

Census of Freshwater Algae in Australia

Compiled and edited by Tim Entwisle and Lucy Nairn.

Cosmarium dorsitruncatum (Nordst.) G.S.West Zygnematophyceae AlgaeBase*

Class Zygnematophyceae
Family Desmidiaceae

Synonyms: Cosmarium scenedesmus var. dorsitruncatum Nordst. AlgaeBase*

Description: L 28.8um, Br 35.0um, Isth 13.7um, Th 16.4um, L:Br 0.82. Specimens were only slightly flattened at the apex, the cell walls were punctate and each semicell contained two pyrenoids. This was first thought to be C. depressum (Nageli) P. Lundell from which it differes in having two pyrenoids instead of one and having less rounded basal angles. (Dingley 2001)

State distribution in Australia, based on available literature

new record for NSW (Dingley 2001)


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