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Thompson, Joy and Gray, Max (25 Jun 1982) A check-list of the subalpine and alpine species found in the Kosciusko region of New South Wales. Telopea 2(3) : 299-346.
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Anonymous (25 Jun 1982) Sketch-map of Kosciusko region. Telopea 2(3) : .
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Nelson, Ernest C. (13 Oct 1983) Australian plants cultivated in England before1788. Telopea 2(4) : 347-353.
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McGillivray, Donald J. (13 Oct 1983) A revision of Galium (Rubiaceae) in Australia and New Zealand. Telopea 2(4) : 355-377.
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Thompson, Joy (13 Oct 1983) Redefinitions and nomenclatural changes within the Leptospermum suballiance of Myrtaceae. Telopea 2(4) : 379-383.
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Guymer, Gordon P. (13 Oct 1983) A new species of Elaeocarpus (Elaeocarpaceae) from north east New South Wales. Telopea 2(4) : 385-389.
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Everett, Joy and Jacobs, Surrey W.L. (13 Oct 1983) Studies in Australian Stipa (Poaceae). Telopea 2(4) : 391-400.
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Conover, Margaret H. (13 Oct 1983) The vegetative morphology of the reticulate-veined Liliiflorae. Telopea 2(4) : 401-412.
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Dressler, Robert L. (13 Oct 1983) Classification of the Orchidaceae and their probable origin. Telopea 2(4) : 413-424.
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Cutler, David F. and Gregory, Mary (13 Oct 1983) Current anatomical research in Liliaceae, Amaryllidaceae and Iridaceae. Telopea 2(4) : 425-452.
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Jacobs, Surrey W.L. (13 Oct 1983) A new combination and a new species of Australian Atriplex (Chenopodiaceae). Telopea 2(4) : 453-454.
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Ramsay, Helen P. (29 Oct 1984) Census of New South Wales mosses. Telopea 2(5) : 455-533.
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Ramsay, Helen P. (29 Oct 1984) Phytogeography of the mosses of New South Wales. Telopea 2(5) : 535-547.
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Ramsay, Helen P. (29 Oct 1984) The mosses of Lord Howe Island. Telopea 2(5) : 549-558.
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Ramsay, Helen P. and Streimann, Heinar (29 Oct 1984) Mosses and their distribution in the Australian Capital Territory. Telopea 2(5) : 559-574.
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Anonymous (29 Oct 1984) W.W. Watts 1856-1920. Telopea 2(5) : frontispiece.
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Webb, Leonard J., Tracey, John G. and Jessup, Laurie W. (24 Apr 1986) Recent evidence for autochthony of Australian tropical and subtropical rainforest floristic elements. Telopea 2(6) : 575-589.
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Whiffin, Trevor and Hyland, Bernard P.M. (24 Apr 1986) Taxonomic and biogeographic evidence on the relationships of Australian rainforest plants. Telopea 2(6) : 591-610.
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Thorne, Robert F. (24 Apr 1986) Antarctic elements in Australasian rainforests. Telopea 2(6) : 611-617.
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Hartley, Thomas G. (24 Apr 1986) Floristic relationships of the rainforest flora of New Guinea. Telopea 2(6) : 619-630.
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