Benthamina alyxifolia (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Tiegh. APNI* Synonyms: Loranthus alyxifolius F.Muell. ex Benth. APNI*
Description: Erect or spreading shrub, glabrous except inflorescence axes and calyx shortly brown-tomentose; external runners present.
Leaves elliptic to broad-obovate, 2.5–8 cm long, 20–50 mm wide, apex rounded, base contracted, margins recurved, upper surfaces ± shining, lower surface dull, venation obscure; petiole usually 2–7 mm long.
Peduncle 0.5–3 mm long; pedicels c. 0.5 mm long, bract 2–3 mm long encircling ovary. Corolla in mature bud 32–42 mm long, curved, truncate, red.
Fruit ellipsoidal, 8–10 mm long.
Flowering: throughout year.
Distribution and occurrence: Parasitic on many rainforest and riparian forest species, but frequently on species of Myrtaceae; north from Newcastle.
NSW subdivisions: NC
Other Australian states: Qld
Text by A. L. Quirico Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 3 (1992)
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