Common name: deep yellow wood, yellow cedar, tulip satinwood
Rhodosphaera rhodanthema (F.Muell.) Engl. APNI* Description: Tree to 20 m high with brown to grey scaly bark; branchlets with reddish lenticels.
Leaves mostly 8–20 cm long; leaflets 3–11, oblong-ovate to narrow-elliptic, 3–10 cm long, 10–25 mm wide, apex short-acuminate, base obtuse, asymmetric with midvein curved, both surfaces ± glabrous except for small red-brown hairy domatia on lower surface; petiole 3–8 cm long, petiolules 3–5 mm long.
Panicles mostly 10–20 cm long; pedicels 1–2 mm long, bracteate. Sepals 1.8–2 mm long. Petals c. 3 mm long, pinkish red.
Drupe ± globose, 8–11 mm diam., glossy brown; clusters remain on the plant for many months.
Flowering: spring.
Distribution and occurrence: Grows in dry rainforest, north from the Macleay R.
NSW subdivisions: NC
Other Australian states: Qld
Text by M. J. Taylor Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 2 (1991)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.