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Genus Dysoxylum Family Meliaceae

Description: Trees, evergreen, indumentum of simple hairs.

Leaves imparipinnate or paripinnate; leaflets entire or rarely few-lobed on juveniles.

Inflorescences axillary, racemose, thyrsoid or spicate panicles. Flowers bisexual [or unisexual and then plants dioecious]. Sepals usually 3–5, usually much shorter than petals, hairy, free or fused. Petals 3–6, free or fused to staminal tube. Stamens 8–10, tube cylindrical, mostly slightly shorter than petals, margin entire, crenate, irregularly toothed or with appendages; anthers inserted within throat. Disc usually tubular with crenate margin. Ovary 2–5-locular, each with 1 or 2 ovules.

Fruit a loculicidal capsule, 2–5-valved; seeds usually partly covered by an aril.

Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 70 species, Indo-Malesia, Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia. Australia: 14 species, (3 species endemic), Qld, N.S.W., N.T., W.A.

The timber of D. fraserianum and D. muelleri is easy to work and is often used for furniture and indoor fittings. The timber of D. rufum is similar to that of D. Muelleri but it has an unpleasant onion smell.

Text by M. J. Taylor & G. J. Harden
Taxon concept:

Taxa not yet included in identification key
Dysoxylum pachyphyllum

 Key to the species 
1Leaves paripinnate, leaflets usually 4–10; domatia prominently swollen, glabrous except for few hairs to insideDysoxylum fraserianum
Leaves usually imparipinnate, leaflets usually 11–23; domatia not swollen, appearing as small hair-tufts and often inconspicuous2
2Capsules glabrous; petals glabrous to sparsely hairy; upper surface of leaflets glossy in fresh materialDysoxylum mollissimum
Capsules densely hairy; petals densely hairy; upper surface of leaflets dull
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Dysoxylum rufum

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