Description: Annual or perennial herbs, climbing or prostrate.
Leaves alternate, pinnately 3-foliolate [or rarely 1-foliolate]; stipulate and stipellate.
Flowers solitary or in few-flowered axillary clusters; bracts persistent; bracteoles ± persistent. Calyx teeth shorter than tube, 4 or 5, the upper pair joined to form an entire or bifid lip. Petals clawed, standard longer than wings and keel. Stamens diadelphous; anthers uniform. Ovary several-ovuled; stigma capitate; style dilated at base, curved in one direction at base and apex and curved in opposite direction in centre, bearded near apex; stigma terminal.
Pods compressed, attenuate at ends; seeds without obvious aril but with a whitish hilum.
Distribution and occurrence: World: 25 spp., Afr., Asia. Aust.: 2 spp. (cultivated and naturalized), Qld, N.S.W.
Text by G.J. Harden Taxon concept: