

Census of Freshwater Algae in Australia

Compiled and edited by Tim Entwisle and Lucy Nairn.

Pleurotaenium eugeneum var. undulatum (Borge) Willi Krieg. Zygnematophyceae AlgaeBase*

Class Zygnematophyceae
Family Desmidiaceae

Description: L (semicell) 502.2um (Total length 1004.4um), Br 59.7um, Ap 49.3um, L:Br 16.8. A single empty semicell was found in this sample. The cell wall contained pores inside of which were small pits. There were 12 apical tubercles and about 18 undulations along the length of the semicell. (Dingley 2001)

State distribution in Australia, based on available literature

new record for australia (Dingley 2001)


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