Description: Erect glabrous perennial herb, with woody rootstock bearing numerous unbranched annual stems, stems smooth.
Leaves alternate, entire, ± fleshy, juveniles often smaller than adults, soon withering.
Inflorescences terminal cymes of compound dichasia with bracts and bracteoles similar to the leaves. Flowers yellow or cream, 2- to 4-merous, borne on slender pedicels. Sepals 2–4, triangular, smooth. Petals 2–4, spirally twisted, hooded or boat-shaped. Stamens usually 8, occasionally 4, rarely fewer, anthers shortly apiculate. Ovary 1-locular, ovules 4; styles 2 or 4.
Fruit ovoid to obovate, cream or yellow, 2–4 winged or ribbed; pericarp and wings membranous. Seed 1.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 4 species, endemic. Australia. Australia: N.S.W., Vic., S.A.
Text by Peter G. Wilson Taxon concept: