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Callistachys scandens (Sm.) Kuntze
Family Fabaceae
Subfamily Faboideae
Common name: Netted Shaggy Pea

Callistachys scandens (Sm.) Kuntze APNI*

Synonyms: Podolobium scandens (Sm.) DC. APNI*
Oxylobium scandens (Sm.) Benth. APNI*
Podolobium scandens var. obcordatum APNI*
Oxylobium scandens var. scandens APNI*
Oxylobium scandens var. obovatum (A.Gray) Benth. APNI*

Description: Prostrate to trailing shrub, branches often reaching 60 cm long; inflorescence and young parts pubescent.

Leaves usually opposite, obovate or ovate to elliptic, 1–7 cm long, 5–25 mm wide, apex acute, obtuse or emarginate, margins ± crenulate, upper surface reticulate and shining, lower surface with a few scattered hairs; stipules bristly, 2–3 mm long.

Racemes terminal or axillary, ± exserted beyond leaves; bracts acuminate-lanceolate, bracteoles subulate-lanceolate. Calyx 4–5 mm long, ± appressed-pubescent. Corolla c. 10 mm long, pale orange often with reddish brown markings. Ovary stipitate; ovules usually 8.

Pods ovoid to oblong, 10–15 mm long, pubescent.

Photo J. Plaza

Other photo
Photo J. & P. Edwards

Flowering: Flowers spring.

Distribution and occurrence: Oon the coast and adjacent ranges; north from Bodalla.

Grows in sclerophyll forest on gravelly clay soils.
NSW subdivisions: NC, CC, SC, CT
Other Australian states: Qld
AVH map***

Previously included in the genus Podolobium. Two varieties were separated under Oxylobium, but this distinction cannot be maintained; var. obovatum occurred in coastal districts from Newcastle area to Woolgoolga (NC) and had ± obovate leaves with an obtuse or emarginate apex.

Text by B. Wiecek, updated by R.L. Barrett, Aug. 2021
Taxon concept: P.H. Weston & M.D. Crisp (1995)

APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data
***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.
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