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Genus Eucalyptus Family Myrtaceae

Description: Trees, mallees or shrubs, often forming an underground lignotuber in many species; bark persistent (`rough barks'), or partly or wholly regularly shedding (`smooth barks').

Leaves dimorphic; juvenile leaves opposite; adult leaves usually disjunct opposite (appearing alternate); similifacial or less commonly dorsiventral, oil glands usually present in leaves.

Inflorescences usually based on condensed dichasia, forming umbellasters, mostly solitary and axillary but sometimes aggregated into compound terminal, pseudo-terminal or axillary structures; individual umbellasters usually 7-flowered, but ranging from 1 to >30 flowers in some species. Calyx and/or corolla fused into a calyptra which persists to anthesis. Stamens numerous, usually in several continuous whorls; anthers versatile or adnate, dehiscing by separate or confluent slits or pores. Ovary half-inferior, 2–7-locular, enclosed by hypanthium except at top; ovules numerous, ovulodes present.

Fruit a capsule, becoming woody in most species.


Distribution and occurrence: World: >800 species, all but 16 spp. endemic to Aust. (10 spp. native, 9 spp. N.G., Indon., Philipp.), all States (c. 240 spp. in N.S.W.). Refs Brooker (2000), Chippendale (1988), Hill (1997a & b, 1999), Hill & Johnson (1991, 1995), Hunter (1998b), Hunter & Bruhl (1999), Johnson & Hill (1990, 1999).

Species of Eucalyptus dominate most plant communities in all but the wettest, coldest and driest parts of the continent.

Many species are economically of great importance within Australia as timber, nectar resources for honey production, and for shelter in agricultural and pastoral regions. Species are extensively planted world-wide for timber, fuel, essential oils and pharmaceuticals. The eucalypts show a wide diversity, yet individual species are frequently finely defined and difficult to differentiate. Active taxonomic and morphological study in the group is proceeding, and many species remain to be defined. Generic and infrageneric relationships and limits are also under review. A summary and bibliography are presented by Chippendale (1988). A recent classification by Brooker (2000), formalises many of the names of Pryor and Johnson (1971) for infrageneric taxa that had not been formally published. However, species in this treatment are arranged in natural groupings in the text, following Pryor and Johnson (1971) and subsequent modifications of that system, not that of Brooker (2000).

Text by K.D. Hill
Taxon concept:

Bud and fruit development in Eucalyptus. A, bud with outer calyptra shed before inner calyptra; B, longitudinal section of bud 'A' after outer calyptra has been shed; C, fruit formed from bud 'B' showing calyptra and staminal ring scars, raised disc and exserted valves; D, longitudinal section of bud with calyptra shed as a single unit; E, fruit formed from bud 'D' showing calyptra and staminal ring scars, depressed disc and enclosed valves.

Taxa not yet included in identification key
Eucalyptus castrensis,    Eucalyptus cephalocarpa,    Eucalyptus cryptica,    Eucalyptus expressa,    Eucalyptus scoparia,    Eucalyptus sp. Howes Swamp Creek (M.Doherty 26)

 Key to the species 
1Bark rough, persistent over entire trunk2
Bark smooth on trunk172
Bark not ironbark
                       Back to 1
3Stamens with filaments regularly inflexed, anthers cuboid4
Stamens with filaments irregularly flexed, anthers globose
                       Back to 2
4Adult leaves strongly discolorous5
Adult leaves concolorous or weakly discolorous
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5Fruit 4-angledEucalyptus fergusonii
Fruit not angled
                       Back to 4
Eucalyptus paniculata
6Calyptra scar present7
No calyptra scar present
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7Adult leaves glossy8
Adult leaves dull
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8Longest petioles <20 mm long, largest adult leaves <15 cm longEucalyptus placita
Longest petioles >20 mm long, largest adult leaves >15 cm long
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Eucalyptus ancophila
9Adult leaves <1.2 cm wideEucalyptus beyeriana
Adult leaves >1.2 cm wide
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10Adult leaves green or grey-green11
Adult leaves glaucous
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11Fruit 4-angledEucalyptus tetrapleura
Fruit not angled
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12Juvenile leaves glossy greenEucalyptus ancophila
Juvenile leaves dull, grey-green
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13Juvenile leaves lanceolate, 15–20 cm longEucalyptus fusiformis
Juvenile leaves narrow-elliptic to elliptic, 3.5–9 cm long
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Eucalyptus scopulorum
14Fruit longer than broad; adult leaves acute15
Fruit shorter than broad; adult leaves rounded
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Eucalyptus panda
15Adult leaves broad-lanceolate to ovateEucalyptus caleyi
Adult leaves narrow-lanceolate to lanceolate
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Eucalyptus fusiformis
16Inflorescences 3-floweredEucalyptus tricarpa
Inflorescences >3-flowered
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Eucalyptus sideroxylon
17Adult leaves opposite, ovate to orbiculateEucalyptus melanophloia
Adult leaves disjunct, broad-lanceolate or narrow-lanceolate
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18Valves distinctly exserted (only weakly exserted in E. calidissima19
Valves not distinctly exserted
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19Buds not glaucous20
Buds glaucous
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20Calyptra more than twice as long as hypanthiumEucalyptus fibrosa
Calyptra less than twice as long as hypanthium
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21Disc flatEucalyptus ophitica
Disc depressed
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Eucalyptus siderophloia
22Hypanthium 4-ribbed, calyptra shorter than hypanthiumEucalyptus calidissima
: Hypanthium not ribbed; calyptra as long or much longer than hypanthium
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Eucalyptus nubilis
23Calyptra conical, acute; juvenile leaves orbiculate to broad-lanceolate24
Calyptra rounded or obtuse; juvenile leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate
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24Buds glaucousEucalyptus nubilis
Buds not glaucous
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25Juvenile leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate, apex acute or obtuseEucalyptus siderophloia
Juvenile leaves orbiculate, apex rounded
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Eucalyptus fracta
26Fruit 2–4 mm diameter, juvenile leaves linear to lanceolateEucalyptus crebra
Fruit 7–9 mm diameter, juvenile leaves ovate to broad-lanceolateEucalyptus calidissima
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Not stringybarks
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28Fruit pyriform to conical, flat-topped; inflorescences aggregated or paired29
Fruit not as above; inflorescences usually solitary
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29Inflorescences axillary, often paired; calyptra scar absentEucalyptus fastigata
Inflorescences aggregated at shoot tips; calyptra scar present
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Eucalyptus microcorys
30Fruit ovoid to urceolate and disc strongly depressed31
Fruit hemispherical to globose or ovoid; if ovoid then disc not strongly depressed
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31Fruit smooth32
Fruit ribbed
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Eucalyptus planchoniana
32Adult leaves concolorousEucalyptus obliqua
Adult leaves strongly discolorous
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33Fruit 4-lobed at topEucalyptus baileyana
Fruit not 4-lobed at top
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34Buds and fruit sessileEucalyptus botryoides
Buds and fruit pedicellate
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Eucalyptus robusta
35Leaves with lateral veins obtuse, reticulation dense and regular, juvenile leaves glabrous36
Leaves with lateral veins acute, reticulation sparse and irregular; juvenile leaves hairy
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36Adult leaves strongly discolorousEucalyptus acmenoides
Adult leaves not strongly discolorous
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37Juvenile leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate38
Juvenile leaves narrow-lanceolate
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38Adult leaves greenEucalyptus umbra
Adult leaves blue
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Eucalyptus carnea
39Fruit 5–6 mm diam.Eucalyptus apothalassica
Fruit 6–8 mm diam.
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Eucalyptus psammitica
40Buds and fruit distinctly pedicellate, fruit clusters open41
Buds and fruit sessile or shortly pedicellate (pedicels obscured if present), fruit clusters crowded
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41Leaves strongly discolorousEucalyptus muelleriana
Leaves concolorous or weakly discolorous
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42Disc broad, raised43
Disc narrow, not raised
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43Buds acute or rostrate44
Buds rounded
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44Buds rostrate45
Buds acute
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45Buds angularEucalyptus cannonii
Buds not angular
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Eucalyptus macrorhyncha
46Buds angularEucalyptus subtilior
Buds not angular
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Eucalyptus tindaliae
47Buds angularEucalyptus prominula
Buds not angular
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Eucalyptus laevopinea
48Adult leaves with length:breadth ratio of <3:1Eucalyptus caliginosa
Adult leaves with length:breadth ratio of >3:1
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49Adult leaves thin, noticeably discolorousEucalyptus eugenioides
Adult leaves not thin, concolorous
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Eucalyptus conjuncta
50Adult leaves with length:breadth ratio of >3:151
Adult leaves with length:breadth ratio of <3:1
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51Valves small, mostly enclosed52
Valves large, prominently exserted
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52Adult leaves with a bluish sheen53
Adult leaves green, without a bluish sheen
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53Juvenile leaves ovate (length:breadth ratio of 1.5–2:1), petiole >5 mm longEucalyptus agglomerata
Juvenile leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate (length:breadth ratio of 2–2.5:1), petiole <5 mm long
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Eucalyptus subcaerulea
54Buds angularEucalyptus capitellata
Buds not angular
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55Juvenile leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate56
Juvenile leaves narrow-lanceolate
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56Fruit globose to flattened-globose57
Fruit hemispherical
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Eucalyptus cameronii
57Adult leaves concolorous; south of the Hunter River58
Adult leaves slightly discolorous; north from Coffs Harbour
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Eucalyptus tindaliae
58Fruit <7 mm diam.Eucalyptus oblonga
Fruit >7 mm diam.
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Eucalyptus imitans
59Adult leaves mostly <6 cm longEucalyptus tenella
Adult leaves mostly >6 cm long
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59Fruit hemisphericalEucalyptus mckieana
Fruit globose or flattened-globose
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61Adult leaves lanceolateEucalyptus sparsifolia
Adult leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate
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Eucalyptus ralla
62Branchlets glaucous, sharply 4-angled or winged; fruit with a medial ridge; usually malleesEucalyptus boliviana
Branchlets not glaucous, terete or moderately 4-angled; trees
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63Intermediate leaves orbiculateEucalyptus williamsiana
Intermediate leaves oblong or elliptic
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64Buds and adult leaves glossy greenEucalyptus youmanii
Buds and leaves ± dull, ± bluish
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Eucalyptus subtilior
65Disc flat, valves mostly enclosed66
Disc raised, valves distinctly exserted
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66Buds finely wartyEucalyptus baxteri
Buds not warty
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67Buds angular68
Buds not angular
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68Juvenile leaves cordateEucalyptus camfieldii
Juvenile leaves ovate
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Eucalyptus bensonii
69Adult leaves similifacialEucalyptus ligustrina
Adult leaves dorsiventral
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70Disc thick, flatEucalyptus globoidea
Disc thin, slightly depressed
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Eucalyptus yangoura
71Shrubs and mallees; branchlets glaucousEucalyptus boliviana
Trees; branchlets not glaucous
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Eucalyptus blaxlandii
72Valves of fruit enclosed73
Valves of fruit exserted
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73Adult leaves strongly discolorous74
Adult leaves concolorous or weakly discolorous
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74Adult leaves closely penniveined75
Adult leaves not closely penniveined
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75Buds and fruit sessileEucalyptus botryoides
Buds and fruit pedicellate
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76Fruit cylindrical to urceoolate, 10–18 mm long, 6–11 mm diam.Eucalyptus robusta
Fruit conical to pyriform, 5–9 mm long, 4–6 mm diam.
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Eucalyptus microcorys
77Stamens regularly inflexed78
Stamens irregularly flexed
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Eucalyptus rummeryi
78Adult leaves with some stomates on the upper surfaceEucalyptus rudderi
Adult leaves with stomates on the lower surface only
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79Fruit ovoid, 3–5 mm long, 2–4 mm diam.Eucalyptus hypostomatica
Fruit conical to pyriform, 5–9 mm long, 4–6 mm diam.
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Eucalyptus microcorys
80Juvenile leaves opposite for many pairs81
Juvenile leaves opposite for only a few pairs
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81Branchlets square82
Branchlets not square
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82Buds and fruit glaucousEucalyptus pyrocarpa
Buds and fruit not glaucous
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Eucalyptus pilularis
83Adult leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate84
Adult leaves mostly lanceolate or narrower
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84Adult leaves with 3 longitudinal veins (3-veined)85
Adult leaves with only 1 longitudinal vein (midvein)
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Eucalyptus dives
85Juvenile leaves elliptic or orbiculateEucalyptus stellulata
Juvenile leaves narrow-elliptic
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Eucalyptus copulans
86Adult leaves green87
Adult leaves blue
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87Bark rough on branches; disc flat88
Branches wholly smooth; disc depressed
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Eucalyptus elata
88Calyptra scar absentEucalyptus radiata
Calyptra scar present
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Eucalyptus aggregata
89Adult leaves often >1.5 cm wideEucalyptus croajingolensis
Adult leaves <1.5 cm wide
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Eucalyptus robertsonii
90Calyptra scar absent91
Calyptra scar present
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91Stamens regularly inflexed92
Stamens irregularly flexed in bud
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92Anthers adnate, dehiscing through separate slits93
Anthers versatile, reniform, dehiscing through confluent slits
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93Fruit much longer than broadEucalyptus ochrophloia
Fruit about as long as broad
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Eucalyptus melliodora
94Fine peppermint bark95
Coarse thick fissured or fibrous bark
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95Fruit hemisphericalEucalyptus andrewsii
Fruit not hemispherical
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96Northern Tablelands speciesEucalyptus campanulata
South Coast and Southern Tablelands species
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Eucalyptus consideniana
97Disc depressedEucalyptus stenostoma
Disc flat
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98Twigs glaucous, with a peppermint smellEucalyptus sieberi
Twigs not glaucous, with an unpleasant smell
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Eucalyptus olida
99Juvenile leaves green100
Juvenile leaves blue
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100Juvenile leaves hairy; fruit 13–18 mm diam.Eucalyptus olsenii
Juvenile leaves not hairy; fruit 2–10 mm diam.
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101Fruit with 5 or 6 valvesEucalyptus bosistoana
Fruit with 3 or 4 valves
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102Adult leaves >1.5 cm wide103
Adult leaves <1.5 cm wide
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103Disc depressed104
Disc flat
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Eucalyptus fastigata
104Anthers versatile, reniform, dehiscing through confluent slitsEucalyptus obliqua
Anthers adnate, dehiscing through separate slits
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105Adult leaves >2 cm wide; buds 5–9 mm longEucalyptus moluccana
Adult leaves <2 cm wide; buds 4–7 mm long
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Eucalyptus microcarpa
106Fruit <7 m diam.107
Fruit >7 mm diam.
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108Anthers versatile, reniform, dehiscing through confluent slitsEucalyptus paliformis
Anthers adnate, dehiscing through separate slits
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Eucalyptus pilligaensis
109Adult leaves <1.0 cm wideEucalyptus viridis
Adult leaves >1.0 cm wide
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Eucalyptus porosa
110Inflorescences 3-floweredEucalyptus triflora
Inflorescences 7-flowered
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111Fruit urceolateEucalyptus fraxinoides
Fruit globose
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Eucalyptus dendromorpha
112Disc flatEucalyptus oreades
Disc depressed
                       Back to 99
113Buds rounded; fruit >8 mm diam.114
Buds acute; fruit <8 mm diam.
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114Anthers versatile, reniform, dehiscing through confluent slitsEucalyptus delegatensis
Anthers adnate, dehiscing through separate slits
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Eucalyptus albens
115Anthers versatile, reniform, dehiscing through confluent slitsEucalyptus piperita
Anthers adnate, dehiscing through separate slits
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Eucalyptus polybractea
116Stamens regularly inflexed117
Stamens irregularly flexed
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117Adult leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate or elliptic118
Adult leaves linear to lanceolate, occasionally broad-lanceolate
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118Fruit at least 6 mm long and 6 mm diam.Eucalyptus magnificata
Fruit usually <6 mm long and 6 mm diam.
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119Adult leaves without loose white surface wax; coastal speciesEucalyptus baueriana
Adult leaves glaucous with loose white surface wax; tablelands and Western Slopes species
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Eucalyptus polyanthemos
120Inflorescences 3-floweredEucalyptus longifolia
Inflorescences >3-flowered
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122Fruit hemispherical to ovoid123
Fruit conical
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Eucalyptus conica
123Outer stamens infertileEucalyptus rudderi
All stamens fertile
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Eucalyptus intertexta
124Pith glands presentEucalyptus costata
Pith glands absent
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125Disc broad, slightly depressedEucalyptus leptophylla
Disc narrow, steeply depressed
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126Fruit 4-angledEucalyptus calycogona
Fruit smooth
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Eucalyptus gracilis
127Buds and twigs glaucousEucalyptus nortonii
Buds and twigs non-glaucous
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128Adult leaves narrow-lanceolate to lanceolate129
Adult leaves broad-lanceolate to ovate or ± elliptic, rarely lanceolate
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129Fruit <5 mm diam.130
Fruit >5 mm diam.
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130Anthers adnate131
Anthers versatile
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131Juvenile leaves broad-lanceolate (coastal forest tree)Eucalyptus largeana
Juvenile leaves linear (far inland woodland tree)
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Eucalyptus largiflorens
132Fruit hemispherical; adult leaves dullEucalyptus acaciiformis
Fruit conical; adult leaves glossy
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Eucalyptus aggregata
133Fruit sessileEucalyptus goniocalyx
Fruit pedicellate
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134Juvenile leaves greenEucalyptus retinens
Juvenile leaves glaucous
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Eucalyptus volcanica
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Eucalyptus behriana
136Anthers adnateEucalyptus populnea
Anthers versatile
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Eucalyptus ovata
137Adult leaves strongly discolorous138
Adult leaves concolorous
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138Fruit >10 mm diam.Eucalyptus scias
Fruit <10 mm diam.
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139Calyptra about as long as hypanthiumEucalyptus notabilis
Calyptra much longer than hypanthium
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Eucalyptus resinifera
140Fruit sessile141
Fruit pedicellate
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141Inflorescences 3-flowered142
Inflorescences 7- or more-flowered
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142Adult leaves opposite143
Adult leaves disjunct
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143Fruit conicalEucalyptus cinerea
Fruit campanulate
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Eucalyptus triplex
144Juvenile leaves greenEucalyptus badjensis
Juvenile leaves grey or blue
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145Fruit ovoidEucalyptus chapmaniana
Fruit campanulate
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146Branches smoothEucalyptus kartzoffiana
Branches with persistent fibrous bark
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Eucalyptus alligatrix
147Peduncle <3 mm longEucalyptus banksii
Peduncle >3 mm long
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148Fruit >6 mm diam.149
Fruit <6 mm diam.
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149Adult leaves blue150
Adult leaves green
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Eucalyptus goniocalyx
150Many adult leaves oppositeEucalyptus conspicua
Adult leaves disjunct
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Eucalyptus nortonii
151Valves acuteEucalyptus quadrangulata
Valves obtuse
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Eucalyptus macarthurii
152Calyptra >1.5 times as long as hypanthium153
Calyptra equal in length to hypanthium
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153Disc raised154
Disc not raised
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154Inflorescences 3-floweredEucalyptus morrisii
Inflorescences 7-flowered
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Eucalyptus exserta
155Disc flatEucalyptus bakeri
Disc sharply depressed
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156Mallees; inflorescences solitary157
Trees; inflorescences often paired
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Eucalyptus squamosa
157Adult leaves opposite, ovate to broad-lanceolate or ellipticEucalyptus gillii
Adult leaves disjunct, lanceolate to broad-lanceolate
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Eucalyptus socialis
158Inflorescences compoundEucalyptus coolabah
Inflorescences simple
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159Inflorescences often paired160
Inflorescences solitary
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160Calyptra scar presentEucalyptus squamosa
Calyptra scar absent
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Eucalyptus fastigata
161Juvenile leaves linear162
Juvenile leaves broad-lanceolate or broader
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162Disc level or raised163
Disc steeply depressed
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Eucalyptus oleosa
163Bark shedding from bases of larger branchesEucalyptus smithii
Bark persisting to smaller branches
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164Adult leaves mostly >1 cm wideEucalyptus corticosa
Adult leaves mostly <1 cm wide
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Eucalyptus nicholii
165Buds glaucous166
Buds not glaucous
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166Fruit 6–8 mm diam.Eucalyptus malacoxylon
Fruit 4–5 mm diam.
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Eucalyptus nova-anglica
167Juvenile leaves green168
Juvenile leaves blue
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168Fruit >5 mm diam.Eucalyptus angophoroides
Fruit <5 mm diam.
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169Fruit conicalEucalyptus aggregata
Fruit hemispherical or rounded
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Eucalyptus acaciiformis
170Juvenile leaves orbiculate171
Juvenile leaves narrow-elliptic
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Eucalyptus ignorabilis
171Fruit >5 mm longEucalyptus bridgesiana
Fruit <5 mm long
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Eucalyptus nova-anglica
172Valves of fruit enclosed173
Valves of fruit exserted
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173Inflorescences compound174
Inflorescences simple
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174Fruit conical or ovoid175
Fruit hemispherical
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Eucalyptus michaeliana
175Stamens regularly inflexed, outer whorls infertileEucalyptus polyanthemos
Stamens irregularly flexed, all fertile
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Eucalyptus dawsonii
176Fruit sessile177
Fruit pedicellate
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177Inflorescences 3-flowered178
Inflorescences 7-flowered or more
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178Adult leaves often opposite179
Adult leaves disjunct
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179Opposite pairs of juvenile leaves fused at baseEucalyptus perriniana
Juvenile leaves free
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180Adult leaves <10 mm wideEucalyptus recurva
Adult leaves >10 mm wide
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Eucalyptus pulverulenta
181Fruit cylindrical or ovoid, disc flat or depressed; juvenile leavesEucalyptus glaucescens
Fruit campanulate, disc slightly raised; juvenile leaves <4 cm long and wide
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Eucalyptus saxatilis
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183Calyptra scar presentEucalyptus nitens
Calyptra scar absent
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184Buds in stellate clusters185
Buds not in stellate clusters
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185Juvenile leaves elliptic or orbiculateEucalyptus stellulata
Juvenile leaves narrow-elliptic
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Eucalyptus copulans
186Adult leaf venation subparallel187
Adult leaves with a distinct midrib
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187Fruit angularEucalyptus debeuzevillei
Fruit not angular
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Eucalyptus niphophila
188Fruit broader than long; juvenile leaves greenEucalyptus kybeanensis
Fruit longer than broad; juvenile leaves blue
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Eucalyptus oreades
189Adult leaves often oppositeEucalyptus sturgissiana
Adult leaves disjunct
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190Buds in stellate clusters191
Buds not in stellate clusters
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191Juvenile leaves ovate to ellipticEucalyptus moorei
Juvenile leaves linear to lanceolate
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192Juvenile leaves lanceolate, adult leaves often >1 cm wideEucalyptus dissita
Juvenile leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate, adult leaves <1 cm wide
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Eucalyptus moorei
193Calyptra scar absentEucalyptus kybeanensis
Calyptra scar present
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Eucalyptus dumosa
194Venation in adult leaves subparallel195
Venation in adult leaves not subparallel
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195Mallees; leaves lanceolate or narrowerEucalyptus gregsoniana
Trees; leaves lanceolate to ovate
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196Internodes often >3 cm longEucalyptus lacrimans
Internodes <3 cm long
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197Buds strongly glaucousEucalyptus niphophila
Buds not strongly glaucous
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Eucalyptus pauciflora
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199Adult leaves >1.5 cm wide200
Adult leaves <1.5 cm wide
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200Adult leaves with lateral veins strongly acute (<30° to midrib)Eucalyptus multicaulis
Adult leaves with lateral veins 30–50° to midrib
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201Disc flatEucalyptus luehmanniana
Disc depressed
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202Buds glaucousEucalyptus stenostoma
Buds not glaucous
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203Twigs wingedEucalyptus langleyi
Twigs not winged
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204Juvenile leaves dull, subglaucous; adult leaves to 3.5 cm wideEucalyptus burgessiana
Juvenile leaves glossy green; adult leaves to 2.5 cm wide
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205Fruit 8–11 mm diam.Eucalyptus obstans
Fruit 3–5 mm diam.
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Eucalyptus aenea
206Disc flat207
Disc depressed
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207Disc broadEucalyptus codonocarpa
Disc narrow
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208Leaves thickEucalyptus approximans
Leaves thin
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Eucalyptus microcodon
209Adult leaves <8 mm wide210
Adult leaves often >8 mm wide
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210Immature adult leaves pinkish grey; longest peduncles <8 mm longEucalyptus cunninghamii
Immature adult leaves green; longest peduncles >8 mm long
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211Largest fruit >8 mm diam.; leaves usually <9 cm long, if longer then >7 mm wideEucalyptus laophila
Largest fruit <8 mm diam.; longest leaves >9 cm long and <7 mm wide
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Eucalyptus apiculata
212Fruit 3–5 mm diam.Eucalyptus aenea
Fruit 6–11 mm diam.
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213Adult leaves <10 mm wideEucalyptus stricta
Adult leaves >10 mm wide
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Eucalyptus spectatrix
214Calyptra scar absent215
Calyptra scar present
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215Disc flat216
Disc not flat
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216Adult leaves dull217
Adult leaves glossy
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217Tablelands and Western Slopes speciesEucalyptus rossii
Coastal species
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218Adult leaves <1.8 cm wideEucalyptus racemosa
Adult leaves >1.9 cm wide
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Eucalyptus signata
219Fruit >7 mm diam.Eucalyptus haemastoma
Fruit <7 mm diam.
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220Coastal species north from MorissetEucalyptus signata
Sydney region, Blue Mtns and south
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Eucalyptus racemosa
221Fruit large (13–18 mm diam.), ribbedEucalyptus olsenii
Fruit small (4–10 mm diam.), not ribbed
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222Anthers versatile, reniform, dehiscing through confluent slitsEucalyptus paliformis
Anthers adnate, dehiscing through separate slits
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223Inflorescences 3-floweredEucalyptus leucoxylon
Inflorescences 7-flowered
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Eucalyptus melliodora
224Juvenile leaves opposite for few pairsEucalyptus ovata
Juvenile leaves opposite for many pairs
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225Buds rounded, outer calyptra not shedding cleanlyEucalyptus benthamii
Buds pointed, outer calyptra shedding cleanly
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226Inflorescences 3-floweredEucalyptus wilcoxii
Inflorescences 7-flowered
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227Fruit >5 mm diam.228
Fruit <5 mm diam.
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Eucalyptus dorrigoensis
228Buds 4–5 mm diam.Eucalyptus cypellocarpa
Buds 2.5–3.5 mm diam.
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Eucalyptus oresbia
229Calyptra >1.5 times as long as hypanthium230
Calyptra <1.5 times as long as hypanthium
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230Buds glaucous231
Buds not glaucous
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231Disc domed, >1.5 mm wideEucalyptus glaucina
Disc ± flat, <1.5 mm wide
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232Calyptra cylindricalEucalyptus prava
Calyptra conical
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Eucalyptus dealbata
233Calyptra cylindricalEucalyptus bancroftii
Calyptra conical or rostrate
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234Calyptra rostrateEucalyptus camaldulensis
Calyptra conical
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235Calyptra >2.5 times as long as hypanthium236
Calyptra 1.5–2 times as long as hypanthium
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236Inflorescences >7-floweredEucalyptus amplifolia
Inflorescences 7-flowered
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237Seeds black238
Seeds red
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238Fruit >6 mm in diam.Eucalyptus tereticornis
Fruit <6 mm in diam.
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Eucalyptus blakelyi
239Fruit >5 mm long, adult leaves lanceolateEucalyptus interstans
Fruit <5 mm long, adult leaves narrow-lanceolate
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Eucalyptus seeana
240Juvenile leaves ovate to orbiculate241
Juvenile leaves narrow-lanceolate to lanceolate
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Eucalyptus chloroclada
242Adult leaves penniveined, glossy; coastal speciesEucalyptus pumila
Adult leaves with open venation, dull; inland plains species
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Eucalyptus vicina
243Trees; seeds redEucalyptus parramattensis
Mallees; seeds black
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244Fruit >5 mm diam.Eucalyptus dwyeri
Fruit <5 mm diam.
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Eucalyptus nandewarica
245Inflorescences 3-flowered246
Inflorescences 7- or more-flowered
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246Fruit >10 mm diam.247
Fruit <10 mm diam.
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247Peduncles >3 mm longEucalyptus pseudoglobulus
Peduncles <3 mm long
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Eucalyptus bicostata
248Juvenile leaves broad lanceolate to ovate, to orbiculate or elliptic249
Juvenile leaves lanceolate
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249Buds glaucous250
Buds not glaucous
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250Juvenile stems roundedEucalyptus rubida
Juvenile stems markedly quadrangular
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Eucalyptus canobolensis
251Juvenile leaves greyEucalyptus dalrympleana
Juvenile leaves green
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252Calyptra as wide as hypanthiumEucalyptus imlayensis
Calyptra narrower than hypanthium
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Eucalyptus baeuerlenii
253Calyptra narrower than hypanthiumEucalyptus wilcoxii
Calyptra as wide as hypanthium
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Eucalyptus viminalis
254Adult leaves discolorous255
Adult leaves concolorous
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255Disc raised or ± level256
Disc depressed
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256Fruit >10 mm diam.Eucalyptus canaliculata
Fruit <10 mm diam.
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257Valves apiculate, vertically raisedEucalyptus major
Valves obtuse, incurved
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258Fruit <6 mm diam.Eucalyptus propinqua
Fruit 6–10 mm diam.
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259Calyptra narrower than hypanthiumEucalyptus biturbinata
Calyptra as wide as hypanthium
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Eucalyptus punctata
260Buds glaucous, valves broad-triangular, incurvedEucalyptus grandis
Buds not glaucous
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261Adult leaves lanceolate; valves narrow-acuminateEucalyptus saligna
Adult leaves broad-lanceolate or broader; valves triangular, acute
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262Calyptra rounded, pedicels <4 mm longEucalyptus brunnea
Calyptra pointed, pedicels >4 mm long
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Eucalyptus deanei
263Adult leaves often opposite, <3 cm longEucalyptus parvula
Adult leaves disjunct, >3 cm long
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264Inflorescences usually paired in leaf axilsEucalyptus pachycalyx
Inflorescences solitary in leaf axils
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265Adult leaves broad-lanceolate or broader266
Adult leaves lanceolate or narrower
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266Adult leaves rounded or mucronate267
Adult leaves acute
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Eucalyptus ovata
267Petioles 6–11 mm long; adult leaves 1.2–3.5 cm wide; peduncles 3–9 mm longEucalyptus aquatica
Petioles 10–20 mm long; adult leaves 3.0–5.0 mm wide; peduncles 10–18 mm long
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Eucalyptus camphora
268Bark shed in long ribbons269
Bark shed in scales
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269Juvenile leaves ovate or broader270
Juvenile leaves lanceolate
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270Buds glaucous271
Buds not glaucous
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271Calyptra finely warty, apiculateEucalyptus maidenii
Calyptra smooth, not apiculate
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Eucalyptus rubida
272Adult leaves apparently finely toothed; outer calyptra not shedding cleanlyEucalyptus denticulata
Adult leaves entire; outer calyptra shedding cleanly
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Eucalyptus dalrympleana
273Calyptra scar present274
Calyptra scar absent
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274Buds 4–7 mm long; pedicels 1–4 mm longEucalyptus nobilis
Buds 9–13 mm long; pedicels <2 mm long
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Eucalyptus quinniorum
275Calyptra hemisphericalEucalyptus kybeanensis
Calyptra conical, acute
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Eucalyptus deuaensis
276Juvenile leaves linear or lanceolate277
Juvenile leaves broad lanceolate to ovate, elliptic or orbiculate
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278Bark irregularly shedding, patchy, not powderyEucalyptus parramattensis
Bark clean or lightly mottled, powdery
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Eucalyptus mannifera
279Fruit >5 mm diam.Eucalyptus dwyeri
Fruit <5 mm diam.
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Eucalyptus nandewarica
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281Adult leaves penniveined, glossy; coastal speciesEucalyptus pumila
Adult leaves with open venation, dull; inland plains species
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Eucalyptus vicina
282Juvenile leaves disjunctEucalyptus chloroclada
Juvenile leaves opposite for >10 nodes
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283Juvenile leaves not crenate284
Juvenile leaves crenate, remaining opposite for several years
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Eucalyptus dunnii
284Fruit <5 mm long and <5 mm in diam.285
Fruit 5 mm long and 5 mm in diam. or more
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285Buds acute; outer calyptra shedding cleanlyEucalyptus dorrigoensis
Buds rounded; outer calyptra not shedding cleanly
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Eucalyptus benthamii
286Fruit 5–6 mm longEucalyptus lactea
Fruit 6–8 mm long
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Eucalyptus elliptica

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