Search terms: Moraceae Distribution N.S.W.
*Broussonetia papyrifera
, Paper Mulberry
*Fatoua villosa
, Mulberry Weed
*Ficus carica
, Fig
Ficus coronata
, Sandpaper Fig, Creek Sandpaper Fig, Sandpaper Fig
Ficus fraseri
, Sandpaper Fig
Ficus henneana
, Deciduous Fig
Ficus macrophylla >
, Moreton Bay Fig
Ficus macrophylla f. columnaris
Ficus macrophylla f. macrophylla
, Moreton Bay Fig
Ficus obliqua >
, Small-leaved Fig
Ficus obliqua var. obliqua
, Small-leaved Fig
*Ficus pumila
, Creeping Fig
Ficus rubiginosa
, Port Jackson Fig, Rusty Fig
*Ficus superba
, Deciduous Fig
Ficus virens >
, White Fig
Ficus virens var. virens
, mountain fig
Ficus watkinsiana
, Strangling Fig
Maclura cochinchinensis
, Cockspur Thorn
*Maclura pomifera
, Osage Orange, Bow-wood
*Morus alba
, White Mulberry
Streblus brunonianus
, Whalebone Tree
Trophis scandens >
, Burny Vine
Trophis scandens subsp. megacarpa
Trophis scandens subsp. scandens
, Burny Vine
* denotes an introduced species; denotes both native and introduced; + denotes a threatened species.
">" indicates that infraspecific taxa are recognised within a species