Description: Twining or trailing plants, often the stems producing some adventitious climbing roots, latex milky.
Leaves often fleshy, thick, midvein prominent, lateral veins faint or not apparent, lamina glands minute.
Inflorescences pedunculate interpetiolar umbels, peduncle usually persistent from year to year. Flowers often fleshy or waxy. Corolla spreading, lobes valvate in bud, much longer than tube, thick, ovate, ± acute, curved upwards but tips spreading, margins recurved. Corona segments 5, thick, fleshy, horizontally spreading, ± jug-shaped, fully fused to stamens on inner side, forming a prominent inner ring alternating with corolla lobes. Pollinia 2 per anther, narrow-oblong, erect; style head tapering towards apex, capitate.
Follicles ± terete, slender.
Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 200 species, South-East Asia to Australia & SW Pacific. Australia: 8 species Qld, N.S.W., N.T., W.A., chiefly in tropical regions.
Text by G. J. Harden & J. B. Williams Taxon concept:
One species in NSW: Hoya australis |