

Census of Freshwater Algae in Australia

Compiled and edited by Tim Entwisle and Lucy Nairn.

Cosmarium securiforme Borge Zygnematophyceae AlgaeBase*

Class Zygnematophyceae
Family Desmidiaceae

State distribution in Australia, based on available literature

Cosmarium securiforme was described by Borge (1896) from the Australian state of Queensland. Since then the nominate variety of this species has only been recorded by Ling & Tyler (1986) and Thomasson (1986), both from billabongs in Australia's Northern Territory. Var. brasiliense was described by Gronblad (1945) from Brazil. It has since been recorded by Forster (1964) from Brazil, by Coute & Tell (1981) from Argentina, and by Therezien (1989) from Bolivia. Although superfically resembling var. securiforme, in our opinion var. brasiliense would be better considered a separate species. In that case, C. securiforme in its geographical distribution might be confined to tropical Australia. (Coesel & Dingley 2005)


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