andrewsii 93*~Fruit not hemispherical~94 94~Northern Tablelands species~Eucalyptus campanulata 94*~South Coast and Southern Tablelands species~Eucalyptus consideniana 95~Disc depressed~Eucalyptus stenostoma 95*~Disc flat~96 96~Twigs glaucous, with a peppermint smell~Eucalyptus sieberi 96*~Twigs not glaucous, with an unpleasant smell~Eucalyptus olida 97~Juvenile leaves green~98 97*~Juvenile leaves blue~110 98~Juvenile leaves hairy; fruit 13–18 mm diam.~Eucalyptus olsenii 98*~Juvenile leaves not hairy; fruit 2–10 mm diam.~99 99~Fruit with 5 or 6 valves~Eucalyptus bosistoana 99*~Fruit with 3 or 4 valves~100 100~Adult leaves >1.5 cm wide~101 100*~Adult leaves <1.5 cm wide~104 101~Disc depressed~102 101*~Disc flat~Eucalyptus fastigata 102~Anthers versatile, reniform, dehiscing through confluent slits~Eucalyptus obliqua 102*~Anthers adnate, dehiscing through separate slits~103 103~Adult leaves >2 cm wide; buds 5–9 mm long~Eucalyptus moluccana 103*~Adult leaves <2 cm wide; buds 4–7 mm long~Eucalyptus microcarpa 104~Fruit <7 m diam.~105 104*~Fruit >7 mm diam.~108 105~Trees~106 105*~Mallees~107 106~Anthers versatile, reniform, dehiscing through confluent slits~Eucalyptus paliformis 106*~Anthers adnate, dehiscing through separate slits~Eucalyptus pilligaensis 107~Adult leaves <1.0 cm wide~Eucalyptus viridis 107*~Adult leaves >1.0 cm wide~Eucalyptus porosa 108~Inflorescences 3-flowered~Eucalyptus triflora 108*~Inflorescences 7-flowered~109 109~Fruit urceolate~Eucalyptus fraxinoides 109~Fruit globose~Eucalyptus dendromorpha 110~Disc flat~Eucalyptus oreades 110*~Disc depressed~111 111~Buds rounded; fruit >8 mm diam.~112 111*~Buds acute; fruit <8 mm diam.~113 112~Anthers versatile, reniform, dehiscing through confluent slits~Eucalyptus delegatensis 112*~Anthers adnate, dehiscing through separate slits~Eucalyptus albens 113~Anthers versatile, reniform, dehiscing through confluent slits~Eucalyptus piperita 113*~Anthers adnate, dehiscing through separate slits~Eucalyptus polybractea 114~Stamens regularly inflexed~115 114*~Stamens irregularly flexed~125 115~Adult leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate or elliptic~116 115*~Adult leaves linear to lanceolate, occasionally broad-lanceolate~118 116~Fruit at least 6 mm long and 6 mm diam.~Eucalyptus magnificata 116*~Fruit usually <6 mm long and 6 mm diam.~117 117~Adult leaves without loose white surface wax; coastal species~Eucalyptus baueriana 117*~Adult leaves glaucous with loose white surface wax; tablelands and Western Slopes species~Eucalyptus polyanthemos 118~Inflorescences 3-flowered~Eucalyptus longifolia 118*~Inflorescences >3-flowered~119 119~Trees~120 119*~Mallees~122 120~Fruit hemispherical to ovoid~121 120*~Fruit conical~Eucalyptus conica 121~Outer stamens infertile~Eucalyptus rudderi 121*~All stamens fertile~Eucalyptus intertexta 122~Pith glands present~Eucalyptus costata 122*~Pith glands absent~123 123~Disc broad, slightly depressed~Eucalyptus leptophylla 123*~Disc narrow, steeply depressed~124 124~Fruit 4-angled~Eucalyptus calycogona 124*~Fruit smooth~Eucalyptus gracilis 125~Buds and twigs glaucous~Eucalyptus nortonii 125*~Buds and twigs non-glaucous~126 126~Adult leaves narrow-lanceolate to lanceolate~127 126*~Adult leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate or ± elliptic, rarely lanceolate~133 127~Fruit <5 mm diam.~128 127*~Fruit >5 mm diam.~131 128~Anthers adnate~129 128*~Anthers versatile~130 129~Juvenile leaves broad-lanceolate (coastal forest tree)~Eucalyptus largeana 129*~Juvenile leaves linear (far inland woodland tree)~Eucalyptus largiflorens 130~Fruit hemispherical; adult leaves dull~Eucalyptus acaciiformis 130*~Fruit conical; adult leaves glossy~Eucalyptus aggregata 131~Fruit sessile~Eucalyptus goniocalyx 131*~Fruit pedicellate~132 132~Juvenile leaves green~Eucalyptus retinens 132*~Juvenile leaves glaucous~Eucalyptus volcanica 133~Trees~134 133*~Mallees~Eucalyptus behriana 134~Anthers adnate~Eucalyptus populnea 134*~Anthers versatile~Eucalyptus ovata 135~Adult leaves strongly discolorous~136 135*~Adult leaves concolorous~138 136~Fruit >10 mm diam.~Eucalyptus scias 136*~Fruit <10 mm diam.~137 137~Calyptra about as long as hypanthium~Eucalyptus notabilis 137*~Calyptra much longer than hypanthium~Eucalyptus resinifera 138~Fruit sessile~139 138*~Fruit pedicellate~150 139~Inflorescences 3-flowered~140 139*~Inflorescences 7- or more-flowered~145 140~Adult leaves opposite~141 140*~Adult leaves disjunct~142 141~Fruit conical~Eucalyptus cinerea 141*~Fruit campanulate~Eucalyptus triplex 142~Juvenile leaves green~Eucalyptus badjensis 142*~Juvenile leaves grey or blue~143 143~Fruit ovoid~Eucalyptus chapmaniana 143*~Fruit campanulate~144 144~Branches smooth~Eucalyptus kartzoffiana 144*~Branches with persistent fibrous bark~Eucalyptus alligatrix 145~Peduncle <3 mm long~Eucalyptus banksii 145*~Peduncle >3 mm long~146 146~Fruit >6 mm diam.~147 146*~Fruit <6 mm diam.~149 147~Adult leaves blue~148 147*~Adult leaves green~Eucalyptus goniocalyx 148~Many adult leaves opposite~Eucalyptus conspicua 148*~Adult leaves disjunct~Eucalyptus nortonii 149~Valves acute~Eucalyptus quadrangulata 149*~Valves obtuse~Eucalyptus macarthurii 150~Calyptra >1.5 times as long as hypanthium~151 150*~Calyptra equal in length to hypanthium~156 151~Disc raised~152 151*~Disc not raised~153 152~Inflorescences 3-flowered~Eucalyptus morrisii 152*~Inflorescences 7-flowered~Eucalyptus exserta 153~Disc flat~Eucalyptus bakeri 153*~Disc sharply depressed~154 154~Mallees; inflorescences solitary~155 154*~Trees; inflorescences often paired~Eucalyptus squamosa 155~Adult leaves opposite, ovate to broad-lanceolate or elliptic~Eucalyptus gillii 155*~Adult leaves disjunct, lanceolate to broad-lanceolate~Eucalyptus socialis 156~Inflorescences compound~Eucalyptus coolabah 156*~Inflorescences simple~157 157~Inflorescences often paired~158 157*~Inflorescences solitary~159 158~Calyptra scar present~Eucalyptus squamosa 158*~Calyptra scar absent~Eucalyptus fastigata 159~Juvenile leaves linear~160 159*~Juvenile leaves broad-lanceolate or broader~163 160~Disc level or raised~161 160*~Disc steeply depressed~Eucalyptus oleosa 161~Bark shedding from bases of larger branches~Eucalyptus smithii 161*~Bark persisting to smaller branches~162 162~Adult leaves mostly >1 cm wide~Eucalyptus corticosa 162*~Adult leaves mostly <1 cm wide~Eucalyptus nicholii 163~Buds glaucous~164 163*~Buds not glaucous~165 164~Fruit 6–8 mm diam.~Eucalyptus malacoxylon 164*~Fruit 4–5 mm diam.~Eucalyptus nova-anglica 165~Juvenile leaves green~166 165*~Juvenile leaves blue~168 166~Fruit >5 mm diam.~Eucalyptus angophoroides 166*~Fruit <5 mm diam.~167 167~Fruit conical~Eucalyptus aggregata 167*~Fruit hemispherical or rounded~Eucalyptus acaciiformis 168~Juvenile leaves orbiculate~169 168*~Juvenile leaves narrow-elliptic~Eucalyptus ignorabilis 169~Fruit >5 mm long~Eucalyptus bridgesiana 169*~Fruit <5 mm long~Eucalyptus nova-anglica 170~Valves of fruit enclosed~171 170*~Valves of fruit exserted~228 171~Inflorescences compound~172 171*~Inflorescences simple~174 172~Fruit conical or ovoid~173 172*~Fruit hemispherical~Eucalyptus michaeliana 173~Stamens regularly inflexed, outer whorls infertile~Eucalyptus polyanthemos 173*~Stamens irregularly flexed, all fertile~Eucalyptus dawsonii 174~Fruit sessile~175 174*~Fruit pedicellate~193 175~Inflorescences 3-flowered~176 175*~Inflorescences 7-flowered or more~180 176~Adult leaves often opposite~177 176*~Adult leaves disjunct~179 177~Opposite pairs of juvenile leaves fused at base~Eucalyptus perriniana 177*~Juvenile leaves free~178 178~Adult leaves <10 mm wide~Eucalyptus recurva 178*~Adult leaves >10 mm wide~Eucalyptus pulverulenta 179~Fruit cylindrical or ovoid, disc flat or depressed; juvenile leaves~Eucalyptus glaucescens 179*~Fruit campanulate, disc slightly raised; juvenile leaves <4 cm long and wide~Eucalyptus saxatilis 180~Trees~181 180*~Mallee~187 181~Calyptra scar present~Eucalyptus nitens 181*~Calyptra scar absent~182 182~Buds in stellate clusters~183 182*~Buds not in stellate clusters~184 183~Juvenile leaves elliptic or orbiculate~Eucalyptus stellulata 183*~Juvenile leaves narrow-elliptic~Eucalyptus copulans 184~Adult leaf venation subparallel~185 184*~Adult leaves with a distinct midrib~186 185~Fruit angular~Eucalyptus debeuzevillei 185*~Fruit not angular~Eucalyptus niphophila 186~Fruit broader than long; juvenile leaves green~Eucalyptus kybeanensis 186*~Fruit longer than broad; juvenile leaves blue~Eucalyptus oreades 187~Adult leaves often opposite~Eucalyptus sturgissiana 187*~Adult leaves disjunct~188 188~Buds in stellate clusters~189 188*~Buds not in stellate clusters~192 189~Juvenile leaves ovate to elliptic~Eucalyptus latiuscula 189**~Juvenile leaves linear to lanceolate~190 190~Juvenile leaves lanceolate, adult leaves often >1 cm wide~Eucalyptus dissita 190*~Juvenile leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate, adult leaves <1 cm wide~191 191~Adult leaves <6 cm long~Eucalyptus moorei 191*~Adult leaves often >6 cm long~Eucalyptus serpentinicola 192~Calyptra scar absent~Eucalyptus kybeanensis 192*~Calyptra scar present~Eucalyptus dumosa 193~Venation in adult leaves subparallel~194 193*~Venation in adult leaves not subparallel~197 194~Mallees; leaves lanceolate or narrower~Eucalyptus gregsoniana 194*~Trees; leaves lanceolate to ovate~195 195~Internodes often >3 cm long~Eucalyptus lacrimans 195*~Internodes <3 cm long~196 196~Buds strongly glaucous~Eucalyptus niphophila 196*~Buds not strongly glaucous~Eucalyptus pauciflora 197~Mallees~198 197*~Trees~213 198~Adult leaves >1.5 cm wide~199 198*~Adult leaves <1.5 cm wide~205 199~Adult leaves with lateral veins strongly acute (<30° to midrib)~Eucalyptus multicaulis 199*~Adult leaves with lateral veins 30–50° to midrib~200 200~Disc flat~Eucalyptus luehmanniana 200*~Disc depressed~201 201~Buds glaucous~Eucalyptus stenostoma 201*~Buds not glaucous~202 202~Twigs winged~Eucalyptus langleyi 202*~Twigs not winged~203 203~Juvenile leaves dull, subglaucous; adult leaves to 3.5 cm wide~Eucalyptus burgessiana 203*~Juvenile leaves glossy green; adult leaves to 2.5 cm wide~204 204~Fruit 8–11 mm diam.~Eucalyptus obstans 204*~Fruit 3–5 mm diam.~Eucalyptus aenea 205~Disc flat~206 205*~Disc depressed~208 206~Disc broad~Eucalyptus codonocarpa 206*~Disc narrow~207 207~Leaves thick~Eucalyptus approximans 207*~Leaves thin~Eucalyptus microcodon 208~Adult leaves <8 mm wide~209 208*~Adult leaves often >8 mm wide~211 209~Immature adult leaves pinkish grey; longest peduncles <8 mm long~Eucalyptus cunninghamii 209*~Immature adult leaves green; longest peduncles >8 mm long~210 210~Largest fruit >8 mm diam.; leaves usually <9 cm long, if longer then >7 mm wide~Eucalyptus laophila 210*~Largest fruit <8 mm diam.; longest leaves >9 cm long and <7 mm wide~Eucalyptus apiculata 211~Fruit 3–5 mm diam.~Eucalyptus aenea 211*~Fruit 6–11 mm diam.~212 212~Adult leaves <10 mm wide~Eucalyptus stricta 212*~Adult leaves >10 mm wide~Eucalyptus spectatrix 213~Calyptra scar absent~214 213*~Calyptra scar present~223 214~Disc flat~215 214*~Disc not flat~220 215~Adult leaves dull~216 215*~Adult leaves glossy~218 216~Tablelands and Western Slopes species~Eucalyptus rossii 216*~Coastal species~217 217~Adult leaves <1.8 cm wide~Eucalyptus racemosa 217*~Adult leaves >1.9 cm wide~Eucalyptus signata 218~Fruit >7 mm diam.~Eucalyptus haemastoma 218*~Fruit <7 mm diam.~219 219~Coastal species north from Morisset~Eucalyptus signata 219*~Sydney region, Blue Mtns and south~Eucalyptus sclerophylla 220~Fruit large (13–18 mm diam.), ribbed~Eucalyptus olsenii 220*~Fruit small (4–10 mm diam.), not ribbed~221 221~Anthers versatile, reniform, dehiscing through confluent slits~Eucalyptus paliformis 221*~Anthers adnate, dehiscing through separate slits~222 222~Inflorescences 3-flowered~Eucalyptus leucoxylon 222*~Inflorescences 7-flowered~Eucalyptus melliodora 223~Juvenile leaves opposite for few pairs~Eucalyptus ovata 223*~Juvenile leaves opposite for many pairs~224 224~Buds rounded, outer calyptra not shedding cleanly~Eucalyptus benthamii 224*~Buds pointed, outer calyptra shedding cleanly~225 225~Inflorescences 3-flowered~Eucalyptus wilcoxii 225*~Inflorescences 7-flowered~226 226~Fruit >5 mm diam.~227 226*~Fruit <5 mm diam.~Eucalyptus dorrigoensis 227~Buds 4–5 mm diam.~Eucalyptus cypellocarpa 227*~Buds 2.5–3.5 mm diam.~Eucalyptus oresbia 228~Calyptra >1.5 times as long as hypanthium~229 228*~Calyptra <1.5 times as long as hypanthium~244 229~Buds glaucous~230 229*~Buds not glaucous~232 230~Disc domed, >1.5 mm wide~Eucalyptus glaucina 230*~Disc ± flat, <1.5 mm wide~231 231~Calyptra cylindrical~Eucalyptus prava 231*~Calyptra conical~Eucalyptus dealbata 232~Calyptra cylindrical~Eucalyptus bancroftii 232*~Calyptra conical or rostrate~233 233~Calyptra rostrate~Eucalyptus camaldulensis 233*~Calyptra conical~234 234~Calyptra >2.5 times as long as hypanthium~235 234*~Calyptra 1.5–2 times as long as hypanthium~239 235~Inflorescences >7-flowered~Eucalyptus amplifolia 235*~Inflorescences 7-flowered~236 236~Seeds black~237 236~Seeds red~238 237~Fruit >6 mm in diam.~Eucalyptus tereticornis 237*~Fruit <6 mm in diam.~Eucalyptus blakelyi 238~Fruit >5 mm long, adult leaves lanceolate~Eucalyptus interstans 238*~Fruit <5 mm long, adult leaves narrow-lanceolate~Eucalyptus seeana 239~Juvenile leaves ovate to orbiculate~240 239*~Juvenile leaves narrow-lanceolate to lanceolate~242 240~Mallees~241 240*~Trees~Eucalyptus chloroclada 241~Adult leaves penniveined, glossy; coastal species~Eucalyptus pumila 241*~Adult leaves with open venation, dull; inland plains species~Eucalyptus vicina 242~Trees; seeds red~Eucalyptus parramattensis 242*~Mallees; seeds black~243 243~Fruit >5 mm diam.~Eucalyptus dwyeri 243*~Fruit <5 mm diam.~Eucalyptus nandewarica 244~Inflorescences 3-flowered~245 244*~Inflorescences 7- or more-flowered~253 245~Fruit >10 mm diam.~246 245*~Fruit <10 mm diam.~247 246~Peduncles >3 mm long~Eucalyptus pseudoglobulus 246*~Peduncles <3 mm long~Eucalyptus bicostata 247~Juvenile leaves broad lanceolate to ovate, to orbiculate or elliptic~248 247*~Juvenile leaves lanceolate~252 248~Buds glaucous~249 248*~Buds not glaucous~250 249~Juvenile stems rounded~Eucalyptus rubida 249*~Juvenile stems markedly quadrangular~Eucalyptus canobolensis 250~Juvenile leaves grey~Eucalyptus dalrympleana 250*~Juvenile leaves green~251 251~Calyptra as wide as hypanthium~Eucalyptus imlayensis 251*~Calyptra narrower than hypanthium~Eucalyptus baeuerlenii 252~Calyptra narrower than hypanthium~Eucalyptus wilcoxii 252*~Calyptra as wide as hypanthium~Eucalyptus viminalis 253~Adult leaves discolorous~254 253*~Adult leaves concolorous~262 254~Disc raised or ± level~255 254*~Disc depressed~259 255~Fruit >10 mm diam.~Eucalyptus canaliculata 255*~Fruit <10 mm diam.~256 256~Valves apiculate, vertically raised~Eucalyptus major 256*~Valves obtuse, incurved~257 257~Fruit <6 mm diam.~Eucalyptus propinqua 257*~Fruit 6–10 mm diam.~258 258~Calyptra narrower than hypanthium~Eucalyptus biturbinata 258*~Calyptra as wide as hypanthium~Eucalyptus punctata 259~Buds glaucous, valves broad-triangular, incurved~Eucalyptus grandis 259*~Buds not glaucous~260 260~Adult leaves lanceolate; valves narrow-acuminate~Eucalyptus saligna 260*~Adult leaves broad-lanceolate or broader; valves triangular, acute~261 261~Calyptra rounded, pedicels <4 mm long~Eucalyptus brunnea 261*~Calyptra pointed, pedicels >4 mm long~Eucalyptus deanei 262~Adult leaves often opposite, <3 cm long~Eucalyptus parvula 262*~Adult leaves disjunct, >3 cm long~263 263~Inflorescences usually paired in leaf axils~Eucalyptus pachycalyx 263*~Inflorescences solitary in leaf axils~264 264~Adult leaves broad-lanceolate or broader~265 264*~Adult leaves lanceolate or narrower~267 265~Adult leaves rounded or mucronate~266 265*~Adult leaves acute~Eucalyptus ovata 266~Petioles 6–11 mm long; adult leaves 1.2–3.5 cm wide; peduncles 3–9 mm long~Eucalyptus aquatica 266*~Petioles 10–20 mm long; adult leaves 3.0–5.0 mm wide; peduncles 10–18 mm long~Eucalyptus camphora 267~Bark shed in long ribbons~268 267*~Bark shed in scales~275 268~Juvenile leaves ovate or broader~269 268*~Juvenile leaves lanceolate~272 269~Buds glaucous~270 269*~Buds not glaucous~271 270~Calyptra finely warty, apiculate~Eucalyptus maidenii 270*~Calyptra smooth, not apiculate~Eucalyptus rubida 271~Adult leaves apparently finely toothed; outer calyptra not shedding cleanly~Eucalyptus denticulata 271*~Adult leaves entire; outer calyptra shedding cleanly~Eucalyptus dalrympleana 272~Calyptra scar present~273 272*~Calyptra scar absent~274 273~Buds 4–7 mm long; pedicels 1–4 mm long~Eucalyptus nobilis 273*~Buds 9–13 mm long; pedicels <2 mm long~Eucalyptus quinniorum 274~Calyptra hemispherical~Eucalyptus kybeanensis 274*~Calyptra conical, acute~Eucalyptus deuaensis 275~Juvenile leaves linear or lanceolate~276 275*~Juvenile leaves broad lanceolate to ovate, elliptic or orbiculate~279 276~Trees~277 276*~Mallees~278 277~Bark irregularly shedding, patchy, not powdery~Eucalyptus parramattensis 277*~Bark clean or lightly mottled, powdery~Eucalyptus mannifera 278~Fruit >5 mm diam.~Eucalyptus dwyeri 278*~Fruit <5 mm diam.~Eucalyptus nandewarica 279~Mallees~280 279*~Trees~281 280~Adult leaves penniveined, glossy; coastal species~Eucalyptus pumila 280*~Adult leaves with open venation, dull; inland plains species~Eucalyptus vicina 281~Juvenile leaves disjunct~Eucalyptus chloroclada 281*~Juvenile leaves opposite for >10 nodes~282 282~Juvenile leaves not crenate~283 282*~Juvenile leaves crenate, remaining opposite for several years~Eucalyptus dunnii 283~Fruit <5 mm long and <5 mm in diam.~284 283*~Fruit 5 mm long and 5 mm in diam. or more~285 284~Buds acute; outer calyptra shedding cleanly~Eucalyptus dorrigoensis 284*~Buds rounded; outer calyptra not shedding cleanly~Eucalyptus benthamii 285~Fruit 5–6 mm long~Eucalyptus praecox 285*~Fruit 6–8 mm long~Eucalyptus elliptica #{gn}Mesembryanthemum 1~Leaves linear, subterete~Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum 1*~Leaves ovate to lanceolate~2 2~Leaves ovate to spathulate, flattened, entire, papillae (bladder cells) on vegetative and floral parts usually <1 mm broad; flowers milky white; petaloid staminodes about as long as sepals~Mesembryanthemum aitonis 2*~Leaves ovate to lanceolate, flattened to strongly folded, margins irregularly to strongly undulate; papillae on vegetative and floral parts 1–2 mm broad; flowers white to pinkish, semi-translucent; petaloid staminodes much longer than sepals~3 3~Plant annual; plant prostrate, to 20 cm high, spreading; stem terete; pedicel 0–5(-12) mm; flowers 10–20(-30) mm diameter~Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 3*~Annual or biennial shrub (possibly annual under adverse conditions); plant with erect central stem 30–100 cm high; stem angled-ribbed; pedicel 20–30 mm long; flowers 15–70 mm diameter~Mesembryanthemum guerichianum #{gn}Spiraea 1~Flowers white; flowers in spring in advance of the leaves~Spiraea prunifolia 1*~Flowers pink; flowers in summer with leaves present~Spiraea x billardii #{gn}Crassula 1~Leaves less than 12 mm long; flowers borne in the axils of leaf-like bracts~2 1*~Leaves more than 12 mm long; flowers in more or less leafless inflorescences borne well above leaves~7 2~Calyx at least as long as the corolla; flowers in the axils of both leaves at a node; flowers 4- or 5-merous~3 2*~Calyx half to two-thirds as long as corolla; flowers in the axil of one leaf at each node; flowers 4-merous~6 3~Flowers mainly 4-merous~4 3*~Flowers mainly 5-merous~5 4~Lateral cymes pedunculate~Crassula decumbens 4*~Lateral cymes sessile in leaf axils~Crassula sieberiana 5~Follicles more or less sessile, pedicels to 1 mm long in fruit~Crassula colorata 5*~Follicles distinctly stalked, pedicels to 8 mm long in fruit~Crassula decumbens 6~Style less than a quarter as long as ovary, ovary abruptly constricted into the style; leaves 0.5–1 mm wide~Crassula peduncularis 6*~Style about half as long as ovary, the ovary gradually tapering into style; leaves 1–2 mm wide~Crassula helmsii 7~Leaves more than 10 mm wide, lamina ovate, obovate or broad-elliptic, narrowed into petiole or leaf base~8 7*~Leaves less than 5 mm wide, linear to triangular, scarcely constricted at base~Crassula tetragona 8~Leaves toothed; petiole 0–3 mm long~Crassula sarmentosa 8*~Leaves entire; petiole 5–25 mm long~Crassula multicava #{gn}Bromus 1~Awns 3.5–6 cm long; lemmas more than 2 cm long~Bromus diandrus 1*~Awns, if present, to 3.5 cm long; lemmas not usually more than 2 cm long~2 2~Lemmas strongly compressed and keeled, often unawned~3 2*~Lemmas only slightly compressed if at all, rounded on the back, keel not as prominent; lemmas usually awned~4 3~Panicle compact with spikelets borne on short, erect branches; spikelets and leaves often dull, blue-green; common on sheep camps~Bromus brevis 3*~Panicle more open with spikelets borne on long, often drooping branches; spikelets and leaves bright green; found in disturbed areas but not usually sheep camps. (Bromus stamineus also keys out here.)~Bromus catharticus 4~Plants rhizomatous; leaves glabrous; lemmas awnless or with short awns, 1–3 mm long~Bromus inermis 4*~Plants without rhizomes, leaves usually hairy; lemmas with awns more than 4 mm long~5 5~Lower glume 1-nerved; spikelets wedge-shaped due to spreading of upper lemmas at maturity~6 5*~Lower glumes 3–5-nerved; spikelets usually lanceolate in outline as upper lemmas not usually divaricate~9 6~Panicle open with spreading, often drooping branches; spikelets nodding, not usually purplish~7 6*~Panicle dense and brush-like to moderately open but branches stiffly erect; spikelets often purplish~8 7~Spikelets (including awns) usually 4–6 cm long; lower branches of panicle with only 1 or 2 spikelets (panicle sometimes reduced to a raceme); annual or biennial~Bromus sterilis 7*~Spikelets (with awns) usually less than 4 cm long; lower branches of panicle with 4 or more spikelets; annual~Bromus tectorum 8~Peduncle pubescent; panicle dense and much contracted; panicle branches 0.1–1 cm long and usually not visible~Bromus rubens 8*~Peduncle glabrous; panicle less dense with divaricate but always erect branches; panicle branches 1–3 or more cm long with most branches visible~Bromus madritensis 9~Panicle compact with spikelets erect on only slightly spreading branches~10 9*~Panicle open with spreading branches (panicle sometimes erect when first emerged but branches spread later), spikelets often drooping~13 10~Awn arising from c. 75% of way from lemma base to apex, twisted (often geniculate) and bent away from the spikelet; panicle dense, ovoid. (Bromus squarrosus also keys out here.)~Bromus alopecuros 10*~Awn usually subterminal, arising from top 25% of lemma (if arising 75% of way from lemma base then panicle open), straight, usually not twisted but may curve away from spikelets; panicle less dense than Bromus alopecuros~11 11~Lemmas glabrous or with short hairs less than 0.5 mm long; spikelets and panicle often narrow~Bromus racemosus 11*~Lemmas hairy with hairs more than 1 mm long; spikelets and panicle broader than Bromus racemosus~12 12~Spikelets turgid, the lemmas broad, 8–11 mm long, often tapering abruptly to the tip, awn usually straight~Bromus hordeaceus 12*~Spikelets more compressed with narrower elliptic lemmas 7–8 mm long, awns often curving outwards. (Bromus coloratus & B. hankianus also key out here.)~Bromus molliformis 13~Spikelets not usually exceeding 2.5 cm (including awns); lemmas 6–9 mm long, awns to 8 mm long, straight; pedicles not curved~Bromus secalinus 13*~Spikelets 2–4.6 cm long including awns; lemmas 10–15 mm long (sometimes spreading at maturity), awns more than 8 mm long, straight or bending away from the spikelet; pedicles slender and curved. (Bromus japonicus also keys out here.)~Bromus arenarius #{fm}SOLANACEAE 1~Fruit a berry, sometimes firm or slightly dry~2 1*~Fruit a capsule~13 2~Flowers solitary or in few-flowered clusters at nodes~3 2*~Flowers in definite racemose, cymose, subumbellate or panicle-like inflorescences~8 3~Calyx enlarged in fruit, becoming larger than berry and often enclosing it~4 3*~Calyx not or scarcely enlarged in fruit, always shorter than berry~6 4~Corolla pale blue to mauve~Nicandra 4*~Corolla yellow or yellow-green, often with dark spots~5 5~Mature berry yellow or yellow-green~Physalis 5*~Mature berry bright red~Withania 6~Corolla stellate with lobes as long as tube~Capsicum 6*~Corolla tube narrow, funnel-shaped or urn-shaped, with lobes much shorter than tube~7 7~Spinescent shrubs or herbs~Lycium 7*~Non-spinescent scrambling or climbing herbs~Salpichroa 8~Leaves pinnatisect; corolla yellow and berry red~Lycopersicon 8*~Leaves entire or lobed; corolla white, blue to dark purple, rarely pink, if yellow, orange-yellow or green yellow then berry white or black, never red~9 9~Corolla lobes valvate in bud~10 9*~Corolla lobes rolled or folded~11 10~Corolla orange-yellow or green-yellow; anthers versatile with connective small; berry white or black~Cestrum 10*~Corolla pink; anthers basifixed with connective large and conspicuous; berry dark red~Cyphomandra 11~Stamens 4; anthers 1-locular; corolla white with purple striations~Duboisia 11*~Stamens 5; anthers 2-locular; corolla variously coloured, with striations absent~12 12~Flowers solitary or more, and when more than one without a peduncle; calyx 5–10 toothed~Lycianthes 12*~Flowers in cymes, racemes or panicles, with peduncles; calyx usually 5-lobed~Solanum 13~Stamens 4 or 5, all equal or subequal in length~14 13*~Stamens 5, with 4 equal and 1 much shorter~16 14~Stamens 4~Cyphanthera 14*~Stamens 5~15 15~Capsule spiny or tuberculate~Datura 15*~Capsule smooth or nearly so~Hyoscyamus 16~Corolla tube c. 1 mm wide for most of its length, abruptly dilated near apex into a broad, shallow cup~Nierembergia 16*~Corolla tube more than 1 mm wide near base, gradually widening towards apex~16 17~Calyx segments fused to about halfway; valves of capsule 4 or rarely 2, entire~Nicotiana 17*~Calyx segments free almost to base; valves of capsules 2, entire or 2-fid~17 18~Leaves ovate to elliptic, more than 2 cm long; corolla more than 2 cm long~Petunia 18*~Leaves oblong-linear to spathulate, less than 2 cm long; corolla less than 2 cm long~Calibrachoa #{gn}Ipomoea 1~Sepals awned at or below the apex; corolla trumpet-shaped~2 1*~Sepals not distinctly awned, corolla funnel-shaped or campanulate~4 2~Leaves pinnately divided into linear lobes; corolla red~Ipomoea quamoclit 2*~Leaves with margins entire or shallowly lobed~3 3~Corolla red, less than 5 cm long~Ipomoea hederifolia 3*~Corolla white, more than 5 cm long~Ipomoea alba 4~Corolla less than 3 cm long~5 4*~Corolla more than 3 cm long~8 5~Erect or decumbent herb; corolla pink~Ipomoea polymorpha 5*~Trailing or twining herb; corolla white~6 6~Sepals and corolla glabrous; stems coarse, trailing~Ipomoea diamantinensis 6*~Sepals ciliate; mid-petaline band hairy; stems trailing or twining~7 7~Stems twining; leaves cordate~Ipomoea plebeia 7*~Stems trailing; leaves attenuate or rounded at the base~Ipomoea lonchophylla 8~Leaves palmately divided to the base~Ipomoea cairica 8*~Leaves entire or lobed~9 9~Stems trailing; leaves more or less leathery, rounded, emarginate~Ipomoea brasiliensis 9*~Stems twining; leaves herbaceous, ovate, acuminate~10 10~Sepals acute, less than 15 mm long; inflorescence 1- to few-flowered, bracteoles less than 7 mm long~Ipomoea purpurea 10*~Sepals long attenuate, more than 15 mm long; inflorescence many-flowered, bracteoles more than 1 cm long~Ipomoea indica #{fm}POACEAE 1~Mature spikelets falling entire from their pedicels (except for Arundinella and more or less persistent on a flat, indistinctly and tardily disarticulating rachis as in Stenotaphrum), all alike or differing in sex, size, shape, or structure; fertile spikelets usually with 2 florets, the upper bisexual or female, the lower male or sterile (rarely both bisexual as in Isachne spp.); rachilla not produced beyond the upper floret; lower glume occasionally suppressed~2 1*~Mature spikelets mostly breaking up above the more or less persistent glumes or, if falling entire, then neither 2-flowered nor with the upper floret bisexual and the lower floret male or sterile; spikelets 1–many-flowered; rachilla often produced beyond uppermost floret~5 2~Male and female spikelets in separate inflorescences or in different parts of the same inflorescence and different in appearance; lemmas hyaline or membranous and thinner than the glumes~3 2*~Spikelets all bisexual or with male, sterile and bisexual spikelets mixed in the inflorescence and so arranged that a male or sterile spikelet is near a bisexual spikelet or, if spikelets all unisexual, then the lemma of the fertile floret hardened~4 3~Male and female spikelets in different inflorescences on the same plant~Zea 3*~Male and female spikelets separated but in the same inflorescence; female spikelet surrounded by a hardened utricle~Coix 4~Spikelets usually in pairs or threes with 1 sessile and the other(s) pedicellate, or more rarely both pedicellate with 1 shorter and the other longer pedicellate or rarely the pedicellate spikelet reduced to the pedicel or absent, those of each pair or trio alike in sex or different, falling entire at maturity; glumes often more or less rigid or at least firmer and longer than the lemmas (excluding awns); lemmas membranous or hyaline; in the bisexual or female spikelets the upper lemma often awned with an usually geniculate awn or the awn reduced or absent~17 4*~Spikelets solitary, or if in pairs or threes then all virtually similar; glumes usually herbaceous or membranous, more rarely hardened, the lower glume usually smaller than the upper or sometimes completely suppressed; lower lemma (mostly sterile) usually resembling the upper glume in texture and often in size; upper lemma from papery to very tough and rigid, rarely hyaline (Neurachne, Thyridolepis), usually awnless (occasionally mucronate)~43 5~Shrubs or trees with woody, often tall persistent culms, very rarely perennial herbs; leaf blades flat, many-nerved, often with manifest transverse veins, usually with a petiole-like base and articulated with the sheath~6 5*~Perennial or annual herbs with herbaceous or rarely somewhat woody culms; leaf blades usually sessile and not articulated with the sheaths, very rarely with a petiole-like base~8 6~Rhizomes short, pachymorph ('non-running') forming dense slow-growing clumps~Bambusa 6*~Rhizomes elongate, leptomorph ('running') forming extensive stands~7 7~Internodes more or less cylindrical~Arundinaria 7*~Internodes distinctly grooved~Phyllostachys 8~Spikelets sessile or shortly pedicellate along 1 side of the rachis of digitate, solitary or scattered spikes or spicate racemes~79 8*~Spikelets borne in open or contracted spicate panicles, less often in racemes or spikes but then the spikelets on both sides of the axis~9 9~Spikelets with 1 fertile floret, with or without 1 or 2 male or sterile florets below it~10 9*~Spikelets usually with 2 or more fertile florets, or if with 1 fertile floret then with sterile florets above it~13 10~Stamens 3, 4 or 2; palea 2-nerved (except nerveless and without keels in Nassella); glumes (or at least the upper glume) well developed or occasionally minute~87 10*~Stamens usually 6; palea 3–9-nerved; glumes very small and hyaline or reduced to an obscure rim at the apex of the pedicel or suppressed; aquatic grasses~11 11~Glumes small and hyaline; florets not compressed or keeled; palea 5-nerved, the lemma 7-nerved, both thinly membranous; coarse tufted perennials in or on the margins of moderately fast-flowing rivers~Potamophila 11*~Glumes reduced to a hyaline rim; florets strongly compressed; palea 2- or 3-nerved, the lemma 5-nerved; annual or slender rhizomatous perennials~12 12~Sterile lemmas absent, both lemma and palea 1-keeled and ciliate on the keels, the palea 3-nerved, the lemma 5-nerved; slender rhizomatous perennials~Leersia 12*~Two sterile lemmas present below the fertile lemma, keeled, the palea 2-nerved, the lemma 5-nerved; slender to robust, erect annual (in N.S.W.)~Oryza 13~Lemmas or rachilla joints bearing long silky hairs that envelope the lemma (at least in fertile florets); lemmas awnless or with a straight awn from the tip, often thin; tall grasses with large plume-like panicles~14 13*~Lemmas and rachilla joints either glabrous or hairy, if hairy the hairs either not enveloping the lemma or, if so, the lemma bearing a geniculate awn; low to moderately tall grasses~16 14~Leaves very long and crowded at the base of the culms; spikelets unisexual or bisexual; lemma of female spikelets covered with long hairs~Cortaderia 14*~Leaves distributed along the culms; tall stout 'reeds'; spikelets bisexual~15 15~Lemmas hairy; rachilla joints naked~Arundo 15*~Lemmas naked; rachilla joints hairy~Phragmites 16~Glumes from 60% as long to longer than the lowest floret, sometimes as long as the spikelet and enclosing the florets; lemma awned from the back or from the sinus of a 2-lobed tip with a geniculate or straight awn or mucro (but the awn, when present, terminal and straight in Eriachne), or awnless; leaves never rigid and pungent-pointed~114 16*~Glumes usually shorter than the lowest floret and with the upper florets distinctly exserted, rarely longer and then usually with firm dull margins like the lemmas or with the lemmas cleft into 9 lobes or awns or the leaves rigid and pungent pointed; lemmas awnless or with a straight or curved awn from the entire or 2-fid apex, or several-awned or -lobed; leaves rigid and pungent-pointed or not~131 17~Internodes of the raceme axis and also the pedicels stout, more or less thickened upwards, 3-angled or rounded, often more or less hollowed out on one side~18 17*~Internodes of the raceme axis and pedicels slender, cylindrical or flattened; lower floret of sessile spikelet sterile~23 18~Lower glume fringed on the keels with stiff scabrid, antrorsely-curved spines; raceme solitary, terminal, 1-sided; the sessile spikelets overlapping, accompanied by a pedicel that may or may not bear a rudimentary spikelet~Eremochloa 18*~Lower glume not fringed with stiff spines; raceme various~19 19~Internodes and pedicels fused to form roughly semi-cylindric internodes~20 19*~Internodes and pedicels not fused together~21 20~Spikelets of each pair more or less similar~Hemarthria 20*~Pedicellate spikelet of each pair male or sterile~Rottboellia 21~Racemes paired or digitate [rarely solitary]; lower glume of sessile spikelet more or less winged on the keels, the upper not awned; pedicels inflated~Ischaemum 21*~Racemes solitary; lower glume of sessile spikelet not winged, the upper awnless or awned; pedicels not inflated~22 22~Lower glume of sessile spikelet fringed with stiff hairs and apex elongated into two (sometimes partly fused) awn-like teeth or lobes as long as the body of the glume; upper glume awnless~Elyonurus 22*~Lower glume of sessile spikelet not fringed with stiff hairs and 2-toothed without an awn-like process; upper glume awned~Sehima 23~Spikelets of each pair alike in sex and shape~24 23*~Pairs (or threes) of spikelets dissimilar in sex and more or less in shape (or if those of some pairs of a raceme are alike then both male or sterile); fertile spikelets usually awned~29 24~Spikelets all pedicellate, 1 of each pair shortly, the other longer pedicellate~25 24*~One spikelet of each pair sessile, the other pedicellate; spikelets awned~26 25~Spikelets awnless; panicles spicate, dense, whitish; culms from a long, creeping rhizome; blades narrow at the base~Imperata 25*~Spikelets awned; inflorescence of few–many racemes 10–25 cm long, much exceeding the primary axis; robust, caespitose perennial with linear leaves~Miscanthus 26~Culms more than 1.5 m high when mature, with many-noded culms more than 2 cm diam.; leaves usually more than 5 cm wide; inflorescence large, paniculate, white; fertile lemma with a straight, short, terminal awn~Saccharum 26*~Culms less than 1.5 m high, culms with few nodes and less than 1 cm diam.; leaves less than 2 cm wide~27 27~Spikelets unawned though the apex of the lower glume of sessile spikelet with two (sometimes partly fused) awn-like teeth longer than the body of the glume~Elyonurus 27*~Spikelets awned; apex of lower glume without awn-like teeth~28 28~Caespitose perennial with narrow-linear leaves; racemes digitate or subdigitate, silky-villous with yellowish hairs~Eulalia 28*~Slender decumbent annual with lanceolate leaf blades; racemes 3–6, somewhat distant on a short axis, not manifestly villous~Microstegium 29~Upper lemma of fertile spikelets awned from low down on the back; pedicellate spikelets reduced to their pedicels or these also absent and the sessile spikelets solitary; slender decumbent grass, rooting at the nodes, with lanceolate, cordate leaf blades~Arthraxon 29*~Upper lemma of the sessile spikelet awned from the tip or 2-toothed or 2-lobed and awned from the sinus, rarely awnless; caespitose grasses~30 30~Racemes in more or less compound espatheate panicles with the more or less elongated branches usually opposite or whorled on a more or less elongated axis~31 30*~Racemes either espatheate and solitary, digitate or subdigitate, or in spatheate panicles~35 31~Joints and pedicels without a longitudinal depression, usually circular or elliptic in cross section~32 31*~Joints and pedicels with a longitudinal depression, dumbbell-shaped in cross section~34 32~Sessile spikelets and grain more or less dorsally compressed at least when in flower, the lower glume never scabrous on the keels~Sorghum 32*~Sessile spikelets and grain more or less laterally compressed, the lower glume more or less scabrous on the keels~33 33~Racemes with 1 or 2 (rarely 3) joints (nodes), if regularly more than 1-jointed then the awn geniculate and twisted with a prominent column; leaf blades involute or convolute~Chrysopogon 33*~Racemes with 3–several joints (nodes) rarely less in the same panicle; awn bristle-like without a distinctly differentiated column, or absent; leaf blades flat or folded, the sheaths keeled~Chrysopogon 34~Racemes with 1–8 joints (nodes); panicle open with capillary branches~Capillipedium 34*~Racemes with more than 8 joints; inflorescence of racemes on an elongated axis~Bothriochloa 35~Racemes espatheate, digitate or subdigitate, rarely solitary; fertile spikelets dorsally compressed and the lower glume more or less 2-keeled, the callus short and obtuse; awn glabrous; culms simple or branching from the lower nodes~36 35*~Racemes spatheate or gathered into spatheate panicles~37 36~Joints and pedicels with a longitudinal depression, dumbbell-shaped in cross section; racemes without spikelets at the base, the lower sessile spikelets all fertile and awned~Bothriochloa 36*~Joints and pedicels without a longitudinal depression, circular or elliptic in cross section; racemes sessile with the sessile spikelets of the lower 1–3 pairs sterile and awnless~Dichanthium 37~Racemes falling entire at maturity either separately or together with their spathes, consisting of only 1 fertile spikelet subtended by a false involucre of sterile spikelets~Iseilema 37*~Racemes breaking up at maturity, the spathe and sometimes the lower (and then sterile) part of the raceme persistent~38 38~Fertile spikelet more or less terete (slightly flattened dorsally in Hyparrhenia), usually with a more or less pungent callus; awn, or at least its column, hairy; lower 1–few pairs of spikelets usually sterile~39 38*~Fertile spikelet either dorsally or laterally compressed, the lower glume more or less 2-keeled; callus short and obtuse; fertile lemma 2-fid and awned from the sinus, the awn usually glabrous~41 39~Basal sterile spikelets forming a false involucre around the fertile spikelet on the 1-jointed (noded) racemes solitary in the ultimate spathes~Themeda 39*~Basal sterile spikelets not forming an involucre around the fertile spikelet; culms much branched from the upper nodes~40 40~Racemes paired on very slender peduncles in the ultimate spathes; callus subacute or acuminate~Hyparrhenia 40*~Racemes solitary on the ends of the culm branches, secund, the bases of the sterile spikelets subimbricate on the back of the raceme; callus very pungent~Heteropogon 41~Racemes solitary on each peduncle, the rachis very slender and fragile~Schizachyrium 41*~Racemes in pairs or more or less digitate on each peduncle, the rachis not as slender or fragile~42 42~Racemes 2–4 on each peduncle, approximate or at length somewhat diverging, the rachis slender and fragile; pedicellate spikelet reduced to its pedicel~Andropogon 42*~Racemes 2, at first approximate but soon sharply deflexed, the rachis less markedly slender and fragile; pedicellate spikelets developed~Cymbopogon 43~Spikelets disarticulating above the glumes~Arundinella 43*~Spikelets disarticulating below the glumes~44 44~Spikelets virtually all bisexual~45 44*~Spikelets unisexual and the plants dioecious, the spikelets in more or less dense heads subtended by bracts, the female heads globose or hemispherical~78 45~Spikelets dimorphic, some chasmogamous on simple, spicate, terminal racemes, others cleistogamous, compressed; rigid, branching perennials~Cleistochloa 45*~Spikelets virtually all alike~46 46~Fertile lemma densely hairy with fine, white, more or less appressed hairs~Entolasia 46*~Fertile lemma glabrous on the back~47 47~Main axis of the panicle or racemes not disarticulating and the racemes persistent on the main axis, the spikelets not falling attached to the segments or, if so, then the spikelets or groups of spikelets variously subtended by bristles or by a spiny or bristly involucre~48 47*~Main axis of the more or less spicate panicle readily or tardily or partially disarticulating into segments, the spikelets not subtended by bristles or an involucre~77 48~Spikelets not subtended by bristles or an involucre (rarely subtended by a corona of very short, fine hairs)~49 48*~Spikelets (or some of them) or groups of spikelets subtended by 1 to several bristles that may be simple or fused into an involucre, or by branches bearing groups of bristles~73 49~Fertile lemma and palea not much harder than, or softer than the glumes~50 49*~Upper lemma more or less thickened or indurate, or if subhyaline then the upper glume and sterile lemma acuminate or tapering into long points and the panicle branches produced beyond the uppermost spikelet, or else the spikelets concealed amongst silky hairs~53 50~Low spreading stoloniferous perennial in saltmarsh with leaf blades less than 2 mm wide~Alexfloydia 50*~Ceaspitose or stoloniferous perennials; if stoloniferous then leaves more than 3mm wide and not growing in saltmarshes~51 51~Spikelets less than 3 mm long, lower lemma shortly awned between 2 lobes; leaves sticky~Melinis 51*~Spikelets more than 3 mm long, lemmas awnless; leaves not sticky~52 52~Lower glume with a depressed vertical window surmounted by a thick transverse ridge bearing bristles~Thyridolepis 52*~Lower glume without a 'window' or ridge with bristles~Neurachne 53~Glumes and sterile lemma with spreading, hooked or curved, tubercle-based hairs; fertile lemma thinly cartilaginous with flat hyaline margins; rigid, branching perennials almost shrubby or scrambling~Ancistrachne 53*~Glumes and lemma without spreading hooked or curved hairs~54 54~Both florets fertile, or if the lower floret male then its lemma very similar to the upper and hardened; glumes more or less equal and similar; spikelets globose, small, awnless~Isachne 54*~Lower floret male or sterile, its lemma usually differing in texture or size from the lemma of the upper floret; glumes usually unequal or dissimilar (rarely subequal and similar as in Ottochloa and then the spikelets not distinctly globose), the lower (very rarely both) suppressed~55 55~Lower glume rudimentary and forming, with the base of the rachilla, a swollen annular callus subtending the lower glume; fertile floret hardened, usually with a small apical mucro~Eriochloa 55*~Spikelet not subtended by a swollen annular callus~56 56~Fertile lemma thinly cartilaginous to indurate with more or less flat, thin or hyaline margins enveloping the margins of the palea; spikelets borne on (1-or) few–many-flowered spicate racemes that are digitately, subdigitately or racemosely arranged on a common axis, or rarely solitary~57 56*~Either the fertile lemma with more or less inrolled thickened margins or the spikelets not borne on slender racemes on a common axis, or both~59 57~Lower glume subequal to the spikelet; sterile lemma with a subequal palea~Homopholis 57*~Lower glume less than 60% the length of the spikelet; sterile lemma with a minute scale-like palea that often remains attached to the base of the fertile floret~58 58~Fertile lemma shortly awned, the margins firm but thinner than the back; sterile lemma thinly cartilaginous like the fertile; upper glume densely ciliate along the outer nerves, the rigid cilia at first appressed then later spreading~Alloteropsis 58*~Spikelets unawned, occasionally the fertile lemma terminating in a very minute inconspicuous mucro; fertile lemma with thin, flat, hyaline margins; indumentum various but the upper glume not, and the sterile lemma very rarely, ciliate~Digitaria 59~Spikelets awnless; fertile lemma rugulose or smooth~60 59*~Either the glume(s) and/or the sterile lemma awned or mucronate, or the partial rachis produced into a long, awn-like point beyond the uppermost spikelet and then the upper glume and fertile lemma long acuminate; fertile lemma smooth~70 60~Inflorescence of variously arranged (rarely solitary), simple or compound, usually more or less secund, often spicate, dense or loose racemes, not an open, or contracted and cylindrical, panicle; spikelets often in pedicellate pairs or threes or solitary, alternately to the left and right of the median line of a usually triquetrous or compressed, dorsiventral rachis~61 60*~Inflorescence either an open panicle or else contracted, cylindrical and spicate~68 61~Back of the fertile lemma abaxial, the lower glume (if present) adaxial~62 61*~Back of the fertile lemma adaxial, the lower glume (if present) abaxial~64 62~Lower glume absent; racemes digitate or subdigitate~Axonopus 62*~Lower glume present and well developed; racemes arranged racemosely along the main axis~63 63~Upper lemma smooth and shiny, neither awned nor apiculate~Brachiaria 63*~Upper lemma coarsely or finely rugose or rugulose, usually awned or apiculate~Urochloa 64~Rachis of the racemes produced into a distinct short bristle beyond the uppermost spikelet; spikelets often very convex on the back and more or less depressed on the face, secund on the short, slender, sessile, spicate racemes~Paspalidium 64*~Rachis of the racemes not produced into a bristle beyond the uppermost spikelet~65 65~Lower glume little shorter than the upper and similar in appearance, both glumes shorter than and exposing the fertile lemma; margins of the fertile lemma very narrowly hyaline and minutely ciliolate upwards, entirely covering the tip of the palea; delicate decumbent or scrambling perennials~Ottochloa 65*~Lower glume very much shorter than the upper or absent; spikelets shortly to very shortly pedicellate and usually more or less crowded or secund, spicate racemes~66 66~Lower glume generally absent~Paspalum 66*~Lower glume present~67 67~Fertile lemma rugose, very obtuse with an abrupt, usually scabrous or barbellate mucro; spikelets more or less flattened, glabrous or softly hairy~Urochloa 67*~Fertile lemma smooth and shining, acute or acuminately pointed, the margins inrolled below but more or less flat above and not enclosing the tip of the palea; spikelets turgid, often stiffly hispid~Echinochloa 68~Inflorescence a large or small, more or less open panicle; spikelets not gibbous~69 68*~Inflorescence a contracted, cylindrical, spicate panicle; spikelets gibbous~Sacciolepis 69~Low spreading stoloniferous perennials in saltmarsh with leaf blades less than 2 mm wide; spikelets often appearing laterally flattened; inflorescences 3–6-flowered, the spikelets 3–4 mm long~Alexfloydia 69*~Caespitose or stoloniferous annuals or perennials; if stoloniferous perennials then leaf blades more than 2 mm wide, the spikelets usually appearing dorsiventrally flattened and more than 6 per inflorescence, and less than 3 or more than 4 mm long~Panicum 70~Upper glume and sterile lemma concealed by copious, long, silky hairs and somewhat gibbous about the middle, awned from the slightly notched tip, laterally compressed; panicles spreading~Melinis 70*~Upper glume and sterile lemma glabrous or pubescent but not concealed by long silky hairs~71 71~Glumes subequal, herbaceous, the lower awned from the back of an entire apex; spikelets in small clusters or 1- or 2-nate, secund on more or less short, spicate racemes that are racemosely arranged on a common axis; weak ascending grasses with slender, several-noded culms and lanceolate leaves~Oplismenus 71*~Glumes very unequal, the lower not or scarcely awned; awns terminal (if present) on the upper glume and/or sterile lemma~72 72~Rachis not conspicuously produced beyond the uppermost spikelet; upper glumes and sterile lemma both usually hispid with more or less stiff or bristly hairs; upper floret bisexual; spikelets crowded in rows or irregularly along mostly simple, 1-sided, spicate branches of a panicle~Echinochloa 72*~Rachis conspicuously produced into a long awn-like point beyond the uppermost spikelet; upper floret usually female, much shorter than the lower male floret; panicles either loosely spicate or spreading~Pseudoraphis 73~Spikelets solitary or several together in racemes distant along the axis and the racemes (or solitary spikelets) disarticulating as a whole from the main axis~74 73*~Spikelets solitary or in clusters on the branches of more or less contracted, spicate (rarely open) panicles, the spikelets or clusters falling from the (common) pedicels~75 74~Spikelets several together on the racemes, the lowest or lower subtended by a bristle (the prolongation of the rachis of a reduced lateral branch) and the rachis prolonged as a bristle beyond the uppermost spikelet~Paractaenum 74*~Spikelets solitary on the branches and subtended by 3 or 4 sterile branches that terminate in bristle-like branches, very rarely bearing a second spikelet~Plagiosetum 75~Bristles (rarely 1–few) persistent on the pedicels, the spikelets deciduous~Setaria 75*~Bristles or involucre falling with the spikelets at maturity~76 76~Bristles not united at the base, slender, smooth, antrorsely scabrous, ciliate or plumose, the spikelets solitary or in groups of 2–5~Pennisetum 76*~Bristles united into a burr-like involucre (more rarely only slightly united at the base) around a solitary spikelet or group of 2–7 spikelets~Cenchrus 77~Spikelets falling entire (sometimes tardily) from the rudimentary pedicels, solitary or 2–5 (rarely more) on short spicate racemes that are more or less sunk in hollows (or at least closely appressed) on 1 side of a flattened, or spongy continuous or jointed common axis; stoloniferous perennials with rather broad, obtuse blades and short flowering culms; spikelets rarely maturing seed~Stenotaphrum 77*~Spikelets sessile, few together (usually 2–4) on short spikes on a readily disarticulating, flattened common axis, the spikes falling entire with a segment of the axis; annual~Uranthoecium 78~Female heads about 2.5–3.5 cm diam., slightly bristly with the curved points of the bracteoles; male heads globose or hemispherical, 1–2 cm diam., the lowermost bract usually exceeding the head; rigid, branched bushy hummock-forming grass to 1.5 m high with stout creeping rhizomes; lunettes of inland lakes and inland sand dunes~Zygochloa 78*~Female heads large, about 20–30 cm diam., each spikelet solitary at the base of a long, spicate rachis; male spikelets few–many in sessile or pedunculate spikes clustered in a terminal head and often with other heads lower down on the stem, each spike about 2–4 cm long; plants forming tufts with long, trailing stolons on coastal sand dunes~Spinifex 79~Spikelets with 1 fertile floret, with or without 1 or more imperfect florets above it~80 79*~Spikelets with 2 or more fertile florets~84 80~Fertile floret with 1 or more imperfect floret(s) above it; lemmas usually awned or mucronate~81 80*~Fertile floret without an imperfect floret above it though often the rachilla produced and rarely bearing a minute abortive floret; lemmas usually not awned~83 81~Glumes subequal, the upper mucronate; lemmas awnless or mucronate~Eustachys 81*~Glumes unequal, acute, acuminate or aristulate; lemmas awned~82 82~Lemmas laterally compressed~Chloris 82*~Lemmas dorsally compressed~Enteropogon 83~Glumes longer than the floret~Brachyachne 83*~Glumes shorter than the floret~Cynodon 84~Axes of the spikes producing a bristle or acute point~Dactyloctenium 84*~Axes of the spikes ending in perfect or aborted spikelets, not projecting as a sterile bristle~85 85~Lemmas prominently lobed with the central segment tapering into a short, stiff, straight or terminally hooked awn~Astrebla 85*~Lemmas truncate, entire, erose or mucronate but not prominently lobed~86 86~Lemmas entire, acute~Eleusine 86*~Lemmas truncate or erose or minutely notched, rarely mucronate~Leptochloa 87~Spikelets with 1 or 2 florets; glumes (or at least the upper) well-developed~88 87*~Spikelets with 3 florets, the terminal floret bisexual, the lower 2 florets male or sterile and sometimes reduced to small or minute scales, articulate above the glumes, the florets falling together; glumes well developed or minute~109 88~Spikelets falling entire at maturity, either singly or in clusters, from the axis of slender, spicate panicles or racemes; lemmas delicate, 1–3-nerved~89 88*~Spikelets usually breaking up at maturity, the rachilla disarticualting above the more or less persistent glumes, or if falling entire then with firmly membranous awned or 5-nerved lemmas~91 89~Spikelets in deciduous, burr-like clusters of 2 (in the N.S.W. species) to 6; lower glume minute or suppressed; upper glume 5-nerved and hispid or spinous with hooked spines on the nerves~Tragus 89*~Spikelets borne singly or very shortly pedicellate on the continuous axis of a solitary, terminal spike or spicate raceme~90 90~Lower glume absent; upper glume awnless or mucronate or with a very slender awn to 3 mm long; low, rhizomatous or stoloniferous perennials~Zoysia 90*~Glumes more or less equal and similar, tapering into long capillary awns; annual (in the N.S.W. species)~Perotis 91~Lemmas more or less hardened and rigid at maturity, more or less terete or slightly dorsally compressed, with convolute or involute margins tightly enveloping the grain, with a terminal awn or awns or cleft into usually awned segments, rarely awnless~92 91*~Lemmas hyaline or membranous at maturity and awnless or dorsally (sometimes only slightly so, almost subterminally) awned, or more rarely terminally awned from the entire and obtuse or minutely toothed apex, or if the lemma hardened then the awn clearly dorsal or the glumes ciliate on the keels or the spikelets and lemmas more or less laterally compressed~98 92~Lemma terminating in a single undivided awn~93 92*~Lemma 3–5-cleft or 3–5-awned, or terminating in a single awn that branches above into 3 awns~95 93~Lemma usually several times longer than broad, narrow, cylindrical, sometimes slightly gibbous, tapering at the tip or sometimes slightly 2-lobed, convolute and totally enclosing the palea; awned from the apex of the lemma or from between its lobes, more or less persistent or tardily deciduous, twisted in the lower part, usually once or twice geniculate; callus longer than the breadth of the lemma, very oblique, sharp-pointed and bearded~Stipa 93*~Lemma short and broad; awn slender, deciduous; callus shorter than the breadth of the lemma~94 94~Lemma elliptic-oblong, not gibbous at the top; awn terminal and central from the minutely-lobed apex, straight, deciduous; palea 2-nerved, shorter than or subequal to the lemma~Piptatherum 94*~Lemma asymmetric, gibbous at the summit; awn eccentrically attached, deciduous; palea short, hyaline, without nerves or keels~Nassella 95~Lemma 5-awned, the central awn stronger than the laterals, geniculate and twisted below the bend, the 4 lateral awns slender, straight or curved but not twisted~Pentapogon 95*~Lemma 3-cleft or 3-awned or the single awn 3-branched~96 96~Lemma deeply 3-cleft with each segment usually awned; body of the lemma shortly oblong or ovate, with a short, obtuse or scarcely pointed callus (in the N.S.W. species); palea deeply 2-cleft with each segment usually awned similarly to the lemma~Amphipogon 96*~Lemma 3-awned or the single awn 3-branched, cylindric or linear oblong with a pointed callus; palea not deeply cleft~97 97~Awns (or branches) more or less similar (at least in the N.S.W. species), straight or somewhat curved; lemma tightly convolute or pseudo-involute, concealing the palea; rachilla not produced above the fertile floret; glumes 1-nerved (rarely to 5-nerved)~Aristida 97*~Awns very unequal, the central much longer, very robust and geniculate and twisted below the bend, the laterals slender, straight or curved and not or scarcely twisted; lemma convolute, at the apex not concealing the palea which extends beyond the point of insertion of the awns; spikelets very large, the glumes 3–5.5 cm long and more than 5-nerved; rachilla produced beyond the fertile floret, sometimes bearing an aborted floret~Anisopogon 98~Lemmas 1–3-nerved, awnless; glumes and lemma very similar in texture, thinly to very firmly membranous or hyaline, often somewhat shining; grain free (at maturity) in a delicate pericarp, falling free from the lemma and palea~Sporobolus 98*~Lemmas usually 3–5-nerved, frequently awned; glumes differing in texture from the lemma, usually longer and firmer than the hyaline lemma, but if shorter than the lemma or if the lemma is hardened then the glumes membranous and dull; grain usually with an adhering pericarp~99 99~Rachilla disarticulating below the glumes, the spikelet falling entire at maturity; panicles dense and spicate~100 99*~Rachilla disarticulating above the glumes~102 100~Glumes both awned from the entire apex or from the sinus between the 2 obtuse, short lobes of the apex, the awns very delicate, 4–7 mm long; lemma very thin, with a broad, blunt, minutely toothed tip, awnless or with an awn to 2 mm long from the tip~Polypogon 100*~Glumes awnless, lemma membranous with a slender dorsal awn~101 101~Glumes more or less ciliate on the keel; inflorescence dense and spicate~Alopecurus 101*~Glumes not ciliate on the keels; panicle open or dense and contracted but not spicate~Agrostis 102~Glumes either feathery-hairy, or glabrous, swollen, hardened and shining at the base~103 102*~Glumes neither feathery-hairy nor swollen at the base~104 103~Glumes feathery-hairy, each tapering into a fine bristle; panicle dense, spicate, globose to ovoid or oblong-cylindrical; lemma narrowed into 2 teeth and bearing a dorsal geniculate awn~Lagurus 103*~Glumes glabrous, acuminate, at the base swollen, hardened and shining; lemma very blunt, minutely toothed, awnless or with a slender, dorsal, geniculate awn; panicles narrow-lanceolate, oblong or cylindrical, dense and spicate~Gastridium 104~Glumes abruptly truncate with a short, rigid awn 1–2 mm long produced at the tip above the keel (in the species in N.S.W.), the keels fringed with cilia; spikelets oblong, very flattened, tightly packed in a dense, spicate, cylindrical panicle; lemma membranous, very blunt, awnless~Phleum 104*~Glumes obtuse, acute or acuminate but not abruptly truncate, and not or scarcely awned~105 105~Lemmas membranous or at least very thin, obtuse or truncate, smooth or softly hairy; panicles spreading or contracted but not or scarcely spicate; spikelets (at least in the N.S.W. species) less than 8 mm long; palea as long as to much shorter than the lemma or absent~Agrostis 105*~Lemmas thinly papery to hardened, more or less scaberulous or scabrous at least upwards, never completely smooth and shining; palea usually well developed~106 106~Spikelets 9–16 mm long; lemma lanceolate to narrow-lanceolate to oblong, obtuse, very compressed and keeled, awnless or with a minute dorsal awn behind the tip; panicles spicate, narrow-oblong to cylindrical, tapering upwards, dense, pale; coarse perennial on coastal sand dunes forming dense tussocks with stout rhizomes and long leaves~Ammophila 106*~Spikelets less than 9 mm long, or if longer then the lemma either 2-cleft and awned or mucronate from the sinus or entire and awned from near the apex with an awn twice or more the length of the lemma and the lemma linear~107 107~Glumes rigidly ciliate on the keel; lemma entire or 2-cleft with the lobes sometimes aristate, and awned or mucronate from the sinus, 5–11-nerved; panicle spicate, sometimes dense~Echinopogon 107*~Glumes smooth or scabrous on the keel but not ciliate; lemma entire or minutely (often 4-) toothed~108 108~Lemma lanceolate, or broad-oblong (and then very small), usually more or less hardened at maturity and usually minutely (often 4-) toothed at the apex, minutely or shortly awned or rarely awnless, the awn not twice as long as the lemma~Deyeuxia 108*~Lemma linear or very narrowly linear-lanceolate, entire or minutely notched with a slender dorsal awn twice to several times as long as the lemma~Dichelachne 109~Lower florets male and with 2-nerved paleas; glumes well developed, half as long to as long as the lemma; panicle loose or loosely contracted; spikelets often brown and/or shining; plants often fragrant; lodicules present~Hierochloe 109*~Lower florets sterile and without paleas; plants fragrant or not fragrant~110 110~Upper or both glumes as longer or longer than the florets~111 110*~Both glumes distinctly shorter than the florets, sometimes minute~112 111~Upper glume as long or longer than the florets, the lower about half as long, both thinly membranous; lower sterile lemma awned from high up on the back, the upper lemma with a stouter geniculate awn near the base; panicle spicate, 1–4 cm long; plants fragrant; lodicules absent~Anthoxanthum 111*~Both glumes longer than and concealing the florets; sterile lemmas reduced to small scales adhering closely to the base of the fertile lemma; fertile florets papery and tough, smooth and more or less shining though often thinly hairy; spikelets strongly laterally compressed, the glumes strongly keeled and often winged on the keels; panicle usually spicate, sometimes somewhat interrupted and branching; plants not fragrant~Phalaris 112~Caryopsis elliptic in outline, strongly laterally compressed; stamens 6 or 3, rarely 1; sterile florets smooth, hairy, or transversely wrinkled, sometimes with appendages at the base; spikelets in contracted or open panicles or racemes~Ehrharta 112*~Caryopsis linear or oblong in outline, very turgid at maturity; stamens 2–6 but usually 4; sterile florets smooth or scabrous but neither hairy (except sometimes with small tufts of hair at the base) nor wrinkled; spikelets in narrow panicles or racemes~113 113~Caryopsis linear; stamens 2–6 but usually 4; sterile florets terminating in distinct, often long, awns, elongate, slender, scabrous, either with the callus very hairy or the lemmas with small tufts of hairs at the base, arranged in narrow, sometimes drooping panicles or racemes with capillary branches and pedicels; glumes small, sometimes minute~Microlaena 113*~Caryopsis oblong; stamens 4; sterile florets very obtuse or truncate to acuminate or mucronate but not awned, without tufts of hair at the base and the callus glabrous, arranged alternately on spicate erect racemes (in N.S.W. species) and with short stiff pedicels~Tetrarrhena 114~Lemma awned from the back, or awnless (and then usually annuals), the apex entire or notched; ligule membranous~115 114*~Lemma awned or with a mucro from the sinus of a 2-lobed tip, or awnless (and then usually perennials), or rarely the awn terminal (in Eriachne); ligule reduced to a row of hairs, or if membranous then erosely ciliate on the margins~124 115~Spikelets mostly 4–10-flowered; panicles loose or loosely contracted; spikelets about 1 cm or more long, scarcely compressed; lemma with a rather long geniculate awn from the back; aquatic or semi-aquatic grasses~Amphibromus 115*~Spikelets 2- or 3-flowered, or if up to 6-flowered then the awn short and straight; non-aquatic species~116 116~Florets 2 (or 3), 1 bisexual, the other male~117 116*~Florets (or at least the lower pair) alike and bisexual~118 117~Lowest floret usually male and bearing a geniculate awn, the second bisexual and awnless, falling together at maturity~Arrhenatherum 117*~Lowest floret bisexual and awnless, the upper male with a short awn near the tip, the spikelets falling entire at maturity, compressed~Holcus 118~Spikelets 1 cm or more in length, nodding; florets 2 or 3, the lower 1 or 2 usually awned from the back with a long geniculate awn; glumes closely 7–11-nerved; annuals~Avena 118*~Spikelets less than 1 cm long, erect~119 119~Spikelets strictly 2-flowered, with the florets subequal, very small~120 119*~Spikelets 3–6-flowered or rarely with the third floret reduced and rudimentary~121 120~Glumes longer than the usually awned florets~Aira 120*~Glumes shorter than the awnless florets~Periballia 121~Annuals with terminal or subterminal awns~Rostraria 121*~Perennials with dorsal awns or awnless~122 122~Panicles spreading; awns straight, from near the base of the lemma, mostly included within the glumes~Deschampsia 122*~Panicles dense and spicate; awns dorsal or awnless~123 123~Lemmas with a dorsal geniculate awn shortly exserted from the glumes~Trisetum 123*~Lemmas awnless or shortly mucronate~Koeleria 124~Low tufted annuals with more or less thin soft leaves~125 124*~Perennials (sometimes annuals) with more or less firm, wiry or hard leaves~126 125~Spikelets 2-flowered with the rachilla shortly produced; lemma thin, narrowed upwards into short, delicate lateral awns and with a longer, fine, geniculate central awn slightly twisted; leaf blades flat~Pentaschistis 125*~Spikelets about 5-flowered; lemma broad, rounded on the back, distinctly 5–9-nerved, with hyaline margins upwards, shortly 2-lobed with a mucro on the lowest lemma and a minute mucro on the upper lemmas between the lobes; leaf blades flat or rolled~Schismus 126~Spikelets 2-flowered (rarely 1-flowered); lemma not lobed at the apex, awnless or tapering into a mucro or straight or curved (not twisted) awn~Eriachne 126*~Spikelets 2–several-flowered; lemma more or less 3-lobed, or 2-lobed or 2-cleft and with a mucro or awn from the sinus~127 127~Lower leaf sheaths woolly and swollen; drier areas of the State~Monachather 127*~Lower leaf sheaths not woolly and swollen~128 128~Awns less than 4 mm long, often reduced to a mucro or lemmas awnless and 3-lobed~129 128*~Lemma deeply to shortly cleft, the lateral segments often tapering into short awns or points, the central awn more than 4 mm long, geniculate and more or less strongly twisted below the bend~130 129~Awn less than 4 mm long, often reduced to a mucro~Plinthanthesis 129*~Lemmas 3-lobed, awnless; low-growing alpine grasses~Rytidosperma 130~Hilum more or less 30% as long as the grain, situated in a longitudinal groove; hairs of even length scattered over the back of the lemma~Chionochloa 130*~Hilum less than 30% as long as the grain, grain concave; hairs of the lemma arranged variously but usually of different lengths~Danthonia 131~Lemmas cleft into 9 (in Australian species) subulate or lanceolate or awned lobes~Enneapogon 131*~Lemmas entire or up to 5-lobed or 5-awned~132 132~Inflorescence spicate with spikelets on opposite sides of the rachis of solitary spikes or spicate racemes; lemmas awnless or with a terminal awn~133 132*~Spikelets borne in open or contracted spicate panicles; if arranged on opposite sides of the rachis then the lemmas awned or mucronate from a 2-fid apex~144 133~Lemmas usually 1–3-nerved; spikelets 1- or 2-flowered, more or less sunken in hollows or depressions in the articulate rachis, more or less enclosed by the glumes~134 133*~Lemmas 5–9-nerved; spikelets 1–many-flowered, sometimes more or less sunken in depressions in the rachis but then 3- or more than 3-flowered~136 134~Glume 1, thin, very much shorter than the floret; lemma thinly hardened, shortly awned, 3-nerved; spikelets distant on the very slender rachis~Psilurus 134*~Glumes 1 or 2, leathery, longer than the floret; lemma awnless; spikelets rather closely spaced on the rachis~135 135~Lower glume very small or suppressed in the lateral spikelets, the upper glume broad and facing the rachis; lemmas of the first (and often only) floret with its back adjacent to the rachis of the spike~Hainardia 135*~Both glumes well developed in the lateral spikelets, placed side by side in front of the cavity in the rachis; lemma with 1 side adjacent to the rachis of the spike~Parapholis 136~Lower (inner) glume absent on lateral spikelets; spikelets placed with the backs of alternate lemmas to the rachis~Lolium 136*~Both glumes developed; spikelets placed with either the backs of alternate lemmas or with 1 side of all the lemmas to the rachis~137 137~Spikelets 1-flowered, in clusters of 3 at each node of the rachis, the 3 falling together~Hordeum 137*~Spikelets solitary at each node of the rachis~138 138~Spikelets usually with 2 florets, the rachilla often produced above them; glumes narrow, rigid, acuminate or subulate pointed, 1-nerved; lemmas ciliate on the keels, awned~Secale 138*~Spikelets with more than 2 florets~139 139~Glumes very broad, mucronate or toothed or awned, bulging on the back, sometimes keeled above; spikelets 2–5-flowered, placed with 1 side of each of the lemmas against the rachis; lemmas abruptly pointed or awned~Triticum 139*~Glumes not bulging on the back, narrow to moderately broad; spikelets usually more than 5-flowered; lemmas tapering into an awn or awnless~140 140~Lemmas awned, the awn more than 50% the length of the lemma~141 140*~Lemmas awnless or with an awn or mucro less than 50% the length of the lemma~142 141~Spikelets shortly pedicellate; awns straight; leaf auricles absent; plants annual~Brachypodium 141*~Spikelets sessile; awns often curving away from the lemmas; leaf auricles usually present; plants perennial~Elymus 142~Plants strongly rhizomatous; lemmas awnless but may be sharply pointed~Elytrigia 142*~Plants without long rhizomes; lemmas more or less awned~143 143~Rachis of inflorescence 1.5 mm or more wide, glabrous but scabrous or ciliate on the edges; glumes more than 2 mm wide, obtuse~Thinopyrum 143*~Rachis of inflorescence 1 mm or less wide, pubescent; glumes 1.2 mm or less wide, acute~Australopyrum 144~Lemmas usually 5–many-nerved, the nerves never in 3 distinct groups or with the leaves rigid and needle-pointed; plants with non-Kranz anatomy~145 144*~Lemmas 1–3-nerved or the nerves in 3 distinct groups and then the leaves rigid and needle-pointed; plants all with Kranz anatomy~159 145~Spikelets dimorphic, the fertile and sterile intermixed on the same inflorescence~146 145*~Spikelets all alike on the same inflorescence~147 146~Fertile spikelets with 1 bisexual floret, long-awned; sterile spikelets with many obtuse sterile lemmas; small annual with rather dense, somewhat 1-sided, oblong yellowish panicles with crowded groups of spikelets on short drooping branches~Lamarckia 146*~Fertile spikelets 2- or 3-flowered; sterile spikelets with numerous, rigid, awn-tipped lemmas; spikelets borne on 1 side of the main axis of a spicate panicle; annuals or perennials~Cynosurus 147~Spikelets crowded in 1-sided clusters at the ends of a few, stiffly spreading, naked panicle branches, strongly laterally compressed~Dactylis 147*~Spikelets borne in loose or contracted panicles~148 148~Lemmas as broad as long, cordate at the base with outspread margins, closely overlapping, awnless; panicles loose, spreading or nodding~Briza 148*~Lemmas longer than broad and/or not cordate at the base~149 149~Lemmas laterally compressed and keeled (only slightly so in some species) and often with web-like hairs on the callus; spikelets small, less than 10 cm long; panicles usually loose and spreading at maturity, more rarely somewhat contracted; lodicules free, membranous~150 149*~Lemmas rounded on the back at least in the lower part, sometimes slightly keeled upwards or spikelets large and more than 10 mm long~151 150~Plants usually less than 1.5 m high; ovary glabrous at apex; hilum punctiform, basal~Poa 150*~Plants often more than 1.5 m high; ovary hairy at the apex; hilum linear-elongate~Dryopoa 151~Spikelets shortly but distinctly 3-toothed, the teeth equal or the central 1 mucronate; spikelets about 1.5 cm long, solitary or up to 3 on long capillary branches of a somewhat contracted panicle; lemma prominently nerved~Notochloe 151*~Spikelets obtuse or acute or notched but not obviously 3-toothed~152 152~Nerves of the lemma converging and the lemma narrowed towards the apex~153 152*~Nerves of the lemma parallel, not or scarcely converging at the summit, awnless~157 153~Ovary with a hairy terminal appendage, the styles arising laterally below it; grain compressed; lemmas usually awned from the minutely notched tip or just behind it~Bromus 153*~Ovary without a hairy terminal appendage, the styles terminal though sometimes inserted rather far apart on the flat top of the ovary~154 154~Perennials; lemmas awned from the entire tip or mucronate or awnless; panicles usually spreading with slender branches~155 154*~Annuals~156 155~Lemmas rounded on the back; hilum elongated~Festuca 155*~Lemmas keeled throughout; hilum short, oval~Austrofestuca 156~Lemmas subulate, tapering into a long awn; glumes very unequal; spikelets few on the usually erect, short, slender branches of a contracted panicle~Vulpia 156*~Lemmas awnless, rather obtuse, 2–2.5 mm long; glumes only slightly unequal; panicle 1-sided, stiff, shortly branched below, the spikelets on short thick pedicels~Catapodium 157~Spikelets shortly pedicellate on short dense racemes that may be overtopped by the leaves~Sclerochloa 157*~Spikelets in open or contracted panicles~158 158~Nerves prominent; plants usually rather tall, usually aquatic or semi-aquatic; margins of sheaths fused at least below; lodicules firm, short, truncate, often fused; hilum linear, as long as the grain~Glyceria 158*~Nerves indistinct; plants rather low, usually in saline or alkaline soils or marshes; margins of sheaths free~Puccinellia 159~Spikelets more or less densely arranged and very shortly pedicellate on a solitary terminal spike; lemmas awned or mucronate from a 2-lobed apex~Tripogon 159*~Spikelets variously arranged in open or contracted or spicate or interrupted panicles but not in simple spikes~160 160~Lemmas entire, awnless and not produced into awn-like points~161 160*~Lemmas distinctly or obscurely notched and then often with a small mucro from the sinus, or awned, or at least truncate and more or less erose and then the spikelets racemose on elongate panicle branches~163 161~Plants dioecious; perennials with creeping rhizomes; usually on saline soils~Distichlis 161*~Plants monoecious; perennials or annuals, usually without creeping rhizomes; habitats various~162 162~Lemmas 1-nerved, thinly membranous; spikelets borne on the branches of a dense spicate panicle, 2- or 3-flowered~Thellungia 162*~Lemmas 3-nerved, various in texture; spikelets in open or contracted panicles, rarely in racemes or few together in spicate clusters or short branches~Eragrostis 163~Blades hard, stiff, often pungent-pointed, flat or more commonly permanently folded (and then sometimes appearing needle-like); lemmas more or less distinctly 2-toothed or lobed, or emarginate~Triodia 163*~Leaf blades soft or rigid, neither very hard nor pungent-pointed; lemmas various but not 3-lobed or toothed~164 164~Spikelets racemose on elongate branches of the panicle, lemmas truncate and more or less erose or notched and sometimes mucronate but not or scarcely awned~165 164*~Spikelets in dense, spicate, sometimes interrupted panicles on their spicate branches; lemmas short- or long-awned or tapering into awn-like points~166 165~Lemmas truncate and/or erose or minutely notched, not or scarcely mucronate, lateral nerves often shortly hairy~Leptochloa 165*~Lemmas rather distinctly notched and mucronate, fringed with hairs in the lower part~Diplachne 166~Lemmas 3-awned and toothed on either side of the central awn~Triraphis 166*~Lemmas with a single awn or awn-like point~Elytrophorus #{gn}Atriplex 1~Long-lived perennial shrubs; frequently dioecious~4 1*~Annuals or short-lived perennials; monoecious~2 2~Fruiting bracteoles fused for less than half their length~12 2*~Fruiting bracteoles fused for more than half their length~3 3~Fruiting bracteoles with dorsal appendage(s)~25 3*~Fruiting bracteoles without dorsal appendages~35 4~Mostly dioecious, though some mixing of sexes may occur; woody perennials~5 4*~Plants usually monoecious; woody or herbaceous perennials~10 5~Shrub 1.5–3 m high, inland species only~6 5*~Shrubs to c. 1 m high, inland and coastal species~7 6~Foliage and stems with a bluish grey scaly sheen on all surfaces; bracteoles thickened and corky all over~Atriplex rhagodioides 6*~Foliage and stems grey-green,bracteoles thin and papery toward apical margin~Atriplex nummularia 7~Coastal species; fruiting bracteoles obtuse to acute, united to just below the middle, sometimes with a small base, lower central portion swollen or not~Atriplex cinerea 7*~Inland species; fruiting bracteoles with or without appendages, obtuse or acute, sessile or with a long stipe-like base~8 8~Delicate erect shrub to c. 1 m high; fruiting bracteoles with a stipe-like base more than 3 mm long~Atriplex stipitata 8*~Robust or spreading shrubs to c. 1 m high; fruiting bracteoles virtually sessile~9 9~Fruiting bracteoles with entire margins and usually with an appendage; appendage sometimes inflated and almost as long as the bracteole or reduced~Atriplex vesicaria 9*~Fruiting bracteoles lobed and without appendages~Atriplex sp. B sensu Jacobs (1990) 10~Fruiting bracteoles sessile or subsessile, more or less triangular, occasionally with spiny appendages~Atriplex velutinella 10*~Fruiting bracteoles with an obvious stipe-like base; apex expanded, more or less fan-like; bracteoles with or without appendages~11 11~Fruiting bracteoles without dorsal appendages~Atriplex stipitata 11*~Fruiting bracteoles with a reniform dorsal appendage~Atriplex quinii 12~Fruiting bracteoles with dorsal appendage(s)~13 12*~Fruiting bracteoles without dorsal appendages~20 13~Fruiting bracteoles with entire margins or 3-lobed but otherwise entire~14 13*~Margins of fruiting bracteoles with more than 3 teeth~18 14~Fruiting bracteoles more than 6 mm long~15 14*~Fruiting bracteoles less than 6 mm long~16 15~Fruiting bracteoles sessile or subsessile, more or less triangular~Atriplex velutinella 15*~Fruiting bracteoles with a hardened stipe-like base~Atriplex acutibractea 16~Fruiting bracteoles both with numerous papillate appendages~Atriplex papillata 16*~Fruiting bracteoles at most with two small tooth-like appendages on one or both bracteoles~17 17~Fruiting bracteoles broader than long~Atriplex acutiloba 17*~Fruiting bracteoles longer than broad or as long as broad~Atriplex semibaccata 18~Bracteole teeth usually 5~Atriplex acutiloba 18*~Bracteole teeth more than 5~19 19~Fruiting bracteoles sessile, leaves elliptic or broad- elliptic to obovate~Atriplex fissivalvis 19*~Fruiting bracteoles with stipe-like base 0.5–1.5 mm long, leaves lanceolate to narrow-obovate~Atriplex spinibractea 20~Margins of fruiting bracteoles with more than 3 teeth~Atriplex spinibractea 20*~Margins of fruiting bracteoles entire or 3-lobed~21 21~Fruiting bracteoles rhombic, apex triangular~22 21*~Fruiting bracteoles broad-triangular~23 22~Plant prostrate; fruit solitary or few together, axillary~Atriplex semibaccata 22*~Plant erect; fruit in dense clusters in terminal spike-like inflorescences~Atriplex patula 23~Inland short-lived perennial; leaves ovate or rhombic; fruiting bracteoles 6–9 mm long~Atriplex velutinella 23*~Coastal annuals (rarely short-lived perennials); leaves hastate or ovate; fruiting bracteoles less than 6 mm long~24 24~Plant decumbent; leaves and fruit glaucous; inflorescence usually c. 20–30% of plant~Atriplex australasica 24*~Plant erect; leaves green, fruit dark green; inflorescence usually c. 50% of plant~Atriplex prostrata 25~Fruiting bracteoles with a stipe-like base more than 1 mm long~26 25*~Fruiting bracteoles sessile or with a stipe-like base less than 1 mm long~30 26~Fruiting bracteoles broadest c. midway up~Atriplex spinibractea 26*~Fruiting bracteoles broadest at the top~27 27~Dorsal appendages larger than the free portion of the bracteole~Atriplex limbata 27*~Dorsal appendages smaller than the free portion of the bracteole~28 28~Appendages reniform, 1 on each bracteole~Atriplex quinii 28*~Appendages tooth-like, 1 or 2 on one bracteole only~29 29~Leaves petiolate, spreading; appendages 2 on one bracteole~Atriplex eardleyae 29*~Leaves sessile, erect; appendages 1 or 2 on one bracteole or absent~Atriplex pseudocampanulata 30~Fruiting bracteoles less than 3 mm long~31 30*~Fruiting bracteoles more than 3 mm long~32 31~Apex of fruiting bracteoles acute~Atriplex infrequens 31*~Apex of fruiting bracteoles truncate~Atriplex elachophylla 32~Dorsal appendages large, inflated~33 32*~Appendages small, tooth-like~34 33~Central lobe of apex longer than the two lateral lobes, c. as long as the inflated base~Atriplex nessorhina 33*~All 3 terminal lobes more or less equal, much shorter than the inflated appendage~Atriplex morrisii 34~Fruiting bracteoles broadest at the base, broad-triangular~Atriplex acutiloba 34*~Fruiting bracteoles broadest around the middle, rhombic~Atriplex semibaccata 35~Fruiting bracteoles spongy, inflated~36 35*~Fruiting bracteoles neither spongy nor inflated~38 36~Apex of bracteoles flattened, with wing-like margins~Atriplex lindleyi 36*~Apex of bracteoles rounded, no wing-like margins~37 37~Leaves sessile~Atriplex spongiosa 37*~Leaves petiolate~Atriplex holocarpa 38~Fruiting bracteoles with hardened stipe-like base~39 38*~Fruiting bracteoles sessile or shortly stalked, sometimes hardened but without an obvious hardened stipe-like base~46 39~Fruiting bracteoles at least twice as broad at apex as elsewhere~40 39*~Fruiting bracteoles cylindrical or broadest at the middle~44 40~Fruiting bracteoles more than 6 mm long~41 40*~Fruiting bracteoles less than 6 mm long~43 41~Fruiting bracteoles almost as broad as long (about two-thirds as broad as long), upper free portion of bracteoles usually with recurved lobes (rarely the lobes reduced)~Atriplex angulata 41*~Fruiting bracteoles about half as broad as long, upper portion of bracteoles fan-shaped~42 42~Stipe-like base of fruiting bracteoles swollen and hardened~Atriplex intermedia 42*~Stipe-like base of fruiting bracteoles hardened but not swollen~Atriplex turbinata 43~Fruiting bracteoles 3.5 mm long or less~Atriplex crassipes 43*~Fruiting bracteoles more than 3.5 mm long~Atriplex pseudocampanulata 44~Fruiting bracteoles broadest at the middle~Atriplex spinibractea 44*~Fruiting bracteoles more or less cylindrical~45 45~Fruiting bracteoles less than 4 mm long; leaves obovate, to 15 mm long~Atriplex sturtii 45*~Fruiting bracteoles more than 4 mm long; leaves oblong to linear-lanceolate, may be more than 15 mm long~Atriplex leptocarpa 46~Fruiting bracteoles spreading at the apex to form a broad, terminal, more or less flat wing more than 5 mm diam~Atriplex macropterocarpa 46*~Fruiting bracteoles various but not forming a broad, flat, terminal wing~47 47~Fruiting bracteoles less than 3 mm long~48 47*~Fruiting bracteoles more than 3 mm long~51 48~Fruiting bracteoles acute with a central acute lobe, lateral lobes present or absent~49 48*~Fruiting bracteoles more or less truncate; lobes, if present, more or less equal~50 49~Fruiting bracteoles with lateral lobes and with a vertical thickened zone~Atriplex lobativalvis 49*~Fruiting bracteoles rhombic, without lateral lobes, not obviously thickened~Atriplex infrequens 50~Fruiting bracteoles not obviously thickened, tapering gradually into the truncate, unlobed to 3-lobed apex~Atriplex pumilio 50*~Fruiting bracteoles with swollen, hardened base surmounted by a small lobed apex~Atriplex elachophylla 51~Fruiting bracteoles more than 8 mm long, flattened dorsiventrally~Atriplex conduplicata 51*~Fruiting bracteoles less than 6 mm long, more or less swollen~52 52~Fruiting bracteoles more or less rhombic, no obviously thickened zone, though sometimes succulent and red~Atriplex semibaccata 52*~Fruiting bracteoles with a globose thickened zone surmounted by a lobed apex~53 53~Apex of fruiting bracteoles obtuse, all teeth more or less equal in length; leaf apex obtuse~Atriplex muelleri 53*~Apex of fruiting bracteoles acute, with one tooth more prominent; leaf apex acute to obtuse~Atriplex suberecta #{gn}Pittosporum 1~Short shoots present; adult leaves clustered or alternate, usually not whorled at end of branches~2 1*~Short shoots absent; adult leaves usually appearing whorled at end of branches~9 2~Short shoots spinescent in most developmental stages; stems usually scabrid; fruit indehiscent (dehiscent in Pittosporum oreillyanum)~3 2*~Short shoots never spinescent; stems ridged and generally glabrescent, never scabrid; fruit dehiscent, always 2- or 3-valved~7 3~Flowers with petals pale orange on inner surface and maroon on outer surface; leaves with lamina c. 6 mm long~Pittosporum oreillyanum 3*~Flowers cream-coloured; leaves with lamina greater than 8 mm long~4 4~Leaves almost orbicular; margin angular-dentate; petals hairy on inner surface; fruit orange~Pittosporum multiflorum 4*~Leaves elliptic or obovate; margin lacking angular teeth; petals glabrous; fruit green, maturing to black-brown~5 5~Leaves alternate, not stem clasping~Pittosporum lancifolium 5*~Leaves mainly clustered in groups of 3 or more, stem clasping~6 6~Leaves 8–15 mm long; fruit to 25 mm diameter, thick-walled~Pittosporum spinescens 6*~Leaves 20–25 mm long; fruit less than 10 mm diameter, thin-walled~Pittosporum viscidum 7~Sepals with distinctive woolly fringe of hairs; flowers held below leaves on long, pendant stalks; fruit 3-valved~Pittosporum erioloma 7*~Sepals without woolly hairs; flowers held amongst leaves; fruit usually 2-valved~8 8~Leaves oblong or linear to narrowly elliptic, falcate, glabrous; petiole c. 10 mm long~Pittosporum angustifolium 8*~Leaves narrowly ovate to narrowly oblong, not falcate, abaxial surface densely hairy; petiole 2–3 mm long~Pittosporum bicolor 9~Fruit with thick woody, often warty valves; valves >2 mm thick; shrub to c. 3 m high~Pittosporum revolutum 9*~Fruit leathery, not woody nor warty; valves c. 1–2 mm thick; tall shrub or tree to 15 m high~10 10~Leaf margin undulate, occasionally flat; lamina ovate or elliptic to narrowly obovate, 6–15 cm long, 1.5–4 cm wide, glabrous, with apex acute to acuminate; petals white to cream-coloured~Pittosporum undulatum 10*~Leaf margin flat, slightly revolute; lamina obovate to narrowly so, (3-)4–7(-9) cm long, 1.3–2(-2.5) cm wide, abaxial surface pale green with whitish hairs, with apex bluntly acute to obtuse; petals purplish red~Pittosporum crassifolium #{gn}Spergularia 1~Plant perennial with usually thick, woody taproot; stipules usually more than 4 mm long~2 1*~Plant annual, biennial or rarely short-lived perennial with ± slender taproot; stipules rarely more than 4 mm long~9 2~Mature seeds yellow-brown to dark grey-brown~3 2*~Mature seeds jet-black~8 3~Plant completely glabrous; seeds scariously winged, the wings deeply erose-laciniate~Spergularia levis 3*~Plant with at least the inflorescence glandular-hairy; wings of seeds, if present, entire to erose denticulate, never deeply erose-laciniate~4 4~Leaves mostly prominently caudate; capsules usually 3.5–5.5 mm long; seeds mostly 0.4–0.6 mm long (excluding wing)~5 4*~Leaves acute to mucronate or shortly caudate; capsules up to 9 mm long; seeds mostly 0.6–1.1 mm long (excluding wing)~6 5~Branches usually erect from base, occasionally decumbent; inflorescences few-flowered, with sparse to dense glandular hairs; sepals often with dark purple basal spots or marginal striae; stamens (5–)6–8; seeds mostly very dark grey-brown to jet-black, distinctly metallic-iridescent~Spergularia brevifolia 5*~Branches consistently decumbent from base; inflorescences many-flowered, with dense glandular hairs; sepals with purplish spots obscure or usually absent; stamens (5–)10; seeds dark purple-, grey- or blackish-brown but never jet-black or metallic-iridescent, usually rugulose-colliculate~Spergularia rubra 6~Sepals usually 2.5–4 mm long; stamens usually 2–5; mature seeds usually 0.6–0.8 mm long (excl. wing), either with fine marginal papillae distinctly paler than testa; or seeds occasionally winged and then marginal papillae absent, often both forms in the same capsule~Spergularia marina 6*~Sepals usually 4–7 mm long; stamens usually 5–10; mature seeds usually 0.7–1.1 mm long (excl. wing), smooth to colliculate or papillose, usually all scariously winged~7 7~Mature seeds almost smooth, bright to dull rust-brown~Spergularia media 7*~Mature seeds colliculate-papillose, dark grey-brown~Spergularia tasmanica 8~Stipules acute to scarcely acuminate; petals 4 mm long, shorter than sepals; capsules 6–9 mm long; seeds usually 0.7–0.9 mm long (excl. wing), colliculate-papillose, usually scariously winged~Spergularia tasmanica 8*~Stipules mostly long-acuminate; petals 2.5–5 mm long, about equal to sepals; capsules (3–) 4–6 mm long; seeds usually 0.5–0.6 mm long, coarsely blunt-papillose, rarely ± smooth, wingless~Spergularia brevifolia 9~Mature seeds usually pale olive-brown or rust-brown, metallic-iridescent lustre usually lacking or obscure, smooth to finely papillose~10 9*~Mature seeds grey-brown to jet-black, usually with clear metallic-iridescent lustre, or the lustre ± hidden by very densely packed papillae~11 10~Mature capsules narrow-ovoid, usually 4–6 mm long; mature seeds (0.5–)0.6–0.8(–0.9) mm long, rust-brown or rarely darker, either with fine marginal papillae distinctly paler than testa; or seeds occasionally scariously winged and then papillae absent, often both in the same capsule~Spergularia marina 10*~Mature capsules ovoid to subglobose, usually 2–4 mm long; mature seeds 0.35–0.55(–0.6) mm long, pale olive-brown, smooth to finely papillose, with papillae not or scarcely paler than testa, never winged~Spergularia bocconei 11~Leaves mostly ± glandular-hairy, rarely glabrous; stipules usually longer than wide, mostly acuminate; petals up to 5 mm long; stamens 6–10, rarely less~12 11*~Leaves mostly glabrous; stipules often wider than long, usually not acuminate or occasionally so; petals rarely more than 2 mm long; stamens 2 or 3, rarely more~Spergularia diandra 12~Leaves mostly prominently caudate; stipules silvery; seeds rugulose-colliculate/tuberculate to papillose~Spergularia rubra 12*~Leaves obtuse, mucronate or prominently caudate; stipules not silvery; seeds coarsely blunt-papillose, tuberculate or rarely ± smooth~13 13~Leaf apex obtuse to mucronulate; stipules (1–)2–3 mm long; seeds narrowly oblique-pyriform to trigonous,0.45 mm long, usually jet-black, metallic-iridescent lustre ± hidden beneath very densely packed, blunt papillae~Spergularia diandroides 13*~Leaf apex usually prominently caudate, sometimes obtuse to mucronate; stipules (3–)4–5(–8) mm long; seeds usually broadly pyriform, (0.45–)0.5–0.6(–0.75) mm long, dark grey-brown to jet-black, usually with prominent metallic-iridescent lustre, coarsely blunt-papillose, tuberculate or rarely ± smooth~Spergularia brevifolia #{gn}Thelymitra 1~Lateral arms of mitra with cilia or hair tufts; mitra midlobe large enough to conceal most or all of the anther~2 1*~Lateral arms glabrous (arms obscure bumps or flattened fins with toothed to warty margins); mitra midlobe too small (reduced to a sheath or ornamented collar) to conceal the anther (The species in this group are sometimes treated as the variable species complex Thelymitra longifolia J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. s. lat.)~16 2~Mitra midlobe expansive or inflated forming a tubular, weakly ornamented, hood; hood shaped like a cone, crescent or pincer~3 2*~Mitra midlobe short, forming an ornate crest; crest either flanked by 2 lobes or culminating in a continuous, wrinkled ridge~10 3~Mitra midlobe with irregular bumps or warts, the hood tip short to narrow (abrupt); dorsal sepal and lateral petals often spotted~Thelymitra truncata 3*~Mitra midlobe sides smooth to minutely papillose, the tip long and inflated to rounded; dorsal sepal and lateral petals never spotted~4 4~Perianth segments overlapping widely and untidily; midlobe much elongated, flat-topped and slanted~Thelymitra megcalyptra 4*~Perianth segments without severe, untidy overlap; midlobe not much elongated round-topped to dome-like~5 5~Lateral sepals narrower than dorsal sepal, petals spotted, broader to rounder than the dorsal sepal; confined to subalpine woods~Thelymitra decora 5*~Lateral sepals similar to dorsal sepal, petals spotless and similar to dorsal sepal; not confined to subalpine woods~6 6~Perianth segments less than 11 mm long, opening tardily; labellum often smaller than the other 5 segments~Thelymitra pauciflora 6*~Perianth segments 15–20 mm long, opening readily; labellum not smaller than the other 5 segments~7 7~Midlobe tip narrowed, slender, notch toothed, the hairs on lateral arms confined to dense tufts terminating each arm tip; inflorescence to 80 cm high~8 7*~Midlobe tip broadened, rounded, cleft smooth to bumpy, the hairs on lateral arms emergent along arm margins (ciliate); inflorescence to 65 cm high~9 8~Lateral arms ending in white to yellowish tufts~Thelymitra aristata 8*~Lateral arms ending in mauve tufts~Thelymitra malvina 9~Leaf thin and shallow, flaccid; hair tuft at tip of lateral arm compact, globose; perianth usually mauve~Thelymitra fragrans 9*~Leaf thick and ribbed, erect; hair tuft at tip of lateral arm looser, brushy; perianth usually blue~Thelymitra nuda 10~Each lateral arm isolated from the ornate crest by a separate, obtrusive, colourful, accessory lobe (lobe flat to erect, columnar or wing-like, often ornamented)~11 10*~Lateral arms not conspicuously separated from the ornate crest by abrupt lobes as the crest is an extended, exaggerated-angled ridge formed by the continuous fusion of the accessory lobes to the crest~15 11~Lateral arms flat-fleshy, warty to papillose (bear paw); hairs coarse, forming a thick, fan-like fringe~Thelymitra x irregularis 11*~Lateral arms narrow stalks, non-papillose; hairs fine forming tufted tips or clothing stalks in loose brushes~12 12~Accessory lobes lying flat against the anther, margins deeply fringed with long finely curved teeth; base of the mitra rim bordering the stigma often with a stalked, brushy tuft~Thelymitra circumsepta 12*~Accessory lobes held erect, margins lacking deep fringes or long teeth; base of the mitra rim always naked~13 13~Crest with few rows of short calli (subtended by a dark band), lobes short, narrow and ridgelike (usually broader than long); inflorescence to 90 cm high~Thelymitra media 13*~Crest with many rows of long calli (band absent), lobes long, thick and column-like (usually longer than broad); inflorescence to 60 cm high~14 14~Perianth segments to 22 mm long and 12 mm wide (sometimes elongated); dorsal sepal and lateral petals usually spotted, never purple~Thelymitra ixioides 14*~Perianth segments less than 15 mm long and 7 mm wide (never elongated); dorsal sepal and lateral petals purple, not spotted~Thelymitra purpurata 15~Midlobe ridge discontinuous (with a low, notched central gap) with the ridge ends forming obliquely flaring, scalloped wings; crest ornaments usually prominent and congested~Thelymitra merraniae 15*~Midlobe ridge continuous with the ridge curving into a short, abruptly angled cone or cylinder; crest ornaments reduced and sparse~Thelymitra truncata 16~Lateral arms of mitra severely reduced to 2 rounded bumps; petals and sepals pale yellow~Thelymitra flexuosa 16*~Lateral arms of mitra longer; petals and sepals rarely yellow~17 17~Bluish flowers with lateral petals and labellum outlined by dark veins (sepals and petals usually more than 15 mm long), lateral arms thin and narrowing; restricted to montane or subalpine sites~18 17*~Pinkish red to cream or yellow flowers with lateral petals and labellum lacking dark veins (sepals and lateral petals usually less than 10 mm long), lateral arms thicker, often broadening; not restricted to montane or subalpine sites~20 18~Midlobe a short, thickened rim, marginally toothed with a short, flattened to slanted notch (lateral arms held stiff and straight, strongly toothed or fringed); labellum similar to lateral petals~Thelymitra pulchella 18*~Midlobe a thin or obscure sheath, lacking teeth or a flattened to slanted notch (lateral arms often coiled to spiralling, weakly toothed to lobed or entire); labellum usually broader, more concave and/or crisped than the lateral petals~19 19~Perianth segments to 16 mm long and 10 mm wide; lateral arms short, apices often lobed~Thelymitra cyanea 19*~Perianth segments to 25 mm long and 12 mm wide; lateral arms longer, apices entire~Thelymitra venosa 20~Petals and sepals usually less than 8 mm long, sepal tips blunted or ending in very short points; margins of lateral arms scalloped but poorly ornamented to weakly papillose~Thelymitra carnea 20*~Petals and sepals usually more than 8 mm long, sepal tips acute and ending in long, fine, points (often curved); margins of the lateral arms densely but irregularly fringed with slender to warty teeth~Thelymitra rubra #{gn}Ornithogalum 1~Tepals white with a green stripe on outer surface; ovary yellow-green to brown~2 1*~Tepals white without a green stripe on outer surface; ovary black to violet~4 2~Leaves to 15 mm wide; fewer than 70 flowers per inflorescence~3 2*~Leaves 20–50 mm wide; up to 300 flowers per inflorescence~Albuca bracteata 3~Pedicels 7–10 cm long; tepals 15–20 mm long; ovary ovoid to obovoid~Ornithogalum umbellatum 3*~Pedicels to 3 cm long; tepals 11–15 mm long; ovary subglobose to ellipsoid~Ornithogalum pyramidale 4~Pedicels to 4 cm long; all stamen filaments linear to lanceolate, without appendages~Ornithogalum arabicum 4*~Pedicels 6–8 cm long; stamen filaments opposite perianth segments broadened, with appendage~Ornithogalum thyrsoides #{gn}Muehlenbeckia 1~Plants forming a more or less tangled, wiry mass, prostrate to nearly 2 m tall; leaves <1 cm long (rarely to 2 cm in M. complexa)~6 1*~Plants with habit otherwise (shrubs,subshrubs, climbers); leaves 2–12 cm long (rarely shorter in M. diclina, which is an erect shrub)~2 2~Leaves c. 1–2 times as long as wide, ovate, obovate, subcircular to oblong or sagittate, with distinct petiole and base sagittate, cordate or truncate (rarely attenuate in Muehlenbeckia axillaris), persistent; plants twining, climbing, mat-forming, or decumbent subshrubs~3 2*~Leaves 4–10 times as long as wide, linear to narrow-lanceolate (rarely hastate on young stems), sessile to subsessile with base attenuate, often not persistent on older stems; plants erect, shrubs, often intricately branched~Muehlenbeckia diclina 3~Leaves with lamina sagittate, apex long-acuminate to long-acute; nut subglobose, obscurely 3-ribbed, 2.0–2.5 mm long; anthers 0.4–0.6 mm long~Muehlenbeckia gracillima 3*~Leaves with lamina oblong-ovate to semicircular, the base truncate or broad-cuneate to more or less sagittate, apex obtuse to retuse and short-acuminate; nut trigonous to circular in cross-section, 2.7–5 mm long; anthers 0.6–1.7 mm long~4 4~Stems and leaves usually strongly glaucous; erect or decumbent low shrub to 1.5 m high with stems mostly 4–15 mm diam.; anthers 1.0–1.7 mm long; leaf margins flat or somewhat undulate, usually not crisped~Muehlenbeckia rhyticarya 4*~Stems and leaves not glaucous; decumbent, twining or climbing low shrubs with stems usually less than 4 mm diam.; anthers 0.6–1.0 mm long; leaf margins strongly crisped~5 5~Nut tuberculate, subglobose, 3-ribbed near the apex with 6 additional longitudinal ridges below, 2.5–3.5 mm long; leaves ovate to oblong-ovate, often irregularly white-scabrous on the veins and margins~Muehlenbeckia costata 5*~Nut smooth, ellipsoid to obovoid, with 3 longitudinal ribs, sides may be concave, 2.7–3.0 mm long; leaves semicircular to oblong-ovate, glabrous~Muehlenbeckia adpressa 6~Leaves subcircular to elliptic or ovate (subpanduriform in juvenile plants); inflorescence usually axillary (rarely a few terminal on short lateral branchlets)~7 6*~Leaves oblong to subpanduriform or narrow oblong-obovate; inflorescence usually terminal; only along the Murrumbidgee River~Muehlenbeckia tuggeranong 7~More or less prostrate habit; grows at high altitude along the Great Divide~Muehlenbeckia axillaris 7*~Twining, climbing, mounding habit; native on Lord Howe Island, cultivated widely~Muehlenbeckia complexa #{gn}Galium 1~Leaves in whorls of 7 or more~2 1*~Leaves mainly in whorls of 4,and sometimes up to 6~5 2~Cymes usually of 10 flowers or more, corolla yellowish and somewhat purplish-red abaxially~Galium divaricatum 2*~Cymes of usually of 6 or less flowers, corolla white or cream~3 3~Annual to 20 cm high; primary peduncle 1–2 mm long, bracts barely developed at the primary node~Galium murale 3*~Annual to 1 m high; primary peduncles 10 mm or more; bracts various ie. not developed, or 1 or more at the primary node~4 4~Primary peduncle 10–70 mm long, bracts present at all nodes, usually in whorls of 2–6 at primary node; annual to 1 m high~Galium aparine 4*~Primary peduncle 10–30 mm long, bracts not developed or one or occasionally 2 bracts at the primary node~Galium tricornutum 5~Ovary glabrous~6 5*~Ovary hairy~12 6~Indumentum over whole plant sparcely covered with very coarse, plump hairs, often pigmented brown~Galium liratum 6*~Indumentum over whole plant either glabrous or with scabrosites or/and fine hairs~7 7~Leaves and stipules of similar length below the inflorescences or throughout the branches~8 7*~Stipules usually 3/4 or less the length of the leaves throughout the branches~9 8~Inflorescence shorter than the whorls, often growing in semi arid and arid areas, often associated with Triodia sp.; fruit smooth~Galium microlobum 8*~Inforescence invariably exceeding the whorls; widespread habitat; fruit smooth but with "shoulders" appearing gelatinous~Galium ciliare 9~Bracts generally a lot longer than peduncle; ovary 0.3–0.7 mm long~Galium gaudichaudii 9*~Bracts shorter than peduncle; ovary 0.2–0.5 mm long~10 10~Corolla snow-white throughout or tinged with pink; mericarps globose, slightly rugose~Galium palustre 10*~Corolla greenish cream or cream; mericarps not globose, definitely reticulately rugose~11 11~Plant sparcely indumented with scabrosites, or less often hairs; cymes 1–6-flowered~Galium binifolium 11*~Plant densely indumented with slender hairs to 0.8 mm long; cymes 3–30-flowered~Galium polyanthum 12~Fruits and ovaries with pustules or short antrorsely curved spinules~Galium leptogonium 12*~Fruits and ovaries with other hair types or ovaries hairy and fruits smooth~13 13~Plants with stout rootstock and multistemmed robust stems; growing at altitude of 600 metres or more; (from the Bungonia Caves area and surrounds on the Southern Tablelands)~Galium bungoniensis 13*~Plants not robust; prostate, sprawling, and delicate; rhizomes present or not~14 14~Stem angles broadened; so broad that they obliterate the faces of the stems; (restricted to the Cooleman Caves district in the Southern Tablelands)~Galium roddii 14*~Stem angles only slightly broadened or slender so that the faces of the stems can be seen clearly and are not obliterated~15 15~Ovary c. 0.8 mm long; no long hairs evident near the nodes~Galium spurium 15*~Ovary less than 0.6 mm long, hairs of various types near nodes~16 16~Plant with a dense indumentum of slender hairs to 0.8 mm long; no scabrosites present~Galium polyanthum 16*~Plant either with a dense or sparce indumentum of coarse hairs or with scabrosites; if hairs are slender then hairs less than 0.6 mm long~17 17~Indumentum sparcely hairly with hairs to 0.3 mm long or retrorse scabrosites; stipules similar in length to leaves~Galium leiocarpum 17*~Indumentum dense with slender or coarse hairs to 0.5 mm long or scabrosites; stiples 2/3 of leaf length below inflorescence and deceasing upwards to 1/2 the length of the leaves [G. curvihirtum also keys out here, however the stipules are sometimes absent. G. curvihirtum usually occurs in Victoria - only known from one collection from the Northern Tablelands which is a probable introduction.]~Galium australe #{gn}Stellaria 1~Internodes with a line of hairs running between nodes, otherwise glabrous~2 1*~Internodes entirely glabrous or with scattered long hairs, without a line of hairs running between the nodes~3 2~Leaves 5–35(-40) mm long, 3–13 mm wide, sessile above, petiolate below; petals present or occasionally absent; sepals 4–7 mm long;; stamens 3–5; seeds dark brown~Stellaria media 2*~Leaves (6-)10–20 mm long, 2–4(-8.5) mm wide, usually all petiolate; petals absent; sepals 2.5–3.5(-4.5) mm long; stamens1–3; seeds yellow to mid brown~Stellaria pallida 3~Petals absent~4 3*~Petals present~5 4~Leaves narrow-ovate to lanceolate, with or without a petiole, or narrow-spathulate; sepals triangular to subulate, flat; capsule valves thin-walled, recurved, smooth~Stellaria multiflora 4*~Leaves linear, all sessile; sepals obovate, apex acuminate, concave; capsule valves thick-walled, not recurved, tuberculate~Stellaria papillata 5~Flowers 10 or more in terminal cymes~6 5*~Flowers solitary in the leaf axils, rarely in 3-flowered terminal cymes~8 6~Leaves linear-lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, cauline; bracts ciliate~Stellaria graminea 6*~Leaves filiform, crowded in a basal tuft, sometimes with a few small upper leaves; bracts with smooth margins~7 7~Bracts scarious or rarely herbaceous with wide scarious margins; flowers on filiform pedicels c. 12 mm long; calyx base tapering to pedicel~Stellaria filiformis 7*~Bracts all herbaceous; flowers on pedicels 1–3 mm long; junction of calyx base and pedicel abrupt~Stellaria multiflora 8~Leaves ovate to lanceolate, petiolate; capsule distinctly longer than calyx~Stellaria flaccida 8*~Leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate, sessile; capsule usually shorter than, rarely scarcely exceeding, calyx~9 9~Leaves pungent, rigid, folded, usually recurved; sepals rigid, pungent, usually with long multicellular hairs~Stellaria pungens 9*~Leaves obtuse to acute, not rigid, flat, occasionally recurved; sepals obtuse to acute, glabrous to scabrous~10 10~Small mat-forming plants; leaves (2-)3–5.5(-7) mm long; fruiting pedicels 3–10 mm long; sepals (1.3-)1.7–3.2 mm long ~Stellaria angustifolia 10*~Larger erect to scrambling plants, often tufted; leaves (4.8-)10–50(-55) mmlong; fruiting pedicels 10–60 mm long; sepals (1.5-)3–8(-10) mm long ~Stellaria angustifolia #{fm}GENTIANACEAE 1~Corolla red or pink~2 1*~Corolla white, yellow, purple or blue~3 2~Style slightly bifid; stigma lobes reniform to shoeshaped, fleshy; capsule linear in shape~Centaurium 2*~Style not divided to subcapitate; stigma lobes rhombic to fan-shaped, not fleshy; capsule elliptic to oval in shape~Schenkia 3~Corolla yellow; ovary 1- or 2-locular~4 3*~Corolla blue or white with purple or blue markings; ovary 1-locular~5 4~Calyx 5–6 mm long, lobes more than 4 mm long; ovary 2-locular, stigma 2-lobed or stigmas 2~Sebaea 4*~Calyx 2–5 mm long, lobes less than 2 mm long; ovary 1-locular, stigma peltate on a filiform style~Cicendia 5~Corolla white with 5–9 prominent dark veins on each lobe, broad-campanulate, 5-lobed but without small lobes alternating with the major lobes; capsule partly enclosed in the persistent calyx and corolla~Gentianella 5*~Corolla blue with 3 or fewer faint veins on each lobe, tubular with 5 spreading lobes, and with small folded lobes alternating with the major lobes; capsule usually exserted beyond the persistent calyx and corolla by elongation of the stipe~Gentiana #{gn}Cynanchum 1~Leaves scale-like and exuding white latex when cut~Cynanchum viminale 1*~Leaves obvious and longer than 1.5 cm long, exuding clear watery latex when cut~2 2~Leaves thick (semi-succulent), fleshy, but firm, without glands at base of lamina~Cynanchum carnosum 2*~Leaves thin, soft, with 1–3 glands at base of lamina~3 3~Most leaves with apex long-attenuate, triangular or narrow-triangular; corona lobes 20, much longer than anthers, long-attenuate, erect; cymes dense~Cynanchum floribundum 3*~Most leaves with apex abruptly acuminate, or acute, ovate or ovate-cordate; corona lobes 5, about same length or slightly longer than anthers, abruptly narrowed and curved inwards; inflorescence sparse~Cynanchum elegans #{gn}Isolepis 1~Style 2-fid~2 1*~Style 3-fid~6 2~Culms weak, floating or creeping, usually long and leafy (at least in water); lowest involucral bract glume-like or with a short thickened appendage, usually shorter than inflorescence; spikelet always 1~3 2*~Culms usually erect, to 45 cm high; involucral bract solitary, leaf-like, usually as long as or exceeding the inflorescence, to as long as the culm; spikelets 1–15~5 3~Spikelets ovate to broad-elliptic in outline, only slightly flattened, c. 15-flowered, 5–8 mm long~Isolepis crassiuscula 3*~Spikelets more or less elliptic in outline, slender, strongly flattened, 5–10(–15)-flowered, 3–5 mm long~4 4~Glumes 2.5–3.3 mm long, usually dark red-brown to blackish; stamens 3; anthers 1.5–2.7 mm long; nut obovoid with angles slightly ribbed~Isolepis producta 4*~Glumes 1.7–2.8 mm long, occasionally with red-brown patches; stamens 2(–3); anthers 0.5–1.0 mm long; nut broad-obovoid to ellipsoid, angles not ribbed~Isolepis fluitans 5~Spikelets usually 3–15 per inflorescence, often proliferating; stamens 1 or rarely 2; nut 0.7–1 mm long~Isolepis inundata 5*~Spikelet 1, not proliferating; stamens 2 or rarely 3; nut 1.4–1.8 mm long~Isolepis fluitans 6~Plant with a long-creeping, thick, woody rhizome to 10 mm diam. (formerly I. nodosa)~Ficinia nodosa 6*~Plants tufted or with a filiform rhizome~7 7~Nut longitudinally striate and transversely trabeculate~Isolepis hookeriana 7*~Nut surface smooth or minutely reticulate, punctulate or verruculose~8 8~Slender perennial with numerous spikelets clustered in a more or less dense head, usually proliferating; culms 1–3 mm diam~Isolepis prolifera 8*~Small perennials or annuals with 1–15 spikelets per inflorescence, sometimes proliferating; culms mostly filiform, usually less than 1 mm diam~9 9~Glumes arranged distichously (in two rows) so spikelet is laterally flat~Isolepis levynsiana 9*~Glumes arranged spirally so spikelet is clearly 3-dimensional, more or less terete~10 10~Spikelets squarrose; glumes with long mucro about as long as the body of the glume; nut about a third as long as glume body~Isolepis hystrix 10*~Spikelets not squarrose; glumes not long-mucronate, occasionally short-mucronulate; nut mostly at least half as long as glume (except in Isolepis congrua and I. victoriensis)~11 11~Stamens 3~12 11*~Stamens 1 or 2~20 12~Nut less than 0.7 mm long~13 12*~Nut 0.7–1.5 mm long~14 13~Nut dark brown to black; glumes 1–1.5 mm long, with sides irregularly but conspicuously 2–5-nerved~Isolepis platycarpa 13*~Nut straw-coloured to dark red-brown; glumes 0.8–1.2 mm long, with sides nerveless or rarely with 1 nerve at edge of midrib~Isolepis australiensis 14~Plant with leaves to twice as long as culms and involucral bracts same length as culms~Isolepis montivaga 14*~Plants with leaves and involucral bracts shorter than culms~15 15~Glumes obtuse~16 15*~Glumes acute~18 16~Nut with angles not well-defined, dark brown to black, 0.5–0.8 mm long; tufted annual or ?short-lived perennial~Isolepis platycarpa 16*~Nut with angles well-defined, pale yellow to dark grey-brown, 0.7–1.1 mm long; perennials, mostly shortly rhizomatous~17 17~Nut yellow-brown to dark grey-brown, half to two-thirds as long as glume; glumes mostly straw-coloured to orange-brown or red-brown~Isolepis cernua 17*~Nut pale yellow to pale red-brown, about seven-eighths as long as glume; glumes straw-coloured tinged dark red-brown to mostly dark red-brown~Isolepis subtilissima 18~Glumes with sides strongly 4–6-nerved, shining; tufted annual~Isolepis marginata 18*~Glumes with sides irregularly and finely 2–4-nerved, dull; usually rhizomatous perennials~19 19~Nut unequally trigonous, remaining on bare axis after glumes and involucral bracts fall~Isolepis aucklandica 19*~Nut equally trigonous, not remaining on bare axis~Isolepis habra 20~Nut 0.4–0.6 mm long~21 20*~Nut 0.7–1.5 mm long~25 21~Glumes with 3 or 4 nerves spread over each side~22 21*~Glumes with sides markedly hyaline, with 1 nerve or none on each side close to midrib~23 22~Glumes 1.2–2 mm long; spikelets 2–7 per inflorescence, 3.5–6 mm long; involucral bract 1–6 cm long (often as long as culm); nut straw-coloured~Isolepis gaudichaudiana 22*~Glumes 0.5–1 mm long; spikelets 1–3 per inflorescence, 1.5–3 mm long; involucral bract less than 1 cm long; nut dark brown to black~Isolepis sepulcralis 23~Hyaline sides of glumes 0.4–0.6 mm wide, with the cell outlines clearly visible at 15–20 times magnification (cells usually c. 0.1 mm long, 0.05 mm wide); glumes 1.5–2 mm long (rarely as short as 1.3 mm); nut broad-ellipsoid to broad-obovoid, with the sides more or less concave, the angles acute, prominent; leaf blades often 4–9 cm long~Isolepis congrua 23*~Hyaline sides of glumes 0.2–0.3(–0.4) mm wide, with inconspicuous cell outlines; glumes 0.8–1.6 mm long; nut obovoid to broad-obovoid, with the sides convex or flat, the angles obtuse; leaf blades usually less than 3 cm long~24 24~Glumes usually hyaline tinged dark red-brown, 0.8–1.2 mm long, nerveless or rarely with 1 nerve close to the midrib on each side; nut half to two-thirds as long as glume, pale brown to dark red-brown~Isolepis australiensis 24*~Glumes usually hyaline, rarely with red-brown patches, 1.1–1.6 mm long, with 1 nerve at the midrib margin on each side; nut about a third as long as glume, white with underlying red-brown to blackish at maturity~Isolepis victoriensis 25~Plant with leaves to twice as long as culms and involucral bracts 1–6 cm long, mostly as long as culms~26 25*~Plants with leaves and involucral bracts shorter than the culms (bracts to 2 cm long)~27 26~Nut 0.6–0.8 mm long, more or less equally trigonous, with angles well-defined, straw-coloured, minutely punctulate, glistening; spikelets 2–7 per inflorescence~Isolepis gaudichaudiana 26*~Nut 0.9–1.3 mm long, unequally trigonous, with angles not well-defined, straw-coloured to grey-brown, smooth with a minutely reticulate pattern under the surface, shining; spikelets 1–3 per inflorescence~Isolepis montivaga 27~Glumes with the broad midrib produced in a relatively stout excurved or straight mucro~28 27*~Glumes mucronulate or with the midrib not produced at all~29 28~Hyaline sides of glumes 0.2–0.3(–0.4) mm wide, with inconspicuous cell outlines, 1–3-nerved; nut unequally trigonous~Isolepis stellata 28*~Hyaline sides of glumes 0.4–0.6 mm wide, with the cell outlines clearly visible at 15–20 times magnification, nerveless or with 1 nerve close to midrib; nut equally trigonous~Isolepis congrua 29~Glumes straw-coloured to orange-brown or red-brown; nut yellow-brown to dark grey-brown; inflorescence not proliferating~Isolepis cernua 29*~Glumes straw-coloured with dark red-brown patches to uniformly dark red-brown; nut pale yellow to pale red-brown; inflorescence often proliferating~30 30~Spikelets usually 3–15 per inflorescence; nut with third angle not well-defined; inflorescence often proliferating~Isolepis inundata 30*~Spikelets 1–3 per inflorescence; nut with all three angles well-defined; inflorescence occasionally proliferating~31 31~Nut unequally trigonous, 0.7–1 mm long, 0.5–0.7 mm diam., about seven eighths as long as glume; glumes 0.8–1.3 mm long; culms to 10 cm high~Isolepis subtilissima 31*~Nut equally trigonous, 0.8–1.4 mm long, 0.6–0.8 mm diam., about three-quarters as long as glume; glumes 1.3–1.8 mm long; culms 7–30 cm high~Isolepis habra #{gn}Denhamia 1~Fruit usually 2-locular, opening with 2 valves, mostly 2–6 seeded; seeds black~2 1*~Fruit 3–5-locular, opening by many valves, seeds 1-many; seeds red~5 2~Leaves linear to narrow-elliptic or oblanceolate, 2–15 mm wide; petioles 1–2 mm long~3 2*~Leaves ovate, obovate or elliptic, 10–40 mm wide; petioles 2–12 mm long~4 3~Leaves 2–15 mm wide, discolorous, lower surface grey–green, upper surface usually darker, margins recurved and toothed or entire~Denhamia silvestris 3*~Leaves 2–8 mm wide, more or less concolorous, bright green, margins flat and entire~Denhamia cunninghamii 4~Leaves with margins usually toothed; petioles 2–5 mm long; seeds surrounded by an orange aril~Denhamia bilocularis 4*~Leaves with margins entire or occasionally slightly toothed; petioles 3–12 mm long; seeds with a yellow aril at base~Denhamia disperma 5~Adult leaves entire (rarely slightly crenate); flowering pedicels 2–3 mm long~Denhamia moorei 5*~Adult leaves toothed, sometimes obscurely so; flowering pedicels c. 1 mm long~6 6~Inflorescences 2–13 cm long; flowers with styles mostly 2–2.5 mm long; capsule ovoid, 10–17 mm diam., usually 3- or 4-valved~Denhamia celastroides 6*~Inflorescences up to 4 cm long; flowers with styles mostly 1–2 mm long; capsule depressed-globose or obovoid, 20–24 mm diam., 3–5-valved~Denhamia pittosporoides #{fm}MALVACEAE 1~Fertile stamens >twice as many as sepals (MALVACEAE)~2 1*~Fertile stamens up to twice as many as sepals (STERCULIACEAE)~20 2~Epicalyx present (falling early in Lagunaria)~3 2*~Epicalyx absent~14 3~Epicalyx segments 3~4 3*~Epicalyx segments 5 or more~9 4~Fruit a capsule; shrubs or trees~5 4*~Fruit a schizocarp (sometimes appearing circumsciss); herbs (stout and erect in Lavatera)~6 5~Trees or tall shrubs; leaves covered with peltate scales, lacking oil glands; seeds glabrous; capsule covered with fine spicules~Lagunaria 5*~Shrubs; leaves more or less glabrous, containing oil glands; seeds usually hairy; capsule without spicules~Gossypium 6~Flowers pink, white or bluish lilac; styles stigmatose longitudinally~7 6*~Flowers yellow, orange or red; styles capitate~8 7~Epicalyx segments united for most of their length, margins crenate to toothed~Lavatera 7*~Epicalyx segments free or united at the base, margins entire~Malva 8~Flowers solitary, pedunculate, orange to red; creeping herbs rooting at nodes~Modiola 8*~Flowers more or less sessile in spikes or racemes; orange to yellow; erect herbs~Malvastrum 9~Fruit a schizocarp~10 9*~Fruit a capsule~12 10~Mericarps uniformly covered with spines; shrubs to 3 m high~Urena 10*~Mericarps lacking spines; small shrubs or erect annuals to 3 m high~11 11~Epicalyx segments more than 5, united at base; petals c. 4 cm long, pale pink, white or purple; erect herbs to 3 m high~Alcea 11*~Epicalyx segments 5, free; petals c. 1 cm long, reddish purple; spreading shrubs to 1.5 m high~Pavonia 12~Calyx spathe-like, splitting on one side at anthesis and falling with corolla after flowering~Abelmoschus 12*~Calyx neither spathe-like nor splitting as above, usually persistent after flowering~13 13~Styles undivided to stigmas; calyx and epicalyx segments dilated at apex; capsule appearing 10-valved at maturity with septicidal dehiscence~Radyera 13*~Styles branched to well below stigmas; calyx and epicalyx not dilated at apex; capsule loculicidally 5-valved~Hibiscus 14~Flowers pink, blue or purple~15 14*~Flowers yellow, orange, cream, greenish cream to white or red~17 15~Fruit a capsule, usually 3–5-valved; leaves not lobed~16 15*~Fruit a schizocarp with 11–15 mericarps; leaves 3–5-lobed~Anoda 16~Capsule less than 1 cm long; petals c. 1 cm long, purple; leaves stellate-hairy~Howittia 16*~Capsule 2–3 cm long; petals 3–4 cm long, usually pink, sometimes mauve; leaves covered with peltate scales~Lagunaria 17~Styles stigmatose for at least a third of their length; at least some flowers unisexual, flowers white to green or red, rarely yellow and then flowers always unisexual~18 17*~Styles capitate; all flowers bisexual, yellow or orange~19 18~Tall shrubs to 3 m; flowers white to cream, more or less sessile or pedicellate in axillary panicles; eastern parts of the State~Gynatrix 18*~Erect perennial herbs to 60 cm or spreading shrubs to 1 m; flowers green to white, yellow or red, 1–3 more or less sessile in axils, often forming leafy spikes; western parts of the State~Lawrencia 19~Ovules more than 2 in each loculus; mericarps papery, 2-valved, with a narrow back and smooth papery sides~Abutilon 19*~Ovules solitary in each loculus; mericarps hard, often indehiscent, with a wide back and honeycombed or reticulate sides~Sida 20~Trees or shrubs more than 4 m high~21 20*~Shrubs less than 4 m high (mostly less than 2 m high) or rarely herbs~25 21~Leaves palmately 3–9-lobed; fruit a samara~Argyrodendron 21*~Leaves simple, margins entire to toothed, or lobed; fruit a capsule or follicle~22 22~Leaves with petiole more than 20 mm long; margins not toothed; lamina either 3–7-lobed, or unlobed and glabrous or sparsely hairy on lower surface; fruit a follicle, more than 30 mm long~23 22*~Leaves with petiole less than 20 mm long; margins mostly irregularly toothed and lamina densely hairy on lower surface, mostly unlobed, sometimes obscurely lobed in juvenile shoots; fruit a bristly capsule less than 20 mm long~24 23~Leaves either 3–7-lobed, or entire and glabrous below; follicles stalked, hairy and yellowish brown inside, after opening seeds embedded along base~Brachychiton 23*~Leaves entire and very sparsely stellate-pubescent on lower surface (lens needed); follicles sessile, glabrous and orange inside, after opening seeds attached along upper margins~Sterculia 24~Capsules 15–20 mm diam., bristly, bristles covered with soft stellate hairs, carpels not separating in fruiting stage~Commersonia 24*~Capsules c. 10 mm diam., tomentose but without bristles, carpels separating in fruit~Seringia 25~Herbs; stems prostrate to 30 cm long; hairs glandular and stellate~Gilesia 25*~Shrubs; stems mostly erect, sometimes prostrate; hairs stellate but not glandular~26 26~Epicalyx of 3 persistent subulate bracteoles; petals yellow, c. 10 mm long~Melhania 26*~Epicalyx absent; petals not yellow, less than 10 mm long~27 27~Calyx enlarged in fruit, papery, blue to purplish or white, sparsely or densely pubescent~Keraudrenia 27*~Calyx not markedly enlarged in fruit, whitish green to pink to rusty-coloured, tomentose at least on the outside~28 28~Capsules covered with bristles 2–5 mm long; calyx not prominent in fruit, not enclosing and shorter than the capsule~Commersonia 28*~Capsules without bristles; calyx prominent in fruit, longer than and mostly enclosing the capsule~29 29~Calyx lobes 10–15 mm long, linear-subulate, striate; capsule c. 10 mm diam.; peduncle with 1 or 2 fruits~Hannafordia 29*~Calyx lobes usually less than 10 mm long, more or less ovate, rarely oblong; capsule usually less than 5 mm diam.; peduncle mostly with many fruits, rarely 1 or 2~Lasiopetalum #{gn}Trachymene 1~Leaves entire or shallowly and often asymmetrically 3-lobed~Trachymene humilis 1*~Leaves deeply 3–5-lobed or 3-partite~2 2~Umbels with less than 10 flowers; mericarps hairy~3 2*~Umbels with more than 10 flowers; mericarps smooth or patterned or rarely pilose~5 3~Pedicels in fruit 1–3 mm; herb 15–150 mm high~4 3*~Pedicels in fruit 3–4 mm long; herb 5–12 mm high~Trachymene ornata 4~Mericarps with flat soft ciliate hairs~Trachymene cyanopetala 4*~Mericarps with minutely papillate, or a minute reticulate pattern~Trachymene ceratocarpa 5~Plant glaucous; mericarps 5–7 mm long, the surface granular-papillose~Trachymene glaucifolia 5*~Plant not glaucous; mericarps up to 3.5 mm long, the surface smooth or otherwise patterned, not granular-papillose~6 6~Mericarps wrinkled or corky-papillose or wrinkled-papillose~7 6*~Mericarps smooth, wrinkled or muricate, rarely pilose~8 7~Leaves 3–5-partite, the segments acute; bracts entire; peduncles glabrous~Trachymene incisa 7*~Leaves deeply 3–5-lobed, the segments obtuse; bracts prominently ciliate; peduncles with glandular hairs at base~Trachymene ochracea 8~Plant more than 1.2 m high; leaves to 9 cm long and 13 cm wide; petiole robust, hairy; umbels to 4 cm diam~Trachymene composita 8*~Plants less than 1 m high; leaves to 4 cm long and 6 cm wide; petiole slender, glabrous or sparsely hairy; umbels up to 2 cm diam~9 9~Procumbent or ascending herb with weak stems; bracts 2.5–3 mm long; mericarps usually muricate with many small papillae, sometimes smooth~Trachymene procumbens 9*~Erect herbs with stiff stems; bracts 4–7 mm long; mericarps smooth~10 10~Both mericarps maturing, glossy; pedicels in fruit 6–10 mm long~Trachymene scapigera 10*~Often only 1 mericarp maturing, dull; pedicels in fruit 3–4.5 mm long~Trachymene incisa #{gn}Leptorhynchos 1~Involucral bracts ciliate~2 1*~Involucral bracts entire or lacerate~6 2~Leaves crowded towards the base, strongly sheathing; scapes long and leafless (but with appressed transparent bracts)~Leptorhynchos squamatus 2*~Leaves crowded toward the branch tips or scattered, leaf bases sessile or very slightly stem-clasping~3 3~Pappus bristles of bisexual florets 5 or more~4 3*~Pappus bristles of bisexual florets 4 or fewer~5 4~Achenes contracted to a pale beak, one third the achene length; tips of the involucral bracts not reflexed; greenish herb with decumbent radiating stems, ascending distally~Leptorhynchos waitzia 4*~Achenes oblong without a narrowed beak; very tips of the involucral bracts reflexed at maturity; much-branched silvery grey woody herb or subshrub~Leiocarpa panaetioides 5~Pappus bristles of bisexual florets 4, about equal to the corolla, barbellate in the upper half~Leptorhynchos tetrachaetus 5*~Pappus bristles of bisexual florets 1–3, three-quarters the length of the corolla, stiffly plumose in the upper half~Leptorhynchos baileyi 6~Achenes with a distinct long slender beak~7 6*~Achenes oblong or falcate, maybe slightly tapered at the tip but without a distinct beak~8 7~Surface of the translucent part of the involucral bract is hairless and smooth~Leptorhynchos orientalis 7*~Surface of the translucent part of the involuctal bract has a scabridulous surface (minute projections causing a rough surface)~Leptorhynchos scaber 8~Involucral bracts obtuse, not extending down the peduncle~Leptorhynchos nitidulus 8*~Involucral bracts acute or acuminate, conspicuously extending down the peduncle~Leptorhynchos elongatus #{sp}Senna artemisioides group 1~Petioles terete~2 1*~Petioles laterally compressed~subsp. x petiolaris 2~Leaflets absolutely terete~3 2*~Leaflets flat, 2 mm or broader, sometimes inrolled and then appearing terete~4 3~Leaves with 3–8 pairs of leaflets, 15–25 mm long, petiole <15 mm long~subsp. x artemisioides 3*~Leaves with 1–4 pairs of leaflets, 20–40 mm long, petiole >15 mm long~subsp. filifolia 4~Leaflets conspicuously hairy~5 4*~Leaflets glabrous or glabrescent~9 5~Leaflets obovate to ovate~6 5*~Leaflets linear to elliptic~7 6~Leaflets woolly~subsp. helmsii 6*~Leaflets silky~subsp. alicia 7~Leaflets linear and inrolled so that the upper surface is not visible~subsp. x artemisioides 7*~Leaflets with upper surface exposed~8 8~Leaflets densely silky hairy to woolly hairy, never glaucous~subsp. x sturtii 8*~Leaflets glabrous to sparsely hairy, glaucous~subsp. x coriacea 9~Leaflets obovate to ovate~subsp. alicia 9*~Leaflets linear to elliptic to obovate~10 10~Leaflets >5 times as long as broad~subsp. zygophylla 10*~Leaflets 1–4 times as long as broad~11 11~Leaflets 1–3 pairs, members of each leaflet pair carried more or less vertically with outer surfaces exposed~subsp. alicia 11*~Leaflets 1–6 pairs, members of each leaflet pair carried almost horizontally~subsp. x coriacea #{gn}Plantago 1~Spikes mostly with 1–9 flowers~2 1*~Spikes with more than 10 flowers~4 2~Leaves mostly less than 5 mm wide; scapes elongated at flowering stage with flowers held above leaf bases, rosettes small forming a turf~Plantago glacialis 2*~Leaves more than 5 mm wide; scapes very short at flowering stage so that flowers are among the leaf bases (scapes elongating after flowering); rosettes larger (mostly 5–10 cm diam.) not forming a turf~3 3~Leaves glossy, usually spreading; upper bracts broad-elliptic and thick~Plantago muelleri 3*~Leaves dull, usually more or less erect; upper bracts narrow-elliptic, thickened only on the keel~Plantago palustris 4~Plants either with elongated branching leafy stems, or with leaves mostly pinnately lobed~5 4*~Stems not elongated and branching; leaves entire or toothed~6 5~Leaves entire, on elongated branching stems~Plantago scabra 5*~Leaves mostly deeply pinnately or bipinnately lobed, all basal~Plantago coronopus 6~Corolla lobes erect and rigid after flowering; ovules 3~Plantago myosuros 6*~Corolla lobes spreading and not rigid after flowering; ovules more than 3~7 7~Ovules and seeds 8–16; leaves with lamina ovate or broad- elliptic, petiole about as long as the lamina~Plantago major 7*~Ovules 4 or 5, seeds 1–5, leaves either with lamina narrower or petiole shorter than the lamina~8 8~Taproot not developed~9 8*~Taproot developed~11 9~Leaves thin-textured, more than 3 times as long as broad~Plantago cladarophylla 9*~Leaves fleshy or leathery, less than 3 times as long as broad~10 10~Leaves mostly 3-veined, lateral veins much less conspicuous on upper surface than midvein and not extending into upper half of lamina; fruiting spikes usually 0.8–4 cm long~Plantago alpestris 10*~Leaves usually at least 5-veined, veins mostly all conspicuous on upper surface and all extending into upper half of lamina; fruiting spikes usually 4–8 cm long~Plantago euryphylla 11~Scapes with regular longitudinal ridges; anterior sepals fused into a 2-lobed structure with 2 veins~Plantago lanceolata 11*~Scapes not conspicuously ridged; sepals all free~12 12~Annuals; capsules large, either 3.4–5 mm long, or with a truncate beak, or distinctly contracted below apex~13 12*~Perennials; capsules not as above~16 13~Capsules with an almost cylindrical beak, the apex truncate and minutely lobed~Plantago turrifera 13*~Capsules acute or apex rounded, without a cylindrical beak~14 14~Capsules large, 2.2–3.2 mm diam., not distinctly contracted below apex; bracts and sepals usually dark brown or blackish~15 14*~Capsules smaller, usually 1.7–2.0 mm diam., distinctly contracted below apex; bracts and sepals pale or dark brown~Plantago cunninghamii 15~Leaves 3–24 mm wide; capsules acute~Plantago drummondii 15*~Leaves 0.7–2 mm wide; capsules rounded~Plantago multiscapa 16~Sepals with a glabrous keel or with a few hairs only~17 16*~Sepals with a pilose keel~19 17~Sepals mostly 1.5–2.0 mm long; leaves thin-textured~18 17*~Sepals mostly 2.1–2.5 mm long; leaves thick-textured~Plantago antarctica 18~Leaves linear-elliptic to lanceolate; sepals with a rounded or flattened keel; capsules 2.5–3.8 mm long~Plantago cladarophylla 18*~Leaves oblanceolate to obovate; sepals usually sharply keeled; capsules 1.7–3.0 mm long~Plantago debilis 19~Sepals mostly 2.8–3.5 mm long; axils of leaves with tufts of red-brown or deep golden-brown hairs 2–6 mm long~20 19*~Sepals 1.5–2.8 mm long (rarely to 3 mm); axils of leaves with short whitish or yellowish brown hairs~21 20~Leaves narrow-elliptic to oblong-oblanceolate, 5–10 times as long as broad, pilose with soft short hairs to 1 mm long~Plantago varia 20*~Leaves linear or very narrow-elliptic, more than 15 times as long as broad, either glabrous or pilose with long or short hairs~Plantago gaudichaudii 21~Sepals mostly 1.5–2.2 mm long; leaves mostly oblanceolate to obovate, rarely narrower, 8–40 mm wide; spikes usually lax at maturity~Plantago debilis 21*~Sepals mostly 2.2–2.8 mm long; leaves mostly narrow-oblong to oblanceolate, 3–21 mm wide; spikes usually compact at maturity~Plantago hispida #{gn}Elaeocarpus 1~Plant growing on Lord Howe Island~Elaeocarpus costatus 1*~Plant growing in NSW~2 2~Mature leaves hairy on lower surface, usually densely so, glabrous or hairy above; inflorescence always borne amongst the leaves~3 2*~Mature leaves glabrous, or almost so, on both surfaces, sometimes young leaves hairy; inflorescence ramiflorous or borne amongst the leaves~4 3~Leaves simple, margins distinctly and regularly toothed; petiole <10 mm long, apex not swollen~Elaeocarpus holopetalus 3*~Leaves 1-foliolate, margins more or less entire or with a few shallow teeth; petiole >10 mm long, apex swollen at junction with lamina~9 4~Leaves simple, petiole not swollen at junction with lamina~5 4*~Leaves 1-foliolate, petiole swollen near junction with lamina~7 5~Leaves finely and regularly toothed; secondary veins more than 9 pairs~6 5*~Leaves irregularly and shallowly toothed or crenate, rarely entire; secondary veins less than 9 pairs~Elaeocarpus obovatus 6~Domatia absent; petiole less than 10 mm long~Elaeocarpus holopetalus 6*~Domatia regularly present along midvein, numerous; petiole 10–20 mm long~Elaeocarpus grandis 7~Leaves with usually more than 9 pairs of secondary veins; lamina regularly and finely toothed from near the base; small domatia regularly present along midvein~8 7*~Leaves with 6–9 pairs of secondary veins; lamina with irregular distant teeth, often only in the upper half, or margins sometimes more or less entire; domatia absent~Elaeocarpus eumundi 8~Leaves with 9–15 pairs of secondary veins, petiole mostly less than 20 mm long~Elaeocarpus reticulatus 8*~Leaves with usually more than 15 pairs of secondary veins; petiole mostly more than 20 mm long~Elaeocarpus kirtonii 9~Leaves oblanceolate, not glaucous on lower surface; inflorescences >10-flowered; fruit strongly 3-grooved~Elaeocarpus williamsianus 9*~Leaves elliptic to obovate, glaucous on lower surface; inflorescences <10-flowered; fruit not strongly grooved~Elaeocarpus sedentarius #{gn}Banksia 1~Styles straight or gently curved after anthesis~2 1*~Styles after anthesis hooked just below apex~12 2~Leaves in regular whorls of 3–5 or in separated whorl-like clusters~3 2*~Leaves alternate, scattered along stems~5 3~Leaves mostly entire on adult plants, rarely irregularly toothed; mature plants arborescent~Banksia integrifolia 3*~Leaves mostly regularly toothed; mature plants usually openly branched or multi-stemmed shrubs~4 4~Perianth 20–25 mm long; common bracts with a tuft of long brownish hairs at apex~Banksia penicillata 4*~Perianth 16–20 mm long; common bracts with very short whitish hairs at apex~Banksia paludosa 5~Leaves less than 1 cm wide and 2–6 cm long; leaves usually entire on adult plants, sometimes coarsely and irregularly toothed~6 5*~Leaves more than 1 cm wide, and more than 4 cm long, usually regularly toothed~7 6~Apices of leaves not pungent-pointed, more or less truncate; secondary veins generally obscure on lower surface; perianth persistent in fruit~Banksia marginata 6*~Apices of leaves pungent-pointed, more or less acute; secondary veins prominent on lower surface; perianth not persistent in fruit~Banksia canei 7~Leaves 1–4 cm wide, margins more or less recurved to flat~8 7*~Leaves more than 4 cm wide, margins more or less flat~Banksia robur 8~Perianth 16–25 mm long; leaves 4–10 cm long, forks between teeth U-shaped~9 8*~Perianth 35–45 mm long; leaves mostly 8–20 cm long, forks between teeth V-shaped~11 9~Perianth 20–25 mm long~10 9*~Perianth 16–20 mm long~Banksia paludosa 10~Branchlets hirsute becoming glabrous within a year; common bracts with a tuft of long brownish hairs at apex; perianth pubescent~Banksia conferta 10*~Branchlets remaining closely tomentose; common bracts without a tuft of long hairs at apex; perianth shortly hirsute~Banksia oblongifolia 11~Leaves usually 2–4 cm wide; gynoecium usually 5–6 cm long, pollen presenter fusiform, 2–3 mm long~Banksia serrata 11*~Leaves mostly 1–2 cm wide; gynoecium 3.5–4.5 cm long, pollen presenter conical, c. 1 mm long~Banksia aemula 12~Leaves mostly more than 3 cm long, scattered~13 12*~Leaves usually less than 2 cm long, crowded~Banksia ericifolia 13~Leaves 1–2 mm wide; margins revolute so as lower surface is mainly concealed~Banksia spinulosa 13*~Leaves more than 2 mm wide, leaves flat or revolute; lower surface of leaves with indumentum of white, grey or brown~14 14~Leaf margin toothed for most of the leaf length~Banksia collina 14*~Leaves mostly entire except for a few teeth near the apex~15 15~Flowers orange or yellow; circumference of infrutescence 85–120 mm; lignotuber present;usually multistemmed shrub~Banksia neoanglica 15*~Flowers pink; circumference of infrutescence 113–125 mm; lignotuber absent; usually single-stemmed shrub~Banksia cunninghamii #{gn}Elachanthus 1~Stems and leaves finely hairy; fertile achenes densely hairy with stiff brown or white hairs, whole plant green or greyish~Elachanthus pusillus 1*~Plant glabrous; fertile achenes with white sericeous hairs only in between the ribs; whole plant yellow-green~Elachanthus glaber #{gn}Agrostis 1~Lemma awned~2 1*~Lemma awnless~4 2~Awn minute and delicate (slender) arising from near the tip and as long as the lemma; panicle contracted~Agrostis muellerana 2*~Awn 1.5–2 times as long as the lemma and rising from about the middle of the back; panicle open or contracted~3 3~Spikelets 2–4 mm long; panicle open, with slender branches bare at the base for 2–6 cm~Agrostis venusta 3*~Spikelets c. 2 mm long; panicle contracted, with erect branches divided or bearing spikelets to within 1 cm of their bases~Agrostis boormanii 4~Palea absent or minute~5 4*~Palea present, half to as long as the lemma~11 5~Leaf blades flat, 2–3 mm or more wide (leaf bases of A. bettyae may be 1.5 mm wide)~6 5*~Leaf blades narrow, often folded, usually to <2 mm wide~7 6~Anthers <0.5 mm long; spiklets 1.8–2 mm long~Agrostis propinqua 6*~Anthers 1 mm long or longer; spiklets 1.8–2.2 mm long~Agrostis bettyae 7~Panicle contracted with erect branches; anthers 0.6–0.8 mm long~Agrostis muellerana 7*~Panicle spreading, with branches often at right angles to the axis, anthers 0.3–0.5 mm long~8 8~Panicle usually only partly exserted from the upper leaves, glumes usually scabrous to the base of the keel; culms usually leafy~Agrostis australiensis 8*~Panicle much exserted on a long, smooth peduncle; glumes not scabrous to the base of the keel; leaves mostly crouwded at the base of the culms~9 9~Anthers 0.3 mm long; leaves very fine, <1 mm wide when folded~Agrostis parviflora 9*~Anthers 0.4–0.5 mm long; leaves to 2.5 mm wide when flat~10 10~Pedicels mostly <2 mm long; inflorescence >2 times as long as wide, branches straight~Agrostis thompsoniae 10*~Pedicles >2 mm long; inflorescence <2 times as long as wide, branches flexose~Agrostis joyceae 11~Spikelets falling with the glumes;callus glabrous; panicle contracted, 3–15 cm long~Agrostis viridis 11*~Spikelets disarticulating between the glumes and the lemma; panicle more or less open, at least at anthesis~12 12~Ligule longer than broad; stoloniferous perennial; rhizomes, if present with only 3 scale leaves; panicle branches often contracted after anthesis~Agrostis stolonifera 12*~Ligule more or less longer than broad; rhizomatous (sometimes stoloniferous) and tufted perennials; rhizomes with at least 3 scale leaves;panicle branches not usually contracted after anthesis~13 13~Ligule shorter than wide, to 2 mm long; leaf blades to 5 mm wide; glumes only slightly scabrid on the keels.~Agrostis capillaris 13*~Ligule longer than wide, to 6 mm long; leaf blades to 8 mm wide; glumes scabrid on the keels~Agrostis gigantea #{gn}Lomandra 1~Mature and undamaged leaf tips distinctly toothed either with 2 marginal teeth and a clean sinus (longer or shorter than marginal teeth) or with 3 distinct teeth and small marginal teeth, irregularly disposed near the apex, with the central tooth clearly a sinus, or small marginal teeth exceeding 2 lateral teeth~2 1*~Leaves not distinctly toothed at apex, with entire, acute or rounded apex, or with 2 or 3 irregular minute points near the apex eroding at maturity, occasionally persisting in Lomandra filiformis subsp. filiformis and L. coriacea~8 2~Flowers 4–7 mm long; male flowers with pedicels to 1 cm, and arranged separately along axes~Lomandra effusa 2*~Flowers mostly 2–3 mm long; male flowers sessile, clustered, usually whorled on axes, occasionally clusters reduced to few or 1 flower~3 3~Male inflorescence usually unbranched; female inflorescence unbranched or rarely branched~4 3*~Male inflorescence branched; female inflorescence branched or unbranched~6 4~Leaves 4–12 mm wide; male rachis 10–30 cm long~Lomandra spicata 4*~Leaves usually less than 4 mm wide; male rachis less than 8 cm long~5 5~Leaves soft, thin, and flexible, 2–4 mm wide; grows near waterfalls~Lomandra montana 5*~Leaves firmer in texture, up to 1.5 mm wide, widespread, usually not near waterfalls~Lomandra confertifolia 6~Leaves less than 3 mm wide~Lomandra fluviatilis 6*~Leaves more than 4.5 mm wide~7 7~Inflorescence much branched, with usually 4 or more primary branches per node, often pale green in aspect, usually near watercourses~Lomandra hystrix 7*~Inflorescence less branched, usually with 2 primary branches per node, aspect cream-yellowish, in varied situations including creek beds and banks, as well as dry rocky hillsides~Lomandra longifolia 8~Flowers in distinct clusters, male flowers sessile to long pedicellate~9 8*~Flowers separate, (or up to 3 at node), male flowers pedicellate, pedicels at least 1 mm long~15 9~Bracts subtending flowers forming a mass of crinkly hairs~Lomandra leucocephala 9*~Bracts subtending flowers entire or only slightly split; inflorescence not as above~10 10~Tepals divided to base~11 10*~Tepals fused in lower half~12 11~Inflorescence simple or few- to many-branched, the axes minutely rough, scape not flattened; male flowers usually 2–3 mm long, pedicellate at anthesis, pedicel 3–8 mm long~Lomandra multiflora 11*~Inflorescence (at least male) much-branched, the axes smooth, scape flattened; male flowers usually 4–6 mm long, sessile or on a pedicel with up to 1 mm visible above bracts~Lomandra patens 12~Margins of leaf sheaths intact (sometimes lacerating when old), auriculate at top, white; leaves usually less than 4 cm long, often twisted and/or recurved from stem~Lomandra obliqua 12*~Margins of leaf sheaths more or less lacerated, lattice like; leaves usually more than 4 cm long; usually not twisted or recurved from stem~13 13~Margins of leaf sheaths abruptly narrowed at top (obvious on young leaves); leaf apex short-acute (to rounded truncate); eastern parts of State~14 13*~Margins of leaf sheaths gradually narrowed at top; apex long-acute; western plains species~Lomandra collina 14~Stems decumbent, prostrate or ascending; male inflorescence branched or unbranched, usually 10 cm long; male scape usually not exposed above leaf bases or rarely exposed up to 2.5 cm; leaves usually 8–20 cm long, up to 4 times as long as male inflorescence, leaf apex shortly acute to rounded-truncate~Lomandra glauca 14*~Stems not decumbent, plants normally tufted; male inflorescence unbranched, usually 5–8 cm long; male scape exposed c. 1 cm above leaf bases; leaves usually 25–40 cm long, at least 5 times as long as male inflorescence, leaf apex shortly acute~Lomandra elongata 15~All tepals similar in size and shape, the flower widely open at maturity~Lomandra micrantha 15*~Outer and inner tepals dissimilar (outer tepals shorter than inner tepals), the flower remaining bell-shaped~16 16~Plants decumbent~Lomandra laxa 16*~Plants tufted, sometimes sparsely so~17 17~Leaves usually terete~Lomandra cylindrica 17*~Leaves not terete but sometimes rolled into a complete cylinder~18 18~Male inflorescence unbranched or narrowly pyramidal, 1 to few short branches in lower part; female inflorescence unbranched or with few branches~19 18*~Male inflorescence clearly branched, more or less broadly pyramidal; female inflorescence branched or unbranched~20 19~Leaves channelled to slightly inrolled, 0.5–1 mm wide, apex entire, margins of sheath finely lacerated; inflorescence axes smooth; flowers yellow, blackish when dried; male flowers usually 3 mm long, 3–4 mm diam. with pedicel 3–4 mm long~Lomandra brevis 19*~Leaves flat, channelled or rolled, 0.5–4 mm wide or wider, apex entire or with 2 or 3 minute irregular points sometimes eroded, margins of sheath with some lacerations, more or less smooth; inflorescence axes smooth or scabrous; flowers yellow, not usually blackened when dried; male flowers usually 1.5 mm long, 1.5–2 mm diam. with pedicel usually 2–3 mm long~Lomandra filiformis 20~Male inflorescence short; flowers crowded; scape short or obscure among the leaf bases~21 20*~Male inflorescence sometimes short but flowers well spaced; scape short or long~22 21~Outer bracts large and white, conspicuous relative to the very small flowers; female flowers scarcely distinguishable from the male without dissection~Lomandra bracteata 21*~Outer bracts not large and white but bracts subtending lower branches of inflorescence sometimes conspicuous; female flowers readily distinguishable from the male~Lomandra filiformis 22~Branches of the inflorescence predominantly alternate~23 22*~Branches of the inflorescence predominately opposite or whorled~Lomandra laxa 23~Leaves semiterete~Lomandra cylindrica 23*~Leaves usually channelled, folded, inrolled or flat~24 24~Leaf sheath margins dark purplish brown; inflorescence usually large, open, the axes smooth at least in male~Lomandra gracilis 24*~Leaf sheath margins pale or white, occasionally partly purplish brown; inflorescence small to large, the axes sometimes more or less scabrid near apex~Lomandra filiformis #{gn}Senna 1~Leaflets 3–15 pairs~2 1~Leaflets 16–37 pairs~Senna multijuga 2~Leaves terete and silvery in colour~Senna artemisioides group 2*~Leaves not terete and not silvery~3 3~Gland(s) located at or near the base of the petiole~4 3*~Glands located between leaflet pairs or absent~6 4~Peduncles <6 mm long, pods >9 cm long~Senna occidentalis 4*~Peduncles >9 mm long, pods <9 cm long~5 5~Gland on petiole erect, higher than broad~Senna clavigera 5*~Gland on petiole broader than high~Senna barclayana 6~Glands absent from leaves or inconspicuous beneath thick indumentum~7 6*~Leaves with glands between leaflet pairs~9 7~Floral bracts dark brown or black, persistent~Senna didymobotrya 7*~Floral bracts pale or green, caducous~8 8~Plant pubescent except for inner flower parts; leaf glands present but small and inconspicuous below dense indumentum~Senna notabilis 8*~Plant glabrous; glands on leaves absent~Senna pleurocarpa 9~Flowers with only 6 or 7 anthers fertile (3 upper always reduced or absent), of 2 or 3 different sizes, sometimes beaked; pods cylindrical~10 9*~Flowers with all 10 anthers fertile, sub-equal, truncate; pods flat~12 10~Gland 1 between basal pair of leaflets~Senna pendula 10*~Glands 2–4, between the lower pairs of leaflets~11 11~Leaves pubescent, leaflets 6–8 pairs, leaflets acute and mucronate~Senna multiglandulosa 11*~Leaves glabrous, leaflets 4–5 pairs, leaflets with an acuminate apex~Senna septemtrionalis 12~Petals greater than or equal to 11 mm long; seeds glossy or dull~13 12*~Petals <11 mm long; seeds dull or rarely lustrous~Senna phyllodinea 13~Petals pubescent on the outer surface; stipules broadly falcate, persistent; whole plant ± pruinose; pod without ridges on the inner faces of the valves~Senna glutinosa 13*~Petals glabrous on the outer surface, stipules acicular, caducous, plant never pruinose; pod with ridges on the inner faces of the valves~14 14~Petioles 20–40 mm long, leaflet pairs c. 15 mm apart on the rachis.~Senna acclinis 14*~Petioles 2–15 mm long, leaflet pairs <11 mm apart on the rachis~15 15~Peduncles 1–3 cm long; glands only between the lowermost 1 or 2 pairs of leaflets~Senna coronilloides 15*~Peduncles 2–9 cm long; glands between all pairs of leaflets~16 16~Petioles mostly less than 5 mm long; leaflets linear to narrow-elliptic, usually revolute at the margins, 1–4 mm wide, usually pubescent~Senna aciphylla 16*~Petioles more than 5 mm long; leaflets lanceolate to elliptic, rarely slightly recurved at the margins, 5–10 mm wide; not obviously pubescent, sometimes sparsely hairy~Senna barronfieldii #{fm}IRIDACEAE 1~Inflorescence a solitary flower~2 1*~Inflorescence of 2–many flowers~3 2~Inner perianth lobes less than one-third length of outer perianth lobes~Herbertia 2*~Perianth lobes equal~Romulea 3~Inflorescence cymose; each set of 2 spathe bracts enclosing 2–many usually pedicellate flowers, flowers withering and falling quickly~4 3*~Inflorescence spicate; each set of 2 spathe bracts enclosing 1 sessile flower, flower not withering and falling quickly~12 4~Style with petaloid branches, each covering a stamen, with 2 erect crests exceeding the flap-shaped stigma (Iris-shaped flowers)~5 4*~Style without prominently crested petaloid branches; stamens exposed~6 5~Plant evergreen with rhizomes; leaves several, erect; stamens free~Iris 5*~Plant deciduous, with corms; leaf usually solitary, lax; stamens fused~Moraea 6~Leaves folded longitudinally, or dorsiventral and channelled; individual flowers not subtended by bracteoles, only spathe bracts present~7 6*~Leaves equitant; individual flowers subtended by bracteoles, spathe bracts present~8 7~Leaves folded longitudinally; inner perianth lobes less than one-third length of outer lobes; rootstock a bulb~Herbertia 7*~Leaves dorsiventral, channelled; perianth lobes more or less equal; rootstock a corm~Moraea 8~Inner and outer perianth lobes very unequal, the inner lobes vestigial~Patersonia 8*~Inner and outer perianth lobes unequal or subequal~9 9~Flower zygomorphic; 2 stamens fertile, the third a staminode~Diplarrena 9*~Flower actinomorphic; all 3 stamens fertile~10 10~Flowers white; outer perianth lobes shorter and narrower than inner lobes~Libertia 10*~Flowers blue, violet or creamy yellow often purple striped; perianth lobes equal in length~11 11~Base of fan of leaves light green; style 3-branched~Sisyrinchium 11*~Base of leaves reddish purple; style unbranched or occasionally with 3 very short lobes~Aristea 12~Style branches deeply 2-fid; stigmas 6 or more~13 12*~Style branches entire; stigmas 3~14 13~Leaves coarsely fibrous in texture; flowers spreading in a loosely distichous vertical spike~Watsonia 13*~Leaves soft-textured; flowers erect in a secund horizontal spike~Freesia 14~Leaves pubescent, longitudinally folded, abruptly narrowed at base~Babiana 14*~Leaves glabrous to very finely pubescent, never longitudinally folded or abruptly narrowed at base~15 15~Flowers pendent on pendent filiform branches of a branched spike~Dierama 15*~Flowers erect to horizontal; inflorescence unbranched or with erect branches~16 16~Perianth tube straight; flowers more or less erect~17 16*~Perianth tube curved; flowers spreading, often at right angles to axis~19 17~Perianth tube narrowly cylindrical, exserted from spathes~Ixia 17*~Perianth tube funnel-shaped, not or hardly exserted from spathes~18 18~Spathes scarious, brown-streaked, ragged or lacerate~Sparaxis 18*~Spathes membranous, at least partially green, not brown-streaked, entire or emarginate~Tritonia 19~Axis of spike strongly flexuous; plant stoloniferous~Crocosmia 19*~Axis of spike never flexuous; stolons absent~20 20~Perianth tube swollen on 1 side near base, abruptly dilated c. 10 mm above ovary~Chasmanthe 20*~Perianth tube gradually widened, never swollen on 1 side near base~21 21~Spathe bracts entire, acute, herbaceous~Gladiolus 21*~Spathe bracts toothed or lacerate, scarious~Tritonia #{gn}Rytidosperma 1~Callus up to twice the length of the spikelet axis internode~2 1*~Callus greater than twice the length of the spikelet axis internode~10 2~Hairs on the lemma forming a continuous indumentum, sometimes with tufts on the upper margin; leaves not disarticulating~3 2*~Hairs on the lemma in two untidy rows, most of lemma surface glabrous and shiny, leaves often disarticulating from sheath~6 3~Marginal hair tufts absent; anthers red~Rytidosperma pallidum 3*~Marginal hair tufts present; anther yellow to orange~4 4~Lateral lobes shortly awned~Rytidosperma longifolium 4*~Lateral lobes not or minutely awned~5 5~Leaf-sheaths glabrous~Rytidosperma semiannulare 5*~Leaf-sheaths distinctly pilose~Rytidosperma gracile 6~Spikelet axis internode 1/3–1/2 lemma length~7 6*~Spikelet axis internode up to 1/4 lemma length~8 7~Lemma c. 2.5 mm long, ±hairy~Rytidosperma pumilum 7*~Lemma c. 2 mm long, glabrous~Rytidosperma australe 8~Lateral lobes distinctly longer than the body of lemma~Rytidosperma nudiflorum 8*~Lateral lobes shorter than or only slightly longer than body of lemma~9 9~Leaf blades tightly inrolled, florets shorter than glumes except for the exserted awns; central awn well separated from lateral lobes~Rytidosperma nivicola 9~*Leaf blades flat at base, becoming folded or slightly inrolled; florets exserted from glumes; central awn scarcely separated from lateral lobes~Rytidosperma vickeryae 10~Lemma with hairs only in distinct transverse rows of tufts on back~11 10*~Lemma with hairs scattered uniformly over back instead of or as well as hairs in tufts~25 11~Lemma with a complete transverse row of hair-tufts just below sinus~12 11*~Lemma with marginal and/or dorsal tufts of hair below sinus sometimes forming an interrupted row~23 12~Lemma without a row of hair-tufts above callus~Rytidosperma laeve 12*~Lemma with a row of hair-tufts above callus~13 13~Outer margins of lateral lobes with auricles~Rytidosperma auriculatum 13*~Outer margins of lateral lobes without auricles~14 14~Body of lemma golden brown at maturity~Rytidosperma duttonianum 14*~Body of lemma pale at maturity~15 15~Body of lemma 1.25–3 mm long~16 15*~Body of lemma 3 mm or more long~18 16~Lateral lobes less than 6 mm long~Rytidosperma setaceum 16*~Lateral lobes 6–10 mm long~17 17~Setae of lateral lobes 2–4 mm long~Rytidosperma monticola 17*~Setae of lateral lobes 4–6 mm long~Rytidosperma setaceum 18~Setae much shorter than flat portion of lateral lobes~19 18*~Setae ± as long as flat portion of lateral lobes~21 19~Palea 7–8mm long, ±equaling flat part of lemma lateral lobes~Rytidosperma indutum 19*~Palea to 6mm long, shorter than flat part of lemma lateral lobes~20 20~Palea broad, 1–3 times as long as wide~Rytidosperma oreophilum 20*~Palea narrow, 3–5 times as long as wide~Rytidosperma tenuius 21~Palea up to 3 mm wide~Rytidosperma erianthum 21*~Palea less than 2 mm wide~22 22~Leaves 5–10 cm long, thick and rigid~Rytidosperma alpicola 22*~Leaves 10–30 cm long, not thick and rigid~Rytidosperma caespitosum 23~Inflorescence 3–5 cm long~Rytidosperma pilosum 23*~Inflorescence 5–15 cm long~24 24~Spikelets 4–6-flowered~Rytidosperma penicillatum 24*~Spikelets 7–10-flowered~Rytidosperma racemosum 25~Lateral lobes shorter than body of lemma~Rytidosperma carphoides 25*~Lateral lobes equal to or longer than body of lemma~26 26~Lateral lobes 2–3 times as long as body of lemma~Rytidosperma monticola 26*~Lateral lobes less than twice as long as body of lemma or latter at least 3mm long~27 27~Lemma hairs uniformly short (about 0.5 mm long) except for those directly below sinus~28 27*~Lemma hairs grading from 1mm long at base to 5 mm long at apex~29 28~Body of lemma less than 3 mm long~Rytidosperma setaceum 28*~Body of lemma at least 3 mm long~Rytidosperma alpicola 29~Central awn reflexed or loosely twisted at base~30 29*~Central awn strongly twisted at base~31 30~Palea broadly obovate, obtuse; body of lemma 4–6 mm long~Rytidosperma richardsonii 30*~Palea lanceolate-elliptic, acute; body of lemma 3–3.5 mm long~Rytidosperma bipartitum 31~Body of lemma 3–4 mm long; palea less than 5 mm long~Rytidosperma fulvum 31*~Body of lemma 4–5.5 mm long; palea 6–8 mm long~Rytidosperma indutum #{gn}Richardia 1~Stems mostly more than 15 cm long; leaves up to 6.5 cm long; calyx lobes 6; mericarps 3, papillose~2 1*~Stems mostly to 15 cm long; leaves up to 2.5 cm long; calyx 4 or 5 lobed; mericarps usually 4, smooth~3 2~Mericarps with long, acute papillae, adaxial face broad with a definite raised median ridge; leaves to 28 mm wide, hispid; stems mostly prostrate~Richardia brasiliensis 2*~Mericarps with short papillae; adaxial face closed to a narrow groove; leaves to 13 mm wide, sparsely hispid; stems decumbent to erect~Richardia scabra 3~Involucral bracts mostly broad-ovate, to 10 mm wide, both surfaces hispid; margins of leaves not revolute; stems densely hispid, often rooting at the nodes~Richardia humistrata 3*~Involucral bracts narrow-ovate, to 5 mm wide, upper surface mostly glabrous; margins of leaves usually revolute; stems glabrous to hirsute~Richardia stellaris #{gn}Potamogeton 1~Plants with upper leaves floating, petiolate and dissimilar to the submerged foliage~2 1*~Plants with all leaves submerged, sessile and similar~3 2~Floating leaves usually more than 1 cm wide (2–5 cm), several; common [this includes P. cheesemanii, P. sulcatus and other spp.]~Potamogeton tricarinatus auct. non F.Muell. & A.Benn. ex A.Benn. 2*~Floating leaves usually less than 1 cm wide, few; not common~Potamogeton octandrus 3~Leaves less than 3 mm wide with an obvious ligule and sheath loosely or not enclosing stem~Potamogeton pectinatus 3*~Leaves more than 3 mm wide, no obvious sheath, but with a stipule more or less resembling a ligule~4 4~Leaves linear, 3–6 mm wide, margins entire, flat, apex obtuse; stipules entire, membranous, becoming laciniate~Potamogeton ochreatus 4*~Leaves not linear, usually more than 6 mm wide and/or with undulate margins, apex more or less acute to obtuse; stipules present and membranous, not becoming laciniate, or reduced or falling early~5 5~Leaves stem-clasping at base, ovate, cordate, margins entire~Potamogeton perfoliatus 5*~Leaves not obviously stem-clasping, linear-oblong, not cordate, margins minutely toothed~Potamogeton crispus #{gn}Utricularia 1~Bracteoles absent; flowers yellow (if not cleistogamous) or white to slightly reddish (cleistogamous) or blue~2 1*~Bracteoles present; flowers white or shades of pink to violet, usually with a yellow palate~7 2~Inflorescence with a whorl of ellipsoid floats above middle~Utricularia stellaris 2*~Inflorescence lacking floats~3 3~Stolons anchored in substrate~4 3*~Stolons freely suspended in water column~5 4~Leaf lamina filiform, bi- or tri-pinnately divided; flowers blue~Utricularia biloba 4*~Leaf lamina linear with subacute apex; corolla yellow (chasmogamous) or corolla reduced and white or reddish (cleistogamous)~Utricularia subulata 5~Leaves with ultimate segments few (2–8); upper corolla lip larger than lower~Utricularia gibba 5*~Leaves with ultimate segments numerous (20–80); upper corolla lip smaller than lower~6 6~Corolla externally glabrous; peduncle with 1 or more scales; leaves with 2 primary segments~Utricularia australis 6*~Corolla externally pubescent; peduncle lacking scales; leaves with 3 or more primary segments~Utricularia aurea 7~Peduncle with scales present~8 7*~Peduncle lacking scales~11 8~Corolla with upper lip deeply and distinctly 2-lobed (like rabbit ears)~Utricularia sandersonii 8*~Corolla with upper lip unlobed or shallowly 2-lobed~9 9~Bracts basiolute (medifixed)~Utricularia caerulea 9*~Bracts (inserted at base of flower pedicel) basifixed~10 10~Bracts c. 4 times broader than bracteoles, c. 2 mm long, with apex acute~Utricularia uliginosa 10*~Bracts mostly only slightly broader than bracteoles (up to twice width), c. 1 mm long, with apex subacute~Utricularia lateriflora 11~Lower corolla lip with central yellow pair of ridges not projecting apically beyond ridges on either side~Utricularia uniflora 11*~Lower corolla lip with central yellow pair of ridges projecting apically beyond ridges on either side~12 12~Inflorescence 1–4 cm high, usually 1-flowered; corolla 6–10 mm long~Utricularia monanthos 12*~Inflorescence 10–50 cm high, 2–many-flowered; corolla 12–22 mm long~13 13~Lower corolla lip with 2 or 3 conspicuous yellow central ridges~Utricularia dichotoma 13*~Lower corolla lip with 4–11 conspicuous yellow central ridges~Utricularia beaugleholei #{gn}Echinochloa 1~Ligules on at least lower leaves a fringe of long stiff hairs; either stout reed-like perennials to c. 4.5 m tall with long rhizomes, or decumbent aquatic or semi aquatic perennials to c. 2 m tall~2 1*~Ligules of lower leaves usually absent or minutely pubescent, sometimes ciliate; tufted annuals to c. 3 m tall, usually neither as stout not as decumbent as the preceding~3 2~Stout, reed-like perennials c. 4.5 m tall with long rhizomes; spikelets 3–4.5 mm long; fertile lemma 2.7–3 mm long~Echinochloa pyramidalis 2*~Decumbent aquatic or semi-aquatic perennials to c. 2 m tall; spikelets 4.5–6 mm long; fertile lemma 2.5–5 mm long~Echinochloa polystachya 3~Glumes and lower lemma without small spines, almost smooth between the nerves and scabrous between the nerves; primary axis of inflorescence and raceme axes smooth (sometimkes minutely scabrous on the angles); branch bristles absent; rather few spikelets on racemes~Echinochloa lacunaria 3*~Upper glume and/or lower lemma with small spines or hispid on nerves and scabrous between the nerves; primary axis of inflorescence and raceme axes scabrous, bristles usually present; spikelets more or less crowded~4 4~Racemes crowded with spikelets, inflorescences very compact; spikelets broad-elliptic, 3–4.5 mm long, awnless, grain plump; upper part of fertile floret exposed at maturity~5 4*~Racemes less crowded and spikelets usually to 1 side; spikelets elliptic to ovate, 2.5–7 mm long, awned or awnless; grain less plump; fertile floret not exposed at maturity~6 5~Spikelets always pale, usually obtuse at maturity; grain whitish; cultivated~Echinochloa frumentacea 5*~Spikelets purplish to blackish brown, shortly acute; grain brownish~Echinochloa esculenta 6~Spikelets 4–7 mm long; axis of inflorescence more or less horizontal at maturity with racemes drooping but plants erect; mature grain usually 2.5–3 mm long~Echinochloa oryzoides 6*~Spikelets to 5 mm long; axis of inflorescence not horizontal at maturity, racemes erect, spreading or drooping~7 7~Shining back of fertile lemma acuminate, narrowing evenly and gradually into a long, greenish tip; nerves of upper glume and lower lemma with spreading spines with conspicuous swollen bases~Echinochloa microstachya 7*~Shining back of fertile lemma abruptly and obtusely different from short, scabrous tip; nerves of upper and lower lemma with tubercle-based bristles, usually not widely spreading or with conspicuously swollen bases~8 8~Spikelets 2–3 mm long; inflorescence usually less than 2 cm wide~9 8*~Spikelets 3–5 mm long; inflorescence more than 2 cm wide~10 9~Spikelets 2–3 mm long, inflorescence usually <2 cm wide~Echinochloa colona 9*~Spikelets 2.5–3 mm long, awned or not, conspicuously arranged in rows; bristles on axes of inflorescence few–numerous~Echinochloa crus-galli 10~Spikelets on short, rigid branches 1–4 cm long, rarely awned; nerves of lower lemma scabrous; bristles on axes of inflorescence absent or few~Echinochloa turneriana 10*~Spikelets on branches to 10 cm long, awned or not; nerves of lower lemma spinulose with tubercle-based hairs; bristles on axes of inflorescence few–numerous~11 11~Main axis of inflorescence with few bristles at nodes~12 11*~Main axis of inflorescence with numerous bristles at nodes~13 12~Inflorescence erect, branches not usually wavy; awns if present to 5 cm long~Echinochloa crus-galli 12*~Inflorescence more or less drooping with slender, wavy branches; awn, if present, to 3 cm long~Echinochloa inundata 13~Upper glume awnless; lower lemma with an awn to 10 mm long; inflorescence drooping with slender, wavy branches~Echinochloa crus-pavonis 13*~Upper glume often with an awn to 7 mm long; lower lemma usually with an awn to 5 cm long; inflorescence erect or slightly drooping~14 14~Fertile floret narrow-elliptic, 3–4.2 mm long; grain oblong to oblong-ovate, 1.8–2.3 mm long~Echinochloa telmatophila 14*~Fertile floret broad-ovate to elliptic, 2.5–4 mm long; grain circular to ovate, 1.4–2 mm long~Echinochloa crus-galli #{gn}Hymenophyllum 1~Growing on Lord Howe Island~2 1*~Growing on mainland~3 2~Fronds 5–12 cm long; ultimate pinnules 0.5–1 mm wide; margins of involucre entire~Hymenophyllum howense 2*~Fronds 2–6 cm long; ultimate pinnules 1.5–2 mm wide; margins of involucre dentate~Hymenophyllum moorei 3~Fronds with margins of lamina bearing simple and branched hairs~Hymenophyllum lyallii 3*~Fronds with margins of lamina never bearing branched hairs~4 4~Involucres without a definite tube at the base, or the tubular portion not immersed in the lamina~5 4*~Involucres with a distinct obconical tube at the base, tubular portion immersed in the lamina~Hymenophyllum bivalve 5~Fronds with margins of lamina toothed~6 5*~Fronds with margins of lamina not toothed~8 6~Sori terminal on the primary divisions of the lamina~Hymenophyllum pumilum 6*~Sori borne on the margins of the primary divisions of the lamina~7 7~Primary pinnae branching on the upper side only; margin of involucre always entire~Hymenophyllum peltatum 7*~Primary pinnae branched on both sides; margin of involucre usually toothed, sometimes entire~Hymenophyllum cupressiforme 8~Margins of indusia and/or lamina black and thickened; lamina simple and forked once, or rarely to 3 times~Hymenophyllum marginatum 8*~Margins of lamina not black; lamina 1-pinnatifid or more divided~9 9~Fronds with stipe and rachis distinctly winged almost to the base; sori often borne in pairs, base not immersed in the lamina~Hymenophyllum australe 9*~Fronds with stipe not winged or very narrowly winged; sori never in pairs, base somewhat immersed in the lamina~10 10~Fronds mostly at least 2–pinnate with pinnae pinnatifid; stipe and lower part of rachis unwinged~Hymenophyllum flabellatum 10*~Fronds 1-pinnate or 1–2-pinnatifid; stipe unwinged or very narrowly winged~Hymenophyllum rarum #{gn}Nicotiana 1~Perennial, spindly shrub 1–6 m high; corolla yellow~Nicotiana glauca 1*~Annual or short-lived perennial herbs; corolla white or pink~2 2~Plant 1–3 m high; inflorescence short, dense, panicle-like; corolla white or pink~Nicotiana tabacum 2*~Plant usually less than 1 m high; inflorescence loose, elongated, panicle- or raceme-like; corolla white~3 3~Ellipsoid-headed glandular hairs present at least on inflorescence~4 3*~Ellipsoid-headed glandular hairs absent~5 4~Inflorescences many-branched when mature, leafless; corolla limb 6–13 mm diam., lobes obtuse to acute; seeds oblong to unequally 4 sided; leaves sparsely hairy, not glandular~Nicotiana forsteri 4*~Inflorescences few-branched when mature, often leafy in lower part; corolla limb 10–25 mm diam., lobes notched; seeds reniform or acutely angled; leaves with sticky glandular hairs~Nicotiana occidentalis 5~Stems and leaves pubescent all over~6 5*~Stems and leaves glabrous, glabrescent, or pubescent near base only~8 6~Corolla tube more than 25 mm long or, if shorter, the length more than 14 times the width (measured at top of calyx)~7 6*~Corolla tube less than 25 mm long or, if longer, the length less than 14 times the width (measured at top of calyx)~Nicotiana velutina 7~Corolla tube 20–40 mm long; upper 4 anthers not all at the same level~Nicotiana simulans 7*~Corolla tube 35–45 mm long; upper 4 anthers all at the same level~Nicotiana megalosiphon 8~Branches and leaves glabrous or basal leaves, stem bases and young shoots hairy; seeds reniform or C-shaped~9 8*~Branches and leaves glabrescent; seeds C-shaped~Nicotiana velutina 9~Corolla tube 17–55 mm long, distinctly broadening up to the limb; seeds reniform, rarely to 20 mm long~Nicotiana suaveolens 9*~Corolla tube usually 8–18 mm long, rarely to 20 mm long, not distinctly broadening up to the limb; seeds C-shaped~Nicotiana goodspeedii #{gn}Myosotis 1~Anthers fully exserted from corollla tube~Myosotis exarrhena 1*~Anthers included or shortly exserted from corolla tube~2 2~Hairs on leaves appressed; hairs on calyx appressed, not hooked~Myosotis laxa 2*~Hairs on leaves spreading; hairs on calyx spreading, hooked~3 3~Corolla bright blue with a yellow throat; lobes ± 2.5 mm long~Myosotis sylvatica 3*~Corolla white, yellow or pale blue; lobes less than 2 mm long~4 4~Corolla white or yellow, turning blue; lobes of fruiting calyx narrow-triangular to linear, 2.5–3 times longer than broad~Myosotis discolor 4*~Corolla white or yellow; lobes of fruiting calyx triangular, twice as long as broad~Myosotis australis #{gn}Cyperus 1~Style 3-fid; nut more or less trigonous~2 1*~Style 2-fid; nut lenticular, biconvex, plano- or concavo-convex~101 2~Dwarf annuals smelling of fenugreek (at least when dried)~3 2*~Annuals or perennials but not smelling of fenugreek~4 3~Spikelets flattened, with glumes arranged distichously; nut a third to half as long as glume~Cyperus squarrosus 3*~Spikelets more or less angular, with glumes arranged spirally; nut about two-thirds as long as glume~Cyperus hamulosus 4~Spikelets with 4 or more flowers, flattened and with glumes overlapping at least a quarter the length of the glume immediately above on the same side of the rachilla and often spreading widely (at least at maturity)~5 4*~Spikelets 1–3-flowered, or up to 16-flowered but then terete and with glumes remote (i.e. with glumes not or scarcely overlapping the glume immediately above on the same side of the rachilla) and closely appressed to rachilla~91 5~Spikelets arranged spicately on the rachis of the ultimate branches of the inflorescence, in very short to elongated spikes~6 5*~Spikelets digitately or subdigitately clustered, in clusters sometimes dense on a much reduced rachis, sometimes very few in number or solitary and then often appearing lateral when the lowest bract is erect~35 6~Culms 2–5 m high; inflorescence with 100–250 primary branches of similar length~Cyperus papyrus 6*~Culms less than 2 m high; inflorescence with fewer than 15 primary branches, usually of varying length~7 7~Rachilla of the spikelet distinctly winged, the wings sometimes falling later~8 7*~Rachilla not winged or with very narrow wings~25 8~Involucral bracts (and associated branches) distinctly separated on axis from neighbouring bracts by up to 3 mm; perennial producing numerous globose, bulb-like tubers with deciduous stiff, smooth, shining, blackish coats~Cyperus bulbosus 8*~Involucral bracts and branches inserted very closely together; perennials, rarely producing tubers and these grey-brown, oblong or ellipsoid or globose, with more or less persistent fibrous, dull, yellow-brown to grey-brown coats~9 9~Spikelets less than 20 per spike~10 9*~Spikelets usually more than 20 per spike, numerous to very numerous~19 10~Spikelets more than 1.5 mm wide in side view, more or less flattened; plants mostly with tuber-bearing rhizomes~11 10*~Spikelets 1–1.5 mm diam., flattened to terete; rhizome, if present, not tuber-bearing~18 11~Perennials with short rhizome not tuber-bearing; glumes pale red-brown with broad white or yellowish margins or yellow-brown to dark golden brown or straw-coloured tinged red-brown; spikelets suberect or spreading in loose hemispherical to globose clusters~12 11*~Perennials with slender, creeping rhizomes producing fibrous-coated tubers 5–10 mm diam.; glumes orange-brown to dark red-brown or yellow-brown, with narrow hyaline or whitish margins; spikelets spreading in short, broad-cylindrical spikes~15 12~Glumes pale red-brown with broad white or yellowish margins; spikelets suberect and held close to rachis in long, narrow-cylindrical spikes~Cyperus nutans 12*~Glumes yellow-brown to dark golden brown or straw-coloured tinged red-brown; spikelets spreading in loose hemispherical to globose clusters~13 13~Spikelets 1.2–2 mm wide in side view; inflorescence compound; nut very narrow-ellipsoid~Cyperus betchei 13*~Spikelets 2–4.5 mm wide in side view; inflorescence usually simple; nut obovoid to broad-ellipsoid~14 14~Nut grey to black; glumes with excurved mucro 0.3–0.8 mm long~Cyperus clarus 14*~Nut yellow-brown; glumes with straight mucro 0.1–0.3 mm long~Cyperus fulvus 15~Culms terete below, trigonous near the apex; leaves rarely half as long as culms; lowest involucral bract erect, very much exceeding the inflorescence, usually pushing it to one side; nut when mature 2–3 times as long as broad; freely fruiting~Cyperus victoriensis 15*~Culms trigonous throughout their length; leaves mostly a half to three-quarters as long as culms; inflorescence symmetrical; nut either c. 1.5 times as long as broad or rarely maturing~16 16~Rachis of spikes often spinulose; spikelets 5–12 mm long, obtuse; glumes yellow to dark golden brown, 3–5-nerved on each side, very obtuse; tubers globose to ovoid, with grey tomentum at maturity; rhizomes yellow-brown~Cyperus esculentus 16*~Rachis of spikes usually not spinulose (occasionally sparsely so); spikelets 10–30 mm long, acute or obtuse; glumes red-brown to dark red-brown, with up to 3 nerves on each side, obtuse or acute; tubers more or less ellipsoid, without tomentum; rhizomes purplish to dark brown~17 17~Lowest involucral bract shorter or not much longer than the inflorescence; spikelets c. 2 mm wide when mature; glumes usually dark red-brown, obtuse; the midrib faintly curved and recurved in side view from base to apex; fruit rarely maturing; fibrous coats of tubers soon disintegrating, not usually persisting beyond the first year~Cyperus rotundus 17*~Lowest bract much exceeding the inflorescence; spikelets 2.5–3 mm wide in side view when mature; glumes various shades of brown, rarely very dark, acute; midrib straight in side view from immediately above the base to the apex; nut c. 1.5 times as long as broad, obovate to elliptic-obovate; freely fruiting; fibrous coats of tubers often persisting into the second year~Cyperus bifax 18~Inflorescence compound; glumes yellow-brown; nut 1.9–2.2 mm long, nearly as long as glume~Cyperus betchei 18*~Inflorescence simple; glumes red-brown or greenish tinged red-brown; nut 1.2–1.7 mm long, about half as long as glume~Cyperus subulatus 19~Glumes 1–1.5 mm long~Cyperus exaltatus 19*~Glumes 2–6.5 mm long~20 20~Leaves and bracts septate-nodulose (often only obvious when dried)~21 20*~Leaves not septate-nodulose~23 21~Terminal spikes cylindrical or ovate-cylindrical, laterals smaller, divergent or deflexed~22 21*~Terminal spikes hemispherical to globose, usually dense, 1–2 cm wide in side view; glumes 2–2.5(–3) mm long~Cyperus gunnii 22~Glumes 4–6.5 mm long, red-brown; spikelets 4–10-flowered~Cyperus lucidus 22*~Glumes 2.5–4 mm long, pale brown; spikelets 2–5-flowered~Cyperus vorsteri 23~Spikelets 10–28 mm long, 8–24-flowered; tufted perennial, often apparently annual, often without any rhizome~Cyperus congestus 23*~Spikelets 6–15 mm long, 7–14-flowered; rhizomatous perennial; rhizome short and thick~24 24~Glumes pale red-brown, with midrib green, 2–2.5 mm long; spikelets suberect, 1.5–2.0 mm wide in side view~Cyperus nutans 24*~Glumes whitish to pale brown on the sides, 3–3.5 mm long; spikelets spreading, 2–2.5 mm wide in side view~Cyperus rigens 25~Glumes obtuse in side view but sometimes apparently acute because of the presence of a short mucro~26 25*~Glumes more or less acute in side view~29 26~Glumes 1–2 mm long; spikelets flattened; tufted annual~Cyperus iria 26*~Glumes 2–3.5 mm long; spikelets flattened or terete; rhizomatous perennials~27 27~Glumes without broad whitish margins, short-mucronate; bracts and leaves septate-nodulose in the dried state, thick-textured; spikes rather dense~28 27*~Glumes with broad whitish margins above; bracts and leaves not septate-nodulose, thin-textured; spikes broad-ovoid, loose~Cyperus procerus 28~Nut red-brown, minutely tuberculate; leaves to 12 mm wide~Cyperus alterniflorus 28*~Nut yellow-brown, smooth to colliculate; leaves to 7 mm wide~Cyperus gunnii 29~Rachis minutely and densely hispid~Cyperus pilosus 29*~Rachis not hispid~30 30~Glumes white to dark golden brown or straw-coloured tinged red-brown~31 30*~Glumes red-brown~34 31~Glumes with excurved mucro 0.3–1 mm long~32 31*~Glumes without mucro, or mucro straight and no more than 0.3 mm long~33 32~Nut less than half as long as glume; annual with thin-textured leaves and bracts, not septate-nodulose~Cyperus compressus 32*~Nut at least half as long as glume; slender perennial with tough-textured leaves and bracts, often obviously septate-nodulose when dried~Cyperus clarus 33~Nut yellow-brown, nearly as long as glume; glumes 2–3 mm long; leaves and bracts tough-textured, often obviously septate-nodulose when dried~Cyperus fulvus 33*~Nut dark red-brown, less than half as long as glume; glumes 3–3.5 mm long; leaves and bracts thin-textured, not septate-nodulose~Cyperus rigens 34~Leaves and bracts tough-textured, flat or folded, margins and midribs scabrous; lowest involucral bract suberect; rhizomatous perennial with solitary culms~Cyperus lhotskyanus 34*~Leaves and bracts thin-textured, flat or with revolute margins; lowest involucral bracts spreading; tufted perennial, often apparently annual and without a rhizome~Cyperus congestus 35~Involucral bracts 6–22 exceeding inflorescence (rarely only as long as inflorescence)~36 35*~Involucral bracts 1–5 exceeding inflorescence~43 36~Leaves all or mostly reduced to sheaths~37 36*~Leaves with well-developed blade~39 37~Involucral bracts 12–22 exceeding inflorescence; glumes c. 2 mm long~Cyperus involucratus 37*~Involucral bracts 6–9 exceeding or as long as inflorescence; glumes 1–2.5 mm long~38 38~Glumes 2–2.5 mm long~Cyperus vaginatus 38*~Glumes 1–1.3 mm long~Cyperus filipes 39~Inflorescence with few (1–9, rarely to 15 in Cyperus vaginatus) spikelets per loose cluster~40 39*~Inflorescence with numerous spikelets per dense globose cluster~42 40~Leaves with 2 prominent, whitish (at least when dried) lateral veins; glumes straw-coloured to pale brown, 1–1.5 mm long; rachilla winged; leaf sheaths purplish red at base~Cyperus albostriatus 40*~Leaves with only midvein prominent; glumes red-brown to blackish; rachilla not winged; leaf sheaths purplish red or pale yellow-brown at base~41 41~Nut ellipsoid; leaf sheaths purplish red at base; glumes very dark red-brown to blackish, 1.5–2 mm long~Cyperus tetraphyllus 41*~Nut ovoid; leaf sheaths pale yellow-brown at base; glumes red-brown, 3–3.5 mm long~Cyperus rupicola 42~Inflorescence with numerous branches; culms 25–90 cm high~Cyperus eragrostis 42*~Inflorescence head-like; culms 1–20 cm high~Cyperus pygmaeus 43~Leaves all or mostly reduced to sheaths~44 43*~Leaves with well-developed blade~46 44~Culms and involucral bracts firm to rigid; culms terete to trigonous~45 44*~Culms and involucral bracts soft-textured; culms triquetrous~Cyperus haspan 45~Involucral bracts mostly 5–8 in number, always more than 5 cm and up to 15 cm long, flat, firm-textured, not pungent; inflorescence simple to compound with 4–12 branches to 6 cm long, bearing hemispherical clusters of spikelets, or occasionally loosely head-like~Cyperus vaginatus 45*~Involucral bracts 2–4, usually less than 5 cm long, very rigid and pungent with incurved margins; inflorescence head-like or with 1–3 short branches to 2 cm long, bearing globose clusters of spikelets~Cyperus gymnocaulos 46~Nut trabeculate and striate~Cyperus mirus 46*~Nut smooth or minutely roughened~47 47~Glumes less than 2 mm long (excluding any long mucro)~48 47*~Glumes 2 mm or more long (excluding any long mucro)~69 48~Glumes with sides evenly red-brown to dark red-brown or blackish (midribs mostly green)~49 48*~Glumes uniformly green or with sides hyaline, white, pale brown, yellow or golden brown, occasionally with a red-brown patch (midribs mostly green)~57 49~Rachilla winged~Cyperus rigidellus 49*~Rachilla not winged~50 50~Spikelets numerous in the dense globose clusters~51 50*~Spikelets few (1–12) in the loose, ovoid to hemispherical clusters~53 51~Glumes 0.6–0.9 mm long~Cyperus difformis 51*~Glumes at least 1.0 mm long~52 52~Glumes 1.5–2 mm long~Cyperus reflexus 52*~Glumes 1.0–1.4 mm long~Cyperus castaneus 53~Annual~Cyperus castaneus 53*~Perennial~54 54~Glumes red-brown~Cyperus haspan 54*~Glumes dark red-brown to blackish~55 55~Inflorescence compound; nut c. 0.5 mm long, less than half as long as glume~Cyperus concinnus 55*~Inflorescence simple; nut 1.3–1.5 mm long, nearly as long as glume~56 56~Glumes acute, dorsally straight in side view~Cyperus disjunctus 56*~Glumes obtuse, shortly mucronate, dorsally strongly curved in side view~Cyperus tetraphyllus 57~Inflorescence compound to decompound with numerous clusters of spikelets; glumes evenly yellow to golden brown; leaves strongly septate-nodulose, thick-textured; robust perennial~Cyperus dactylotes 57*~Inflorescence simple with 1–8 clusters of spikelets; glumes not evenly yellow to golden brown (occasionally with yellowish patches); leaves not or rarely slightly septate-nodulose but then thin-textured; slender perennials or annuals~58 58~Glumes with 2–5 nerves on each side~59 58*~Glumes with 1 nerve or no nerves on each side~63 59~Involucral bract 1, erect; inflorescence of 1–4 spikelets; dwarf annual~Isolepis levynsiana 59*~Involucral bracts 2–4, erect to spreading; inflorescence with 1–25 spikelets; small perennials or annuals~60 60~Spikelets 2.5–4 mm wide in side view; nut pale brown~Cyperus rigidellus 60*~Spikelets 2–2.5 mm wide in side view; nut dark brown~61 61~Glumes strongly excurved; inflorescence of 1–5 spikelets~Cyperus sculptus 61*~Glumes dorsally slightly incurved in side view to slightly excurved; inflorescence of 12–25 spikelets~62 62~Nut broad-obpyriform to broad-obovoid, with globose bulge near base of persistent style base~Cyperus enervis 62*~Nut ellipsoid to broad-ellipsoid, without persistent dilated style base~Cyperus eglobosus 63~Keel of glumes a broad band about as wide as thinner-textured side of glume~64 63*~Keel of glumes a narrow band, much narrower than sides of glume~67 64~Tufted annuals; midrib of glumes with larger, more isodiametric cell outlines than on sides~65 64*~Perennials, shortly rhizomatous, often with fibrous remains of leaf sheaths at base; midrib and sides of glumes with similar cell outlines~66 65~Spikelets 2–2.5 mm wide in side view; glumes 1–1.5 mm long~Cyperus flaccidus 65*~Spikelets c. 3 mm wide in side view; glumes 1.5–2 mm long~Cyperus aquatilis 66~Glumes c. 1.5 mm long, longer than broad; stamens 3~Cyperus trinervis 66*~Glumes 1–1.3 mm long, about as long as broad; stamens 2~Cyperus stradbrokensis 67~Glumes strongly curved dorsally in side view, with excurved apex, 1.5–1.7 mm long, c. 0.5 mm wide in side view; inflorescence usually with 1–4 short branches~Cyperus imbecillis 67*~Glumes more or less straight dorsally from shortly above base in side view, 1.7–2 mm long, 0.7–1 mm wide in side view; inflorescence usually a single sessile cluster of spikelets (rarely with 1 or 2 very short branches)~68 68~Involucral bract 1 longer than inflorescence~Cyperus laevis 68*~Involucral bracts 2–4 longer than inflorescence~Cyperus enervis 69~Nut with paler corky, thickened angles~Cyperus platystylis 69*~Nut without corky, thickened angles~70 70~Nut ovoid~Cyperus rupicola 70*~Nut obovoid to ellipsoid~71 71~Glumes with sides uniformly yellow to red-brown~72 71*~Glumes with sides uniformly green, whitish, pale brown, or with red-brown patch~85 72~Glumes with midrib about as wide as sides and with cell outlines larger than on sides, 1-nerved only at edge of midrib~Cyperus eragrostis 72*~Glumes with midrib much narrower than sides and with cell outlines similar to those of sides, with 2–4 nerves on each side~73 73~Leaves and bracts strongly curly at least near apex~74 73*~Leaves and bracts straight to slightly curved~77 74~Anthers 1.3–1.6 mm long; glume mucro no more than 0.1 mm long~Cyperus secubans 74*~Anthers 0.3–1.2 mm long; glume mucro 0.1–0.8 mm long~75 75~Glumes evenly yellow to golden brown, with mucro 0.3–0.8 mm long (usually excurved); nut grey to black~Cyperus clarus 75*~Glumes straw-coloured to golden brown and with dull red-brown patches, with straight mucro 0.1–0.3 mm long; nut pale yellow-brown~76 76~Leaf marginal prickles erect, papillose; leaf sheaths pinkish to purple-red; nut tuberculate or colliculate~Cyperus rigidellus 76*~Leaf marginal prickles either mixed strongly flabellate to erect aculeate or antrorsely aculeate; leaf sheaths pale yellowish with red-brown blotches; nut colliculate to smooth and reticulate-areolate~Cyperus fulvus 77~Nut red-brown to black or grey, tuberculate (occasionally smooth in Cyperus gilesii)~78 77*~Nut yellow-brown to dark golden brown, smooth to colliculate or pitted~80 78~Anthers 1.1–1.8 mm long; nut narrow-ellipsoid to narrow-obovoid, red-brown~Cyperus alterniflorus 78*~Anthers 0.3–0.8 mm long; nut very narrow-ellipsoid or obovoid, red-brown to blackish or grey to black~79 79~Nut very narrow-ellipsoid, red-brown to blackish; glumes very narrow-elliptic to narrow-ovate~Cyperus gilesii 79*~Nut obovoid, grey to black; glumes elliptic to ovate~Cyperus clarus 80~Prickles on leaf margins antrorsely aculeate, more or less regularly spaced~81 80*~Prickles on leaf margins mixed aculeate to papillose, antrorse to erect and flabellate, more or less irregularly spaced~83 81~Glumes dark red-brown or rarely straw-coloured; spikelet clusters dense; leaves exceeding or as long as culms~Cyperus gunnii 81*~Glumes yellow to dark golden brown; spikelet clusters loose; leaves shorter than to as long as culms~82 82~Glumes 2.5–3.4 mm long; glume spacing 1.6–2.3 mm~Cyperus betchei 82*~Glumes 1.3–2.1 mm long; glume spacing 0.9–1.3 mm~Cyperus dactylotes 83~Anthers 0.3–1.2 mm long~Cyperus fulvus 83*~Anthers 1.3–2.0 mm long~84 84~Long-rhizomatous, with culms usually solitary along rhizome; leaves V-shaped in cross section, with midrib obvious abaxially, with marginal prickles irregularly spaced; plants never viscid~Cyperus lhotskyanus 84*~Very shortly rhizomatous, with culms tufted; leaves canaliculate, with midrib not obvious, with marginal prickles regularly spaced; plants often viscid~Cyperus secubans 85~Spikelets less than 2.5 mm wide in side view~86 85*~Spikelets 2.5–5 mm wide in side view~88 86~Inflorescence a single cluster of 1–14 spikelets~87 86*~Inflorescence simple to compound, with 3–8 primary branches and numerous spikelets~Cyperus fulvus 87~Glumes 3- or 4-nerved on each side; apex excurved in side view~Cyperus gracilis 87*~Glumes 1- or 2-nerved on each side; apex more or less straight in side view~Cyperus enervis 88~Glumes with midrib about as wide as sides and with cell outlines larger than on sides, nerved only at edge of midrib~Cyperus eragrostis 88*~Glumes with midrib much narrower than sides and with cell outlines similar to those of sides, with 2–4 nerves on each side~89 89~Nut dark brown to black, less than half as long as glume; leaves never curly; plant never viscid~Cyperus compressus 89*~Nut pale yellow-brown, three-quarters to seven-eighths as long as glume; leaves often curly towards apex; plants occasionally viscid~90 90~Culms 3–25 cm long; leaves not septate-nodulose; leaf sheaths pinkish to purple-red near base~Cyperus rigidellus 90*~Culms 25–50 cm long; leaves mostly septate-nodulose; leaf sheaths pale yellowish or straw-coloured with occasional red-brown patches~Cyperus fulvus 91~Inflorescence of 1–6 sessile spikes, rarely with 1–3 short branches to 1.5 cm long~92 91*~Inflorescence simple or compound with spikes on 3–14 branches to 20 cm long (rarely head-like in Cyperus leiocaulon)~93 92~Bases of culms bulbously swollen; glumes acute; flowers 1–3 per spikelet~Cyperus aggregatus 92*~Bases of culms apparently enlarged for some distance because of persistent, whitish, thin-textured leaf sheaths; glumes obtuse; flowers 3–6 per spikelet~Cyperus dubius 93~Culms and rachis of inflorescence hispid or papillose-scabrous~94 93*~Culms and rachis of inflorescence smooth~95 94~Culms and rachis hispid-scabrous, green; leaves septate-nodulose~Cyperus scaber 94*~Culms and rachis papillose-scabrous, greyish; leaves not septate-nodulose~Cyperus conicus 95~Involucral bracts 7–13 exceeding inflorescence; leaves strongly septate-nodulose~Cyperus vorsteri 95*~Involucral bracts 1–8 exceeding inflorescence; leaves not septate-nodulose~96 96~Spikelets c. 0.5 mm diam.when mature~97 96*~Spikelets 0.7–1.5 mm diam. when mature~99 97~Glumes 2.3–2.7 mm long; flowers 3–6; base of culms not enlarged~98 97*~Glumes 3–3.5 mm long; flowers 1–3; base of culms bulbously enlarged~Cyperus cyperoides 98~Spikelets spreading at 90–140° from the vertical; culms rigid, erect, 2–4 mm diam.~Cyperus dietrichiae 98*~Spikelets spreading at 40–90° from the vertical; culms lax, c. 1 mm diam.~Cyperus bowmannii 99~Spikelet falling as a unit; inflorescence simple~100 99*~Spikelet breaking up and dispersing as individual corky internodes of rachilla with associated glume and nut; inflorescence compound~Cyperus odoratus 100~Involucral bracts 2 exceeding inflorescence; flowers 5–16 per spikelet~Cyperus subulatus 100*~Involucral bracts 3–5 exceeding inflorescence; flowers 2–4 per spikelet~Cyperus leiocaulon 101~Spikelets several- to numerous-flowered; rachilla continuous, persistent; glumes individually deciduous at maturity~102 101*~Spikelets 1-flowered, but sometimes with a second imperfect flower above, whole spikelet falling as a unit at maturity~109 102~Inflorescence pseudolateral, sessile; lowest involucral bract erect, appearing as a continuation of the rush-like culm~Cyperus laevigatus 102*~Inflorescence obviously terminal, branched or head-like; involucral bracts not as above~103 103~Nut dorsally flattened with a flat or concave face against the rachilla; inflorescence densely head-like, subglobose, with 5–7 or more involucral bracts exceeding inflorescence~Cyperus pygmaeus 103*~Nut laterally flattened, with one edge against the rachilla; inflorescence loosely head-like or branched, with 1–4 involucral bracts exceeding inflorescence~104 104~Glumes 3.5–4.5 mm long, acute; spikelets 3.5–5 mm wide in side view~Cyperus unioloides 104*~Glumes less than 3 mm long, obtuse (occasionally broad-acute in Cyperus polystachyos); spikelets 1–3 mm wide in side view~105 105~Glumes with excurved mucro 0.3–0.7 mm long; glume-spacing c. 0.5 mm~Cyperus nervulosus 105*~Glumes not mucronate or scarcely mucronulate; glume-spacing c. 1 mm~106 106~Glumes incurved dorsally in side view, dark red-brown to blackish, often with a hyaline patch on sides~Cyperus sanguinolentus 106*~Glumes more or less straight dorsally in side view, yellow to very dark yellow-brown, occasionally red-brown in Cyperus polystachyos and C. flavidus but never with a hyaline patch~107 107~Spikelets suberect, usually densely crowded in obconical subdigitate clusters; rachilla narrowly winged~Cyperus polystachyos 107*~Spikelets spreading widely, in loose, shortly spicate to subdigitate clusters; rachilla not winged~108 108~Nut with faint whitish transverse wrinkles~Cyperus flavescens 108*~Nut minutely puncticulate~Cyperus flavidus 109~Tufted annual or perennial with or without a very short rhizome; inflorescence whitish or very light green; nut black at maturity; stamens 2~Cyperus sesquiflorus 109*~Perennial with creeping rhizomes, to 30 cm long but occasionally very short; inflorescence greenish or yellow-tinged; nut yellowish becoming brown at maturity~110 110~Inflorescence more or less ovoid, dense, solitary or with 2 smaller ones at the base; spikelets numerous, sometimes 100 in number, 1-flowered; midrib of the glumes usually toothed; stamen 1 or 2 (rarely 3)~Cyperus brevifolius 110*~Inflorescence globose, loose, always solitary; spikelets not usually more than 50, a second imperfect flower often present; midrib of the glumes usually smooth or nearly so, rarely toothed; stamens (2 or) 3~Cyperus sphaeroideus #{gn}Bertya 1~Leaves 1–4 mm wide, margins recurved to revolute~2 1*~Leaves mostly more than 4 mm wide, margins recurved or flat~13 2~Stellate hairs present, particularly on young growth and lower surface of leaves~3 2*~Entire plant glabrous or nearly so~12 3~Ovary sparsely hairy to glabrous; capsule glabrous~4 3*~Ovary densely hairy; capsule hairy, sometimes more or less glabrous with age~6 4~Leaves linear, margins revolute to midrib~5 4*~Leaves linear-lanceolate, margins recurved, but not to the midrib. Narrow-leaved form~Bertya pomaderroides 5~Fruiting perianth not enlarged; calyx more or less equal to half the length of the capsule~Bertya linearifolia 5*~Fruiting perianth enlarged, enclosing the capsule~Bertya gummifera 6~Leaves strongly revolute, 0.5–2 mm wide; midrib more or less concealed on lower surface~7 6*~Leaves recurved to revolute, mostly 2–4 mm wide; midrib clearly visible on lower surface~8 7~Flowers small, female perianth 3–4 mm long; leaves 0.5–1.5 mm wide, lower surface whitish tomentose~Bertya rosmarinifolia 7*~Flowers larger, female perianth 4–6 mm long; leaves mostly 2 mm wide, lower surface mostly yellow-brown to greyish tomentose~Bertya tasmanica 8~Lower surface of leaves with a dense tomentum of fine short, or stellate hairs; female perianth segments mostly glabrous adaxially~9 8*~Lower surface of leaves with a medium covering of larger hairs (individual hairs easily seen); female perianth segments tomentose~Bertya mollissima 9~Leaves linear to oblong or narrow-obovate, usually less than 30 mm long; flowers on peduncles~10 9*~Leaves linear to oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic, 10–60 mm long; flowers more or less sessile~11 10~Plant viscid, with marginal glands at the base of, and either side of the midrib~Bertya oblonga 10*~Plant not viscid, glands absent~Bertya riparia 11~Leaves 10–60 mm long, margins recurved to revolute; female perianth segments much enlarged under fruit, not distinctly fused below the middle~Bertya oleifolia 11*~Leaves 10–35 mm long, margins recurved; female perianth segments not enlarged under fruit, distinctly fused below the middle~Bertya ingramii 12~Fruiting perianth much enlarged, enclosing the capsule; leaves c. 2 mm wide, 10–30 mm long; flowers almost sessile~Bertya glandulosa 12*~Fruiting perianth not enlarged; leaves c. 1 mm wide, 10–20 mm long; flowers on peduncles 1–2 mm long~Bertya cunninghamii 13~Capsule glabrous or with scattered stellate hairs at first and then becoming glabrous; leaves flat or margins slightly recurved~14 13*~Capsule with persistent hairs; margins of leaves recurved to revolute~17 14~Flowers on stout peduncles 3–5 mm long; leaves mostly 4–8 mm wide~Bertya findlayi 14*~Flowers on slender peduncles or sessile; leaves mostly 4–25 mm wide~15 15~Flowers on slender peduncles 5–25 mm long; leaves mostly 4–15 mm long~16 15*~Flowers sessile; leaves mostly 4–25 mm long~Bertya opponens 16~Leaves 10–50 mm long, 5–15 mm wide, margins flat, finely sinuate; entire plant covered with persistent loose tomentum of rusty-stellate, mostly stalked hairs; ovary densely tomentose~Bertya brownii 16*~Leaves mostly 10–30 mm long, 3–12 mm wide, margins flat or slightly recurved; plants with a covering of denser, whitish to rusty, more or less sessile, stellate hairs, often becoming glabrous; ovary glabrous~Bertya pomaderroides 17~Leaves mostly opposite; ovary and capsule densely villous; bracts 4, rarely 6, perianth segments mostly 4~Bertya opponens 17*~Leaves alternate; ovary and capsule with medium-dense covering of shorter hairs; bracts 5–8, perianth segments 5~18 18~Fruiting perianth much enlarged, c. 8 mm long, at least as long as capsule; leaves oblong to oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic, 10–60 mm long, 3–7 mm wide; perianth mostly glabrous, resinous~Bertya oleifolia 18*~Fruiting perianth not enlarged, 2–3 mm long, shorter than capsule; leaves oblong, 5–20 mm long, 2–5 mm wide; perianth usually hairy~Bertya mollissima #{gn}Ranunculus 1~Petals white~4 1*~Petals yellow or greenish yellow~2 2~Stolons present~5 2*~Stolons absent~3 3~Sepals spreading and petals more than 5 in number and flowers more than 3 mm diam~13 3*~Either sepals reflexed or if sepals spreading then petals 1–3 and flowers less than 3 mm diam~24 4~Robust herb mostly 15–30 cm high; leaves palmately lobed with broad overlapping segments~Ranunculus anemoneus 4*~Diminutive herb 1–8 cm high; leaves pinnately divided into narrow-linear segments < 2 mm wide~Ranunculus millanii 5~Petals more than 9 mm wide, with a broad-cuneate nectary lobe~Ranunculus repens 5*~Petals less than 9 mm wide, nectary lobe not cuneate~6 6~Nectary without a distinct lobe but with a thick crescentic or semicircular ridge~7 6*~Nectary with a distinct lobe, free for most of its length or attached at sides to form a pocket~8 7~Leaves simple, entire or with 1 tooth on each side~31 7*~Leaves palmately divided into few or many lobes~Ranunculus amphitrichus 8~Lateral faces of mature achene with 2–5 prominent, broad, oblique or nearly longitudinal ridges~Ranunculus collinus 8*~Lateral faces of achenes smooth, undulate or with numerous transverse ridges~9 9~Leaves ternate, the primary segments entire or each with 2–5 lobes, thick-textured~10 9*~Leaves ternately or palmately divided, the primary segments with numerous lobes or teeth, thin- or thick-textured~11 10~Petals 7–12 mm long, 2–4 mm wide~Ranunculus papulentus 10*~Petals 3.5–5.5 mm long, 0.6–1.5 mm wide~Ranunculus diminutus 11~Sepals glabrous; petals ± 7 mm long; receptacle almost glabrous among the achenes (although pilose in staminal zone), lateral faces of achenes smooth or irregularly undulate~Ranunculus inundatus 11*~Sepals pilose; petals more than 7 mm long; receptacle pilose throughout, achenes with transverse ridges~12 12~Achenes mostly 1.0–1.6 mm long (excluding beak), the margin not thickened~Ranunculus meristus 12*~Achenes 1.8–2.5 mm long (excluding beak), the margin conspicuously thickened~Ranunculus undosus 13~Leaves simple, plant glabrous or nearly so~Ranunculus flammula 13*~Leaves palmately lobed or divided, or if simple then plant pilose or hirsute~14 14~Achenes strongly compressed, stems usually branching~15 14*~Achenes not strongly compressed, stems branched or simple~16 15~Achenes 6–8 mm long (excluding beak) with long slender spines to 3 mm~Ranunculus arvensis 15*~Achenes 3–4.5 mm long (excluding beak), lacking spines~Ranunculus clivicola 16~Petals less than 4 mm wide~17 16*~Petals more than 4 mm wide~18 17~Petals golden-yellow, 4–9 mm long~Ranunculus pimpinellifolius 17*~Petals pale yellow, 1.5–2.5 mm long~Ranunculus productus 18~Achenes almost globose~Ranunculus pachycarpus 18*~Achenes lens-shaped, body of achene not almost as thick as long~19 19~Leaves simple, entire or with 1 tooth on each side~31 19*~Leaves dissected or lobed or with more than 3 teeth~20 20~Leaves divided into subterete or linear-lanceolate segments or lobes; petals often more than 5~21 20*~Leaves less divided or with broad segments or lobes; petals mostly 5~22 21~Petals with 2 or 3 nectaries (rarely more) in shallow pits with thickened margins; leaves 2–3 times pinnately divided into linear subterete segments~Ranunculus gunnianus 21*~Petals with 1 nectary with a triangular or oblong lobe; leaves once or several times ternately divided with linear-lanceolate lobes and teeth~Ranunculus dissectifolius 22~Nectary lobes present~23 22*~Nectaries in small pits without distinct lobes~Ranunculus niphophilus 23~Nectary lobes broadest in upper part, usually obovate or cuneate, broader than long; flowering stems mostly branched with 2–10 flowers~Ranunculus lappaceus 23*~Nectary lobes not broadest in upper part, oblong or triangular; flowering stems usually unbranched~Ranunculus graniticola 24~Flowers more than 5 mm diam~25 24*~Flowers less than 5 mm diam~29 25~Achenes with spines or tubercles~26 25*~Achenes lacking spines or tubercles~27 26~Achenes 7–8 mm long with stout tapering spines on the lateral faces and a stout slightly recurved beak c. 3–4 mm long~Ranunculus muricatus 26*~Achenes 2–3 mm long with short blunt tubercles on the lateral faces, and a short beak~Ranunculus trilobus 27~Achenes less than 1 mm long, with a minute beak, numerous (40–300), in an elongated head~Ranunculus sceleratus 27*~Achenes more than 1 mm long, with a distinct beak, few to many in a globose head~28 28~Achene beak less than 1 mm long, strongly recurved~Ranunculus plebeius 28*~Achene beak more than 1 mm long, straight or arching with a recurved tip~Ranunculus scapiger 29~Achenes 2–4 mm long, very thin (laterally compressed), usually twisted when mature, with a thickened margin~Ranunculus pentandrus 29*~Achenes 1.5–2 mm long, not strongly compressed or twisted~30 30~Achenes smooth and glabrous or with numerous small tubercles bearing hairs longer than the distance between the tubercles~Ranunculus pumilio 30*~Achenes with prominent conical tubercles bearing recurved hairs shorter than the distance between tubercles~Ranunculus sessiliflorus 31~Leaves with petiole longer than lamina~Ranunculus muelleri 31*~Leaves with petiole shorter than lamina~Ranunculus acrophilus #{gn}Sporobolus 1~Lowest node of inflorescence with branches (usually 3–several) in a whorl~2 1*~Lowest node of inflorescence with only 1 or 2 branches (not whorled)~4 2~Panicle much branched and open; spikelets all distinctly pedicellate, pedicels and branches spreading~Sporobolus caroli 2*~Panicle appearing to have fewer branches as both spikelets and branches are appressed to the axis; spikelets, many of which are sessile or subsessile, borne in small false spikes (spicate branches)~3 3~Panicle at least twice as long as the lowermost branches; each branch with a single, dense false spike, lower 30–50% naked; upper glume distinctly shorter than the spikelet~Sporobolus actinocladus 3*~Panicle up to about twice as long as the lowermost branches; branches with several false spikes; upper glume about as long as the spikelet~Sporobolus contiguus 4~Upper glumes subequal or equal to the spikelet; inflorescence dense and spike-like; stoloniferous and/or rhizomatous perennials~5 4*~Upper glume 25–75% the length of the spikelet; inflorescence open or spike-like; plants usually tufted~6 5~Creeping inland plants with stolons but not rhizomes; glabrous, with geniculate culms and leaf sheaths shorter than the internodes; blades alternate and distant; glumes usually shorter than the spikelet; spikelets 1.5–2 mm long~Sporobolus mitchellii 5*~Rhizomatous and stoloniferous coastal perennials; leaves often hairy with sheaths exceeding the internodes of non-flowering culms; leaf blade tending to be arranged in pairs; glumes slightly shorter than to subequal to spikelet; spikelets 2–4 mm long~Sporobolus virginicus 6~Panicle always narrow continuous or interrupted; branches remaining close to the axis~7 6*~Panicle branches spreading and diverging from the axis at maturity (panicle may be narrow before flowering)~12 7~Inflorescence very dense; if interrupted, primary axis only visible in lowest 30%; spikelets 2–2.5 mm long~8 7*~Inflorescence not as dense; interrupted for most of its length (axis visible); spikelets 2 mm long or less~11 8~Inflorescence branches grouped in clusters~Sporobolus disjunctus 8*~Inflorescence branches mostly solitary, never grouped in clusters~9 9~Mature grain held in the spikelet before exsertion such that it appears to be almost as long (80–90%) as the lemma; lower glume c. 75% the length of the upper glume (not recorded from N.S.W.)~Sporobolus indicus 9*~Mature grain held in the spikelet before exsertion such that it appears to be slightly >50% as long as the lemma; lower glume to 50% the length of the upper glume~10 10~Spikelets 2–2.5 mm long; inflorescence branches usually remaining appressed~Sporobolus africanus 10*~Spikelets 1.6–2 mm long; at least lower inflorescence branches often divergent at maturity~Sporobolus fertilis 11~Panicle with short, stiff, appressed branches, axis visible for most of panicle length~Sporobolus creber 11*~Panicle with longer branches that tend to diverge from the axis in the lower 50% of the panicle, but conceal most of the axis in the upper half of the inflorescence~Sporobolus elongatus 12~Inflorescence branches free of spikelets for some distance from the base~13 12*~Inflorescence branches with spikelets distributed more or less evenly all along; stamens 2–3~14 13~Stamens always 3; spikelets 2 mm long~Sporobolus laxus 13*~Stamens 2 or rarely 3; spikelets 1.2–1.6 mm long~Sporobolus diander 14~Robust plants often >1.5 m tall; inflorescence branches stiff and spreading~15 14*~Plants mostly <1 m tall; inflorescence branches either lax and spreading or closely appressed~16 15~Upper glume acute, 30–50% the length of the spikelet; leaf blades to 7 mm wide; palea 2-lobed; grain 0.8–1 mm long~Sporobolus pyramidalis 15*~Upper glume usually >50% spikelet length; leaf blades to 4 mm wide; palea entire; grain 0.7–0.8 mm long~Sporobolus natalensis 16~Spikelets 1.5–1.8 mm long; anthers 3; inflorescence usually contracted~Sporobolus blakei 16*~Spikelets to 2 mm long; anthers usually 2; inflorescence usually open~Sporobolus sessilis #{dv}Tracheophyta 1~Plants not reproducing by seeds~2 1*~Plants reproducing by seeds~5 2~Stems prominently jointed: leaves whorled, forming a sheath at stem nodes~SPHENOPSIDA 2*~Stems not jointed; leaves absent or if present, not whorled and forming a sheath at the nodes~3 3~Sporangia borne on stems, in the axils of leaves or leaf-like organs, or embedded in the expanded bases of such organs~4 3*~Sporangia borne otherwise (on leaves or in nut-like sporocarps)~FILICOPSIDA 4~Sporangia fused to form synangia~PSILOPSIDA 4*~Sporangia not fused into synangia~LYCOPSIDA 5~Ovules not enclosed in a carpel; ovules arranged in cones or solitary on a short fleshy axis (non-flowering seed plants)~6 5*~Ovules enclosed in a carpel; carpels arranged in flowers (flowering plants)~MAGNOLIOPSIDA 6~Leaves pinnate~CYCADOPSIDA 6*~Leaves simple~CONIFEROPSIDA #{gn}Digitaria 1~Racemes very long, rigid, spreading and diverging at maturity, the basal 2–12 cm of each raceme without spikelets (rarely with a few spikelets at the base then bare for several cm), lower branches whorled~2 1*~Racemes long or short, usually not stiff, with spikelets at the base, rarely bare for a few mm (or up to 2 cm in D. brownii); lower branches ± whorled~6 2~Spikelets 2–3.5 mm long; spikelets with silky hairs up to 2.5 mm long that obscure the outline; leaves greyish-pubescent~3 2*~Spikelets 3.5–5 mm long, hairs present but not usually obscuring the spikelet outline; leaves ± greyish-pubescent~4 3~Spikelets c. 2.5 mm long; upper glume and sterile lemma villous (with long wavy hairs) on the back, both base and apex being obscured by hairs~Digitaria ammophila 3*~Spikelets c. 3–3.5 mm long with hairs on the sides and back of the upper glume and lower lemma but not obscuring the base and apex, stiff bristles also present~Digitaria hystrichoides 4~Spikelets 3.75–5 mm long, acute, upper glume slightly shorter and narrower than the spikelet and not conspicuously separated from the lower glume; short hairs 0.5 mm long in raceme axils~Digitaria divaricatissima 4*~Spikelets c. 5 mm long, appearing obtuse because of the spreading hairs; upper glume subequal to the spikelet and arising a little above the lower glume; hairs in branch axils 1–3 mm long; foliage greyish-pubescent~5 5~Racemes not branched~Digitaria coenicola 5*~Lower whorled racemes often unilaterally branched~Digitaria porrecta 6~Sterile lemma with two prominent tufts of silky hairs a little below the middle of each side of the mid-nerve; upper glume silky-hairy~Digitaria hubbardii 6*~Sterile lemma without conspicuous hair tufts; upper glume ± hairy~7 7~Spikelets almost concealed by long silky hairs on the upper glume and lower lemma~8 7*~Spikelets ± hairy but hairs not concealing the spikelets, hairs shorter than the spikelet and not usually silky~9 8~Lower glume minute and hyaline or absent~Digitaria leucostachya 8*~Lower glume firm, usually acute, up to 30% as long as the spikelet~Digitaria brownii 9~Spikelets mostly ternate (borne in groups of three) pedicels arise at one point but longest pedicel may be partly fused with the rhachis giving the appearance of alternately paired and single arrangement~10 9*~Most spikelets borne in pairs; spikelets may appear ternate if one pedicel is branched~13 10~Spikelets <2 mm long; fertile lemma pale to purplish-black at maturity; pedicels without a ring of hairs at the apex; racemes digitate or subdigitate; spikelet hairs usually verrucose (sprinkled with tiny grains)~11 10*~Spikelets 2 mm or longer, fertile lemma purplish-black at maturity; ring of hairs often present at the top of the pedicel; some hairs on upper glume and lower lemma with club-shaped or coiled tips, not verrucose; racemes variously arranged~12 11~Fertile floret purplish-black, racemes 2–13~Digitaria violascens 11*~Fertile floret pale or brown, not purplish-black, racemes 2–3 (rarely more)~Digitaria longiflora 12~Pedicels with a ring of short hairs at the apex (visible when the spikelets have fallen)~Digitaria ternata 12*~Ring of hairs not present at the top of the pedicel~Digitaria ischaemum 13~Upper glume equal to or subequal to the spikelet~14 13*~Upper glume up to 75% the length of the spikelet~16 14~Spikelets 2.5–3.5 mm long; lower glume absent; racemes digitate of subdigitate (the common axis up to 1 cm long)~Digitaria aequiglumis 14*~Spikelets 1.5–2.2 mm long; lower glume minute to 25% the length of the spikelets; racemes arising from a common axis 3–10 cm long~15 15~Spikelets glabrous on internerves and margins of upper glume and lower lemma with a few appressed hairs; tufted perennial with culms to c. 1.5 m tall~Digitaria parviflora 15*~Spikelets with hairs between the nerves of upper glume and lower lemma, at first appressed but later spreading and conspicuous, white or purple; delicate plants rooting at lower nodes, culms up to 40 cm tall~Digitaria diffusa 16~Upper glume <50% as long as the spikelet (usually up to 30% as long)~17 16*~Upper glume >50% the length of the spikelet (if<50% then the spikelet at least 2.5 mm long)~18 17~Lower glume absent, upper glume 10–25% as long as the spikelet~Digitaria orbata 17*~Lower glume present, often very small; upper glume 25–35% as long as the spikelet~Digitaria breviglumis 18~Spikelets not more than 2.75 mm long; perennials~19 18*~Spikelets 2.75–3.5 mm long; hairy annuals~22 19~Racemes digitate, 2–3; slender stoloniferous perennial often forming a dense turf~Digitaria didactyla 19*~Racemes 3–15 on a primary axis 3–10 cm long~20 20~Upper glume acute; sterile lemma as long as spikelet~Digitaria velutina 20*~Upper glume obtuse; sterile lemma usually slightly shorter than spikelet~21 21~Margins and internerves of upper glume and lower lemma glabrous or with very short hairs; short hairs in axils of racemes~Digitaria ramularis 21*~Margins and internerves of upper glume and lower lemma hairy; long hairs in axils of branches~Digitaria sp. aff.ramularis 22~Upper glume 30–50% as long as the spikelet; nerves of the lower lemma scaberulous (sometimes with bristles) and evenly spaced~Digitaria sanguinalis 22*~Upper glume 50–75% as long as the spikelet; nerves of the lower lemma smooth, usually with a wide interspace on each side of the mid-nerve; spikelets often with a ciliate frill (hard to distinguish from D. sanguinalis)~Digitaria ciliaris #{sp}Cassinia leptocephala 1~Outermost involucral bracts glabrous or woolly only at the base, the hairs inconspicuous~subsp. leptocephala 1*~Outermost involucral bracts woolly especially at the tip and upper margins so that the heads of a whole branch are covered in a woolly mat~subsp. everettiae #{gn}Cyathea ~{1}KEY TO THE NSW MAINLAND SPECIES~ 1~Scales on stipe base dark brown or brown with pale margins~2 1*~Scales on stipe base predominantly pale with dark spinules along the margins~3 2~Scales of trunk and stipe base shiny, red-brown, stiff and often twisted, 2–5 cm long, with inconspicuous pale fragile edges~Cyathea australis 2*~Scales of trunk and stipe base dull pale brown to dark brown, to 3.5 cm long, with a conspicuous pale margin~Cyathea cunninghamii 3~Stipes dark brown to black, prickly, the bases persistent on the trunk; scales of stipe base very pale, to 6 cm long and 1 mm wide~Cyathea leichhardtiana 3*~Stipes yellowish brown to brown, warty, the bases deciduous; scales of the stipe base of two kinds, pale and 2–5 cm long and 0.5–5 mm wide, and inconspicuous red-brown scales 0.5–1.5 cm long and to 0.5 mm wide~Cyathea cooperi ~{2}KEY TO THE LORD HOWE ISLAND SPECIES~ 1~Pinnules in the central portion of the pinnae 7–14 cm long, with 16–20 opposite pairs, before they diminish markedly in size towards the long pointed apex~2 1*~Pinnules in central portion of pinnae 3–7 cm long, with 10–15 lamina segments, before dimishing in size towards the apex~3 2~Lower surface of costae and costules with small scattered bubble-like scales; pinnules deeply toothed with acute teeth deflexed around sori~Cyathea howeana 2*~Lower surface of costae and costules without scales, prickly with the bases of earlier shed scales; pinnules more or less entire except where fertile; fertile pinnules deeply toothed, with rounded teeth around sori~Cyathea brevipinna 3~Fertile pinnules deeply pinnatisect, the divisions in the centre of the pinnule joined basally along the costa by 0.5–1 mm of continuous lamina~4 3*~Fertile pinnules completely pinnatifid, the divisions in the centre of the pinnules not joined by any continuous lamina at their base~Cyathea robusta 4~Stipe and primary rachis with a mixture of scales and crumpled hairs, but scarcely a felted indumentum~Cyathea australis 4*~Stipe and primary rachis with a felted indumentum of crumpled hairs~Cyathea macarthurii #{gn}Calandrinia ~{1} KEY BASED ON FLORAL, FRUITING AND VEGETATIVE FEATURES~ 1~Capsules 4-valved; stigmas 4~2 1*~Capsules 3-valved or with a terminal pore; stigmas 3~3 2~Prostrate to decumbent herb with stems to 40 cm long; leaves basal and on flowering stems; stamens 6–11; seeds with 6–10 concentric ribs~Calandrinia ptychosperma 2*~Prostrate herb with stems to 5 cm long; leaves all basal; stamens 4–6; seeds with colliculate to papillate testa~Calandrinia sp. A sensu Harden (1990) 3~Capsules obpyriform, opening by a terminal pore; seeds 2, superposed; petals to 1.5 mm long~Calandrinia disperma 3*~Capsules ovoid or globose, opening by valves; seeds >10, not superposed; petals >1.5 mm long~4 4~Basal leaves usually >5 cm long; stamens >20; petals usually >5 mm wide~5 4*~Basal leaves usually <5 cm long; stamens <20; petals usually <5 mm wide~6 5~Stigmas sessile on the ovary; capsules 5–6 mm long; seeds lenticular, smooth, c. 0.5 mm diameter~Calandrinia remota 5*~Stigmas on a style 2–3 mm long; capsules 7–9 mm long; seeds reniform, colliculate, >1 mm long~Calandrinia balonensis 6~Capsules black, subglobose, trigonous, 1.5–2.2 mm long; sepals not persistent~Calandrinia granulifera 6*~Capsules light brown, ovoid or globose but not trigonous, usually >2 mm long; sepals persistent~7 7~Leaves all basal, petiolate; capsules globose, circumsciss at the base, pericarp membranous~Calandrinia pumila 7*~Leaves basal and on flowering stems, usually sessile; capsules ovoid, not circumsciss, pericarp crustaceous~8 8~Valves of capsules not persistent; seeds papillate-punctate; stamens 4–6~Calandrinia pickeringii 8*~Valves of capsules persistent; seeds smooth, colliculate or papillate, not punctate; stamens usually >6~9 9~Petals 7–10 mm long; capsules 7–9 mm long, with acuminate, recurved valves; seeds flattened at the margins; leaves subsessile or petiolate~Calandrinia menziesii 9*~Petals to 7 mm long; capsules to 7.5 mm long, with obtuse, incurved or involute valves; seeds not flattened at margins; leaves sessile~10 10~Seeds 10–20, lenticular, smooth to faintly colliculate; petals 2–3 mm long~Calandrinia calyptrata 10*~Seeds >20, reniform, colliculate to papillate; petals usually longer than 3 mm~11 11~Inflorescences twining; fruiting pedicels curved upwards; capsules 5.5–7.5 mm long; seeds without a coppery lustre~Calandrinia volubilis 11*~Inflorescences straight (not twining); fruiting pedicels straight, reflexed; capsule 3–5 mm long; seeds with a coppery lustre~Calandrinia eremaea ~{2} KEY TO SPECIES BASED ON SEED AND CAPSULE CHARACTERS~ 1~Seeds 2, superposed, dark red-brown to black, colliculate to papillate near the hilum, upper seed ovoid, 1.5–1.8 mm long, 0.7–0.8 mm diameter, lower seed subrhomboidal, 1.4–1.5 mm long, 1–1.2 mm diameter~Calandrinia disperma 1*~Seeds ≥10, usually >20, not superposed~2 2~Seeds lenticular~3 2*~Seeds reniform or obovoid, numerous~5 3~Seeds black, flattened towards the margin, 1.4–1.7 mm diameter, colliculate, numerous~Calandrinia menziesii 3*~Seeds red-brown to dark brown, not flattened towards the margin, 0.5–0.7 mm diameter, smooth to faintly colliculate~4 4~Seeds 10–20, smooth to faintly colliculate; capsules 2–3.6 mm long~Calandrinia calyptrata 4*~Seeds numerous, smooth; capsules 5–6 mm long~Calandrinia remota 5~Seeds reniform~6 5*~Seeds obovoid~8 6~Seeds 1–1.3 mm long, c. 0.8 mm wide, colliculate, black or dark red-black~Calandrinia balonensis 6*~Seeds to 0.7 mm long, colliculate to papillate or papillate, red-brown, dark brown, grey or black, sometimes with a coppery lustre~7 7~Seeds colliculate to papillate, 0.4–0.7 mm wide, red-brown, grey or rarely black, with a coppery lustre; fruiting pedicels straight, reflexed~Calandrinia eremaea 7*~Seeds papillate all over, c. 0.6 mm long, 0.6 mm wide, dark brown to black, without coppery lustre; fruiting pedicels curved upwards~Calandrinia volubilis 8~Seeds with 6–10 concentric ribs, 0.5–0.7 mm long, 0.4–0.6 mm diameter, black or rarely dark red-brown~Calandrinia ptychosperma 8*~Seeds colliculate to papillate-punctate, never ribbed, dark brown or red-brown to black~9 9~Seeds smooth to colliculate, light red-brown; capsules globose or trigonous~10 9*~Seeds colliculate to papillate or papillate-punctate, dark red-browwn to black; capsules ovoid~11 10~Seeds colliculate, c. 0.5 mm long, 0.4 mm diameter, capsules black, dehiscing through short valves at the apex; sepals not persistent~Calandrinia granulifera 10*~Seeds smooth to colliculate, 0.4–0.5 mm long, 0.3 mm diameter; capsules light brown, 2.6–3.5 mm long, circumsciss at base; sepals persistent~Calandrinia pumila 11~Seeds colliculate to papillate, c. 0.5 mm long, 0.5 mm diameter; capsules >4 mm long, 4-valved, valves persistent~Calandrinia sp. A sensu Harden (1990) 11*~Seeds papillate-punctate, c. 0.7 mm diameter; capsules <3 mm long, 3-valved, valves not persistent~Calandrinia pickeringii #{fm}RESTIONACEAE ~{1}KEY TO PLANTS WITH FEMALE INFLORESCENCES~ 1~Ovary 2- or 3-locular; styles and style branches 2 or 3; fruit a capsule~2 1*~Ovary and fruit 1-locular; styles and style branches 1 or 3; fruit a nut or, rarely, splitting down one side~3 2~Flowers not in spikelets, inflorescence more or less loose and panicle-like, the lateral branches sometimes reduced to almost sessile clusters and the inflorescence often spike-like; glumes loose, not closely imbricate, often shorter than the tepals; bracteoles 1 or 2; ovary 3-locular; styles or style branches 3~Lepyrodia 2*~Flowers in both sexes arranged closely in spikelets or, if the female spikelets are 1-flowered, then the flower surrounded by imbricate sterile glumes; glumes longer than the tepals; bracteoles absent; ovary 2-locular; styles or style branches 2~Baloskion 3~Plants monoecious; male spikelet terminal, solitary; female spikelets solitary in the axils near the base of the culm; style 1, undivided~Coleocarya 3*~Plants dioecious; styles branches 3~4 4~Female spikelets axillary, 1-flowered with several sterile glumes; upper leaf sheaths green, with a spreading or reflexed subulate tip~Empodisma 4*~Female spikelet terminal; leaf sheaths not as above~5 5~Female spikelets several-flowered; culms mostly unbranched except within the inflorescence, straight, not conspicuously striate~Leptocarpus 5*~Female spikelets 1-flowered; culms mostly much-branched, often flexuous, striate~Hypolaena ~{2}KEY TO PLANTS WITH MALE INFLORESCENCES~ 1~Bracteoles present; flowers not in definite spikelets, more or less loosely arranged in panicle-like inflorescence, but the branches sometimes reduced to more or less sessile clusters and the panicle often becoming spike-like~Lepyrodia 1*~Bracteoles absent; flowers in spikelets~2 2~Monoecious; male spikelets terminal and solitary; female spikelets solitary in the axils near the base of the culm~Coleocarya 2*~Dioecious; male spikelets axillary or terminal, female spikelets terminal or axillary, solitary of more than 2 together, similar or dissimilar to male spikelets~3 3~Male spikelets axillary; upper leaf sheaths green with a spreading or reflexed, subulate tip~Empodisma 3*~Male spikelets either terminal (solitary or in an inflorescence) or if axillary then leaf sheaths not as in 3~4 4~Male inflorescence or individual spikelets erect or if drooping then spikelets 3–5 mm diam.; anthers exserted~Baloskion 4*~Male inflorescence or individual spikelets nodding or drooping; spikelets less than 3 mm diam.; anthers not exserted~5 5~Culms mostly unbranched, straight, smooth, greyish with closely appressed, minute, scale-like trichomes; spikelets c. 1 mm diam., 3–4 mm long~Leptocarpus 5*~Culms mostly branched, often flexuous, striate, hoary-tomentose when young; spikelets c. 2 mm diam., up to 8 mm long~Hypolaena #{fm}CONVOLVULACEAE 1~Yellow, brown or reddish, leafless parasitic twiners~Cuscuta 1*~Green leafy plants, not parasitic on other plants~2 2~Ovary distinctly 2-lobed, styles 2, inserted between the lobes~Dichondra 2*~Ovary entire, style or styles terminal~3 3~Sepals united, with lobes shorter than the tube~Wilsonia 3*~Sepals free~4 4~Styles 2, free or united for up to half their length; hairs bifid~5 4*~Style 1; hairs simple or bifid~7 5~Styles united at the base~Bonamia 5*~Styles free~6 6~Styles forked with linear stigmas; flowers axillary~Evolvulus 6*~Styles entire with capitate stigmas; flowers terminal~Cressa 7~Capsule small, indehiscent, 1-seeded; sepals at fruiting enlarged, spreading, scarious and reticulate; hairs bifid~Duperreya 7*~Capsule and fruiting sepals not as above; hairs simple~8 8~Stigma capitate or biglobose~Ipomoea 8*~Stigma lobed, lobes linear or oblong~9 9~Stigmatic lobes 2~10 9*~Stigmatic lobes 4 or more~Polymeria 10~Bracteoles large, subtending and more or less enclosing the calyx~Calystegia 10*~Bracteoles small, distant from the calyx~Convolvulus #{gn}Dillwynia 1~Leaves distinctly spirally twisted.~2 1*~Leaves not twisted or rarely slightly so.~8 2~Inflorescences terminal and/or in the upper axils, racemose with 1 to several flowers, often pedunculate.~3 2*~Inflorescences axillary, consistently 2-flowered, ± sessile.~7 3~Leaves covered with rather stiff hairs or, if almost glabrous, with a few stiff hairs only near apex; calyx glabrous externally or with a sparse to moderate cover of stiff hairs.~Dillwynia phylicoides 3*~Leaves glabrous; calyx glabrous externally, usually shortly ciliate with weak hairs.~4 4~Erect to diffuse shrubs 0.5–2.5 m high.~5 4*~Weak ascending shrubs <0.5 m high.~6 5~Leaves mostly >5 mm long; widespread, north from the Budawang Ra. (NC, CC, SC, CT, NWS).~Dillwynia retorta 5*~Leaves mostly 1–5 mm long; restricted to the Cumberland Plain, and to Douglas Park (CC).~Dillwynia parvifolia 6~Peduncles 5–15 mm long; widespread, grows in heaths and open woodlands (NC, CC, CT, ST).~Dillwynia sp. trichopoda (Maiden & Boorman s.n. NSW 40290) 6*~Peduncles 11–28 mm long; restricted to alpine swamp margins (ST).~Dillwynia palustris 7~Leaves flattened or trigonous in section, branchlets with long spreading to antrorse hairs; on coastal sand and sandstone, north from Ulladulla (NC, CC, SC).~Dillwynia floribunda 7*~Leaves terete or almost so, branchlets with short appressed hairs; on rocky sandstone ridges from Port Jackson to near Rylstone (CC, CT).~Dillwynia elegans 8~Calyx tapering gradually towards the base; petals not persistent in fruit.~9 8*~Calyx abruptly narrowed at the base; pods surrounded by the persistent remains of the petals.~20 9~Calyx tube hairy.~10 9*~Calyx tube glabrous.~13 10~Inflorescences with peduncles 0.5 mm or longer.~11 10*~Inflorescences with ± sessile flowers or peduncles <0.5 mm long.~12 11~Lateral stems and branchlets spinescent.~Dillwynia ramosissima 11*~Lateral stems not spinescent.~Dillwynia hispida 12~Leaves mostly <10 mm long, smooth to sparsely warty.~Dillwynia sericea 12*~Leaves mostly >10 mm long, strongly warty.~Dillwynia rudis 13~Prominent decurrent leaf bases absent.~14 13*~Prominent decurrent leaf bases present.~18 14~Leaves with apex strongly hooked (as opposed to apex recurved)~15 14*~Leaves with apex ± straight (sometimes recurved but not strongly hooked).~16 15~Inflorescences 1–4-flowered, corymbose on peduncles >3 mm long.~Dillwynia glaberrima 15*~Inflorescences 1–2-flowered, at the end of lateral branches on peduncles <3 mm long.~Dillwynia tenuifolia 16~Plants prostrate.~Dillwynia prostrata 16*~Plants erect.~17 17~Inflorescences 2-flowered; on rocky sandstone ridges from Port Jackson to near Rylstone (CC, CT).~Dillwynia elegans 17*~Inflorescences 1-flowered; known from the Windellama, Michelago and Numeralla areas (ST).~Dillwynia glaucula 18~Stipules present; inflorescences 2-flowered~19 18*~Stipules absent; inflorescences 1-flowered.~Dillwynia sp. Barren Grounds (Chadwick s.n. NSW 39509) 19~Stipules 0.5–1.5 mm long; grows in swampy heaths.~Dillwynia stipulifera 19*~Stipules 0.1–0.5 mm long; grows in heath near escarpments.~Dillwynia cripii 20~Leaf apex either obtuse or if acute without an obvious sharp or pungent point.~21 20*~Leaves with an obvious sharp to pungent point.~23 21~Inflorescences sessile, dense, terminal heads.~Dillwynia brunioides 21*~Inflorescences racemose, corymbose or single-flowered, terminal or axillary, never forming sessile, terminal heads.~22 22~Flowers pedunculate; bracteoles narrow-lanceolate, caducous; from between Deniliquin and Moama (SWP).~Dillwynia cinerascens 22*~Flowers sessile; bracteoles broad-lanceolate to ovate, persistent; known from near Bathurst, Yass, Canberra and Tarcutta (CT, ST, SWS).~Dillwynia sp. Yetholme (P.C. Jobson 5080) 23~Leaves terminated by a distinctly pungent point 1–1.5 mm long.~24 23*~Leaves terminated by a sharp but not pungent point 0.2–0.5 mm long.~25 24~Leaves sessile.~Dillwynia juniperina 24*~Leaves with short yellowish petiole, 0.4–1.2 mm long.~Dillwynia sieberi 25~No obvious leaf base scars; standard 7–9 mm long; from the Goulburn R. to Bargo (CC, CT, CWS).~Dillwynia acicularis 25*~Obvious leaf base scars present; standard 9–12 mm long; from Gibraltar Ra. to Ebor district (NT).~Dillwynia rupestris #{gn}Caladenia 1~Flowers 'spidery', sepals and lateral petals with narrow elongated tails or strongly acuminate apices that often form swollen apical clubs; column base often bearing a pair of swollen yellowish glands~2 1*~Flowers compact, not 'spidery', sepals and lateral petals obtuse to acute, without elongated tails; column base never bearing a pair of swollen glands~18 2~Sepal tails filiform~3 2*~Sepal tails thickened into globose, conical to linear clubs~9 3~Bases of sepals and lateral petals so narrow-linear they appear almost continuous with much acuminate-filamentous tails (tails often forming an entangled web); base of the column lacks paired glands, often hairy~4 3*~Base of sepals and lateral petals stiffer and broader so they do not appear continuous with acuminate-filamentous tails (tails rarely forming an entangled web); base of column with 2 yellowish paired glands, not hairy~5 4~Labellum reduced (up to 10 mm long and 3 mm wide), without distinct lobes, ovate-oblong; basal calli on stalks less than 1 mm long~Caladenia filamentosa 4*~Labellum larger (up to 10 long and 6.5 mm wide), 3-lobed, linear to cordate; basal calli on stalks more than 1 mm long~Caladenia flaccida 5~Sepals short (less than 3.5 cm long) with short tails or just strongly acuminate~6 5*~Sepals and lateral petals long (4–8 cm) with long tails~7 6~Labellum cream-yellow with reddish margins and striations~Caladenia tessellata 6*~Labellum green with maroon tip~Caladenia concinna 7~Labellum basal margins toothed; sepal and lateral petal tails densely covered with long, dark hairs~8 7*~Labellum basal margins entire; sepals and lateral petal tails sparsely covered with short hairs-papillae~Caladenia clavigera 8~Sepals more than 5 cm long; labellum creamish yellow, marginal teeth usually less than 3 mm long~Caladenia arenaria 8*~Sepals less than 5 cm long; labellum dark purple, marginal teeth about 3 mm long with acute curving tips~Caladenia concolor 9~Labellum broad-cordate with basal margins entire; clubs of lateral sepals often much smaller (reduced to minute knobs) than the club on the dorsal sepal~Caladenia clavigera 9*~Labellum ovate or strongly 3-lobed with basal margins sparsely to densely toothed; clubs of lateral sepals near the same size and shape as the club on the dorsal sepal~10 10~Lateral petals ending in swollen clubs similar in size and shape to those on the tips of the lateral sepals~Caladenia leptoclavia 10*~Lateral petals ending in flat acute tips~11 11~Labellum 3-lobed (lateral lobes greenish), marginal teeth on lateral lobes long (curved and comb-like); central calli densely packed (heads usually swollen, golfstick-like)~12 11*~Labellum ovate to triangular (base cream-yellow), marginal teeth short (linear to falcate) forming a continuous 'fringe' to labellum tip; central calli in regular parallel rows (heads reduced, linear)~15 12~Labellum about as long as broad (c. 10 mm long and 10 mm wide) with short midlobe, marginal combs reduced and blunted; sepals to 2 cm with terminal clubs taking no more than 10% of the total length of the sepal~Caladenia concinna 12*~Labellum longer than broad by 2–5 mm with elongated midlobe, marginal combs long and acute; sepals much longer than 2 cm with terminal clubs taking up 25–33% the total length of each sepal~13 13~Sepals more than 5 cm long; inflorescence 30–45 cm high~Caladenia tentaculata 13*~Sepals less than 5 cm (to 4.5 cm); inflorescence less than 30 cm high~14 14~Central calli heads narrowing into short, hooked tips; sepals to 3 cm long (club usually a dull brown)~Caladenia phaeoclavia 14*~Central calli heads rounded and swollen; sepals 3.5–4.5 cm long (club usually green)~Caladenia verrucosa 15~Sepals 25–30 mm long, sepal clubs less than 10 mm long; flowering Sept.–Oct., from the coast to the inland plains, except for montane regions~16 15*~Sepals 30–50 mm long, sepal clubs 10–15 mm long; flowering Nov.– Jan., in montane regions~17 16~Sepal clubs 5–8 mm long, sepals and lateral petals stiffly spreading; leaf base constricted and woolly~Caladenia stellata 16*~Sepal clubs 3 mm long, sepals and lateral petals drooping, leaf base continuous and weakly covered in short hairs~Caladenia sp. A sensu Harden (1993) 17~Central calli with hooked heads shorter than calli stalks, marginal teeth coarse and curved narrow-triangular; sepals and lateral petals a pale yellowish green~Caladenia flavovirens 17*~Central calli with linear curving heads longer than calli stalks, marginal teeth fine bristles; sepals and lateral petals yellowish green with reddish purple stripes~Caladenia fitzgeraldii 18~Dorsal sepal strongly incurved, tightly embracing the column (narrow cap to spreading bonnet) and flower buds always opening during the floral life span; upper surface of labellum ornamented with short calli that are often dark purplish with heads often overlapping, distinctly scaled or scabby-granular (marginal teeth often dark and warty)~19 18*~Dorsal sepal weakly incurved or spreading, or some flower buds never opening during the floral life span; upper surface of labellum variously ornamented but calli never dark purplish, heads rarely overlapping, usually not scaled or scabby-granular, (marginal teeth various but never dark and warty)~27 19~Labellum with central calli in 2 rows; calli heads overlapping, shiny scales extending to apex~Caladenia congesta 19*~Labellum with central calli in 4 rows; calli heads crowded (not overlapping) resembling granular to scabrous warts to extending to apex or apex lacking calli~20 20~Sepals and lateral petals 8–13 mm long, narrow, inner surfaces often pale green, yellow-brown or suffused with pink~21 20*~Sepals and lateral petals 14–20 mm long, broad, inner surfaces whitish~24 21~Labellum with lateral lobes prominent and margins entire; sepals and lateral petals often gold tinted, usually lacking darker tips~Caladenia transitoria 21*~Labellum with lateral lobes obscure and margins toothed with calli; sepals and lateral petals often with purplish or brownish tips~22 22~Flowers white to yellow or greenish white, tips of sepals brownish~23 22*~Flowers white to pink, tips of sepals magenta~Caladenia clarkiae 23~Central calli extending onto the midlobe, crowded~Caladenia testacea 23*~Central calli not extending onto the midlobe~Caladenia hildae 24~Leaf lanceolate; sepals with broadened tips, the dorsal sepal forming an expanded 'bonnet' over the column~Caladenia lyallii 24*~Leaf narrow-linear; sepals with lanceolate tips, the dorsal sepal forming a narrower cap over the column~25 25~Labellum margins with stout teeth with scabrous stalks and swollen heads; inflorescence to 25 cm high~Caladenia cucullata 25*~Labellum margins bearing slender teeth with smooth-papillose stalks and narrowing heads; inflorescence to 30–40 cm high~26 26~Lateral sepals up to 5 mm longer than the conspicuously shorter dorsal sepal, labellum margins with long, finger-like teeth; leaf to 18 cm long~Caladenia dimorpha 26*~Length of all 3 sepals similar, c. 15 mm, labellum margins with short triangular teeth; leaf to 30 cm long~Caladenia gracilis 27~Flower buds fail to open throughout floral life span (segments enveloping column); labellum with central calli reduced to mere vestiges, dull and pale~Caladenia cleistantha 27*~Flower buds opening during floral life span (segments spreading away from column); labellum with central calli developed, often colourful~28 28~Labellum with central calli arranged in 2 or 3 parallel, rows (calli organised into single lines or compressed pairs); calli suberect to erect, stalks smooth with globose golfstick heads~29 28*~Labellum with central calli not arranged in 2 parallel rows (each 'row' not grading into 2 congested rows, calli not paired in each row); calli angled-curving, stalks often papillose with small pointed tips~39 29~Flowers blue to purplish blue (including hairs on outer surfaces), labellum with blue bands and central calli rows extending onto midlobe almost to tip~Cyanicula caerulea 29*~Flowers never blue (including hairs on outer surfaces); labellum without blue bands (bands absent or pink-red) and central calli rows usually stopping before the midlobe~30 30~Labellum midlobe margin with a pair of much exaggerated calli or flat teeth flanking the base; each of these basal ornaments always the longest, broadest (often thickest and most colourful) marginal ornaments~31 30*~Labellum midlobe margins without a pair of much exaggerated calli or flat teeth flanking the base; basal ornaments not obviously the longest nor broadest (nor thickest and most colourful) marginal ornaments~33 31~Base of labellum midlobe margins flanked by a large pair of knobbed calli followed by 2 or 3 pairs of shorter marginal calli~Caladenia curtisepala 31*~Base of labellum midlobe margins flanked by a large pair of flat, irregular teeth the remainder of the midlobe margins entire to subentire~32 32~Flowers less than 15 mm diam., tips of lateral petals sharply curved; labellum midlobe narrow, lateral lobes (and anther cap) unblotched; scattered through damp heath and woodland~Caladenia alata 32*~Flowers more than 20 mm diam., tips of lateral petals not sharply curved; labellum midlobe broad and irregular, lateral lobes (and anther cap) blotched purple; restricted to coastal sandy sites~Caladenia hillmanii 33~Sepals and lateral petals 5–7 mm long, outer surfaces covered with reddish brown glandular hairs; inflorescences to 15 cm long~34 33*~Sepals and lateral petals usually more than 7 mm long, outer surfaces with central lines of greenish glandular hairs; inflorescence often more than 15 cm long~35 34~Lateral sepals fused for 50–100% of their length~Caladenia pusilla 34*~Lateral sepals free~Caladenia fuscata 35~Labellum lamina with red transverse bars, midlobe broad-triangular~36 35*~Labellum lamina lacking red transverse bars, midlobe triangular~38 36~Central calli in 4–6 rows, midlobe margins with stalked teeth with rounded heads~Caladenia quadrifaria 36*~Central calli in 2 rows, midlobe margins with flat, irregular teeth~37 37~Central calli and labellum apex yellowish orange; sepals and lateral petals 13–20 mm long, pale to deep pink on inner surface~Caledenia quadrifaria 37*~Central calli and labellum apex yellow; sepals and lateral petals 8–15 mm long, white to pale pink on inner surface~Caladenia carnea 38~Marginal teeth of labellum midlobe short, blunt; column interior green splashed with red~Caladenia picta 38*~Marginal teeth of labellum midlobe elongated, acute, comb-like and undulating; column interior usually green~Caladenia catenata 39~Labellum bearing linear calli in 4–8 rows continuous with marginal fringe; flowers usually blue~Pheladenia deformis 39*~Labellum bearing stout calli in a congested semicircle not continuous with few marginal calli; flowers usually pink~Caladenia latifolia #{gn}Wurmbea 1~Flower usually solitary, occasionally 2; anthers yellow; tepals white with 2 white nectaries~Wurmbea uniflora 1*~Flowers usually 2–15, rarely flowers solitary; anthers pink or purple or brown; tepals white or greenish or yellowish, with 1 pink, purple, greenish, white or pale purple nectary or with 2 purple, greenish, pink or very faintly purple nectaries~2 2~Tepals with 2 nectaries, comprising distinct structures separated by a broad gap and with inner margins thickened; nectaries pink, sometimes pale or fading with age~Wurmbea biglandulosa 2*~Tepals usually with 1 nectary or with apparently 2 nectaries comprising a transverse band with a relatively narrow gap at midline of tepal; nectaries purple, faintly purple, white or greenish~3 3~Tepals yellowish green; nectary greenish brown~Wurmbea citrina 3*~Tepals white, occasionally with purplish markings; nectary purple to white~4 4~Nectaries dark purple or greenish~Wurmbea dioica 4*~Nectaries white or very faintly purple~Wurmbea latifolia #{gn}Gladiolus 1~Perianth c. 3 cm long; leaves somewhat fleshy, far exceeding the inflorescence~Gladiolus gueinzii 1*~Perianth more than 3 cm long; leaves never fleshy, hardly exceeding the inflorescence~2 2~Perianth tube about twice as long as lobes~Gladiolus angustus 2*~Perianth tube about equal to lobes~3 3~Perianth lobes acute, variably undulate~4 3*~Perianth lobes long-acuminate with tapering, markedly undulate tips~Gladiolus undulatus 4~Perianth lobes narrow-elliptic, 2–3 times as long as wide~Gladiolus carneus 4*~Perianth lobes broad-elliptic (at least the uppermost 3), about as long as wide~5 5~Perianth lobes all similar in size~Gladiolus x hortulanus 5*~Uppermost 3 perianth lobes much bigger than (about twice the size of) lower 3 lobes~Gladiolus dalenii #{sp}Polyscias sambucifolia 1~Leaves 1-pinnate~2 1*~Leaves 2-pinnate or rarely 3-pinnate.~subsp. Bipinnate leaves (J.H.Ross 3967) Vic. Herbarium 2~Leaves with ± 5 pairs of leaflets; leaflets usually 4–9 cm long and 20–60 mm wide, rarely smaller. Small tree or shrub to 5 m high. Leaves 1-pinnate, 5–30 cm long; leaflets commonly petiolulate, occasionally subtended by a stipel, ovate or elliptic to broad-elliptic, margins ± toothed. Inflorescence commonly branched to third order~subsp. Long leaflets (P.G.Neish 208) Vic. Herbarium 2*~Leaves with ± 6 pairs of leaflets; leaflets usually 20–40 mm long and 3–7 mm wide, rarely to 70 mm long and 20 mm wide. Densely branched shrub rarely exceeding 1.5 m high. Leaves 6–30 cm long; leaflets sessile (or rarely petiolulate); without stipels, oblong-linear and occasionally slightly falcate, margins entire or rarely lobed. Inflorescence with first order branching only, or rarely with second order branching~subsp. Short leaflets (V.Stajsic 196) Vic. Herbarium #{gn}Schoenoplectus 1~Inflorescence compound, with the lowest involucral bract usually shorter than or equalling the inflorescence; culms terete; leaf blades absent or reduced~2 1*~Inflorescence simple, head-like; the lowest involucral bract much exceeding the inflorescence; culms triquetrous; leaf blades present, to 20 cm long~Schoenoplectus pungens 2~Hypogynous bristles 5 or 6, filiform, retrorsely scabrous; glumes distinctly ciliate; culms grey-green~Schoenoplectus validus 2*~Hypogynous bristles usually 4 (3–5), flattened or folded longitudinally, antrorsely plumose; glumes glabrous or rarely sparsely minutely ciliate; culms yellow-green~Schoenoplectus subulatus #{gn}Schoenoplectiella 1~Robust plants with culms usually 2–8 mm (rarely less) in diam.; culms triquetrous[; nuts smooth]~Schoenoplectiella mucronata 1*~Slender plants with culms no more than 1 mm in diam., terete to subtrigonous~2 2~Nuts smooth~3 2*~Nuts transversely rugose~4 3~Glumes 1.7–2.2 mm long, obtuse; stamens 2; plants tufted~Schoenoplectiella laevis 3*~Glumes 3.8–4.5 mm long, acute; stamens 3; plants at least shortly rhizomatous~Schoenoplectiella lineolata 4~Glumes yellow-tinged, glabrous; stamens 2 or occasionally 3; nut with acutely angled transverse ridges, dark brown to black, subglobose to obovoid; hypogynous bristles present (rarely very short)~Schoenoplectiella dissachantha 4*~Glumes red-tinged, ciliolate on margins; stamens 3; nut with broadly rounded transverse ridges, black, obovoid; hypogynous bristles absent~Schoenoplectiella erecta #{gn}Centipeda 1~Achenes ± narrowly obovate in outline, usually somewhat flattened, rounded to obtuse at apex, the ribs not terminating in a thickened, spongy or corky apical portion; plants creeping, often rooting at lower nodes, wholly glabrous or with short arachnoid hairs near the growing tip; capitula distinctly (but shortly) pedunculate~Centipeda elatinoides 1*~Achenes linear or narrowly obcuneate in outline, ± isodiametric, truncate or nearly so at apex, the ribs terminating in a somewhat thickened, spongy or corky apical portion; plants erect to prostrate, but not or rarely rooting at lower nodes, subglabrous to distinctly hairy; capitula often sessile~2 2~Achenes up to 1.1 mm long (rarely to 1.3 mm and if so then capitula in short racemose axillary inflorescences); capitula solitary or in short racemes~3 2*~Achenes longer than 1.1 mm; flower heads always solitary~6 3~Achenes broadly cuneiform, ± half as wide as long, prominently 4- or 5-angled, often narrowly winged at the angles, the intervening faces concave; plants usually distinctly cottony~Centipeda nidiformis 3*~Achenes at least 3 times as long as wide, ribbed but not winged, with intervening faces flat or convex; plants glabrescent to cottony~4 4~Inflorescence a single terminal, axillary or leaf-opposed flower heads~6 4*~Inflorescence (sometimes very shortly) racemose, of 2–7 flower heads (rarely the lowermost inflorescences a single capitulum)~5 5~Perennial (but dying down annually to penetrating rootstock; inforescences terninal (sometimes also in upper axils) 0.5–2 cm long, 2–7 flowerheads, heads sub-globular~Centipeda racemosa 5*~Short lived annual; inflorescences axillary, to 0,5 cm long, 2–4 flowerheads, heads hemispherical to biconvex~Centipeda pleiocephala 6~Fruiting heads firm, not readily breaking up, fruiting involucre bowl- or cup-shaped; receptacle more or less flat to slightly domed; achenes with pericarp thickish, often obscuring the brown testa of the underlying seed~Centipeda crateriformis 6*~Fruiting heads soft, readily disintegrating, involucre bracts at fruiting widely spreading or reflexed; receptacle distinctly convex; achenea with pericarp thin between ribs, the brown testa of the underlying seed clearly apparent~Centipeda minima 7~Fruiting involucre cup-shaped to campanulate; achenes with hairs confined to a basal ring and a subapical band; plants strictly annual, usually erect~Centipeda thespidioides 7*~Fruiting involucre bowl-shaped, or involucral bracts widely spreading or deflexed; cypselas with hairs scattered along ribs (and sometimes on faces); plants annual or perennial~7 8~Receptacle prominently raised (± hemispherical); involucral bracts at fruiting widely spreading or deflexed~Centipeda cunninghamii 8*~Receptacle slightly concave to slightly convex; fruiting involucre ± bowl-shaped~Centipeda crateriformis #{gn}Triglochin 1~Perennials of more or less permanently aquatic habitats~Triglochin striata 1*~Annuals or ephemerals of ephemerally wet habitats or damp ground~2 2~All carpels fertile; individual fruit cylindrical with a short conical summit; each carpel rounded on the back, with 2 short, spreading spurs at the base~Triglochin turrifera 2*~Fertile carpels alternating with sterile ones; individual fruit tapered or angular, not cylindrical with a conical top; fertile carpels either keeled or winged, with or without basal spurs~3 3~Fruit about twice as long as wide; fertile carpels each with 2 angular wings and no basal spurs~Triglochin hexagona 3*~Fruit more or less linear, tapering gradually towards apex; fertile carpels more or less keeled, wings absent, each with 2 basal not prominent spurs~Triglochin nana #{sp}Coronidium oxylepis 1~Leaves narrowly oblong, sessile, sparsely cottony to almost glabrous~Coronidium oxylepis subsp. oxylepis 1*~Leaves narrow-ovate to narrow-obovate, narrowed at base, cottony to woolly~Coronidium oxylepis subsp. lanatum #{gn}Homalanthus 1~Capsule 8–10 mm wide, glaucous, without projections; leaves with lamina mostly more than 5 cm long, lower surface glabrous, with 1 or 2 basal glands; stipules 10–20 mm long~Homalanthus populifolius 1*~Capsule c. 5 mm wide, not glaucous, with 2–6 conical projections; lamina usually less than 5 cm long, lower surface finely hairy; lamina without basal glands; stipules 3–6 mm long~Homalanthus stillingiifolius #{sp}Leucochrysum albicans 1~Inner involucral bracts yellow~var. albicans 1*~Inner involucral bracts white~var. tricolor #{gn}Heliotropium 1~Plant glabrous~Heliotropium curassavicum 1*~Plant hairy~2 2~Corolla throat glabrous~3 2*~Corolla throat hairy~5 3~Sepals fused for much of their length~Heliotropium supinum 3*~Sepals free for much of their length~4 4~Leaves with margins undulate and revolute; style longer than the stigma~Heliotropium asperrimum 4*~Leaves with margins not both undulate and revolute; style shorter than the stigma~Heliotropium europaeum 5~Leaves linear; mericarps 4; flowers white~6 5*~Leaves elliptic or lanceolate; mericarps 2; flowers purple~Heliotropium amplexicaule 6~Hairs on lower surface of leaves spreading to ascending~Heliotropium brachygyne 6*~Hairs on lower surface of leaves appressed~Heliotropium moorei #{sp}Centipeda crateriformis 1~Decumbent to erect annuals, never producing adventitious roots; ripening fruit heads very hard and not readily disintegrating, 3.5–7 mm diam., inland areas of Australia~subsp. crateriformis 1*~Prostrate to decumbent annuals or perennials, often producing adventitious roots or sometimes rhizomatous; ripe fruiting heads 2.5–5 mm diam., southern Australia (not Tasmania)~subsp. compacta #sp{Centratherum} 1~Leaves ovate in outline with many saw-like teeth; flower heads hemispherical to globose, 20–25 mm diameter~Centratherum punctatum 1*~Leaves narrow elliptic with only 2–4 pairs of teeth; flower heads hemispherical to globose, 10–15 mm diameter~Centratherum riparium #{gn}Achillea 1~Rachis winged and usually with small teeth or lobes between primary pinnae~Achillea distans 1*~Rachis not winged or toothed between primary pinnae~2 2~Ray florets whitish, pink or mauve; leaves 2-pinnatisect with more than 15 pairs of leaflets~Achillea millefolium 2*~Ray florets golden; leaves 2- or 3-pinnatisect with 10–15 pairs of leaflets~Achillea filipendulina #{gn}Anemocarpa 1~Leaves spathulate; flower heads 12–15 mm diameter~Anemocarpa podolepidium 1*~Leaves oblong to narrow-ovate; flower heads c. 20 cm diameter~Anemocarpa saxatilis #{gn}Chrysocephalum 1~Leaves spathulate to obovate, 10–25 mm wide at the broadest point~Chrysocephalum apiculatum 1*~Leaves linear to lanceolate, usually less than 4 mm wide~2 2~Heads in clusters of 3 or more; involucral bracts varying in size~Chrysocephalum baxteri 2*~Heads solitary, terminal on leafy branches; involucral bracts all approximately equal in length~3 3~Achenes densely papillose; involucral bracts with very short cilia on the margins of the herbaceous base~Chrysocephalum pterochaetum 3*~Achenes glabrous or sparsely papillose; involucral bracts with long woolly hairs on the margins of the herbaceous base~4 4~Heads 7–15 mm diam.; intermediate involucral bracts the longest~Chrysocephalum apiculatum 4*~Heads 6–7 mm diam.; inner involucral bracts the longest~Chrysocephalum semipapposum #{gn}Craspedia 1~Florets white~2 1*~Florets yellow or orange~3 2~Leaves broad, more than 5 mm wide, green and glabrous except for occasional hairs on margins~Craspedia leucantha 2*~Leaves narrow, less than 5 mm wide, covered with long fine hairs~Craspedia alba 3~Leaves covered in long fine loose silvery hairs, occasionally with small glandular hairs, but never with long coarse multiseptate hairs~4 3*~Leaves and lower part of scape covered in long coarse multiseptate hairs, occasionally with scattered minute glandular hairs and/or long fine hairs on the margins, rarely glabrous~6 4~Scapes woolly with long fine hairs; heads usually more than 2 cm diam.; leaves white, very thickly covered with long fine tangled hairs; usually alpine~Craspedia maxgrayi 4*~Scapes glabrescent; heads less than 2 cm diam.; leaves silvery grey or grey-green, covered in long fine hairs or glabrescent on the upper surface; not alpine~5 5~Leaves long-attenuate at the base, usually silvery grey with a dense covering of long fine hairs; lower subalpine species~Craspedia coolaminica 5*~Leaves not long-attenuate at the base, grey-green the upper surface often glabrescent; coastal to montane species~Craspedia canens 6~Florets orange~7 6*~Florets yellow~8 7~Leaves often long-attenuate at the base, with the base of the plant purple; heads usually 10–15 mm diam~Craspedia crocata 7*~Leaves not long-attenuate at the base or if so then the base of the plant not purple; heads usually c. 20 mm or more diam~Craspedia aurantia 8~Leaves more than 15 cm long, oblong, blackish green, glabrous or occasionally with a few hairs; base of leaves c. 10 mm wide, often reddish~Craspedia paludicola 8*~Leaves less than 15 cm long, spathulate to linear-ovate, not blackish green, hairy; base of leaves usually less than 5 mm wide, rarely reddish~9 9~Apex of scape conspicuously covered with long fine hairs~10 9*~Apex of scape not conspicuously covered in long fine hairs, or, if long fine hairs present, then head hemispherical~11 10~Rosette spreading and pale green; leaves conspicuously pubescent with long multi-septate hairs terminating in long fine apices~Craspedia costiniana 10*~Rosette erect and green; leaves not conspicuously hairy except on the margins~Craspedia lamicola 11~General bract narrow-ovate with narrow scarious margins; main bract of the partial involucre with a narrow band of scarious margins evenly distributed around the herbaceous central region; heads hemispherical~Craspedia jamesii 11*~General bract broad-ovate with broad scarious margins; main bract of the partial involucre with scarious margins and a distinct elongated scarious tip; head ovoid to globose~12 12~A single taproot present; peduncles long; heads loose so that partial heads easily distinguishable when in flower~Craspedia haplorrhiza 12*~Many equal thick spreading roots present; peduncles short; heads tight so that partial heads not easily distinguishable when in flower~Craspedia variabilis #{gn}Cotula 1~Peduncles rarely overtopping leaves at flowering, hollow; stoloniferous, creeping herb with prostrate branches, plants rosette-like (leaves aggregated at end of stems)~Cotula alpina 1*~Peduncles longer than leaves at flowering, not hollow; plants erect or ascending to more or less prostrate~2 2~Leaves pinnatisect with acute fine-pinnatifid segments~3 2*~Leaves entire or coarsely toothed~Cotula coronopifolia 3~Plants more or less hairy, prostrate or ascending~4 3*~Plants more or less glabrous, erect~Cotula bipinnata 4~Annual or short-lived perennial to c. 10 cm high; involucral bracts 5–20, oblong to oblong-ovate, apex rounded~Cotula australis 4*~Annual to 40 cm high; involucral bracts c.10, broad-ovate, apex acute~Cotula turbinata #{gn}Eriochlamys 1~Flowerheads in subglobose compound heads~Eriochlamys behrii 1*~Flowerheads solitary~2 2~Outer bracts rhombic or narrow-ovate (broadest near the middle), the thickened or recurved margins not obscuring abaxial surface, distinctly shorter than the involucre, graduating in size and shape across several series from the leaves to the elliptic inner bracts, imparting a scaly appearance to the heads~Eriochlamys squamata 2*~Outer bracts c. linear or narrow-lanceolate, leaf-like, margins revolute, obscuring abaxial surface, subequal to or even shortly exceeding involucre, with a sudden transition in shape to the elliptic inner bracts; heads not appearing scaly~Eriochlamys cupularis #[gn]Helichrysum 1~Leaves 3–8 mm long, crowded, caducous from the base of the stems; compound heads 1–1.5 cm diameter~Helichrysum calvertianum 1*~Leaves more than 2 cm long, not noticeably caducous; compound heads ± 2 cm diameter~Helichrysum leucopsideum #{gn}Gamochaeta 1~Leaves densely white woolly on both surfaces (looking grey-green)~2 1*~Leaves darker than grey-green with fewer hairs (to glabresent) on the upper surface than the lower surface; large leafy annuals with distinct rosettes~3 2~Involucres not purplish, 3–3.5 mm, bases sparsely cobwebby or glabrous; arrays of heads interrupted; involucral bracts in 5–7 rows, outer ovate-triangular, lengths 1/3–1/2 inner, apices acute-acuminate~Gamochaeta calviceps 2*~Involucres usually purplish, (at stereome-lamina junctions of involucral bracts), 2.5–3 mm, bases sparsely cobwebby; arrays of heads initially uninterrupted and cylindric; involucral bracts in 3–4(–5) rows, outer ovate-lanceolate, lengths 1/2–2/3 inner, apices narrow to broad acute~Gamochaeta antillana 3~Heads surrounded by and almost obscured by, long woolly hairs; leaves loosely woolly on lower surface~Gamochaeta pensylvanica 3*~Woolly hairs at the base of the heads limited to the peduncles; leaves with fine, appressed hairs below, or glabrous~4 4~Leaves with a prominent paler midvein on the upper surface; inflorescences usually a closed spike~Gamochaeta coarctata 4*~Leaves concolorous on the upper surface; inflorescences slightly loose and spreading, the heads not held together tightly~5 5~Flowers with purple tips; basal leaves usually persisting in a rosette at flowering, not clasping or decurrent~Gamochaeta purpurea 5*~Flowers with yellowish tips; basal leaves usually withering or withered by flowering and not persisting in a rosette, often clasping to main stem but not auriculate~Gamochaeta americana #{gn}Ixiochlamys 1~Leaves entire; leaves and involucres eglandular or almost so~Ixiochlamys integerrima 1*~Leaves lobed; leaves and involucres glandular~2 2~Sub-shrub; leaves lobed at distal end only~Ixiochlamys cuneifolia 2*~Annual; leaves deeply divided or lobed from the base~Ixiochlamys filicifolia #{gn}Leptinella 1~Plants hairy, sometimes densely so; peduncles thick~Leptinella filicula 1*~Plants glabrous to sparsely hairy; peduncles slender~2 2~Leaves tripinnatisect~Leptinella reptans 2*~Leaves deeply lobed only, not tripinnatisect~Leptinella longipes #{sp}Millotia greevesii 1~Involucral bracts with dense woolly indumentum, glandular hairs absent, appearing fused; bristles ± of unequal length; peduncles rarely >1 cm long, cauline leaves up to flower head; plants ± decumbent~subsp. greevesii 1*~Involucral bracts with glandular hairs and ± woolly indumentum, distinctly free; bristle length ± equal; peduncles usually 2–5 cm long, cauline leaves absent but often with several glandular hairy bracts; plants ± erect~subsp. glandulosa #{gn}Millotia 1~Involucral bracts 6–18; achenes with beak straight; pappus present~3 1*~Involucral bracts 3–5; achenes with beak more or less curved; pappus absent or reduced to scales~2 2~Flowers cream or purple; involucral bracts with a dense indumentum of stalked glandular hairs, if cottony hairs present then not obscuring bract surface~Millotia muelleri 2~Flowers white turning pink; involucral bracts with a dense indumentum of cottony hairs which obsure the bract surface; stalked glandular hairs also present~Millotia perpusilla 3~Corollas with 5 (rarely 4) acute lobes more than 0.5 mm; connective apices of anthers exserted beyond corolla tube at anthesis~4 3*~Corollas with 3 to 4 (rarely 5) more or less obtuse lobes less than 0.5 mm long; connective apices of anthers enclosed or only slightly protruding beyond corolla tube at anthesis~5 4~Achenes with clavate papillae (with 2 minute projections at tip); pappus bristles as long as corolla; involucral bracts more or less apiculate; corollas white to creamy-yellow~Millotia myosotidifolia 4*~Achenes with short rounded or conical papillae; pappus bristles more or less a third as long as corolla; involucral bracts acute, more or less fimbriate; corollas yellow~Millotia greevesii 5~Indumentum of woolly and pale golden glandular hairs; beaks of achenes more or less level with involucre at maturity; corolla lobes more or less erect at anthesis; pappus bristles barbellate~Millotia tenuifolia 5*~Indumentum of dense woolly hairs only; beaks of achenes protruding c. 2–3 mm above involucre at maturity; corolla lobes more or less spreading at anthesis; pappus bristles semiplumose~Millotia macrocarpa #{gn}Sebaea 1~Calyx with an obvious winged keel; corolla remaining twisted in bud stage even until fruitng stage and therefore cleistogamous (ie. self pollinating with fertile seed)~Sebaea zeyheri subsp. cleistantha 1~Calyx without a winged keel; corolla opening and lobes spreading to show anthers and style~Sebaea ovata #{gn}Cardamine 1~Vegetative parts with hairs (look closely at margins of cauline leaves and pedicels)~2 1*~Vegetative parts glabrous (sometimes hairy in C. paucijuga, rarely hairy in C. lilacina)~6 2~Most flowers with 4 stamens; plant sparsely hirsute~Cardamine hirsuta 2*~Most flowers with 6 stamens; plants hairy overall, or plant with hairs on cauline leaves and/or pedicels~3 3~Plants glabrous except for hairs on margins of cauline leaves and/or pedicels~4 3*~Plant mostly hairy~5 4~Plants minutely papillose on pedicels and sometimes along margins of cauline leaves; terminal pinna of cauline leaves entire~Cardamine papillata 4*~Plants with ciliate margins on cauline leaves; terminal pinna of cauline leaves 5–9-lobed~Cardamine microthrix 5~Upper surface of leaves with hairs (hairs erect in fresh material); seeds 1–1.2 mm long; base of stem green and moderately hairy~Cardamine flexuosa 5*~Upper surface of leaves mostly glabrous; seeds 0.8–1.0 mm long; base of stem either purple and pubescent, or green and moderately hairy~Cardamine occulta 6~Plants semiaquatic, of swampy habitat; leaves filiform; stems weak, to 1 m long with numerous fine roots at nodes~Cardamine tenuifolia 6*~Plants generally terrestrial; leaves not filiform; stems nodes without numerous fine roots~7 7~Vegetative stems stoloniferous; basal leaves usually simple, ovate, arising singly at intervals along the horizontal stem, not forming a basal rosette~Cardamine astoniae 7*~Stems not stoloniferous; basal leaves forming a rosette (sometimes not evident in Cardamine moirensis)~8 8~Plants spreading by means of robust, white, underground stems, which ascend to form new rosettes; plant forming dense swards up to 1 m diam., confined to alpine regions of Kosciuszko N.P~Cardamine robusta 8*~Plants not as above~9 9~Terminal pinna of basal leaves 2- or 3-lobed~10 9*~Terminal pinna of basal leaves entire~11 10~Terminal pinna of basal leaves cordate at base; flowers 3–6 mm long~Cardamine paucijuga 10*~Terminal pinna truncate-cuneate; flowers 2–3.5 mm long~Cardamine moirensis 11~Seeds 1.5–3 mm long~Cardamine lilacina 11*~Seeds <1.5 mm long~12 12~Basal leaves either, entire and spathulate, or pinnate with terminal pinna elliptic~Cardamine franklinensis 12*~Basal leaves long petiolate, pinnate, with terminal pinna with a cordate base~Cardamine paucijuga #{gn}Eucryphia 1~Stipules lanceolate, 12–15 mm long: leaflets 1–3, tips acute to acuminate~Eucryphia jinksii 1*~Stipules ovate, 2.5–3 mm long; leaflets 1–13, tips mucronate~Eucryphia moorei #{sp}Veronica derwentiana 1~Base of style and summit of ovary pilose or rarely glabrous, capsule subacute or truncate or slightly emarginate; leaves paler on lower surface but not pruinose, teeth mostly uniform or alternating large and small~2 1*~Base of style and summit of ovary glabrous, capsule distinctly emarginate; leaves pruinose on lower surface. Leaves narrow-ovate to narrow-lanceolate, teeth coarse. Pedicels 5–10 mm in fruit~subsp. subglauca 2~Leaves lanceolate to narrow-lanceolate, mostly 15–25 mm wide with length 4–11 times breadth, base cuneate or truncate; pedicels mostly 5–7 mm long in fruit~subsp. derwentiana 2*~Leaves ovate to lanceolate, mostly 30–40 mm wide with length 1.6–3.5 times breadth, base cordate or sometimes truncate; pedicels mostly 2–4 mm long in fruit~subsp. maideniana #{sp}Zieria odorifera 1~Petals glabrous or glabrescent on abaxial surface~subsp. copelandii 1*~Petals densely hirsute on abaxial surface~2 2~Branches with an indumentum of mainly stellate hairs; sepals c. 1 mm long, glabrous or with a sparse indumentum of stellate hairs on the abaxial surface~subsp. warrabahensis 2*~Branches pilose, with no or few stellate hairs; sepals 1–2 mm long, variously pilose on the abaxial surface though a few stellate hairs may also be present~3 3~Petals 4–4.5 mm long [though smaller petals c. 3.5 mm long may rarely be also present]; leaflets usually oblanceolate with smooth or slightly glandular dentate margins~subsp. odorifera 3*~Petals 2–2.5(–3.5) mm long; leaflets usually narrowly elliptic or narrowly oblanceolate with margins slightly to prominently glandular dentate~subsp. williamsii #{fm}ACANTHACEAE 1~Shrubby mangroves with pneumatophores~Avicennia 1*~Not mangroves~2 2~Flowers on peduncles more than 30 mm long; calyx concealed by 2 erect sagittate bracteoles; twiners or climbers~Thunbergia 2*~Flowers sessile or peduncles less than 15 mm; large bracteoles if present not sagittate: herbs or shrubs, rarely climbing~3 3~Leaves linear to lanceolate, more than 20 mm long, attenuate at base; capsules with a swelling on either side of mucronate apex~Hygrophila 3*~Leaves either ovate to elliptic or if linear or lanceolate then distinctly petiolate or less than 20 mm long; capsules without apical swellings~4 4~Branches with dense linear cystoliths parallel to branch axis (although sometimes partly obscured by indumentum), thickened at the nodes, bent and woody~5 4*~Branches without cystoliths or with cystoliths randomly arranged, branches constricted or thickened above the nodes, not bent~6 5~Flowers purple, leaves mostly less than 25 mm long~Dipteracanthus 5*~Flowers red, leaves mostly greater than 25 mm, sometimes up to 18 cm long~Odontonema 6~Corolla more or less actinomorphic, the 5 lobes equal; seeds hairy or pitted~7 6*~Corolla 2-lipped, the 5 lobes very unequal; seeds variously tuberculate but not hairy~8 7~Stamens 4; seeds covered with hairs~Brunoniella 7*~Stamens 2 with 2 small staminodes; seeds pitted, glabrous~Pseuderanthemum 8~Corolla tube twisted 180°, enclosed within a cylindrical involucre of fused bracts and bracteoles~Hypoestes 8*~Corolla tube neither twisted 180° nor enclosed within a cylindrical involucre~9 9~Corolla with upper lip 4-lobed and lower lip entire~Xerothamnella 9*~Corolla with upper lip notched or 3-lobed~10 10~Calyx segments 4, bracts usually with white margins~Rostellularia 10*~Calyx segments 5, bracts without white margins~11 11~Bracts conspicuous, 5–9 mm long, obcordate~Calophanoides 11*~Bracts inconspicuous, 0.5–2 mm long, triangular or linear-lanceolate~12 12~Leaves sessile, branchlets spinescent; seeds with conical protuberances~Rhaphidospora 12*~Leaves petiolate, branchlets not spinescent; seeds with concentric ridges~Isoglossa #{gn}Ludwigia 1 ~Leaves alternate; stamens 8 or 10~2 1*~Leaves opposite; stamens 4~5 2~Plants erect~3 2*~Plants prostrate~Ludwigia peploides 3~Fruit prominently 4- or sometimes 5-angled~4 3*~Fruit ribbed, but ± terete~Ludwigia octovalvis 4~Plant hairy; leaves up to 12 cm long~Ludwigia peruviana 4*~Plant glabrous; leaves usually >12 cm long~Ludwigia longifolia 5~Petals present; fruit 5–7 mm long~Ludwigia repens 5*~Petals absent; fruit 2–5 mm long~Ludwigia palustris #{sp}Picris angustifolia 1~Heads in flower 0.8–1.0 cm long, in fruit 0.8–1.2 cm long; achenes with very short to short cuspis, hairs along midrib on involucral bracts, if present in a single line~subsp. carolorum-henricorum 1*~Heads in flower 1.0–1.4 cm long, in fruit 1.2–1.8 cm long; achenes with short to very long cuspis, hairs along midrib of involucral bracts, if present in a single or mutiple line~2 2~Heads often in a cyme panicle, achenes mostly 5–6 mm long, cuspis c. a sixth to one tenth of the length of the achene; indumentum on outer involucral bracts fine usually if hairs present in a single line~subsp. merxmuelleri 2*~Heads mostly in a loose panicle, achenes mostly 2–10 mm long, cuspis about a third to half the length of the achene; indumentum on outer involucral bracts hispid, if present in multiple lines~subsp. angustifolia #{gn}Picris 1~Midrib on adaxial side of ar least some of the outer involucral bracts with very long, curled hairs, length of longest hairs more than 3.5 mm long~2 1*~Midrib of all involucral bracts naked or hairs straight and not longer than 0.3–3 mm long~3 2~Hairs on midrib in more than one line, mass of hairs covering the whole of the involucrum~Picris evae 2*~Hairs on midrib in a single line~Picris barbarorum 3~Outer involucral bracts in 2–3 rows, rarely longest outer bracts longer than 2/3 of length of innermost bracts, usually marked shorter; all bracts straight; outer bracts upright to slightly squarrose, not as wide as inner bracts~Picris angustifolia 3*~Outer involucral bracts in 2–4 rows, usually many outer longer than 2/3 the length of innermost bracts, often almost as long as the innermost bracts; outer bracts straight or recurved, upright to distinctly squarrose, not as wide or wider than the inner bracts~5 4~Achenes 3.9–5.2 mm long; fruting heads 0.9–1.3 cm long~Picris squarrosa 4*~Achenes 5–8 mm long; fruiting heads 1.3–1.5 cm long~5 5~Involucral bracts all naked, outer bracts slightly squarrose, straight~Picris eichleri 5*~Involucral bracts always with a single line of short and strong to slender hairs along midrib on abaxial side of bracts, outer bracts straight and upright to conspicuously squarrose and recurved~Picris burbidgei #{gn}Diploglottis 1~Leaves more than 30 cm long, hairy; capsules less than 3 cm diam., rusty-hairy; aril yellow-orange~Diploglottis australis 1*~Leaves usually less than 30 cm long, glabrous; capsules more than 3 cm diam., more or less glabrous; aril red~Diploglottis campbellii #{sp}Eucalyptus cinerea 1~Crown mostly of juvenile leaves~Eucalyptus cinerea subsp. cinerea 1*~Crown with mixed juvenile and intermediate leaves; Australian Capital Territory and near Captain's Flat, New South Wales~Eucalyptus cinerea subsp. triplex #{gn}Psoralea 1~Leaflets pubescent on both surfaces; flowers hidden within leaves, pale mauve to light blue, scentless or faintly scented; pedicels 2–5 mm long terminating in a trifid cupulate bract~Psoralea pinnata 1*~Leaflets glabrescent above, wispily hairy below; flowers exerted beyond leaves, deep blue to purple, strongly sweet scented; pedicels 11–35 mm long terminating in a bifid cupulate bract~Psoralea arborea #{gn}Argyrodendron 1~Leaflets 5–9; lower surface of leaflets green, glabrous, mostly with domatia in the axils of the secondary veins~Argyrodendron actinophyllum 1*~Leaflets 3; lower surface of leaflets covered by a silvery layer of small peltate scales, domatia absent~Argyrodendron trifoliolatum #{sp}Prostanthera cryptandroides 44~Calyx and branches not appearing glandular because podiate glands <0.02 mm long; calyx with inner surface glabrous or with an occasional hair and gland (visible by10X magnification); adaxial calyx lobe with apex rounded to 3-lobed~subsp. cryptandroides 44~Calyx and branches distinctly glandular, podiate glands (0.1–)0.2–0.6; mm long; calyx with inner surface glandular (visible by 10× magnification); adaxial calyx lobe rounded to slightly emarginate~subsp. euphrasioides #{sp}Acacia terminalis 1~Branchlets sparsely to densely hairy, occasionally glabrous; petiole and rachis usually hairy; flower heads pale yellow or cream-coloured to almost white.~2 1*~Branchlets glabrous or with sparse hairs; petiole and rachis usually glabrous; flower heads dark to bright yellow or cream-coloured to almost white.~3 2~Peduncles 0.7–1.5 cm long, 0.5–1 mm diam.; heads 7–14-flowered; calyx 0.8–1.4 mm long; main axis of panicle or raceme to 16.5 cm long; flowering axes without glandular axillary shoots.~subsp. terminalis 2*~Peduncles 0.5–2.1 cm long, 0.3–0.5 mm diam.; heads 5–9-flowered; calyx 0.6–0.9 mm long; main axis of panicle or raceme to 33 cm long; flowering axes occasionally with glandular axillary shoots.~subsp. Long inflorescences (P.G.Kodela 307) 3~Flower heads pale yellow or cream-coloured to almost white, 5–13-flowered, 5–12 mm diam; petiolar gland 2–12 mm long; shrub to small tree to 6 m high.~subsp. Glabrous form (M.Hancock 94) 3*~Flower heads dark to bright yellow or sometimes pale yellow, 5–7-flowered or occasionally up to 11-flowered, 4–10 mm diam.; petiolar gland 1.5–6.7 mm long; shrub to 2 or rarely 3 m high.~subsp. Bright yellow flower (M.Tindale NSW248078) #{gn}Eriochilus 1~Leaf bright green and shiny; flower bright magenta pink; grows at altitude 1000–1500 metres above sea level~Eriochilus magenteus 1*~Leaf dark green, smooth or ridged; flower usually white (however a pink form in Nothern Tablelands); grows at altitude 0–800 metres above sea level~Eriochillus cucullatus species complex #{sp}Mentha x piperita 1~Leaves narrow-ovate to elliptic, to 7 cm long; odour pungent, peppermint. Inflorescence cylindrical, spike-like, to 6 cm long, with flower clusters becoming separated. Anthers included.~var. piperita 1*~Leaves ovate to broad-ovate, 2–9 cm long; youngest leaves often with a red margin; odour reminiscent of 'Eau de Cologne'. Inflorescence of 1 or more distinct globose clusters, to 2 cm long. Anthers exserted.~var. citrata #{fm}RANUNCULACEAE 1~Fruiting heads of 1 or more follicles (sometimes united and forming a capsule); carpels with more than 1 ovule~2 1*~Fruiting heads of achenes; carpels with 1 ovule~5 2~Plants more than 10 cm high; leaves deeply lobed or divided~3 2*~Small alpine herbs mostly less than 10 cm high; leaves not deeply divided but often with 2 basal appendages~Caltha 3~Flowers actinomorphic, always solitary~Nigella 3*~Flowers zygomorphic, flowers in racemes or branched racemose inflorescences~4 4~Leaf segments linear~Consolida 4*~Leaf segments lobed with crenate margins~Aquilegia 5~Usually climbers and more or less woody; leaves opposite; flowers often unisexual~Clematis 5*~Terrestrial or aquatic herbs; leaves alternate; flowers bisexual~5 6~Petals spurred; achenes on an elongated receptacle, fruiting head more than 10 times as long as thick~Myosurus 6*~Petals not spurred; achenes forming a globose or ellipsoid head~6 7~Petals mostly white or yellow, bearing nectaries; anthers commonly yellow~7 7*~Petals often red when fresh, without nectaries; anthers often black-purple~Adonis 8~Aquatic herbs with submerged leaves divided into filiform segments and with membranous stipules; petals white~Batrachium 8*~Terrestrial or aquatic herbs, leaf segments broader, without distinct stipules; petals yellow or white~Ranunculus #{fm}ANACARDIACEAE 1~Leaves simple~Mangifera 1*~Leaves pinnate or trifoliate~2 2~Leaflets sessile or subsessile with petiolules <1 mm long~3 2*~Leaflets stalked, petiolules 1–12 mm long~4 3~Fruit bright reddish pink when mature~Schinus 3*~Fruit dull yellow to greyish-brown~Searsia 4~Deciduous shrubs or trees, cultivated, occasionally naturalized in disturbed areas; flowers yellowish green; drupe whitish or red turning purple at maturity~4 4~Leaves mostly paripinnate with 8–14 leaflets, scattered bristles along some lower veins and midrib, lower surface not glaucous; flowers without petals~Pistacia 5*~Leaves mostly imparipinnate with 9–15 leaflets, glabrous, lower surface ± glaucous; flowers with petals~Toxicodendron 5*~Evergreen trees in rainforest; flowers white to pink or pink-red; drupe dark brown or purple-black~5 6~Drupe brown, globose, 8–11 mm diam.; flowers red to dark pink; terminal leaflet present, leaflets usually <20 mm wide, shortly acuminate with apex mostly <6 mm long (rarely to 9 mm long); petioles and branchlets exuding milky latex when cut~Rhodosphaera 6*~Drupe purple-black, obliquely ellipsoid or ovoid, 6–9 mm long, 4–5 mm diam.; flowers white to pink; true terminal leaflet mostly absent, leaflets usually >20 mm wide, acuminate mostly with the apex of at least 1 leaflet >1 cm long; petioles and branchlets exuding clear sap when cut~Euroschinus #{gn}Isotoma 1~Prostrate creeping or mat-forming perennial herb, rooting at nodes; leaves 1.5–12 mm long~2 1*~Erect or ascending annual or perennial herbs, leaves usually much more than 15 mm~3 2~Leaves 4–12 mm long; corolla white or pale blue with a deeper blue with yellow edging at the base; capsule 3–6 mm long~Isotoma fluviatilis 2*~Leaves 1.5–8 mm long; corolla white sometimes tinged with mauve; capsule 1.5–3 mm long~Isotoma tridens 3~Leaves with margins entire, toothed or lobed and lobes cut less than halfway to midrib~4 3~Leaves sessile, linear or narrow-lanceolate, margins entire or slightly toothed, 0.5–3.5 cm long, 1–3 mm wide; corolla less than 20 mm long~Isotoma armstrongii 4*~Leaves deeply divided with lobes cut more than halfway to midrib, pinnatifid or pinnatisect~5 4*~Lower leaves petiolate, sessile above, oblanceolate to elliptic, margins toothed or irregularly lobed less than halfway to midrib, 1.5–7.5 cm long, 5–55 mm wide; corolla more than 20 mm long~Isotoma petraea 5~Leaves 6–10 cm long, 0.5–5 cm wide, pinnatisect with undivided part of lamina 1–2 mm wide, lobes 0.5–2 mm wide, linear, acute, sometimes with a few small teeth~Isotoma anethifolia 5*~Leaves 1.5–15 cm long, 0.5–5 cm wide, pinnatifid to more or less pinnatisect with undivided part of lamina usually 3–5 mm wide, lobes 0.3–3 mm wide, more or less linear, acute, margins often again toothed~Isotoma axillaris #{gn}Leucochrysum 1~Leaves spathulate to broad-obovate, densely woolly; margin flat; apex lacking an obvious mucro or callus tip; inner involucral bracts lanceolate to ovate, white, outer involucral bracts purplish to brown (especially apparent in early stages of capitulum development)~Leucochrysum alpinum 1*~Leaves obovate to filiform, cobwebbed to cottony or glabrescent; margin gently recurved to tightly revolute, apex with short glabrous mucro or callus tip. Inner involucral bracts suborbicular to broad-ovate or ovate, lanceolate to elliptic, white or yellow~2 2~Annual herb; leaves lightly cobwebbed, obovate to oblancolate; inner involucral bracts suborbicular to broadly ovate, rounded or truncate at base of lamina, yellow~Leucochrysum molle 2*~Perennial (although sometimes short-lived); leaves cottony or glabrescent, obovate to oblanceolate or linear to filiform; inner involucral bracts obovate to ovate to lanceolate, white or yellow~3 3~Leaves filiform, glabrescent; margin tightly revolute; involucral bracts narrow-elliptic~Leucochrysum graminifolium 3*~Leaves obovate to oblanceolate or linear, cottony; margin recurved to revolute; inner involucral bracts ovate to lanceolate, white or yellow~Leucochrysum albicans #{fm}MENISPERMACEAE 1~Leaves distinctly peltate~2 1*~Leaves not peltate~3 2~Stems bearing prickles~Echinostephia 2*~Stems without prickles~Stephania 3~Leaves palmately veined with 5–7, rarely 3, main veins radiating from near the base of the lamina; petiole usually at least half as long as lamina, mostly more than 5 cm long~4 3*~Leaves pinnately veined, rarely 3-veined from base; petiole mostly less than one-third as long as lamina, mostly less than 4 cm long~6 4~Leaves with lamina more or less circular, usually cordate at base; upper surface mostly glabrous and dark green, lower surface very pale green or ashy-green and often hairy; petiole frequently longer than lamina, at least three-quarters as long as lamina; inflorescence a dichasial cyme~Legnephora 4*~Leaves with lamina broad-ovate to broad-triangular, sometimes ovate, often cordate at base, sometimes hastate or rounded; glabrous and green on both surfaces; petiole usually shorter than lamina, mostly half to three-quarters as long; inflorescence raceme-like or a panicle~5 5~Leaves with lamina palmately 7-veined from base, the inner pair extending at least three-quarters of the way up the lamina, the outer pair sometimes obscure and more or less fused with the margin; base of lamina usually deeply cordate; widespread, not confined to rainforest~Sarcopetalum 5*~Leaves with lamina palmately 5- or rarely 3-veined from base, the inner pair extending less than half way up the lamina; base of lamina truncate, rounded, cordate or hastate; confined to rainforest north of the Richmond R~Tinospora 6~Leaves glabrous or almost so on both surfaces~7 6*~Leaves hairy at least on lower surface~9 7~Leaves with base of lamina hastate or cordate. (Juvenile leaves of Tinospora tinosporoides have lamina narrow-oblong to narrow-lanceolate.)~Tinospora 7*~Leaves with base of lamina rounded to truncate~8 8~Leaves with lamina narrow-oblong to narrow-elliptic, more than 4 times as long as wide, usually more than 8 cm long; young shoots and petioles brown-pubescent~Carronia 8*~Leaves with lamina ovate to lanceolate, less than 4 times as long as wide, less than 8 cm long; young shoots and petioles glabrous~Tinospora 9~Leaves with more than 6 pairs of secondary veins~Carronia 9*~Leaves with less than 6 pairs of secondary veins~Hypserpa #{gn}Gingidia 1~Leaves with segments linear or linear-lanceolate, less than 5 mm wide; fruit ellipsoid or oblong, 6–10 mm long, pedicels in fruit unequal, 7–20 mm long~Gingidia harveyana 1*~Leaves with segments rhombic, ovate or obovate, more than 7 mm wide; fruit ovate, ± 6 mm long; pedicels in fruit more or less equal, 2–6 mm long~2 2~Leaf segments 3-lobed, margins acutely toothed; petioles less than 10 cm long, sheathing base to 4.5 cm long~Gingidia algens 2*~Leaf segments not lobed, margins obtusely toothed; petioles usually more than 10 cm long, sheathing base to 8 cm long~Gingidia rupicola #{gn}Handroanthus 1~Leaves (including petiole, petiolules and leaflet surfaces) covered with brownish stellate hairs; flower corolla yellow often with reddish longitudinal veins in throat~Handroanthus chrysotrichus 1*~Leaves ± glabrous or sparsely hairy mostly with simple or pilose hairs (mainly on veins and/or in tufts in vein axils along midvein); flower corolla pink usually with yellowish throat~Handroanthus impetiginosus #{fm}MENYANTHACEAE 1~Plants submersed with floating leaves (emergent in mudflat forms or when crowded); inflorescence lax, the flowers in pairs or umbellate, supported by 1 or more floating leaves, or erect and paniculate with > 10 flowers occurring in pairs~Nymphoides 1*~Plants emergent, with erect and/or floating leaves; inflorescence erect or lax; if erect, then either capitate, paniculate with flowers arising singly (rarely paired), or consisting of less than or equal to 5 flowers; if lax, then never supported by a floating leaf~2 2~Each placenta with 5 to 10 ovules; inflorescence capitate, paniculate, or reduced to 5 flowers or less~Liparophyllum 2*~Each placenta with 11 ovules or more; inflorescence always paniculate with > 10 flowers~Ornduffia #{gn}Zieria 1~Plants with branchlets prominently ridged due to the presence of ± glabrous leaf decurrencies~2 1*~Plants with branchlets not prominently ridged~3 2~Branchlets with an indumentum of stellate hairs~4 2*~Branchlets with an indumentum of simple hairs~7 3~Branchlets with an indumentum predominantly of simple hairs~10 3*~Branchlets with an indumentum of stellate hairs~17 4~Lower surface of leaflets velvety with very short stellate hairs~5 4*~Lower surface of leaflets not velvety, generally glabrous to hirsute~6 5~Inflorescences generally shorter than the leaves; calyx lobes usually much shorter than petals; staminal filaments hirsute with simple to stellate hairs, particularly towards the apex, swollen and slightly warty towards apex~Zieria laevigata 5*~Inflorescences generally longer than the leaves; calyx lobes almost equal in length to the petals; staminal filaments glabrous, not noticeably swollen or warty towards the apex~Zieria laxiflora 6~Lower surface of leaflets glabrous and dotted with pellucid oil glands; staminal filaments not prominently dilated towards the base and not warty towards the apex.~Zieria prostrata 6*~Lower surface of leaflets hirsute and lacking pellucid oil glands; staminal filaments dilated towards the base and warty at the apex~Zieria arborescens 7~Leaflets ± obovate, 3–6 mm wide, apex rounded to obcordate; upper surface of leaflets glabrous; leaflet margins not recurved~Zieria robusta 7*~Leaflets mostly linear to lanceolate or narrow-elliptic, or rarely obovate, 1–3 mm wide, apex mostly acute or sometimes obtuse or rounded; upper surface of leaflets hirsute to ± glabrous; margins usually revolute~8 8~Leaves with terminal leaflets 9–19 mm long~Zieria ingramii 8*~Leaves with terminal leaflets 5–8 mm long~9 9~Leaves sessile, or nearly so; leaflet margins revolute to the midvein~Zieria aspalathoides 9*~Leaves with petioles at least 1 mm long; leaflet margins not revolute~Zieria odorifera 10~Plants strongly lemon-scented, procumbent, proliferating from rhizomes; branchlets often with tufts of longer hairs at nodes; restricted to Cooma district (ST)~Zieria citriodora 10*~Plants sometimes odoriferous but not lemon-scented; not obviously proliferating from rhizomes; branchlets without tufts of hairs at nodes; widespread but not in ST~11 11~Central leaflets >10 mm long, 2–8 mm wide; branchlets and flower parts lacking raised oil glands; leaflets ± flat or slightly recurved, margins entire~Zieria pilosa 11*~Central leaflets <10 mm long, 1–3 mm wide; upper surface of leaflets, calyx lobes and ovary mostly warted with raised oil glands; margins of leaflets recurved to revolute, mostly appearing finely toothed or crenate due to the raised glands~12 12~Petals pale to deep pink; inflorescences mostly 3–7-flowered, mostly exceeding the leaves; central leaflets linear to narrow-lanceolate, margins revolute, apex acute~Zieria aspalathoides 12*~Petals white or rarely white with the tips pink; inflorescences mostly 1–3-flowered, shorter than or longer than the leaves; central leaflets mostly oblanceolate to obovate or elliptic, margins recurved to revolute, apex mostly obtuse to rounded or obcordate~13 13~Cocci pubescent or hirsute~14 13*~Cocci ± glabrous or with hairs only on the margins~16 14~Petals mostly 4–4.5 mm long; inflorescences mostly longer than the leaves, mostly 3-flowered (range 1–7); northern species, west of Armidale (NT, NWS)~Zieria odorifera 14*~Petals usually 2–3.5 mm long; inflorescences shorter than the leaves, 1-flowered or 1–3-flowered; central species and northern species east of Armidale (NT, CT, CWS)~15 15~Central leaflets cuneate, obcordate or ± obovate, 1.3–3.7 mm wide, 3–8.5 mm long; petiole 1.5–3 mm long; inflorescences 1–3-flowered; near Wellington and Bathurst (CT, CWS)~Zieria obcordata 15*~Central leaflets narrow-elliptic to oblanceolate, 1–2 mm wide, 3–6.5 mm long; petiole 0.5–1.5 mm long; inflorescences 1-flowered; near Cathedral Rock N.P. (NT)~Zieria odorifera 16~Divaricate shrub to 1 m high; central leaflets cuneate to obovate, 2.5–4 mm long; confined to the Araluen district (SC)~Zieria adenophora 16*~Prostrate subshrub to 0.1 m high; central leaflet oblanceolate 4–7 mm long; restricted to gorges SE of Armidale (NT)~Zieria odorifera 17~Plants with prominent warts on stems~18 17*~Plants without prominent warts on stems, although pellucid oil glands may be present~27 18~Lower surface of leaflets velvety with short stellate hairs~19 18*~Lower surface of leaflets glabrous to hirsute, but never velvety~26 19~Upper surface of leaflets ± glabrous~20 19*~Upper surface of leaflets pubescent to velvety with very short stellate hairs~22 20~Upper surface of leaflets not warted but dotted with pellucid oil glands; margins not toothed, slightly recurved to revolute but not to the midvein~Zieria hindii 20*~Upper surface of leaflets warted; margins ± toothed due to the warts~21 21~Branchlets hirsute; lower surface of leaflets and calyx lobes with prominent warts; leaflet margins revolute to the midvein; staminal filaments hirsute with stellate hairs~Zieria granulata 21*~Branchlets velvety; lower surface of leaflets and calyx lobes not warted; leaflet margins flat, not revolute to the midvein; staminal filaments glabrous~Zieria adenodonta 22~Leaflets with upper surface pubescent but not velvety~23 22*~Leaflets with upper surface velvety~24 23~Fruit prominently warted; calyx lobes triangular with apex attenuate, lobes much shorter than petals~Zieria parrisiae 23*~Fruit not warted but dotted with pellucid oil glands; calyx lobes narrow-triangular, nearly as long as petals~Zieria tuberculata 24~Upper surface of leaflets and fruit not warted; inflorescences shorter than leaves~Zieria furfuracea 24*~Upper surface of leaflets and fruit warted; inflorescences longer than leaves~25 25~Anthers with a small terminal appendage; leaflets 3–5 mm wide~Zieria formosa 25*~Anthers without an appendage; leaflets 2–3 mm wide~Zieria buxijugum 26~Leaflets usually 2.5–3.5 mm wide; petioles 4–6 mm long~Zieria floydii 26*~Leaflets mostly 4–7 mm wide; petioles 8–20 mm long~Zieria smithii 27~Lower surface of leaflets pubescent to velvety with very short stellate hairs~28 27*~Lower surface of leaflets glabrous to slightly hirsute~37 28~Apex of leaflets retuse to emarginate~29 28*~Apex of leaflets acute to rounded~30 29~Leaflet margins revolute and secondary venation prominent; inflorescences longer than the leaves; peduncle and calyx lobes pubescent~Zieria baeuerlenii 29*~Leaflet margins not revolute and venation obscure; inflorescences shorter than the leaves; peduncle and calyx lobes glabrous/glabrescent~Zieria minutiflora 30~Primary bracts persistent on peduncles, leaf-like and ≥7 mm long~31 30*~Primary bracts caducous, leaving scars on peduncles, or if persistent <1 mm long~33 31~Leaves dimorphic, generally 1-foliolate and 3-foliolate leaves equally distributed on the branches, more rarely with 1-foliolate leaves only; venation obscure; staminal filaments and ovary glabrous~Zieria involucrata 31*~Leaves consistently 3-foliolate; secondary venation obvious; staminal filaments and ovary hirsute or glabrous~32 32~Leaflets 15–40 mm long, margins ± flat; petiole 3–10 mm long; widespread species~Zieria cytisoides 32*~Leaflets 8–11 mm long, margins recurved to revolute; petiole 1–3.5 mm long; coastal species south from Tathra~Zieria littoralis 33~Upper surface of leaflets glabrous or glabrescent~34 33*~Upper surface of leaflets hirsute to densely pubescent~35 34~Terminal leaflets usually 5–9 cm long; petioles 1.5–3 cm long.; widespread in wet sclerophyll forest and on margins of rainforest on the coast and adjacent ranges~Zieria arborescens 34*~Terminal leaflets usually 1–3.5 cm long; petioles <1 cm long; widespread in dry sclerophyll forest, often on rocky ridges or outcrops, coast to inland districts~Zieria fraseri 35~Upper surface pubescent with predominantly simple hairs; inflorescences few-flowered, generally <10; filaments not warty at the apex~Zieria murphyi 35*~Upper surface of leaves with stellate hairs; inflorescences usually many-flowered, generally >10; filaments warty at the apex~36 36~Secondary venation obscure on lower surface of leaflets; inflorescences generally longer than the leaves; petals glabrous or glabrescent on the upper surface~Zieria covenyi 36*~Secondary venation prominent on lower surface of leaflets; inflorescences generally shorter than the leaves; petals stellate-pubescent on both surfaces~Zieria arborescens 37~Lower surface of leaflets glabrous~38 37*~Lower surface of leaflets hirsute~40 38~Peduncles hirsute with short stellate hairs; calyx lobes tomentose with short stellate hairs~Zieria southwellii 38*~Peduncles hirsute to tomentose with a mixed indumentum primarily of long simple hairs; calyx lobes hirsute with predominantly long simple hairs~39 39~Primary bracts large and boat-shaped, >7 mm long and >5 mm wide; calyx lobes with very attenuated apex~Zieria caducibracteata 39*~Primary bracts small and scale-like, <2.5 mm long and c. 0.5 mm wide; calyx lobes acute, not attenuated~Zieria lasiocaulis 40~Midvein on lower surface of leaflets glabrous to glabrescent; primary bracts boat-shaped and caducous, leaving scars on the peduncle; calyx lobes stellate-tomentose~Zieria arborescens 40*~Midvein stellate pubescent; primary bracts scale-like and persistent; calyx lobes hirsute at the base with stellate hairs, glabrescent towards the apex~Zieria smithii #{gn}Boronia 1~Hairs stellate; petals valvate, midvein of petal prominently raised on the outer surface.~3 1*~Hairs simple or absent; petals imbricate (except in B. algida), midvein of petal not prominently raised (except in B. barkeriana).~2 2~Leaves 1-foliolate.~18 2*~Leaves pinnate with 3 or more leaflets.~26 3~At least some leaves pinnate with 3–11 leaflets.~4 3*~All leaves simple or 1-foliolate.~13 4~Leaflets strongly discolorous, indumentum of the lower surface dense and concealing the epidermis.~5 4*~Leaflets slightly discolorous or concolourous, indumentum of the lower surface not dense and not concealing the epidermis.~7 5~Sepals narrow-deltate, at least 2.5 times as long as broad, the apex acute; leaves mostly 3–11-foliolate, rarely some leaves 1-foliolate.~6 5*~Sepals ovate, 1.5–2 times as long as broad, the apex acute or acuminate; leaves 1-foliolate or 3–7-foliolate.~Boronia ledifolia 6~Largest terminal leaflet >20 mm long; largest lateral leaflets >18 mm long; all leaflets 10–15 mm wide; petals 7–8 mm long; coastal ranges north from Coffs Harbour (NC).~Boronia umbellata 6*~Largest terminal leaflet <25 mm long, largest lateral leaflets <18 mm long; all leaflets 2–7 mm wide; petals 3–12 mm long; chiefly from Bylong to Denman, W part of the Nandewar Ra. and Gibraltar Ra. N.P. (NT, NWS, CWS)~Boronia angustisepala 7~Midrib not raised on the lower surface of the leaflets.~8 7*~Midrib raised on the lower surface of the leaflets.~12 8~Sepals narrowly ovate to deltate, at least twice as long as broad.~9 8*~Sepals ovate to deltate, less than twice as long as broad.~10 9~Leaves with sparse to moderately dense indumentum; stellate hairs sometimes stalked, grey to white, rays of stellate hairs to 0.5 mm long, flexuous and dull; chiefly on the Western Slopes and adjacent ranges, north from Inverell district (NT, NWS).~Boronia granitica 9*~Leaves glabrescent or with a sparse indumentum; stellate hairs not stalked, yellowish; rays of stellate hairs <0.25 mm long, ± straight, shiny; confined to Bolivia Hill (NT).~Boronia boliviensis 10~Broadest leaflets >3 mm wide; peduncle 2–10 mm long; leaves sometimes 3-foliolate or 1-foliolate; mature cocci glabrous or hirsute; at Woodsreef (NWS) and from Lees Pinch to Berrima (CC, CT, CWS).~11 10*~Broadest leaflets <3 mm wide; peduncle <3 mm long; leaves rarely 1- or 3-foliolate and then at first few nodes of branch only; in the Coonabarabran to Warrumbungle Ra. district (NWS).~Boronia warrumbunglensis 11~Leaves dorsiventral with lower surface paler than upper surface; from Lees Pinch to Berrima (CC, CT, CWS).~Boronia rubiginosa 11*~Leaves isobilateral with lower surface similar colour to upper surface; confined to Woodsreef (NWS).~Boronia ruppii 12~Leaves with a moderately dense indumentum; rays of stellate hairs 0.1–1 mm long;~Boronia mollis 12*~Leaves glabrous or glabrescent; rays of stellate hairs to 0.25 mm long;~Boronia fraseri 13~Leaves sessile.~14 13*~Leaves petiolate or base so attenuate so as to appear petiolate.~16 14~Margins of leaves glandular-warty; sepals narrowly ovate to deltate, at least twice as long as broad; rays of stellate hairs usually dull and flexuous.~Boronia repanda 14*~Margins of leaves smooth; sepals ovate to deltate, less than twice as long as broad; rays of stellate hairs shiny and usually ± straight.~15 15~Leaves slightly discolorous, usually glabrescent or rarely with a dense minute indumentum on both surfaces (hirsute Pilliga form); fruit hirsute; Western Slopes (NWS, CWS, NWP).~Boronia glabra 15*~Leaves strongly discolorous, upper surface of leaves glabrous and shiny, lower surface with a dense stellate indumentum: fruit glabrous; coastal areas north from Woolgoolga district (NC).~Boronia rosmarinifolia 16~Leaves glabrous or glabrescent, only slightly discolorous.~Boronia ruppii 16*~Leaves with a dense indumentum (epidermis not visible) on the lower surface (except in some juvenile leaves), adult leaves strongly discolorous.~17 17~Leaves with upper surface glandular-warty, margins glandular-toothed; leaves papery when dry, not firm.~Boronia chartacea 17*~Leaves with upper surface and margins smooth; leaves firm.~Boronia ledifolia 18~Leaves broad-obovate to circular.~19 18*~Leaves narrower, ± linear or terete to elliptic or obovate.~20 19~Margins of leaves finely toothed; swollen apex of staminal filaments hairy; style vestigial, obscured by the massively swollen globose stigma.~Boronia serrulata 19*~Margins of leaves entire; swollen tips of staminal filaments glabrous; style terete; stigma about as wide as style.~Boronia rhomboidea 20~Leaves terete to semi-terete.~21 20*~Leaves ± flat.~23 21~Staminal filaments glabrous; inflorescences terminal (though often on short axillary shoots).~Boronia deanei 21*~Staminal filaments ciliate; inflorescences axillary or axillary and terminal.~22 22~Leaves 2–8 mm long, obtuse; petals tipped with a small but distinct incurved hook, white to bluish mauve, persistent in fruit.~Boronia coerulescens 22*~Leaves 8–25 mm long, acuminate; petals lacking an incurved hook, bright pink, not persistent in fruit.~Boronia falcifolia 23~Inflorescences axillary; petals tipped with a small but distinct incurved hook, persistent in fruit; bracts persistent; seeds dull, finely wrinkled.~24 23*~Inflorescences terminal; petals lacking an incurved hook, not persistent in fruit; bracts not persistent in fruit (often falling before flowering); seeds shiny, smooth.~25 24~Leaves discolorous, darker on upper surface; branchlets glabrous.~Boronia polygalifolia 24*~Leaves concolorous; branchlets with 2 longitudinal pilose lines separated by glabrous decurrent leaf bases.~Boronia nana 25~Petals 6–11 mm long; sepals caducous in fruit; bracteoles reduced to minute calli, persistent in fruit.~Boronia barkeriana 25*~Petals 3–6 mm long; sepals persistent in fruit; bracteoles scale-like, not persistent in fruit.~Boronia parviflora 26~Petals valvate; leaflets spathulate to broad-spathulate, distinctly darker on upper surface; plant ± branching dichotomously around the exclusively terminal inflorescences.~Boronia algida 26*~Petals imbricate; leaflets either not spathulate or if so, then concolorous; plant not branching dichotomously; inflorescences axillary or terminal.~27 27~Petals tipped by a small but distinct incurved hook, usually persistent in fruit; anther appendage white, contrasting with the brown anther connective; seeds dull, finely wrinkled.~28 27*~Petals lacking a terminal incurved hook, not persistent in fruit; anthers uniformly cream in colour; anther appendage minute or absent; seeds shiny, smooth.~31 28~Branchlets prominently 4-angled or with 2 deep longitudinal grooves separated by decurrent leaf bases, glabrous; leaves bipinnate.~Boronia anethifolia 28*~Branchlets with 2 very shallow pilose longitudinal grooves separated by glabrous to pilose decurrent leaf bases; leaves 3-foliolate to pinnate to bipinnate.~29 29~Leaflets mostly 3-lobed at apex.~Boronia anemonifolia 29*~Leaflets entire.~30 30~Leaves mostly pinnate to bipinnate; leaflets narrow- to linear-oblong, usually obtuse.~Boronia occidentalis 30*~Leaves mostly 3-foliolate; leaflets narrow-elliptic, acute.~Boronia rigens 31~Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets terete.~Boronia falcifolia 31*~Leaves pinnate, usually with 5 or more leaflets; leaflets flat to terete.~32 32~Swollen tip of staminal filaments densely hairy; style vestigial, concealed by the massively swollen, globose stigma.~Boronia floribunda 32*~Swollen tip of staminal filaments glabrous; style terete; stigma about as wide as style.~33 33~Branchlets glandular-warty, usually hairy.~34 33*~Branchlets not warty, glabrous or sometimes hairy.~36 34~Leaflets spathulate to broad-spathulate to cuneate; longest leaflets 4–7 mm long.~Boronia microphylla 34*~Leaflets mostly narrow-elliptic to oblong; longest leaflets 7–25 mm long.~35 35~Branchlets glabrous or sparsely hairy between decurrent leaf bases; leaves 45–70 mm long; peduncles 4–15 mm long, pedicels 5–17 mm long.~Boronia muelleri 35*~Branches pubescent; leaves 16–26 mm long; peduncles 2–5 mm long, pedicels 5–7 mm long.~Boronia imlayensis 36~Branchlets hairy, sometimes the hairs short and restricted to 2 longitudinal lines separated by glabrous decurrent leaf bases.~37 36*~Branchlets glabrous.~38 37~Leaflets 0.3–1 mm wide, linear-oblong; sepals and pedicels ± pilose.~Boronia subulifolia 37*~Leaflets 1–3 mm wide, mostly narrow-oblong to elliptic; sepals and pedicels glabrous.~Boronia safrolifera 38~Margins of leaflets finely glandular-crenulate; leaflets slightly discolorous, darker on upper surface.~Boronia thujona 38*~Margins of leaflets entire; leaflets concolorous.~Boronia pinnata #{subsp}Cassinia macrocephala 1~Florets (9–)10–17 per flower head~2 1*~Florets 5–8 per flower head~3 2~Leaves 1.0–2.0 mm wide, (30–)55–70mm long, with hairs on upper surface dense, finely acicular, gland-tipped at least when young; florets more than 10 (usually 15–16) per capitulum~subsp. macrocephala 2*~Leaves 0.7–1.0 mm wide, (20–)30–35mmlong, with hairs on upper surface less dense, coarser conical and not gland-tipped; florets (9 or) 10 per capitulum~subsp. tenuis 3~Leaves 0.7–0.8mm wide, 25–55mm long~subsp. petrapendula 3*~Leaves 1.3–1.5mm wide, 60–70mm long~subsp. storyi #{gn}Abrodictyum 1~Fronds to 20 cm long, with segments of lamina 1-veined; receptacles shortly exserted from the involucres~Abrodictyum caudatum 1*~Fronds to 40 cm long, with segments of lamina with dichotomously or pinnately branched prominent veins; receptacles much exserted from involucres~Abrodictyum obscurum #{fm}HYMENOPHYLLACEAE 1~Lamina simple, entire or irregularly lobed but not regularly pinnatifid~2 1*~Lamina more divided, regularly pinnatifid to pinnately decompound, or digitate or flabellate~3 2~Margin of lamina of 1–2 rows of glossy black cells~Hymenophyllum 2*~Margin of lamina not as above~Crepidomanes 3~Rhizome creeping~Crepidomanes 3*~Rhizome erect~Abrodictyum #{sp}Cassinia aculeata 1~Florets 3 or 4; only Northern Tablelands of NSW~subsp. nova-anglica 1*~Florets 5 or 6 or rarely 7; Central and South Coast, Central and Southern Tablelands regions of NSW, Victoria and Tasmania~subsp. aculeata #{sp}Cassinia macrocephala 1~Florets (9–)10–17 per flower head~2 1*~Florets 5–8 per flower head~3 2~Leaves 1.0–2.0 mm wide, (30–)55–70mm long, with hairs on upper surface dense, finely acicular, gland-tipped at least when young; florets more than 10 (usually 15–16) per capitulum~subsp. macrocephala 2*~Leaves 0.7–1.0 mm wide, (20–)30–35mmlong, with hairs on upper surface less dense, coarser conical and not gland-tipped; florets (9 or) 10 per capitulum~subsp. tenuis 3~Leaves 0.7–0.8mm wide, 25–55mm long~subsp. petrapendula 3*~Leaves 1.3–1.5mm wide, 60–70mm long~subsp. storyi #{gn}Swainsona 1~Stems hairy with hairs either basifixed or laterally attached at base, or stems glabrous~2 1*~Stems hairy with hairs symmetrically, or more frequently asymmetrically, medifixed~44 2~Stems glabrous to sparsely hairy~3 2*~Stems moderately to densely hairy~30 3~Stipules broad (usually more than 5 mm wide), leafy, more or less triangular to ovate, often obliquely so, mostly 4–15 mm long~4 3*~Stipules narrower (usually less than 3 mm wide), mostly triangular to triangular-acuminate, mostly 1–10 mm long, occasionally to 15 mm long~6 4~Stems 1–4 mm diam.; leaves with 5–13 leaflets; styles tending to recurve in the upper part; pods narrow-elliptic to cylindrical, c. 3 mm diam., not inflated~Swainsona viridis 4*~Stems often more than 5 mm diam., leaves with 13–19 leaflets; styles evenly incurved; pods crescent-shaped to broad-elliptic, 10–15 mm wide~5 5~Flowers 15–20 mm long, purple; style c. 9 mm long; stipules 12–more than 15 mm long~Swainsona colutoides 5*~Flowers c. 10 mm long, yellow; style c. 3 mm long; stipules 4–7 mm long~Swainsona pyrophila 6~Apex of leaflets narrow and long-tapering~7 6*~Apex of leaflets obtuse to retuse or emarginate, if acute then not long-tapering~9 7~Leaves with 1–7 leaflets, mostly 10–40 mm long, 1–5 mm wide; calyces glabrous; wings with a large obtuse extension~Swainsona campylantha 7*~Leaves with 5–13 leaflets, mostly 10–25 mm long, 1–2 mm wide; calyces pubescent; wings not as above~8 8~Leaves with terminal leaflet distinctly longer than laterals; calyx teeth more or less equal to tube; style tip strongly curved or geniculate~Swainsona parviflora 8*~Leaves with terminal leaflet not distinctly longer than laterals; calyx teeth much shorter than tube; style tip straight to curved~Swainsona recta 9~Flowers mostly more than 10 mm long~10 9*~Flowers usually less than 10 mm long~20 10~Keel apex strongly curved upward, recurved or coiled; stipules 2–15 mm long~11 10*~Keel tip horizontal or at most a little raised or beaked; stipules 2–5 mm long~13 11~Keel tip strongly upcurved; style unbearded but with a ridge of hairs behind the style~Swainsona plagiotropis 11*~Keel tip strongly recurved or coiled; style not as above~12 12~Stem hairs dense or sparse, c. 0.5 mm long, curved or spreading; keel usually twisted in an incomplete circle, tip blue~Swainsona swainsonioides 12*~Stem hairs sparse, minute and appressed or absent; keel spirally twisted in a complete circle, tip yellow~Swainsona procumbens 13~Calyx teeth mostly 2–4 times longer than tube; bracts 12–20 mm long~Swainsona cadellii 13*~Calyx teeth shorter than tube; bracts to 10 mm long~14 14~Stems glabrous~15 14*~Stems pubescent~17 15~Leaves usually with 13–17 leaflets, leaflets sometimes modified or absent, sparsely pubescent on lower surface; stipe 1–2 mm long~Swainsona laxa 15*~Leaves with 19–29 leaflets, not as above, mostly glabrous; stipe mostly 5–10 mm long~16 16~Pedicels minutely pubescent, to c. 5 mm long but often much shorter; leaflets 19–25, ovate to narrow-ovate, the lower 10–20 mm long, 2–3 mm wide; wings about as long as keel~Swainsona queenslandica 16*~Pedicels glabrous, usually more than 5 mm long, occasionally shorter; leaflets 21–29, narrow-obovate to elliptic, the lower 8–15 mm long, 3–5 mm wide; wings shorter than keel~Swainsona galegifolia 17~Hairs on stems spreading, often fine and crisped, c. 0.5 mm long~18 17*~Hairs on stems appressed, mostly less than 0.5 mm long~19 18~Bracts 8–10 mm long; wings shorter than keel; pods 40–50 mm long, glabrous; lower leaflets c. 15 mm long, 5–7 mm wide~Swainsona bracteata 18*~Bracts 1–2 mm long; wings scarcely or not shorter than keel; pods 25–40 mm long, glabrous or minutely pubescent; lower leaflets 10–20 mm long, 2–3 mm wide~Swainsona queenslandica 19~Leaves mostly with 13–17 leaflets, leaflets sometimes modified or absent; flowers yellow, occasionally with a purple flush; style tip more or less straight~Swainsona laxa 19*~Leaves with 21–24 leaflets, not as above; flowers pink to purple; style tip strongly incurved or coiled~Swainsona fraseri 20~Leaves with 3–7 leaflets~21 20*~Leaves mostly with more than 7 leaflets (occasionally less in Swainsona similis, then keel acute)~23 21~Pods more than 15 mm long; flowers purple or yellow; style tip incurled; lateral leaflets 3–10 mm wide~Swainsona luteola 21*~Pods less than 15 mm long; flowers purple; style tip inflexed, incurved or geniculate; lateral leaflets 1–5 mm wide~22 22~Leaflets 2–15 mm long, apex obtuse to retuse; style tip straight to slightly inflexed or incurved~Swainsona oligophylla 22*~Leaflets 10–25 mm long, apex acute; style tip geniculate~Swainsona oroboides 23~Leaves with 21–41 leaflets; leaflets broad-cuneate to more or less circular, 1–5 mm long~Swainsona microphylla 23*~Leaves with 5–25 leaflets; leaflets not as above, 1–20 mm long~24 24~Racemes 1–4-flowered; stipules 1–2 mm long~25 24*~Racemes mostly more than 4-flowered; stipules to 10 mm long~26 25~Flowers 3–5 mm long, cream or yellow, more or less tinged pink; ovary and pod pubescent; lateral leaflets obovate to narrow-obovate, 1–7 mm long~Swainsona oliveri 25*~Flowers 6–10 mm long, white to purple or dark red; ovary and pod glabrous; lateral leaflets ovate to elliptic to narrow-elliptic, 2–20 mm long~Swainsona brachycarpa 26~Keel tip obtuse; plants prostrate to ascending or semi-erect~27 26*~Keel tip acute; plants erect to spreading~29 27~Leaflets 1–4 mm wide; stems glabrous or with tubercules bearing minute hairs; pods with stipe 2–3 mm long~Swainsona brachycarpa 27*~Leaflets 3–10 mm wide; stems sparsely to densely pubescent, not tuberculate; pods with stipe less than 1 mm long~28 28~Pods broad-oblong, obovoid or globose, 5–11 mm long; calyx teeth shorter than tube; leaflets 7–25, apex emarginate~Swainsona affinis 28*~Pods elliptic to narrow-oblong, 20–35 mm long; calyx teeth usually more or less longer than tube; leaflets 3–17, apex obtuse to acute~Swainsona luteola 29~Leaflets ovate to elliptic, laterals mostly 10–15 mm long, 2–5 mm wide; stem hairs c. 0.75 mm long, spreading and twisted or crisped~Swainsona extrajacens 29*~Leaflets more or less elliptic, laterals mostly 5–10 mm long, 1–2 mm wide; stem hairs short or minute, appressed~Swainsona similis 30~Hairs on stems spreading, or antrorsely divergent or curved~31 30*~Hairs on stems mostly appressed or occasionally divergent, the ends sometimes raised~39 31~Stems densely hairy, woolly with emergent, straighter hairs; pods globose and woolly~Swainsona burkittii 31*~Stem indumentum not as above; pods if globose not woolly~32 32~Hairs on stems 1–2 mm long; flowers 5–6 cm long, red or occasionally white or parti-coloured, base of standard with a conspicuous black, glossy mound~Swainsona formosa 32*~Hairs on stems mostly less than 1 mm long; flowers ± 2.5 cm long, usually purple or pink, sometimes yellow, orange or white; standard not as above~33 33~Leaves with 21–41 leaflets; leaflets broad-cuneate to more or less circular, 1–5 mm long~Swainsona microphylla 33*~Leaves with 5–25 leaflets; leaflets obovate to elliptic or narrow-lanceolate, mostly 5–15 mm long~34 34~Keel tip conspicuously twisted; hairs on stems spreading or antrorsely curved~Swainsona swainsonioides 34*~Keel tip not as above; hairs on stems spreading or antrorsely divergent~35 35~Leaves with 5–15 leaflets; flowers 5–10 mm long, bracts 1–4 mm long~36 35*~Leaves with 15–25 leaflets; flowers 12–25 mm long, bracts 5–10 mm long~38 36~Leaflets 5–10 mm wide; keel usually greenish yellow~Swainsona flavicarinata 36*~Leaflets 1–3 mm wide; keel tip purple~37 37~Leaflets mostly opposite, the terminal somewhat longer than laterals; style with the translucent tissue not broad in the upper part; calyx hairs mostly dark brown to black.~Swainsona behriana 37*~Leaflets including terminal often irregular; style with the translucent tissue wing-like and broad in the upper part; calyx hairs dark, light or mixed.~Swainsona reticulata 38~Calyces white-woolly, teeth much shorter than tube; stipules 4–10 mm long~Swainsona greyana 38*~Calyces pubescent with dense to sparse crisped hairs, teeth shorter than to more or less equal to tube; stipules usually 2–5 mm long~Swainsona bracteata 39~Pods 20–35 mm long, distinctly tapered at apex; leaflets 3–10 mm wide; flowers purple or yellow~Swainsona luteola 39*~Pods 5–15 mm long, not distinctly tapered at apex; leaflets 1–5 mm wide; flowers purple, pink or white~40 40~Leaves with 3–7 leaflets; calyx teeth longer than tube; racemes 3–7-flowered; ovaries and pods pubescent~41 40*~Leaves with more than 10 leaflets; calyx teeth equal to or shorter than tube; racemes 3–25-flowered; ovaries and pods more or less glabrous~42 41~Leaflets 2–15 mm long, apex obtuse to retuse; style tip straight to slightly inflexed or incurved~Swainsona oligophylla 41*~Leaflets 10–25 mm long, apex acute; style tip geniculate~Swainsona oroboides 42~Leaves with 21–41 leaflets; leaflets broad-cuneate to more or less circular, 1–5 mm long; style tip truncate~Swainsona microphylla 42*~Leaves with 7–25 leaflets; leaflets oblong, narrow-obovate or elliptic, 2–15 mm long; style tip geniculate or obliquely narrowed~43 43~Leaflets to 3 mm wide; flowers 4–7 mm long; style tip geniculate~Swainsona monticola 43*~Leaflets 3–8 mm wide; flowers 6–10 mm long; style tip obliquely narrowed~Swainsona affinis 44~Flowers usually orange-red or brown, rarely yellow or purple; stipules broad, with broad lateral teeth~Swainsona stipularis 44*~Flowers purple or occasionally pink; stipules triangular to acuminate-triangular, usually without obvious teeth~45 45~Leaflets with a circular, yellowish gland at apex~Swainsona adenophylla 45*~Leaflets without an apical gland~46 46~Stem hairs mostly less than or equal to 0.5 mm long~47 46*~Hairs on stems greater than 0.5 mm long~49 47~Leaflets obovate, mostly 2–15 mm long; calyx teeth long-attenuate, 3–4 times as long as tube~Swainsona oligophylla 47*~Leaflets linear, linear-lanceolate to elliptic, mostly 5–30 mm long; calyx teeth equal to or shorter than tube~48 48~Flowers not twisted at the base of the calyx; apex of leaflets acute to sinuate or emarginate; racemes 3–20-flowered~Swainsona purpurea 48*~Flowers twisted at the base of the calyx; apex of leaflets mostly narrow-acute; racemes 3–11-flowered~Swainsona murrayana 49~Flowers 10–15 mm long, keel conspicuously longer than wings; hairs on stems mostly 1–1.5 mm long~Swainsona phacoides 49*~Flowers 7–11 mm long, keel not as above; hairs on stems mostly 0.5–1 mm long~50 50~Prostrate or low-growing, to c. 10 cm high; style tip truncate or rounded and geniculate; pods obovate to narrow-obovate, 10–17 mm long~Swainsona sericea 50*~Erect or ascending, to 50 cm high; style tip rounded and minutely incurved; pods mostly elliptic, 15–25 mm long~Swainsona fissimontana #{gn}Celmisia 1~Achenes glabrous;scapes up to 60 cm high~Celmisia longifolia 1*~Achenes hairy; scapes less than 50 cm high~2 2~Tufted herb with thin spreading scaly rhizomes~Celmisia tomentella 2*~Rootstock more or less woody, thin scaly rhizomes absent~3 3~Short and more or less woolly tomentum on the leaf underside, the raised rib conspicuous~Celmisia costiniana 3*~Long and woolly tomentum which fills the cavity of the underside of the leaf usually obscuring the raised midrib~Celmisia pugioniformis #{gn}Alstroemeria 1~Perianth yellow, orange, or orange-red with darker stripes and flecks~Alstroemeria aurea 1*~Perianth dark red below, pale yellowish green near the apex, with green stripes and dark purplish blotches~Alstroemeria psittacina #{gn}Ruellia 1~Leaf blades lanceolate to narrowly elliptic or linear, to 16 cm long, glabrous (though gland-dotted)~Ruellia simplex 1*~Leaf blades ovate to narrowly ovate, to 7 cm long, with white-translucent, often pilose hairs~Ruellia squarrosa #{gn}Baeckea 1~Leaves linear, >6 times long as wide~2 1*~Leaves oblanceolate, elliptic or ovate to ± circular, <6 times long as wide~4 2~Leaves in clusters at each node; ovary 2- or 3-locular~Baeckea frutescens 2*~Leaves solitary at each node; ovary always 2-locular~3 3~Leaves 6–17 mm long, apex acute to acuminate~Baeckea linifolia 3*~Leaves 3.3–5.8 mm long, apex obtuse~Baeckea kandos 4~Leaves sessile~Baeckea brevifolia 4*~Leaves shortly petiolate~5 5~Leaves circular to broad-ovate, 1–1.5 times longer than wide~Baeckea imbricata 5*~Leaves oblanceolate to elliptic, 1.5–6 times longer than wide~6 6~Margins of leaves finely toothed throughout~Baeckea diosmifolia 6*~Margins of leaves entire, or finely toothed near apex~7 7~Leaves 2.3–5.3 mm wide, flat~Baeckea latifolia 7*~Leaves 0.5–2.3 mm wide, concavo-convex~8 8~Pedicels 0.4–1.6 mm long~9 8*~Pedicels 1.6–2.5 mm long~Baeckea utilis 9~Stamens 4–6; ovary and fruit 1-locular~Baeckea gunniana 9*~Stamens 8–11; ovary 2-locular~Baeckea omissa #{gn}Nephrolepis 1~Fleshy tubers present or absent; scales on the upper side of the rachis with a point of attachment distinctively darker than the rest of the scale; central pinnae close together with basal lobes often overlapping the next closest pinnae and the bases partly covering the rachis underneath; indusia kidney- to crescent-shaped or triangular-rounded~Nephrolepis cordifolia 1*~Tubers absent; hairlike scales on the upper side of the rachis evenly coloured (without a distinctively darker area at point of attachment); central pinnae bases usually not overlapping as described above; indusia more rounded to horseshoe-shaped~Nephrolepis exaltata #{fm}ROSACEAE 1~Carpel usually solitary, free of hypanthium; ovules 2 per carpel but 1 aborts; fruit a 1-seeded drupe; usually deciduous shrubs or trees~Prunus 1*~Carpels usually more than 1, included in hypanthium or on an elongated receptacle; ovules 1–several per carpel; fruit various, if a drupe then small and forming an aggregate fruit; herbs, shrubs or trees~2 2~Flowers perigynous; carpels numerous (rarely 1 or 2) and free, on an elongated receptacle or included in hypanthium, 1 ovule per carpel; fruit 1-seeded, either drupelets forming an aggregate fruit or achenes included/enclosed in hypanthium or seated on fleshy receptacle; stipules present; herbs, or shrubs or climbers with prickly cane-like stems~3 2*~Flowers perigynous or epigynous; carpels usually 2–5 (range 1–12), either each carpel with 2 or more ovules or carpels united to inner wall of hypanthium; fruit usually with more than 1 seed, either a cluster of separate follicles (or achenes) or a pome with the carpels enclosed in and fused to an enlarged fleshy receptacle; stipules present or absent; shrubs or trees~14 3~Shrubs or climbers, mostly producing herbaceous canes (rarely more woody), aerial branches biennial or perennial~4 3*~Herbs, aerial branches annual, or if longer-lived then not emerging more than c. 10 cm from the ground~7 4~Leaves simple, toothed or shallowly lobed, not dissected.(part)~Rubus 4*~Leaves compound or deeply dissected~5 5~Stems prostrate, lax, barely woody; leaves pinnate, small. (part)~Acaena 5*~Stems erect, or if semiprostrate then long and rather woody~6 6~Leaves always pinnate; stipules wide, fused to petiole for most of their length; prickles, if present, demarcated from stem by line around base, detachable with age; flowers with urn-shaped hypanthium, becoming fleshy and coloured in fruit, enclosing a number of bony achenes~Rosa 6*~Leaves pinnate, palmate or pedate; stipules narrow, free from petiole except at base; prickles not noticeably demarcated from stem; flowers with an elongated receptacle, covered with succulent, rarely dryish, drupelets.(major part)~Rubus 7~Plants spreading by stolons; leaves 3-foliolate; fruiting receptacle enlarged, scarlet with minute achenes scattered over its surface~Duchesnea 7*~Plants tufted or arising from underground rhizomes, or annual, or if spreading by stolons then leaves with more than 3 leaflets; receptacle not enlarged and coloured in fruit~8 8~Plants annual; leaves less than 20 mm long; flowers in small sessile clusters enclosed by wide, fused stipules~Aphanes 8*~Plants perennial; leaves more than 20 mm long~9 9~Leaves palmately and regularly 5–9-lobed (sometimes right to base), basal leaves with long bare petioles; inflorescence lax, much-branched, hardly longer than basal leaves, bearing numerous minute greenish yellow flowers lacking petals~Alchemilla 9*~Leaves pinnately or palmately compound; flowering stems much exceeding basal leaves, or if not then flowers relatively few and not minute~10 10~Flowers solitary, or inflorescence branched and flowers markedly pedicellate~11 10*~Flowers in spikes, spike-like racemes or heads, flowers sessile or almost so~12 11~Achenes long and slender with hooked or curled ends, numerous, crowded on a globose receptacle, developing rapidly and conspicuously as flower ages; flowers sparse on erect but few-branched inflorescence; epicalyx bracts much narrower than sepals; leaves pinnate~Geum 11*~Achenes small, bony, subglobose (often slightly flattened), crowded on convex receptacle, partly concealed by persistent calyx; inflorescence cymose or flowers solitary in leaf axils, pedunculate; epicalyx bracts mimicking sepals; leaves pinnate or palmate~Potentilla 12~Leaflets less than 20 mm long or if longer then cordate at base, elliptic to almost circular; petals absent; fruiting hypanthium completely enclosing achenes~13 12*~Leaflets more than 30 mm long, narrowed at base, coarsely hairy; petals present, yellow; hypanthium tubular, loosely enclosing achene, its margin fringed with a row of hooked spines~Agrimonia 13~Fruiting hypanthium armed with slender, usually barbed spines; leaflets sessile or almost so.(major part)~Acaena 13*~Fruiting hypanthium unarmed, 4-angled or 4-winged; petiolules of upper leaflets mostly 2 mm or more long~Sanguisorba 14~Fruit a cluster of dehiscent follicles; trees, shrubs, subshrubs or herbs; stipules lacking or very small or falling early, if prominent the leaves pinnate or incisely lobed~15 14*~Fruit an indehiscent pome; woody shrubs or small trees; leaves stipulate, though stipules often small or shed early~16 15~Plants herbaceous; leaves 2- or 3-ternate~Aruncus 15*~Plants woody, or sometimes more or less herbaceous; leaves simple~Spiraea 16~Carpels bony in fruit, separable into pyrenes~17 16*~Carpels membranous to leathery in fruit, not separable~19 17~Leaves simple, entire; branchlets never spiny; fruit 4–8 mm diam., seeds 2–5~Cotoneaster 17*~Leaves toothed (at least obscurely so) or lobed; branchlets usually spiny; fruit 4–15 mm diam., seeds 1–5~18 18~Leaves evergreen, shallowly or obscurely toothed or crenate, petiole 0–8 mm; flowers less than 8 mm diam.; carpels with 2 ovules; fruit less than 10 mm diam., seeds 5~Pyracantha 18*~Leaves deciduous or semideciduous, closely toothed to deeply and incisely lobed, petiole more than 10 mm long; flowers usually more than 10 mm diam.; carpels each with 1 ovule and 1 ovulode; fruit more than 10 mm diam., seeds 1–5~Crataegus 19~Leaves evergreen, simple, entire, shallowly toothed to regularly and sharply toothed~20 19*~Leaves deciduous, compound or simple and finely toothed or pinnately lobed~22 20~Leaves >7.5 cm long and densely brownish woolly-tomentose on lower surface; inflorescences densely velvety-tomentose; fruit >15 mm diam.~Eriobotrya 20*~Leaves 3–17 cm long and glabrous, or almost so; inflorescences glabrous or almost so; fruit 5–10 mm diam.~21 21~Leaves 3–8 cm long; fruit 5–10 mm diam., bluish~Rhaphiolepis 21*~Leaves 9–17 cm long; fruit 5–6 mm diam., red~Photinia 22~Inflorescences umbellate or raceme-like; fruit more than 50 mm diam.~Malus 22*~Inflorescences branched, sometimes small and umbel-like; fruit c. 20 mm diam.~Sorbus #{fm}PHYLLANTHACEAE 1~Herb or shrub; leaves to 15 mm wide~2 1*~Shrub or tree; leaves mostly more than 15 mm wide~5 2~Inflorescences terminal (corymbs)~Poranthera 2*~Inflorescences axillary~3 3~Fruit succulent, a berry; styles unbranched~Breynia 3*~Fruit dry, a schizocarpic capsule; styles bifid~4 4~Flowers with a disc or glands; fruit depressed-globose, wider than long~Phyllanthus 4*~Flowers without a disc or glands; fruit ovoid or more or less globose, often longer than wide~Sauropus 5~Petioles often more than 10 mm long~Actephila 5*~Petioles less than 10 mm long~6 6~Leaves with 12–15 pairs of secondary veins~Bridelia 6*~Leaves with less than 12 pairs of secondary veins~7 7~Leaves distinctly 2-ranked and mostly pseudopinnate in arrangement~8 7*~Leaves not distinctly 2-ranked, never pseudopinnate in arrangement~Cleistanthus 8~Lamina less than 30 mm long, glabrous, glaucous below, drying black above; fruit less than 5 mm diam.~Breynia 8*~Lamina more than 40 mm long, glabrous or finely pubescent, not glaucous below, not drying black; fruit more than 8 mm diam.~Glochidion #{fm}PIPERACEAE 1~Vine, shrub, subshrub or woody herb to 4 m high [rarely small trees], often with swollen nodes; leaves with lamina mostly more than 5 cm long and more than 2 cm wide; stipules usually present (often shed early leaving scars), often adnate to petiole; stamens 2–6; stigmas 2–5~Piper 1*~Somewhat fleshy perennial herb to 30 cm high, often epiphytic or lithophytic; leaves with lamina less than 8 cm long and up to 3 cm wide; stipules absent; stamens 2; stigmas 1~Peperomia #{gn}Piper 1~Climber; leaf venation pinnate to palmate; inflorescences leaf-opposed~Piper hederaceum 1*~Shrub or small tree; leaf venation palmate; inflorescences axillary~2 2~Fruit yellow or orange; individual drupelets coalescent, dimpled at apex; leaves (5-)8–10(-15) cm long, (6-)8–10(-17) cm wide, with 5–7(-9) principal veins~Piper excelsum 2*~Fruit red; individual drupelets not coalescent, rounded-conical at apex; leaves (7-)10–14(-18) cm long, (8-)12–16(-20) cm wide, with 7–9(-11) principal veins~Piper hooglandii #{fm}PRIMULACEAE 1~Plants herbaceous~2 1*~Plants woody~4 2~Ovary half-inferior; radical leaves often present, cauline leaves alternate; staminodes present~Samolus 2*~Ovary superior; radical leaves present or lacking, cauline leaves opposite or in whorls or absent; staminodes lacking~3 3~Flowers umbellate (the inflorescence scapose [leaves absent from flowering stem] and ending in an umbel) or in capitate heads, sometimes solitary or few by reduction; leaves usually in basal rosettes but sometimes cauline~Primula 3*~Flowers solitary and axillary or in terminal or upper axillary racemes or panicles; leaves opposite, alternate or occasionally in whorls, sometimes radical leaves present and young plants with rosette form~Lysimachia 4~Forest trees, shrubs or climbers; fruit an indehiscent drupe, more or less globose, not viviparous~5 4*~Mangroves; fruit a dehiscent capsule, elongated, viviparous~Aegiceras 5~Scandent shrub or woody climber; petals free~Embelia 5*~Trees or erect shrubs; petals fused below~6 6~Inflorescence paniculate, terminal or in upper axils; leaves with numerous, relatively large yellow to orange translucent dots~7 6*~Flowers in more or less sessile umbellate clusters, axillary; leaves without or with relatively small red or orange dots~Myrsine 7~Petioles neither winged nor decurrent on stem; anthers basifixed; fruit black~Ardisia 7*~Petioles slightly winged, decurrent on stem; anthers dorsifixed; fruit red~Tapeinosperma #{gn}Cycnogeton 1~Tubers small, mostly 4.5–13 mm long, often nearly globular, clustered closely beneath the rhizome; fruits 7–9.6 mm long, very broadly obovoid with base contracted and stalk-like; mature carpels usually 6, ventrally attached; dorsal surface of mature capel more or less flat, shallowly indented, or shallowly rounded, never keeled and ridged~Cycnogeton microtuberosum 1*~Tubers mostly larger, ellipsoid or obloid to narrowly so or long cylindrical, distanced from rhizome; fruits not as above; mature carpels keeled or ridged (except in Cycnogeton dubium)~2 2~Mature carpels free~Cycnogeton dubium 2*~Mature carpels ventraly attached along at least one-fifth of their length (includes beak)~3 3~Leaves linear, usually submerged and isolateral, thin textured; leaf sheaths narrow, mostly tightly inrolled with the width of each usually less than one quarter of the leaf width; plant of clear flowing streams~Cycnogeton rheophilum 3*~Leaves linear-tapered, erergent, dorsiventral, spingy in texture; leaf sheaths broader, gradually incurved, the width of each usually one third or more of the lead width, both sheaths overlapping~4 4~Fruits small, usually 3–5 mm long and globular in outline or to 8.5 mm long and more ellipsoid, c. 230–1000 per infrutescence, tightly touching, 14–27 on each centimetre of rachis length; mature carpels each with a prominent narrowly obtuse dorsal keel and 2 proment lateral shoulder keels~Cycnogeton multifructum 4*~Fruits not as above, c. 1–320 per infrutescence, mostly loosely or not touching, 2.6–11 on each centimetre of rachis length; mature carpels each with variably prominent to near absent dorsal and lateral keels~Cycnogeton procerum #{sp}Brachyscome procumbens 1~Leaves with primary divisions only or mostly extending about a quarter to half way to the midrib, if extending further then only so in the formation of the lower-formed primary lobes of a leaf or when the leaves, mostly consist of 3 or 5 entire, primary lobes; secondary divisions absent or shallow and confined mostly to the upper primary lobes~subsp. procumbens 1*~Leaves with most or all primary divisions extending to about the midrib; secondary leaf divisions preent on all or most primary lobes and extending up to half the width of the primary lobe~subsp. wombelongensis #{fm}MYRTACEAE 1~Fruit succulent.~2 1*~Fruit dry.~18 2~Inflorescences usually terminal and many-flowered; seed relatively large, usually solitary.~3 2*~Inflorescences axillary, 1 or few-flowered; seed usually small, mostly >1 per fruit, or sometimes only 1.~5 3~Seeds with a papery testa and separate, green cotyledons.~Syzygium 3*~Seeds with no obvious testa, cotyledons fused with a conspicuous dark inclusion spreading through the centre.~4 4~Fruit apex topped by the persistent, cylindrical, unexpanded free portion of the hypanthium; intercotyledonary inclusion spreading from the base of the fruit.~Waterhousea 4*~Fruit apex topped by the circular remnant of the hypanthium rim; intercotyledonary inclusion spreading from the summit of the fruit.~Acmena 5~Leaves usually <10 mm wide; flowers solitary in leaf axils; plants of sclerophyll forest, rainforest, heath and scrubland.~6 5*~Most leaves >10 mm wide; flowers either solitary, clustered or in axillary raceme-like or panicle-like inflorescences; plants of rainforests, sometimes on their margins or in sclerophyll forest.~7 6~Mature fruit white to greyish or bluish green, often with darker spots; spreading or bushy shrubs to 2 m high; coastal districts and adjacent ranges north from the Sydney district.~Austromyrtus 6*~Mature fruit green turning red or black; shrubs or small trees to 12 m high; rare, only on the McPherson and Nightcap Ranges.~Uromyrtus 7~Mature fruit yellow, orange or red.~8 7*~Mature fruit purple or black.~13 8~Fruit vertically ribbed, bright red.~Eugenia 8*~Fruit not vertically ribbed, usually yellow to orange, sometimes red.~9 9~Sepals and petals mostly 4.~10 9*~Sepals and petals mostly 5, or occasionally some 4.~11 10~Leaves 3-veined from base; fruit red turning blackish when mature.~Rhodamnia 10*~Leaves not 3-veined from base; fruit yellow to orange.~Gossia 11~Mature fruit >2 cm diam.; sepals cohering in the bud, splitting longitudinally at flowering.~Psidium 11*~Mature fruit <2 cm diam.; sepals free in the bud.~12 12~Leaves 1–3 cm wide; ovary 3-locular; mature fruit 5–7 mm diam., topped by erect persistent sepals; petals 4–6 mm long.~Archirhodomyrtus 12*~Leaves 2.5–6.5 cm wide; ovary 4-locular , becoming multi-locular by development of false septa; mature fruit 10–15 mm diam. with persistent sepals reflexed; petals 7–10 mm long.~Rhodomyrtus 13~Sepals and petals 4.~14 13*~Sepals and petals 5.~15 14~Leaves 3-veined from base.~Rhodamnia 14*~Leaves not 3-veined from base.~Lenwebbia 15~Fruit vertically lobed; ovary 4- or 5-locular.~Decaspermum 15*~Fruit not vertically lobed; ovary 2- or 3-locular.~16 16~Petals 2–5 mm long; testa hard and bony.~17 16*~Petals 5–7 mm long; testa membranous to papery.~Pilidiostigma 17~Anthers with a conspicuous apical appendage; flowers and fruit usually solitary, pendent.~Uromyrtus 17*~Anthers topped only by a small apical gland; flowers and fruit occasionally solitary, but usually >1, not pendent.~Gossia 18~Flower buds covered with a calyptra formed from the fused perianth segments.~19 18*~Flower buds not covered with a calyptra.~20 19~Inflorescences compound, terminal or axillary and anthers versatile and opening by parallel slits and disc steeply depressed in fruit.~Corymbia 19*~Inflorescences, anthers and fruit not a combination of the above characters.~Eucalyptus 20~Stamens grouped (usually distinctly fused) into 5 bundles opposite the petals~21 20*~Stamens not in 5 bundles, usually free but occasionally fused into a short tube at the base.~24 21~Fruit included in the hypanthium or barely exserted; seeds linear.~22 21*~Fruit exserted from the hypanthium; seeds flat, winged.~Tristaniopsis 22~Flowers sessile, aggregated into head- or spike-like conflorescences.~Melaleuca 22*~Flowers pedicellate, inflorescences cymose.~23 23~Leaves opposite and decussate; oil ducts absent from the petioles.~Tristania 23*~Leaves alternate along branchlets but clustered in false whorls at the end of the branchlets; oil ducts, containing milky oil, present in the petioles.~Lophostemon 24~Leaves opposite.~25 24*~Leaves alternate.~42 25~Most leaves >5 mm wide.~26 25*~Most leaves <5 mm wide.~30 26~Flowers sessile.~27 26*~Flowers pedicellate.~28 27~Flowers usually 7 per inflorescence, hypanthium ± 5 mm diam.; fruit a woody syncarp.~Syncarpia 27*~Flowers numerous in the inflorescence, hypanthium 1–1.5 mm diam.; fruit clustered but not united.~Choricarpia 28~Fruit a loculicidal capsule; hypanthium woody, usually ribbed; sepals persistent, erect,± woody.~Angophora 28*~Fruit not loculicidally dehiscent; hypanthium papery to leathery, not ribbed; sepals persistent, spreading, membranous.~29 29~Leaves not strongly odoriferous when crushed, margins ± flat; summit of ovary and fruit domed, hairy.~Backhousia 29*~Leaves with a strong aniseed smell when crushed, margins undulating; summit of ovary and fruit flat, glabrous.~Anetholea 30~Ovary and fruit 2- or 3-locular.~31 30*~Ovary and fruit 1-locular.~39 31~Stamens exceeding the petals.~Kunzea 31*~Stamens shorter than the petals.~32 32~Ovary and fruit 2-locular.~Baeckea 32*~Ovary and fruit 3-locular.~33 33~Anthers adnate to filament, dehiscing by pores or short parallel slits.~34 33*~Anthers versatile, dehiscing by long parallel slits.~36 34~Inflorescence usually of solitary flowers; bracteoles 2; peduncles generally shorter than pedicels~35 34*~Inflorescence usually of (2–)3 or more flowers; bracteoles 4–many, clustered at the apex of the peduncle; peduncles generally longer than pedicels~Sannantha 35~Sepals ‘compound’, the dorsal lobe often acute; summit of fruit slightly exserted from the fruiting hypanthium; leaves acute to obtuse~Kardomia 35*~Sepals simple, obtuse; summit of fruit at or within the rim of the fruiting hypanthium; leaves with a small, recurved mucro~Harmogia 36~Ovules and seeds D-shaped, angular.~Baeckea 36*~Ovules and seeds ± reniform, not angular.~37 37~Some stamens opposite centre of petals~45 37*~No stamens opposite centre of petals.~38 38~Stamens 5–8; ovules 2 per loculus.~Ochrosperma 38*~Stamens 14–18; ovules 8–13 per loculus.~Triplarina 39~Stamens 10, twice as many petals, alternating with 10 staminodes; style long-exserted.~40 39*~Stamens 5–12, up to twice as many as petals, staminodes lacking; style included or very shortly exserted.~41 40~Sepals terminating in one or more slender processes.~Homoranthus 40*~Sepals lacking slender processes, entire or shortly ciliate.~Darwinia 41~Stamens <10, usually opposite the sepals; anther connective gland prominent, clavate or ± urceolate.~Thryptomene 41*~Stamens 10 or 12 or if 5 then opposite the petals; anther connective gland small, subglobose.~Micromyrtus 42~Ovary 1-locular; sepals persistent, membranous, terminating in a long, slender awn.~Calytrix 42*~Ovary >1-locular; sepals persistent or not persistent, never ending in an awn.~43 43~Stamens considerably longer than the petals.~44 43*~Stamens shorter, or scarcely longer, than the petals.~Leptospermum 44~Sepals not persistent, flowers aggregated into spike-like conflorescences.~Callistemon 44*~Sepals persistent, flowers in heads or solitary in the leaf axils.~Kunzea 45~Shrubs; pedicels shorter than, or as long as, the leaves; bracteoles not persistent.~Rinzia 45*~Prostrate plants; pedicels longer than the leaves; bracteoles persistent.~Euryomyrtus #{sp}Brachyscome whitei 1~Achene wings thin, if ridges (transverse folds) present then not extending to the margins of the wing; plants mostly appearing glabrous, shortly-stalked glandular hairs may be present and common on young shoots but long, biseriate, septate tapering glandular hairs seemingly absent~subsp. whitei 1*~Achene wings thick and with distinct ridges (transverse folds) extending to the margins; plants usually with numerous whitish, biseriate, septate, crooked, broadbased hairs 0.2–1.4 mm long on at least some parts, rarely some plants almost glabrous~subsp. lophopter #{gn}Mimulus 1~Calyx glandular hairy, more than 7 mm long; leaves with lamina more than 15 mm wide, ovate and more than 15 mm long and margins toothed; corolla yellow~2 1*~Calyx glabrous or non-glandular hairy; less than 7 mm long; leaves with lamina less than 10 mm wide, linear-oblong to lanceolate or if more or less ovate then lamina less than 15 mm long, margins entire or rarely sparsely toothed; corolla blue, purple or pink, rarely white with a yellow tube or palate~3 2~Plants villous, hairs glandular; leaves 3-veined from base; Calyx cylindrical, 8–12 mm long~Mimulus moschatus 2*~Plants mostly glabrous; leaves 5–7-veined from base; calyx campanulate, 15–20 mm long~Mimulus guttatus 3~Plants pubescent, at least on young parts and on the rim of the calyx; leaves joined by a ridge across the nodes; corolla more or less rotate, the mouth open, without a raised palate~Mimulus prostratus 3*~Plants glabrous; leaves not connected by a ridge at the nodes; corolla distinctly 2-lipped, mouth more or less closed by a prominent raised palate~4 4~Leaves sessile, lanceolate to linear-oblong, 5–30 mm long; pedicels more than 10 mm long; plants ascending to erect~Mimulus gracilis 4*~Leaves subsessile or shortly petiolate, lamina ovate, usually broadly so, mostly less than 5 mm long; pedicels less than 10 mm long; plants prostrate, sometimes with erect branchlets, rarely plant erect~Mimulus repens #{gn}Haloragis 1~Margins of leaves entire or toothed~2 1*~Leaves variously lobed, pinnatifid, trifid or multifid with more or less palmate divisions~8 2~Leafy stems more or less square in cross section and distinctly 4-ribbed, leaves usually opposite until inflorescence~3 2*~Stems smooth to weakly 4-ribbed; leaves usually opposite only at the base of the plant~5 3~Ovary 4-locular, styles 4~4 3*~Ovary 2-locular, styles 2~Haloragis serra 4~Leaves ± 5 mm wide~Haloragis exalata 4*~Leaves mostly 2–4 mm wide~Haloragis stricta 5~Robust subshrub to 1.2 metres; leaves > 16 mm wide~Haloragis milesiae 5*~Annual or perennial herb to 0.5 metres; leaves 10–15 mm wide~6 6~Leaves with a distinct petiole 5–15 mm long~Haloragis odontocarpa 6*~Leaves sessile or very shortly petiolate~7 7~Leaves and stems glaucous, glabrous or scabrous with curved hairs~Haloragis glauca 7*~Leaves and stems grey-green, scabrous with hooked hairs~Haloragis aspera 8~Leaves pinnatifid~Haloragis aspera 8*~Leaves below inflorescences trifid or multifid with more or less palmate divisions~Haloragis heterophylla #{gn}Arthropodium 1~Flowers 2 or more per node~2 1*~Flowers 1 per node~Arthropodium minus 2~Inner tepals fimbriate~Arthropodium sp. A sensu Harden (1993) 2*~Inner tepals not fimbriate~3 3~Leaves usually glaucous; tepals white to pale blue or pink; anthers purple black~Arthropodium milleflorum 3*~Leaves not glaucous; tepals greenish pink; anthers white to pale green~Arthropodium sp. B sensu Harden (1993) #{gn}Bidens 1~Outer involucral more or less spathulate, leaf-like, often extending beyond the involucre; achenes retrorsely barbed~Bidens tripartita 1*~Outer involucral bracts spathulate, linear or lanceolate, finely hairy on margins, and shorter than inner bracts; achenes antrorsely barbed (but barbs on awns retrorse)~2 2~Leaves usually entire with toothed margins~Bidens aurea 2*~Leaves lobed~3 3~Leaves markedly 3- or 5-lobed, leaflets usually entire and toothed~Bidens pilosa 3*~Leaves mostly 5- to 7-lobed, leaflets pinnatifid~4 4~Pappus awns erect; peduncles and margins of involucral bracts glabrous or with scattered small septate hairs; leaflet lobes usually linear to lanceolate~Bidens subalternans 4*~Pappus awns spreading; peduncles and margins of involucral bracts conspicuously ciliate with spreading septate hairs; leaflet lobes rhombic to broad-lanceolate~Bidens bipinnata #{fm}BERBERIDACEAE 1~Stems with spines and leaves apparently simple or stems without spines and leaves 1-pinnate~Berberis 1*~Stems without spines and leaves 2- or 3-pinnate~Nandina #{gn}Euphorbia 1~Stems erect; leaves usually alternate on lower stems, subopposite or opposite above; stipules minute or absent~2 1*~Stems prostrate, decumbent or ascending; leaves opposite; stipules present, interpetiolar (includes species formerly treated as Chamaesyce)~18 2~Shrubs or subshrubs, cyathia solitary (except in Euphorbia sarcostemmoides); native species~3 2*~Erect herbs; cyathia in compound inflorescences or solitary; naturalized weedy species~8 3~Apparently leafless shrub, multistemmed; cyathia in compound cymes~Euphorbia sarcostemmoides 3*~Leafy shrubs or subshrubs, with a single main stem; cyathia solitary~4 4~Leaves oblong-lanceolate to oblanceolate, ovate or oblong-spathulate; length:width ratio less than 6.5:1~5 4*~Leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate, length:width ratio more than 7:1~7 5~Capsules broader than long, more or less depressed-globose, c. 5 mm long, 6 mm diam.; seeds ovoid without a caruncle; leaves falling early~Euphorbia stevenii 5*~Capsule as long as or longer than broad, globose to triangular, 4–4.5 mm long, c. 4 mm diam.; seeds more or less oblong, carunculate; leaves more persistent~6 6~Leaves with lamina to 25 mm long and 8 mm wide; seeds covered with pustules, caruncle crescent-shaped; an inland species~Euphorbia parvicaruncula 6*~Leaves with lamina to 50 mm long and 17 mm wide; seeds smooth to undulate; caruncle hat-shaped; a coastal species~Euphorbia tannensis 7~Capsule oblong-ovoid, to 6 mm long, 4 mm diam.; seeds grey-brown, smooth to deeply wrinkled, caruncle hat-shaped, persistent, yellow-brown~Euphorbia tannensis 7*~Capsule more or less globose, c. 3 mm long, 3.5 mm diam.; seeds dark blue-green, deeply pitted-reticulate, caruncle small, crescent-shaped~Euphorbia planiticola 8~Leaves mostly 40 mm or more long~9 8*~Leaves mostly less than 40 mm long~13 9~Stem leaves sessile or shortly petiolate, margins entire or minutely toothed~10 9*~Stem leaves distinctly petiolate, margins entire to widely lobed or toothed~12 10~Stem leaves entire, 60–160 mm long, 5–12 mm wide, opposite and decussate~Euphorbia lathyris 10*~Stem leaves finely toothed, particularly towards apex, 10–60 mm long, 8–25 mm wide, alternate, not decussate~11 11~Stem leaves linear to oblong-elliptic, sessile; capsule c. 3.5 mm long, tuberculate; seeds smooth~Euphorbia depauperata 11*~Stem leaves obovate to spathulate, petiole c. 1 mm long; capsule c. 2 mm long, smooth; seeds reticulate-pitted~Euphorbia helioscopia 12~Lamina entire to widely lobed, often reddish at base of upper leaves; glabrous to pubescent~Euphorbia cyathophora 12*~Lamina coarsely toothed, not reddish at base of upper leaves; pubescent~Euphorbia davidii 13~Stem leaves sessile, variable, distinctly different in shape and/or colour from the leaves of the fertile branches~14 13*~Stem leaves petiolate (very shortly so in Euphorbia helioscopia), obovate to spathulate or ovate, not conspicuously different from leaves of fertile branches~17 14~Stem leaves more than 10 mm wide; leaves of fertile branches with conspicuous white margins; capsule pubescent~Euphorbia marginata 14*~Stem leaves less than 10 mm wide; leaves of fertile branches without white margins; capsule glabrous~15 15~Stem leaves more or less fleshy, crowded and imbricate; terminal cyathia solitary~Euphorbia paralias 15*~Stem leaves not as above; terminal cyathia 2 or 3 (occasionally solitary in Euphorbia falcata)~16 16~Glaucous annual; leaves of fertile branches broad-ovate, 1–10 mm wide, margins crenate; stem leaves oblong-cuneate to oblanceolate, 10–30 mm long, 2–5 mm wide, entire~Euphorbia falcata 16*~Green perennial; leaves of fertile branches ovate-triangular, 10–30 mm wide, margins finely toothed; stem leaves linear-lanceolate, 10–40 mm long, 2–8 mm wide, finely toothed~Euphorbia terracina 17~Stems leaves with distinct petiole to 8 mm long; lamina obovate, mostly 10–15 mm long, margins entire; glands of involucre with horns at each end~Euphorbia peplus 17*~Stem leaves shortly petiolate, petiole c. 1 mm long; lamina obovate to spathulate, 10–40 mm long, margins toothed towards apex; glands of involucre entire~Euphorbia helioscopia 18~Leaves 2–15 mm long; cyathia solitary in axils of leaves~19 18*~Leaves 10–40 mm long; cyathia in axillary or terminal cymes~26 19~All or part of plant hairy; stems prostrate, often forming dense mats~20 19*~Plants glabrous; stems prostrate to ascending or rarely erect~22 20~Entire plant covered with soft white hairs; native herb of inland plains~Euphorbia australis 20*~Plants sparsely hairy, mainly on the stems and capsules; naturalized herbs of the coast and Western Slopes~21 21~Stems with longitudinal bands of short white, often curled, hairs; capsule glabrous except for ciliate angles~Euphorbia prostrata 21*~Stems with more or less scattered, longer, mostly spreading hairs; capsule sparsely hairy~Euphorbia maculata 22~Annual 15–30 cm high with ascending to erect slender stems; leaves in more or less distant pairs along stems, leaves mostly 8–15 mm long~Euphorbia wheeleri 22*~Perennials with prostrate, ascending to almost erect or decumbent stems mostly to 20 cm long, often forming a woody rhizome; leaves more or less crowded along stems; leaves 2–10 mm long~23 23~Leaves oblanceolate to oblong, margins often strongly recurved when dry; stipules mostly 1–1.5 mm long, more or less conspicuous, entire or divided, thread-like~Euphorbia inappendiculata var. queenslandica 23*~Leaves ovate-oblong, margins not recurved when dry; stipules usually less than 1 mm long, inconspicuous, not thread-like (occasionally so in Euphorbia papillifolia var. polyandra)~24 24~Appendages of glands conspicuous, crenate-sinuate; involucre c. 1.5 mm long; leaves glaucous~Euphorbia papillifolia var. polyandra 24*~Appendages of glands usually inconspicuous, mostly entire; involucre 0.5–0.7 mm long; leaves not glaucous~25 25~Interpetiolar stipules triangular to broadly triangular, 0.2—1.1 mm long, entire or bipartite; capsule with a fringed receptacle appendage appressed to base (hypogynous disc laciniate or entire); seed faces more or less smooth~Euphorbia dallachyana 25*~Interpetiolar stipules subulate, 0.5–0.9 mm long, deeply bipartite; capsule without a fringed receptacle appendage (hypogynous disc entire); seed faces wrinkled~Euphorbia drummondii 26~Plants persistently and densely hairy; cyathia in dense, stalked, head-like axillary cymes~Euphorbia hirta 26*~Plants glabrous or sparsely pubescent often glabrescent with age; cyathia not in dense heads~27 27~Upper and lower leaves more or less consistent in size and shape; length:width ratio of leaves 2:1; lamina thick; prostrate plant forming mats on coastal sands~Euphorbia psammogeton 27*~Upper leaves usually longer and narrower than lower leaves; length:width ratio of upper leaves more than 2:1; lamina thin; decumbent to ascending or semi-erect plants~28 28~Hairs on stems scattered on all sides; length:width ratio of upper leaves 3:1 to 5:1; appendages of glands conspicuous, 1–2 mm wide, petaloid, white~Euphorbia bifida 28*~Hairs on stems usually confined to 1 or 2 sides; length:width ratio of upper leaves 3:1 or less; appendages of glands 0.5 mm wide, entire, white or pink~Euphorbia hyssopifolia #{gn}Hibbertia 1~Stamens inserted all around the carpels, but sometimes more numerous on one side; staminodes occasionally present; carpels 1–many~2 1*~Stamens all on one side of the carpels; usually all stamens fertile or sometimes staminodes present and surrounding the carpels; carpels usually 2~25 2~Carpels glabrous, usually 1 or 3 or more~3 2*~Carpels hairy, usually 2 or 3~19 3~Climbing or trailing shrubs with stems to 4 m long; most leaves more than 15 mm wide~4 3*~Erect or prostrate shrubs, not climbing; most leaves less than 10 mm wide~5 4~Leaves tapering at the base, sessile and stem-clasping; margins usually entire~Hibbertia scandens 4*~Leaves with lamina obtuse at base, distinctly petiolate; margins toothed~Hibbertia dentata 5~Leaves narrow-linear to more or less terete, mostly less than 1 mm wide~6 5*~Leaves linear to obovate or elliptic, more than 1 mm wide~8 6~Leaves clustered, margins incurved~7 6*~Leaves scattered (sometimes appearing clustered owing to growth of short axillary shoots), margins tightly involute~Hibbertia virgata 7~Leaves less than 10 mm long; stamens 8–12~Hibbertia fasciculata 7*~Leaves more than 15 mm long; stamens 15–20~Hibbertia elata 8~Stamens less than 30~9 8*~Stamens more than 30. (The species H. obtusifolia s.str., H. sp. B, H. kaputarensis and H. acuminata may be included under this extremely variable species or complex as Hibbertia obtusifolia s. lat.)~15 9~Leaves linear-cuneate, cuneate or oblanceolate, folded longitudinally, generally with several prominent teeth on the truncate apex or apex emarginate; plants erect; stamens 10–12 or 15–30; carpel solitary or 3~10 9*~Leaves not folded longitudinally, variable in shape and generally entire but if not, then teeth or lobes lateral and plants prostrate; apex variable but not toothed-truncate; plants prostrate or erect; stamens more than 14; carpels more than 1~11 10~Stamens 10–12; carpel solitary; leaves and stems generally glabrous~Hibbertia monogyna 10*~Stamens 15–30; carpels usually 3; leaves and stems glabrous or more often hairy~Hibbertia circumdans 11~All sepals silky; leaves mostly more than 30 mm long~Hibbertia saligna 11*~Sepals glabrous to hairy but never with all sepals silky; most leaves less than 30 mm long~12 12~Leaves with length to width ratio of less than 4:1~13 12*~Leaves with length to width ratio of more than 4:1~14 13~All sepals glabrous; leaves with lateral teeth or lobes or leaves less than 6 mm long; plant more or less prostrate; leaves and stems glabrous or occasionally with short hairs~Hibbertia diffusa 13*~Outer sepals villous in upper half; leaves generally entire and more than 6 mm long; plant erect; stems and leaves villous with whitish hairs 1–3 mm long~Hibbertia villosa 14~Sepals 10–15 mm long; carpels generally 4~Hibbertia procumbens 14*~Sepals 5–6 mm long; carpels usually 3~Hibbertia linearis 15~Sepals glabrous, sparsely hairy or margins ciliate~16 15*~All sepals densely hairy~17 16~Stems and leaves greyish, shortly tomentose to glabrous; margins of leaves usually recurved~Hibbertia obtusifolia 16*~Stems whitish-tomentose, leaves with white hairs towards base, otherwise glabrous except for ciliate margins; leaves more or less flat~Hibbertia sp. B sensu Harden (1990) 17~Sepals obtuse to acute; leaves and young stems shortly greyish-tomentose to glabrous~18 17*~Sepals acuminate; young leaves and stems with scattered long whitish hairs~Hibbertia acuminata 18~Sepals rusty- to whitish-tomentose~Hibbertia kaputarensis 18*~Sepals greyish-pubescent~Hibbertia obtusifolia 19~Leaves more or less oblong to linear or narrow-lanceolate, usually less than 10 mm long and less than 2.5 mm wide, margins recurved or revolute; stems, calyces and leaves glabrous or shortly hairy, hairs mostly simple~20 19*~Leaves elliptic, oblong or oblanceolate to spathulate, usually more than 10 mm long and more than 2.5 mm wide, more or less flat; stems, calyces and lower surface of leaves shortly stellate-hairy or with long simple hairs~23 20~Peduncles longer than the leaves~Hibbertia pedunculata 20*~Flowers sessile or on obscure peduncles 1–2 mm long~21 21~Sepals glabrous except for ciliate margins or rarely minutely hairy; staminodes absent~Hibbertia serpyllifolia 21*~Sepals densely and conspicuously hairy; staminodes usually present~22 22~Sepals villous, hairs simple; stamens c. 30~Hibbertia vestita 22*~Sepals velvety to pubescent, hairs stellate; stamens 6–12~Hibbertia cistoidea 23~Stamens less than 20; stems, calyces and at least lower surface of leaves densely hairy with short stellate hairs~24 23*~Stamens more than 20; stems, calyces and leaves pilose with more or less simple or sparsely branched hairs~Hibbertia marginata 24~Most leaves more than 25 mm long; stamens 6~Hibbertia hexandra 24*~Leaves generally less than 25 mm long; stamens more than 9~Hibbertia hermanniifolia 25~Carpels glabrous; outer surface of sepals glabrous or rarely sparsely hairy~26 25*~Carpels hairy, sometimes sparsely hairy to glabrescent; outer surface of sepals generally hairy but sometimes glabrous~30 26~Leaves crowded and clustered; older stems brownish, not polished~Hibbertia fasciculata 26*~Leaves scattered; older stems reddish, polished~27 27~Flowers axillary on peduncles c. 10 mm long~28 27*~Flowers terminal, ± sessile~29 28~Stamens 4; leaves mostly <8 mm long~Hibbertia rufa 28*~Stamens 6–8; leaves usually >8 mm long~Hibbertia acicularis 29~Weak-stemmed plant with trailing stems; stamens 4, filaments fused; form confined to the New England and Gibraltar Ra. districts~Hibbertia rufa 29*~Stout-stemmed plant with erect stems; stamens c. 6, filaments not fused; southwards from Sydney district and Blue Mtns~Hibbertia cistiflora 30~Flowers pedunculate, peduncles 2–15 mm long~31 30*~Flowers sessile or almost so~39 31~Leaves pungent or rarely not pungent, upper surface ± glabrous; sepals glabrous to sparsely hairy, hairs usually ± hooked~Hibbertia acicularis 31*~Leaves not pungent, apex acute to obtuse, upper surface distinctly hairy; sepals stellate-hairy or silky~32 32~Stamens 2–9 (usually 4–6)~33 32*~Stamens 9 (usually 10–12)~34 33~Lower surface of leaves ± densely hairy with stellate hairs (rarely mixed stellate and hooked simple hairs on juvenile leaves)~Hibbertia aspera 33*~Lower surface of leaves (except midrib and near margins) ± covered with simple hooked hairs, or glabrescent~Hibbertia empetrifolia 34~Stamens 9–12; petals <10 mm long~35 34*~Stamens 12–15; petals >10 mm long~Hibbertia covenyana 35~Bracts subtending flowers up to half as long as the calyx~36 35*~Bracts subtending flowers two-third as long as calyx~37 36~Lower surface of leaves densely covered with stellate hairs; confined to far South Coast (SC)~Hibbertia notabilis 36*~Lower surface of leaves (except midrib and near margins) covered with simple hooked hairs; restricted to the Blue Mtns (CT)~Hibbertia decumbens 37~Upper surface of leaves and outer calyx lobes usually hairy with simple, rarely stellate hairs~Hibbertia hirta 37*~Upper surface of leaves and outer calyx lobes with simple hairs over stellate hairs~38 38~Leaves 2.7–7 mm wide; stamens 12; only known from the Gibraltar Ra. (NC)~Hibbertia rhynchocalyx 38*~Leaves 1–2.5 mm wide; stamens 6–12; widespread, but not common, not recorded for Gibraltar Ra. (NC CC NT CT NWS)~Hibbertia cistoidea 39~Leaves flat or with slightly recurved margins, oblanceolate to oblong, mostly >3 mm wide~40 39*~Leaves with revolute margins, linear to narrow-oblong or oblanceolate, generally <3 mm wide~41 40~Sepals densely silky~Hibbertia bracteata 40*~Sepals glabrous~Hibbertia nitida 41~Leaves and branches with simple hairs, or mostly simple, but with a few stellate hairs also present~42 41*~Leaves and branches with stellate or short and bristle-like with 1–several arising from a tubercle, sometimes mixed with long simple hairs~47 42~Leaves with lower surface usually exposed between revolute margin and mid-vein; leaves villous to appressed hairy~43 42*~Leaves with lower surface not exposed between revolute margin and mid-vein; leaves puberulous to glabrescent~45 43~Leaves (2.4-)3–4.5(-7.5) mm wide; mid-vein not or scarcely raised~Hibbertia praemorsa 43*~Leaves up to 2.4 mm wide; mid-vein depressed or slightly to distinctly raised~44 44~Leaves c. 1 mm wide; mid-vein depressed or only slightly raised; stamens 8–14~Hibbertia calycina 44*~Leaves 1.1–2.4 mm wide; mid-vein distinctly raised and/or broadened; stamens 6–9~Hibbertia superans 45~Ovary puberulous to glabrescent, sometimes almost villous; leaves narrowly triangular to almost linear~Hibbertia puberula 45*~Ovary hairy (villose or tomentose); leaves more or less linear~46 46~Calyx lobes with margin recurved and surface strongly accrescent; ovary tomentose~Hibbertia tenuifolia 46*~Calyx lobes more or less flat, margin not recurved, surface scarcely accrescent; ovary villose~Hibbertia simulans 47~Leaves mostly narrow-oblanceolate, apex cuneate to emarginate~Hibbertia cistoidea 47*~Leaves linear to narrowly lanceolate, apex obtuse to acute~48 48~Branches and leaves greyish, softly hairy; hairs of branches and leaves with of two lengths, short and long; flowers with tuffs of hairs between petals and stamens~Hibbertia incana 48*~Branches and leaves mostly green (a greyish hairy form confined to porphyry and granite areas in NT and NWS); hairs of branches and leaves all short, sometimes mixed with longer simple hairs; flowers lacking tuffs of hairs between petals and stamens~Hibbertia riparia #{gn}Gnaphalium 1~Heads solitary~2 1*~Infloresences of several to many heads~4 2~Leaves crowded and overlapping, satiny with tightly appressed hairs, the margins incurved~Argyrotegium nitidulum 2*~Leaves many but not regularly overlapping, softly woolly with loose hairs~3 3~Outer involucral bracts loosely woolly; heads always solitary on long peduncles~Euchiton traversii 3*~Outer involucral bracts glabrous; heads often sessile~Argyrotegium mackayi 4~Heads in globose, terminal clusters or indistinct leafy inflorescences~5 4*~Heads in distinct elongate often leafy spikes, or a large corymb of spike-like branches~13 5~Upper surface of leaves similar to lower surface in colour and indumentum~6 5*~Upper surface of leaves distinctly darker than lower surface and glabrous or with many fewer hairs than the woolly lower surface~10 6~Leaves very fine, linear or narrow-oblong, 1–2 mm wide~Gnaphalium indutum 6*~Leaves oblanceolate to obovate, more than 3 mm wide~7 7~Leaves satiny with tightly appressed hairs~Argyrotegium fordianum 7*~Leaves softly woolly with loose hairs~8 8~Outer involucral bracts with dense long hairs obscuring the heads; heads in tight terminal globose clusters; confined to arid areas of western N.S.W~Gnaphalium diamantinense 8*~Outer involucral bracts glabrous or woolly only at the base, in no way obscuring the heads; heads in loose groups; grows in alpine or montane areas of eastern N.S.W~9 9~Heads on long peduncles with few leaves; mat-forming perennial~Argyrotegium mackayi 9*~Heads sessile on leafy branches; erect or ascending annuals or perennials~Argyrotegium poliochlorum 10~Involucral bracts acuminate, the tips delicate and deeply lacerate; species of subalpine or montane areas~Euchiton umbricola 10*~Involucral bracts obtuse to broad-acute, firm and leathery; widespread species~11 11~Heads subtended by large, leafy bracts, much longer than the diameter of the head; basal rosette soon withering~12 11*~Heads without visible subtending bracts or with bracts only a little longer than the diameter of the head; basal rosette persistent~Euchiton japonicus 12~Annuals; heads mostly 1–2 mm diam., with a single bisexual floret per head~Euchiton sphaericus 12*~Stoloniferous perennials; heads 2–4 mm diam., with 3 or more bisexual florets per head~Euchiton involucratus 13~Leaves densely white woolly on both surfaces~14 13*~Leaves darker and with fewer hairs (to glabrescent) on the upper surface than the lower surface; large leafy annuals with distinct basal rosettes~15 14~Involucral bracts with broad, membranous tips; stems, leaves and inflorescences more or less obscured by loose white woolly hairs; weak decumbent annual~Gnaphalium polycaulon 14*~Involucral bracts firm and leathery to the tip; stems, leaves and inflorescences with tangled but appressed hairs giving a satiny appearance; robust erect or prostrate herb~Gamochaeta calviceps 15~Heads surrounded by and almost obscured by, long woolly hairs; leaves loosely woolly on lower surface~Gamochaeta pensylvanica 15*~Woolly hairs at the base of the heads limited to the peduncles; leaves with fine, appressed hairs below, or glabrous~16 16~Leaves with a prominent paler midvein on the upper surface; inflorescences usually a closed spike~Gamochaeta coarctata 16*~Leaves concolorous on the upper surface; inflorescences slightly loose and spreading, the heads not held together tightly~Gamochaeta purpurea #{gn}Kunzea 1~Flowers pink to purple~2 1*~Flowers white or yellow~5 2~Leaves mostly alternate or occasionally opposite on some branchlets~3 2*~Leaves mostly opposite or more or less opposite or occasionally alternate on some branchlets~Kunzea opposita 3~Leaves with 3 main veins~Kunzea capitata 3*~Leaves with only the midvein visible~4 4~Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate; hypanthium glabrous or shortly pubescent~Kunzea parvifolia 4*~Leaves narrow-obovate; hypanthium villous~Kunzea obovata 5~Flowers in head-like groups at ends of branchlets~6 5*~Flowers not in heads, crowded on leafy side branches or in axils of upper leaves~14 6~Ovary 3-locular~7 6*~Ovary 2-locular~13 7~Leaves with at least 3 main veins; young stems usually with long, spreading hairs~Kunzea capitata 7*~Leaves with midvein only; young stems usually with appressed hairs or shortly pubescent~8 8~Leaves narrow-elliptic to broad-elliptic or obovate, ± 0.75 mm wide~9 8*~Leaves linear to terete, more or less 0.5 mm wide~11 9~Leaves with lamina tapering to a short petiole, narrow-elliptic to obovate, obtuse to acute~10 9*~Leaves with lamina abruptly tapering to the petiole, elliptic to broad-elliptic, acute to acuminate~Kunzea aristulata 10~Prostrate shrub; leaves 3–6 mm long~Kunzea badjaensis 10*~Erect shrub; leaves 4–8 mm long~Kunzea bracteolata 11~Leaves 1–3.5 mm long~Kunzea parvifolia 11*~Leaves 3–8 mm long~12 12~Flowers yellow; bracts not much enlarged; placentation axile~Kunzea muelleri 12*~Flowers white to cream; bracts large; placentation apical~Kunzea juniperoides subsp. pernervosa 13~Erect shrub; hypanthium villous~Kunzea rupestris 13*~Prostrate to ascending shrub; hypanthium silky~Kunzea cambagei 14~Pedicels ± 2 mm long~15 14*~Pedicels ± 3 mm long~Kunzea ericoides 15~Hypanthia ± 3 mm wide~16 15~Hypanthia ± 2 mm wide~Kunzea axillaris 16~Young stems rather densely hairy~Kunzea ambigua 16*~Young stems glabrous or finely hairy and soon glabrescent~Kunzea occidentalis #{gn}Pellaea 1~Fronds 1-pinnate~2 1*~Fronds 2- to 3-pinnate~Pellaea viridis 2~Rachis scales and hairs mid-brown to dark brown, spreading, persistent; stalks of basal pinna <1.5 mm long~3 2*~Rachis scales and hairs whitish to pale brown, ± appressed, antrorse; scales often not persistent; stalks of basal pinnae at least 1.5 mm long~4 3~Rachis scales mostly 3–4 mm long; pinnae 22–56 mm long~Pellaea falcata 3*~Rachis scales mostly 1–2.5 mm long; pinnae 5–25 mm long~Pellaea nana 4~Pinnae asymmetric, 20–60 mm long, all lateral pinnae ± the same size~Pellaea paradoxa 4*~Pinnae symmetric about the midrib, 14–30 mm long; lateral pinnae progressively reducing in length and width towards the apex of the frond~Pellaea calidirupium #{gn}Campsis 1~Corolla tube more than twice the length of the calyx; corolla lobes 15–25 (?–30) mm wide~Campsis radicans 1*~Corolla tube mostly less than twice as long as the calyx; corolla lobes mostly 27–40 mm wide~Campsis x tagliabuana #{sp}Brachyloma daphnoides 1~Leaves glabrous, 2–19.5 mm, generally >7 mm, long; young stems glabrous or variously hairy; flowers white or with red markings~2 1*~Leaves scabrous to villous, 1.5–8 mm, generally <7 mm, long; young stems hispid to villous; flowers always white~subsp. pubescens 2~Flowers white; young stems hispid to villous; leaves 2–19.5 mm long~subsp. daphnoides 2*~Flowers with some red colouring, at least at corolla base and lobes when juvenile; stems glabrous to scabrous, rarely sparsely hispid; leaves 2–12 mm long~subsp. glabrum #{fm}PAPAVERACEAE 1~Flowers mostly solitary (inflorescence cymose with flowers in 1s, 2s or 3s often on long scapes or peduncles), actinomorphic (radially symmetric); petals 4–12, similar, free, often imbricate; stamens numerous~2 1*~Flowers in racemes (inflorescence racemose with 6–40 flowers), zygomorphic (bilaterally symmetric); petals 4, in 2 pairs, the 2 outer petals dissimilar, larger, often pouched or spurred at the base, the inner 2 similar, smaller and narrower, ± fused over the stigmas at the tip; stamens mostly 6, united in 2 bundles~6 2~Erect, branching perennial subshrub or shrub to 3 m high; petals white~Romneya 2*~Annual or perennial herb or subshrub to 1.5 m high; petals not white or if white plant annual~3 3~Capsule many times longer than broad; stigmas 2 or 4~4 3*~Capsule at most 2–3 times longer than broad; stigmas mostly 5-merous (rarely 4)~5 4~Sepals 2, fused into a calyptra; stigmas 4~Eschscholzia 4*~Sepals 2, free; stigmas 2~Glaucium 5~Sepals 3; petals 6~Argemone 5*~Sepals 2; petals 4~Papaver 6~At least the lower fruit 1-seeded, more or less globose, 2–3 mm long, indehiscent~Fumaria 6*~All fruit 4–12-seeded, linear, c. 15 mm long, dehiscing by 2 valves~Pseudofumaria #{fm}EUPHORBIACEAE 1~Either herbs or shrubs (rarely climbers) with either leaves less than 15 mm wide and with entire margins or leaves reduced to scales~2 1*~Either trees or shrubs (rarely climbers) with either leaves more than 15 mm wide or leaves less than 10 mm wide and the margins toothed~21 2~Inflorescence surrounded by an involucre and containing 1 female flower and 8–10 male flowers; perianth absent~3 2*~Involucre absent; male and female flowers with perianth~4 3~Stems erect; leaves usually alternate on lower stems, subopposite or opposite above; stipules minute or absent~Euphorbia 3*~Stems prostrate, decumbent or ascending; leaves opposite; stipules present, interpetiolar (former Chamaesyce taxa)~Euphorbia 4~Adult stems leafless, scale leaves present on young stems~Amperea 4*~Normal leaves developed on all stems~5 5~Plants with stellate hairs~6 5*~Plants glabrous or with simple hairs~11 6~Herbs with ovate to rhombic leaves, usually 20 mm or more wide, petiole at least as long as lamina~7 6*~Shrubs, or herbs with leaves not as above, 15 mm or less wide; shortly petiolate~8 7~Plants with a dense, velvety covering of stellate hairs; leaves entire; style 1, simple; capsule smooth~Eremocarpus 7*~Plants with a sparse covering of stellate hairs; leaves entire or sinuate-toothed; styles 3, bifid; capsule covered with peltate scales~Chrozophora 8~Flowers terminal (sometimes apparently axillary); sepals and petals usually present or rarely petals absent in female flowers~9 8*~Flowers axillary; perianth usually in 1 whorl or rarely petals reduced or absent~10 9~Leaves white-woolly with a dense covering of stellate hairs; stipules present~Croton 9*~Leaves glabrous, scabrous or with rusty-stellate hairs; stipules absent~Ricinocarpos 10~Styles either absent or if present then very short and fused, stigma simple, entire or lobed; fruit 3-seeded~Beyeria 10*~Styles 3, obvious, 2–4-branched, stigmas separate; fruit usually 1-seeded~Bertya 11~Stipules present, often minute; male flowers with 3–9 stamens~12 11*~Stipules absent; male flowers with numerous stamens~19 12~Leaves in groups of 3 at each node, the groups alternate on the stem (see Picrodendraceae)~Micrantheum 12*~Leaves not as above, leaves either alternate, opposite or whorled~13 13~Flowers terminal~14 13*~Flowers axillary~15 14~Inflorescence a raceme or corymb, the rachis elongated; anthers opening by terminal pores (see Phyllanthaceae)~Poranthera 14*~Inflorescence a dense cyme borne between the 2 terminal leaves at end of stems; anthers opening by longitudinal slits~Monotaxis 15~Female flowers enclosed by a large, rounded bract; leaves 20–40 mm long, toothed; petiole at least as long as lamina~Acalypha 15*~Female flowers not enclosed by a large bract; leaves to 30 mm long, rarely toothed; petiole shorter than lamina~16 16~Stamens 6; some leaves opposite, others alternate on the same plant (see Picrodendraceae)~Pseudanthus 16*~Stamens 3; leaves all alternate~17 17~Fruit dry, a schizocarpic capsule; styles bifid~18 17*~Fruit succulent, a berry; styles unbranched (see Phyllanthaceae)~Breynia 18~Disc or glands present; fruit depressed-globose (see Phyllanthaceae)~Phyllanthus 18*~Disc or glands absent; fruit ovoid or more or less globose (see Phyllanthaceae)~Sauropus 19~Flowers mostly terminal; sepals and petals present, petals conspicuous and longer than the sepals~Ricinocarpos 19*~Flowers axillary; perianth in one whorl or the petals rudimentary and shorter than the sepals~20 20~Styles either absent or if present then very short and fused, stigma simple, entire or lobed; fruit 3-seeded~Beyeria 20*~Styles 3, obvious, 2–4-branched, stigmas separate; fruit usually 1-seeded~Bertya 21~Leaves with margins toothed, crenate or lobed~22 21*~Leaves with margins entire or almost so~36 22~Leaves either unlobed or 3–5-lobed and then the lamina cut less than halfway towards base~23 22*~Leaves deeply palmately 3–9-lobed, if 3–5-lobed then the lamina cut at least three-quarters of the way towards base~35 23~Leaves opposite~24 23*~Leaves alternate~25 24~Leaves glabrous, finely toothed to crenate (see Picrodendraceae)~Austrobuxus 24*~Leaves hairy, coarsely toothed to more or less entire~Mallotus 25~Leaves with 1–5 small glands at apex of petiole or near base of lamina~26 25*~Leaves without glands on lamina or petiole~30 26~Plants with milky latex; young shoots and leaves glabrous~Excoecaria 26*~Plants without milky latex; young shoots and leaves mostly hairy or scaly~27 27~Leaves palmately 3–5-veined from base, often palmately lobed; petiole about as long as the lamina~28 27*~Leaves pinnately veined, sometimes 3-veined in basal half; petiole usually shorter than lamina~29 28~Hairs stellate; ovary 1- or 2-locular; fruit with 1 or 2 seeds~Aleurites 28*~Hairs simple; ovary 3–7-locular; fruit mostly with 3–7 seeds~Vernicia 29~Petioles with 3–5, rarely 1 or 2, glands on upper surface near apex of petiole; young shoots pubescent, leaves glabrous or sparsely hairy, hairs simple~Claoxylon 29*~Petioles with 2 glands at junction with lamina; young shoots and leaves with scales or stellate hairs or sometimes leaves glabrous~Croton 30~Climbers; leaves and stems with stinging hairs~Tragia 30*~Shrubs or trees; stinging hairs absent~31 31~Leaves stiff, glabrous; trees or tall shrubs~32 31*~Leaves soft but firm, glabrous or hairy; shrubs less than 3 m high~33 32~Teeth spinose, margins with 2–4 pairs of teeth~Alchornea 32*~Teeth not spinose, margins with more than 4 pairs of teeth or margins crenate~Drypetes 33~Bracts surrounding female flowers and fruits prominent, more or less circular, at least 4 mm and often more than 10 mm diam.; lamina either less than 20 mm long or if more than 20 mm long then pubescent with simple hairs~Acalypha 33*~Bracts not as above; lamina more than 20 mm long, mostly stellate-hairy, sometimes glabrous~34 34~Plants pubescent, sometimes hoary, occasionally glabrous; leaves often lobed; perianth segments 6 or 8, in 2 whorls, c. 6 mm long, not persistent in fruit~Adriana 34*~Plants densely tomentose; leaves unlobed; petals absent, calyx 6–9-lobed, persistent in fruit, lobes c. 9 mm long in fruit~Croton 35~Margins of leaves toothed, lamina peltate, mostly 7–9-lobed~Ricinus 35*~Margins of leaves not toothed, lamina not peltate, mostly 3–7-lobed~Manihot 36~Leaves 1-foliolate, with a swelling at apex of petiole and mostly with 2 glands near base of lamina; translucent dots visible in lamina (lens needed); leaves opposite or alternate~37 36*~Leaves simple, without a swelling at apex of petiole; glands absent or present near base of lamina or apex of petiole; leaves mostly alternate and without translucent dots~38 37~Buds scaly, reddish brown, more or less glabrous; 2 small embedded glands on margin of lamina c. 3 mm from base; leaves opposite~Baloghia 37*~Buds not scaly, finely pubescent with fawn hairs; 2 depressed glands usually on lower lamina surface 5–10 mm from base; adult leaves alternate~Fontainea 38~Leaves opposite~39 38*~Leaves alternate~40 39~Buds with scale leaves; plants more or less glabrous; leaves with petiole less than 10 mm long, secondary veins more than 10 pairs~Baloghia 39*~Buds without scale leaves, plants covered with stellate hairs; leaves with petiole usually more than 10 mm long, secondary veins less than 9 pairs~Mallotus 40~Petioles more than 10 mm long; 1 or 2 glands often present near junction of petiole and lamina~41 40*~Petioles less than 10 mm long, often c. 5 mm long; glands absent or sometimes present in Croton~48 41~Leaves peltate, petiole attached at least 10 mm in from margin; leaves palmately 9-veined~Macaranga 41*~Leaves not peltate or if peltate then petiole attached less than 5 mm in from margin; leaves pinnately veined or palmately 3–5-veined~42 42~Young shoots and usually young leaves densely covered with hairs and/or scales, hairs simple or stellate~43 42*~Leaves and shoots glabrous or almost so, hairs if present simple, stellate hairs and scales absent~46 43~Leaves 3–5-veined from base; scales absent; at least young shoots and leaves hairy, hairs simple or stellate but not woolly~44 43*~Leaves not 3–5-veined from base; scales present, at least on young shoots, or hairs stellate and plant woolly~Croton 44~Lower surface of leaves with scattered, coloured surface glands, usually 3-veined from base; petals absent; leaves not lobed~Mallotus 44*~Lower surface of leaves without coloured surface glands, mostly 5-veined from base; petals conspicuous, more than 8 mm long; leaves often lobed~45 45~Hairs stellate; ovary 1- or 2-locular; fruit 1- or 2-seeded~Aleurites 45*~Hairs simple; ovary 3–5-locular; fruit 1–5-seeded~Vernicia 46~Leaves more or less triangular, petiole about as long as the lamina; petioles and stems often reddish~Homalanthus 46*~Leaves not triangular, petiole less than half as long as the lamina; petioles and stems not reddish~47 47~Milky latex present; buds without scale leaves; 2 glands present at junction of petiole and lamina~Excoecaria 47*~Milky latex absent; buds covered with scale leaves; glands absent from petiole and lamina (see Phyllanthaceae)~Actephila 48~Leaves with 12–15 pairs of secondary veins (see Phyllanthaceae)~Bridelia 48*~Leaves with less than 12 pairs of secondary veins~49 49~Young shoots and leaves densely covered with either scales or stellate hairs~Croton 49*~Young shoots and leaves glabrous or with simple hairs~50 50~Leaves distinctly 2-ranked and mostly pseudopinnate in arrangement~51 50*~Leaves not distinctly 2-ranked, never pseudopinnate in arrangement~52 51~Lamina less than 30 mm long, glabrous, glaucous below, drying black above; fruit less than 5 mm diam. (see Phyllanthaceae)~Breynia 51*~Lamina more than 40 mm long, glabrous or finely pubescent, not glaucous below, not drying black; fruit more than 8 mm diam. (see Phyllanthaceae)~Glochidion 52~Leaves glabrous and green on both surfaces, stiff, margin often obscurely crenate; fruit a drupe (see Putranjivaceae)~Drypetes 52*~Leaves glabrous and green above on fresh material, sometimes brownish to blackish above when dry, hairy and grey to fawnish below, firm but not stiff, margin entire or almost so; fruit a capsule~53 53~Leaves grey-green below, sparsely covered with pale-coloured hairs below; green above when dried; capsule 3-lobed, flattened-globose, 5–12 mm diam., green to reddish (see Phyllanthaceae)~Cleistanthus 53*~Leaves fawnish grey below, densely covered with fawnish hairs, sometimes more or less glabrescent with age; capsule multilobed, more or less globose, 10–18 mm diam., usually orangey or orange-brown (see Picrodendraceae)~Petalostigma #{gn}Aphanes 1~Sepals lanceolate, at least a third as long as the fruiting hypanthium; fruiting hypanthium brown; stipules generally conspicuously veined and with few hairs~Aphanes australiana 1*~Sepals triangular, a quarter as long as fruiting hypanthium; fruiting hypanthium green to yellowish green; stipules not conspicuously veined but the veins with numerous hairs~2 2~Fruiting hypanthium 1.5–2 mm long; lobes of stipules more or less triangular, about half as long as undivided portion~Aphanes arvensis 2*~Fruiting hypanthium 0.75–1.5 mm long; lobes of stipules more or less lanceolate, almost as long as undivided portion~Aphanes inexspectata #{sp}Callistemon pungens 1~Stamens 1.2–1.5 cm long; style 1.4–2 cm long; leaves with mucro 1.2–1.5 mm long~subsp. pungens 1~Stamens 0.8–1.0 cm long; style 1.1–1.3 cm long; leaves with mucro 0.5–1.0 mm long~subsp. synoriensis #{fm}BORAGINACEAE 1~Leaves (of taxon occurring in N.S.W.) pinnately compound or pinnatisect; ovary 1- or 2-locular~Phacelia 1*~Leaves not pinnately compound or pinnatisect; ovary 2-locular but becoming 4-locular at maturity~2 2~Corolla actinomorphic~3 2*~Corolla zygomorphic~16 3~Tall shrub (more than 2 m high) or tree~Ehretia 3*~Small shrub (less than 2 m high) or herb~4 4~Anthers exserted, appressed to the style; anther appendages present (rarely very short)~5 4*~Anthers included (if exserted not appressed to the style); anther appendages absent~7 5~Anthers and appendages straight~6 5*~Anther appendages twisted~Trichodesma 6~Scabrous or viscid shrub; ovary entire~Halgania 6*~Hispid herb; ovary lobed~Borago 7~Ovary 4-lobed; stigma small, capitate or shortly 2-lobed~8 7*~Ovary entire; stigma large, more or less conical~Heliotropium 8~Mericarps bearing barbed spines~9 8*~Mericarps smooth or wrinkled~11 9~Spines numerous, more or less equal in size, occurring on the margins and outer face of the mericarp~10 9*~Spines few (8–10), varying in size, restricted to the margins of the mericarps~Omphalolappula 10~Plants spreading to erect~Cynoglossum 10*~Plants weak and straggling~Austrocynoglossum 11~Gynobase conical~12 11*~Gynobase flat~13 12~Inflorescence bracteate; flowers white~Plagiobothrys 12*~Inflorescence lacking bracts; flowers yellow~Amsinckia 13~Corolla with scales in the throat~14 13*~Corolla without scales~15 14~Mericarps smooth and shiny~Myosotis 14*~Mericarps wrinkled~Anchusa 15~Mericarps smooth on outer face; flowers yellow~Neatostema 15*~Mericarps tuberculate all over; flowers white~Buglossoides 16~Stamens included in corolla~Anchusa 16*~At least 2 stamens exserted from corolla~Echium #{fm}ASTERACEAE 1~Heads (i.e. whole inflorescence) forming burrs in fruit, or spiny and borne sessile in axils of leaves along stems~11 1*~Heads not forming burrs in fruit or if with stiff barbed bristles then borne in terminal heads~2 2~Flower heads with all florets ligulate (not including petaloid stigmas that sometimes look like ligules); with milky latex~37 2*~Flower heads with all florets tubular or some florets ligulate and some tubular; lacking milky latex~3 3~All florets tubular and/or some filiform, or if some ligulate then ligules less than 3 mm long (involucral bracts sometimes coloured and resembling ligules or sometimes lobes of corolla long and resembling ligules)~4 3*~Outer florets with ligules more than 3 mm long~9 4~Receptacle bearing inner tubular florets with scales or bristles; leaves usually spinose (thistles); styles with tuft of hairs below stigma branches~60 4*~Receptacle glabrous or if with scales then leaves not spinose; styles glabrous~5 5~Leaves opposite, at least lower ones~71 5*~Leaves alternately arranged and/or in basal rosette~6 6~Involucral bracts in 1 whorl, rarely with a few much shorter ones at base; usually fused, although sometimes only at the base; flower heads simple~71 6*~Involucral bracts in 2 or more whorls and free, or with compound flower heads~7 7~Flower heads clustered into compound heads with scales or leaves more or less densely arranged around it, rarely without~100 7*~Flower heads solitary and/or stalked~8 8~Pappus absent or reduced to a vestigial scarious cup~121 8*~Pappus of bristles or scales at least subequal to the achene~150 9~Leaves opposite, at least lower ones~11 9*~Leaves alternately arranged and/or in basal rosette~10 10~Pappus present and usually prominent~202 10*~Pappus absent, reduced to less than 1 mm or cup-like~235 11~Fruit (i.e. achenes plus fused involucral bracts) spiny or burrs, in axils of leaves along stems (flower heads sometimes in spike-like inflorescences)~12 11*~Achenes not inside a fused fruit-like structure (sometimes enfolded by a conduplicate, unfused bract or scale); flower head not forming a burr, if spiny or with barbed hairs then borne in terminal heads~14 12~Leaves opposite, sometimes alternate above; fruit consisting of 1 ray achene enveloped by one of the modified inner involucral bracts; 1–several borne on the common receptacle, within the outer involucral bracts~Acanthospermum 12*~All leaves spirally arranged or in basal rosette; all the involucral bracts united to form a hard burr or nut enclosing 1 or more achenes; 1–several fruits borne in the leaf axils~13 13~Leaves entire, toothed, or if lobed then fruits covered with recurved spines~Xanthium 13*~Leaves deeply divided~Ambrosia 14~Bracts and whole plant covered with glandular hairs~15 14*~Bracts and whole plant without glands~16 15~Leaves linear, opposite below, alternate above~Madia 15*~Leaves lanceolate to elliptic, opposite~Sigesbeckia 16~Corolla of outer florets longer than 8 mm~17 16*~Corolla of outer florets up to 5 mm long~27 17~Leaves entire, toothed, or shallowly lobed~18 17*~Leaves, at least lower ones, deeply lobed~25 18~Leaves sessile and usually clasping stem~19 18*~Leaves petiolate or constricted towards base and not clasping stem~20 19~Leaves usually entire; involucral bracts in at least 3 rows~Zinnia 19*~Leaves usually toothed; involucral bracts in 2 rows~Guizotia 20~Pappus of many hairs~21 20*~Pappus of few hairs, absent, or otherwise~22 21~Plants prostrate~Tridax 21*~Plants erect shrubs or subshrubs~Olearia 22~Achenes winged~Verbesina 22*~Achenes angled or compressed but without wings~23 23~Receptacle conical~Acmella 23*~Receptacle flat or convex~24 24~Heads in groups of 3; leaves ovate to rhombic, toothed~Wollastonia 24*~Heads solitary; leaves narrow-lanceolate, more or less entire to toothed or minutely lobed~Apowollastonia 25~Lobes of leaves up to 2 mm wide~Cosmos 25*~Lobes 4–50 mm wide~26 26~Shrubs 1–4 m high; ligules of florets white~Montanoa 26*~Subshrubs less than 1 m high; ligules of florets yellow~Coreopsis 27~Receptacle naked~28 27*~Receptacle with scales or chaffy~29 28~Involucral bracts in 1 row and fused; plant with pungent smell~Tagetes 28*~Involucral bracts in several rows, free~Schkuhria 29~Pappus consisting of bristles or scales~30 29*~Pappus absent, rarely a cup, very short hairs or scales~31 30~Leaves pinnately divided~Bidens 30*~Leaves entire or toothed~Galinsoga 31~Bracts covered with stalked glands~Sigesbeckia 31*~Bracts without glands~32 32~Tubular florets sterile; involucral bracts in 1 row or if in 2 rows then outer row with 2–5 bracts~33 32*~All florets fertile; involucral bracts numerous, in 2 or more rows~35 33~Leaves opposite; plants aquatic to semi-aquatic with soft creeping stems rooting at the nodes~Enydra 33*~Leaves alternate (lower ones often opposite) or clustered; lacking the above combination of features~34 34~Involucral bracts enfolding the ray achenes, with shortly spiny tips, sparsely hairy~Hemizonia 34*~Involucral bracts not enfolding the ray achenes, with membranous margins, woolly~Eriocephalus 35~Receptacle conical~Acmella 35*~Receptacle flat or slightly convex~36 36~Outer achenes triangular in section, inner ones compressed~Eclipta 36*~All achenes in flower head similar~Wedelia 37~Florets blue or violet, rarely white~38 37*~Florets yellow~39 38~Pappus of feathery hairs~Tragopogon 38*~Pappus of minute scales~Cichorium 39~Receptacle of flower head with scales~40 39*~Receptacle naked~41 40~Stems with spiny wings; plants spiny~Scolymus 40*~Stems without wings; soft herbs~Hypochaeris 41~Involucral bracts in 1 whorl~42 41*~Involucral bracts in more than 1 whorl and often with much smaller ones at base of flower head~43 42~Pappus feathery~Urospermum 42*~Pappus scaly or bristle-like~Hedypnois 43~All leaves in basal rosette~44 43*~Leaves basal and/or on erect stem (cauline leaves often much smaller)~47 44~All, or most achenes with a filiform beak longer than the fertile portion; scaly-muricate or muricate-spinulose in upper part~Taraxacum 44*~Achenes lacking filiform beak or beak not filiform and less than half the length of the fertile portion~45 45~Pappus of free scarious scales with acuminate apices produced into barbellate bristles~Microseris 45*~Pappus of numerous plumose or barbellate bristles~46 46~Bristles barbellate; pappus of inner and outer achenes similar~Youngia 46*~Bristles plumose; pappus of inner and outer achenes frequently dissimilar~Leontodon 47~Achenes drawn into long neck~48 47*~Achenes abruptly truncated at apex~52 48~Pappus hairs feathery~49 48*~Pappus hairs simple~50 49~Achenes tapered at apex or more or less truncate; hairs 2-fid, base not expanded~Picris 49*~Achenes abruptly narrowed at apex into a filiform beak; hairs 3–5-fid, base expanded~Helminthotheca 50~Achenes strongly compressed~Lactuca 50*~Achenes not compressed~51 51~Achenes with at least 1 ring of teeth below beak~Chondrilla 51*~Achenes without ring of teeth~Crepis 52~All achenes laterally compressed~53 52*~Achenes not laterally compressed, or sometimes the outer ones dorsiventrally compressed~54 53~Achenes elliptic in outline, both ends narrowed, sometimes cylindrical, margins wingless or narrow-winged; ribs never raised to form small wings~Sonchus 53*~Achenes flask-shaped in outline, constricted at the apex, margins with broad flat wings; ribs may be raised to form smaller secondary wings~Actites 54~Pappus hairs feathery~55 54*~Pappus hairs simple or absent~56 55~Achenes with a pale thickened hollow base c. a third as long as achene~Scorzonera 55*~Achenes not thickened at base~Picris 56~Pappus absent, achenes with 20 ribs~Lapsana 56*~Pappus present, rarely absent and then achenes with 4 ribs~57 57~Achenes with 6 to several ribs~58 57*~Achenes rough and 4-ribbed~59 58~Involucral bracts and upper peduncle with glandular hairs~Crepis 58*~Involucral bracts and upper peduncle glabrous~Youngia 59~Pappus scale-like broadened at the base~Tolpis 59*~Pappus fine silky hairs~Reichardia 60~Flower heads with 1 floret, grouped into globose (compound) heads~Echinops 60*~Flower heads usually with many florets, not grouped into compound heads~61 61~Receptacle of flower head glabrous~Onopordum 61*~Receptacle with scales or bristles~62 62~Receptacle with scales~63 62*~Receptacle with bristles~65 63~Achenes more or less cylindrical and ribbed~Hemisteptia 63*~Achenes compressed or flat~64 64~Involucral bracts with spreading spines~Cirsium 64*~Involucral bracts without spines and recurved or hooked~Arctium 65~Involucral bracts loose and leaf-like~Carthamus 65*~Involucral bracts scale-like and more or less appressed~66 66~Achenes obliquely attached to receptacle~Centaurea 66*~Achenes vertically attached to receptacle~67 67~Leaves white-veined or variegated above; achenes compressed; anther filaments joined into a tube which encloses the basal appendages of the anthers~Silybum 67*~Leaves usually uniformly coloured above; achenes terete, sometimes ribbed; anther filaments free~68 68~Pappus 2 rows of bristles; the outer long and scabrous, the inner much shorter (less than half as long) and ciliate~Cnicus 68*~Pappus not composed of 2 rows of bristles of markedly differing length~69 69~Involucral bracts ending in spines~70 69*~Involucral bracts not ending in spines~Rhaponticum 70~Pappus hairs simple~Carduus 70*~Pappus hairs feathery~Cynara 71~Leaves opposite at least at base, rarely in whorls~72 71*~Leaves alternately arranged and/or radical~92 72~Flower heads compound~100 72*~Flower heads simple~73 73~Leaves lobed to deeply divided~74 73*~Leaves entire or toothed~78 74~Pappus absent; water plant with soft branches; involucral bracts 4 and free~Enydra 74*~Pappus hair-like or with bristles or scales; not a water plant; involucral bracts more than 4 or fused~75 75~Upper leaves clasping stem; pappus of fine hairs~Emilia 75*~All leaves not clasping; pappus of few bristles or of scales~76 76~Involucral bracts fused into tube; plant with pungent smell~Tagetes 76*~Involucral bracts free; plants usually odourless~77 77~Pappus of 2–4 stiff, barbed awns; receptacle scales present, but not persistent~Bidens 77*~Pappus of 8–10 membranous scales (sometimes darkly striated at the apex); receptacle scales absent~Schkuhria 78~Achenes narrow-cylindrical with a long straight or curved beak; outer florets strongly decurved and overhanging involucre~Millotia 78*~Achenes and florets lacking the above combination of characters~79 79~Pappus absent or very small~80 79*~Pappus at least half as long as achenes or gland-tipped~84 80~Flower head covered with glandular hairs~81 80*~Flower heads without glands~82 81~Style branches slightly exserted but not petaloid; ray florets with very small ligules; receptacle with somewhat persistent scales~Sigesbeckia 81*~Style branches long-exserted and petal-like; all florets tubular; receptacle naked~Gymnocoronis 82~Achenes flat with involute herbaceous wings with large incurved appendages at the apex; small annual herbs~Ceratogyne 82*~Achenes lacking involute wings with apical appendages; large annual to perennial herbs~83 83~Receptacle naked (occasionally with innermost involucral bracts scale-like or scales sporadic); all florets tubular; inconspicuous pappus present~Ageratum 83*~Receptacle with scales; ray florets shortly ligulate; pappus absent~Enydra 84~Involucral bracts fused at base and with glandular hairs; flower heads with 4 or 5 florets~Stevia 84*~Involucral bracts not as above; flower heads with numerous florets~85 85~Involucral bracts membranous~86 85*~Involucral bracts herbaceous sometimes with membranous margins~87 86~All florets bisexual~Rutidosis 86*~Few outer florets female~Helichrysum 87~Pappus hairs gland-tipped~Adenostemma 87*~Pappus without glands~88 88~Leaves linear to oblong, entire~89 88*~Leaves lanceolate to ovate, toothed~90 89~Involucral bracts linear to linear-lanceolate~Glossocardia 89*~Involucral bracts broad~Acmella 90~Pappus of 5 or more fragile bristles, soon falling from the achene~Ageratina 90*~Pappus of scales, awns or rudimentary~91 91~Pappus of scales, usually with awns~Ageratum 91*~Pappus 2–4 stiff, retrorsely barbed awns~Bidens 92~Pappus purplish-mauve~Erechtites 92*~Pappus white or almost so~93 93~Florets orange to deep red or purple at least at top~94 93*~Florets yellow to white~95 94~Leaves clasping upper stems~Emilia 94*~Leaves not clasping stems~Crassocephalum 95~Marginal florets sterile~Arrhenechthites 95*~Marginal florets fertile~96 96~Achenes narrow-cylindrical with a long straight or curved beak; outer florets strongly decurved and overhanging involucre~Millotia 96*~Achenes and florets lacking the above combination of characters~97 97~Outer achenes flattened~Cineraria 97*~Outer achenes not flattened~98 98~Plants erect or decumbent, occasionally prostrate but never scandent, twining nor diffuse~99 98*~Plants scandent semi-succulent twiners or trailers~Delairea 99~Annual to perennial herbs, or shrubs with ligulate ray florets~Senecio 99*~Shrubs or small trees, florets all tubular~Bedfordia 100~Leaves opposite; dichotomously branching (repeatedly branching from below terminal inflorescence)~Flaveria 100*~Leaves all or mostly alternate, or crowded~101 101~Leaves 1–2-pinnatifid; margins spinose~Echinops 101*~Leaves with margins toothed or entire, margins not spinose~102 102~Branches with herbaceous wings extending from leaf bases down the internode; leaves mostly toothed~Pterocaulon 102*~Branches not winged; leaves entire~103 103~Common involucre surrounding the compound head of numerous scarious, opaque white or yellow bracts~Myriocephalus 103*~Common involucre of few green leaves, scales or absent~104 104~Heads with 2 types of florets (tubular and more or less filiform)~105 104*~Heads with 1 type of floret~107 105~Leaves spathulate with petiole usually distinctly longer than the broad-circular to broad-obovate lamina~Stuartina 105*~Leaves linear, lanceolate, or oblanceolate~106 106~Plants with erect stems~Gnaphalium 106*~Plants stemless~Isoetopsis 107~Inflorescence sessile at ground level, usually in a rosette of leaves~108 107*~Inflorescence terminal on aerial stems or scapes~109 108~Pappus of 4 or 5 stiff bristles fused at the base~Actinobole 108*~Pappus absent~Chthonocephalus 109~Pappus absent~110 109*~Pappus present~116 110~Corolla hairy; common involucre absent; florets 20–40 per individual head~Eriochlamys 110*~Corolla lacking hairs; common involucre present; florets 1 or 2 per head~111 111~Involucral bracts papillate at tips; leaves hairy at the base only~Pogonolepis 111*~Involucral bracts not papillate at tips; leaves usually densely hairy~112 112~Pappus of 8–12 subplumose bristles, united at the base for about half the length of corolla tube. Plants prostrate, with reddish, somewhat wiry stems terminating in very woolly compound heads~Lemooria 112*~Pappus absent or not as above; plants lacking the above combination of features~113 113~General receptacle with long bristles~Trichanthodium 113*~General receptacle glabrous~114 114~Achenes with dense, entwined hairs~Gnephosis 114*~Achenes papillose, glabrous~115 115~Bracts subtending heads more or less similar to involucral bracts (except sometimes more concave); achenes brown~Angianthus 115*~Bracts subtending heads unlike involucral bracts; achenes pink or purple~Gnephosis 116~Achenes tapering to long terminal beak~Waitzia 116*~Achenes otherwise~117 117~Pappus much shorter than the corolla~Gnephosis 117*~Pappus more or less equal in length to corolla~118 118~Achenes glabrous to papillose~Calocephalus 118*~Achenes hairy~119 119~Inflorescence branching, heads and branches subtended by large cordate leaves or bracts that ± enclose the head~Elephantopus 119*~Inflorescence simple, rarely branching from within the heads; heads with or without small enclosing bracts that in no way envelope the heads~120 120~Heads pedunculate within the compound head; bracts and pappus hairs white (or bracts brown-tinged)~Craspedia 120*~Heads sessile within the compound head; bracts and pappus hairs yellow~Pycnosorus 121~Leaves entire or toothed~122 121*~Leaves deeply divided and pinnatifid~144 122~Achenes drawn into a terminal beak~123 122*~Achenes more or less abruptly truncated at apex~126 123~Rosette forming perennial~124 123*~Erect or low-growing annual, biennial or perennial~125 124~Ray florets with small but well-developed ligules; beak of achenes well-developed, often densely glandular, apex with a thickened pale collar~Lagenophora 124*~Ray florets with ligules rudimentary or absent; beak of achenes rudimentary or absent, glands lacking or rarely with a few near the apex, thickened apical collar absent~Solenogyne 125~Achenes with short beaks (less than a quarter the length of achene), glandular near apex; erect herb 30–60 cm high, flower heads nodding~Carpesium 125*~Achenes with long beaks (more than half the length of achene), woolly near apex; small more or less prostrate herb with stems 1–4 cm long, flower heads erect~Millotia 126~Florets blue to purple~127 126*~Florets yellow or white to light green, sometimes tinged red~128 127~Achenes usually 4-angled or ribbed; glandular, with thickened apical ring resembling pappus~Ethulia 127*~Achenes 8 to 10 ribs; non-glandular, pappus of bristles (often caducous)~Centratherum 128~Receptacle with scales; flower head usually surrounded by numerous white, papery involucral bracts 5–10 mm long~Ammobium 128*~Receptacle naked; flower head, if surrounded by white involucral bracts, with a pappus of non-persistent bristles~129 129~All florets tubular to campanulate~130 129*~Outer florets reduced, filiform or with a small ligule; differing in shape from the inner florets~136 130~Achenes dark brown to black, tuberculate; herb to c. 60 cm high, more or less woolly~Acomis 130*~Achenes not dark brown to black, nor tuberculate; habit various~131 131~Involucral bracts multiseriate~132 131*~Involucral bracts in 2 rows~133 132~Shrubs; glabrous to minutely glandular hairy, viscid; involucral bracts pale golden brown to straw-coloured~Haeckeria 132*~Biennial herbs; more or less woolly, aromatic; involucral bracts pale brown tinged with pink, occasionally almost colourless~Calomeria 133~Annual herbs with wiry stems; corolla woolly at base, glandular near apex~Eriochlamys 133*~Annual or perennial herbs lacking wiry stems; corolla glabrous and non-glandular~134 134~Leaves lyrate-pinnatifid; outer florets tubular, inner ones campanulate~Dichrocephala 134*~Leaves entire to pinnate; florets tubular~135 135~Achenes pedicellate, dimorphic; outer glandular-hairy, winged; inner sparsely glandular-hairy, with narrow marginal ridge~Cotula 135*~Achenes non-pedicellate; outer glabrous, not winged; inner failing to develop~Abrotanella 136~Pappus of bristle-like hairs present when flowering, caducous at achenes maturity~137 136*~Pappus absent or minute throughout floral development~138 137~Achenes sparsely to densely hairy; involucral bracts never clawed, herbaceous with scarious margins~Blumea 137*~Achenes glabrous; involucral bracts with scarious claw, inner bracts with white or coloured lamina~Hyalosperma 138~Flower heads sessile; achenes with spines (2 ciliate horns) at apex~Ceratogyne 138*~Flower heads on a distinct stalk; if sessile, achenes without horns~139 139~All leaves in a basal rosette~140 139*~Leaves along erect or creeping stems and at base~141 140~Ray florets with small but well-developed ligules; beak of achenes well-developed, often densely glandular, apex with a thickened pale collar~Lagenophora 140*~Ray florets with ligules rudimentary or absent; beak of achenes rudimentary or absent, glands lacking or rarely with a few near the apex, thickened apical collar absent~Solenogyne 141~Flower heads solitary on terminal peduncles~Cotula 141*~Flower heads either in terminal panicles, racemes or axillary and almost sessile~142 142~Ray florets with small, deeply 3-lobed, yellow ligules~Madia 142*~Ray florets tubular to filiform~143 143~Achenes with 3–5 obtuse ribs which frequently fail to extend to the apex, usually pubescent~Centipeda 143*~Achenes with 8–10 fine ribs reaching to the apex, glabrous except for a few bristles at the base~Epaltes 144~Shrub with persistent woody stems~Artemisia 144*~Annual or perennial herbs, rarely subshrubs with a short woody base~145 145~Flower heads sessile among the leaves; achenes with 1 or more apical spines~Soliva 145*~Flower heads pedunculate; achenes spineless~146 146~Flower heads numerous in dense compound corymbs or large terminal panicles~147 146*~Flower heads solitary or in corymbs of 2 or 3~148 147~Receptacle scales absent~Tanacetum 147*~Receptacle scales present~Parthenium 148~Florets sessile on the receptacle, which appears slightly pitted when the achenes have fallen; plants erect to ascending~Matricaria 148*~Florets raised above the receptacle on minute pedicels which persist when the achenes have fallen, plants erect; or florets sessile, plants creeping~149 149~Disc florets usually fertile, style bifid; achenes with blunt uniseriate hairs on surface; plants usually erect or decumbent~Cotula 149*~Disc florets sterile, style ending in circular disc; achenes glabrous; plants usually prostrate creeping herbs rooting at the nodes~Leptinella 150~Plants dioecious (i.e. individual plants with flower heads containing either male or female florets)~151 150*~Plants monoecious (i.e. flower heads usually with some bisexual flowers or male and female flowers on same plant)~154 151~Plants low-growing soft herbs~152 151*~Plants shrubs or undershrubs with persistent woody stems~153 152~Achenes glabrous, dimorphic; pappus persistent; outer involucral bracts scarious~Parantennaria 152*~Achenes with appressed hairs; pappus not persistent; outer involucral bracts papery white at tip~Ewartia 153~Flower heads terminal, solitary; leaves sessile~Cratystylis 153*~Flower heads in panicles; leaves petiolate~Baccharis 154~Leaves crowded, spathulate, indented at apex and clasping stem~Facelis 154*~Leaves not as above~155 155~Pappus a cup or scales; margin of scales sometimes hair-like and feathery~156 155*~Pappus of simple, barbed or feathery bristles~160 156~Receptacle scales present~Ammobium 156*~Receptacle scales absent~157 157~Achenes densely hairy~158 157*~Achenes glabrous or with short globose hairs~159 158~Tufted herb; flower heads basal, sessile, densely crowded amongst long linear leaves~Isoetopsis 158*~Decumbent to ascending herb; flower heads terminal, pedunculate, overtopping short linear leaves~Elachanthus 159~Leaves deeply dissected to pinnate; ray floret ligulate, solitary, yellow; pappus scales darkly striated at apex~Schkuhria 159*~Leaves entire; ray florets absent; pappus scales not darkly striated at apex~Rutidosis 160~Shrubs with persistent woody stems~161 160*~Annual or perennial herbs, rarely subshrubs with a short woody base~165 161~Branches spine-tipped~Acanthocladium 161*~Branches not spine-tipped~162 162~Flower heads with outer fertile female florets surrounding bisexual or functionally male florets~163 162*~Flower heads with all florets similar~164 163~Female florets uniseriate; inner florets fertile, producing achenes~Olearia 163*~Female florets multiseriate; inner florets functionally male, not producing achenes~Pluchea 164~Tips of involucral bracts straight to incurved; receptacle with scales~Cassinia 164*~Tips of involucral bracts spreading; receptacle lacking scales~Ozothamnus 165~Ray florets with small ligules~166 165*~Ray florets absent or lacking ligules~175 166~Outer involucral bracts sessile; inner bracts with scarious lamina on longer more or less herbaceous to hardened claws~Podolepis 166*~Outer involucral bracts not differing markedly from the inner ones; inner bracts lacking claws~167 167~Ligules and disc florets all yellow~168 167*~Ligules white to blue, purple or pink; disc florets usually a contrasting colour, typically yellow or violet~170 168~Dwarf shrub with terete more or less succulent leaves~Kippistia 168*~Herbs with flat non-succulent leaves~169 169~Annual, sticky and aromatic due to glandular hairs; anthers tailed at the base~Solidago 169*~Perennial with rhizomes, non-glandular; anthers obtuse at the base~Dittrichia 170~Achenes with long neck~Ixiochlamys 170*~Achenes lacking a long neck~171 171~Disc florets sterile, producing abortive achenes~Minuria 171*~Disc florets fertile~172 172~Involucral bracts a dark purple-brown, with white margins~Dichromochlamys 172*~Involucral bracts green~173 173~Flower heads numerous in panicles~Conyza 173*~Flower heads solitary or in loose groups of 2–4~174 174~Involucral bracts reflexed in fruit; disc florets yellow; achenes flattened~Erigeron 174*~Involucral bracts not reflexed in fruit; disc florets purple; achenes terete~Streptoglossa 175~Leaves serrate to dissected or lobed~176 175*~Leaves entire~180 176~Inner involucral bracts with fringed apices, far exceeded by the florets~Rhaponticum 176*~Inner involucral bracts with entire apices, subequal to the florets~177 177~Fertile achenes lacking a pappus of bristles (aborted achenes sometimes with 2–5 weak barbellate bristles)~Epaltes 177*~Achenes with a pappus of free bristles~178 178~Inner florets functionally male; achenes sterile~Pluchea 178*~Inner florets bisexual or functionally female, capable of producing fertile achenes~179 179~Pappus uniseriate~Blumea 179*~Pappus 2-seriate; outer bristles shorter than the inner ones~Vernonia 180~Involucral bracts (at least the outer ones) with ciliate margin~181 180*~Involucral bracts lacking a ciliate margin (but outer ones sometimes woolly or lacerate)~184 181~Lamina of the involucral bracts conspicuous, petaloid, papery, white to coloured; achenes with a distinct filiform, sterile beak~Waitzia 181*~Lamina of the involucral bracts inconspicuous, scarious to plumose, if conspicuously petaloid and white or coloured then achenes lacking beak~182 182~Flower heads terminal on long peduncles; not surrounded by a cluster of leaves~183 182*~Flower heads terminal on short branches, sessile; usually surrounded by a cluster of leaves~Triptilodiscus 183~Corollas overhanging the margin of the involucre; achenes 3- or 4-ribbed, often with a distinct sterile beak~Leptorhynchos 183*~Corollas not overhanging the involucre; achenes without ribs and lacking a beak~Chrysocephalum 184~Involucral bracts uniseriate or almost so, equal, herbaceous~Millotia 184*~Involucral bracts multiseriate, frequently with inner bracts longer then the outer ones, herbaceous to scarious or coloured~185 185~Involucral bracts with lamina never petaloid, white or brightly coloured~186 185*~Involucral bracts with lamina petaloid, papery, white to brightly coloured~194 186~All florets filiform~Scorzonera 186*~Florets tubular and filiform or all tubular~187 187~Outer filiform florets in 2 to several whorls~188 187*~Filiform florets few to absent~189 188~Flower heads sessile to subsessile in dense globose to spicate clusters, frequently subtended by a whorl of leaves; involucral bracts scarious; plants woolly, especially lower leaf surface~Gnaphalium 188*~Flower heads pedunculate, usually in large panicles, not subtended by a whorl of leaves; involucral bracts herbaceous, sometimes with scarious margin; plants not woolly~Conyza 189~Creeping, aromatic herb with glandular hairs; achenes on short pedicels which persist on the receptacle; florets tubular~Podotheca 189*~Habit not creeping, lacking the above combination of characters~190 190~Receptacle with scales; plant a white-tomentose aromatic herb with amplexicaul leaves~Apalochlamys 190*~Receptacle lacking scales; plant lacking the above combination of characters~191 191~Pappus 2-seriate; outer bristles shorter than the inner; not fused~Vernonia 191*~Pappus uniseriate; shortly fused at the base~192 192~Achenes with a slender sterile beak below the pappus~Leptorhynchos 192*~Achenes without a slender sterile beak below the pappus~193 193~Outer bracts often extending down the peduncle, broad and membranous, the herbaceous base reduced and broadly triangular~Leptorhynchos 193*~Outer bracts never extending down the peduncle, linear or oblong, green and herbaceous throughout except for membranous apex~Leiocarpa 194~Outer and inner involucral bracts uniformly scarious, never clawed; flower heads yellow~Pseudognaphalium 194*~Inner and intermediate involucral bracts divided into a cartilaginous-herbaceous basal claw and a conspicuous lamina; colour of bracts various~195 195~Pappus plumose from the base (broader basal region sometimes lacks ornamentation)~196 195*~Pappus either barbellate from the base, or plumose only at apex, or more or less subplumose at the base and barbellate at apex~198 196~Achenes hairy~Rhodanthe 196*~Achenes glabrous~197 197~Achenes ellipsoid, verrucose; pappus persistent, eventually breaking shortly above base; leaves with more or less flat lamina~Leucochrysum 197*~Achenes oblong to obovoid, smooth or papillose; pappus united in a ring at the base and falling as a unit; leaves more or less terete~Hyalosperma 198~Florets purple, at least apically~Vellereophyton 198*~Florets yellow~199 199~Inflorescence a dense terminal cluster of small subsessile heads; female florets more numerous than the disc florets~Pseudognaphalium 199*~Inflorescence not as above; female florets less numerous than the disc florets~200 200~Pappus bristles shortly plumose at the apex~Anemocarpa 200*~Pappus bristles barbellate~201 201~Achenes prismatic, glabrous with papus yellow throughout; flower heads large, with many florets; involucral bracts numerous, all brightly coloured~Xerochrysum 201*~Achenes lacking the above combination of characters; flower heads usually smaller with few florets; outer involucral bracts hyaline, brownish or white~Helichrysum 202~Involucral bracts in 1 whorl, rarely with a few much shorter bracteoles at base; often slightly fused at base~203 202*~Involucral bracts in 2 to several whorls, usually free~206 203~Pappus scale-like; heads solitary on long scape~Gazania 203*~Pappus of hairs; heads usually in terminal clusters, rarely solitary on long scapes~204 204~Leaves palmately veined; woody shrubs~Roldana 204*~Plants lacking the above combination of characters~205 205~Achenes not compressed~Senecio 205*~Achenes, at least those of the ray florets, compressed~Cineraria 206~Receptacle with scales~207 206*~Receptacle rough or pitted but without scales~211 207~Plants usually more than 1 m high and with 1 to several erect branches~208 207*~Plants with basal rootstock, somewhat branched and with branches shorter than 50 cm long~210 208~Leaves deeply divided~Tithonia 208*~Leaves entire or toothed~209 209~Pappus of short bristles; apex of ligule of florets lobed or distinctly toothed~Verbesina 209*~Pappus of non-persistent scales; apex of ligule of florets scarcely toothed~Helianthus 210~Ligules of ray florets scarcely longer than involucral bracts~Glossogyne 210*~Ligules large and spectacular, much longer than involucral bracts~Gaillardia 211~Involucral bracts fused into tube~Gazania 211*~Involucral bracts in several rows, free~212 212~Leaves, at least some of them, divided or lobed~213 212*~Leaves entire or toothed~216 213~Ray florets female, fertile~214 213*~Ray florets sterile~215 214~Achenes with 3 wing-like ridges on one side; pappus of pinkish scales~Arctotis 214*~Achenes variously ribbed but lacking wing-like ridges; pappus of white to brownish bristles~Vittadinia 215~Pappus double; outer obovate scales, inner bristles~Ursinia 215*~Pappus of small scales~Arctotheca 216~Inner involucral bracts dry and membranous, with or without an herbaceous base~217 216*~All involucral bracts herbaceous or sometimes with dry membranous margin~218 217~Achenes abruptly constricted below a short neck below the broader apex~Dittrichia 217*~Achenes ellipsoid to cylindrical~Podolepis 218~Ray florets in 2 or more rows~219 218*~Ray florets in 1 row~228 219~Achenes with a long neck~Ixiochlamys 219*~Achenes lacking a long neck~220 220~Tubular florets sterile; sterile achenes with pappus of long free barbellate bristles and shorter bristles often fused into scales or a cup~Minuria 220*~All florets fertile (but not always, producing achenes); pappus not as above~221 221~Involucral bracts of fruiting flower heads clasping; dark purple brown with white margins~Dichromochlamys 221*~Involucral bracts of fruiting flower heads spreading or recurved; herbaceous, with or without a scarious margin~222 222~Ligules absent or inconspicuous i.e. more or less as long as pappus; flower heads numerous, in panicles~223 222*~Ligules exceeding the pappus; flower heads usually solitary or in loose groups of 2–4~224 223~Plant glabrous; involucral bracts tinged purple at apex and margins~Aster 223*~Plant pubescent to scabrous, at least on the upper stem; if glabrous then with a purple spot at the apex of the involucral bracts~Conyza 224~Corolla of disc florets as long as or longer than the pappus, persisting~Camptacra 224*~Corolla of disc florets usually as long as or shorter than the pappus, not persisting~225 225~Plant glabrous~Aster 225*~Plant pubescent to scabrous~226 226~Achenes variously hairy but always with a basal tuft of hairs; base of corolla swollen around swollen style base; style branches flattened, with triangular appendages~Erigeron 226*~Achenes variously hairy but lacking a basal tuft of hairs; base of corolla not swollen; style branches not as above~227 227~Receptacle convex; achenes always with a basal tuft of hairs, bristles free~Vittadinia 227*~Receptacle flat; achenes hairy but lacking a basal tuft of hairs, bristles joined at the base~Streptoglossa 228~Pappus double row of bristles; inner long, barbellate; outer short and inconspicuous; brick red to rust coloured~Heterotheca 228*~Pappus lacking the above combination of characters~229 229~Plants more or less resinous; involucral bracts 4–8-seriate, graduated, more or less indurated, middle and outer with spreading green tips~Grindelia 229*~Plants lacking the above combination of characters~230 230~Pappus of scales and/or awns or absent~231 230*~Pappus 1 or 2 rows of barbellate bristles~232 231~Pappus of rigid, usually barbed awns, often alternating with scales, occasionally an entire scarious collar, or rarely absent; achene faces sometimes hairy but not enveloped in wool; plants not fleshy, leaves variously hairy but not tomentose~Calotis 231*~Pappus of scales; achenes enveloped in wool; plants fleshy, leaves tomentose, especially on lower surface~Arctotheca 232~Pappus less than a quarter as long as the achenes~Brachyscome 232*~Pappus about as long as achenes or longer~233 233~Herbs with a basal rosette~Celmisia 233*~Shrubs and subshrubs; if herbaceous, lacking a basal rosette~234 234~Perennial with seasonal stems arising from a woody rootstock; corolla of disc florets persisting on mature achenes; anther appendages lanceolate, with central strand of darker tissue~Camptacra 234*~Shrubs and undershrubs; corolla of disc florets not persisting on mature achenes; anther appendages acute, lacking central strand of darker tissue~Olearia 235~Achenes drawn into short beak~Lagenophora 235*~Achenes abruptly truncated at apex~236 236~Receptacle with scales~237 236*~Receptacles naked~240 237~Flower heads small and in terminal clusters~Achillea 237*~Flower heads larger and individually stalked or solitary~238 238~Leaves lobed to almost entire~Cymbonotus 238*~Leaves deeply divided~239 239~Receptacle scales longer than outer florets, becoming hardened with age~Erodiophyllum 239*~Receptacle scales shorter than florets~Anthemis 240~All florets producing achenes~241 240*~Only outer florets producing achenes~250 241~Achenes from outer and inner florets different~242 241*~Achenes all alike~245 242~At least inner achenes curved to C-shaped~Calendula 242*~All achenes straight or almost so~243 243~Annuals covered with glandular hairs~Dimorphotheca 243*~Perennials without glandular hairs~244 244~Ligules pale to golden yellow, rarely white but then usually yellow toward base~Glebionis 244*~Ligules completely white~Leucanthemum 245~Receptacle flat, ray florets yellow; leaves grey-white, tomentose beneath, less hairy and more or less green above~Cymbonotus 245*~Receptacle convex to conical, ray florets various; leaves concolorous, green~246 246~Achenes triquetrous; inner surface with 3 ribs; outer surface wrinkled, with 2 glands at apex; pappus a small crenulate corona; leaves mostly 3-pinnatisect, feathery in appearance~Tripleurospermum 246*~Achenes lacking the above combination of characters; leaves various~247 247~Plants aromatic, with chamomile-like odour; involucral bracts thinly scarious with expanded obtuse apices~248 247~Plants sometimes with sparse glands but never aromatic; involucral bracts usually with narrow scarious hyaline margins~249 248~Perennial with rhizomes; flower heads in dense compound corymbs~Tanacetum 248*~Annual; flower heads in loose cymes~Matricaria 249~Plant a shrub; involucral bracts in 1 row, fused below; ligules yellow~Euryops 249*~Plant lacking the above combination of characters~Brachyscome 250~Achenes with fleshy outer tissue~Chrysanthemoides 250*~Achenes all dry~251 251~Achenes with prominent wings~Osteospermum 251*~Achenes without wings~Grindelia #{fm}SALICACEAE 1~Inflorescence a spike-like catkin, with each flower subtended by a scale-like bract; flowers greatly reduced, perianth absent or calyx represented by a single cup-like gland, or 1 or 2 tongue-like glands; fruit a 2–4-valved capsule~2 1*~Inflorescence a raceme or flowers in clusters or sometimes solitary; flowers small and often inconspicuous, sepals present, petals present or absent; fruit a berry (or baccate, berry-like), drupe or capsule, rarely dry and indehiscent~3 2~Leaves mostly more than 5 cm wide, broad-elliptic to ovate, triangular or rhombic, often cordate at base; petiole more than 2 cm long; winter buds with several outer scales; flowers with a cup-shaped gland; plants often suckering from roots~Populus 2*~Leaves usually less than 5 cm wide, linear to elliptic or obovate; petiole less than 2 cm long; winter buds with a single outer scale; flowers mostly with 1 or 2 minute tongue-like glands, rarely a cup-like gland; plants never suckering from roots~Salix 3~Axillary spines absent or occasionally present on coppice growth; fruit less than 10 mm diam.~4 3*~Axillary spines regularly present; fruit 15 mm or more in diam.~6 4~Leaves 3-veined in basal half, margins often angled, sometimes obscurely crenate~Scolopia 4*~Leaves not 3-veined in basal half, margins not angled, mostly entire, sometimes obscurely crenate~5 5~Leaves usually with 5–7 pairs of secondary veins; glands at base of lamina 2, glands also scattered along margins of lamina, margins sometimes obscurely crenate; leaves drying greenish; flowers unisexual~Xylosma 5*~Leaves usually with 8–11 pairs of secondary veins; glands absent from margins, margins entire; leaves drying black; flowers bisexual~Casearia 6~Mature fruit yellow to orangey yellow; stamens intermingled with disc glands and alternating with them; leaves often clustered~Dovyalis 6*~Mature fruit dark red or purple to blackish; stamens surrounded by a ring of disc glands; leaves not clustered~Flacourtia #{fm}BERBERIDOPSIDACEAE 1~Leaves much paler, often greyish, on lower surface, the margins often angled; hairy domatia in axils between the midvein and the lowest pair of secondary veins; disc present; stamens 6–13~Berberidopsis 1*~Leaves green on both surfaces, margins not angled; domatia absent; disc absent; stamens numerous~Streptothamnus #{sp}Salix x sepulcralis 1~Twigs brown-green to olive-green; plants apparently mostly female.~var. sepulcralis 1*~Twigs golden to greenish-yellow; distribution of sexes ± equal, plants commonly with male and female flowers~var. chrysocoma #{gn}Rhodanthe 1~Heads with white or coloured radiating bracts~2 1*~Heads without white or coloured radiating bracts~12 2~Branches cottony or woolly, sometimes sparsely so; leaves lacking sessile globose glands~3 2*~Branches glabrous, or hairy only below involucre; leaves with sessile globose glands~9 3~Achenes minutely hirsute; leaves filiform, 4–8 mm long; involucre turbinate, woolly~Rhodanthe polyphylla 3*~Achenes silky-pilose; leaves various, to 4 mm long; involucre various~4 4~Heads narrow-cylindrical to ellipsoid, sessile; radiating tip to bracts less than 1 mm long~Rhodanthe pygmaea 4*~Heads cup-shaped to hemispherical or turbinate; radiating tip to bracts more than 1 mm long~5 5~Heads hemispherical, c. 10 mm long, involucral bracts glabrous; heads mostly solitary on leafy branches~6 5*~Heads cup-shaped or turbinate; involucral bracts sparsely woolly or woolly-ciliate; heads clustered~7 6~Outer involucral bracts pale brown; pappus bristles free~Rhodanthe stuartiana 6*~Outer involucral bracts white; pappus bristles united into a tube towards base~Rhodanthe floribunda 7~Plant only sparsely woolly; pappus bristles united into a tube towards base, falling as a whole~Rhodanthe troedelii 7*~Plant obviously woolly; pappus bristles free, persistent~8 8~Radiating laminas of involucre 4–7 mm long~Rhodanthe corymbiflora 8*~Radiating laminas of involucre c. 2 mm long~Rhodanthe microglossa 9~Leaves not ciliate; annuals~10 9*~Leaves scabrous-ciliate; perennials~Rhodanthe anthemoides 10~Leaves sparsely hispid with short crinkly white hairs; rays white (yellow in Griffith area)~Rhodanthe diffusa 10*~Leaves glabrous apart from sessile spherical glands; rays white or yellow~11 11~Heads narrowly cup-shaped; rays white~Rhodanthe stricta 11*~Heads hemispherical; rays yellow~Rhodanthe polygalifolia 12~Heads c. 7 mm long, leaves linear-triquetrous~Rhodanthe pygmaea 12*~Heads 3–5 mm long, leaves linear to obovate~13 13~Leaves glabrous or sparsely villous~Rhodanthe laevis 13*~Leaves cottony or woolly~14 14~Heads densely woolly with 1 floret~Rhodanthe uniflora 14*~Heads glabrous or bracts woolly-ciliate; 2 or more florets~15 15~Heads with 2 or 3 florets, enveloped in wool~Rhodanthe moschata 15*~Heads with c. 10 florets not covered in wool~Rhodanthe tietkensii #{fm}BIGNONIACEAE 1~Leaves palmately compound with 3–7 leaflets (smaller plants may have leaves with a single leaflet)~Handroanthus 1*~Leaves pinnately compound with terminal leaflets sometimes modified into tendrils~2 2~Leaves bipinnate; leaflets usually less than 15 mm long and less than 5 mm wide or c. 25–70 mm long and 10–35 mm wide; tendrils absent; trees or shrubs~3 2*~Leaves imparipinnate, trifoliate or bifoliate (terminal leaflets sometimes modified into tendrils); leaflets 10 mm or more long and usually 5 mm or more wide (except in some forms of Pandorea); climbers, shrubs or small trees~4 3~Leaflets usually less than 15 mm long and less than 5 mm wide; corolla blue to purple-blue (white in some cultivars); capsule orbicular or elliptic- to ovate-oblong, compressed~Jacaranda 3*~Leaflets c. 25–70 mm long and 10–35 mm wide; corolla white (to pale yellow); capsule long-linear, terete~Radermachera 4~Leaflets on mature plants usually regularly toothed or serrated; leaves with 3–13 leaflets; corolla yellow, orange to scarlet or orangey red; climbers, shrubs or small trees~5 4*~Leaflets on mature plants entire, sometimes obscurely toothed or (on juveniles) regularly toothed; leaves with (2–) 3–9 (–17) leaflets; corolla various colours; climbing plants or if more or less erect shrub then corolla white or cream~6 5~Evergreen scrambling or erect shrubs to small trees; corolla yellow or orange or reddish orange to scarlet~Tecoma 5*~Deciduous woody climbers with clinging/clasping aerial roots; corolla reddish orange or orangey red~Campsis 6~Leaves without tendrils; corolla white, cream (often with pink or purplish blotches) or pink~7 6*~Some leaves with tendrils (leaves usually 3- or 2-foliate, with terminal leaflet often modified into a tendril); corolla yellow, orange, reddish orange or if pink or white then leaves usually deciduous~8 7~Evergreen woody climbers to scandent shrubs; leaves with 3–9 (–17) leaflets; leaflets entire but sometimes regularly toothed on juveniles; corolla white, cream (often with pink or purplish blotches) or pink~Pandorea 7*~Deciduous woody climbers; leaves with 2 or 3 leaflets; leaflets not toothed; corolla pink (often with white throat), purplish or white~Cuspidaria 8~Tendrils 3-branched; corolla yellow, orange or reddish orange; capsule linear, more than 15 cm long and less than 15 mm wide, ± smooth~9 8*~Tendrils simple or multifid; corolla pink, purplish, lavender, mauve, yellow, cream or white; capsule linear and ± smooth or elliptisoid–obloid and densely prickly~10 9~Branchlets not ribbed; corolla yellow~Dolichandra 9*~Branchlets 6–8-ribbed; corolla orange or reddish orange~Pyrostegia 10~Tendrils many-branched (the tips with a small adhesive disc to assist attachment); corolla creamy yellow or cream and densely pubescent-velvety outside and yellow or deep yellow and glabrous inside (sometimes flowers white with a yellowish throat); capsule elliptisoid–obloid, densely prickly~Pithecoctenium 10*~Tendrils simple; corolla pink, purplish, lavender, mauve or white, ± glabrous or hairy outside; capsule linear and ± smooth or elliptisoid–obloid and densely prickly~11 11~Deciduous; corolla pink (often with white throat), purplish or white; capsule linear, more than 10 cm long, ± smooth~Cuspidaria 11*~Evergreen (or semi-deciduous); corolla pale lavender or mauve with violet/purple veins, throat often whitish and (deeper in) yellowish; capsule elliptisoid–obloid, less than 10 cm long, densely prickly~Clytostoma #{fm}RUBIACEAE 1~Herbs mostly less than 1 m high, or if shrubby then with an inflorescence of globose compound heads~2 1*~Woody plants, usually more than 1 m high~16 2~Leaves and stipules similar, giving the appearance of whorled leaves~3 2*~Leaves and stipules dissimilar, latter much smaller~5 3~Flowers in heads; calyx present, lobed~Sherardia 3*~Flowers separate; calyx usually absent or present and then not lobed~4 4~Corolla rotate, tube very short; fruit of 2 dry 1-seeded mericarps, falling separately at maturity~Galium 4*~Corolla funnel-shaped with a distinct tube; fruit fleshy, 2-lobed, indehiscent~Asperula 5~Flowers united into simple or compound heads by fusion of inferior ovaries~6 5*~Flowers not united into heads by fusion of ovaries~7 6~Flowers joined in 2- or 3-flowered heads, 5–11 heads on umbellate stalks~Pomax 6*~Flowers joined in 2–7-flowered heads, several heads together in a compound globose head~Opercularia 7~Inflorescences terminal, or if axillary then leafy bracts surrounding inflorescence~8 7*~Inflorescences axillary; leafy bracts never present~13 8~Flowers solitary~9 8*~Flowers few to many in cymes or heads~10 9~Calyx lobes absent; corolla short-campanulate~Nertera 9*~Calyx lobes well-developed; corolla tubular to funnel-form or trumpet-shaped~Leptostigma 10~Flowers in heads or clusters, surrounded by leafy bracts~11 10*~Flowers in cymes, not surrounded by leafy bracts~12 11~Plants erect; fruit of only 2, 1-seeded carpels, crowned by 2–4 persistent, erect calyx lobes~Spermacoce 11*~Plants prostrate; fruit separating into 3 or 4 one-seeded mericarps, crowned by 4–6 eventually falling, radiating calyx lobes~Richardia 12~Flowers bisexual; cymes regular; ovary 2-locular; fruit dry~Knoxia 12*~Flowers unisexual and plants dioecious; cymes arranged in compound dichasia; ovary 1-locular; fruit fleshy~Durringtonia 13~Non-succulent herbs of variable habit with stems to 40 cm long; stipules with long cilia~Diodia 13*~Succulent prostrate herbs with stems to 20 cm long; stipules not as above~14 14~Leaves less than 4 mm long; flowers sessile~Dentella 14*~Leaves mostly more than 4 mm long; flowers pedicellate~15 15~Corolla with a short or long tube, valvate, not persistent in fruit; pedicels to 20 mm long~Oldenlandia 15*~Corolla rotate, persistent in fruit; pedicels to 6 mm long~Synaptantha 16~Climbing plants~17 16*~Shrubs or trees~19 17~Fruits a drupe (fleshy) with 1-seeded pyrene~18 17*~Fruits a schizocarp (drupe-like but dry)~Paederia 18~Flowers fused, drupe with one seed~Gynochthodes 18*~Flowers free, drupe with 4 seeds~Caelospermum 19~Ovaries with 1–5 per ovules per loculus~21 19*~Ovaries with at least 6 ovules per loculus~20 20~Plant usually with spines, stipules interpetiolar, small, falling and leaving scars at nodes~Randia 20*~Plant without spines, stipules interpetiolar, united into a sheath enclosing the terminal bud~Atractocarpus 21~Stipules fused, at least at base~22 21*~Stipules free~23 22~Style exserted from corolla tube, the exserted part much longer than corolla lobes~Pavetta 22*~Style slightly exserted from corolla tube, the exserted part shorter than or as long as corolla lobes~Ixora 23~Corolla lobes valvate in bud~24 23*~Corolla lobes contorted and/or imbricate~28 24~Flowers along leafy branchlets~25 24*~Flowers along branches behind leaves or on axillary flower-bearing short shoots~Coprosma 25~Flowers terminal or terminal and axillary in upper leaf axils, usually united into terminal inflorescences; ovules attached at base of ovary~Psychotria 25*~Flowers axillary, in clusters or cymes, rarely solitary; ovules attached at or near top of ovary~26 26~Stigma oblongoid, concave at base; style exceeding the corolla tube; inflorescences usually of branched pedunculate cymes~Psydrax 26*~Stigma capitate or ovoid, convex at the base; style as long or slightly exceeding the corolla tube; inflorescences of sessile or short-peduncled umbelliform cymes~27 27~Stigma ovoid, deeply 2-lobed; cymes pedunculate, 1–3-flowered; plants usually intricately and much branched; leaves nerveless or obscurely nerved~Everistia 27*~Stigma capitate, obscurely 2-lobed, cymes sessile or pedunculate, 1–12-flowered; plants few-branched; leaves conspicuously nerved~Cyclophyllum 28~Flowers unisexual in umbels on slender axillary peduncles~Hodgkinsonia 28*~Flowers bisexual in clusters or dense cymes~Triflorensia #{gn}Gynochthodes 1~Heads of 1–3 flowers united on short axillary peduncles to 5 mm long; leaves with prominent reticulate venation when dry, domatia small, inconspicuous but more or less regular in vein axils, visible only on lower surface~Gynochthodes canthoides 1*~Heads of 3–20 flowers united on terminal, rarely axillary, paired peduncles more than 5 mm long; leaves with more or less obscure venation, domatia large, in vein axils or sometimes absent, conspicuous on both surfaces~Gynochthodes jasminoides #{sf}FABOIDEAE 1~All leaves with 1 leaflet, simple, reduced, or absent.~2 1*~Leaves compound, comprised of 2 or more leaflets, rarely some leaves 1-foliolate.~4 2~Leaves absent or reduced to spines or scales.~7 2*~Leaves simple or 1-foliolate.~3 3~Leaves simple.~16 3*~Leaves 1-foliolate, an articulation at junction of petiole with lamina.~39 4~Leaflets even in number, rachis often ending in a bristle or tendril.~47 4*~Leaflets odd in number, rachis ending in a leaflet or character not obvious.~5 5~Leaflets 5 or more rarely some leaves 3-foliolate.~91 5*~Leaflets 3.~6 6~Leaves palmately 3-foliolate, all 3 petiolules ± equal.~52 6*~Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate, central petiolule longer than lateral petiolules.~62 7~Stamens all free.~8 7*~Stamens variously fused.~12 8~Flowers yellow, in long racemes and panicles; calyx teeth equal, shorter than tube; pods ovoid, thin, indehiscent.~Viminaria 8*~Not as above.~9 9~Flowers in axillary racemes, sometimes umbellate or reduced to 1 flower; barren bracts present on peduncle; pods ± triangular or (rarely) ovoid.~Daviesia 9*~Combination of characters not as above.~10 10~Upper 2 calyx teeth much enlarged and mostly fused; bracteoles large, round, caducous; pods globose.~Sphaerolobium 10*~Combination of characters not as above.~11 11~Calyx teeth imbricate in bud.~Isotropis 11*~Calyx teeth valvate in bud.~Jacksonia 12~Upper stamen ± free, lower 9 joined in a sheath.~13 12*~All 10 stamens fused in a tube or sheath.~14 13~Trees with red to orange flowers 3–5 cm long; leafless at flowering.~Erythrina 13*~Shrubs or subshrubs with ± pink flowers <1 cm long; leaves present at flowering.~Indigofera 14~All 10 stamens joined in a tube; prickly shrubs with yellow flowers.~Ulex 14*~All 10 stamens joined in a sheath split on upper side; plants and flower colour variable.~15 15~Anthers with perceptible connective, all dorsifixed, uniform in size; branches flat with blunt apex.~Bossiaea 15*~Anthers with an inconspicuous connective, alternately basifixed and dorsifixed the latter often smaller; branches terete or flat with rigid, sharply pointed apex.~Templetonia 16~Stipules fused behind the axillary bud, margins scarious.~Pultenaea 16*~Stipules free or absent.~17 17~Stamens free or fused at very base.~18 17*~Stamens variously fused.~30 18~Upper 2 calyx teeth fused into a broad notched lip, lower 3 very small and narrow; bracteoles large, round, caducous; leaves tiny, caducous; pods globose.~Sphaerolobium 18*~Not as above.~19 19~Ovary partly divided by a longitudinal partition inside and/or pods longitudinally grooved above.~Mirbelia 19*~Combination of characters not as above.~20 20~Ovules 4 or more.~21 20*~Ovules 2.~25 21~Standard purple-veined behind; upper 2 caly teeth fused most of the way into a broad lip.~Isotropis 21*~Combination of characters not as above.~22 22~Calyx teeth abutted in bud; pods ± globose.~Gompholobium 22*~Calyx teeth overlapping in bud; pods ovoid or more elongated.~23 23~Keel about twice as long as wings; leaves ± opposite or whorled.~24 23*~Keel much shorter than wings or beaked; leaves mostly alternate.~Chorizema 24~Stipules ± rigid, recurved or spreading; hairs on stems laterally attached, ± 2-branched; bracts simple.~Podolobium 24*~Stipules bristly or absent; hairs on stems simple; bracts 3-lobed.~Oxylobium 25~Pods triangular (sometimes turgid) glabrous; flowers in often modified or reduced racemes with barren bracts on peduncle; bracteoles absent.~Daviesia 25*~Combination of characters not as above.~26 26~Leaves with recurved to revolute margins; seeds without an aril.~27 26*~Leaves flat with flat to involute margins or terete to trigonous and grooved above; seeds with aril.~28 27~Bracteoles absent.~Aotus 27*~Bracteoles present, 4–15 mm long, usually green and leaf-like.~Phyllota 28~Leaves opposite, in 2 rows.~Eutaxia 28*~Leaves alternate, scattered or crowded.~29 29~Standard much broader than long.~Dillwynia 29*~Standard slightly longer than broad.~Almaleea 30~All 10 stamens fused from base in a tube closed or open on upper side.~31 30*~Upper stamen free at least at base, other 9 joined in a sheath.~37 31~All stamens fused in a closed tube.~32 31*~All stamens fused in a sheath open along upper side.~33 32~Calyx with 5 small teeth, split to base on upper side; anthers bearded at base.~Spartium 32*~Calyx 2-lipped, not as above; anthers not bearded.~Cytisus 33~Calyx usually with 5 (rarely 4) subequal teeth; alternate anthers long and short with longer ones more than one and a half times longer.~Crotalaria 33*~Upper 2 calyx teeth joined higher than others or greatly enlarged; anthers uniform or alternate anthers longer but not more than one and a half times as long as shorter ones.~34 34~Anthers with perceptible connective, all dorsifixed, uniform in size; leaves distichous.~35 34*~Anthers without conspicuous connective, alternately dorsifixed and basifixed, the former often smaller; leaves spirally inserted.~36 35~Pods not thickly and narrowly margined or keeled above, with flattish valves; leaves absent, alternate or opposite; upper calyx teeth not as enlarged as below.~Bossiaea 35*~Pods with a thin conspicuous wing above, valves rolling back; leaves opposite; upper calyx teeth greatly enlarged, >6 times as long as lower teeth.~Platylobium 36~Petals blue or purple; pods not or scarcely longer than broad.~Hovea 36*~Petals yellow, red or reddish purple; pods at least one and a half times longer than broad.~Templetonia 37~Anthers tipped by a small raised gland; covered with ± appressed, laterally attached hairs.~Indigofera 37*~Anthers not as above.~38 38~Rigid shrubs with spiny branches; pods ± straight and smooth.~Alhagi 38*~More or less prostrate herbs, branches not spiny; pods twisted and ± spiny.~Scorpiurus 39~Stipules fused behind the axillary bud, margins scarious.~Pultenaea 39*~Stipules free or absent.~40 40~Stamens all free.~Isotropis 40*~Stamens variously fused.~41 41~All 10 stamens fused, in a sheath split along upper side, at least towards base.~42 41*~Stamens all or mostly fused but not as above.~45 42~Calyx with 5 (rarely 4) ± equal teeth; alternate anthers more than one and a half times longer than others.~Crotalaria 42*~Upper 2 calyx teeth joined higher than others or greatly enlarged; anthers uniform or not differing by more than one and a half times in length.~43 43~Anthers with inconspicuous connective, alternately basifixed and dorsifixed, the latter often smaller; leaves spirally inserted.~Templetonia 43*~Anthers with perceptible connective, all dorsifixed, uniform in size; leaves distichous.~44 44~Pods not or relatively thickly and narrowly margined or keeled above, valves flattish; upper calyx teeth not as enlarged as below.~Bossiaea 44*~Pods with thin conspicuous wing above, valves thin and rolling back; upper calyx teeth nearly as long as standard, enormously expanded relative to lower teeth.~Platylobium 45~Pods transversely jointed or constricted, divided into 1–8, indehiscent, 1-seeded articles (includes 43A Uraria).~Desmodium 45*~Pods continuous, not jointed, often short and 1- or 2-seeded.~46 46~All 10 stamens joined in a closed tube; erect shrubs.~Cytisus 46*~Upper stamen free, other 9 stamens joined in an open sheath; climbing or prostrate subshrubs.~Hardenbergia 47~Leaves ending in a tendril; climbing herbs.~48 47*~Leaves not ending in a tendril; shrubs or non-climbing herbs.~50 48~Stipules of similar appearance and size to leaflets (or larger).~Pisum 48*~Stipules smaller and narrower than leaflets.~49 49~Leaflets one pair.~Lathyrus 49*~Leaflets 2 to many pairs.~Vicia 50~Leaflets 2–6 and >3 cm long, 10–45 mm wide; flowers >2 cm long.~Vicia 50*~Leaflets 2–60 and <3 cm long, 1–15 mm wide; flowers <1 cm long.~51 51~Leaves with >10 leaflets; erect annual, >40 cm high; fruit not jointed, not breaking into 1-seeded articles.~Sesbania 51*~Leaves with 2 or 4 leaflets; prostrate to erect subshrubs, <40 cm high; fruit jointed, breaking into 1-seeded articles.~Zornia 52~Stamens all free; leaves sessile or nearly so; pods globose or nearly so.~Gompholobium 52*~Stamens variously fused; leaves petiolate; pods various, rarely ± globose.~53 53~All 10 stamens fused in a sheath open along the upper side.~54 53*~Stamens all fused in a closed tube, or upper one wholly or partly free.~56 54~Upper 2 calyx teeth greatly enlarged and/or joined higher than lower 3.~Muelleranthus 54*~Calyx teeth ± equal, or if not equal, then not as above.~55 55~Procumbent herbs; leaves in groups of 3 to 5; pods linear to oblong.~Lotononis 55*~Not as above; pods inflated.~Crotalaria 56~Leaves dotted with glands, at least on lower surface.~57 56*~Leaves not dotted with glands.~58 57~Fruit densely glandular.~Cullen 57*~Fruit not glandular.~Bituminaria 58~Plants herbaceous (sometimes woody at base).~59 58*~Plants shrubby.~60 59~Plants twining or trailing (usually woody at base); inflorescences racemose.~Glycine 59*~Plants erect to procumbent; inflorescences head-like, spicate or umbellate.~Trifolium 60~Keel petals curved along lower surface; style curved throughout its length.~61 60*~Keel petals oblong, straight along lower surface; style curved abruptly near the apex.~Genista 61~Flowers creamy white; calyx tubular, 9–10 mm long; stems ± terete, with obscure ridges.~Chamaecytisus 61*~Flowers yellow; calyx campanulate, c. 6 mm long; stems prominently angular.~Cytisus 62~Stipels clearly and consistently present at base of each leaflet, rarely gland-like; frequently twining or climbing plants.~63 62*~Stipels absent, minute or inconsistently present.~81 63~Trees or robust woody climbers with leaflets at least 5 cm long, and large showy flowers at least 2 cm long, sometimes plants leafless at flowering.~64 63*~Not as above.~66 64~Trees with red flowers; keel much shorter than standard.~Erythrina 64*~Woody climbers, flowers greenish or purple, blue or pink with yellow spot; keel equal to or longer than standard.~65 65~Leaves ± glabrous; keel longer than standard; pods with 2 wings along each margin, at first covered with irritant hairs, then ± glabrous.~Mucuna 65*~Leaves pubescent; keel ± equal to standard; pods not as above, softly villous.~Pueraria 66~Styles bearded, or hairy more than halfway.~67 66*~Styles glabrous, or hairy less than halfway.~71 67~Styles abruptly divided into thin basal part and thickened upper part.~68 67*~Styles uniformly thick or thin, or tapering.~70 68~Styles with thickened part (and keel) twisted through more than 360°.~Phaseolus 68*~Styles with thickened part twisted through no more than 360°, usually <180°.~69 69~Thickened part of styles bent through 90° just above the base, then curved slightly narrowed towards the apex, resembling a squarish hook.~Macroptilium 69*~Styles not as above, variously and smoothly curved.~Vigna 70~Styles straight and blade-like; standard mostly purple.~Lablab 70*~Styles strongly curved near base and apex in one direction, gently curved in middle in opposite direction; standard pinkish.~Dipogon 71~Leaves dotted with yellow resinous glands; pods acuminate, with oblique grooves between seeds, striped with maroon or purplish black.~Cajanus 71*~Not as above.~72 72~Herbs or shrubs, rarely twining; pods transversely jointed or constricted, separating into 1–8, indehiscent, 1-seeded articles (includes 43A Uraria).~Desmodium 72*~Stems long and trailing or twining (except rarely Hardenbergia); pods not as above.~73 73~Flowers solitary or clustered in leaf axils, or 1 or 2 on axillary peduncles.~74 73*~Flowers several to many in axillary racemes, sometimes clustered at apex of peduncle.~75 74~Standard white or greenish yellow; bracteoles ± subulate.~Macrotyloma 74*~Standard showy, predominantly shades of red or purple; bracteoles absent.~Kennedia 75~Pods with prominent longitudinal rib(s) near suture(s), or winged.~76 75*~Pods not as above.~77 76~Lowermost calyx lobe much longer than others; pods linear with an acicular beak.~Centrosema 76*~Lower 3 calyx teeth equal or absent; pods oblong, not or slightly beaked.~Canavalia 77~Calyx with 5 teeth, or slightly 2-lipped by upper 2 teeth more joined than lower 3.~78 77*~Upper 2 calyx teeth joined to or almost to apex, calyx appearing 4-lobed or 2-lipped.~79 78~Flowers solitary along rachis of inflorescence.~Glycine 78*~Flowers in clusters of 3 or more along rachis of inflorescence.~Neonotonia 79~Seeds with aril; bracteoles absent.~Kennedia 79*~Seeds without aril; bracteoles present although often small or caducous.~80 80~Upper stamen joined with other 9 in tube, or becoming free; stipules produced downward from base, usually >15 mm long.~Pueraria 80*~Upper stamen free, other 9 fused; stipules smaller than above, not produced downward.~Galactia 81~Stamens all fused by filaments into sheath open along upper side; pods dehiscent.~Goodia 81*~Stamens not as above or if (rarely) so, then pods indehiscent.~82 82~Margins of leaflets toothed or crenulate, or if entire then plants dotted with immersed (not superficial) glands.~83 82*~Margins of leaflets entire, not gland-dotted.~87 83~Leaflets dotted with immersed black or shining glands (sometimes obscured by hairs).~Cullen 83*~Leaflets not gland-dotted.~84 84~Pods enclosed in calyx; corolla persistent in fruit.~Trifolium 84*~Pods exceeding calyx; corolla not persistent in fruit.~85 85~Pods ovoid, straight, indehiscent; flowers in slender elongated racemes.~Melilotus 85*~Not as above.~86 86~Pods short, spirally coiled or rarely curved, usually indehiscent.~Medicago 86*~Pods long, linear, curved, tardily dehiscent.~Trigonella 87~Lower surface of leaflets, calyx and sometimes petals covered with superficial yellow or orange resinous gland dots (sometimes obscure).~Rhynchosia 87*~Not as above.~88 88~Calyx of 4 acuminate teeth by union of upper 2 teeth.~Galactia 88*~Calyx otherwise.~89 89~Inflorescence a raceme, sometimes few-flowered and subumbellate; pods exserted.~90 89*~Flowers 1-several, clustered in leaf axils, or in heads or spikes; pods enclosed in calyx.~Lespedeza 90~Styles bearded.~Swainsona 90*~Styles not bearded.~Canavalia 91~Stamens all free, or rarely filaments shortly fused at base.~92 91*~Stamens mostly fused by filaments.~94 92~Shrubs; leaflets usually <5 mm wide, terminal one sessile; pods globose, <1 cm long; keel petals free or almost so.~Gompholobium 92*~Trees or tall shrubs; leaflets >5 mm wide; pods elongate, >3 cm long; keel petals fused.~93 93~Leaves ± glabrous; inflorescences in axils of old leaves or on old wood; pods dehiscent, 3–5 cm diam., woody, turgid; flowers 3–4 cm long.~Castanospermum 93*~Leaves densely hairy; inflorescences terminal; pods ± indehiscent, <1 cm diam., prominently constricted between seeds; flowers <2.5 cm long.~Sophora 94~Anthers tipped by small raised gland; covered with more or less appressed laterally attached hairs.~Indigofera 94*~Not as above.~95 95~Herbs; leaves with 5 or 9 leaflets, upper 3 palmate at rachis summit, lowest 2 at its base often resembling stipules; actual stipules minute; 5 alternate or all filaments dilated upwards.~Lotus 95*~Not as above.~96 96~Stamens all fused in a sheath open along the upper side; pods dehiscent.~97 96*~Stamens variously fused, not as above, or if (rarely) so, then pods indehiscent and usually ornamented or winged.~99 97~Leaves palmately compound.~98 97*~Leaves pinnately compound.~Ptychosema 98~Pods inflated; style with a line of hairs on inner surface; calyx >11 mm long, glabrous; flowers yellow.~Crotalaria 98*~Pods not inflated, ± flat; style glabrous; calyx mostly <11 mm long; flowers usually blue or purple, occasionally yellow.~Lupinus 99~Stipules becoming enlarged and spinose; deciduous trees.~Robinia 99*~Stipules not spinose; plants not deciduous.~100 100~Styles exserted from keel, incurved to hooked; wings petals greatly reduced; woody rainforest climbers.~Austrosteenisia 100*~Not as above.~101 101~Prostrate herbs with erect pseudo-umbels; flowers red, showy, c. 8 cm long; keel beaked; standard reflexed, acute, with a shining (usually) black boss.~Swainsona 101*~Not as above.~102 102~Standard silky or woolly behind; leaflets with lateral veins numerous, parallel, ascending to the margin; pods linear or oblong, not woody; herbs or shrubs.~Tephrosia 102*~Not as above.~103 103~Styles bearded.~104 103*~Styles glabrous, or pubescent near base.~105 104~Standard shorter than keel; flowers >3 cm long; shrubs to 1 m high.~Sutherlandia 104*~Standard ± equal to or longer than keel; flowers usually <3 cm long; herbs or subshrubs.~Swainsona 105~Leaflets dotted with black glands.~106 105*~Leaflets not dotted with glands.~108 106~Leaves pinnately compound, leaflets 5–17.~107 106*~Leaves palmately compound with 3–7 leaflets.~Cullen 107~Leaflets 5–11; flowers solitary or in axillary clusters towards end of stem.~Psoralea 107*~Leaflets 5–17; flowers in axillary spike-like racemes.~Glycyrrhiza 108~Pods indehiscent, ± flat, thin, winged or keeled; woody climbers or somewhat shrubby.~Derris 108*~Pods various, not as above; habit various.~109 109~Pods with several seeds, not transversely jointed, 2-valved.~110 109*~Pods jointed and separating into 1-seeded articles, or short 1-seeded and bristly.~111 110~Woody climbers in or near rainforest; flowers purplish.~Callerya 110*~Herbaceous weeds in drier habitats; flowers yellowish.~Astragalus 111~All or alternate filaments dilated upwards.~112 111*~Filaments not dilated upwards.~113 112~Keel acute or beaked; pods 4-angled.~Securigera 112*~Keel obtuse; pods terete or compressed.~Ornithopus 113~Pods 1-seeded, not jointed, bristly.~Onobrychis 113*~Pods jointed, of 2 or more 1-seeded articles, not bristly.~Aeschynomene #{gn}Platylobium 1~Leaflets usually ovate, less than twice the breadth, with a cordate base~Platylobium formosum 1*~leaflets usually narrow-ovate, length more than twice the breadth, base not cordate~Platylobium parviflorum #{gn}Calocephalus 1~Florets 1–3 per partial head~2 1*~Florets 12–22 per partial heads~Calocephalus platycephalus 2~Leaves alternate; annual~3 2*~Leaves mostly opposite; perennials~Calocephalus citreus 3~Pappus bristles 6–11 and plumose throughout length~Calocephalus sonderi 3*~Pappus bristles 6–8 and plumose at the tip~Calocephalus lacteus #{fm}LYTHRACEAE 1~Fruit a spherical berry crowned with persistent calyx (a pomegranate); stamens numerous; ovary inferior, many-locular.~Punica 1*~Fruit a dehiscent capsule; stamens as many as the petals or twice as many; ovary superior, 2–6-locular.~2 2~Flowers zygomorphic; hypanthium swollen or spurred on one side at the base.~Cuphea 2*~Flowers actinomorphic; hypanthium not swollen or spurred at the base.~3 3~Hypanthium narrow-tubular.~Lythrum 3*~Hypanthium variously campanulate, funnel-shaped or globose.~4 4~Flowers solitary and sessile in axils of bracts, sometimes forming terminal racemes; leaves mainly circular to ovate or lanceolate.~Rotala 4*~Flowers in axillary cymes, peduncles to 6 mm long; leaves narrow-oblong to lanceolate.~Ammannia #{gn}Asperula 1~Flowers blue; margins of leafy inforescence bracts significantly ciliate~Asperula arvensis 1*~Flowers white; margins of bracts not as above~2 2~Leaves either 2 per node or in whorls of 4~3 2*~Leaves and stipules in whorls or 5 or more~7 3~Stipules absent or less than 10% the length of the leaves~4 3*~Stipules present and the same number as the leaves~5 4~Corolla tube about a third to a fifth the length of the corolla lobe~Asperula gemella 4*~Corolla tube equal to or longer than the corolla lobe~Asperula geminifolia 5~Traililng herbs;leaves spreading, narrow spathulate (North Coast)~Asperula asthenes 5*~Subshrubs (becoming woody basally; leaves erect, narrow-oblong to linear~6 6~Leaves erect, narrow-oblong to narrow-linear, 2–6 mm long~Asperula ambleia 6*~Leaves spreading or ascending, narrow to very narrow elliptic, narrow-obovate or oblanceolate, 2–9 mm long~Asperula gunnii 7~Leaves with an almost pungent hyaline tip 0.2–0.5 mm long and with a terminal hair 0.05 mm long (magnifying glass needed to see the hair)~Asperula scoparia 7*~Leaves with hyaline tip absent or hyaline tip <0.2 mm long; or if rarely slightly longer then then terminal hair 0.1–0.3 mm long~8 8~Leaves of stems and major branches > 10 mm long and with a l:w ratio > 10~Asperula charophyton 8*~Leaves < 10 mm long, or if longer, with a l:w ratio < 10~9 9~Stem hairs of fine and short hairs, both moderately dense, hairs not exceeding 0.1 mm out from the surface of the stem~10 9*~Stem hairs absent or sparser than above, or if dense then the hairs coarse and broad-based and or exceeding 0.1 mm out from the surface of the stem~15 10~Leaves and stipules sub-erect to erect, less than or equal to 1 mm wide; plants becoming woody at base with spongy fissured bark~11 10*~Leaves and stipules generally spreading, usually largest ones > 1 mm wide; plants not becoming woody at base or developing spongy fissured bark~12 11~Apex of leaves narrow acute to filiform~Asperula subulifolia 11*~Apex of leaves rounded to acute~Asperula cunninghamii 12~Stem hairs retrorsely curved~Asperula gunnii 12*~Stem hairs more or less straight~13 13~Leaves to 1.8 mm wide; plants typically drying very dark brown; hairs needle like in profile~Asperula pusilla 13*~Largest leaves mostly > 2 mm wide; plants drying green; hairs generally narrow-triangular~14 14~Leaves narrow-cuneate; style 2–2.2 mm long~Asperula polymera 14*~Leaves cuneate; style 1.2–1.8 mm long~Asperula euryphylla 15~Stem-angles with moderately dense, more or less spreading hairs > 0.2 mm long~16 15*~Stem angles with either sparse hairs or hairs not spreading, <0.2 mm long~17 16~Leaves and stipules ascending (serpentine, NE NSW)~Asperula hoskingii 16*~Leaves and stipules generally spreading~Asperula pusilla 17~Leaves and stipules suberect, spreading or pendant, not arching towards the stem; upper surface usually with a smooth medial glossy strip~Asperula conferta 17*~Leaves and stipules strongly angled upwards and arching towards the stem (more so in dried specimens); upper surface lacking a glossy stip~Asperula wimmerana #{fm}ARACEAE 1~Climbing or hemi-epiphytic plants~Pothos 1*~Terrestrial or aquatic plants~2 2~Free-floating (on or near surface of water or sometimes completely submerged) aquatics; leaves absent with plants consisting of a leaf-like thallus less than 15 mm long; flowers seldom seen, reproduction usually vegetative with new thalli produced from a small slit or budding pouch~9 2*~Terrestrial or rarely aquatic plants; leaves alternate, usually basal, mostly more than 15 mm long; inflorescence a spadix (flowers on a thickened axis) subtended or partially enclosed by a spathe (an often coloured bract) or rarely the spathe absent~3 3~Plants floating aquatic, lettuce-like, hairy~Pistia 3*~Plants terrestrial, not lettuce-like, glabrescent~4 4~Leaves linear, less than 3 cm wide; flowers bisexual; perianth present; spathes absent~Gymnostachys 4*~Leaves with lamina expanded, deeply 3-lobed or unlobed and more than 10 cm wide; flowers unisexual; perianth absent; spathe present~5 5~Fine venation striate between lateral veins~Zantedeschia 5*~Fine venation reticulate between lateral veins~6 6~Leaves peltate, glaucous~Colocasia 6*~Mature leaves not peltate, not glaucous~7 7~Stem massive, trunk-like; lamina of leaves 40–70 cm long~Alocasia 7*~Stem small, cormous to rhizomatous; lamina of leaves less than 30 cm long~8 8~Filiform sterile flowers above female and male zones of spadix; leaves marbled with white~Arum 8*~Filiform sterile flowers above female zone of spadix; leaves not marbled white~Typhonium 9~Roots absent and thallus more or less globose, ellipsoid or ovoid~Wolffia 9*~Roots present and thallus more or less flattened (roots mostly absent in Lemna trisulca)~10 10~Roots 1 per thallus, rarely none; thallus with 1–5, often indistinct veins~Lemna 10*~Roots 1–18; thallus with 3–15, often indistinct veins~11 11~Thallus elliptic to obovate, 3–10 mm long, length to breadth ratio 1–1.5, with 7–16 veins; roots 5–18~Spirodela 11*~Thallus more or less rounded or broad-obovate, 2–5 mm long, with 3–7 veins; roots 1–7 (–12)~Landoltia #{fm}CYPERACEAE 1~Spikelets with several–many flowers producing nuts, usually only 1 or 2 lowest glumes empty~2 1*~Spikelets or pseudospikelets with 1 or 2 flowers producing nuts, usually several–many empty glumes at the base of the spikelet or pseudospikelet~17 2~Stems noded and leafy (also occasionally noded in aquatic species such as Isolepis fluitans, but then not large perennials, and bristles absent); hypogynous bristles or scales present~3 2*~Culms not noded; leaves all basal; hypogynous bristles or scales present or absent~5 3~Three hypogynous scales inflated and more or less petaloid; 3 hair-like bristles also present; glumes with a long mucro about as long as glume~Fuirena 3*~All hypogynous bristles hair-like; glumes with a mucro no more than half glume length~4 4~Spikelets less than 1 cm long; inflorescence branches scabrous; hypogynous bristles much longer than nut~Scirpus 4*~Spikelets 1–2.5 cm long; inflorescence branches not scabrous; hypogynous bristles shorter than or equalling nut~Bolboschoenus 5~Style base enlarged and persistent on nut~6 5*~Style base enlarged or not, but not persistent on nut~7 6~Inflorescence not subtended by leafy bracts; leaves reduced to sheaths, glabrous; hypogynous bristles usually present~Eleocharis 6*~Inflorescence subtended by leafy bracts; leaves with well-developed blade, hairy near mouth of sheath; hypogynous bristles always absent~Bulbostylis 7~Hypogynous bristles present~Schoenoplectus 7*~Hypogynous bristles absent~8 8~Style base enlarged but not persistent~9 8*~Style base not enlarged or persistent~10 9~Glumes spirally arranged and spikelets terete, or rarely distichous and spikelets compressed (but then inflorescence with numerous spikelets)~Fimbristylis 9*~Glumes distichous or upper part of spikelet twisted so as to be more or less spiral; spikelets compressed; inflorescence of 1–6 spikelets~Abildgaardia 10~Style 2-fid~11 10*~Style 3-fid~13 11~Glumes distichously arranged in spikelet. (Subgenus 4 Pycreus)~Cyperus 11*~Glumes spirally arranged in spikelet~12 12~Involucral bracts glume-like or leaf-like, from shorter than inflorescence to twice as long as it (to 1.5 cm long); spikelets 2–8 mm long~Isolepis 12*~Involucral bracts culm-like, usually at least 4 times as long as inflorescence (to 25 cm long); spikelets 5–15 mm long~Schoenoplectus 13~Rachilla internodes thickened and clasping nut at maturity. (Subgenus 3 Torulinium)~Cyperus 13*~Rachilla neither thickened nor clasping nut~14 14~Glumes distichously arranged in spikelet (spiral in Cyperus hamulosus but then plant has smell of fenugreek). (Subgenus 1 Anosporum, Subgenus 2 Cyperus)~Cyperus 14*~Glumes spirally arranged in spikelet, not smelling of fenugreek~15 15~Nuts transversely wrinkled and/or stout perennials~Schoenoplectus 15*~Nuts variously marked but never transversely wrinkled; small annuals or perennials~16 16~Perennial with long-creeping, thick, woody rhizome to 1 cm diam.; minute hypogynous disc under nut ~Ficinia 16*~Plants in small tufts or with filiform rhizome; no disc under nut~Isolepis 17~Female flowers enclosed in sac-like utricle~18 17*~Flowers not enclosed in a utricle~19 18~Slender rachilla inside utricle with a stiff exserted hooked tip; inflorescence always a single spike (formerly genus Uncinia)~Carex 18*~No slender hooked rachilla inside the utricle; inflorescence of (1–) several–many spikes~Carex 19~Female flowers apparently terminal, always only 1 per pseudospikelet (floral unit)~20 19*~Female or bisexual flowers lateral and axillary, one to many in a spikelet~22 20~Leaves flat, leafy, usually present along the culms as well as at the base; involucral bracts flat, leafy; nut much longer than glumes~Exocarya 20*~Leaves terete or reduced to sheaths, at base of culm only; involucral bracts terete but often broad and flattened at the base; nut shorter than to equalling glumes~21 21~Nut biconvex; style 2-fid; inflorescence spike-like; nut finely striate longitudinally but not ribbed~Lepironia 21*~Nut terete to obtusely trigonous, obovoid to globose; style (2- to) 3- or 4-fid; inflorescence globose, hemispherical, or ovoid; nut strongly ribbed longitudinally~Chorizandra 22~A hypogynous disk or 1 or 2 hyaline scales or 2–6 hypogynous bristles or scales present at base of nut (not always falling with nut)~23 22*~Hypogynous bristles, scales and disk absent~36 23~Nut more or less enclosed in 2, or occasionally 1, hyaline scales~Lipocarpha 23*~Nut without hyaline scales~24 24~Style simple or 2-fid~25 24*~Style 3–8-fid~26 25~Style base differentiated, enlarged, and persistent; leaves without a ligule~Rhynchospora 25*~Style base not differentiated or enlarged or persistent; leaves with a membranous ligule~Cyathochaeta 26~Hypogynous disk present at base of nut~27 26*~Hypogynous bristles or scales present at base of nut~28 27~Glumes spirally arranged; most flowers bisexual; nut brownish, tough~Cladium 27*~Glumes distichous; flowers unisexual; nut with white to purplish, fragile pericarp~Scleria 28~Upper internodes of rachilla prominently zigzag~Schoenus 28*~Upper internodes straight~29 29~Style base persistent, often enlarged in fruit~30 29*~Style base deciduous~34 30~Inflorescence head-like~31 30*~Inflorescence panicle-like, umbel-like, or spike-like~32 31~Ligule membranous, glabrous; inflorescence obconical or fan-shaped; leaf sheaths glabrous~Ptilothrix 31*~Ligule membranous and ciliate; inflorescence globose; leaf sheaths long-ciliate on upper margins~Gymnoschoenus 32~Bristles 6, as long as, or longer than, the nut~Carpha 32*~Bristles 2 to 5, much shorter than the nut~33 33~Robust perennials with inflorescence c. 40 cm long. (Gahnia erythrocarpa)~Gahnia 33*~Slender perennials with inflorescences 1–4[–30] cm long~Tetraria 34~Glumes spirally arranged in the spikelet; hypogynous scales inflated~Lepidosperma 34*~Glumes more or less distichously arranged in the spikelet; hypogynous scales flat, not thickened~35 35~Hypogynous scales falling with the nut; leaf without pseudopetiole~Tricostularia 35*~Hypogynous scales persistent on rachilla after nut falls; leaf with pseudopetiole~Oreobolus 36~Style simple or 2-fid~37 36*~Style 3–8-fid~40 37~Style base enlarged, persistent; ligule absent~Rhynchospora 37*~Style base enlarged or not, but not persistent~38 38~Inflorescence umbel-like; ciliate ligule present~Trachystylis 38*~Inflorescence of 1 to 3 dense, clustered heads; ligule absent~39 39~Hyaline scales usually 2 enclosing nut, occasionally 1 or absent; apparent glumes (= spikelet bracts) flat with 0–2 nerves on each side of midrib; nut dorsiventrally compressed, trigonous or plano-convex~Lipocarpha 39*~Hyaline scales absent; glumes keeled, with 2–5 nerves on each side of midrib; nut laterally compressed (i.e. with an edge next to rachilla), biconvex. (Subgenus 5 Kyllinga)~Cyperus 40~Upper internodes of rachilla zigzag~Schoenus 40*~Upper internodes of rachilla straight~41 41~Annual; inflorescence of 1 to 3 clustered heads with numerous spikelets~Lipocarpha 41*~Perennials; inflorescence panicle-like, spike-like, or occasionally reduced to a few clustered spikelets~42 42~Leaves reduced to blade no more than 1 cm long~43 42*~Leaves with well-developed blade to 1 m long~45 43~Persistent style base not separated from body of nut by a constriction~Baumea 43*~Persistent style base separated from body of nut by a constriction~44 44~Leaves without a ligule~Caustis 44*~Leaves with a ligule. (Tetraria capillaris)~Tetraria 45~Leaves 2-ranked, isobilateral~Baumea 45*~Leaves 3-ranked, dorsiventral~46 46~Nut borne on inconspicuous hypogynous disk (disk may stay on rachilla rather than fall with nut)~Cladium 46*~Nut not borne on a hypogynous disk~47 47~Spikelets disarticulating as a unit from axis at maturity. (Subgenus 2 Cyperus)~Cyperus 47*~Spikelets persistent, nuts falling separately from glumes at maturity~48 48~Leaves with a ligule~Gahnia 48*~Leaves without a ligule~Tetraria #{sp}Brachyscome tenuiscapa 1~Leaves mostly <3 cm long and <6 mm wide, glabrous, usually somewhat fleshy and forming a basal rosette; fruit dark brown~var. tenuiscapa 1*~Leaves mostly 3–10 cm long and to 18 mm wide, minutely hairs, rather rigid, remains of previous leaves persisting as fibrous strands around base of plant; fruit black~var. pubescens #{fm}COMMELINACEAE 1~All stamens fertile~2 1*~Fertile stamens 2 or 3 only; staminodes present~5 2~Leaves less than 10 cm long; inflorescence a small cluster or clusters of flowers; plants with slender prostrate or trailing stems~4 2*~Leaves mostly 15–30 cm long; inflorescence elongated; erect plants to c. 1 m high~3 3~Fruit a round fleshy capsule: petals mauve or bright blue~Dichorisandra 3*~Fruit a 3-sided, 3-valved capsule; petals white~Callisia 4~Flower clusters enclosed by big conspicuous spathe-like bracts; flowers sessile or shortly pedicellate~Tradescantia 4*~Flower clusters not enclosed by big spathe-like bracts; flowers long-pedicellate~Gibasis 5~Inflorescence enclosed in a spathe-like bract~Commelina 5*~Inflorescence not enclosed by a bract~6 6~Fruit an indehiscent nut, blue~Pollia 6*~Fruit a dehiscent capsule, green to brown~7 7~Inner tepals white; fertile stamens grouped together, filaments not bearded~Aneilema 7*~Inner tepals pink to mauve; fertile stamens alternating with staminodes, filaments bearded~Murdannia #{gn}Brachyscome 1~Involucral bracts in 2 distinct rows, the outer row obviously shorter than the inner~Brachyscome decipiens 1*~Involucral bracts appearing to be in 1 or c. 2 rows of about equal length or inner bracts shorter than the outer~2 2~Achenes with one or two swollen ridges on each lateral face, the ridges usually entirely swollen, but sometimes only apically swollen and if so the fruit brown or black, never grey or grey-purple; plants never rhizomatous or stoloniferous~3 2*~Achenes with or without longitudinal ridges, but if present, then the ridges not swollen (but grey or grey-purple fruit may appear to be apically swollen), often the entire achene manifestly flattened; plants may be rhizomatous or stoloniferous~15 3~Lateral faces of achenes each with a single, entirely or variably swollen, longitudinal ridge which may be winglike, the ridge entire or variously divided (toothed); leaf lobes usually oblong-linear or subterete~4 3*~Lateral faces of achenes each with inversely u-shaped ridges, often the faces tuberculate, if the 2 ridges not obvious then the leaf lobes not oblong-linear or sub-terete and the cauline leaves manifestly dilated in c. the lower ¼–½~8 4~Achenes curved, at least apically manifestly bent~5 4*~Achenes straight~7 5~Lateral margins of achenes with basal tufts of hairs~Brachyscome smithwhitei 5*~Lateral margins of achenes without discrete basal tufts of hairs~6 6~Lateral margins of achenes somewhat swollen and slightly dilating towards the apex, usually entire and with or without several transverse ridges in c. the lower half, rarely with 1 or 2 very shallow teeth~Brachyscome eriogona 6*~Lateral margins of achenes with prominently lobed wings~Brachyscome watanabei 7~Ray corollas 6–14 mm long, mostly more than 7 mm long; anthers c. 1–1.5 mm long; major branches mostly erect~Brachyscome dichromosomatica 7*~Ray corollas 0.8–7.2 mm long, mostly less than 5.5 mm long; anthers c. 0.35–0.75 mm long; major branches mostly decumbent or ascending~Brachyscome lineariloba 8~Achenes with ab/adaxial winglike margins~Brachyscome whitei 8*~Achenes lacking abaxial or adaxial wing-like extensions~9 9~Ray corolla less than 3 mm long; achenes dark brown to black; disc corollas commonly 4-lobed~Brachyscome goniocarpa 9*~Ray corolla more than 4 mm long; achenes brown, reddish brown, dark green or black; disc corollas commonly 5-lobed~10 10~Outermost achenes with a prominent crest, at least the lateral faces of the achenes with prominent tubercles~Brachyscome nodosa 10*~Outermost fruit lacking a prominent crest, lateral faces with or without tubercles~11 11~Leaves mostly entire and somewhat linear or mostly 1pinnatisect or a mixture of entire and divided leaves; achenes straight, the pappus centrally placed and the bristles spreading~Brachyscome readeri 11*~Leaves never mostly entire, always mostly lobed to deeply divided (to 2-pinnatisect or rarely 3-pinnatilobed/pinnatisect); achenes barely straight to distinctly curved, the pappus usually appearing off centre and the bristles somewhat spreading or erect~12 12~Leaves mostly 1-pinnatisect and the resulting lobes usually with 3 (–5) apical teeth or short lobes, basally not manifestly dilated; plants glabrous or almost so, scrambling; involucral bracts 4.5–7 mm long (Lord Howe Island)~Brachyscome segmentosa 12*~Leaves variably divided and sometimes mostly 1-pinnatisect and toothed or lobed as above but at least some leaves on the plants manifestly dilating towards the base; plants glabrous to extremely hairy, usually erect and not scrambling or if at all so then the involucral bracts 6.5–10.5 mm long (eastern mainland, Bass Strait islands and Tasmania)~13 13~Largest involucral bracts more than 6 mm long, outer surfaces with stalked glandular and/or septate eglandular hairs; achenes almost straight or slightly curved~Brachyscome diversifolia 13*~Largest involucral bracts less than 5 mm long, outer surfaces glabrous or with a scattered or dense indumentum of stalked glandular hairs; achenes distinctly curved~14 14~Achenes 1.1–2.2 mm long, red-brown or black; apically the longitudinal ridges usually broadening to form prominent shoulders~Brachyscome gracilis 14*~Achenes 2.2–2.7 mm long, pale yellow-brown; apically the two longitudinal ridges on each surface often indistinct, appearing as one, and not forming prominent shoulders~Brachyscome casstiana 15~Pappus an entire ring~Brachyscome paludicola 15*~Pappus absent, or a jagged crown~16 16~Achenes with sometimes the uppermost part glabrous but otherwise manifestly hairy, with the hairs straight and obscuring the surface of the fruit~Brachyscome exilis 16*~Achenes not or sparsely hairy, if with many hairs, then the majority of the fruit surface is clearly visible, and hairs rarely straight~17 17~Ray corolla yellow (at least in bud) or if white then either, the majority of mature leaves terminally 3-lobed or the achenes with strongly curved abaxial or adaxial wings and lacking longitudinal ridges on the lateral faces [B. dentata group]~18 17*~Ray corolla not yellow but white, bluish or pinkish; terminally 3-lobed leaves absent or in the minority; achenes lacking strongly curved abaxial or adaxial wings or if they are present then the lateral faces with longitudinal ridges~22 18~Expanded ray corolla yellow when fresh~Brachyscome chrysoglossa 18*~Expanded ray corolla white or mostly white when fresh, may dry yellow~19 19*~Achenes strongly curved~Brachyscome curvicarpa 19*~Achenes flat or almost so~28 20~Annual; leaves with long, coarse, eglandular, whitish, septate hairs; achenes with or without winglike margins~Brachyscome debilis 20*~Perennial or annual; leaves if with eglandular hairs then the hairs cottony (but may have coarse bases); achenes always with wing-like margins~21 21~Achene margins dissected; body of fruit covered with somewhat conical tubercles, rarely at all scale-like~Brachyscome dentata 21*~Achene margins mostly entire; body of fruit densely covered with rows of flat, scale-like tubercles~Brachyscome papillosa 22~Achenes manifestly compressed and with wing-like margins, uniformly coloured or colour gradually changing, lateral faces lacking longitudinal ridges, monomorphic; anthers with a well-developed terminal appendage~23 22*~Achenes variously shaped and coloured and sometimes dimorphic, if compressed and with wing-like margins then the achenes discolorous (e.g. fruit body brown, winglike margins yellowish) or with longitudinal ridges or the terminal anther appendage absent or poorly developed~25 23~Leaves mostly basal and persistent~Brachyscome spathulata 23*~Leaves mostly cauline, basal ones usually not persistent~24 24~Ray corolla blue; achene apically truncate or almost so~Brachyscome ascendens 24*~Ray corolla white or white above and bluish beneath; achene with an apical notch~Brachyscome aculeata 25~Achenes both flat and thin, with longitudinal ridges and with abaxial or adaxial wings, plants stoloniferous and scapiform (in alpine habitats above the tree line) or achenes as stated but the wings inflated and plants creeping (in non-alpine marshy habitats~26 25*~Achenes not both flat and thin, lacking longitudinal ridges and adaxial or abaxial wings, or if with longitudinal ridges and adaxial or abaxial wings then wings not inflated and plants non-alpine (but may occur in temperate upland forest)~29 26~Abaxial or adaxial margins of achenes an inflated wing~Brachyscome radicans 26*~Abaxial or adaxial margins of achenes a thin wing~27 27~Leaves entire or mostly so~28 27*~Leaves all or mostly toothed or lobed~Brachyscome nivalis 28~Peduncles with stalked glandular hairs~Brachyscome barkerae 28*~Peduncles glabrous~29 29~Peduncles 1–7 cm long, ebracteate or with a single (?2) bract(s); achenes not or barely winged~Brachyscome stolonifera 29*~Peduncles 7–22 cm long, usually with more than one bract (up to 7); wings of achene 0.5–0.7 mm wide~Brachyscome tadgellii 30~Achenes with prominently curved wings or wing-like abaxial or adaxial margins and with longitudinal ridges on the lateral faces~31 30*~Achenes lacking curved wings or winglike margins or if present then the lateral faces lacking longitudinal ridges~32 31~Leaves entire or mostly so, sometimes a few with several short, linear, irregularly placed lobes; achenes more or less uniformly brown throughout, the wings strongly curved~Brachyscome muelleroides 31*~Leaves in at least large plants with mostly pinnatisect leaves with 4–11 narrowly elliptic or linear lobes; achenes discolorous, body dark brown, wings almost flat to manifestly curved and yellow-brown~Brachyscome ptychocarpa 32~Achenes lacking eglandular hairs or with a few straight hairs; achenes concolorous and lacking longitudinal ridges [Paquerina group]~33 32*~Achenes with curved or apically curled eglandular hairs, if straight and apically bifid then the achenes with longitudinal ridges; achenes concolorous or discolorous~39 33~Most or all leaves entire~34 33*~Most or all of the largest leaves at least partly toothed or lobed (smaller upper leaves on scapes may be entire)~36 34~Achenes somewhat inflated, particularly on the margins and with conspicuous glandular hairs and commonly sticky~Brachyscome graminea 34*~Achenes neither inflated or sticky~35 35~Leaves linear or linear-oblanceolate, 1–2.5 mm wide; scapes each with (2) 3–9 leaflike bracts; pappus a crown of scalelike bristles 0.1–0.3 mm long; remains of old leaves usually not retained at base of plant~Brachyscome obovata 35*~Leaves oblanceolate or subspathulate, largest leaves 4–12 mm wide; scapes each usually with 0–3 leaflike bracts, rarely more; pappus a crown of scalelike bristles barely 0.1 mm high; remains of old leaves retained at base of plant~Brachyscome scapigera 36~Achenes brown or purplish brown at maturity Brachyscome tenuiscapa 36*~Achenes blackish at maturity~37 37~Scapes with 3–16 oblanceolate, entire or pinnatilobed leaves~Brachyscome foliosa 37*~Scapes with or without 1 or 2 entire, linear leaves~Brachyscome staceae 38~Mature achenes commonly black or sometimes very dark brown, concolorous; lateral faces manifestly tuberculate and lacking longitudinal ridges or if ridges present then plants only with leaves in a basal tuft; achenes never dimorphic~39 38*~Mature achenes shades of brown and commonly pale brown, sometimes markedly discolorous; lateral faces with or without tubercles, longitudinal ridges present or absent; achenes sometimes dimorphic~49 39~Perennials with a tufted mode of growth, all leaves basal; achenes winged or unwinged, with longitudinal ridges~40 39*~Annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs, leaves basal and cauline; achenes unwinged, with or (usually) without longitudinal ridges~41 40~Achenes with a distinct wing with eglandular, straight to apically curling hairs along their length; pappus distinct; leaves entire or 1-pinnatifid; bracts frequently with purplish apices and margins; at least sometimes the apical appendages of the anthers not or poorly developed and less than c. 0.1 mm long and the style appendages c. 0.5 mm long~Brachyscome dissectifolia 40*~Achenes unwinged or nearly so, ab/adaxial margins smooth or with several barely formed tubercles, glabrous or with occasional short hairs; pappus usually very short; leaves mostly 1or 2pinnatifid; bracts usually with whitish apices and margins; apical appendages of the anthers seemingly always prominent and c. 0.3 mm long and the style appendages c. 0.25 mm and apically somewhat blunt~Brachyscome stuartii 41~Achenes with longitudinal ridges; annual, glandular hairy herb~Brachyscome microcarpa 41*~Achenes lacking longitudinal ridges; annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs with or without stalked glandular hairs~42 42~Perennial herb or subshrub with somewhat woody base, mostly glabrous or with only glandular hairs; leaves linear and entire or with linear lobes or the lamina wide and variously dissected, being 1-or 2-pinnatifid; bract surface glabrous, glandular hairs restricted to margins~Brachyscome multifida 42*~Perennial or annual herbs, never a woody based subshrub, hairs glandular or eglandular, leaves variously dissected but the teeth or lobes rarely extending more than c. ½ way to the midrib and only rarely with secondary teeth, the lobes never linear or leaves deeply divided and mostly trisect; bract surfaces glabrous or more commonly with a scattered to dense indumentum of hairs~43 43~Herb with a general indumentum of septate, uniseriate eglandular hairs to 0.6 mm long and stalked glandular hairs; pappus readily discernable, individual elements c. 0.1–1.1 mm long (arid and semiarid regions, commonly on clay dominated soils on floodplains)~Brachyscome melanocarpa 43*~Herbs with a scattered to dense general indumentum of stalked glandular hairs, eglandular septate hairs absent or if appearing to be present then in a mix of hairs of manifestly different lengths; pappus elements less than 0.1 mm long and/or uppermost leaves opposite~44 44~Leaves mainly of 3, rarely 5, primary lobes terminating petiole-like stalks c. 5–30 mm long, primary lobes 2.5–12 mm long, 1.5–16 mm wide, formed by divisions extending to about the midrib, major lobes in turn trisect and these often 3-toothed~Brachyscome trisecta 44*~Leaves not as above~45 45~Uppermost leaves paired~Brachyscome microcarpa 45*~Uppermost leaves alternate~46 46~Pappus a crown, individual elements 0.2–0.4 mm long; bracts with or without scattered hairs (branches weakly ascending, leaves thin and not rigid; south-eastern N.S.W.)~Brachyscome abercrombiensis 46*~Pappus absent or at least a very short crown, the elements less than 0.1 mm long; bracts often with numerous hairs (branches and leaves comparatively rigid; north-eastern N.S.W. and south-eastern Qld)~47 47~General indumentum occasionally sparse but mostly dense, the stalked glandular hairs c. 0.06–0.88 mm long, the hairs barely to manifestly tapering to their minute glandular tip, sometimes the longest hairs possibly eglandular, usually the hairs in an obvious mix of lengths and with the longest hairs often conspicuously longer than the rest; achenes not somewhat swollen, eglandular biseriate hairs absent or scattered and seemingly straight and c. 0.05 mm long~Brachyscome nova-anglica 47*~General indumentum of shortly stalked glandular hairs 0.04–0.12 mm long but grading in length; achenes somewhat swollen, eglandular biseriate hairs c. 0.05–0.08 mm long and apically curled~Brachyscome tamworthensis 48~Achenes mono- or dimorphic, lacking longitudinal ridges on the lateral faces or if present a shrubby central Australian species (Brachyscome tesquorum) and the major branches with corky base; terminal anther appendages distinct in some species but absent or poorly developed in others~49 48*~Achenes monomorphic, with longitudinal ridges on the lateral faces; terminal anther appendages present~52 49~Achenes monomorphic~50 49*~Achenes dimorphic~Brachyscome ciliaris 50~Perennial herb or subshrubs~51 50*~Annual herb~Brachyscome perpusilla 51~Achenes with their lateral surfaces tuberculate~52 51*~Achenes with their lateral surfaces non-tuberculate (but eglandular hairs may be conspicuous)~Brachyscome dalbyensis 52~Pappus of minute fused teeth~Brachyscome trachycarpa 52*~Pappus of a tuft of unequal hairs c. 0.2mm long~Brachyscome rigidula 53~Largest lower and mid-cauline leaves not tapering towards a petiole like base but manifestly sessile and often subamplexicaul, their apices usually truncate and 3denate, the teeth small and of about equal size, the leaves usually otherwise entire but sometimes 1 or both margins with 1 or 2 additional narrow lateral teeth or lobes present~Brachyscome mittagongensis 53*~Largest lower and mid-cauline leaves commonly tapering basally and forming a petiole-like base; if not forming a petiole-like base then their apices not both truncate and 3dentate although they may be apically 3lobed, but if 3lobed then either additional marginal lobes present on at least some leaves or most leaves entire~54 54~Basal and cauline leaves mostly entire, sublinear to linear oblanceolate or linear spathulate and frequently and markedly contracting to a petiole like base, rarely 1–several leaves with 1–5 lobes; ab/adaxial margins of achene with narrow but definite wings 0.1–0.4 mm wide~Brachyscome triloba 54*~Basal to mid-cauline leaves all, or mostly all, with teeth or lobes, or if most or all basal and mid-cauline leaves entire (at least as in some plants of B. kaputarensis) the leaves somewhat linear or linear oblanceolate and lacking a distinctive contraction to form a petiole-like base and the achenes lacking ab/ adaxial wings~55 55~Achenes with the ab/adaxial margins bearing wings, the wings divided or entire and with eglandular hairs along their length~55 55*~Achenes with the abaxial or adaxial margins lacking wings but the margins may have tubercles (includes B. willisii in which the prominent tuberculate margins may be interpreted as wings)~58 56~Achene body smooth or with inconspicuous tubercles, brown or dark greenish brown or greenish black and darker than the wings, the longitudinal ridges on the lateral surfaces often poorly developed; achene wings 0.2–0.8 mm wide, entire or notched~Brachyscome procumbens 56*~Achene body with well-developed tubercles, yellow-brown or brown and apically sometimes purplish but not manifestly darker than the wings, the longitudinal ridges on the lateral surfaces distinct and sometimes flangelike; achene wings barely 0.1 mm wide or up to 0.5 mm wide~57 57~Leaves with 1–5, usually apically acute lobes, most often with only 3 apical lobes of which the terminal lobe is usually manifestly larger than the lateral lobes~Brachyscome triloba 57*~Leaves sometimes trifid but mostly with a total of 5–14 teeth or lobes~Brachyscome salkiniae 58~Mid to upper cauline leaves entire and somewhat linear or linear oblanceolate or with 1–6 lateral lobes, the divisions extending more than ½ way and sometimes almost reaching the midrib and the terminal lobes somewhat linear; branches and leaves lacking eglandular hairs~Brachyscome kaputarensis 58*~Mid to upper cauline leaves shallowly lobed or at least the lobes never long and somewhat linear; branches and leaves with or without eglandular hairs~58 59~Leaves only sometimes with a petiole-like base, sometimes subamplexicaule, at least in the larger leaves the segments present along most of the length of the leaf (Victoria)~Brachyscome petrophila 59*~Leaves commonly with a petiole like base, lateral segments usually in the distal ½ of the leaf (but distal ¾ in B. sieberi from NSW)~60 60~Whitish, septate eglandular hairs absent from branches and leaves~61 60*~Whitish, septate eglandular hairs on branches and leaves (may be sparse on mature parts)~62 61~Stalked glandular hairs usually forming a prominent indumentum beneath the capitula; mid-cauline leaves entire or with 6 or fewer segments~Brachyscome brownii 61*~Stalked glandular hairs absent or only occasional throughout the plant; mid-cauline leaves with 5–19 segments~Brachyscome formosa 62~Mid-cauline and upper leaves often apically 3-lobed but up to 9 marginal lobes formed from divisions extending to c. ½ the distance to the midrib, lobes entire and apically acute~Brachyscome sieberi 62*~Mid-cauline and upper leaves with 3–11 primary marginal lobes formed from divisions extending c. ¼ to ⅞ the distance to the midrib, the resultant lobes obtuse to acute and each often with 1 or 2 lateral teeth~Brachyscome willisii #{gn}Podolepis 1~Peduncles apex naked below the involucre~2 1*~Scale leaves present towards the apex of peduncles, merging into outer involucral bracts~4 2~Outer florets with small mostly white ligules~Podolepis capillaris 2*~All florets tubular and yellow~3 3~Disc florets longer than bracts; inner involucral bracts fused to form leathery cup~Podolepis muelleri 3*~All florets shorter than the bracts; inner involucral bracts not as above~Podolepis tepperi 4~Laminas of intermediate involucral bracts transversely wrinkled~5 4*~Laminas of intermediate involucral bracts smooth~6 5~Heads to 6 mm diam., to 10 mm long~Podolepis arachnoidea 5*~Heads 15–25 mm wide, to 15 mm long~Podolepis canescens 6~Lamina of intermediate involucral bracts triangular or narrow-acuminate, not obscuring the claws of adjacent bracts~7 6*~Lamina of intermediate involucral bracts ovate, more or less obscuring the claws of adjacent bracts~9 7~Laminas shorter than claws, triangular, the claws distinct, glandular, cartilaginous~Podolepis longipedata 7*~Laminas subequal to or shorter than claws, narrow- acuminate; claws not abruptly differentiated, glabrous, leathery with a pale centre and green margin~8 8~Flowerhead drying golden brown; lower cauline leaf 10–40 mm wide~Podolepis neglecta 8*~Flowerhead drying straw coloured;lower cauline leaf 10–20 mm wide~Podolepis omissa 9~Laminas acuminate, more or less reflexed~Podolepis jaceoides 9*~Laminas obtusely ovate, loosely appressed~10 10~Leaves broadly sheathing at the base; upper leaves entire with undulate margins~11 10*~Leaves stem-clasping; upper leaves with entire margins, but not undulating~12 11~Basal leaves bright green and glabrous~Podolepis robusta 11*~Basal leaves greyish when young becoming green with short, crisped multicellular hairs overlain by fine arachnoid hairs, the latter usually denser on the abaxial surface, becoming sparser with age~Podolepis laciniata 12~Leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate, scape mostly glabrous~Podolepis hieracioides 12*~Leaves ovate to obovate; scape always woolly hairy~Podolepis monticola #{gn}Salix 1~Trees narrow-columnar mostly evergreen (usually 30% of leaves retained over winter); male clone, usually only a few catkins produced with little pollen~Salix humboldtiana 1*~Trees or shrubs, not columnar; always completely deciduous; male and/or female clones; male catkins usually producing ample fertile pollen~2 2~Trees; with single or several trunks, 10–20 m high; leaves emerging with catkins; flower scales pale green or yellow; leaves mainly lanceolate~3 2*~Multi-stemmed shrubs or trees with 5–50 or more stems, to 4–9 m high; leaves emerge long after catkins (except Salix purpurea); flower scales dark; leaf shape variable~13 3~Branches and leaves contorted~Salix matsudana 3*~Branches and leaves not contorted~4 4~Penultimate branches weeping (ultimate branches are short lateral branches on weeping branches)~5 4*~No branches particularly weeping, although some may droop~8 5~Bark of twigs and branches very golden, both sexes present, sometimes on the same catkin~Salix x sepulcralis 5*~Bark of twigs and branches not markedly golden; male or female~6 6~Catkins 15–20 mm long; catkin stalks 2–3 mm long; ovary pear shaped; mostly female~Salix babylonica 6*~Catkins >20 mm long; catkin stalks >3 mm long; ovary more slender, flask-shaped, gradually tapering towards the top; male or female~7 7~Leaves ± hairy; ovary not much larger than the flower scale; Salix x Salix alba; both sexes present~Salix x sepulcralis 7*~Leaves ± hairless; ovary far longer than flower scale; Salix babylonica x Salix fragilis; male or female~Salix x pendulina 8~Branches yellow to orange for more than 1 m from tips; may weep in lower crown~Salix alba 8*~Branches not yellow, not weeping~9 9~Young twigs and branchlets exposed to full light usually a dark reddish brown; catkins of both sexes with flowers not crowded on the rhachis~Salix nigra 9*~Young twigs and branchlets greenish even when exposed to full light; usually only catkins of one sex present in a population (unless established from seed), or rarely bisexual catkins, and the flowers crowded on the rhachis of the catkin~10 10~Shoots and leaves sparsely pubescent at first, becoming glabrescent~11 10*~Hairs on shoots, twigs and leaves ± persistent~Salix alba 11~Twigs break easily with a audible crack; fairly stout and rigid~Salix x fragilis 11*~Twigs flexible (do not break readily); slender~12 12~Single prominent stem with a narrow crown when young; catkins usually <5 mm wide and <5 cm long; often cultivated as orchard windbreaks but hybridizes with other species to form seedling arms~Salix matsudana x alba 12*~One or more prominent stems with a ± rounded crown; catkins often >5 mm wide and/or >5 cm long; usually growing as seedling swarms from crossing between Salix alba and Salix x fragilis, rarely cultivated~Salix x rubens 13~Leaves glabrous~14 13*~Leaves with hairs~15 14~Leaves and catkins ± opposite~Salix purpurea 14*~Leaves and catkins alternate~Salix glaucophylloides 15~Leaves with recurved margins and no apparent toothing~16 15*~Leaves not recurved and with margins ± toothed~17 16~Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, the margins almost parallel to one another~Salix viminalis 16*~Leaves lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, the margins distinctly convex, not parallel~Salix x sericans 17~Ridges on 1 cm diam. branches strong (typically 1x1x10–40 mm); crown tends to spread from an early age; lower surface of leaf may have some rust coloured hairs~Salix cinerea 17*~Ridges weak (0.5x0.5x5–10 mm); crown erect, except when old; no rust-coloured hairs~18 18~Male only; catkins ovoid, 20–35 mm long, spreading; eaves 50–100 mm long, ovoid; widely planted for ornament~Salix x reichardtii 18*~Female only (sterile); catkins cylindrical, 30–60 mm long, narrow-ovoid; planted for erosion control~Salix x calodendron #{gn}Lagenophora 1~Stolons present, roots fibrous~2 1*~Stolons absent, roots fleshy, tufted from a short vertical rhizome~3 2~Scape hirsute with spreading hairs~Lagenophora stipitata 2*~Scape mostly glabrous except for more or less appressed hairs below the flower head~Lagenophora montana 3~Ligule of the ray florets 0.4–0.6 mm long, bright pink to purple; achene 3.2–3.7 excluding the beak; no hairs at the base of the achene~Lagenophora brachyglossa 3*~Ligule of the ray florets 1.5–3.5 mm long, white to mauve; achene 2–3 mm excluding the beak; 1–3 hairs usually present at the base of the achene~Lagenophora gracilis #{gn}Hypolepis 1~Veins ending at the lamina margin in a distinct notch~Hypolepis distans 1*~Veins either not reaching the lamina margin, or ending at the lamina margin at the apex of a tooth or lobe~2 2~Sori ± covered by an indusium: indusium obvious, false, at least partly colourless and membranous~Hypolepis elegans 2*~Sori partly covered by indusium or unprotected: indusium if present marginal, false and green or sori originating away from margin and unprotected (check immature sorus)~3 3~Secondary rachises bearing stiff, non-glandular, septate hairs that are usually curved towards the tip of the rachis; sori with short hairs amongst the sporangia~Hypolepis muelleri 3*~Secondary rachises bearing conspicuous, crisped hairs, some with glandular apices; sori lacking hairs~4 4~Stipes brown to orange; primary rachis brown, yellowish or orange-red~Hypolepis glandulifera 4*~Stipes and rachises deep red-brown~5 5~Fronds with lamina broad-triangular, 35–115 cm long and 20–60 cm wide; rachises with few, coarse hairs and relatively large tubercles~Hypolepis rugosula 5*~Fronds with lamina narrow-triangular, 15–55 cm long and 10–35 cm wide; rachises with numerous, short hairs and small tubercles~Hypolepis amaurorachis #{gn}Reynoutria 1~Mature leaves with scattered to dense multicellular hairs to nearly 1 mm long at least along the veins on the undersurface; leaf base strongly cordate, apex acute to acuminate, [15–40 cm long, 7–25 cm wide]; plants 2–5 m high~Reynoutria sachalinensis 1*~Mature leaves glabrous or with sparse short hairs or minutely roughened on the undersurface; leaf base truncate to slightly cordate, apex cuspidate to acuminate; plants 1.5–5 m high~2 2~Mature leaves 10–30 cm long, to 18 cm wide, with sparse short hairs or small warty protuberances at least along veins on undersurface; the leaf base slightly cordate, the apex more or less acuminate; plants 2–5 m tall~Reynoutria x bohemica 2*~Mature leaves 5–15 cm long, 2–12 cm wide, glabrous or minutely roughened on the undersurface; the leaf base more or less truncate, the apex long-acuminate to cuspidate; plants 1.5–3 m high~Reynoutria japonica #{gn}Olearia 1~Growing on Lord Howe Island~2 1*~Growing on mainland NSW~3 2~Leaves linear, 5–12 mm long, 0.5–1.5 mm wide~Olearia ballii 2*~Leaves narrowly- to broadly-elliptic to obovate, 40–100 mm long, 1.5–3.5 mm wide~Olearia mooneyi 3~Leaves sessile or subsessile~4 3*~Leaves petiolate~38 4~Leaves with margins flat~5 4*~Leaves with margins weakly to strongly revolute~16 5~Leaves with venation indistinct, apart from midvein~6 5*~Leaves with venation distinctly reticulate or pinnate~14 6~Leaves viscid on upper surface~7 6*~Leaves not viscid on upper surface~10 7~Leaves discolorous~Olearia viscidula 7*~Leaves concolorous~8 8~Leaves cuneate; apex truncate, 3-lobed~Olearia rhizomatica 8*~Leaves linear or oblanceolate; apex acute or rounded~9 9~Leaves linear; heads solitary or clustered; pappus 1- seriate~Olearia passerinoides 9*~Leaves oblanceolate; heads in panicles; pappus 2- seriate~Olearia decurrens 10~Leaves flat; heads solitary~12 10*~Leaves conduplicate; heads in compound corymbs or leafy panicles~11 11~Growing at high altitude in the southern tablelands of NSW~Olearia brevipedunculata 11*~Growing in the western districts of NSW~12 12~Disc florets ± 18; pappus 1-seriate, bristles ± 50~Olearia muelleri 12*~Disc florets ± 21; pappus 2-seriate, bristles ± 74~Olearia calcarea 13~Leaves without a mucro; heads in compound corymbs; disc florets yellow~Olearia glandulosa 13*~Leaves mucronate; heads in leafy panicles; disc florets pink~Olearia suffruticosa 14~Leaves discolorous; ray florets ± 30; disc florets ± 20~15 14*~Leaves concolorous; ray florets ± 39; disc florets ± 86~Olearia rudis 15~Ray florets 8–15; disc florets 7–16; pappus bristles ± 43~Olearia canescens 15*~Ray florets 16–30; disc florets 15–20; pappus bristles ± 44~Olearia phlogopappa 16~Leaves with venation distinctly reticulate~Olearia rosmarinifolia 16*~Leaves with venation indistinct, apart from midvein~17 17~Leaves viscid on upper surface~Olearia iodochroa 17*~Leaves not viscid on upper surface~18 18~Leaves discolorous~19 18*~Leaves concolorous~34 19~Disc florets blue or mauve~Olearia ramosissima 19*~Disc florets cream or yellow~20 20~Heads axillary~21 20*~Heads terminal~26 21~Leaves grey-woolly or minutely tuberculate on upper surface~22 21*~Leaves glabrous or subglabrous on upper surface~25 22~Leaves grey-woolly, peduncles ± 3 mm long~Olearia axillaris 22*~Leaves minutely tuberculate, peduncles ± 14 mm long~Olearia ramulosa 23~Heads pedunculate; lamina linear or obovate~24 23*~Heads sessile; lamina elliptic or narrow-obovate~Olearia algida 24~Leaves usually only in the upper 1/2 of the shrub creating a crowded effect, 40–80 mm long~Olearia stenophylla 24*~Leaves linear or obovate, 5–20 mm long~Olearia subspicata 25~Leaves scattered, lamina linear or obovate, ± 5 mm long; heads pedunculate~Olearia subspicata 25*~Leaves crowded, lamina elliptic or narrow-obovate ± 3 mm long; heads sessile~Olearia algida 26~Leaves tuberculate on upper surface~27 26*~Leaves not tuberculate~29 27~Heads ± 22 mm in diam.; disc florets blue or yellow~Olearia ramsissima 27*~Heads ± 20 mm in diam.; disc florets yellow~23 28~Leaves narrow- to broad-spathulate~Olearia microphylla 28*~Leaves linear, narrow-elliptic or narrow-obovate~Olearia ramulosa 29~Leaves stellate-hairy~Olearia asterotricha 29*~Leaves not stellate-hairy~30 30~Heads distinctly pedunculate~31 30*~Heads sessile or subsessile~32 31~Disc florets ± 10~Olearia burgessii 31*~Disc florets ± 14~Olearia pimeleoides 32~Achenes not glandular~Olearia floribunda 32*~Achenes glandular~33 33~Leaves clustered, ± 0.8 mm wide~Olearia lepidophylla 33*~Leaves scattered, ± 1 mm wide~Olearia minor 34~Leaves narrow-elliptic to narrow-obovate or cuneate, glabrous to subglabrous or tomentose~35 34*~Leaves linear, glandular or finely pubescent~36 35~Leaves glabrous to subglabrous; achenes glabrous or subglabrous~Olearia magniflora 35*~Leaves tomentose; achenes silky and glandular~Olearia incana 36~Ray florets ± 18; disc florets ± 35~37 36*~Ray florets ± 30; disc florets ± 39~Olearia flocktoniae 37~Disc florets ± 33; pappus with an outer row of short bristles~Olearia tenuifolia 37*~Disc florets ± 33; pappus without an outer row of short bristles~Olearia cordata 38~Leaves alternate~39 38*~Leaves opposite~56 39~Leaves viscid on upper surface~Olearia elliptica 39*~Leaves not viscid on upper surface~40 40~Pappus bristles pink~Olearia myrsinoides 40*~Pappus bristles white or straw-coloured~41 41~Leaves with venation reticulate or indistinct apart from midvein~42 41*~Leaves with venation pinnate~52 42~Heads axillary~Olearia quercifolia 42*~Heads terminal~43 43~Disc florets purple~Olearia montana 43*~Disc florets cream or yellow~44 44~Heads ± 40 mm in diam~Olearia stilwelliae 44*~Heads ± 32 mm in diam~45 45~Heads solitary or clustered~46 45*~Heads in panicles or corymbs~47 46~Ray florets ± 15; pappus 2-seriate~Olearia lasiophylla 46*~Ray florets ± 16; pappus multiseriate~Olearia phlogopappa 47~Heads in corymbs~48 47*~Heads in panicles~51 48~Heads sessile~Olearia oliganthema 48*~Heads pedunculate~49 49~Ray achenes minutely strigose; disc achenes densely glandular; pappus bristles 30–36~Olearia heterocarpa 49*~Ray and disc achenes glabrous; pappus bristles 26–80~50 50~Leaves minutely silver-tomentose on lower surface; pappus bristles ± 44~Olearia argophylla 50*~Leaves beige-tomentose on lower surface; pappus bristles ± 50~Olearia megalophylla 51~Disc florets cream to yellow; achenes silky; pappus with an outer row of short bristles~Olearia lirata 51*~Disc florets yellow; achenes glabrous; pappus without an outer row of short bristles~Olearia erubescens 52~Leaves grey-pubescent on upper surface~Olearia gravis 52*~Leaves glabrous or subglabrous on upper surface~53 53~Leaves silver-felted on lower surface; pappus without an outer row of short bristles~Olearia cydoniifolia 53*~Leaves brown-, beige- or grey-felted on lower surface; pappus with an outer row of short bristles~54 54~Leaves lanceolate, margins mostly entire but sometimes sinuate and serrate, peduncles <15 mm long~Olearia lirata 54*~Leaves other than lanceolate, margins various, peduncles much greater than 15 mm long~55 55~Leaves ovate, margins prickly or toothed, apex acute; peduncle ± 35 mm long~Olearia nernstii 55*~Leaves elliptic, margins toothed or sinuately lobed, apex obtuse or rounded; peduncle ± 70 mm long~Olearia tomentosa 56~Heads in panicles~Olearia chrysophylla 56*~Heads in simple or compound corymbs~57 57~Ray florets ± 4; disc florets ± 4~58 57*~Ray florets ± 6; disc florets ± 6~59 58~Pappus bristles pink~Olearia aglossa 58*~Pappus bristles white or straw-coloured~Olearia covenyi 59~Leaves beige-tomentose on lower surface, margins flat, petiole ± 30 mm long~Olearia megalophylla 59*~Leaves grey-tomentose on lower surface, margins revolute, petiole ± 12 mm long~60 60~Leaves with margins entire; peduncles ± 25 mm long~Olearia alpicola 60*~Leaves with margins toothed; peduncles ± 50 mm long~Olearia oppositifolia #{gn}Callistemon 1~Leaves less than 3 mm wide~2 1*~Leaves more than 3 mm wide~7 2~Leaves less than 4 cm long~3 2*~Leaves more than 4 cm long~6 3~Flowers red~4 3*~Flowers yellow~5 4~Leaves needle-like, mostly less than 1 mm diam.; spikes 2–3 cm diam.; species of inland plains~Callistemon brachyandrus 4*~Leaves flat to subulate, mostly 0.75–3 mm wide; spikes 4–5 cm diam.; species of coastal and tableland districts~Callistemon subulatus 5~Branches stiff; leaves 1–2(–3.2) cm long, 0.75–1.5 mm diam.; mainly on the tablelands in boggy heathland~Callistemon pityoides 5*~Branches flexuous; leaves 2–5 cm long, 2–5 mm wide; widespread along watercourses, creekbeds and gullies~Callistemon sieberi 6~Flowers yellow-green or rarely red; leaves terete or channelled, rough with oil glands~Callistemon pinifolius 6*~Flowers red; leaves flat or channelled, not or scarcely rough~Callistemon linearis 7~Flowers yellow or green~8 7*~Flowers red, pink or lilac~13 8~Fruit less than 5.5 mm diam~9 8*~Fruit more than 5.5 mm diam~12 9~Spikes mostly 3–3.5 cm diam., occasionally more~10 9*~Spikes less than 3 cm diam~11 10~Bark mostly soft and papery; leaves willow-like, narrowly rhomboidal~Callistemon salignus 10*~Bark hard; leaves not willow-like, elliptic to oblanceolate~Callistemon pallidus 11~Leaves 6–8 mm wide, broadest below the middle, margins usually recurved; spikes c. 2 cm diam~Callistemon shiressii 11*~Leaves 2–5 mm wide, mostly broadest above the middle, margins not recurved; spikes usually 2–2.5 cm diam~Callistemon sieberi 12~Leaves grey-green, smooth, apex abruptly narrowed; Wallum heath and hind dunes of northern coastal districts~Callistemon pachyphyllus 12*~Leaves dark green, rough with oil glands, apex mostly pointed; tableland species, generally in rocky areas~Callistemon flavovirens 13~Flowers red~14 13*~Flowers purple-pink~22 14~Stamens fused into a ring at the base~Callistemon viminalis 14*~Stamens free~15 15~Leaves more or less linear~16 15*~Leaves not linear~18 16~Spikes less than 5 cm diam., leafy; fruit less than 6 mm diam~Callistemon subulatus 16*~Spikes more than 5 cm diam., not leafy; fruit more than 6 mm diam~17 17~Leaves mostly 8–10 cm long, 5–8 mm wide~Callistemon linearifolius 17*~Leaves mostly 5–7 cm long, 3–4 mm wide~Callistemon rigidus 18~Leaves willow-like, narrowly rhomboidal, margins undulate~Callistemon acuminatus 18*~Leaves generally broadest above the middle, margins not undulate~19 19~Leaves mostly more than 1 cm wide~Callistemon comboynensis 19*~Leaves mostly less than 1 cm wide~20 20~Leaves with one side almost straight; spikes generally broader than long; fruit 7–8 mm diam~Callistemon montanus 20*~Leaves more or less symmetrical; spikes longer than broad; fruit mostly less than 7 mm diam~21 21~Leaves abruptly narrowed at apex, veins obscure~Callistemon pachyphyllus 21*~Leaves not abruptly narrowed at apex, veins evident~Callistemon citrinus 22~Leaves more than 5 mm wide~Callistemon citrinus 22*~Leaves less than 5 mm wide~23 23~Leaves with pronounced pungent point c. 2 mm long; stamens 1.2–1.5 cm long~Callistemon pungens subsp. pungens 23*~Leaves with a pungent point c. 1 mm long or less; stamens 0.8–1.0 cm long~Callistemon pungens subsp. synoriensis #{gn}Asterolasia 1~Flowers white to pale yellow, pedicellate, in 1–9-flowered clusters; leaves mostly >3 cm long, 5–30 mm wide, flat.~2 1*~Flowers usually bright yellow, sessile or pedicellate, solitary or in few-flowered clusters; leaves usually <3 cm long, 2–10 mm wide, with margins slightly recurved to revolute.~5 2~Leaves with apex acuminate; petals 8–14 mm long.~Asterolasia elegans 2*~Leaves with apex obtuse to acute; petals 5–9 mm long.~3 3~Leaves with upper surface glabrous at maturity, lower surface stellate-tomentose.~Asterolasia correifolia 3*~Leaves with both surfaces stellate-tomentose at maturity.~4 4~Petals 7–9 mm long; flowers 1-few in terminal or axillary clusters, pedicels 5–20 mm long, lengthening up to 30 mm in fruit; branchlets rusty-tomentose.~Asterolasia hexapetala 4*~Petals c. 6 mm long; flowers solitary in axils of leaves, pedicels 2–7 mm long, scarcely lengthening in fruit.; branchlets fawnish tomentose.~Asterolasia beckersii 5~Leaves narrow-oblong to oblong-cuneate (length:breadth ratio of 5–8:1), upper surface muricate, margins recurved.~Asterolasia rivularis 5*~Leaves variable in shape, elliptic to spathulate, ± circular or obcordate to obdeltate (length: breadth ratio of 1–3:1), upper surface glabrous or stellate hairy, margins recurved or flat.~6 6~Flowers 1-few, pedicels 2- 20 mm long at flowering; cocci beaked; from Torrington, Mt Kaputar N.P. and Mt Parlour (Armidale district), Mt Canobolas and Tumut to Geehi (NT, CT, ST).~7 6*~Flowers solitary, sessile or subsessile; cocci rounded or beaked; south from the Mt Tomah district in the Blue Mtns (SC, CT, ST).~8 7~Leaves obcordate to obdeltate, 7–20 mm long, upper surface densely stellate, shortly petiolate (<2 mm) or sessile; petiole when present somewhat thickened and flat, often appressed to the stem; Mt Kaputar N.P. and Mt Canobolas (NT, CT).~Asterolasia rupestris 7*~Leaves ± lanceolate to elliptic or oblanceolate, sometimes narrow-oblong, 4–35 mm long, upper surface sparsely or densely stellate; petiole terete, 2–7mm long, not appressed to the stem; base of lamina often v-shaped on upper surface giving the appearance of an extended petiole; Tumut district to Geehi and near Torrington (NT, ST).~Asterolasia asteriscophora 8~Leaves mostly 5–18 mm long; ovary glabrous; restricted to the Mt Tomah area of the Blue Mtns (CT).~Asterolasia buxifolia 8*~Leaves usually 3–10 mm long; ovary stellate-tomentose; south from the Penrose area.~9 9~Leaves elliptic to circular, with margins recurved/revolute, upper surface glossy, glabrous or sparsely stellate hairy or hispidulous; cocci not beaked; south from the A.C.T and the Budawang Ra. (SC, ST).~Asterolasia trymalioides 9*~Leaves broad-obovate, with margins not recurved, upper surface dull, glabrous or sparsely stellate hairy; cocci beaked; confined to the Wingello district (CT).~Asterolasia buckinghamii #{gn}Flindersia 1~Leaves simple~Flindersia maculosa 1*~Leaves 3-foliolate or pinnate~2 2~Leaves with rachis prominently winged, wings extending 3–4 mm on each side; leaflets obovate, apex rounded to emarginate; capsules with tubercles 1–2 mm long~Flindersia collina 2*~Leaves with rachis not winged or occasionally with narrow wings extending less than 1 mm on each side; leaflets oblong-elliptic to elliptic or ovate, apex obtuse to more or less acuminate; capsules with tubercles 2–10 mm long~3 3~Leaves usually alternate, crowded towards the ends of the branchlets, or alternate and opposite on the same branch; sepals 2.2–2.5 mm long; capsule valves separating to about half their length, but not completely separating; seeds winged at one end only~Flindersia australis 3*~Leaves opposite or more or less opposite; sepals 1–1.5 mm long; capsule valves fully separating; seeds winged at both ends~4 4~Leaflets not falcate, base more or less symmetrical, apex obtuse or occasionally acute, more or less leathery; staminal filaments glabrous; capsules 4–7 cm long~Flindersia bennettii 4*~Leaflets usually falcate, base asymmetric, apex bluntly acute to more or less acuminate, membranous to chartaceous to more or less leathery; staminal filaments pilose subapically; capsules 6.5–13 cm long~5 5~Leaves with 7–19 leaflets, oil dots dense, not unusually brittle when dry; petals villous inside, sparsely appressed-hairy outside; capsules with thick tubercles~Flindersia schottiana 5*~Leaves with 3–11 leaflets, oil dots sparse or absent, very brittle when dry; petals glabrous; capsules with slender tubercles~Flindersia xanthoxyla #{gn}Elacholoma 1~Leaves obovate to elliptic, non-glandular hairs covering surfaces~Elacholoma hornii 1*~Leaves linear to terete, grooved above, sparcely hairy with non-glandular hairsmainly confined to younger parts and the calyx rim~Elacholoma prostrata #{fm}PLANTAGINACEAE 1~Plant a climber or vine; leaves triangular~2 1*~Plant herbs or shrubs; leaves linear to obovate, not triangular~3 2~Plants glabrous except for the calyx; leaves palmately 5–9-veined~Maurandya 2*~Plants glandular-pubescent or pilose; leaves palmately 3–5-veined~Lophospermum 3~Leaves opposite and sometimes whorled in parts of the plant~4 3*~Leaves alternate on fertile parts of the plant or basal~10 4~Bracteoles present between the calyx and the bract (minute in Bacopa caroliniana)~5 4*~Bracteoles absent~8 5~Leaves sessile, margins entire~6 5*~Leaves petiolate, serrate~Mecardonia 6~Fertile stamens 2, sometimes with staminodes absent or present; corolla cylindrical~Gratiola 6*~Fertile stamens 4, staminodes absent or present; corolla 2-lipped or bell-shaped~7 7~Sepals unequal; corolla more or less bell-shaped~Bacopa 7*~Sepals equal; corolla strongly 2-lipped~Stemodia 8~Stamens 2~Veronica 8*~Stamens 4~9 9~Corolla 2-lipped; tube swollen into a pouch on the lower side,upper lip 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed with a prominent palate at the base closing the mouth~Misopates 9*~Corolla nearly regular; tube inconspicuous; densely hairy at throat; lobes 4~Scoparia 10~Leaves in a basal rosette with a lamina of 3–9 longitudinal veins~Plantago 10*~Leaves mostly alternate (and basal Digitalis - no longitudinal veins); palmate or pinnate~11 11~Calyx of 5 equal sepals~12 11*~Calyx of 5 unequal sepals~14 12~Stems of plant heteromorphic, fertile stems erect and vegetative stems prostrate or procumbent~Nuttallanthus 12*~Stem of plant one type only, procumbent, prostrate to ascending~13 13~Leaves broad palmately veined, margins with 5–11 teeth~Cymbalaria 13*~Leaves broad pinnately veined, margins entire or toothed~Kickxia 14~Herb, well over 1 metre high 120–150 cm tall; leaves ovate~Digitalis 14*~Herb, well under 1 metre high, mostly < 70 cm tall; leaves linear~Linaria #{fm}PHRYMACEAE 1~Leaves opposite joined by a ridge at the nodes; calyx prominently 5-angled~2 1*~Leaves opposite with no join at the nodes; calyx tubular, mainly smooth or very slightly angled~3 2~Pedicles shorter than calyx~Peplidium 2*~Pedicels longer than calyx~Elacholoma 3~Calyx with noticeably unequal teeth~4 3*~Calyx with equal or almost equal teeth~5 4~Leaves opposite, sometimes clustered by suppression of the internodes, entire~Glossostigma 4*~Leaves opposite, not clustered, toothed~Erythranthe 5~Leaves lanceolate to linear oblong, entire or sparsely toothed, sessile~Mimulus 5*~Leaves ovate, entire, shortly petiolate~Thyridia #{gn}Eragrostis 1~Perennials with swollen stem bases covered by numerous hairy or glabrous cataphylls, often also with short to long, thick, knotty rhizomes~2 1*~Perennials or annuals, without conspicuously swollen stems or bases, rhizomes usually absent, never thick and knotty~9 2~Coarse almost shrubby perennials up to or more than 2 m tall, branching along the stem and with few foliage leaves; lateral nerves of lemma subequal to midvein, all 3 fading halfway along the lemma~Eragrostis australasica 2*~Plants less than 1 m high, rarely branching from upper nodes and with numerous foliage leaves; lateral nerves of lemma shorter than the midvein~3 3~Lemmas hairy along the lower margins~Eragrostis laniflora 3*~Lemmas glabrous~4 4~Leaves flat, even when dry, almost distichous (in 2 rows)~Eragrostis xerophila 4*~Leaves rarely flat, normally rolled, always rolled when dry~5 5~Plants with thick woolly swollen bases, infloresence sparsely branched often more or less spike-like, the spikelets spreading or curving away from the axis at maturity~6 5*~Plants with swollen bases but these glabrous or hairy, not covered by thick woolly hairs; inflorescence often branched, rarely reduced and spike-like but then with some florets obviously aborted; spikelets rarely spreading or curving away from the axis at maturity~8 6~Lemmas 1–1.5 mm long~Eragrostis desertorum 6*~Lemmas 1.7–3 mm long~7 7~Lemmas 2–3 mm long; palea keeled for almost whole length; floret usually falling with fragile rachilla joint~Eragrostis eriopoda 7~lemmas 1.7–2 mm long; palea keels shorter tahn body of palea; rachilla and palea persistent~Eragrostis lanicaulis 8~Mature spikelets c. 1 mm wide, usually with more than 20 florets; lemmas less than 2 mm long~Eragrostis falcata 8*~Mature spikelets more than 1.5 mm wide, usually with less than 20 florets; lemmas c. 2 mm long~Eragrostis setifolia 9~Inflorescence an open panicle, to twice as long as broad or 8 cm or more wide~10 9*~Inflorescence more or less compact, usually more than twice as long as broad (sometimes reduced by environmental conditions) or less than 6 cm wide~30 10~Annuals (mature plants pull up easily)~11 10*~Perennials (mature plants cannot be pulled up easily)~17 11~Plants usually more than 50 cm high, spikelets with 10–20 florets, 1 mm wide; lemmas 1.5 mm long; panicle 20–30 cm long, more or less drooping~Eragrostis parviflora 11*~Plants usually less than 50 cm high or spikelets more than 1 mm wide; lemmas more than 1.5 mm long and inflorescence less than 20 cm long~12 12~Leaves with marginal glands and/or inflorescence with a brown ring below the lower nodes (= 'ring of glands')~13 12*~Leaves without marginal glands; inflorescences without glands; glands sometimes present elsewhere on the sheath or blade~16 13~Spikelets 2–4 mm wide, lemmas usually more than 2 mm long~Eragrostis cilianensis 13*~Spikelets 1–2 mm wide, if c. 2 mm wide then the lemmas 2 mm long or less~14 14~Palea keels shorter than body of the palea~Eragrostis pilosa 14*~Palea keels as long as the body of the lemma~15 15~Lemmas scabrous~Eragrostis barrelieri 15*~Lemmas smooth~Eragrostis minor 16~Spikelets < 1.5 mm wide~Eragrostis pilosa 16*~Spikelets > 1.5 mm wide~Eragrostis mexicana 17~Axils of inflorescence branches with fine long hairs~18 17*~Inflorescence with axils of secondary and subsequent branches glabrous, axils of primary barnches may have hairs~20 18~Axils of pedicels also hairy~Eragrostis tenuifolia 18*~Hairs restricted to axils of main inflorescence branches~19 19~Inflorescence large and robust; lemma >2 mm long; grain obtuse~Eragrostis curvula 19*~Inflorescence open and delicate; lemmas <2 mm long; grain truncate~Eragrostis lugens 20~Spikelets with 3–5 florets, pedicels 2–6 times the length of the spikelet~Eragrostis trachycarpa 20*~Spikelets with more than 5 florets or with relatively shorter pedicels~21 21~Lemmas >2 mm long~22 21*~Lemmas <2 mm long~24 22~Grain twice as long as broad~Eragrostis curvula 22*~Grain sub-globose~23 23~Grain truncate, spikelets leaden-green, flattened, 1.5 mm or wide~Eragrostis alveiformis 23*~Grain ovoid, spikelets purple or straw-coloured, slightly flattened, c. 1 mm wide~Eragrostis falcata 24~Axils of primary branches pilosa with hairs 1–3 mm long~Eragrostis lugens 24*~Axils of primary branches glabrous or with hairs <1 mm long~25 25~Spikelets terete, narrow, >4 mm long; lateral nerves of lemma closer to the margin than the midvein~Eragrostis lacunaria 25*~Spikelets flattened; lateral nerves of lemma usually half way between margins and midvein~26 26~Main inflorescence branches above the lowest whorl mostly opposite~27 26*~Main inflorescence branches above the lowest whorl mostly alternate~28 27~Grain twice as long as broad, lemma 1.75–2 mm long~Eragrostis leptocarpa 27*~Grain sub-globose, lemma 1.5 mm long~Eragrostis parviflora 28~Grain truncate, spikelets leaden-green, lemmas 1.5–1.75 mm long, opaque~Eragrostis leptostachya 28*~Grain obtuse, lemmas 1–2 mm long~29 29~Lemmas <1.5 mm long, translucent~Eragrostis microcarpa 29*~Lemmas >1.5 mm long, opaque, leaden-green or rarely straw-coloured~Eragrostis benthamii 30~Annuals (plants pull up easily)~31 30*~Perennials (plants hard to pull up)~35 31~Spikelets <5 mm long and >1 mm wide with <5 florets; delicate annual~Eragrostis tenuella 31*~Spikelets >5 mm long or >1 mm wide, usually with >5 florets~32 32~Leaves with marginal glands and/or inflorescence with a brown ring below the nodes (='ring of glands')~33 32*~Leaf margins and inflorescence without glands~34 33~Spikelets 2–4 mm wide; lemmas usually >2 mm long~Eragrostis cilianensis 33*~Spikelets 1.5–2 mm wide; lemmas usually <2 mm long~Eragrostis barrelieri 34~Spikelets flattened, greater than or equal to 3 mm wide; palea with obvious hairs 0.5 mm long on the keels~Eragrostis basedowii 34*~Spikelets sub-terete, < 2 mm wide; palea without obvious hairs~Eragrostis dielsii 35~Spikelets <2 mm wide~36 35*~Spikelets >2 mm wide~42 36~Spikelets less than or equal to 1 mm with 3 florets~Eragrostis kennedyae 36*~Spikelets >2 mm long~37 37~Spikelets sub-terete or cylindrical~38 37*~Spikelets distinctly flattened~39 38~Spikelets 1.2–2.5 mm wide, lemmas 1.75 mm long, grain 0.6–0.7 mm long; plant more or less scabrous~Eragrostis dielsii 38*~Spikelets 1–1.2 mm wide, lemmas less than 1.75 mm long, grain slightly less than 0.6 mm long; plant smooth~Eragrostis pergracilis 39~Grain truncate; inflorescence more or less open~Eragrostis leptostachya 39*~Grain obtuse; inflorescence narrow, branches mostly erect~40 40~Lemma <1.4 mm long; usually <8 florets/spikelets~Eragrostis trichophora 40~Lemma greater than or equal to 1.4 mm long; usually >9 spikelets/floret~41 41~Rachilla straight~Eragrostis speciosa 41*~Rachilla flexuose or zigzag~42 42~Palea c. 50% the length of the lemma; palea flaps distinctly narrower than the body of the palea; caryopsis c. 0.5 mm long~Eragrostis sterilis 42*~Palea > 50 % the length of the lemma; palea flaps wider thant the body of the palea; capyopsis 0.9–1 mm long~Eragrostis megalosperma 43~Spikelets 3–8 mm long in dense sessile or sub-sessile clusters along the axis of an interrupted spike-like panicle~Eragrostis elongata 43*~Spikelets scattered on short panicle branches, the lower branches at least as long as the spikelets or in pedunculate (stalked) clusters~44 44~Branches of the panicle shortly pubsecent on upper surfaces for several millimetres from their axils~Eragrostis pubescens 44*~Branches of the panicle glabrous or hispid, not pubsecent~45 45~Rachilla persistent, lemmas falling fast~Eragrostis spartinoides 45*~Florets falling as a unit, rachilla persistent~46 46~Palea 50% the lenght of the lemma~47 46*~Palea 75% or more the length of the lemma~48 47~Rachilla straight~Eragrostis speciosa 47*~Rachilla flexuose or zig-zag~Eragrostis sterilis 48~Upper glume 2.5–3 mm long; spikelets in subsessile clusters; lower inflorescence branches 1–3 times as long as the spikelets~Eragrostis interrupta 48*~Upper glume 1.5–2 mm long; spikelets borne on lateral branches, lower lateral branches 2-several times as long as the spikelets~49 49~Lemmas 1.5–2 mm long, the paleas with the 2 keels narrowing and almost meeting at the apex, pedicels of spikelets very short~Eragrostis brownii 49*~Lemmas c. 2.5 mm long, the paleas with a broad membranous connection at the apex between the 2 keels~Eragrostis sororia #{gn}Opercularia 1~Plants densely to sparsely hirsute or scabrous with hairs to 1 mm long; inner face of seeds without longitudinal ridges~Opercularia hispida 1*~Plants glabrous or scabrous with hairs to 0.5 mm long; inner face of seeds with longitudinal ridges (except in Opercularia diphylla)~2 2~Leaves ovate to lanceolate, 5–20 mm wide; calyx-lobes 2–4 mm long~Opercularia aspera 2*~Leaves mostly linear to lanceolate or narrow-ovate, 1–8 mm wide; calyx-lobes to 1 mm long~3 3~Small weak or decumbent herbs; leaves mostly to 3 cm long; seeds pitted without 2 longitudinal ridges~Opercularia diphylla 3*~Erect to spreading subshrubs; leaves mostly to 1.5 cm long; seeds transversely wrinkled with 2 prominent longitudinal ridges on inner surface~4 4~Plants dioecious; branches more or less rigid, terete, 1–2 mm wide; flower heads more or less sessile on little-branched stems; an uncommon species of southern inland N.S.W~Opercularia turpis 4*~Plants monoecious; branches lax, more or less angular, to 1 mm wide; flower heads with a peduncle 2–7 mm long and with dichotomous branching at the same nodes on lower part of plant; a widespread species of the coast and tablelands~Opercularia varia #{sp}Philotheca myoporoides 1~Most leaves either >10 mm wide or >4.5 cm long and inflorescences mostly 3- or more (8)-flowered; peduncles 1–20 mm long~subsp. myoporoides 1*~Leaves 4–10 mm wide, and 1.3–4.5 cm long and inflorescences usually 1- or 2-flowered or rarely some inflorescences 3- or 4-flowered, peduncles 0–5 mm long~2 2~Peduncles 0–2 mm long, pedicels 4–8 mm long; south coastal to escarpment ranges and southern tablelands, from Sassafras to Moruya district~subsp. brevipedunculata 2*~Peduncles 0–5 mm long; pedicels 1–10 mm long; chiefly in the central west and southern plains Lockhart district to south of Cobar~subsp. acuta #{gn}Hypochaeris 1~Hairs of pappus in 2 rows; inner long and plumose; outer short and simple; florets yellow~2 1*~Hairs of pappus in 1 row; all plumose; florets white~Hypochaeris albiflora 2~Inner achenes beaked, outer achenes with no beak; leaves usually glabrous; if hairy, only slightly so, especially on margins~Hypochaeris glabra 2*~All achenes beaked; leaves usually hispid, rarely glabrous~Hypochaeris radicata #{fm}ANNONACEAE 1~Leaves lanceolate to oblong to narrow-elliptic; domatia absent; berries 1–4-seeded, constricted between seeds~2 1*~Leaves ovate to elliptic; hairy domatia present; berries always 1-seeded~Polyalthia 2~Climbers, sometimes erect in juvenile stages; flowers pseudoterminal or leaf-opposed; apex of leaves obtuse or notched~Melodorum 2*~Shrubs or small trees; flowers axillary; apex of leaves acuminate, acute~Meiogyne #{fm}Linderniaceae 1~Branches prominently 4-ribbed; sepals broad, imbricate; corolla greater than 20 mm long~Artanema 1*~Branches obscurely to distinctly 4-angled; sepals narrow, hardly overlapping; corolla less than 10 mm long~Lindernia #{gn}Prostanthera 1~Calyx lobes unequal in length; corolla mauve to white, with tube short, broad apically; lower lobe longer and more spreading than the erect upper lobes; fruit enclosed by inward folded lower calyx lobe; upper calyx lobe usually recurved~2 1*~Calyx lobes ± equal in length; corolla red to pink, or bluish to yellowish green (never mauve to white) with tube long, slightly expanded apically; median upper and lower lobes ± equal; fruit not enclosed by the calyx lobes~54 2~Flowers arranged in bracteose inflorescences (appearing terminal), the floral leaves all or mostly reduced to membranous, usually caducous prophylls~3 2*~Flowers arranged in leafy botryoids (appearing axillary), with subtending leaves (of flowers) similar to and sometimes smaller than the leaves on the branchlets~26 3~Leaves with margin entire~4 3*~Leaves with margin variously toothed~16 4~Branches glabrous, except for nodes and/or lateral ridges~5 4*~Branches sparsely to densely hairy~6 5~Branches with hairs restricted to nodes; leaves narrowly ovate to linear, usually less than 40 mm long, less than 5 mm wide, petiole absent or up to 2 mm long~Prostanthera linearis 5*~Branches with hairs restricted to lateral ridges and nodes; leaves ovate, 40–70 mm long, 12–26 mm wide, petiole 5–12 mm long~Prostanthera petraea 6~Anther appendages as long as anther locule~7 6*~Anther appendages absent or less than half the anther locule length~8 7~Leaf lamina >8 mm wide, length to width ratio <2; leaf margin usually with widely spaced, shallow teeth; flowers clustered in racemiform conflorescences; calyx glabrous~Prostanthera prunelloides 7*~Leaf lamina <7 mm wide, length to width ratio >2; leaf margin entire; flowers clustered in dense head-like bracteose botryoidal conflorescences; calyx hairy~Prostanthera conniana 8~Leaves with lamina very broadly ovate or almost circular~9 8*~Leaves with lamina ovate or narrowly ovate~10 9~Leaves grey-green; lamina very broadly ovate, base truncate; prophylls reduced, soon caducous (in flower); anthers separated during anthesis~Prostanthera cruciflora 9*~Leaves dark to light green; lamina almost circular, base cuneate; prophylls conspicuous and persistent; anthers held in pairs within corolla tube~Prostanthera rotundifolia 10~Leaf margins flat, leaves glabrous~11 10*~Leaf margins recurved, leaves hairy~14 11~Calyx densely hairy; leaves with lamina narrowly ovate~Prostanthera discolor 11*~Calyx glabrous or almost so; leaves with lamina ovate~12 12~Largest Leaves at least 2.5 cm long~Prostanthera ovalifolia 12*~Largest leaves less than 2.5 cm long~13 13~Indumentum consisting of short, curled hairs~Prostanthera cineolifera 13*~Indumentum consisting of short, straight hairs~Prostanthera lanceolata 14~Leaves 8–13 mm long, ovate but appearing rhombic when margins become excessively recurved after drying~Prostanthera stricta 14*~Leaves 10–30 mm long, narrow ovate to ovate, but never ovate when shorter than 15 mm long~15 15~Leaves 1.5–6 mm wide, margins often strongly revolute~Prostanthera hirtula 15*~Leaves 6–10 mm wide, margins weakly recurved~Prostanthera makinsonii 16~Leaves flat~17 16*~Leaves with margin recurved or revolute~24 17~Leaves deeply toothed with teeth rounded and directed forward; branches and leaves moderately to densely covered with distinct, long (1–1.5 mm long), ± spreading hairs~Prostanthera askania 17*~Leaves shortly toothed; branches and/or leaves glabrous or if hairy then hairs short (less than 1 mm long) and curled~18 18~Flowers white, or with pale wash of mauve, spots in throat of corolla, inside and outside of corolla hairy, anther appendage at least as long as anther locule~19 18*~Flowers deep mauve, corolla markings absent, inside corolla not hairy, anther appendage shorter than locule or absent~20 19~Petiole 4–8 mm long, lamina width 20–30 mm~Prostanthera lasianthos 19*~Petiole 2–5 mm long, lamina width 4–5 mm~Prostanthera tallowa 20~Leaves with lamina almost circular, base cuneate~Prostanthera rotundifolia 20*~Leaves with lamina ovate to narrowly ovate~21 21~Leaves with usually 3 teeth on each side of margin, older branches sometimes inserted at 90 degree angle~Prostanthera incisa 21*~Leaves entire or with teeth, older branches inserted at less than 90 degree angle~22 22~Calyx densely hairy; leaves with lamina narrowly ovate to oblong~Prostanthera discolor 22*~Calyx glabrous or almost so; leaves with lamina ovate~23 23~Branchlets hairy or with hairs at least restricted to decussate grooves~Prostanthera ovalifolia 23*~Branchlets glabrous~Prostanthera caerulea 24~Leaves glabrous, except for a few short stiff hairs near margin leaf margins~Prostanthera denticulata 24*~Leaves hairy on both surfaces, margins crenate~25 25~Leaves c. 5(–7) mm long, with short, stiff hairs~Prostanthera violacea 25*~Leaves (8–) c. 10 mm long, finely and densely hairy~Prostanthera incana 26~Leaves convex or with margin recurved to revolute~27 26*~Leaves flat or margin conduplicate or incurved~43 27~Leaves ± terete, oblong, linear, or deeply 3- or 5-fid (in Prostanthera staurophylla) with lobes linear~28 27*~Leaves narrowly ovate to broadly ovate, ± circular or obovate, never lobed~34 28~Leaves ± terete; margin entire or deeply 3- or 5-fid and lobes 3–5 mm long; prophylls not persistent, c. 0.5 mm long; branches densely covered with shortly curled hairs~29 28*~Leaves oblong, narrowly oblong or linear; margin entire; prophylls persistent, at least 1.6 mm long; branches glabrous between nodes or sparsely to densely covered with ± straight, spreading to appressed hairs~30 29~Adult leaves grey-green, strongly revolute such that lamina appears subterete, 5–16 mm long; margin entire or deeply 2- or 3-fid, densely covered with sessile glands; branches densely covered with sessile glands; anther appendage absent or minute~Prostanthera teretifolia 29*~Adult leaves lime- to dark green, oblong or linear, if lobed, then lobes linear, never terete-like, 2–9 mm long, deeply (2–)3(–7)-fid, with scattered glandular hairs adaxially; branches densely covered with podiate glandular hairs; anther appendage present~Prostanthera staurophylla 30~Branches 4-ridged (often winged), glabrous, except for nodes~31 30*~Branches not 4-ridged, hairy throughout~32 31~Nodes and bases of short shoot distinctly hairy; flower approximately 4 times longer than pedicel; prophylls opposite; adaxial calyx lobe apiculate and approximately equal in size to abaxial calyx lobe~Prostanthera linearis 31*~Nodes with a few short hairs present; pedicels as long as or up to 2 times as long as the flower; prophylls ± subopposite; adaxial calyx lobe rounded, shorter than abaxial calyx lobe~Prostanthera elisabethae 32~Leaves with apex acute; calyx lower lip often retuse with two sharp points, calyx glabrous~Prostanthera scutellarioides 32*~Leaves with apex obtuse; calyx lower lip rounded and hirsute or with at least a few sparse hairs~33 33~Leaves evenly covered with short straight hairs and margin shortly (often indistinctly) lobed to bluntly toothed; hairs suberect to spreading, not appressed; anther appendage absent~Prostanthera stenophylla 33*~Leaves with only a few hairs or glabrous and with margin entire; hairs appressed, antrorse, short; anther appendage present~Prostanthera saxicola 34~Leaves wrinkled with margin crenate~Prostanthera rugosa 34*~Leaves ± smooth with margin entire~35 35~Spines present, weakly erect or prostrate shrubs~Prostanthera sejuncta 35*~Spines absent, open erect shrubs~36 36~Leaves ± circular, usually appearing angular-ovate (rhombic)~Prostanthera rhombea 36*~Leaves narrowly ovate to ovate or obovate, if broadly ovate then usually appearing narrowly ovate because margin revolute (in Prostanthera decussata)~37 37~Leaves glabrous~38 37*~Leaves hairy, at least with a few short tooth-like hairs near margin~39 38~Leaves obovate, 4–6.5 mm long; prophylls not persistent, 3–3.5 mm long; strongly aromatic shrub; branches densely covered with short, ± spreading hairs~Prostanthera cuneata 38*~Leaves narrowly ovate, 5–15 mm long; prophylls persistent, 2.5 mm long; slightly aromatic; branches sparsely covered with short, appressed hairs between ridges~Prostanthera phylicifolia 39~Leaves often with upper surface almost glabrous, having a few tooth-like hairs~40 39*~Leaves with upper surface moderately to densely hairy~41 40~Leaves hairy, at least with a few short tooth-like hairs near margin; branches densely covered with short to long spreading to antrorse hairs; corolla without markings in throat~Prostanthera decussata 40*~Leaves with upper surface almost glabrous, having a few tooth-like hairs; branches predominantly glandular, usually sparsely to moderately covered with short, ± antrorse hairs; corolla throat with dark purple spots~Prostanthera howelliae 41~Anther appendage absent, dark mauve markings in corolla, leaves grey-green, never toothed (if missing spots and not grey-green= P. rhombea)~Prostanthera granitica 41*~Anther appendage about as long as locule, lower inside corolla throat white covered with orange markings; leaves green, sometimes toothed~42 42~Branchlets, leaves and calyces scabrous hirsute; leaves narrowly ovate to narrowly elliptic, up to 8 mm long; prophylls up to 2.5 mm long~Prostanthera marifolia 42*~Branchlets, leaves and calyces densely and softly hairy; leaves broadly ovate, often cordate, 6–13 mm long; prophylls 2–5.5 mm long~Prostanthera densa 43~Branchlets, leaves and calyces with glandular hairs~Prostanthera cryptandroides 43*~Branchlets, leaves and calyces without glandular hairs~44 44~Branchlets, leaves and calyces glabrous~Prostanthera striatiflora 44*~Branchlets, leaves or calyces hairy~45 45~Leaves narrowly obovate (often appearing almost linear) or linear, conduplicate or incurved, usually appearing ± terete~46 45*~Leaves ± flat or slightly channelled above; margin slightly incurved or slightly recurved~47 46~Erect shrub 1–4 m high; adaxial calyx lobe 3–5 mm long; corolla 14–18 mm long; anther appendage c. 1.5 mm long; leaf lamina 10–50 mm long, 0.5–2 mm wide~Prostanthera nivea 46*~Low spreading, decumbent or sub-prostrate, or weakly erect subshrub, 0.1–0.3 m high; adaxial calyx lobe 1.5–1.8 mm long; corolla 8–12 mm long; anther appendage 0.5–0.7 mm long; leaf lamina 8–16 mm long, 1–4 mm wide (note: elliptic to narrowly elliptic leaves are also present on young plants or near the base of older plants)~Prostanthera junonis 47~Branchlets moderately to densely hairy, with hairs patent or slightly spreading~Prostanthera makinsonii 47*~Branchlets appearing sparsely hairy or with hairs restricted to opposite decussate bands~48 48~Branchlets with opposite decussate bands of hairs (often superficially appearing glabrous)~49 48*~Branchlets sparsely hairy with appressed hairs, or if almost glabrous then hairs restricted to nodes~52 49~Leaves obovate to ± spathulate; calyx with inner surface glabrous and outer surface densely hairy~Prostanthera palustris 49*~Leaves linear, ovate, elliptic, or narrowly obovate; calyx variously hairy or glabrous throughout~50 50~Strongly aromatic shrub; leaves with margin dentate to deeply dissected~Prostanthera incisa 50*~Non-aromatic or faintly aromatic shrub; leaves with margin entire~51 51~Erect shrub to 2 m high; calyx with outer surface glabrous or almost so; anther appendages absent~Prostanthera hindii 51*~Low spreading, decumbent, weak subshrub, erect when young 0.1–0.3 m high; calyx with outer surface sparsely to densely hairy, especially on abaxial surface of tube and abaxial lobe (distinct anther appendages almost as long as the locule)~Prostanthera junonis 52~Leaves (5–)6–10 mm wide, fresh leaves aromatic when crushed~Prostanthera gilesii 52*~Leaves less than 5 mm wide, not aromatic when crushed~53 53~Leaves up to 15 mm long, branches lacking ridges~Prostanthera saxicola 53*~Leaves 15–45 mm long, branches distinctly 4-ridged~Prostanthera linearis 54~Prophylls inserted at base or on lower half of pedicel~Prostanthera ringens 54*~Prophylls inserted at base of calyx or on upper half of pedicel~55 55~Leaves with lamina ± terete~Prostanthera aspalathoides 55*~Leaves with lamina ovate to narrowly ovate, sometimes ± circular, never terete or linear-obovate~56 56~Branches 4-angular and 4-ridged, ridges fused to base of petiole~Prostanthera porcata 56*~Branches ± terete, ridges absent~57 57~Leaves with lamina less than 5 mm long; petiole absent or to 0.5 mm long; venation not visible~Prostanthera serpyllifolia 57*~Leaves with lamina more than 10 mm long; petiole more than 1.5 mm long; venation visible, often faint~58 58~Prophylls 10–18 mm long; inner surface of calyx lobes hairy; leaves non-aromatic~Prostanthera monticola 58*~Prophylls 4–6.5 mm long; inner surface of calyx lobes glabrous; leaves aromatic~Prostanthera walteri #{gn}Cassinia 1~Flower heads arranged in compound dichasia; inflorescence umbrella shaped, flat topped or slightly domed (broader than high)~2 1*~Flower heads arranged alternately (more or less) along inflorescence axes: inflorescence sub-conical or pseudo spectate (height approximately equalling width or taller than wide)~24 2~Achenes grey to silvery white, not or scarcely constricted at apex, irregularly 4- or 5-ridged longitudinally, glabrous or with subsessile globular hairs~3 2*~Achenes brown, purple or black, smooth or longitudinally ribbed, cylindrical and usually constricted at the apex, glabrous or with elongated twin hairs~7 3~Flowerheads all more or less sessile in very dense flat-topped heads; corollas cream to yellow; pappus often absent or reduced to a few bristles; involucral bracts membraneous like cellophane~Cassinia venusta 3*~Flowerheads shortly pedunculate, inflorescence relatively open, corolla white to cream and pappus always present; involucral bracts cartilaginous~4 4~Florets 3–6 per capitulum~5 4*~Florets 7–12 per capitulum~6 5~Outer involucral bracts white, strongly 5-ranked; leaves bright green, terete with tightly revolute margins~Cassinia maritima 5*~Outer involucral bracts orchre to yellow brown, weakly 5-ranked; leaves grey-green to blue-green, loosely terete to flattened~Cassinia monticola 6~Upper leaf surface glabrous or sparsely and coarsely aculeate; achene 0.9–1.1 mm long~Cassinia hewsoniae 6*~Upper leaf surface densely and finely acicular; achene 0.5–0.8 mm long~Cassinia theresae 7~Leaves all of equal length, and stiffly spreading at approximately 90 degrees, with few or no lateral shoots developing on the current year shoots until the completion of fruiting; involucral bracts yellow to brown or greenish, mainly hyaline, sometimes opaque white on extreme tips~8 7*~Leaves on current years stems of variable length, spreading, erect or reflexed, with additional lateral shoots developing concurrently with flowering; involucral bracts white or cream~16 8~Flowerheads white, cream or greenish; involucral bracts opaque, at least at tip~9 8*~Flowerheads yellow brown; involucral bracts hyaline (apart from stereome)~13 9~Flowerheads narrow-cylindrical; florets 2–4 per head; paleae often absent; leaf margins revolute to midrib~10 9*~Flowerheads broad-cylindrical or globose; florets 5–17 per head; paleae present~11 10~Young stems densely and finely scabrous with gland-tipped hairs; florets 2 or 3 per head~Cassinia leptocephala 10*~Young stems cottony; florets 3 or 4 per head~Cassinia cunninghamii 11~Leaves narrow-linear, 10–20 times as long as broad; leaf margins revolute to midrib~12 11*~Leaves narrow-ovate to broad-linear or oblanceolate, 5 or 6 times as long as broad; leaf margins not or hardly revolute and lamina flat with under surface exposed~Cassinia denticulata 12~Achenes with very dense white twin hairs 0.2–0.3 mm long onscuring the dark coloured achene; florets 10–17 per head; flowerhead globose~Cassinia macrocephala 12*~Achenes with sparse twin hairs 0.05–0.08 mm long, not obscuring achene; florets 5–8 per head; flower head broad-cylindrical~Cassinia decipiens 13~Leaves lanceolate, lamina flat with margins not or hardly revolute; involucral bracts transversely wrinkled near tip~Cassinia compacta 13*~Leaves linear; lamina flat but margins becoming revolute on drying and leaves then appearing more or less terete; involucral bracts flat or domed but not noticeably wrinkled~14 14~Mature leaves densely aculeate above with conical hairs 0.05–0.25 mm long~Cassinia telfordii 14*~Mature leaves glabrous above, or if hairs present, very sparse, rounded papillose, up to 0.05 mm long~15 15~Involucral bracts membraneous; flowerheads 2.5–3.5 mm long; leaf tip acute but not or hardly mucronate~Cassinia straminea 15*~Involucral bracts cartilaginous with a very woody stereome at base; flowerheads 3.0–5.0 mm long, with 6 or 7 florets; leaf tip abruptly contracted into a straight mucro~Cassinia accipitrum 16~Mature achenes mid-brown, smooth (no ribs); twin hairs usually moderately dense~20 16*~Mature achenes deep red brown, dark chocolate brown or purple-black, with longitudinal ribs and often a transverse apical rib; twin hairs very sparse to almost absent~17 17~Leaves about 30–40 times as long as wide, 15–50 mm long; flowerheads mostly 4.5–5.0 mm long~18 17*~Leaves c. 10–30 times as long as broad, 7–25 mm long; flowerheads mostly 5–6 mm long~19 18~Flowerheads off-white; leaves 25–50 mm long, slightly rugose but glabrous above; florets 5 or 6 per head~Cassinia copensis 18*~Flowerheads pale yellow-brown; leaves 15–30 mm long, glabrous and smooth on upper surface, florets 3 or 4 per head~Cassinia ochracea 19~Flowerheads 5.5–6 mm long; mucro well developed on leaf tip, reflexed; florets 5–7 per head~Cassinia heleniae 19*~Flowerheads < 5.5 mm long; mucro on leaf tip tiny to almost absent; florets 4 or 5 per head~Cassinia lepschii 20~Leaves terete cylindrical~21 20*~Leaves distinctly flattened~22 21~Inflorescences dull white (ocassionally pink fading to white); leaf surfaces densely scabrous; understorey shrubs in dry or wet sclerophyll forests or woodland~Cassinia aculeata 21*~Inflorescences ochre coloured; upper leaf surfaces minutely papillose; on coastal cliffs and dunes~Cassinia thinicola 22~Inflorescence bright to dull white (tips of involucral bracts opaque-white~23 22*~Inflorescence yellow; tips of involucral bracts opaque-yellow~Cassinia aureonitens 23~Leaves with well-developed lateral veins, parallel and close to margins; lower surface of leaf olive green to green, with an indumentum composed entirely of dense subsessile globular hairs~Cassinia trinerva 23*~Leaves lacking well developed intermarginal veins; lower surface of leaf with an indumentum composed mainly of long white hairs, with sub-globular hairs beneath , or cottony hairs sometimes sparse and lower surface pale green~Cassinia longifolia 24~Inflorescence sub-conical in outline, as wide as high, loose, heads white to greenish, corollas creamy white~25 24*~Inflorescence linear, elongate, often dropping at the tip, loose to compact; heads usually purplish to brownish to reddish; corolla red to cream~29 25~Leaves linear, c. 1 mm wide~26 25*~Leaves lanceolate, ovate or oblong, mostly more than 2 mm wide~Cassinia subtropica 26~Involucral bract tips opaque~27 26*~Involucral bract tips translucent~28 27~Stems olive or red to brown, and/or with a dense indumentum of woolly hairs, or resinous; heads with 5 or 6 florets~28 27*~Stems white or pale, with soft woolly hairs; heads with 2–4 florets~Cassinia laevis 28~Leaves 2–4 cm long; involucral bracts arranged in 4 to 5 longitudinally ranked rows (at maturity), sometimes ranked~Cassinia quinquefaria 28*~Leaves 6–12 mm long; involucral bracts arranged spirally~Cassinia uncata 29~Leaves and stems conspicuously grey or white with woolly hairs; known only from high altitudes in the NANDEWAR RANGE~Cassinia theodorii 29*~Leaves glabrous and sticky above, stems inconspicuously woolly; widespread and often found to be weedy~Cassinia arcuata #{gn}Xerochrysum 1~Claw of medial involucral bracts with several veins that terminate at its apex~2 1*~Claw of medial involucral bracts with a central vein that passes into the lamina~3 2~Stem and leaves markedly viscous, stems strongly scabrous with stiff hairs~Xerochrysum viscosum 2*~Stem and leaves cottony or woolly; leaves scabrous-pubescent, especially on margins~Xerochrysum bracteatum 3~Leaves glabrous or with cottony hairs on the margins; involucral bracts smooth; grows in swamps~Xerochrysum palustre 3*~Leaves sparsely to moderately cottony; involucral bracts minutely scabrid abaxially; grows in open sites often on slopes chiefly in the Kosciusko area~Xerochrysum subundulatum #{fm}SAPOTACEAE 1~Milky latex mostly absent in fresh material; fruit 1- or 2-seeded, seeds rounded, ellipsoid if solitary, or flattened on one surface if 2 seeds present; scar 5–10 mm wide; flowers and fruit sessile; staminodes absent~Niemeyera 1*~Milky latex mostly present, sometimes sparse, in fresh material; fruit 1–6-seeded, seeds more or less angular, narrow-ellipsoid; scar less than 3 mm wide; flowers and fruit stalked; staminodes present~Pleioluma #{gn}Dysphania 1~Perianth segments 5~2 1*~Perianth segments 1–4~7 2~Annuals; stamens 0, 1 or 2~3 2*~Perennials, spreading sometimes woody herb to 1m high; stamens 5~13 3~Perianth segments fused to near apex~Dysphania truncata 3*~Perianth segments fused below halfway~4 4~Perianth segments strongly crested with a fimbriate keel~Dysphania cristata 4*~Perianth segments rounded to acute, if keeled then broadest at the base and the keel not frimbriate~5 5~Perianth segments fused in lower half, often dark~Dysphania melanocarpa 5*~Perianth segments fused only near the base, usually light coloured~6 6~Perianth segments rounded in back, exposing fruit, especially below~Dysphania pumilio 6*~Perianth segments keeled, at least towards the apex, more or less covering the fruit~Dysphania carinata 7~Perianth segments 1–3~8 7*~Perianth segments 4~12 8~Flowers in axillary globerules~9 8*~Flowers in spike-like inflorescences~11 9~Perianth segments 3 or 4; seed top-shaped to subglobose~Dysphania littoralis 9*~Perianth segments of lateral flowers of glomerules 1 or 2; seed erect , ellipsoid to obovoid or laterally flattened~10 10~Seeds strongly flattened, often slightly twisted, obovate to triangular; pericarp almost smooth~Dysphania platycarpa 10*~Seed ellipsoid or obovoid; pericarp smooth or minutely papillate~Dysphania glomulifera 11~Perianth segments free, rounded or inconspicuously keeled~Dysphania plantaginella 11*~Lower half of perianth segments fused into a hardened tube, keeled~Dysphania simulans 12~Seeds glossy, usually compressed with an equatorial ridge; perianth segments hairy, not inflated~Dysphania kalpari 12*~Seed dull, subglobose without an equatorial ridge; perianth segments inflated, glabrous or sparsely hairy~Dysphania rhadinostachya 13~Seeds horizontal or oblique; fruiting perianth not pouch-like~Dysphania ambrosioides 13*~Seeds vertical; fruiting perianth pouch-like~Dysphania multifida #{gn}Osteocarpum 1~Fruiting perianth subglobular, sessile or almost so, without wings~Osteocarpum salsuginosum 1*~Fruiting perianth stipitate on a hollow base or, if sessile, then 5 erect wings~2 2~Vertical wings absent~3 2*~Vertical wings present~4 3~Base of fruiting perianth swollen, broader than tube; radicular tubercle prominent; interpaline tubercules 1–4~Osteocarpum scleropterum 3*~Base of fruitng perianth cylindrical, equal to tube; radicular tubercle prominent; interpaline tubercle 1 or none~Osteocarpum acropterum 4~Vertical wings 1–3~5 4*~Vertical wings 5~Osteocarpum pentapterum 5~Vertical wings 1 or 2, obovate, not extending downward along the tube~6 5*~Vertical wings 2 or 3, semicircular~Osteocarpum dipterocarpum 6~Perianth base broad and swollen, wing solitary; tubercles 1–4~Osteocarpum scleropterum 6*~Perianth base cylindrical; wings 2, or if 1 then with a single tubercle~Osteocarpum acropterum #{gn}Chenopodium 1~Perennial shrubs, usually more than 50 cm high~2 1*~Annual or perennial herbs, or if shrubby, then less than 50 cm high~4 2~Spinescent shrub with spathulate to linear leaves~Chenopodium nitrariaceum 2*~Non-spiny shrubs; leaves elliptic to hastate~3 3~Fruit succulent; leaves densely hairy, 1–15 mm long~Chenopodium curvispicatum 3*~Fruit dry; leaves glabrescent above, mealy below, at least some more than 20 mm long~Chenopodium auricomum 4~Perianth either glabrous or slightly mealy and not shed with fruit~5 4*~Perianth mealy; perianth shed with the fruit enclosed~7 5~Perianth glaucous~Chenopodium glaucum 5*~Perianth slightly mealy~6 6~Leaves with entire margins~Chenopodium auricomiforme 6*~Leaves with deeply incised margins~Chenopodium erosum 7~Plants foetid~8 7*~Plants not foetid~10 8~Perianth segments fused to near apex~Chenopodium vulvaria 8*~Perianth segments fused only at base~9 9~Stamens 1 or 2; leaves sparsely hairy, 3–10 cm long~Chenopodium detestans 9*~Stamens 5; leaves densely hairy, c. 1 cm long~Chenopodium desertorum 10~Leaves usually 20 mm long or less; margins entire~11 10*~Leaves, or at least the lower ones, more than 30 mm long, margins usually toothed~12 11~Seeds reticulate; pericarp succulent~Chenopodium curvispicatum 11*~Seeds smooth to slightly wrinkled, pericarp dry or succulent~Chenopodium desertorum 12~Seed black, strongly patterned; leaves to 15 cm long, margins deeply incised~Chenopodium erosum 12*~Seed black to brownish, smooth or with minute or weakly developed pattern; leaves to 9 cm long, margins variously toothed~13 13~Leaves usually mealy with vesicular hairs, especially on lower surface; seeds bluntly keeled, smooth to weakly furrowed, pericarp readily detached~Chenopodium album 13*~Leaves nearly glabrous, except when very young; seeds prominently keeled, finely pitted, pericarp persistent~Chenopodium murale #{gn}Hibiscus 1~Annual herb or short-lived perennial; calyx membranous and inflated after flowering~2 1*~Trees, shrubs or subshrubs; calyx neither membranous nor inflated after flowering~4 2~Mid-stem and distal leaves lobed to the apex of the petiole; pedicel 0.25–0.6mm long~Hibiscus tridactylites 2*~Mid-stem and distal leaves not lobed to the apex of the petiole; pedicel 4–20mm long~2 3~Seed glabrous, 2.5–2.8mm long; style branches 0.6–1 mm long~Hibiscus verdcourtii 3*~Seed hairy, 2.0–2.6mm long; style branches 2.3–5.2mm long~Hibiscus richardsonii 4~Flowers either more than 5 cm long or if 3–5 cm then yellow; trees or shrubs; areas east of the Divide~5 4*~Flowers either less than 3 cm long or if to 3.5 cm then pink; subshrubs; areas west of the Divide except for garden escapes~8 5~Epicalyx segments free to the base; stipules linear~6 5*~Epicalyx segments united at the base to form a cup; stipules leafy~Hibiscus tiliaceus 6~Leaves with glands present on dorsal basal midrib; peduncle articulate at the base~5 6*~Leaves without glands; peduncle articulate c. 10 mm below flower~Hibiscus splendens 7~Erect or spreading shrub 1–2 m high, stems with a fine pubescence and interspersed with prickles~Hibiscus diversifolius 7*~Erect shrub or small tree to 6 m or more high, glabrous or glabrescent, stems with prickles~Hibiscus heterophyllus 8~Upper leaves entire; capsule silky~9 8*~Upper leaves lobed; capsule glabrous or hairy, but not silky~10 9~Indumentum rusty~Hibiscus sturtii 9*~Indumentum white, velvety~Hibiscus krichauffianus 10~Small low-growing shrub up to 0.5 m high; corolla 10–15 mm long; capsule glabrous~Hibiscus brachysiphonius 10*~Shrubs 1–5 m high; corolla 30–40 mm long; capsule hairy; garden escape~Hibiscus pedunculatus 11~Leaf lamina of distal leaves deeply 3-lobed with central lobe obovate to narrowly obovate, longer than lateral lobes, 2–7 cm long~Hibiscus pedunculatus 11*~Leaf lamina of distal leaves very broadly ovate to orbicular in outline, palmately but shallowly 3–7-lobed, 5–15 cm long~Hibiscus mutabilis #{gn}Lenwebbia 1~Lower surface of leaves glabrescent except on mid-vein; pedicels of flowers 6–7 mm long~Lenwebbia sp. Main Range (P.R.Sharpe+ 4877) 1*~Lower surface of leaves finely pubescent; pedicels of flowers 8–25 mm long~Lenwebbia prominens #{sp}Brachyscome multifida 1~Leaves with lobes narrow-linear to subulate~var. multifida 1*~Leaves with lobes oblanceolate to cuneate~var. dilatata #{gn}Gazania 1~Leaves tufted at ends of rhizomes, mostly linear to narrow-lanceolate, older dead leaves persistent; peduncles usually >20 cm long; free part of involucral bract as long as or longer than the fused basal cup-like part~Gazania linearis 1*~Leaves tufted at ends of trailing stems, mostly oblanceolate to narrow-spathulate, dead leaves deciduous; peduncles usually > 15 cm long; free part of invloucral bracts shorter than the fused cup-like part~Gazania rigens #{fm}CUNONIACEAE 1~Leaves simple or 1-foliolate, opposite or in apparent whorls of 3~2 1*~Leaves compound with 3 or more leaflets or in apparent whorls of 6~5 2~Leaves usually in whorls of 3 (rarely more), more or less sessile, petiole less than 2 mm long~Acrophyllum 2*~Leaves regularly opposite, petiole more than 10 mm long~3 3~Flowers in dense globose heads; leaves white- or rusty- tomentose below~Callicoma 3*~Flowers in open, much-branched cymes; leaves green, glabrous on both surfaces~4 4~Calyx lobes enlarging after flowering; fruit dry; leaves 1-foliolate, lamina articulate on petiole~Ceratopetalum 4*~Calyx lobes not enlarging; fruit succulent; leaves simple, lamina not articulate on petiole~Schizomeria 5*~Leaves alternate; fruit fleshy~Davidsonia 5~Leaves opposite, sometimes apparently whorled; fruit dry~6 6*~Stipules absent (actually 2 sessile 3-foliolate leaves)~Bauera 6~Interpetiolar stipules present~7 7*~Margins of pinnae entire; stipules resinous~Eucryphia 7~Margins of pinnae toothed; stipules not resinous~8 8~Leaflets at least hairy on the veins on the lower surface or hairy domatia present; leaves with 3, 5 or 7 leaflets~9 8*~Leaflets glabrous on both surfaces, domatia absent; leaves with 3 leaflets~10 9~Domatia absent; leaves with 3 or 5 leaflets, palmately arranged; inflorescence axillary~Vesselowskya 9*~Hairy domatia present; leaves with 3, 5 or 7 leaflets, pinnately arranged; inflorescence terminal~Caldcluvia 10~Petiolules more than 5 mm long; stipules 10–20 mm long, strongly curved, 4 at each node~Karrabina 10*~Leaflets more or less sessile; stipules less than 5 mm long, triangular to linear, 2 at each node~11 11~Calyx lobes not enlarging and turning red after flowering; capsule densely woolly-hairy; tree in rainforest north of the Nightcap Ra~Pseudoweinmannia 11*~Calyx lobes enlarging and turning reddish after flowering; capsule glabrous; shrub or small tree, not in rainforest, south of Evans Head~Ceratopetalum #{gn}Phebalium 1~Corolla pink; flowers 5–8 merous~2 1*~Corolla white or bright yellow, sometimes ageing pink; flowers 5-merous~3 2~Leaves >7 mm wide, lanceolate or elliptic~Phebalium speciosum 2*~Leaves <5 mm wide, narrow elliptic~Phebalium nottii 3~Leaves 2–3.5 mm long, broad-obovate to obcordate~Phebalium obcordatum 3*~Leaves mostly >4 mm long, variously shaped~4 4~Calyx c. 3 mm long, deeply dissected with triangular lobes c. 1.5 mm long; leaves smooth, without prominent glands, 15–60 mm long; corolla white or rarely pink~Phebalium woombye 4*~Calyx <2 mm long, margin truncate to undulate, or if lobed then either stems and upper surface of leaves with prominently raised glands, or leaves <12 mm long; corolla pale to bright yellow, or rarely white~5 5~Leaves glandular-warty above, usually with glandular-undulate to crenate margins~6 5*~Leaves smooth, with entire, straight margins, glands punctate, not prominently raised~7 6~Leaves cuneate to linear-cuneate~Phebalium glandulosum 6*~Leaves oblong to linear or narrow-elliptic~Phebalium squamulosum 7~Leaves with midvein not apparent above, 0.8–2 mm wide, linear to narrow-oblong, with recurved to tightly revolute margins~Phebalium stenophyllum 7*~Leaves either with midvein slightly to strongly impressed above, or >2 mm wide, variously shaped, with flat to revolute margins~Phebalium squamulosum #{gn}Leionema 1~Petals <6 mm long, ± spreading; stamens ± equal to or slightly longer than petals~2 1*~Petals >7 mm long, erect; stamens considerably exceeding petals~12 2~Leaves 2.5–4 cm wide, base stem-clasping~Leionema ambiens 2*~Leaves <2 cm wide, base not stem-clasping~3 3~Leaves hairy on lower surface~4 3*~Leaves glabrous on lower surface~7 4~Leaves pilose or coarsely stellate on lower surface; inflorescences terminal~Leionema diosmeum 4*~Leaves minutely white stellate-pubescent on lower surface; inflorescences axillary~5 5~Apex of leaves 2-toothed, leaves 2–8 cm long, margins recurved to revolute, entire to finely toothed; inflorescences >10 mm long, c. 10-flowered~Leionema dentatum 5*~Apex of leaves entire, leaves 0.8–2 cm long, margins entire; inflorescences usually <10 mm long, 1–3-flowered~6 6~Ovary globose, white stellate-pubescent or rarely glabrous; species of southern alpine and subalpine regions (ST)~Leionema phylicifolium 6*~Ovary narrow-ovoid, glabrous; confined to the Blue Mtns (CT)~Leionema lachnaeoides 7~Stems strongly angled, glabrous; leaves 3–7 cm long, narrow-elliptic to oblanceolate, margins finely and regularly toothed, apex acute~Leionema coxii 7*~Stems terete to slightly angled, glabrous or hairy; leaves 0.6–5 cm long, margins usually entire or sometimes minutely erose or crenate, variously shaped~8 8~Inflorescences axillary, terminal peduncles absent; leaves linear to narrow-oblong or narrow-elliptic, with recurved to revolute margins~Leionema phylicifolium 8*~Inflorescences mostly terminal, terminal peduncles present; leaves linear- to broad-spathulate or ± circular, obovate or elliptic, with flat to recurved margins~9 9~Leaves >13 mm long~10 9*~Leaves <13 mm long~11 10~Leaves spathulate to oblanceolate, obovate or oblong, 3–10 mm wide~Leionema elatius 10*~Leaves linear-oblanceolate, 2–3 mm wide~Leionema sp. Colo River (P.H. Weston 2423) 11~Stems warty, minutely hairy in longitudinal lines or all over; leaves erect to spreading, not imbricate, 2–4 mm wide.~Leionema lamprophyllum 11*~Stems not warty, minutely stellate-hairy all over; leaves erect and ± imbricate, 4–6 mm wide.~Leionema rotundifolium 12~Petals fused~Leionema sympetalum 12*~Petals free~13 13~Stems glabrous, strongly angled~Leionema ralstonii 13*~Stems pilose or tomentose, ± terete~14 14~Leaves ± spreading, ovate to lanceolate, c. 1 cm long, obtuse; stems pilose~Leionema carruthersii 14*~Leaves ± erect, narrow-oblong to elliptic, 2–4 cm long, retuse; stems stellate-tomentose~Leionema viridiflorum #{sp}Epilobium billardiereanum 1~Leaves ovate to narrow-ovate, 6–18 mm wide, with 16–40 small regular teeth on each side. Stems little-branched, without glandular or non-glandular erect hairs in the flowering region~subsp. billardiereanum 1*~Leaves linear or lanceolate to narrow-ovate, 1–15 mm wide, finely or coarsely toothed, with up to 20 teeth on each side. Stems branched or unbranched. Flowering region usually with glandular hairs. Flowers purplish, pink or white~2 2~Leaves linear to narrow-elliptic, 1–5 mm wide, often hirsute, coarsely toothed with up to 8 teeth on each side. Stems well-branched with glandular or non-glandular hairs in the flowering region. Flowers usually purplish pink~subsp. cinereum 2*~Leaves lanceolate to narrow-ovate, >5 mm wide, usually finely toothed with up to 20 teeth on each side. Stems branched or unbranched. Flowers purplish, pink or white~3 3~Leaves lanceolate to narrow-ovate, 5–15 mm wide, with 4–12 small regular teeth on each side. Stems well branched with erect hairs in the flowering region. Flowers purplish pink or white~subsp. hydrophilum 3*~Leaves mostly lanceolate, 4–12 mm wide, with 6–20 small irregular teeth on each side; margins often undulate. Stems branched or unbranched, often with erect hairs in the flowering region. Flowers pale purplish pink or white~subsp. intermedium #{gn}Epilobium 1~Plants ascending to erect, with stems >30 cm high~2 1*~Plants mat-forming, sometimes with ascending stems to 15 cm high~9 2~Seeds with pale cellular rim~Epilobium gunnianum 2*~Seeds without pale cellular rim~3 3~Stems softly hairy with spreading hairs~4 3*~Stems with short crisped hairs~5 4~Leaves usually >10 mm wide, margins serrulate with 15 or more teeth each side; petals 9–20 mm long~Epilobium hirsutum 4*~Leaves to 8 mm wide, margins coarsely toothed with up to 12 teeth each side; petals 3–8 mm long~Epilobium hirtigerum 5~Inner surface of hypanthium glabrous; fruiting pedicel 15–50 mm long~Epilobium sarmentaceum 5*~Inner surface of hypanthium with ring of hairs; fruiting pedicel, less than 30 mm long~6 6~Petals 3–5 mm long; papillae on seed surface in longitudinal lines~Epilobium ciliatum 6*~Petals 3–14 mm long; papillae on seed surface not in lines~7 7~Glandular hairs present in the flowering region; leaves almost glabrous to hirsute, linear or lanceolate to narrow-ovate~Epilobium billardiereanum 7*~Glandular hairs absent from flowering region; leaves glabrous except for a few crisped hairs on margins and veins, narrow-lanceolate to ovate~8 8~Leaves narrow-lanceolate to lanceolate, with up to 25 small well-spaced teeth on each side; inflorescences nodding~Epilobium pallidiflorum 8*~Leaves narrow-ovate to ovate, with up to 40 small regular teeth on each side; inflorescences erect~Epilobium billardiereanum 9~Seeds with pale cellular rim, not comose~Epilobium curtisiae 9*~Seeds without pale cellular rim, comose~Epilobium tasmanicum #{gn}Carex 1~Axis of spikelet protruding with a conspicuous hooked apex beyond the perigynium (utricle) (formerly genus Uncinia)~41 1*~Axis of spikelet not protruding or hook-like~2 2~Style 3-fid; nut trigonous~3 2*~Style 2-fid (rarely some styles 3-fid within an inflorescence in Carex gaudichaudiana); nut lenticular or plano-convex~17 3~Inflorescence of a single spike, less than 1.5 cm long~4 3*~Spikes several to numerous; inflorescence 3–90 (rarely 1–3) cm long~6 4~Male part of the spike as long as or longer than the female part and not less conspicuous~Carex capillacea 4*~Male part of the spike from slightly to much shorter than the female part, always inconspicuous and usually the spike appears to be wholly female~5 5~Spike 7–12 mm long, with many female flowers; lowest bract glume-like~Carex cephalotes 5*~Spike 4–5 mm long, with about 3–6 female flowers; lowest bract leaf-like, exceeding the spike~Carex archeri 6~Spikes in clusters of 2–5 (or occasionally some solitary) at distant nodes~7 6*~Spikes solitary at nodes (nodes may be close together)~9 7~Female glumes white with greenish midrib, 1.2–1.5 mm wide~Carex hubbardii 7~Female glumes pale yellow-brown to red-brown with greenish midrib, 1.5–4 mm wide~8 8~Female glumes yellow-brown to red-brown, 3.5–5.5 mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide; spikes lax-flowered below, rather dense-flowered above, 3–5 mm thick in mature fruiting stage, upper gynaecandrous (sometimes with male apices), uppermost with a long, usually very long, male basal part, the lower gynaecandrous or female~Carex longebrachiata 8*~Female glumes pale yellow-brown, 4–8 mm long, 2.5–4 mm wide; spikes dense-flowered, 5–8 mm thick in mature fruiting stage, the uppermost 1–4 wholly male, rarely with a few female flowers in the terminal spike, the remainder wholly female or with male bases and/or apices~Carex iynx 9~Perigynia (utricles) hispid; nut with persistent enlarged disk-like junction of nut body and style-base~Carex breviculmis 9*~Perigynia glabrous or minutely papillose, sometimes minutely hispid on the margins of the beak; nut without enlarged junction with style-base~10 10~Perigynia corky, with impressed nerves~11 10*~Perigynia neither corky nor with impressed nerves~12 11~Culms extending above the leaf sheaths for a considerable distance; male spikes 3–15; female spikes mostly spread at some distance from one another; female glumes mucronate, dark to very dark red-brown; perigynia 4–5 mm long, yellow-brown usually tinged dark red-brown; leaves with marginal prickles more or less regularly antrorse~Carex bichenoviana 11*~Culms usually hidden in the leaf sheaths; male spikes 1–4; female spikes usually approximate; female glumes not mucronate, yellow-brown to red-brown; perigynia 4–8 mm long, yellow-brown occasionally tinged dark red-brown; leaves with marginal prickles irregular and at 90° to leaf~Carex pumila 12~Leaves prominently septate-nodulose (septa less obvious when fresh); beak of perigynium with apex deeply divided into 2 stiff slender teeth c. 1 mm long~Carex fascicularis 12*~Leaves not septate-nodulose; beak of perigynium with apex truncate, split or shortly divided into 2 membranous, short but broad teeth~13 13~Male glumes with a mucro as long as or longer than the body of the glume; perigynia glabrous~Carex brownii 13*~Male glumes not mucronate or with mucro shorter than the body of the glume; perigynia glabrous, minutely papillose or minutely hispid on margins and beak~14 14~Perigynia minutely papillose, with beak to 0.3 mm long; leaf sheath and ligule occasionally red-dotted; culms 10–70 cm long~15 14*~Perigynia not minutely papillose, with beak 0.5–2 mm long; leaf sheath and ligule not red-dotted; culms 1–10 cm long~16 15~Terminal spike gynaecandrous; leaves shorter than or scarcely exceeding culms; perigynia not or faintly nerved, 3–4.5 mm long~Carex buxbaumii 15*~Terminal spike male or at least male in the upppermost portion; leaves much exceeding culms; perigynia strongly numerous-nerved, 2.3–3 mm long~Carex maculata 16~Inflorescence 1–3 cm long, hidden amongst leaves; perigynia 4–6.5 mm long, glabrous, with beak 1–2 mm long~Carex jackiana 16*~Inflorescence 8–35 cm long, mostly exceeding leaves (lowest spikes may be amongst the leaves); perigynia 3.3–4 mm long, minutely hispid on upper margins (occasionally glabrous), with beak 0.5–0.8 mm long~Carex blakei 17~Inflorescence of a single spike~18 17*~Spikes 2–numerous~20 18~Plants long-rhizomatous; female bracts 3–4 mm long; perigynium slightly hispidulous on upper margins~19 18*~Plants short-rhizomatous; female bracts 2.5–3 mm long; perigynium glabrous~Carex cephalotes 19~Female flowers above male in spike; perigynia 2.5–3 mm long, weakly several-nerved; culms 25–40 cm long~Carex raleighii 19*~Male flowers above female in spike; perigynia 5.5–7 mm long, with 8–10 strong nerves abaxially, adaxially several weak nerves or none; culms 80–160 cm long~Carex klaphakei 20~Spikes long-cylindrical (i.e. much longer than broad), mostly 2–17 cm long (rarely some as short as 0.5 cm but then glumes dark red-brown or blackish), clearly distinct and often distant from each other~21 20*~Spikes ovoid or short-cylindrical (mostly c. 0.5 cm long, occasionally to 1.5 cm long) or ovate in outline, often densely clustered in an inflorescence that is itself ovoid or short-cylindrical~25 21~At least lower spikes obviously pedicellate, drooping to spreading~22 21*~Spikes sessile to subsessile ('pedicels' may be up to 1 cm long in C. polyantha), erect to spreading~23 22~Perigynia white-hispid, with beak c. 1 mm long with 2-fid or split apex; spikes clustered at nodes or rarely solitary at lower nodes~Carex brunnea 22*~Perigynia minutely papillose; beak to 0.3 mm long with truncate or obliquely truncate apex; spikes solitary at nodes~Carex lobolepis 23~Leaves 4–9 mm wide; spikes mostly 3–17 cm long; perigynia nerveless or with few rather faint nerves~Carex polyantha 23*~Leaves 2–4 mm wide; spikes 0.5–6 cm long; perigynia distinctly several- to numerous-nerved~24 24~Uppermost spike male; inflorescence 7–18 cm long; mouth of perigynium notched to obliquely truncate, pallid, occasionally minutely hispid, 0.2–0.3 mm diam~Carex gaudichaudiana 24*~Uppermost spike gynandrous or occasionally male; inflorescence 2–8 cm long; mouth of perigynium truncate, blackish, smooth, c. 0.15 mm diam~Carex hypandra 25~All spikes androgynous (male portion often not conspicuous), or upper spike(s) androgynous or male and lower spikes androgynous or occasionally female~26 25*~All spikes gynaecandrous (male portion often not conspicuous) or lower wholly female~35 26~Spikes very numerous, forming a long narrow spike-like panicle 6–30 cm long, with appressed secondary branches to 4 cm long; leaves often obviously septate-nodulose; culms 2–4 mm in diameter~27 26*~Spikes 2–15 in an inflorescence, forming a short clustered panicle 0.8–3 cm long (or an interrupted spike-like panicle in C. divulsa), without secondary branches; leaves not septate-nodulose; culms to 2 mm in diameter~30 27~Perigynia glabrous, margins not winged~Carex declinata 27*~Perigynia hispid on slightly winged margins at least near apex~28 28~Culms trigonous to triquetrous at least above; glumes uniformly whitish, or yellow-brown without or with very narrow whitish or hyaline margins above~29 28*~Culms terete; female glumes orange-brown with broad white or hyaline margins above~Carex tereticaulis 29~Perigynia with thickened truncate base, dark yellow-brown at maturity; inflorescence often more than 12 cm long (4–45 cm); plants forming large tussocks~Carex appressa 29*~Perigynia without thickened truncate base, blackish at maturity; inflorescence 3–12 cm long; culms in slender tufts spread along long rhizome~Carex incomitata 30~Inflorescence 6–18 cm long, narrow, with upper spikes contiguous but lower spikes 2–6 cm apart; rhizome short; culms tufted~Carex divulsa 30*~Inflorescence 1–8 cm long, pyramidal or ovoid, with spikes mostly close-packed; rhizome long; culms usually solitary and spread out along rhizome~31 31~Inflorescence 2–8 cm long; perigynia winged~32 31*~Inflorescence 1–3 cm long; perigynia not winged~33 32~Female glumes 3.5–4.5 mm long; leaves more or less straight throughout their length~Carex disticha 32*~Female glumes 5–6 mm long; leaves curly towards apex~Carex arenaria 33~Perigynia 5.5–7 mm long, with obtuse base, abaxial face with 8–10 strong nerves; spikes 1–3; culms 80–160 cm long, relatively soft and flexible (usually supported by surrounding plants)~Carex klaphakei 33*~Perigynia 3–4 mm long, with more or less narrow stipe-like base, faces nerveless or with a few faint nerves; spikes 3–12; culms 8–80 cm long, stiffly erect~34 34~Perigynia 1.8–3.2 mm in diameter, with acute base; leaves 1.5–3 mm wide; rhizome short~Carex divisa 34*~Perigynia 1.0–1.2 mm in diameter, with narrow base; leaves to 1.7 mm wide; rhizome long~Carex chlorantha 35~Lowest involucral bract much shorter than inflorescence, glume-like or leaf-like~36 35*~Lowest involucral bract exceeding (usually by far) the whole inflorescence, leaf-like~38 36~Perigynia winged on upper margins~Carex leporina 36*~Perigynia not winged on margins~37 37~Perigynia strongly reflexed at maturity, with smooth surface; beak about as long as the body of the perigynium, 2-fid or notched with teeth 0.25–0.5 mm long~Carex echinata 37*~Perigynia spreading at maturity, minutely hispid and colliculate near apex; beak much shorter than the body of the perigynium, truncate or shortly split abaxially~Carex canescens 38~Glumes orange-brown or pale red-brown, with more or less broad whitish or hyaline margins; perigynia never transversely wrinkled~39 38*~Glumes whitish to pale yellow-brown with green midrib; perigynia often transversely wrinkled at maturity~40 39~Inflorescence longer in outline than wide; culms 25–40 cm long; leaves c. 1 mm wide; perigynia 2.5–3 mm long, 1–1.4 mm in diameter~Carex raleighii 39*~Inflorescence broader in outline than long (or about the same length and breadth); culms 4–20(–35) cm long; leaves 1–2.5 mm wide; perigynia 3.2–4.5 mm long, 1.5–2 mm in diameter~Carex hebes 40~Perigynia with beak 0.3–1.1 mm long~Carex inversa 40*~Perigynia with beak c. 2 mm long~Carex lophocarpa 41~Female glumes persistent; perigynia hispid (formerly Uncinia sinclairii)~Carex parvispica 41*~Female glumes deciduous; perigynia glabrous~42 42~Leaves thickly U-shaped to crescent-shaped in cross section, tough (formerly Uncinia sulcata)~Carex austrosulcata 42*~Leaves nearly flat or broadly V-shaped or filiform, more or less soft~43 43~Inflorescence 3–7 cm long; spikelets more or less spread out along axis (basal internodes 5–12 mm long); fibrous bases to more or less large tussocks~44 43*~Inflorescence 0.7–3 cm long; spikelets more or less crowded on axis (may be more spread out towards base but internodes no more than c. 4 mm long); small tussocks (bases not fibrous) or culms spread out along rhizomes~45 44~Leaves 1.5–2.2 mm wide; nut 2.5–3 mm long, 0.8–1.3 mm diam.; hooked rachilla protruding from perigynium for 4–6.5 mm (formerly Uncinia nemoralis)~Carex nemoralis 44*~Leaves 0.5–1.0 mm wide; nut c. 2.2 mm long, c. 0.7 mm diam.; hooked rachilla protruding from perigynium for 3.5–4 mm (formerly Uncinia debilior)~Carex debilior 45~Leaves 2–3.5 mm wide; culms usually scabrous below inflorescence, 0.8–1.1 mm diam. (formerly Uncinia compacta)~Carex austrocompacta 45*~Leaves 0.5–1.8 mm wide; culms mostly smooth below inflorescence, 0.2–0.7 mm diam.~46 46~Stamens 3; inflorescence 1.5–2.5(–3) cm long; perigynia 1.5–1.8 mm diam.; leaves shorter than culms, 0.8–1.8 mm wide; culms 0.3–0.7 mm diam. (formerly Uncinia flaccida)~Carex austroflaccida 46*~Stamens 2; inflorescence 0.7–1.5 cm long; perigynia 0.8–1 mm diam.; leaves exceeding or equalling culms, 0.5–1 mm wide; culms 0.2–0.4 mm diam. (formerly Uncinia tenella)~Carex austrotenella #{sp}Bidens pilosa 1~Ligulate ray florets absent~var. pilosa 1*~Ligulate ray florets present, often minute, 2–8 mm long, ephemeral~var. minor #{sp}Euphrasia collina 1~Outer surface of calyx glabrous except for a small area below each cleft~2 1*~Outer surface of calyx hairy~4 2~Uppermost leaves of main inflorescence-bearing axes usually with 1–3 pairs of teeth; base of plant usually hairy with non-glandular hairs, rarely glandular hairs~3 2*~Uppermost leaves of main inflorescence-bearing axes with 4–6 pairs of teeth; base of plant with glandular hairs~subsp. nandewarensis 3~Uppermost leaves of main axes usually 2.0–4.2 mm wide usually only with one pair of teeth; lower corolla lobes usually emarginate to truncate, rarely obtuse~subsp. collina 3*Uppermost leaves of main axes usually 3.4–7 mm wide, usually with 1–3 pairs of teeth; lower corolla lobes usually obtuse to truncate, sometimes shallowly emarginate, rarely emarginate~subsp. paludosa 4~Bracts and outer surface of calyx hairy with non-glandular hairs~subsp. muelleri 4*~Bracts and outer surface of calyx with glandular hairs, sometimes mixed with non-glandular hairs~5 5~Glandular indumentum on external surface of calyz, minute up to 0.1 mm long~subsp. paludosa 5*~Glandular indumentum on external surface of calyx >0.1 mm long~6 6~Uppermost leaves on main inflorescence-bearing axes usually with 1 or 2 pairs of teeth~subsp. gracilis 6*~Uppermost leaves of main inflorescence-bearing axes usually with 2–4 pairs of teeth~7 7~The number of upper internodes on main inflorescence bearing axes as long as or longer than upper leaves usually < 4, longest internode 0.5–1.8 times the length of the upper leaves~subsp. lapidosa 7*~The number of upper internodes on main inflorescence-bearing axes as long or longer than the upper leaves usually 4–8, the longest internode 2.2–4.0 or more times the length of the upper leaves~8 8~Seeds usually 1.1–1.7 mm long, anthers 1.8–2.6 mm long; yellow blotch on lower corolla lobe always present~subsp. diversicolor 8*Seeds 0.4–0.9 mm long, anthers usually 1.4–1.9 mm long; yellow blotch on lower lip of corolla lobe absent~subsp. speciosa #{fm}AIZOACEAE 1~Perianth deeply 5-lobed~Galenia 1*~Perianth tubular-2 2~Ovary superior~3 2*~Ovary inferior or half-inferior~7 3~Styles 1 or 2; ovary 1- or 2-locular~4 3*~Styles 3 or more; ovary with 3 or more loculi~5 4~Style 1; ovary 1-locular; capsule circumsciss, the operculum not dehiscent~Trianthema 4*~Styles 2; ovary 2-locular; capsule circumsciss with the operculum longitudinally dehiscent~Zaleya 5~Stamens 4–12, in 4 groups~Gunniopsis 5*~Stamens more than 12~6 6~Stamens c. 20, uniformly distributed~Sesuvium 6*~Stamens numerous, either in 4 bundles or in 2 or 3 whorls~Gunniopsis 7~Each loculus with a single ovule; petaloid staminodes absent~Tetragonia 7*~Each loculus with numerous ovules, petaloid staminodes usually present~8 8~Plants annual or biennial~9 8*~Plants perennial~11 9~Leaves glabrous; plants prostrate~Disphyma 9*~Leaves with vesicular hairs; plants erect or almost erect~10 10~Placentation axile; leaves alternate on flowering branches; stamens many; staminodes white~Mesembryanthemum 10*~Placentation parietal; leaves all opposite; stamens 5–10; staminodes yellow~Micropterum 11~Perianth segments 4; leaves ovate, often cordate at base~Aptenia 11*~Perianth segments 5; leaves linear, terete or angled~12 12~Leaves soon falling, with only leaf bases persistent; placentation axile~Psilocaulon 12*~Leaves persistent; placentation parietal or basal~13 13~Perianth segments 5, more or less equal and equidistant; fruit capsular, opening when wet~14 13*~Perianth segments 5, with 2 more or less opposite and commonly larger than the others; fruit fleshy, indehiscent~15 14~Leaves more or less rounded in cross section; flowering branches with very short internodes but often with long pedicels~Disphyma 14*~Leaves more or less triquetrous, at least the dorsal angle evident; flowering branches with conspicuous internodes~Lampranthus 15~Styles 6 or more; stems elongated and creeping~Carpobrotus 15*~Styles 4 or 5; stems not much elongated, decumbent or ascending~Sarcozona #{gn}Allocasuarina2 1~Article ridges with a minutely roughened surface; dioecious~2 1*~Ridges smooth or rarely minutely pubescent; dioecious or monoecious~4 2~Articles coarse, 8–40 mm long, 0.7–2.0 mm diam.; furrows pubescent; teeth 9–14, usually withering, 0.5–1.2 mm long; branchlets to 40 cm long; cone bracteoles with 1 protuberance; bark fissured~3 2*~Articles slender, 4–7 mm long, 0.5–0.6 mm diam.; furrows glabrous; teeth 7–9, not withering, 0.3–0.5 mm long; branchlets to 21 cm long; cone bracteoles usually with 2 or 3 protuberances; bark very ribbony-fibrous~Allocasuarina inophloia 3~Teeth erect, slightly overlapping; ridges flat or slightly rounded-convex; branchlets ascending; cone diam. (8–14 mm) greater than length (5–12 mm); samara 4.5–5.0 mm long, red-brown~Allocasuarina luehmannii 3*~Teeth spreading, not overlapping; ridges rounded-convex (often only slightly so); branchlets drooping; cone length (20–50 mm) greater than diam. (17–30 mm); samara 7.0–12.0 mm long, very dark brown~Allocasuarina verticillata 4~Cones warty or tessellated, with cone bracteoles divided into 3–12 small pyramidal bodies~5 4*~Cone bracteoles with a single pyramidal dorsal protuberance (usually shorter than the bracteole body)~6 5~Cones recurved to spreading, on slender peduncle 8–30 mm long; slender tree 5–20 m high with drooping branchlets and corky bark; samara 7.0–10.0 mm long, mid- to dark brown~Allocasuarina torulosa 5*~Cones erect, peduncle 0–3 mm long; low spreading shrub 0.5–2 m high with stiff ascending or spreading branchlets and smooth or finely fissured bark; samara 4.0–6.0 mm long, very dark red-brown to black~Allocasuarina nana 6~Ridges with median groove along whole length~7 6*~Ridges without median groove or with groove present near base of article (in Allocasuarina brachystachya)~8 7~Teeth 0.5–0.9 mm long, 6–8; articles 5–14 mm long, 0.7–1.0 mm diam.; cone body 7–13 mm diam.; dioecious or monoecious~Allocasuarina paludosa 7*~Teeth 0.2–0.5 mm long, 5–7; articles 2–5 mm long, 0.4–0.7 mm diam.; cone body 5–8 mm diam.; monoecious usually~Allocasuarina brachystachya 8~Furrows pubescent (pubescent and glabrous sometimes mixed on same individual in Allocasuarina simulans)~9 8*~Furrows glabrous; branchlets ascending~14 9~Shrubs or rarely small trees, 0.5–5 m high; bark smooth or somewhat fissured towards base of big individuals; branchlets ascending~10 9*~Tree 5–15 m high; bark fissured; branchlets ascending or drooping~Allocasuarina littoralis 10~Ridges and teeth flat to slightly rounded-convex at least near apex of article (may be more convex towards base)~11 10*~Ridges angular to strongly rounded-convex, with ridge or convexity continued onto basal half of teeth~12 11~Cone body 7–14 mm long, 5–8 mm diam.; teeth not overlapping; monoecious usually; samara 2.5–4.0 mm long, dark brown to black~Allocasuarina brachystachya 11*~Cone body 14–40 mm long, 9–12 mm diam.; teeth usually overlapping at least when young; dioecious; samara 4.5–7.0 mm long, very dark brown to black~Allocasuarina gymnanthera 12~Branchlet articles 3–10 mm long, 0.5–0.9 mm diameter (at mid-length); teeth thin-textured, not overlapping, 0.3–0.7 mm long; cone body 12–25 mm long~Allocasuarina thalassoscopica 12*~Branchlet articles (10-)15–22 mm long, 0.8–1.5 mm diameter (at mid-length); teeth thick-textured,slightly overlapping at base at least when young, 0.5–1.2 mm long; cone body (15-)30–50 mm long~13 13~Cones slender, 9–12 mm diam., on slender peduncle c. 2 mm diam.; articles pale yellow-green~Allocasuarina simulans 13*~Cones large, 11–22 mm diam., on stout peduncle 2–4 mm diam.; articles darker blue-green~Allocasuarina distyla 14~Ridges flat to slightly rounded-convex at least near apex of article (may be more convex towards base)~16 14*~Ridges angular to strongly rounded-convex, with rib or convexity continued onto teeth~19 15~Cone body 14–40 mm long, 9–12 mm diam~Allocasuarina gymnanthera 15*~Cone body 7–14 mm long, 5–8 mm diam~15 16~Teeth overlapping~17 16*~Teeth not overlapping~18 17~Mature samaras dark brown; cone body 5–7 mm diam~Allocasuarina defungens 17*~Mature samaras mid-brown; cone body 7–8 mm diam~Allocasuarina glareicola 18~Articles 2–5 mm long; mature samaras dark brown to black~Allocasuarina brachystachya 18*~Articles 5–11 mm long; mature samaras mid-brown~Allocasuarina glareicola 19~Teeth withering, recurved to spreading, very broad-triangular~20 19*~Teeth not withering, erect to slightly spreading, or if spreading then narrow-triangular~21 20~Articles 0.7–1.0 mm diam., ridges angular to rounded-convex; widespread northern species~Allocasuarina rigida 20*~Articles 0.8–1.0 mm diam., ridges rounded-convex to somewhat angular; rare species, confined to Sydney Harbour N.P~Allocasuarina portuensis 21~Teeth overlapping~22 21*~Teeth not overlapping~23 22~Teeth very broad-triangular, very convex-sided; articles not waxy~Allocasuarina rupicola 22*~Teeth broad- to narrow-triangular, more or less straight-sided; articles often with a waxy bloom~Allocasuarina diminuta 23~Articles of same diameter throughout length, not waxy~Allocasuarina glareicola 23*~Articles of slightly greater diameter near their apex, often with a waxy bloom~24 24~Teeth narrow-triangular; mature samaras mid-brown; cones on peduncles 6–15 mm long; teeth 7–9, 0.5–1.3 mm long~Allocasuarina ophiolitica 24*~Teeth broad- to narrow-triangular; mature samaras dark brown; cones on peduncles 2–10 mm long; teeth 6–10, 0.3–0.8 mm long~Allocasuarina diminuta #{gn}Schoenus 1~Inflorescence head-like or consisting of only 1–5 spikelets in 1 or 2 small clusters~2 1*~Inflorescence elongated, with spikelets clustered at several often distant nodes~17 2~Small, soft-textured leafy, tufted annuals, or small, mat-forming, decumbent or erect perennials; if erect, culms no more than 12 cm long; mouth of leaf sheath and margins of glumes always glabrous~3 2*~Erect perennials, more or less rigid, shortly rhizomatous or tufted; culms mostly more than 12 cm long, if less then mouth of leaf sheath and/or margins of glumes hairy~9 3~Tufted annuals~4 3*~Small, mat-forming, erect or decumbent perennials~6 4~Inflorescence head-like; glumes red-brown to blackish~Schoenus apogon 4*~Inflorescence of 1–5 spikelets; glumes straw-coloured to dark red-brown~5 5~Fertile glumes 5–7.5 mm long; nut prominently ribbed~Schoenus latelaminatus 5*~Fertile glumes 3.0–4.5 mm long; nut winged, at least near apex~Schoenus centralis 6~Leaves much exceeding culms~7 6*~Leaves shorter than culms~8 7~Culms no more than 2.5 cm long; nut minutely reticulate-pitted or smooth~Schoenus calyptratus 7*~Culms at least 4 cm long; nut minutely red-brown hispidulous at apex, whitish or red-brown over rest of body and minutely reticulate~Schoenus evansianus 8~Glumes acute; anthers 0.8–1.0 mm long; bristles 3–6, not plumose, shorter than nut; culms decumbent, leafy at nodes~Schoenus maschalinus 8*~Glumes obtuse to broad-acute; anthers 1.5–2.0 mm long; bristles 6, plumose, about as long as nut; culms erect, nodeless~Schoenus nitens 9~Inflorescence a single spikelet (rarely to 3 in S. lepidosperma and S. pachylepis)~10 9*~Inflorescence a head-like cluster of spikelets (rarely a second smaller cluster in S. ericetorum)~12 10~Spikelets 8–22 mm long; fertile glumes 8–16 mm long; bristles scale-like~11 10*~Spikelets 3–5 mm long; fertile glumes 2.7–4 mm long; bristles plumose~Schoenus nitens 11~Spikelets 8–11(–14) mm long; fertile glumes 8–11 mm long; anthers 3.3–4.5 mm long excluding apical appendage 0.3–0.5 mm long; hypogynous scales acute to acuminate, narrow, reaching a third to half the way up body of nut; nut 3.1–3.5 mm long, 1.8–2.0 mm diam.; shortly rhizomatous; culms slender, 0.3–0.5 mm diam~Schoenus lepidosperma 11*~Spikelets 15–22 mm long; fertile glumes 13–16 mm long; anthers 6.3–9 mm long excluding apical appendage 0.8–1.8 mm long; hypogynous scales obtuse or rarely acute, very broad, scarcely reaching to top of stipe; nut (including stipe) 4.2–5 mm long, 2.0–2.5 mm diam.; tufted (very shortly rhizomatous); culms relatively coarse, 0.5–1.2 mm diam~Schoenus pachylepis 12~Involucral bracts at least twice as long as inflorescence, to 8 cm long~13 12*~Involucral bracts less than twice as long as inflorescence (often shorter than it), to 2.5 cm long~14 13~Tufted; 2–4 involucral bracts much longer than inflorescence~Schoenus turbinatus 13*~Rhizomatous; a single involucral bract much longer than inflorescence~Schoenus nitens 14~Stamens 3; nut 1.3–1.5 mm long~15 14*~Stamens 4–6; nut 1.4–2.7 mm long~16 15~Mouth of leaf sheath long-ciliate; glumes 6–11, lowest 4–8 empty~Schoenus ericetorum 15*~Mouth of leaf sheath glabrous or sparsely and minutely ciliolate; glumes 5–7, lowest 3–5 empty~Schoenus imberbis 16~Leaf sheaths loose around the culms, surface shining, smooth; mouth of sheath sparsely ciliate~Schoenus subaphyllus 16*~Leaf sheaths tight, surface more or less dull, striate, papillose; mouth of sheath glabrous~Schoenus kennyi 17~Small, soft-textured leafy, tufted annnuals, or small, mat-forming or decumbent perennials; if erect, culms no more than 20 cm long~18 17*~Rigid, erect perennials (Schoenus apogon , shortly rhizomatous or tufted; culms mostly 10–130 cm long, if less then culms scabrous (S. moorei) or leaves very numerous and filiform (S. tesquorum)~22 18~Decumbent or loosely mat-forming slender perennial; nut surface faintly scrobiculate or reticulate or smooth~Schoenus maschalinus 18*~Erect, tufted annuals; nut surface pitted, reticulate, or trabeculate~19 19~Bristles absent or several, minute; fertile glumes 3.0–7.5 mm long~20 19*~Bristles 5 or 6, somewhat shorter than or equalling nut; fertile glumes 2.0–5.5 mm long~21 20~Fertile glumes 5–7.5 mm long; nut prominently ribbed~Schoenus latelaminatus 20*~Fertile glumes 3.0–4.5 mm long; nut winged, at least near apex~Schoenus centralis 21~Inflorescence with 5–9 distant clusters of mostly long-pedicellate spikelets; glumes straw-coloured with red-brown patches; nut blackish brown~Schoenus paludosus 21*~Inflorescence with a head-like cluster of subsessile spikelets plus 1–4 smaller clusters below; glumes red-brown to blackish; nut whitish~Schoenus apogon 22~Leaves obvious; blade well-developed, to 30 cm long~23 22*~Leaves not obvious; blade to 3 cm long or reduced to a small bract on sheath~27 23~Spikelets 20–30 mm long~Schoenus calostachyus 23*~Spikelets 2–14 mm long~24 24~Nut transversely wrinkled, hairy or glabrous; culms scabrous or smooth~25 24*~Nut smooth or minutely pitted-reticulate or longitudinally striate and trabeculate, glabrous; culms smooth~26 25~Nut hairy; culms scabrous; mouth of leaf sheath glabrous or slightly ciliate~Schoenus moorei 25*~Nut glabrous; culms smooth; mouth of leaf sheath densely long-ciliate~Schoenus villosus 26~Perennial, with numerous filiform leaves at base of plant; bristles several minute or absent~Schoenus tesquorum 26*~Annual, leafy but without numerous filiform leaves at base; bristles 5 or 6, shorter than to equalling nut~Schoenus apogon 27~Culms not noded~28 27*~Culms with 1-several nodes~30 28~Mouth of leaf sheath glabrous; sheaths dark red-brown, more or less smooth; fertile glumes 7–10 mm long~Schoenus brevifolius 28*~Mouth of leaf sheath villous or woolly; leaf sheaths dark red-brown to blackish, scaberulous; fertile glumes 4–7 mm long~29 29~Culms 1.3–2.5 mm in diameter, with longitudinal ribs (costal zones) wider than intercostal zones; inflorescence 7–25 cm long~Schoenus melanostachys 29*~Culms 0.6–0.9 mm in diameter, with longitudinal ribs (costal zones) narrower than intercostal zones; inflorescence 3–7 cm long~Schoenus rupicola 30~Inflorescence with 5–9 nodes; spikelets 8–11 mm long; fertile glumes 7–9 mm long; anthers 3.0–4.5 mm long; nut c. 1.5 mm long (no stipe present), c. 0.8 mm diam.~Schoenus vaginatus 30*~Inflorescence with 2 or 3 nodes; spikelets 12–21 mm long; fertile glumes 12–15 mm long; anthers 5.7–6.2 mm long; nut c. 5.5 mm long (including long stipe), 1.3–1.4 mm diam.~Schoenus scabripes #{gn}Allocasuarina ~{1}KEY TO MALE SPECIMENS~ 1~Article ridges with a minutely roughened surface; male bracteoles not persistent.~2 1*~Ridges smooth; male bracteoles persistent except in A. gymnanthera.~4 2~Articles coarse, (8 mm long, (0.7 mm diam.; furrows pubescent; teeth 9–13; anthers (1.0 mm long; bark furrowed.~3 2*~Articles slender, <8 mm long, <0.7 mm diam.; furrows glabrous; teeth 7–9; anthers 0.5–0.8 mm long; bark very ribbony-fibrous. Male spikes 2–4 cm long; 7–14 whorls per cm.~Allocasuarina inophloia 3~Teeth erect; ridges flat or slightly rounded-convex; male bracteoles shed individually; branchlets ascending. Male spikes 1.5–4.5 cm long; 5–8 whorls per cm; anthers 1.0–1.3 mm long.~Allocasuarina luehmannii 3*~Teeth spreading; ridges rounded-convex (often only slightly so); male bracteoles often falling as a unit with the 1 or 2 male tepals; branchlets drooping. Male spikes 3–12 cm long, 2.5–4 whorls per cm; anthers 1.2–2.5 mm long.~Allocasuarina verticillata 4~Ridges with median groove along whole length.~5 4*~Ridges without median groove or groove present only near base of article (in A. brachystachya).~6 5~Anthers 0.7–1.1 mm long; teeth (0.5 mm long, 6–8; articles (5 mm long, (0.7 mm diam.; dioecious or monoecious. Male spikes not moniliform, 1–2.5 cm long; 7–9 whorls per cm.~Allocasuarina paludosa 5*~Anthers 0.3–0.6 mm long; teeth (0.5 mm long, 5–7; articles (5 mm long, (0.7 mm diam.; monoecious usually. Male spikes occasionally moniliform, 0.5–1.7 cm long; 9–16 whorls per cm.~Allocasuarina brachystachya 6~Furrows pubescent (pubescent and glabrous furrows sometimes mixed in A. simulans).~7 6*~Furrows glabrous.~13 7~Male bracteoles not persistent; male spikes moniliform, 2.5–6 cm long; 3–5 whorls per cm.~Allocasuarina gymnanthera 7*~Male bracteoles persistent; male spikes not or occasionally moniliform, other details vary.~8 8~Tree 5–20 m high; bark corky or furrowed.~9 8*~Shrub 0.5–3 m high; bark smooth or slightly fissured.~10 9~Teeth 4 or 5. Male spikes 0.5–3 cm long; 7–12 whorls per cm; anthers 0.5–0.6 mm long.~Allocasuarina torulosa 9*~Teeth 6–8. Male spikes 0.5–5 cm long; 6–12.5 whorls per cm; anthers 0.4–0.8 mm long.~Allocasuarina littoralis 10~Ridges flat or slightly rounded-convex; anthers <0.7 mm long; male spikes 0.7–1.7 cm long; >8 male whorls per cm, dioecious or monoecious.~11 10*~Ridges angular to strongly rounded-convex; anthers 0.8–1.3 mm long; male spikes 1.5–9 cm long; <7 male whorls per cm; dioecious.~12 11~Dioecious usually; articles 5–6 mm long, often with a waxy bloom; ridges without median groove. Male spikes 5–10 cm long; 16–20 whorls per cm.~Allocasuarina nana 11*~Monoecious usually; articles 2–5 mm long, not waxy; ridges often with median groove near base of article. Male spikes occasionally moniliform.~Allocasuarina brachystachya 12~Articles pale yellow-green; ridges rounded-convex to angular; usually parts more slender than in A. distyla. Male spikes 1.5–4 cm long; c. 4 whorls per cm.~Allocasuarina simulans 12*~Articles darker blue-green; ridges angular to rounded- convex. Male spikes occasionally moniliform, 1.5–5 (rarely to 9) cm long; 4.5–6.5 whorls per cm.~Allocasuarina distyla 13~Ridges and teeth flat to slightly rounded-convex at least near their apex (may be more convex towards base); articles of same diam. throughout their length; male spikes moniliform usually (but see A. brachystachya).~14 13*~Ridges angular to strongly rounded-convex, with rib or convexity continued onto teeth; articles mostly of greater diam. near their apex; male spikes moniliform or not.~18 14~Teeth overlapping.~15 14*~Teeth not overlapping.~17 15~Male bracteoles shed; male spikes >2.5 cm long; anthers 0.8–1.4 mm long.~Allocasuarina gymnanthera 15*~Male bracteoles persistent; male spikes <2.5 cm long; anthers 0.7–0.9 mm long.~16 16~Articles blue-green, 6–8 mm long; spikes 0.4–1 cm long.~Allocasuarina defungens 16*~Articles yellow-green, 5–11 mm long; spikes 0.2–2.5 cm long.~Allocasuarina glareicola 17~Anthers 0.3–0.6 mm long; 9–16 male whorls per cm; articles ≤ 5 mm long. Male spikes occasionally moniliform.~Allocasuarina brachystachya 17*~Anthers 0.7–0.8 mm long; c. 5 male whorls per cm; articles ≥ 5 mm long.~Allocasuarina glareicola 18~Teeth withering, recurved to spreading, very broad- triangular; articles 10–25 mm long. Male spikes 1–10 cm long; 3.5–6.5 whorls per cm; anthers 0.7–1.2 mm long.~19 18*~Teeth not withering, erect to slightly spreading (if spreading then narrow-triangular); articles 5–12 mm long.~20 19~Articles 0.7–1.5 mm diam., ridges angular to rounded-convex; male spikes rarely moniliform; widespread northern species.~Allocasuarina rigida 19*~Articles 0.8–1.0 mm diam., ridges rounded-convex to somewhat angular; male spikes moniliform; rare species confined to Sydney Harbour N.P.~Allocasuarina portuensis 20~Teeth overlapping.~21 20*~Teeth not overlapping.~22 21~Teeth very broad-triangular, very convex-sided; articles not waxy. Male spikes 1–2.5 cm long; 7.5–8 whorls per cm; anthers 0.7–0.8 mm long.~Allocasuarina rupicola 21*~Teeth broad- to narrow-triangular, ± straight-sided; articles often with a waxy bloom. Male spikes 0.5–5 cm long; 5–10 whorls per cm.~Allocasuarina diminuta 22~Articles of same diam. throughout their length, not waxy; male spikes moniliform.~Allocasuarina glareicola 22*~Articles of slightly greater diam. at apex than towards base, often with a waxy bloom; male spikes usually not moniliform.~23 23~Anthers 0.8–1.2 mm long; teeth narrow-triangular. Male spikes 1–2.5 cm long; c. 6 whorls per cm.~Allocasuarina ophiolitica 23*~Anthers 0.5–0.8 mm long; teeth broad- to narrow-triangular. Male spikes 0.5–5 cm long; 5–10 whorls per cm.~Allocasuarina diminuta ~{2}KEY TO FEMALE SPECIMENS~ 1~Article ridges with a minutely roughened surface; dioecious..~2 1*~Ridges smooth or rarely minutely pubescent; dioecious or monoecious.~4 2~Articles coarse, 8–40 mm long, 0.7–2.0 mm diam.; furrows pubescent; teeth 9–14, usually withering, 0.5–1.2 mm long; branchlets to 40 cm long; cone bracteoles with 1 protuberance; bark fissured.~3 2*~Articles slender, 4–7 mm long, 0.5–0.6 mm diam.; furrows glabrous; teeth 7–9, not withering, 0.3–0.5 mm long; branchlets to 21 cm long; cone bracteoles usually with 2 or 3 protuberances; bark very ribbony-fibrous.~Allocasuarina inophloia 3~Teeth erect, slightly overlapping; ridges flat or slightly rounded-convex; branchlets ascending; cone diam. (8–14 mm) greater than length (5–12 mm); samara 4.5–5.0 mm long, red-brown.~Allocasuarina luehmannii 3*~Teeth spreading, not overlapping; ridges rounded-convex (often only slightly so); branchlets drooping; cone length (20–50 mm) greater than diam. (17–30 mm); samara 7.0–12.0 mm long, very dark brown.~Allocasuarina verticillata 4~Cones warty or tessellated, with cone bracteoles divided into 3–12 small pyramidal bodies.~5 4*~Cone bracteoles with a single pyramidal dorsal protuberance (usually shorter than the bracteole body).~6 5~Cones recurved to spreading, on slender peduncle 8–30 mm long; slender tree 5–20 m high with drooping branchlets and corky bark; samara 7.0–10.0 mm long, mid- to dark brown.~Allocasuarina torulosa 5*~Cones erect, peduncle 0–3 mm long; low spreading shrub 0.5–2 m high with stiff ascending or spreading branchlets and smooth or finely fissured bark; samara 4.0–6.0 mm long, very dark red-brown to black.~Allocasuarina nana 6~Ridges with median groove along whole length.~7 6*~Ridges without median groove or with groove present near base of article (in A. brachystachya).~8 7~Teeth 0.5–0.9 mm long, 6–8; articles 5–14 mm long, 0.7–1.0 mm diam.; cone body 7–13 mm diam.; dioecious or monoecious.~Allocasuarina paludosa 7*~Teeth 0.2–0.5 mm long, 5–7; articles 2–5 mm long, 0.4–0.7 mm diam.; cone body 5–8 mm diam.; monoecious usually.~Allocasuarina brachystachya 8~Furrows pubescent (pubescent and glabrous sometimes mixed on same individual in A. simulans).~9 8*~Furrows glabrous; branchlets ascending.~14 9~Shrubs or rarely small trees, 0.5–5 m high; bark smooth or somewhat fissured towards base of big individuals; branchlets ascending.~10 9*~Tree 5–15 m high; bark fissured; branchlets ascending or drooping.~Allocasuarina littoralis 10~Ridges and teeth flat to slightly rounded-convex at least near apex of article (may be more convex towards base).~11 10*~Ridges angular to strongly rounded-convex, with ridge or convexity continued onto basal half of teeth~12 11~Cone body 7–14 mm long, 5–8 mm diam.; teeth not overlapping; monoecious usually; samara 2.5–4.0 mm long, dark brown to black.~Allocasuarina brachystachya 11*~Cone body 14–40 mm long, 9–12 mm diam.; teeth usually overlapping at least when young; dioecious; samara 4.5–7.0 mm long, very dark brown to black.~Allocasuarina gymnanthera 12~Branchlet articles 3–10 mm long, 0.5–0.9 mm diameter (at mid-length); teeth thin-textured, not overlapping, 0.3–0.7 mm long; cone body 12–25 mm long~Allocasuarina thalassoscopica 12*~Branchlet articles (10-)15–22 mm long, 0.8–1.5 mm diameter (at mid-length); teeth thick-textured,slightly overlapping at base at least when young, 0.5–1.2 mm long; cone body (15-)30–50 mm long~13 13~Cones slender, 9–12 mm diam., on slender peduncle c. 2 mm diam.; articles pale yellow-green~Allocasuarina simulans 13*~Cones large, 11–22 mm diam., on stout peduncle 2–4 mm diam.; articles darker blue-green~Allocasuarina distyla 14~Ridges flat to slightly rounded-convex at least near apex of article (may be more convex towards base)~16 14*~Ridges angular to strongly rounded-convex, with rib or convexity continued onto teeth~19 15~Cone body 14–40 mm long, 9–12 mm in diameter~Allocasuarina gymnanthera 15*~Cone body 7–14 mm long, 5–8 mm in diameter~16 16~Teeth overlapping~17 16*~Teeth not overlapping~18 17~Mature samaras dark brown; cone body 5–7 mm in diameter~Allocasuarina defungens 17*~Mature samaras mid-brown; cone body 7–8 mm in diameter~Allocasuarina glareicola 18~Articles 2–5 mm long; mature samaras dark brown to black~Allocasuarina brachystachya 18*~Articles 5–11 mm long; mature samaras mid-brown~Allocasuarina glareicola 19~Teeth withering, recurved to spreading, very broad-triangular~20 19*~Teeth not withering, erect to slightly spreading, or if spreading then narrow-triangular~21 20~Articles 0.7–1.0 mm diam., ridges angular to rounded-convex; widespread northern species~Allocasuarina rigida 20*~Articles 0.8–1.0 mm diam., ridges rounded-convex to somewhat angular; rare species, confined to Sydney Harbour N.P~Allocasuarina portuensis 21~Teeth overlapping~22 21*~Teeth not overlapping~23 22~Teeth very broad-triangular, very convex-sided; articles not waxy~Allocasuarina rupicola 22*~Teeth broad- to narrow-triangular, more or less straight-sided; articles often with a waxy bloom~Allocasuarina diminuta 23~Articles of same diameter throughout length, not waxy~Allocasuarina glareicola 23*~Articles of slightly greater diameter near their apex, often with a waxy bloom~24 24~Teeth narrow-triangular; mature samaras mid-brown; cones on peduncles 6–15 mm long; teeth 7–9, 0.5–1.3 mm long~Allocasuarina ophiolitica 24*~Teeth broad- to narrow-triangular; mature samaras dark brown; cones on peduncles 2–10 mm long; teeth 6–10, 0.3–0.8 mm long~Allocasuarina diminuta #{gn}Malva 1~Epicalyx segments fused at base, ovate to lanceolate~2 1*~Epicalyx segments free, linear~4 2~Epicalyx segments exceeding the calyx; biennial, woody at the base~Malva arborea 2*~Epicalyx not exceeding the calyx; coarse herbaceous annuals, biennials or perennials~3 3~Corolla 20 mm long or longer~Malva preissiana 3*~Corolla less than 18 mm long~Malva pseudolavatera 4~Corolla more than twice as long as calyx; hairs simple or forked~5 4*~Corolla c. as long as calyx; hairs stellate or forked~7 5~Petals more than 15 mm long~Malva sylvestris 5*~Petals less than 15 mm long~6 6~Epicalyx segments ovate, attached near middle of calyx; petals bluish lilac~Malva nicaeensis 6*~Epicalyx segments linear, attached near base of calyx; petals white, pale pink to pinkish lilac~Malva neglecta 7~Flowers more or less sessile; biennial or perennial plant; calyx expanded in fruit~Malva verticillata 7*~Flowers mostly on peduncles more than 3 mm long; annual plant; calyx more or less enclosing fruit (occasionally slightly expanded)~Malva parviflora #{gn}Lepidium 1~Fruit dehiscent~3 1*~Fruit indehiscent, but sometimes breaking into 1-seeded units~2 2~Fruit pitted; leaves pinnatisect, lobes linear~Lepidium didymum 2*~Fruit smooth; leaves oblanceolate, entire or almost so~Lepidium draba 3~Stamens 6~4 3*~Stamens 2 or 4~8 4~Stem leaves sessile, auriculate, entire to toothed, generally more than 3 mm wide, scattered~5 4*~Stem leaves more or less linear, entire, not auriculate, mostly less than 2 mm wide, often clustered~7 5~Stem leaves more or less broad-ovate to circular, entire~Lepidium perfoliatum 5*~Stem leaves more or less triangular or oblanceolate to obovate, margins usually toothed, sometimes lobed or entire~6 6~Stems, pedicels and leaves glabrous~Lepidium foliosum 6*~Stems, pedicels and leaves hairy~Lepidium campestre 7~Fruiting pedicel less than 5 mm long; style more or less shorter than apical notch of silicula; stem warty or shortly papillose~Lepidium phlebopetalum 7*~Fruiting pedicel more than 5 mm long; style longer than apical notch of silicula; stem sparsely papillose~Lepidium leptopetalum 8~Stamens usually 4~9 8*~Stamens usually 2~13 9~Leaves auriculate; stems distinctly hairy; silicula more or less hairy when young~10 9*~Stem leaves attenuate at base; stems more or less glabrous or finely hairy; silicula glabrous or papillose~11 10~Stem with obtuse hairs or papillose~Lepidium papillosum 10*~Stem with acicular hairs~Lepidium oxytrichum 11~Petals absent or shorter than sepals; wings at least commencing in lower half of fruit~12 11*~Petals longer than sepals; wing formed only in upper half of fruit~Lepidium virginicum 12~Fruit glabrous; wings acute, uniform around fruit~Lepidium monoplocoides 12*~Fruit papillose; wings obtuse, tapering in lower half of fruit~Lepidium pseudopapillosum 13~Petals longer than sepals~Lepidium virginicum 13*~Petals absent or reduced and shorter than sepals~14 14~All leaves lobed or dissected to some degree~Lepidium bonariense 14*~At least upper stem leaves neither lobed nor dissected~15 15~Leaf bases more or less auriculate~16 15*~Leaf bases attenuate~20 16~Inflorescence a corymb, short, not elongating in fruit~Lepidium fasciculatum 16*~Inflorescence a raceme, elongating in fruit~17 17~Pedicels glabrous~18 17*~Pedicels hairy~20 18~Silicula more than 3 mm long; petals rudimentary, ovate~Lepidium hyperpantion 18*~Silicula less than 3 mm long; petals, if present, rudimentary, linear~Lepidium sagittulatum 19~Plants not spinescent; silicula more or less hairy~Lepidium hyssopifolium 19*~Smaller branches spinescent; silicula glabrous~Lepidium aschersonii 20~Pedicels glabrous~Lepidium pseudohyssopifolium 20*~Pedicels hairy~21 21~Pedicels more or less shorter than or equal to silicula~22 21*~Pedicel longer than silicula~Lepidium peregrinum 22~Fruit less than 3 mm long; stem glabrous or with a few scattered hairs~23 22*~Fruit more than 3 mm long; stem with long spreading obtuse hairs~Lepidium muelleri-ferdinandi 23~Marginal hairs on leaves long or absent~Lepidium africanum 23*~Marginal hairs on leaves short, acute or obtuse (often visible only on young leaves)~Lepidium pseudotasmanicum #{sp}Olearia phlogopappa 1~Leaves with glands~2 1*~Leaves without glands~3 2~Leaves lanceolate to ovate; margins irregularly lobed, often with some sub-entire leaves; damp montane and foothill forest up to 1500 metres altitude~subsp. continentalis 2~Leaves narrow-elliptic to obovate; margins entire or shallowly lobed; subalpine and alpine regions~subsp. flavescens 3~Leaves and stems lacking glands; leaves obovate, margins serrate~subsp. serrata 3*~Leaves lacking glands; sub-entire, rarely crenate~subsp. flavescens #{gn}Leiocarpa 1~Erect plants, variably cottony or woolly; leaves mostly linear to oblong~2 1*~Sprawling villous plant; leaves obovate, papery, with sub-sessile globular glands and cottony hairs below~Leiocarpa serpens 2~Claw of involucral bracts narrowly linear or narrowly oblong in inner bracts, of almost equal length in both inner and outer bracts~3 2*~Claw of involucral bracts linear to narrowly oblong or narrowly ovate, markedly shorter on outer bracts than on inner bracts~4 3~Lamina of inner involucral bracts broadly ovate; pappus bristles almost equal to corolla; older branches covered with a dense woolly indumentum that forms a silvery sheen~Leiocarpa leptolepis 3*~Lamina of inner involucral bracts slender-attenuate; pappus bristles two-thirds as long as the corolla, older branches cottony or glabrous~Leiocarpa brevicompta 4~Involucral bracts glabrous or minutely glandular-puberulous, cartilaginous~Leiocarpa websteri 4*~Involucral bracts variably cottony, scarious to herbaceous or cartilaginous. Involucre 5–10 mm high; pappus bristles c. 20 or less~5 5~Involucral bracts with upper half scarious and wrinkled, pale brown; female florets without pappus~Leiocarpa semicalva 5*~Involucral bracts cartilaginous or with a short scarious tip, not wrinkled, pale green; female florets with pappus~6 6~Involucre turbinate, achene glabrous~Leiocarpa tomentosa 6*~Involucre hemispherical; achene very sparsely puberulous~Leiocarpa panaetioides #{gn}Homoranthus 1~Flowers held erect~2 1*~Flowers pendulous~14 2~Sepal apex long-acuminate~3 2*~Sepal apex always laciniate, divided into 2–12 long, slender processes~10 3~Peduncles 6–16 mm long~Homoranthus floydii 3*~Peduncles <4 mm long~4 4~Hypanthium densely hairy between the ribs with thin, unicellular trichomes~Homoranthus croftianus 4*~Hypanthium tuberculate or smooth between the ribs, lacking thin, unicellular trichomes~5 5~Hypanthium tuberculate between the ribs with broad, rounded, multicellular trichomes~6 5*~Hypanthium smooth between the ribs, multicellular trichomes absent~8 6~Plants erect, >1 m tall; petals, sepals and style creamy white; coastal species~Homoranthus virgatus 6*~Plants weakly erect, <0.8 m tall; petals, sepals and style yellow; inland species~7 7~Hypanthium 3.4–4.7 mm long; leaves slightly glaucous~Homoranthus flavescens 7*~Hypanthium 2.0–3.2 mm long; leaves strongly glaucous~Homoranthus prolixus 8~Leaf blade lunate to narrow-oblanceolate in side view, >1.1 mm thick at deepest point~Homoranthus lunatus 8*~Leaf blade linear in side view, <1 mm thick~9 9~Plants ascending, >0.25 m tall; leaves dull, slightly glaucous~Homoranthus melanostictus 9*~Plants decumbent, <0.2 m tall; leaves shiny, never glaucous~Homoranthus bebo 10~Flowers in pairs, borne on a peduncle-like internode (pseudopeduncle)~11 10*~Flowers in groups of 3 or more; flowering branchlets unmodified~12 11~Leaf blade linear in side view, <1mm thick~Homoranthus biflorus 11*~Leaf blade incurved oblanceolate in side view, >1.3 mm thick~Homoranthus binghiensis 12~Hypanthium densely hairy between the ribs with thin, unicellular trichomes~Homoranthus croftianus 12*~Hypanthium tuberculate or smooth between the ribs, lacking thin, unicellular trichomes~13 13~Hypanthium tuberculate between the ribs; sepal apex with 3–6 laciniae~Homoranthus elusus 13*~Hypanthium smooth between the ribs, sepal apex usually with 2–3 laciniae~Homoranthus bruhlii 14~Leaves 2.5–4.5 mm long; bracteoles persistent after anthesis~Homoranthus darwinioides 14*~Leaves 5–11 mm long; bracteoles caducous~Homoranthus cernuus #{gn}Indigofera 1~Leaves simple~2 1*~Leaves compound, sometimes appearing simple through loss of leaflets~3 2~Pods globose; inflorescences ≤1 cm long~Indigofera linifolia 2*~Pods ± linear and terete; inflorescences 1.5–3 cm long~Indigofera triflora 3~Leaflets alternate on the rachis; stipules lanceolate with scarious margins~4 3*~Leaflets usually opposite; stipules linear to triangular, margins not scarious, sometimes spinescent~5 4~Pod short, usually <10 mm long; seeds usually 2; inflorescence usually ≤20 mm long~Indigofera linnaei 4*~Pod 10–18 mm long; seeds 4–8; inflorescence ≥30 mm long~Indigofera spicata 5~Pods bearing relatively long stiff hairs or erect gland-tipped hairs~6 5*~Pods tomentose, appressed-hairy, or ± glabrous~7 6~Pods deflexed, covered with stiff, spreading hairs~Indigofera hirsuta 6*~Pods not deflexed, bearing erect gland-tipped hairs amongst the appressed hairs~Indigofera colutea 7~Pods straight~8 7*~Pods crescent-shaped~Indigofera suffruticosa 8~Pods ± glabrous or with scattered, appressed hairs~9 8*~Pods densely appressed-hairy, or tomentose~16 9~Stipules 4–7 mm long, persistent and spinescent~Indigofera helmsii 9*~Stipules ≤4 mm long, never spinescent, sometimes persistent~10 10~Leaves often appearing simple through loss of leaflets; leaflets, when present, ≤5 mm long~11 10*~Leaflets persistent, ≥5 mm long~12 11~Plant whitish in appearance; leaves with 5–9 leaflets~Indigofera efoliata 11*~Plant green in appearance; leaves with 9–23 leaflets~Indigofera adesmiifolia 12~Branchlets white with a dense tomentum~Indigofera coronillifolia 12*~Branchlets greyish with appressed hairs or ± glabrous~13 13~Plants shrubby, at least 1 m high~14 13*~Plants arising from underground rootstocks or rhizomes, usually <1 m high~15 14~Plants dark green in appearance; hairs on calyx dark brown, hairs on back of standard white~Indigofera australis 14*~Plants grey in appearance; hairs on calyx and back of standard usually golden-brown~Indigofera brevidens 15~Aerial stems weak and slender; flowers 4–7 mm long~Indigofera baileyi 15*~Aerial stems woody; flowers 14–17 mm long~Indigofera decora 16~Leaves grey-green; inflorescences at least twice as long as the leaves~Indigofera psammophila 16*~Leaves grey or white with dense hairs; inflorescences less than twice as long as the leaves~17 17~Leaves white; leaflets 9–13; inflorescences 3–6 cm long~Indigofera leucotricha 17*~Leaves grey; leaflets 15–21; inflorescences 6–16 cm long~Indigofera longibractea