Common name: Angular Pigface
Malephora crocea (Jacq.) Schwantes APNI* Synonyms: Mesembryanthemum croceum Jacq. APNI* Carpobrotus sp sensu Cunningham et al (1981) APNI*
Description: Spreading hairless perennial sub-shrub, stems light grey-brown, exterior fissured, bark like, to 2 cm diameter, corky, becoming woody with age.
Leaves opposite, crowded at end of short shoots, pale green, sometimes red-tinged; blade triangular in cross section 5–7 cm long, each face 8–10 mm across, apex blunt, glaucous.
Inflorescence terminal, flowers solitary, pedicel 1–6 cm. Calyx lobes (4-) 5 (-6), 2 longer, 2 shorter with translucent margins, apex acute; petals 40–65, purplish abaxially, orange adaxially, sometimes completely yellow, orange or red, 4–12 mm, nectary present; stamens 2–5 mm, filaments connate basally forming a dense ring, white hairy; ovary inferior.
Capsules obcuneiform, 8 (-12) locule; adaxial seed pockets with bifid placental tubercles. Seeds ca. 75, 3–15 per locule, 1 x 0.8 mm.
Flowering: Mostly spring–summer
Distribution and occurrence: Open plains and waste areas, near habitation but also in native pastures. Most common on saline clay soils with a shallow sandy surface, as well as saline sandy soils. Native of South Africa (Cape Province)
NSW subdivisions: *NWP
Other Australian states: *S.A.
2n = 36.
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.