Common name: coast myall, coastal myall, coastal wattle, Kai'arrewan (D'harawal)
Acacia binervia (J.C.Wendl.) J.F.Macbr. APNI* Synonyms: Acacia glaucescens Willd. APNI* Acacia cinerascens Sieber ex DC. APNI* Acacia homomalla H.L.Wendl. APNI* Mimosa binervia J.C.Wendl. APNI*
Description: Erect or spreading tree or shrub 2–16 m high; bark slightly corrugated to fissured, fibrous-flaky, grey or dark brown; branchlets angled or flattened at extremities, usually densely appressed-hairy.
Phyllodes narrowly elliptic, subfalcate or falcate, 6–15 cm long (sometimes 4 cm or more long), 5–23 mm wide, subglaucous or glaucous, finely ± appressed-hairy, longitudinal veins numerous, closely-spaced, non-anastomosing, with 3 or rarely more prominent, (4-) 5–7 (-8) veins per mm, apex acute; 1 inconspicuous gland at base; pulvinus 1.5–5 mm long. Phyllodes sometimes elliptic, straight, 3–6 cm long, which may represent young or atypical growth.
Inflorescences 1–5 in axil of phyllodes or on an axillary axis usually 1–10 mm long (which often grows out into a phyllodinous shoot); peduncles 2–7 mm long, hairy; heads cylindrical, 2–6 cm long, pale to bright yellow.
Pods straight to slightly curved, flat but slightly raised over seeds, straight-sided to slightly, or occasionally more deeply, constricted between seeds, 2–8.5 cm long, 2.5–5 mm wide, firmly papery, obscurely finely veined, sparsely to moderately clothed with minute appressed hairs; seeds longitudinal; funicle filiform.
Flowering: mainly August–October.
Distribution and occurrence: south from the Hunter Valley (Murrurundi area) and inland to Bungonia. Grows in dry sclerophyll forest or heath on rocky slopes, often near streams.
NSW subdivisions: NC, CC, SC, CT, ST, CWS
Other Australian states: Vic.
The name refers to the phyllodes having 2, or more usually 3-5, more or less prominent longitudinal veins. The foliage is reported to be toxic to stock, the phyllodes containing a glucoside which may produce prussic acid when severed.
Text by P.G. Kodela (last update May 2012) Taxon concept: P.G. Kodela & G.J. Harden, Flora of NSW Vol. 2 (2002)
APNI* Provides a link to the Australian Plant Name Index (hosted by the Australian National Botanic Gardens) for comprehensive bibliographic data ***The AVH map option provides a detailed interactive Australia wide distribution map drawn from collections held by all major Australian herbaria participating in the Australian Virtual Herbarium project.