Glossary of Botanical Terms:
caryopsis: a dry, indehiscent 1-seeded fruit in which the seed is fused to the wall of the fruit, as in family Poaceae. Fig. 18 S.
Fig. 18. Fruit Types (seeds black). A–E, succulent indehiscent fruit: A, drupe, 1-seeded (in T.S.); B, drupe, 5 seeded (in T.S.); C, pome (in L.S.); D, superior berry (in L.S.); E, inferior berry (in L.S.); F–K, dry dehiscent fruits; F, many-seeded follicle; G, follicle with 2-winged seeds; H, schizocarp; I, legume or pod; J, lomentum; K, siliqua; L–P, capsules: L, loculicidal capsule; M, septicidal capsule; N, poricidal casule; O, circumsciss capsule; P, schizocarp capsule; Q–U, dry indehiscent fruits, with sections showing position of seed: Q, achene from a superior ovary; R, achene from inferior ovary with apical pappus; S, caryopsis; T, nut; U, samara; V–X, aggregate fruits in L.S.: V, rose ‘hip’, individual fruits drupelets; W, strawberry, individual fruits achenes; X, blackberry, individual fruits drupelets; Y & Z, multiple fruits in L.S.: Y, syconium or ‘fig’; Z, syncarp.