CASUARINACEAE    cristata.gif (5293 bytes)

Nomenclature and distribution

This dataset gives type, protologue, synonym and geographical distribution for all names in Casuarinaceae that have been used in recent times. A few old names that have long been relegated to synonymy are not included. The set of species tagged in the status field as 'accepted' names represents a complete synopsis of the taxa in the family as currently known, so it includes various species that have not yet formally been described.

Geographical data are given in two forms: (1) as 'plain language' regions and (2) in Level 2 and 3 units of the TDWG
World Geographical Scheme (S. Hollis & R.K. Brummitt 1992). Only natural distributions are included so far.

You can query by genus or species, or by 'plain language' geographical region. Use * as a wildcard in querying.

For further information on the species of CASUARINACEAE, contact Mrs Karen Wilson.


© 2001, Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney