

Census of Freshwater Algae in Australia

Compiled and edited by Tim Entwisle and Lucy Nairn.

Cosmarium quadricrenum Dingley Zygnematophyceae AlgaeBase*

Class Zygnematophyceae
Family Desmidiaceae

Description: L 32.7–34.4um, Br 29.2–30.1um, Isth 9.6–12.5um, Th 16.3–17.7um, L:Br 1.08–1.17. Cells of medium size, slightly longer than broad, median constriction deep, linear and closed, isthmus narrow; semicells truncate pyramidal with a slightly flattened and slightly undulate apex which also appears slightly proud, walls slightly undulate having four or five undulations on each side of the semicell margin; a single row of intramarginal undulations following the same formation as the marginal ones lead into a smooth face of the semicell; side view semicells sub circular with a single but prominent granule on either side of and just below the apex; end view broadly elliptic. (Dingley 2001)

State distribution in Australia, based on available literature

new species (Dingley 2001)


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