Common name: Leafless Pink-bells
Tetratheca subaphylla Benth. APNI*
Description: Straggling or semiprostrate shrub; stems to 60 cm long, terete, minutely tuberculate, usually glabrous or sparsely hairy with long white hairs.
Leaves alternate, usually reduced to scales, c. 2.5 mm long, with minute tubercles or hairs, not persistent, or leaves to 15 mm long, broad-oblanceolate, with recurved margins.
Flowers solitary or paired; peduncles 2–7 mm long, glabrous. Sepals c. 1 mm long. Petals 7.5–10 mm long, deep lilac-pink. Ovary ± hairy; ovules 2.
Fruit obovate to obcordate, 3–4 mm long; seeds 2.5–3 mm long.
Flowering: mostly October–March
Distribution and occurrence: Grows on rocky hillsides usually in mountain eucalypt forest; south from Mt Imlay and the Kosciusko region.
NSW subdivisions: NC, SC, ST
Other Australian states: Vic.
Text by C. Gardner & L. Murray Taxon concept: Flora of NSW 3 (1992)
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