Information for authors
Manuscripts submitted for publication in TELOPEA are published online, after acceptance by the TELOPEA Editorial Committee and when final editorial formating has been completed.
All papers will be refereed by international experts. Authors are encouraged to have their papers reviewed by colleagues prior to submission.
Online submission
Scientific manuscripts should be submitted through the TELOPEA Online Open Journal Systems at University of Sydney (if a registered user: LOGIN HERE or if not registered as a user: REGISTER HERE). If your system does not interface with OJS, then please contact the Scientific Editor
Authors should submit the manuscript in a PC-compatible text format such as MS Word or rtf. The contents of the paper should be prepared in exactly the same way as for conventional submissions. Please follow the guidelines provided here.
All illustrations, plates and other images. should be submitted to OJS as high resolution supplementary files. Please also include low resolution images at the end of the main manuscript for reviewing purposes. The size of the MS Word or rtf file should not exceed 5MB. Larger papers should be discussed with the editor before submission. No hard copies are required.
Artwork must be submitted in the format described below. Do not use presentation programmes such as MS Word and Powerpoint or files downloaded from the internet to submit figures; in most cases the data are not of sufficient quality.
- The title should be explicit and descriptive of the content; a short running head and an abstract should be included.
- Check most recent issues for format. The Macquarie Dictionary, latest edition, and the Australian Government Publishing Service Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers, latest edition, should be consulted for spelling, abbreviations, units and other conventions.
- Citation of references in the text should be made by giving the name of the author(s) with the year of publication in parentheses, for example Moody (2005), Briggs and Leigh (1996). Commas are used only to separate two or more references and no punctuation is used between the author(s) and date, for example when references are cited collectively
- (Moody 2005, Prentice 1986, Wilson 1998).
- Ampersands (&) should be written out in full in the text and used only when citing the authority of taxa (Syzygium thornei Merr. & L.M.Perry) and when referring to joint collectors of taxa (Everitt 1519 & Guerin; Smith 2506, Jones & Phelps).
- Titles of journals are to be given in full. All names, whether author or editor, follow the format of surname first, followed by initials, with no punctuation. The use of capitals in the titles of articles, chapters and books should be restricted to proper/place/legal names and in journal titles follows normal convention. Only journal, thesis and book titles are in italics (unless the chapter name is that of a genus/species); volume and/or edition follow the title and are not in italics. Web references must be accompanied by the url and the date of information download. Some latitude in reference presentation is allowed (e.g. the use of Australian Systematic Botany format); consistency is required. Some examples of Telopea format are given below.
Baillie JEM, Hilton-Taylor C, Stuart SN (eds) (2004) 2004 IUCN Red list of threatened species. A global species assessment. http://www.iucn.org/themes/ssc/red_list_2004/GSA_book/Red_List_2004_book.pdf (accessed 16 June 2005)
Briggs JD, Leigh JH (1996) Rare or threatened Australian plants, revised edition. (CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood)
EPBC (1999) Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 http://www.deh.gov.au/epbc/index.html (accessed 16 June 2006)
Moody ML (2005) Systematics of the Angiosperm family Haloragaceae R.Br. emphasizing the aquatic genus Myriophyllum: phylogeny, hybridization and character evolution. (Unpublished PhD thesis: University of Connecticut)
Prentice HC (1986) Continuous variation and classification. Pp. 21-32 in Styles BT (ed.) Infraspecific classification of wild and cultivated plants. (Oxford University Press: New York)
Weston PH, Harden GJ (2002) Philotheca. Pp. 292-299 in Harden GJ (ed.) Flora of New South Wales, vol. 2, 2nd edition. (New South Wales University Press: Kensington)
Henwood MJ (2014) Hydrocotyle rivularis: a new trifoliate species from south-eastern Australia Telopea 17: 217-221 http://dx.doi.org/10.7751/telopea20147840
Wilson PG (1998) A taxonomic review of the genera Eriostemon and Philotheca (Rutaceae: Boronieae). Nuytsia 12: 239-265
Wilson PG, Gadek PA, Quinn CJ, Clark WD, Landrum LR (1994) The Myrtaceae revisited: a cladistic re-analysis of an expanded database [abstract]. American Journal of Botany (Supplement) 81(6): 195
- Cite Type details in full, giving details from protologue and from specimen label separately if there are important differences. Type citations should be in a consistent format, e.g: Type: New South Wales: North Western Plains: 10 km W of Moree (29º08'S 129º48'E), B. Wiecek 1250, 2 Jan 1989; lecto NSW (Weston 1990: 21); isolecto K, MO.
- Cite up to approximately 20 (except for very widely distributed species) and arrange by published botanical or natural regions, citing the references for these regions. Use accepted format: Country: Subdivision (State/Province/District): Special Geographic Unit (eg. Reserves and National Parks): locality, collector and collection number, date (herbarium code plus institutional number if there is no collectors number - in parentheses) Only latitudes and longitudes on the original labels should be included. Give dates in the following format: 12 Jan 1987. NOTE: sine datum, s. dat. means without data, NOT "without date". Use the latter English with collecting date is not provided.
Footnotes in Microsoft Word are created using a 'Wizard' function that does not transfer across to the typesetting program that we use. Please minimise the use of footnotes, instead incorporate within the text, if possible. When using footnotes:
- Put a superscript number in the text where you are referrring to the footnote.
- Place the numbered footnotes at the end of the paper on a new page (as you would do for tables and figure captions).
The footnotes will be place in the correct position(s) throughout the paper during the layout phase of publication.
Supply of Artwork
- In the finished journal, figures must not extend beyond the journal margin.
- Captions and scale bars for figures should be checked against the artwork for consistency. If scale bars or lettering need to be added, they should be clearly marked on the image. Measurements of scales bars should be provided in millimetres. The use of times magnification for scale is discouraged because layout can affect final size.
- Line Art @1200 dpi (for inked drawings, cladograms), Greyscale Art @300 dpi resolution (for photographs) in eps or tiff format please; cdx, pict, bmp, wmf will not be accepted. Eps is the preferred format as it allows the typesetters to alter incorrect text without having to return the figure to the author. Authors wishing to submit other types of files will need to contact the Editor.
- Files from ArcView 3.1 are acceptable if exported from the layout as Postscript New (eps) at 720 dpi resolution. This must be specified in the options box.
- Graphics embedded in Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point will not be accepted, except as part of the orginal submission for review. Items should be saved in the graphic formats tiff and eps as for Line art and Greyscale art.
- All images must be added as Supplementary files @ http://ojs-prod.library.usyd.edu.au/index.php/TEL.
- Tables should preferably be portrait rather than landscape layout (i.e. taller rather than wider). Column headings should be brief. Each table must be referred to in the text.