Genus Epacris | Family Ericaceae Subfamily Epacridoideae |
Synonyms: Budawangia APNI*
Description: Usually erect, often rigid shrubs; branchlets usually pubescent; branches with leaf scars differing in prominence and shape.
Leaves scattered or imbricate, sometimes stem-clasping but not sheathing, usually concolorous, flat to concave or keeled; sessile or petiolate.
Flowers solitary, axillary in upper leaf axils or extending along the branches to form leafy inflorescences; bracts numerous, imbricate, grading in size to sepals. Sepals 5, usually glabrous except for ciliolate margins. Corolla tube cylindrical or campanulate, shorter or much longer than sepals, glabrous; lobes spreading or erect, shorter or longer than tube, glabrous, usually ± obtuse, imbricate in bud. Stamens 5; filaments short, inserted in the throat; anthers included in tube or half-exserted, versatile. Nectary of 5 scales, rarely joined. Ovary 5-locular with several ovules per loculus; placentation axile; style inserted in deep depression in ovary, short or long and exserted.
Fruit a loculicidal capsule.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 40 species, Australia & New Zealand. Australia: 38 species (most species endemic), all States except N.T. & W.A.
Text by J. M. Powell, except for groups with contributors listed Taxon concept: