Common name: Sand Grevillea
Grevillea arenaria subsp. arenaria R.Br. APNI*
Description: Single-trunked shrub 1–4 m tall. Branchlets subsericeous, pubescent to tomentose, or subvillous.
Leaves 1–7.5 cm long, 3–10 (-15) mm wide, oblong-elliptic to narrowly obovate or rarely obovate or sublinear; upper surface subsericeous to glabrous, granulose; margins recurved to loosely revolute; lower surface subsericeous, tomentose, or villous.
Conflorescence erect to deflexed; peduncle and floral rachis subsericeous to villous; floral bracts 1–2 mm long; pedicels 2–8 mm long, subsericeous to villous. Flower colour: perianth basally green to yellow, pink to reddish above; style green. Perianth with tepal appendages 0.2–5 mm long. Pistil 22–27 mm long; style pubescent to subvillous; pollen-presenter 2–3 mm long (dorsal edge to ventral).
Flowering: Flowers most months, peaking in July–November
Distribution and occurrence: Occurs in N.S.W., mainly on the eastern fall of the Great Dividing Range and adjacent subcoastal ranges from Richmond W of Sydney S to the Deua R. area W of Narooma. Grows in woodland associations, often around rocky drop-offs or near stream lines, in a range of shallow stony soils over various substrates including sandstone, granite, rhyolite and occasionally limestone.
NSW subdivisions: CC, SC, CT, ST
Text by R.O. Makinson Taxon concept: R.O. Makinson (Fl. Australia)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.