Description: Shrubs; stems clumped, cane-like.
Leaves alternate, 2- or 3-pinnate; main joints of larger pinnae and pinnules swollen at base; leaflets entire; petioles stem clasping.
Inflorescencesa terminal, paniculate, erect to arching, many-flowered. Flowers actinomorphic, bisexual, 3-merous. Sepals numerous, free, spirally arranged. Petals 3–6, free. Stamens 6; anthers subsessile, introrse. Carpel solitary; ovary superior; style short with an abrupt conical stigma; ovule solitary, pendent.
Fruit a globose berry.
Distribution and occurrence: World:1 species, India to Japan. Australia: 1 species (naturalised).
Formerly placed in Nandinaceae which is now included in Berberidaceae.
Text by G.J. Harden, Flora of NSW 1 Suppl.: 22 (2000); updated April 2017, P.G. Kodela Taxon concept: Australian Plant Census (accessed April 2017)
One species in NSW: Nandina domestica |