Common Name: Pondweed
Description: Perennial herbs, often rhizomatous. Stems erect; turions absent.
Leaves submerged, opaque, sessile, linear, canaliculate, turgid, margins entire. Stipules tubular, sheathing stem and young inflorescences, connate or convolute, adnate to the base of the blade for at least 2/3 of the stipule length.
Inflorescence a capitate or cylindrical spike, submerged; peduncles flexible.
Fruit abaxially rounded, beaked.
Distribution and occurrence: A cosmopolitan genus owing to the cosmopolitan distribution of S. pectinata, 8 or more species.
Text by SE Papassotiriou et al. (2011); edited KL Wilson (Sept 2011) Taxon concept: SE Papassotiriou, SWL Jacobs and CB Hellquist, Flora of Australia 39 (2011)
One species in NSW: Stuckenia pectinata |