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Genus Dillwynia Family Fabaceae
Subfamily Faboideae

Description: Shrubs.

Leaves alternate, simple, linear, terete, or ± trigonous, with a groove along the upper surface, [rarely almost flat with inrolled margins]; stipules occasionally conspicuous but usually minute or absent.

Inflorescences racemose, umbellate or capitate, axillary or terminal; bracts small, caducous or persistent; bracteoles small, on pedicel often distant from the calyx, caducous or persistent. Calyx teeth short or as long as the tube, the 2 upper teeth ± united into a lip, apices parallel or divergent. Petals yellow or yellow and red to deep orange-red, clawed; standard broader than long; the wings narrow, auriculate at base of lower margin; keel shorter than or equal to wings, straight or scarcely incurved. Stamens free, often attached to a ring at base of calyx tube. Ovary shortly stipitate, pubescent; style erect, thick, hooked below the apex with a truncate or thick stigma; ovules 2 on short funicles.

Pods nearly sessile, ovoid or globose, turgid; seeds smooth or ornamented, with an aril.


Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 40 spp., endemic Aust., all States except N.T.

This genus is under revision.

Text by P.H. Weston & P.C. Jobson
Taxon concept:

 Key to the species 
1Leaves distinctly spirally twisted2
Leaves not twisted or rarely slightly so9
2Inflorescences terminal and/or in the upper axils, racemose with 1 to several flowers, often pedunculate3
Inflorescences axillary, consistently 2-flowered, ± sessile
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3Leaves coverd with dense rather stiff hairs or, if almost glabrous, mature leaves with a few stiff hairs only near apex; calyx glabrous externally or with a sparse to moderate cover of stiff hairs, margin ciliate or not4
Leaves glabrous; calyx glabrous externally, margin usually shortly ciliate with weak hairs
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4Spreading (rarely prostrate), diffuse to erect shrubs to 1.5 m high; leaves covered in hairs; calyx usually with stiff hairs externally; widespread along the dividing rangeDillwynia phylicoides
Prostrate shrubs to 0.1 m high; mature leaves with stiff hiars only at the apex (young leaves with scattered hairs); calyx glabrous externally; Ebor district (NT)
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Dillwynia sp. Ebor (P.C.Jobson 5318 & S.A.Mills)
5Erect to diffuse shrubs 0.5–2.5 m high6
Weak ascending shrubs <0.5 m high
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6Leaves mostly >5 mm long; widespread, north from the Budawang Ra. (NC, CC, SC, CT, NWS)Dillwynia retorta
Leaves mostly 1–5 mm long; restricted to the Cumberland Plain, and to Douglas Park (CC)
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Dillwynia parvifolia
7Peduncles 5–15 mm long; widespread, grows in heaths and open woodlands (NC, CC, CT, ST)Dillwynia trichopoda
Peduncles 11–28 mm long; restricted to alpine swamp margins (ST)
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Dillwynia palustris
8Leaves flattened or trigonous in section, branchlets with long spreading to antrorse hairs; on coastal sand and sandstone, north from Ulladulla (NC, CC, SC)Dillwynia floribunda
Leaves terete or almost so, branchlets with short appressed hairs; on rocky sandstone ridges from Port Jackson to near Rylstone (CC, CT)
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Dillwynia elegans
9Calyx tapering gradually towards the base; petals not persistent in fruit10
Calyx abruptly narrowed at the base; pods surrounded by the persistent remains of the petals
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10Calyx tube hairy11
Calyx tube glabrous
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11Inflorescences with peduncles 0.5 mm or longer12
Inflorescences with ± sessile flowers or peduncles <0.5 mm long
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Dillwynia sericea
12Lateral stems and branchlets spinescentDillwynia ramosissima
Lateral stems not spinescent
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Dillwynia hispida
13Prominent decurrent leaf bases absent14
Prominent decurrent leaf bases present
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14Leaves with apex strongly hooked (as opposed to apex recurved)17
Leaves with apex ± straight (sometimes recurved but not strongly hooked)
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15Inflorescences 1–4-flowered, corymbose on peduncles >3 mm longDillwynia glaberrima
Inflorescences 1–2-flowered, at the end of lateral branches on peduncles <3 mm long
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Dillwynia tenuifolia
16Plants prostrateDillwynia prostrata
Plants erect
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17Inflorescences 2-flowered; on rocky sandstone ridges from Port Jackson to near Rylstone (CC, CT)Dillwynia elegans
Inflorescences 1-flowered; known from the Windellama, Michelago and Numeralla areas (ST)
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Dillwynia glaucula
18Stipules present; inflorescences 2-flowered19
Stipules absent; inflorescences 1-flowered
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Dillwynia sp. Barren Grounds (Chadwick s.n. NSW 39509)
19Stipules 0.5–1.5 mm long; grows in swampy heathsDillwynia stipulifera
Stipules 0.1–0.5 mm long; grows in heath near escarpments
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Dillwynia crispii
20Leaf apex either obtuse or if acute without an obvious sharp or pungent point21
Leaves with an obvious sharp to pungent point
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21Inflorescences sessile, dense, terminal headsDillwynia brunioides
Inflorescences racemose, corymbose or single-flowered, terminal or axillary, never forming sessile, terminal heads
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22Flowers pedunculate; bracteoles narrow-lanceolate, caducous; from between Deniliquin and Moama (SWP)Dillwynia cinerascens
Flowers sessile; bracteoles broad-lanceolate to ovate, persistent; known from near Bathurst, Yass, Canberra and Tarcutta (CT, ST, SWS)
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Dillwynia sp. Yetholme (P.C.Jobson 5080)
23Leaves terminated by a distinctly pungent point 1–1.5 mm long24
Leaves terminated by a sharp but not pungent point 0.2–0.5 mm long
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24Leaves sessileDillwynia juniperina
Leaves with short yellowish petiole, 0.4–1.2 mm long
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Dillwynia sieberi
25No obvious leaf base scars; standard 7–9 mm long; from the Goulburn R. to Bargo (CC, CT, CWS)Dillwynia acicularis
Obvious leaf base scars present; standard 9–12 mm long; Gibraltar Ra. (NT)
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Dillwynia rupestris

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