Glossary of Botanical Terms:
valvate: (1) opening by valves, e.g. loculicidal and septicidal capsules (Fig. 18 L & M), or of anther dehiscence (Fig. 20 D); (2) of floral parts, with the edges touching but not overlapping, Fig. 11 G. cf. imbricate.
Fig. 20. Anthers, Stamens. A, anther dorsifixed and versatile; B, anther basifixed, dehiscence longitudinal; C, cross section of anther showing loculi and regions of dehiscence; D, dehiscence by valves; E, dehiscence by apical pores; F, diadelphous stamens; G, monadelphous stamens; H, stamens with anthers fused (and with terminal appendages), filaments free.