Euchiton limosus (Drury) Holub APNI* Synonyms: Gnaphalium limosum D.G.Drury APNI*
Description: Perennial stoloniferous, decumbent to erect, sometimes much branched herb 10–50 cm long.
Basal leaves soon withering, leaves all cauline at flowering, densely white tomentose on lower surface, glabrous on upper, narrow-oblong, oblanceolate or narrow-elliptic 15–50 mm long, 2–10 mm wide.
Flower heads 1–2 mm diameter, 6-numerous in a dense globular terminal cluster with often smaller axillary clusters below, subtended by a cluster of leaves. Involucral bracts elliptic, obtuse to retuse, 3–4 mm long, pale to dark brown; margins and gap between clear or tinged red to purple.
Achenes glabrous, 0.6–0.8 mm long; pappus bristles cohering at the base and falling way together, 3 mm long.
Flowering: Flowers throughout the year.
Distribution and occurrence: In the south east of NSW, Victoria and Tasmania, 2 collections in South Australia are possibly introduced. Very wet swamps and creek edges, growing amongst sedges and mosses.
NSW subdivisions: CT, ST, CWS
Other Australian states: Vic. *S.A. Tas.
Text by Louisa Murray Taxon concept: Webb et al. (1985) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4 as Gnaphalium limnosum D.G.Drury
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.