Cardamine paucijuga Turcz. APNI* Synonyms: Cardamine sp. X sensu Jacobs & Pickard (1981) APNI*
Description: Annual herb to 40 cm high, slender and usually erect, taprooted, sometimes hairy.
Basal and stem leaves pinnate with 1–4 pairs of pinnae, pinnae variable from reniform or ovate to linear, terminal pinna largest and sometimes lobed.
Sepals 1.5–2 mm long, sometimes with white margins. Petals c. 3 mm long, white or rarely pink. Stamens 6. Siliqua 10–30 mm long; pedicel slender, usually spreading, 3–15 mm long.
Siliqua c. 30 mm long; pedicels 5–20 mm long.
Flowering: Flowers spring.
Distribution and occurrence: Widespread in moist sites on rich soils; the most common native species. In a range of habitats near permanent or seasonal wet areas.
NSW subdivisions: CC, SC, NT, CT, ST, NWS, SWS, NWP, SWP, SFWP
Other Australian states: Qld Vic. Tas. W.A. S.A.
Text by L. Retter & G. J. Harden Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 1 Suppl. (1999)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.