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Grevillea juniperina R.Br.
Family Proteaceae
Grevillea juniperina R.Br. APNI*

Description: Prostrate to erect shrub, 0.2–3 m high.

Leaves often crowded on short lateral branches, lanceolate to narrow-elliptic to subulate or linear, 0.5–3.5 cm long, 0.5–6 mm wide, pungent, margins entire and often enclosing the subsericeous or rarely glabrous lower surface.

Conflorescences 2.5–3.5 cm long. Perianth red to pink, orange, yellow, greenish, subsericeous to villous outside, bearded inside. Gynoecium mostly 18.5–27 mm long; ovary stipitate, glabrous; style red to pink, yellow, greenish, or white, glabrous except for short erect hairs towards apex; pollen presenter usually oblique or occasionally lateral.

Follicle glabrous.

Photo J. Plaza

Flowering: Flowers most months, mainly July–December

Distribution and occurrence: Grows in moist sites, often beside creeks, usually on acidic soils; widespread in eastern N.S.W., inland to the Tingha district.
NSW subdivisions: CC, NT, CT, ST, NWS
Other Australian states: Qld
AVH map***

Text by R. O. Makinson
Taxon concept:

 Key to the subspecies 
1Limb at apex of flower bud subsericeous (appressed hairs); outer surface of perianth subsericeous to open-appressed; lower surface of leaves densely to openly subericeous (to almost glabrous).2
Limb at apex of flower bud shaggy-subvillous (± spreading hairs); outer surface of perianth tomentose (ascending hairs); lower surface of leaves glabrescent or with only a sparse indumentum of ascending hairs, concentrated along the mid-line. Robust erect dense shrub to 2 m high. Leaves sublinear to narrow-elliptic, 1.1–2.1 cm long, 0.9–2.6 mm wide. Flowers red or yellow.subsp. villosa
2Outer surface of perianth lacking minute erect hairs (2-branched hairs only present).3
Outer surface of perianth with few to many minute erect simple hairs (c. 0.1–0.2 mm long; microscope feature!) mixed in with much larger 2-armed hairs.
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3Adult leaves linear, sublinear, or acicular-subulate; margins ± strongly recurved to revolute, concealing much or all of the lower surface of the leaf; upper surface angularly ridged (leaf trigonous to deltate in cross section) or smoothly convex, rarely flat on adult foliage, with venation variably conspicuous to obscure.4
Adult leaves elliptic to narrow-elliptic or lanceolate; margins angularly and very shortly recurved, most of lower surface exposed; upper surface ± flat except for 3 (-5) ± prominent pale veins
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4Broadest leaves <1 mm wide.5
Broadest leaves at least 1 mm wide.
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5Upper leaf surface with 3 prominent longitudinal veins; adult leaves deltate to trigonous in cross section, upper surface not convex-rounded; margins of leaves revolute or refracted; low spreading shrub to 1, or rarely 1.5 m high. Leaves narrow, needle-like, 1–2.2 cm long, 0.6–0.8 mm wide, margins strongly recurved, usually completely concealing the lower surface of most leaves. Flowers red, yellow, pale orange, or rarely greenishsubsp. juniperina
Upper leaf surface with only the midvein evident or if intramarginal veins evident then the latter not prominent; adult leaves usually rounded (upper surface convex) in cross section or sometimes angularly triangular; margins of leaves smooth to angularly revolute; ascending to erect shrub with columnar branches to 2 m high, or rarely prostrate. Leaves often in pseudo-whorls, 1.1–2 cm long, 0.6–1.8 mm wide, margins smoothly revolute, lower surface mostly concealed; juvenile leaves to 4 mm wide and flatter. Flowers dull yellow to apricot-orange, or rarely red
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subsp. sulphurea
6Robust shrub 1–3 m high, with strong erect central stem at base and many spreading to ascending lateral branches; leaves angularly deltate to trigonous in cross section (not smoothly convex), upper surface with 1–3 prominent longitudinal veins; lower leaf surface with a dense appressed indumentum; flowers red or rarely pink. Leaves often in pseudo-whorls, linear to subulate, 1–2.5 cm long, 0.7–2 mm widesubsp. fortis
Sprawling or weakly erect shrub with main branches spreading at ground level and then ascending or erect-columnar, to 2 m high; leaves usually markedly rounded-convex in cross section, upper surface with 1–3 veins visible but usually scarcely prominent; lower leaf surface (often concealed) with a dense to sparse appressed indumentum; flowers dull yellow or orange.
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subsp. sulphurea
7Adult leaves 10–20 mm long, 1.5–2.5 mm wide; spreading shrub 0.5–2 m high, or rarely prostrate; flowers usually yellow or orange, rarely red; innermost pair of lateral on upper surface of leaves joining the midvein abruptly at ± 90° at extreme base of leafsubsp. trinervis
Adult leaves mostly 15–35 mm long and 2–4.5 mm wide (rarely shorter, and sometimes to 6 mm wide); prostrate shrub, or rarely low spreading shrub to 1.2 m high; flowers usually red, rarely yellow; innermost pair of lateral veins on upper surface of leaves joining midvein at acute angle just above leaf base
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subsp. allojohnsonii
8Ascending to erect shrub with erect columnar branches to 2 m high, or rarely prostrate;adult leaves with a sparse to dense indumentum on lower surface; juvenile leaves as long as adult leaves, with a sparse to open indumentum on lower surface; grows in moist sites near creeks and swampy habitats.subsp. sulphurea
Prostrate to sprawling shrub to 0.8 m high (rarely to 1.2 m high);adult and juvenile leaves both with a dense appressed indumentum over the whole lower surface; juvenile leaves mostly less than half as long as adult leaves; grows on slopes and ridges, usually away from streams. Leaves sublinear to narrow-elliptic, occasionally in short clusters, 0.8–1.8 cm long, usually 1–2.5 mm wide or rarely to 3.5 mm wide, leaves of juvenile plants markedly broader and flatter than adult leaves. Flowers dull yellow to apricot-orange, or rarely red (Windellana area)
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subsp. amphitricha

APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data
***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.
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