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Genus Xerochrysum Family Asteraceae

Description: Perennial herbs.

Leaves alternate, sessile, partially stem-clasping, entire, hairs glandular or cottony on both surfaces.

Heads solitary or several in a branched inflorescence, terminal, heterogamous, involucral bracts 8–12 seriate, rigid, opaque, yellow, white or pink, intermediate bracts longest, receptacle flat, with scales. Florets yellow. Anthers with concave appendages

Achenes quadrangular, glabrous; pappus barbellate.

Distribution and occurrence: World: more than 13 species, with some undescribed, all in Australia.

Text by Louisa Murray
Taxon concept: Anderberg in Kubitzki (2007) the Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 8:283 and Wilson, P.G.(2017) An examination of the Australian genus Xerochrysum (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) Nuytsia 28: 11-38

Taxa not yet included in identification key
Xerochrysum andrewiae,    Xerochrysum copelandii,    Xerochrysum murapan,    Xerochrysum neoanglicum,    Xerochrysum sp. North Stradbroke Island (L. Durrington 675),    Xerochrysum strictum

 Key to the species 
1Claw of medial involucral bracts with several veins that terminate at its apex2
Claw of medial involucral bracts with a central vein that passes into the lamina3
2Stem and leaves markedly viscous, stems strongly scabrous with stiff hairsXerochrysum viscosum
Stem and leaves cottony or woolly; leaves scabrous-pubescent, especially on margins
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Xerochrysum bracteatum
3Leaves glabrous or with cottony hairs on the margins; involucral bracts smooth; grows in swampsXerochrysum palustre
Leaves sparsely to moderately cottony; involucral bracts minutely scabrid abaxially; grows in open sites often on slopes chiefly in the Kosciusko area
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Xerochrysum subundulatum

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