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Genus Leionema Family Rutaceae

Description: Shrubs, glabrous or with simple or stellate hairs, unarmed; branchlets smooth.

Leaves alternate, simple, glandular-punctate, margins entire or rarely toothed.

Inflorescences axillary or terminal, cymose or flowers solitary; bracteoles 2, medial on slender pedicels. Flowers bisexual, 5-merous. Sepals free. Petals 5, valvate, free or united, usually glabrous. Stamens 10, free, divergent; filaments terete, glabrous; anthers versatile, apex not glandular. Carpels 5, glabrous or stellate-hairy, apex sterile; styles fused, arising from about the middle of the carpels; stigma minutely lobed; ovules 2 in each carpel.

Fruit of 1–5 cocci; cocci not transversely ridged, with a rounded or beaked apex; seeds sub-reniform, c. 3 mm long, smooth.

Distribution and occurrence: World: 28 spp., Aust. & N.Z. Aust.: 27 spp. (endemic), Qld, N.S.W., Vic., Tas., S.A.

Refs Weston & Porteners (1991c), Wilson (1970, 1998d, 2013). Copeland & Telford (2018). Alvarez & Duretto (2019).

Taxa not yet included in identification key
Leionema paulii

 Key to the species 
1Petals >7 mm long, erect or spreading; stamens considerably exceeding petals2
Petals <6 mm long, ± spreading; stamens ±equal to or slightly longer than petals6
2Petals fusedLeionema sympetalum
Petals free
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3Stems ± terete4
Stems strongly angled
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4Stems pilose; leaves c. 10 mm longLeionema carruthersii
Stems stellate-tomentose; leaves 20–40 mm long
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Leionema viridiflorum
5Leaf margins entire; inflorescence pendulousLeionema ralstonii
Leaf margins frequently serrulate; inflorescence erect
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Leionema scopulinum
6Leaves 2.5–4 cm wide, base stem-claspingLeionema ambiens
Leaves <2 cm wide, base not stem-clasping
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7Leaves hairy (including minutely papillose) on abaxial surface8
Leaves glabrous on abaxial surface
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8Inflorescence terminal9
Inflorescence axillary
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9Petals yellow, pale red towards apex on abaxial surface; leaves pilose or coarsely stellate on lower surface; pedicels 1–2 mm longLeionema diosmeum
Petals white; leaves pilose on lower surface; pedicels 3–5.5 mm long
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Leionema westonii
10Leaves 2–8 cm long, apex 2-toothed, margins entire to finely toothed; inflorescences >10 mm long, c. 10-floweredLeionema dentatum
Leaves 0.8–2(–3) cm long, apex entire, margins entire; inflorescences usually <10 mm long, 1–3-flowered
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11Ovary globose, white stellate-pubescent or rarely glabrous; cocci c. 3.5 mm long; leaves smooth on adaxial surfaceLeionema phylicifolium
Ovary rostrate, glabrous, pilose or rarely villous; cocci 6 mm long or more; leaves minutely scabridulous on adaxial surface
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12Inflorescences 3-flowered, rarely some (never all) 1-flowered; leaves straight, mostly 12–21 mm long, abaxial surface visibleLeionema ceratogynum
Inflorescences 1-flowered; leaves slightly up-curved, mostly 7–15 mm long, abaxial surfaces mostly obscured by revolute margins
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Leionema lachnaeoides
13Stems strongly angled, glabrous; leaves 5–7 cm long, narrow-elliptic, margins finely and regularly toothed, apex acuteLeionema coxii
Stems terete to slightly angled, glabrous or hairy; leaves 0.6–5 cm long, margins usually entire or sometimes minutely erose or crenate
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14Inflorescences axillary; leaves linear to narrow-oblong to marrow-elliptic, margins recurved to revoluteLeionema phylicifolium
Inflorescences terminal and often also axillary; leaves linear- to broad-spathulate or ± circular, obovate or elliptic, margins flat to recurved
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15Leaves >13 mm long16
Leaves <13 mm long
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16Leaves spathulate, oblanceolate, obovate or narrowly oblong, 3–10 mm wideLeionema elatius
Leaves linear-oblanceolate, 2–3 mm wide
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Leionema praetermissum
17Stems warty, minutely hairy in longitudinal lines or all over; leaves erect to spreading, not imbricate, 2–4 mm wideLeionema lamprophyllum
Stems not warty, minutely stellate-hairy all over; leaves erect and ± imbricate, 4–6 mm wide
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Leionema rotundifolium

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