Description: Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, sometimes woody at the base.
Leaves alternate, margins entire to pinnatifid, ± resin-dotted.
Inflorescence terminal on branches, heads several to many, ± resinous. Heads large; involucral bracts 4–8-seriate, graduated; ± indurated, at least middle and outer with spreading green tips; receptacle naked, ± flat. Ray florets ligulate, female, fertile. Disc florets tubular, bisexual, inner sterile, 5-toothed, numerous. Anthers obtuse at the base, apical appendages scarious. Style branches with hairy to pubescent appendages.
Achenes compressed, ± biconvex to 4 or 5-angled; pappus of 2–10 caducous awns, often barbellate.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 60 species, North America. Australia: 1 sp (naturalized).
Text by M. F. Porteners Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Grindelia camporum |