Description: Shrubs.
Leaves alternate, simple, margins entire.
Conflorescences axillary, few- to several-flowered clusters; peduncles solitary or 2 or 3 clustered in axils, flowers pedicellate, 1–3 on each peduncle. Flowers zygomorphic (perianth almost actinomorphic). Perianth of 4, ± equal tepals, spreading and recurved after anthesis. Anthers ± sessile, attached below expanded limb. Hypogynous glands united in a horseshoe-shaped nectary or absent. Ovary stipitate; ovules 2; style abruptly bent basally, pollen presenter conical.
Fruit a follicle, compressed-fusiform, 1-seeded, exocarp ± woody, striate, endocarp free from exocarp but similar in form, papery, silky outside; seed pendent, flat, winged at each end and narrowly along each side.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 3 spp., endemic Aust., N.S.W. & Qld (1 sp.), W.A. (2 spp.)
Text by G.J. Harden Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Strangea linearis |