Glossary of Botanical Terms:
lomentum: a legume that breaks transversely into usually 1-seeded indehiscent articles when mature. Fig. 18 J. cf. schizocarp.
Fig. 18. Fruit Types (seeds black). A–E, succulent indehiscent fruit: A, drupe, 1-seeded (in T.S.); B, drupe, 5 seeded (in T.S.); C, pome (in L.S.); D, superior berry (in L.S.); E, inferior berry (in L.S.); F–K, dry dehiscent fruits; F, many-seeded follicle; G, follicle with 2-winged seeds; H, schizocarp; I, legume or pod; J, lomentum; K, siliqua; L–P, capsules: L, loculicidal capsule; M, septicidal capsule; N, poricidal casule; O, circumsciss capsule; P, schizocarp capsule; Q–U, dry indehiscent fruits, with sections showing position of seed: Q, achene from a superior ovary; R, achene from inferior ovary with apical pappus; S, caryopsis; T, nut; U, samara; V–X, aggregate fruits in L.S.: V, rose ‘hip’, individual fruits drupelets; W, strawberry, individual fruits achenes; X, blackberry, individual fruits drupelets; Y & Z, multiple fruits in L.S.: Y, syconium or ‘fig’; Z, syncarp.