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Genus Amaranthus Family Amaranthaceae

Description: Erect or prostrate, annual or perennial, mostly monoecious herbs. Stems rounded or angular, glabrous or hairy.

Leaves alternate, entire, mostly petiolate.

Inflorescence paniculate or spike-like and either terminal with some branches in upper leaf axils, or axillary with the larger clusters in the lower axils. Bracts usually 3 (1 bract and 2 bracteoles) subtending each flower, others subtend inflorescence branches. Flowers mostly unisexual, usually mixed on the inflorescence. Perianth segments 3–5, mostly scarious with a coloured midrib. Stamens 3–5, not necessarily equal to the number of perianth segments. Ovary sessile, circumsciss or indehiscent, sometimes inflated and spongy; styles mostly not developed; stigmas 3, mostly sessile; ovule 1.

Fruit membranous; seed mostly smooth and glossy.

Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 60 species, mostly tropical regions. Australia: c. 20 species (5 species native to mainland), all States.

Text by S. W. L. Jacobs & L. Lapinpuro
Taxon concept:

 Key to the species 
1Perianth segments 32
Perianth segments 57
2Inflorescence axillary, larger clusters in lower axils3
Inflorescence mostly terminal with smaller branches in upper axils only
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3Bracts with long spines, longer than perianthAmaranthus albus
Bracts with short spines, shorter than perianth
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Amaranthus macrocarpus
4Fruit much longer (1.3–2 times) than perianth5
Fruit equal to or slightly longer (less than 1.2 times) than perianth
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5Stems and young leaves with scattered hairsAmaranthus deflexus
Stems and leaves glabrous
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Amaranthus blitum
6Bracts and perianth segments sharply pointed; bracts longer than perianthAmaranthus powellii
Bracts and perianth segments not sharply pointed; bracts shorter than or equal to perianth
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Amaranthus viridis
7Inflorescence axillary, larger clusters in lower axils8
Inflorescence mainly terminal with smaller branches in upper axils only
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8Perianth segments 2–3 mm long19
Perianth segments 5–7 mm long, broad-spathulate
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Amaranthus grandiflorus
9Inflorescence to 30 cm long, dark red to maroonAmaranthus caudatus
Inflorescence not as above
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10Two spinescent bracts, 10–15 mm long, present at the base of each short inflorescence branchAmaranthus spinosus
Spinescent bracts absent
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11Fruit indehiscent or rupturing irregularly12
Fruit circumsciss
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12Perianth segments oblongAmaranthus muricatus
Perianth segments spathulate
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13Perianth segments 2–3 mm longAmaranthus mitchellii
Perianth segments 5–7 mm long
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Amaranthus grandiflorus
14Stems and leaves hairy, especially when young15
Stems and leaves glabrous
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15Bracts 5–6 mm longAmaranthus retroflexus
Bracts 2–5 mm long
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16Bracts 3–4 mm longAmaranthus hybridus
Bracts 2–3 mm long
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Amaranthus cruentus
17Outer perianth segments recurved at the apicesAmaranthus quitensis
Apices of perianth segments straight
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18Bracts 5–6 mm long; perianth segments 2.5–3 mm longAmaranthus powellii
Bracts 3–4 mm long; perianth segments 1.5–2 mm long
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Amaranthus hybridus
19Fruit wrinkled, with prominent wavy ribs; confined to river floodplains with grey, brown or blackAmaranthus mitchellii
Fruit wrinkled, without wavy ribs; grows on red sand and rocky areas
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Amaranthus cuspidifolius

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