Glossary of Botanical Terms:
inflorescence: a general term for the flower-bearing system of a plant, and more particularly for portions of such systems separated from one another by vegetative portions of the plant. Fig. 17.
Fig. 17. Inflorescence Types. (circle – flower bud; arrow – vegetative bud). A, panicle; B, thyrsoid; C, thyrse; D, dichasium; E, monochasium; F, triad; G, panicle-like; H, raceme; I, spike; J, umbel; K, corymb; L, solitary on a scape; M, solitary in axils of leaves; N, spikelet; O, head with expanded receptacle (in L.S.), as in many Asteraceae; P, head with small receptacle (in L.S.); Q, spadix; R, cyathium (in L.S.).