Synonyms: Thelychiton Endl. APNI* Australorchis Brieger APNI* Tetrabaculum M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones APNI* Tropilis Raf. APNI* Dockrillia Brieger APNI* Aporopsis (Schltr.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones APNI* Cepobaculum M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones APNI* Ceratobium (Lindl.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones APNI* Coelandria Fitzg. APNI* Davejonesia M.A.Clem. APNI* Dichopus Blume APNI* Durabaculum M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones APNI* Eleutheroglossum (Schltr.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones APNI* Grastidium Blume APNI* Trachyrhizum (Schltr.) Brieger APNI* Vappodes M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones APNI* Stilbophyllum D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. APNI* Monanthos (Schltr.) Brieger APNI* Leioanthum M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones APNI* Ceraia Lour. APNI*
Description: Epiphytic, epilithic or rarely terrestrial herbs, sympodial; roots creeping over the surface of the substrate or aerial or rarely subterranean, usually fibrous. Stems slender and undifferentiated or differentiated into rhizome and pseudobulb; pseudobulb of several to many internodes, usually cane-like.
Leaves tufted at apex of shoot or apparently terminal [or scattered along the pseudobulb], 1–6 [or many] per shoot, distichous, conduplicate or flattened or terete [or laterally flattened].
Inflorescence racemose, 1–many-flowered, lateral but often subterminal or apparently terminal; flowers resupinate or not. Dorsal sepal free, similar to lateral sepals. Lateral sepals united basally to each other and to column foot forming a mentum, otherwise free. Lateral petals free, usually slightly smaller [or larger] than dorsal sepal. Labellum free, hinged to the tip of the column foot; lamina obscurely to distinctly 3-lobed, usually bearing 1–7 longitudinal keels. Column lacking free filament and style; column wings fused to column, reduced to teeth that project beside the anther. Column foot usually as long as or longer than the column itself. Anther incumbent, cap-like. Pollinia 4, waxy. Stigma entire. Rostellum not prominent, ventral.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 1400 spp., Asia (as far west as India and as far north as Korea), Melanesia, Aust. & N.Z. Aust.: 71 spp. (52 spp. endemic), all States except S.A.
Molecular phylogenetic analyses (e.g. Yukawa et al. 2000, pp. 465-471 in Monocots: Systematics and Evolution; Clements 2003, Telopea 10: 247-298) resolve genera traditionally allied with Dendrobium, including Cadetia, Dockrillia, Epigenium and Flinkringia nested within Dendrobium. The two alternative solutions to this problem of Dendrobium paraphyly have both been proposed in the last couple of decades, one proposal is to retain a broadly circumscribed Dendrobium by including these segregate genera, the other to subdivide Dendrobium to retain the segregates. To date, proposals to subdivide Dendrobium have not been without problems of their own, and have not been widely adopted as a result. The National Herbarium of New South Wales accepts a broadly circumscribed Dendrobium, including Dockrilla and other segregates. Several Australian species, including D. speciosum, D. striolatum, D. teretifolium and D. tetragonum exhibit morphological variation, which may be ecologically and/or geographically structured. In each of these species complexes, variation has been subject to different interpretations, with components being recognised as separate taxa, at species rank in some proposed classifications or as sub-species or varieties in others. To date, data allowing an empirical assessment of the observed variation has only been presented for D. speciosum, and supports the interpretation of this complex as a single species that expresses geographically structured morphological variation. For the other species complexes, while there is no doubt that differences among individuals exist in each case, whether those differences reflect separate species status has not been addressed empirically. Therefore, we adopt a conservative stance on species circumscription, which follows established precident and generally recognises morphotypes in New South Wales as varieties. Publication of empirical evidence supporting separate species status for these varieties will result in their being recognised as such.
Text by P. H. Weston, updated by Matt A.M. Renner (23 October 2020). Taxon concept: P. H. Weston (1993, Flora of New South Wales vol. 4)
Taxa not yet included in identification key
Dendrobium moorei,
Dendrobium speciosum,
Dendrobium teretifolium,
Dendrobium tetragonum,
Dendrobium x delicatum,
Dendrobium x gracillimum,
Dendrobium x suffusum
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves succulent, circular in cross section or more or less flattened; stems wiry throughout their length; flowers not resupinate (i.e. labellum uppermost in flower) | 2 |
| Leaves thin to leathery, conduplicate; stems swollen for at least part of their length; flowers resupinate (i.e. labellum lowermost in flower) | 11 |
2 | Leaves ellipsoid to obloid or elliptic to oblong to obovate or ovate | 3 |
| leaves linear, terete Back to 1 | 5 |
3 | Leaves ellipsoid to obloid, tuberculate, resembling small gherkins | Dendrobium cucumerinum |
| Leaves flattened, not tuberculate Back to 2 | 4 |
4 | Leaves elliptic to oblong to obovate, longitudinally furrowed on top; inflorescences 6–20-flowered; sepals and lateral petals white to cream; plant prostrate | Dendrobium linguiforme |
| Leaves flattened-ovate, attenuate, smooth; inflorescences 1–3-flowered; sepals and lateral petals green to brown; plant pendent Back to 3 | Dendrobium pugioniforme |
5 | Tepal tips filiform; leaves not furrowed, 10–100 cm long | 6 |
| Tepal tips acute to obtuse; leaves shallowly to deeply furrowed, 1.5–16 cm long Back to 2 | 8 |
6 | Axillary buds prominently protruding, conical; inflorescence 4–15-flowered | Dendrobium teretifolium var. teretifolium |
| Axillary buds not protruding or protruding slightly, flat to rounded; inflorescence 1–7-flowered Back to 5 | 7 |
7 | Flower predominantly yellow; dorsal sepal 2.5–5 cm long | Dendrobium teretifolium var. aureum |
| Flower predominantly white to cream; dorsal sepal 2–3.5 cm long Back to 6 | Dendrobium teretifolium var. fairfaxii (F.Muell. & Fitzg.) F.M.Bailey |
8 | Leaves erect | Dendrobium schoeninum |
| Leaves pendent Back to 5 | 9 |
9 | Midlobe of labellum triangular to ovate; plants epilithic | Dendrobium striolatum |
| Midlobe of labellum subcircular to subflabelliform; plants epiphytic Back to 8 | 10 |
10 | Labellum white with green keels and a few purple blotches at the apex of the disc; sepals and lateral petals recurved near their apices | Dendrobium mortii |
| Labellum white; sepals and lateral petals not recurved near their apices Back to 9 | Dendrobium bowmanii |
11 | Upper half of stem swollen, square in cross section; basal half of stem thin and wiry | 12 |
| Stem circular or elliptic in cross section, not wiry; sepals and lateral petals linear to oblong or triangular Back to 1 | 13 |
12 | Dorsal sepal 19–30 mm long; labellum 6–8 mm wide | Dendrobium tetragonum var. tetragonum |
| Dorsal sepal 38–60 mm long; labellum 7–9 mm wide Back to 11 | Dendrobium tetragonum var. melaleucaphilum |
13 | Inflorescences 20–70 cm long, 20–200-flowered | 14 |
| Inflorescences 5–17 cm long, 2–30-flowered Back to 11 | 15 |
14 | Stems thickest near the base, tapering towards the tip; basket roots absent; dorsal sepal 20–40 mm long; inflorescences 20–115-flowered | Dendrobium speciosum var. speciosum |
| Stems thickest near the middle, tapering to both ends; basket roots present; dorsal sepal 16–28 mm long; inflorescences 90–200-flowered Back to 13 | Dendrobium speciosum var. hillii |
15 | Dorsal sepal more than 4 times as long as broad | Dendrobium aemulum |
| Dorsal sepal less than 4 times as long as broad Back to 13 | 16 |
16 | Dorsal sepal 30–40 mm long; midlobe of labellum incurved | Dendrobium falcorostrum |
| Dorsal sepal 4–16 mm long; midlobe of labellum recurved or vestigial Back to 15 | 17 |
17 | Stems more or less linear to cylindrical, 17–60 cm long | Dendrobium gracilicaule |
| Stems ovoid to linear to ovoid or broad-ellipsoid, 1–30 cm long Back to 16 | 18 |
18 | Dorsal sepal 9–16 mm long; flowers white to pink to purple and the labellum nearly always strongly marked with darker purple | Dendrobium kingianum |
| Dorsal sepal 4–7 mm long; flowers yellow to yellowish green, sometimes the sepals with pink or red margins Back to 17 | 19 |
19 | Stems with 1 or rarely 2 leaves at apex, clearly differentiated into a basal, prostrate, freely rooting rhizomatous portion and an upper erect, rootless portion that is ovoid to narrow-ovoid, 2–10 cm long | Dendrobium monophyllum |
| Stems usually with 2 leaves at apex, lacking a distinct rhizomatous portion, thickest about the middle, rooting only at the base, 1–2.5 cm long Back to 18 | Dendrobium schneiderae |