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Genus Gynochthodes Family Rubiaceae

Description: Woody climbers or sometimes straggling shrubs when young.

Leaves opposite, domatia sometimes present; stipules interpetiolar, sheathing, membranous.

Inflorescence of axillary or terminal heads; flowers 2–4 together, sessile, bisexual or unisexual. Flowers with ovaries partially or completely fused. Calyx truncate or toothed. Corolla tube cylindrical, 3–5-lobed, valvate in bud. Stamens inserted in tube; anthers usually exserted. Ovary 2- or 4-locular; ovules one per loculus, attached near base. Style exserted, usually 2-lobed.

Fruit of individual flowers a 1-seeded drupe, pyrene solitary; fruit united in a head to form a fleshy syncarp.

Photo D. Hardin

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Photo D. Hardin

Distribution and occurrence: World: 93 species, tropical regions. Australia: 9 species (several endemic), Qld, N.S.W., Vic., N.T., W.A.

A number of species formerly in the genus Morinda are now in Gynochthodes.

Text by S. McCune, Flora of New South Wales Vol. 3: 497 (1992), as Morinda. Revised June 2017).
Taxon concept: Australian Plant Census (accessed June 2017), following S.G. Razafimandimbison & B. Bremer, Nomenclatural changes and taxonomic notes in the tribe Morindeae (Rubiaceae). Adansonia, ser. 3, 33(2): 283-309 (2011).

 Key to the species 
1Heads of 1–3 flowers united on short axillary peduncles to 5 mm long; leaves with prominent reticulate venation when dry, domatia small, inconspicuous but more or less regular in vein axils, visible only on lower surfaceGynochthodes canthoides
Heads of 3–20 flowers united on terminal, rarely axillary, paired peduncles more than 5 mm long; leaves with more or less obscure venation, domatia large, in vein axils or sometimes absent, conspicuous on both surfacesGynochthodes jasminoides

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