Glossary of Botanical Terms:

baccate: berry-like, with fruits having the seeds embedded in pulp.

barbed: term describing a bristle or awn with terminal or lateral backward pointing projections, each projection being a barb. Fig. 15 J.

barbellate: minutely barbed.

basal: (1) (radical) attached or grouped at the base, e.g. of leaves in a rosette, Fig. 2 I; (2) of placentation, with the placenta at the base of the ovary, Fig. 13 H.

basifixed: attached at or by the base, e.g. of anthers attached by the base to the filament. Fig. 20 B. cf. dorsifixed, versatile.

basipetal: developing, in sequence, from the apex towards the base (i.e. with the youngest towards the base); e.g. of flowers in an inflorescence. cf. acropetal.

beak: a prominent terminal projection, especially of a carpel or fruit.

bearded: with tufts of hairs or hair-like appendages.

berry: a fleshy or pulpy indehiscent fruit with 1 or more seeds, the seeds embedded in the fleshy tissue of the pericarp; may be formed from either a superior or an inferior ovary. Fig. 18 D & E.

bi-: a prefix: in twos, as in two-; e.g. biternate = twice ternate, bipinnate = twice pinnate.

bicarinate: 2-keeled.

biconvex: both surfaces convex.

biennial: a herb completing the cycle from germination to fruiting in more than one, but less than two, years and then dying.

bifacial: of leaves, flat or channelled with distinct upper and lower surfaces.

bifid (2-fid): divided into two parts, usually to about halfway.

bifoliolate (2-foliolate): of a compound leaf, with two leaflets. Fig. 3 J.

bifurcate: with 2 forks or branches.

bilabiate: two-lipped, e.g. of a corolla in which fusion of an upper group and a lower group of petals extends beyond the top of the corolla tube.

bilateral: arranged on opposite sides.

bilocular (2-locular): having two cavities, e.g. of ovary or anther.

binate (2-nate): in pairs.

bipinnate (2-pinnate): of a compound leaf, with the lamina divided twice pinnately, i.e. with the pinnae themselves divided pinnately into pinnules. Fig. 3 B.

bipinnatifid (2-pinnatifid): of a simple leaf, with the primary lobes cut into smaller lobes (i.e. lobes pinnatifid) Fig. 5 T. cf. bipinnate.

biseriate (2-seriate): arranged in two rows or whorls.

bisexual: of a flower, with both stamens and carpels present and functional. cf. unisexual.

biternate (2-ternate): twice ternate, the 3 pinnae each divided into 3 pinnules (a total of 9 pinnules). Fig. 3 M.

blade (lamina): an expanded portion of a leaf.

blastotelic (indeterminate inflorescence): an inflorescence or part of an inflorescence not ending in a flower, i.e. ending in a non-floral bud, e.g. a thyrse, raceme or spike, Fig. 17 C, H & I. cf. determinate.

bloom: the white waxy covering on some fruits, leaves or stems. See also pruinose.

bole: the trunk of a tree below the lowest branch. cf. crown.

boss: a protuberance.

botryoid: a term describing an inflorescence of similar form to a botryum but ending in a flower or floral bud; includes raceme-like, spike-like, umbel-like and other variants.

botryum: a simple inflorescence ending in a vegetative (non-floral) bud in which the main axis bears lateral flowers; includes racemes, spikes, umbels and corymbs.

brackish: slightly salty.

bract: usually a more or less modified leaf, especially a smaller one associated with a flower or part of an inflorescence.

bracteate: (bracteose) with bracts.

bracteole: bract-like structure borne singly or in pairs on the pedicel or calyx of a flower.

branchlet: a small branch.

bristle: a more or less straight stiff hair. Fig. 14 N. adj. bristly. cf. spine.

broom-like: with many branches parallel or almost so and usually erect, as in Spartium (Spanish broom).

bulb: a storage organ, usually underground, composed of stem and leaf bases.

bulbil: a small bulb formed in the axil of a leaf or bract and functioning to propagate the plant vegetatively.

bulblet: a small bulb arising from another bulb.

bullate: with the surface blistered or puckered. Fig. 16 F.

burr: a prickly propagule consisting of a seed or fruit and associated floral parts.

buttress: a flange protruding from the lower part of the trunk, frequent in rainforest trees.

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