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Genus Verbascum Family Scrophulariaceae
Common Name: Mulleins

Synonyms: Celsia APNI*

Description: Perennial or more usually biennial [or rarely annual] herbs; forming a basal rosette in first year and with an erect stout flowering stem in the second year.

Leaves alternate, forming a basal rosette, scattered and becoming smaller up stem.

Flowers many in terminal racemes, spikes or panicles; bracteoles absent or sometimes present. Sepals 5, free, equal or slightly unequal, free or fused at the very base. Corolla rotate, with 5 widely spreading nearly equal lobes. Stamens 5, [or 4 with or without a staminode], upper [2 or] 3 with anthers reniform and transversely inserted, the lower pair similar or with elongated anthers decurrent along the filament, with filaments often villous and anthers 1-locular.

Capsule ovoid to globose, septicidal; seeds numerous.

Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 350 species, in temperate Eurasia. Australia: 5 species (naturalized), all States except N.T.

Text by W. R. Barker & G. J. Harden
Taxon concept:

 Key to the species 
1Leaves grey to whitish or yellowish, woolly to tomentose, or sometimes floccose, densely stellate hairy2
Leaves more or less green, more or less glabrous or sparsely hairy3
2Inflorescence dense, the flowers and fruits closely packed; basal leaves entire or crenateVerbascum thapsus
Inflorescence lax with flowers and fruits well-separated; basal leaves more or less pandurate, lobes few and rounded
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Verbascum sinuatum
3Flowering and fruiting pedicels less than 10 mm long, usually 2–5 mm long and much shorter than subtending bracts; 1–5 pedicels at each node; basal leaves regularly toothed, sparsely hairy to more or less glabrousVerbascum virgatum
Flowering and fruiting pedicels 10–25 mm long, much longer than subtending bracts; 1 pedicel at each node; basal leaves lobed to toothed, glabrous or almost so
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Verbascum blattaria

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