Leaves usually alternate but occasionally opposite or in whorls of 3, simple or 1-foliolate, margins entire; stipules scarious, fused for part or most of their length behind the petiole.
Flowers usually orange-yellow with reddish markings, axillary but often crowded in apparently terminal heads; bracteoles attached to the calyx tube or rarely to the pedicel, 1–3-lobed (lateral lobes stipules). Standard equal to or longer than the lower petals. Stamens free. Ovary pubescent to glabrous, sometimes glabrous except for a tuft of hairs near the apex; style filiform; ovules 2.
Pods ovate, flat or turgid; seeds arillate.
This genus is under revision.
| Key to the species | |
1 | Leaves with margins recurved or revolute or if flat then darker on the upper surface | 2 |
| Leaves with margins incurved or involute or if flat then darker on the lower surface | 3 |
2 | Bracts conspicuously imbricate, surrounding the terminal, dense inflorescences | 4 |
| Bracts absent or not conspicuously imbricate; inflorescences subterminal to terminal, lax to dense, often leafy Back to 1 | 16 |
3 | Ovary pubescent to the base | 25 |
| Ovary glabrous or with hairs only at the apex Back to 1 | 39 |
4 | Bracts caducous | 5 |
| Bracts persistent Back to 2 | 8 |
5 | Leaves with apex lacking an aristate point | 6 |
| Leaves with apex aristate Back to 4 | 7 |
6 | Flowers 5–7 mm long; calyx 3–4 mm long, teeth acute; leaf apex usually emarginate | Pultenaea retusa |
| Flowers 7–10 mm long; calyx 4–5 mm long, teeth acuminate; leaf apex rounded and usually minutely indented Back to 5 | Pultenaea platyphylla |
7 | Leaves cuneate to obovate, apex rounded, truncate or rarely retuse; bracteoles predominantly pubescent, attached to the upper part of the calyx tube | Pultenaea daphnoides |
| Leaves narrow-elliptic to linear, apex acute; bracteoles predominantly glabrous, attached near the centre of the calyx tube Back to 5 | Pultenaea benthamii |
8 | Hairs on the calyx appressed throughout | 9 |
| Hairs on the calyx, or at least on the upper part of the calyx, spreading Back to 4 | 15 |
9 | Bracts predominantly glabrous | 10 |
| Bracts predominantly pubescent Back to 8 | 13 |
10 | Lateral teeth of the bracts acute to acuminate, sparsely ciliate | 11 |
| Lateral teeth of the bracts obtuse, the margins densely ciliate Back to 9 | Pultenaea myrtoides |
11 | Longest leaves 25–40 mm long | Pultenaea robusta |
| Longest leaves 12–23 mm long Back to 10 | 12 |
12 | Flowers 10–12 mm long, sessile; longest leaves to 23 mm; bracteoles 4–6 mm long; small spreading shrub or subshrub | Pultenaea paleacea |
| Flowers 5–7 mm long, pedicellate; longest leaves to 17 mm; bracteoles 3–3.6 mm long; diminutive procumbent subshrub Back to 11 | Pultenaea parrisiae |
13 | Leaves mostly >20 mm long; bracteoles aristate | Pultenaea rosmarinifolia |
| Leaves mostly <15 mm long; bracteoles tending to be 3–5-toothed Back to 9 | 14 |
14 | Bracteoles 3–5 mm long, narrow-ovate, not keeled, attached to the middle or lower part of the calyx tube | Pultenaea capitellata |
| Bracteoles 5–7 mm long, obovate, keeled, attached below the base of the calyx tube Back to 13 | Pultenaea pycnocephala |
15 | Leaves with apex aristate; teeth of the calyx acuminate with fine pungent points | Pultenaea polifolia |
| Leaves with apex recurved, teeth of the calyx acuminate or acute without pungent points Back to 8 | Pultenaea linophylla |
16 | Ovary glabrous except at the apex; stipules 5–10 mm long | Pultenaea stipularis |
| Ovary pubescent to the base; stipules less than 5 mm long Back to 2 | 17 |
17 | Pedicels >3 mm long | Pultenaea pedunculata |
| Pedicels <3 mm long Back to 16 | 18 |
18 | Stems with appressed hairs | 19 |
| Stems with spreading hairs Back to 17 | 21 |
19 | Leaves with margins tightly revolute; bracteoles linear, attached at middle of calyx tube | Pultenaea cinerascens |
| Leaves with margins flat to slightly revolute; bracteoles narrow-triangular, attached at base of calyx tube Back to 18 | 20 |
20 | Leaves narrow- to linear-obovate, 0.5–2 mm wide, concolorous | Pultenaea microphylla |
| Leaves narrow-obtriangular to obtriangular, 2–6 mm wide, upper surface darker than lower Back to 19 | Pultenaea cuneata |
21 | Leaves linear | Pultenaea petiolaris |
| Leaves oblong to obtriangular or elliptic to obovate Back to 18 | 22 |
22 | Leaves elliptic to obovate | Pultenaea tarik |
| Leaves oblong to obtriangular Back to 21 | 23 |
23 | Upper surface of leaves glabrous, smooth | Pultenaea cuneata |
| Upper surface of leaves hairy and/or scabrous Back to 22 | 24 |
24 | Calyx with sparse spreading hairs; bracteoles 1–2 mm long | Pultenaea hartmannii |
| Calyx silky-pubescent to densely hirsute; bracteoles 3–5 mm long Back to 23 | Pultenaea scabra |
25 | Leaves terete with a groove on the upper surface | 26 |
| Leaves flat, or with incurved to involute margins Back to 3 | 30 |
26 | Calyx with appressed hairs | 27 |
| Calyx with spreading or woolly hairs Back to 25 | 28 |
27 | Calyx silky-pubescent; bracteoles <2.5 mm long, lacking stipules, narrow-ovate | Pultenaea fasciculata |
| Calyx covered with stiff pale hairs; bracteoles >2.5 mm long, minutely stipulate, linear to linear-obovate Back to 26 | Pultenaea laxiflora |
28 | Bracteoles 6–7 mm long; calyx with woolly hairs; stipules 5–7 mm long | Pultenaea baeuerlenii |
| Bracteoles 2–3 mm long; calyx with spreading hairs; stipules 1.5–3 mm long Back to 26 | 29 |
29 | Leaves 7–15 mm long, 0.5–0.8 mm wide, lower surface densely tuberculate; calyx 2–5.5 mm long | Pultenaea divaricata |
| Leaves 15–35 mm long, 0.8–1.8 mm wide, lower surface smooth; calyx 6–7 mm long Back to 28 | Pultenaea rodwayi |
30 | Hairs on the calyx spreading or absent; leaves alternate | 31 |
| Hairs on the calyx silky and appressed; leaves alternate, subopposite or opposite Back to 25 | 35 |
31 | Leaves with apex with a long or short aristate point | 32 |
| Leaves with apex leaf lacking an aristate point Back to 30 | 34 |
32 | Bracteoles almost orbicular, viscid | Pultenaea vrolandii |
| Bracteoles ovate, not viscid Back to 31 | 33 |
33 | Bracts three lobed, leaves 1.5–2.5 mm wide | Pultenaea juniperina |
| Bracts absent, leaves 2–7 mm wide Back to 32 | Pultenaea villifera |
34 | Leaves 3–6.5 mm long, oblong; stipules and bracteole somewhat viscid | Pultenaea hispidula |
| Leaves up to 10–20 mm long, narrow-ovate to linear; stipules and bracteole viscid Back to 31 | Pultenaea mollis |
35 | Bracts absent or inconspicuous | 36 |
| Bracts imbricate, conspicuous Back to 30 | 37 |
36 | Leaves mostly opposite, 10–20 mm long; lower surface darker than upper | Pultenaea blakelyi |
| Leaves alternate, 2–9 mm long, concolorous Back to 35 | Pultenaea microphylla |
37 | Bracteoles lacking stipules | Pultenaea largiflorens |
| Bracteoles with stipules Back to 35 | 38 |
38 | Petioles not decurrent on stem; leaves linear to linear-obovate, terete with a groove on the upper surface; bracteoles 2.8–5 mm long, fused to the stipules at base | Pultenaea laxiflora |
| Petioles decurrent on stem; leaves elliptic to narrow-obovate, concave; bracteoles c. 2 mm long, fused to stipules to middle Back to 37 | Pultenaea dentata |
39 | Ovary glabrous | 40 |
| Ovary with a tuft of hairs at apex Back to 3 | 45 |
40 | Leaves usually whorled or opposite and decussate; venation of leaves palmate, usually with 3 main veins from base (although sometimes the main lateral veins obscure); base of leaves obtuse to rounded | Pultenaea spinosa |
| Leaves alternate; venation of leaves with only 1 main vein; base of leaves attenuate to cuneate Back to 39 | 42 |
41 | Bracteoles circular to broad-ovate | Pultenaea altissima |
| Bracteoles longer than broad Back to | 42 |
42 | Leaves involute to generally U-shaped in cross section | Pultenaea glabra |
| Leaves flat or slightly concave in cross section Back to 41 | 43 |
43 | Leaves with apex emarginate to round, straight | Pultenaea euchila |
| Leaves with apex acute to acuminate, straight to recurved Back to 42 | 44 |
44 | Leaves with apex straight and aristate | Pultenaea flexilis |
| Leaves with apex recurved and not aristate Back to 43 | Pultenaea alea |
45 | Bracteoles 2- or 3-lobed, beige, with frayed margins, enlarged and deeply concave, almost covering the calyx | Pultenaea tuberculata |
| Bracteoles 1- or 3-lobed, variously coloured but the lateral lobes (stipules) being reddish brown, with entire margins, not obscuring much of the calyx Back to 39 | 46 |
46 | Bracteoles 1-lobed (apparently lacking stipules) | 47 |
| Bracteoles 3-lobed (with distinct stipules, although these may be small and largely hidden behind the bracteole) Back to 45 | 59 |
47 | Inflorescences lax, leafy racemes | 48 |
| Inflorescences dense, head-like Back to 46 | 53 |
48 | Leaves terete and grooved on upper surface, 0.5–1 mm wide | Pultenaea sp. Olinda (Coveny 6616) |
| Leaves flat or shallowly concave, 1.5–25 mm wide Back to 47 | 49 |
49 | Petioles decurrent on stem | 50 |
| Petioles not decurrent on stem Back to 48 | 51 |
50 | Leaves with apex acute to acuminate | Pultenaea flexilis |
| Leaves with apex emarginate to rounded Back to 49 | Pultenaea euchila |
51 | Leaves with base obtuse to rounded; leaves usually whorled or opposite and decussate | Pultenaea spinosa |
| Leaves with base attenuate to cuneate; leaves alternate Back to 49 | 52 |
52 | Branchlets drooping; hairs on leaves stiff, usually erect | Pultenaea villosa |
| Branchlets ascending to erect; hairs on leaves soft, appressed or ascending Back to 51 | Pultenaea humilis |
53 | Leaves warty | 54 |
| Leaves smooth Back to 47 | 55 |
54 | Leaves with tufts of minute needle-like hairs on the warts, concave with involute margins, 1–2 mm wide; stipules 5–6 mm long | Pultenaea aristata |
| Leaves without tufts of needle-like hairs on the warts, often with long hairs on the leaf margins, terete and grooved on upper surface, 0.5–1 mm wide; stipules c. 3 mm long Back to 53 | Pultenaea echinula |
55 | Leaves linear, apex acuminate | 56 |
| Leaves elliptic to oblong or ovate, apex acute to obtuse or rounded or emarginate Back to 53 | 58 |
56 | Leaves flat to shallowly concave; stipules 7.5–10 mm long | Pultenaea stipularis |
| Leaves deeply concave or terete and grooved above; stipules 2–6 mm long Back to 55 | 57 |
57 | Leaves 10–20 mm long, concave with involute margins when dried | Pultenaea glabra |
| Leaves 5–10 mm long, terete and grooved above when dried Back to 56 | Pultenaea sp. Olinda (Coveny 6616) |
58 | Petioles decurrent on stem; stems glabrous | Pultenaea euchila |
| Petioles not decurrent on stem; stems spreading-pubescent Back to 55 | Pultenaea humilis |
59 | Apex of leaves long- or short-acuminate to an aristate point | 60 |
| Apex of leaves acute to rounded but lacking a point Back to 46 | 62 |
60 | Leaves linear to narrow-obovate to narrow-elliptic, 0.5–1.5 mm wide; leaf venation with only 1 main vein | Pultenaea setulosa |
| Leaves ovate to rhombic to broad-rhombic, 1–25 mm wide; leaf venation palmate, usually with 3 main veins from base (although sometimes the main lateral veins obscure) Back to 59 | 61 |
61 | Leaves usually whorled or opposite and decussate, usually straight; tip of calyx teeth acute | Pultenaea spinosa |
| Leaves alternate, recurved; tip of calyx teeth acuminate Back to 60 | Pultenaea procumbens |
62 | Leaves mostly <3 mm long; leaf base usually obtuse to rounded | Pultenaea foliolosa |
| Leaves mostly >3 mm long; leaf base attenuate to cuneate Back to 59 | 63 |
63 | Bracteolar stipules fused to bracteole to half its length | Pultenaea subspicata |
| Bracteolar stipules free or fused only basally to bracteole Back to 62 | 64 |
64 | Bracteoles inserted at the base of the calyx tube | 65 |
| Bracteoles inserted on the calyx tube Back to 63 | 67 |
65 | Stipules 4–6 mm long | Pultenaea canescens |
| Stipules 1–3 mm long Back to 64 | 66 |
66 | Prostrate, mat-forming shrubs with ascending branchlets; leaves glabrous or with soft, appressed to ascending hairs | Pultenaea maritima |
| Erect to spreading shrubs with drooping branchlets; leaves hairy with hairs stiff, usually spreading Back to 65 | Pultenaea villosa |
67 | Calyx glabrous on the outer surface except for a few hairs on the teeth | Pultenaea parviflora |
| Calyx moderately hairy on the outer surface Back to 64 | 68 |
68 | Erect to spreading shrubs with drooping branchlets; leaves with hairs stiff, usually spreading | Pultenaea villosa |
| Erect to procumbent shrubs with erect to ascending branchlets; leaves with hairs soft, appressed to ascending Back to 67 | 69 |
69 | Leaves narrow-spathulate to oblanceolate to narrow-elliptic or narrow-oblong | Pultenaea rostrata |
| Leaves obovate to spathulate Back to 68 | Pultenaea ferruginea |