Description: Trees with simple, branched or stellate hairs; monoecious.
Leaves alternate, large, entire or lobed, with 2 glands at apex of petiole; long-petiolate.
Inflorescence a terminal panicle; male and female flowers mixed with many more female than male flowers, female flowers larger, at base of inflorescence. Calyx 2- or 3-lobed. Petals 5, free, spreading, disc-glands 5. Male flowers with 10–20 stamens, in 3 or 4 rows, the outer free, the inner fused. Female flowers with a 1- or 2-locular ovary.
Fruit drupaceous, ridged, indehiscent.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 2 species, India, China to Polynesia, New Zealand & Australia. Australia: 1 species (native of Qld).
Text by T. A. James & G. J. Harden Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Aleurites moluccana |