Vegetative spread No.
Longevity 5--20 years.
Flowers Red with white lobes, or white, at any time of year, peak June--October.
Fruit/seed Capsule, 3--4 mm long, , seed size 0.74 x 0.5 mm (Powell & James 1993), average seed weight 0.10--0.15 mg (J. Howell pers. comm.).
Dispersal, establishment and growth Diaspore: seed, no special dispersal morphology (Westoby et al. 1990). Soil-stored seedbank
Fire response Killed, regenerates from soil-stored seed. Seedlings reported after a low intensity burn (Bradley 1972) and after high intensity fire 1/94 (at Lane Cove, P. Kubiak pers. comm.).
Interaction with other organisms Weed growth at base of plant in cultivation can cause sweating resulting in death of plant (Jones & Elliot 1986).
Habitat Sheltered seepage areas in rocky outcrops, headlands.
Altitude 0--760 m
Annual rainfall 1000--1600 mm
Typical local abundance Frequent--occasional.
Vegetation In wet heath e.g. with Darwinia fascicularis, Melaleuca nodosa, Kunzea ambigua, Acacia longifolia, Allocasuarina distyla; eucalypt forest and woodland e.g. with Corymbia gummifera, Eucalyptus piperita, Angophora costata, Eucalyptus sieberi; moist cliff vegetation e.g. with Dracophyllum secundum, Todea barbara.
Substrate Sandy soil, often on sandstone outcrops along seepage lines, low nutrients.
Exposure Sheltered, mid-shade.
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***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.